1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: base.py 93115 2022-01-01 11:31:46Z vboxsync $
3 | # pylint: disable=too-many-lines
4 |
5 | """
6 | Test Manager Core - Base Class(es).
7 | """
8 |
9 | __copyright__ = \
10 | """
11 | Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Oracle Corporation
12 |
13 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
14 | available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
15 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
16 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
17 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
18 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
19 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
20 |
21 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
22 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
23 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
24 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
25 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
26 |
27 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
28 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
29 | """
30 | __version__ = "$Revision: 93115 $"
31 |
32 |
33 | # Standard python imports.
34 | import copy;
35 | import datetime;
36 | import json;
37 | import re;
38 | import socket;
39 | import sys;
40 | import uuid;
41 | import unittest;
42 |
43 | # Validation Kit imports.
44 | from common import utils;
45 |
46 | # Python 3 hacks:
47 | if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
48 | long = int # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
49 |
50 |
51 | class TMExceptionBase(Exception):
52 | """
53 | For exceptions raised by any TestManager component.
54 | """
55 | pass; # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
56 |
57 |
58 | class TMTooManyRows(TMExceptionBase):
59 | """
60 | Too many rows in the result.
61 | Used by ModelLogicBase decendants.
62 | """
63 | pass; # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
64 |
65 |
66 | class TMRowNotFound(TMExceptionBase):
67 | """
68 | Database row not found.
69 | Used by ModelLogicBase decendants.
70 | """
71 | pass; # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
72 |
73 |
74 | class TMRowAlreadyExists(TMExceptionBase):
75 | """
76 | Database row already exists (typically raised by addEntry).
77 | Used by ModelLogicBase decendants.
78 | """
79 | pass; # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
80 |
81 |
82 | class TMInvalidData(TMExceptionBase):
83 | """
84 | Data validation failed.
85 | Used by ModelLogicBase decendants.
86 | """
87 | pass; # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
88 |
89 |
90 | class TMRowInUse(TMExceptionBase):
91 | """
92 | Database row is in use and cannot be deleted.
93 | Used by ModelLogicBase decendants.
94 | """
95 | pass; # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
96 |
97 |
98 | class TMInFligthCollision(TMExceptionBase):
99 | """
100 | Database update failed because someone else had already made changes to
101 | the data there.
102 | Used by ModelLogicBase decendants.
103 | """
104 | pass; # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
105 |
106 |
107 | class ModelBase(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
108 | """
109 | Something all classes in the logical model inherits from.
110 |
111 | Not sure if 'logical model' is the right term here.
112 | Will see if it has any purpose later on...
113 | """
114 |
115 | def __init__(self):
116 | pass;
117 |
118 |
119 | class ModelDataBase(ModelBase): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
120 | """
121 | Something all classes in the data classes in the logical model inherits from.
122 | """
123 |
124 | ## Child classes can use this to list array attributes which should use
125 | # an empty array ([]) instead of None as database NULL value.
126 | kasAltArrayNull = [];
127 |
128 | ## validate
129 | ## @{
130 | ksValidateFor_Add = 'add';
131 | ksValidateFor_AddForeignId = 'add-foreign-id';
132 | ksValidateFor_Edit = 'edit';
133 | ksValidateFor_Other = 'other';
134 | ## @}
135 |
136 |
137 | ## List of internal attributes which should be ignored by
138 | ## getDataAttributes and related machinery
139 | kasInternalAttributes = [];
140 |
141 | def __init__(self):
142 | ModelBase.__init__(self);
143 |
144 |
145 | #
146 | # Standard methods implemented by combining python magic and hungarian prefixes.
147 | #
148 |
149 | def getDataAttributes(self):
150 | """
151 | Returns a list of data attributes.
152 | """
153 | asRet = [];
154 | asAttrs = dir(self);
155 | for sAttr in asAttrs:
156 | if sAttr[0] == '_' or sAttr[0] == 'k':
157 | continue;
158 | if sAttr in self.kasInternalAttributes:
159 | continue;
160 | oValue = getattr(self, sAttr);
161 | if callable(oValue):
162 | continue;
163 | asRet.append(sAttr);
164 | return asRet;
165 |
166 | def initFromOther(self, oOther):
167 | """
168 | Initialize this object with the values from another instance (child
169 | class instance is accepted).
170 |
171 | This serves as a kind of copy constructor.
172 |
173 | Returns self. May raise exception if the type of other object differs
174 | or is damaged.
175 | """
176 | for sAttr in self.getDataAttributes():
177 | setattr(self, sAttr, getattr(oOther, sAttr));
178 | return self;
179 |
180 | @staticmethod
181 | def getHungarianPrefix(sName):
182 | """
183 | Returns the hungarian prefix of the given name.
184 | """
185 | for i, _ in enumerate(sName):
186 | if sName[i] not in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm',
187 | 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']:
188 | assert re.search('^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$', sName[i:]) is not None;
189 | return sName[:i];
190 | return sName;
191 |
192 | def getAttributeParamNullValues(self, sAttr):
193 | """
194 | Returns a list of parameter NULL values, with the preferred one being
195 | the first element.
196 |
197 | Child classes can override this to handle one or more attributes specially.
198 | """
199 | sPrefix = self.getHungarianPrefix(sAttr);
200 | if sPrefix in ['id', 'uid', 'i', 'off', 'pct']:
201 | return [-1, '', '-1',];
202 | if sPrefix in ['l', 'c',]:
203 | return [long(-1), '', '-1',];
204 | if sPrefix == 'f':
205 | return ['',];
206 | if sPrefix in ['enm', 'ip', 's', 'ts', 'uuid']:
207 | return ['',];
208 | if sPrefix in ['ai', 'aid', 'al', 'as']:
209 | return [[], '', None]; ## @todo ??
210 | if sPrefix == 'bm':
211 | return ['', [],]; ## @todo bitmaps.
212 | raise TMExceptionBase('Unable to classify "%s" (prefix %s)' % (sAttr, sPrefix));
213 |
214 | def isAttributeNull(self, sAttr, oValue):
215 | """
216 | Checks if the specified attribute value indicates NULL.
217 | Return True/False.
218 |
219 | Note! This isn't entirely kosher actually.
220 | """
221 | if oValue is None:
222 | return True;
223 | aoNilValues = self.getAttributeParamNullValues(sAttr);
224 | return oValue in aoNilValues;
225 |
226 | def _convertAttributeFromParamNull(self, sAttr, oValue):
227 | """
228 | Converts an attribute from parameter NULL to database NULL value.
229 | Returns the new attribute value.
230 | """
231 | aoNullValues = self.getAttributeParamNullValues(sAttr);
232 | if oValue in aoNullValues:
233 | oValue = None if sAttr not in self.kasAltArrayNull else [];
234 | #
235 | # Perform deep conversion on ModelDataBase object and lists of them.
236 | #
237 | elif isinstance(oValue, list) and oValue and isinstance(oValue[0], ModelDataBase):
238 | oValue = copy.copy(oValue);
239 | for i, _ in enumerate(oValue):
240 | assert isinstance(oValue[i], ModelDataBase);
241 | oValue[i] = copy.copy(oValue[i]);
242 | oValue[i].convertFromParamNull();
243 |
244 | elif isinstance(oValue, ModelDataBase):
245 | oValue = copy.copy(oValue);
246 | oValue.convertFromParamNull();
247 |
248 | return oValue;
249 |
250 | def convertFromParamNull(self):
251 | """
252 | Converts from parameter NULL values to database NULL values (None).
253 | Returns self.
254 | """
255 | for sAttr in self.getDataAttributes():
256 | oValue = getattr(self, sAttr);
257 | oNewValue = self._convertAttributeFromParamNull(sAttr, oValue);
258 | if oValue != oNewValue:
259 | setattr(self, sAttr, oNewValue);
260 | return self;
261 |
262 | def _convertAttributeToParamNull(self, sAttr, oValue):
263 | """
264 | Converts an attribute from database NULL to a sepcial value we can pass
265 | thru parameter list.
