/* $Id: IOMR3IoPort.cpp 81564 2019-10-29 10:38:26Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * IOM - Input / Output Monitor, I/O port related APIs. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_IOM_IOPORT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "IOMInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "IOMInline.h" #ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS /** * Register statistics for an I/O port entry. */ void iomR3IoPortRegStats(PVM pVM, PIOMIOPORTENTRYR3 pRegEntry) { PIOMIOPORTSTATSENTRY pStats = &pVM->iom.s.paIoPortStats[pRegEntry->idxStats]; PCIOMIOPORTDESC pExtDesc = pRegEntry->paExtDescs; unsigned uPort = pRegEntry->uPort; unsigned const uFirstPort = uPort; unsigned const uEndPort = uPort + pRegEntry->cPorts; /* Register a dummy statistics for the prefix. */ char szName[80]; size_t cchPrefix; if (uFirstPort < uEndPort - 1) cchPrefix = RTStrPrintf(szName, sizeof(szName), "/IOM/NewPorts/%04x-%04x", uFirstPort, uEndPort - 1); else cchPrefix = RTStrPrintf(szName, sizeof(szName), "/IOM/NewPorts/%04x", uPort); const char *pszDesc = pRegEntry->pszDesc; char *pszFreeDesc = NULL; if (pRegEntry->pDevIns && pRegEntry->pDevIns->iInstance > 0 && pszDesc) pszDesc = pszFreeDesc = RTStrAPrintf2("%u / %s", pRegEntry->pDevIns->iInstance, pszDesc); int rc = STAMR3Register(pVM, &pRegEntry->idxSelf, STAMTYPE_U16, STAMVISIBILITY_ALWAYS, szName, STAMUNIT_NONE, pRegEntry->pszDesc); AssertRC(rc); RTStrFree(pszFreeDesc); /* Register stats for each port under it */ do { size_t cchBaseNm; if (uFirstPort < uEndPort - 1) cchBaseNm = cchPrefix + RTStrPrintf(&szName[cchPrefix], sizeof(szName) - cchPrefix, "/%04x-", uPort); else { szName[cchPrefix] = '/'; cchBaseNm = cchPrefix + 1; } # define SET_NM_SUFFIX(a_sz) memcpy(&szName[cchBaseNm], a_sz, sizeof(a_sz)); const char * const pszInDesc = pExtDesc ? pExtDesc->pszIn : NULL; const char * const pszOutDesc = pExtDesc ? pExtDesc->pszOut : NULL; /* register the statistics counters. */ SET_NM_SUFFIX("In-R3"); rc = STAMR3Register(pVM, &pStats->InR3, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, szName, STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, pszInDesc); AssertRC(rc); SET_NM_SUFFIX("Out-R3"); rc = STAMR3Register(pVM, &pStats->OutR3, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, szName, STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, pszOutDesc); AssertRC(rc); SET_NM_SUFFIX("In-RZ"); rc = STAMR3Register(pVM, &pStats->InRZ, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, szName, STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, pszInDesc); AssertRC(rc); SET_NM_SUFFIX("Out-RZ"); rc = STAMR3Register(pVM, &pStats->OutRZ, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, szName, STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, pszOutDesc); AssertRC(rc); SET_NM_SUFFIX("In-RZtoR3"); rc = STAMR3Register(pVM, &pStats->InRZToR3, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, szName, STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, NULL); AssertRC(rc); SET_NM_SUFFIX("Out-RZtoR3"); rc = STAMR3Register(pVM, &pStats->OutRZToR3, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, szName, STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, NULL); AssertRC(rc); /* Profiling */ SET_NM_SUFFIX("In-R3-Prof"); rc = STAMR3Register(pVM, &pStats->ProfInR3, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, szName, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, pszInDesc); AssertRC(rc); SET_NM_SUFFIX("Out-R3-Prof"); rc = STAMR3Register(pVM, &pStats->ProfOutR3, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, szName, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, pszOutDesc); AssertRC(rc); SET_NM_SUFFIX("In-RZ-Prof"); rc = STAMR3Register(pVM, &pStats->ProfInRZ, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, szName, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, pszInDesc); AssertRC(rc); SET_NM_SUFFIX("Out-RZ-Prof"); rc = STAMR3Register(pVM, &pStats->ProfOutRZ, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, szName, STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, pszOutDesc); AssertRC(rc); pStats++; uPort++; if (pExtDesc) pExtDesc = pszInDesc || pszOutDesc ? pExtDesc + 1 : NULL; } while (uPort < uEndPort); } /** * Deregister statistics for an I/O port entry. */ static void iomR3IoPortDeregStats(PVM pVM, PIOMIOPORTENTRYR3 pRegEntry, unsigned uPort) { char szPrefix[80]; size_t cchPrefix; if (pRegEntry->cPorts > 1) cchPrefix = RTStrPrintf(szPrefix, sizeof(szPrefix), "/IOM/NewPorts/%04x-%04x", uPort, uPort + pRegEntry->cPorts - 1); else cchPrefix = RTStrPrintf(szPrefix, sizeof(szPrefix), "/IOM/NewPorts/%04x", uPort); STAMR3DeregisterByPrefix(pVM->pUVM, szPrefix); } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS */ /** * @callback_method_impl{FNIOMIOPORTNEWIN, * Dummy Port I/O Handler for IN operations.} */ static DECLCALLBACK(VBOXSTRICTRC) iomR3IOPortDummyNewIn(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTIOPORT Port, uint32_t *pu32, unsigned cb) { NOREF(pDevIns); NOREF(pvUser); NOREF(Port); switch (cb) { case 1: *pu32 = 0xff; break; case 2: *pu32 = 0xffff; break; case 4: *pu32 = UINT32_C(0xffffffff); break; default: AssertReleaseMsgFailed(("cb=%d\n", cb)); return VERR_IOM_IOPORT_IPE_2; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @callback_method_impl{FNIOMIOPORTNEWINSTRING, * Dummy Port I/O Handler for string IN operations.} */ static DECLCALLBACK(VBOXSTRICTRC) iomR3IOPortDummyNewInStr(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTIOPORT Port, uint8_t *pbDst, uint32_t *pcTransfer, unsigned cb) { NOREF(pDevIns); NOREF(pvUser); NOREF(Port); NOREF(pbDst); NOREF(pcTransfer); NOREF(cb); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @callback_method_impl{FNIOMIOPORTNEWOUT, * Dummy Port I/O Handler for OUT operations.} */ static DECLCALLBACK(VBOXSTRICTRC) iomR3IOPortDummyNewOut(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTIOPORT Port, uint32_t u32, unsigned cb) { NOREF(pDevIns); NOREF(pvUser); NOREF(Port); NOREF(u32); NOREF(cb); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @callback_method_impl{FNIOMIOPORTNEWOUTSTRING, * Dummy Port I/O Handler for string OUT operations.} */ static DECLCALLBACK(VBOXSTRICTRC) iomR3IOPortDummyNewOutStr(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTIOPORT Port, uint8_t const *pbSrc, uint32_t *pcTransfer, unsigned cb) { NOREF(pDevIns); NOREF(pvUser); NOREF(Port); NOREF(pbSrc); NOREF(pcTransfer); NOREF(cb); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Worker for PDMDEVHLPR3::pfnIoPortCreateEx. */ VMMR3_INT_DECL(int) IOMR3IoPortCreate(PVM pVM, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, RTIOPORT cPorts, uint32_t fFlags, PPDMPCIDEV pPciDev, uint32_t iPciRegion, PFNIOMIOPORTNEWOUT pfnOut, PFNIOMIOPORTNEWIN pfnIn, PFNIOMIOPORTNEWOUTSTRING pfnOutStr, PFNIOMIOPORTNEWINSTRING pfnInStr, RTR3PTR pvUser, const char *pszDesc, PCIOMIOPORTDESC paExtDescs, PIOMIOPORTHANDLE phIoPorts) { /* * Validate input. */ AssertPtrReturn(phIoPorts, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); *phIoPorts = UINT32_MAX; VM_ASSERT_EMT0_RETURN(pVM, VERR_VM_THREAD_NOT_EMT); VM_ASSERT_STATE_RETURN(pVM, VMSTATE_CREATING, VERR_VM_INVALID_VM_STATE); AssertPtrReturn(pDevIns, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertMsgReturn(cPorts > 0 && cPorts <= _8K, ("cPorts=%#x\n", cPorts), VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE); AssertReturn(!