/* $Id: PATMInternal.h 54764 2015-03-15 03:25:11Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * PATM - Internal header file. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ___PATMInternal_h #define ___PATMInternal_h #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** @name Saved state version numbers. * @{ */ /** New concept of helper code (for CPUID). */ #define PATM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION 58 /** New fixup type FIXUP_ABSOLUTE_IN_PATCH_ASM_TMPL. */ #define PATM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION_FORGET_THIS_ONE 57 /** Uses normal structure serialization with markers and everything. */ #define PATM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION_NO_RAW_MEM 56 /** Last version which saves structures as raw memory. */ #define PATM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION_MEM 55 #define PATM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION_FIXUP_HACK 54 #define PATM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION_FIXUP_HACK 54 #define PATM_SAVED_STATE_VERSION_VER16 53 /** @} */ /* Enable for call patching. */ #define PATM_ENABLE_CALL #define PATCH_MEMORY_SIZE (2*1024*1024) #define MAX_PATCH_SIZE (1024*4) /* * Internal patch type flags (starts at RT_BIT(11)) */ #define PATMFL_CHECK_SIZE RT_BIT_64(11) #define PATMFL_FOUND_PATCHEND RT_BIT_64(12) #define PATMFL_SINGLE_INSTRUCTION RT_BIT_64(13) #define PATMFL_SYSENTER_XP RT_BIT_64(14) #define PATMFL_JUMP_CONFLICT RT_BIT_64(15) #define PATMFL_READ_ORIGINAL_BYTES RT_BIT_64(16) /** opcode might have already been patched */ #define PATMFL_INT3_REPLACEMENT RT_BIT_64(17) #define PATMFL_SUPPORT_CALLS RT_BIT_64(18) #define PATMFL_SUPPORT_INDIRECT_CALLS RT_BIT_64(19) #define PATMFL_IDTHANDLER_WITHOUT_ENTRYPOINT RT_BIT_64(20) /** internal flag to avoid duplicate entrypoints */ #define PATMFL_INHIBIT_IRQS RT_BIT_64(21) /** temporary internal flag */ #define PATMFL_GENERATE_JUMPTOGUEST RT_BIT_64(22) /** temporary internal flag */ #define PATMFL_RECOMPILE_NEXT RT_BIT_64(23) /** for recompilation of the next instruction */ #define PATMFL_CODE_MONITORED RT_BIT_64(24) /** code pages of guest monitored for self-modifying code. */ #define PATMFL_CALLABLE_AS_FUNCTION RT_BIT_64(25) /** cli and pushf blocks can be used as callable functions. */ #define PATMFL_GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS RT_BIT_64(26) /** fake patch for global patm functions. */ #define PATMFL_TRAMPOLINE RT_BIT_64(27) /** trampoline patch that clears PATM_ASMFIX_INTERRUPTFLAG and jumps to patch destination */ #define PATMFL_GENERATE_SETPIF RT_BIT_64(28) /** generate set PIF for the next instruction */ #define PATMFL_INSTR_HINT RT_BIT_64(29) /** Generate patch, but don't activate it. */ #define PATMFL_PATCHED_GUEST_CODE RT_BIT_64(30) /** Patched guest code. */ #define PATMFL_MUST_INSTALL_PATCHJMP RT_BIT_64(31) /** Need to patch guest code in order to activate patch. */ #define PATMFL_INT3_REPLACEMENT_BLOCK RT_BIT_64(32) /** int 3 replacement block */ #define PATMFL_EXTERNAL_JUMP_INSIDE RT_BIT_64(33) /** A trampoline patch was created that jumps to an instruction in the patch block */ #define PATMFL_CODE_REFERENCED RT_BIT_64(34) /** patch block referenced (called, jumped to) by another patch. */ #define SIZEOF_NEARJUMP8 2 //opcode byte + 1 byte relative offset #define SIZEOF_NEARJUMP16 3 //opcode byte + 2 byte relative offset #define SIZEOF_NEARJUMP32 5 //opcode byte + 4 byte relative offset #define SIZEOF_NEAR_COND_JUMP32 6 //0xF + opcode byte + 4 byte relative offset #define MAX_INSTR_SIZE 16 /* Patch states */ #define PATCH_REFUSED 1 #define PATCH_DISABLED 2 #define PATCH_ENABLED 4 #define PATCH_UNUSABLE 8 #define PATCH_DIRTY 16 #define PATCH_DISABLE_PENDING 32 #define MAX_PATCH_TRAPS 4 #define PATM_MAX_CALL_DEPTH 32 /* Maximum nr of writes before a patch is marked dirty. (disabled) */ #define PATM_MAX_CODE_WRITES 32 /* Maximum nr of invalid writes before a patch is disabled. */ #define PATM_MAX_INVALID_WRITES 16384 /** @name FIXUP_XXX - RELOCREC::uType values. * @{ */ /** Absolute fixup. With one exception (MMIO cache), this does not take any * source or destination. @sa FIXUP_ABSOLUTE_ASM. */ #define FIXUP_ABSOLUTE 0 #define FIXUP_REL_JMPTOPATCH 1 #define FIXUP_REL_JMPTOGUEST 2 /** Absolute fixup in patch assembly code template. * * The source and desination addresses both set to the patch fixup type (see * PATM_IS_ASMFIX and friends in PATMA.h). This is recent addition (CPUID * subleaf code), so when loading older saved states this is usally represented * as FIXUP_ABSOLUTE. */ #define FIXUP_ABSOLUTE_IN_PATCH_ASM_TMPL 3 /** Constant value that only needs fixing up when loading state. Structure * size, member offset, or similar. The source and destination address are set * like for FIXUP_ABSOLUTE_IN_PATCH_ASM_TMPL. */ #define FIXUP_CONSTANT_IN_PATCH_ASM_TMPL 4 /** Relative call to a patch helper routine in VMMRC. The source and destination * address are set like for FIXUP_ABSOLUTE_IN_PATCH_ASM_TMPL. */ #define FIXUP_REL_HELPER_IN_PATCH_ASM_TMPL 5 /** @} */ #define PATM_ILLEGAL_DESTINATION 0xDEADBEEF /** Size of the instruction that's used for requests from patch code (currently only call) */ #define PATM_ILLEGAL_INSTR_SIZE 2 /** No statistics counter index allocated just yet */ #define PATM_STAT_INDEX_NONE (uint32_t)-1 /** Dummy counter to handle overflows */ #define PATM_STAT_INDEX_DUMMY 0 #define PATM_STAT_INDEX_IS_VALID(a) (a != PATM_STAT_INDEX_DUMMY && a != PATM_STAT_INDEX_NONE) #ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS #define PATM_STAT_RUN_INC(pPatch) \ if (PATM_STAT_INDEX_IS_VALID((pPatch)->uPatchIdx)) \ CTXSUFF(pVM->patm.s.pStats)[(pPatch)->uPatchIdx].u32A++; #define PATM_STAT_FAULT_INC(pPatch) \ if (PATM_STAT_INDEX_IS_VALID((pPatch)->uPatchIdx)) \ CTXSUFF(pVM->patm.s.pStats)[(pPatch)->uPatchIdx].u32B++; #else #define PATM_STAT_RUN_INC(pPatch) do { } while (0) #define PATM_STAT_FAULT_INC(pPatch) do { } while (0) #endif /** Maximum number of stat counters. */ #define PATM_STAT_MAX_COUNTERS 1024 /** Size of memory allocated for patch statistics. */ #define PATM_STAT_MEMSIZE (PATM_STAT_MAX_COUNTERS*sizeof(STAMRATIOU32)) /** aCpus[0].fLocalForcedActions fixup (must be uneven to avoid theoretical clashes with valid pointers) */ #define PATM_FIXUP_CPU_FF_ACTION 0xffffff01 /** default cpuid pointer fixup */ #define PATM_FIXUP_CPUID_DEFAULT 0xffffff03 /** standard cpuid pointer fixup */ #define PATM_FIXUP_CPUID_STANDARD 0xffffff05 /** extended cpuid pointer fixup */ #define PATM_FIXUP_CPUID_EXTENDED 0xffffff07 /** centaur cpuid pointer fixup */ #define PATM_FIXUP_CPUID_CENTAUR 0xffffff09 typedef struct { /** The key is a HC virtual address. */ AVLPVNODECORE Core; uint32_t uType; R3PTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pRelocPos; RTRCPTR pSource; RTRCPTR pDest; } RELOCREC, *PRELOCREC; /* Cache record for guest to host pointer conversions. */ typedef struct { R3PTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pPageLocStartHC; RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pGuestLoc; R3PTRTYPE(void *) pPatch; PGMPAGEMAPLOCK Lock; } PATMP2GLOOKUPREC, *PPATMP2GLOOKUPREC; /* Obsolete; do not use. */ typedef struct { R3PTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pPatchLocStartHC; R3PTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pPatchLocEndHC; RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pGuestLoc; uint32_t opsize; } PATMP2GLOOKUPREC_OBSOLETE; typedef struct { /** The key is a pointer to a JUMPREC structure. */ AVLPVNODECORE Core; R3PTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pJumpHC; RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pTargetGC; uint32_t offDispl; uint32_t opcode; } JUMPREC, *PJUMPREC; /** * Patch to guest lookup type (single or both direction) */ typedef enum { /** patch to guest */ PATM_LOOKUP_PATCH2GUEST, /** guest to patch + patch to guest */ PATM_LOOKUP_BOTHDIR } PATM_LOOKUP_TYPE; /** * Patch to guest address lookup record. */ typedef struct RECPATCHTOGUEST { /** The key is an offset inside the patch memory block. */ AVLU32NODECORE Core; /** GC address of the guest instruction this record is for. */ RTRCPTR pOrgInstrGC; /** Patch to guest lookup type. */ PATM_LOOKUP_TYPE enmType; /** Flag whether the original instruction was changed by the guest. */ bool fDirty; /** Flag whether this guest instruction is a jump target from * a trampoline patch. */ bool fJumpTarget; /** Original opcode before writing 0xCC there to mark it dirty. */ uint8_t u8DirtyOpcode; } RECPATCHTOGUEST, *PRECPATCHTOGUEST; /** * Guest to patch address lookup record */ typedef struct RECGUESTTOPATCH { /** The key is a GC virtual address. */ AVLU32NODECORE Core; /** Patch offset (relative to PATM::pPatchMemGC / PATM::pPatchMemHC). */ uint32_t PatchOffset; } RECGUESTTOPATCH, *PRECGUESTTOPATCH; /** * Temporary information used in ring 3 only; no need to waste memory in the patch record itself. */ typedef struct { /* Temporary tree for storing the addresses of illegal instructions. */ R3PTRTYPE(PAVLPVNODECORE) IllegalInstrTree; uint32_t nrIllegalInstr; int32_t nrJumps; uint32_t nrRetInstr; /* Temporary tree of encountered jumps. (debug only) */ R3PTRTYPE(PAVLPVNODECORE) DisasmJumpTree; int32_t nrCalls; /** Last original guest instruction pointer; used for disassembly log. */ RTRCPTR pLastDisasmInstrGC; /** Keeping track of multiple ret instructions. */ RTRCPTR pPatchRetInstrGC; uint32_t uPatchRetParam1; } PATCHINFOTEMP, *PPATCHINFOTEMP; /** Forward declaration for a pointer to a trampoline patch record. */ typedef struct TRAMPREC *PTRAMPREC; /** * Patch information. */ typedef struct PATCHINFO { /** Current patch state (enabled, disabled, etc.). */ uint32_t uState; /** Previous patch state. Used when enabling a disabled patch. */ uint32_t uOldState; /** CPU mode (16bit or 32bit). */ DISCPUMODE uOpMode; /** GC pointer of privileged instruction */ RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pPrivInstrGC; /** @todo: Can't remove due to structure size dependencies in saved states. */ R3PTRTYPE(uint8_t *) unusedHC; /** Original privileged guest instructions overwritten by the jump patch. */ uint8_t aPrivInstr[MAX_INSTR_SIZE]; /** Number of valid bytes in the instruction buffer. */ uint32_t cbPrivInstr; /** Opcode for priv instr (OP_*). */ uint32_t opcode; /** Size of the patch jump in the guest code. */ uint32_t cbPatchJump; /** Only valid for PATMFL_JUMP_CONFLICT patches */ RTRCPTR pPatchJumpDestGC; /** Offset of the patch code from the beginning