1 | /* $Id: VBoxVMM.d 59004 2015-12-05 00:07:54Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBoxVMM - Static dtrace probes.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | provider vboxvmm
19 | {
20 | probe em__state__changed(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, int a_enmOldState, int a_enmNewState, int a_rc);
21 | /*^^VMM-ALT-TP: "%d -> %d (rc=%d)", a_enmOldState, a_enmNewState, a_rc */
22 |
23 | probe em__state__unchanged(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, int a_enmState, int a_rc);
24 | /*^^VMM-ALT-TP: "%d (rc=%d)", a_enmState, a_rc */
25 |
26 | probe em__raw__run__pre(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
27 | /*^^VMM-ALT-TP: "%04x:%08llx", (a_pCtx)->cs, (a_pCtx)->rip */
28 |
29 | probe em__raw__run__ret(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, int a_rc);
30 | /*^^VMM-ALT-TP: "%04x:%08llx rc=%d", (a_pCtx)->cs, (a_pCtx)->rip, (a_rc) */
31 |
32 | probe em__ff__high(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, uint32_t a_fGlobal, uint32_t a_fLocal, int a_rc);
33 | /*^^VMM-ALT-TP: "vm=%#x cpu=%#x rc=%d", (a_fGlobal), (a_fLocal), (a_rc) */
34 |
35 | probe em__ff__all(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, uint32_t a_fGlobal, uint32_t a_fLocal, int a_rc);
36 | /*^^VMM-ALT-TP: "vm=%#x cpu=%#x rc=%d", (a_fGlobal), (a_fLocal), (a_rc) */
37 |
38 | probe em__ff__all__ret(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, int a_rc);
39 | /*^^VMM-ALT-TP: "%d", (a_rc) */
40 |
41 | probe em__ff__raw(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, uint32_t a_fGlobal, uint32_t a_fLocal);
42 | /*^^VMM-ALT-TP: "vm=%#x cpu=%#x", (a_fGlobal), (a_fLocal) */
43 |
44 | probe em__ff__raw_ret(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, int a_rc);
45 | /*^^VMM-ALT-TP: "%d", (a_rc) */
46 |
47 | probe pdm__irq__get( struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, uint32_t a_uTag, uint32_t a_idSource, uint32_t a_iIrq);
48 | probe pdm__irq__high(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, uint32_t a_uTag, uint32_t a_idSource);
49 | probe pdm__irq__low( struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, uint32_t a_uTag, uint32_t a_idSource);
50 | probe pdm__irq__hilo(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, uint32_t a_uTag, uint32_t a_idSource);
51 |
52 |
53 | probe r0__gvmm__vm__created(void *a_pGVM, void *a_pVM, uint32_t a_Pid, void *a_hEMT0, uint32_t a_cCpus);
54 | probe r0__hmsvm__vmexit(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint64_t a_ExitCode, struct SVMVMCB *a_pVmcb);
55 | probe r0__hmvmx__vmexit(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint64_t a_ExitReason, uint64_t a_ExitQualification);
56 | probe r0__hmvmx__vmexit__noctx(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pIncompleteCtx, uint64_t a_ExitReason);
57 |
58 | probe r0__vmm__return__to__ring3__rc(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *p_Ctx, int a_rc);
59 | probe r0__vmm__return__to__ring3__hm(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *p_Ctx, int a_rc);
60 |
61 |
62 | /** @name CPU Exception probes
63 | * These probes will intercept guest CPU exceptions as best we
64 | * can. In some execution modes some of these probes may also
65 | * see non-guest exceptions as we don't try distiguish between
66 | * virtualization and guest exceptions before firing the probes.
67 | *
68 | * Using these probes may have a performance impact on guest
69 | * activities involving lots of exceptions.
