; $Id: TRPMRCHandlersA.asm 56287 2015-06-09 11:15:22Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; TRPM - Raw-mode Context Trap Handlers ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ;******************************************************************************* ;* Header Files * ;******************************************************************************* %include "VMMRC.mac" %include "iprt/x86.mac" %include "VBox/vmm/cpum.mac" %include "VBox/vmm/stam.mac" %include "VBox/vmm/vm.mac" %include "TRPMInternal.mac" %include "VBox/err.mac" %include "VBox/vmm/trpm.mac" ;******************************************************************************* ;* External Symbols * ;******************************************************************************* extern IMPNAME(g_TRPM) ; These IMPNAME(g_*) symbols resolve to the import table extern IMPNAME(g_TRPMCPU) ; where there is a pointer to the real symbol. PE imports extern IMPNAME(g_VM) ; are a bit confusing at first... :-) extern IMPNAME(g_trpmGuestCtxCore) extern IMPNAME(g_trpmHyperCtxCore) extern NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric) extern NAME(TRPMGCTrap01Handler) extern NAME(TRPMGCHyperTrap01Handler) %ifdef VBOX_WITH_NMI extern NAME(TRPMGCTrap02Handler) extern NAME(TRPMGCHyperTrap02Handler) %endif extern NAME(TRPMGCTrap03Handler) extern NAME(TRPMGCHyperTrap03Handler) extern NAME(TRPMGCTrap06Handler) extern NAME(TRPMGCTrap07Handler) extern NAME(TRPMGCTrap0bHandler) extern NAME(TRPMGCHyperTrap0bHandler) extern NAME(TRPMGCTrap0dHandler) extern NAME(TRPMGCHyperTrap0dHandler) extern NAME(TRPMGCTrap0eHandler) extern NAME(TRPMGCHyperTrap0eHandler) extern NAME(CPUMRCAssertPreExecutionSanity) ;******************************************************************************* ;* Defined Constants And Macros * ;******************************************************************************* ;; Some conditional COM port debugging. ;%define DEBUG_STUFF 1 ;%define DEBUG_STUFF_TRPG 1 ;%define DEBUG_STUFF_INT 1 BEGINCODE ;; ; Jump table for trap handlers for hypervisor traps. ; g_apfnStaticTrapHandlersHyper: ; N - M M - T - C - D i ; o - n o - y - o - e p ; - e n - p - d - s t ; - i - e - e - c . ; - c - - - r ; ============================================================= dd 0 ; 0 - #DE - F - N - Divide error dd NAME(TRPMGCHyperTrap01Handler) ; 1 - #DB - F/T - N - Single step, INT 1 instruction %ifdef VBOX_WITH_NMI dd NAME(TRPMGCHyperTrap02Handler) ; 2 - - I - N - Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) %else dd 0 ; 2 - - I - N - Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) %endif dd NAME(TRPMGCHyperTrap03Handler) ; 3 - #BP - T - N - Breakpoint, INT 3 instruction. dd 0 ; 4 - #OF - T - N - Overflow, INTO instruction. dd 0 ; 5 - #BR - F - N - BOUND Range Exceeded, BOUND instruction. dd 0 ; 6 - #UD - F - N - Undefined(/Invalid) Opcode. dd 0 ; 7 - #NM - F - N - Device not available, FP or (F)WAIT instruction. dd 0 ; 8 - #DF - A - 0 - Double fault. dd 0 ; 9 - - F - N - Coprocessor Segment Overrun (obsolete). dd 0 ; a - #TS - F - Y - Invalid TSS, Taskswitch or TSS access. dd NAME(TRPMGCHyperTrap0bHandler) ; b - #NP - F - Y - Segment not present. dd 0 ; c - #SS - F - Y - Stack-Segment fault. dd NAME(TRPMGCHyperTrap0dHandler) ; d - #GP - F - Y - General protection fault. dd NAME(TRPMGCHyperTrap0eHandler) ; e - #PF - F - Y - Page fault. dd 0 ; f - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. dd 0 ; 10 - #MF - F - N - x86 FPU Floating-Point Error (Math fault), FP or (F)WAIT instruction. dd 0 ; 11 - #AC - F - 0 - Alignment Check. dd 0 ; 12 - #MC - A - N - Machine Check. dd 0 ; 13 - #XF - F - N - SIMD Floating-Point Exception. dd 0 ; 14 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. dd 0 ; 15 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. dd 0 ; 16 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. dd 0 ; 17 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. dd 0 ; 18 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. ;; ; Jump table for trap handlers for guest traps ; g_apfnStaticTrapHandlersGuest: ; N - M M - T - C - D i ; o - n o - y - o - e p ; - e n - p - d - s t ; - i - e - e - c . ; - c - - - r ; ============================================================= dd 0 ; 0 - #DE - F - N - Divide error dd NAME(TRPMGCTrap01Handler) ; 1 - #DB - F/T - N - Single step, INT 1 instruction %ifdef VBOX_WITH_NMI dd NAME(TRPMGCTrap02Handler) ; 2 - - I - N - Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) %else dd 0 ; 2 - - I - N - Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) %endif dd NAME(TRPMGCTrap03Handler) ; 3 - #BP - T - N - Breakpoint, INT 3 instruction. dd 0 ; 4 - #OF - T - N - Overflow, INTO instruction. dd 0 ; 5 - #BR - F - N - BOUND Range Exceeded, BOUND instruction. dd NAME(TRPMGCTrap06Handler) ; 6 - #UD - F - N - Undefined(/Invalid) Opcode. dd NAME(TRPMGCTrap07Handler) ; 7 - #NM - F - N - Device not available, FP or (F)WAIT instruction. dd 0 ; 8 - #DF - A - 0 - Double fault. dd 0 ; 9 - - F - N - Coprocessor Segment Overrun (obsolete). dd 0 ; a - #TS - F - Y - Invalid TSS, Taskswitch or TSS access. dd NAME(TRPMGCTrap0bHandler) ; b - #NP - F - Y - Segment not present. dd 0 ; c - #SS - F - Y - Stack-Segment fault. dd NAME(TRPMGCTrap0dHandler) ; d - #GP - F - Y - General protection fault. dd NAME(TRPMGCTrap0eHandler) ; e - #PF - F - Y - Page fault. dd 0 ; f - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. dd 0 ; 10 - #MF - F - N - x86 FPU Floating-Point Error (Math fault), FP or (F)WAIT instruction. dd 0 ; 11 - #AC - F - 0 - Alignment Check. dd 0 ; 12 - #MC - A - N - Machine Check. dd 0 ; 13 - #XF - F - N - SIMD Floating-Point Exception. dd 0 ; 14 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. dd 0 ; 15 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. dd 0 ; 16 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. dd 0 ; 17 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. dd 0 ; 18 - - - - Intel Reserved. Do not use. ;; ; We start by 24 push + jmp ; ALIGNCODE(16) BEGINPROC_EXPORTED TRPMGCHandlerGeneric %macro TRPMGenericEntry 1 db 06ah, i ; push imm8 - note that this is a signextended value. jmp %1 ALIGNCODE(8) %assign i i+1 %endmacro %assign i 0 ; start counter. TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 0 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 1 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 2 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 3 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 4 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 5 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 6 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 7 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrapErrCode ; 8 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 9 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrapErrCode ; a TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrapErrCode ; b TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrapErrCode ; c TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrapErrCode ; d TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrapErrCode ; e TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; f (reserved) TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 10 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrapErrCode ; 11 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 12 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 13 TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 14 (reserved) TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 15 (reserved) TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 16 (reserved) TRPMGenericEntry GenericTrap ; 17 (reserved) %undef i %undef TRPMGenericEntry ;; ; Main exception handler for the guest context ; ; Stack: ; 14 SS ; 10 ESP ; c EFLAGS ; 8 CS ; 4 EIP ; 0 vector number ; ; @uses none ; ALIGNCODE(8) GenericTrap: ; ; for the present we fake an error code ~0 ; push eax mov eax, 0ffffffffh xchg [esp + 4], eax ; get vector number, set error code xchg [esp], eax ; get saved eax, set vector number jmp short GenericTrapErrCode ;; ; Main exception handler for the guest context with error code ; ; Stack: ; 28 GS (V86 only) ; 24 FS (V86 only) ; 20 DS (V86 only) ; 1C ES (V86 only) ; 18 SS (only if ring transition.) ; 14 ESP (only if ring transition.) ; 10 EFLAGS ; c CS ; 8 EIP ; 4 Error code. (~0 for vectors which don't take an error code.) ; 0 vector number ; ; Error code: ; ; 31 16 15 3 2 1 0 ; ; reserved segment TI IDT EXT ; selector GDT/LDT (1) IDT External interrupt ; index (IDT=0) index ; ; NOTE: Page faults (trap 14) have a different error code ; ; @uses none ; ALIGNCODE(8) GenericTrapErrCode: cld ; ; Save ds, es, fs, gs, eax and ebx so we have a context pointer (ebx) and ; scratch (eax) register to work with. A sideeffect of using ebx is that ; it's preserved accross cdecl calls. ; ; In order to safely access data, we need to load our flat DS & ES selector, ; clear FS and GS (stale guest selector prevention), and clear make sure ; that CR0.WP is cleared. ; push ds ; +14h push es ; +10h push fs ; +0ch push gs ; +08h push eax ; +04h push ebx ; +00h %push StackFrame %define %$STK_SAVED_EBX esp %define %$STK_SAVED_EAX esp + 04h %define %$STK_SAVED_GS esp + 08h %define %$STK_SAVED_FS esp + 0ch %define %$STK_SAVED_ES esp + 10h %define %$STK_SAVED_DS esp + 14h %define %$ESPOFF 18h %define %$STK_VECTOR esp + 00h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_ERRCD esp + 04h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_EIP esp + 08h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_CS esp + 0ch + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_EFLAGS esp + 10h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_ESP esp + 14h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_SS esp + 18h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_V86_ES esp + 1ch + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_V86_DS esp + 20h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_V86_FS esp + 24h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_V86_GS esp + 28h + %$ESPOFF mov bx, ss ; load mov ds, bx mov es, bx xor bx, bx ; load 0 into gs and fs. mov gs, bx mov fs, bx mov eax, cr0 ;; @todo elimitate this read? and eax, ~X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax mov ebx, IMP(g_trpmGuestCtxCore) ; Assume GC as the most common. test byte [%$STK_CS], 3h ; check RPL of the cs selector jnz .save_guest_state test dword [%$STK_EFLAGS], X86_EFL_VM; If in V86, then guest. jnz .save_guest_state mov ebx, IMP(g_trpmHyperCtxCore) ; It's raw-mode context, actually. ; ; Save the state. ; .save_hyper_state: mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx], ecx