266 | Returns the new attribute value.
267 | """
268 | if oValue is None:
269 | oValue = self.getAttributeParamNullValues(sAttr)[0];
270 | #
271 | # Perform deep conversion on ModelDataBase object and lists of them.
272 | #
273 | elif isinstance(oValue, list) and oValue and isinstance(oValue[0], ModelDataBase):
274 | oValue = copy.copy(oValue);
275 | for i, _ in enumerate(oValue):
276 | assert isinstance(oValue[i], ModelDataBase);
277 | oValue[i] = copy.copy(oValue[i]);
278 | oValue[i].convertToParamNull();
279 |
280 | elif isinstance(oValue, ModelDataBase):
281 | oValue = copy.copy(oValue);
282 | oValue.convertToParamNull();
283 |
284 | return oValue;
285 |
286 | def convertToParamNull(self):
287 | """
288 | Converts from database NULL values (None) to special values we can
289 | pass thru parameters list.
290 | Returns self.
291 | """
292 | for sAttr in self.getDataAttributes():
293 | oValue = getattr(self, sAttr);
294 | oNewValue = self._convertAttributeToParamNull(sAttr, oValue);
295 | if oValue != oNewValue:
296 | setattr(self, sAttr, oNewValue);
297 | return self;
298 |
299 | def _validateAndConvertAttribute(self, sAttr, sParam, oValue, aoNilValues, fAllowNull, oDb):
300 | """
301 | Validates and convert one attribute.
302 | Returns the converted value.
303 |
304 | Child classes can override this to handle one or more attributes specially.
305 | Note! oDb can be None.
306 | """
307 | sPrefix = self.getHungarianPrefix(sAttr);
308 |
309 | if sPrefix in ['id', 'uid']:
310 | (oNewValue, sError) = self.validateInt( oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull);
311 | elif sPrefix in ['i', 'off', 'pct']:
312 | (oNewValue, sError) = self.validateInt( oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull,
313 | iMin = getattr(self, 'kiMin_' + sAttr, 0),
314 | iMax = getattr(self, 'kiMax_' + sAttr, 0x7ffffffe));
315 | elif sPrefix in ['l', 'c']:
316 | (oNewValue, sError) = self.validateLong(oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull,
317 | lMin = getattr(self, 'klMin_' + sAttr, 0),
318 | lMax = getattr(self, 'klMax_' + sAttr, None));
319 | elif sPrefix == 'f':
320 | if not oValue and not fAllowNull: oValue = '0'; # HACK ALERT! Checkboxes are only added when checked.
321 | (oNewValue, sError) = self.validateBool(oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull);
322 | elif sPrefix == 'ts':
323 | (oNewValue, sError) = self.validateTs( oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull);
324 | elif sPrefix == 'ip':
325 | (oNewValue, sError) = self.validateIp( oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull);
326 | elif sPrefix == 'uuid':
327 | (oNewValue, sError) = self.validateUuid(oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull);
328 | elif sPrefix == 'enm':
329 | (oNewValue, sError) = self.validateWord(oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull,
330 | asValid = getattr(self, 'kasValidValues_' + sAttr)); # The list is required.
331 | elif sPrefix == 's':
332 | (oNewValue, sError) = self.validateStr( oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull,
333 | cchMin = getattr(self, 'kcchMin_' + sAttr, 0),
334 | cchMax = getattr(self, 'kcchMax_' + sAttr, 4096),
335 | fAllowUnicodeSymbols = getattr(self, 'kfAllowUnicode_' + sAttr, False) );
336 | ## @todo al.
337 | elif sPrefix == 'aid':
338 | (oNewValue, sError) = self.validateListOfInts(oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull,
339 | iMin = 1, iMax = 0x7ffffffe);
340 | elif sPrefix == 'as':
341 | (oNewValue, sError) = self.validateListOfStr(oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull,
342 | asValidValues = getattr(self, 'kasValidValues_' + sAttr, None),
343 | cchMin = getattr(self, 'kcchMin_' + sAttr, 0 if fAllowNull else 1),
344 | cchMax = getattr(self, 'kcchMax_' + sAttr, 4096));
345 |
346 | elif sPrefix == 'bm':
347 | ## @todo figure out bitfields.
348 | (oNewValue, sError) = self.validateListOfStr(oValue, aoNilValues = aoNilValues, fAllowNull = fAllowNull);
349 | else:
350 | raise TMExceptionBase('Unable to classify "%s" (prefix %s)' % (sAttr, sPrefix));
351 |
352 | _ = sParam; _ = oDb;
353 | return (oNewValue, sError);
354 |
355 | def _validateAndConvertWorker(self, asAllowNullAttributes, oDb, enmValidateFor = ksValidateFor_Other):
356 | """
357 | Worker for implementing validateAndConvert().
358 | """
359 | dErrors = dict();
360 | for sAttr in self.getDataAttributes():
361 | oValue = getattr(self, sAttr);
362 | sParam = getattr(self, 'ksParam_' + sAttr);
363 | aoNilValues = self.getAttributeParamNullValues(sAttr);
364 | aoNilValues.append(None);
365 |
366 | (oNewValue, sError) = self._validateAndConvertAttribute(sAttr, sParam, oValue, aoNilValues,
367 | sAttr in asAllowNullAttributes, oDb);
368 | if oValue != oNewValue:
369 | setattr(self, sAttr, oNewValue);
370 | if sError is not None:
371 | dErrors[sParam] = sError;
372 |
373 | # Check the NULL requirements of the primary ID(s) for the 'add' and 'edit' actions.
374 | if enmValidateFor in (ModelDataBase.ksValidateFor_Add,
375 | ModelDataBase.ksValidateFor_AddForeignId,
376 | ModelDataBase.ksValidateFor_Edit,):
377 | fMustBeNull = enmValidateFor == ModelDataBase.ksValidateFor_Add;
378 | sAttr = getattr(self, 'ksIdAttr', None);
379 | if sAttr is not None:
380 | oValue = getattr(self, sAttr);
381 | if self.isAttributeNull(sAttr, oValue) != fMustBeNull:
382 | sParam = getattr(self, 'ksParam_' + sAttr);
383 | sErrMsg = 'Must be NULL!' if fMustBeNull else 'Must not be NULL!'
384 | if sParam in dErrors:
385 | dErrors[sParam] += ' ' + sErrMsg;
386 | else:
387 | dErrors[sParam] = sErrMsg;
388 |
389 | return dErrors;
390 |
391 | def validateAndConvert(self, oDb, enmValidateFor = ksValidateFor_Other):
392 | """
393 | Validates the input and converts valid fields to their right type.
394 | Returns a dictionary with per field reports, only invalid fields will
395 | be returned, so an empty dictionary means that the data is valid.
396 |
397 | The dictionary keys are ksParam_*.
398 |
399 | Child classes can override _validateAndConvertAttribute to handle
400 | selected fields specially. There are also a few class variables that
401 | can be used to advice the validation: kcchMin_sAttr, kcchMax_sAttr,
402 | kiMin_iAttr, kiMax_iAttr, klMin_lAttr, klMax_lAttr,
403 | kasValidValues_enmAttr, and kasAllowNullAttributes.
404 | """
405 | return self._validateAndConvertWorker(getattr(self, 'kasAllowNullAttributes', list()), oDb,
406 | enmValidateFor = enmValidateFor);
407 |
408 | def validateAndConvertEx(self, asAllowNullAttributes, oDb, enmValidateFor = ksValidateFor_Other):
409 | """
410 | Same as validateAndConvert but with custom allow-null list.
411 | """
412 | return self._validateAndConvertWorker(asAllowNullAttributes, oDb, enmValidateFor = enmValidateFor);
413 |
414 | def convertParamToAttribute(self, sAttr, sParam, oValue, oDisp, fStrict):
415 | """
416 | Calculate the attribute value when initialized from a parameter.
417 |
418 | Returns the new value, with parameter NULL values. Raises exception on
419 | invalid parameter value.