of the patch memory area. */ RTGCUINTPTR32 pPatchBlockOffset; /** Size of the patch code in bytes. */ uint32_t cbPatchBlockSize; /** Current offset of the patch starting from pPatchBlockOffset. * Used during patch creation. */ uint32_t uCurPatchOffset; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 uint32_t Alignment0; /**< Align flags correctly. */ #endif /** PATM flags (see PATMFL_*). */ uint64_t flags; /** * Lowest and highest patched GC instruction address. To optimize searches. */ RTRCPTR pInstrGCLowest; RTRCPTR pInstrGCHighest; /* Tree of fixup records for the patch. */ R3PTRTYPE(PAVLPVNODECORE) FixupTree; uint32_t nrFixups; /* Tree of jumps inside the generated patch code. */ uint32_t nrJumpRecs; R3PTRTYPE(PAVLPVNODECORE) JumpTree; /** * Lookup trees for determining the corresponding guest address of an * instruction in the patch block. */ R3PTRTYPE(PAVLU32NODECORE) Patch2GuestAddrTree; R3PTRTYPE(PAVLU32NODECORE) Guest2PatchAddrTree; uint32_t nrPatch2GuestRecs; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 uint32_t Alignment1; #endif /** Unused, but can't remove due to structure size dependencies in the saved state. */ PATMP2GLOOKUPREC_OBSOLETE unused; /** Temporary information during patch creation. Don't waste hypervisor memory for this. */ R3PTRTYPE(PPATCHINFOTEMP) pTempInfo; /** List of trampoline patches referencing this patch. * Used when refreshing the patch. (Only for function duplicates) */ R3PTRTYPE(PTRAMPREC) pTrampolinePatchesHead; /** Count the number of writes to the corresponding guest code. */ uint32_t cCodeWrites; /** Some statistics to determine if we should keep this patch activated. */ uint32_t cTraps; /** Count the number of invalid writes to pages monitored for the patch. */ uint32_t cInvalidWrites; /** Index into the uPatchRun and uPatchTrap arrays (0..MAX_PATCHES-1) */ uint32_t uPatchIdx; /** First opcode byte, that's overwritten when a patch is marked dirty. */ uint8_t bDirtyOpcode; /** Align the structure size on a 8-byte boundary. */ uint8_t Alignment2[HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 ? 7 : 3]; } PATCHINFO, *PPATCHINFO; #define PATCHCODE_PTR_GC(pPatch) (RTRCPTR) (pVM->patm.s.pPatchMemGC + (pPatch)->pPatchBlockOffset) #define PATCHCODE_PTR_HC(pPatch) (uint8_t *)(pVM->patm.s.pPatchMemHC + (pPatch)->pPatchBlockOffset) /** * Lookup record for patches */ typedef struct PATMPATCHREC { /** The key is a GC virtual address. */ AVLOU32NODECORE Core; /** The key is a patch offset. */ AVLOU32NODECORE CoreOffset; /** The patch information. */ PATCHINFO patch; } PATMPATCHREC, *PPATMPATCHREC; /** * Record for a trampoline patch. */ typedef struct TRAMPREC { /** Pointer to the next trampoline patch. */ struct TRAMPREC *pNext; /** Pointer to the trampoline patch record. */ PPATMPATCHREC pPatchTrampoline; } TRAMPREC; /** Increment for allocating room for pointer array */ #define PATMPATCHPAGE_PREALLOC_INCREMENT 16 /** * Lookup record for patch pages */ typedef struct PATMPATCHPAGE { /** The key is a GC virtual address. */ AVLOU32NODECORE Core; /** Region to monitor. */ RTRCPTR pLowestAddrGC; RTRCPTR pHighestAddrGC; /** Number of patches for this page. */ uint32_t cCount; /** Maximum nr of pointers in the array. */ uint32_t cMaxPatches; /** Array of patch pointers for this page. */ R3PTRTYPE(PPATCHINFO *) papPatch; } PATMPATCHPAGE, *PPATMPATCHPAGE; #define PATM_PATCHREC_FROM_COREOFFSET(a) (PPATMPATCHREC)((uintptr_t)a - RT_OFFSETOF(PATMPATCHREC, CoreOffset)) #define PATM_PATCHREC_FROM_PATCHINFO(a) (PPATMPATCHREC)((uintptr_t)a - RT_OFFSETOF(PATMPATCHREC, patch)) /** * AVL trees used by PATM. */ typedef struct PATMTREES { /** * AVL tree with all patches (active or disabled) sorted by guest instruction address */ AVLOU32TREE PatchTree; /** * AVL tree with all patches sorted by patch address (offset actually) */ AVLOU32TREE PatchTreeByPatchAddr; /** * AVL tree with all pages which were (partly) patched */ AVLOU32TREE PatchTreeByPage; uint32_t align[1]; } PATMTREES, *PPATMTREES; /** * PATM VM Instance data. * Changes to this must checked against the padding of the patm union in VM! */ typedef struct PATM { /** Offset to the VM structure. * See PATM2VM(). */ RTINT offVM; /** Pointer to the patch memory area (GC) */ RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pPatchMemGC; /** Pointer to the patch memory area (HC) */ R3PTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pPatchMemHC; /** Size of the patch memory area in bytes. */ uint32_t cbPatchMem; /** Relative offset to the next free byte starting from the start of the region. */ uint32_t offPatchMem; /** Flag whether PATM ran out of patch memory. */ bool fOutOfMemory; /** Delta to the new relocated HMA area. * Used only during PATMR3Relocate(). */ int32_t deltaReloc; /** The ring-3 address of the PatchHlp segment (for PATMReadPatchCode). */ R3PTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pbPatchHelpersR3; /** The raw-mode address of the PatchHlp segment. */ RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pbPatchHelpersRC; /** Size of the PatchHlp segment containing the callable helper code. */ uint32_t cbPatchHelpers; /** GC PATM state pointer - HC pointer. */ R3PTRTYPE(PPATMGCSTATE) pGCStateHC; /** GC PATM state pointer - RC pointer. */ RCPTRTYPE(PPATMGCSTATE) pGCStateGC; /** PATM stack page for call instruction execution. * 2 parts: one for our private stack and one to store the original return * address. */ RCPTRTYPE(RTRCPTR *) pGCStackGC; /** HC pointer of the PATM stack page. */ R3PTRTYPE(RTRCPTR *) pGCStackHC; /** GC pointer to CPUMCTX structure. */ RCPTRTYPE(PCPUMCTX) pCPUMCtxGC; /** GC statistics pointer. */ RCPTRTYPE(PSTAMRATIOU32) pStatsGC; /** HC statistics pointer. */ R3PTRTYPE(PSTAMRATIOU32) pStatsHC; /** Current free index value (uPatchRun/uPatchTrap arrays). */ uint32_t uCurrentPatchIdx; /** Temporary counter for patch installation call depth. (in order not to go on forever) */ uint32_t ulCallDepth; /** Number of page lookup records. */ uint32_t cPageRecords; /** Lowest and highest patched GC instruction addresses. To optimize searches. */ RTRCPTR pPatchedInstrGCLowest; RTRCPTR pPatchedInstrGCHighest; /** Pointer to the patch tree for instructions replaced by 'int 3'. */ RCPTRTYPE(PPATMTREES) PatchLookupTreeGC; R3PTRTYPE(PPATMTREES) PatchLookupTreeHC; /** Global PATM lookup and call function (used by call patches). */ RTRCPTR pfnHelperCallGC; /** Global PATM return function (used by ret patches). */ RTRCPTR pfnHelperRetGC; /** Global PATM jump function (used by indirect jmp patches). */ RTRCPTR pfnHelperJumpGC; /** Global PATM return function (used by iret patches). */ RTRCPTR pfnHelperIretGC; /** Fake patch record for global functions. */ R3PTRTYPE(PPATMPATCHREC) pGlobalPatchRec; /** Pointer to original sysenter handler */ RTRCPTR pfnSysEnterGC; /** Pointer to sysenter handler trampoline */ RTRCPTR pfnSysEnterPatchGC; /** Sysenter patch index (for stats only) */ uint32_t uSysEnterPatchIdx; /** GC address of fault in monitored page (set by PATMGCMonitorPage, used