1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | # $Id: status.py 96407 2022-08-22 17:43:14Z vboxsync $
4 |
5 | """
6 | CGI - Administrator Web-UI.
7 | """
8 |
9 | __copyright__ = \
10 | """
11 | Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
12 |
13 | This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
14 | available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
15 |
16 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
17 | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
18 | as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
19 | License.
20 |
21 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
22 | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 | General Public License for more details.
25 |
26 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
27 | along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
28 |
29 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
30 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
31 | (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included
32 | in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the
33 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
34 |
35 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
36 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
37 |
38 | SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0
39 | """
40 | __version__ = "$Revision: 96407 $"
41 |
42 |
43 | # Standard python imports.
44 | import os
45 | import sys
46 |
47 | # Only the main script needs to modify the path.
48 | g_ksValidationKitDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))));
49 | sys.path.append(g_ksValidationKitDir);
50 |
51 | # Validation Kit imports.
52 | from testmanager import config;
53 | from testmanager.core.webservergluecgi import WebServerGlueCgi;
54 |
55 | from common import constants;
56 | from testmanager.core.base import TMExceptionBase;
57 | from testmanager.core.db import TMDatabaseConnection;
58 |
59 |
60 |
61 | def timeDeltaToHours(oTimeDelta):
62 | return oTimeDelta.days * 24 + oTimeDelta.seconds // 3600
63 |
64 |
65 | def testbox_data_processing(oDb):
66 | testboxes_dict = {}
67 | while True:
68 | line = oDb.fetchOne();
69 | if line is None:
70 | break;
71 | testbox_name = line[0]
72 | test_result = line[1]
73 | oTimeDeltaSinceStarted = line[2]
74 | test_box_os = line[3]
75 | test_sched_group = line[4]
76 | testboxes_dict = dict_update(testboxes_dict, testbox_name, test_result)
77 |
78 | if "testbox_os" not in testboxes_dict[testbox_name]:
79 | testboxes_dict[testbox_name].update({"testbox_os": test_box_os})
80 |
81 | if "sched_group" not in testboxes_dict[testbox_name]:
82 | testboxes_dict[testbox_name].update({"sched_group": test_sched_group})
83 | elif test_sched_group not in testboxes_dict[testbox_name]["sched_group"]:
84 | testboxes_dict[testbox_name]["sched_group"] += "," + test_sched_group
85 |
86 | if test_result == "running":
87 | testboxes_dict[testbox_name].update({"hours_running": timeDeltaToHours(oTimeDeltaSinceStarted)})
88 |
89 | return testboxes_dict;
90 |
91 |
92 | def os_results_separating(vb_dict, test_name, testbox_os, test_result):
93 | if testbox_os == "linux":
94 | dict_update(vb_dict, test_name + " / linux", test_result)
95 | elif testbox_os == "win":
96 | dict_update(vb_dict, test_name + " / windows", test_result)
97 | elif testbox_os == "darwin":
98 | dict_update(vb_dict, test_name + " / darwin", test_result)
99 | elif testbox_os == "solaris":
100 | dict_update(vb_dict, test_name + " / solaris", test_result)
101 | else:
102 | dict_update(vb_dict, test_name + " / other", test_result)
103 |
104 |
105 | # const/immutable.
106 | g_kdTestStatuses = {
107 | 'running': 0,
108 | 'success': 0,
109 | 'skipped': 0,
110 | 'bad-testbox': 0,
111 | 'aborted': 0,
112 | 'failure': 0,
113 | 'timed-out': 0,
114 | 'rebooted': 0,
115 | }
116 |
117 | def dict_update(target_dict, key_name, test_result):
118 | if key_name not in target_dict:
119 | target_dict.update({key_name: g_kdTestStatuses.copy()})
120 | if test_result in g_kdTestStatuses:
121 | target_dict[key_name][test_result] += 1
122 | return target_dict
123 |
124 |
125 | def formatDataEntry(sKey, dEntry):
126 | # There are variations in the first and second "columns".
