1 | /* $Id: HMR0.cpp 107854 2025-01-18 23:59:26Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * Hardware Assisted Virtualization Manager (HM) - Host Context Ring-0.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
26 | */
27 |
28 |
29 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
30 | * Header Files *
31 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
34 | #include <VBox/vmm/hm.h>
35 | #include <VBox/vmm/pgm.h>
36 | #include "HMInternal.h"
37 | #include <VBox/vmm/vmcc.h>
38 | #include <VBox/vmm/hm_svm.h>
39 | #include <VBox/vmm/hmvmxinline.h>
40 | #include <VBox/err.h>
41 | #include <VBox/log.h>
42 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
43 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
44 | #include <iprt/asm-amd64-x86.h>
45 | #include <iprt/cpuset.h>
46 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
47 | #include <iprt/memobj.h>
48 | #include <iprt/once.h>
49 | #include <iprt/param.h>
50 | #include <iprt/power.h>
51 | #include <iprt/string.h>
52 | #include <iprt/thread.h>
53 | #include <iprt/x86.h>
54 | #include "HMVMXR0.h"
55 | #include "HMSVMR0.h"
56 |
57 |
58 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
59 | * Internal Functions *
60 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
61 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) hmR0EnableCpuCallback(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2);
62 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) hmR0DisableCpuCallback(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2);
63 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) hmR0PowerCallback(RTPOWEREVENT enmEvent, void *pvUser);
64 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) hmR0MpEventCallback(RTMPEVENT enmEvent, RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvData);
65 |
66 |
67 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
68 | * Structures and Typedefs *
69 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
70 | /**
71 | * This is used to manage the status code of a RTMpOnAll in HM.
72 | */
73 | typedef struct HMR0FIRSTRC
74 | {
75 | /** The status code. */
76 | int32_t volatile rc;
77 | /** The ID of the CPU reporting the first failure. */
78 | RTCPUID volatile idCpu;
80 | /** Pointer to a first return code structure. */
82 |
83 | /**
84 | * Ring-0 method table for AMD-V and VT-x specific operations.
85 | */
86 | typedef struct HMR0VTABLE
87 | {
88 | DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnEnterSession, (PVMCPUCC pVCpu));
89 | DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(void, pfnThreadCtxCallback, (RTTHREADCTXEVENT enmEvent, PVMCPUCC pVCpu, bool fGlobalInit));
90 | DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnAssertionCallback, (PVMCPUCC pVCpu));
91 | DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnExportHostState, (PVMCPUCC pVCpu));
93 | DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnEnableCpu, (PHMPHYSCPU pHostCpu, PVMCC pVM, void *pvCpuPage, RTHCPHYS HCPhysCpuPage,
94 | bool fEnabledByHost, PCSUPHWVIRTMSRS pHwvirtMsrs));
95 | DECLR0CALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnDisableCpu, (PHMPHYSCPU pHostCpu, void *pvCpuPage, RTHCPHYS HCPhysCpuPage));
99 | } HMR0VTABLE;
100 |
101 |
102 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
103 | * Global Variables *
104 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
105 | /** The active ring-0 HM operations (copied from one of the table at init). */
106 | static HMR0VTABLE g_HmR0Ops;
107 | /** Indicates whether the host is suspending or not. We'll refuse a few
108 | * actions when the host is being suspended to speed up the suspending and
109 | * avoid trouble. */
110 | static bool volatile g_fHmSuspended;
111 | /** If set, VT-x/AMD-V is enabled globally at init time, otherwise it's
112 | * enabled and disabled each time it's used to execute guest code. */
113 | static bool g_fHmGlobalInit;
114 | /** Host kernel flags that HM might need to know (SUPKERNELFEATURES_XXX). */
115 | uint32_t g_fHmHostKernelFeatures;
116 | /** Maximum allowed ASID/VPID (inclusive).
117 | * @todo r=bird: This is exclusive for VT-x according to source code comment.
118 | * Couldn't immediately find any docs on AMD-V, but suspect it is
119 | * exclusive there as well given how hmR0SvmFlushTaggedTlb() use it. */
120 | uint32_t g_uHmMaxAsid;
121 |
122 |
123 | /** Set if VT-x (VMX) is supported by the CPU. */
124 | bool g_fHmVmxSupported = false;
125 | /** VMX: Whether we're using the preemption timer or not. */
126 | bool g_fHmVmxUsePreemptTimer;
127 | /** VMX: The shift mask employed by the VMX-Preemption timer. */
128 | uint8_t g_cHmVmxPreemptTimerShift;
129 | /** VMX: Set if swapping EFER is supported. */
130 | bool g_fHmVmxSupportsVmcsEfer = false;
131 | /** VMX: Whether we're using SUPR0EnableVTx or not. */
132 | static bool g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx = false;
133 | /** VMX: Set if we've called SUPR0EnableVTx(true) and should disable it during
134 | * module termination. */
135 | static bool g_fHmVmxCalledSUPR0EnableVTx = false;
136 | /** VMX: Host CR0 value (set by ring-0 VMX init) */
137 | uint64_t g_uHmVmxHostCr0;
138 | /** VMX: Host CR4 value (set by ring-0 VMX init) */
139 | uint64_t g_uHmVmxHostCr4;
140 | /** VMX: Host EFER value (set by ring-0 VMX init) */
141 | uint64_t g_uHmVmxHostMsrEfer;
142 | /** VMX: Host SMM monitor control (used for logging/diagnostics) */
143 | uint64_t g_uHmVmxHostSmmMonitorCtl;
144 | /** VMX: Host core capabilities (set by ring-0 VMX init) */
145 | uint64_t g_uHmVmxHostCoreCap;
146 | /** VMX: Host memory control register (set by ring-0 VMX init) */
147 | uint64_t g_uHmVmxHostMemoryCtrl;
148 |
149 |
150 | /** Set if AMD-V is supported by the CPU. */
151 | bool g_fHmSvmSupported = false;
152 | /** SVM revision. */
153 | uint32_t g_uHmSvmRev;
154 | /** SVM feature bits from cpuid 0x8000000a */
155 | uint32_t g_fHmSvmFeatures;
156 |
157 |
158 | /** MSRs. */
160 |
161 | /** Last recorded error code during HM ring-0 init. */
162 | static int32_t g_rcHmInit = VINF_SUCCESS;
163 |
164 | /** Per CPU globals. */
165 | static HMPHYSCPU g_aHmCpuInfo[RTCPUSET_MAX_CPUS];
166 |
167 | /** Whether we've already initialized all CPUs.
168 | * @remarks We could check the EnableAllCpusOnce state, but this is
169 | * simpler and hopefully easier to understand. */
170 | static bool g_fHmEnabled = false;
171 | /** Serialize initialization in HMR0EnableAllCpus. */
172 | static RTONCE g_HmEnableAllCpusOnce = RTONCE_INITIALIZER;
173 |
174 |
175 | /** HM ring-0 operations for VT-x. */
176 | static HMR0VTABLE const g_HmR0OpsVmx =
177 | {
178 | /* .pfnEnterSession = */ VMXR0Enter,
179 | /* .pfnThreadCtxCallback = */ VMXR0ThreadCtxCallback,
180 | /* .pfnAssertionCallback = */ VMXR0AssertionCallback,
181 | /* .pfnExportHostState = */ VMXR0ExportHostState,
182 | /* .pfnRunGuestCode = */ VMXR0RunGuestCode,
183 | /* .pfnEnableCpu = */ VMXR0EnableCpu,
184 | /* .pfnDisableCpu = */ VMXR0DisableCpu,
185 | /* .pfnInitVM = */ VMXR0InitVM,
186 | /* .pfnTermVM = */ VMXR0TermVM,
187 | /* .pfnSetupVM = */ VMXR0SetupVM,
188 | };
189 |
190 | /** HM ring-0 operations for AMD-V. */
191 | static HMR0VTABLE const g_HmR0OpsSvm =
192 | {
193 | /* .pfnEnterSession = */ SVMR0Enter,
194 | /* .pfnThreadCtxCallback = */ SVMR0ThreadCtxCallback,
195 | /* .pfnAssertionCallback = */ SVMR0AssertionCallback,
196 | /* .pfnExportHostState = */ SVMR0ExportHostState,
197 | /* .pfnRunGuestCode = */ SVMR0RunGuestCode,
198 | /* .pfnEnableCpu = */ SVMR0EnableCpu,
199 | /* .pfnDisableCpu = */ SVMR0DisableCpu,
200 | /* .pfnInitVM = */ SVMR0InitVM,
201 | /* .pfnTermVM = */ SVMR0TermVM,
202 | /* .pfnSetupVM = */ SVMR0SetupVM,
203 | };
204 |
205 |
206 | /** @name Dummy callback handlers for when neither VT-x nor AMD-V is supported.
207 | * @{ */
208 |
209 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) hmR0DummyEnter(PVMCPUCC pVCpu)
210 | {
211 | RT_NOREF(pVCpu);
212 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
213 | }
214 |
215 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) hmR0DummyThreadCtxCallback(RTTHREADCTXEVENT enmEvent, PVMCPUCC pVCpu, bool fGlobalInit)
216 | {
217 | RT_NOREF(enmEvent, pVCpu, fGlobalInit);
218 | }
219 |
220 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) hmR0DummyEnableCpu(PHMPHYSCPU pHostCpu, PVMCC pVM, void *pvCpuPage, RTHCPHYS HCPhysCpuPage,
221 | bool fEnabledBySystem, PCSUPHWVIRTMSRS pHwvirtMsrs)
222 | {
223 | RT_NOREF(pHostCpu, pVM, pvCpuPage, HCPhysCpuPage, fEnabledBySystem, pHwvirtMsrs);
224 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
225 | }
226 |
227 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) hmR0DummyDisableCpu(PHMPHYSCPU pHostCpu, void *pvCpuPage, RTHCPHYS HCPhysCpuPage)
228 | {
229 | RT_NOREF(pHostCpu, pvCpuPage, HCPhysCpuPage);
230 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
231 | }
232 |
233 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) hmR0DummyInitVM(PVMCC pVM)
234 | {
235 | RT_NOREF(pVM);
236 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
237 | }
238 |
239 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) hmR0DummyTermVM(PVMCC pVM)
240 | {
241 | RT_NOREF(pVM);
242 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
243 | }
244 |
245 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) hmR0DummySetupVM(PVMCC pVM)
246 | {
247 | RT_NOREF(pVM);
248 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
249 | }
250 |
251 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) hmR0DummyAssertionCallback(PVMCPUCC pVCpu)
252 | {
253 | RT_NOREF(pVCpu);
254 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
255 | }
256 |
258 | {
259 | RT_NOREF(pVCpu);
260 | return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
261 | }
262 |
263 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) hmR0DummyExportHostState(PVMCPUCC pVCpu)
264 | {
265 | RT_NOREF(pVCpu);
266 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
267 | }
268 |
269 | /** Dummy ops. */
270 | static HMR0VTABLE const g_HmR0OpsDummy =
271 | {
272 | /* .pfnEnterSession = */ hmR0DummyEnter,
273 | /* .pfnThreadCtxCallback = */ hmR0DummyThreadCtxCallback,
274 | /* .pfnAssertionCallback = */ hmR0DummyAssertionCallback,
275 | /* .pfnExportHostState = */ hmR0DummyExportHostState,
276 | /* .pfnRunGuestCode = */ hmR0DummyRunGuestCode,
277 | /* .pfnEnableCpu = */ hmR0DummyEnableCpu,
278 | /* .pfnDisableCpu = */ hmR0DummyDisableCpu,
279 | /* .pfnInitVM = */ hmR0DummyInitVM,
280 | /* .pfnTermVM = */ hmR0DummyTermVM,
281 | /* .pfnSetupVM = */ hmR0DummySetupVM,
282 | };
283 |
284 | /** @} */
285 |
286 |
287 | /**
288 | * Initializes a first return code structure.
