/* $Id: FTM.cpp 46326 2013-05-30 12:16:53Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * FTM - Fault Tolerance Manager */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_FTM #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "FTMInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "internal/pgm.h" /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** * TCP stream header. * * This is an extra layer for fixing the problem with figuring out when the SSM * stream ends. */ typedef struct FTMTCPHDR { /** Magic value. */ uint32_t u32Magic; /** The size of the data block following this header. * 0 indicates the end of the stream, while UINT32_MAX indicates * cancelation. */ uint32_t cb; } FTMTCPHDR; /** Magic value for FTMTCPHDR::u32Magic. (Egberto Gismonti Amin) */ #define FTMTCPHDR_MAGIC UINT32_C(0x19471205) /** The max block size. */ #define FTMTCPHDR_MAX_SIZE UINT32_C(0x00fffff8) /** * TCP stream header. * * This is an extra layer for fixing the problem with figuring out when the SSM * stream ends. */ typedef struct FTMTCPHDRMEM { /** Magic value. */ uint32_t u32Magic; /** Size (Uncompressed) of the pages following the header. */ uint32_t cbPageRange; /** GC Physical address of the page(s) to sync. */ RTGCPHYS GCPhys; /** The size of the data block following this header. * 0 indicates the end of the stream, while UINT32_MAX indicates * cancelation. */ uint32_t cb; } FTMTCPHDRMEM; /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ static const char g_szWelcome[] = "VirtualBox-Fault-Tolerance-Sync-1.0\n"; static DECLCALLBACK(int) ftmR3PageTreeDestroyCallback(PAVLGCPHYSNODECORE pBaseNode, void *pvUser); /** * Initializes the FTM. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. */ VMMR3_INT_DECL(int) FTMR3Init(PVM pVM) { /* * Assert alignment and sizes. */ AssertCompile(sizeof(pVM->ftm.s) <= sizeof(pVM->ftm.padding)); AssertCompileMemberAlignment(FTM, CritSect, sizeof(uintptr_t)); /** @todo saved state for master nodes! */ pVM->ftm.s.pszAddress = NULL; pVM->ftm.s.pszPassword = NULL; pVM->fFaultTolerantMaster = false; pVM->ftm.s.fIsStandbyNode = false; pVM->ftm.s.standby.hServer = NIL_RTTCPSERVER; pVM->ftm.s.hShutdownEvent = NIL_RTSEMEVENT; pVM->ftm.s.hSocket = NIL_RTSOCKET; /* * Initialize the PGM critical section. */ int rc = PDMR3CritSectInit(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.CritSect, RT_SRC_POS, "FTM"); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); /* * Register statistics. */ STAM_REL_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatReceivedMem, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Received/Mem", STAMUNIT_BYTES, "The amount of memory pages that was received."); STAM_REL_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatReceivedState, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Received/State", STAMUNIT_BYTES, "The amount of state information that was received."); STAM_REL_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatSentMem, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Sent/Mem", STAMUNIT_BYTES, "The amount of memory pages that was sent."); STAM_REL_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatSentState, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Sent/State", STAMUNIT_BYTES, "The amount of state information that was sent."); STAM_REL_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatDeltaVM, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Sync/DeltaVM", STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Number of delta vm syncs."); STAM_REL_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatFullSync, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Sync/Full", STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Number of full vm syncs."); STAM_REL_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatDeltaMem, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Sync/DeltaMem", STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Number of delta mem syncs."); STAM_REL_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpointStorage, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Checkpoint/Storage", STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Number of storage checkpoints."); STAM_REL_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpointNetwork, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Checkpoint/Network", STAMUNIT_OCCURENCES, "Number of network checkpoints."); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpoint, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, "/FT/Checkpoint", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling of FTMR3SetCheckpoint."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpointPause, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, "/FT/Checkpoint/Pause", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling of FTMR3SetCheckpoint."