lea eax, [%$STK_ESP] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp], eax mov cx, ss mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ss.Sel], cx jmp .save_state_common .save_guest_state: mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx], ecx mov eax, [%$STK_ESP] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp], eax mov cx, [%$STK_SS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ss.Sel], cx .save_state_common: mov eax, [%$STK_SAVED_EAX] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eax], eax mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edx], edx mov eax, [%$STK_SAVED_EBX] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx], eax mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esi], esi mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edi], edi mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp], ebp mov cx, [%$STK_CS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.cs.Sel], cx mov eax, [%$STK_EIP] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eip], eax mov eax, [%$STK_EFLAGS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags], eax %if GC_ARCH_BITS == 64 ; zero out the high dwords - probably not necessary any more. mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eax + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edx + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esi + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edi + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eip + 4], 0 %endif test dword [%$STK_EFLAGS], X86_EFL_VM jnz .save_V86_segregs mov cx, [%$STK_SAVED_ES] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel], cx mov cx, [%$STK_SAVED_DS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel], cx mov cx, [%$STK_SAVED_FS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel], cx mov cx, [%$STK_SAVED_GS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel], cx jmp .done_saving ; ; The DS, ES, FS and GS registers are zeroed in V86 mode and their real ; values are on the stack. ; .save_V86_segregs: mov cx, [%$STK_V86_ES] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel], cx mov cx, [%$STK_V86_DS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel], cx mov cx, [%$STK_V86_FS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel], cx mov cx, [%$STK_V86_GS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel], cx .done_saving: %ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS ; ; Start profiling. ; mov edx, [%$STK_VECTOR] imul edx, edx, byte STAMPROFILEADV_size ; assumes < 128. add edx, TRPM.aStatGCTraps add edx, IMP(g_TRPM) STAM_PROFILE_ADV_START edx %endif ; ; Store the information about the active trap/interrupt. ; mov esi, IMP(g_TRPMCPU) ; esi = TRPMCPU until resume! movzx edx, byte [%$STK_VECTOR] mov [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveVector], edx mov edx, [%$STK_ERRCD] mov [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveErrorCode], edx mov dword [esi + TRPMCPU.enmActiveType], TRPM_TRAP mov edx, cr2 ;; @todo Check how expensive cr2 reads are! mov dword [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveCR2], edx %if GC_ARCH_BITS == 64 ; zero out the high dwords. mov dword [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveErrorCode + 4], 0 mov dword [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveCR2 + 4], 0 %endif ; ; Check if we're in the raw-mode context (RC / hypervisor) when this happened. ; test dword [%$STK_EFLAGS], X86_EFL_VM jnz short .gc_not_raw_mode_context test byte [%$STK_CS], 3h ; check RPL of the cs selector jz .rc_in_raw_mode_context ; ; Trap in guest code. ; .gc_not_raw_mode_context: %ifdef DEBUG_STUFF_TRPG mov eax, [%$STK_ERRCD] mov ecx, 'trpG' ; indicate trap. mov edx, [%$STK_VECTOR] call trpmDbgDumpRegisterFrame %endif ; ; Do we have a GC handler for these traps? ; mov edx, [%$STK_VECTOR] mov eax, [g_apfnStaticTrapHandlersGuest + edx * 4] or eax, eax jnz short .gc_have_static_handler mov eax, VINF_EM_RAW_GUEST_TRAP jmp short .gc_guest_trap ; ; Call static handler. ; .gc_have_static_handler: push ebx ; Param 2 - CPUMCTXCORE pointer. push esi ; Param 1 - Pointer to TRPMCPU. call eax add esp, byte 8 ; cleanup stack (cdecl) or eax, eax je near .gc_continue_guest ; ; Switch back to the host and process it there. ; .gc_guest_trap: %ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS mov edx, [%$STK_VECTOR] imul edx, edx, byte STAMPROFILEADV_size ; assume < 128 add edx, IMP(g_TRPM) add edx, TRPM.aStatGCTraps STAM_PROFILE_ADV_STOP edx %endif mov edx, IMP(g_VM) call [edx + VM.pfnVMMRCToHostAsm] ; We shouldn't ever return this way. So, raise a special IPE if we do. .gc_panic_again: mov eax, VERR_TRPM_IPE_3 mov edx, IMP(g_VM) call [edx + VM.pfnVMMRCToHostAsm] jmp .gc_panic_again ; ; Continue(/Resume/Restart/Whatever) guest execution. ; ALIGNCODE(16) .gc_continue_guest: %ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS mov edx, [%$STK_VECTOR] imul edx, edx, byte STAMPROFILEADV_size ; assumes < 128 add edx, TRPM.aStatGCTraps add edx, IMP(g_TRPM) STAM_PROFILE_ADV_STOP edx %endif %ifdef VBOX_STRICT ; Call CPUM to check sanity. mov edx, IMP(g_VM) push edx call NAME(CPUMRCAssertPreExecutionSanity) add esp, 4 %endif ; enable WP mov eax, cr0 ;; @todo try elimiate this read. or eax, X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax ; restore guest state and start executing again. mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eax] mov [%$STK_SAVED_EAX], eax mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx] mov edx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edx] mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx] mov [%$STK_SAVED_EBX], eax mov ebp, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp] mov esi, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esi] mov edi, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edi] mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp] mov [%$STK_ESP], eax mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ss.Sel] mov [%$STK_SS], eax mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags] mov [%$STK_EFLAGS], eax mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.cs.Sel] mov [%$STK_CS], eax mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eip] mov [%$STK_EIP], eax test dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags], X86_EFL_VM jnz .gc_V86_return mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric), TRPM_TRAP_IN_MOV_GS mov gs, ax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric), TRPM_TRAP_IN_MOV_FS mov fs, ax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric), TRPM_TRAP_IN_MOV_ES mov es, ax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric), TRPM_TRAP_IN_MOV_DS mov ds, ax ; finally restore our scratch register eax and ebx. pop ebx pop eax add esp, 16 + 8 ; skip segregs, error code, and vector number. TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric), TRPM_TRAP_IN_IRET iret ALIGNCODE(16) .gc_V86_return: mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel] mov [%$STK_V86_ES], eax mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel] mov [%$STK_V86_DS], eax mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel] mov [%$STK_V86_FS], eax mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel] mov [%$STK_V86_GS], eax ; finally restore our scratch register eax and ebx. pop ebx pop eax add esp, 16 + 8 ; skip segregs, error code, and vector number. TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric), TRPM_TRAP_IN_IRET | TRPM_TRAP_IN_V86 iret ; ; Trap in Hypervisor, try to handle it. ; ; (eax = pTRPMCPU) ; ALIGNCODE(16) .rc_in_raw_mode_context: ; fix ss:esp. lea ecx, [%$STK_ESP] ; calc esp at trap mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp], ecx; update esp in register frame mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ss.Sel], ss ; update ss in register frame ; check for temporary handler. movzx edx, byte [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveVector] mov edi, IMP(g_TRPM) xor ecx, ecx xchg ecx, [edi + TRPM.aTmpTrapHandlers + edx * 4] ; ecx = Temp handler pointer or 0 or ecx, ecx jnz short .rc_have_temporary_handler ; check for static trap handler. mov ecx, [g_apfnStaticTrapHandlersHyper + edx * 4] ; ecx = Static handler pointer or 0 or ecx, ecx jnz short .rc_have_static_handler jmp .rc_abandon_ship ; ; Temporary trap handler present, call it (CDECL). ; .rc_have_temporary_handler: push ebx ; Param 2 - Pointer to CPUMCTXCORE. push IMP(g_VM) ; Param 1 - Pointer to VM. call ecx add esp, byte 8 ; cleanup stack (cdecl) cmp eax, byte VINF_SUCCESS ; If completely handled Then resume execution. je near .rc_continue jmp .rc_abandon_ship ; ; Static trap handler present, call it (CDECL). ; .rc_have_static_handler: push ebx ; Param 2 - Pointer to CPUMCTXCORE. push esi ; Param 1 - Pointer to TRPMCPU call ecx add esp, byte 8 ; cleanup stack (cdecl) cmp eax, byte VINF_SUCCESS ; If completely handled Then resume execution. je short .rc_continue cmp eax, VINF_EM_DBG_HYPER_STEPPED je short .rc_to_host cmp eax, VINF_EM_DBG_HYPER_BREAKPOINT je short .rc_to_host cmp eax, VINF_EM_DBG_HYPER_ASSERTION je short .rc_to_host jmp .rc_abandon_ship ; ; Pop back to the host to service the error. ; .rc_to_host: mov edx, IMP(g_VM) call [edx + VM.pfnVMMRCToHostAsmNoReturn] mov eax, VERR_TRPM_DONT_PANIC jmp .rc_to_host ; ; Continue(/Resume/Restart/Whatever) hypervisor execution. ; Don't reset the TRPM state. Caller takes care of that. ; ALIGNCODE(16) .rc_continue: %ifdef DEBUG_STUFF mov eax, [%$STK_ERRCD] mov ecx, 'resH' ; indicate trap. mov edx, [%$STK_VECTOR] call trpmDbgDumpRegisterFrame %endif %ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS mov edx, [%$STK_VECTOR] imul edx, edx, byte STAMPROFILEADV_size ; assumes < 128 add edx, TRPM.aStatGCTraps add edx, IMP(g_TRPM) STAM_PROFILE_ADV_STOP edx %endif ; restore mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eax] mov [%$STK_SAVED_EAX], eax mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx] mov edx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edx] mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx] mov [%$STK_SAVED_EBX], eax mov ebp, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp] mov esi, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esi] mov edi, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edi] ; skipping esp & ss. mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags] mov [%$STK_EFLAGS], eax mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.cs.Sel] mov [%$STK_CS], eax mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eip] mov [%$STK_EIP], eax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel] mov