(fFlags & ~IOM_IOPORT_F_VALID_MASK), VERR_INVALID_FLAGS); AssertReturn(pfnOut || pfnIn || pfnOutStr || pfnInStr, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrNullReturn(pfnOut, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrNullReturn(pfnIn, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrNullReturn(pfnOutStr, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrNullReturn(pfnInStr, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszDesc, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(*pszDesc != '\0', VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(strlen(pszDesc) < 128, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); if (paExtDescs) { AssertPtrReturn(paExtDescs, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); for (size_t i = 0;; i++) { const char *pszIn = paExtDescs[i].pszIn; const char *pszOut = paExtDescs[i].pszIn; if (!pszIn && !pszOut) break; AssertReturn(i < _8K, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE); AssertReturn(!pszIn || strlen(pszIn) < 128, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(!pszOut || strlen(pszOut) < 128, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); } } /* * Ensure that we've got table space for it. */ #ifndef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS uint16_t const idxStats = UINT16_MAX; #else uint32_t const idxStats = pVM->iom.s.cIoPortStats; uint32_t const cNewIoPortStats = idxStats + cPorts; AssertReturn(cNewIoPortStats <= _64K, VERR_IOM_TOO_MANY_IOPORT_REGISTRATIONS); if (cNewIoPortStats > pVM->iom.s.cIoPortStatsAllocation) { int rc = VMMR3CallR0Emt(pVM, pVM->apCpusR3[0], VMMR0_DO_IOM_GROW_IO_PORT_STATS, cNewIoPortStats, NULL); AssertLogRelRCReturn(rc, rc); AssertReturn(idxStats == pVM->iom.s.cIoPortStats, VERR_IOM_IOPORT_IPE_1); AssertReturn(cNewIoPortStats <= pVM->iom.s.cIoPortStatsAllocation, VERR_IOM_IOPORT_IPE_2); } #endif uint32_t idx = pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs; if (idx >= pVM->iom.s.cIoPortAlloc) { int rc = VMMR3CallR0Emt(pVM, pVM->apCpusR3[0], VMMR0_DO_IOM_GROW_IO_PORTS, pVM->iom.s.cIoPortAlloc + 1, NULL); AssertLogRelRCReturn(rc, rc); AssertReturn(idx == pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs, VERR_IOM_IOPORT_IPE_1); AssertReturn(idx < pVM->iom.s.cIoPortAlloc, VERR_IOM_IOPORT_IPE_2); } /* * Enter it. */ pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].pvUser = pvUser; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].pDevIns = pDevIns; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].pfnOutCallback = pfnOut ? pfnOut : iomR3IOPortDummyNewOut; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].pfnInCallback = pfnIn ? pfnIn : iomR3IOPortDummyNewIn; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].pfnOutStrCallback = pfnOutStr ? pfnOutStr : iomR3IOPortDummyNewOutStr; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].pfnInStrCallback = pfnInStr ? pfnInStr : iomR3IOPortDummyNewInStr; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].pszDesc = pszDesc; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].paExtDescs = paExtDescs; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].pPciDev = pPciDev; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].iPciRegion = iPciRegion; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].cPorts = cPorts; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].uPort = UINT16_MAX; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].idxStats = (uint16_t)idxStats; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].fMapped = false; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].fFlags = (uint8_t)fFlags; pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[idx].idxSelf = idx; pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs = idx + 1; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS pVM->iom.s.cIoPortStats = cNewIoPortStats; #endif *phIoPorts = idx; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Worker for PDMDEVHLPR3::pfnIoPortMap. */ VMMR3_INT_DECL(int) IOMR3IoPortMap(PVM pVM, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, IOMIOPORTHANDLE hIoPorts, RTIOPORT uPort) { /* * Validate input and state. */ AssertPtrReturn(pDevIns, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(hIoPorts < pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs, VERR_IOM_INVALID_IOPORT_HANDLE); PIOMIOPORTENTRYR3 const pRegEntry = &pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[hIoPorts]; AssertReturn(pRegEntry->pDevIns == pDevIns, VERR_IOM_INVALID_IOPORT_HANDLE); RTIOPORT const cPorts = pRegEntry->cPorts; AssertMsgReturn(cPorts > 0 && cPorts <= _8K, ("cPorts=%s\n", cPorts), VERR_IOM_IOPORT_IPE_1); AssertReturn((uint32_t)uPort + cPorts <= _64K, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE); RTIOPORT const uLastPort = uPort + cPorts - 1; /* * Do the mapping. