1 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 | # $Id: btresolver.py 93115 2022-01-01 11:31:46Z vboxsync $
3 | # pylint: disable=too-many-lines
4 |
5 | """
6 | Backtrace resolver using external debugging symbols and RTLdrFlt.
7 | """
8 |
9 | __copyright__ = \
10 | """
11 | Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Oracle Corporation
12 |
13 | This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
14 | available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
15 | you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
16 | General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
17 | Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
18 | VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
19 | hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
20 |
21 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
22 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
23 | (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
24 | VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
25 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
26 |
27 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
28 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
29 | """
30 | __version__ = "$Revision: 93115 $"
31 |
32 |
33 | # Standard Python imports.
34 | import os;
35 | import re;
36 | import shutil;
37 | import subprocess;
38 |
39 | # Validation Kit imports.
40 | from common import utils;
41 |
42 | def getRTLdrFltPath(asPaths):
43 | """
44 | Returns the path to the RTLdrFlt tool looking in the provided paths
45 | or None if not found.
46 | """
47 |
48 | for sPath in asPaths:
49 | for sDirPath, _, asFiles in os.walk(sPath):
50 | if 'RTLdrFlt' in asFiles:
51 | return os.path.join(sDirPath, 'RTLdrFlt');
52 |
53 | return None;
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 | class BacktraceResolverOs(object):
58 | """
59 | Base class for all OS specific resolvers.
60 | """
61 |
62 | def __init__(self, sScratchPath, sBuildRoot, fnLog = None):
63 | self.sScratchPath = sScratchPath;
64 | self.sBuildRoot = sBuildRoot;
65 | self.fnLog = fnLog;
66 |
67 | def log(self, sText):
68 | """
69 | Internal logger callback.
70 | """
71 | if self.fnLog is not None:
72 | self.fnLog(sText);
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 | class BacktraceResolverOsLinux(BacktraceResolverOs):
77 | """
78 | Linux specific backtrace resolver.
79 | """
80 |
81 | def __init__(self, sScratchPath, sBuildRoot, fnLog = None):
82 | """
83 | Constructs a Linux host specific backtrace resolver.
84 | """
85 | BacktraceResolverOs.__init__(self, sScratchPath, sBuildRoot, fnLog);
86 |
87 | self.asDbgFiles = {};
88 |
89 | def prepareEnv(self):
90 | """
91 | Prepares the environment for annotating Linux reports.
92 | """
93 | fRc = False;
94 | try:
95 | sDbgArchive = os.path.join(self.sBuildRoot, 'bin', 'VirtualBox-dbg.tar.bz2');
96 |
97 | # Extract debug symbol archive if it was found.
98 | if os.path.exists(sDbgArchive):
99 | asMembers = utils.unpackFile(sDbgArchive, self.sScratchPath, self.fnLog,
100 | self.fnLog);
101 | if asMembers:
102 | # Populate the list of debug files.
103 | for sMember in asMembers:
104 | if os.path.isfile(sMember):
105 | self.asDbgFiles[os.path.basename(sMember)] = sMember;
106 | fRc = True;
107 | except:
108 | self.log('Failed to setup debug symbols');
109 |
110 | return fRc;
111 |
112 | def cleanupEnv(self):
113 | """
114 | Cleans up the environment.
115 | """
116 | fRc = False;
117 | try:
118 | shutil.rmtree(self.sScratchPath, True);
119 | fRc = True;
120 | except:
121 | pass;
122 |
123 | return fRc;
124 |
125 | def getDbgSymPathFromBinary(self, sBinary, sArch):
126 | """
127 | Returns the path to file containing the debug symbols for the specified binary.
128 | """
129 | _ = sArch;
130 | sDbgFilePath = None;
131 | try:
132 | sDbgFilePath = self.asDbgFiles[sBinary];
133 | except:
134 | pass;
135 |
136 | return sDbgFilePath;
137 |
138 | def getBinaryListWithLoadAddrFromReport(self, asReport):
139 | """
140 | Parses the given VM state report and returns a list of binaries and their
141 | load address.
142 |
143 | Returns a list if tuples containing the binary and load addres or an empty
144 | list on failure.