gs, ax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel] mov fs, ax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel] mov es, ax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel] mov ds, ax ; finally restore our scratch register eax and ebx. pop ebx pop eax add esp, 16 + 8 ; skip segregs, error code, and vector number. iret ; ; Internal processing error - don't panic, start meditating! ; .rc_abandon_ship: %ifdef DEBUG_STUFF mov eax, [%$STK_ERRCD] mov ecx, 'trpH' ; indicate trap. mov edx, [%$STK_VECTOR] call trpmDbgDumpRegisterFrame %endif .rc_do_not_panic: mov edx, IMP(g_VM) mov eax, VERR_TRPM_DONT_PANIC call [edx + VM.pfnVMMRCToHostAsmNoReturn] %ifdef DEBUG_STUFF COM_S_PRINT 'bad!!!' %endif jmp .rc_do_not_panic ; this shall never ever happen! %pop ENDPROC TRPMGCHandlerGeneric ;; ; We start by 256 push + jmp interruptworker ; ALIGNCODE(16) BEGINPROC_EXPORTED TRPMGCHandlerInterupt ; NASM has some nice features, here an example of a loop. %assign i 0 %rep 256 db 06ah, i ; push imm8 - note that this is a signextended value. jmp ti_GenericInterrupt ALIGNCODE(8) %assign i i+1 %endrep ;; ; Main interrupt handler for the guest context ; ; Stack: ; 24 GS (V86 only) ; 20 FS (V86 only) ; 1C DS (V86 only) ; 18 ES (V86 only) ; 14 SS ; 10 ESP ; c EFLAGS ; 8 CS ; 4 EIP ; ESP -> 0 Vector number (only use low byte!). ; ; @uses none ti_GenericInterrupt: cld ; ; Save ds, es, fs, gs, eax and ebx so we have a context pointer (ebx) and ; scratch (eax) register to work with. A sideeffect of using ebx is that ; it's preserved accross cdecl calls. ; ; In order to safely access data, we need to load our flat DS & ES selector, ; clear FS and GS (stale guest selector prevention), and clear make sure ; that CR0.WP is cleared. ; push ds ; +14h push es ; +10h push fs ; +0ch push gs ; +08h push eax ; +04h push ebx ; +00h %push StackFrame %define %$STK_SAVED_EBX esp %define %$STK_SAVED_EAX esp + 04h %define %$STK_SAVED_GS esp + 08h %define %$STK_SAVED_FS esp + 0ch %define %$STK_SAVED_ES esp + 10h %define %$STK_SAVED_DS esp + 14h %define %$ESPOFF 18h %define %$STK_VECTOR esp + 00h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_EIP esp + 04h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_CS esp + 08h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_EFLAGS esp + 0ch + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_ESP esp + 10h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_SS esp + 14h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_V86_ES esp + 18h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_V86_DS esp + 1ch + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_V86_FS esp + 20h + %$ESPOFF %define %$STK_V86_GS esp + 24h + %$ESPOFF mov bx, ss ; load mov ds, bx mov es, bx xor bx, bx ; load 0 into gs and fs. mov gs, bx mov fs, bx mov eax, cr0 ;; @todo elimitate this read? and eax, ~X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax mov ebx, IMP(g_trpmGuestCtxCore) ; Assume GC as the most common. test byte [%$STK_CS], 3h ; check RPL of the cs selector jnz .save_guest_state test dword [%$STK_EFLAGS], X86_EFL_VM ; If in V86, then guest. jnz .save_guest_state mov ebx, IMP(g_trpmHyperCtxCore) ; It's raw-mode context, actually. ; ; Save the state. ; .save_hyper_state: mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx], ecx lea eax, [%$STK_ESP] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp], eax mov cx, ss mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ss.Sel], cx jmp .save_state_common .save_guest_state: mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx], ecx mov eax, [%$STK_ESP] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp], eax mov cx, [%$STK_SS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ss.Sel], cx .save_state_common: mov eax, [%$STK_SAVED_EAX] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eax], eax mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edx], edx mov eax, [%$STK_SAVED_EBX] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx], eax mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esi], esi mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edi], edi mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp], ebp mov cx, [%$STK_CS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.cs.Sel], cx mov eax, [%$STK_EIP] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eip], eax mov eax, [%$STK_EFLAGS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags], eax %if GC_ARCH_BITS == 64 ; zero out the high dwords - probably not necessary any more. mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eax + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edx + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esi + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edi + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp + 4], 0 mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eip + 4], 0 %endif test dword [%$STK_EFLAGS], X86_EFL_VM jnz .save_V86_segregs mov cx, [%$STK_SAVED_ES] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel], cx mov cx, [%$STK_SAVED_DS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel], cx mov cx, [%$STK_SAVED_FS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel], cx mov cx, [%$STK_SAVED_GS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel], cx jmp .done_saving ; ; The DS, ES, FS and GS registers are zeroed in V86 mode