420 |
421 | Child classes can override to do special parameter conversion jobs.
422 | """
423 | sPrefix = self.getHungarianPrefix(sAttr);
424 | asValidValues = getattr(self, 'kasValidValues_' + sAttr, None);
425 | fAllowNull = sAttr in getattr(self, 'kasAllowNullAttributes', list());
426 | if fStrict:
427 | if sPrefix == 'f':
428 | # HACK ALERT! Checkboxes are only present when checked, so we always have to provide a default.
429 | oNewValue = oDisp.getStringParam(sParam, asValidValues, '0');
430 | elif sPrefix[0] == 'a':
431 | # HACK ALERT! Lists are not present if empty.
432 | oNewValue = oDisp.getListOfStrParams(sParam, []);
433 | else:
434 | oNewValue = oDisp.getStringParam(sParam, asValidValues, None, fAllowNull = fAllowNull);
435 | else:
436 | if sPrefix[0] == 'a':
437 | oNewValue = oDisp.getListOfStrParams(sParam, []);
438 | else:
439 | assert oValue is not None, 'sAttr=%s' % (sAttr,);
440 | oNewValue = oDisp.getStringParam(sParam, asValidValues, oValue, fAllowNull = fAllowNull);
441 | return oNewValue;
442 |
443 | def initFromParams(self, oDisp, fStrict = True):
444 | """
445 | Initialize the object from parameters.
446 | The input is not validated at all, except that all parameters must be
447 | present when fStrict is True.
448 |
449 | Returns self. Raises exception on invalid parameter value.
450 |
451 | Note! The returned object has parameter NULL values, not database ones!
452 | """
453 |
454 | self.convertToParamNull()
455 | for sAttr in self.getDataAttributes():
456 | oValue = getattr(self, sAttr);
457 | oNewValue = self.convertParamToAttribute(sAttr, getattr(self, 'ksParam_' + sAttr), oValue, oDisp, fStrict);
458 | if oNewValue != oValue:
459 | setattr(self, sAttr, oNewValue);
460 | return self;
461 |
462 | def areAttributeValuesEqual(self, sAttr, sPrefix, oValue1, oValue2):
463 | """
464 | Called to compare two attribute values and python thinks differs.
465 |
466 | Returns True/False.
467 |
468 | Child classes can override this to do special compares of things like arrays.
469 | """
470 | # Just in case someone uses it directly.
471 | if oValue1 == oValue2:
472 | return True;
473 |
474 | #
475 | # Timestamps can be both string (param) and object (db)
476 | # depending on the data source. Compare string values to make
477 | # sure we're doing the right thing here.
478 | #
479 | if sPrefix == 'ts':
480 | return str(oValue1) == str(oValue2);
481 |
482 | #
483 | # Some generic code handling ModelDataBase children.
484 | #
485 | if isinstance(oValue1, list) and isinstance(oValue2, list):
486 | if len(oValue1) == len(oValue2):
487 | for i, _ in enumerate(oValue1):
488 | if not isinstance(oValue1[i], ModelDataBase) \
489 | or type(oValue1) is not type(oValue2):
490 | return False;
491 | if not oValue1[i].isEqual(oValue2[i]):
492 | return False;
493 | return True;
494 |
495 | elif isinstance(oValue1, ModelDataBase) \
496 | and type(oValue1) is type(oValue2):
497 | return oValue1[i].isEqual(oValue2[i]);
498 |
499 | _ = sAttr;
500 | return False;
501 |
502 | def isEqual(self, oOther):
503 | """ Compares two instances. """
504 | for sAttr in self.getDataAttributes():
505 | if getattr(self, sAttr) != getattr(oOther, sAttr):
506 | # Delegate the final decision to an overridable method.
507 | if not self.areAttributeValuesEqual(sAttr, self.getHungarianPrefix(sAttr),
508 | getattr(self, sAttr), getattr(oOther, sAttr)):
509 | return False;
510 | return True;
511 |
512 | def isEqualEx(self, oOther, asExcludeAttrs):
513 | """ Compares two instances, omitting the given attributes. """
514 | for sAttr in self.getDataAttributes():
515 | if sAttr not in asExcludeAttrs \
516 | and getattr(self, sAttr) != getattr(oOther, sAttr):
517 | # Delegate the final decision to an overridable method.
518 | if not self.areAttributeValuesEqual(sAttr, self.getHungarianPrefix(sAttr),
519 | getattr(self, sAttr), getattr(oOther, sAttr)):
520 | return False;
521 | return True;
522 |
523 | def reinitToNull(self):
524 | """
525 | Reinitializes the object to (database) NULL values.
526 | Returns self.
527 | """
528 | for sAttr in self.getDataAttributes():
529 | setattr(self, sAttr, None);
530 | return self;
531 |
532 | def toString(self):
533 | """
534 | Stringifies the object.
535 | Returns string representation.
536 | """
537 |
538 | sMembers = '';
539 | for sAttr in self.getDataAttributes():
540 | oValue = getattr(self, sAttr);
541 | sMembers += ', %s=%s' % (sAttr, oValue);
542 |
543 | oClass = type(self);
544 | if sMembers == '':
545 | return '<%s>' % (oClass.__name__);
546 | return '<%s: %s>' % (oClass.__name__, sMembers[2:]);
547 |
548 | def __str__(self):
549 | return self.toString();
550 |
551 |
552 |
553 | #
554 | # New validation helpers.
555 | #
556 | # These all return (oValue, sError), where sError is None when the value
557 | # is valid and an error message when not. On success and in case of
558 | # range errors, oValue is converted into the requested type.
559 | #
560 |
561 | @staticmethod
562 | def validateInt(sValue, iMin = 0, iMax = 0x7ffffffe, aoNilValues = tuple([-1, None, '']), fAllowNull = True):
563 | """ Validates an integer field. """
564 | if sValue in aoNilValues:
565 | if fAllowNull:
566 | return (None if sValue is None else aoNilValues[0], None);
567 | return (sValue, 'Mandatory.');
568 |
569 | try:
570 | if utils.isString(sValue):
571 | iValue = int(sValue, 0);
572 | else:
573 | iValue = int(sValue);
574 | except:
575 | return (sValue, 'Not an integer');
576 |
577 | if iValue in aoNilValues:
578 | return (aoNilValues[0], None if fAllowNull else 'Mandatory.');
579 |
580 | if iValue < iMin:
581 | return (iValue, 'Value too small (min %d)' % (iMin,));
582 | if iValue > iMax:
583 | return (iValue, 'Value too high (max %d)' % (iMax,));
584 | return (iValue, None);
585 |
586 | @staticmethod
587 | def validateLong(sValue, lMin = 0, lMax = None, aoNilValues = tuple([long(-1), None, '']), fAllowNull = True):
588 | """ Validates an long integer field. """
589 | if sValue in aoNilValues:
590 | if fAllowNull:
591 | return (None if sValue is None else aoNilValues[0], None);
592 | return (sValue, 'Mandatory.');
593 | try:
594 | if utils.isString(sValue):
595 | lValue = long(sValue, 0);
596 | else:
597 | lValue = long(sValue);
598 | except:
599 | return (sValue, 'Not a long integer');
600 |
601 | if lValue in aoNilValues:
602 | return (aoNilValues[0], None if fAllowNull else 'Mandatory.');
603 |
604 | if lMin is not None and lValue < lMin:
605 | return (lValue, 'Value too small (min %d)' % (lMin,));
606 | if lMax is not None and lValue > lMax:
607 | return (lValue, 'Value too high (max %d)' % (lMax,));
608 | return (lValue, None);
609 |
610 | kdTimestampRegex = {
611 | len('2012-10-08 01:54:06'): r'(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123]\d)[ Tt]([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d)$',
612 | len('2012-10-08 01:54:06.00'): r'(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123]\d)[ Tt]([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{2}$',
613 | len('2012-10-08 01:54:06.000'): r'(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123]\d)[ Tt]([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{3}$',
614 | len('999999-12-31 00:00:00.00'): r'(\d{6})-([01]\d)-([0123]\d)[ Tt]([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{2}$',
615 | len('9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999'): r'(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123]\d)[ Tt]([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{6}$',
616 | len('9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999'): r'(\d{4})-([01]\d)-([0123]\d)[ Tt]([012]\d):[0-5]\d:([0-6]\d).\d{9}$',
617 | };
618 |
619 | @staticmethod
620 | def validateTs(sValue, aoNilValues = tuple([None, '']), fAllowNull = True, fRelative = False):
621 | """ Validates a timestamp field. """
622 | if sValue in aoNilValues:
623 | return (sValue, None if fAllowNull else 'Mandatory.');
624 | if not utils.isString(sValue):
625 | return (sValue, None);
626 |
627 | # Validate and strip off the timezone stuff.
