1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | # $Id: virtual_test_sheriff.py 94129 2022-03-08 14:57:25Z vboxsync $
4 | # pylint: disable=line-too-long
5 |
6 | """
7 | Virtual Test Sheriff.
8 |
9 | Duties:
10 | - Try to a assign failure reasons to recently failed tests.
11 | - Reboot or disable bad test boxes.
12 |
13 | """
14 |
15 | from __future__ import print_function;
16 |
17 | __copyright__ = \
18 | """
19 | Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Oracle Corporation
20 |
21 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
22 | available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
23 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
24 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
25 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
26 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
27 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
28 |
29 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
30 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
31 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
32 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
33 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
34 |
35 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
36 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
37 | """
38 | __version__ = "$Revision: 94129 $"
39 |
40 |
41 | # Standard python imports
42 | import hashlib;
43 | import os;
44 | import re;
45 | import smtplib;
46 | #import subprocess;
47 | import sys;
48 | from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart;
49 | from email.mime.text import MIMEText;
50 | from email.utils import COMMASPACE;
51 |
52 | if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
53 | from io import BytesIO as BytesIO; # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,useless-import-alias
54 | else:
55 | from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO; # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module,useless-import-alias
56 | from optparse import OptionParser; # pylint: disable=deprecated-module
57 | from PIL import Image; # pylint: disable=import-error
58 |
59 | # Add Test Manager's modules path
60 | g_ksTestManagerDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))));
61 | sys.path.append(g_ksTestManagerDir);
62 |
63 | # Test Manager imports
64 | from common import utils;
65 | from testmanager.core.db import TMDatabaseConnection;
66 | from testmanager.core.build import BuildDataEx;
67 | from testmanager.core.failurereason import FailureReasonLogic;
68 | from testmanager.core.testbox import TestBoxLogic, TestBoxData;
69 | from testmanager.core.testcase import TestCaseDataEx;
70 | from testmanager.core.testgroup import TestGroupData;
71 | from testmanager.core.testset import TestSetLogic, TestSetData;
72 | from testmanager.core.testresults import TestResultLogic, TestResultFileData;
73 | from testmanager.core.testresultfailures import TestResultFailureLogic, TestResultFailureData;
74 | from testmanager.core.useraccount import UserAccountLogic;
75 | from testmanager.config import g_ksSmtpHost, g_kcSmtpPort, g_ksAlertFrom, \
76 | g_ksAlertSubject, g_asAlertList #, g_ksLomPassword;
77 |
78 | # Python 3 hacks:
79 | if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
80 | xrange = range; # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name
81 |
82 |
83 | class VirtualTestSheriffCaseFile(object):
84 | """
85 | A failure investigation case file.
86 |
87 | """
88 |
89 |
90 | ## Max log file we'll read into memory. (256 MB)
91 | kcbMaxLogRead = 0x10000000;
92 |
93 | def __init__(self, oSheriff, oTestSet, oTree, oBuild, oTestBox, oTestGroup, oTestCase):
94 | self.oSheriff = oSheriff;
95 | self.oTestSet = oTestSet; # TestSetData
96 | self.oTree = oTree; # TestResultDataEx
97 | self.oBuild = oBuild; # BuildDataEx
98 | self.oTestBox = oTestBox; # TestBoxData
99 | self.oTestGroup = oTestGroup; # TestGroupData
100 | self.oTestCase = oTestCase; # TestCaseDataEx
101 | self.sMainLog = ''; # The main log file. Empty string if not accessible.
102 | self.sSvcLog = ''; # The VBoxSVC log file. Empty string if not accessible.
103 |
104 | # Generate a case file name.
105 | self.sName = '#%u: %s' % (self.oTestSet.idTestSet, self.oTestCase.sName,)
106 | self.sLongName = '#%u: "%s" on "%s" running %s %s (%s), "%s" by %s, using %s %s %s r%u' \
107 | % ( self.oTestSet.idTestSet,
108 | self.oTestCase.sName,
109 | self.oTestBox.sName,
110 | self.oTestBox.sOs,
111 | self.oTestBox.sOsVersion,
112 | self.oTestBox.sCpuArch,
113 | self.oTestBox.sCpuName,
114 | self.oTestBox.sCpuVendor,
115 | self.oBuild.oCat.sProduct,
116 | self.oBuild.oCat.sBranch,
117 | self.oBuild.oCat.sType,
118 | self.oBuild.iRevision, );
119 |
120 | # Investigation notes.
121 | self.tReason = None; # None or one of the ktReason_XXX constants.
122 | self.dReasonForResultId = {}; # Reason assignments indexed by idTestResult.
123 | self.dCommentForResultId = {}; # Comment assignments indexed by idTestResult.
124 |
125 | #
126 | # Reason.
127 | #
128 |
129 | def noteReason(self, tReason):
130 | """ Notes down a possible reason. """
131 | self.oSheriff.dprint(u'noteReason: %s -> %s' % (self.tReason, tReason,));
132 | self.tReason = tReason;
133 | return True;
134 |
135 | def noteReasonForId(self, tReason, idTestResult, sComment = None):
136 | """ Notes down a possible reason for a specific test result. """
137 | self.oSheriff.dprint(u'noteReasonForId: %u: %s -> %s%s'
138 | % (idTestResult, self.dReasonForResultId.get(idTestResult, None), tReason,
139 | (u' (%s)' % (sComment,)) if sComment is not None else ''));
140 | self.dReasonForResultId[idTestResult] = tReason;
141 | if sComment is not None:
142 | self.dCommentForResultId[idTestResult] = sComment;
143 | return True;
144 |
145 |
146 | #
147 | # Test classification.
148 | #
149 |
150 | def isVBoxTest(self):
151 | """ Test classification: VirtualBox (using the build) """
152 | return self.oBuild.oCat.sProduct.lower() in [ 'virtualbox', 'vbox' ];
153 |
154 | def isVBoxUnitTest(self):
155 | """ Test case classification: The unit test doing all our testcase/*.cpp stuff. """
156 | return self.isVBoxTest() \
157 | and (self.oTestCase.sName.lower() == 'unit tests' or self.oTestCase.sName.lower().startswith('misc: unit tests'));
158 |
159 | def isVBoxInstallTest(self):
160 | """ Test case classification: VirtualBox Guest installation test. """
161 | return self.isVBoxTest() \
162 | and self.oTestCase.sName.lower().startswith('install:');
163 |
164 | def isVBoxUnattendedInstallTest(self):
165 | """ Test case classification: VirtualBox Guest installation test. """
166 | return self.isVBoxTest() \
167 | and self.oTestCase.sName.lower().startswith('uinstall:');
168 |
169 | def isVBoxUSBTest(self):
170 | """ Test case classification: VirtualBox USB test. """
171 | return self.isVBoxTest() \
172 | and self.oTestCase.sName.lower().startswith('usb:');
173 |
174 | def isVBoxStorageTest(self):
175 | """ Test case classification: VirtualBox Storage test. """
176 | return self.isVBoxTest() \
177 | and self.oTestCase.sName.lower().startswith('storage:');
178 |
179 | def isVBoxGAsTest(self):
180 | """ Test case classification: VirtualBox Guest Additions test. """
181 | return self.isVBoxTest() \
182 | and ( self.oTestCase.sName.lower().startswith('guest additions')
183 | or self.oTestCase.sName.lower().startswith('ga\'s tests'));
184 |
185 | def isVBoxAPITest(self):
186 | """ Test case classification: VirtualBox API test. """
187 | return self.isVBoxTest() \
188 | and self.oTestCase.sName.lower().startswith('api:');
189 |
190 | def isVBoxBenchmarkTest(self):
191 | """ Test case classification: VirtualBox Benchmark test. """
192 | return self.isVBoxTest() \
193 | and self.oTestCase.sName.lower().startswith('benchmark:');
194 |
195 | def isVBoxSmokeTest(self):
196 | """ Test case classification: Smoke test. """
197 | return self.isVBoxTest() \
198 | and self.oTestCase.sName.lower().startswith('smoketest');
199 |
200 | def isVBoxSerialTest(self):
201 | """ Test case classification: Smoke test. """
202 | return self.isVBoxTest() \
203 | and self.oTestCase.sName.lower().startswith('serial:');
204 |
205 |
206 | #
207 | # Utility methods.
208 | #
209 |
210 | def getMainLog(self):
211 | """
212 | Tries to read the main log file since this will be the first source of information.
213 | """
214 | if self.sMainLog:
215 | return self.sMainLog;
216 | (oFile, oSizeOrError, _) = self.oTestSet.openFile('main.log', 'rb');
217 | if oFile is not None:
218 | try:
219 | self.sMainLog = oFile.read(min(self.kcbMaxLogRead, oSizeOrError)).decode('utf-8', 'replace');
220 | except Exception as oXcpt:
221 | self.oSheriff.vprint(u'Error reading main log file: %s' % (oXcpt,))
222 | self.sMainLog = '';
223 | else:
224 | self.oSheriff.vprint(u'Error opening main log file: %s' % (oSizeOrError,));
225 | return self.sMainLog;
226 |
227 | def getLogFile(self, oFile):
228 | """
229 | Tries to read the given file as a utf-8 log file.
230 | oFile is a TestFileDataEx instance.
231 | Returns empty string if problems opening or reading the file.
232 | """
233 | sContent = '';
234 | (oFile, oSizeOrError, _) = self.oTestSet.openFile(oFile.sFile, 'rb');
235 | if oFile is not None:
236 | try:
237 | sContent = oFile.read(min(self.kcbMaxLogRead, oSizeOrError)).decode('utf-8', 'replace');
238 | except Exception as oXcpt:
239 | self.oSheriff.vprint(u'Error reading the "%s" log file: %s' % (oFile.sFile, oXcpt,))
240 | else:
241 | self.oSheriff.vprint(u'Error opening the "%s" log file: %s' % (oFile.sFile, oSizeOrError,));
242 | return sContent;
243 |
244 | def getSvcLog(self):
245 | """
246 | Tries to read the VBoxSVC log file as it typically not associated with a failing test result.
247 | Note! Returns the first VBoxSVC log file we find.
248 | """
249 | if not self.sSvcLog:
250 | aoSvcLogFiles = self.oTree.getListOfLogFilesByKind(TestResultFileData.ksKind_LogReleaseSvc);
251 | if aoSvcLogFiles:
252 | self.sSvcLog = self.getLogFile(aoSvcLogFiles[0]);
253 | return self.sSvcLog;
254 |
255 | def getScreenshotSha256(self, oFile):
256 | """
257 | Tries to read the given screenshot file, uncompress it, and do SHA-2
258 | on the raw pixels.
259 | Returns SHA-2 digest string on success, None on failure.
260 | """
261 | (oImgFile, _, _) = self.oTestSet.openFile(oFile.sFile, 'rb');
262 | try:
263 | abImageFile = oImgFile.read();
264 | except Exception as oXcpt:
265 | self.oSheriff.vprint(u'Error reading the "%s" image file: %s' % (oFile.sFile, oXcpt,))
266 | else:
267 | try:
268 | oImage = Image.open(BytesIO(abImageFile));
269 | except Exception as oXcpt:
270 | self.oSheriff.vprint(u'Error opening the "%s" image bytes using PIL.Image.open: %s' % (oFile.sFile, oXcpt,))
271 | else:
272 | try:
273 | oHash = hashlib.sha256();
274 | if hasattr(oImage, 'tobytes'):
275 | oHash.update(oImage.tobytes());
276 | else:
277 | oHash.update(oImage.tostring()); # pylint: disable=no-member
278 | except Exception as oXcpt:
279 | self.oSheriff.vprint(u'Error hashing the uncompressed image bytes for "%s": %s' % (oFile.sFile, oXcpt,))
280 | else:
281 | return oHash.hexdigest();
282 | return None;
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 | def isSingleTestFailure(self):
287 | """
288 | Figure out if this is a single test failing or if it's one of the
289 | more complicated ones.
