1 | #!/usr/bin/env python
2 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 | # $Id: analyze.py 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $
4 |
5 | """
6 | Analyzer CLI.
7 | """
8 |
9 | __copyright__ = \
10 | """
11 | Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
12 |
13 | This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
14 | available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
15 |
16 | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
17 | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
18 | as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
19 | License.
20 |
21 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
22 | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 | General Public License for more details.
25 |
26 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
27 | along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
28 |
29 | The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
30 | of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
31 | (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included
32 | in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the
33 | CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
34 |
35 | You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
36 | terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
37 |
38 | SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0
39 | """
40 | __version__ = "$Revision: 106061 $"
41 |
42 | # Standard python imports.
43 | import re;
44 | import os;
45 | import textwrap;
46 | import sys;
47 |
48 | # Only the main script needs to modify the path.
49 | try: __file__ # pylint: disable=used-before-assignment
50 | except: __file__ = sys.argv[0];
51 | g_ksValidationKitDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)));
52 | sys.path.append(g_ksValidationKitDir);
53 |
54 | # Validation Kit imports.
55 | from analysis import reader
56 | from analysis import reporting
57 |
58 |
59 | def usage():
60 | """
61 | Display usage.
62 | """
63 | # Set up the output wrapper.
64 | try: cCols = os.get_terminal_size()[0] # since 3.3
65 | except: cCols = 79;
66 | oWrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width = cCols);
67 |
68 | # Do the outputting.
69 | print('Tool for comparing test results.');
70 | print('');
71 | oWrapper.subsequent_indent = ' ' * (len('usage: ') + 4);
72 | print(oWrapper.fill('usage: analyze.py [options] [collection-1] -- [collection-2] [-- [collection3] [..]])'))
73 | oWrapper.subsequent_indent = '';
74 | print('');
75 | print(oWrapper.fill('This tool compares two or more result collections, using one as a baseline (first by default) '
76 | 'and showing how the results in others differs from it.'));
77 | print('');
78 | print(oWrapper.fill('The results (XML file) from one or more test runs makes up a collection. A collection can be '
79 | 'named using the --name <name> option, or will get a sequential name automatically. The baseline '
80 | 'collection will have "(baseline)" appended to its name.'));
81 | print('');
82 | print(oWrapper.fill('A test run produces one XML file, either via the testdriver/reporter.py machinery or via the IPRT '
83 | 'test.cpp code. In the latter case it can be enabled and controlled via IPRT_TEST_FILE. A collection '
84 | 'consists of one or more of test runs (i.e. XML result files). These are combined (aka distilled) '
85 | 'into a single set of results before comparing them with the others. The --best and --avg options '
86 | 'controls how this combining is done. The need for this is mainly to try counteract some of the '
87 | 'instability typically found in the restuls. Just because one test run produces a better result '
88 | 'after a change does not necessarily mean this will always be the case and that the change was to '
89 | 'the better, it might just have been regular fluctuations in the test results.'));
90 |
91 | oWrapper.initial_indent = ' ';
92 | oWrapper.subsequent_indent = ' ';
93 | print('');
94 | print('Options governing combining (distillation):');
95 | print(' --avg, --average');
96 | print(oWrapper.fill('Picks the best result by calculating the average values across all the runs.'));
97 | print('');
98 | print(' --best');
99 | print(oWrapper.fill('Picks the best result from all the runs. For values, this means making guessing what result is '
100 | 'better based on the unit. This may not always lead to the right choices.'));
101 | print(oWrapper.initial_indent + 'Default: --best');
102 |
103 | print('');
104 | print('Options relating to collections:');
105 | print(' --name <name>');
106 | print(oWrapper.fill('Sets the name of the current collection. By default a collection gets a sequential number.'));
107 | print('');
108 | print(' --baseline <num>');
109 | print(oWrapper.fill('Sets collection given by <num> (0-based) as the baseline collection.'));