289 | *
290 | * @param pFirstRc The structure to init.
291 | */
292 | static void hmR0FirstRcInit(PHMR0FIRSTRC pFirstRc)
293 | {
294 | pFirstRc->rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
295 | pFirstRc->idCpu = NIL_RTCPUID;
296 | }
297 |
298 |
299 | /**
300 | * Try set the status code (success ignored).
301 | *
302 | * @param pFirstRc The first return code structure.
303 | * @param rc The status code.
304 | */
305 | static void hmR0FirstRcSetStatus(PHMR0FIRSTRC pFirstRc, int rc)
306 | {
307 | if ( RT_FAILURE(rc)
308 | && ASMAtomicCmpXchgS32(&pFirstRc->rc, rc, VINF_SUCCESS))
309 | pFirstRc->idCpu = RTMpCpuId();
310 | }
311 |
312 |
313 | /**
314 | * Get the status code of a first return code structure.
315 | *
316 | * @returns The status code; VINF_SUCCESS or error status, no informational or
317 | * warning errors.
318 | * @param pFirstRc The first return code structure.
319 | */
320 | static int hmR0FirstRcGetStatus(PHMR0FIRSTRC pFirstRc)
321 | {
322 | return pFirstRc->rc;
323 | }
324 |
325 |
326 | #ifdef VBOX_STRICT
327 | # ifndef DEBUG_bird
328 | /**
329 | * Get the CPU ID on which the failure status code was reported.
330 | *
331 | * @returns The CPU ID, NIL_RTCPUID if no failure was reported.
332 | * @param pFirstRc The first return code structure.
333 | */
334 | static RTCPUID hmR0FirstRcGetCpuId(PHMR0FIRSTRC pFirstRc)
335 | {
336 | return pFirstRc->idCpu;
337 | }
338 | # endif
339 | #endif /* VBOX_STRICT */
340 |
341 |
342 | /**
343 | * Verify if VMX is really usable by entering and exiting VMX root mode.
344 | *
345 | * @returns VBox status code.
346 | * @param uVmxBasicMsr The host's IA32_VMX_BASIC_MSR value.
347 | */
348 | static int hmR0InitIntelVerifyVmxUsability(uint64_t uVmxBasicMsr)
349 | {
350 | /* Allocate a temporary VMXON region. */
351 | RTR0MEMOBJ hScatchMemObj;
352 | int rc = RTR0MemObjAllocCont(&hScatchMemObj, HOST_PAGE_SIZE, NIL_RTHCPHYS /* PhysHighest */, false /* fExecutable */);
353 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
354 | {
355 | LogRelFunc(("RTR0MemObjAllocCont(,HOST_PAGE_SIZE,false) -> %Rrc\n", rc));
356 | return rc;
357 | }
358 | void *pvScatchPage = RTR0MemObjAddress(hScatchMemObj);
359 | RTHCPHYS const HCPhysScratchPage = RTR0MemObjGetPagePhysAddr(hScatchMemObj, 0);
360 | RT_BZERO(pvScatchPage, HOST_PAGE_SIZE);
361 |
362 | /* Set revision dword at the beginning of the VMXON structure. */
363 | *(uint32_t *)pvScatchPage = RT_BF_GET(uVmxBasicMsr, VMX_BF_BASIC_VMCS_ID);
364 |
365 | /* Make sure we don't get rescheduled to another CPU during this probe. */
366 | RTCCUINTREG const fEFlags = ASMIntDisableFlags();
367 |
368 | /* Enable CR4.VMXE if it isn't already set. */
370 |
371 | /*
372 | * The only way of checking if we're in VMX root mode is to try and enter it.
373 | * There is no instruction or control bit that tells us if we're in VMX root mode.
374 | * Therefore, try and enter and exit VMX root mode.
375 | */
376 | rc = VMXEnable(HCPhysScratchPage);
377 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
378 | VMXDisable();
379 | else
380 | {
381 | /*
382 | * KVM leaves the CPU in VMX root mode. Not only is this not allowed,
383 | * it will crash the host when we enter raw mode, because:
384 | *
385 | * (a) clearing X86_CR4_VMXE in CR4 causes a #GP (we no longer modify
386 | * this bit), and
387 | * (b) turning off paging causes a #GP (unavoidable when switching
388 | * from long to 32 bits mode or 32 bits to PAE).
389 | *
390 | * They should fix their code, but until they do we simply refuse to run.
391 | */
393 | }
394 |
395 | /* Restore CR4.VMXE if it wasn't set prior to us setting it above. */
396 | if (!(uOldCr4 & X86_CR4_VMXE))
397 | SUPR0ChangeCR4(0 /* fOrMask */, ~(uint64_t)X86_CR4_VMXE);
398 |
399 | /* Restore interrupts. */
400 | ASMSetFlags(fEFlags);
401 |
402 | RTR0MemObjFree(hScatchMemObj, false);
403 |
404 | return rc;
405 | }
406 |
407 |
408 | /**
409 | * Worker function used by hmR0PowerCallback() and HMR0Init() to initalize VT-x
410 | * on a CPU.
411 | *
412 | * @param idCpu The identifier for the CPU the function is called on.
413 | * @param pvUser1 Pointer to the first RC structure.
414 | * @param pvUser2 Ignored.
415 | */
416 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) hmR0InitIntelCpu(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
417 | {
418 | PHMR0FIRSTRC pFirstRc = (PHMR0FIRSTRC)pvUser1;
419 | Assert(!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD));
420 | Assert(idCpu == (RTCPUID)RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(idCpu)); /** @todo fix idCpu == index assumption (rainy day) */
421 | NOREF(idCpu); NOREF(pvUser2);
422 |
423 | int rc = SUPR0GetVmxUsability(NULL /* pfIsSmxModeAmbiguous */);
424 | hmR0FirstRcSetStatus(pFirstRc, rc);
425 | }
426 |
427 |
428 | /**
429 | * Intel specific initialization code.
430 | *
431 | * @returns VBox status code (will only fail if out of memory).
432 | */
433 | static int hmR0InitIntel(void)
434 | {
435 | /* Read this MSR now as it may be useful for error reporting when initializing VT-x fails. */
436 | g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.u64FeatCtrl = ASMRdMsr(MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL);
437 |
438 | /*
439 | * First try use native kernel API for controlling VT-x.
440 | * (This is only supported by some Mac OS X kernels atm.)
441 | */
442 | int rc;
443 | g_rcHmInit = rc = SUPR0EnableVTx(true /* fEnable */);
444 | g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx = rc != VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
445 | if (g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx)
446 | {
447 | AssertLogRelMsg(rc == VINF_SUCCESS || rc == VERR_VMX_IN_VMX_ROOT_MODE || rc == VERR_VMX_NO_VMX, ("%Rrc\n", rc));
448 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
449 | {
450 | g_fHmVmxSupported = true;
451 | rc = SUPR0EnableVTx(false /* fEnable */);
452 | AssertLogRelRC(rc);
453 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
454 | }
455 | }
456 | else
457 | {
458 | HMR0FIRSTRC FirstRc;
459 | hmR0FirstRcInit(&FirstRc);
460 | g_rcHmInit = rc = RTMpOnAll(hmR0InitIntelCpu, &FirstRc, NULL);
461 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
462 | g_rcHmInit = rc = hmR0FirstRcGetStatus(&FirstRc);
463 | }
464 |
465 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
466 | {
467 | /* Read CR4 and EFER for logging/diagnostic purposes. */
468 | g_uHmVmxHostCr0 = ASMGetCR0();
469 | g_uHmVmxHostCr4 = ASMGetCR4();
470 | g_uHmVmxHostMsrEfer = ASMRdMsr(MSR_K6_EFER);
471 |
472 | /* Get VMX MSRs (and feature control MSR) for determining VMX features we can ultimately use. */
473 | SUPR0GetHwvirtMsrs(&g_HmMsrs, SUPVTCAPS_VT_X, false /* fForce */);
474 |
475 | /*
476 | * Nested KVM workaround: Intel SDM section 34.15.5 describes that
477 | * MSR_IA32_SMM_MONITOR_CTL depends on bit 49 of MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC while
478 | * table 35-2 says that this MSR is available if either VMX or SMX is supported.
479 | */
480 | uint64_t const uVmxBasicMsr = g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.u64Basic;
481 | if (RT_BF_GET(uVmxBasicMsr, VMX_BF_BASIC_DUAL_MON))
482 | g_uHmVmxHostSmmMonitorCtl = ASMRdMsr(MSR_IA32_SMM_MONITOR_CTL);
483 |
484 | /*
485 | * Host core and memory capabilities MSRs.
486 | * Primarily for logging split-lock disable status.
487 | */
488 | uint32_t uDummy, uStdExtFeatEdx;
489 | ASMCpuId_Idx_ECX(7, 0, &uDummy, &uDummy, &uDummy, &uStdExtFeatEdx);
491 | {
492 | g_uHmVmxHostCoreCap = ASMRdMsr(MSR_IA32_CORE_CAPABILITIES);
493 | if (g_uHmVmxHostCoreCap & MSR_IA32_CORE_CAP_SPLIT_LOCK_DISABLE)
494 | g_uHmVmxHostMemoryCtrl = ASMRdMsr(MSR_MEMORY_CTRL);
495 | }
496 |
497 | /* Initialize VPID - 16 bits ASID. */
498 | g_uHmMaxAsid = 0x10000; /* exclusive */
499 |
500 | /*
501 | * If the host OS has not enabled VT-x for us, try enter VMX root mode
502 | * to really verify if VT-x is usable.
503 | */
504 | if (!g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx)
505 | {
506 | /*
507 | * We don't verify VMX root mode on all CPUs here because the verify
508 | * function exits VMX root mode thus potentially allowing other
509 | * programs to grab VT-x. Our global init's entering and staying in
510 | * VMX root mode (until our module termination) is done later when
511 | * the first VM powers up (after module initialization) using
512 | * VMMR0_DO_HM_ENABLE which calls HMR0EnableAllCpus().
513 | *
514 | * This is just a quick sanity check.
515 | */
516 | rc = hmR0InitIntelVerifyVmxUsability(uVmxBasicMsr);
517 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
518 | g_fHmVmxSupported = true;
519 | else
520 | {
521 | g_rcHmInit = rc;
522 | Assert(g_fHmVmxSupported == false);
523 | }
524 | }
525 |
526 | if (g_fHmVmxSupported)
527 | {
528 | rc = VMXR0GlobalInit();
529 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
530 | {
531 | /*
532 | * Install the VT-x methods.
533 | */
534 | g_HmR0Ops = g_HmR0OpsVmx;
535 |
536 | /*
537 | * Check for the VMX-Preemption Timer and adjust for the "VMX-Preemption
538 | * Timer Does Not Count Down at the Rate Specified" CPU erratum.
539 | */
540 | if (g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.PinCtls.n.allowed1 & VMX_PIN_CTLS_PREEMPT_TIMER)
541 | {
542 | g_fHmVmxUsePreemptTimer = true;
543 | g_cHmVmxPreemptTimerShift = RT_BF_GET(g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.u64Misc, VMX_BF_MISC_PREEMPT_TIMER_TSC);
544 | if (HMIsSubjectToVmxPreemptTimerErratum())
545 | g_cHmVmxPreemptTimerShift = 0; /* This is about right most of the time here. */
546 | }
547 | else
548 | g_fHmVmxUsePreemptTimer = false;
549 |
550 | /*
551 | * Check for EFER swapping support.