628 | if sValue[-1] in 'Zz':
629 | sStripped = sValue[:-1];
630 | sValue = sStripped + 'Z';
631 | elif len(sValue) >= 19 + 3:
632 | oRes = re.match(r'^.*[+-](\d\d):(\d\d)$', sValue);
633 | if oRes is not None:
634 | if int(oRes.group(1)) > 12 or int(oRes.group(2)) >= 60:
635 | return (sValue, 'Invalid timezone offset.');
636 | sStripped = sValue[:-6];
637 | else:
638 | sStripped = sValue;
639 | else:
640 | sStripped = sValue;
641 |
642 | # Used the stripped value length to find regular expression for validating and parsing the timestamp.
643 | sError = None;
644 | sRegExp = ModelDataBase.kdTimestampRegex.get(len(sStripped), None);
645 | if sRegExp:
646 | oRes = re.match(sRegExp, sStripped);
647 | if oRes is not None:
648 | iYear = int(oRes.group(1));
649 | if iYear % 4 == 0 and (iYear % 100 != 0 or iYear % 400 == 0):
650 | acDaysOfMonth = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
651 | else:
652 | acDaysOfMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
653 | iMonth = int(oRes.group(2));
654 | iDay = int(oRes.group(3));
655 | iHour = int(oRes.group(4));
656 | iSec = int(oRes.group(5));
657 | if iMonth > 12 or (iMonth <= 0 and not fRelative):
658 | sError = 'Invalid timestamp month.';
659 | elif iDay > acDaysOfMonth[iMonth - 1]:
660 | sError = 'Invalid timestamp day-of-month (%02d has %d days).' % (iMonth, acDaysOfMonth[iMonth - 1]);
661 | elif iHour > 23:
662 | sError = 'Invalid timestamp hour.'
663 | elif iSec >= 61:
664 | sError = 'Invalid timestamp second.'
665 | elif iSec >= 60:
666 | sError = 'Invalid timestamp: no leap seconds, please.'
667 | else:
668 | sError = 'Invalid timestamp (validation regexp: %s).' % (sRegExp,);
669 | else:
670 | sError = 'Invalid timestamp length.';
671 | return (sValue, sError);
672 |
673 | @staticmethod
674 | def validateIp(sValue, aoNilValues = tuple([None, '']), fAllowNull = True):
675 | """ Validates an IP address field. """
676 | if sValue in aoNilValues:
677 | return (sValue, None if fAllowNull else 'Mandatory.');
678 |
679 | if sValue == '::1':
680 | return (sValue, None);
681 |
682 | try:
683 | socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, sValue); # pylint: disable=no-member
684 | except:
685 | try:
686 | socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, sValue); # pylint: disable=no-member
687 | except:
688 | return (sValue, 'Not a valid IP address.');
689 |
690 | return (sValue, None);
691 |
692 | @staticmethod
693 | def validateBool(sValue, aoNilValues = tuple([None, '']), fAllowNull = True):
694 | """ Validates a boolean field. """
695 | if sValue in aoNilValues:
696 | return (sValue, None if fAllowNull else 'Mandatory.');
697 |
698 | if sValue in ('True', 'true', '1', True):
699 | return (True, None);
700 | if sValue in ('False', 'false', '0', False):
701 | return (False, None);
702 | return (sValue, 'Invalid boolean value.');
703 |
704 | @staticmethod
705 | def validateUuid(sValue, aoNilValues = tuple([None, '']), fAllowNull = True):
706 | """ Validates an UUID field. """
707 | if sValue in aoNilValues:
708 | return (sValue, None if fAllowNull else 'Mandatory.');
709 |
710 | try:
711 | sValue = str(uuid.UUID(sValue));
712 | except:
713 | return (sValue, 'Invalid UUID value.');
714 | return (sValue, None);
715 |
716 | @staticmethod
717 | def validateWord(sValue, cchMin = 1, cchMax = 64, asValid = None, aoNilValues = tuple([None, '']), fAllowNull = True):
718 | """ Validates a word field. """
719 | if sValue in aoNilValues:
720 | return (sValue, None if fAllowNull else 'Mandatory.');
721 |
722 | if re.search('[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]', sValue) is not None:
723 | sError = 'Single word ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]), please.';
724 | elif cchMin is not None and len(sValue) < cchMin:
725 | sError = 'Too short, min %s chars' % (cchMin,);
726 | elif cchMax is not None and len(sValue) > cchMax:
727 | sError = 'Too long, max %s chars' % (cchMax,);
728 | elif asValid is not None and sValue not in asValid:
729 | sError = 'Invalid value "%s", must be one of: %s' % (sValue, asValid);
730 | else:
731 | sError = None;
732 | return (sValue, sError);
733 |
734 | @staticmethod
735 | def validateStr(sValue, cchMin = 0, cchMax = 4096, aoNilValues = tuple([None, '']), fAllowNull = True,
736 | fAllowUnicodeSymbols = False):
737 | """ Validates a string field. """
738 | if sValue in aoNilValues:
739 | return (sValue, None if fAllowNull else 'Mandatory.');
740 |
741 | if cchMin is not None and len(sValue) < cchMin:
742 | sError = 'Too short, min %s chars' % (cchMin,);
743 | elif cchMax is not None and len(sValue) > cchMax:
744 | sError = 'Too long, max %s chars' % (cchMax,);
745 | elif fAllowUnicodeSymbols is False and utils.hasNonAsciiCharacters(sValue):
746 | sError = 'Non-ascii characters not allowed'
747 | else:
748 | sError = None;
749 | return (sValue, sError);
750 |
751 | @staticmethod
752 | def validateEmail(sValue, aoNilValues = tuple([None, '']), fAllowNull = True):
753 | """ Validates a email field."""
754 | if sValue in aoNilValues:
755 | return (sValue, None if fAllowNull else 'Mandatory.');
756 |
757 | if re.match(r'.+@.+\..+', sValue) is None:
758 | return (sValue,'Invalid e-mail format.');
759 | return (sValue, None);
760 |
761 | @staticmethod
762 | def validateListOfSomething(asValues, aoNilValues = tuple([[], None]), fAllowNull = True):
763 | """ Validate a list of some uniform values. Returns a copy of the list (if list it is). """
764 | if asValues in aoNilValues or (not asValues and not fAllowNull):
765 | return (asValues, None if fAllowNull else 'Mandatory.')
766 |
767 | if not isinstance(asValues, list):
768 | return (asValues, 'Invalid data type (%s).' % (type(asValues),));
769 |
770 | asValues = list(asValues); # copy the list.
771 | if asValues:
772 | oType = type(asValues[0]);
773 | for i in range(1, len(asValues)):
774 | if type(asValues[i]) is not oType: # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
775 | return (asValues, 'Invalid entry data type ([0]=%s vs [%d]=%s).' % (oType, i, type(asValues[i])) );
776 |
777 | return (asValues, None);
778 |
779 | @staticmethod
780 | def validateListOfStr(asValues, cchMin = None, cchMax = None, asValidValues = None,
781 | aoNilValues = tuple([[], None]), fAllowNull = True):
782 | """ Validates a list of text items."""
