1 | -- $Id: tmdb-r11-testsets-2.pgsql 93115 2022-01-01 11:31:46Z vboxsync $
2 | --- @file
3 | -- VBox Test Manager Database - Adds an idBuildCategories to TestSets.
4 | --
5 |
6 | --
7 | -- Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Oracle Corporation
8 | --
9 | -- This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | -- available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | -- you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | -- General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | -- Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | -- VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | -- hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | --
17 | -- The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | -- of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | -- (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | -- VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | -- CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | --
23 | -- You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | -- terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | --
26 |
27 | --
28 | -- Drop all indexes (might already be dropped).
29 | --
30 | DROP INDEX TestSetsGangIdx;
31 | DROP INDEX TestSetsBoxIdx;
32 | DROP INDEX TestSetsBuildIdx;
33 | DROP INDEX TestSetsTestCaseIdx;
34 | DROP INDEX TestSetsTestVarIdx;
35 | DROP INDEX TestSetsCreated;
36 | DROP INDEX TestSetsDone;
37 |
38 | --
39 | -- Drop foreign keys on this table.
40 | --
41 | ALTER TABLE SchedQueues DROP CONSTRAINT SchedQueues_idTestSetGangLeader_fkey;
42 | ALTER TABLE TestBoxStatuses DROP CONSTRAINT TestBoxStatuses_idTestSet_fkey;
43 | ALTER TABLE TestResults DROP CONSTRAINT idTestSetFk; -- old name
44 | ALTER TABLE TestResults DROP CONSTRAINT TestResults_idTestSet_fkey;
45 | ALTER TABLE TestResultValues DROP CONSTRAINT TestResultValues_idTestSet_fkey;
46 |
47 | --
48 | -- Cleanup after failed runs.
49 | --
50 | DROP TABLE NewTestSets;
51 | DROP TABLE OldTestSets;
52 |
53 | -- Die on error from now on.
54 | \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1
55 | \set AUTOCOMMIT 0
56 |
57 | \d+ TestSets;
58 |
59 | --
60 | -- Create the new version of the table and filling with the content of the old.
61 | --
62 | CREATE TABLE NewTestSets (
63 | --- The ID of this test set.
65 |
66 | --- The test config timestamp, used when reading test config.
68 | --- When this test set was scheduled.
69 | -- idGenTestBox is valid at this point.
71 | --- When this test completed, i.e. testing stopped. This should only be set once.
73 | --- The current status.
74 | enmStatus TestStatus_T DEFAULT 'running'::TestStatus_T NOT NULL,
75 |
76 | --- The build we're testing.
77 | -- Non-unique foreign key: Builds(idBuild)
78 | idBuild INTEGER NOT NULL,
79 | --- The build category of idBuild when the test started.
80 | -- This is for speeding up graph data collection, i.e. avoid idBuild
81 | -- the WHERE part of the selection.
82 | idBuildCategory INTEGER , -- NOT NULL REFERENCES BuildCategories(idBuildCategory)
83 | --- The test suite build we're using to do the testing.
84 | -- This is NULL if the test suite zip wasn't referred or if a test suite
85 | -- build source wasn't configured.
86 | -- Non-unique foreign key: Builds(idBuild)
87 | idBuildTestSuite INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
88 |
89 | --- The exact testbox configuration.
90 | idGenTestBox INTEGER NOT NULL, -- REFERENCES TestBoxes(idGenTestBox)
91 | --- The testbox ID for joining with (valid: tsStarted).
92 | -- Non-unique foreign key: TestBoxes(idTestBox)
93 | idTestBox INTEGER NOT NULL,
94 |
95 | --- The testgroup (valid: tsConfig).
96 | -- Non-unique foreign key: TestBoxes(idTestGroup)
97 | -- Note! This also gives the member ship entry, since a testcase can only
98 | -- have one membership per test group.
99 | idTestGroup INTEGER NOT NULL,
100 |
101 | --- The exact test case config we executed in this test run.
102 | idGenTestCase INTEGER NOT NULL, -- REFERENCES TestCases(idGenTestCase)
103 | --- The test case ID for joining with (valid: tsConfig).
104 | -- Non-unique foreign key: TestBoxes(idTestCase)
105 | idTestCase INTEGER NOT NULL,
106 |
107 | --- The arguments (and requirements++) we executed this test case with.
108 | idGenTestCaseArgs INTEGER NOT NULL, -- REFERENCES TestCaseArgs(idGenTestCaseArgs)
109 | --- The argument variation ID (valid: tsConfig).
110 | -- Non-unique foreign key: TestCaseArgs(idTestCaseArgs)
111 | idTestCaseArgs INTEGER NOT NULL,
112 |
113 | --- The root of the test result tree.
114 | -- @note This will only be NULL early in the transaction setting up the testset.
115 | -- @note If the test reports more than one top level test result, we'll
116 | -- fail the whole test run and let the test developer fix it.
117 | idTestResult INTEGER DEFAULT NULL, -- REFERENCES TestResults(idTestResult)
118 |
119 | --- The base filename used for storing files related to this test set.
120 | -- This is a path relative to wherever TM is dumping log files. In order
121 | -- to not become a file system test case, we will try not to put too many
122 | -- hundred thousand files in a directory. A simple first approach would
123 | -- be to just use the current date (tsCreated) like this:
124 | -- TM_FILE_DIR/year/month/day/TestSets.idTestSet
125 | --
126 | -- The primary log file for the test is this name suffixed by '.log'.