145 | """
146 | asListBinaries = [];
147 |
148 | # Look for the line "Mapped address spaces:"
149 | iLine = 0;
150 | while iLine < len(asReport):
151 | if asReport[iLine].startswith('Mapped address spaces:'):
152 | break;
153 | iLine += 1;
154 |
155 | for sLine in asReport[iLine:]:
156 | asCandidate = sLine.split();
157 | if len(asCandidate) == 5 \
158 | and asCandidate[0].startswith('0x') \
159 | and asCandidate[1].startswith('0x') \
160 | and asCandidate[2].startswith('0x') \
161 | and (asCandidate[3] == '0x0' or asCandidate[3] == '0')\
162 | and 'VirtualBox' in asCandidate[4]:
163 | asListBinaries.append((asCandidate[0], os.path.basename(asCandidate[4])));
164 |
165 | return asListBinaries;
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 | class BacktraceResolverOsDarwin(BacktraceResolverOs):
170 | """
171 | Darwin specific backtrace resolver.
172 | """
173 |
174 | def __init__(self, sScratchPath, sBuildRoot, fnLog = None):
175 | """
176 | Constructs a Linux host specific backtrace resolver.
177 | """
178 | BacktraceResolverOs.__init__(self, sScratchPath, sBuildRoot, fnLog);
179 |
180 | self.asDbgFiles = {};
181 |
182 | def prepareEnv(self):
183 | """
184 | Prepares the environment for annotating Darwin reports.
185 | """
186 | fRc = False;
187 | try:
188 | #
189 | # Walk the scratch path directory and look for .dSYM directories, building a
190 | # list of them.
191 | #
192 | asDSymPaths = [];
193 |
194 | for sDirPath, asDirs, _ in os.walk(self.sBuildRoot):
195 | for sDir in asDirs:
196 | if sDir.endswith('.dSYM'):
197 | asDSymPaths.append(os.path.join(sDirPath, sDir));
198 |
199 | # Expand the dSYM paths to full DWARF debug files in the next step
200 | # and add them to the debug files dictionary.
201 | for sDSymPath in asDSymPaths:
202 | sBinary = os.path.basename(sDSymPath).strip('.dSYM');
203 | self.asDbgFiles[sBinary] = os.path.join(sDSymPath, 'Contents', 'Resources',
204 | 'DWARF', sBinary);
205 |
206 | fRc = True;
207 | except:
208 | self.log('Failed to setup debug symbols');
209 |
210 | return fRc;
211 |
212 | def cleanupEnv(self):
213 | """
214 | Cleans up the environment.
215 | """
216 | fRc = False;
217 | try:
218 | shutil.rmtree(self.sScratchPath, True);
219 | fRc = True;
220 | except:
221 | pass;
222 |
223 | return fRc;
224 |
225 | def getDbgSymPathFromBinary(self, sBinary, sArch):
226 | """
227 | Returns the path to file containing the debug symbols for the specified binary.
228 | """
229 | # Hack to exclude executables as RTLdrFlt has some problems with it currently.
230 | _ = sArch;
231 | sDbgSym = None;
232 | try:
233 | sDbgSym = self.asDbgFiles[sBinary];
234 | except:
235 | pass;
236 |
237 | if sDbgSym is not None and sDbgSym.endswith('.dylib'):
238 | return sDbgSym;
239 |
240 | return None;
241 |
242 | def _getReportVersion(self, asReport):
243 | """
244 | Returns the version of the darwin report.
245 | """
246 | # Find the line starting with "Report Version:"
247 | iLine = 0;
248 | iVersion = 0;
249 | while iLine < len(asReport):
250 | if asReport[iLine].startswith('Report Version:'):
251 | break;
252 | iLine += 1;
253 |
254 | if iLine < len(asReport):
255 | # Look for the start of the number
256 | sVersion = asReport[iLine];
257 | iStartVersion = len('Report Version:');
258 | iEndVersion = len(sVersion);
259 |
260 | while iStartVersion < len(sVersion) \
261 | and not sVersion[iStartVersion:iStartVersion+1].isdigit():
262 | iStartVersion += 1;
263 |
264 | while iEndVersion > 0 \
265 | and not sVersion[iEndVersion-1:iEndVersion].isdigit():
266 | iEndVersion -= 1;
267 |
268 | iVersion = int(sVersion[iStartVersion:iEndVersion]);
269 | else:
270 | self.log('Couldn\'t find the report version');
271 |
272 | return iVersion;
273 |
274 | def _getListOfBinariesFromReportPreSierra(self, asReport):
275 | """
276 | Returns a list of loaded binaries with their load address obtained from
277 | a pre Sierra report.