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpointResume, STAMTYPE_PROFILE, "/FT/Checkpoint/Resume", STAMUNIT_TICKS_PER_CALL, "Profiling of FTMR3SetCheckpoint."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatSentMemRAM, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Sent/Mem/RAM", STAMUNIT_BYTES, "The amount of memory pages that was sent."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatSentMemMMIO2, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Sent/Mem/MMIO2", STAMUNIT_BYTES, "The amount of memory pages that was sent."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatSentMemShwROM, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Sent/Mem/ShwROM", STAMUNIT_BYTES, "The amount of memory pages that was sent."); STAM_REG(pVM, &pVM->ftm.s.StatSentStateWrite, STAMTYPE_COUNTER, "/FT/Sent/State/Writes", STAMUNIT_BYTES, "The nr of write calls."); #endif return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Terminates the FTM. * * Termination means cleaning up and freeing all resources, * the VM itself is at this point powered off or suspended. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. */ VMMR3_INT_DECL(int) FTMR3Term(PVM pVM) { if (pVM->ftm.s.hShutdownEvent != NIL_RTSEMEVENT) { RTSemEventDestroy(pVM->ftm.s.hShutdownEvent); pVM->ftm.s.hShutdownEvent = NIL_RTSEMEVENT; } if (pVM->ftm.s.hSocket != NIL_RTSOCKET) { RTTcpClientClose(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket); pVM->ftm.s.hSocket = NIL_RTSOCKET; } if (pVM->ftm.s.standby.hServer) { RTTcpServerDestroy(pVM->ftm.s.standby.hServer); pVM->ftm.s.standby.hServer = NULL; } if (pVM->ftm.s.pszAddress) RTMemFree(pVM->ftm.s.pszAddress); if (pVM->ftm.s.pszPassword) RTMemFree(pVM->ftm.s.pszPassword); /* Remove all pending memory updates. */ if (pVM->ftm.s.standby.pPhysPageTree) { RTAvlGCPhysDestroy(&pVM->ftm.s.standby.pPhysPageTree, ftmR3PageTreeDestroyCallback, NULL); pVM->ftm.s.standby.pPhysPageTree = NULL; } pVM->ftm.s.pszAddress = NULL; pVM->ftm.s.pszPassword = NULL; PDMR3CritSectDelete(&pVM->ftm.s.CritSect); return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int ftmR3TcpWriteACK(PVM pVM) { int rc = RTTcpWrite(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, RT_STR_TUPLE("ACK\n")); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("FTSync: RTTcpWrite(,ACK,) -> %Rrc\n", rc)); } return rc; } static int ftmR3TcpWriteNACK(PVM pVM, int32_t rc2, const char *pszMsgText = NULL) { char szMsg[256]; size_t cch; if (pszMsgText && *pszMsgText) { cch = RTStrPrintf(szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), "NACK=%d;%s\n", rc2, pszMsgText); for (size_t off = 6; off + 1 < cch; off++) if (szMsg[off] == '\n') szMsg[off] = '\r'; } else cch = RTStrPrintf(szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), "NACK=%d\n", rc2); int rc = RTTcpWrite(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, szMsg, cch); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("FTSync: RTTcpWrite(,%s,%zu) -> %Rrc\n", szMsg, cch, rc)); return rc; } /** * Reads a string from the socket. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pState The teleporter state structure. * @param pszBuf The output buffer. * @param cchBuf The size of the output buffer. * */ static int ftmR3TcpReadLine(PVM pVM, char *pszBuf, size_t cchBuf) { char *pszStart = pszBuf; RTSOCKET Sock = pVM->ftm.s.hSocket; AssertReturn(cchBuf > 1, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); *pszBuf = '\0'; /* dead simple approach. */ for (;;) { char ch; int rc = RTTcpRead(Sock, &ch, sizeof(ch), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("FTSync: RTTcpRead -> %Rrc while reading string ('%s')\n", rc, pszStart)); return rc; } if ( ch == '\n' || ch == '\0') return VINF_SUCCESS; if (cchBuf <= 1) { LogRel(("FTSync: String buffer overflow: '%s'\n", pszStart)); return VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } *pszBuf++ = ch; *pszBuf = '\0'; cchBuf--; } } /** * Reads an ACK or NACK. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. * @param pszWhich Which ACK is this this? * @param pszNAckMsg Optional NACK message. */ static int ftmR3TcpReadACK(PVM pVM, const char *pszWhich, const char *pszNAckMsg = NULL) { char szMsg[256]; int rc = ftmR3TcpReadLine(pVM, szMsg, sizeof(szMsg)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (!strcmp(szMsg, "ACK")) return VINF_SUCCESS; if (!strncmp(szMsg, RT_STR_TUPLE("NACK="))) { char *pszMsgText = strchr(szMsg, ';'); if (pszMsgText) *pszMsgText++ = '\0'; int32_t vrc2; rc = RTStrToInt32Full(&szMsg[sizeof("NACK=") - 1], 10, &vrc2); if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS) { /* * Well formed NACK, transform it into an error. */ if (pszNAckMsg) { LogRel(("FTSync: %s: NACK=%Rrc (%d)\n", pszWhich, vrc2, vrc2)); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (pszMsgText) { pszMsgText = RTStrStrip(pszMsgText); for (size_t off = 0; pszMsgText[off]; off++) if (pszMsgText[off] == '\r') pszMsgText[off] = '\n'; LogRel(("FTSync: %s: NACK=%Rrc (%d) - '%s'\n", pszWhich, vrc2, vrc2, pszMsgText)); } return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_2; } if (pszMsgText) pszMsgText[-1] = ';'; } return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_3; } /** * Submitts a command to the destination and waits for the ACK. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. * @param pszCommand The command. * @param fWaitForAck Whether to wait for the ACK. */ static int ftmR3TcpSubmitCommand(PVM pVM, const char *pszCommand, bool fWaitForAck = true) { int rc = RTTcpSgWriteL(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, 2, pszCommand, strlen(pszCommand), RT_STR_TUPLE("\n")); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (!fWaitForAck) return VINF_SUCCESS; return ftmR3TcpReadACK(pVM, pszCommand); } /** * @copydoc SSMSTRMOPS::pfnWrite */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) ftmR3TcpOpWrite(void *pvUser, uint64_t offStream, const void *pvBuf, size_t cbToWrite) { PVM pVM = (PVM)pvUser; NOREF(offStream); AssertReturn(cbToWrite > 0, VINF_SUCCESS); AssertReturn(cbToWrite < UINT32_MAX, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE); AssertReturn(pVM->fFaultTolerantMaster, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); STAM_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->ftm.s.StatSentStateWrite); for (;;) { FTMTCPHDR Hdr; Hdr.u32Magic = FTMTCPHDR_MAGIC; Hdr.cb = RT_MIN((uint32_t)cbToWrite, FTMTCPHDR_MAX_SIZE); int rc = RTTcpSgWriteL(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, 2, &Hdr, sizeof(Hdr), pvBuf, (size_t)Hdr.cb); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("FTSync/TCP: Write error: %Rrc (cb=%#x)\n", rc, Hdr.cb)); return rc; } pVM->ftm.s.StatSentState.c += Hdr.cb + sizeof(Hdr); pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.uOffStream += Hdr.cb; if (Hdr.cb == cbToWrite) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* advance */ cbToWrite -= Hdr.cb; pvBuf = (uint8_t const *)pvBuf + Hdr.cb; } } /** * Selects and poll for close condition. * * We can use a relatively high poll timeout here since it's only used to get * us out of error paths. In the normal cause of events, we'll get a * end-of-stream header. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pState The teleporter state data. */ static int ftmR3TcpReadSelect(PVM pVM) { int rc; do { rc = RTTcpSelectOne(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, 1000); if (RT_FAILURE(rc) && rc != VERR_TIMEOUT) { pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fIOError = true; LogRel(("FTSync/TCP: Header select error: %Rrc\n", rc)); break; } if (pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fStopReading) { rc = VERR_EOF; break; } } while (rc == VERR_TIMEOUT); return rc; } /** * @copydoc SSMSTRMOPS::pfnRead */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) ftmR3TcpOpRead(void *pvUser, uint64_t offStream, void *pvBuf, size_t cbToRead, size_t *pcbRead) { PVM pVM = (PVM)pvUser; AssertReturn(!pVM->fFaultTolerantMaster, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); NOREF(offStream); for (;;) { int rc; /* * Check for various conditions and may have been signalled. */ if (pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fEndOfStream) return VERR_EOF; if (pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fStopReading) return VERR_EOF; if (pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fIOError) return VERR_IO_GEN_FAILURE; /* * If there is no more data in the current block, read the next * block header. */ if (!pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.cbReadBlock) { rc = ftmR3TcpReadSelect(pVM); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; FTMTCPHDR Hdr; rc = RTTcpRead(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, &Hdr, sizeof(Hdr), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fIOError = true; LogRel(("FTSync/TCP: Header read error: %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } pVM->ftm.s.StatReceivedState.c += sizeof(Hdr); if (RT_UNLIKELY( Hdr.u32Magic != FTMTCPHDR_MAGIC || Hdr.cb > FTMTCPHDR_MAX_SIZE || Hdr.cb == 0)) { if ( Hdr.u32Magic == FTMTCPHDR_MAGIC && ( Hdr.cb == 0 || Hdr.cb == UINT32_MAX) ) { pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fEndOfStream = true; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.cbReadBlock = 0; return Hdr.cb ? VERR_SSM_CANCELLED : VERR_EOF; } pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fIOError = true; LogRel(("FTSync/TCP: Invalid block: u32Magic=%#x cb=%#x\n", Hdr.u32Magic, Hdr.cb)); return VERR_IO_GEN_FAILURE; } pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.cbReadBlock = Hdr.cb; if (pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fStopReading) return VERR_EOF; } /* * Read more data. */ rc = ftmR3TcpReadSelect(pVM); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; uint32_t cb = (uint32_t)RT_MIN(pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.cbReadBlock, cbToRead); rc = RTTcpRead(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, pvBuf, cb, pcbRead); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fIOError = true; LogRel(("FTSync/TCP: Data read error: %Rrc (cb=%#x)\n", rc, cb)); return rc; } if (pcbRead) { cb = (uint32_t)*pcbRead; pVM->ftm.s.StatReceivedState.c += cb; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.uOffStream += cb; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.cbReadBlock -= cb; return VINF_SUCCESS; } pVM->ftm.s.StatReceivedState.c += cb; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.uOffStream += cb; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.cbReadBlock -= cb; if (cbToRead == cb) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* Advance to the next block. */ cbToRead -= cb; pvBuf = (uint8_t *)pvBuf + cb; } } /** * @copydoc SSMSTRMOPS::pfnSeek */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) ftmR3TcpOpSeek(void *pvUser, int64_t offSeek, unsigned uMethod, uint64_t *poffActual) { NOREF(pvUser); NOREF(offSeek); NOREF(uMethod); NOREF(poffActual); return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /** * @copydoc SSMSTRMOPS::pfnTell */ static DECLCALLBACK(uint64_t) ftmR3TcpOpTell(void *pvUser) { PVM pVM = (PVM)pvUser; return pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.uOffStream; } /** * @copydoc SSMSTRMOPS::pfnSize */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) ftmR3TcpOpSize(void *pvUser, uint64_t *pcb) { NOREF(pvUser); NOREF(pcb); return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /** * @copydoc SSMSTRMOPS::pfnIsOk */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) ftmR3TcpOpIsOk(void *pvUser) { PVM pVM = (PVM)pvUser; if (pVM->fFaultTolerantMaster) { /* Poll for incoming NACKs and errors from the other side */ int rc = RTTcpSelectOne(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, 0); if (rc != VERR_TIMEOUT) { if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("FTSync/TCP: Incoming data detect by IsOk, assuming it is a cancellation NACK.\n")); rc = VERR_SSM_CANCELLED; } else LogRel(("FTSync/TCP: RTTcpSelectOne -> %Rrc (IsOk).\n", rc)); return rc; } } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @copydoc SSMSTRMOPS::pfnClose */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) ftmR3TcpOpClose(void *pvUser, bool fCanceled) { PVM pVM = (PVM)pvUser; if (pVM->fFaultTolerantMaster) { FTMTCPHDR EofHdr; EofHdr.u32Magic = FTMTCPHDR_MAGIC; EofHdr.cb = fCanceled ? UINT32_MAX : 0; int rc = RTTcpWrite(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, &EofHdr, sizeof(EofHdr)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("FTSync/TCP: EOF Header write error: %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } } else { ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fStopReading, true); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Method table for a TCP based stream. */ static SSMSTRMOPS const g_ftmR3TcpOps = { SSMSTRMOPS_VERSION, ftmR3TcpOpWrite, ftmR3TcpOpRead, ftmR3TcpOpSeek, ftmR3TcpOpTell, ftmR3TcpOpSize, ftmR3TcpOpIsOk, ftmR3TcpOpClose, SSMSTRMOPS_VERSION }; /** * VMR3ReqCallWait callback * * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. * */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) ftmR3WriteProtectMemory(PVM pVM) { int rc = PGMR3PhysWriteProtectRAM(pVM); AssertRC(rc); } /** * Sync the VM state * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. */ static int ftmR3PerformFullSync(PVM pVM) { bool fSuspended = false; int rc = VMR3Suspend(pVM->pUVM); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); STAM_REL_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->ftm.s.StatFullSync); RTSocketRetain(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket); /* For concurrent access by I/O thread and EMT. */ /* Reset the sync state. */ pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.uOffStream = 0; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.cbReadBlock = 0; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fStopReading = false; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fIOError = false; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fEndOfStream = false; rc = ftmR3TcpSubmitCommand(pVM, "full-sync"); AssertRC(rc); pVM->ftm.s.fDeltaLoadSaveActive = false; rc = VMR3SaveFT(pVM->pUVM, &g_ftmR3TcpOps, pVM, &fSuspended, false /* fSkipStateChanges */); AssertRC(rc); rc = ftmR3TcpReadACK(pVM, "full-sync-complete"); AssertRC(rc); RTSocketRelease(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket); /* Write protect all memory. */ rc = VMR3ReqCallWait(pVM, VMCPUID_ANY, (PFNRT)ftmR3WriteProtectMemory, 1, pVM); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); rc = VMR3Resume(pVM->pUVM); AssertRC(rc); return rc; } /** * PGMR3PhysEnumDirtyFTPages callback for syncing dirty physical pages * * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. * @param GCPhys GC physical address * @param pRange HC virtual address of the page(s) * @param cbRange Size of the dirty range in bytes. * @param pvUser User argument */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) ftmR3SyncDirtyPage(PVM pVM, RTGCPHYS GCPhys, uint8_t *pRange, unsigned cbRange, void *pvUser) { NOREF(pvUser); FTMTCPHDRMEM Hdr; Hdr.u32Magic = FTMTCPHDR_MAGIC; Hdr.GCPhys = GCPhys; Hdr.cbPageRange = cbRange; Hdr.cb = cbRange; /** @todo compress page(s). */ int rc = RTTcpSgWriteL(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, 2, &Hdr, sizeof(Hdr), pRange, (size_t)Hdr.cb); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("FTSync/TCP: Write error (ftmR3SyncDirtyPage): %Rrc (cb=%#x)\n", rc, Hdr.cb)); return rc; } pVM->ftm.s.StatSentMem.c += Hdr.cb + sizeof(Hdr); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_STATISTICS switch (PGMPhysGetPageType(pVM, GCPhys)) { case PGMPAGETYPE_RAM: pVM->ftm.s.StatSentMemRAM.c += Hdr.cb + sizeof(Hdr); break; case PGMPAGETYPE_MMIO2: pVM->ftm.s.StatSentMemMMIO2.c += Hdr.cb + sizeof(Hdr); break; case PGMPAGETYPE_ROM_SHADOW: pVM->ftm.s.StatSentMemShwROM.c += Hdr.cb + sizeof(Hdr); break; case PGMPAGETYPE_MMIO2_ALIAS_MMIO: AssertFailed(); break; default: AssertFailed(); break; } #endif return (pVM->ftm.s.fCheckpointingActive) ? VERR_INTERRUPTED : VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Thread function which starts syncing process for this master VM * * @param hThread The thread handle. * @param pvUser Pointer to the VM. * @return VINF_SUCCESS (ignored). * */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) ftmR3MasterThread(RTTHREAD hThread, void *pvUser) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PVM pVM = (PVM)pvUser; NOREF(hThread); for (;;) { /* * Try connect to the standby machine. */ Log(("ftmR3MasterThread: client connect to %s %d\n", pVM->ftm.s.pszAddress, pVM->ftm.s.uPort)); rc = RTTcpClientConnect(pVM->ftm.s.pszAddress, pVM->ftm.s.uPort, &pVM->ftm.s.hSocket); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { Log(("ftmR3MasterThread: CONNECTED\n")); /* Disable Nagle. */ rc = RTTcpSetSendCoalescing(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, false /*fEnable*/); AssertRC(rc); /* Read and check the welcome message. */ char szLine[RT_MAX(128, sizeof(g_szWelcome))]; RT_ZERO(szLine); rc = RTTcpRead(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, szLine, sizeof(g_szWelcome) - 1, NULL); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && !strcmp(szLine, g_szWelcome)) { /* password */ if (pVM->ftm.s.pszPassword) rc = RTTcpWrite(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, pVM->ftm.s.pszPassword, strlen(pVM->ftm.s.pszPassword)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* ACK */ rc = ftmR3TcpReadACK(pVM, "password", "Invalid password"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /** todo: verify VM config. */ break; } } } /* Failed, so don't bother anymore. */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } rc = RTSemEventWait(pVM->ftm.s.hShutdownEvent, 1000 /* 1 second */); if (rc != VERR_TIMEOUT) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* told to quit */ } /* Successfully initialized the connection to the standby node. * Start the sync process. */ /* First sync all memory and write protect everything so * we can send changed pages later on. */ rc = ftmR3PerformFullSync(pVM); for (;;) { rc = RTSemEventWait(pVM->ftm.s.hShutdownEvent, pVM->ftm.s.uInterval); if (rc != VERR_TIMEOUT) break; /* told to quit */ if (!pVM->ftm.s.fCheckpointingActive) { rc = PDMCritSectEnter(&pVM->ftm.s.CritSect, VERR_SEM_BUSY); AssertMsg(rc == VINF_SUCCESS, ("%Rrc\n", rc)); rc = ftmR3TcpSubmitCommand(pVM, "mem-sync"); AssertRC(rc); /* sync the changed memory with the standby node. */ /* Write protect all memory. */ if (!pVM->ftm.s.fCheckpointingActive) { rc = VMR3ReqCallWait(pVM, VMCPUID_ANY, (PFNRT)ftmR3WriteProtectMemory, 1, pVM); AssertRC(rc); } /* Enumerate all dirty pages and send them to the standby VM. */ if (!pVM->ftm.s.fCheckpointingActive) { rc = PGMR3PhysEnumDirtyFTPages(pVM, ftmR3SyncDirtyPage, NULL /* pvUser */); Assert(rc == VINF_SUCCESS || rc == VERR_INTERRUPTED); } /* Send last memory header to signal the end. */ FTMTCPHDRMEM Hdr; Hdr.u32Magic = FTMTCPHDR_MAGIC; Hdr.GCPhys = 0; Hdr.cbPageRange = 0; Hdr.cb = 0; rc = RTTcpSgWriteL(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, 1, &Hdr, sizeof(Hdr)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("FTSync/TCP: Write error (ftmR3MasterThread): %Rrc (cb=%#x)\n", rc, Hdr.cb)); rc = ftmR3TcpReadACK(pVM, "mem-sync-complete"); AssertRC(rc); PDMCritSectLeave(&pVM->ftm.s.CritSect); } } return