and their real ; values are on the stack. ; .save_V86_segregs: mov cx, [%$STK_V86_ES] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel], cx mov cx, [%$STK_V86_DS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel], cx mov cx, [%$STK_V86_FS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel], cx mov cx, [%$STK_V86_GS] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel], cx .done_saving: ; ; Store the information about the active trap/interrupt. ; mov esi, IMP(g_TRPMCPU) ; esi = TRPMCPU until resume! movzx edx, byte [%$STK_VECTOR] mov [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveVector], edx mov dword [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveErrorCode], 0 mov dword [esi + TRPMCPU.enmActiveType], TRPM_TRAP mov dword [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveCR2], edx %if GC_ARCH_BITS == 64 ; zero out the high dwords. mov dword [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveErrorCode + 4], 0 mov dword [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveCR2 + 4], 0 %endif %ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS ; ; Update statistics. ; mov edi, IMP(g_TRPM) movzx edx, byte [%$STK_VECTOR] ; vector number imul edx, edx, byte STAMCOUNTER_size add edx, [edi + TRPM.paStatHostIrqRC] STAM_COUNTER_INC edx %endif ; ; Check if we're in the raw-mode context (RC / hypervisor) when this happened. ; test dword [%$STK_EFLAGS], X86_EFL_VM jnz short .gc_not_raw_mode_context test byte [%$STK_CS], 3h ; check RPL of the cs selector jz .rc_in_raw_mode_context ; ; Trap in guest code. ; .gc_not_raw_mode_context: and dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags], ~X86_EFL_RF ; Clear RF. ; The guest shall not see this in it's state. %ifdef DEBUG_STUFF_INT xor eax, eax mov ecx, 'intG' ; indicate trap in GC. movzx edx, byte [%$STK_VECTOR] call trpmDbgDumpRegisterFrame %endif ; ; Switch back to the host and process it there. ; mov edx, IMP(g_VM) mov eax, VINF_EM_RAW_INTERRUPT call [edx + VM.pfnVMMRCToHostAsm] ; ; We've returned! ; ; Reset TRPM state xor edx, edx dec edx ; edx = 0ffffffffh xchg [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveVector], edx mov [esi + TRPMCPU.uPrevVector], edx %ifdef VBOX_STRICT ; Call CPUM to check sanity. mov edx, IMP(g_VM) push edx call NAME(CPUMRCAssertPreExecutionSanity) add esp, 4 %endif ; enable WP mov eax, cr0 ;; @todo try elimiate this read. or eax, X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax ; restore guest state and start executing again. mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eax] mov [%$STK_SAVED_EAX], eax mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx] mov edx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edx] mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx] mov [%$STK_SAVED_EBX], eax mov ebp, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp] mov esi, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esi] mov edi, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edi] mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp] mov [%$STK_ESP], eax mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ss.Sel] mov [%$STK_SS], eax mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags] mov [%$STK_EFLAGS], eax mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.cs.Sel] mov [%$STK_CS], eax mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eip] mov [%$STK_EIP], eax test dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags], X86_EFL_VM jnz .gc_V86_return mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric), TRPM_TRAP_IN_MOV_GS mov gs, ax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric), TRPM_TRAP_IN_MOV_FS mov fs, ax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric), TRPM_TRAP_IN_MOV_ES mov es, ax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric), TRPM_TRAP_IN_MOV_DS mov ds, ax ; finally restore our scratch register eax and ebx. pop ebx pop eax add esp, 16 + 4 ; skip segregs, and vector number. TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric), TRPM_TRAP_IN_IRET iret ALIGNCODE(16) .gc_V86_return: mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel] mov [%$STK_V86_ES], eax mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel] mov [%$STK_V86_DS], eax mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel] mov [%$STK_V86_FS], eax mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel] mov [%$STK_V86_GS], eax ; finally restore our scratch register eax and ebx. pop ebx pop eax add esp, 16 + 4 ; skip segregs, and vector number. TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(trpmRCTrapInGeneric), TRPM_TRAP_IN_IRET | TRPM_TRAP_IN_V86 iret ; -+- Entry point -+- ; ; We're in hypervisor mode which means no guest context ; and special care to be taken to restore the hypervisor ; context correctly. ; ; ATM the only place this can happen is when entering a trap handler. ; We make ASSUMPTIONS about this in respects to the WP CR0 bit ; ALIGNCODE(16) .rc_in_raw_mode_context: ; fix ss:esp. lea ecx, [%$STK_ESP] ; calc esp at trap mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp], ecx ; update esp in register frame mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ss.Sel], ss ; update ss in register frame %ifdef DEBUG_STUFF_INT xor eax, eax mov ecx, 'intH' ; indicate trap in RC. movzx edx, byte [%$STK_VECTOR] call