278 | """
279 | asListBinaries = [];
280 |
281 | # Find the line starting with "Binary Images:"
282 | iLine = 0;
283 | while iLine < len(asReport):
284 | if asReport[iLine].startswith('Binary Images:'):
285 | break;
286 | iLine += 1;
287 |
288 | if iLine < len(asReport):
289 | # List starts after that
290 | iLine += 1;
291 |
292 | # A line for a loaded binary looks like the following:
293 | # 0x100042000 - 0x100095fff +VBoxDDU.dylib (4.3.15) <EB19C44D-F882-0803-DBDD-9995723111B7> /Application...
294 | # We need the start address and the library name.
295 | # To distinguish between our own libraries and ones from Apple we check whether the path at the end starts with
296 | # /Applications/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS
297 | oRegExpPath = re.compile(r'/VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS');
298 | oRegExpAddr = re.compile(r'0x\w+');
299 | oRegExpBinPath = re.compile(r'VirtualBox.app/Contents/MacOS/\S*');
300 | while iLine < len(asReport):
301 | asMatches = oRegExpPath.findall(asReport[iLine]);
302 | if asMatches:
303 | # Line contains the path, extract start address and path to binary
304 | sAddr = oRegExpAddr.findall(asReport[iLine]);
305 | sPath = oRegExpBinPath.findall(asReport[iLine]);
306 |
307 | if sAddr and sPath:
308 | # Construct the path in into the build cache containing the debug symbols
309 | oRegExp = re.compile(r'\w+\.{0,1}\w*$');
310 | sFilename = oRegExp.findall(sPath[0]);
311 |
312 | asListBinaries.append((sAddr[0], sFilename[0]));
313 | else:
314 | break; # End of image list
315 | iLine += 1;
316 | else:
317 | self.log('Couldn\'t find the list of loaded binaries in the given report');
318 |
319 | return asListBinaries;
320 |
321 | def _getListOfBinariesFromReportSierra(self, asReport):
322 | """
323 | Returns a list of loaded binaries with their load address obtained from
324 | a Sierra+ report.
325 | """
326 | asListBinaries = [];
327 |
328 | # A line for a loaded binary looks like the following:
329 | # 4 VBoxXPCOMIPCC.dylib 0x00000001139f17ea 0x1139e4000 + 55274
330 | # We need the start address and the library name.
331 | # To distinguish between our own libraries and ones from Apple we check whether the library
332 | # name contains VBox or VirtualBox
333 | iLine = 0;
334 | while iLine < len(asReport):
335 | asStackTrace = asReport[iLine].split();
336 |
337 | # Check whether the line is made up of 6 elements separated by whitespace
338 | # and the first one is a number.
339 | if len(asStackTrace) == 6 and asStackTrace[0].isdigit() \
340 | and (asStackTrace[1].find('VBox') != -1 or asStackTrace[1].find('VirtualBox') != -1) \
341 | and asStackTrace[3].startswith('0x'):
342 |
343 | # Check whether the library is already in our list an only add new ones
344 | fFound = False;
345 | for _, sLibrary in asListBinaries:
346 | if asStackTrace[1] == sLibrary:
347 | fFound = True;
348 | break;
349 |
350 | if not fFound:
351 | asListBinaries.append((asStackTrace[3], asStackTrace[1]));
352 | iLine += 1;
353 |
354 | return asListBinaries;
355 |
356 | def getBinaryListWithLoadAddrFromReport(self, asReport):
357 | """
358 | Parses the given VM state report and returns a list of binaries and their
359 | load address.
360 |
361 | Returns a list if tuples containing the binary and load addres or an empty
362 | list on failure.
363 | """
364 | asListBinaries = [];
365 |
366 | iVersion = self._getReportVersion(asReport);
367 | if iVersion > 0:
368 | if iVersion <= 11:
369 | self.log('Pre Sierra Report');
370 | asListBinaries = self._getListOfBinariesFromReportPreSierra(asReport);
371 | elif iVersion == 12:
372 | self.log('Sierra report');
373 | asListBinaries = self._getListOfBinariesFromReportSierra(asReport);
374 | else:
375 | self.log('Unsupported report version %s' % (iVersion, ));
376 |
377 | return asListBinaries;
378 |
379 |
380 |
381 | class BacktraceResolverOsSolaris(BacktraceResolverOs):
382 | """
383 | Solaris specific backtrace resolver.
