1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: vboxtestvms.py 79132 2019-06-13 15:13:12Z vboxsync $
3 |
4 | """
5 | VirtualBox Test VMs
6 | """
7 |
8 | __copyright__ = \
9 | """
10 | Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Oracle Corporation
11 |
12 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
13 | available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
14 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
15 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
16 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
17 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
18 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
19 |
20 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
21 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
22 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
23 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
24 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
25 |
26 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
27 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
28 | """
29 | __version__ = "$Revision: 79132 $"
30 |
31 | # Standard Python imports.
32 | import copy;
33 | import os;
34 | import re;
35 | import random;
36 | import socket;
37 | import string;
38 | import uuid;
39 |
40 | # Validation Kit imports.
41 | from testdriver import base;
42 | from testdriver import reporter;
43 | from testdriver import vboxcon;
44 | from common import pathutils;
45 | from common import utils;
46 |
47 |
48 | # All virtualization modes.
49 | g_asVirtModes = ['hwvirt', 'hwvirt-np', 'raw',];
50 | # All virtualization modes except for raw-mode.
51 | g_asVirtModesNoRaw = ['hwvirt', 'hwvirt-np',];
52 | # Dictionary mapping the virtualization mode mnemonics to a little less cryptic
53 | # strings used in test descriptions.
54 | g_dsVirtModeDescs = {
55 | 'raw' : 'Raw-mode',
56 | 'hwvirt' : 'HwVirt',
57 | 'hwvirt-np' : 'NestedPaging'
58 | };
59 |
60 | ## @name VM grouping flags
61 | ## @{
62 | g_kfGrpSmoke = 0x0001; ##< Smoke test VM.
63 | g_kfGrpStandard = 0x0002; ##< Standard test VM.
64 | g_kfGrpStdSmoke = g_kfGrpSmoke | g_kfGrpStandard; ##< shorthand.
65 | g_kfGrpWithGAs = 0x0004; ##< The VM has guest additions installed.
66 | g_kfGrpNoTxs = 0x0008; ##< The VM lacks test execution service.
67 | g_kfGrpAncient = 0x1000; ##< Ancient OS.
68 | g_kfGrpExotic = 0x2000; ##< Exotic OS.
69 | ## @}
70 |
71 |
72 | ## @name Flags.
73 | ## @{
74 | g_k32 = 32; # pylint: disable=invalid-name
75 | g_k64 = 64; # pylint: disable=invalid-name
76 | g_k32_64 = 96; # pylint: disable=invalid-name
77 | g_kiArchMask = 96;
78 | g_kiNoRaw = 128; ##< No raw mode.
79 | ## @}
80 |
81 | # Array indexes.
82 | g_iGuestOsType = 0;
83 | g_iKind = 1;
84 | g_iFlags = 2;
85 | g_iMinCpu = 3;
86 | g_iMaxCpu = 4;
87 | g_iRegEx = 5;
88 |
89 | # Table translating from VM name core to a more detailed guest info.
90 | # pylint: disable=line-too-long
91 | ## @todo what's the difference between the first two columns again?
92 | g_aaNameToDetails = \
93 | [
94 | [ 'WindowsNT3x', 'WindowsNT3x', g_k32, 1, 32, ['nt3', 'nt3[0-9]*']], # max cpus??
95 | [ 'WindowsNT4', 'WindowsNT4', g_k32, 1, 32, ['nt4', 'nt4sp[0-9]']], # max cpus??
96 | [ 'Windows2000', 'Windows2000', g_k32, 1, 32, ['w2k', 'w2ksp[0-9]', 'win2k', 'win2ksp[0-9]']], # max cpus??
97 | [ 'WindowsXP', 'WindowsXP', g_k32, 1, 32, ['xp', 'xpsp[0-9]']],
98 | [ 'WindowsXP_64', 'WindowsXP_64', g_k64, 1, 32, ['xp64', 'xp64sp[0-9]']],
99 | [ 'Windows2003', 'Windows2003', g_k32, 1, 32, ['w2k3', 'w2k3sp[0-9]', 'win2k3', 'win2k3sp[0-9]']],
100 | [ 'WindowsVista', 'WindowsVista', g_k32, 1, 32, ['vista', 'vistasp[0-9]']],
101 | [ 'WindowsVista_64','WindowsVista_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['vista-64', 'vistasp[0-9]-64',]], # max cpus/cores??
102 | [ 'Windows2008', 'Windows2008', g_k32, 1, 64, ['w2k8', 'w2k8sp[0-9]', 'win2k8', 'win2k8sp[0-9]']], # max cpus/cores??
103 | [ 'Windows2008_64', 'Windows2008_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w2k8r2', 'w2k8r2sp[0-9]', 'win2k8r2', 'win2k8r2sp[0-9]']], # max cpus/cores??
104 | [ 'Windows7', 'Windows7', g_k32, 1, 32, ['w7', 'w7sp[0-9]', 'win7',]], # max cpus/cores??
105 | [ 'Windows7_64', 'Windows7_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w7-64', 'w7sp[0-9]-64', 'win7-64',]], # max cpus/cores??
106 | [ 'Windows8', 'Windows8', g_k32 | g_kiNoRaw, 1, 32, ['w8', 'w8sp[0-9]', 'win8',]], # max cpus/cores??
107 | [ 'Windows8_64', 'Windows8_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w8-64', 'w8sp[0-9]-64', 'win8-64',]], # max cpus/cores??
108 | [ 'Windows81', 'Windows81', g_k32 | g_kiNoRaw, 1, 32, ['w81', 'w81sp[0-9]', 'win81',]], # max cpus/cores??
109 | [ 'Windows81_64', 'Windows81_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w81-64', 'w81sp[0-9]-64', 'win81-64',]], # max cpus/cores??
110 | [ 'Windows10', 'Windows10', g_k32 | g_kiNoRaw, 1, 32, ['w10', 'w10sp[0-9]', 'win10',]], # max cpus/cores??
111 | [ 'Windows10_64', 'Windows10_64', g_k64, 1, 64, ['w10-64', 'w10sp[0-9]-64', 'win10-64',]], # max cpus/cores??
112 | [ 'Linux', 'Debian', g_k32, 1, 256, ['deb[0-9]*', 'debian[0-9]*', ]],
113 | [ 'Linux_64', 'Debian_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['deb[0-9]*-64', 'debian[0-9]*-64', ]],
114 | [ 'Linux', 'RedHat', g_k32, 1, 256, ['rhel', 'rhel[0-9]', 'rhel[0-9]u[0-9]']],
115 | [ 'Linux', 'Fedora', g_k32, 1, 256, ['fedora', 'fedora[0-9]*', ]],
116 | [ 'Linux_64', 'Fedora_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['fedora-64', 'fedora[0-9]*-64', ]],
117 | [ 'Linux', 'Oracle', g_k32, 1, 256, ['ols[0-9]*', 'oel[0-9]*', ]],
118 | [ 'Linux_64', 'Oracle_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['ols[0-9]*-64', 'oel[0-9]*-64', ]],
119 | [ 'Linux', 'OpenSUSE', g_k32, 1, 256, ['opensuse[0-9]*', 'suse[0-9]*', ]],
120 | [ 'Linux_64', 'OpenSUSE_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['opensuse[0-9]*-64', 'suse[0-9]*-64', ]],
121 | [ 'Linux', 'Ubuntu', g_k32, 1, 256, ['ubuntu[0-9]*', ]],
122 | [ 'Linux_64', 'Ubuntu_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['ubuntu[0-9]*-64', ]],
123 | [ 'Linux', 'ArchLinux', g_k32, 1, 256, ['arch[0-9]*', ]],
124 | [ 'Linux_64', 'ArchLinux_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['arch[0-9]*-64', ]],
125 | [ 'Solaris', 'Solaris', g_k32, 1, 256, ['sol10', 'sol10u[0-9]']],
126 | [ 'Solaris_64', 'Solaris_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['sol10-64', 'sol10u-64[0-9]']],
127 | [ 'Solaris_64', 'Solaris11_64', g_k64, 1, 256, ['sol11u1']],
128 | [ 'BSD', 'FreeBSD_64', g_k32_64, 1, 1, ['bs-.*']], # boot sectors, wanted 64-bit type.
129 | [ 'DOS', 'DOS', g_k32, 1, 1, ['bs-.*']],
130 | ];
131 |
132 |
133 | ## @name Guest OS type string constants.
134 | ## @{
135 | g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin = 'darwin';
136 | g_ksGuestOsTypeDOS = 'dos';
137 | g_ksGuestOsTypeFreeBSD = 'freebsd';
138 | g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux = 'linux';
139 | g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2 = 'os2';
140 | g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris = 'solaris';
141 | g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows = 'windows';
142 | ## @}
143 |
144 | ## @name String constants for paravirtualization providers.
145 | ## @{
146 | g_ksParavirtProviderNone = 'none';
147 | g_ksParavirtProviderDefault = 'default';
148 | g_ksParavirtProviderLegacy = 'legacy';
149 | g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal = 'minimal';
150 | g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV = 'hyperv';
151 | g_ksParavirtProviderKVM = 'kvm';
152 | ## @}
153 |
154 | ## Valid paravirtualization providers.
155 | g_kasParavirtProviders = ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, g_ksParavirtProviderDefault, g_ksParavirtProviderLegacy,
156 | g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV, g_ksParavirtProviderKVM );
157 |
158 | # Mapping for support of paravirtualisation providers per guest OS.
159 | #g_kdaParavirtProvidersSupported = {
160 | # g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin : ( g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, ),
161 | # g_ksGuestOsTypeFreeBSD : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, ),
162 | # g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV, g_ksParavirtProviderKVM),
163 | # g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2 : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, ),
164 | # g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, ),
165 | # g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV, )
166 | #}
167 | # Temporary tweak:
168 | # since for the most guests g_ksParavirtProviderNone is almost the same as g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal,
169 | # g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal is removed from the list in order to get maximum number of unique choices
170 | # during independent test runs when paravirt provider is taken randomly.
171 | g_kdaParavirtProvidersSupported = {
172 | g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin : ( g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal, ),
173 | g_ksGuestOsTypeDOS : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, ),
174 | g_ksGuestOsTypeFreeBSD : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, ),
175 | g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV, g_ksParavirtProviderKVM),
176 | g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2 : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, ),
177 | g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, ),
178 | g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows : ( g_ksParavirtProviderNone, g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV, )
179 | }
180 |
181 |
182 | # pylint: enable=line-too-long
183 |
184 | def _intersects(asSet1, asSet2):
185 | """
186 | Checks if any of the strings in set 1 matches any of the regular
187 | expressions in set 2.
188 | """
189 | for sStr1 in asSet1:
190 | for sRx2 in asSet2:
191 | if re.match(sStr1, sRx2 + '$'):
192 | return True;
193 | return False;
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 | class BaseTestVm(object):
198 | """
199 | Base class for Test VMs.
200 | """
201 |
202 | def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
203 | sVmName, # type: str
204 | fGrouping = 0, # type: int
205 | oSet = None, # type: TestVmSet
206 | sKind = None, # type: str
207 | acCpusSup = None, # type: List[int]
208 | asVirtModesSup = None, # type: List[str]
209 | asParavirtModesSup = None, # type: List[str]
210 | fRandomPvPModeCrap = False, # type: bool
211 | fVmmDevTestingPart = None, # type: bool
212 | fVmmDevTestingMmio = False, # type: bool
213 | iGroup = 1, # type: int
214 | ):
215 | self.oSet = oSet # type: TestVmSet
216 | self.sVmName = sVmName;
217 | self.iGroup = iGroup; # Startup group (for MAC address uniqueness and non-NAT networking).