783 | (asValues, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateListOfSomething(asValues, aoNilValues, fAllowNull);
784 |
785 | if sError is None and asValues not in aoNilValues and asValues:
786 | if not utils.isString(asValues[0]):
787 | return (asValues, 'Invalid item data type.');
788 |
789 | if not fAllowNull and cchMin is None:
790 | cchMin = 1;
791 |
792 | for sValue in asValues:
793 | if asValidValues is not None and sValue not in asValidValues:
794 | sThisErr = 'Invalid value "%s".' % (sValue,);
795 | elif cchMin is not None and len(sValue) < cchMin:
796 | sThisErr = 'Value "%s" is too short, min length is %u chars.' % (sValue, cchMin);
797 | elif cchMax is not None and len(sValue) > cchMax:
798 | sThisErr = 'Value "%s" is too long, max length is %u chars.' % (sValue, cchMax);
799 | else:
800 | continue;
801 |
802 | if sError is None:
803 | sError = sThisErr;
804 | else:
805 | sError += ' ' + sThisErr;
806 |
807 | return (asValues, sError);
808 |
809 | @staticmethod
810 | def validateListOfInts(asValues, iMin = 0, iMax = 0x7ffffffe, aoNilValues = tuple([[], None]), fAllowNull = True):
811 | """ Validates a list of integer items."""
812 | (asValues, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateListOfSomething(asValues, aoNilValues, fAllowNull);
813 |
814 | if sError is None and asValues not in aoNilValues and asValues:
815 | for i, _ in enumerate(asValues):
816 | sValue = asValues[i];
817 |
818 | sThisErr = '';
819 | try:
820 | iValue = int(sValue);
821 | except:
822 | sThisErr = 'Invalid integer value "%s".' % (sValue,);
823 | else:
824 | asValues[i] = iValue;
825 | if iValue < iMin:
826 | sThisErr = 'Value %d is too small (min %d)' % (iValue, iMin,);
827 | elif iValue > iMax:
828 | sThisErr = 'Value %d is too high (max %d)' % (iValue, iMax,);
829 | else:
830 | continue;
831 |
832 | if sError is None:
833 | sError = sThisErr;
834 | else:
835 | sError += ' ' + sThisErr;
836 |
837 | return (asValues, sError);
838 |
839 |
840 |
841 | #
842 | # Old validation helpers.
843 | #
844 |
845 | @staticmethod
846 | def _validateInt(dErrors, sName, sValue, iMin = 0, iMax = 0x7ffffffe, aoNilValues = tuple([-1, None, ''])):
847 | """ Validates an integer field. """
848 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateInt(sValue, iMin, iMax, aoNilValues, fAllowNull = True);
849 | if sError is not None:
850 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
851 | return sValue;
852 |
853 | @staticmethod
854 | def _validateIntNN(dErrors, sName, sValue, iMin = 0, iMax = 0x7ffffffe, aoNilValues = tuple([-1, None, ''])):
855 | """ Validates an integer field, not null. """
856 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateInt(sValue, iMin, iMax, aoNilValues, fAllowNull = False);
857 | if sError is not None:
858 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
859 | return sValue;
860 |
861 | @staticmethod
862 | def _validateLong(dErrors, sName, sValue, lMin = 0, lMax = None, aoNilValues = tuple([long(-1), None, ''])):
863 | """ Validates an long integer field. """
864 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateLong(sValue, lMin, lMax, aoNilValues, fAllowNull = False);
865 | if sError is not None:
866 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
867 | return sValue;
868 |
869 | @staticmethod
870 | def _validateLongNN(dErrors, sName, sValue, lMin = 0, lMax = None, aoNilValues = tuple([long(-1), None, ''])):
871 | """ Validates an long integer field, not null. """
872 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateLong(sValue, lMin, lMax, aoNilValues, fAllowNull = True);
873 | if sError is not None:
874 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
875 | return sValue;
876 |
877 | @staticmethod
878 | def _validateTs(dErrors, sName, sValue):
879 | """ Validates a timestamp field. """
880 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue, fAllowNull = True);
881 | if sError is not None:
882 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
883 | return sValue;
884 |
885 | @staticmethod
886 | def _validateTsNN(dErrors, sName, sValue):
887 | """ Validates a timestamp field, not null. """
888 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateTs(sValue, fAllowNull = False);
889 | if sError is not None:
890 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
891 | return sValue;
892 |
893 | @staticmethod
894 | def _validateIp(dErrors, sName, sValue):
895 | """ Validates an IP address field. """
896 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateIp(sValue, fAllowNull = True);
897 | if sError is not None:
898 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
899 | return sValue;
900 |
901 | @staticmethod
902 | def _validateIpNN(dErrors, sName, sValue):
903 | """ Validates an IP address field, not null. """
904 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateIp(sValue, fAllowNull = False);
905 | if sError is not None:
906 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
907 | return sValue;
908 |
909 | @staticmethod
910 | def _validateBool(dErrors, sName, sValue):
911 | """ Validates a boolean field. """
912 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateBool(sValue, fAllowNull = True);
913 | if sError is not None:
914 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
915 | return sValue;
916 |
917 | @staticmethod
918 | def _validateBoolNN(dErrors, sName, sValue):
919 | """ Validates a boolean field, not null. """
920 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateBool(sValue, fAllowNull = False);
921 | if sError is not None:
922 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
923 | return sValue;
924 |
925 | @staticmethod
926 | def _validateUuid(dErrors, sName, sValue):
927 | """ Validates an UUID field. """
928 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateUuid(sValue, fAllowNull = True);
929 | if sError is not None:
930 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
931 | return sValue;
932 |
933 | @staticmethod
934 | def _validateUuidNN(dErrors, sName, sValue):
935 | """ Validates an UUID field, not null. """
936 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateUuid(sValue, fAllowNull = False);
937 | if sError is not None:
938 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
939 | return sValue;
940 |
941 | @staticmethod
942 | def _validateWord(dErrors, sName, sValue, cchMin = 1, cchMax = 64, asValid = None):
943 | """ Validates a word field. """
944 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateWord(sValue, cchMin, cchMax, asValid, fAllowNull = True);
945 | if sError is not None:
946 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
947 | return sValue;
948 |
949 | @staticmethod
950 | def _validateWordNN(dErrors, sName, sValue, cchMin = 1, cchMax = 64, asValid = None):
951 | """ Validates a boolean field, not null. """
952 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateWord(sValue, cchMin, cchMax, asValid, fAllowNull = False);
953 | if sError is not None:
954 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
955 | return sValue;
956 |
957 | @staticmethod
958 | def _validateStr(dErrors, sName, sValue, cchMin = 0, cchMax = 4096):
959 | """ Validates a string field. """
960 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateStr(sValue, cchMin, cchMax, fAllowNull = True);
961 | if sError is not None:
962 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
963 | return sValue;
964 |
965 | @staticmethod
966 | def _validateStrNN(dErrors, sName, sValue, cchMin = 0, cchMax = 4096):
967 | """ Validates a string field, not null. """
968 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateStr(sValue, cchMin, cchMax, fAllowNull = False);
969 | if sError is not None:
970 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
971 | return sValue;
972 |
973 | @staticmethod
974 | def _validateEmail(dErrors, sName, sValue):
975 | """ Validates a email field."""
976 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateEmail(sValue, fAllowNull = True);
977 | if sError is not None:
978 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
979 | return sValue;
980 |
981 | @staticmethod
982 | def _validateEmailNN(dErrors, sName, sValue):
983 | """ Validates a email field."""
984 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateEmail(sValue, fAllowNull = False);
985 | if sError is not None:
986 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
987 | return sValue;
988 |
989 | @staticmethod
990 | def _validateListOfStr(dErrors, sName, asValues, asValidValues = None):
991 | """ Validates a list of text items."""
992 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateListOfStr(asValues, asValidValues = asValidValues, fAllowNull = True);
993 | if sError is not None:
994 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
995 | return sValue;
996 |
997 | @staticmethod
998 | def _validateListOfStrNN(dErrors, sName, asValues, asValidValues = None):
999 | """ Validates a list of text items, not null and len >= 1."""
