; $Id: CPUMRCA.asm 55061 2015-04-01 00:45:09Z vboxsync $ ;; @file ; CPUM - Raw-mode Context Assembly Routines. ; ; ; Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Oracle Corporation ; ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as ; available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. ; ;******************************************************************************* ;* Header Files * ;******************************************************************************* %include "VMMRC.mac" %include "VBox/vmm/vm.mac" %include "VBox/err.mac" %include "VBox/vmm/stam.mac" %include "CPUMInternal.mac" %include "iprt/x86.mac" %include "VBox/vmm/cpum.mac" ;******************************************************************************* ;* External Symbols * ;******************************************************************************* extern IMPNAME(g_CPUM) ; VMM GC Builtin import extern IMPNAME(g_VM) ; VMM GC Builtin import extern NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP) ; CPUMGC.cpp extern NAME(CPUMRCAssertPreExecutionSanity) ; ; Enables write protection of Hypervisor memory pages. ; !note! Must be commented out for Trap8 debug handler. ; %define ENABLE_WRITE_PROTECTION 1 BEGINCODE ;; ; Handles lazy FPU saving and restoring. ; ; This handler will implement lazy fpu (sse/mmx/stuff) saving. ; Two actions may be taken in this handler since the Guest OS may ; be doing lazy fpu switching. So, we'll have to generate those ; traps which the Guest CPU CTX shall have according to the ; its CR0 flags. If no traps for the Guest OS, we'll save the host ; context and restore the guest context. ; ; @returns 0 if caller should continue execution. ; @returns VINF_EM_RAW_GUEST_TRAP if a guest trap should be generated. ; @param pCpumCpu [ebp+8] Pointer to the CPUMCPU. ; align 16 BEGINPROC cpumHandleLazyFPUAsm push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx push esi mov ebx, [ebp + 8] %define pCpumCpu ebx %define pXState esi ; ; Figure out what to do. ; ; There are two basic actions: ; 1. Save host fpu and restore guest fpu. ; 2. Generate guest trap. ; ; When entering the hypervisor we'll always enable MP (for proper wait ; trapping) and TS (for intercepting all fpu/mmx/sse stuff). The EM flag ; is taken from the guest OS in order to get proper SSE handling. ; ; ; Actions taken depending on the guest CR0 flags: ; ; 3 2 1 ; TS | EM | MP | FPUInstr | WAIT :: VMM Action ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; 0 | 0 | 0 | Exec | Exec :: Clear TS & MP, Save HC, Load GC. ; 0 | 0 | 1 | Exec | Exec :: Clear TS, Save HC, Load GC. ; 0 | 1 | 0 | #NM | Exec :: Clear TS & MP, Save HC, Load GC; ; 0 | 1 | 1 | #NM | Exec :: Clear TS, Save HC, Load GC. ; 1 | 0 | 0 | #NM | Exec :: Clear MP, Save HC, Load GC. (EM is already cleared.) ; 1 | 0 | 1 | #NM | #NM :: Go to host taking trap there. ; 1 | 1 | 0 | #NM | Exec :: Clear MP, Save HC, Load GC. (EM is already set.) ; 1 | 1 | 1 | #NM | #NM :: Go to host taking trap there. ; ; Before taking any of these actions we're checking if we have already ; loaded the GC FPU. Because if we have, this is an trap for the guest - raw ring-3. ; test dword [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.fUseFlags], CPUM_USED_FPU jz hlfpua_not_loaded jmp hlfpua_guest_trap ; ; Take action. ; align 16 hlfpua_not_loaded: mov eax, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Guest.cr0] and eax, X86_CR0_MP | X86_CR0_EM | X86_CR0_TS jmp dword [eax*2 + hlfpuajmp1] align 16 ;; jump table using fpu related cr0 flags as index. hlfpuajmp1: RTCCPTR_DEF hlfpua_switch_fpu_ctx RTCCPTR_DEF hlfpua_switch_fpu_ctx RTCCPTR_DEF hlfpua_switch_fpu_ctx RTCCPTR_DEF hlfpua_switch_fpu_ctx RTCCPTR_DEF hlfpua_switch_fpu_ctx RTCCPTR_DEF hlfpua_guest_trap RTCCPTR_DEF hlfpua_switch_fpu_ctx RTCCPTR_DEF hlfpua_guest_trap ;; and mask for cr0. hlfpu_afFlags: RTCCPTR_DEF ~(X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_MP) RTCCPTR_DEF ~(X86_CR0_TS) RTCCPTR_DEF ~(X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_MP) RTCCPTR_DEF ~(X86_CR0_TS) RTCCPTR_DEF ~(X86_CR0_MP) RTCCPTR_DEF 0 RTCCPTR_DEF ~(X86_CR0_MP) RTCCPTR_DEF 0 ; ; Action - switch FPU context and change cr0 flags. ; align 16 hlfpua_switch_fpu_ctx: mov ecx, cr0 mov edx, ecx and ecx, [eax*2 + hlfpu_afFlags] ; Calc the new cr0 flags. Do NOT use ECX until we restore it! and edx, ~(X86_CR0_TS | X86_CR0_EM) mov cr0, edx ; Clear flags so we don't trap here. mov pXState, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Host.pXStateRC] fxsave [pXState] mov pXState, [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.Guest.pXStateRC] fxrstor [pXState] hlfpua_finished_switch: or dword [pCpumCpu + CPUMCPU.fUseFlags], (CPUM_USED_FPU | CPUM_USED_FPU_SINCE_REM) ; Load new CR0 value. mov cr0, ecx ; load the new cr0 flags. ; return continue execution. pop esi pop ebx xor eax, eax leave ret ; ; Action - Generate Guest trap. ; hlfpua_action_4: hlfpua_guest_trap: pop esi pop ebx mov eax, VINF_EM_RAW_GUEST_TRAP leave ret ENDPROC cpumHandleLazyFPUAsm ;; ; Calls a guest trap/interrupt handler directly ; Assumes a trap stack frame has already been setup on the guest's stack! ; ; @param pRegFrame [esp + 4] Original trap/interrupt context ; @param selCS [esp + 8] Code selector of handler ; @param pHandler [esp + 12] GC virtual address of handler ; @param eflags [esp + 16] Callee's EFLAGS ; @param selSS [esp + 20] Stack selector for handler ; @param pEsp [esp + 24] Stack address for handler ; ; @remark This call never returns! ; ; VMMRCDECL(void) CPUMGCCallGuestTrapHandler(PCPUMCTXCORE pRegFrame, uint32_t selCS, RTGCPTR pHandler, uint32_t eflags, uint32_t selSS, RTGCPTR pEsp); align 16 BEGINPROC_EXPORTED CPUMGCCallGuestTrapHandler mov ebp, esp ; construct iret stack frame push dword [ebp + 20] ; SS push dword [ebp + 24] ; ESP push dword [ebp + 16] ; EFLAGS push dword [ebp + 8] ; CS push dword [ebp + 12] ; EIP ; ; enable WP ; %ifdef ENABLE_WRITE_PROTECTION mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax %endif ; restore CPU context (all except cs, eip, ss, esp & eflags; which are restored or overwritten by iret) mov ebp, [ebp + 4] ; pRegFrame mov ebx, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx] mov ecx, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx] mov edx, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.edx] mov esi, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.esi] mov edi, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.edi] ;; @todo load segment registers *before* enabling WP. TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_GS | CPUM_HANDLER_CTXCORE_IN_EBP mov gs, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_FS | CPUM_HANDLER_CTXCORE_IN_EBP mov fs, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_ES | CPUM_HANDLER_CTXCORE_IN_EBP mov es, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_DS | CPUM_HANDLER_CTXCORE_IN_EBP mov ds, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel] mov eax, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.eax] mov ebp, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_IRET iret ENDPROC CPUMGCCallGuestTrapHandler ;; ; Performs an iret to V86 code ; Assumes a trap stack frame has already been setup on the guest's stack! ; ; @param pRegFrame Original trap/interrupt context ; ; This function does not return! ; ;VMMRCDECL(void) CPUMGCCallV86Code(PCPUMCTXCORE pRegFrame); align 16 BEGINPROC CPUMGCCallV86Code mov ebp, [esp + 4] ; pRegFrame ; construct iret stack frame push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.gs.Sel] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.fs.Sel] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ds.Sel] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.es.Sel] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ss.Sel] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.esp] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.eflags] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.cs.Sel] push dword [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.eip] ; ; enable WP ; %ifdef ENABLE_WRITE_PROTECTION mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax %endif ; restore CPU context (all except cs, eip, ss, esp, eflags, ds, es, fs & gs; which are restored or overwritten by iret) mov eax, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.eax] mov ebx, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ebx] mov ecx, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ecx] mov edx, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.edx] mov esi, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.esi] mov edi, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.edi] mov ebp, [ebp + CPUMCTXCORE.ebp] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_IRET