1 | ; $Id: bs3-mode-SwitchToRM.asm 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; BS3Kit - Bs3SwitchToRM
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2007-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | ; available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
11 | ;
12 | ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | ; as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | ; License.
16 | ;
17 | ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | ; General Public License for more details.
21 | ;
22 | ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | ; along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | ;
25 | ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
26 | ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
27 | ; (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included
28 | ; in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the
29 | ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
30 | ;
31 | ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
32 | ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
33 | ;
34 | ; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0
35 | ;
36 |
37 | %include "bs3kit-template-header.mac"
38 |
40 | %if TMPL_MODE == BS3_MODE_PE16
41 | BS3_EXTERN_DATA16 g_uBs3CpuDetected
42 | BS3_EXTERN_CMN Bs3KbdWrite
43 | BS3_EXTERN_CMN Bs3KbdWait
44 | %endif
45 |
46 |
47 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
48 | ;* Global Variables *
49 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
50 | %if TMPL_MODE == BS3_MODE_PE16
52 | ;; Where to start restoring stack.
53 | g_ResumeSp: dw 0xfeed
54 | ;; Where to start restoring stack.
55 | g_ResumeSs: dw 0xface
56 | %endif
57 |
59 |
60 |
61 | ;;
62 | ; Switch to real mode from any other mode.
63 | ;
64 | ; @cproto BS3_DECL(void) Bs3SwitchToRM(void);
65 | ;
66 | ; @uses GPRs and EFLAGS are unchanged (except high 32-bit register (AMD64) parts).
67 | ; CS is loaded with CGROUP16.
68 | ; SS:[RE]SP is converted to real mode address.
69 | ; DS and ES are loaded with BS3DATA16_GROUP.
70 | ; FS and GS are loaded with zero if present.
71 | ;
72 | ; @remarks Obviously returns to 16-bit mode, even if the caller was
73 | ; in 32-bit or 64-bit mode.
74 | ;
75 | ; @remarks Does not require 20h of parameter scratch space in 64-bit mode.
76 | ;
77 | %if TMPL_BITS == 16
78 | BS3_GLOBAL_NAME_EX TMPL_NM(Bs3SwitchToRM_Safe), function , 0
79 | %endif
81 | %ifdef TMPL_RM
82 | push ax
83 | mov ax, BS3_SEL_DATA16
84 | mov ds, ax
85 | mov es, ax
86 | pop ax
87 | ret
88 |
89 | %elif BS3_MODE_IS_V86(TMPL_MODE)
90 | ;
91 | ; V8086 - Switch to 16-bit ring-0 and call worker for that mode.
92 | ;
93 | extern BS3_CMN_NM(Bs3SwitchToRing0)
94 | call BS3_CMN_NM(Bs3SwitchToRing0)
95 | extern %[BS3_MODE_R0_NM_ %+ TMPL_MODE](Bs3SwitchToRM)
96 | jmp %[BS3_MODE_R0_NM_ %+ TMPL_MODE](Bs3SwitchToRM)
97 |
98 | %else
99 | ;
100 | ; Protected mode.
101 | ; 80286 requirements for PE16 clutters the code a little.
102 | ;
103 | %if TMPL_MODE == BS3_MODE_PE16
104 | cmp byte [BS3_DATA16_WRT(g_uBs3CpuDetected)], BS3CPU_80286
105 | ja .do_386_prologue
106 | push ax
107 | push bx
108 | pushf
109 | push word 1
110 | jmp .done_prologue
111 | %endif
112 | .do_386_prologue:
113 | push sAX
114 | push sBX
115 | sPUSHF
116 | %if TMPL_MODE == BS3_MODE_PE16
117 | push word 0
118 | %elif BS3_MODE_IS_64BIT_SYS(TMPL_MODE)
119 | push sDX
120 | push sCX
121 | %endif
122 | .done_prologue:
123 |
124 | ;
125 | ; Get to 16-bit ring-0 and disable interrupts.
126 | ;
127 | extern BS3_CMN_NM(Bs3SwitchToRing0)
128 | call BS3_CMN_NM(Bs3SwitchToRing0)
129 |
130 | cli
131 |
132 | %if TMPL_MODE == BS3_MODE_PE16
133 | ;
134 | ; On 80286 we must reset the CPU to get back to real mode.
135 | ;
136 | CPU 286
137 | pop ax
138 | push ax
139 | test ax, ax
140 | jz .is_386_or_better
141 |
142 | ; Save registers and flags, storing SS:SP in at a known global address.