by PATMR3HandleMonitoredPage)- */ RTRCPTR pvFaultMonitor; /** Temporary information for pending MMIO patch. Set in GC or R0 context. */ struct { RTGCPHYS GCPhys; RTRCPTR pCachedData; RTRCPTR Alignment0; /**< Align the structure size on a 8-byte boundary. */ } mmio; /** Temporary storage during load/save state */ struct { R3PTRTYPE(PSSMHANDLE) pSSM; uint32_t cPatches; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 uint32_t Alignment0; /**< Align the structure size on a 8-byte boundary. */ #endif } savedstate; /** Debug module for the patch memory. */ RTDBGMOD hDbgModPatchMem; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 /** Align statistics on a 8 byte boundary. */ uint32_t u32Alignment1; #endif STAMCOUNTER StatNrOpcodeRead; STAMCOUNTER StatDisabled; STAMCOUNTER StatUnusable; STAMCOUNTER StatEnabled; STAMCOUNTER StatInstalled; STAMCOUNTER StatInstalledFunctionPatches; STAMCOUNTER StatInstalledTrampoline; STAMCOUNTER StatInstalledJump; STAMCOUNTER StatInt3Callable; STAMCOUNTER StatInt3BlockRun; STAMCOUNTER StatOverwritten; STAMCOUNTER StatFixedConflicts; STAMCOUNTER StatFlushed; STAMCOUNTER StatPageBoundaryCrossed; STAMCOUNTER StatMonitored; STAMPROFILEADV StatHandleTrap; STAMCOUNTER StatSwitchBack; STAMCOUNTER StatSwitchBackFail; STAMCOUNTER StatPATMMemoryUsed; STAMCOUNTER StatDuplicateREQSuccess; STAMCOUNTER StatDuplicateREQFailed; STAMCOUNTER StatDuplicateUseExisting; STAMCOUNTER StatFunctionFound; STAMCOUNTER StatFunctionNotFound; STAMPROFILEADV StatPatchWrite; STAMPROFILEADV StatPatchWriteDetect; STAMCOUNTER StatDirty; STAMCOUNTER StatPushTrap; STAMCOUNTER StatPatchWriteInterpreted; STAMCOUNTER StatPatchWriteInterpretedFailed; STAMCOUNTER StatSysEnter; STAMCOUNTER StatSysExit; STAMCOUNTER StatEmulIret; STAMCOUNTER StatEmulIretFailed; STAMCOUNTER StatInstrDirty; STAMCOUNTER StatInstrDirtyGood; STAMCOUNTER StatInstrDirtyBad; STAMCOUNTER StatPatchPageInserted; STAMCOUNTER StatPatchPageRemoved; STAMCOUNTER StatPatchRefreshSuccess; STAMCOUNTER StatPatchRefreshFailed; STAMCOUNTER StatGenRet; STAMCOUNTER StatGenRetReused; STAMCOUNTER StatGenJump; STAMCOUNTER StatGenCall; STAMCOUNTER StatGenPopf; STAMCOUNTER StatCheckPendingIRQ; STAMCOUNTER StatFunctionLookupReplace; STAMCOUNTER StatFunctionLookupInsert; uint32_t StatU32FunctionMaxSlotsUsed; uint32_t Alignment0; /**< Align the structure size on a 8-byte boundary. */ } PATM, *PPATM; DECLCALLBACK(int) patmVirtPageHandler(PVM pVM, RTGCPTR GCPtr, void *pvPtr, void *pvBuf, size_t cbBuf, PGMACCESSTYPE enmAccessType, void *pvUser); DECLCALLBACK(int) patmR3Save(PVM pVM, PSSMHANDLE pSSM); DECLCALLBACK(int) patmR3Load(PVM pVM, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t uVersion, uint32_t uPass); #ifdef IN_RING3 RTRCPTR patmPatchGCPtr2GuestGCPtr(PVM pVM, PPATCHINFO pPatch, RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pPatchGC); RTRCPTR patmGuestGCPtrToPatchGCPtr(PVM pVM, PPATCHINFO pPatch, RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t*) pInstrGC); RTRCPTR patmGuestGCPtrToClosestPatchGCPtr(PVM pVM, PPATCHINFO pPatch, RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t*) pInstrGC); #endif void patmR3AddP2GLookupRecord(PVM pVM, PPATCHINFO pPatch, uint8_t *pPatchInstrHC, RTRCPTR pInstrGC, PATM_LOOKUP_TYPE enmType, bool fDirty = false); int patmInsertPatchPages(PVM pVM, PPATCHINFO pPatch); RTRCPTR patmPatchQueryStatAddress(PVM pVM, PPATCHINFO pPatch); int patmR3RemovePatch(PVM pVM, PPATMPATCHREC pPatchRec, bool fForceRemove); /** * Call for analysing the instructions