127 | if "hours_running" in dEntry:
128 | sRet = "%s;%s;%s | running: %s;%s" \
129 | % (sKey, dEntry["testbox_os"], dEntry["sched_group"], dEntry["running"], dEntry["hours_running"]);
130 | else:
131 | if "testbox_os" in dEntry:
132 | sRet = "%s;%s;%s" % (sKey, dEntry["testbox_os"], dEntry["sched_group"],);
133 | else:
134 | sRet = sKey;
135 | sRet += " | running: %s" % (dEntry["running"],)
136 |
137 | # The rest is currently identical:
138 | sRet += " | success: %s | skipped: %s | bad-testbox: %s | aborted: %s | failure: %s | timed-out: %s | rebooted: %s | \n" \
139 | % (dEntry["success"], dEntry["skipped"], dEntry["bad-testbox"], dEntry["aborted"],
140 | dEntry["failure"], dEntry["timed-out"], dEntry["rebooted"],);
141 | return sRet;
142 |
143 |
144 | def format_data(dData, fSorted):
145 | sRet = "";
146 | if not fSorted:
147 | for sKey in dData:
148 | sRet += formatDataEntry(sKey, dData[sKey]);
149 | else:
150 | for sKey in sorted(dData.keys()):
151 | sRet += formatDataEntry(sKey, dData[sKey]);
152 | return sRet;
153 |
154 | ######
155 |
156 | class StatusDispatcherException(TMExceptionBase):
157 | """
158 | Exception class for TestBoxController.
159 | """
160 | pass; # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
161 |
162 |
163 | class StatusDispatcher(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
164 | """
165 | Status dispatcher class.
166 | """
167 |
168 |
169 | def __init__(self, oSrvGlue):
170 | """
171 | Won't raise exceptions.
172 | """
173 | self._oSrvGlue = oSrvGlue;
174 | self._sAction = None; # _getStandardParams / dispatchRequest sets this later on.
175 | self._dParams = None; # _getStandardParams / dispatchRequest sets this later on.
176 | self._asCheckedParams = [];
177 | self._dActions = \
178 | {
179 | 'MagicMirrorTestResults': self._actionMagicMirrorTestResults,
180 | 'MagicMirrorTestBoxes': self._actionMagicMirrorTestBoxes,
181 | };
182 |
183 | def _getStringParam(self, sName, asValidValues = None, fStrip = False, sDefValue = None):
184 | """
185 | Gets a string parameter (stripped).
186 |
187 | Raises exception if not found and no default is provided, or if the
188 | value isn't found in asValidValues.
189 | """
190 | if sName not in self._dParams:
191 | if sDefValue is None:
192 | raise StatusDispatcherException('%s parameter %s is missing' % (self._sAction, sName));
193 | return sDefValue;
194 | sValue = self._dParams[sName];
195 | if fStrip:
196 | sValue = sValue.strip();
197 |
198 | if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:
199 | self._asCheckedParams.append(sName);
200 |
201 | if asValidValues is not None and sValue not in asValidValues:
202 | raise StatusDispatcherException('%s parameter %s value "%s" not in %s '
203 | % (self._sAction, sName, sValue, asValidValues));
204 | return sValue;
205 |
206 | def _getIntParam(self, sName, iMin = None, iMax = None, iDefValue = None):
207 | """
208 | Gets a string parameter.
209 | Raises exception if not found, not a valid integer, or if the value
210 | isn't in the range defined by iMin and iMax.
211 | """
212 | if sName not in self._dParams:
213 | if iDefValue is None:
214 | raise StatusDispatcherException('%s parameter %s is missing' % (self._sAction, sName));
215 | return iDefValue;
216 | sValue = self._dParams[sName];
217 | try:
218 | iValue = int(sValue, 0);
219 | except:
220 | raise StatusDispatcherException('%s parameter %s value "%s" cannot be convert to an integer'
221 | % (self._sAction, sName, sValue));
222 | if sName not in self._asCheckedParams:
223 | self._asCheckedParams.append(sName);
224 |
225 | if (iMin is not None and iValue < iMin) \
226 | or (iMax is not None and iValue > iMax):
227 | raise StatusDispatcherException('%s parameter %s value %d is out of range [%s..%s]'
228 | % (self._sAction, sName, iValue, iMin, iMax));
229 | return iValue;
230 |
231 | def _getBoolParam(self, sName, fDefValue = None):
232 | """
233 | Gets a boolean parameter.
234 |
235 | Raises exception if not found and no default is provided, or if not a
236 | valid boolean.