143 | %ifdef BS3_STRICT
144 | mov ax, 0feedh
145 | mov bx, 0faceh
146 | %endif
147 | push di
148 | push si
149 | push bp
150 | push bx
151 | push dx
152 | push cx
153 | push ax
154 | pushf
155 |
156 | ; Convert ss:sp to real mode address.
157 | BS3_EXTERN_CMN Bs3SelProtFar32ToFlat32
158 | mov ax, sp
159 | push ss
160 | push 0
161 | push ax
162 | call Bs3SelProtFar32ToFlat32
163 | add sp, 6
164 |
165 | mov [g_ResumeSp], ax
166 | shl dx, 12
167 | mov [g_ResumeSs], dx
168 |
169 | ; Setup resume vector.
170 | mov bx, BS3_SEL_R0_SS16
171 | mov es, bx
172 | mov word [es:467h], .resume
173 | mov word [es:467h+2], BS3_SEL_TEXT16
174 |
175 | mov al, 0fh | 80h
176 | out 70h, al ; set register index
177 | in al, 80h
178 | mov al, 0ah ; shutdown action command - no EOI, no 287 reset.
179 | out 71h, al ; set cmos[f] = al - invoke testResume as early as possible.
180 | in al, 71h ; flush
181 |
182 | %if 0 ; for testing in VM
183 | CPU 386
184 | mov ax, BS3_SEL_R0_DS16
185 | mov ds, ax
186 | mov es, ax
187 | mov fs, ax
188 | mov gs, ax
189 |
190 | mov eax, cr0
191 | and ax, ~X86_CR0_PE
192 | mov cr0, eax
193 | jmp BS3_SEL_TEXT16:.resume
194 | %endif
195 |
196 | ; Port A reset. (FYI: tripple fault does not do the trick)
197 | in al, 92h
198 | or al, 1
199 | out 92h, al
200 | in al, 80h ; flush
201 | mov cx, 0ffffh
202 | .reset_delay:
203 | loop .reset_delay
204 |
205 | ; Keyboard controller reset.
206 | call Bs3KbdWait
207 | push 0 ; zero data (whatever.
208 | push 0fh ; KBD_CCMD_RESET
209 | call Bs3KbdWrite
210 | .forever:
211 | jmp .forever
212 |
213 | ; This is the resume point. We should be in real mode now, at least in theory.
214 | .resume:
215 | mov ax, BS3_SEL_DATA16
216 | mov ds, ax
217 | mov es, ax
218 | mov ax, [g_ResumeSp]
219 | mov ss, [g_ResumeSs]
220 | mov sp, ax
221 |
222 | popf
223 | pop ax
224 | pop cx
225 | pop dx
226 | pop bx
227 | pop bp
228 | pop si
229 | pop di
230 | %ifdef BS3_STRICT
231 | cmp ax, 0feedh
232 | jne .bad_286_rm_switch
233 | cmp bx, 0faceh
234 | jne .bad_286_rm_switch
235 | %endif
236 | jmp .enter_mode
237 |
238 | %ifdef BS3_STRICT
239 | .bad_286_rm_switch:
240 | mov ax, 0e00h + 'Q'
241 | mov bx, 0ff00h
242 | int 10h
243 | jmp .bad_286_rm_switch
244 | %endif
245 |
246 | CPU 386
247 | %elif TMPL_BITS != 16
248 | ;
249 | ; Must be in 16-bit segment when calling Bs3SwitchTo16Bit.
250 | ;
251 | jmp .sixteen_bit_segment wrt FLAT
252 | BS3_BEGIN_TEXT16
254 | BS3_GLOBAL_LOCAL_LABEL .sixteen_bit_segment
255 |
256 | extern BS3_CMN_NM(Bs3SwitchTo16Bit)
257 | call BS3_CMN_NM(Bs3SwitchTo16Bit)
258 | BS3_SET_BITS 16
259 | %endif
260 | ;
261 | ; Before exiting to real mode we must load sensible selectors into the
262 | ; segment registers so the hidden parts (which doesn't get reloaded in
263 | ; real mode) are real mode compatible.
264 | ;
265 | ; ASSUMES BS3_SEL_R0_SS16 and BS3_SEL_R0_CS16 are both maxed out and
266 | ; has no funny bits set!
267 | ;
268 | .is_386_or_better:
269 | ;; @todo Testcase: Experiment leaving weird stuff in the hidden segment registers.
270 | mov ax, BS3_SEL_R0_DS16
271 | mov ds, ax
272 | mov es, ax
273 | mov fs, ax
274 | mov gs, ax
275 |
276 | ;
277 | ; Exit to real mode.