127 | --
128 | -- The files in the testresultfile table gets their full names like this:
129 | -- TM_FILE_DIR/sBaseFilename-testresultfile.id-TestResultStrTab(testresultfile.idStrFilename)
130 | --
131 | -- @remarks We store this explicitly in case we change the directly layout
132 | -- at some later point.
133 | sBaseFilename text UNIQUE NOT NULL,
134 |
135 | --- The gang member number number, 0 is the leader.
136 | iGangMemberNo SMALLINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, --CHECK (iGangMemberNo >= 0 AND iGangMemberNo < 1024),
137 | --- The test set of the gang leader, NULL if no gang involved.
138 | -- @note This is set by the gang leader as well, so that we can find all
139 | -- gang members by WHERE idTestSetGangLeader = :id.
140 | idTestSetGangLeader INTEGER DEFAULT NULL -- REFERENCES TestSets(idTestSet)
141 |
142 | );
143 | COMMIT;
144 | \d+ NewTestSets
145 |
146 | -- Note! Using left out join here to speed up things (no hashing).
147 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TestSets a LEFT OUTER JOIN Builds b ON (a.idBuild = b.idBuild AND b.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP);
148 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TestSets;
149 |
150 | INSERT INTO NewTestSets (idTestSet, tsConfig, tsCreated, tsDone, enmStatus, idBuild, idBuildCategory, idBuildTestSuite,
151 | idGenTestBox, idTestBox, idTestGroup, idGenTestCase, idTestCase, idGenTestCaseArgs, idTestCaseArgs,
152 | idTestResult, sBaseFilename, iGangMemberNo, idTestSetGangLeader )
153 | SELECT a.idTestSet, a.tsConfig, a.tsCreated, tsDone, a.enmStatus, a.idBuild, b.idBuildCategory, a.idBuildTestSuite,
154 | a.idGenTestBox, a.idTestBox, a.idTestGroup, a.idGenTestCase, a.idTestCase, a.idGenTestCaseArgs, a.idTestCaseArgs,
155 | a.idTestResult, a.sBaseFilename, a.iGangMemberNo, a.idTestSetGangLeader
156 | FROM TestSets a LEFT OUTER JOIN Builds b ON (a.idBuild = b.idBuild AND b.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP);
157 | COMMIT;
158 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM NewTestSets;
159 |
160 | -- Note! 2-3 builds are missing from the Builds table, so fudge it.
161 | UPDATE NewTestSets
162 | SET idBuildCategory = 1
163 | WHERE idBuildCategory IS NULL;
164 |
165 | -- Switch the tables.
166 | ALTER TABLE TestSets RENAME TO OldTestSets;
167 | ALTER TABLE NewTestSets RENAME TO TestSets;
168 | COMMIT;
169 |
170 | -- Index the table.
171 | CREATE INDEX TestSetsGangIdx ON TestSets (idTestSetGangLeader);
172 | CREATE INDEX TestSetsBoxIdx ON TestSets (idTestBox, idTestResult);
173 | CREATE INDEX TestSetsBuildIdx ON TestSets (idBuild, idTestResult);
174 | CREATE INDEX TestSetsTestCaseIdx ON TestSets (idTestCase, idTestResult);
175 | CREATE INDEX TestSetsTestVarIdx ON TestSets (idTestCaseArgs, idTestResult);
176 | CREATE INDEX TestSetsCreated ON TestSets (tsCreated);
177 | CREATE INDEX TestSetsDone ON TestSets (tsDone);
178 | COMMIT;
179 |
180 | -- Drop the old table.
181 | DROP TABLE OldTestSets;
182 | COMMIT;
183 |
184 | -- Add the constraints constraint.
185 | ALTER TABLE TestSets ADD CONSTRAINT TestSets_iGangMemberNo_Check CHECK (iGangMemberNo >= 0 AND iGangMemberNo < 1024);
186 | ALTER TABLE TestSets ADD PRIMARY KEY (idTestSet);
187 | ALTER TABLE TestSets ADD FOREIGN KEY (idBuildCategory) REFERENCES BuildCategories(idBuildCategory);
188 | ALTER TABLE TestSets ADD FOREIGN KEY (idGenTestBox) REFERENCES TestBoxes(idGenTestBox);
189 | ALTER TABLE TestSets ADD FOREIGN KEY (idGenTestCase) REFERENCES TestCases(idGenTestCase);
190 | ALTER TABLE TestSets ADD FOREIGN KEY (idGenTestCaseArgs) REFERENCES TestCaseArgs(idGenTestCaseArgs);
191 | ALTER TABLE TestSets ADD FOREIGN KEY (idTestResult) REFERENCES TestResults(idTestResult);
192 | ALTER TABLE TestSets ADD FOREIGN KEY (idTestSetGangLeader) REFERENCES TestSets(idTestSet);
193 | COMMIT;
194 |
195 | -- Restore foreign keys.
196 | LOCK TABLE SchedQueues, TestBoxStatuses, TestResults, TestResultValues IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;
197 | ALTER TABLE SchedQueues ADD FOREIGN KEY (idTestSetGangLeader) REFERENCES TestSets(idTestSet) MATCH FULL;
198 | ALTER TABLE TestBoxStatuses ADD FOREIGN KEY (idTestSet) REFERENCES TestSets(idTestSet) MATCH FULL;
199 | ALTER TABLE TestResults ADD FOREIGN KEY (idTestSet) REFERENCES TestSets(idTestSet) MATCH FULL;
200 | ALTER TABLE TestResultValues ADD FOREIGN KEY (idTestSet) REFERENCES TestSets(idTestSet) MATCH FULL;
201 | COMMIT;
202 |
203 | \d+ TestSets;
204 |