552 | */
553 | g_fHmVmxSupportsVmcsEfer = (g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.EntryCtls.n.allowed1 & VMX_ENTRY_CTLS_LOAD_EFER_MSR)
554 | && (g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.ExitCtls.n.allowed1 & VMX_EXIT_CTLS_LOAD_EFER_MSR)
555 | && (g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.ExitCtls.n.allowed1 & VMX_EXIT_CTLS_SAVE_EFER_MSR);
556 | }
557 | else
558 | {
559 | g_rcHmInit = rc;
560 | g_fHmVmxSupported = false;
561 | }
562 | }
563 | }
564 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
565 | else
566 | SUPR0Printf("hmR0InitIntelCpu failed with rc=%Rrc\n", g_rcHmInit);
567 | #endif
568 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
569 | }
570 |
571 |
572 | /**
573 | * Worker function used by hmR0PowerCallback() and HMR0Init() to initalize AMD-V
574 | * on a CPU.
575 | *
576 | * @param idCpu The identifier for the CPU the function is called on.
577 | * @param pvUser1 Pointer to the first RC structure.
578 | * @param pvUser2 Ignored.
579 | */
580 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) hmR0InitAmdCpu(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
581 | {
582 | PHMR0FIRSTRC pFirstRc = (PHMR0FIRSTRC)pvUser1;
583 | Assert(!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD));
584 | Assert(idCpu == (RTCPUID)RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(idCpu)); /** @todo fix idCpu == index assumption (rainy day) */
585 | NOREF(idCpu); NOREF(pvUser2);
586 |
587 | int rc = SUPR0GetSvmUsability(true /* fInitSvm */);
588 | hmR0FirstRcSetStatus(pFirstRc, rc);
589 | }
590 |
591 |
592 | /**
593 | * AMD-specific initialization code.
594 | *
595 | * @returns VBox status code (will only fail if out of memory).
596 | */
597 | static int hmR0InitAmd(void)
598 | {
599 | /* Call the global AMD-V initialization routine (should only fail in out-of-memory situations). */
600 | int rc = SVMR0GlobalInit();
601 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
602 | {
603 | /*
604 | * Install the AMD-V methods.
605 | */
606 | g_HmR0Ops = g_HmR0OpsSvm;
607 |
608 | /* Query AMD features. */
609 | uint32_t u32Dummy;
610 | ASMCpuId(0x8000000a, &g_uHmSvmRev, &g_uHmMaxAsid, &u32Dummy, &g_fHmSvmFeatures);
611 |
612 | /*
613 | * We need to check if AMD-V has been properly initialized on all CPUs.
614 | * Some BIOSes might do a poor job.
615 | */
616 | HMR0FIRSTRC FirstRc;
617 | hmR0FirstRcInit(&FirstRc);
618 | rc = RTMpOnAll(hmR0InitAmdCpu, &FirstRc, NULL);
619 | AssertRC(rc);
620 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
621 | rc = hmR0FirstRcGetStatus(&FirstRc);
622 | #ifndef DEBUG_bird
623 | AssertMsg(rc == VINF_SUCCESS || rc == VERR_SVM_IN_USE,
624 | ("hmR0InitAmdCpu failed for cpu %d with rc=%Rrc\n", hmR0FirstRcGetCpuId(&FirstRc), rc));
625 | #endif
626 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
627 | {
628 | SUPR0GetHwvirtMsrs(&g_HmMsrs, SUPVTCAPS_AMD_V, false /* fForce */);
629 | g_fHmSvmSupported = true;
630 | }
631 | else
632 | {
633 | g_rcHmInit = rc;
634 | if (rc == VERR_SVM_DISABLED || rc == VERR_SVM_IN_USE)
635 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* Don't fail if AMD-V is disabled or in use. */
636 | }
637 | }
638 | else
639 | g_rcHmInit = rc;
640 | return rc;
641 | }
642 |
643 |
644 | /**
645 | * Does global Ring-0 HM initialization (at module init).
646 | *
647 | * @returns VBox status code.
648 | */
649 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) HMR0Init(void)
650 | {
651 | /*
652 | * Initialize the globals.
653 | */
654 | g_fHmEnabled = false;
655 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aHmCpuInfo); i++)
656 | {
657 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].idCpu = NIL_RTCPUID;
658 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].hMemObj = NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ;
659 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].HCPhysMemObj = NIL_RTHCPHYS;
660 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].pvMemObj = NULL;
662 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.hNstGstMsrpm = NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ;
663 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.HCPhysNstGstMsrpm = NIL_RTHCPHYS;
664 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.pvNstGstMsrpm = NULL;
665 | #endif
666 | }
667 |
668 | /* Fill in all callbacks with placeholders. */
669 | g_HmR0Ops = g_HmR0OpsDummy;
670 |
671 | /* Default is global VT-x/AMD-V init. */
672 | g_fHmGlobalInit = true;
673 |
674 | g_fHmVmxSupported = false;
675 | g_fHmSvmSupported = false;
676 | g_uHmMaxAsid = 0;
677 |
678 | /*
679 | * Get host kernel features that HM might need to know in order
680 | * to co-operate and function properly with the host OS (e.g. SMAP).
681 | */
682 | g_fHmHostKernelFeatures = SUPR0GetKernelFeatures();
683 |
684 | /*
685 | * Make sure aCpuInfo is big enough for all the CPUs on this system.
686 | */
687 | if (RTMpGetArraySize() > RT_ELEMENTS(g_aHmCpuInfo))
688 | {
689 | LogRel(("HM: Too many real CPUs/cores/threads - %u, max %u\n", RTMpGetArraySize(), RT_ELEMENTS(g_aHmCpuInfo)));
690 | return VERR_TOO_MANY_CPUS;
691 | }
692 |
693 | /*
694 | * Check for VT-x or AMD-V support.
695 | * Return failure only in out-of-memory situations.
696 | */
697 | uint32_t fCaps = 0;
698 | int rc = SUPR0GetVTSupport(&fCaps);
699 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
700 | {
701 | if (fCaps & SUPVTCAPS_VT_X)
702 | rc = hmR0InitIntel();
703 | else
704 | {
705 | Assert(fCaps & SUPVTCAPS_AMD_V);
706 | rc = hmR0InitAmd();
707 | }
708 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
709 | {
710 | /*
711 | * Register notification callbacks that we can use to disable/enable CPUs
712 | * when brought offline/online or suspending/resuming.
713 | */
714 | if (!g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx)
715 | {
716 | rc = RTMpNotificationRegister(hmR0MpEventCallback, NULL);
717 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
718 | {
719 | rc = RTPowerNotificationRegister(hmR0PowerCallback, NULL);
720 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
721 | RTMpNotificationDeregister(hmR0MpEventCallback, NULL);
722 | }
723 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
724 | {
725 | /* There shouldn't be any per-cpu allocations at this point,
726 | so just have to call SVMR0GlobalTerm and VMXR0GlobalTerm. */
727 | if (fCaps & SUPVTCAPS_VT_X)
728 | VMXR0GlobalTerm();
729 | else
730 | SVMR0GlobalTerm();
731 | g_HmR0Ops = g_HmR0OpsDummy;
732 | g_rcHmInit = rc;
733 | g_fHmSvmSupported = false;
734 | g_fHmVmxSupported = false;
735 | }
736 | }
737 | }
738 | }
739 | else
740 | {
741 | g_rcHmInit = rc;
742 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* We return success here because module init shall not fail if HM fails to initialize. */
743 | }
744 | return rc;
745 | }
746 |
747 |
748 | /**
749 | * Does global Ring-0 HM termination (at module termination).
750 | *
751 | * @returns VBox status code (ignored).
752 | */
753 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) HMR0Term(void)
754 | {
755 | int rc;
756 | if ( g_fHmVmxSupported
757 | && g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx)
758 | {
759 | /*
760 | * Simple if the host OS manages VT-x.
761 | */
762 | Assert(g_fHmGlobalInit);
763 |
764 | if (g_fHmVmxCalledSUPR0EnableVTx)
765 | {
766 | rc = SUPR0EnableVTx(false /* fEnable */);
767 | g_fHmVmxCalledSUPR0EnableVTx = false;
768 | }
769 | else
770 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
771 |
772 | for (unsigned iCpu = 0; iCpu < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aHmCpuInfo); iCpu++)
773 | {
774 | g_aHmCpuInfo[iCpu].fConfigured = false;
775 | Assert(g_aHmCpuInfo[iCpu].hMemObj == NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ);
776 | }
777 | }
778 | else
779 | {
780 | Assert(!g_fHmVmxSupported || !g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx);
781 |
782 | /* Doesn't really matter if this fails. */
783 | RTMpNotificationDeregister(hmR0MpEventCallback, NULL);
784 | RTPowerNotificationDeregister(hmR0PowerCallback, NULL);
785 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
786 |
787 | /*
788 | * Disable VT-x/AMD-V on all CPUs if we enabled it before.
789 | */
790 | if (g_fHmGlobalInit)
791 | {
792 | HMR0FIRSTRC FirstRc;
793 | hmR0FirstRcInit(&FirstRc);
794 | rc = RTMpOnAll(hmR0DisableCpuCallback, NULL /* pvUser 1 */, &FirstRc);
795 | Assert(RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
796 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
797 | rc = hmR0FirstRcGetStatus(&FirstRc);
798 | }
799 |
800 | /*
801 | * Free the per-cpu pages used for VT-x and AMD-V.
802 | */
803 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aHmCpuInfo); i++)
804 | {
805 | if (g_aHmCpuInfo[i].hMemObj != NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ)
806 | {
807 | RTR0MemObjFree(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].hMemObj, false);
808 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].hMemObj = NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ;
809 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].HCPhysMemObj = NIL_RTHCPHYS;
810 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].pvMemObj = NULL;
811 | }
813 | if (g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.hNstGstMsrpm != NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ)
814 | {
815 | RTR0MemObjFree(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.hNstGstMsrpm, false);
816 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.hNstGstMsrpm = NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ;
817 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.HCPhysNstGstMsrpm = NIL_RTHCPHYS;
818 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.pvNstGstMsrpm = NULL;
819 | }
820 | #endif
821 | }
822 | }
823 |
824 | /** @todo This needs cleaning up. There's no matching
825 | * hmR0TermIntel()/hmR0TermAmd() and all the VT-x/AMD-V specific bits
826 | * should move into their respective modules. */
827 | /* Finally, call global VT-x/AMD-V termination. */
828 | if (g_fHmVmxSupported)
829 | VMXR0GlobalTerm();
830 | else if (g_fHmSvmSupported)
831 | SVMR0GlobalTerm();
832 |
833 | return rc;
834 | }
835 |
836 |
837 | /**
838 | * Enable VT-x or AMD-V on the current CPU
839 | *
840 | * @returns VBox status code.
841 | * @param pVM The cross context VM structure. Can be NULL.
842 | * @param idCpu The identifier for the CPU the function is called on.
843 | *
844 | * @remarks Maybe called with interrupts disabled!
845 | */
846 | static int hmR0EnableCpu(PVMCC pVM, RTCPUID idCpu)
847 | {
848 | PHMPHYSCPU pHostCpu = &g_aHmCpuInfo[idCpu];
849 |
850 | Assert(idCpu == (RTCPUID)RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(idCpu)); /** @todo fix idCpu == index assumption (rainy day) */
851 | Assert(idCpu < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aHmCpuInfo));
852 | Assert(!pHostCpu->fConfigured);
853 | Assert(!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD));
854 |
855 | pHostCpu->idCpu = idCpu;
856 | /* Do NOT reset cTlbFlushes here, see @bugref{6255}. */
857 |
858 | int rc;
859 | if ( g_fHmVmxSupported
860 | && g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx)
861 | rc = g_HmR0Ops.pfnEnableCpu(pHostCpu, pVM, NULL /* pvCpuPage */, NIL_RTHCPHYS, true, &g_HmMsrs);
862 | else
863 | {
864 | AssertLogRelMsgReturn(pHostCpu->hMemObj != NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ, ("hmR0EnableCpu failed idCpu=%u.\n", idCpu), VERR_HM_IPE_1);
865 | rc = g_HmR0Ops.pfnEnableCpu(pHostCpu, pVM, pHostCpu->pvMemObj, pHostCpu->HCPhysMemObj, false, &g_HmMsrs);
866 | }
867 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
868 | pHostCpu->fConfigured = true;
869 | return rc;
870 | }
871 |
872 |
873 | /**
874 | * Worker function passed to RTMpOnAll() that is to be called on all CPUs.