1000 | (sValue, sError) = ModelDataBase.validateListOfStr(asValues, asValidValues = asValidValues, fAllowNull = False);
1001 | if sError is not None:
1002 | dErrors[sName] = sError;
1003 | return sValue;
1004 |
1005 | #
1006 | # Various helpers.
1007 | #
1008 |
1009 | @staticmethod
1010 | def formatSimpleNowAndPeriod(oDb, tsNow = None, sPeriodBack = None,
1011 | sTablePrefix = '', sExpCol = 'tsExpire', sEffCol = 'tsEffective'):
1012 | """
1013 | Formats a set of tsNow and sPeriodBack arguments for a standard testmanager
1014 | table.
1015 |
1016 | If sPeriodBack is given, the query is effective for the period
1017 | (tsNow - sPeriodBack) thru (tsNow).
1018 |
1019 | If tsNow isn't given, it defaults to current time.
1020 |
1021 | Returns the final portion of a WHERE query (start with AND) and maybe an
1022 | ORDER BY and LIMIT bit if sPeriodBack is given.
1023 | """
1024 | if tsNow is not None:
1025 | if sPeriodBack is not None:
1026 | sRet = oDb.formatBindArgs(' AND ' + sTablePrefix + sExpCol + ' > (%s::timestamp - %s::interval)\n'
1027 | ' AND tsEffective <= %s\n'
1028 | 'ORDER BY ' + sTablePrefix + sExpCol + ' DESC\n'
1029 | 'LIMIT 1\n'
1030 | , ( tsNow, sPeriodBack, tsNow));
1031 | else:
1032 | sRet = oDb.formatBindArgs(' AND ' + sTablePrefix + sExpCol + ' > %s\n'
1033 | ' AND ' + sTablePrefix + sEffCol + ' <= %s\n'
1034 | , ( tsNow, tsNow, ));
1035 | else:
1036 | if sPeriodBack is not None:
1037 | sRet = oDb.formatBindArgs(' AND ' + sTablePrefix + sExpCol + ' > (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - %s::interval)\n'
1038 | ' AND ' + sTablePrefix + sEffCol + ' <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP\n'
1039 | 'ORDER BY ' + sTablePrefix + sExpCol + ' DESC\n'
1040 | 'LIMIT 1\n'
1041 | , ( sPeriodBack, ));
1042 | else:
1043 | sRet = ' AND ' + sTablePrefix + sExpCol + ' = \'infinity\'::timestamp\n';
1044 | return sRet;
1045 |
1046 | @staticmethod
1047 | def formatSimpleNowAndPeriodQuery(oDb, sQuery, aBindArgs, tsNow = None, sPeriodBack = None,
1048 | sTablePrefix = '', sExpCol = 'tsExpire', sEffCol = 'tsEffective'):
1049 | """
1050 | Formats a simple query for a standard testmanager table with optional
1051 | tsNow and sPeriodBack arguments.
1052 |
1053 | The sQuery and sBindArgs are passed along to oDb.formatBindArgs to form
1054 | the first part of the query. Must end with an open WHERE statement as
1055 | we'll be adding the time part starting with 'AND something...'.
1056 |
1057 | See formatSimpleNowAndPeriod for tsNow and sPeriodBack description.
1058 |
1059 | Returns the final portion of a WHERE query (start with AND) and maybe an
1060 | ORDER BY and LIMIT bit if sPeriodBack is given.
1061 |
1062 | """
1063 | return oDb.formatBindArgs(sQuery, aBindArgs) \
1064 | + ModelDataBase.formatSimpleNowAndPeriod(oDb, tsNow, sPeriodBack, sTablePrefix, sExpCol, sEffCol);
1065 |
1066 |
1067 | #
1068 | # JSON
1069 | #
1070 |
1071 | @staticmethod
1072 | def stringToJson(sString):
1073 | """ Converts a string to a JSON value string. """
1074 | if not utils.isString(sString):
1075 | sString = utils.toUnicode(sString);
1076 | if not utils.isString(sString):
1077 | sString = str(sString);
1078 | return json.dumps(sString);
1079 |
1080 | @staticmethod
1081 | def dictToJson(dDict, dOptions = None):
1082 | """ Converts a dictionary to a JSON string. """
1083 | sJson = u'{ ';
1084 | for i, oKey in enumerate(dDict):
1085 | if i > 0:
1086 | sJson += ', ';
1087 | sJson += '%s: %s' % (ModelDataBase.stringToJson(oKey),
1088 | ModelDataBase.genericToJson(dDict[oKey], dOptions));
1089 | return sJson + ' }';
1090 |
1091 | @staticmethod
1092 | def listToJson(aoList, dOptions = None):
1093 | """ Converts list of something to a JSON string. """
1094 | sJson = u'[ ';
1095 | for i, oValue in enumerate(aoList):
1096 | if i > 0:
1097 | sJson += u', ';
1098 | sJson += ModelDataBase.genericToJson(oValue, dOptions);
1099 | return sJson + u' ]';
1100 |
1101 | @staticmethod
1102 | def datetimeToJson(oDateTime):
1103 | """ Converts a datetime instance to a JSON string. """
1104 | return '"%s"' % (oDateTime,);
1105 |
1106 |
1107 | @staticmethod
1108 | def genericToJson(oValue, dOptions = None):
1109 | """ Converts a generic object to a JSON string. """
1110 | if isinstance(oValue, ModelDataBase):
1111 | return oValue.toJson();
1112 | if isinstance(oValue, dict):
1113 | return ModelDataBase.dictToJson(oValue, dOptions);
1114 | if isinstance(oValue, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)):
1115 | return ModelDataBase.listToJson(oValue, dOptions);
1116 | if isinstance(oValue, datetime.datetime):
1117 | return ModelDataBase.datetimeToJson(oValue)
1118 | return json.dumps(oValue);
1119 |
1120 | def attribValueToJson(self, sAttr, oValue, dOptions = None):
1121 | """
1122 | Converts the attribute value to JSON.
1123 | Returns JSON (string).
1124 | """
1125 | _ = sAttr;
1126 | return self.genericToJson(oValue, dOptions);
1127 |
1128 | def toJson(self, dOptions = None):
1129 | """
1130 | Converts the object to JSON.
1131 | Returns JSON (string).
1132 | """
1133 | sJson = u'{ ';
1134 | for iAttr, sAttr in enumerate(self.getDataAttributes()):
1135 | oValue = getattr(self, sAttr);
1136 | if iAttr > 0:
1137 | sJson += ', ';
1138 | sJson += u'"%s": ' % (sAttr,);
1139 | sJson += self.attribValueToJson(sAttr, oValue, dOptions);
1140 | return sJson + u' }';
1141 |
1142 |
1143 | #
1144 | # Sub-classes.
1145 | #
1146 |
1147 | class DispWrapper(object):
1148 | """Proxy object."""
1149 | def __init__(self, oDisp, sAttrFmt):
1150 | self.oDisp = oDisp;
1151 | self.sAttrFmt = sAttrFmt;
1152 | def getStringParam(self, sName, asValidValues = None, sDefault = None, fAllowNull = False):
1153 | """See WuiDispatcherBase.getStringParam."""
1154 | return self.oDisp.getStringParam(self.sAttrFmt % (sName,), asValidValues, sDefault, fAllowNull = fAllowNull);
1155 | def getListOfStrParams(self, sName, asDefaults = None):
1156 | """See WuiDispatcherBase.getListOfStrParams."""
1157 | return self.oDisp.getListOfStrParams(self.sAttrFmt % (sName,), asDefaults);
1158 | def getListOfIntParams(self, sName, iMin = None, iMax = None, aiDefaults = None):
1159 | """See WuiDispatcherBase.getListOfIntParams."""
1160 | return self.oDisp.getListOfIntParams(self.sAttrFmt % (sName,), iMin, iMax, aiDefaults);
1161 |
1162 |
1163 |
1164 |
1165 | # pylint: disable=no-member,missing-docstring,too-few-public-methods
1166 | class ModelDataBaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
1167 | """
1168 | Base testcase for ModelDataBase decendants.
