1 | $Id: readme.txt 59075 2015-12-10 14:32:50Z vboxsync $
2 |
3 |
4 | Preparations:
5 |
6 | 1. Install Python 2.7.x from python.org to C:\Python27. Matching bit count as
7 | the host windows version.
8 |
9 | 2. Install the win32 extension for python.
10 |
11 | 3. Append C:\Python27 to the system PATH.
12 |
13 | 4. Disable UAC.
14 |
15 | Windows 8 / 8.1 / Server 2012: Set the following key to zero:
16 | "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system\EnableLUA"
17 |
18 | 5. Disable Automatic updates. (No rebooting during tests, thank you!)
19 |
20 | 6. Go to the group policy editor (gpedit.msc) and change "Computer Configuration"
21 | -> "Windows Settings" -> "Security Settings" -> "Local Policies"
22 | -> "Security Options" -> "Network security: LAN Manager authentication level"
23 | to "Send LM & NTLM- use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated". This fixed
24 | passing the password as an argument to "NET USE" (don't ask why!).
25 |
26 | 6b. While in the group policy editor, make sure that "Computer Configuration"
27 | -> "Windows Settings" -> "Security Settings" -> "Local Policies"
28 | -> "Account Policy" -> "Password must meet complexity requirements" is
29 | disabled so the vbox account can be created later one.
30 |
31 | 7. Need to disable the error popups blocking testing.
32 |
33 | Set "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows\ErrorMode"
34 | to 2. This immediately disables hard error popups (missing DLLs and such).
35 |
36 | Then there are the sending info to microsoft, debug, dump, look for solution
37 | questions we don't want. Not entirely sure what's required here yet, but
38 | the following stuff might hopefully help (update after testing):
39 |
40 | On Windows XP:
41 |
42 | Go "Control Panel" -> "System Properties" -> "Advanced"
43 | -> "Error Reporting" and check "Disable error reporting"
44 | and uncheck "But notify me when critical erorr occurs".
45 |
46 | On Windows Vista and later:
47 |
48 | In gpedit change the following settings under "Computer Configuration"
49 | -> "Administrative Templates" -> "Windows Components"
50 | -> "Windows Error Reporting":
51 | 1) Enable "Prevent display of the user interface for critical errors".
52 | ... -> "Advanced Error Reporting Settings":
53 | 1) Enable "Configure Report Archive" and set it to "Store All" for
54 | up to 500 (or less) reports.
55 | 2) Disable "Configure Report Queue".
56 |
57 | Run 'serverWerOptin /disable'.
58 |
59 | Then set "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\DontShowUI"
60 | to 1. (Could do all the above from regedit if we wanted...)
61 |
62 | 7b. Configure application crash dumps on Vista SP1 and later:
63 |
64 | Set the following values under the key
65 | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps:
66 | DumpFolder [string] = C:\CrashDumps
67 | DumpCount [dword] = 10
68 | DumpType [dword] = 1 (minidump)
69 | CustomDumpFlags [dword] = 0
70 |
71 | See also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb787181%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
72 |
73 | 8. Install firefox or chrome, download the latest testboxscript*.zip from
74 | the build box.
75 |
76 | 9. Create a user named "vbox" with password "password". Must be an
77 | Administrator user!
78 |
79 | 10. Configure user "vbox" to log in automatically via "control userpasswords2".
80 |
81 | 11. Open up the port ranges 6000-6100 (VRDP) for TCP traffic and 5000-5032
82 | (NetPerf) for both TCP and UDP traffic in the Windows Firewall.
83 | From the command line (recommended in vista):
84 | for /L %i in (6000,1,6100) do netsh firewall add portopening TCP %i "VRDP %i"
85 | for /L %i in (5000,1,5032) do netsh firewall add portopening TCP %i "NetPerf %i TCP"
86 | for /L %i in (5000,1,5032) do netsh firewall add portopening UDP %i "NetPerf %i UDP"
87 |
88 | 20. Setup time server to "wei01-time.de.oracle.com" and update date/time.
89 |
90 | 21. Activate windows. "https://linserv.de.oracle.com/vbox/wiki/MSDN Volume License Keys"
91 |
92 | 22. Disable loading CONIME. Set "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\LoadConIme" to 0.
93 |
94 | 23. Windows 2012 R2: If you experience mouse pointer problems connecting with rdesktop,
95 | open the mouse pointer settings and disable mouse pointer shadow.
96 |
97 | The install:
98 |
99 | 23. Unzip (/ copy) the content of the testboxscript-*.zip to C:\testboxscript.
100 |
101 | 24. Copy C:\testboxscript\testboxscript\win\autoexec-testbox.cmd to C:\.
102 |
103 | 25. Create a shortcut to C:\autoexec-testbox.cmd and drag it into
104 | "Start" -> "All Programs" -> "Startup".
105 |
106 | 26. If this is an Intel box and the CPU is capable of Nested Paging, edit C:\autoexec-testbox.cmd
107 | and append '--nested-paging'
108 |
109 | That's currently it.
110 |