875 | *
876 | * @param idCpu The identifier for the CPU the function is called on.
877 | * @param pvUser1 Opaque pointer to the VM (can be NULL!).
878 | * @param pvUser2 The 2nd user argument.
879 | */
880 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) hmR0EnableCpuCallback(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
881 | {
882 | PVMCC pVM = (PVMCC)pvUser1; /* can be NULL! */
883 | PHMR0FIRSTRC pFirstRc = (PHMR0FIRSTRC)pvUser2;
884 | AssertReturnVoid(g_fHmGlobalInit);
885 | Assert(!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD));
886 | hmR0FirstRcSetStatus(pFirstRc, hmR0EnableCpu(pVM, idCpu));
887 | }
888 |
889 |
890 | /**
891 | * RTOnce callback employed by HMR0EnableAllCpus.
892 | *
893 | * @returns VBox status code.
894 | * @param pvUser Pointer to the VM.
895 | */
896 | static DECLCALLBACK(int32_t) hmR0EnableAllCpuOnce(void *pvUser)
897 | {
898 | PVMCC pVM = (PVMCC)pvUser;
899 |
900 | /*
901 | * Indicate that we've initialized.
902 | *
903 | * Note! There is a potential race between this function and the suspend
904 | * notification. Kind of unlikely though, so ignored for now.
905 | */
906 | AssertReturn(!g_fHmEnabled, VERR_HM_ALREADY_ENABLED_IPE);
907 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&g_fHmEnabled, true);
908 |
909 | /*
910 | * The global init variable is set by the first VM.
911 | */
912 | g_fHmGlobalInit = pVM->hm.s.fGlobalInit;
913 |
914 | #ifdef VBOX_STRICT
915 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aHmCpuInfo); i++)
916 | {
917 | Assert(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].hMemObj == NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ);
918 | Assert(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].HCPhysMemObj == NIL_RTHCPHYS);
919 | Assert(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].pvMemObj == NULL);
920 | Assert(!g_aHmCpuInfo[i].fConfigured);
921 | Assert(!g_aHmCpuInfo[i].cTlbFlushes);
922 | Assert(!g_aHmCpuInfo[i].uCurrentAsid);
924 | Assert(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.hNstGstMsrpm == NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ);
925 | Assert(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.HCPhysNstGstMsrpm == NIL_RTHCPHYS);
926 | Assert(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.pvNstGstMsrpm == NULL);
927 | # endif
928 | }
929 | #endif
930 |
931 | int rc;
932 | if ( g_fHmVmxSupported
933 | && g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx)
934 | {
935 | /*
936 | * Global VT-x initialization API (only darwin for now).
937 | */
938 | rc = SUPR0EnableVTx(true /* fEnable */);
939 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
940 | {
941 | g_fHmVmxCalledSUPR0EnableVTx = true;
942 | /* If the host provides a VT-x init API, then we'll rely on that for global init. */
943 | g_fHmGlobalInit = pVM->hm.s.fGlobalInit = true;
944 | }
945 | else
946 | AssertMsgFailed(("hmR0EnableAllCpuOnce/SUPR0EnableVTx: rc=%Rrc\n", rc));
947 | }
948 | else
949 | {
950 | /*
951 | * We're doing the job ourselves.
952 | */
953 | /* Allocate one page per cpu for the global VT-x and AMD-V pages */
954 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aHmCpuInfo); i++)
955 | {
956 | Assert(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].hMemObj == NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ);
958 | Assert(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.hNstGstMsrpm == NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ);
959 | #endif
960 | if (RTMpIsCpuPossible(RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex(i)))
961 | {
962 | /** @todo NUMA */
963 | rc = RTR0MemObjAllocCont(&g_aHmCpuInfo[i].hMemObj, HOST_PAGE_SIZE, NIL_RTHCPHYS /*PhysHighest*/, false /* executable R0 mapping */);
964 | AssertLogRelRCReturn(rc, rc);
965 |
966 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].HCPhysMemObj = RTR0MemObjGetPagePhysAddr(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].hMemObj, 0);
967 | Assert(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].HCPhysMemObj != NIL_RTHCPHYS);
968 | Assert(!(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].HCPhysMemObj & HOST_PAGE_OFFSET_MASK));
969 |
970 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].pvMemObj = RTR0MemObjAddress(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].hMemObj);
971 | AssertPtr(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].pvMemObj);
972 | RT_BZERO(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].pvMemObj, HOST_PAGE_SIZE);
973 |
975 | rc = RTR0MemObjAllocCont(&g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.hNstGstMsrpm, SVM_MSRPM_PAGES << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT,
976 | NIL_RTHCPHYS /*PhysHighest*/, false /* executable R0 mapping */);
977 | AssertLogRelRCReturn(rc, rc);
978 |
979 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.HCPhysNstGstMsrpm = RTR0MemObjGetPagePhysAddr(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.hNstGstMsrpm, 0);
980 | Assert(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.HCPhysNstGstMsrpm != NIL_RTHCPHYS);
981 | Assert(!(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.HCPhysNstGstMsrpm & HOST_PAGE_OFFSET_MASK));
982 |
983 | g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.pvNstGstMsrpm = RTR0MemObjAddress(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.hNstGstMsrpm);
984 | AssertPtr(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.pvNstGstMsrpm);
985 | ASMMemFill32(g_aHmCpuInfo[i].n.svm.pvNstGstMsrpm, SVM_MSRPM_PAGES << X86_PAGE_4K_SHIFT, UINT32_C(0xffffffff));
986 | #endif
987 | }
988 | }
989 |
990 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
991 | }
992 |
993 | if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc)
994 | && g_fHmGlobalInit)
995 | {
996 | /*
997 | * It's possible we end up here with VMX (and perhaps SVM) not supported, see @bugref{9918}.
998 | * In that case, our HMR0 function table contains the dummy placeholder functions which pretend
999 | * success. However, we must not pretend success any longer (like we did during HMR0Init called
1000 | * during VMMR0 module init) as the HM init error code (g_rcHmInit) should be propagated to
1001 | * ring-3 especially since we now have a VM instance.
1002 | */
1003 | if ( !g_fHmVmxSupported
1004 | && !g_fHmSvmSupported)
1005 | {
1006 | Assert(g_HmR0Ops.pfnEnableCpu == hmR0DummyEnableCpu);
1007 | Assert(RT_FAILURE(g_rcHmInit));
1008 | rc = g_rcHmInit;
1009 | }
1010 | else
1011 | {
1012 | /* First time, so initialize each cpu/core. */
1013 | HMR0FIRSTRC FirstRc;
1014 | hmR0FirstRcInit(&FirstRc);
1015 | Assert(g_HmR0Ops.pfnEnableCpu != hmR0DummyEnableCpu);
1016 | rc = RTMpOnAll(hmR0EnableCpuCallback, (void *)pVM, &FirstRc);
1017 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1018 | rc = hmR0FirstRcGetStatus(&FirstRc);
1019 | }
1020 | }
1021 |
1022 | return rc;
1023 | }
1024 |
1025 |
1026 | /**
1027 | * Sets up HM on all cpus.
1028 | *
1029 | * @returns VBox status code.
1030 | * @param pVM The cross context VM structure.
1031 | */
1032 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) HMR0EnableAllCpus(PVMCC pVM)
1033 | {
1034 | /* Make sure we don't touch HM after we've disabled HM in preparation of a suspend. */
1035 | if (ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fHmSuspended))
1037 |
1038 | return RTOnce(&g_HmEnableAllCpusOnce, hmR0EnableAllCpuOnce, pVM);
1039 | }
1040 |
1041 |
1042 | /**
1043 | * Disable VT-x or AMD-V on the current CPU.
1044 | *
1045 | * @returns VBox status code.
1046 | * @param idCpu The identifier for the CPU this function is called on.
1047 | *
1048 | * @remarks Must be called with preemption disabled.
1049 | */
1050 | static int hmR0DisableCpu(RTCPUID idCpu)
1051 | {
1052 | PHMPHYSCPU pHostCpu = &g_aHmCpuInfo[idCpu];
1053 |
1054 | Assert(!g_fHmVmxSupported || !g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx);
1055 | Assert(!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD));
1056 | Assert(idCpu == (RTCPUID)RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(idCpu)); /** @todo fix idCpu == index assumption (rainy day) */
1057 | Assert(idCpu < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aHmCpuInfo));
1058 | Assert(!pHostCpu->fConfigured || pHostCpu->hMemObj != NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ);
1059 | AssertRelease(idCpu == RTMpCpuId());
1060 |
1061 | if (pHostCpu->hMemObj == NIL_RTR0MEMOBJ)
1062 | return pHostCpu->fConfigured ? VERR_NO_MEMORY : VINF_SUCCESS /* not initialized. */;
1063 | AssertPtr(pHostCpu->pvMemObj);
1064 | Assert(pHostCpu->HCPhysMemObj != NIL_RTHCPHYS);
1065 |
1066 | int rc;
1067 | if (pHostCpu->fConfigured)
1068 | {
1069 | rc = g_HmR0Ops.pfnDisableCpu(pHostCpu, pHostCpu->pvMemObj, pHostCpu->HCPhysMemObj);
1070 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
1071 |
1072 | pHostCpu->fConfigured = false;
1073 | pHostCpu->idCpu = NIL_RTCPUID;
1074 | }
1075 | else
1076 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* nothing to do */
1077 | return rc;
1078 | }
1079 |
1080 |
1081 | /**
1082 | * Worker function passed to RTMpOnAll() that is to be called on the target
1083 | * CPUs.
1084 | *
1085 | * @param idCpu The identifier for the CPU the function is called on.
1086 | * @param pvUser1 The 1st user argument.
1087 | * @param pvUser2 Opaque pointer to the FirstRc.
1088 | */
1089 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) hmR0DisableCpuCallback(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
1090 | {
1091 | PHMR0FIRSTRC pFirstRc = (PHMR0FIRSTRC)pvUser2; NOREF(pvUser1);
1092 | AssertReturnVoid(g_fHmGlobalInit);
1093 | hmR0FirstRcSetStatus(pFirstRc, hmR0DisableCpu(idCpu));
1094 | }
1095 |
1096 |
1097 | /**
1098 | * Worker function passed to RTMpOnSpecific() that is to be called on the target
1099 | * CPU.
1100 | *
1101 | * @param idCpu The identifier for the CPU the function is called on.
1102 | * @param pvUser1 Null, not used.
1103 | * @param pvUser2 Null, not used.
1104 | */
1105 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) hmR0DisableCpuOnSpecificCallback(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2)
1106 | {
1107 | NOREF(pvUser1);
1108 | NOREF(pvUser2);
1109 | hmR0DisableCpu(idCpu);
1110 | }
1111 |
1112 |
1113 | /**
1114 | * Callback function invoked when a cpu goes online or offline.
1115 | *
1116 | * @param enmEvent The Mp event.
1117 | * @param idCpu The identifier for the CPU the function is called on.
