1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | # $Id: partial-db-dump.py 96407 2022-08-22 17:43:14Z vboxsync $
4 | # pylint: disable=line-too-long
5 |
6 | """
7 | Utility for dumping the last X days of data.
8 | """
9 |
10 | __copyright__ = \
11 | """
12 | Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
13 |
14 | This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
15 | available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
16 |
17 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
18 | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
19 | as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
20 | License.
21 |
22 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
23 | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25 | General Public License for more details.
26 |
27 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
28 | along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
29 |
30 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
31 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
32 | (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included
33 | in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the
34 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
35 |
36 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
37 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
38 |
39 | SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0
40 | """
41 | __version__ = "$Revision: 96407 $"
42 |
43 | # Standard python imports
44 | import sys;
45 | import os;
46 | import zipfile;
47 | from optparse import OptionParser;
48 | import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET;
49 |
50 | # Add Test Manager's modules path
51 | g_ksTestManagerDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))));
52 | sys.path.append(g_ksTestManagerDir);
53 |
54 | # Test Manager imports
55 | from testmanager.core.db import TMDatabaseConnection;
56 | from common import utils;
57 |
58 |
59 | class PartialDbDump(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
60 | """
61 | Dumps or loads the last X days of database data.
62 |
63 | This is a useful tool when hacking on the test manager locally. You can get
64 | a small sample from the last few days from the production test manager server
65 | without spending hours dumping, downloading, and loading the whole database
66 | (because it is gigantic).
67 |
68 | """
69 |
70 | def __init__(self):
71 | """
72 | Parse command line.
73 | """
74 |
75 | oParser = OptionParser()
76 | oParser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest = 'fQuiet', action = 'store_true',
77 | help = 'Quiet execution');
78 | oParser.add_option('-f', '--filename', dest = 'sFilename', metavar = '<filename>',
79 | default = 'partial-db-dump.zip', help = 'The name of the partial database zip file to write/load.');
80 |
81 | oParser.add_option('-t', '--tmp-file', dest = 'sTempFile', metavar = '<temp-file>',
82 | default = '/tmp/tm-partial-db-dump.pgtxt',
83 | help = 'Name of temporary file for duping tables. Must be absolute');
84 | oParser.add_option('--days-to-dump', dest = 'cDays', metavar = '<days>', type = 'int', default = 14,
85 | help = 'How many days to dump (counting backward from current date).');
86 | oParser.add_option('--load-dump-into-database', dest = 'fLoadDumpIntoDatabase', action = 'store_true',
87 | default = False, help = 'For loading instead of dumping.');
88 | oParser.add_option('--store', dest = 'fStore', action = 'store_true',
89 | default = False, help = 'Do not compress the zip file.');
90 |
91 | (self.oConfig, _) = oParser.parse_args();
92 |
93 |
94 | ##
95 | # Tables dumped in full because they're either needed in full or they normally
96 | # aren't large enough to bother reducing.
97 | kasTablesToDumpInFull = [
98 | 'Users',
99 | 'BuildBlacklist',
100 | 'BuildCategories',
101 | 'BuildSources',
102 | 'FailureCategories',
103 | 'FailureReasons',
104 | 'GlobalResources',
105 | 'Testcases',
106 | 'TestcaseArgs',
107 | 'TestcaseDeps',
108 | 'TestcaseGlobalRsrcDeps',
109 | 'TestGroups',
110 | 'TestGroupMembers',
111 | 'SchedGroups',
112 | 'SchedGroupMembers', # ?
113 | 'TestBoxesInSchedGroups', # ?
114 | 'SchedQueues',
115 | 'TestResultStrTab', # 36K rows, never mind complicated then.
116 | ];
117 |
118 | ##
119 | # Tables where we only dump partial info (the TestResult* tables are rather
120 | # gigantic).