384 | """
385 |
386 | def __init__(self, sScratchPath, sBuildRoot, fnLog = None):
387 | """
388 | Constructs a Linux host specific backtrace resolver.
389 | """
390 | BacktraceResolverOs.__init__(self, sScratchPath, sBuildRoot, fnLog);
391 |
392 | self.asDbgFiles = {};
393 |
394 | def prepareEnv(self):
395 | """
396 | Prepares the environment for annotating Linux reports.
397 | """
398 | fRc = False;
399 | try:
400 | sDbgArchive = os.path.join(self.sBuildRoot, 'bin', 'VirtualBoxDebug.tar.bz2');
401 |
402 | # Extract debug symbol archive if it was found.
403 | if os.path.exists(sDbgArchive):
404 | asMembers = utils.unpackFile(sDbgArchive, self.sScratchPath, self.fnLog,
405 | self.fnLog);
406 | if asMembers:
407 | # Populate the list of debug files.
408 | for sMember in asMembers:
409 | if os.path.isfile(sMember):
410 | sArch = '';
411 | if 'amd64' in sMember:
412 | sArch = 'amd64';
413 | else:
414 | sArch = 'x86';
415 | self.asDbgFiles[os.path.basename(sMember) + '/' + sArch] = sMember;
416 | fRc = True;
417 | else:
418 | self.log('Unpacking the debug archive failed');
419 | except:
420 | self.log('Failed to setup debug symbols');
421 |
422 | return fRc;
423 |
424 | def cleanupEnv(self):
425 | """
426 | Cleans up the environment.
427 | """
428 | fRc = False;
429 | try:
430 | shutil.rmtree(self.sScratchPath, True);
431 | fRc = True;
432 | except:
433 | pass;
434 |
435 | return fRc;
436 |
437 | def getDbgSymPathFromBinary(self, sBinary, sArch):
438 | """
439 | Returns the path to file containing the debug symbols for the specified binary.
440 | """
441 | sDbgFilePath = None;
442 | try:
443 | sDbgFilePath = self.asDbgFiles[sBinary + '/' + sArch];
444 | except:
445 | pass;
446 |
447 | return sDbgFilePath;
448 |
449 | def getBinaryListWithLoadAddrFromReport(self, asReport):
450 | """
451 | Parses the given VM state report and returns a list of binaries and their
452 | load address.
453 |
454 | Returns a list if tuples containing the binary and load addres or an empty
455 | list on failure.
456 | """
457 | asListBinaries = [];
458 |
459 | # Look for the beginning of the process address space mappings"
460 | for sLine in asReport:
461 | asItems = sLine.split();
462 | if len(asItems) == 4 \
463 | and asItems[3].startswith('/opt/VirtualBox') \
464 | and ( asItems[2] == 'r-x--' \
465 | or asItems[2] == 'r-x----'):
466 | fFound = False;
467 | sBinaryFile = os.path.basename(asItems[3]);
468 | for _, sBinary in asListBinaries:
469 | if sBinary == sBinaryFile:
470 | fFound = True;
471 | break;
472 | if not fFound:
473 | asListBinaries.append(('0x' + asItems[0], sBinaryFile));
474 |
475 | return asListBinaries;
476 |
477 |
478 |
479 | class BacktraceResolver(object):
480 | """
481 | A backtrace resolving class.
482 | """
483 |
484 | def __init__(self, sScratchPath, sBuildRoot, sTargetOs, sArch, sRTLdrFltPath = None, fnLog = None):
485 | """
486 | Constructs a backtrace resolver object for the given target OS,
487 | architecture and path to the directory containing the debug symbols and tools
488 | we need.
489 | """
490 | # Initialize all members first.
491 | self.sScratchPath = sScratchPath;
492 | self.sBuildRoot = sBuildRoot;
493 | self.sTargetOs = sTargetOs;
494 | self.sArch = sArch;
495 | self.sRTLdrFltPath = sRTLdrFltPath;
496 | self.fnLog = fnLog;
497 | self.sDbgSymPath = None;
498 | self.oResolverOs = None;
499 | self.sScratchDbgPath = os.path.join(self.sScratchPath, 'dbgsymbols');
500 |
501 | if self.fnLog is None:
502 | self.fnLog = self.logStub;
503 |
504 | if self.sRTLdrFltPath is None:
505 | self.sRTLdrFltPath = getRTLdrFltPath([self.sScratchPath, self.sBuildRoot]);
506 | if self.sRTLdrFltPath is not None:
507 | self.log('Found RTLdrFlt in %s' % (self.sRTLdrFltPath,));
508 | else:
509 | self.log('Couldn\'t find RTLdrFlt in either %s or %s' % (self.sScratchPath, self.sBuildRoot));
510 |
511 | def log(self, sText):
512 | """
513 | Internal logger callback.