following the privileged instr. for compliance with our heuristics * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. * @param pCpu CPU disassembly state * @param pInstrHC Guest context pointer to privileged instruction * @param pCurInstrHC Guest context pointer to current instruction * @param pCacheRec Cache record ptr * */ typedef int (VBOXCALL *PFN_PATMR3ANALYSE)(PVM pVM, DISCPUSTATE *pCpu, RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pInstrGC, RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pCurInstrGC, PPATMP2GLOOKUPREC pCacheRec); int patmR3InstallGuestSpecificPatch(PVM pVM, PDISCPUSTATE pCpu, RTRCPTR pInstrGC, uint8_t *pInstrHC, PPATMPATCHREC pPatchRec); PPATMPATCHREC patmQueryFunctionPatch(PVM pVM, RTRCPTR pInstrGC); const char *patmGetInstructionString(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t fPatchFlags); PPATCHINFO patmFindActivePatchByEntrypoint(PVM pVM, RTRCPTR pInstrGC, bool fIncludeHints = false); int patmR3PatchInstrInt3(PVM pVM, RTRCPTR pInstrGC, R3PTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pInstrHC, DISCPUSTATE *pCpu, PPATCHINFO pPatch); int patmAddBranchToLookupCache(PVM pVM, RTRCPTR pJumpTableGC, RTRCPTR pBranchTarget, RTRCUINTPTR pRelBranchPatch); R3PTRTYPE(uint8_t *) patmR3GCVirtToHCVirt(PVM pVM, PPATMP2GLOOKUPREC pCacheRec, RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pGCPtr); RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN /** * #PF Virtual Handler callback for Guest access a page monitored by PATM * * @returns VBox status code (appropriate for trap handling and GC return). * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. * @param uErrorCode CPU Error code. * @param pRegFrame Trap register frame. * @param pvFault The fault address (cr2). * @param pvRange The base address of the handled virtual range. * @param offRange The offset of the access into this range. * (If it's a EIP range this is the EIP, if not it's pvFault.) */ VMMRCDECL(int) PATMGCMonitorPage(PVM pVM, RTGCUINT uErrorCode, PCPUMCTXCORE pRegFrame, RTGCPTR pvFault, RTGCPTR pvRange, uintptr_t offRange); RT_C_DECLS_END /** * Calculate the branch destination * * @returns branch destination or 0 if failed * @param pCpu Disassembly state of instruction. * @param pBranchInstrGC GC pointer of branch instruction */ DECLINLINE(RTRCPTR) PATMResolveBranch(PDISCPUSTATE pCpu, RTRCPTR pBranchInstrGC) { uint32_t disp; if (pCpu->Param1.fUse & DISUSE_IMMEDIATE8_REL) { disp = (int32_t)(char)pCpu->Param1.uValue; } else if (pCpu->Param1.fUse & DISUSE_IMMEDIATE16_REL) { disp = (int32_t)(uint16_t)pCpu->Param1.uValue; } else if (pCpu->Param1.fUse & DISUSE_IMMEDIATE32_REL) { disp = (int32_t)pCpu->Param1.uValue; } else { Log(("We don't support far jumps here!! (%08X)\n", pCpu->Param1.fUse)); return 0; } #ifdef IN_RC return (RTRCPTR)((uint8_t *)pBranchInstrGC + pCpu->cbInstr + disp); #else return pBranchInstrGC + pCpu->cbInstr + disp; #endif } #ifdef LOG_ENABLED int patmr3DisasmCallback(PVM pVM, DISCPUSTATE *pCpu, RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pInstrGC, RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pCurInstrGC, PPATMP2GLOOKUPREC pCacheRec); int patmr3DisasmCodeStream(PVM pVM, RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pInstrGC, RCPTRTYPE(uint8_t *) pCurInstrGC, PFN_PATMR3ANALYSE pfnPATMR3Analyse, PPATMP2GLOOKUPREC pCacheRec); #endif void patmR3DbgInit(PVM pVM); void patmR3DbgTerm(PVM pVM); void patmR3DbgReset(PVM pVM); void patmR3DbgAddPatch(PVM pVM, PPATMPATCHREC pPatchRec); #endif