1 | ; $Id: VMMR0TripleFaultHackA.asm 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; VMM - Host Context Ring 0, Assembly Code for The Triple Fault Debugging Hack.
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | ; available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
11 | ;
12 | ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | ; as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | ; License.
16 | ;
17 | ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | ; General Public License for more details.
21 | ;
22 | ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | ; along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | ;
25 | ; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | ;
27 |
28 | ;*******************************************************************************
29 | ;* Header Files *
30 | ;*******************************************************************************
31 | %include "VBox/asmdefs.mac"
32 |
33 |
35 | GLOBALNAME vmmR0TripleFaultHackStart
36 | %define CALC_ADDR(a_Addr) ( (a_Addr) - NAME(vmmR0TripleFaultHackStart) + 07000h )
37 |
38 |
39 | BITS 16
40 | BEGINPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHack
41 | ; Set up stack.
42 | cli ; paranoia
43 | mov sp, 0ffffh
44 | mov ax, cs
45 | mov ss, ax
46 | mov ds, ax
47 | mov es, ax
48 | cld ; paranoia
49 |
51 |
52 | ; Beep and say hello to the post-reset world.
53 | call NAME(vmmR0TripleFaultHackBeep)
54 | mov si, CALC_ADDR(.s_szHello)
55 | call NAME(vmmR0TripleFaultHackPrint)
56 |
57 | .forever:
58 | hlt
59 | jmp .forever
60 |
61 | .s_szHello:
62 | db 'Hello post-reset world', 0ah, 0dh, 0
63 | ENDPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHack
64 |
65 | ;; ds:si = zero terminated string.
66 | BEGINPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackPrint
67 | push eax
68 | push esi
69 |
70 | .outer_loop:
71 | lodsb
72 | cmp al, 0
73 | je .done
74 | call NAME(vmmR0TripleFaultHackPrintCh)
75 | jmp .outer_loop
76 |
77 | .done:
78 | pop esi
79 | pop eax
80 | ret
81 | ENDPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackPrint
82 |
83 |
84 | ;; al = char to print
85 | BEGINPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackPrintCh
86 | push eax
87 | push edx
88 | push ecx
89 | mov ah, al ; save char.
90 |
91 | ; Wait for status.
92 | mov ecx, _1G
93 | mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5
94 | .pre_status:
95 | in al, dx
96 | test al, 20h
97 | jnz .put_char
98 | dec ecx
99 | jnz .pre_status
100 |
101 | ; Write the character.
102 | .put_char:
103 | mov al, ah
104 | mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE
105 | out dx, al
106 |
107 | ; Wait for status.
108 | mov ecx, _1G
109 | mov dx, VBOX_UART_BASE + 5
110 | .post_status:
111 | in al, dx
112 | test al, 20h
113 | jnz .done
114 | dec ecx
115 | jnz .post_status
116 |
117 | .done:
118 | pop ecx
119 | pop edx
120 | pop eax
121 | ret
122 | ENDPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackPrintCh
123 |
124 | ;;
125 | ; make a 440 BEEP.
126 | BEGINPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackBeep
127 | push eax
128 | push edx
129 | push ecx
130 |
131 | ; program PIT(1) and stuff.
132 | mov al, 10110110b
133 | out 43h, al
134 | mov ax, 0a79h ; A = 440
135 | out 42h, al
136 | shr ax, 8
137 | out 42h, al
138 |
139 | in al, 61h
140 | or al, 3
141 | out 61h, al
142 |
143 | ; delay
144 | mov ecx, _1G
145 | .delay:
146 | inc ecx
147 | dec ecx
148 | dec ecx
149 | jnz .delay
150 |
151 | ; shut up speaker.
152 | in al, 61h
153 | and al, 11111100b
154 | out 61h, al
155 |
156 | .done:
157 | pop ecx
158 | pop edx
159 | pop eax
160 | ret
161 | ENDPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackBeep
162 |
163 |
164 | GLOBALNAME vmmR0TripleFaultHackEnd
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 | ;;;
170 | ;;;
171 | ;;;
172 | ;;;
173 | ;;;
174 |
175 |
176 |
178 |
179 | BEGINPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackKbdWait
180 | push xAX
181 |
182 | .check_status:
183 | in al, 64h
184 | test al, 1 ; KBD_STAT_OBF
185 | jnz .read_data_and_status
186 | test al, 2 ; KBD_STAT_IBF
187 | jnz .check_status
188 |
189 | pop xAX
190 | ret
191 |
192 | .read_data_and_status:
193 | in al, 60h
194 | jmp .check_status
195 | ENDPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackKbdWait
196 |
197 |
198 | BEGINPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackKbdRead
199 | out 64h, al ; Write the command.
200 |
201 | .check_status:
202 | in al, 64h
203 | test al, 1 ; KBD_STAT_OBF
204 | jz .check_status
205 |
206 | in al, 60h ; Read the data.
207 | ret
208 | ENDPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackKbdRead
209 |
210 |
211 | BEGINPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackKbdWrite
212 | out 64h, al ; Write the command.
213 | call NAME(vmmR0TripleFaultHackKbdWait)
214 |
215 | xchg al, ah
216 | out 60h, al ; Write the data.
217 | call NAME(vmmR0TripleFaultHackKbdWait)
218 | xchg al, ah
219 |
220 | ret
221 | ENDPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackKbdWrite
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 | BEGINPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackTripleFault
226 | push xAX
227 | push xSI
228 |
229 | xor eax, eax
230 | push xAX
231 | push xAX
232 | push xAX
233 | push xAX
234 |
235 | COM_CHAR 'B'
236 | COM_CHAR 'y'
237 | COM_CHAR 'e'
238 | COM_CHAR '!'
239 | COM_CHAR 0ah
240 | COM_CHAR 0dh
241 |
242 |
243 | ;call NAME(vmmR0TripleFaultHackBeep32)
244 | %if 1
245 | lidt [xSP]
246 | %elif 0
247 | in al, 92h
248 | or al, 1
249 | out 92h, al
250 | in al, 92h
251 | cli
252 | hlt
253 | %else
254 | mov al, 0d0h ; KBD_CCMD_READ_OUTPORT
255 | call NAME(vmmR0TripleFaultHackKbdRead)
256 | mov ah, 0feh
257 | and ah, al
258 | mov al, 0d1h ; KBD_CCMD_WRITE_OUTPORT
259 | call NAME(vmmR0TripleFaultHackKbdWrite)
260 | cli
261 | hlt
262 | %endif
263 | int3
264 |
265 | pop xAX
266 | pop xAX
267 | pop xAX
268 | pop xAX
269 |
270 | pop xSI
271 | pop xAX
272 | ret
273 | ENDPROC vmmR0TripleFaultHackTripleFault
274 |