218 | self.fGrouping = fGrouping;
219 | self.sKind = sKind; # API Guest OS type.
220 | self.acCpusSup = acCpusSup;
221 | self.asVirtModesSup = asVirtModesSup;
222 | self.asParavirtModesSup = asParavirtModesSup;
223 | self.asParavirtModesSupOrg = asParavirtModesSup; # HACK ALERT! Trick to make the 'effing random mess not get in the
224 | # way of actively selecting virtualization modes.
225 |
226 | self.fSkip = False; # All VMs are included in the configured set by default.
227 | self.fSnapshotRestoreCurrent = False; # Whether to restore execution on the current snapshot.
228 |
229 | # VMMDev and serial (TXS++) settings:
230 | self.fVmmDevTestingPart = fVmmDevTestingPart;
231 | self.fVmmDevTestingMmio = fVmmDevTestingMmio;
232 | self.fCom1RawFile = False;
233 |
234 | # Cached stuff (use getters):
235 | self.__sCom1RawFile = None; # Set by createVmInner and getReconfiguredVm if fCom1RawFile is set.
236 | self.__tHddCtrlPortDev = (None, None, None); # The HDD controller, port and device.
237 | self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev = (None, None, None); # The DVD controller, port and device.
238 | self.__cbHdd = -1; # The recommended HDD size.
239 |
240 | # Derived stuff:
241 | self.aInfo = None;
242 | self.sGuestOsType = None; # ksGuestOsTypeXxxx value, API GuestOS Type is in the sKind member.
243 | ## @todo rename sGuestOsType
244 | self._guessStuff(fRandomPvPModeCrap);
245 |
246 | def _mkCanonicalGuestOSType(self, sType):
247 | """
248 | Convert guest OS type into constant representation.
249 | Raise exception if specified @param sType is unknown.
250 | """
251 | if sType.lower().startswith('darwin'):
252 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin
253 | if sType.lower().startswith('bsd'):
254 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeFreeBSD
255 | if sType.lower().startswith('dos'):
256 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeDOS
257 | if sType.lower().startswith('linux'):
258 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux
259 | if sType.lower().startswith('os2'):
260 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2
261 | if sType.lower().startswith('solaris'):
262 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris
263 | if sType.lower().startswith('windows'):
264 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows
265 | raise base.GenError(sWhat="unknown guest OS kind: %s" % str(sType))
266 |
267 | def _guessStuff(self, fRandomPvPModeCrap):
268 | """
269 | Used by the constructor to guess stuff.
270 | """
271 |
272 | sNm = self.sVmName.lower().strip();
273 | asSplit = sNm.replace('-', ' ').split(' ');
274 |
275 | if self.sKind is None:
276 | # From name.
277 | for aInfo in g_aaNameToDetails:
278 | if _intersects(asSplit, aInfo[g_iRegEx]):
279 | self.aInfo = aInfo;
280 | self.sGuestOsType = self._mkCanonicalGuestOSType(aInfo[g_iGuestOsType])
281 | self.sKind = aInfo[g_iKind];
282 | break;
283 | if self.sKind is None:
284 | reporter.fatal('The OS of test VM "%s" cannot be guessed' % (self.sVmName,));
285 |
286 | # Check for 64-bit, if required and supported.
287 | if (self.aInfo[g_iFlags] & g_kiArchMask) == g_k32_64 and _intersects(asSplit, ['64', 'amd64']):
288 | self.sKind = self.sKind + '_64';
289 | else:
290 | # Lookup the kind.
291 | for aInfo in g_aaNameToDetails:
292 | if self.sKind == aInfo[g_iKind]:
293 | self.aInfo = aInfo;
294 | break;
295 | if self.aInfo is None:
296 | reporter.fatal('The OS of test VM "%s" with sKind="%s" cannot be guessed' % (self.sVmName, self.sKind));
297 |
298 | # Translate sKind into sGuest OS Type.
299 | if self.sGuestOsType is None:
300 | if self.aInfo is not None:
301 | self.sGuestOsType = self._mkCanonicalGuestOSType(self.aInfo[g_iGuestOsType])
302 | elif self.sKind.find("Windows") >= 0:
303 | self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows
304 | elif self.sKind.find("Linux") >= 0:
305 | self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux;
306 | elif self.sKind.find("Solaris") >= 0:
307 | self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris;
308 | elif self.sKind.find("DOS") >= 0:
309 | self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeDOS;
310 | else:
311 | reporter.fatal('The OS of test VM "%s", sKind="%s" cannot be guessed' % (self.sVmName, self.sKind));
312 |
313 | # Restrict modes and such depending on the OS.
314 | if self.asVirtModesSup is None:
315 | self.asVirtModesSup = list(g_asVirtModes);
316 | if self.sGuestOsType in (g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2, g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin) \
317 | or self.sKind.find('_64') > 0 \
318 | or (self.aInfo is not None and (self.aInfo[g_iFlags] & g_kiNoRaw)):
319 | self.asVirtModesSup = [sVirtMode for sVirtMode in self.asVirtModesSup if sVirtMode != 'raw'];
321 | sHostName = os.environ.get("COMPUTERNAME", None);
322 | if sHostName: sHostName = sHostName.lower();
323 | else: sHostName = socket.getfqdn(); # Horribly slow on windows without IPv6 DNS/whatever.
324 | if sHostName.startswith('testboxpile1'):
325 | self.asVirtModesSup = [sVirtMode for sVirtMode in self.asVirtModesSup if sVirtMode != 'raw'];
327 |
328 | # Restrict the CPU count depending on the OS and/or percieved SMP readiness.
329 | if self.acCpusSup is None:
330 | if _intersects(asSplit, ['uni']):
331 | self.acCpusSup = [1];
332 | elif self.aInfo is not None:
333 | self.acCpusSup = [i for i in range(self.aInfo[g_iMinCpu], self.aInfo[g_iMaxCpu]) ];
334 | else:
335 | self.acCpusSup = [1];
336 |
337 | # Figure relevant PV modes based on the OS.
338 | if self.asParavirtModesSup is None:
339 | self.asParavirtModesSup = g_kdaParavirtProvidersSupported[self.sGuestOsType];
340 | ## @todo Remove this hack as soon as we've got around to explictly configure test variations
341 | ## on the server side. Client side random is interesting but not the best option.
342 | self.asParavirtModesSupOrg = self.asParavirtModesSup;
343 | if fRandomPvPModeCrap:
344 | random.seed();
345 | self.asParavirtModesSup = (random.choice(self.asParavirtModesSup),);
346 |
347 | return True;
348 |
349 | def _generateRawPortFilename(self, oTestDrv, sInfix, sSuffix):
350 | """ Generates a raw port filename. """
351 | random.seed();
352 | sRandom = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10));
353 | return os.path.join(oTestDrv.sScratchPath, self.sVmName + sInfix + sRandom + sSuffix);
354 |
355 | def _createVmPre(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage):
356 | """
357 | Prepares for creating the VM.
358 |
359 | Returns True / False.
360 | """
361 | _ = eNic0AttachType; _ = sDvdImage;
362 | if self.fCom1RawFile:
363 | self.__sCom1RawFile = self._generateRawPortFilename(oTestDrv, '-com1-', '.out');
364 | return True;
365 |
366 | def _createVmDoIt(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage):
367 | """
368 | Creates the VM.
369 |
370 | The default implementation creates a VM with defaults, no disks created or attached.
371 |
372 | Returns Wrapped VM object on success, None on failure.
373 | """
374 | return oTestDrv.createTestVmWithDefaults(self.sVmName,
375 | iGroup = self.iGroup,
376 | sKind = self.sKind,
377 | eNic0AttachType = eNic0AttachType,
378 | sDvdImage = sDvdImage,
379 | fVmmDevTestingPart = self.fVmmDevTestingPart,
380 | fVmmDevTestingMmio = self.fVmmDevTestingMmio,
381 | sCom1RawFile = self.__sCom1RawFile if self.fCom1RawFile else None
382 | );
383 |
384 | def _createVmPost(self, oTestDrv, oVM, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage): # type: (base.testdriver, Any, int, str) -> Any
385 | """
386 | Returns same oVM on success, None on failure (createVm cleans up).
387 | """
388 | _ = oTestDrv; _ = eNic0AttachType; _ = sDvdImage;
389 | return oVM;
390 |
391 | def _skipVmTest(self, oTestDrv, oVM):
392 | """
393 | Called by getReconfiguredVm to figure out whether to skip the VM or not.
394 |
395 | Returns True if the VM should be skipped, False otherwise.
396 | """
397 | _ = oVM;
398 | fHostSupports64bit = oTestDrv.hasHostLongMode();
399 | if self.is64bitRequired() and not fHostSupports64bit:
400 | reporter.log('Skipping 64-bit VM on non-64 capable host.');
401 | elif self.isViaIncompatible() and oTestDrv.isHostCpuVia():
402 | reporter.log('Skipping VIA incompatible VM.');
403 | elif self.isShanghaiIncompatible() and oTestDrv.isHostCpuShanghai():
404 | reporter.log('Skipping Shanghai (Zhaoxin) incompatible VM.');
405 | elif self.isP4Incompatible() and oTestDrv.isHostCpuP4():
406 | reporter.log('Skipping P4 incompatible VM.');
407 | else:
408 | return False;
409 | return True;
410 |
411 |
412 | def _childVmReconfig(self, oTestDrv, oVM, oSession):
413 | """
414 | Hook into getReconfiguredVm() for children.
415 | """
416 | _ = oTestDrv; _ = oVM; _ = oSession;
417 | return True;
418 |
419 | def _storageCtrlAndBusToName(self, oVM, eCtrl, eBus):
420 | """
421 | Resolves the storage controller name given type and bus.
422 |
423 | Returns String on success, None on failure w/ errors logged.
424 | """
425 | try:
426 | aoControllers = oVM.storageControllers;
427 | except:
428 | reporter.errorXcpt();
429 | return None;
430 | asSummary = [];
431 | for oController in aoControllers:
432 | try:
433 | eCurCtrl = oController.controllerType;
434 | eCurBus = oController.bus;
435 | sName = oController.name;
436 | except:
437 | reporter.errorXcpt();
438 | return None;
439 | if eCurCtrl == eCtrl and eCurBus == eBus:
440 | return sName;
441 | asSummary.append('%s-%s-%s' % (eCurCtrl, eCurBus, sName,));
442 | reporter.error('Unable to find controller of type %s and bus %s (searched: %s)' % (eCtrl, eBus, ', '.join(asSummary),));
443 | return None;
444 |
445 |
446 | #
447 | # Public interface.
448 | #
449 |
450 | def getResourceSet(self):
451 | """
452 | Resturns a list of reosurces that the VM needs.
453 | """
454 | return [];
455 |
456 | def getMissingResources(self, sResourcePath):
457 | """
458 | Returns a list of missing resources (paths, stuff) that the VM needs.
459 | """
460 | asRet = [];
461 | asResources = self.getResourceSet();
462 | for sPath in asResources:
463 | if not os.path.isabs(sPath):
464 | sPath = os.path.join(sResourcePath, sPath);
465 | if not os.path.exists(sPath):
466 | asRet.append(sPath);
467 | return asRet;
468 |
469 | def skipCreatingVm(self, oTestDrv):
470 | """
471 | Called before VM creation to determine whether the VM should be skipped
472 | due to host incompatibility or something along those lines.
473 |
474 | returns True if it should be skipped, False if not. Caller updates fSkip.
475 |
476 | See also _skipVmTest().
477 | """
478 | _ = oTestDrv;
479 | return False;
480 |
481 |
482 | def createVm(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType = None, sDvdImage = None):
483 | """
484 | Creates the VM with defaults and the few tweaks as per the arguments.