1169 | Derive from this and override setUp.
1170 | """
1171 |
1172 | def setUp(self):
1173 | """
1174 | Override this! Don't call super!
1175 | The subclasses are expected to set aoSamples to an array of instance
1176 | samples. The first entry must be a default object, the subsequent ones
1177 | are optional and their contents freely choosen.
1178 | """
1179 | self.aoSamples = [ModelDataBase(),];
1180 |
1181 | def testEquality(self):
1182 | for oSample in self.aoSamples:
1183 | self.assertEqual(oSample.isEqual(copy.copy(oSample)), True);
1184 | self.assertIsNotNone(oSample.isEqual(self.aoSamples[0]));
1185 |
1186 | def testNullConversion(self):
1187 | if not self.aoSamples[0].getDataAttributes():
1188 | return;
1189 | for oSample in self.aoSamples:
1190 | oCopy = copy.copy(oSample);
1191 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.convertToParamNull(), oCopy);
1192 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.isEqual(oSample), False);
1193 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.convertFromParamNull(), oCopy);
1194 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.isEqual(oSample), True, '\ngot : %s\nexpected: %s' % (oCopy, oSample,));
1195 |
1196 | oCopy = copy.copy(oSample);
1197 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.convertToParamNull(), oCopy);
1198 | oCopy2 = copy.copy(oCopy);
1199 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.convertToParamNull(), oCopy);
1200 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.isEqual(oCopy2), True);
1201 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.convertToParamNull(), oCopy);
1202 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.isEqual(oCopy2), True);
1203 |
1204 | oCopy = copy.copy(oSample);
1205 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.convertFromParamNull(), oCopy);
1206 | oCopy2 = copy.copy(oCopy);
1207 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.convertFromParamNull(), oCopy);
1208 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.isEqual(oCopy2), True);
1209 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.convertFromParamNull(), oCopy);
1210 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.isEqual(oCopy2), True);
1211 |
1212 | def testReinitToNull(self):
1213 | oFirst = copy.copy(self.aoSamples[0]);
1214 | self.assertEqual(oFirst.reinitToNull(), oFirst);
1215 | for oSample in self.aoSamples:
1216 | oCopy = copy.copy(oSample);
1217 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.reinitToNull(), oCopy);
1218 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.isEqual(oFirst), True);
1219 |
1220 | def testValidateAndConvert(self):
1221 | for oSample in self.aoSamples:
1222 | oCopy = copy.copy(oSample);
1223 | oCopy.convertToParamNull();
1224 | dError1 = oCopy.validateAndConvert(None);
1225 |
1226 | oCopy2 = copy.copy(oCopy);
1227 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.validateAndConvert(None), dError1);
1228 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.isEqual(oCopy2), True);
1229 |
1230 | def testInitFromParams(self):
1231 | class DummyDisp(object):
1232 | def getStringParam(self, sName, asValidValues = None, sDefault = None, fAllowNull = False):
1233 | _ = sName; _ = asValidValues; _ = fAllowNull;
1234 | return sDefault;
1235 | def getListOfStrParams(self, sName, asDefaults = None):
1236 | _ = sName;
1237 | return asDefaults;
1238 | def getListOfIntParams(self, sName, iMin = None, iMax = None, aiDefaults = None):
1239 | _ = sName; _ = iMin; _ = iMax;
1240 | return aiDefaults;
1241 |
1242 | for oSample in self.aoSamples:
1243 | oCopy = copy.copy(oSample);
1244 | self.assertEqual(oCopy.initFromParams(DummyDisp(), fStrict = False), oCopy);
1245 |
1246 | def testToString(self):
1247 | for oSample in self.aoSamples:
1248 | self.assertIsNotNone(oSample.toString());
1249 |
1250 |
1251 | class FilterCriterionValueAndDescription(object):
1252 | """
1253 | A filter criterion value and its description.
1254 | """
1255 |
1256 | def __init__(self, oValue, sDesc, cTimes = None, sHover = None, fIrrelevant = False):
1257 | self.oValue = oValue; ##< Typically the ID of something in the database.
1258 | self.sDesc = sDesc; ##< What to display.
1259 | self.cTimes = cTimes; ##< Number of times the value occurs in the result set. None if not given.
1260 | self.sHover = sHover; ##< Optional hover/title string.
1261 | self.fIrrelevant = fIrrelevant; ##< Irrelevant filter option, only present because it's selected
1262 | self.aoSubs = []; ##< References to FilterCriterion.oSub.aoPossible.
1263 |
1264 |
1265 | class FilterCriterion(object):
1266 | """
1267 | A filter criterion.
1268 | """
1269 |
1270 | ## @name The state.
1271 | ## @{
1272 | ksState_NotSelected = 'not-selected';
1273 | ksState_Selected = 'selected';
1274 | ## @}
1275 |
1276 | ## @name The kind of filtering.
1277 | ## @{
1278 | ## 'Element of' by default, 'not an element of' when fInverted is False.
1279 | ksKind_ElementOfOrNot = 'element-of-or-not';
1280 | ## The criterion is a special one and cannot be inverted.
1281 | ksKind_Special = 'special';
1282 | ## @}
1283 |
1284 | ## @name The value type.
1285 | ## @{
1286 | ksType_UInt = 'uint'; ##< unsigned integer value.
1287 | ksType_UIntNil = 'uint-nil'; ##< unsigned integer value, with nil.
1288 | ksType_String = 'string'; ##< string value.
1289 | ksType_Ranges = 'ranges'; ##< List of (unsigned) integer ranges.
1290 | ## @}
1291 |
1292 | def __init__(self, sName, sVarNm = None, sType = ksType_UInt, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
1293 | sState = ksState_NotSelected, sKind = ksKind_ElementOfOrNot,
1294 | sTable = None, sColumn = None, asTables = None, oSub = None):
1295 | assert len(sVarNm) == 2; # required by wuimain.py for filtering.
1296 | self.sName = sName;
1297 | self.sState = sState;
1298 | self.sType = sType;
1299 | self.sKind = sKind;
1300 | self.sVarNm = sVarNm;
1301 | self.aoSelected = []; ##< User input from sVarNm. Single value, type according to sType.
1302 | self.sInvVarNm = 'i' + sVarNm if sKind == self.ksKind_ElementOfOrNot else None;
1303 | self.fInverted = False; ##< User input from sInvVarNm. Inverts the operation (-> not an element of).
1304 | self.aoPossible = []; ##< type: list[FilterCriterionValueAndDescription]
1305 | assert (sTable is None and asTables is None) or ((sTable is not None) != (asTables is not None)), \
1306 | '%s %s' % (sTable, asTables);
1307 | self.asTables = [sTable,] if sTable is not None else asTables;
1308 | assert sColumn is None or len(self.asTables) == 1, '%s %s' % (self.asTables, sColumn);
1309 | self.sColumn = sColumn; ##< Normally only applicable if one table.
1310 | self.fExpanded = None; ##< Tristate (None, False, True)
1311 | self.oSub = oSub; ##< type: FilterCriterion
1312 |
1313 |
1314 | class ModelFilterBase(ModelBase):
1315 | """
1316 | Base class for filters.
1317 |
1318 | Filters are used to narrow down data that is displayed in a list or
1319 | report. This class differs a little from ModelDataBase in that it is not
1320 | tied to a database table, but one or more database queries that are
1321 | typically rather complicated.
1322 |
1323 | The filter object has two roles:
1324 |
1325 | 1. It is used by a ModelLogicBase descendant to store the available
1326 | filtering options for data begin displayed.
1327 |
1328 | 2. It decodes and stores the filtering options submitted by the user so
1329 | a ModeLogicBase descendant can use it to construct WHERE statements.
1330 |
1331 | The ModelFilterBase class is related to the ModelDataBase class in that it
1332 | decodes user parameters and stores data, however it is not a descendant.