121 | kasTablesToPartiallyDump = [
122 | 'TestBoxes', # 2016-05-25: ca. 641 MB
123 | 'TestSets', # 2016-05-25: ca. 525 MB
124 | 'TestResults', # 2016-05-25: ca. 13 GB
125 | 'TestResultFiles', # 2016-05-25: ca. 87 MB
126 | 'TestResultMsgs', # 2016-05-25: ca. 29 MB
127 | 'TestResultValues', # 2016-05-25: ca. 3728 MB
128 | 'TestResultFailures',
129 | 'Builds',
130 | 'TestBoxStrTab',
131 | 'SystemLog',
132 | 'VcsRevisions',
133 | ];
134 |
135 | def _doCopyTo(self, sTable, oZipFile, oDb, sSql, aoArgs = None):
136 | """ Does one COPY TO job. """
137 | print('Dumping %s...' % (sTable,));
138 |
139 | if aoArgs is not None:
140 | sSql = oDb.formatBindArgs(sSql, aoArgs);
141 |
142 | oFile = open(self.oConfig.sTempFile, 'w');
143 | oDb.copyExpert(sSql, oFile);
144 | cRows = oDb.getRowCount();
145 | oFile.close();
146 | print('... %s rows.' % (cRows,));
147 |
148 | oZipFile.write(self.oConfig.sTempFile, sTable);
149 | return True;
150 |
151 | def _doDump(self, oDb):
152 | """ Does the dumping of the database. """
153 |
154 | enmCompression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED;
155 | if self.oConfig.fStore:
156 | enmCompression = zipfile.ZIP_STORED;
157 | oZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(self.oConfig.sFilename, 'w', enmCompression);
158 |
159 | oDb.begin();
160 |
161 | # Dumping full tables is simple.
162 | for sTable in self.kasTablesToDumpInFull:
163 | self._doCopyTo(sTable, oZipFile, oDb, 'COPY ' + sTable + ' TO STDOUT WITH (FORMAT TEXT)');
164 |
165 | # Figure out how far back we need to go.
166 | oDb.execute('SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL \'%s days\'' % (self.oConfig.cDays,));
167 | tsEffective = oDb.fetchOne()[0];
168 | oDb.execute('SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL \'%s days\'' % (self.oConfig.cDays + 2,));
169 | tsEffectiveSafe = oDb.fetchOne()[0];
170 | print('Going back to: %s (safe: %s)' % (tsEffective, tsEffectiveSafe));
171 |
172 | # We dump test boxes back to the safe timestamp because the test sets may
173 | # use slightly dated test box references and we don't wish to have dangling
174 | # references when loading.
175 | for sTable in [ 'TestBoxes', ]:
176 | self._doCopyTo(sTable, oZipFile, oDb,
177 | 'COPY (SELECT * FROM ' + sTable + ' WHERE tsExpire >= %s) TO STDOUT WITH (FORMAT TEXT)',
178 | (tsEffectiveSafe,));
179 |
180 | # The test results needs to start with test sets and then dump everything
181 | # releated to them. So, figure the lowest (oldest) test set ID we'll be
182 | # dumping first.
183 | oDb.execute('SELECT idTestSet FROM TestSets WHERE tsCreated >= %s', (tsEffective, ));
184 | idFirstTestSet = 0;
185 | if oDb.getRowCount() > 0:
186 | idFirstTestSet = oDb.fetchOne()[0];
187 | print('First test set ID: %s' % (idFirstTestSet,));
188 |
189 | oDb.execute('SELECT MAX(idTestSet) FROM TestSets WHERE tsCreated >= %s', (tsEffective, ));
190 | idLastTestSet = 0;
191 | if oDb.getRowCount() > 0:
192 | idLastTestSet = oDb.fetchOne()[0];
193 | print('Last test set ID: %s' % (idLastTestSet,));
194 |
195 | oDb.execute('SELECT MAX(idTestResult) FROM TestResults WHERE tsCreated >= %s', (tsEffective, ));
196 | idLastTestResult = 0;
197 | if oDb.getRowCount() > 0:
198 | idLastTestResult = oDb.fetchOne()[0];
199 | print('Last test result ID: %s' % (idLastTestResult,));
200 |
201 | # Tables with idTestSet member.
202 | for sTable in [ 'TestSets', 'TestResults', 'TestResultValues' ]:
203 | self._doCopyTo(sTable, oZipFile, oDb,
204 | 'COPY (SELECT *\n'
205 | ' FROM ' + sTable + '\n'
206 | ' WHERE idTestSet >= %s\n'
207 | ' AND idTestSet <= %s\n'
208 | ' AND idTestResult <= %s\n'
210 | , ( idFirstTestSet, idLastTestSet, idLastTestResult,));
211 |
212 | # Tables where we have to go via TestResult.
213 | for sTable in [ 'TestResultFiles', 'TestResultMsgs', 'TestResultFailures' ]:
214 | self._doCopyTo(sTable, oZipFile, oDb,
215 | 'COPY (SELECT it.*\n'
216 | ' FROM ' + sTable + ' it, TestResults tr\n'
217 | ' WHERE tr.idTestSet >= %s\n'
218 | ' AND tr.idTestSet <= %s\n'
219 | ' AND tr.idTestResult <= %s\n'
220 | ' AND tr.tsCreated >= %s\n' # performance hack.