485 |
486 | Returns same as vbox.TestDriver.createTestVM.
487 | """
488 | reporter.log2('');
489 | reporter.log2('Creating %s...' % (self.sVmName,))
490 | oVM = None;
491 | fRc = self._createVmPre(oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage);
492 | if fRc is True:
493 | oVM = self._createVmDoIt(oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage);
494 | if oVM:
495 | oVM = self._createVmPost(oTestDrv, oVM, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage);
496 | return oVM;
497 |
498 | def getReconfiguredVm(self, oTestDrv, cCpus, sVirtMode, sParavirtMode = None):
499 | """
500 | actionExecute worker that finds and reconfigure a test VM.
501 |
502 | Returns (fRc, oVM) where fRc is True, None or False and oVM is a
503 | VBox VM object that is only present when rc is True.
504 | """
505 |
506 | fRc = False;
507 | oVM = oTestDrv.getVmByName(self.sVmName);
508 | if oVM is not None:
509 | if self.fSnapshotRestoreCurrent is True:
510 | fRc = True;
511 | else:
512 | fHostSupports64bit = oTestDrv.hasHostLongMode();
513 | if self._skipVmTest(oTestDrv, oVM):
514 | fRc = None; # Skip the test.
515 | else:
516 | oSession = oTestDrv.openSession(oVM);
517 | if oSession is not None:
518 | fRc = oSession.enableVirtEx(sVirtMode != 'raw');
519 | fRc = fRc and oSession.enableNestedPaging(sVirtMode == 'hwvirt-np');
520 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setCpuCount(cCpus);
521 | if cCpus > 1:
522 | fRc = fRc and oSession.enableIoApic(True);
523 |
524 | if sParavirtMode is not None and oSession.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
525 | adParavirtProviders = {
526 | g_ksParavirtProviderNone : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_None,
527 | g_ksParavirtProviderDefault: vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_Default,
528 | g_ksParavirtProviderLegacy : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_Legacy,
529 | g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal: vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_Minimal,
530 | g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_HyperV,
531 | g_ksParavirtProviderKVM : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_KVM,
532 | };
533 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setParavirtProvider(adParavirtProviders[sParavirtMode]);
534 |
535 | fCfg64Bit = self.is64bitRequired() or (self.is64bit() and fHostSupports64bit and sVirtMode != 'raw');
536 | fRc = fRc and oSession.enableLongMode(fCfg64Bit);
537 | if fCfg64Bit: # This is to avoid GUI pedantic warnings in the GUI. Sigh.
538 | oOsType = oSession.getOsType();
539 | if oOsType is not None:
540 | if oOsType.is64Bit and sVirtMode == 'raw':
541 | assert(oOsType.id[-3:] == '_64');
542 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setOsType(oOsType.id[:-3]);
543 | elif not oOsType.is64Bit and sVirtMode != 'raw':
544 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setOsType(oOsType.id + '_64');
545 |
546 | # New serial raw file.
547 | if fRc and self.fCom1RawFile:
548 | self.__sCom1RawFile = self._generateRawPortFilename(oTestDrv, '-com1-', '.out');
549 | utils.noxcptDeleteFile(self.__sCom1RawFile);
550 | fRc = oSession.setupSerialToRawFile(0, self.__sCom1RawFile);
551 |
552 | # Make life simpler for child classes.
553 | if fRc:
554 | fRc = self._childVmReconfig(oTestDrv, oVM, oSession);
555 |
556 | fRc = fRc and oSession.saveSettings();
557 | if not oSession.close():
558 | fRc = False;
559 | if fRc is True:
560 | return (True, oVM);
561 | return (fRc, None);
562 |
563 | def getNonCanonicalGuestOsType(self):
564 | """
565 | Gets the non-canonical OS type (self.sGuestOsType is canonical).
566 | """
567 | return self.sKind; #self.aInfo[g_iGuestOsType];
568 |
569 | def isWindows(self):
570 | """ Checks if it's a Windows VM. """
571 | return self.sGuestOsType == g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows;
572 |
573 | def isOS2(self):
574 | """ Checks if it's an OS/2 VM. """
575 | return self.sGuestOsType == g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2;
576 |
577 | def isLinux(self):
578 | """ Checks if it's an Linux VM. """
579 | return self.sGuestOsType == g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux;
580 |
581 | def is64bit(self):
582 | """ Checks if it's a 64-bit VM. """
583 | return self.sKind.find('_64') >= 0;
584 |
585 | def is64bitRequired(self):
586 | """ Check if 64-bit is required or not. """
587 | return (self.aInfo[g_iFlags] & g_k64) != 0;
588 |
589 | def isLoggedOntoDesktop(self):
590 | """ Checks if the test VM is logging onto a graphical desktop by default. """
591 | if self.isWindows():
592 | return True;
593 | if self.isOS2():
594 | return True;
595 | if self.sVmName.find('-desktop'):
596 | return True;
597 | return False;
598 |
599 | def isViaIncompatible(self):
600 | """
601 | Identifies VMs that doesn't work on VIA.
602 |
603 | Returns True if NOT supported on VIA, False if it IS supported.
604 | """
605 | # Oracle linux doesn't like VIA in our experience
606 | if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['Oracle', 'Oracle_64']:
607 | return True;
608 | # OS/2: "The system detected an internal processing error at location
609 | # 0168:fff1da1f - 000e:ca1f. 0a8606fd
610 | if self.isOS2():
611 | return True;
612 | # Windows NT4 before SP4 won't work because of cmpxchg8b not being
613 | # detected, leading to a STOP 3e(80,0,0,0).
614 | if self.aInfo[g_iKind] == 'WindowsNT4':
615 | if self.sVmName.find('sp') < 0:
616 | return True; # no service pack.
617 | if self.sVmName.find('sp0') >= 0 \
618 | or self.sVmName.find('sp1') >= 0 \
619 | or self.sVmName.find('sp2') >= 0 \
620 | or self.sVmName.find('sp3') >= 0:
621 | return True;
622 | # XP x64 on a physical VIA box hangs exactly like a VM.
623 | if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['WindowsXP_64', 'Windows2003_64']:
624 | return True;
625 | # Vista 64 throws BSOD 0x5D (UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR)
626 | if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['WindowsVista_64']:
627 | return True;
628 | # Solaris 11 hangs on VIA, tested on a physical box (testboxvqc)
629 | if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['Solaris11_64']:
630 | return True;
631 | return False;
632 |
633 | def isShanghaiIncompatible(self):
634 | """
635 | Identifies VMs that doesn't work on Shanghai.
636 |
637 | Returns True if NOT supported on Shanghai, False if it IS supported.
638 | """
639 | # For now treat it just like VIA, to be adjusted later
640 | return self.isViaIncompatible()
641 |
642 | def isP4Incompatible(self):
643 | """
644 | Identifies VMs that doesn't work on Pentium 4 / Pentium D.
645 |
646 | Returns True if NOT supported on P4, False if it IS supported.
647 | """
648 | # Stupid 1 kHz timer. Too much for antique CPUs.
649 | if self.sVmName.find('rhel5') >= 0:
650 | return True;
651 | # Due to the boot animation the VM takes forever to boot.
652 | if self.aInfo[g_iKind] == 'Windows2000':
653 | return True;
654 | return False;
655 |
656 | def isHostCpuAffectedByUbuntuNewAmdBug(self, oTestDrv):
657 | """
658 | Checks if the host OS is affected by older ubuntu installers being very
659 | picky about which families of AMD CPUs it would run on.
660 |
661 | The installer checks for family 15, later 16, later 20, and in 11.10
662 | they remove the family check for AMD CPUs.
663 | """
664 | if not oTestDrv.isHostCpuAmd():
665 | return False;
666 | try:
667 | (uMaxExt, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000000, 0);
668 | (uFamilyModel, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000001, 0);
669 | except:
670 | reporter.logXcpt();
671 | return False;
672 | if uMaxExt < 0x80000001 or uMaxExt > 0x8000ffff:
673 | return False;
674 |
675 | uFamily = (uFamilyModel >> 8) & 0xf
676 | if uFamily == 0xf:
677 | uFamily = ((uFamilyModel >> 20) & 0x7f) + 0xf;
678 | ## @todo Break this down into which old ubuntu release supports exactly
679 | ## which AMD family, if we care.
680 | if uFamily <= 15:
681 | return False;
682 | reporter.log('Skipping "%s" because host CPU is a family %u AMD, which may cause trouble for the guest OS installer.'
683 | % (self.sVmName, uFamily,));
684 | return True;
685 |
686 | def getTestUser(self):
687 | """
688 | Gets the primary test user name.
689 | """
690 | if self.isWindows():
691 | return 'Administrator';
692 | return 'vbox';
693 |
694 | def getTestUserPassword(self, sUser = None):
695 | """
696 | Gets the password for the primary user (or other specified one).
697 | """
698 | if sUser == 'test':
699 | return '';
700 | if sUser == 'vboxuser': # Default unattended installation user and password.
701 | return 'changeme';
702 | return 'password';
703 |
704 | def getCom1RawFile(self, oVM):
705 | """
706 | Gets the name of the COM1 raw file.
707 |
708 | Returns string, None on failure or if not active.
709 |
710 | Note! Do not access __sCom1RawFile directly as it will not be set unless the
711 | 'config' action was executed in the same run.
712 | """
713 | if self.fCom1RawFile:
714 | # Retrieve it from the IMachine object and cache the result if needed:
715 | if self.__sCom1RawFile is None:
716 | try:
717 | oPort = oVM.machine.getSerialPort(0);
718 | except:
719 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to get serial port #0');
720 | else:
721 | try:
722 | self.__sCom1RawFile = oPort.path;
723 | except:
724 | reporter.errorXcpt('failed to get the "path" property on serial port #0');
725 | return self.__sCom1RawFile;
726 |
727 | reporter.error('getCom1RawFile called when fCom1RawFile is False');
728 | return None;
729 |
730 | def getIGuestOSType(self, oVBoxWrapped):
731 | """
732 | Gets the IGuestOSType object corresponding to self.sKind.
733 |
734 | Returns object on success, None on failure (logged as error).
735 | """
736 | try:
737 | return oVBoxWrapped.o.getGuestOSType(self.sKind);
738 | except:
739 | reporter.errorXcpt('sVmName=%s sKind=%s' % (self.sVmName, self.sKind,));
740 | return None;
741 |
742 | def getRecommendedHddSize(self, oVBoxWrapped):
743 | """
744 | Gets the recommended HDD size from the IGuestOSType matching self.sKind.
745 |
746 | Returns size in bytes on success, -1 on failure.
747 | """
748 | if self.__cbHdd < 0:
749 | oGuestOSType = self.getIGuestOSType(oVBoxWrapped);
750 | if oGuestOSType:
751 | try:
752 | self.__cbHdd = oGuestOSType.recommendedHDD;
753 | except:
754 | reporter.errorXcpt();
755 | return -1;
756 | return self.__cbHdd;
757 |
758 | def getHddAddress(self, oVM, oVBoxWrapped):
759 | """
760 | Gets the HDD attachment address.
761 |
762 | Returns (sController, iPort, iDevice) on success; (None, None, None) on failure.
763 |
764 | Note! Do not access the cached value directly!
765 | """
766 | # Cached already?