iret ENDPROC CPUMGCCallV86Code ;; ; This is a main entry point for resuming (or starting) guest ; code execution. ; ; We get here directly from VMMSwitcher.asm (jmp at the end ; of VMMSwitcher_HostToGuest). ; ; This call never returns! ; ; @param edx Pointer to CPUMCPU structure. ; align 16 BEGINPROC_EXPORTED CPUMGCResumeGuest %ifdef VBOX_STRICT ; Call CPUM to check sanity. push edx mov edx, IMP(g_VM) push edx call NAME(CPUMRCAssertPreExecutionSanity) add esp, 4 pop edx %endif ; ; Setup iretd ; push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.ss.Sel] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.esp] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.eflags] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.cs.Sel] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.eip] ; ; Restore registers. ; TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_ES mov es, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.es.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_FS mov fs, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.fs.Sel] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_GS mov gs, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.gs.Sel] %ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS ; ; Statistics. ; push edx mov edx, IMP(g_VM) lea edx, [edx + VM.StatTotalQemuToGC] STAM_PROFILE_ADV_STOP edx mov edx, IMP(g_VM) lea edx, [edx + VM.StatTotalInGC] STAM_PROFILE_ADV_START edx pop edx %endif ; ; enable WP ; %ifdef ENABLE_WRITE_PROTECTION mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax %endif ; ; Continue restore. ; mov esi, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.esi] mov edi, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.edi] mov ebp, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.ebp] mov ebx, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.ebx] mov ecx, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.ecx] mov eax, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.eax] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.ds.Sel] mov edx, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.edx] TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_DS pop ds ; restart execution. TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_IRET iretd ENDPROC CPUMGCResumeGuest ;; ; This is a main entry point for resuming (or starting) guest ; code execution for raw V86 mode ; ; We get here directly from VMMSwitcher.asm (jmp at the end ; of VMMSwitcher_HostToGuest). ; ; This call never returns! ; ; @param edx Pointer to CPUMCPU structure. ; align 16 BEGINPROC_EXPORTED CPUMGCResumeGuestV86 %ifdef VBOX_STRICT ; Call CPUM to check sanity. push edx mov edx, IMP(g_VM) push edx call NAME(CPUMRCAssertPreExecutionSanity) add esp, 4 pop edx %endif ; ; Setup iretd ; push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.gs.Sel] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.fs.Sel] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.ds.Sel] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.es.Sel] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.ss.Sel] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.esp] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.eflags] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.cs.Sel] push dword [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.eip] ; ; Restore registers. ; %ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS ; ; Statistics. ; push edx mov edx, IMP(g_VM) lea edx, [edx + VM.StatTotalQemuToGC] STAM_PROFILE_ADV_STOP edx mov edx, IMP(g_VM) lea edx, [edx + VM.StatTotalInGC] STAM_PROFILE_ADV_START edx pop edx %endif ; ; enable WP ; %ifdef ENABLE_WRITE_PROTECTION mov eax, cr0 or eax, X86_CR0_WRITE_PROTECT mov cr0, eax %endif ; ; Continue restore. ; mov esi, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.esi] mov edi, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.edi] mov ebp, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.ebp] mov ecx, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.ecx] mov ebx, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.ebx] mov eax, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.eax] mov edx, [edx + CPUMCPU.Guest.edx] ; restart execution. TRPM_NP_GP_HANDLER NAME(cpumRCHandleNPAndGP), CPUM_HANDLER_IRET iretd ENDPROC CPUMGCResumeGuestV86