70 | * @{
71 | */
72 | /** \#DE - integer divide error. */
73 | probe xcpt__de(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
74 | /** \#DB - debug fault / trap. */
75 | probe xcpt__db(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint64_t a_dr6);
76 | /** \#BP - breakpoint (INT3). */
77 | probe xcpt__bp(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
78 | /** \#OF - overflow (INTO). */
79 | probe xcpt__of(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
80 | /** \#BR - bound range exceeded (BOUND). */
81 | probe xcpt__br(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
82 | /** \#UD - undefined opcode. */
83 | probe xcpt__ud(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
84 | /** \#NM - FPU not avaible and more. */
85 | probe xcpt__nm(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
86 | /** \#DF - double fault. */
87 | probe xcpt__df(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
88 | /** \#TS - TSS related fault. */
89 | probe xcpt__ts(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint32_t a_uErr);
90 | /** \#NP - segment not present. */
91 | probe xcpt__np(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint32_t a_uErr);
92 | /** \#SS - stack segment fault. */
93 | probe xcpt__ss(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint32_t a_uErr);
94 | /** \#GP - general protection fault. */
95 | probe xcpt__gp(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint32_t a_uErr);
96 | /** \#PF - page fault. */
97 | probe xcpt__pf(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint32_t a_uErr, uint64_t a_cr2);
98 | /** \#MF - math fault (FPU). */
99 | probe xcpt__mf(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
100 | /** \#AC - alignment check. */
101 | probe xcpt__ac(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
102 | /** \#XF - SIMD floating point exception. */
103 | probe xcpt__xf(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
104 | /** \#VE - virtualization exception. */
105 | probe xcpt__ve(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
106 | /** \#SX - security exception. */
107 | probe xcpt__sx(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint32_t a_uErr);
108 | /** @} */
109 |
110 |
111 | /** Software interrupt (INT XXh).
112 | * It may be very difficult to implement this probe when using hardware
113 | * virtualization, so maybe we have to drop it... */
114 | probe int__software(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint8_t a_iInterrupt);
115 | /** Hardware interrupt being dispatched.
116 | *
117 | * Relates to pdm__irq__get ...
118 | */
119 | probe int__hardware(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint8_t a_iInterrupt, uint32_t a_uTag, uint32_t a_idSource);
120 |
121 | /** @name Instruction probes
122 | * These are instructions normally related to VM exits. These
123 | * probes differs from the exit probes in that we will try make
124 | * these instructions cause exits and fire the probe whenever
125 | * they are executed by the guest. This means some of these
126 | * probes will have a noticable performance impact (like
127 | * instr__pause).
128 | * @{ */
129 | /** Instruction: HALT */
130 | probe instr__halt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
131 | /** Instruction: MWAIT */
132 | probe instr__mwait(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
133 | /** Instruction: MONITOR */
134 | probe instr__monitor(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
135 | /** Instruction: CPUID instruction (missing stuff in raw-mode). */
136 | probe instr__cpuid(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint32_t uLeaf, uint32_t uSubLeaf);
137 | /** Instruction: INVD */
138 | probe instr__invd(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
139 | /** Instruction: WBINVD */
140 | probe instr__wbinvd(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
141 | /** Instruction: INVLPG */
142 | probe instr__invlpg(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
143 | /** Instruction: RDTSC */
144 | probe instr__rdtsc(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
145 | /** Instruction: RDTSCP */
146 | probe instr__rdtscp(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
147 | /** Instruction: RDPMC */
148 | probe instr__rdpmc(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
149 | /** Instruction: RDMSR */
150 | probe instr__rdmsr(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint32_t a_idMsr);
151 | /** Instruction: WRMSR */
152 | probe instr__wrmsr(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint32_t a_idMsr, uint64_t a_uValue);
153 | /** Instruction: CRx read instruction (missing smsw in raw-mode,
154 | * and reads in general in VT-x). */
155 | probe instr__crx__read(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint8_t a_iReg);
156 | /** Instruction: CRx write instruction. */
157 | probe instr__crx__write(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint8_t a_iReg);
158 | /** Instruction: DRx read instruction. */
159 | probe instr__drx__read(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint8_t a_iReg);
160 | /** Instruction: DRx write instruction. */
161 | probe instr__drx__write(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint8_t a_iReg);
162 | /** Instruction: PAUSE instruction (not in raw-mode). */
163 | probe instr__pause(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
164 | /** Instruction: XSETBV */
165 | probe instr__xsetbv(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
166 | /** Instruction: SIDT */
167 | probe instr__sidt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
168 | /** Instruction: LIDT */
169 | probe instr__lidt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
170 | /** Instruction: SGDT */
171 | probe instr__sgdt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
172 | /** Instruction: LGDT */
