; $Id: bootsector2-vbinstst-kernel.asm 93115 2022-01-01 11:31:46Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; bootsector #2 kernel for big instruction testcases. ; VBoxManage setextradata bs-vbinstst-64-1 VBoxInternal/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/TestingEnabled 1 ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. ; ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. ; ; ; This is always the first include file. ; %include "bootsector2-first.mac" ; ; Include and execute the init code. ; %define BS2_INIT_RM %define BS2_WITH_TRAPS %define BS2_WITHOUT_RAW_MODE ; causes troubles with PIC/floppy. %define BS2_INC_RM %define BS2_INC_PE16 %define BS2_INC_PE32 %define BS2_INC_PP16 %define BS2_INC_PP32 %define BS2_INC_PAE16 %define BS2_INC_PAE32 %define BS2_INC_LM16 %define BS2_INC_LM32 %define BS2_INC_LM64 %include "bootsector2-common-init-code.mac" %include "bootsector2-api.mac" %include "iprt/formats/pe.mac" %include "iprt/formats/mz.mac" BEGINCODE BEGINPROC main ; ; Set up the runtime environment. ; call Bs2EnableA20_r86 ; 16-bit real mode. %undef BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION %define BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(a_Name) mov dword [NAME(g_pfn %+ a_Name %+ _r86)], dword NAME(a_Name %+ _r86) BS2_API_TEMPLATE ; 16-bit protected mode. %undef BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION %define BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(a_Name) mov word [NAME(g_pfn %+ a_Name %+ _p16)], word NAME(a_Name %+ _p16) BS2_API_TEMPLATE mov eax, BS2_SEL_CS16 %undef BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION %define BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(a_Name) mov [NAME(g_pfn %+ a_Name %+ _p16) + 2], ax BS2_API_TEMPLATE ; 32-bit %undef BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION %define BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(a_Name) mov dword [NAME(g_pfn %+ a_Name %+ _p32)], dword NAME(a_Name %+ _p32) BS2_API_TEMPLATE ; 64-bit %undef BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION %define BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(a_Name) mov dword [NAME(g_pfn %+ a_Name %+ _p64)], dword NAME(a_Name %+ _p64) BS2_API_TEMPLATE xor eax, eax %undef BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION %define BS2_API_TEMPLATE_ACTION(a_Name) mov dword [NAME(g_pfn %+ a_Name %+ _p64) + 4], eax BS2_API_TEMPLATE ; The magic markers and version number. mov dword [g_u32Bs2ApiMagic], BS2_API_MAGIC mov dword [g_u32Bs2ApiEndMagic], BS2_API_MAGIC mov dword [g_u32Bs2ApiVersion], BS2_API_VERSION ; ; Load the extended image into high memory. ; mov dl, [g_bBootDrv] call NAME(bs2LoadBigImage) ; ; Hand control over to the extended image. ; %ifdef BS2_BIG_IMAGE_LM64 call Bs2EnterMode_rm_lm64 BITS 64 mov eax, BS2_BIG_LOAD_ADDR call rax call Bs2ExitMode_lm64 BITS 16 %elifdef BS2_BIG_IMAGE_PP32 call Bs2EnterMode_rm_pp32 BITS 32 mov eax, BS2_BIG_LOAD_ADDR call eax call Bs2ExitMode_pp32 BITS 16 %elifdef BS2_BIG_IMAGE_PAE32 call Bs2EnterMode_rm_pae32 BITS 32 mov eax, BS2_BIG_LOAD_ADDR call eax call Bs2ExitMode_pae32 BITS 16 %else ; ; Probe the image, looking for an executable format we can deal with. ; Not doing a lot of checking here, but who cares right now... ; call Bs2EnterMode_rm_pp32 BITS 32 mov eax, BS2_BIG_LOAD_ADDR cmp word [eax], IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE jne .not_dos add eax, [eax + IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew] .not_dos: cmp dword [eax], IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE je .is_pe mov eax, BS2_BIG_LOAD_ADDR jmp .start_32 .is_pe: lea edx, [eax + IMAGE_NT_HEADERS32.FileHeader] cmp word [edx + IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.Machine], IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 je .is_pe32 cmp word [edx + IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.Machine], IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 je .is_pe64 jmp .panic_32 .is_pe32: add edx, IMAGE_FILE_HEADER_size mov eax, [edx + IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32.AddressOfEntryPoint] add eax, BS2_BIG_LOAD_ADDR jmp .start_32 .is_pe64: add edx, IMAGE_FILE_HEADER_size mov eax, [edx + IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64.AddressOfEntryPoint] add eax, BS2_BIG_LOAD_ADDR jmp .start_64 ; Start executing at eax in 32-bit mode (current). .start_32: call eax .panic_32: call Bs2ExitMode_pp32 BITS 16 jmp .panic ; Start executing at eax in 64-bit mode. BITS 32 .start_64: call Bs2ExitMode_pp32 BITS 16 call Bs2EnterMode_rm_lm64 BITS 64 mov eax, eax call rax call Bs2ExitMode_lm64 BITS 16 jmp .panic .panic: %endif call Bs2Panic ENDPROC main ;; ; Loads the big image off the floppy. ; ; This uses the the_end label to figure out the starting offset. ; The length is assumed to be the whole floppy. ; ; Clobbers nothing, except for 68KB of memory beyond the_end. ; ; @param dl The boot drive number (from BIOS). ; BITS 16 BEGINPROC bs2LoadBigImage push ebp movzx ebp, sp %define bSavedDiskNo byte [bp - 02h] push dx %define bMaxSector byte [bp - 04h] push 0 %define bMaxHead byte [bp - 06h] push 0 %define bMaxCylinder byte [bp - 08h] push 0 %define pbHighDst dword [bp - 0ch] push dword BS2_BIG_LOAD_ADDR %define SegTemp word [bp - 0eh] push 0 %define fStatus byte [bp - 10h] push 0 push es push ds push eax push edx push ecx push ebx push edi push esi push ebp ; Display message. push cs push .s_szLoadingBigImage call PrintF_r86 add sp, 4 ; ; Try figure the geometry. This defines how much we'll read. ; mov ah, 08h xor di, di ; (es:di = 0000:0000 works around some buggy bioses, says wikipedia.) mov es, di int 13h jc .param_error mov bMaxSector, cl ; Do the cl[7:6]+ch stuff so we can address 255 sectors on the fake 63MB floppy. mov bMaxHead, dh mov bMaxCylinder, ch ; See above. mov dl, bSavedDiskNo %if 0 movzx ax, bMaxCylinder push ax movzx cx, bMaxHead push cx movzx ax, bMaxSector push ax push ds push .s_szDbgParam call PrintF_r86 jmp .dprintf_param_done .s_szDbgParam: db 13, 10, 'Floppy params max: sectors=%RX16 heads=%RX16 cylinders=%RX16', 13, 10, 0 .dprintf_param_done: %endif ; ; Skip the kernel image (this could be done more efficiently, but this ; also does the trick). ; lea eax, [dword the_end] sub eax, start shr eax, 9 ; sectors to skip mov cx, 0001h ; sector (1-based), cylinder (0-based). xor dh, dh ; head (0-based). .skip_one_more: inc cl cmp cl, bMaxSector jbe .decrement_sector_count mov cl, 1 inc dh cmp dh, bMaxHead ; ASSUMES bMaxHead < 255. jbe .decrement_sector_count mov dh, 0 inc ch .decrement_sector_count: dec ax jnz .skip_one_more ; ; Load loop. We load and copy 64 KB at the time into the high location. ; Fixed registers (above): dl=drive, cl[7:6]:ch=cylinder, dh=head, cl[5:0]=sector. ; lea eax, [dword the_end + 0ffffh] and eax, 0ffff0000h shr eax, 4 mov SegTemp, ax ; the 64KB segment