trpmDbgDumpRegisterFrame %endif mov edx, IMP(g_VM) mov eax, VINF_EM_RAW_INTERRUPT_HYPER call [edx + VM.pfnVMMRCToHostAsmNoReturn] %ifdef DEBUG_STUFF_INT COM_S_CHAR '!' %endif ; ; We've returned! ; Continue(/Resume/Restart/Whatever) hypervisor execution. ; ; Reset TRPM state - don't record this. ;mov esi, IMP(g_TRPMCPU) mov dword [esi + TRPMCPU.uActiveVector], 0ffffffffh ; ; Restore the hypervisor context and return. ; mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eax] mov [%$STK_SAVED_EAX], eax mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx] mov edx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edx] mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx] mov [%$STK_SAVED_EBX], eax mov ebp, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp] mov esi, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esi] mov edi, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edi] ; skipping esp & ss. mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags] mov [%$STK_EFLAGS], eax mov eax, dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.cs.Sel] mov [%$STK_CS], eax mov eax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eip] mov [%$STK_EIP], eax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel] mov gs, ax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel] mov fs, ax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel] mov es, ax mov ax, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel] mov ds, ax ; finally restore our scratch register eax and ebx. pop ebx pop eax add esp, 16 + 4 ; skip segregs, and vector number. iret %pop ENDPROC TRPMGCHandlerInterupt ;; ; Trap handler for #MC ; ; This handler will forward the #MC to the host OS. Since this ; is generalized in the generic interrupt handler, we just disable ; interrupts and push vector number and jump to the generic code. ; ; Stack: ; 10 SS (only if ring transition.) ; c ESP (only if ring transition.) ; 8 EFLAGS ; 4 CS ; 0 EIP ; ; @uses none ; ALIGNCODE(16) BEGINPROC_EXPORTED TRPMGCHandlerTrap12 push byte 12h jmp ti_GenericInterrupt ENDPROC TRPMGCHandlerTrap12 ;; ; Trap handler for double fault (#DF). ; ; This is a special trap handler executes in separate task with own TSS, with ; one of the intermediate memory contexts instead of the shadow context. ; The handler will unconditionally print an report to the comport configured ; for the COM_S_* macros before attempting to return to the host. If it it ends ; up double faulting more than 10 times, it will simply cause an triple fault ; to get us out of the mess. ; ; @param esp Half way down the hypervisor stack + the trap frame. ; @param ebp Half way down the hypervisor stack. ; @param eflags Interrupts disabled, nested flag is probably set (we don't care). ; @param ecx The address of the hypervisor TSS. ; @param edi Same as ecx. ; @param eax Same as ecx. ; @param edx Address of the VM structure. ; @param esi Same as edx. ; @param ebx Same as edx. ; @param ss Hypervisor DS. ; @param ds Hypervisor DS. ; @param es Hypervisor DS. ; @param fs 0 ; @param gs 0 ; ; ; @remark To be able to catch errors with WP turned off, it is required that the ; TSS GDT descriptor and the TSSes are writable (X86_PTE_RW). See SELM.cpp ; for how to enable this. ; ; @remark It is *not* safe to resume the VMM after a double fault. (At least not ; without clearing the busy flag of the TssTrap8 and fixing whatever cause it.) ; ALIGNCODE(16) BEGINPROC_EXPORTED TRPMGCHandlerTrap08 ; be careful. cli cld ; ; Disable write protection. ; mov eax, cr0 and eax, ~X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax ; ; Load Hypervisor DS and ES (get it from the SS) - paranoia, but the TSS could be overwritten.. :) ; mov eax, ss mov ds, eax mov es, eax COM_S_PRINT 10,13,'*** Guru Meditation 00000008 - Double Fault! ***',10,13 COM_S_PRINT 'VM=' COM_S_DWORD_REG edx COM_S_PRINT ' prevTSS=' COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' prevCR3=' mov eax, [ecx + VBOXTSS.cr3] COM_S_DWORD_REG eax COM_S_PRINT ' prevLdtr=' movzx eax, word [ecx + VBOXTSS.selLdt] COM_S_DWORD_REG eax COM_S_NEWLINE ; ; Create CPUMCTXCORE structure. ; mov ebx, IMP(g_trpmHyperCtxCore) ; It's raw-mode context, actually. mov eax, [ecx + VBOXTSS.eip] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eip], eax %if GC_ARCH_BITS == 64 ; zero out the high dword mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eip + 4], 0 %endif mov eax, [ecx + VBOXTSS.eflags] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags], eax movzx eax, word [ecx + VBOXTSS.cs] mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.cs.Sel], eax movzx eax, word [ecx + VBOXTSS.ds] mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel], eax movzx eax, word [ecx + VBOXTSS.es] mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel], eax movzx eax, word [ecx + VBOXTSS.fs] mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel], eax movzx eax, word [ecx + VBOXTSS.gs] mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel], eax movzx eax, word [ecx + VBOXTSS.ss] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ss.Sel], eax mov eax, [ecx + VBOXTSS.esp] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp], eax %if GC_ARCH_BITS == 64 ; zero out the high dword mov dword [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp + 4], 0 %endif mov eax, [ecx + VBOXTSS.ecx] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx], eax