173 | probe instr__lgdt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
174 | /** Instruction: SLDT */
175 | probe instr__sldt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
176 | /** Instruction: LLDT */
177 | probe instr__lldt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
178 | /** Instruction: STR */
179 | probe instr__str(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
180 | /** Instruction: LTR */
181 | probe instr__ltr(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
182 | /** Instruction: GETSEC */
183 | probe instr__getsec(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
184 | /** Instruction: RSM */
185 | probe instr__rsm(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
186 | /** Instruction: RDRAND */
187 | probe instr__rdrand(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
188 | /** Instruction: RDSEED */
189 | probe instr__rdseed(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
190 | /** Instruction: XSAVES */
191 | probe instr__xsaves(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
192 | /** Instruction: XRSTORS */
193 | probe instr__xrstors(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
194 | /** Instruction: VMCALL (intel) or VMMCALL (AMD) instruction. */
195 | probe instr__vmm__call(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
196 |
197 | /** Instruction: VT-x VMCLEAR instruction. */
198 | probe instr__vmx__vmclear(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
199 | /** Instruction: VT-x VMLAUNCH */
200 | probe instr__vmx__vmlaunch(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
201 | /** Instruction: VT-x VMPTRLD */
202 | probe instr__vmx__vmptrld(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
203 | /** Instruction: VT-x VMPTRST */
204 | probe instr__vmx__vmptrst(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
205 | /** Instruction: VT-x VMREAD */
206 | probe instr__vmx__vmread(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
207 | /** Instruction: VT-x VMRESUME */
208 | probe instr__vmx__vmresume(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
209 | /** Instruction: VT-x VMWRITE */
210 | probe instr__vmx__vmwrite(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
211 | /** Instruction: VT-x VMXOFF */
212 | probe instr__vmx__vmxoff(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
213 | /** Instruction: VT-x VMXON */
214 | probe instr__vmx__vmxon(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
215 | /** Instruction: VT-x VMFUNC */
216 | probe instr__vmx__vmfunc(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
217 | /** Instruction: VT-x INVEPT */
218 | probe instr__vmx__invept(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
219 | /** Instruction: VT-x INVVPID */
220 | probe instr__vmx__invvpid(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
221 | /** Instruction: VT-x INVPCID */
222 | probe instr__vmx__invpcid(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
223 |
224 | /** Instruction: AMD-V VMRUN */
225 | probe instr__svm__vmrun(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
226 | /** Instruction: AMD-V VMLOAD */
227 | probe instr__svm__vmload(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
228 | /** Instruction: AMD-V VMSAVE */
229 | probe instr__svm__vmsave(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
230 | /** Instruction: AMD-V STGI */
231 | probe instr__svm__stgi(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
232 | /** Instruction: AMD-V CLGI */
233 | probe instr__svm__clgi(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
234 | /** @} */
235 |
236 |
237 | /** @name VM exit probes
238 | * These are named exits with (in some cases at least) useful
239 | * information as arguments. Unlike the instruction probes,
240 | * these will not change the number of VM exits and have much
241 | * less of an impact on VM performance.
242 | * @{ */
243 | /** VM Exit: Task switch. */
244 | probe exit__task__switch(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
245 | /** VM Exit: HALT instruction.
246 | * @todo not yet implemented. */
247 | probe exit__halt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
248 | /** VM Exit: MWAIT instruction. */
249 | probe exit__mwait(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
250 | /** VM Exit: MONITOR instruction. */
251 | probe exit__monitor(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
252 | /** VM Exit: CPUID instruction (missing stuff in raw-mode). */
253 | probe exit__cpuid(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint32_t uLeaf, uint32_t uSubLeaf);
254 | /** VM Exit: INVD instruction. */
255 | probe exit__invd(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
256 | /** VM Exit: WBINVD instruction. */
257 | probe exit__wbinvd(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
258 | /** VM Exit: INVLPG instruction. */
259 | probe exit__invlpg(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
260 | /** VM Exit: RDTSC instruction. */
261 | probe exit__rdtsc(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
262 | /** VM Exit: RDTSCP instruction. */
263 | probe exit__rdtscp(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
264 | /** VM Exit: RDPMC instruction. */
265 | probe exit__rdpmc(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
266 | /** VM Exit: RDMSR instruction. */
267 | probe exit__rdmsr(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint32_t a_idMsr);
268 | /** VM Exit: WRMSR instruction. */
269 | probe exit__wrmsr(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint32_t a_idMsr, uint64_t a_uValue);
270 | /** VM Exit: CRx read instruction (missing smsw in raw-mode,
271 | * and reads in general in VT-x). */
272 | probe exit__crx__read(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint8_t a_iReg);
273 | /** VM Exit: CRx write instruction. */