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; IOM_LOCK_EXCL(pVM); if (!pRegEntry->fMapped) { uint32_t const cEntries = RT_MIN(pVM->iom.s.cIoPortLookupEntries, pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs); Assert(pVM->iom.s.cIoPortLookupEntries == cEntries); PIOMIOPORTLOOKUPENTRY paEntries = pVM->iom.s.paIoPortLookup; PIOMIOPORTLOOKUPENTRY pEntry; if (cEntries > 0) { uint32_t iFirst = 0; uint32_t iEnd = cEntries; uint32_t i = cEntries / 2; for (;;) { pEntry = &paEntries[i]; if (pEntry->uLastPort < uPort) { i += 1; if (i < iEnd) iFirst = i; else { /* Insert after the entry we just considered: */ pEntry += 1; if (i < cEntries) memmove(pEntry + 1, pEntry, sizeof(*pEntry) * (cEntries - i)); break; } } else if (pEntry->uFirstPort > uLastPort) { if (i > iFirst) iEnd = i; else { /* Insert at the entry we just considered: */ if (i < cEntries) memmove(pEntry + 1, pEntry, sizeof(*pEntry) * (cEntries - i)); break; } } else { /* Oops! We've got a conflict. */ AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("%x..%x (%s) conflicts with existing mapping %x..%x (%s)\n", uPort, uLastPort, pRegEntry->pszDesc, pEntry->uFirstPort, pEntry->uLastPort, pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[pEntry->idx].pszDesc)); IOM_UNLOCK_EXCL(pVM); return VERR_IOM_IOPORT_RANGE_CONFLICT; } i = iFirst + (iEnd - iFirst) / 2; } } else pEntry = paEntries; /* * Fill in the entry and bump the table size. */ pEntry->idx = hIoPorts; pEntry->uFirstPort = uPort; pEntry->uLastPort = uLastPort; pVM->iom.s.cIoPortLookupEntries = cEntries + 1; pRegEntry->uPort = uPort; pRegEntry->fMapped = true; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS /* Don't register stats here when we're creating the VM as the statistics table may still be reallocated. */ if (pVM->enmVMState >= VMSTATE_CREATED) iomR3IoPortRegStats(pVM, pRegEntry); #endif #ifdef VBOX_STRICT /* * Assert table sanity. */ AssertMsg(paEntries[0].uLastPort >= paEntries[0].uFirstPort, ("%#x %#x\n", paEntries[0].uLastPort, paEntries[0].uFirstPort)); AssertMsg(paEntries[0].idx < pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs, ("%#x %#x\n", paEntries[0].idx, pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs)); RTIOPORT uPortPrev = paEntries[0].uLastPort; for (size_t i = 1; i <= cEntries; i++) { AssertMsg(paEntries[i].uLastPort >= paEntries[i].uFirstPort, ("%u: %#x %#x\n", i, paEntries[i].uLastPort, paEntries[i].uFirstPort)); AssertMsg(paEntries[i].idx < pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs, ("%u: %#x %#x\n", i, paEntries[i].idx, pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs)); AssertMsg(uPortPrev < paEntries[i].uFirstPort, ("%u: %#x %#x\n", i, uPortPrev, paEntries[i].uFirstPort)); uPortPrev = paEntries[i].uLastPort; } #endif } else { AssertFailed(); rc = VERR_IOM_IOPORTS_ALREADY_MAPPED; } IOM_UNLOCK_EXCL(pVM); return rc; } /** * Worker for PDMDEVHLPR3::pfnIoPortUnmap. */ VMMR3_INT_DECL(int) IOMR3IoPortUnmap(PVM pVM, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, IOMIOPORTHANDLE hIoPorts) { /* * Validate input and state. */ AssertPtrReturn(pDevIns, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(hIoPorts < pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs, VERR_IOM_INVALID_IOPORT_HANDLE); PIOMIOPORTENTRYR3 const pRegEntry = &pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[hIoPorts]; AssertReturn(pRegEntry->pDevIns == pDevIns, VERR_IOM_INVALID_IOPORT_HANDLE); /* * Do the mapping. */ int rc; IOM_LOCK_EXCL(pVM); if (pRegEntry->fMapped) { RTIOPORT const uPort = pRegEntry->uPort; RTIOPORT const uLastPort = uPort + pRegEntry->cPorts - 1; uint32_t const cEntries = RT_MIN(pVM->iom.s.cIoPortLookupEntries, pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs); Assert(pVM->iom.s.cIoPortLookupEntries == cEntries); Assert(cEntries > 0); PIOMIOPORTLOOKUPENTRY paEntries = pVM->iom.s.paIoPortLookup; uint32_t iFirst = 0; uint32_t iEnd = cEntries; uint32_t i = cEntries / 2; for (;;) { PIOMIOPORTLOOKUPENTRY pEntry = &paEntries[i]; if (pEntry->uLastPort < uPort) { i += 1; if (i < iEnd) iFirst = i; else { rc = VERR_IOM_IOPORT_IPE_1; AssertLogRelMsgFailedBreak(("%x..%x (%s) not found!\n", uPort, uLastPort, pRegEntry->pszDesc)); } } else if (pEntry->uFirstPort > uLastPort) { if (i > iFirst) iEnd = i; else { rc = VERR_IOM_IOPORT_IPE_1; AssertLogRelMsgFailedBreak(("%x..%x (%s) not found!\n", uPort, uLastPort, pRegEntry->pszDesc)); } } else if (pEntry->idx == hIoPorts) { Assert(pEntry->uFirstPort == uPort); Assert(pEntry->uLastPort == uLastPort); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS iomR3IoPortDeregStats(pVM, pRegEntry, uPort); #endif if (i + 1 < cEntries) memmove(pEntry, pEntry + 1, sizeof(*pEntry) * (cEntries - i - 1)); pVM->iom.s.cIoPortLookupEntries = cEntries - 1; pRegEntry->uPort = UINT16_MAX; pRegEntry->fMapped = false; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } else { AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("Lookig for %x..%x (%s), found %x..%x (%s) instead!\n", uPort, uLastPort, pRegEntry->pszDesc, pEntry->uFirstPort, pEntry->uLastPort, pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[pEntry->idx].pszDesc)); rc = VERR_IOM_IOPORT_IPE_1; break; } i = iFirst + (iEnd - iFirst) / 2; } #ifdef VBOX_STRICT /* * Assert table sanity. */ AssertMsg(paEntries[0].uLastPort >= paEntries[0].uFirstPort, ("%#x %#x\n", paEntries[0].uLastPort, paEntries[0].uFirstPort)); AssertMsg(paEntries[0].idx < pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs, ("%#x %#x\n", paEntries[0].idx, pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs)); RTIOPORT uPortPrev = paEntries[0].uLastPort; for (i = 1; i < cEntries - 1; i++) { AssertMsg(paEntries[i].uLastPort >= paEntries[i].uFirstPort, ("%u: %#x %#x\n", i, paEntries[i].uLastPort, paEntries[i].uFirstPort)); AssertMsg(paEntries[i].idx < pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs, ("%u: %#x %#x\n", i, paEntries[i].idx, pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs)); AssertMsg(uPortPrev < paEntries[i].uFirstPort, ("%u: %#x %#x\n", i, uPortPrev, paEntries[i].uFirstPort)); uPortPrev = paEntries[i].uLastPort; } #endif } else { AssertFailed(); rc = VERR_IOM_IOPORTS_NOT_MAPPED; } IOM_UNLOCK_EXCL(pVM); return rc; } /** * Validates @a hIoPorts, making sure it belongs to @a pDevIns. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param pDevIns The device which allegedly owns @a hIoPorts. * @param hIoPorts The handle to validate. */ VMMR3_INT_DECL(int) IOMR3IoPortValidateHandle(PVM pVM, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, IOMIOPORTHANDLE hIoPorts) { AssertPtrReturn(pDevIns, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(hIoPorts < RT_MIN(pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs, pVM->iom.s.cIoPortAlloc), VERR_IOM_INVALID_IOPORT_HANDLE); PIOMIOPORTENTRYR3 const pRegEntry = &pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[hIoPorts]; AssertReturn(pRegEntry->pDevIns == pDevIns, VERR_IOM_INVALID_IOPORT_HANDLE); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Gets the mapping address of I/O ports @a hIoPorts. * * @returns Mapping address if mapped, UINT32_MAX if not mapped or invalid * input. * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param pDevIns The device which allegedly owns @a hRegion. * @param hIoPorts The handle to I/O port region. */ VMMR3_INT_DECL(uint32_t) IOMR3IoPortGetMappingAddress(PVM pVM, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, IOMIOPORTHANDLE