290 | """
291 | if self.oTree.cErrors == 1:
292 | return True;
293 | if self.oTree.deepCountErrorContributers() <= 1:
294 | return True;
295 | return False;
296 |
297 |
298 |
299 | class VirtualTestSheriff(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
300 | """
301 | Add build info into Test Manager database.
302 | """
303 |
304 | ## The user account for the virtual sheriff.
305 | ksLoginName = 'vsheriff';
306 |
307 | def __init__(self):
308 | """
309 | Parse command line.
310 | """
311 | self.oDb = None;
312 | self.tsNow = None;
313 | self.oTestResultLogic = None;
314 | self.oTestSetLogic = None;
315 | self.oFailureReasonLogic = None; # FailureReasonLogic;
316 | self.oTestResultFailureLogic = None; # TestResultFailureLogic
317 | self.oLogin = None;
318 | self.uidSelf = -1;
319 | self.oLogFile = None;
320 | self.asBsodReasons = [];
321 | self.asUnitTestReasons = [];
322 |
323 | oParser = OptionParser();
324 | oParser.add_option('--start-hours-ago', dest = 'cStartHoursAgo', metavar = '<hours>', default = 0, type = 'int',
325 | help = 'When to start specified as hours relative to current time. Defauls is right now.', );
326 | oParser.add_option('--hours-period', dest = 'cHoursBack', metavar = '<period-in-hours>', default = 2, type = 'int',
327 | help = 'Work period specified in hours. Defauls is 2 hours.');
328 | oParser.add_option('--real-run-back', dest = 'fRealRun', action = 'store_true', default = False,
329 | help = 'Whether to commit the findings to the database. Default is a dry run.');
330 | oParser.add_option('--testset', dest = 'aidTestSets', metavar = '<id>', default = [], type = 'int', action = 'append',
331 | help = 'Only investigate this one. Accumulates IDs when repeated.');
332 | oParser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest = 'fQuiet', action = 'store_true', default = False,
333 | help = 'Quiet execution');
334 | oParser.add_option('-l', '--log', dest = 'sLogFile', metavar = '<logfile>', default = None,
335 | help = 'Where to log messages.');
336 | oParser.add_option('--debug', dest = 'fDebug', action = 'store_true', default = False,
337 | help = 'Enables debug mode.');
338 |
339 | (self.oConfig, _) = oParser.parse_args();
340 |
341 | if self.oConfig.sLogFile:
342 | self.oLogFile = open(self.oConfig.sLogFile, "a"); # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
343 | self.oLogFile.write('VirtualTestSheriff: $Revision: 94129 $ \n');
344 |
345 |
346 | def eprint(self, sText):
347 | """
348 | Prints error messages.
349 | Returns 1 (for exit code usage.)
350 | """
351 | print('error: %s' % (sText,));
352 | if self.oLogFile is not None:
353 | if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
354 | self.oLogFile.write(u'error: %s\n' % (sText,));
355 | else:
356 | self.oLogFile.write((u'error: %s\n' % (sText,)).encode('utf-8'));
357 | return 1;
358 |
359 | def dprint(self, sText):
360 | """
361 | Prints debug info.
362 | """
363 | if self.oConfig.fDebug:
364 | if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
365 | print('debug: %s' % (sText, ));
366 | if self.oLogFile is not None:
367 | if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
368 | self.oLogFile.write(u'debug: %s\n' % (sText,));
369 | else:
370 | self.oLogFile.write((u'debug: %s\n' % (sText,)).encode('utf-8'));
371 | return 0;
372 |
373 | def vprint(self, sText):
374 | """
375 | Prints verbose info.
376 | """
377 | if not self.oConfig.fQuiet:
378 | print('info: %s' % (sText,));
379 | if self.oLogFile is not None:
380 | if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
381 | self.oLogFile.write(u'info: %s\n' % (sText,));
382 | else:
383 | self.oLogFile.write((u'info: %s\n' % (sText,)).encode('utf-8'));
384 | return 0;
385 |
386 | def getFailureReason(self, tReason):
387 | """ Gets the failure reason object for tReason. """
388 | return self.oFailureReasonLogic.cachedLookupByNameAndCategory(tReason[1], tReason[0]);
389 |
390 | def selfCheck(self):
391 | """ Does some self checks, looking up things we expect to be in the database and such. """
392 | rcExit = 0;
393 | for sAttr in dir(self.__class__):
394 | if sAttr.startswith('ktReason_'):
395 | tReason = getattr(self.__class__, sAttr);
396 | oFailureReason = self.getFailureReason(tReason);
397 | if oFailureReason is None:
398 | rcExit = self.eprint(u'Failed to find failure reason "%s" in category "%s" in the database!'
399 | % (tReason[1], tReason[0],));
400 |
401 | # Check the user account as well.
402 | if self.oLogin is None:
403 | oLogin = UserAccountLogic(self.oDb).tryFetchAccountByLoginName(VirtualTestSheriff.ksLoginName);
404 | if oLogin is None:
405 | rcExit = self.eprint(u'Cannot find my user account "%s"!' % (VirtualTestSheriff.ksLoginName,));
406 | return rcExit;
407 |
408 | def sendEmailAlert(self, uidAuthor, sBodyText):
409 | """
410 | Sends email alert.
411 | """
412 |
413 | # Get author email
414 | self.oDb.execute('SELECT sEmail FROM Users WHERE uid=%s', (uidAuthor,));
415 | sFrom = self.oDb.fetchOne();
416 | if sFrom is not None:
417 | sFrom = sFrom[0];
418 | else:
419 | sFrom = g_ksAlertFrom;
420 |
421 | # Gather recipient list.
422 | asEmailList = [];
423 | for sUser in g_asAlertList:
424 | self.oDb.execute('SELECT sEmail FROM Users WHERE sUsername=%s', (sUser,));
425 | sEmail = self.oDb.fetchOne();
426 | if sEmail:
427 | asEmailList.append(sEmail[0]);
428 | if not asEmailList:
429 | return self.eprint('No email addresses to send alter to!');
430 |
431 | # Compose the message.
432 | oMsg = MIMEMultipart();
433 | oMsg['From'] = sFrom;
434 | oMsg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(asEmailList);
435 | oMsg['Subject'] = g_ksAlertSubject;
436 | oMsg.attach(MIMEText(sBodyText, 'plain'))
437 |
438 | # Try send it.
439 | try:
440 | oSMTP = smtplib.SMTP(g_ksSmtpHost, g_kcSmtpPort);
441 | oSMTP.sendmail(sFrom, asEmailList, oMsg.as_string())
442 | oSMTP.quit()
443 | except smtplib.SMTPException as oXcpt:
444 | return self.eprint('Failed to send mail: %s' % (oXcpt,));
445 |
446 | return 0;
447 |
448 | def badTestBoxManagement(self):
449 | """
450 | Looks for bad test boxes and first tries once to reboot them then disables them.
451 | """
452 | rcExit = 0;
453 |
454 | #
455 | # We skip this entirely if we're running in the past and not in harmless debug mode.
456 | #
457 | if self.oConfig.cStartHoursAgo != 0 \
458 | and (not self.oConfig.fDebug or self.oConfig.fRealRun):
459 | return rcExit;
460 | tsNow = self.tsNow if self.oConfig.fDebug else None;
461 | cHoursBack = self.oConfig.cHoursBack if self.oConfig.fDebug else 2;
462 | oTestBoxLogic = TestBoxLogic(self.oDb);
463 |
464 | #
465 | # Generate a list of failures reasons we consider bad-testbox behavior.
466 | #
467 | aidFailureReasons = [
468 | self.getFailureReason(self.ktReason_Host_DriverNotLoaded).idFailureReason,
469 | self.getFailureReason(self.ktReason_Host_DriverNotUnloading).idFailureReason,
470 | self.getFailureReason(self.ktReason_Host_DriverNotCompilable).idFailureReason,
471 | self.getFailureReason(self.ktReason_Host_InstallationFailed).idFailureReason,
472 | ];
473 |
474 | #
475 | # Get list of bad test boxes for given period and check them out individually.
476 | #
477 | aidBadTestBoxes = self.oTestSetLogic.fetchBadTestBoxIds(cHoursBack = cHoursBack, tsNow = tsNow,
478 | aidFailureReasons = aidFailureReasons);
479 | for idTestBox in aidBadTestBoxes:
480 | # Skip if the testbox is already disabled or has a pending reboot command.
481 | try:
482 | oTestBox = TestBoxData().initFromDbWithId(self.oDb, idTestBox);
483 | except Exception as oXcpt:
484 | rcExit = self.eprint('Failed to get data for test box #%u in badTestBoxManagement: %s' % (idTestBox, oXcpt,));
485 | continue;
486 | if not oTestBox.fEnabled:
487 | self.dprint(u'badTestBoxManagement: Skipping test box #%u (%s) as it has been disabled already.'
488 | % ( idTestBox, oTestBox.sName, ));
489 | continue;
490 | if oTestBox.enmPendingCmd != TestBoxData.ksTestBoxCmd_None:
491 | self.dprint(u'badTestBoxManagement: Skipping test box #%u (%s) as it has a command pending: %s'
492 | % ( idTestBox, oTestBox.sName, oTestBox.enmPendingCmd));
493 | continue;
494 |
495 | # Get the most recent testsets for this box (descending on tsDone) and see how bad it is.
496 | aoSets = self.oTestSetLogic.fetchSetsForTestBox(idTestBox, cHoursBack = cHoursBack, tsNow = tsNow);
497 | cOkay = 0;
498 | cBad = 0;
499 | iFirstOkay = len(aoSets);
500 | for iSet, oSet in enumerate(aoSets):
501 | if oSet.enmStatus == TestSetData.ksTestStatus_BadTestBox:
502 | cBad += 1;
503 | else:
504 | # Check for bad failure reasons.
505 | oFailure = None;
506 | if oSet.enmStatus in TestSetData.kasBadTestStatuses:
507 | (oTree, _ ) = self.oTestResultLogic.fetchResultTree(oSet.idTestSet)
508 | aoFailedResults = oTree.getListOfFailures();
509 | for oFailedResult in aoFailedResults:
510 | oFailure = self.oTestResultFailureLogic.getById(oFailedResult.idTestResult);
511 | if oFailure is not None and oFailure.idFailureReason in aidFailureReasons:
512 | break;
513 | oFailure = None;
514 | if oFailure is not None:
515 | cBad += 1;
516 | else:
517 | # This is an okay test result then.
518 | ## @todo maybe check the elapsed time here, it could still be a bad run?
519 | cOkay += 1;
520 | iFirstOkay = min(iFirstOkay, iSet);
521 | if iSet > 10:
522 | break;
523 |
524 | # We react if there are two or more bad-testbox statuses at the head of the
525 | # history and at least three in the last 10 results.
526 | if iFirstOkay >= 2 and cBad > 2:
527 | if oTestBoxLogic.hasTestBoxRecentlyBeenRebooted(idTestBox, cHoursBack = cHoursBack, tsNow = tsNow):
528 | sComment = u'Disabling testbox #%u (%s) - iFirstOkay=%u cBad=%u cOkay=%u' \
529 | % (idTestBox, oTestBox.sName, iFirstOkay, cBad, cOkay);
530 | self.vprint(sComment);
531 | self.sendEmailAlert(self.uidSelf, sComment);
532 | if self.oConfig.fRealRun is True:
533 | try:
534 | oTestBoxLogic.disableTestBox(idTestBox, self.uidSelf, fCommit = True,
535 | sComment = 'Automatically disabled (iFirstOkay=%u cBad=%u cOkay=%u)'
536 | % (iFirstOkay, cBad, cOkay),);
537 | except Exception as oXcpt:
538 | rcExit = self.eprint(u'Error disabling testbox #%u (%u): %s\n' % (idTestBox, oTestBox.sName, oXcpt,));
539 | else:
540 | sComment = u'Rebooting testbox #%u (%s) - iFirstOkay=%u cBad=%u cOkay=%u' \
541 | % (idTestBox, oTestBox.sName, iFirstOkay, cBad, cOkay);
542 | self.vprint(sComment);
543 | self.sendEmailAlert(self.uidSelf, sComment);
544 | if self.oConfig.fRealRun is True:
545 | try:
546 | oTestBoxLogic.rebootTestBox(idTestBox, self.uidSelf, fCommit = True,
547 | sComment = 'Automatically rebooted (iFirstOkay=%u cBad=%u cOkay=%u)'
548 | % (iFirstOkay, cBad, cOkay),);
549 | except Exception as oXcpt:
550 | rcExit = self.eprint(u'Error rebooting testbox #%u (%s): %s\n' % (idTestBox, oTestBox.sName, oXcpt,));
551 | else:
552 | self.dprint(u'badTestBoxManagement: #%u (%s) looks ok: iFirstOkay=%u cBad=%u cOkay=%u'
553 | % ( idTestBox, oTestBox.sName, iFirstOkay, cBad, cOkay));
554 |
555 | ## @todo r=bird: review + rewrite;
556 | ## - no selecting here, that belongs in the core/*.py files.