237 | """
238 | sValue = self._getStringParam(sName, [ 'True', 'true', '1', 'False', 'false', '0'], sDefValue = str(fDefValue));
239 | return sValue in ('True', 'true', '1',);
240 |
241 | def _checkForUnknownParameters(self):
242 | """
243 | Check if we've handled all parameters, raises exception if anything
244 | unknown was found.
245 | """
246 |
247 | if len(self._asCheckedParams) != len(self._dParams):
248 | sUnknownParams = '';
249 | for sKey in self._dParams:
250 | if sKey not in self._asCheckedParams:
251 | sUnknownParams += ' ' + sKey + '=' + self._dParams[sKey];
252 | raise StatusDispatcherException('Unknown parameters: ' + sUnknownParams);
253 |
254 | return True;
255 |
256 | def _connectToDb(self):
257 | """
258 | Connects to the database.
259 |
260 | Returns (TMDatabaseConnection, (more later perhaps) ) on success.
261 | Returns (None, ) on failure after sending the box an appropriate response.
262 | May raise exception on DB error.
263 | """
264 | return (TMDatabaseConnection(self._oSrvGlue.dprint),);
265 |
266 | def _actionMagicMirrorTestBoxes(self):
267 | """
268 | Produces test result status for the magic mirror dashboard
269 | """
270 |
271 | #
272 | # Parse arguments and connect to the database.
273 | #
274 | cHoursBack = self._getIntParam('cHours', 1, 24*14, 12);
275 | fSorted = self._getBoolParam('fSorted', False);
276 | self._checkForUnknownParameters();
277 |
278 | #
279 | # Get the data.
280 | #
281 | # Note! We're not joining on TestBoxesWithStrings.idTestBox =
282 | # TestSets.idGenTestBox here because of indexes. This is
283 | # also more consistent with the rest of the query.
284 | # Note! The original SQL is slow because of the 'OR TestSets.tsDone'
285 | # part, using AND and UNION is significatly faster because
286 | # it matches the TestSetsGraphBoxIdx (index).
287 | #
288 | (oDb,) = self._connectToDb();
289 | if oDb is None:
290 | return False;
291 |
292 | # oDb.execute('''
293 | #SELECT TestBoxesWithStrings.sName,
294 | # TestSets.enmStatus,
295 | # CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - TestSets.tsCreated,
296 | # TestBoxesWithStrings.sOS,
297 | # SchedGroupNames.sSchedGroupNames
298 | #FROM (SELECT TestBoxesInSchedGroups.idTestBox AS idTestBox,
299 | # STRING_AGG(SchedGroups.sName, ',') AS sSchedGroupNames
300 | # FROM TestBoxesInSchedGroups
301 | # INNER JOIN SchedGroups
302 | # ON SchedGroups.idSchedGroup = TestBoxesInSchedGroups.idSchedGroup
303 | # WHERE TestBoxesInSchedGroups.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP
304 | # AND SchedGroups.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP
305 | # GROUP BY TestBoxesInSchedGroups.idTestBox)
306 | # AS SchedGroupNames,
307 | # TestBoxesWithStrings
308 | #LEFT OUTER JOIN TestSets
309 | # ON TestSets.idTestBox = TestBoxesWithStrings.idTestBox
310 | # AND ( TestSets.tsCreated > (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - '%s hours'::interval)
311 | # OR TestSets.tsDone IS NULL)
312 | #WHERE TestBoxesWithStrings.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP
313 | # AND SchedGroupNames.idTestBox = TestBoxesWithStrings.idTestBox
314 | #''', (cHoursBack,));
315 | oDb.execute('''
316 | ( SELECT TestBoxesWithStrings.sName,
317 | TestSets.enmStatus,
318 | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - TestSets.tsCreated,
319 | TestBoxesWithStrings.sOS,
320 | SchedGroupNames.sSchedGroupNames
321 | FROM (
322 | SELECT TestBoxesInSchedGroups.idTestBox AS idTestBox,
323 | STRING_AGG(SchedGroups.sName, ',') AS sSchedGroupNames
324 | FROM TestBoxesInSchedGroups
325 | INNER JOIN SchedGroups
326 | ON SchedGroups.idSchedGroup = TestBoxesInSchedGroups.idSchedGroup
327 | WHERE TestBoxesInSchedGroups.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP
328 | AND SchedGroups.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP
329 | GROUP BY TestBoxesInSchedGroups.idTestBox
330 | ) AS SchedGroupNames,
331 | TestBoxesWithStrings
332 | LEFT OUTER JOIN TestSets
333 | ON TestSets.idTestBox = TestBoxesWithStrings.idTestBox
334 | AND TestSets.tsCreated >= (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - '%s hours'::interval)
