1 | ; $Id: bootsector-pae.asm 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; Bootsector that switches the CPU info PAE mode.
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2007-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | ; available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
11 | ;
12 | ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | ; as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | ; License.
16 | ;
17 | ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | ; General Public License for more details.
21 | ;
22 | ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | ; along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | ;
25 | ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
26 | ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
27 | ; (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included
28 | ; in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the
29 | ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
30 | ;
31 | ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
32 | ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
33 | ;
34 | ; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0
35 | ;
36 |
37 | %include "iprt/asmdefs.mac"
38 | %include "iprt/x86.mac"
39 | %include "VBox/bios.mac"
40 |
41 |
42 | ;; The boot sector load address.
43 | %define BS_ADDR 0x7c00
44 | %define PDP_ADDR 0x9000
45 | %define PD_ADDR 0xa000
46 |
47 |
48 | BITS 16
49 | start:
50 | ; Start with a jump just to follow the convention.
51 | jmp short the_code
52 | nop
53 | times 3ah db 0
54 |
55 | the_code:
56 | cli
57 | xor edx, edx
58 | mov ds, dx ; Use 0 based addresses
59 |
60 | ;
61 | ; Create a paging hierarchy
62 | ;
63 | mov cx, 4
64 | xor esi, esi ; physical address
65 | mov ebx, PDP_ADDR
66 | mov edi, PD_ADDR
67 | pdptr_loop:
68 | ; The page directory pointer entry.
69 | mov dword [ebx], edi
70 | or word [bx], X86_PDPE_P
71 | mov dword [ebx + 4], edx
72 |
73 | ; The page directory.
74 | pd_loop:
75 | mov dword [edi], esi
76 | or word [di], X86_PDE4M_P | X86_PDE4M_RW | X86_PDE4M_PS
77 | mov dword [edi + 4], 0
78 | add esi, 0x00200000 ; 2MB
79 | add di, 8
80 | test di, 0fffh
81 | jnz pd_loop
82 |
83 | add bx, 8
84 | loop pdptr_loop
85 |
86 | ;
87 | ; Switch to protected mode.
88 | ;
89 | lgdt [(gdtr - start) + BS_ADDR]
90 | lidt [(idtr_null - start) + BS_ADDR]
91 |
92 | mov eax, PDP_ADDR
93 | mov cr3, eax
94 |
95 | mov eax, cr4
96 | or eax, X86_CR4_PAE | X86_CR4_PSE
97 | mov cr4, eax
98 |
99 | mov eax, cr0
100 | or eax, X86_CR0_PE | X86_CR0_PG
101 | mov cr0, eax
102 | jmp far 0x0008:((code32_start - start) + BS_ADDR) ; 8=32-bit CS
103 |
104 | BITS 32
105 | code32_start:
106 | mov ax, 0x10
107 | mov ds, ax
108 | mov es, ax
109 | mov fs, ax
110 | mov gs, ax
111 | mov ax, 0x18
112 | mov es, ax
113 | mov esp, 0x80000
114 |
115 | ; eye catchers
116 | mov eax, 0xCafeBabe
117 | mov ebx, eax
118 | mov ecx, eax
119 | mov edx, eax
120 | mov edi, eax
121 | mov esi, eax
122 | mov ebp, eax
123 |
124 | ;
125 | ; Boch shutdown request.
126 | ;
127 | mov bl, 64
130 | retry:
131 | mov ecx, 8
132 | mov esi, (szShutdown - start) + BS_ADDR
133 | rep outsb
134 | xchg dx, ax ; alternate between the new (VBox) and old (Bochs) ports.
135 | dec bl
136 | jnz retry
137 | ; Shutdown failed!
138 | hlt_again:
139 | hlt
140 | cli
141 | jmp hlt_again
142 |
143 | ;
144 | ; The GDT.
145 | ;
146 | align 8, db 0
147 | gdt:
148 | dw 0, 0, 0, 0 ; null selector
149 | dw 0xffff, 0, 0x9b00, 0x00cf ; 32 bit flat code segment (0x08)
150 | dw 0xffff, 0, 0x9300, 0x00cf ; 32 bit flat data segment (0x10)
151 | dw 0xffff, 0, 0x9300, 0x00cf ; 32 bit flat stack segment (0x18)
152 |
153 | gdtr:
154 | dw 8*4-1 ; limit 15:00
155 | dw (gdt - start) + BS_ADDR ; base 15:00
156 | db 0 ; base 23:16
157 | db 0 ; unused
158 |
159 | idtr_null:
160 | dw 0 ; limit 15:00
161 | dw (gdt - start) + BS_ADDR ; base 15:00
162 | db 0 ; base 23:16
163 | db 0 ; unused
164 |
165 | szShutdown:
166 | db 'Shutdown', 0
167 |
168 | ;
169 | ; Padd the remainder of the sector with zeros and
170 | ; end it with the dos signature.
171 | ;
172 | padding:
173 | times 510 - (padding - start) db 0
174 | db 055h, 0aah
175 |