557 | ## - preserve existing comments.
558 | ## - doing way too much in the try/except block.
559 | ## - No password quoting in the sshpass command that always fails (127).
560 | ## - Timeout is way to low. testboxmem1 need more than 10 min to take a dump, ages to
561 | ## get thru POST and another 5 just to time out in grub. Should be an hour or so.
562 | ## Besides, it need to be constant elsewhere in the file, not a variable here.
563 | ##
564 | ##
565 | ## Reset hanged testboxes
566 | ##
567 | #cStatusTimeoutMins = 10;
568 | #
569 | #self.oDb.execute('SELECT TestBoxStatuses.idTestBox\n'
570 | # ' FROM TestBoxStatuses, TestBoxes\n'
571 | # ' WHERE TestBoxStatuses.tsUpdated >= (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval \'%s hours\')\n'
572 | # ' AND TestBoxStatuses.tsUpdated < (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval \'%s minutes\')\n'
573 | # ' AND TestBoxStatuses.idTestBox = TestBoxes.idTestBox\n'
574 | # ' AND Testboxes.tsExpire = \'infinity\'::timestamp', (cHoursBack,cStatusTimeoutMins));
575 | #for idTestBox in self.oDb.fetchAll():
576 | # idTestBox = idTestBox[0];
577 | # try:
578 | # oTestBox = TestBoxData().initFromDbWithId(self.oDb, idTestBox);
579 | # except Exception as oXcpt:
580 | # rcExit = self.eprint('Failed to get data for test box #%u in badTestBoxManagement: %s' % (idTestBox, oXcpt,));
581 | # continue;
582 | # # Skip if the testbox is already disabled, already reset or there's no iLOM
583 | # if not oTestBox.fEnabled or oTestBox.ipLom is None or oTestBox.sComment is not None and oTestBox.sComment.find('Automatically reset') >= 0:
584 | # self.dprint(u'badTestBoxManagement: Skipping test box #%u (%s) as it has been disabled already.'
585 | # % ( idTestBox, oTestBox.sName, ));
586 | # continue;
587 | # ## @todo get iLOM credentials from a table?
588 | # sCmd = 'sshpass -p%s ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no root@%s show /SP && reset /SYS' % (g_ksLomPassword, oTestBox.ipLom,);
589 | # try:
590 | # oPs = subprocess.Popen(sCmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True);
591 | # sStdout = oPs.communicate()[0];
592 | # iRC = oPs.wait();
593 | #
594 | # oTestBox.sComment = 'Automatically reset (iRC=%u sStdout=%s)' % (iRC, sStdout,);
595 | # oTestBoxLogic.editEntry(oTestBox, self.uidSelf, fCommit = True);
596 | #
597 | # sComment = u'Reset testbox #%u (%s) - iRC=%u sStduot=%s' % ( idTestBox, oTestBox.sName, iRC, sStdout);
598 | # self.vprint(sComment);
599 | # self.sendEmailAlert(self.uidSelf, sComment);
600 | #
601 | # except Exception as oXcpt:
602 | # rcExit = self.eprint(u'Error resetting testbox #%u (%s): %s\n' % (idTestBox, oTestBox.sName, oXcpt,));
603 | #
604 | return rcExit;
605 |
606 |
607 | ## @name Failure reasons we know.
608 | ## @{
609 |
610 | ktReason_Add_Installer_Win_Failed = ( 'Additions', 'Win GA install' );
611 | ktReason_Add_ShFl_Automount = ( 'Additions', 'Automounting' );
612 | ktReason_Add_ShFl_FsPerf = ( 'Additions', 'FsPerf' );
613 | ktReason_Add_ShFl_FsPerf_Abend = ( 'Additions', 'FsPerf abend' );
614 | ktReason_Add_GstCtl_Preparations = ( 'Additions', 'GstCtl preparations' );
615 | ktReason_Add_GstCtl_SessionBasics = ( 'Additions', 'Session basics' );
616 | ktReason_Add_GstCtl_SessionProcRefs = ( 'Additions', 'Session process' );
617 | ktReason_Add_GstCtl_Session_Reboot = ( 'Additions', 'Session reboot' );
618 | ktReason_Add_GstCtl_CopyFromGuest_Timeout = ( 'Additions', 'CopyFromGuest timeout' );
619 | ktReason_Add_GstCtl_CopyToGuest_Timeout = ( 'Additions', 'CopyToGuest timeout' );
620 | ktReason_Add_GstCtl_CopyToGuest_DstEmpty = ( 'Additions', 'CopyToGuest dst empty' );
621 | ktReason_Add_GstCtl_CopyToGuest_DstExists = ( 'Additions', 'CopyToGuest dst exists' );
622 | ktReason_Add_FlushViewOfFile = ( 'Additions', 'FlushViewOfFile' );
623 | ktReason_Add_Mmap_Coherency = ( 'Additions', 'mmap coherency' );
624 | ktReason_BSOD_Recovery = ( 'BSOD', 'Recovery' );
625 | ktReason_BSOD_Automatic_Repair = ( 'BSOD', 'Automatic Repair' );
626 | ktReason_BSOD_0000007F = ( 'BSOD', '0x0000007F' );
627 | ktReason_BSOD_000000D1 = ( 'BSOD', '0x000000D1' );
628 | ktReason_BSOD_C0000225 = ( 'BSOD', '0xC0000225 (boot)' );
629 | ktReason_Guru_Generic = ( 'Guru Meditations', 'Generic Guru Meditation' );
632 | ktReason_Guru_VERR_TRPM_DONT_PANIC = ( 'Guru Meditations', 'VERR_TRPM_DONT_PANIC' );
633 | ktReason_Guru_VERR_PGM_PHYS_PAGE_RESERVED = ( 'Guru Meditations', 'VERR_PGM_PHYS_PAGE_RESERVED' );
634 | ktReason_Guru_VERR_VMX_INVALID_GUEST_STATE = ( 'Guru Meditations', 'VERR_VMX_INVALID_GUEST_STATE' );
635 | ktReason_Guru_VINF_EM_TRIPLE_FAULT = ( 'Guru Meditations', 'VINF_EM_TRIPLE_FAULT' );
636 | ktReason_Host_HostMemoryLow = ( 'Host', 'HostMemoryLow' );
637 | ktReason_Host_DriverNotLoaded = ( 'Host', 'Driver not loaded' );
638 | ktReason_Host_DriverNotUnloading = ( 'Host', 'Driver not unloading' );
639 | ktReason_Host_DriverNotCompilable = ( 'Host', 'Driver not compilable' );
640 | ktReason_Host_InstallationFailed = ( 'Host', 'Installation failed' );
641 | ktReason_Host_InstallationWantReboot = ( 'Host', 'Installation want reboot' );
642 | ktReason_Host_InvalidPackage = ( 'Host', 'ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALID' );
643 | ktReason_Host_InstallSourceAbsent = ( 'Host', 'ERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT' );
644 | ktReason_Host_NotSignedWithBuildCert = ( 'Host', 'Not signed with build cert' );
645 | ktReason_Host_DoubleFreeHeap = ( 'Host', 'Double free or corruption' );
646 | ktReason_Host_LeftoverService = ( 'Host', 'Leftover service' );
647 | ktReason_Host_win32com_gen_py = ( 'Host', 'win32com.gen_py' );
648 | ktReason_Host_Reboot_OSX_Watchdog_Timeout = ( 'Host Reboot', 'OSX Watchdog Timeout' );
649 | ktReason_Host_Modprobe_Failed = ( 'Host', 'Modprobe failed' );
650 | ktReason_Host_Install_Hang = ( 'Host', 'Install hang' );
651 | ktReason_Host_NetworkMisconfiguration = ( 'Host', 'Network misconfiguration' );
652 | ktReason_Host_TSTInfo_Accuracy_OOR = ( 'Host', 'TSTInfo accuracy out of range' );
653 | ktReason_Networking_Nonexistent_host_nic = ( 'Networking', 'Nonexistent host networking interface' );
654 | ktReason_Networking_VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND = ( 'Networking', 'VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND' );
655 | ktReason_OSInstall_GRUB_hang = ( 'O/S Install', 'GRUB hang' );
656 | ktReason_OSInstall_Udev_hang = ( 'O/S Install', 'udev hang' );
657 | ktReason_OSInstall_Sata_no_BM = ( 'O/S Install', 'SATA busmaster bit not set' );
658 | ktReason_Panic_BootManagerC000000F = ( 'Panic', 'Hardware Changed' );
659 | ktReason_Panic_MP_BIOS_IO_APIC = ( 'Panic', 'MP-BIOS/IO-APIC' );
660 | ktReason_Panic_HugeMemory = ( 'Panic', 'Huge memory assertion' );
661 | ktReason_Panic_IOAPICDoesntWork = ( 'Panic', 'IO-APIC and timer does not work' );
662 | ktReason_Panic_TxUnitHang = ( 'Panic', 'Tx Unit Hang' );
663 | ktReason_API_std_bad_alloc = ( 'API / (XP)COM', 'std::bad_alloc' );
664 | ktReason_API_Digest_Mismatch = ( 'API / (XP)COM', 'Digest mismatch' );
665 | ktReason_API_MoveVM_SharingViolation = ( 'API / (XP)COM', 'MoveVM sharing violation' );
666 | ktReason_API_MoveVM_InvalidParameter = ( 'API / (XP)COM', 'MoveVM invalid parameter' );
667 | ktReason_API_Open_Session_Failed = ( 'API / (XP)COM', 'Open session failed' );
668 | ktReason_XPCOM_Exit_Minus_11 = ( 'API / (XP)COM', 'exit -11' );
669 | ktReason_XPCOM_VBoxSVC_Hang = ( 'API / (XP)COM', 'VBoxSVC hang' );
670 | ktReason_XPCOM_VBoxSVC_Hang_Plus_Heap_Corruption = ( 'API / (XP)COM', 'VBoxSVC hang + heap corruption' );
672 | ktReason_BootManager_Image_corrupt = ( 'Unknown', 'BOOTMGR Image corrupt' );
673 | ktReason_Unknown_Heap_Corruption = ( 'Unknown', 'Heap corruption' );
674 | ktReason_Unknown_Reboot_Loop = ( 'Unknown', 'Reboot loop' );
675 | ktReason_Unknown_File_Not_Found = ( 'Unknown', 'File not found' );
676 | ktReason_Unknown_HalReturnToFirmware = ( 'Unknown', 'HalReturnToFirmware' );
677 | ktReason_Unknown_VM_Crash = ( 'Unknown', 'VM crash' );
678 | ktReason_Unknown_VM_Start_Error = ( 'Unknown', 'VM Start Error' );
679 | ktReason_Unknown_VM_Runtime_Error = ( 'Unknown', 'VM Runtime Error' );
680 | ktReason_VMM_kvm_lock_spinning = ( 'VMM', 'kvm_lock_spinning' );
681 | ktReason_Ignore_Buggy_Test_Driver = ( 'Ignore', 'Buggy test driver' );
682 | ktReason_Ignore_Stale_Files = ( 'Ignore', 'Stale files' );
683 | ktReason_Buggy_Build_Broken_Build = ( 'Broken Build', 'Buggy build' );
684 | ktReason_GuestBug_CompizVBoxQt = ( 'Guest Bug', 'Compiz + VirtualBox Qt GUI crash' );
685 | ## @}
686 |
687 | ## BSOD category.