1118 | * @param pvData Opaque data (PVMCC pointer).
1119 | */
1120 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) hmR0MpEventCallback(RTMPEVENT enmEvent, RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvData)
1121 | {
1122 | NOREF(pvData);
1123 | Assert(!g_fHmVmxSupported || !g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx);
1124 |
1125 | /*
1126 | * We only care about uninitializing a CPU that is going offline. When a
1127 | * CPU comes online, the initialization is done lazily in HMR0Enter().
1128 | */
1129 | switch (enmEvent)
1130 | {
1132 | {
1134 | RTThreadPreemptDisable(&PreemptState);
1135 | if (idCpu == RTMpCpuId())
1136 | {
1137 | int rc = hmR0DisableCpu(idCpu);
1138 | AssertRC(rc);
1139 | RTThreadPreemptRestore(&PreemptState);
1140 | }
1141 | else
1142 | {
1143 | RTThreadPreemptRestore(&PreemptState);
1144 | RTMpOnSpecific(idCpu, hmR0DisableCpuOnSpecificCallback, NULL /* pvUser1 */, NULL /* pvUser2 */);
1145 | }
1146 | break;
1147 | }
1148 |
1149 | default:
1150 | break;
1151 | }
1152 | }
1153 |
1154 |
1155 | /**
1156 | * Called whenever a system power state change occurs.
1157 | *
1158 | * @param enmEvent The Power event.
1159 | * @param pvUser User argument.
1160 | */
1161 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) hmR0PowerCallback(RTPOWEREVENT enmEvent, void *pvUser)
1162 | {
1163 | NOREF(pvUser);
1164 | Assert(!g_fHmVmxSupported || !g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx);
1165 |
1166 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
1167 | if (enmEvent == RTPOWEREVENT_SUSPEND)
1168 | SUPR0Printf("hmR0PowerCallback RTPOWEREVENT_SUSPEND\n");
1169 | else
1170 | SUPR0Printf("hmR0PowerCallback RTPOWEREVENT_RESUME\n");
1171 | #endif
1172 |
1173 | if (enmEvent == RTPOWEREVENT_SUSPEND)
1174 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&g_fHmSuspended, true);
1175 |
1176 | if (g_fHmEnabled)
1177 | {
1178 | int rc;
1179 | HMR0FIRSTRC FirstRc;
1180 | hmR0FirstRcInit(&FirstRc);
1181 |
1182 | if (enmEvent == RTPOWEREVENT_SUSPEND)
1183 | {
1184 | if (g_fHmGlobalInit)
1185 | {
1186 | /* Turn off VT-x or AMD-V on all CPUs. */
1187 | rc = RTMpOnAll(hmR0DisableCpuCallback, NULL /* pvUser 1 */, &FirstRc);
1188 | Assert(RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
1189 | }
1190 | /* else nothing to do here for the local init case */
1191 | }
1192 | else
1193 | {
1194 | /* Reinit the CPUs from scratch as the suspend state might have
1195 | messed with the MSRs. (lousy BIOSes as usual) */
1196 | if (g_fHmVmxSupported)
1197 | rc = RTMpOnAll(hmR0InitIntelCpu, &FirstRc, NULL);
1198 | else
1199 | rc = RTMpOnAll(hmR0InitAmdCpu, &FirstRc, NULL);
1200 | Assert(RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
1201 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1202 | rc = hmR0FirstRcGetStatus(&FirstRc);
1203 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
1204 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1205 | SUPR0Printf("hmR0PowerCallback hmR0InitXxxCpu failed with %Rc\n", rc);
1206 | #endif
1207 | if (g_fHmGlobalInit)
1208 | {
1209 | /* Turn VT-x or AMD-V back on on all CPUs. */
1210 | rc = RTMpOnAll(hmR0EnableCpuCallback, NULL /* pVM */, &FirstRc /* output ignored */);
1211 | Assert(RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
1212 | }
1213 | /* else nothing to do here for the local init case */
1214 | }
1215 | }
1216 |
1217 | if (enmEvent == RTPOWEREVENT_RESUME)
1218 | ASMAtomicWriteBool(&g_fHmSuspended, false);
1219 | }
1220 |
1221 |
1222 | /**
1223 | * Does ring-0 per-VM HM initialization.
1224 | *
1225 | * This will call the CPU specific init. routine which may initialize and allocate
1226 | * resources for virtual CPUs.
1227 | *
1228 | * @returns VBox status code.
1229 | * @param pVM The cross context VM structure.
1230 | *
1231 | * @remarks This is called after HMR3Init(), see vmR3CreateU() and
1232 | * vmR3InitRing3().
1233 | */
1234 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) HMR0InitVM(PVMCC pVM)
1235 | {
1236 | AssertCompile(sizeof(pVM->hm.s) <= sizeof(pVM->hm.padding));
1237 | AssertCompile(sizeof(pVM->hmr0.s) <= sizeof(pVM->hmr0.padding));
1238 | AssertCompile(sizeof(pVM->aCpus[0].hm.s) <= sizeof(pVM->aCpus[0].hm.padding));
1239 | AssertCompile(sizeof(pVM->aCpus[0].hmr0.s) <= sizeof(pVM->aCpus[0].hmr0.padding));
1240 | AssertReturn(pVM, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1241 |
1242 | /* Make sure we don't touch HM after we've disabled HM in preparation of a suspend. */
1243 | if (ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fHmSuspended))
1245 |
1246 | /*
1247 | * Copy globals to the VM structure.
1248 | */
1249 | Assert(!(pVM->hm.s.vmx.fSupported && pVM->hm.s.svm.fSupported));
1250 | if (pVM->hm.s.vmx.fSupported)
1251 | {
1252 | pVM->hmr0.s.vmx.fUsePreemptTimer = pVM->hm.s.vmx.fUsePreemptTimerCfg && g_fHmVmxUsePreemptTimer;
1253 | pVM->hm.s.vmx.fUsePreemptTimerCfg = pVM->hmr0.s.vmx.fUsePreemptTimer;
1254 | pVM->hm.s.vmx.cPreemptTimerShift = g_cHmVmxPreemptTimerShift;
1255 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.vmx.u64HostCr0 = g_uHmVmxHostCr0;
1256 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.vmx.u64HostCr4 = g_uHmVmxHostCr4;
1257 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.vmx.u64HostMsrEfer = g_uHmVmxHostMsrEfer;
1258 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.vmx.u64HostSmmMonitorCtl = g_uHmVmxHostSmmMonitorCtl;
1259 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.vmx.u64HostCoreCap = g_uHmVmxHostCoreCap;
1260 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.vmx.u64HostMemoryCtrl = g_uHmVmxHostMemoryCtrl;
1261 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.vmx.u64HostFeatCtrl = g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.u64FeatCtrl;
1262 | HMGetVmxMsrsFromHwvirtMsrs(&g_HmMsrs, &pVM->hm.s.ForR3.vmx.Msrs);
1263 | /* If you need to tweak host MSRs for testing VMX R0 code, do it here. */
1264 |
1265 | /* Enable VPID if supported and configured. */
1266 | if (g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.ProcCtls2.n.allowed1 & VMX_PROC_CTLS2_VPID)
1267 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.vmx.fVpid = pVM->hmr0.s.vmx.fVpid = pVM->hm.s.vmx.fAllowVpid; /* Can be overridden by CFGM in HMR3Init(). */
1268 |
1269 | /* Use VMCS shadowing if supported. */
1270 | pVM->hmr0.s.vmx.fUseVmcsShadowing = pVM->cpum.ro.GuestFeatures.fVmx
1271 | && (g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.ProcCtls2.n.allowed1 & VMX_PROC_CTLS2_VMCS_SHADOWING);
1272 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.vmx.fUseVmcsShadowing = pVM->hmr0.s.vmx.fUseVmcsShadowing;
1273 |
1274 | /* Use the VMCS controls for swapping the EFER MSR if supported. */
1275 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.vmx.fSupportsVmcsEfer = g_fHmVmxSupportsVmcsEfer;
1276 |
1277 | #if 0
1278 | /* Enable APIC register virtualization and virtual-interrupt delivery if supported. */
1279 | if ( (g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.ProcCtls2.n.allowed1 & VMX_PROC_CTLS2_APIC_REG_VIRT)
1280 | && (g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.ProcCtls2.n.allowed1 & VMX_PROC_CTLS2_VIRT_INTR_DELIVERY))
1281 | pVM->hm.s.fVirtApicRegs = true;
1282 |
1283 | /* Enable posted-interrupt processing if supported. */
1284 | /** @todo Add and query IPRT API for host OS support for posted-interrupt IPI
1285 | * here. */
1286 | if ( (g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.PinCtls.n.allowed1 & VMX_PIN_CTLS_POSTED_INT)
1287 | && (g_HmMsrs.u.vmx.ExitCtls.n.allowed1 & VMX_EXIT_CTLS_ACK_EXT_INT))
1288 | pVM->hm.s.fPostedIntrs = true;
1289 | #endif
1290 | }
1291 | else if (pVM->hm.s.svm.fSupported)
1292 | {
1293 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.svm.u32Rev = g_uHmSvmRev;
1294 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.svm.fFeatures = g_fHmSvmFeatures;
1295 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.svm.u64MsrHwcr = g_HmMsrs.u.svm.u64MsrHwcr;
1296 | /* If you need to tweak host MSRs for testing SVM R0 code, do it here. */
1297 | }
1298 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.rcInit = g_rcHmInit;
1299 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.uMaxAsid = g_uHmMaxAsid;
1300 |
1301 | /*
1302 | * Set default maximum inner loops in ring-0 before returning to ring-3.
1303 | * Can be overriden using CFGM.
1304 | */
1305 | uint32_t cMaxResumeLoops = pVM->hm.s.cMaxResumeLoopsCfg;
1306 | if (!cMaxResumeLoops)
1307 | {
1308 | cMaxResumeLoops = 1024;
1309 | if (RTThreadPreemptIsPendingTrusty())
1310 | cMaxResumeLoops = 8192;
1311 | }
1312 | else if (cMaxResumeLoops > 16384)
1313 | cMaxResumeLoops = 16384;
1314 | else if (cMaxResumeLoops < 32)
1315 | cMaxResumeLoops = 32;
1316 | pVM->hm.s.cMaxResumeLoopsCfg = pVM->hmr0.s.cMaxResumeLoops = cMaxResumeLoops;
1317 |
1318 | /*
1319 | * Initialize some per-VCPU fields.
1320 | */
1321 | for (VMCPUID idCpu = 0; idCpu < pVM->cCpus; idCpu++)
1322 | {
1323 | PVMCPUCC pVCpu = VMCC_GET_CPU(pVM, idCpu);
1324 | pVCpu->hmr0.s.idEnteredCpu = NIL_RTCPUID;
1325 | pVCpu->hmr0.s.idLastCpu = NIL_RTCPUID;
1326 |
1327 | /* We'll aways increment this the first time (host uses ASID 0). */
1328 | AssertReturn(!pVCpu->hmr0.s.uCurrentAsid, VERR_HM_IPE_3);
1329 | }
1330 |
1331 | /*
1332 | * Configure defences against spectre and other CPU bugs.