335 | AND TestSets.tsDone IS NOT NULL
336 | WHERE TestBoxesWithStrings.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP
337 | AND SchedGroupNames.idTestBox = TestBoxesWithStrings.idTestBox
338 | ) UNION (
339 | SELECT TestBoxesWithStrings.sName,
340 | TestSets.enmStatus,
341 | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - TestSets.tsCreated,
342 | TestBoxesWithStrings.sOS,
343 | SchedGroupNames.sSchedGroupNames
344 | FROM (
345 | SELECT TestBoxesInSchedGroups.idTestBox AS idTestBox,
346 | STRING_AGG(SchedGroups.sName, ',') AS sSchedGroupNames
347 | FROM TestBoxesInSchedGroups
348 | INNER JOIN SchedGroups
349 | ON SchedGroups.idSchedGroup = TestBoxesInSchedGroups.idSchedGroup
350 | WHERE TestBoxesInSchedGroups.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP
351 | AND SchedGroups.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP
352 | GROUP BY TestBoxesInSchedGroups.idTestBox
353 | ) AS SchedGroupNames,
354 | TestBoxesWithStrings
355 | LEFT OUTER JOIN TestSets
356 | ON TestSets.idTestBox = TestBoxesWithStrings.idTestBox
357 | AND TestSets.tsCreated < (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - '%s hours'::interval)
358 | AND TestSets.tsDone IS NULL
359 | WHERE TestBoxesWithStrings.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP
360 | AND SchedGroupNames.idTestBox = TestBoxesWithStrings.idTestBox
361 | )
362 | ''', (cHoursBack, cHoursBack,));
363 |
364 |
365 | #
366 | # Process, format and output data.
367 | #
368 | dResult = testbox_data_processing(oDb);
369 | self._oSrvGlue.setContentType('text/plain');
370 | self._oSrvGlue.write(format_data(dResult, fSorted));
371 |
372 | return True;
373 |
374 | def _actionMagicMirrorTestResults(self):
375 | """
376 | Produces test result status for the magic mirror dashboard
377 | """
378 |
379 | #
380 | # Parse arguments and connect to the database.
381 | #
382 | sBranch = self._getStringParam('sBranch');
383 | cHoursBack = self._getIntParam('cHours', 1, 24*14, 6); ## @todo why 6 hours here and 12 for test boxes?
384 | fSorted = self._getBoolParam('fSorted', False);
385 | self._checkForUnknownParameters();
386 |
387 | #
388 | # Get the data.
389 | #
390 | # Note! These queries should be joining TestBoxesWithStrings and TestSets
391 | # on idGenTestBox rather than on idTestBox and tsExpire=inf, but
392 | # we don't have any index matching those. So, we'll ignore tests
393 | # performed by deleted testboxes for the present as that doesn't
394 | # happen often and we want the ~1000x speedup.
395 | #
396 | (oDb,) = self._connectToDb();
397 | if oDb is None:
398 | return False;
399 |
400 | if sBranch == 'all':
401 | oDb.execute('''
402 | SELECT TestSets.enmStatus,
403 | TestCases.sName,
404 | TestBoxesWithStrings.sOS
405 | FROM TestSets
406 | INNER JOIN TestCases
407 | ON TestCases.idGenTestCase = TestSets.idGenTestCase
408 | INNER JOIN TestBoxesWithStrings
409 | ON TestBoxesWithStrings.idTestBox = TestSets.idTestBox
410 | AND TestBoxesWithStrings.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP
411 | WHERE TestSets.tsCreated >= (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - '%s hours'::interval)
412 | ''', (cHoursBack,));
413 | else:
414 | oDb.execute('''
415 | SELECT TestSets.enmStatus,
416 | TestCases.sName,
417 | TestBoxesWithStrings.sOS
418 | FROM TestSets
419 | INNER JOIN BuildCategories
420 | ON BuildCategories.idBuildCategory = TestSets.idBuildCategory
421 | AND BuildCategories.sBranch = %s
422 | INNER JOIN TestCases
423 | ON TestCases.idGenTestCase = TestSets.idGenTestCase
424 | INNER JOIN TestBoxesWithStrings
425 | ON TestBoxesWithStrings.idTestBox = TestSets.idTestBox
426 | AND TestBoxesWithStrings.tsExpire = 'infinity'::TIMESTAMP
427 | WHERE TestSets.tsCreated >= (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - '%s hours'::interval)
428 | ''', (sBranch, cHoursBack,));
429 |
430 | # Process the data
431 | dResult = {};
432 | while True:
433 | aoRow = oDb.fetchOne();
434 | if aoRow is None:
435 | break;
436 | os_results_separating(dResult, aoRow[1], aoRow[2], aoRow[0]) # save all test results
437 |
438 | # Format and output it.