688 | ksBsodCategory = 'BSOD';
689 | ## Special reason indicating that the flesh and blood sheriff has work to do.
690 | ksBsodAddNew = 'Add new BSOD';
691 |
692 | ## Unit test category.
693 | ksUnitTestCategory = 'Unit';
694 | ## Special reason indicating that the flesh and blood sheriff has work to do.
695 | ksUnitTestAddNew = 'Add new';
696 |
697 | ## Used for indica that we shouldn't report anything for this test result ID and
698 | ## consider promoting the previous error to test set level if it's the only one.
699 | ktHarmless = ( 'Probably', 'Caused by previous error' );
700 |
701 |
702 | def caseClosed(self, oCaseFile):
703 | """
704 | Reports the findings in the case and closes it.
705 | """
706 | #
707 | # Log it and create a dReasonForReasultId we can use below.
708 | #
709 | dCommentForResultId = oCaseFile.dCommentForResultId;
710 | if oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId:
711 | # Must weed out ktHarmless.
712 | dReasonForResultId = {};
713 | for idKey, tReason in oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId.items():
714 | if tReason is not self.ktHarmless:
715 | dReasonForResultId[idKey] = tReason;
716 | if not dReasonForResultId:
717 | self.vprint(u'TODO: Closing %s without a real reason, only %s.'
718 | % (oCaseFile.sName, oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId));
719 | return False;
720 |
721 | # Try promote to single reason.
722 | atValues = dReasonForResultId.values();
723 | fSingleReason = True;
724 | if len(dReasonForResultId) == 1 and next(iter(dReasonForResultId.keys())) != oCaseFile.oTestSet.idTestResult:
725 | self.dprint(u'Promoting single reason to whole set: %s' % (next(iter(atValues)),));
726 | elif len(dReasonForResultId) > 1 and len(atValues) == list(atValues).count(next(iter(atValues))):
727 | self.dprint(u'Merged %d reasons to a single one: %s' % (len(atValues), next(iter(atValues))));
728 | else:
729 | fSingleReason = False;
730 | if fSingleReason:
731 | dReasonForResultId = { oCaseFile.oTestSet.idTestResult: next(iter(atValues)), };
732 | if dCommentForResultId:
733 | dCommentForResultId = { oCaseFile.oTestSet.idTestResult: next(iter(dCommentForResultId.values())), };
734 | elif oCaseFile.tReason is not None:
735 | dReasonForResultId = { oCaseFile.oTestSet.idTestResult: oCaseFile.tReason, };
736 | else:
737 | self.vprint(u'Closing %s without a reason - this should not happen!' % (oCaseFile.sName,));
738 | return False;
739 |
740 | self.vprint(u'Closing %s with following reason%s: %s'
741 | % ( oCaseFile.sName, 's' if len(dReasonForResultId) > 1 else '', dReasonForResultId, ));
742 |
743 | #
744 | # Add the test failure reason record(s).
745 | #
746 | for idTestResult, tReason in dReasonForResultId.items():
747 | oFailureReason = self.getFailureReason(tReason);
748 | if oFailureReason is not None:
749 | sComment = 'Set by $Revision: 94129 $' # Handy for reverting later.
750 | if idTestResult in dCommentForResultId:
751 | sComment += ': ' + dCommentForResultId[idTestResult];
752 |
753 | oAdd = TestResultFailureData();
754 | oAdd.initFromValues(idTestResult = idTestResult,
755 | idFailureReason = oFailureReason.idFailureReason,
756 | uidAuthor = self.uidSelf,
757 | idTestSet = oCaseFile.oTestSet.idTestSet,
758 | sComment = sComment,);
759 | if self.oConfig.fRealRun:
760 | try:
761 | self.oTestResultFailureLogic.addEntry(oAdd, self.uidSelf, fCommit = True);
762 | except Exception as oXcpt:
763 | self.eprint(u'caseClosed: Exception "%s" while adding reason %s for %s'
764 | % (oXcpt, oAdd, oCaseFile.sLongName,));
765 | else:
766 | self.eprint(u'caseClosed: Cannot locate failure reason: %s / %s' % ( tReason[0], tReason[1],));
767 | return True;
768 |
769 | #
770 | # Tools for assiting log parsing.
771 | #
772 |
773 | @staticmethod
774 | def matchFollowedByLines(sStr, off, asFollowingLines):
775 | """ Worker for isThisFollowedByTheseLines. """
776 |
777 | # Advance off to the end of the line.
778 | off = sStr.find('\n', off);
779 | if off < 0:
780 | return False;
781 | off += 1;
782 |
783 | # Match each string with the subsequent lines.
784 | for iLine, sLine in enumerate(asFollowingLines):
785 | offEnd = sStr.find('\n', off);
786 | if offEnd < 0:
787 | return iLine + 1 == len(asFollowingLines) and sStr.find(sLine, off) < 0;
788 | if sLine and sStr.find(sLine, off, offEnd) < 0:
789 | return False;
790 |
791 | # next line.
792 | off = offEnd + 1;
793 |
794 | return True;
795 |
796 | @staticmethod
797 | def isThisFollowedByTheseLines(sStr, sFirst, asFollowingLines):
798 | """
799 | Looks for a line contining sFirst which is then followed by lines
800 | with the strings in asFollowingLines. (No newline chars anywhere!)
801 | Returns True / False.
802 | """
803 | off = sStr.find(sFirst, 0);
804 | while off >= 0:
805 | if VirtualTestSheriff.matchFollowedByLines(sStr, off, asFollowingLines):
806 | return True;
807 | off = sStr.find(sFirst, off + 1);
808 | return False;
809 |
810 | @staticmethod
811 | def findAndReturnRestOfLine(sHaystack, sNeedle):
812 | """
813 | Looks for sNeedle in sHaystack.
814 | Returns The text following the needle up to the end of the line.
815 | Returns None if not found.
816 | """
817 | if sHaystack is None:
818 | return None;
819 | off = sHaystack.find(sNeedle);
820 | if off < 0:
821 | return None;
822 | off += len(sNeedle)
823 | offEol = sHaystack.find('\n', off);
824 | if offEol < 0:
825 | offEol = len(sHaystack);
826 | return sHaystack[off:offEol]
827 |
828 | @staticmethod
829 | def findInAnyAndReturnRestOfLine(asHaystacks, sNeedle):
830 | """
831 | Looks for sNeedle in zeroe or more haystacks (asHaystack).
832 | Returns The text following the first needed found up to the end of the line.
833 | Returns None if not found.
834 | """
835 | for sHaystack in asHaystacks:
836 | sRet = VirtualTestSheriff.findAndReturnRestOfLine(sHaystack, sNeedle);
837 | if sRet is not None:
838 | return sRet;
839 | return None;
840 |
841 |
842 | #
843 | # The investigative units.
844 | #
845 |
846 | katSimpleInstallUninstallMainLogReasons = [
847 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
848 | ( False, ktReason_Host_LeftoverService,
849 | 'SERVICE_NAME: vbox' ),
850 | ( False, ktReason_Host_LeftoverService,
851 | 'Seems installation was skipped. Old version lurking behind? Not the fault of this build/test run!'),
852 | ];
853 |
854 | kdatSimpleInstallUninstallMainLogReasonsPerOs = {
855 | 'darwin': [
856 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
857 | ( True, ktReason_Host_DriverNotUnloading,
858 | 'Can\'t remove kext org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv; services failed to terminate - 0xe00002c7' ),
859 | ],
860 | 'linux': [
861 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
862 | ( True, ktReason_Host_DriverNotCompilable,
863 | 'This system is not currently set up to build kernel modules' ),
864 | ( True, ktReason_Host_DriverNotCompilable,
865 | 'This system is currently not set up to build kernel modules' ),
866 | ( True, ktReason_Host_InstallationFailed,
867 | 'vboxdrv.sh: failed: Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong.' ),
868 | ( True, ktReason_Host_DriverNotUnloading,
869 | 'Cannot unload module vboxdrv'),
870 | ],
871 | 'solaris': [
872 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
873 | ( True, ktReason_Host_DriverNotUnloading, 'can\'t unload the module: Device busy' ),
874 | ( True, ktReason_Host_DriverNotUnloading, 'Unloading: Host module ...FAILED!' ),
875 | ( True, ktReason_Host_DriverNotUnloading, 'Unloading: NetFilter (Crossbow) module ...FAILED!' ),
876 | ( True, ktReason_Host_InstallationFailed, 'svcadm: Couldn\'t bind to svc.configd.' ),
877 | ( True, ktReason_Host_InstallationFailed, 'pkgadd: ERROR: postinstall script did not complete successfully' ),
878 | ],
879 | 'win': [
880 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
881 | ( True, ktReason_Host_InstallationWantReboot, 'ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED' ),
882 | ( False, ktReason_Host_InstallationFailed, 'Installation error.' ),
883 | ( True, ktReason_Host_InvalidPackage, 'Uninstaller failed, exit code: 1620' ),
884 | ( True, ktReason_Host_InstallSourceAbsent, 'Uninstaller failed, exit code: 1612' ),
885 | ],
886 | };
887 |
888 |
889 | def investigateInstallUninstallFailure(self, oCaseFile, oFailedResult, sResultLog, fInstall):
890 | """
891 | Investigates an install or uninstall failure.
892 |
893 | We lump the two together since the installation typically also performs
894 | an uninstall first and will be seeing similar issues to the uninstall.
895 | """
896 | self.dprint(u'%s + %s <<\n%s\n<<' % (oFailedResult.tsCreated, oFailedResult.tsElapsed, sResultLog,));
897 |
898 | if fInstall and oFailedResult.enmStatus == TestSetData.ksTestStatus_TimedOut:
899 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(self.ktReason_Host_Install_Hang, oFailedResult.idTestResult)
900 | return True;
901 |
902 | atSimple = self.katSimpleInstallUninstallMainLogReasons;
903 | if oCaseFile.oTestBox.sOs in self.kdatSimpleInstallUninstallMainLogReasonsPerOs:
904 | atSimple = self.kdatSimpleInstallUninstallMainLogReasonsPerOs[oCaseFile.oTestBox.sOs] + atSimple;
905 |
906 | fFoundSomething = False;
907 | for fStopOnHit, tReason, sNeedle in atSimple:
908 | if sResultLog.find(sNeedle) > 0:
909 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(tReason, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
910 | if fStopOnHit:
911 | return True;
912 | fFoundSomething = True;
913 |
914 | return fFoundSomething if fFoundSomething else None;
915 |
916 |
917 | def investigateBadTestBox(self, oCaseFile):
918 | """
919 | Checks out bad-testbox statuses.
920 | """
921 | _ = oCaseFile;
922 | return False;
923 |
924 |
925 | def investigateVBoxUnitTest(self, oCaseFile):
926 | """
927 | Checks out a VBox unittest problem.
928 | """
929 |
930 | #
931 | # Process simple test case failures first, using their name as reason.
932 | # We do the reason management just like for BSODs.
933 | #
934 | cRelevantOnes = 0;
935 | sMainLog = oCaseFile.getMainLog();
936 | aoFailedResults = oCaseFile.oTree.getListOfFailures();
937 | for oFailedResult in aoFailedResults:
938 | if oFailedResult is oCaseFile.oTree:
939 | self.vprint('TODO: toplevel failure');
940 | cRelevantOnes += 1
941 |
942 | elif oFailedResult.sName == 'Installing VirtualBox':
943 | sResultLog = TestSetData.extractLogSectionElapsed(sMainLog, oFailedResult.tsCreated, oFailedResult.tsElapsed);
944 | self.investigateInstallUninstallFailure(oCaseFile, oFailedResult, sResultLog, fInstall = True)
945 | cRelevantOnes += 1
946 |
947 | elif oFailedResult.sName == 'Uninstalling VirtualBox':
948 | sResultLog = TestSetData.extractLogSectionElapsed(sMainLog, oFailedResult.tsCreated, oFailedResult.tsElapsed);
949 | self.investigateInstallUninstallFailure(oCaseFile, oFailedResult, sResultLog, fInstall = False)
950 | cRelevantOnes += 1
951 |
952 | elif oFailedResult.oParent is not None:
953 | # Get the 2nd level node because that's where we'll find the unit test name.