278 | ;
279 | mov eax, cr0
280 | and eax, X86_CR0_NO_PE_NO_PG
281 | mov cr0, eax
282 | jmp CGROUP16:.reload_cs
283 | .reload_cs:
284 |
285 | ;
286 | ; Convert the stack (now 16-bit prot) to real mode.
287 | ;
288 | mov ax, BS3_SEL_SYSTEM16
289 | mov ds, ax
290 | mov bx, ss
291 | and bx, X86_SEL_MASK ; ASSUMES GDT stack selector
292 | mov al, [bx + 4 + Bs3Gdt]
293 | mov ah, [bx + 7 + Bs3Gdt]
294 | add sp, [bx + 2 + Bs3Gdt] ; ASSUMES not expand down segment.
295 | adc ax, 0
296 | %ifdef BS3_STRICT
297 | test ax, 0fff0h
298 | jz .stack_conv_ok
299 | int3
300 | .stack_conv_ok:
301 | %endif
302 | shl ax, 12
303 | mov ss, ax
304 | %if TMPL_BITS != 16
305 | and esp, 0ffffh
306 | %endif
307 |
309 | ;
310 | ; Clear the long mode enable bit.
311 | ;
312 | mov ecx, MSR_K6_EFER
313 | rdmsr
314 | and eax, ~MSR_K6_EFER_LME
315 | wrmsr
316 | %endif
317 |
318 | ;
319 | ; Call routine for doing mode specific setups.
320 | ;
321 | .enter_mode:
322 | extern NAME(Bs3EnteredMode_rm)
323 | call NAME(Bs3EnteredMode_rm)
324 |
325 | %if TMPL_MODE == BS3_MODE_PE16
326 | pop ax
327 | test ax, ax
328 | jz .do_386_epilogue
329 | popf
330 | pop bx
331 | pop ax
332 | ret
333 | %endif
334 | .do_386_epilogue:
336 | pop ecx
337 | TONLY64 pop eax
338 | pop edx
339 | TONLY64 pop eax
340 | %endif
341 | popfd
342 | TONLY64 pop eax
343 | pop ebx
344 | TONLY64 pop eax
345 | pop eax
346 | TONLY64 add sp, 4
347 | retn (TMPL_BITS - 16) / 8
348 |
349 | %if TMPL_BITS != 16
351 | %endif
352 | %endif
353 | BS3_PROC_END_MODE Bs3SwitchToRM
354 |
355 |
356 | %if TMPL_BITS == 16
357 | ;;
358 | ; Custom far stub.
361 | inc bp
362 | push bp
363 | mov bp, sp
364 |
365 | ; Call the real thing.
366 | call TMPL_NM(Bs3SwitchToRM)
367 |
368 | %if !BS3_MODE_IS_RM_OR_V86(TMPL_MODE)
369 | ; Jmp to common code for the tedious conversion.
370 | BS3_EXTERN_CMN Bs3SwitchHlpConvProtModeRetfPopBpDecBpAndReturn
371 | jmp Bs3SwitchHlpConvProtModeRetfPopBpDecBpAndReturn
372 | %else
373 | pop bp
374 | dec bp
375 | retf
376 | %endif
377 | BS3_PROC_END_MODE Bs3SwitchToRM
378 |
379 | %else
380 | ;;
381 | ; Safe far return to non-BS3TEXT16 code.
382 | BS3_EXTERN_CMN Bs3SelFlatCodeToRealMode
383 | BS3_BEGIN_TEXT16
386 | %if TMPL_BITS == 64
387 | push xAX
388 | push xCX
389 | sub xSP, 20h
390 |
391 | mov xCX, [xSP + xCB*2 + 20h]
392 | call Bs3SelFlatCodeToRealMode ; well behaved assembly function, only clobbers ecx
393 | mov [xSP + xCB*2 + 20h + 4], eax
394 |
395 | add xSP, 20h
396 | pop xCX
397 | pop xAX
398 | add xSP, 4
399 | %else
400 | xchg eax, [xSP]
401 | push xAX
402 | call Bs3SelFlatCodeToRealMode ; well behaved assembly function, only clobbers eax
403 | add xSP, 4
404 | xchg [xSP], eax
405 | %endif
406 | call TMPL_NM(Bs3SwitchToRM)
407 | BS3_SET_BITS 16
408 | retf
409 | BS3_PROC_END_MODE Bs3SwitchToRM_Safe
410 | %endif
411 |