767 | if self.__tHddCtrlPortDev[0] is not None:
768 | return self.__tHddCtrlPortDev;
769 |
770 | # First look for HDs attached to the VM:
771 | try:
772 | aoAttachments = oVBoxWrapped.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oVM, 'mediumAttachments')
773 | except:
774 | reporter.errorXcpt();
775 | else:
776 | for oAtt in aoAttachments:
777 | try:
778 | sCtrl = oAtt.controller
779 | iPort = oAtt.port;
780 | iDev = oAtt.device;
781 | eType = oAtt.type;
782 | except:
783 | reporter.errorXcpt();
784 | return self.__tHddCtrlPortDev;
785 | if eType == vboxcon.DeviceType_HardDisk:
786 | self.__tHddCtrlPortDev = (sCtrl, iPort, iDev);
787 | reporter.log2('getHddAddress: %s, %s, %s' % self.__tHddCtrlPortDev);
788 | return self.__tHddCtrlPortDev;
789 |
790 | # Then consult IGuestOSType:
791 | oGuestOSType = self.getIGuestOSType(oVBoxWrapped);
792 | if oGuestOSType:
793 | try:
794 | eCtrl = oGuestOSType.recommendedHDStorageController;
795 | eBus = oGuestOSType.RecommendedHDStorageBus;
796 | except:
797 | reporter.errorXcpt();
798 | else:
799 | self.__tHddCtrlPortDev = (self._storageCtrlAndBusToName(oVM, eCtrl, eBus), 0, 0); # ASSUMES port 0, device 0.
800 | reporter.log2('getHddAddress: %s, %s, %s [IGuestOSType]' % self.__tHddCtrlPortDev);
801 | return self.__tHddCtrlPortDev;
802 |
803 | def getDvdAddress(self, oVM, oVBoxWrapped):
804 | """
805 | Gets the DVD attachment address.
806 |
807 | Returns (sController, iPort, iDevice) on success; (None, None, None) on failure.
808 |
809 | Note! Do not access the cached value directly!
810 | """
811 | # Cached already?
812 | if self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev[0] is not None:
813 | return self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev;
814 |
815 | # First look for DVD attached to the VM:
816 | try:
817 | aoAttachments = oVBoxWrapped.oVBoxMgr.getArray(oVM, 'mediumAttachments')
818 | except:
819 | reporter.errorXcpt();
820 | else:
821 | for oAtt in aoAttachments:
822 | try:
823 | sCtrl = oAtt.controller
824 | iPort = oAtt.port;
825 | iDev = oAtt.device;
826 | eType = oAtt.type;
827 | except:
828 | reporter.errorXcpt();
829 | return self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev;
830 | if eType == vboxcon.DeviceType_DVD:
831 | self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev = (sCtrl, iPort, iDev);
832 | reporter.log2('getDvdAddress: %s, %s, %s' % self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev);
833 | return self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev;
834 |
835 | # Then consult IGuestOSType:
836 | oGuestOSType = self.getIGuestOSType(oVBoxWrapped);
837 | if oGuestOSType:
838 | try:
839 | eCtrl = oGuestOSType.recommendedDVDStorageController;
840 | eBus = oGuestOSType.RecommendedDVDStorageBus;
841 | except:
842 | reporter.errorXcpt();
843 | else:
844 | self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev = (self._storageCtrlAndBusToName(oVM, eCtrl, eBus), 1, 0); # ASSUMES port 1, device 0.
845 | reporter.log2('getDvdAddress: %s, %s, %s [IGuestOSType]' % self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev);
846 | return self.__tDvdCtrlPortDev;
847 |
848 | def recreateRecommendedHdd(self, oVM, oTestDrv, sHddPath = None):
849 | """
850 | Detaches and delete any current hard disk and then ensures that a new
851 | one with the recommended size is created and attached to the recommended
852 | controller/port/device.
853 |
854 | Returns True/False (errors logged).
855 | """
856 | # Generate a name if none was given:
857 | if not sHddPath:
858 | try:
859 | sHddPath = oVM.settingsFilePath;
860 | except:
861 | return reporter.errorXcpt();
862 | sHddPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sHddPath), '%s-%s.vdi' % (self.sVmName, uuid.uuid4(),));
863 |
864 | fRc = False;
865 |
866 | # Get the hard disk specs first:
867 | cbHdd = self.getRecommendedHddSize(oTestDrv.oVBox);
868 | tHddAddress = self.getHddAddress(oVM, oTestDrv.oVBox);
869 | assert len(tHddAddress) == 3;
870 | if tHddAddress[0] and cbHdd > 0:
871 | # Open an session so we can make changes:
872 | oSession = oTestDrv.openSession(oVM);
873 | if oSession is not None:
874 | # Detach the old disk (this will succeed with oOldHd set to None the first time around).
875 | (fRc, oOldHd) = oSession.detachHd(tHddAddress[0], tHddAddress[1], tHddAddress[2]);
876 | if fRc:
877 | # Create a new disk and attach it.
878 | fRc = oSession.createAndAttachHd(sHddPath,
879 | cb = cbHdd,
880 | sController = tHddAddress[0],
881 | iPort = tHddAddress[1],
882 | iDevice = tHddAddress[2],
883 | fImmutable = False);
884 | if fRc:
885 | # Save the changes.
886 | fRc = oSession.saveSettings();
887 |
888 | # Delete the old HD:
889 | if fRc and oOldHd is not None:
890 | fRc = fRc and oTestDrv.oVBox.deleteHdByMedium(oOldHd);
891 | fRc = fRc and oSession.saveSettings(); # Necessary for media reg??
892 | else:
893 | oSession.discardSettings();
894 | fRc = oSession.close() and fRc;
895 | return fRc;
896 |
897 | def pathJoinEx(self, sBase, *asAppend):
898 | """ See common.pathutils.joinEx(). """
899 | return pathutils.joinEx(self.isWindows() or self.isOS2(), sBase, *asAppend);
900 |
901 |
902 |
903 | ## @todo Inherit from BaseTestVm
904 | class TestVm(object):
905 | """
906 | A Test VM - name + VDI/whatever.
907 |
908 | This is just a data object.
909 | """
910 |
911 | def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
912 | sVmName, # type: str
913 | fGrouping = 0, # type: int
914 | oSet = None, # type: TestVmSet
915 | sHd = None, # type: str
916 | sKind = None, # type: str
917 | acCpusSup = None, # type: List[int]
918 | asVirtModesSup = None, # type: List[str]
919 | fIoApic = None, # type: bool
920 | fNstHwVirt = False, # type: bool
921 | fPae = None, # type: bool
922 | sNic0AttachType = None, # type: str
923 | sFloppy = None, # type: str
924 | fVmmDevTestingPart = None, # type: bool
925 | fVmmDevTestingMmio = False, # type: bool
926 | asParavirtModesSup = None, # type: List[str]
927 | fRandomPvPMode = False, # type: bool
928 | sFirmwareType = 'bios', # type: str
929 | sChipsetType = 'piix3', # type: str
930 | sHddControllerType = 'IDE Controller', # type: str
931 | sDvdControllerType = 'IDE Controller' # type: str
932 | ):
933 | self.oSet = oSet;
934 | self.sVmName = sVmName;
935 | self.fGrouping = fGrouping;
936 | self.sHd = sHd; # Relative to the testrsrc root.
937 | self.acCpusSup = acCpusSup;
938 | self.asVirtModesSup = asVirtModesSup;
939 | self.asParavirtModesSup = asParavirtModesSup;
940 | self.asParavirtModesSupOrg = asParavirtModesSup; # HACK ALERT! Trick to make the 'effing random mess not get in the
941 | # way of actively selecting virtualization modes.
942 | self.sKind = sKind;
943 | self.sGuestOsType = None;
944 | self.sDvdImage = None; # Relative to the testrsrc root.
945 | self.sDvdControllerType = sDvdControllerType;
946 | self.fIoApic = fIoApic;
947 | self.fNstHwVirt = fNstHwVirt;
948 | self.fPae = fPae;
949 | self.sNic0AttachType = sNic0AttachType;
950 | self.sHddControllerType = sHddControllerType;
951 | self.sFloppy = sFloppy; # Relative to the testrsrc root, except when it isn't...
952 | self.fVmmDevTestingPart = fVmmDevTestingPart;
953 | self.fVmmDevTestingMmio = fVmmDevTestingMmio;
954 | self.sFirmwareType = sFirmwareType;
955 | self.sChipsetType = sChipsetType;
956 | self.fCom1RawFile = False;
957 |
958 | self.fSnapshotRestoreCurrent = False; # Whether to restore execution on the current snapshot.
959 | self.fSkip = False; # All VMs are included in the configured set by default.
960 | self.aInfo = None;
961 | self.sCom1RawFile = None; # Set by createVmInner and getReconfiguredVm if fCom1RawFile is set.
962 | self._guessStuff(fRandomPvPMode);
963 |
964 | def _mkCanonicalGuestOSType(self, sType):
965 | """
966 | Convert guest OS type into constant representation.
967 | Raise exception if specified @param sType is unknown.
968 | """
969 | if sType.lower().startswith('darwin'):
970 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin
971 | if sType.lower().startswith('bsd'):
972 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeFreeBSD
973 | if sType.lower().startswith('dos'):
974 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeDOS
975 | if sType.lower().startswith('linux'):
976 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux
977 | if sType.lower().startswith('os2'):
978 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2
979 | if sType.lower().startswith('solaris'):
980 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris
981 | if sType.lower().startswith('windows'):
982 | return g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows
983 | raise base.GenError(sWhat="unknown guest OS kind: %s" % str(sType))
984 |
985 | def _guessStuff(self, fRandomPvPMode):
986 | """
987 | Used by the constructor to guess stuff.
988 | """
989 |
990 | sNm = self.sVmName.lower().strip();
991 | asSplit = sNm.replace('-', ' ').split(' ');
992 |
993 | if self.sKind is None:
994 | # From name.
995 | for aInfo in g_aaNameToDetails:
996 | if _intersects(asSplit, aInfo[g_iRegEx]):
997 | self.aInfo = aInfo;
998 | self.sGuestOsType = self._mkCanonicalGuestOSType(aInfo[g_iGuestOsType])
999 | self.sKind = aInfo[g_iKind];
1000 | break;
1001 | if self.sKind is None:
1002 | reporter.fatal('The OS of test VM "%s" cannot be guessed' % (self.sVmName,));
1003 |
1004 | # Check for 64-bit, if required and supported.
1005 | if (self.aInfo[g_iFlags] & g_kiArchMask) == g_k32_64 and _intersects(asSplit, ['64', 'amd64']):
1006 | self.sKind = self.sKind + '_64';
1007 | else:
1008 | # Lookup the kind.
1009 | for aInfo in g_aaNameToDetails:
1010 | if self.sKind == aInfo[g_iKind]:
1011 | self.aInfo = aInfo;
1012 | break;
1013 | if self.aInfo is None:
1014 | reporter.fatal('The OS of test VM "%s" with sKind="%s" cannot be guessed' % (self.sVmName, self.sKind));
1015 |
1016 | # Translate sKind into sGuest OS Type.
1017 | if self.sGuestOsType is None:
1018 | if self.aInfo is not None:
1019 | self.sGuestOsType = self._mkCanonicalGuestOSType(self.aInfo[g_iGuestOsType])
1020 | elif self.sKind.find("Windows") >= 0:
1021 | self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows
1022 | elif self.sKind.find("Linux") >= 0:
1023 | self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux;
1024 | elif self.sKind.find("Solaris") >= 0:
1025 | self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeSolaris;
1026 | elif self.sKind.find("DOS") >= 0:
1027 | self.sGuestOsType = g_ksGuestOsTypeDOS;
1028 | else:
1029 | reporter.fatal('The OS of test VM "%s", sKind="%s" cannot be guessed' % (self.sVmName, self.sKind));
1030 |
1031 | # Restrict modes and such depending on the OS.