439 | self._oSrvGlue.setContentType('text/plain');
440 | self._oSrvGlue.write(format_data(dResult, fSorted));
441 |
442 | return True;
443 |
444 | def _getStandardParams(self, dParams):
445 | """
446 | Gets the standard parameters and validates them.
447 |
448 | The parameters are returned as a tuple: sAction, (more later, maybe)
449 | Note! the sTextBoxId can be None if it's a SIGNON request.
450 |
451 | Raises StatusDispatcherException on invalid input.
452 | """
453 | #
454 | # Get the action parameter and validate it.
455 | #
456 | if constants.tbreq.ALL_PARAM_ACTION not in dParams:
457 | raise StatusDispatcherException('No "%s" parameter in request (params: %s)'
458 | % (constants.tbreq.ALL_PARAM_ACTION, dParams,));
459 | sAction = dParams[constants.tbreq.ALL_PARAM_ACTION];
460 |
461 | if sAction not in self._dActions:
462 | raise StatusDispatcherException('Unknown action "%s" in request (params: %s; action: %s)'
463 | % (sAction, dParams, self._dActions));
464 | #
465 | # Update the list of checked parameters.
466 | #
467 | self._asCheckedParams.extend([constants.tbreq.ALL_PARAM_ACTION,]);
468 |
469 | return (sAction,);
470 |
471 | def dispatchRequest(self):
472 | """
473 | Dispatches the incoming request.
474 |
475 | Will raise StatusDispatcherException on failure.
476 | """
477 |
478 | #
479 | # Must be a GET request.
480 | #
481 | try:
482 | sMethod = self._oSrvGlue.getMethod();
483 | except Exception as oXcpt:
484 | raise StatusDispatcherException('Error retriving request method: %s' % (oXcpt,));
485 | if sMethod != 'GET':
486 | raise StatusDispatcherException('Error expected POST request not "%s"' % (sMethod,));
487 |
488 | #
489 | # Get the parameters and checks for duplicates.
490 | #
491 | try:
492 | dParams = self._oSrvGlue.getParameters();
493 | except Exception as oXcpt:
494 | raise StatusDispatcherException('Error retriving parameters: %s' % (oXcpt,));
495 | for sKey in dParams.keys():
496 | if len(dParams[sKey]) > 1:
497 | raise StatusDispatcherException('Parameter "%s" is given multiple times: %s' % (sKey, dParams[sKey]));
498 | dParams[sKey] = dParams[sKey][0];
499 | self._dParams = dParams;
500 |
501 | #
502 | # Get+validate the standard action parameters and dispatch the request.
503 | #
504 | (self._sAction, ) = self._getStandardParams(dParams);
505 | return self._dActions[self._sAction]();
506 |
507 |
508 | def main():
509 | """
510 | Main function a la C/C++. Returns exit code.
511 | """
512 |
513 | oSrvGlue = WebServerGlueCgi(g_ksValidationKitDir, fHtmlOutput = False);
514 | try:
515 | oDisp = StatusDispatcher(oSrvGlue);
516 | oDisp.dispatchRequest();
517 | oSrvGlue.flush();
518 | except Exception as oXcpt:
519 | return oSrvGlue.errorPage('Internal error: %s' % (str(oXcpt),), sys.exc_info());
520 |
521 | return 0;
522 |
523 | if __name__ == '__main__':
524 | if config.g_kfProfileAdmin:
525 | from testmanager.debug import cgiprofiling;
526 | sys.exit(cgiprofiling.profileIt(main));
527 | else:
528 | sys.exit(main());
529 |