1333 |
1334 | Note! In order to reduce URL lengths, we use very very brief parameter
1335 | names for the filters.
1336 | """
1337 |
1338 | def __init__(self):
1339 | ModelBase.__init__(self);
1340 | self.aCriteria = [] # type: list[FilterCriterion]
1341 |
1342 | def _initFromParamsWorker(self, oDisp, oCriterion): # (,FilterCriterion)
1343 | """ Worker for initFromParams. """
1344 | if oCriterion.sType == FilterCriterion.ksType_UInt:
1345 | oCriterion.aoSelected = oDisp.getListOfIntParams(oCriterion.sVarNm, iMin = 0, aiDefaults = []);
1346 | elif oCriterion.sType == FilterCriterion.ksType_UIntNil:
1347 | oCriterion.aoSelected = oDisp.getListOfIntParams(oCriterion.sVarNm, iMin = -1, aiDefaults = []);
1348 | elif oCriterion.sType == FilterCriterion.ksType_String:
1349 | oCriterion.aoSelected = oDisp.getListOfStrParams(oCriterion.sVarNm, asDefaults = []);
1350 | if len(oCriterion.aoSelected) > 100:
1351 | raise TMExceptionBase('Variable %s has %u value, max allowed is 100!'
1352 | % (oCriterion.sVarNm, len(oCriterion.aoSelected)));
1353 | for sValue in oCriterion.aoSelected:
1354 | if len(sValue) > 64 \
1355 | or '\'' in sValue \
1356 | or sValue[-1] == '\\':
1357 | raise TMExceptionBase('Variable %s has an illegal value "%s"!' % (oCriterion.sVarNm, sValue));
1358 | elif oCriterion.sType == FilterCriterion.ksType_Ranges:
1359 | def convertRangeNumber(sValue):
1360 | """ Helper """
1361 | sValue = sValue.strip();
1362 | if sValue and sValue not in ('inf', 'Inf', 'INf', 'INF', 'InF', 'iNf', 'iNF', 'inF',):
1363 | try: return int(sValue);
1364 | except: pass;
1365 | return None;
1366 |
1367 | for sRange in oDisp.getStringParam(oCriterion.sVarNm, sDefault = '').split(','):
1368 | sRange = sRange.strip();
1369 | if sRange and sRange != '-' and any(ch.isdigit() for ch in sRange):
1370 | asValues = sRange.split('-');
1371 | if len(asValues) == 1:
1372 | asValues = [asValues[0], asValues[0]];
1373 | elif len(asValues) > 2:
1374 | asValues = [asValues[0], asValues[-1]];
1375 | tTuple = (convertRangeNumber(asValues[0]), convertRangeNumber(asValues[1]));
1376 | if tTuple[0] is not None and tTuple[1] is not None and tTuple[0] > tTuple[1]:
1377 | tTuple = (tTuple[1], tTuple[0]);
1378 | oCriterion.aoSelected.append(tTuple);
1379 | else:
1380 | assert False;
1381 | if oCriterion.aoSelected:
1382 | oCriterion.sState = FilterCriterion.ksState_Selected;
1383 | else:
1384 | oCriterion.sState = FilterCriterion.ksState_NotSelected;
1385 |
1386 | if oCriterion.sKind == FilterCriterion.ksKind_ElementOfOrNot:
1387 | oCriterion.fInverted = oDisp.getBoolParam(oCriterion.sInvVarNm, fDefault = False);
1388 |
1389 | if oCriterion.oSub is not None:
1390 | self._initFromParamsWorker(oDisp, oCriterion.oSub);
1391 | return;
1392 |
1393 | def initFromParams(self, oDisp): # type: (WuiDispatcherBase) -> self
1394 | """
1395 | Initialize the object from parameters.
1396 |
1397 | Returns self. Raises exception on invalid parameter value.
1398 | """
1399 |
1400 | for oCriterion in self.aCriteria:
1401 | self._initFromParamsWorker(oDisp, oCriterion);
1402 | return self;
1403 |
1404 | def strainParameters(self, dParams, aAdditionalParams = None):
1405 | """ Filters just the parameters relevant to this filter, returning a copy. """
1406 |
1407 | # Collect the parameter names.
1408 | dWanted = dict();
1409 | for oCrit in self.aCriteria:
1410 | dWanted[oCrit.sVarNm] = 1;
1411 | if oCrit.sInvVarNm:
1412 | dWanted[oCrit.sInvVarNm] = 1;
1413 |
1414 | # Add additional stuff.
1415 | if aAdditionalParams:
1416 | for sParam in aAdditionalParams:
1417 | dWanted[sParam] = 1;
1418 |
1419 | # To the straining.
1420 | dRet = dict();
1421 | for sKey in dParams:
1422 | if sKey in dWanted:
1423 | dRet[sKey] = dParams[sKey];
1424 | return dRet;
1425 |
1426 |
1427 | class ModelLogicBase(ModelBase): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
1428 | """
1429 | Something all classes in the logic classes the logical model inherits from.
1430 | """
1431 |
1432 | def __init__(self, oDb):
1433 | ModelBase.__init__(self);
1434 |
1435 | #
1436 | # Note! Do not create a connection here if None, we need to DB share
1437 | # connection with all other logic objects so we can perform half
1438 | # complex transactions involving several logic objects.
1439 | #
1440 | self._oDb = oDb;
1441 |
1442 | def getDbConnection(self):
1443 | """
1444 | Gets the database connection.
1445 | This should only be used for instantiating other ModelLogicBase children.
1446 | """
1447 | return self._oDb;
1448 |
1449 | def _dbRowsToModelDataList(self, oModelDataType, aaoRows = None):
1450 | """
1451 | Helper for conerting a simple fetch into a list of ModelDataType python objects.
1452 |
1453 | If aaoRows is None, we'll fetchAll from the database ourselves.
1454 |
1455 | The oModelDataType must be a class derived from ModelDataBase and implement
1456 | the initFormDbRow method.
1457 |
1458 | Returns a list of oModelDataType instances.
1459 | """
1460 | assert issubclass(oModelDataType, ModelDataBase);
1461 | aoRet = [];
1462 | if aaoRows is None:
1463 | aaoRows = self._oDb.fetchAll();
1464 | for aoRow in aaoRows:
1465 | aoRet.append(oModelDataType().initFromDbRow(aoRow));
1466 | return aoRet;
1467 |
1468 |
1469 |
1470 | class AttributeChangeEntry(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
1471 | """
1472 | Data class representing the changes made to one attribute.
1473 | """
1474 |
1475 | def __init__(self, sAttr, oNewRaw, oOldRaw, sNewText, sOldText):
1476 | self.sAttr = sAttr;
1477 | self.oNewRaw = oNewRaw;
1478 | self.oOldRaw = oOldRaw;
1479 | self.sNewText = sNewText;
1480 | self.sOldText = sOldText;
1481 |
1482 | class AttributeChangeEntryPre(AttributeChangeEntry): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
1483 | """
1484 | AttributeChangeEntry for preformatted values.
1485 | """
1486 |
1487 | def __init__(self, sAttr, oNewRaw, oOldRaw, sNewText, sOldText):
1488 | AttributeChangeEntry.__init__(self, sAttr, oNewRaw, oOldRaw, sNewText, sOldText);
1489 |
1490 | class ChangeLogEntry(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
1491 | """
1492 | A change log entry returned by the fetchChangeLog method typically
1493 | implemented by ModelLogicBase child classes.
1494 | """
1495 |
1496 | def __init__(self, uidAuthor, sAuthor, tsEffective, tsExpire, oNewRaw, oOldRaw, aoChanges):
1497 | self.uidAuthor = uidAuthor;
1498 | self.sAuthor = sAuthor;
1499 | self.tsEffective = tsEffective;
1500 | self.tsExpire = tsExpire;
1501 | self.oNewRaw = oNewRaw;
1502 | self.oOldRaw = oOldRaw; # Note! NULL for the last entry.
1503 | self.aoChanges = aoChanges;
1504 |