1 | ; $Id: bs3-c64-Syscall64Generic.asm 105094 2024-07-02 09:33:52Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; BS3Kit - Syscall, 64-bit assembly handlers.
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2007-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | ; available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
11 | ;
12 | ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | ; as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | ; License.
16 | ;
17 | ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | ; General Public License for more details.
21 | ;
22 | ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | ; along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | ;
25 | ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
26 | ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
27 | ; (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included
28 | ; in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the
29 | ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
30 | ;
31 | ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
32 | ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
33 | ;
34 | ; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0
35 | ;
36 |
37 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
38 | ;* Header Files *
39 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
40 | %include "bs3kit-template-header.mac"
41 |
42 | %ifndef TMPL_64BIT
43 | %error "64-bit only template"
44 | %endif
45 |
46 |
47 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
48 | ;* External Symbols *
49 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
50 | BS3_EXTERN_DATA16 g_bBs3CurrentMode
52 | BS3_EXTERN_CMN Bs3TrapDefaultHandler
53 | BS3_EXTERN_CMN Bs3RegCtxRestore
54 |
55 |
56 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
57 | ;* Global Variables *
58 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
60 | ;; Easy to access flat address of Bs3Syscall64Generic.
61 | BS3_GLOBAL_DATA g_pfnBs3Syscall64GenericFlat, 4
62 | dd Bs3Syscall64Generic wrt FLAT
63 | ;; Easy to access flat address of Bs3Syscall64Generic.
64 | BS3_GLOBAL_DATA g_pfnBs3Syscall64GenericCompatibilityFlat, 4
65 | dd Bs3Syscall64GenericCompatibility wrt FLAT
66 |
67 |
69 |
70 | ;;
71 | ; Generic function to load into LSTAR
72 | ;
73 | ; This will just skip 20h on the stack and set up a flat call frame there.
74 | ;
75 | BS3_PROC_BEGIN Bs3Syscall64Generic
76 | lea rsp, [rsp - 20h]
77 | push rcx ; fake return address
78 | push rbp ; 0
79 | mov rbp, rsp
80 | push 0xffff ; rbp-08h: bXpct+cbIretFrame values
81 | jmp Bs3Syscall64GenericCommon
82 | BS3_PROC_END Bs3Syscall64Generic
83 |
84 |
85 | ;;
86 | ; Generic function to load into CSTAR.
87 | ;
88 | ; Companion to Bs3Syscall64Generic.
89 | ;
90 | BS3_PROC_BEGIN Bs3Syscall64GenericCompatibility
91 | lea rsp, [rsp - 20h]
92 | push rcx ; fake return address
93 | push rbp ; 0
94 | mov rbp, rsp
95 | push 0xfffe ; rbp-08h: bXpct+cbIretFrame values
96 | jmp Bs3Syscall64GenericCommon
97 | BS3_PROC_END Bs3Syscall64GenericCompatibility
98 |
99 |
100 | ;;
101 | ; Common context saving code and dispatching.
102 | ;
103 | ; @param rbp Pointer to fake RBP frame.
104 | ;
105 | BS3_PROC_BEGIN Bs3Syscall64GenericCommon
106 | pushfq ; rbp-10h
107 | cld
108 | push rdi ; rbp-10h
109 | mov di, ds
110 | push rdi ; rbp-20h
111 | mov di, ss
112 | mov ds, di ; ds := ss
113 |
114 | ;
115 | ; Align the stack and reserve space for the register and trap frame.
116 | ;
117 | and rsp, ~0xf
118 | mov edi, (BS3TRAPFRAME_size + 15) / 16
119 | .more_zeroed_space:
120 | push qword 0
121 | push qword 0
122 | dec edi
123 | jnz .more_zeroed_space
124 | mov rdi, rsp ; rdi points to trapframe structure.
125 |
126 | ;
127 | ; Save rax so we can use it.
128 | ;
129 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.rax], rax
130 |
131 | ;
132 | ; Mark the trap frame as a special one.
133 | ;
134 | mov ax, [rbp - 08h]
135 | mov word [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.bXcpt], ax ; Also sets cbIretFrame
136 |
137 | mov word [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.cs], 0 ; We cannot tell.
138 | mov word [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.ss], 0 ; We cannot tell.
139 | mov byte [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.bCpl], 3 ; We cannot tell.
140 |
141 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.uHandlerCs], cs
142 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.uHandlerSs], ss
143 |
144 | ;
145 | ; Copy stuff from the stack over.
146 | ;
147 | mov rax, [rbp]
148 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.rbp], rax
149 |
150 | mov rax, [rbp - 10h]
151 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.fHandlerRfl], rax
152 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.rflags], r11 ; with RF cleared
153 |
154 | mov rax, [rbp - 18h]
155 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.rdi], rax
156 |
157 | lea rax, [rbp + 20h + 8 + 8]
158 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.uHandlerRsp], rax
159 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.rsp], rax
160 |
161 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.rip], rcx
162 |
163 | mov ax, [rbp - 20h]
164 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.ds], ax
165 |
166 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.uHandlerSs], ss
167 |
168 | ;
169 | ; Save the remaining GPRs and segment registers.
170 | ;
171 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.rcx], rcx
172 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.rdx], rdx
173 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.rbx], rbx
174 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.rsi], rsi
175 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.r8 ], r8
176 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.r9 ], r9
177 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.r10], r10
178 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.r11], r11
179 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.r12], r12
180 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.r13], r13
181 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.r14], r14
182 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.r15], r15
183 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.es], es
184 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.fs], fs
185 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.gs], gs
186 |
187 | ;
188 | ; Load the SS selector into ES.
189 | ;
190 | mov ax, ss
191 | mov es, ax
192 |
193 | ;
194 | ; Copy and update the mode.
195 | ;
196 | mov al, [BS3_DATA16_WRT(g_bBs3CurrentMode)]
197 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.bMode], al
198 | mov byte [BS3_DATA16_WRT(g_bBs3CurrentMode)], BS3_MODE_LM64
199 |
200 | ;
201 | ; Control registers.
202 | ;
203 | str ax
204 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.tr], ax
205 | sldt ax
206 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.ldtr], ax
207 |
208 | mov rax, cr0
209 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.cr0], rax
210 | mov rax, cr2
211 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.cr2], rax
212 | mov rax, cr3
213 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.cr3], rax
214 | mov rax, cr4
215 | mov [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx + BS3REGCTX.cr4], rax
216 |
217 | ;
218 | ; There are no _g_apfnBs3TrapHandlers_c64 entries for syscalls, but call
219 | ; Bs3TrapDefaultHandler to get the g_pBs3TrapSetJmpFrame handling & panic.
220 | ;
221 | sub rsp, 20h
222 | mov [rsp], rdi
223 | mov rcx, rdi
224 | call Bs3TrapDefaultHandler
225 |
226 | ;
227 | ; Resume execution using trap frame.
228 | ;
229 | xor edx, edx ; fFlags
230 | mov [rsp + 8], rdx
231 | lea rcx, [rdi + BS3TRAPFRAME.Ctx] ; pCtx
232 | mov [rsp], rcx
233 | call Bs3RegCtxRestore
234 | .panic:
235 | hlt
236 | jmp .panic
237 | BS3_PROC_END Bs3Syscall64GenericCommon
238 |