/* $Id: bs3kit-mangling-code-undef.h 88839 2021-05-03 14:28:49Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * BS3Kit - Undefining function mangling - automatically generated by the bs3kit-mangling-code-undef.h makefile rule. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2007-2020 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ #undef Bs3A20Disable #undef Bs3A20DisableViaKbd #undef Bs3A20DisableViaPortA #undef Bs3A20Enable #undef Bs3A20EnableViaKbd #undef Bs3A20EnableViaPortA #undef Bs3ExtCtxAlloc #undef Bs3ExtCtxCopy #undef Bs3ExtCtxFree #undef Bs3ExtCtxGetSize #undef Bs3ExtCtxInit #undef Bs3ExtCtxRestore #undef Bs3ExtCtxSave #undef Bs3GetCpuVendor #undef Bs3GetModeName #undef Bs3GetModeNameShortLower #undef Bs3KbdRead #undef Bs3KbdWait #undef Bs3KbdWrite #undef Bs3MemAlloc #undef Bs3MemAllocZ #undef Bs3MemChr #undef Bs3MemCmp #undef Bs3MemCpy #undef Bs3MemFree #undef Bs3MemGuardedTestPageAlloc #undef Bs3MemGuardedTestPageAllocEx #undef Bs3MemGuardedTestPageFree #undef Bs3MemMove #undef Bs3MemPCpy #undef Bs3MemPrintInfo #undef Bs3MemSet #undef Bs3MemZero #undef Bs3PagingAlias #undef bs3PagingGetLegacyPte #undef bs3PagingGetPaePte #undef Bs3PagingGetPte #undef Bs3PagingInitRootForLM #undef Bs3PagingInitRootForPAE #undef Bs3PagingInitRootForPP #undef Bs3PagingProtect #undef Bs3PagingProtectPtr #undef Bs3PagingQueryAddressInfo #undef Bs3PagingSetupCanonicalTraps #undef Bs3PagingUnalias #undef Bs3Panic #undef Bs3PicMaskAll #undef Bs3PicSetup #undef Bs3PicUpdateMask #undef Bs3PitDisable #undef Bs3PitSetupAndEnablePeriodTimer #undef Bs3PrintChr #undef Bs3Printf #undef Bs3PrintfV #undef Bs3PrintStr #undef Bs3PrintStrN #undef Bs3PrintU32 #undef Bs3PrintX32 #undef Bs3RegCtxConvertToRingX #undef Bs3RegCtxPrint #undef Bs3RegCtxRestore #undef Bs3RegCtxSave #undef Bs3RegCtxSaveEx #undef Bs3RegCtxSetGrpDsFromCurPtr #undef Bs3RegCtxSetGrpSegFromCurPtr #undef Bs3RegCtxSetGrpSegFromFlat #undef Bs3RegCtxSetRipCsFromCurPtr #undef Bs3RegCtxSetRipCsFromFlat #undef Bs3RegCtxSetRipCsFromLnkPtr #undef Bs3RegGetCr0 #undef Bs3RegGetCr2 #undef Bs3RegGetCr3 #undef Bs3RegGetCr4 #undef Bs3RegGetDr0 #undef Bs3RegGetDr1 #undef Bs3RegGetDr2 #undef Bs3RegGetDr3 #undef Bs3RegGetDr6 #undef Bs3RegGetDr7 #undef Bs3RegGetDrX #undef Bs3RegGetLdtr #undef Bs3RegGetTr #undef Bs3RegSetCr0 #undef Bs3RegSetCr2 #undef Bs3RegSetCr3 #undef Bs3RegSetCr4 #undef Bs3RegSetDr0 #undef Bs3RegSetDr1 #undef Bs3RegSetDr2 #undef Bs3RegSetDr3 #undef Bs3RegSetDr6 #undef Bs3RegSetDr7 #undef Bs3RegSetDrX #undef Bs3RegSetLdtr #undef Bs3RegSetTr #undef Bs3SelFar32ToFlat32 #undef Bs3SelFar32ToFlat32NoClobber #undef Bs3SelFlatCodeToProtFar16 #undef Bs3SelFlatCodeToRealMode #undef Bs3SelFlatDataToProtFar16 #undef Bs3SelFlatDataToRealMode #undef Bs3SelProtFar16DataToFlat #undef Bs3SelProtFar16DataToRealMode #undef Bs3SelProtFar32ToFlat32 #undef Bs3SelProtModeCodeToRealMode #undef Bs3SelRealModeCodeToFlat #undef Bs3SelRealModeCodeToProtMode #undef Bs3SelRealModeDataToFlat #undef Bs3SelRealModeDataToProtFar16 #undef Bs3SelSetup16BitCode #undef Bs3SelSetup16BitData #undef Bs3Shutdown #undef Bs3SlabAlloc #undef Bs3SlabAllocEx #undef Bs3SlabFree #undef Bs3SlabInit #undef Bs3SlabListAdd #undef Bs3SlabListAlloc #undef Bs3SlabListAllocEx #undef Bs3SlabListFree #undef Bs3SlabListInit #undef Bs3StrCpy #undef Bs3StrFormatV #undef Bs3StrLen #undef Bs3StrNLen #undef Bs3StrPrintf #undef Bs3StrPrintfV #undef Bs3SwitchFromV86To16BitAndCallC #undef Bs3TestCheckRegCtxEx #undef Bs3TestFailed #undef Bs3TestFailedF #undef Bs3TestFailedV #undef Bs3TestHostPrintf #undef Bs3TestHostPrintfV #undef Bs3TestInit #undef Bs3TestNow #undef Bs3TestPrintf #undef Bs3TestPrintfV #undef Bs3TestSkipped #undef Bs3TestSkippedF #undef Bs3TestSkippedV #undef Bs3TestSub #undef Bs3TestSubDone #undef Bs3TestSubErrorCount #undef Bs3TestSubF #undef Bs3TestSubV #undef Bs3TestTerm #undef Bs3Trap16Init #undef Bs3Trap16InitEx #undef Bs3Trap16SetGate #undef Bs3Trap32Init #undef Bs3Trap32SetGate #undef Bs3Trap64Init #undef Bs3Trap64SetGate #undef Bs3TrapDefaultHandler #undef Bs3TrapPrintFrame #undef Bs3TrapReInit #undef Bs3TrapRmV86Init #undef Bs3TrapRmV86InitEx #undef Bs3TrapRmV86SetGate #undef Bs3TrapSetDpl #undef Bs3TrapSetHandler #undef Bs3TrapSetHandlerEx #undef Bs3TrapSetJmp #undef Bs3TrapSetJmpAndRestore #undef Bs3TrapUnsetJmp #undef Bs3UInt32Div #undef Bs3UInt64Div #undef Bs3UtilSetFullGdtr #undef Bs3UtilSetFullIdtr #ifndef BS3_CMN_ONLY # undef Bs3CpuDetect # undef Bs3SwitchTo32BitAndCallC # undef Bs3TestDoModes # undef Bs3TestDoModesByMax # undef Bs3TestDoModesByOne # undef Bs3TrapInit #endif /* !BS3_CMN_ONLY */