we use for temporary storage. .the_load_loop: mov al, '.' call PrintChr_r86 ; Fill the segment with int3s (in case we don't read a full 64KB). mov eax, 0cccccccch mov di, SegTemp mov es, di xor edi, edi push ecx cld mov cx, 4000h rep stosd pop ecx ; ; Load a bunch of sectors into the temp segment. ; xor ebx, ebx .the_sector_load_loop: ; Figure how many sectors we can read without switching track or side. movzx ax, bMaxSector sub al, cl inc al ; al = sectors left to read in the current track on the current side. mov di, bx shr di, 9 ; bx/512 = current sector offset. neg di add di, 10000h / 512 ; di = sectors left to read in the 64KB buffer. cmp ax, di ; ax = min(ax, di) jbe .use_ax_sector_count1 mov ax, di .use_ax_sector_count1: cmp ax, 64 ; ax = min(ax,64) - Our BIOS limitation is 72, play safe. jbe .use_ax_sector_count2 mov ax, 64 .use_ax_sector_count2: mov di, ax ; save the number of sectors we read ; Do the reading. %if 0 push bx push ax push dx push cx push cs push .s_szDbgRead call PrintF_r86 jmp .after_read_dprintf .s_szDbgRead: db 'Reading CX=%RX16 DX=%RX16 AX=%RX16 BX=%RX16', 13, 10, 0 .after_read_dprintf: %endif push bx mov ah, 02h ; ah=read function int 13h pop bx jc .read_error ; advance to the next sector/head/cylinder and address (lazy impl). .advance_another_sector: cmp cl, bMaxSector je .next_head inc cl jmp .adv_addr .next_head: mov cl, 1 cmp dh, bMaxHead je .next_cylinder inc dh jmp .adv_addr .next_cylinder: mov dh, 0 cmp ch, bMaxCylinder ; No the cl[7:6]+ch stuff so we can address 255 sectors on the fake 63MB floppy. jb .update_ch mov fStatus, 1 jmp .move_block .update_ch: inc ch .adv_addr: add bx, 512 dec di jnz .advance_another_sector test bx, bx jnz .the_sector_load_loop .move_block: ; ; Copy the memory into high mem. ; %if 0 mov edi, pbHighDst push edi push cs push .s_szDbgMove call PrintF_r86 jmp .after_move_dprintf .s_szDbgMove: db 'Moving memory to EDI=%RX32', 13, 10, 0 .after_move_dprintf: %endif push ecx push edx push ds push es call Bs2EnterMode_rm_pp32 BITS 32 ; Copy mov edi, pbHighDst movzx esi, SegTemp shl esi, 4 mov ecx, 10000h / 4 cld rep movsd ; Verify mov edi, pbHighDst movzx esi, SegTemp shl esi, 4 mov ecx, 10000h / 4 cld repe cmpsd je .mem_verified_ok mov fStatus, 2 .mem_verified_ok: mov pbHighDst, edi call Bs2ExitMode_pp32 BITS 16 pop es pop ds pop edx pop ecx ; Continue reading and copying? cmp fStatus, 0 je .the_load_loop ; Do we quit the loop on a failure? cmp fStatus, 2 je .verify_failed_msg ; ; Done, so end the current message line. ; mov al, 13 call PrintChr_r86 mov al, 10 call PrintChr_r86 pop esi pop edi pop ebx pop ecx pop edx pop eax pop ds pop es mov sp, bp pop ebp ret ; ; Something went wrong, display a message. ; .verify_failed_msg: mov edi, pbHighDst push edi push cs push .s_szVerifyFailed jmp .print_message_and_panic .param_error: push ax push cs push .s_szParamError jmp .print_message_and_panic .read_error: push ax push cs push .s_szReadError jmp .print_message_and_panic .print_message_and_panic: call PrintF_r86 call Bs2Panic jmp .print_message_and_panic .s_szReadError: db 13, 10, 'Error reading: %RX8', 13, 10, 0 .s_szParamError: db 13, 10, 'Error getting params: %RX8', 13, 10, 0 .s_szVerifyFailed: db 13, 10, 'Failed to move block high... (%RX32) Got enough memory configured?', 13, 10, 0 .s_szLoadingBigImage: db 'Loading 2nd image.', 0 ENDPROC bs2LoadBigImage ; ; End sections and image. ; %include "bootsector2-common-end.mac"