1032 | if self.asVirtModesSup is None:
1033 | self.asVirtModesSup = list(g_asVirtModes);
1034 | if self.sGuestOsType in (g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2, g_ksGuestOsTypeDarwin) \
1035 | or self.sKind.find('_64') > 0 \
1036 | or (self.aInfo is not None and (self.aInfo[g_iFlags] & g_kiNoRaw)):
1037 | self.asVirtModesSup = [sVirtMode for sVirtMode in self.asVirtModesSup if sVirtMode != 'raw'];
1039 | sHostName = os.environ.get("COMPUTERNAME", None);
1040 | if sHostName: sHostName = sHostName.lower();
1041 | else: sHostName = socket.getfqdn(); # Horribly slow on windows without IPv6 DNS/whatever.
1042 | if sHostName.startswith('testboxpile1'):
1043 | self.asVirtModesSup = [sVirtMode for sVirtMode in self.asVirtModesSup if sVirtMode != 'raw'];
1045 |
1046 | # Restrict the CPU count depending on the OS and/or percieved SMP readiness.
1047 | if self.acCpusSup is None:
1048 | if _intersects(asSplit, ['uni']):
1049 | self.acCpusSup = [1];
1050 | elif self.aInfo is not None:
1051 | self.acCpusSup = [i for i in range(self.aInfo[g_iMinCpu], self.aInfo[g_iMaxCpu]) ];
1052 | else:
1053 | self.acCpusSup = [1];
1054 |
1055 | # Figure relevant PV modes based on the OS.
1056 | if self.asParavirtModesSup is None:
1057 | self.asParavirtModesSup = g_kdaParavirtProvidersSupported[self.sGuestOsType];
1058 | ## @todo Remove this hack as soon as we've got around to explictly configure test variations
1059 | ## on the server side. Client side random is interesting but not the best option.
1060 | self.asParavirtModesSupOrg = self.asParavirtModesSup;
1061 | if fRandomPvPMode:
1062 | random.seed();
1063 | self.asParavirtModesSup = (random.choice(self.asParavirtModesSup),);
1064 |
1065 | return True;
1066 |
1067 | def getNonCanonicalGuestOsType(self):
1068 | """
1069 | Gets the non-canonical OS type (self.sGuestOsType is canonical).
1070 | """
1071 | return self.aInfo[g_iGuestOsType];
1072 |
1073 | def getMissingResources(self, sTestRsrc):
1074 | """
1075 | Returns a list of missing resources (paths, stuff) that the VM needs.
1076 | """
1077 | asRet = [];
1078 | for sPath in [ self.sHd, self.sDvdImage, self.sFloppy]:
1079 | if sPath is not None:
1080 | if not os.path.isabs(sPath):
1081 | sPath = os.path.join(sTestRsrc, sPath);
1082 | if not os.path.exists(sPath):
1083 | asRet.append(sPath);
1084 | return asRet;
1085 |
1086 | def skipCreatingVm(self, oTestDrv):
1087 | """
1088 | Called before VM creation to determine whether the VM should be skipped
1089 | due to host incompatibility or something along those lines.
1090 |
1091 | returns True if it should be skipped, False if not.
1092 | """
1093 | if self.fNstHwVirt and not oTestDrv.isHostCpuAmd():
1094 | reporter.log('Ignoring VM %s (Nested hardware-virtualization only supported on AMD CPUs).' % (self.sVmName,));
1095 | return True;
1096 | return False;
1097 |
1098 | def createVm(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType = None, sDvdImage = None):
1099 | """
1100 | Creates the VM with defaults and the few tweaks as per the arguments.
1101 |
1102 | Returns same as vbox.TestDriver.createTestVM.
1103 | """
1104 | if sDvdImage is not None:
1105 | sMyDvdImage = sDvdImage;
1106 | else:
1107 | sMyDvdImage = self.sDvdImage;
1108 |
1109 | if eNic0AttachType is not None:
1110 | eMyNic0AttachType = eNic0AttachType;
1111 | elif self.sNic0AttachType is None:
1112 | eMyNic0AttachType = None;
1113 | elif self.sNic0AttachType == 'nat':
1114 | eMyNic0AttachType = vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT;
1115 | elif self.sNic0AttachType == 'bridged':
1116 | eMyNic0AttachType = vboxcon.NetworkAttachmentType_Bridged;
1117 | else:
1118 | assert False, self.sNic0AttachType;
1119 |
1120 | return self.createVmInner(oTestDrv, eMyNic0AttachType, sMyDvdImage);
1121 |
1122 | def _generateRawPortFilename(self, oTestDrv, sInfix, sSuffix):
1123 | """ Generates a raw port filename. """
1124 | random.seed();
1125 | sRandom = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10));
1126 | return os.path.join(oTestDrv.sScratchPath, self.sVmName + sInfix + sRandom + sSuffix);
1127 |
1128 | def createVmInner(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage):
1129 | """
1130 | Same as createVm but parameters resolved.
1131 |
1132 | Returns same as vbox.TestDriver.createTestVM.
1133 | """
1134 | reporter.log2('');
1135 | reporter.log2('Calling createTestVM on %s...' % (self.sVmName,))
1136 | if self.fCom1RawFile:
1137 | self.sCom1RawFile = self._generateRawPortFilename(oTestDrv, '-com1-', '.out');
1138 | return oTestDrv.createTestVM(self.sVmName,
1139 | 1, # iGroup
1140 | sHd = self.sHd,
1141 | sKind = self.sKind,
1142 | fIoApic = self.fIoApic,
1143 | fNstHwVirt = self.fNstHwVirt,
1144 | fPae = self.fPae,
1145 | eNic0AttachType = eNic0AttachType,
1146 | sDvdImage = sDvdImage,
1147 | sDvdControllerType = self.sDvdControllerType,
1148 | sHddControllerType = self.sHddControllerType,
1149 | sFloppy = self.sFloppy,
1150 | fVmmDevTestingPart = self.fVmmDevTestingPart,
1151 | fVmmDevTestingMmio = self.fVmmDevTestingMmio,
1152 | sFirmwareType = self.sFirmwareType,
1153 | sChipsetType = self.sChipsetType,
1154 | sCom1RawFile = self.sCom1RawFile if self.fCom1RawFile else None
1155 | );
1156 |
1157 | def getReconfiguredVm(self, oTestDrv, cCpus, sVirtMode, sParavirtMode = None):
1158 | """
1159 | actionExecute worker that finds and reconfigure a test VM.
1160 |
1161 | Returns (fRc, oVM) where fRc is True, None or False and oVM is a
1162 | VBox VM object that is only present when rc is True.
1163 | """
1164 |
1165 | fRc = False;
1166 | oVM = oTestDrv.getVmByName(self.sVmName);
1167 | if oVM is not None:
1168 | if self.fSnapshotRestoreCurrent is True:
1169 | fRc = True;
1170 | else:
1171 | fHostSupports64bit = oTestDrv.hasHostLongMode();
1172 | if self.is64bitRequired() and not fHostSupports64bit:
1173 | fRc = None; # Skip the test.
1174 | elif self.isViaIncompatible() and oTestDrv.isHostCpuVia():
1175 | fRc = None; # Skip the test.
1176 | elif self.isShanghaiIncompatible() and oTestDrv.isHostCpuShanghai():
1177 | fRc = None; # Skip the test.
1178 | elif self.isP4Incompatible() and oTestDrv.isHostCpuP4():
1179 | fRc = None; # Skip the test.
1180 | else:
1181 | oSession = oTestDrv.openSession(oVM);
1182 | if oSession is not None:
1183 | fRc = oSession.enableVirtEx(sVirtMode != 'raw');
1184 | fRc = fRc and oSession.enableNestedPaging(sVirtMode == 'hwvirt-np');
1185 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setCpuCount(cCpus);
1186 | if cCpus > 1:
1187 | fRc = fRc and oSession.enableIoApic(True);
1188 |
1189 | if sParavirtMode is not None and oSession.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
1190 | adParavirtProviders = {
1191 | g_ksParavirtProviderNone : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_None,
1192 | g_ksParavirtProviderDefault: vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_Default,
1193 | g_ksParavirtProviderLegacy : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_Legacy,
1194 | g_ksParavirtProviderMinimal: vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_Minimal,
1195 | g_ksParavirtProviderHyperV : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_HyperV,
1196 | g_ksParavirtProviderKVM : vboxcon.ParavirtProvider_KVM,
1197 | };
1198 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setParavirtProvider(adParavirtProviders[sParavirtMode]);
1199 |
1200 | fCfg64Bit = self.is64bitRequired() or (self.is64bit() and fHostSupports64bit and sVirtMode != 'raw');
1201 | fRc = fRc and oSession.enableLongMode(fCfg64Bit);
1202 | if fCfg64Bit: # This is to avoid GUI pedantic warnings in the GUI. Sigh.
1203 | oOsType = oSession.getOsType();
1204 | if oOsType is not None:
1205 | if oOsType.is64Bit and sVirtMode == 'raw':
1206 | assert(oOsType.id[-3:] == '_64');
1207 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setOsType(oOsType.id[:-3]);
1208 | elif not oOsType.is64Bit and sVirtMode != 'raw':
1209 | fRc = fRc and oSession.setOsType(oOsType.id + '_64');
1210 |
1211 | # New serial raw file.
1212 | if fRc and self.fCom1RawFile:
1213 | self.sCom1RawFile = self._generateRawPortFilename(oTestDrv, '-com1-', '.out');
1214 | utils.noxcptDeleteFile(self.sCom1RawFile);
1215 | fRc = oSession.setupSerialToRawFile(0, self.sCom1RawFile);
1216 |
1217 | # Make life simpler for child classes.
1218 | if fRc:
1219 | fRc = self._childVmReconfig(oTestDrv, oVM, oSession);
1220 |
1221 | fRc = fRc and oSession.saveSettings();
1222 | if not oSession.close():
1223 | fRc = False;
1224 | if fRc is True:
1225 | return (True, oVM);
1226 | return (fRc, None);
1227 |
1228 | def _childVmReconfig(self, oTestDrv, oVM, oSession):
1229 | """ Hook into getReconfiguredVm() for children. """
1230 | _ = oTestDrv; _ = oVM; _ = oSession;
1231 | return True;
1232 |
1233 | def isWindows(self):
1234 | """ Checks if it's a Windows VM. """
1235 | return self.sGuestOsType == g_ksGuestOsTypeWindows;
1236 |
1237 | def isOS2(self):
1238 | """ Checks if it's an OS/2 VM. """
1239 | return self.sGuestOsType == g_ksGuestOsTypeOS2;
1240 |
1241 | def isLinux(self):
1242 | """ Checks if it's an Linux VM. """
1243 | return self.sGuestOsType == g_ksGuestOsTypeLinux;
1244 |
1245 | def is64bit(self):
1246 | """ Checks if it's a 64-bit VM. """
1247 | return self.sKind.find('_64') >= 0;
1248 |
1249 | def is64bitRequired(self):
1250 | """ Check if 64-bit is required or not. """
1251 | return (self.aInfo[g_iFlags] & g_k64) != 0;
1252 |
1253 | def isLoggedOntoDesktop(self):
1254 | """ Checks if the test VM is logging onto a graphical desktop by default. """
1255 | if self.isWindows():
1256 | return True;
1257 | if self.isOS2():
1258 | return True;
1259 | if self.sVmName.find('-desktop'):
1260 | return True;
1261 | return False;
1262 |
1263 | def isViaIncompatible(self):
1264 | """
1265 | Identifies VMs that doesn't work on VIA.
1266 |
1267 | Returns True if NOT supported on VIA, False if it IS supported.
1268 | """
1269 | # Oracle linux doesn't like VIA in our experience
1270 | if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['Oracle', 'Oracle_64']:
1271 | return True;
1272 | # OS/2: "The system detected an internal processing error at location
1273 | # 0168:fff1da1f - 000e:ca1f. 0a8606fd
1274 | if self.isOS2():
1275 | return True;
1276 | # Windows NT4 before SP4 won't work because of cmpxchg8b not being
1277 | # detected, leading to a STOP 3e(80,0,0,0).