221 | ' AND it.idTestResult = tr.idTestResult\n'
223 | , ( idFirstTestSet, idLastTestSet, idLastTestResult, tsEffective,));
224 |
225 | # Tables which goes exclusively by tsCreated using tsEffectiveSafe.
226 | for sTable in [ 'SystemLog', 'VcsRevisions' ]:
227 | self._doCopyTo(sTable, oZipFile, oDb,
228 | 'COPY (SELECT * FROM ' + sTable + ' WHERE tsCreated >= %s) TO STDOUT WITH (FORMAT TEXT)',
229 | (tsEffectiveSafe,));
230 |
231 | # The builds table.
232 | oDb.execute('SELECT MIN(idBuild), MIN(idBuildTestSuite) FROM TestSets WHERE idTestSet >= %s', (idFirstTestSet,));
233 | idFirstBuild = 0;
234 | if oDb.getRowCount() > 0:
235 | idFirstBuild = min(oDb.fetchOne());
236 | print('First build ID: %s' % (idFirstBuild,));
237 | for sTable in [ 'Builds', ]:
238 | self._doCopyTo(sTable, oZipFile, oDb,
239 | 'COPY (SELECT * FROM ' + sTable + ' WHERE idBuild >= %s) TO STDOUT WITH (FORMAT TEXT)',
240 | (idFirstBuild,));
241 |
242 | # The test box string table.
243 | self._doCopyTo('TestBoxStrTab', oZipFile, oDb, '''
244 | COPY (SELECT * FROM TestBoxStrTab WHERE idStr IN (
245 | ( SELECT 0
246 | ) UNION ( SELECT idStrComment FROM TestBoxes WHERE tsExpire >= %s
247 | ) UNION ( SELECT idStrCpuArch FROM TestBoxes WHERE tsExpire >= %s
248 | ) UNION ( SELECT idStrCpuName FROM TestBoxes WHERE tsExpire >= %s
249 | ) UNION ( SELECT idStrCpuVendor FROM TestBoxes WHERE tsExpire >= %s
250 | ) UNION ( SELECT idStrDescription FROM TestBoxes WHERE tsExpire >= %s
251 | ) UNION ( SELECT idStrOS FROM TestBoxes WHERE tsExpire >= %s
252 | ) UNION ( SELECT idStrOsVersion FROM TestBoxes WHERE tsExpire >= %s
253 | ) UNION ( SELECT idStrReport FROM TestBoxes WHERE tsExpire >= %s
255 | ''', (tsEffectiveSafe, tsEffectiveSafe, tsEffectiveSafe, tsEffectiveSafe,
256 | tsEffectiveSafe, tsEffectiveSafe, tsEffectiveSafe, tsEffectiveSafe,));
257 |
258 | oZipFile.close();
259 | print('Done!');
260 | return 0;
261 |
262 | def _doLoad(self, oDb):
263 | """ Does the loading of the dumped data into the database. """
264 |
265 | oZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(self.oConfig.sFilename, 'r');
266 |
267 | asTablesInLoadOrder = [
268 | 'Users',
269 | 'BuildBlacklist',
270 | 'BuildCategories',
271 | 'BuildSources',
272 | 'FailureCategories',
273 | 'FailureReasons',
274 | 'GlobalResources',
275 | 'Testcases',
276 | 'TestcaseArgs',
277 | 'TestcaseDeps',
278 | 'TestcaseGlobalRsrcDeps',
279 | 'TestGroups',
280 | 'TestGroupMembers',
281 | 'SchedGroups',
282 | 'TestBoxes',
283 | 'SchedGroupMembers',
284 | 'TestBoxesInSchedGroups',
285 | 'SchedQueues',
286 | 'Builds',
287 | 'SystemLog',
288 | 'VcsRevisions',
289 | 'TestResultStrTab',
290 | 'TestSets',
291 | 'TestResults',
292 | 'TestResultFiles',
293 | 'TestResultMsgs',
294 | 'TestResultValues',
295 | 'TestResultFailures',
296 | ];
297 | assert len(asTablesInLoadOrder) == len(self.kasTablesToDumpInFull) + len(self.kasTablesToPartiallyDump);
298 |
299 | oDb.begin();
301 |
302 | print('Checking if the database looks empty...\n');
303 | for sTable in asTablesInLoadOrder + [ 'TestBoxStatuses', 'GlobalResourceStatuses' ]:
304 | oDb.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' + sTable);
305 | cRows = oDb.fetchOne()[0];
306 | cMaxRows = 0;
307 | if sTable in [ 'SchedGroups', 'TestBoxStrTab', 'TestResultStrTab', 'Users' ]: cMaxRows = 1;
308 | if cRows > cMaxRows:
309 | print('error: Table %s has %u rows which is more than %u - refusing to delete and load.'