rc; } /** * Syncs memory from the master VM * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. */ static int ftmR3SyncMem(PVM pVM) { while (true) { FTMTCPHDRMEM Hdr; RTGCPHYS GCPhys; /* Read memory header. */ int rc = RTTcpRead(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, &Hdr, sizeof(Hdr), NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { Log(("RTTcpRead failed with %Rrc\n", rc)); break; } pVM->ftm.s.StatReceivedMem.c += sizeof(Hdr); if (Hdr.cb == 0) break; /* end of sync. */ Assert(Hdr.cb == Hdr.cbPageRange); /** @todo uncompress */ GCPhys = Hdr.GCPhys; /* Must be a multiple of PAGE_SIZE. */ Assert((Hdr.cbPageRange & 0xfff) == 0); while (Hdr.cbPageRange) { PFTMPHYSPAGETREENODE pNode = (PFTMPHYSPAGETREENODE)RTAvlGCPhysGet(&pVM->ftm.s.standby.pPhysPageTree, GCPhys); if (!pNode) { /* Allocate memory for the node and page. */ pNode = (PFTMPHYSPAGETREENODE)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pNode) + PAGE_SIZE); AssertBreak(pNode); /* Insert the node into the tree. */ pNode->Core.Key = GCPhys; pNode->pPage = (void *)(pNode + 1); bool fRet = RTAvlGCPhysInsert(&pVM->ftm.s.standby.pPhysPageTree, &pNode->Core); Assert(fRet); NOREF(fRet); } /* Fetch the page. */ rc = RTTcpRead(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket, pNode->pPage, PAGE_SIZE, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { Log(("RTTcpRead page data (%d bytes) failed with %Rrc\n", Hdr.cb, rc)); break; } pVM->ftm.s.StatReceivedMem.c += PAGE_SIZE; Hdr.cbPageRange -= PAGE_SIZE; GCPhys += PAGE_SIZE; } } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Callback handler for RTAvlGCPhysDestroy * * @returns 0 to continue, otherwise stop * @param pBaseNode Node to destroy * @param pvUser Pointer to the VM. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) ftmR3PageTreeDestroyCallback(PAVLGCPHYSNODECORE pBaseNode, void *pvUser) { PVM pVM = (PVM)pvUser; PFTMPHYSPAGETREENODE pNode = (PFTMPHYSPAGETREENODE)pBaseNode; if (pVM) /* NULL when the VM is destroyed. */ { /* Update the guest memory of the standby VM. */ int rc = PGMR3PhysWriteExternal(pVM, pNode->Core.Key, pNode->pPage, PAGE_SIZE, "FTMemSync"); AssertRC(rc); } RTMemFree(pNode); return 0; } /** * Thread function which monitors the health of the master VM * * @param hThread The thread handle. * @param pvUser Pointer to the VM. * @return VINF_SUCCESS (ignored). * */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) ftmR3StandbyThread(RTTHREAD hThread, void *pvUser) { PVM pVM = (PVM)pvUser; NOREF(hThread); for (;;) { uint64_t u64TimeNow; int rc = RTSemEventWait(pVM->ftm.s.hShutdownEvent, pVM->ftm.s.uInterval); if (rc != VERR_TIMEOUT) break; /* told to quit */ if (pVM->ftm.s.standby.u64LastHeartbeat) { u64TimeNow = RTTimeMilliTS(); if (u64TimeNow > pVM->ftm.s.standby.u64LastHeartbeat + pVM->ftm.s.uInterval * 4) { /* Timeout; prepare to fallover. */ LogRel(("FTSync: TIMEOUT (%RX64 vs %RX64 ms): activate standby VM!\n", u64TimeNow, pVM->ftm.s.standby.u64LastHeartbeat + pVM->ftm.s.uInterval * 2)); pVM->ftm.s.fActivateStandby = true; /** todo: prevent split-brain. */ break; } } } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Listen for incoming traffic destined for the standby VM. * * @copydoc FNRTTCPSERVE * * @returns VINF_SUCCESS or VERR_TCP_SERVER_STOP. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) ftmR3StandbyServeConnection(RTSOCKET Sock, void *pvUser) { PVM pVM = (PVM)pvUser; pVM->ftm.s.hSocket = Sock; /* * Disable Nagle. */ int rc = RTTcpSetSendCoalescing(Sock, false /*fEnable*/); AssertRC(rc); /* Send the welcome message to the master node. */ rc = RTTcpWrite(Sock, g_szWelcome, sizeof(g_szWelcome) - 1); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("Teleporter: Failed to write welcome message: %Rrc\n", rc)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Password. */ const char *pszPassword = pVM->ftm.s.pszPassword; if (pszPassword) { unsigned off = 0; while (pszPassword[off]) { char ch; rc = RTTcpRead(Sock, &ch, sizeof(ch), NULL); if ( RT_FAILURE(rc) || pszPassword[off] != ch) { if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("FTSync: Password read failure (off=%u): %Rrc\n", off, rc)); else LogRel(("FTSync: Invalid password (off=%u)\n", off)); ftmR3TcpWriteNACK(pVM, VERR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE); return VINF_SUCCESS; } off++; } } rc = ftmR3TcpWriteACK(pVM); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return VINF_SUCCESS; /** @todo verify VM config. */ /* * Stop the server. * * Note! After this point we must return VERR_TCP_SERVER_STOP, while prior * to it we must not return that value! */ RTTcpServerShutdown(pVM->ftm.s.standby.hServer); /* * Command processing loop. */ //bool fDone = false; for (;;) { bool fFullSync = false; char szCmd[128]; rc = ftmR3TcpReadLine(pVM, szCmd, sizeof(szCmd)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; pVM->ftm.s.standby.u64LastHeartbeat = RTTimeMilliTS(); if (!strcmp(szCmd, "mem-sync")) { rc = ftmR3TcpWriteACK(pVM); AssertRC(rc); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) continue; rc = ftmR3SyncMem(pVM); AssertRC(rc); rc = ftmR3TcpWriteACK(pVM); AssertRC(rc); } else if ( !strcmp(szCmd, "checkpoint") || !strcmp(szCmd, "full-sync") || (fFullSync = true)) /* intended assignment */ { rc = ftmR3TcpWriteACK(pVM); AssertRC(rc); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) continue; /* Flush all pending memory updates. */ if (pVM->ftm.s.standby.pPhysPageTree) { RTAvlGCPhysDestroy(&pVM->ftm.s.standby.pPhysPageTree, ftmR3PageTreeDestroyCallback, pVM); pVM->ftm.s.standby.pPhysPageTree = NULL; } RTSocketRetain(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket); /* For concurrent access by I/O thread and EMT. */ /* Reset the sync state. */ pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.uOffStream = 0; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.cbReadBlock = 0; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fStopReading = false; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fIOError = false; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fEndOfStream = false; pVM->ftm.s.fDeltaLoadSaveActive = (fFullSync == false); rc = VMR3LoadFromStreamFT(pVM->pUVM, &g_ftmR3TcpOps, pVM); pVM->ftm.s.fDeltaLoadSaveActive = false; RTSocketRelease(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket); AssertRC(rc); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("FTSync: VMR3LoadFromStream -> %Rrc\n", rc)); ftmR3TcpWriteNACK(pVM, rc); continue; } /* The EOS might not have been read, make sure it is. */ pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fStopReading = false; size_t cbRead; rc = ftmR3TcpOpRead(pVM, pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.uOffStream, szCmd, 1, &cbRead); if (rc != VERR_EOF) { LogRel(("FTSync: Draining teleporterTcpOpRead -> %Rrc\n", rc)); ftmR3TcpWriteNACK(pVM, rc); continue; } rc = ftmR3TcpWriteACK(pVM); AssertRC(rc); } } LogFlowFunc(("returns mRc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return VERR_TCP_SERVER_STOP; } /** * Powers on the fault tolerant virtual machine. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pUVM The user mode VM handle. * @param fMaster FT master or standby * @param uInterval FT sync interval * @param pszAddress Standby VM address * @param uPort Standby VM port * @param pszPassword FT password (NULL for none) * * @thread Any thread. * @vmstate Created * @vmstateto PoweringOn+Running (master), PoweringOn+Running_FT (standby) */ VMMR3DECL(int) FTMR3PowerOn(PUVM pUVM, bool fMaster, unsigned uInterval, const char *pszAddress, unsigned uPort, const char *pszPassword) { UVM_ASSERT_VALID_EXT_RETURN(pUVM, VERR_INVALID_VM_HANDLE); PVM pVM = pUVM->pVM; VM_ASSERT_VALID_EXT_RETURN(pVM, VERR_INVALID_VM_HANDLE); VMSTATE enmVMState = VMR3GetState(pVM); AssertMsgReturn(enmVMState == VMSTATE_CREATED, ("%s\n", VMR3GetStateName(enmVMState)), VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_4); AssertReturn(pszAddress, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if (pVM->ftm.s.uInterval) pVM->ftm.s.uInterval = uInterval; else pVM->ftm.s.uInterval = 50; /* standard sync interval of 50ms */ pVM->ftm.s.uPort = uPort; pVM->ftm.s.pszAddress = RTStrDup(pszAddress); if (pszPassword) pVM->ftm.s.pszPassword = RTStrDup(pszPassword); int rc = RTSemEventCreate(&pVM->ftm.s.hShutdownEvent); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (fMaster) { rc = RTThreadCreate(NULL, ftmR3MasterThread, pVM, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_IO /* higher than normal priority */, 0, "ftmMaster"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; pVM->fFaultTolerantMaster = true; if (PGMIsUsingLargePages(pVM)) { /* Must disable large page usage as 2 MB pages are too big to write monitor. */ LogRel(("FTSync: disabling large page usage.\n")); PGMSetLargePageUsage(pVM, false); } /** @todo might need to disable page fusion as well */ return VMR3PowerOn(pVM->pUVM); } /* standby */ rc = RTThreadCreate(NULL, ftmR3StandbyThread, pVM, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, 0, "ftmStandby"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = RTTcpServerCreateEx(pszAddress, uPort, &pVM->ftm.s.standby.hServer); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; pVM->ftm.s.fIsStandbyNode = true; rc = RTTcpServerListen(pVM->ftm.s.standby.hServer, ftmR3StandbyServeConnection, pVM); /** @todo deal with the exit code to check if we should activate this standby VM. */ if (pVM->ftm.s.fActivateStandby) { /** @todo fallover. */ } if (pVM->ftm.s.standby.hServer) { RTTcpServerDestroy(pVM->ftm.s.standby.hServer); pVM->ftm.s.standby.hServer = NULL; } if (rc == VERR_TCP_SERVER_SHUTDOWN) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* ignore