1278 | if self.aInfo[g_iKind] == 'WindowsNT4':
1279 | if self.sVmName.find('sp') < 0:
1280 | return True; # no service pack.
1281 | if self.sVmName.find('sp0') >= 0 \
1282 | or self.sVmName.find('sp1') >= 0 \
1283 | or self.sVmName.find('sp2') >= 0 \
1284 | or self.sVmName.find('sp3') >= 0:
1285 | return True;
1286 | # XP x64 on a physical VIA box hangs exactly like a VM.
1287 | if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['WindowsXP_64', 'Windows2003_64']:
1288 | return True;
1289 | # Vista 64 throws BSOD 0x5D (UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR)
1290 | if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['WindowsVista_64']:
1291 | return True;
1292 | # Solaris 11 hangs on VIA, tested on a physical box (testboxvqc)
1293 | if self.aInfo[g_iKind] in ['Solaris11_64']:
1294 | return True;
1295 | return False;
1296 |
1297 | def isShanghaiIncompatible(self):
1298 | """
1299 | Identifies VMs that doesn't work on Shanghai.
1300 |
1301 | Returns True if NOT supported on Shanghai, False if it IS supported.
1302 | """
1303 | # For now treat it just like VIA, to be adjusted later
1304 | return self.isViaIncompatible()
1305 |
1306 | def isP4Incompatible(self):
1307 | """
1308 | Identifies VMs that doesn't work on Pentium 4 / Pentium D.
1309 |
1310 | Returns True if NOT supported on P4, False if it IS supported.
1311 | """
1312 | # Stupid 1 kHz timer. Too much for antique CPUs.
1313 | if self.sVmName.find('rhel5') >= 0:
1314 | return True;
1315 | # Due to the boot animation the VM takes forever to boot.
1316 | if self.aInfo[g_iKind] == 'Windows2000':
1317 | return True;
1318 | return False;
1319 |
1320 | def isHostCpuAffectedByUbuntuNewAmdBug(self, oTestDrv):
1321 | """
1322 | Checks if the host OS is affected by older ubuntu installers being very
1323 | picky about which families of AMD CPUs it would run on.
1324 |
1325 | The installer checks for family 15, later 16, later 20, and in 11.10
1326 | they remove the family check for AMD CPUs.
1327 | """
1328 | if not oTestDrv.isHostCpuAmd():
1329 | return False;
1330 | try:
1331 | (uMaxExt, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000000, 0);
1332 | (uFamilyModel, _, _, _) = oTestDrv.oVBox.host.getProcessorCPUIDLeaf(0, 0x80000001, 0);
1333 | except:
1334 | reporter.logXcpt();
1335 | return False;
1336 | if uMaxExt < 0x80000001 or uMaxExt > 0x8000ffff:
1337 | return False;
1338 |
1339 | uFamily = (uFamilyModel >> 8) & 0xf
1340 | if uFamily == 0xf:
1341 | uFamily = ((uFamilyModel >> 20) & 0x7f) + 0xf;
1342 | ## @todo Break this down into which old ubuntu release supports exactly
1343 | ## which AMD family, if we care.
1344 | if uFamily <= 15:
1345 | return False;
1346 | reporter.log('Skipping "%s" because host CPU is a family %u AMD, which may cause trouble for the guest OS installer.'
1347 | % (self.sVmName, uFamily,));
1348 | return True;
1349 |
1350 | def getTestUser(self):
1351 | """
1352 | Gets the primary test user name.
1353 | """
1354 | if self.isWindows():
1355 | return 'Administrator';
1356 | return 'vbox';
1357 |
1358 | def getTestUserPassword(self, sUser = None):
1359 | """
1360 | Gets the password for the primary user (or other specified one).
1361 | """
1362 | if sUser == 'test':
1363 | return '';
1364 | if sUser == 'vboxuser': # Default unattended installation user and password.
1365 | return 'changeme';
1366 | return 'password';
1367 |
1368 | def pathJoinEx(self, sBase, *asAppend):
1369 | """ See common.pathutils.joinEx(). """
1370 | return pathutils.joinEx(self.isWindows() or self.isOS2(), sBase, *asAppend);
1371 |
1372 |
1373 |
1374 | class BootSectorTestVm(TestVm):
1375 | """
1376 | A Boot Sector Test VM.
1377 | """
1378 |
1379 | def __init__(self, oSet, sVmName, sFloppy = None, asVirtModesSup = None, f64BitRequired = False):
1380 | self.f64BitRequired = f64BitRequired;
1381 | if asVirtModesSup is None:
1382 | asVirtModesSup = list(g_asVirtModes);
1383 | TestVm.__init__(self, sVmName,
1384 | oSet = oSet,
1385 | acCpusSup = [1,],
1386 | sFloppy = sFloppy,
1387 | asVirtModesSup = asVirtModesSup,
1388 | fPae = True,
1389 | fIoApic = True,
1390 | fVmmDevTestingPart = True,
1391 | fVmmDevTestingMmio = True,
1392 | );
1393 |
1394 | def is64bitRequired(self):
1395 | return self.f64BitRequired;
1396 |
1397 |
1398 | class AncientTestVm(TestVm):
1399 | """
1400 | A ancient Test VM, using the serial port for communicating results.
1401 |
1402 | We're looking for 'PASSED' and 'FAILED' lines in the COM1 output.
1403 | """
1404 |
1405 |
1406 | def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
1407 | sVmName, # type: str
1408 | fGrouping = g_kfGrpAncient | g_kfGrpNoTxs, # type: int
1409 | sHd = None, # type: str
1410 | sKind = None, # type: str
1411 | acCpusSup = None, # type: List[int]
1412 | asVirtModesSup = None, # type: List[str]
1413 | sNic0AttachType = None, # type: str
1414 | sFloppy = None, # type: str
1415 | sFirmwareType = 'bios', # type: str
1416 | sChipsetType = 'piix3', # type: str
1417 | sHddControllerName = 'IDE Controller', # type: str
1418 | sDvdControllerName = 'IDE Controller', # type: str
1419 | cMBRamMax = None, # type: int
1420 | ):
1421 | TestVm.__init__(self,
1422 | sVmName,
1423 | fGrouping = fGrouping,
1424 | sHd = sHd,
1425 | sKind = sKind,
1426 | acCpusSup = [1] if acCpusSup is None else acCpusSup,
1427 | asVirtModesSup = asVirtModesSup,
1428 | sNic0AttachType = sNic0AttachType,
1429 | sFloppy = sFloppy,
1430 | sFirmwareType = sFirmwareType,
1431 | sChipsetType = sChipsetType,
1432 | sHddControllerType = sHddControllerName,
1433 | sDvdControllerType = sDvdControllerName,
1434 | asParavirtModesSup = (g_ksParavirtProviderNone,)
1435 | );
1436 | self.fCom1RawFile = True;
1437 | self.cMBRamMax= cMBRamMax;
1438 |
1439 |
1440 | def _childVmReconfig(self, oTestDrv, oVM, oSession):
1441 | _ = oVM; _ = oTestDrv;
1442 | fRc = True;
1443 |
1444 | # DOS 4.01 doesn't like the default 32MB of memory.
1445 | if fRc and self.cMBRamMax is not None:
1446 | try:
1447 | cMBRam = oSession.o.machine.memorySize;
1448 | except:
1449 | cMBRam = self.cMBRamMax + 4;
1450 | if self.cMBRamMax < cMBRam:
1451 | fRc = oSession.setRamSize(self.cMBRamMax);
1452 |
1453 | return fRc;
1454 |
1455 |
1456 | class TestVmSet(object):
1457 | """
1458 | A set of Test VMs.
1459 | """
1460 |
1461 | def __init__(self, oTestVmManager = None, acCpus = None, asVirtModes = None, fIgnoreSkippedVm = False):
1462 | self.oTestVmManager = oTestVmManager;
1463 | if acCpus is None:
1464 | acCpus = [1, 2];
1465 | self.acCpusDef = acCpus;
1466 | self.acCpus = acCpus;
1467 | if asVirtModes is None:
1468 | asVirtModes = list(g_asVirtModes);
1469 | self.asVirtModesDef = asVirtModes;
1470 | self.asVirtModes = asVirtModes;
1471 | self.aoTestVms = [] # type: list(BaseTestVm)
1472 | self.fIgnoreSkippedVm = fIgnoreSkippedVm;
1473 | self.asParavirtModes = None; ##< If None, use the first PV mode of the test VM, otherwise all modes in this list.
1474 |
1475 | def findTestVmByName(self, sVmName):
1476 | """
1477 | Returns the TestVm object with the given name.
1478 | Returns None if not found.
1479 | """
1480 |
1481 | # The 'tst-' prefix is optional.
1482 | sAltName = sVmName if sVmName.startswith('tst-') else 'tst-' + sVmName;
1483 |
1484 | for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms:
1485 | if oTestVm.sVmName == sVmName or oTestVm.sVmName == sAltName:
1486 | return oTestVm;
1487 | return None;
1488 |
1489 | def getAllVmNames(self, sSep = ':'):
1490 | """
1491 | Returns names of all the test VMs in the set separated by
1492 | sSep (defaults to ':').
1493 | """
1494 | sVmNames = '';
1495 | for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms:
1496 | sName = oTestVm.sVmName;
1497 | if sName.startswith('tst-'):
1498 | sName = sName[4:];
1499 | if sVmNames == '':
1500 | sVmNames = sName;
1501 | else:
1502 | sVmNames = sVmNames + sSep + sName;
1503 | return sVmNames;
1504 |
1505 | def showUsage(self):
1506 | """
1507 | Invoked by vbox.TestDriver.
1508 | """
1509 | reporter.log('');
1510 | reporter.log('Test VM selection and general config options:');
1511 | reporter.log(' --virt-modes <m1[:m2[:...]]>');
1512 | reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (':'.join(self.asVirtModesDef)));
1513 | reporter.log(' --skip-virt-modes <m1[:m2[:...]]>');
1514 | reporter.log(' Use this to avoid hwvirt or hwvirt-np when not supported by the host');
1515 | reporter.log(' since we cannot detect it using the main API. Use after --virt-modes.');
1516 | reporter.log(' --cpu-counts <c1[:c2[:...]]>');
1517 | reporter.log(' Default: %s' % (':'.join(str(c) for c in self.acCpusDef)));
1518 | reporter.log(' --test-vms <vm1[:vm2[:...]]>');
1519 | reporter.log(' Test the specified VMs in the given order. Use this to change');
1520 | reporter.log(' the execution order or limit the choice of VMs');
1521 | reporter.log(' Default: %s (all)' % (self.getAllVmNames(),));
1522 | reporter.log(' --skip-vms <vm1[:vm2[:...]]>');
1523 | reporter.log(' Skip the specified VMs when testing.');
1524 | reporter.log(' --snapshot-restore-current');
1525 | reporter.log(' Restores the current snapshot and resumes execution.');
1526 | reporter.log(' --paravirt-modes <pv1[:pv2[:...]]>');
1527 | reporter.log(' Set of paravirtualized providers (modes) to tests. Intersected with what the test VM supports.');
1528 | reporter.log(' Default is the first PV mode the test VMs support, generally same as "legacy".');
1529 | reporter.log(' --with-nested-hwvirt-only');
1530 | reporter.log(' Test VMs using nested hardware-virtualization only.');
1531 | reporter.log(' --without-nested-hwvirt-only');
1532 | reporter.log(' Test VMs not using nested hardware-virtualization only.');
1533 | ## @todo Add more options for controlling individual VMs.