mov eax, [ecx + VBOXTSS.edx] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edx], eax mov eax, [ecx + VBOXTSS.ebx] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx], eax mov eax, [ecx + VBOXTSS.eax] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eax], eax mov eax, [ecx + VBOXTSS.ebp] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp], eax mov eax, [ecx + VBOXTSS.esi] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esi], eax mov eax, [ecx + VBOXTSS.edi] mov [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edi], eax ; ; Show regs ; mov eax, 0ffffffffh mov ecx, 'trpH' ; indicate trap. mov edx, 08h ; vector number call trpmDbgDumpRegisterFrame ; ; Should we try go back? ; inc dword [df_Count] cmp dword [df_Count], byte 10 jb df_to_host jmp df_tripple_fault df_Count: dd 0 ; ; Try return to the host. ; df_to_host: COM_S_PRINT 'Trying to return to host...',10,13 mov edx, IMP(g_VM) mov eax, VERR_TRPM_PANIC call [edx + VM.pfnVMMRCToHostAsmNoReturn] jmp short df_to_host ; ; Perform a tripple fault. ; df_tripple_fault: COM_S_PRINT 'Giving up - tripple faulting the machine...',10,13 push byte 0 push byte 0 sidt [esp] mov word [esp], 0 lidt [esp] xor eax, eax mov dword [eax], 0 jmp df_tripple_fault ENDPROC TRPMGCHandlerTrap08 ;; ; Internal procedure used to dump registers. ; ; @param ebx Pointer to CPUMCTXCORE. ; @param edx Vector number ; @param ecx 'trap' if trap, 'int' if interrupt. ; @param eax Error code if trap. ; trpmDbgDumpRegisterFrame: sub esp, byte 8 ; working space for sidt/sgdt/etc ; Init _must_ be done on host before crashing! ; push edx ; push eax ; COM_INIT ; pop eax ; pop edx cmp ecx, 'trpH' je near tddrf_trpH cmp ecx, 'trpG' je near tddrf_trpG cmp ecx, 'intH' je near tddrf_intH cmp ecx, 'intG' je near tddrf_intG cmp ecx, 'resH' je near tddrf_resH COM_S_PRINT 10,13,'*** Bogus Dump Code ' jmp tddrf_regs %if 1 ; the verbose version tddrf_intG: COM_S_PRINT 10,13,'*** Interrupt (Guest) ' COM_S_DWORD_REG edx jmp tddrf_regs tddrf_intH: COM_S_PRINT 10,13,'*** Interrupt (Hypervisor) ' COM_S_DWORD_REG edx jmp tddrf_regs tddrf_trpG: COM_S_PRINT 10,13,'*** Trap ' jmp tddrf_trap_rest %else ; the short version tddrf_intG: COM_S_CHAR 'I' jmp tddrf_ret tddrf_intH: COM_S_CHAR 'i' jmp tddrf_ret tddrf_trpG: COM_S_CHAR 'T' jmp tddrf_ret %endif ; the short version tddrf_trpH: COM_S_PRINT 10,13,'*** Guru Meditation ' jmp tddrf_trap_rest tddrf_resH: COM_S_PRINT 10,13,'*** Resuming Hypervisor Trap ' jmp tddrf_trap_rest tddrf_trap_rest: COM_S_DWORD_REG edx COM_S_PRINT ' ErrorCode=' COM_S_DWORD_REG eax COM_S_PRINT ' cr2=' mov ecx, cr2 COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx tddrf_regs: COM_S_PRINT ' ***',10,13,'cs:eip=' movzx ecx, word [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.cs.Sel] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_CHAR ':' mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eip] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' ss:esp=' movzx ecx, word [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ss.Sel] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_CHAR ':' mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esp] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx sgdt [esp] COM_S_PRINT 10,13,' gdtr=' movzx ecx, word [esp] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_CHAR ':' mov ecx, [esp + 2] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx sidt [esp] COM_S_PRINT ' idtr=' movzx ecx, word [esp] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_CHAR ':' mov ecx, [esp + 2] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx str [esp] ; yasm BUG! it generates sldt [esp] here! YASMCHECK! COM_S_PRINT 10,13,' tr=' movzx ecx, word [esp] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx sldt [esp] COM_S_PRINT ' ldtr=' movzx ecx, word [esp] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' eflags=' mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT 10,13,'cr0=' mov ecx, cr0 COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' cr2=' mov ecx, cr2 COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' cr3=' mov ecx, cr3 COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' cr4=' mov ecx, cr4 COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT 10,13,' ds=' movzx ecx, word [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' es=' movzx ecx, word [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' fs=' movzx ecx, word [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' gs=' movzx ecx, word [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT 10,13,'eax=' mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.eax] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' ebx=' mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' ecx=' mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' edx=' mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edx] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT 10,13,'esi=' mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.esi] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' edi=' mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.edi] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_PRINT ' ebp=' mov ecx, [ebx + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp] COM_S_DWORD_REG ecx COM_S_NEWLINE tddrf_ret: add esp, byte 8 ret