1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: config.py 83381 2020-03-24 14:42:41Z vboxsync $
3 |
4 | """
5 | Test Manager Configuration.
6 | """
7 |
8 | __copyright__ = \
9 | """
10 | Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Oracle Corporation
11 |
12 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
13 | available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
14 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
15 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
16 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
17 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
18 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
19 |
20 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
21 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
22 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
23 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
24 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
25 |
26 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
27 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
28 | """
29 | __version__ = "$Revision: 83381 $"
30 |
31 | import os;
32 |
33 | ## Test Manager version string.
34 | g_ksVersion = 'v0.1.0';
35 | ## Test Manager revision string.
36 | g_ksRevision = ('$Revision: 83381 $')[11:-2];
37 |
38 | ## Enable VBox specific stuff.
39 | g_kfVBoxSpecific = True;
40 |
41 |
42 | ## @name Used by the TMDatabaseConnection class.
43 | # @{
44 | g_ksDatabaseName = 'testmanager';
45 | g_ksDatabaseAddress = None;
46 | g_ksDatabasePort = None;
47 | g_ksDatabaseUser = 'postgres';
48 | g_ksDatabasePassword = '';
49 | ## @}
50 |
51 |
52 | ## @name User handling.
53 | ## @{
54 |
55 | ## Whether login names are case insensitive (True) or case sensitive (False).
56 | ## @note Implemented by inserting lower case names into DB and lower case
57 | ## bind variables in WHERE clauses.
58 | g_kfLoginNameCaseInsensitive = True;
59 |
60 | ## @}
61 |
62 |
63 | ## @name File locations
64 | ## @{
65 |
66 | ## The TestManager directory.
67 | g_ksTestManagerDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__));
68 | ## The Validation Kit directory.
69 | g_ksValidationKitDir = os.path.dirname(g_ksTestManagerDir);
70 | ## The TestManager htdoc directory.
71 | g_ksTmHtDocDir = os.path.join(g_ksTestManagerDir, 'htdocs');
72 | ## The TestManager download directory (under htdoc somewhere), for validationkit zips.
73 | g_ksTmDownloadDir = os.path.join(g_ksTmHtDocDir, 'download');
74 | ## The base URL relative path of the TM download directory (g_ksTmDownloadDir).
75 | g_ksTmDownloadBaseUrlRel = 'htdocs/downloads';
76 | ## The root of the file area (referred to as TM_FILE_DIR in database docs).
77 | g_ksFileAreaRootDir = '/var/tmp/testmanager'
78 | ## The root of the file area with the zip files (best put on a big storage server).
79 | g_ksZipFileAreaRootDir = '/var/tmp/testmanager2'
80 | ## URL prefix for trac log viewer.
81 | g_ksTracLogUrlPrefix = 'https://linserv.de.oracle.com/vbox/log/'
82 | ## URL prefix for trac log viewer.
83 | g_ksTracChangsetUrlFmt = 'https://linserv.de.oracle.com/%(sRepository)s/changeset/%(iRevision)s'
84 | ## URL prefix for unprefixed build logs.
85 | g_ksBuildLogUrlPrefix = ''
86 | ## URL prefix for unprefixed build binaries.
87 | g_ksBuildBinUrlPrefix = '/builds/'
88 | ## The local path prefix for unprefixed build binaries. (Host file system, not web server.)
89 | g_ksBuildBinRootDir = '/mnt/builds/'
90 | ## File on the build binary share that can be used to check that it's mounted.
91 | g_ksBuildBinRootFile = 'builds.txt'
92 | ## @}
93 |
94 |
95 | ## @name Scheduling parameters
96 | ## @{
97 |
98 | ## The time to wait for a gang to gather (in seconds).
99 | g_kcSecGangGathering = 600;
100 | ## The max time allowed to spend looking for a new task (in seconds).
101 | g_kcSecMaxNewTask = 60;
102 | ## Minimum time since last task started.
103 | g_kcSecMinSinceLastTask = 120; # (2 min)
104 | ## Minimum time since last failed task.
105 | g_kcSecMinSinceLastFailedTask = 180; # (3 min)
106 |
107 | ## @}
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 | ## @name Test result limits.
112 | ## In general, we will fail the test when reached and stop accepting further results.
113 | ## @{
114 |
115 | ## The max number of test results per test set.