this error; the standby process was cancelled. */ return rc; } /** * Powers off the fault tolerant virtual machine (standby). * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pUVM The user mode VM handle. */ VMMR3DECL(int) FTMR3CancelStandby(PUVM pUVM) { UVM_ASSERT_VALID_EXT_RETURN(pUVM, VERR_INVALID_VM_HANDLE); PVM pVM = pUVM->pVM; VM_ASSERT_VALID_EXT_RETURN(pVM, VERR_INVALID_VM_HANDLE); AssertReturn(!pVM->fFaultTolerantMaster, VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); Assert(pVM->ftm.s.standby.hServer); return RTTcpServerShutdown(pVM->ftm.s.standby.hServer); } /** * Rendezvous callback used by FTMR3SetCheckpoint * Sync state + changed memory with the standby node. * * This is only called on one of the EMTs while the other ones are waiting for * it to complete this function. * * @returns VINF_SUCCESS (VBox strict status code). * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. * @param pVCpu The VMCPU for the EMT we're being called on. Unused. * @param pvUser Not used. */ static DECLCALLBACK(VBOXSTRICTRC) ftmR3SetCheckpointRendezvous(PVM pVM, PVMCPU pVCpu, void *pvUser) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; bool fSuspended = false; NOREF(pVCpu); NOREF(pvUser); /* We don't call VMR3Suspend here to avoid the overhead of state changes and notifications. This * is only a short suspend. */ STAM_PROFILE_START(&pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpointPause, a); PDMR3Suspend(pVM); /* Hack alert: as EM is responsible for dealing with the suspend state. We must do this here ourselves, but only for this EMT.*/ EMR3NotifySuspend(pVM); STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpointPause, a); STAM_REL_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->ftm.s.StatDeltaVM); RTSocketRetain(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket); /* For concurrent access by I/O thread and EMT. */ /* Reset the sync state. */ pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.uOffStream = 0; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.cbReadBlock = 0; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fStopReading = false; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fIOError = false; pVM->ftm.s.syncstate.fEndOfStream = false; rc = ftmR3TcpSubmitCommand(pVM, "checkpoint"); AssertRC(rc); pVM->ftm.s.fDeltaLoadSaveActive = true; rc = VMR3SaveFT(pVM->pUVM, &g_ftmR3TcpOps, pVM, &fSuspended, true /* fSkipStateChanges */); pVM->ftm.s.fDeltaLoadSaveActive = false; AssertRC(rc); rc = ftmR3TcpReadACK(pVM, "checkpoint-complete"); AssertRC(rc); RTSocketRelease(pVM->ftm.s.hSocket); /* Write protect all memory. */ rc = PGMR3PhysWriteProtectRAM(pVM); AssertRC(rc); /* We don't call VMR3Resume here to avoid the overhead of state changes and notifications. This * is only a short suspend. */ STAM_PROFILE_START(&pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpointResume, b); PGMR3ResetNoMorePhysWritesFlag(pVM); PDMR3Resume(pVM); /* Hack alert as EM is responsible for dealing with the suspend state. We must do this here ourselves, but only for this EMT.*/ EMR3NotifyResume(pVM); STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpointResume, b); return rc; } /** * Performs a full sync to the standby node * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pVM Pointer to the VM. * @param enmCheckpoint Checkpoint type */ VMMR3_INT_DECL(int) FTMR3SetCheckpoint(PVM pVM, FTMCHECKPOINTTYPE enmCheckpoint) { int rc; if (!pVM->fFaultTolerantMaster) return VINF_SUCCESS; switch (enmCheckpoint) { case FTMCHECKPOINTTYPE_NETWORK: STAM_REL_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpointNetwork); break; case FTMCHECKPOINTTYPE_STORAGE: STAM_REL_COUNTER_INC(&pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpointStorage); break; default: AssertMsgFailedReturn(("%d\n", enmCheckpoint), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } pVM->ftm.s.fCheckpointingActive = true; if (VM_IS_EMT(pVM)) { PVMCPU pVCpu = VMMGetCpu(pVM); /* We must take special care here as the memory sync is competing with us and requires a responsive EMT. */ while ((rc = PDMCritSectTryEnter(&pVM->ftm.s.CritSect)) == VERR_SEM_BUSY) { if (VM_FF_ISPENDING(pVM, VM_FF_EMT_RENDEZVOUS)) { rc = VMMR3EmtRendezvousFF(pVM, pVCpu); AssertRC(rc); } if (VM_FF_ISPENDING(pVM, VM_FF_REQUEST)) { rc = VMR3ReqProcessU(pVM->pUVM, VMCPUID_ANY, true /*fPriorityOnly*/); AssertRC(rc); } } } else rc = PDMCritSectEnter(&pVM->ftm.s.CritSect, VERR_SEM_BUSY); AssertMsg(rc == VINF_SUCCESS, ("%Rrc\n", rc)); STAM_PROFILE_START(&pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpoint, a); rc = VMMR3EmtRendezvous(pVM, VMMEMTRENDEZVOUS_FLAGS_TYPE_ONCE, ftmR3SetCheckpointRendezvous, NULL); STAM_PROFILE_STOP(&pVM->ftm.s.StatCheckpoint, a); PDMCritSectLeave(&pVM->ftm.s.CritSect); pVM->ftm.s.fCheckpointingActive = false; return rc; }