954 | while oFailedResult.oParent.oParent is not None:
955 | oFailedResult = oFailedResult.oParent;
956 |
957 | # Only report a failure once.
958 | if oFailedResult.idTestResult not in oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId:
959 | sKey = oFailedResult.sName;
960 | if sKey.startswith('testcase/'):
961 | sKey = sKey[9:];
962 | if sKey in self.asUnitTestReasons:
963 | tReason = ( self.ksUnitTestCategory, sKey );
964 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(tReason, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
965 | else:
966 | self.dprint(u'Unit test failure "%s" not found in %s;' % (sKey, self.asUnitTestReasons));
967 | tReason = ( self.ksUnitTestCategory, self.ksUnitTestAddNew );
968 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(tReason, oFailedResult.idTestResult, sComment = sKey);
969 | cRelevantOnes += 1
970 | else:
971 | self.vprint(u'Internal error: expected oParent to NOT be None for %s' % (oFailedResult,));
972 |
973 | #
974 | # If we've caught all the relevant ones by now, report the result.
975 | #
976 | if len(oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId) >= cRelevantOnes:
977 | return self.caseClosed(oCaseFile);
978 | return False;
979 |
980 | def extractGuestCpuStack(self, sInfoText):
981 | """
982 | Extracts the guest CPU stacks from the input file.
983 |
984 | Returns a dictionary keyed by the CPU number, value being a list of
985 | raw stack lines (no header).
986 | Returns empty dictionary if no stacks where found.
987 | """
988 | dRet = {};
989 | off = 0;
990 | while True:
991 | # Find the stack.
992 | offStart = sInfoText.find('=== start guest stack VCPU ', off);
993 | if offStart < 0:
994 | break;
995 | offEnd = sInfoText.find('=== end guest stack', offStart + 20);
996 | if offEnd >= 0:
997 | offEnd += 3;
998 | else:
999 | offEnd = sInfoText.find('=== start guest stack VCPU', offStart + 20);
1000 | if offEnd < 0:
1001 | offEnd = len(sInfoText);
1002 |
1003 | sStack = sInfoText[offStart : offEnd];
1004 | sStack = sStack.replace('\r',''); # paranoia
1005 | asLines = sStack.split('\n');
1006 |
1007 | # Figure the CPU.
1008 | asWords = asLines[0].split();
1009 | if len(asWords) < 6 or not asWords[5].isdigit():
1010 | break;
1011 | iCpu = int(asWords[5]);
1012 |
1013 | # Add it and advance.
1014 | dRet[iCpu] = [sLine.rstrip() for sLine in asLines[2:-1]]
1015 | off = offEnd;
1016 | return dRet;
1017 |
1018 | def investigateInfoKvmLockSpinning(self, oCaseFile, sInfoText, dLogs):
1019 | """ Investigates kvm_lock_spinning deadlocks """
1020 | #
1021 | # Extract the stacks. We need more than one CPU to create a deadlock.
1022 | #
1023 | dStacks = self.extractGuestCpuStack(sInfoText);
1024 | self.dprint('kvm_lock_spinning: found %s stacks' % (len(dStacks),));
1025 | if len(dStacks) >= 2:
1026 | #
1027 | # Examin each of the stacks. Each must have kvm_lock_spinning in
1028 | # one of the first three entries.
1029 | #
1030 | cHits = 0;
1031 | for asBacktrace in dStacks.values():
1032 | for iFrame in xrange(min(3, len(asBacktrace))):
1033 | if asBacktrace[iFrame].find('kvm_lock_spinning') >= 0:
1034 | cHits += 1;
1035 | break;
1036 | self.dprint('kvm_lock_spinning: %s/%s hits' % (cHits, len(dStacks),));
1037 | if cHits == len(dStacks):
1038 | return (True, self.ktReason_VMM_kvm_lock_spinning);
1039 |
1040 | _ = dLogs; _ = oCaseFile;
1041 | return (False, None);
1042 |
1043 | def investigateInfoHalReturnToFirmware(self, oCaseFile, sInfoText, dLogs):
1044 | """ Investigates HalReturnToFirmware hangs """
1045 | del oCaseFile
1046 | del sInfoText
1047 | del dLogs
1048 | # hope that's sufficient
1049 | return (True, self.ktReason_Unknown_HalReturnToFirmware);
1050 |
1051 | ## Things we search a main or VM log for to figure out why something went bust.
1052 | ## @note DO NOT ADD MORE STUFF HERE!
1053 | ## Please use katSimpleMainLogReasons and katSimpleVmLogReasons instead!
1054 | katSimpleMainAndVmLogReasonsDeprecated = [
1055 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
1056 | ( False, ktReason_Guru_Generic, 'GuruMeditation' ),
1057 | ( False, ktReason_Guru_Generic, 'Guru Meditation' ),
1060 | ( True, ktReason_Guru_VERR_TRPM_DONT_PANIC, 'VERR_TRPM_DONT_PANIC' ),
1063 | ( True, ktReason_Guru_VINF_EM_TRIPLE_FAULT, 'VINF_EM_TRIPLE_FAULT' ),
1064 | ( True, ktReason_Networking_Nonexistent_host_nic,
1065 | 'rc=E_FAIL text="Nonexistent host networking interface, name \'eth0\' (VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR)"' ),
1066 | ( True, ktReason_Networking_VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND,
1067 | 'Failed to attach the network LUN (VERR_INTNET_FLT_IF_NOT_FOUND)' ),
1068 | ( True, ktReason_Host_Reboot_OSX_Watchdog_Timeout, ': "OSX Watchdog Timeout: ' ),
1069 | ( False, ktReason_XPCOM_NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED,
1070 | 'Exception: 0x800706be (Call to remote object failed (NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED))' ),
1071 | ( True, ktReason_API_std_bad_alloc, 'Unexpected exception: std::bad_alloc' ),
1072 | ( True, ktReason_Host_HostMemoryLow, 'HostMemoryLow' ),
1073 | ( True, ktReason_Host_HostMemoryLow, 'Failed to procure handy pages; rc=VERR_NO_MEMORY' ),
1074 | ( True, ktReason_Unknown_File_Not_Found,
1075 | 'Error: failed to start machine. Error message: File not found. (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)' ),
1076 | ( True, ktReason_Unknown_File_Not_Found, # lump it in with file-not-found for now.
1077 | 'Error: failed to start machine. Error message: Not supported. (VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)' ),
1078 | ( False, ktReason_Unknown_VM_Crash, 'txsDoConnectViaTcp: Machine state: Aborted' ),
1079 | ( True, ktReason_Host_Modprobe_Failed, 'Kernel driver not installed' ),
1080 | ( True, ktReason_OSInstall_Sata_no_BM, 'PCHS=14128/14134/8224' ),
1081 | ( True, ktReason_Host_DoubleFreeHeap, 'double free or corruption' ),
1082 | #( False, ktReason_Unknown_VM_Start_Error, 'VMSetError: ' ), - false positives for stuff like:
1083 | # "VMSetError: VD: Backend 'VBoxIsoMaker' does not support async I/O"
1084 | ( False, ktReason_Unknown_VM_Start_Error, 'error: failed to open session for' ),
1085 | ( False, ktReason_Unknown_VM_Runtime_Error, 'Console: VM runtime error: fatal=true' ),
1086 | ];
1087 |
1088 | ## This we search a main log for to figure out why something went bust.
1089 | katSimpleMainLogReasons = [
1090 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
1091 | ( False, ktReason_Host_win32com_gen_py, 'ModuleNotFoundError: No module named \'win32com.gen_py' ),
1092 |
1093 | ];
1094 |
1095 | ## This we search a VM log for to figure out why something went bust.
1096 | katSimpleVmLogReasons = [
1097 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
1098 | ];
1099 |
1100 | ## Things we search a VBoxHardening.log file for to figure out why something went bust.
1101 | katSimpleVBoxHardeningLogReasons = [
1102 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
1103 | ( True, ktReason_Host_DriverNotLoaded, 'Error opening VBoxDrvStub: STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND' ),
1104 | ( True, ktReason_Host_NotSignedWithBuildCert, 'Not signed with the build certificate' ),
1105 | ( True, ktReason_Host_TSTInfo_Accuracy_OOR, 'RTCRTSPTSTINFO::Accuracy::Millis: Out of range' ),
1106 | ( False, ktReason_Unknown_VM_Crash, 'Quitting: ExitCode=0xc0000005 (rcNtWait=' ),
1107 | ];
1108 |
1109 | ## Things we search a kernel.log file for to figure out why something went bust.
1110 | katSimpleKernelLogReasons = [
1111 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
1112 | ( True, ktReason_Panic_HugeMemory, 'mm/huge_memory.c:1988' ),
1113 | ( True, ktReason_Panic_IOAPICDoesntWork, 'IO-APIC + timer doesn\'t work' ),
1114 | ( True, ktReason_Panic_TxUnitHang, 'Detected Tx Unit Hang' ),
1115 | ( True, ktReason_GuestBug_CompizVBoxQt, 'error 4 in libQt5CoreVBox' ),
1116 | ( True, ktReason_GuestBug_CompizVBoxQt, 'error 4 in libgtk-3' ),
1117 | ];
1118 |
1119 | ## Things we search the _RIGHT_ _STRIPPED_ vgatext for.
1120 | katSimpleVgaTextReasons = [
1121 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
1122 | ( True, ktReason_Panic_MP_BIOS_IO_APIC,
1123 | "..MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC\n\n" ),
1124 | ( True, ktReason_Panic_MP_BIOS_IO_APIC,
1125 | "..MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC\n"
1126 | "...trying to set up timer (IRQ0) through the 8259A ... failed.\n"
1127 | "...trying to set up timer as Virtual Wire IRQ... failed.\n"
1128 | "...trying to set up timer as ExtINT IRQ... failed :(.\n"
1129 | "Kernel panic - not syncing: IO-APIC + timer doesn't work! Boot with apic=debug\n"
1130 | "and send a report. Then try booting with the 'noapic' option\n"
1131 | "\n" ),
1132 | ( True, ktReason_OSInstall_GRUB_hang,
1133 | "-----\nGRUB Loading stage2..\n\n\n\n" ),
1134 | ( True, ktReason_OSInstall_GRUB_hang,
1135 | "-----\nGRUB Loading stage2...\n\n\n\n" ), # the 3 dot hang appears to be less frequent
1136 | ( True, ktReason_OSInstall_GRUB_hang,
1137 | "-----\nGRUB Loading stage2....\n\n\n\n" ), # the 4 dot hang appears to be very infrequent
1138 | ( True, ktReason_OSInstall_GRUB_hang,
1139 | "-----\nGRUB Loading stage2.....\n\n\n\n" ), # the 5 dot hang appears to be more frequent again
1140 | ( True, ktReason_OSInstall_Udev_hang,
1141 | "\nStarting udev:\n\n\n\n" ),
1142 | ( True, ktReason_OSInstall_Udev_hang,
1143 | "\nStarting udev:\n------" ),
1144 | ( True, ktReason_Panic_BootManagerC000000F,
1145 | "Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the" ),
1146 | ( True, ktReason_BootManager_Image_corrupt,
1147 | "BOOTMGR image is corrupt. The system cannot boot." ),
1148 | ];
1149 |
1150 | ## Things we search for in the info.txt file. Require handlers for now.
1151 | katInfoTextHandlers = [
1152 | # ( Trigger text, handler method )
1153 | ( "kvm_lock_spinning", investigateInfoKvmLockSpinning ),
1154 | ( "HalReturnToFirmware", investigateInfoHalReturnToFirmware ),
1155 | ];
1156 |
1157 | ## Mapping screenshot/failure SHA-256 hashes to failure reasons.