1333 | */
1334 | /* Determin the flags: */
1335 | uint32_t fWorldSwitcher = 0;
1336 | if (g_CpumHostFeatures.s.fIbpb)
1337 | {
1338 | if (pVM->hm.s.fIbpbOnVmExit)
1339 | fWorldSwitcher |= HM_WSF_IBPB_EXIT;
1340 | if (pVM->hm.s.fIbpbOnVmEntry)
1341 | fWorldSwitcher |= HM_WSF_IBPB_ENTRY;
1342 | }
1343 | if (g_CpumHostFeatures.s.fFlushCmd)
1344 | {
1345 | if (pVM->hm.s.fL1dFlushOnVmEntry)
1346 | fWorldSwitcher |= HM_WSF_L1D_ENTRY;
1347 | else if (pVM->hm.s.fL1dFlushOnSched)
1348 | fWorldSwitcher |= HM_WSF_L1D_SCHED;
1349 | }
1350 | if (g_CpumHostFeatures.s.fMdsClear)
1351 | {
1352 | if (pVM->hm.s.fMdsClearOnVmEntry)
1353 | fWorldSwitcher |= HM_WSF_MDS_ENTRY;
1354 | else if (pVM->hm.s.fMdsClearOnSched)
1355 | fWorldSwitcher |= HM_WSF_MDS_SCHED;
1356 | }
1357 | if (g_CpumHostFeatures.s.fSpecCtrlMsr)
1358 | {
1359 | /** @todo this may be too early for intel? */
1360 | if (pVM->cpum.ro.GuestFeatures.fSpecCtrlMsr)
1361 | fWorldSwitcher |= HM_WSF_SPEC_CTRL;
1362 | }
1363 |
1364 | /* Distribute the flags. */
1365 | for (VMCPUID idCpu = 0; idCpu < pVM->cCpus; idCpu++)
1366 | {
1367 | PVMCPUCC pVCpu = VMCC_GET_CPU(pVM, idCpu);
1368 | pVCpu->hmr0.s.fWorldSwitcher = fWorldSwitcher;
1369 | }
1370 | pVM->hm.s.ForR3.fWorldSwitcher = fWorldSwitcher;
1371 |
1372 | /*
1373 | * Call the hardware specific initialization method.
1374 | */
1375 | return g_HmR0Ops.pfnInitVM(pVM);
1376 | }
1377 |
1378 |
1379 | /**
1380 | * Does ring-0 per VM HM termination.
1381 | *
1382 | * @returns VBox status code.
1383 | * @param pVM The cross context VM structure.
1384 | */
1385 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) HMR0TermVM(PVMCC pVM)
1386 | {
1387 | Log(("HMR0TermVM: %p\n", pVM));
1388 | AssertReturn(pVM, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1389 |
1390 | /*
1391 | * Call the hardware specific method.
1392 | *
1393 | * Note! We might be preparing for a suspend, so the pfnTermVM() functions should probably not
1394 | * mess with VT-x/AMD-V features on the CPU, currently all they do is free memory so this is safe.
1395 | */
1396 | return g_HmR0Ops.pfnTermVM(pVM);
1397 | }
1398 |
1399 |
1400 | /**
1401 | * Sets up a VT-x or AMD-V session.
1402 | *
1403 | * This is mostly about setting up the hardware VM state.
1404 | *
1405 | * @returns VBox status code.
1406 | * @param pVM The cross context VM structure.
1407 | */
1408 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) HMR0SetupVM(PVMCC pVM)
1409 | {
1410 | Log(("HMR0SetupVM: %p\n", pVM));
1411 | AssertReturn(pVM, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1412 |
1413 | /* Make sure we don't touch HM after we've disabled HM in preparation of a suspend. */
1414 | AssertReturn(!ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fHmSuspended), VERR_HM_SUSPEND_PENDING);
1415 |
1416 | /* On first entry we'll sync everything. */
1418 |
1419 | /*
1420 | * Call the hardware specific setup VM method. This requires the CPU to be
1421 | * enabled for AMD-V/VT-x and preemption to be prevented.
1422 | */
1424 | RTThreadPreemptDisable(&PreemptState);
1425 | RTCPUID const idCpu = RTMpCpuId();
1426 |
1427 | /* Enable VT-x or AMD-V if local init is required. */
1428 | int rc;
1429 | if (!g_fHmGlobalInit)
1430 | {
1431 | Assert(!g_fHmVmxSupported || !g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx);
1432 | rc = hmR0EnableCpu(pVM, idCpu);
1433 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
1434 | {
1435 | RTThreadPreemptRestore(&PreemptState);
1436 | return rc;
1437 | }
1438 | }
1439 |
1440 | /* Setup VT-x or AMD-V. */
1441 | rc = g_HmR0Ops.pfnSetupVM(pVM);
1442 |
1443 | /* Disable VT-x or AMD-V if local init was done before. */
1444 | if (!g_fHmGlobalInit)
1445 | {
1446 | Assert(!g_fHmVmxSupported || !g_fHmVmxUsingSUPR0EnableVTx);
1447 | int rc2 = hmR0DisableCpu(idCpu);
1448 | AssertRC(rc2);
1449 | }
1450 |
1451 | RTThreadPreemptRestore(&PreemptState);
1452 | return rc;
1453 | }
1454 |
1455 |
1456 | /**
1457 | * Notification callback before an assertion longjump and guru mediation.
1458 | *
1459 | * @returns VBox status code.
1460 | * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure.
1461 | * @param pvUser User argument, currently unused, NULL.
1462 | */
1463 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) hmR0AssertionCallback(PVMCPUCC pVCpu, void *pvUser)
1464 | {
1465 | RT_NOREF(pvUser);
1466 | Assert(pVCpu);
1467 | Assert(g_HmR0Ops.pfnAssertionCallback);
1468 | return g_HmR0Ops.pfnAssertionCallback(pVCpu);
1469 | }
1470 |
1471 |
1472 | /**
1473 | * Turns on HM on the CPU if necessary and initializes the bare minimum state
1474 | * required for entering HM context.
1475 | *
1476 | * @returns VBox status code.
1477 | * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure.
1478 | *
1479 | * @remarks No-long-jump zone!!!
1480 | */
1481 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) hmR0EnterCpu(PVMCPUCC pVCpu)
1482 | {
1483 | Assert(!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD));
1484 |
1485 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
1486 | RTCPUID const idCpu = RTMpCpuId();
1487 | PHMPHYSCPU pHostCpu = &g_aHmCpuInfo[idCpu];
1488 | AssertPtr(pHostCpu);
1489 |
1490 | /* Enable VT-x or AMD-V if local init is required, or enable if it's a freshly onlined CPU. */
1491 | if (!pHostCpu->fConfigured)
1492 | rc = hmR0EnableCpu(pVCpu->CTX_SUFF(pVM), idCpu);
1493 |
1494 | /* Register a callback to fire prior to performing a longjmp to ring-3 so HM can disable VT-x/AMD-V if needed. */
1495 | VMMR0AssertionSetNotification(pVCpu, hmR0AssertionCallback, NULL /*pvUser*/);
1496 |
1497 | /* Reload host-state (back from ring-3/migrated CPUs) and shared guest/host bits. */
1498 | if (g_fHmVmxSupported)
1500 | else
1502 |
1503 | Assert(pHostCpu->idCpu == idCpu && pHostCpu->idCpu != NIL_RTCPUID);
1504 | pVCpu->hmr0.s.idEnteredCpu = idCpu;
1505 | return rc;
1506 | }
1507 |
1508 |
1509 | /**
1510 | * Enters the VT-x or AMD-V session.
1511 | *
1512 | * @returns VBox status code.
1513 | * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure.
1514 | *
1515 | * @remarks This is called with preemption disabled.
1516 | */
1517 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) HMR0Enter(PVMCPUCC pVCpu)
1518 | {
1519 | /* Make sure we can't enter a session after we've disabled HM in preparation of a suspend. */
1520 | AssertReturn(!ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fHmSuspended), VERR_HM_SUSPEND_PENDING);
1521 | Assert(!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD));
1522 |
1523 | /* Load the bare minimum state required for entering HM. */
1524 | int rc = hmR0EnterCpu(pVCpu);
1525 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1526 | {
1527 | if (g_fHmVmxSupported)
1530 | else
1533 |
1534 | /* Keep track of the CPU owning the VMCS for debugging scheduling weirdness and ring-3 calls. */
1535 | rc = g_HmR0Ops.pfnEnterSession(pVCpu);
1536 | AssertMsgRCReturnStmt(rc, ("rc=%Rrc pVCpu=%p\n", rc, pVCpu), pVCpu->hmr0.s.idEnteredCpu = NIL_RTCPUID, rc);
1537 |
1538 | /* Exports the host-state as we may be resuming code after a longjmp and quite
1539 | possibly now be scheduled on a different CPU. */
1540 | rc = g_HmR0Ops.pfnExportHostState(pVCpu);
1541 | AssertMsgRCReturnStmt(rc, ("rc=%Rrc pVCpu=%p\n", rc, pVCpu), pVCpu->hmr0.s.idEnteredCpu = NIL_RTCPUID, rc);
1542 | }
1543 | return rc;
1544 | }
1545 |
1546 |
1547 | /**
1548 | * Deinitializes the bare minimum state used for HM context and if necessary
1549 | * disable HM on the CPU.
1550 | *
1551 | * @returns VBox status code.
1552 | * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure.
1553 | *
1554 | * @remarks No-long-jump zone!!!
1555 | */
1556 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) HMR0LeaveCpu(PVMCPUCC pVCpu)
1557 | {
1558 | Assert(!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD));
1560 |
1561 | RTCPUID const idCpu = RTMpCpuId();
1562 | PCHMPHYSCPU pHostCpu = &g_aHmCpuInfo[idCpu];
1563 |
1564 | if ( !g_fHmGlobalInit
1565 | && pHostCpu->fConfigured)
1566 | {
1567 | int rc = hmR0DisableCpu(idCpu);
1568 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
1569 | Assert(!pHostCpu->fConfigured);
1570 | Assert(pHostCpu->idCpu == NIL_RTCPUID);
1571 |
1572 | /* For obtaining a non-zero ASID/VPID on next re-entry. */
1573 | pVCpu->hmr0.s.idLastCpu = NIL_RTCPUID;
1574 | }
1575 |
1576 | /* Clear it while leaving HM context, hmPokeCpuForTlbFlush() relies on this. */
1577 | pVCpu->hmr0.s.idEnteredCpu = NIL_RTCPUID;
1578 |
1579 | /* De-register the longjmp-to-ring 3 callback now that we have reliquished hardware resources. */
1580 | VMMR0AssertionRemoveNotification(pVCpu);
1581 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1582 | }
1583 |
1584 |
1585 | /**
1586 | * Thread-context hook for HM.
1587 | *
1588 | * This is used together with RTThreadCtxHookCreate() on platforms which
1589 | * supports it, and directly from VMMR0EmtPrepareForBlocking() and
1590 | * VMMR0EmtResumeAfterBlocking() on platforms which don't.
1591 | *
1592 | * @param enmEvent The thread-context event.
1593 | * @param pvUser Opaque pointer to the VMCPU.
1594 | */
1595 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(void) HMR0ThreadCtxCallback(RTTHREADCTXEVENT enmEvent, void *pvUser)
1596 | {
1597 | PVMCPUCC pVCpu = (PVMCPUCC)pvUser;
1598 | Assert(pVCpu);
1599 | Assert(g_HmR0Ops.pfnThreadCtxCallback);
1600 |
1601 | g_HmR0Ops.pfnThreadCtxCallback(enmEvent, pVCpu, g_fHmGlobalInit);
1602 | }
1603 |
1604 |
1605 | /**
1606 | * Runs guest code in a hardware accelerated VM.
1607 | *
1608 | * @returns Strict VBox status code. (VBOXSTRICTRC isn't used because it's
1609 | * called from setjmp assembly.)
1610 | * @param pVM The cross context VM structure.
1611 | * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure.
1612 | *
1613 | * @remarks Can be called with preemption enabled if thread-context hooks are
1614 | * used!!!