310 | % (sTable, cRows, cMaxRows,));
311 | print('info: Please drop and recreate the database before loading!')
312 | return 1;
313 |
314 | print('Dropping default table content...\n');
315 | for sTable in [ 'SchedGroups', 'TestBoxStrTab', 'TestResultStrTab', 'Users']:
316 | oDb.execute('DELETE FROM ' + sTable);
317 |
318 | oDb.execute('ALTER TABLE TestSets DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS TestSets_idTestResult_fkey');
319 |
320 | for sTable in asTablesInLoadOrder:
321 | print('Loading %s...' % (sTable,));
322 | oFile = oZipFile.open(sTable);
323 | oDb.copyExpert('COPY ' + sTable + ' FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT TEXT)', oFile);
324 | cRows = oDb.getRowCount();
325 | print('... %s rows.' % (cRows,));
326 |
327 | oDb.execute('ALTER TABLE TestSets ADD FOREIGN KEY (idTestResult) REFERENCES TestResults(idTestResult)');
328 | oDb.commit();
329 |
330 | # Correct sequences.
331 | atSequences = [
332 | ( 'UserIdSeq', 'Users', 'uid' ),
333 | ( 'GlobalResourceIdSeq', 'GlobalResources', 'idGlobalRsrc' ),
334 | ( 'BuildSourceIdSeq', 'BuildSources', 'idBuildSrc' ),
335 | ( 'TestCaseIdSeq', 'TestCases', 'idTestCase' ),
336 | ( 'TestCaseGenIdSeq', 'TestCases', 'idGenTestCase' ),
337 | ( 'TestCaseArgsIdSeq', 'TestCaseArgs', 'idTestCaseArgs' ),
338 | ( 'TestCaseArgsGenIdSeq', 'TestCaseArgs', 'idGenTestCaseArgs' ),
339 | ( 'TestGroupIdSeq', 'TestGroups', 'idTestGroup' ),
340 | ( 'SchedGroupIdSeq', 'SchedGroups', 'idSchedGroup' ),
341 | ( 'TestBoxStrTabIdSeq', 'TestBoxStrTab', 'idStr' ),
342 | ( 'TestBoxIdSeq', 'TestBoxes', 'idTestBox' ),
343 | ( 'TestBoxGenIdSeq', 'TestBoxes', 'idGenTestBox' ),
344 | ( 'FailureCategoryIdSeq', 'FailureCategories', 'idFailureCategory' ),
345 | ( 'FailureReasonIdSeq', 'FailureReasons', 'idFailureReason' ),
346 | ( 'BuildBlacklistIdSeq', 'BuildBlacklist', 'idBlacklisting' ),
347 | ( 'BuildCategoryIdSeq', 'BuildCategories', 'idBuildCategory' ),
348 | ( 'BuildIdSeq', 'Builds', 'idBuild' ),
349 | ( 'TestResultStrTabIdSeq', 'TestResultStrTab', 'idStr' ),
350 | ( 'TestResultIdSeq', 'TestResults', 'idTestResult' ),
351 | ( 'TestResultValueIdSeq', 'TestResultValues', 'idTestResultValue' ),
352 | ( 'TestResultFileId', 'TestResultFiles', 'idTestResultFile' ),
353 | ( 'TestResultMsgIdSeq', 'TestResultMsgs', 'idTestResultMsg' ),
354 | ( 'TestSetIdSeq', 'TestSets', 'idTestSet' ),
355 | ( 'SchedQueueItemIdSeq', 'SchedQueues', 'idItem' ),
356 | ];
357 | for (sSeq, sTab, sCol) in atSequences:
358 | oDb.execute('SELECT MAX(%s) FROM %s' % (sCol, sTab,));
359 | idMax = oDb.fetchOne()[0];
360 | print('%s: idMax=%s' % (sSeq, idMax));
361 | if idMax is not None:
362 | oDb.execute('SELECT setval(\'%s\', %s)' % (sSeq, idMax));
363 |
364 | # Last step.
365 | print('Analyzing...');
366 | oDb.execute('ANALYZE');
367 | oDb.commit();
368 |
369 | print('Done!');
370 | return 0;
371 |
372 | def main(self):
373 | """
374 | Main function.
375 | """
376 | oDb = TMDatabaseConnection();
377 |
378 | if self.oConfig.fLoadDumpIntoDatabase is not True:
379 | rc = self._doDump(oDb);
380 | else:
381 | rc = self._doLoad(oDb);
382 |
383 | oDb.close();
384 | return 0;
385 |
386 | if __name__ == '__main__':
387 | sys.exit(PartialDbDump().main());
388 |