1158 | katSimpleScreenshotHashReasons = [
1159 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, lowercased sha-256 of PIL.Image.tostring output )
1160 | ( True, ktReason_BSOD_Recovery, '576f8e38d62b311cac7e3dc3436a0d0b9bd8cfd7fa9c43aafa95631520a45eac' ),
1161 | ( True, ktReason_BSOD_Automatic_Repair, 'c6a72076cc619937a7a39cfe9915b36d94cee0d4e3ce5ce061485792dcee2749' ),
1162 | ( True, ktReason_BSOD_Automatic_Repair, '26c4d8a724ff2c5e1051f3d5b650dbda7b5fdee0aa3e3c6059797f7484a515df' ),
1163 | ( True, ktReason_BSOD_0000007F, '57e1880619e13042a87100e7a38c8974b85ce3866501be621bea0cc696bb2c63' ),
1164 | ( True, ktReason_BSOD_000000D1, '134621281f00a3f8aeeb7660064bffbf6187ed56d5852142328d0bcb18ef0ede' ),
1165 | ( True, ktReason_BSOD_000000D1, '279f11258150c9d2fef041eca65501f3141da8df39256d8f6377e897e3b45a93' ),
1166 | ( True, ktReason_BSOD_C0000225, 'bd13a144be9dcdfb16bc863ff4c8f02a86e263c174f2cd5ffd27ca5f3aa31789' ),
1167 | ( True, ktReason_BSOD_C0000225, '8348b465e7ee9e59dd4e785880c57fd8677de05d11ac21e786bfde935307b42f' ),
1168 | ( True, ktReason_BSOD_C0000225, '1316e1fc818a73348412788e6910b8c016f237d8b4e15b20caf4a866f7a7840e' ),
1169 | ( True, ktReason_BSOD_C0000225, '54e0acbff365ce20a85abbe42bcd53647b8b9e80c68e45b2cd30e86bf177a0b5' ),
1170 | ( True, ktReason_BSOD_C0000225, '50fec50b5199923fa48b3f3e782687cc381e1c8a788ebda14e6a355fbe3bb1b3' ),
1171 | ];
1172 |
1173 |
1174 | def scanLog(self, asLogs, atNeedles, oCaseFile, idTestResult):
1175 | """
1176 | Scans for atNeedles in sLog.
1177 |
1178 | Returns True if a stop-on-hit neelde was found.
1179 | Returns None if a no-stop reason was found.
1180 | Returns False if no hit.
1181 | """
1182 | fRet = False;
1183 | for fStopOnHit, tReason, oNeedle in atNeedles:
1184 | fMatch = False;
1185 | if utils.isString(oNeedle):
1186 | for sLog in asLogs:
1187 | if sLog:
1188 | fMatch |= sLog.find(oNeedle) > 0;
1189 | else:
1190 | for sLog in asLogs:
1191 | if sLog:
1192 | fMatch |= oNeedle.search(sLog) is not None;
1193 | if fMatch:
1194 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(tReason, idTestResult);
1195 | if fStopOnHit:
1196 | return True;
1197 | fRet = None;
1198 | return fRet;
1199 |
1200 |
1201 | def investigateGATest(self, oCaseFile, oFailedResult, sResultLog):
1202 | """
1203 | Investigates a failed VM run.
1204 | """
1205 | enmReason = None;
1206 | sParentName = oFailedResult.oParent.sName if oFailedResult.oParent else '';
1207 | if oFailedResult.sName == 'VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe' or sResultLog.find('VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe" failed with') > 0:
1208 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_Installer_Win_Failed;
1209 | # guest control:
1210 | elif sParentName == 'Guest Control' and oFailedResult.sName == 'Preparations':
1211 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_GstCtl_Preparations;
1212 | elif oFailedResult.sName == 'Session Basics':
1213 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_GstCtl_SessionBasics;
1214 | elif oFailedResult.sName == 'Session Process References':
1215 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_GstCtl_SessionProcRefs;
1216 | elif oFailedResult.sName == 'Copy from guest':
1217 | if sResultLog.find('*** abort action ***') >= 0:
1218 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_GstCtl_CopyFromGuest_Timeout;
1219 | elif oFailedResult.sName == 'Copy to guest':
1220 | off = sResultLog.find('"Guest directory "');
1221 | if off > 0 and sResultLog.find('" already exists"', off, off + 80):
1222 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_GstCtl_CopyToGuest_DstExists;
1223 | elif sResultLog.find('Guest destination must not be empty') >= 0:
1224 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_GstCtl_CopyToGuest_DstEmpty;
1225 | elif sResultLog.find('*** abort action ***') >= 0:
1226 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_GstCtl_CopyToGuest_Timeout;
1227 | elif oFailedResult.sName.find('Session w/ Guest Reboot') >= 0:
1228 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_GstCtl_Session_Reboot;
1229 | # shared folders:
1230 | elif sParentName == 'Shared Folders' and oFailedResult.sName == 'Automounting':
1231 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_ShFl_Automount;
1232 | elif oFailedResult.sName == 'mmap':
1233 | if sResultLog.find('FsPerf: Flush issue at offset ') >= 0:
1234 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_Mmap_Coherency;
1235 | elif sResultLog.find('FlushViewOfFile') >= 0:
1236 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_FlushViewOfFile;
1237 | elif sParentName == 'Shared Folders' and oFailedResult.sName == 'Running FsPerf':
1238 | enmReason = self.ktReason_Add_ShFl_FsPerf; ## Maybe it would be better to be more specific...
1239 |
1240 | if enmReason is not None:
1241 | return oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(enmReason, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1242 |
1243 | self.vprint(u'TODO: Cannot place GA failure idTestResult=%u - %s' % (oFailedResult.idTestResult, oFailedResult.sName,));
1244 | self.dprint(u'%s + %s <<\n%s\n<<' % (oFailedResult.tsCreated, oFailedResult.tsElapsed, sResultLog,));
1245 | return False;
1246 |
1247 | def isResultFromGATest(self, oCaseFile, oFailedResult):
1248 | """
1249 | Checks if this result and corresponding log snippet looks like a GA test run.
1250 | """
1251 | while oFailedResult is not None:
1252 | if oFailedResult.sName in [ 'Guest Control', 'Shared Folders', 'FsPerf', 'VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe' ]:
1253 | return True;
1254 | if oCaseFile.oTestCase.sName == 'Guest Additions' and oFailedResult.sName in [ 'Install', ]:
1255 | return True;
1256 | oFailedResult = oFailedResult.oParent;
1257 | return False;
1258 |
1259 |
1260 | def investigateVMResult(self, oCaseFile, oFailedResult, sResultLog):
1261 | """
1262 | Investigates a failed VM run.
1263 | """
1264 |
1265 | def investigateLogSet():
1266 | """
1267 | Investigates the current set of VM related logs.
1268 | """
1269 | self.dprint('investigateLogSet: log lengths: result %u, VM %u, kernel %u, vga text %u, info text %u, hard %u'
1270 | % ( len(sResultLog if sResultLog else ''),
1271 | len(sVMLog if sVMLog else ''),
1272 | len(sKrnlLog if sKrnlLog else ''),
1273 | len(sVgaText if sVgaText else ''),
1274 | len(sInfoText if sInfoText else ''),
1275 | len(sNtHardLog if sNtHardLog else ''),));
1276 |
1277 | #self.dprint(u'main.log<<<\n%s\n<<<\n' % (sResultLog,));
1278 | #self.dprint(u'vbox.log<<<\n%s\n<<<\n' % (sVMLog,));
1279 | #self.dprint(u'krnl.log<<<\n%s\n<<<\n' % (sKrnlLog,));
1280 | #self.dprint(u'vgatext.txt<<<\n%s\n<<<\n' % (sVgaText,));
1281 | #self.dprint(u'info.txt<<<\n%s\n<<<\n' % (sInfoText,));
1282 | #self.dprint(u'hard.txt<<<\n%s\n<<<\n' % (sNtHardLog,));
1283 |
1284 | # TODO: more
1285 |
1286 | #
1287 | # Look for BSODs. Some stupid stupid inconsistencies in reason and log messages here, so don't try prettify this.
1288 | #
1289 | sDetails = self.findInAnyAndReturnRestOfLine([ sVMLog, sResultLog ],
1290 | 'GIM: HyperV: Guest indicates a fatal condition! P0=');
1291 | if sDetails is not None:
1292 | # P0=%#RX64 P1=%#RX64 P2=%#RX64 P3=%#RX64 P4=%#RX64 "
1293 | sKey = sDetails.split(' ', 1)[0];
1294 | try: sKey = '0x%08X' % (int(sKey, 16),);
1295 | except: pass;
1296 | if sKey in self.asBsodReasons:
1297 | tReason = ( self.ksBsodCategory, sKey );
1298 | elif sKey.lower() in self.asBsodReasons: # just in case.
1299 | tReason = ( self.ksBsodCategory, sKey.lower() );
1300 | else:
1301 | self.dprint(u'BSOD "%s" not found in %s;' % (sKey, self.asBsodReasons));
1302 | tReason = ( self.ksBsodCategory, self.ksBsodAddNew );
1303 | return oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(tReason, oFailedResult.idTestResult, sComment = sDetails.strip());
1304 |
1305 | fFoundSomething = False;
1306 |
1307 | #
1308 | # Look for linux panic.
1309 | #
1310 | if sKrnlLog is not None:
1311 | fRet = self.scanLog([sKrnlLog,], self.katSimpleKernelLogReasons, oCaseFile, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1312 | if fRet is True:
1313 | return fRet;
1314 | fFoundSomething |= fRet is None;
1315 |
1316 | #
1317 | # Loop thru the simple stuff.
1318 | #
1319 |
1320 | # Main log.
1321 | fRet = self.scanLog([sResultLog,], self.katSimpleMainLogReasons, oCaseFile, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1322 | if fRet is True:
1323 | return fRet;
1324 | fFoundSomething |= fRet is None;
1325 |
1326 | # VM log.
1327 | fRet = self.scanLog([sVMLog,], self.katSimpleVmLogReasons, oCaseFile, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1328 | if fRet is True:
1329 | return fRet;
1330 | fFoundSomething |= fRet is None;
1331 |
1332 | # Old main + vm log.
1333 | fRet = self.scanLog([sResultLog, sVMLog], self.katSimpleMainAndVmLogReasonsDeprecated,
1334 | oCaseFile, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1335 | if fRet is True:
1336 | return fRet;
1337 | fFoundSomething |= fRet is None;
1338 |
1339 | # Continue with vga text.
1340 | if sVgaText:
1341 | fRet = self.scanLog([sVgaText,], self.katSimpleVgaTextReasons, oCaseFile, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1342 | if fRet is True:
1343 | return fRet;
1344 | fFoundSomething |= fRet is None;
1345 |
1346 | # Continue with screen hashes.
1347 | if sScreenHash is not None:
1348 | for fStopOnHit, tReason, sHash in self.katSimpleScreenshotHashReasons:
1349 | if sScreenHash == sHash:
1350 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(tReason, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1351 | if fStopOnHit:
1352 | return True;
1353 | fFoundSomething = True;
1354 |
1355 | # Check VBoxHardening.log.
1356 | if sNtHardLog is not None:
1357 | fRet = self.scanLog([sNtHardLog,], self.katSimpleVBoxHardeningLogReasons, oCaseFile, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1358 | if fRet is True:
1359 | return fRet;
1360 | fFoundSomething |= fRet is None;
1361 |
1362 | #
1363 | # Complicated stuff.
1364 | #
1365 | dLogs = {
1366 | 'sVMLog': sVMLog,
1367 | 'sNtHardLog': sNtHardLog,
1368 | 'sScreenHash': sScreenHash,
1369 | 'sKrnlLog': sKrnlLog,
1370 | 'sVgaText': sVgaText,
1371 | 'sInfoText': sInfoText,
1372 | };
1373 |
1374 | # info.txt.