1534 | return True;
1535 |
1536 | def parseOption(self, asArgs, iArg):
1537 | """
1538 | Parses the set test vm set options (--test-vms and --skip-vms), modifying the set
1539 | Invoked by the testdriver method with the same name.
1540 |
1541 | Keyword arguments:
1542 | asArgs -- The argument vector.
1543 | iArg -- The index of the current argument.
1544 |
1545 | Returns iArg if the option was not recognized and the caller should handle it.
1546 | Returns the index of the next argument when something is consumed.
1547 |
1548 | In the event of a syntax error, a InvalidOption or QuietInvalidOption
1549 | is thrown.
1550 | """
1551 |
1552 | if asArgs[iArg] == '--virt-modes':
1553 | iArg += 1;
1554 | if iArg >= len(asArgs):
1555 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--virt-modes" takes a colon separated list of modes');
1556 |
1557 | self.asVirtModes = asArgs[iArg].split(':');
1558 | for s in self.asVirtModes:
1559 | if s not in self.asVirtModesDef:
1560 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--virt-modes" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s' \
1561 | % (s, ' '.join(self.asVirtModesDef)));
1562 |
1563 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--skip-virt-modes':
1564 | iArg += 1;
1565 | if iArg >= len(asArgs):
1566 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--skip-virt-modes" takes a colon separated list of modes');
1567 |
1568 | for s in asArgs[iArg].split(':'):
1569 | if s not in self.asVirtModesDef:
1570 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--virt-modes" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s' \
1571 | % (s, ' '.join(self.asVirtModesDef)));
1572 | if s in self.asVirtModes:
1573 | self.asVirtModes.remove(s);
1574 |
1575 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--cpu-counts':
1576 | iArg += 1;
1577 | if iArg >= len(asArgs):
1578 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--cpu-counts" takes a colon separated list of cpu counts');
1579 |
1580 | self.acCpus = [];
1581 | for s in asArgs[iArg].split(':'):
1582 | try: c = int(s);
1583 | except: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--cpu-counts" value "%s" is not an integer' % (s,));
1584 | if c <= 0: raise base.InvalidOption('The "--cpu-counts" value "%s" is zero or negative' % (s,));
1585 | self.acCpus.append(c);
1586 |
1587 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--test-vms':
1588 | iArg += 1;
1589 | if iArg >= len(asArgs):
1590 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--test-vms" takes colon separated list');
1591 |
1592 | for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms:
1593 | oTestVm.fSkip = True;
1594 |
1595 | asTestVMs = asArgs[iArg].split(':');
1596 | for s in asTestVMs:
1597 | oTestVm = self.findTestVmByName(s);
1598 | if oTestVm is None:
1599 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--test-vms" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s' \
1600 | % (s, self.getAllVmNames(' ')));
1601 | oTestVm.fSkip = False;
1602 |
1603 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--skip-vms':
1604 | iArg += 1;
1605 | if iArg >= len(asArgs):
1606 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--skip-vms" takes colon separated list');
1607 |
1608 | asTestVMs = asArgs[iArg].split(':');
1609 | for s in asTestVMs:
1610 | oTestVm = self.findTestVmByName(s);
1611 | if oTestVm is None:
1612 | reporter.log('warning: The "--test-vms" value "%s" does not specify any of our test VMs.' % (s,));
1613 | else:
1614 | oTestVm.fSkip = True;
1615 |
1616 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--snapshot-restore-current':
1617 | for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms:
1618 | if oTestVm.fSkip is False:
1619 | oTestVm.fSnapshotRestoreCurrent = True;
1620 | reporter.log('VM "%s" will be restored.' % (oTestVm.sVmName));
1621 |
1622 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--paravirt-modes':
1623 | iArg += 1
1624 | if iArg >= len(asArgs):
1625 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--paravirt-modes" takes a colon separated list of modes');
1626 |
1627 | self.asParavirtModes = asArgs[iArg].split(':')
1628 | for sPvMode in self.asParavirtModes:
1629 | if sPvMode not in g_kasParavirtProviders:
1630 | raise base.InvalidOption('The "--paravirt-modes" value "%s" is not valid; valid values are: %s'
1631 | % (sPvMode, ', '.join(g_kasParavirtProviders),));
1632 | if not self.asParavirtModes:
1633 | self.asParavirtModes = None;
1634 |
1635 | # HACK ALERT! Reset the random paravirt selection for members.
1636 | for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms:
1637 | oTestVm.asParavirtModesSup = oTestVm.asParavirtModesSupOrg;
1638 |
1639 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--with-nested-hwvirt-only':
1640 | for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms:
1641 | if oTestVm.fNstHwVirt is False:
1642 | oTestVm.fSkip = True;
1643 |
1644 | elif asArgs[iArg] == '--without-nested-hwvirt-only':
1645 | for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms:
1646 | if oTestVm.fNstHwVirt is True:
1647 | oTestVm.fSkip = True;
1648 |
1649 | else:
1650 | return iArg;
1651 | return iArg + 1;
1652 |
1653 | def getResourceSet(self):
1654 | """
1655 | Called vbox.TestDriver.getResourceSet and returns a list of paths of resources.
1656 | """
1657 | asResources = [];
1658 | for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms:
1659 | if not oTestVm.fSkip:
1660 | if isinstance(oTestVm, BaseTestVm): # Temporarily...
1661 | asResources.extend(oTestVm.getResourceSet());
1662 | else:
1663 | if oTestVm.sHd is not None:
1664 | asResources.append(oTestVm.sHd);
1665 | if oTestVm.sDvdImage is not None:
1666 | asResources.append(oTestVm.sDvdImage);
1667 | return asResources;
1668 |
1669 | def actionConfig(self, oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType = None, sDvdImage = None):
1670 | """
1671 | For base.TestDriver.actionConfig. Configure the VMs with defaults and
1672 | a few tweaks as per arguments.
1673 |
1674 | Returns True if successful.
1675 | Returns False if not.
1676 | """
1677 |
1678 | for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms:
1679 | if oTestVm.fSkip:
1680 | continue;
1681 | if oTestVm.skipCreatingVm(oTestDrv):
1682 | oTestVm.fSkip = True;
1683 | continue;
1684 |
1685 | if oTestVm.fSnapshotRestoreCurrent:
1686 | # If we want to restore a VM we don't need to create
1687 | # the machine anymore -- so just add it to the test VM list.
1688 | oVM = oTestDrv.addTestMachine(oTestVm.sVmName);
1689 | else:
1690 | oVM = oTestVm.createVm(oTestDrv, eNic0AttachType, sDvdImage);
1691 | if oVM is None:
1692 | return False;
1693 |
1694 | return True;
1695 |
1696 | def _removeUnsupportedVirtModes(self, oTestDrv):
1697 | """
1698 | Removes unsupported virtualization modes.
1699 | """
1700 | if 'hwvirt' in self.asVirtModes and not oTestDrv.hasHostHwVirt():
1701 | reporter.log('Hardware assisted virtualization is not available on the host, skipping it.');
1702 | self.asVirtModes.remove('hwvirt');
1703 |
1704 | if 'hwvirt-np' in self.asVirtModes and not oTestDrv.hasHostNestedPaging():
1705 | reporter.log('Nested paging not supported by the host, skipping it.');
1706 | self.asVirtModes.remove('hwvirt-np');
1707 |
1708 | if 'raw' in self.asVirtModes and not oTestDrv.hasRawModeSupport():
1709 | reporter.log('Raw-mode virtualization is not available in this build (or perhaps for this host), skipping it.');
1710 | self.asVirtModes.remove('raw');
1711 |
1712 | return True;
1713 |
1714 | def actionExecute(self, oTestDrv, fnCallback): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
1715 | """
1716 | For base.TestDriver.actionExecute. Calls the callback function for
1717 | each of the VMs and basic configuration variations (virt-mode and cpu
1718 | count).
1719 |
1720 | Returns True if all fnCallback calls returned True, otherwise False.
1721 |
1722 | The callback can return True, False or None. The latter is for when the
1723 | test is skipped. (True is for success, False is for failure.)
1724 | """
1725 |
1726 | self._removeUnsupportedVirtModes(oTestDrv);
1727 | cMaxCpus = oTestDrv.getHostCpuCount();
1728 |
1729 | #
1730 | # The test loop.
1731 | #
1732 | fRc = True;
1733 | for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms:
1734 | if oTestVm.fSkip and self.fIgnoreSkippedVm:
1735 | reporter.log2('Ignoring VM %s (fSkip = True).' % (oTestVm.sVmName,));
1736 | continue;
1737 | reporter.testStart(oTestVm.sVmName);
1738 | if oTestVm.fSkip:
1739 | reporter.testDone(fSkipped = True);
1740 | continue;
1741 |
1742 | # Intersect the supported modes and the ones being testing.
1743 | asVirtModesSup = [sMode for sMode in oTestVm.asVirtModesSup if sMode in self.asVirtModes];
1744 |
1745 | # Ditto for CPUs.
1746 | acCpusSup = [cCpus for cCpus in oTestVm.acCpusSup if cCpus in self.acCpus];
1747 |
1748 | # Ditto for paravirtualization modes, except if not specified we got a less obvious default.
1749 | if self.asParavirtModes is not None and oTestDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
1750 | asParavirtModes = [sPvMode for sPvMode in oTestVm.asParavirtModesSup if sPvMode in self.asParavirtModes];
1751 | assert None not in asParavirtModes;
1752 | elif oTestDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0:
1753 | asParavirtModes = (oTestVm.asParavirtModesSup[0],);
1754 | assert asParavirtModes[0] is not None;
1755 | else:
1756 | asParavirtModes = (None,);
1757 |
1758 | for cCpus in acCpusSup:
1759 | if cCpus == 1:
1760 | reporter.testStart('1 cpu');
1761 | else:
1762 | reporter.testStart('%u cpus' % (cCpus));
1763 | if cCpus > cMaxCpus:
1764 | reporter.testDone(fSkipped = True);
1765 | continue;
1766 |
1767 | cTests = 0;
1768 | for sVirtMode in asVirtModesSup:
1769 | if sVirtMode == 'raw' and cCpus > 1:
1770 | continue;
1771 | reporter.testStart('%s' % ( g_dsVirtModeDescs[sVirtMode], ) );
1772 | cStartTests = cTests;
1773 |
1774 | for sParavirtMode in asParavirtModes:
1775 | if sParavirtMode is not None:
1776 | assert oTestDrv.fpApiVer >= 5.0;
1777 | reporter.testStart('%s' % ( sParavirtMode, ) );
1778 |
1779 | # Reconfigure the VM.
1780 | try:
1781 | (rc2, oVM) = oTestVm.getReconfiguredVm(oTestDrv, cCpus, sVirtMode, sParavirtMode = sParavirtMode);
1782 | except KeyboardInterrupt:
1783 | raise;
1784 | except:
1785 | reporter.errorXcpt(cFrames = 9);
1786 | rc2 = False;
1787 | if rc2 is True:
1788 | # Do the testing.
1789 | try:
1790 | rc2 = fnCallback(oVM, oTestVm);
1791 | except KeyboardInterrupt:
1792 | raise;
1793 | except:
1794 | reporter.errorXcpt(cFrames = 9);
1795 | rc2 = False;
1796 | if rc2 is False:
1797 | reporter.maybeErr(reporter.testErrorCount() == 0, 'fnCallback failed');
1798 | elif rc2 is False:
1799 | reporter.log('getReconfiguredVm failed');
1800 | if rc2 is False:
1801 | fRc = False;
1802 |
1803 | cTests = cTests + (rc2 is not None);
1804 | if sParavirtMode is not None:
1805 | reporter.testDone(fSkipped = (rc2 is None));
1806 |
1807 | reporter.testDone(fSkipped = cTests == cStartTests);
1808 |
1809 | reporter.testDone(fSkipped = cTests == 0);
1810 |
1811 | _, cErrors = reporter.testDone();
1812 | if cErrors > 0:
1813 | fRc = False;
1814 | return fRc;
1815 |
1816 | def enumerateTestVms(self, fnCallback):
1817 | """
1818 | Enumerates all the 'active' VMs.