116 | g_kcMaxTestResultsPerTS = 4096;
117 | ## The max number of test results (children) per test result.
118 | g_kcMaxTestResultsPerTR = 512;
119 | ## The max number of test result values per test set.
120 | g_kcMaxTestValuesPerTS = 4096;
121 | ## The max number of test result values per test result.
122 | g_kcMaxTestValuesPerTR = 256;
123 | ## The max number of test result message per test result.
124 | g_kcMaxTestMsgsPerTR = 4;
125 | ## The max test result nesting depth.
126 | g_kcMaxTestResultDepth = 10;
127 |
128 | ## The max length of a test result name.
129 | g_kcchMaxTestResultName = 64;
130 | ## The max length of a test result value name.
131 | g_kcchMaxTestValueName = 56;
132 | ## The max length of a test result message.
133 | g_kcchMaxTestMsg = 128;
134 |
135 | ## The max size of the main log file.
136 | g_kcMbMaxMainLog = 32;
137 | ## The max size of an uploaded file (individual).
138 | g_kcMbMaxUploadSingle = 150;
139 | ## The max size of all uploaded file.
140 | g_kcMbMaxUploadTotal = 200;
141 | ## The max number of files that can be uploaded.
142 | g_kcMaxUploads = 256;
143 | ## @}
144 |
145 | ## @name Debug Features
146 | ## @{
147 |
148 | ## Enables extra DB exception information.
149 | g_kfDebugDbXcpt = True;
150 |
151 | ## Where to write the glue debug.
152 | # None indicates apache error log, string indicates a file.
153 | #g_ksSrcGlueDebugLogDst = '/tmp/testmanager-srv-glue.log';
154 | g_ksSrcGlueDebugLogDst = None;
155 | ## Whether to enable CGI trace back in the server glue.
156 | g_kfSrvGlueCgiTb = False;
157 | ## Enables glue debug output.
158 | g_kfSrvGlueDebug = False;
159 | ## Timestamp and pid prefix the glue debug output.
160 | g_kfSrvGlueDebugTS = True;
161 | ## Whether to dumping CGI environment variables.
162 | g_kfSrvGlueCgiDumpEnv = False;
163 | ## Whether to dumping CGI script arguments.
164 | g_kfSrvGlueCgiDumpArgs = False;
165 | ## Enables task scheduler debug output to g_ksSrcGlueDebugLogDst.
166 | g_kfSrvGlueDebugScheduler = False;
167 |
168 | ## Enables the SQL trace back.
169 | g_kfWebUiSqlTrace = False;
170 | ## Enables the explain in the SQL trace back.
171 | g_kfWebUiSqlTraceExplain = False;
172 | ## Whether the postgresql version supports the TIMING option on EXPLAIN (>= 9.2).
173 | g_kfWebUiSqlTraceExplainTiming = False;
174 | ## Display time spent processing the page.
175 | g_kfWebUiProcessedIn = True;
176 | ## Enables WebUI debug output.
177 | g_kfWebUiDebug = False;
178 | ## Enables WebUI SQL debug output print() calls (requires g_kfWebUiDebug).
179 | g_kfWebUiSqlDebug = False;
180 | ## Enables the debug panel at the bottom of the page.
181 | g_kfWebUiDebugPanel = True;
182 |
183 | ## Profile cgi/admin.py.
184 | g_kfProfileAdmin = False;
185 | ## Profile cgi/index.py.
186 | g_kfProfileIndex = False;
187 |
188 | ## When not None,
189 | g_ksTestBoxDispXpctLog = '/tmp/testmanager-testboxdisp-xcpt.log'
190 | ## @}
191 |
192 | ## @name Virtual Sheriff email alerts
193 | ## @{
194 |
195 | ## SMTP server host name.
196 | g_ksSmtpHost = 'internal-mail-router.oracle.com';
197 | ## SMTP server port number.
198 | g_kcSmtpPort = 25;
199 | ## Default email 'From' for email alert.
200 | g_ksAlertFrom = '[email protected]';
201 | ## Subject for email alert.
202 | g_ksAlertSubject = 'Virtual Test Sheriff Alert';
203 | ## List of users to send alerts.
204 | g_asAlertList = ['lelik', 'werner'];
205 | ## iLOM password.
206 | g_ksLomPassword = 'password';
207 |
208 | ## @}