1375 | if sInfoText:
1376 | for sNeedle, fnHandler in self.katInfoTextHandlers:
1377 | if sInfoText.find(sNeedle) > 0:
1378 | (fStop, tReason) = fnHandler(self, oCaseFile, sInfoText, dLogs);
1379 | if tReason is not None:
1380 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(tReason, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1381 | if fStop:
1382 | return True;
1383 | fFoundSomething = True;
1384 |
1385 | #
1386 | # Check for repeated reboots...
1387 | #
1388 | if sVMLog is not None:
1389 | cResets = sVMLog.count('Changing the VM state from \'RUNNING\' to \'RESETTING\'');
1390 | if cResets > 10:
1391 | return oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(self.ktReason_Unknown_Reboot_Loop, oFailedResult.idTestResult,
1392 | sComment = 'Counted %s reboots' % (cResets,));
1393 |
1394 | return fFoundSomething;
1395 |
1396 | #
1397 | # Check if we got any VM or/and kernel logs. Treat them as sets in
1398 | # case we run multiple VMs here (this is of course ASSUMING they
1399 | # appear in the order that terminateVmBySession uploads them).
1400 | #
1401 | cTimes = 0;
1402 | sVMLog = None;
1403 | sNtHardLog = None;
1404 | sScreenHash = None;
1405 | sKrnlLog = None;
1406 | sVgaText = None;
1407 | sInfoText = None;
1408 | for oFile in oFailedResult.aoFiles:
1409 | if oFile.sKind == TestResultFileData.ksKind_LogReleaseVm:
1410 | if 'VBoxHardening.log' not in oFile.sFile:
1411 | if sVMLog is not None:
1412 | if investigateLogSet() is True:
1413 | return True;
1414 | cTimes += 1;
1415 | sInfoText = None;
1416 | sVgaText = None;
1417 | sKrnlLog = None;
1418 | sScreenHash = None;
1419 | sNtHardLog = None;
1420 | sVMLog = oCaseFile.getLogFile(oFile);
1421 | else:
1422 | sNtHardLog = oCaseFile.getLogFile(oFile);
1423 | elif oFile.sKind == TestResultFileData.ksKind_LogGuestKernel:
1424 | sKrnlLog = oCaseFile.getLogFile(oFile);
1425 | elif oFile.sKind == TestResultFileData.ksKind_InfoVgaText:
1426 | sVgaText = '\n'.join([sLine.rstrip() for sLine in oCaseFile.getLogFile(oFile).split('\n')]);
1427 | elif oFile.sKind == TestResultFileData.ksKind_InfoCollection:
1428 | sInfoText = oCaseFile.getLogFile(oFile);
1429 | elif oFile.sKind == TestResultFileData.ksKind_ScreenshotFailure:
1430 | sScreenHash = oCaseFile.getScreenshotSha256(oFile);
1431 | if sScreenHash is not None:
1432 | sScreenHash = sScreenHash.lower();
1433 | self.vprint(u'%s %s' % ( sScreenHash, oFile.sFile,));
1434 |
1435 | if ( sVMLog is not None \
1436 | or sNtHardLog is not None \
1437 | or cTimes == 0) \
1438 | and investigateLogSet() is True:
1439 | return True;
1440 |
1441 | return None;
1442 |
1443 | def isResultFromVMRun(self, oFailedResult, sResultLog):
1444 | """
1445 | Checks if this result and corresponding log snippet looks like a VM run.
1446 | """
1447 |
1448 | # Look for startVmEx/ startVmAndConnectToTxsViaTcp and similar output in the log.
1449 | if sResultLog.find(' startVm') > 0:
1450 | return True;
1451 |
1452 | # Any other indicators? No?
1453 | _ = oFailedResult;
1454 | return False;
1455 |
1456 |
1457 | ## Things we search a VBoxSVC log for to figure out why something went bust.
1458 | katSimpleSvcLogReasons = [
1459 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
1460 | ( False, ktReason_Unknown_VM_Crash, re.compile(r'Reaper.* exited normally: -1073741819 \(0xc0000005\)') ),
1461 | ( False, ktReason_Unknown_VM_Crash, re.compile(r'Reaper.* was signalled: 11 \(0xb\)') ),
1462 | ];
1463 |
1464 | def investigateSvcLogForVMRun(self, oCaseFile, sSvcLog):
1465 | """
1466 | Check the VBoxSVC log for a single VM run.
1467 | """
1468 | if sSvcLog:
1469 | fRet = self.scanLog([sSvcLog,], self.katSimpleSvcLogReasons, oCaseFile, oCaseFile.oTree.idTestResult);
1470 | if fRet is True or fRet is None:
1471 | return True;
1472 | return False;
1473 |
1474 | def investigateNtHardLogForVMRun(self, oCaseFile):
1475 | """
1476 | Check if the hardening log for a single VM run contains VM crash indications.
1477 | """
1478 | aoLogFiles = oCaseFile.oTree.getListOfLogFilesByKind(TestResultFileData.ksKind_LogReleaseVm);
1479 | for oLogFile in aoLogFiles:
1480 | if oLogFile.sFile.find('VBoxHardening.log') >= 0:
1481 | sLog = oCaseFile.getLogFile(oLogFile);
1482 | if sLog.find('Quitting: ExitCode=0xc0000005') >= 0:
1483 | return oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(self.ktReason_Unknown_VM_Crash, oCaseFile.oTree.idTestResult);
1484 | return False;
1485 |
1486 |
1487 | def investigateVBoxVMTest(self, oCaseFile, fSingleVM):
1488 | """
1489 | Checks out a VBox VM test.
1490 |
1491 | This is generic investigation of a test running one or more VMs, like
1492 | for example a smoke test or a guest installation test.
1493 |
1494 | The fSingleVM parameter is a hint, which probably won't come in useful.
1495 | """
1496 | _ = fSingleVM;
1497 |
1498 | #
1499 | # Get a list of test result failures we should be looking into and the main log.
1500 | #
1501 | aoFailedResults = oCaseFile.oTree.getListOfFailures();
1502 | sMainLog = oCaseFile.getMainLog();
1503 |
1504 | #
1505 | # There are a set of errors ending up on the top level result record.
1506 | # Should deal with these first.
1507 | #
1508 | if len(aoFailedResults) == 1 and aoFailedResults[0] == oCaseFile.oTree:
1509 | # Check if we've just got that XPCOM client smoke test shutdown issue. This will currently always
1510 | # be reported on the top result because vboxinstall.py doesn't add an error for it. It is easy to
1511 | # ignore other failures in the test if we're not a little bit careful here.
1512 | if sMainLog.find('vboxinstaller: Exit code: -11 (') > 0:
1513 | oCaseFile.noteReason(self.ktReason_XPCOM_Exit_Minus_11);
1514 | return self.caseClosed(oCaseFile);
1515 |
1516 | # Hang after starting VBoxSVC (e.g. idTestSet=136307258)
1517 | if self.isThisFollowedByTheseLines(sMainLog, 'oVBoxMgr=<vboxapi.VirtualBoxManager object at',
1518 | (' Timeout: ', ' Attempting to abort child...',) ):
1519 | if sMainLog.find('*** glibc detected *** /') > 0:
1520 | oCaseFile.noteReason(self.ktReason_XPCOM_VBoxSVC_Hang_Plus_Heap_Corruption);
1521 | else:
1522 | oCaseFile.noteReason(self.ktReason_XPCOM_VBoxSVC_Hang);
1523 | return self.caseClosed(oCaseFile);
1524 |
1525 | # Look for heap corruption without visible hang.
1526 | if sMainLog.find('*** glibc detected *** /') > 0 \
1527 | or sMainLog.find("-1073740940") > 0: # STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION / 0xc0000374
1528 | oCaseFile.noteReason(self.ktReason_Unknown_Heap_Corruption);
1529 | return self.caseClosed(oCaseFile);
1530 |
1531 | # Out of memory w/ timeout.
1532 | if sMainLog.find('sErrId=HostMemoryLow') > 0:
1533 | oCaseFile.noteReason(self.ktReason_Host_HostMemoryLow);
1534 | return self.caseClosed(oCaseFile);
1535 |
1536 | # Stale files like vts_rm.exe (windows).
1537 | offEnd = sMainLog.rfind('*** The test driver exits successfully. ***');
1538 | if offEnd > 0 and sMainLog.find('[Error 145] The directory is not empty: ', offEnd) > 0:
1539 | oCaseFile.noteReason(self.ktReason_Ignore_Stale_Files);
1540 | return self.caseClosed(oCaseFile);
1541 |
1542 | #
1543 | # XPCOM screwup
1544 | #
1545 | if sMainLog.find('AttributeError: \'NoneType\' object has no attribute \'addObserver\'') > 0:
1546 | oCaseFile.noteReason(self.ktReason_Buggy_Build_Broken_Build);
1547 | return self.caseClosed(oCaseFile);
1548 |
1549 | #
1550 | # Go thru each failed result.
1551 | #
1552 | for oFailedResult in aoFailedResults:
1553 | self.dprint(u'Looking at test result #%u - %s' % (oFailedResult.idTestResult, oFailedResult.getFullName(),));
1554 | sResultLog = TestSetData.extractLogSectionElapsed(sMainLog, oFailedResult.tsCreated, oFailedResult.tsElapsed);
1555 | if oFailedResult.sName == 'Installing VirtualBox':
1556 | self.investigateInstallUninstallFailure(oCaseFile, oFailedResult, sResultLog, fInstall = True)
1557 |
1558 | elif oFailedResult.sName == 'Uninstalling VirtualBox':
1559 | self.investigateInstallUninstallFailure(oCaseFile, oFailedResult, sResultLog, fInstall = False)
1560 |
1561 | elif self.isResultFromVMRun(oFailedResult, sResultLog):
1562 | self.investigateVMResult(oCaseFile, oFailedResult, sResultLog);
1563 |
1564 | elif self.isResultFromGATest(oCaseFile, oFailedResult):
1565 | self.investigateGATest(oCaseFile, oFailedResult, sResultLog);
1566 |
1567 | elif sResultLog.find('most likely not unique') > 0:
1568 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(self.ktReason_Host_NetworkMisconfiguration, oFailedResult.idTestResult)
1569 | elif sResultLog.find('Exception: 0x800706be (Call to remote object failed (NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED))') > 0:
1570 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(self.ktReason_XPCOM_NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1571 |
1572 | elif sResultLog.find('The machine is not mutable (state is ') > 0:
1573 | self.vprint('Ignoring "machine not mutable" error as it is probably due to an earlier problem');
1574 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(self.ktHarmless, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1575 |
1576 | elif sResultLog.find('** error: no action was specified') > 0 \
1577 | or sResultLog.find('(len(self._asXml, asText))') > 0:
1578 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(self.ktReason_Ignore_Buggy_Test_Driver, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1579 |
1580 | else:
1581 | self.vprint(u'TODO: Cannot place idTestResult=%u - %s' % (oFailedResult.idTestResult, oFailedResult.sName,));
1582 | self.dprint(u'%s + %s <<\n%s\n<<' % (oFailedResult.tsCreated, oFailedResult.tsElapsed, sResultLog,));
1583 |
1584 | #
1585 | # Windows python/com screwup.
1586 | #
1587 | if sMainLog.find('ModuleNotFoundError: No module named \'win32com.gen_py') > 0:
1588 | oCaseFile.noteReason(self.ktReason_Host_win32com_gen_py);
1589 | return self.caseClosed(oCaseFile);
1590 |
1591 | #
1592 | # Check VBoxSVC.log and VBoxHardening.log for VM crashes if inconclusive on single VM runs.
1593 | #
1594 | if fSingleVM and len(oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId) < len(aoFailedResults):
1595 | self.dprint(u'Got %u out of %u - checking VBoxSVC.log...'
1596 | % (len(oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId), len(aoFailedResults)));
1597 | if self.investigateSvcLogForVMRun(oCaseFile, oCaseFile.getSvcLog()):
1598 | return self.caseClosed(oCaseFile);
1599 | if self.investigateNtHardLogForVMRun(oCaseFile):
1600 | return self.caseClosed(oCaseFile);
1601 |
1602 | #
1603 | # Report home and close the case if we got them all, otherwise log it.