274 | probe exit__crx__write(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint8_t a_iReg);
275 | /** VM Exit: DRx read instruction. */
276 | probe exit__drx__read(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint8_t a_iReg);
277 | /** VM Exit: DRx write instruction. */
278 | probe exit__drx__write(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx, uint8_t a_iReg);
279 | /** VM Exit: PAUSE instruction (not in raw-mode). */
280 | probe exit__pause(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
281 | /** VM Exit: XSETBV instruction. */
282 | probe exit__xsetbv(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
283 | /** VM Exit: SIDT instruction. */
284 | probe exit__sidt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
285 | /** VM Exit: LIDT instruction. */
286 | probe exit__lidt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
287 | /** VM Exit: SGDT instruction. */
288 | probe exit__sgdt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
289 | /** VM Exit: LGDT instruction. */
290 | probe exit__lgdt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
291 | /** VM Exit: SLDT instruction. */
292 | probe exit__sldt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
293 | /** VM Exit: LLDT instruction. */
294 | probe exit__lldt(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
295 | /** VM Exit: STR instruction. */
296 | probe exit__str(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
297 | /** VM Exit: LTR instruction. */
298 | probe exit__ltr(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
299 | /** VM Exit: GETSEC instruction. */
300 | probe exit__getsec(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
301 | /** VM Exit: RSM instruction. */
302 | probe exit__rsm(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
303 | /** VM Exit: RDRAND instruction. */
304 | probe exit__rdrand(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
305 | /** VM Exit: RDSEED instruction. */
306 | probe exit__rdseed(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
307 | /** VM Exit: XSAVES instruction. */
308 | probe exit__xsaves(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
309 | /** VM Exit: XRSTORS instruction. */
310 | probe exit__xrstors(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
311 | /** VM Exit: VMCALL (intel) or VMMCALL (AMD) instruction. */
312 | probe exit__vmm__call(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
313 |
314 | /** VM Exit: VT-x VMCLEAR instruction. */
315 | probe exit__vmx__vmclear(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
316 | /** VM Exit: VT-x VMLAUNCH instruction. */
317 | probe exit__vmx__vmlaunch(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
318 | /** VM Exit: VT-x VMPTRLD instruction. */
319 | probe exit__vmx__vmptrld(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
320 | /** VM Exit: VT-x VMPTRST instruction. */
321 | probe exit__vmx__vmptrst(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
322 | /** VM Exit: VT-x VMREAD instruction. */
323 | probe exit__vmx__vmread(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
324 | /** VM Exit: VT-x VMRESUME instruction. */
325 | probe exit__vmx__vmresume(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
326 | /** VM Exit: VT-x VMWRITE instruction. */
327 | probe exit__vmx__vmwrite(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
328 | /** VM Exit: VT-x VMXOFF instruction. */
329 | probe exit__vmx__vmxoff(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
330 | /** VM Exit: VT-x VMXON instruction. */
331 | probe exit__vmx__vmxon(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
332 | /** VM Exit: VT-x VMFUNC instruction. */
333 | probe exit__vmx__vmfunc(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
334 | /** VM Exit: VT-x INVEPT instruction. */
335 | probe exit__vmx__invept(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
336 | /** VM Exit: VT-x INVVPID instruction. */
337 | probe exit__vmx__invvpid(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
338 | /** VM Exit: VT-x INVPCID instruction. */
339 | probe exit__vmx__invpcid(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
340 | /** VM Exit: VT-x EPT violation. */
341 | probe exit__vmx__ept__violation(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
342 | /** VM Exit: VT-x EPT misconfiguration. */
343 | probe exit__vmx__ept__misconfig(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
344 | /** VM Exit: VT-x Virtual APIC page access. */
345 | probe exit__vmx__vapic__access(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
346 | /** VM Exit: VT-x Virtual APIC page write needing virtualizing. */
347 | probe exit__vmx__vapic__write(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
348 |
349 | /** VM Exit: AMD-V VMRUN instruction. */
350 | probe exit__svm__vmrun(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
351 | /** VM Exit: AMD-V VMLOAD instruction. */
352 | probe exit__svm__vmload(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
353 | /** VM Exit: AMD-V VMSAVE instruction. */
354 | probe exit__svm__vmsave(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
355 | /** VM Exit: AMD-V STGI instruction. */
356 | probe exit__svm__stgi(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
357 | /** VM Exit: AMD-V CLGI instruction. */
358 | probe exit__svm__clgi(struct VMCPU *a_pVCpu, struct CPUMCTX *a_pCtx);
359 | /** @} */
360 | };
361 |
362 | #pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider vboxvmm provider
363 | #pragma D attributes Private/Private/Unknown provider vboxvmm module
364 | #pragma D attributes Private/Private/Unknown provider vboxvmm function
365 | #pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider vboxvmm name
366 | #pragma D attributes Evolving/Evolving/Common provider vboxvmm args
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