514 | """
515 | if self.fnLog is not None:
516 | self.fnLog(sText);
517 |
518 | def logStub(self, sText):
519 | """
520 | Logging stub doing nothing.
521 | """
522 | _ = sText;
523 |
524 | def prepareEnv(self):
525 | """
526 | Prepares the environment to annotate backtraces, finding the required tools
527 | and retrieving the debug symbols depending on the host OS.
528 |
529 | Returns True on success and False on error or if not supported.
530 | """
531 |
532 | # No access to the RTLdrFlt tool means no symbols so no point in trying
533 | # to set something up.
534 | if self.sRTLdrFltPath is None:
535 | return False;
536 |
537 | # Create a directory containing the scratch space for the OS resolver backends.
538 | fRc = True;
539 | if not os.path.exists(self.sScratchDbgPath):
540 | try:
541 | os.makedirs(self.sScratchDbgPath, 0o750);
542 | except:
543 | fRc = False;
544 | self.log('Failed to create scratch directory for debug symbols');
545 |
546 | if fRc:
547 | if self.sTargetOs == 'linux':
548 | self.oResolverOs = BacktraceResolverOsLinux(self.sScratchDbgPath, self.sScratchPath, self.fnLog);
549 | elif self.sTargetOs == 'darwin':
550 | self.oResolverOs = BacktraceResolverOsDarwin(self.sScratchDbgPath, self.sScratchPath, self.fnLog); # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
551 | elif self.sTargetOs == 'solaris':
552 | self.oResolverOs = BacktraceResolverOsSolaris(self.sScratchDbgPath, self.sScratchPath, self.fnLog); # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
553 | else:
554 | self.log('The backtrace resolver is not supported on %s' % (self.sTargetOs,));
555 | fRc = False;
556 |
557 | if fRc:
558 | fRc = self.oResolverOs.prepareEnv();
559 | if not fRc:
560 | self.oResolverOs = None;
561 |
562 | if not fRc:
563 | shutil.rmtree(self.sScratchDbgPath, True)
564 |
565 | return fRc;
566 |
567 | def cleanupEnv(self):
568 | """
569 | Prepares the environment to annotate backtraces, finding the required tools
570 | and retrieving the debug symbols depending on the host OS.
571 |
572 | Returns True on success and False on error or if not supported.
573 | """
574 | fRc = False;
575 | if self.oResolverOs is not None:
576 | fRc = self.oResolverOs.cleanupEnv();
577 |
578 | shutil.rmtree(self.sScratchDbgPath, True);
579 | return fRc;
580 |
581 | def annotateReport(self, sReport):
582 | """
583 | Annotates the given report with the previously prepared environment.
584 |
585 | Returns the annotated report on success or None on failure.
586 | """
587 | sReportAn = None;
588 |
589 | if self.oResolverOs is not None:
590 | asListBinaries = self.oResolverOs.getBinaryListWithLoadAddrFromReport(sReport.split('\n'));
591 |
592 | if asListBinaries:
593 | asArgs = [self.sRTLdrFltPath, ];
594 |
595 | for sLoadAddr, sBinary in asListBinaries:
596 | sDbgSymPath = self.oResolverOs.getDbgSymPathFromBinary(sBinary, self.sArch);
597 | if sDbgSymPath is not None:
598 | asArgs.append(sDbgSymPath);
599 | asArgs.append(sLoadAddr);
600 |
601 | oRTLdrFltProc = subprocess.Popen(asArgs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=0);
602 | if oRTLdrFltProc is not None:
603 | sReportAn, _ = oRTLdrFltProc.communicate(sReport);
604 | else:
605 | self.log('Error spawning RTLdrFlt process');
606 | else:
607 | self.log('Getting list of loaded binaries failed');
608 | else:
609 | self.log('Backtrace resolver not fully initialized, not possible to annotate');
610 |
611 | return sReportAn;
612 |