1819 |
1820 | Returns True if all fnCallback calls returned True.
1821 | Returns False if any returned False.
1822 | Returns None immediately if fnCallback returned None.
1823 | """
1824 | fRc = True;
1825 | for oTestVm in self.aoTestVms:
1826 | if not oTestVm.fSkip:
1827 | fRc2 = fnCallback(oTestVm);
1828 | if fRc2 is None:
1829 | return fRc2;
1830 | fRc = fRc and fRc2;
1831 | return fRc;
1832 |
1833 |
1834 |
1835 | class TestVmManager(object):
1836 | """
1837 | Test VM manager.
1838 | """
1839 |
1840 | ## @name VM grouping flags
1841 | ## @{
1842 | kfGrpSmoke = g_kfGrpSmoke;
1843 | kfGrpStandard = g_kfGrpStandard;
1844 | kfGrpStdSmoke = g_kfGrpStdSmoke;
1845 | kfGrpWithGAs = g_kfGrpWithGAs;
1846 | kfGrpNoTxs = g_kfGrpNoTxs;
1847 | kfGrpAncient = g_kfGrpAncient;
1848 | kfGrpExotic = g_kfGrpExotic;
1849 | ## @}
1850 |
1851 | kaTestVMs = (
1852 | # Linux
1853 | TestVm('tst-ubuntu-15_10-64-efi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/efi/ubuntu-15_10-efi-amd64.vdi',
1854 | sKind = 'Ubuntu_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi',
1855 | asParavirtModesSup = [g_ksParavirtProviderKVM,]),
1856 | TestVm('tst-rhel5', kfGrpSmoke, sHd = '3.0/tcp/rhel5.vdi',
1857 | sKind = 'RedHat', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sNic0AttachType = 'nat'),
1858 | TestVm('tst-arch', kfGrpStandard, sHd = '4.2/usb/tst-arch.vdi',
1859 | sKind = 'ArchLinux_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sNic0AttachType = 'nat'),
1860 | # disabled 2019-03-08 klaus - fails all over the place and pollutes the test results
1861 | #TestVm('tst-ubuntu-1804-64', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/ubuntu-1804/t-ubuntu-1804-64.vdi',
1862 | # sKind = 'Ubuntu_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True),
1863 | TestVm('tst-ol76-64', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/ol76/t-ol76-64.vdi',
1864 | sKind = 'Oracle_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True),
1865 |
1866 | # Solaris
1867 | TestVm('tst-sol10', kfGrpSmoke, sHd = '3.0/tcp/solaris10.vdi',
1868 | sKind = 'Solaris', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fPae = True, sNic0AttachType = 'bridged'),
1869 | TestVm('tst-sol10-64', kfGrpSmoke, sHd = '3.0/tcp/solaris10.vdi',
1870 | sKind = 'Solaris_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), sNic0AttachType = 'bridged'),
1871 | TestVm('tst-sol11u1', kfGrpSmoke, sHd = '4.2/nat/sol11u1/t-sol11u1.vdi',
1872 | sKind = 'Solaris11_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), sNic0AttachType = 'nat', fIoApic = True,
1873 | sHddControllerType = 'SATA Controller'),
1874 | #TestVm('tst-sol11u1-ich9', kfGrpSmoke, sHd = '4.2/nat/sol11u1/t-sol11u1.vdi',
1875 | # sKind = 'Solaris11_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), sNic0AttachType = 'nat', fIoApic = True,
1876 | # sHddControllerType = 'SATA Controller', sChipsetType = 'ich9'),
1877 |
1878 | # NT 3.x
1879 | TestVm('tst-nt310', kfGrpAncient, sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-nt310/t-nt310.vdi',
1880 | sKind = 'WindowsNT3x', acCpusSup = [1], sHddControllerType = 'BusLogic SCSI Controller',
1881 | sDvdControllerType = 'BusLogic SCSI Controller'),
1882 | TestVm('tst-nt350', kfGrpAncient, sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-nt350/t-nt350.vdi',
1883 | sKind = 'WindowsNT3x', acCpusSup = [1], sHddControllerType = 'BusLogic SCSI Controller',
1884 | sDvdControllerType = 'BusLogic SCSI Controller'),
1885 | TestVm('tst-nt351', kfGrpAncient, sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-nt350/t-nt351.vdi',
1886 | sKind = 'WindowsNT3x', acCpusSup = [1], sHddControllerType = 'BusLogic SCSI Controller',
1887 | sDvdControllerType = 'BusLogic SCSI Controller'),
1888 |
1889 | # NT 4
1890 | TestVm('tst-nt4sp1', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/nat/nt4sp1/t-nt4sp1.vdi',
1891 | sKind = 'WindowsNT4', acCpusSup = [1], sNic0AttachType = 'nat'),
1892 |
1893 | TestVm('tst-nt4sp6', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/nt4sp6/t-nt4sp6.vdi',
1894 | sKind = 'WindowsNT4', acCpusSup = range(1, 33)),
1895 |
1896 | # W2K
1897 | TestVm('tst-2ksp4', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/win2ksp4/t-win2ksp4.vdi',
1898 | sKind = 'Windows2000', acCpusSup = range(1, 33)),
1899 |
1900 | # XP
1901 | TestVm('tst-xppro', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/nat/xppro/t-xppro.vdi',
1902 | sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), sNic0AttachType = 'nat'),
1903 | TestVm('tst-xpsp2', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/xpsp2/t-winxpsp2.vdi',
1904 | sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True),
1905 | TestVm('tst-xpsp2-halaacpi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/xpsp2/t-winxp-halaacpi.vdi',
1906 | sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True),
1907 | TestVm('tst-xpsp2-halacpi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/xpsp2/t-winxp-halacpi.vdi',
1908 | sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True),
1909 | TestVm('tst-xpsp2-halapic', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/xpsp2/t-winxp-halapic.vdi',
1910 | sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True),
1911 | TestVm('tst-xpsp2-halmacpi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/xpsp2/t-winxp-halmacpi.vdi',
1912 | sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(2, 33), fIoApic = True),
1913 | TestVm('tst-xpsp2-halmps', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/xpsp2/t-winxp-halmps.vdi',
1914 | sKind = 'WindowsXP', acCpusSup = range(2, 33), fIoApic = True),
1915 |
1916 | # W2K3
1917 | TestVm('tst-win2k3ent', kfGrpSmoke, sHd = '3.0/tcp/win2k3ent-acpi.vdi',
1918 | sKind = 'Windows2003', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fPae = True, sNic0AttachType = 'bridged'),
1919 |
1920 | # W7
1921 | TestVm('tst-win7', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/win7-32/t-win7.vdi',
1922 | sKind = 'Windows7', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True),
1923 |
1924 | # W8
1925 | TestVm('tst-win8-64', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/win8-64/t-win8-64.vdi',
1926 | sKind = 'Windows8_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True),
1927 | #TestVm('tst-win8-64-ich9', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/win8-64/t-win8-64.vdi',
1928 | # sKind = 'Windows8_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sChipsetType = 'ich9'),
1929 |
1930 | # W10
1931 | TestVm('tst-win10-efi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/efi/win10-efi-x86.vdi',
1932 | sKind = 'Windows10', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi'),
1933 | TestVm('tst-win10-64-efi', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/efi/win10-efi-amd64.vdi',
1934 | sKind = 'Windows10_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi'),
1935 | #TestVm('tst-win10-64-efi-ich9', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '4.2/efi/win10-efi-amd64.vdi',
1936 | # sKind = 'Windows10_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 33), fIoApic = True, sFirmwareType = 'efi', sChipsetType = 'ich9'),
1937 |
1938 | # Nested hardware-virtualization
1939 | TestVm('tst-nsthwvirt-ubuntu-64', kfGrpStdSmoke, sHd = '5.3/nat/nsthwvirt-ubuntu64/t-nsthwvirt-ubuntu64.vdi',
1940 | sKind = 'Ubuntu_64', acCpusSup = range(1, 2), asVirtModesSup = ['hwvirt-np',], fIoApic = True, fNstHwVirt = True,
1941 | sNic0AttachType = 'nat'),
1942 |
1943 | # DOS and Old Windows.
1944 | AncientTestVm('tst-dos20', sKind = 'DOS',
1945 | sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos20/t-dos20.vdi'),
1946 | AncientTestVm('tst-dos401-win30me', sKind = 'DOS',
1947 | sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos401-win30me/t-dos401-win30me.vdi', cMBRamMax = 4),
1948 | AncientTestVm('tst-dos401-emm386-win30me', sKind = 'DOS',
1949 | sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos401-emm386-win30me/t-dos401-emm386-win30me.vdi', cMBRamMax = 4),
1950 | AncientTestVm('tst-dos50-win31', sKind = 'DOS',
1951 | sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos50-win31/t-dos50-win31.vdi'),
1952 | AncientTestVm('tst-dos50-emm386-win31', sKind = 'DOS',
1953 | sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos50-emm386-win31/t-dos50-emm386-win31.vdi'),
1954 | AncientTestVm('tst-dos622', sKind = 'DOS',
1955 | sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos622/t-dos622.vdi'),
1956 | AncientTestVm('tst-dos622-emm386', sKind = 'DOS',
1957 | sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos622-emm386/t-dos622-emm386.vdi'),
1958 | AncientTestVm('tst-dos71', sKind = 'DOS',
1959 | sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos71/t-dos71.vdi'),
1960 |
1961 | #AncientTestVm('tst-dos5-win311a', sKind = 'DOS', sHd = '5.2/great-old-ones/t-dos5-win311a/t-dos5-win311a.vdi'),
1962 | );
1963 |
1964 |
1965 | def __init__(self, sResourcePath):
1966 | self.sResourcePath = sResourcePath;
1967 |
1968 | def selectSet(self, fGrouping, sTxsTransport = None, fCheckResources = True):
1969 | """
1970 | Returns a VM set with the selected VMs.
1971 | """
1972 | oSet = TestVmSet(oTestVmManager = self);
1973 | for oVm in self.kaTestVMs:
1974 | if oVm.fGrouping & fGrouping:
1975 | if sTxsTransport is None or oVm.sNic0AttachType is None or sTxsTransport == oVm.sNic0AttachType:
1976 | if not fCheckResources or not oVm.getMissingResources(self.sResourcePath):
1977 | oCopyVm = copy.deepcopy(oVm);
1978 | oCopyVm.oSet = oSet;
1979 | oSet.aoTestVms.append(oCopyVm);
1980 | return oSet;
1981 |
1982 | def getStandardVmSet(self, sTxsTransport):
1983 | """
1984 | Gets the set of standard test VMs.
1985 |
1986 | This is supposed to do something seriously clever, like searching the
1987 | testrsrc tree for usable VMs, but for the moment it's all hard coded. :-)
1988 | """
1989 | return self.selectSet(self.kfGrpStandard, sTxsTransport)
1990 |
1991 | def getSmokeVmSet(self, sTxsTransport = None):
1992 | """Gets a representative set of VMs for smoke testing. """
1993 | return self.selectSet(self.kfGrpSmoke, sTxsTransport);
1994 |
1995 | def shutUpPyLint(self):
1996 | """ Shut up already! """
1997 | return self.sResourcePath;
1998 |