110 | print(oWrapper.initial_indent + 'Default: --baseline 0')
111 |
112 | print('');
113 | print('Filtering options:');
114 | print(' --filter-test <substring>');
115 | print(oWrapper.fill('Exclude tests not containing any of the substrings given via the --filter-test option. The '
116 | 'matching is done with full test name, i.e. all parent names are prepended with ", " as separator '
117 | '(for example "tstIOInstr, CPUID EAX=1").'));
118 | print('');
119 | print(' --filter-test-out <substring>');
120 | print(oWrapper.fill('Exclude tests containing the given substring. As with --filter-test, the matching is done against '
121 | 'the full test name.'));
122 | print('');
123 | print(' --filter-value <substring>');
124 | print(oWrapper.fill('Exclude values not containing any of the substrings given via the --filter-value option. The '
125 | 'matching is done against the value name prefixed by the full test name and ": " '
126 | '(for example "tstIOInstr, CPUID EAX=1: real mode, CPUID").'));
127 | print('');
128 | print(' --filter-value-out <substring>');
129 | print(oWrapper.fill('Exclude value containing the given substring. As with --filter-value, the matching is done against '
130 | 'the value name prefixed by the full test name.'));
131 |
132 | print('');
133 | print(' --regex-test <expr>');
134 | print(oWrapper.fill('Same as --filter-test except the substring matching is done via a regular expression.'));
135 | print('');
136 | print(' --regex-test-out <expr>');
137 | print(oWrapper.fill('Same as --filter-test-out except the substring matching is done via a regular expression.'));
138 | print('');
139 | print(' --regex-value <expr>');
140 | print(oWrapper.fill('Same as --filter-value except the substring matching is done via a regular expression.'));
141 | print('');
142 | print(' --regex-value-out <expr>');
143 | print(oWrapper.fill('Same as --filter-value-out except the substring matching is done via a regular expression.'));
144 | print('');
145 | print(' --filter-out-empty-leaf-tests');
146 | print(oWrapper.fill('Removes any leaf tests that are without any values or sub-tests. This is useful when '
147 | 'only considering values, especially when doing additional value filtering.'));
148 |
149 | print('');
150 | print('Analysis options:');
151 | print(' --pct-same-value <float>');
152 | print(oWrapper.fill('The threshold at which the percent difference between two values are considered the same '
153 | 'during analysis.'));
154 | print(oWrapper.initial_indent + 'Default: --pct-same-value 0.10');
155 |
156 | print('');
157 | print('Output options:');
158 | print(' --brief, --verbose');
159 | print(oWrapper.fill('Whether to omit (--brief) the value for non-baseline runs and just get along with the difference.'));
160 | print(oWrapper.initial_indent + 'Default: --brief');
161 | print('');
162 | print(' --pct <num>, --pct-precision <num>');
163 | print(oWrapper.fill('Specifies the number of decimal place to use when formatting the difference as percent.'));
164 | print(oWrapper.initial_indent + 'Default: --pct 2');
165 | return 1;
166 |
167 |
168 | class ResultCollection(object):
169 | """
170 | One or more test runs that should be merged before comparison.
171 | """
172 |
173 | def __init__(self, sName):
174 | self.sName = sName;
175 | self.aoTestTrees = [] # type: [Test]
176 | self.asTestFiles = [] # type: [str] - runs parallel to aoTestTrees
177 | self.oDistilled = None # type: Test
178 |
179 | def append(self, sFilename):
180 | """
181 | Loads sFilename and appends the result.
182 | Returns True on success, False on failure.
183 | """
184 | oTestTree = reader.parseTestResult(sFilename);
185 | if oTestTree:
186 | self.aoTestTrees.append(oTestTree);
187 | self.asTestFiles.append(sFilename);
188 | return True;
189 | return False;
190 |
191 | def isEmpty(self):
192 | """ Checks if the result is empty. """
193 | return len(self.aoTestTrees) == 0;
194 |
195 | def filterTests(self, asFilters):
196 | """
197 | Keeps all the tests in the test trees sub-string matching asFilters (str or re).
198 | """
199 | for oTestTree in self.aoTestTrees:
200 | oTestTree.filterTests(asFilters);
201 | return self;
202 |
203 | def filterOutTests(self, asFilters):
204 | """
205 | Removes all the tests in the test trees sub-string matching asFilters (str or re).
206 | """
207 | for oTestTree in self.aoTestTrees:
208 | oTestTree.filterOutTests(asFilters);
209 | return self;
210 |
211 | def filterValues(self, asFilters):
212 | """
213 | Keeps all the tests in the test trees sub-string matching asFilters (str or re).
214 | """
215 | for oTestTree in self.aoTestTrees:
216 | oTestTree.filterValues(asFilters);
217 | return self;
218 |
219 | def filterOutValues(self, asFilters):
220 | """
221 | Removes all the tests in the test trees sub-string matching asFilters (str or re).