1615 | */
1616 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) HMR0RunGuestCode(PVMCC pVM, PVMCPUCC pVCpu)
1617 | {
1618 | RT_NOREF(pVM);
1619 |
1620 | #ifdef VBOX_STRICT
1621 | /* With thread-context hooks we would be running this code with preemption enabled. */
1622 | if (!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD))
1623 | {
1624 | PCHMPHYSCPU pHostCpu = &g_aHmCpuInfo[RTMpCpuId()];
1626 | Assert(pHostCpu->fConfigured);
1627 | AssertReturn(!ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fHmSuspended), VERR_HM_SUSPEND_PENDING);
1628 | }
1629 | #endif
1630 |
1631 | VBOXSTRICTRC rcStrict = g_HmR0Ops.pfnRunGuestCode(pVCpu);
1632 | return VBOXSTRICTRC_VAL(rcStrict);
1633 | }
1634 |
1635 |
1636 | /**
1637 | * Notification from CPUM that it has unloaded the guest FPU/SSE/AVX state from
1638 | * the host CPU and that guest access to it must be intercepted.
1639 | *
1640 | * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure of the calling EMT.
1641 | */
1642 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(void) HMR0NotifyCpumUnloadedGuestFpuState(PVMCPUCC pVCpu)
1643 | {
1644 | ASMAtomicUoOrU64(&pVCpu->hm.s.fCtxChanged, HM_CHANGED_GUEST_CR0);
1645 | }
1646 |
1647 |
1648 | /**
1649 | * Notification from CPUM that it has modified the host CR0 (because of FPU).
1650 | *
1651 | * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure of the calling EMT.
1652 | */
1653 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(void) HMR0NotifyCpumModifiedHostCr0(PVMCPUCC pVCpu)
1654 | {
1655 | ASMAtomicUoOrU64(&pVCpu->hm.s.fCtxChanged, HM_CHANGED_HOST_CONTEXT);
1656 | }
1657 |
1658 |
1659 | /**
1660 | * Returns suspend status of the host.
1661 | *
1662 | * @returns Suspend pending or not.
1663 | */
1664 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(bool) HMR0SuspendPending(void)
1665 | {
1666 | return ASMAtomicReadBool(&g_fHmSuspended);
1667 | }
1668 |
1669 |
1670 | /**
1671 | * Invalidates a guest page from the host TLB.
1672 | *
1673 | * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure.
1674 | * @param GCVirt Page to invalidate.
1675 | */
1676 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) HMR0InvalidatePage(PVMCPUCC pVCpu, RTGCPTR GCVirt)
1677 | {
1678 | PVMCC pVM = pVCpu->CTX_SUFF(pVM);
1679 | if (pVM->hm.s.vmx.fSupported)
1680 | return VMXR0InvalidatePage(pVCpu, GCVirt);
1681 | return SVMR0InvalidatePage(pVCpu, GCVirt);
1682 | }
1683 |
1684 |
1685 | /**
1686 | * Returns the cpu structure for the current cpu.
1687 | * Keep in mind that there is no guarantee it will stay the same (long jumps to ring 3!!!).
1688 | *
1689 | * @returns The cpu structure pointer.
1690 | */
1691 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(PHMPHYSCPU) hmR0GetCurrentCpu(void)
1692 | {
1693 | Assert(!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD));
1694 | RTCPUID const idCpu = RTMpCpuId();
1695 | Assert(idCpu < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aHmCpuInfo));
1696 | return &g_aHmCpuInfo[idCpu];
1697 | }
1698 |
1699 |
1700 | /**
1701 | * Interface for importing state on demand (used by IEM).
1702 | *
1703 | * @returns VBox status code.
1704 | * @param pVCpu The cross context CPU structure.
1705 | * @param fWhat What to import, CPUMCTX_EXTRN_XXX.
1706 | */
1707 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) HMR0ImportStateOnDemand(PVMCPUCC pVCpu, uint64_t fWhat)
1708 | {
1709 | if (pVCpu->CTX_SUFF(pVM)->hm.s.vmx.fSupported)
1710 | return VMXR0ImportStateOnDemand(pVCpu, fWhat);
1711 | return SVMR0ImportStateOnDemand(pVCpu, fWhat);
1712 | }
1713 |
1714 |
1715 | /**
1716 | * Gets HM VM-exit auxiliary information.
1717 | *
1718 | * @returns VBox status code.
1719 | * @param pVCpu The cross context CPU structure.
1720 | * @param pHmExitAux Where to store the auxiliary info.
1721 | * @param fWhat What to get, see HMVMX_READ_XXX. This is ignored/unused
1722 | * on AMD-V.
1723 | *
1724 | * @remarks Currently this works only when executing a nested-guest using
1725 | * hardware-assisted execution as it's where the auxiliary information is
1726 | * required outside of HM. In the future we can make this available while
1727 | * executing a regular (non-nested) guest if necessary.
1728 | */
1729 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(int) HMR0GetExitAuxInfo(PVMCPUCC pVCpu, PHMEXITAUX pHmExitAux, uint32_t fWhat)
1730 | {
1731 | Assert(pHmExitAux);
1732 | Assert(!(fWhat & ~HMVMX_READ_VALID_MASK));
1733 | if (pVCpu->CTX_SUFF(pVM)->hm.s.vmx.fSupported)
1734 | return VMXR0GetExitAuxInfo(pVCpu, &pHmExitAux->Vmx, fWhat);
1735 | return SVMR0GetExitAuxInfo(pVCpu, &pHmExitAux->Svm);
1736 | }
1737 |
1738 |
1739 | #ifdef VBOX_STRICT
1740 |
1741 | /**
1742 | * Dumps a descriptor.
1743 | *
1744 | * @param pDesc Descriptor to dump.
1745 | * @param Sel The selector.
1746 | * @param pszSel The name of the selector.
1747 | */
1748 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(void) hmR0DumpDescriptor(PCX86DESCHC pDesc, RTSEL Sel, const char *pszSel)
1749 | {
1750 | /*
1751 | * Make variable description string.
1752 | */
1753 | static struct
1754 | {
1755 | unsigned cch;
1756 | const char *psz;
1757 | } const s_aTypes[32] =
1758 | {
1759 | # define STRENTRY(str) { sizeof(str) - 1, str }
1760 |
1761 | /* system */
1762 | # if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64
1763 | STRENTRY("Reserved0 "), /* 0x00 */
1764 | STRENTRY("Reserved1 "), /* 0x01 */
1765 | STRENTRY("LDT "), /* 0x02 */
1766 | STRENTRY("Reserved3 "), /* 0x03 */
1767 | STRENTRY("Reserved4 "), /* 0x04 */
1768 | STRENTRY("Reserved5 "), /* 0x05 */
1769 | STRENTRY("Reserved6 "), /* 0x06 */
1770 | STRENTRY("Reserved7 "), /* 0x07 */
1771 | STRENTRY("Reserved8 "), /* 0x08 */
1772 | STRENTRY("TSS64Avail "), /* 0x09 */
1773 | STRENTRY("ReservedA "), /* 0x0a */
1774 | STRENTRY("TSS64Busy "), /* 0x0b */
1775 | STRENTRY("Call64 "), /* 0x0c */
1776 | STRENTRY("ReservedD "), /* 0x0d */
1777 | STRENTRY("Int64 "), /* 0x0e */
1778 | STRENTRY("Trap64 "), /* 0x0f */
1779 | # else
1780 | STRENTRY("Reserved0 "), /* 0x00 */
1781 | STRENTRY("TSS16Avail "), /* 0x01 */
1782 | STRENTRY("LDT "), /* 0x02 */
1783 | STRENTRY("TSS16Busy "), /* 0x03 */
1784 | STRENTRY("Call16 "), /* 0x04 */
1785 | STRENTRY("Task "), /* 0x05 */
1786 | STRENTRY("Int16 "), /* 0x06 */
1787 | STRENTRY("Trap16 "), /* 0x07 */
1788 | STRENTRY("Reserved8 "), /* 0x08 */
1789 | STRENTRY("TSS32Avail "), /* 0x09 */
1790 | STRENTRY("ReservedA "), /* 0x0a */
1791 | STRENTRY("TSS32Busy "), /* 0x0b */
1792 | STRENTRY("Call32 "), /* 0x0c */
1793 | STRENTRY("ReservedD "), /* 0x0d */
1794 | STRENTRY("Int32 "), /* 0x0e */
1795 | STRENTRY("Trap32 "), /* 0x0f */
1796 | # endif
1797 | /* non system */
1798 | STRENTRY("DataRO "), /* 0x10 */
1799 | STRENTRY("DataRO Accessed "), /* 0x11 */
1800 | STRENTRY("DataRW "), /* 0x12 */
1801 | STRENTRY("DataRW Accessed "), /* 0x13 */
1802 | STRENTRY("DataDownRO "), /* 0x14 */
1803 | STRENTRY("DataDownRO Accessed "), /* 0x15 */
1804 | STRENTRY("DataDownRW "), /* 0x16 */
1805 | STRENTRY("DataDownRW Accessed "), /* 0x17 */
1806 | STRENTRY("CodeEO "), /* 0x18 */
1807 | STRENTRY("CodeEO Accessed "), /* 0x19 */
1808 | STRENTRY("CodeER "), /* 0x1a */
1809 | STRENTRY("CodeER Accessed "), /* 0x1b */
1810 | STRENTRY("CodeConfEO "), /* 0x1c */
1811 | STRENTRY("CodeConfEO Accessed "), /* 0x1d */
1812 | STRENTRY("CodeConfER "), /* 0x1e */
1813 | STRENTRY("CodeConfER Accessed ") /* 0x1f */
1814 | # undef SYSENTRY
1815 | };
1816 | # define ADD_STR(psz, pszAdd) do { strcpy(psz, pszAdd); psz += strlen(pszAdd); } while (0)
1817 | char szMsg[128];
1818 | char *psz = &szMsg[0];
1819 | unsigned i = pDesc->Gen.u1DescType << 4 | pDesc->Gen.u4Type;
1820 | memcpy(psz, s_aTypes[i].psz, s_aTypes[i].cch);
1821 | psz += s_aTypes[i].cch;
1822 |
1823 | if (pDesc->Gen.u1Present)
1824 | ADD_STR(psz, "Present ");
1825 | else
1826 | ADD_STR(psz, "Not-Present ");
1827 | # if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64
1828 | if (pDesc->Gen.u1Long)
1829 | ADD_STR(psz, "64-bit ");
1830 | else
1831 | ADD_STR(psz, "Comp ");
1832 | # else
1833 | if (pDesc->Gen.u1Granularity)
1834 | ADD_STR(psz, "Page ");
1835 | if (pDesc->Gen.u1DefBig)
1836 | ADD_STR(psz, "32-bit ");
1837 | else
1838 | ADD_STR(psz, "16-bit ");
1839 | # endif
1840 | # undef ADD_STR
1841 | *psz = '\0';
1842 |
1843 | /*
1844 | * Limit and Base and format the output.
1845 | */
1846 | #ifdef LOG_ENABLED
1847 | uint32_t u32Limit = X86DESC_LIMIT_G(pDesc);
1848 |
1849 | # if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64
1850 | uint64_t const u64Base = X86DESC64_BASE(pDesc);
1851 | Log((" %s { %#04x - %#RX64 %#RX64 - base=%#RX64 limit=%#08x dpl=%d } %s\n", pszSel,
1852 | Sel, pDesc->au64[0], pDesc->au64[1], u64Base, u32Limit, pDesc->Gen.u2Dpl, szMsg));
1853 | # else
1854 | uint32_t const u32Base = X86DESC_BASE(pDesc);
1855 | Log((" %s { %#04x - %#08x %#08x - base=%#08x limit=%#08x dpl=%d } %s\n", pszSel,
1856 | Sel, pDesc->au32[0], pDesc->au32[1], u32Base, u32Limit, pDesc->Gen.u2Dpl, szMsg));
1857 | # endif
1858 | #else
1859 | NOREF(Sel); NOREF(pszSel);
1860 | #endif
1861 | }
1862 |
1863 |
1864 | /**
1865 | * Formats a full register dump.