hIoPorts) { AssertPtrReturn(pDevIns, UINT32_MAX); AssertReturn(hIoPorts < RT_MIN(pVM->iom.s.cMmioRegs, pVM->iom.s.cMmioAlloc), UINT32_MAX); IOMIOPORTENTRYR3 volatile * const pRegEntry = &pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs[hIoPorts]; AssertReturn(pRegEntry->pDevIns == pDevIns, UINT32_MAX); for (uint32_t iTry = 0; ; iTry++) { bool fMapped = pRegEntry->fMapped; RTIOPORT uPort = pRegEntry->uPort; if ( ( ASMAtomicReadBool(&pRegEntry->fMapped) == fMapped && uPort == pRegEntry->uPort) || iTry > 1024) return fMapped ? uPort : UINT32_MAX; ASMNopPause(); } } /** * Display a single I/O port ring-3 range. * * @returns 0 * @param pNode Pointer to I/O port HC range. * @param pvUser Pointer to info output callback structure. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) iomR3IOPortInfoOneR3(PAVLROIOPORTNODECORE pNode, void *pvUser) { PIOMIOPORTRANGER3 pRange = (PIOMIOPORTRANGER3)pNode; PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp = (PCDBGFINFOHLP)pvUser; pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "%04x-%04x %p %p %p %p %s\n", pRange->Core.Key, pRange->Core.KeyLast, pRange->pDevIns, pRange->pfnInCallback, pRange->pfnOutCallback, pRange->pvUser, pRange->pszDesc); return 0; } /** * Display all registered I/O port ranges. * * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. * @param pHlp The info helpers. * @param pszArgs Arguments, ignored. */ DECLCALLBACK(void) iomR3IoPortInfo(PVM pVM, PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, const char *pszArgs) { /* No locking needed here as registerations are only happening during VMSTATE_CREATING. */ pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "I/O port registrations: %u (%u allocated)\n" " ## Ctx Ports Mapping PCI Description\n", pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs, pVM->iom.s.cIoPortAlloc); PIOMIOPORTENTRYR3 paRegs = pVM->iom.s.paIoPortRegs; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pVM->iom.s.cIoPortRegs; i++) { const char * const pszRing = paRegs[i].fRing0 ? paRegs[i].fRawMode ? "+0+C" : "+0 " : paRegs[i].fRawMode ? "+C " : " "; if (paRegs[i].fMapped && paRegs[i].pPciDev) pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "%3u R3%s %04x %04x-%04x pci%u/%u %s\n", paRegs[i].idxSelf, pszRing, paRegs[i].cPorts, paRegs[i].uPort, paRegs[i].uPort + paRegs[i].cPorts - 1, paRegs[i].pPciDev->idxSubDev, paRegs[i].iPciRegion, paRegs[i].pszDesc); else if (paRegs[i].fMapped && !paRegs[i].pPciDev) pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "%3u R3%s %04x %04x-%04x %s\n", paRegs[i].idxSelf, pszRing, paRegs[i].cPorts, paRegs[i].uPort, paRegs[i].uPort + paRegs[i].cPorts - 1, paRegs[i].pszDesc); else if (paRegs[i].pPciDev) pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "%3u R3%s %04x unmapped pci%u/%u %s\n", paRegs[i].idxSelf, pszRing, paRegs[i].cPorts, paRegs[i].pPciDev->idxSubDev, paRegs[i].iPciRegion, paRegs[i].pszDesc); else pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "%3u R3%s %04x unmapped %s\n", paRegs[i].idxSelf, pszRing, paRegs[i].cPorts, paRegs[i].pszDesc); } /* Legacy registration: */ NOREF(pszArgs); pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "I/O Port R3 ranges (pVM=%p)\n" "Range %.*s %.*s %.*s %.*s Description\n", pVM, sizeof(RTHCPTR) * 2, "pDevIns ", sizeof(RTHCPTR) * 2, "In ", sizeof(RTHCPTR) * 2, "Out ", sizeof(RTHCPTR) * 2, "pvUser "); IOM_LOCK_SHARED(pVM); RTAvlroIOPortDoWithAll(&pVM->iom.s.pTreesR3->IOPortTreeR3, true, iomR3IOPortInfoOneR3, (void *)pHlp); IOM_UNLOCK_SHARED(pVM); pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "I/O Port R0 ranges (pVM=%p)\n" "Range %.*s %.*s %.*s %.*s Description\n", pVM, sizeof(RTHCPTR) * 2, "pDevIns ", sizeof(RTHCPTR) * 2, "In ", sizeof(RTHCPTR) * 2, "Out ", sizeof(RTHCPTR) * 2, "pvUser "); IOM_LOCK_SHARED(pVM); RTAvlroIOPortDoWithAll(&pVM->iom.s.pTreesR3->IOPortTreeR0, true, iomR3IOPortInfoOneR3, (void *)pHlp); IOM_UNLOCK_SHARED(pVM); }