222 | """
223 | for oTestTree in self.aoTestTrees:
224 | oTestTree.filterOutValues(asFilters);
225 | return self;
226 |
227 | def filterOutEmptyLeafTests(self):
228 | """
229 | Removes all the tests in the test trees that have neither child tests nor values.
230 | """
231 | for oTestTree in self.aoTestTrees:
232 | oTestTree.filterOutEmptyLeafTests();
233 | return self;
234 |
235 | def distill(self, sMethod, fDropLoners = False):
236 | """
237 | Distills the set of test results into a single one by the given method.
238 |
239 | Valid sMethod values:
240 | - 'best': Pick the best result for each test and value among all the test runs.
241 | - 'avg': Calculate the average value among all the test runs.
242 |
243 | When fDropLoners is True, tests and values that only appear in a single test run
244 | will be discarded. When False (the default), the lone result will be used.
245 | """
246 | assert sMethod in ['best', 'avg'];
247 | assert not self.oDistilled;
248 |
249 | # If empty, nothing to do.
250 | if self.isEmpty():
251 | return None;
252 |
253 | # If there is only a single tree, make a deep copy of it.
254 | if len(self.aoTestTrees) == 1:
255 | oDistilled = self.aoTestTrees[0].clone();
256 | else:
257 |
258 | # Since we don't know if the test runs are all from the same test, we create
259 | # dummy root tests for each run and use these are the start for the distillation.
260 | aoDummyInputTests = [];
261 | for oRun in self.aoTestTrees:
262 | oDummy = reader.Test();
263 | oDummy.aoChildren = [oRun,];
264 | aoDummyInputTests.append(oDummy);
265 |
266 | # Similarly, we end up with a "dummy" root test for the result.
267 | oDistilled = reader.Test();
268 | oDistilled.distill(aoDummyInputTests, sMethod, fDropLoners);
269 |
270 | # We can drop this if there is only a single child, i.e. if all runs are for
271 | # the same test.
272 | if len(oDistilled.aoChildren) == 1:
273 | oDistilled = oDistilled.aoChildren[0];
274 |
275 | self.oDistilled = oDistilled;
276 | return oDistilled;
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 | # matchWithValue hacks.
281 | g_asOptions = [];
282 | g_iOptInd = 1;
283 | g_sOptArg = '';
284 |
285 | def matchWithValue(sOption):
286 | """ Matches an option with a value, placing the value in g_sOptArg if it matches. """
287 | global g_asOptions, g_iOptInd, g_sOptArg;
288 | sArg = g_asOptions[g_iOptInd];
289 | if sArg.startswith(sOption):
290 | if len(sArg) == len(sOption):
291 | if g_iOptInd + 1 < len(g_asOptions):
292 | g_iOptInd += 1;
293 | g_sOptArg = g_asOptions[g_iOptInd];
294 | return True;
295 |
296 | print('syntax error: Option %s takes a value!' % (sOption,));
297 | raise Exception('syntax error: Option %s takes a value!' % (sOption,));
298 |
299 | if sArg[len(sOption)] in ('=', ':'):
300 | g_sOptArg = sArg[len(sOption) + 1:];
301 | return True;
302 | return False;
303 |
304 |
305 | def main(asArgs):
306 | """ C style main(). """
307 | #
308 | # Parse arguments
309 | #
310 | oCurCollection = ResultCollection('#0');
311 | aoCollections = [ oCurCollection, ];
312 | iBaseline = 0;
313 | sDistillationMethod = 'best';
314 | fBrief = True;
315 | cPctPrecision = 2;
316 | rdPctSameValue = 0.1;
317 | asTestFilters = [];
318 | asTestOutFilters = [];
319 | asValueFilters = [];
320 | asValueOutFilters = [];
321 | fFilterOutEmptyLeafTest = True;
322 |
323 | global g_asOptions, g_iOptInd, g_sOptArg;
324 | g_asOptions = asArgs;
325 | g_iOptInd = 1;
326 | while g_iOptInd < len(asArgs):
327 | sArg = asArgs[g_iOptInd];
328 | g_sOptArg = '';
329 | #print("dbg: g_iOptInd=%s '%s'" % (g_iOptInd, sArg,));
330 |
331 | if sArg.startswith('--help'):
332 | return usage();
333 |
334 | if matchWithValue('--filter-test'):
335 | asTestFilters.append(g_sOptArg);
336 | elif matchWithValue('--filter-test-out'):
337 | asTestOutFilters.append(g_sOptArg);