1866 | *
1867 | * @param pVCpu The cross context virtual CPU structure.
1868 | * @param fFlags The dumping flags (HM_DUMP_REG_FLAGS_XXX).
1869 | */
1870 | VMMR0_INT_DECL(void) hmR0DumpRegs(PVMCPUCC pVCpu, uint32_t fFlags)
1871 | {
1872 | /*
1873 | * Format the flags.
1874 | */
1875 | static struct
1876 | {
1877 | const char *pszSet;
1878 | const char *pszClear;
1879 | uint32_t fFlag;
1880 | } const s_aFlags[] =
1881 | {
1882 | { "vip", NULL, X86_EFL_VIP },
1883 | { "vif", NULL, X86_EFL_VIF },
1884 | { "ac", NULL, X86_EFL_AC },
1885 | { "vm", NULL, X86_EFL_VM },
1886 | { "rf", NULL, X86_EFL_RF },
1887 | { "nt", NULL, X86_EFL_NT },
1888 | { "ov", "nv", X86_EFL_OF },
1889 | { "dn", "up", X86_EFL_DF },
1890 | { "ei", "di", X86_EFL_IF },
1891 | { "tf", NULL, X86_EFL_TF },
1892 | { "nt", "pl", X86_EFL_SF },
1893 | { "nz", "zr", X86_EFL_ZF },
1894 | { "ac", "na", X86_EFL_AF },
1895 | { "po", "pe", X86_EFL_PF },
1896 | { "cy", "nc", X86_EFL_CF },
1897 | };
1898 | char szEFlags[80];
1899 | char *psz = szEFlags;
1900 | PCCPUMCTX pCtx = &pVCpu->cpum.GstCtx;
1901 | uint32_t fEFlags = pCtx->eflags.u;
1902 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aFlags); i++)
1903 | {
1904 | const char *pszAdd = s_aFlags[i].fFlag & fEFlags ? s_aFlags[i].pszSet : s_aFlags[i].pszClear;
1905 | if (pszAdd)
1906 | {
1907 | strcpy(psz, pszAdd);
1908 | psz += strlen(pszAdd);
1909 | *psz++ = ' ';
1910 | }
1911 | }
1912 | psz[-1] = '\0';
1913 |
1914 | if (fFlags & HM_DUMP_REG_FLAGS_GPRS)
1915 | {
1916 | /*
1917 | * Format the registers.
1918 | */
1919 | if (CPUMIsGuestIn64BitCode(pVCpu))
1920 | Log(("rax=%016RX64 rbx=%016RX64 rcx=%016RX64 rdx=%016RX64\n"
1921 | "rsi=%016RX64 rdi=%016RX64 r8 =%016RX64 r9 =%016RX64\n"
1922 | "r10=%016RX64 r11=%016RX64 r12=%016RX64 r13=%016RX64\n"
1923 | "r14=%016RX64 r15=%016RX64\n"
1924 | "rip=%016RX64 rsp=%016RX64 rbp=%016RX64 iopl=%d %*s\n"
1925 | "cs={%04x base=%016RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x}\n"
1926 | "ds={%04x base=%016RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x}\n"
1927 | "es={%04x base=%016RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x}\n"
1928 | "fs={%04x base=%016RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x}\n"
1929 | "gs={%04x base=%016RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x}\n"
1930 | "ss={%04x base=%016RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x}\n"
1931 | "cr0=%016RX64 cr2=%016RX64 cr3=%016RX64 cr4=%016RX64\n"
1932 | "dr0=%016RX64 dr1=%016RX64 dr2=%016RX64 dr3=%016RX64\n"
1933 | "dr4=%016RX64 dr5=%016RX64 dr6=%016RX64 dr7=%016RX64\n"
1934 | "gdtr=%016RX64:%04x idtr=%016RX64:%04x eflags=%08x\n"
1935 | "ldtr={%04x base=%08RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x}\n"
1936 | "tr ={%04x base=%08RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x}\n"
1937 | "SysEnter={cs=%04llx eip=%08llx esp=%08llx}\n"
1938 | ,
1939 | pCtx->rax, pCtx->rbx, pCtx->rcx, pCtx->rdx, pCtx->rsi, pCtx->rdi,
1940 | pCtx->r8, pCtx->r9, pCtx->r10, pCtx->r11, pCtx->r12, pCtx->r13,
1941 | pCtx->r14, pCtx->r15,
1942 | pCtx->rip, pCtx->rsp, pCtx->rbp, X86_EFL_GET_IOPL(fEFlags), 31, szEFlags,
1943 | pCtx->cs.Sel, pCtx->cs.u64Base, pCtx->cs.u32Limit, pCtx->cs.Attr.u,
1944 | pCtx->ds.Sel, pCtx->ds.u64Base, pCtx->ds.u32Limit, pCtx->ds.Attr.u,
1945 | pCtx->es.Sel, pCtx->es.u64Base, pCtx->es.u32Limit, pCtx->es.Attr.u,
1946 | pCtx->fs.Sel, pCtx->fs.u64Base, pCtx->fs.u32Limit, pCtx->fs.Attr.u,
1947 | pCtx->gs.Sel, pCtx->gs.u64Base, pCtx->gs.u32Limit, pCtx->gs.Attr.u,
1948 | pCtx->ss.Sel, pCtx->ss.u64Base, pCtx->ss.u32Limit, pCtx->ss.Attr.u,
1949 | pCtx->cr0, pCtx->cr2, pCtx->cr3, pCtx->cr4,
1950 | pCtx->dr[0], pCtx->dr[1], pCtx->dr[2], pCtx->dr[3],
1951 | pCtx->dr[4], pCtx->dr[5], pCtx->dr[6], pCtx->dr[7],
1952 | pCtx->gdtr.pGdt, pCtx->gdtr.cbGdt, pCtx->idtr.pIdt, pCtx->idtr.cbIdt, fEFlags,
1953 | pCtx->ldtr.Sel, pCtx->ldtr.u64Base, pCtx->ldtr.u32Limit, pCtx->ldtr.Attr.u,
1954 | pCtx->tr.Sel, pCtx->tr.u64Base, pCtx->tr.u32Limit, pCtx->tr.Attr.u,
1955 | pCtx->SysEnter.cs, pCtx->SysEnter.eip, pCtx->SysEnter.esp));
1956 | else
1957 | Log(("eax=%08x ebx=%08x ecx=%08x edx=%08x esi=%08x edi=%08x\n"
1958 | "eip=%08x esp=%08x ebp=%08x iopl=%d %*s\n"
1959 | "cs={%04x base=%016RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x} dr0=%08RX64 dr1=%08RX64\n"
1960 | "ds={%04x base=%016RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x} dr2=%08RX64 dr3=%08RX64\n"
1961 | "es={%04x base=%016RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x} dr4=%08RX64 dr5=%08RX64\n"
1962 | "fs={%04x base=%016RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x} dr6=%08RX64 dr7=%08RX64\n"
1963 | "gs={%04x base=%016RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x} cr0=%08RX64 cr2=%08RX64\n"
1964 | "ss={%04x base=%016RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x} cr3=%08RX64 cr4=%08RX64\n"
1965 | "gdtr=%016RX64:%04x idtr=%016RX64:%04x eflags=%08x\n"
1966 | "ldtr={%04x base=%08RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x}\n"
1967 | "tr ={%04x base=%08RX64 limit=%08x flags=%08x}\n"
1968 | "SysEnter={cs=%04llx eip=%08llx esp=%08llx}\n"
1969 | ,
1970 | pCtx->eax, pCtx->ebx, pCtx->ecx, pCtx->edx, pCtx->esi, pCtx->edi,
1971 | pCtx->eip, pCtx->esp, pCtx->ebp, X86_EFL_GET_IOPL(fEFlags), 31, szEFlags,
1972 | pCtx->cs.Sel, pCtx->cs.u64Base, pCtx->cs.u32Limit, pCtx->cs.Attr.u, pCtx->dr[0], pCtx->dr[1],
1973 | pCtx->ds.Sel, pCtx->ds.u64Base, pCtx->ds.u32Limit, pCtx->ds.Attr.u, pCtx->dr[2], pCtx->dr[3],
1974 | pCtx->es.Sel, pCtx->es.u64Base, pCtx->es.u32Limit, pCtx->es.Attr.u, pCtx->dr[4], pCtx->dr[5],
1975 | pCtx->fs.Sel, pCtx->fs.u64Base, pCtx->fs.u32Limit, pCtx->fs.Attr.u, pCtx->dr[6], pCtx->dr[7],
1976 | pCtx->gs.Sel, pCtx->gs.u64Base, pCtx->gs.u32Limit, pCtx->gs.Attr.u, pCtx->cr0, pCtx->cr2,
1977 | pCtx->ss.Sel, pCtx->ss.u64Base, pCtx->ss.u32Limit, pCtx->ss.Attr.u, pCtx->cr3, pCtx->cr4,
1978 | pCtx->gdtr.pGdt, pCtx->gdtr.cbGdt, pCtx->idtr.pIdt, pCtx->idtr.cbIdt, fEFlags,
1979 | pCtx->ldtr.Sel, pCtx->ldtr.u64Base, pCtx->ldtr.u32Limit, pCtx->ldtr.Attr.u,
1980 | pCtx->tr.Sel, pCtx->tr.u64Base, pCtx->tr.u32Limit, pCtx->tr.Attr.u,
1981 | pCtx->SysEnter.cs, pCtx->SysEnter.eip, pCtx->SysEnter.esp));
1982 | }
1983 |
1984 | if (fFlags & HM_DUMP_REG_FLAGS_FPU)
1985 | {
1986 | PCX86FXSTATE pFpuCtx = &pCtx->XState.x87;
1987 | Log(("FPU:\n"
1988 | "FCW=%04x FSW=%04x FTW=%02x\n"
1989 | "FOP=%04x FPUIP=%08x CS=%04x Rsrvd1=%04x\n"
1990 | "FPUDP=%04x DS=%04x Rsvrd2=%04x MXCSR=%08x MXCSR_MASK=%08x\n"
1991 | ,
1992 | pFpuCtx->FCW, pFpuCtx->FSW, pFpuCtx->FTW,
1993 | pFpuCtx->FOP, pFpuCtx->FPUIP, pFpuCtx->CS, pFpuCtx->Rsrvd1,
1994 | pFpuCtx->FPUDP, pFpuCtx->DS, pFpuCtx->Rsrvd2,
1995 | pFpuCtx->MXCSR, pFpuCtx->MXCSR_MASK));
1996 | NOREF(pFpuCtx);
1997 | }
1998 |
1999 | if (fFlags & HM_DUMP_REG_FLAGS_MSRS)
2000 | Log(("MSR:\n"
2001 | "EFER =%016RX64\n"
2002 | "PAT =%016RX64\n"
2003 | "STAR =%016RX64\n"
2004 | "CSTAR =%016RX64\n"
2005 | "LSTAR =%016RX64\n"
2006 | "SFMASK =%016RX64\n"
2007 | "KERNELGSBASE =%016RX64\n",
2008 | pCtx->msrEFER,
2009 | pCtx->msrPAT,
2010 | pCtx->msrSTAR,
2011 | pCtx->msrCSTAR,
2012 | pCtx->msrLSTAR,
2013 | pCtx->msrSFMASK,
2014 | pCtx->msrKERNELGSBASE));
2015 | }
2016 |
2017 | #endif /* VBOX_STRICT */
2018 |