1604 | #
1605 | if len(oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId) >= len(aoFailedResults):
1606 | return self.caseClosed(oCaseFile);
1607 |
1608 | if oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId:
1609 | self.vprint(u'TODO: Got %u out of %u - close, but no cigar. :-/'
1610 | % (len(oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId), len(aoFailedResults)));
1611 | else:
1612 | self.vprint(u'XXX: Could not figure out anything at all! :-(');
1613 | return False;
1614 |
1615 |
1616 | ## Things we search a main log for to figure out why something in the API test went bust.
1617 | katSimpleApiMainLogReasons = [
1618 | # ( Whether to stop on hit, reason tuple, needle text. )
1619 | ( True, ktReason_Networking_Nonexistent_host_nic,
1620 | 'rc=E_FAIL text="Nonexistent host networking interface, name \'eth0\' (VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR)"' ),
1621 | ( False, ktReason_XPCOM_NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED,
1622 | 'Exception: 0x800706be (Call to remote object failed (NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED))' ),
1623 | ( True, ktReason_API_std_bad_alloc, 'Unexpected exception: std::bad_alloc' ),
1624 | ( True, ktReason_API_Digest_Mismatch, 'Digest mismatch (VERR_NOT_EQUAL)' ),
1625 | ( True, ktReason_API_MoveVM_SharingViolation, 'rc=VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR text="Could not copy the log file ' ),
1626 | ( True, ktReason_API_MoveVM_InvalidParameter,
1627 | 'rc=VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR text="Could not copy the setting file ' ),
1628 | ( True, ktReason_API_Open_Session_Failed, 'error: failed to open session for' ),
1629 | ];
1630 |
1631 | def investigateVBoxApiTest(self, oCaseFile):
1632 | """
1633 | Checks out a VBox API test.
1634 | """
1635 |
1636 | #
1637 | # Get a list of test result failures we should be looking into and the main log.
1638 | #
1639 | aoFailedResults = oCaseFile.oTree.getListOfFailures();
1640 | sMainLog = oCaseFile.getMainLog();
1641 |
1642 | #
1643 | # Go thru each failed result.
1644 | #
1645 | for oFailedResult in aoFailedResults:
1646 | self.dprint(u'Looking at test result #%u - %s' % (oFailedResult.idTestResult, oFailedResult.getFullName(),));
1647 | sResultLog = TestSetData.extractLogSectionElapsed(sMainLog, oFailedResult.tsCreated, oFailedResult.tsElapsed);
1648 | if oFailedResult.sName == 'Installing VirtualBox':
1649 | self.investigateInstallUninstallFailure(oCaseFile, oFailedResult, sResultLog, fInstall = True)
1650 |
1651 | elif oFailedResult.sName == 'Uninstalling VirtualBox':
1652 | self.investigateInstallUninstallFailure(oCaseFile, oFailedResult, sResultLog, fInstall = False)
1653 |
1654 | elif sResultLog.find('Exception: 0x800706be (Call to remote object failed (NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED))') > 0:
1655 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(self.ktReason_XPCOM_NS_ERROR_CALL_FAILED, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1656 |
1657 | else:
1658 | fFoundSomething = False;
1659 | for fStopOnHit, tReason, sNeedle in self.katSimpleApiMainLogReasons:
1660 | if sResultLog.find(sNeedle) > 0:
1661 | oCaseFile.noteReasonForId(tReason, oFailedResult.idTestResult);
1662 | fFoundSomething = True;
1663 | if fStopOnHit:
1664 | break;
1665 | if fFoundSomething:
1666 | self.vprint(u'TODO: Cannot place idTestResult=%u - %s' % (oFailedResult.idTestResult, oFailedResult.sName,));
1667 | self.dprint(u'%s + %s <<\n%s\n<<' % (oFailedResult.tsCreated, oFailedResult.tsElapsed, sResultLog,));
1668 |
1669 | #
1670 | # Report home and close the case if we got them all, otherwise log it.
1671 | #
1672 | if len(oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId) >= len(aoFailedResults):
1673 | return self.caseClosed(oCaseFile);
1674 |
1675 | if oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId:
1676 | self.vprint(u'TODO: Got %u out of %u - close, but no cigar. :-/'
1677 | % (len(oCaseFile.dReasonForResultId), len(aoFailedResults)));
1678 | else:
1679 | self.vprint(u'XXX: Could not figure out anything at all! :-(');
1680 | return False;
1681 |
1682 |
1683 | def reasoningFailures(self):
1684 | """
1685 | Guess the reason for failures.
1686 | """
1687 | #
1688 | # Get a list of failed test sets without any assigned failure reason.
1689 | #
1690 | cGot = 0;
1691 | if not self.oConfig.aidTestSets:
1692 | aoTestSets = self.oTestSetLogic.fetchFailedSetsWithoutReason(cHoursBack = self.oConfig.cHoursBack,
1693 | tsNow = self.tsNow);
1694 | else:
1695 | aoTestSets = [self.oTestSetLogic.getById(idTestSet) for idTestSet in self.oConfig.aidTestSets];
1696 | for oTestSet in aoTestSets:
1697 | self.dprint(u'----------------------------------- #%u, status %s -----------------------------------'
1698 | % ( oTestSet.idTestSet, oTestSet.enmStatus,));
1699 |
1700 | #
1701 | # Open a case file and assign it to the right investigator.
1702 | #
1703 | (oTree, _ ) = self.oTestResultLogic.fetchResultTree(oTestSet.idTestSet);
1704 | oBuild = BuildDataEx().initFromDbWithId( self.oDb, oTestSet.idBuild, oTestSet.tsCreated);
1705 | oTestBox = TestBoxData().initFromDbWithGenId( self.oDb, oTestSet.idGenTestBox);
1706 | oTestGroup = TestGroupData().initFromDbWithId( self.oDb, oTestSet.idTestGroup, oTestSet.tsCreated);
1707 | oTestCase = TestCaseDataEx().initFromDbWithGenId( self.oDb, oTestSet.idGenTestCase, oTestSet.tsConfig);
1708 |
1709 | oCaseFile = VirtualTestSheriffCaseFile(self, oTestSet, oTree, oBuild, oTestBox, oTestGroup, oTestCase);
1710 |
1711 | if oTestSet.enmStatus == TestSetData.ksTestStatus_BadTestBox:
1712 | self.dprint(u'investigateBadTestBox is taking over %s.' % (oCaseFile.sLongName,));
1713 | fRc = self.investigateBadTestBox(oCaseFile);
1714 |
1715 | elif oCaseFile.isVBoxUnitTest():
1716 | self.dprint(u'investigateVBoxUnitTest is taking over %s.' % (oCaseFile.sLongName,));
1717 | fRc = self.investigateVBoxUnitTest(oCaseFile);
1718 |
1719 | elif oCaseFile.isVBoxInstallTest() or oCaseFile.isVBoxUnattendedInstallTest():
1720 | self.dprint(u'investigateVBoxVMTest is taking over %s.' % (oCaseFile.sLongName,));
1721 | fRc = self.investigateVBoxVMTest(oCaseFile, fSingleVM = True);
1722 |
1723 | elif oCaseFile.isVBoxUSBTest():
1724 | self.dprint(u'investigateVBoxVMTest is taking over %s.' % (oCaseFile.sLongName,));
1725 | fRc = self.investigateVBoxVMTest(oCaseFile, fSingleVM = True);
1726 |
1727 | elif oCaseFile.isVBoxStorageTest():
1728 | self.dprint(u'investigateVBoxVMTest is taking over %s.' % (oCaseFile.sLongName,));
1729 | fRc = self.investigateVBoxVMTest(oCaseFile, fSingleVM = True);
1730 |
1731 | elif oCaseFile.isVBoxGAsTest():
1732 | self.dprint(u'investigateVBoxVMTest is taking over %s.' % (oCaseFile.sLongName,));
1733 | fRc = self.investigateVBoxVMTest(oCaseFile, fSingleVM = True);
1734 |
1735 | elif oCaseFile.isVBoxAPITest():
1736 | self.dprint(u'investigateVBoxApiTest is taking over %s.' % (oCaseFile.sLongName,));
1737 | fRc = self.investigateVBoxApiTest(oCaseFile);
1738 |
1739 | elif oCaseFile.isVBoxBenchmarkTest():
1740 | self.dprint(u'investigateVBoxVMTest is taking over %s.' % (oCaseFile.sLongName,));
1741 | fRc = self.investigateVBoxVMTest(oCaseFile, fSingleVM = False);
1742 |
1743 | elif oCaseFile.isVBoxSmokeTest():
1744 | self.dprint(u'investigateVBoxVMTest is taking over %s.' % (oCaseFile.sLongName,));
1745 | fRc = self.investigateVBoxVMTest(oCaseFile, fSingleVM = False);
1746 |
1747 | elif oCaseFile.isVBoxSerialTest():
1748 | self.dprint(u'investigateVBoxVMTest is taking over %s.' % (oCaseFile.sLongName,));
1749 | fRc = self.investigateVBoxVMTest(oCaseFile, fSingleVM = False);
1750 |
1751 | else:
1752 | self.vprint(u'reasoningFailures: Unable to classify test set: %s' % (oCaseFile.sLongName,));
1753 | fRc = False;
1754 | cGot += fRc is True;
1755 |
1756 | self.vprint(u'reasoningFailures: Got %u out of %u' % (cGot, len(aoTestSets), ));
1757 | return 0;
1758 |
1759 |
1760 | def main(self):
1761 | """
1762 | The 'main' function.
1763 | Return exit code (0, 1, etc).
1764 | """
1765 | # Database stuff.
1766 | self.oDb = TMDatabaseConnection()
1767 | self.oTestResultLogic = TestResultLogic(self.oDb);
1768 | self.oTestSetLogic = TestSetLogic(self.oDb);
1769 | self.oFailureReasonLogic = FailureReasonLogic(self.oDb);
1770 | self.oTestResultFailureLogic = TestResultFailureLogic(self.oDb);
1771 | self.asBsodReasons = self.oFailureReasonLogic.fetchForSheriffByNamedCategory(self.ksBsodCategory);
1772 | self.asUnitTestReasons = self.oFailureReasonLogic.fetchForSheriffByNamedCategory(self.ksUnitTestCategory);
1773 |
1774 | # Get a fix on our 'now' before we do anything..
1775 | self.oDb.execute('SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval \'%s hours\'', (self.oConfig.cStartHoursAgo,));
1776 | self.tsNow = self.oDb.fetchOne();
1777 |
1778 | # If we're suppost to commit anything we need to get our user ID.
1779 | rcExit = 0;
1780 | if self.oConfig.fRealRun:
1781 | self.oLogin = UserAccountLogic(self.oDb).tryFetchAccountByLoginName(VirtualTestSheriff.ksLoginName);
1782 | if self.oLogin is None:
1783 | rcExit = self.eprint('Cannot find my user account "%s"!' % (VirtualTestSheriff.ksLoginName,));
1784 | else:
1785 | self.uidSelf = self.oLogin.uid;
1786 |
1787 | #
1788 | # Do the stuff.
1789 | #
1790 | if rcExit == 0:
1791 | rcExit = self.selfCheck();
1792 | if rcExit == 0:
1793 | rcExit = self.badTestBoxManagement();
1794 | rcExit2 = self.reasoningFailures();
1795 | if rcExit == 0:
1796 | rcExit = rcExit2;
1797 | # Redo the bad testbox management after failure reasons have been assigned (got timing issues).
1798 | if rcExit == 0:
1799 | rcExit = self.badTestBoxManagement();
1800 |
1801 | # Cleanup.
1802 | self.oFailureReasonLogic = None;
1803 | self.oTestResultFailureLogic = None;
1804 | self.oTestSetLogic = None;
1805 | self.oTestResultLogic = None;
1806 | self.oDb.close();
1807 | self.oDb = None;
1808 | if self.oLogFile is not None:
1809 | self.oLogFile.close();
1810 | self.oLogFile = None;
1811 | return rcExit;
1812 |
1813 | if __name__ == '__main__':
1814 | sys.exit(VirtualTestSheriff().main());