338 | elif matchWithValue('--filter-value'):
339 | asValueFilters.append(g_sOptArg);
340 | elif matchWithValue('--filter-value-out'):
341 | asValueOutFilters.append(g_sOptArg);
342 |
343 | elif matchWithValue('--regex-test'):
344 | asTestFilters.append(re.compile(g_sOptArg));
345 | elif matchWithValue('--regex-test-out'):
346 | asTestOutFilters.append(re.compile(g_sOptArg));
347 | elif matchWithValue('--regex-value'):
348 | asValueFilters.append(re.compile(g_sOptArg));
349 | elif matchWithValue('--regex-value-out'):
350 | asValueOutFilters.append(re.compile(g_sOptArg));
351 |
352 | elif sArg == '--filter-out-empty-leaf-tests':
353 | fFilterOutEmptyLeafTest = True;
354 | elif sArg == '--no-filter-out-empty-leaf-tests':
355 | fFilterOutEmptyLeafTest = False;
356 |
357 | elif sArg == '--best':
358 | sDistillationMethod = 'best';
359 | elif sArg in ('--avg', '--average'):
360 | sDistillationMethod = 'avg';
361 |
362 | elif sArg == '--brief':
363 | fBrief = True;
364 | elif sArg == '--verbose':
365 | fBrief = False;
366 |
367 | elif matchWithValue('--pct') or matchWithValue('--pct-precision'):
368 | cPctPrecision = int(g_sOptArg);
369 | elif matchWithValue('--base') or matchWithValue('--baseline'):
370 | iBaseline = int(g_sOptArg);
371 |
372 | elif matchWithValue('--pct-same-value'):
373 | rdPctSameValue = float(g_sOptArg);
374 |
375 | # '--' starts a new collection. If current one is empty, drop it.
376 | elif sArg == '--':
377 | print("dbg: new collection");
378 | #if oCurCollection.isEmpty():
379 | # del aoCollections[-1];
380 | oCurCollection = ResultCollection("#%s" % (len(aoCollections),));
381 | aoCollections.append(oCurCollection);
382 |
383 | # Name the current result collection.
384 | elif matchWithValue('--name'):
385 | oCurCollection.sName = g_sOptArg;
386 |
387 | # Read in a file and add it to the current data set.
388 | else:
389 | if not oCurCollection.append(sArg):
390 | return 1;
391 | g_iOptInd += 1;
392 |
393 | #
394 | # Post argument parsing processing.
395 | #
396 |
397 | # Drop the last collection if empty.
398 | if oCurCollection.isEmpty():
399 | del aoCollections[-1];
400 | if not aoCollections:
401 | print("error: No input files given!");
402 | return 1;
403 |
404 | # Check the baseline value and mark the column as such.
405 | if iBaseline < 0 or iBaseline > len(aoCollections):
406 | print("error: specified baseline is out of range: %s, valid range 0 <= baseline < %s"
407 | % (iBaseline, len(aoCollections),));
408 | return 1;
409 | aoCollections[iBaseline].sName += ' (baseline)';
410 |
411 | #
412 | # Apply filtering before distilling each collection into a single result tree.
413 | #
414 | if asTestFilters:
415 | for oCollection in aoCollections:
416 | oCollection.filterTests(asTestFilters);
417 | if asTestOutFilters:
418 | for oCollection in aoCollections:
419 | oCollection.filterOutTests(asTestOutFilters);
420 |
421 | if asValueFilters:
422 | for oCollection in aoCollections:
423 | oCollection.filterValues(asValueFilters);
424 | if asValueOutFilters:
425 | for oCollection in aoCollections:
426 | oCollection.filterOutValues(asValueOutFilters);
427 |
428 | if fFilterOutEmptyLeafTest:
429 | for oCollection in aoCollections:
430 | oCollection.filterOutEmptyLeafTests();
431 |
432 | # Distillation.
433 | for oCollection in aoCollections:
434 | oCollection.distill(sDistillationMethod);
435 |
436 | #
437 | # Produce the report.
438 | #
439 | oTable = reporting.RunTable(iBaseline, fBrief, cPctPrecision, rdPctSameValue);
440 | oTable.populateFromRuns([oCollection.oDistilled for oCollection in aoCollections],
441 | [oCollection.sName for oCollection in aoCollections]);
442 | print('\n'.join(oTable.formatAsText()));
443 | return 0;
444 |
445 | if __name__ == '__main__':
446 | sys.exit(main(sys.argv));
447 |