/* $Id: thread.cpp 1 1970-01-01 00:00:00Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * InnoTek Portable Runtime - Threads, common routines. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox * distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox * license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP RTLOGGROUP_THREAD #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "internal/thread.h" #include "internal/sched.h" #include "internal/process.h" /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ #define RT_THREAD_LOCK_RW() rtThreadLockRW() #define RT_THREAD_UNLOCK_RW() rtThreadUnLockRW() #define RT_THREAD_LOCK_RD() rtThreadLockRD() #define RT_THREAD_UNLOCK_RD() rtThreadUnLockRD() /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ /** The AVL thread containing the threads. */ static PAVLPVNODECORE g_ThreadTree; /** The RW lock protecting the tree. */ static RTSEMRW g_ThreadRWSem = NIL_RTSEMRW; /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ static void rtThreadDestroy(PRTTHREADINT pThread); static int rtThreadAdopt(RTTHREADTYPE enmType, unsigned fFlags, const char *pszName); static void rtThreadRemoveLocked(PRTTHREADINT pThread); static PRTTHREADINT rtThreadAlloc(RTTHREADTYPE enmType, unsigned fFlags, unsigned fIntFlags, const char *pszName); /** @page pg_rt_thread IPRT Thread Internals * * IPRT provides interface to whatever native threading that the host provides, * preferably using a CRT level interface to better integrate with other libraries. * * Internally IPRT keeps track of threads by means of the RTTHREADINT structure. * All the RTTHREADINT structures are kept in a AVL tree which is protected by a * read/write lock for efficient access. A thread is inserted into the tree in * three places in the code. The main thread is 'adopted' by IPRT on RTR3Init() * by rtThreadAdopt(). When creating a new thread there the child and the parent * race inserting the thread, this is rtThreadMain() and RTThreadCreate. * * RTTHREADINT objects are using reference counting as a mean of sticking around * till no-one needs them any longer. Waitable threads is created with one extra * reference so they won't go away until they are waited on. This introduces a * major problem if we use the host thread identifier as key in the AVL tree - the * host may reuse the thread identifier before the thread was waited on. So, on * most platforms we are using the RTTHREADINT pointer as key and not the * thread id. RTThreadSelf() then have to be implemented using a pointer stored * in thread local storage (TLS). */ /** * Initializes the thread data base. * * @returns iprt status code. */ int rtThreadInit(void) { int rc = VINF_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; if (g_ThreadRWSem == NIL_RTSEMRW) { /* * We assume the caller is the 1st thread, which we'll call 'main'. * But first, we'll create the semaphore. */ int rc = RTSemRWCreate(&g_ThreadRWSem); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = rtThreadNativeInit(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rtThreadAdopt(RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, 0, "main"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rtSchedNativeCalcDefaultPriority(RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* failed, clear out */ RTSemRWDestroy(g_ThreadRWSem); g_ThreadRWSem = NIL_RTSEMRW; } } return rc; } /** * Adopts the calling thread. * No locks are taken or released by this function. */ static int rtThreadAdopt(RTTHREADTYPE enmType, unsigned fFlags, const char *pszName) { Assert(!(fFlags & RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE)); fFlags &= ~RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE; /* * Allocate and insert the thread. */ int rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadAlloc(enmType, fFlags, RTTHREADINT_FLAGS_ALIEN, pszName); if (pThread) { rc = rtThreadNativeAdopt(pThread); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rtThreadInsert(pThread, RTThreadNativeSelf()); pThread->enmState = RTTHREADSTATE_RUNNING; } } return rc; } /** * Adopts a non-IPRT thread. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param enmType The thread type. * @param fFlags The thread flags. RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE is not currently allowed. * @param pszName The thread name. Optional. * @param pThread Where to store the thread handle. Optional. */ RTDECL(int) RTThreadAdopt(RTTHREADTYPE enmType, unsigned fFlags, const char *pszName, PRTTHREAD pThread) { AssertReturn(!(fFlags & RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(!pszName || VALID_PTR(pszName), VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(!pThread || VALID_PTR(pThread), VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; RTTHREAD Thread = RTThreadSelf(); if (Thread == NIL_RTTHREAD) { /* generate a name if none was given. */ char szName[RTTHREAD_NAME_LEN]; if (!pszName || !*pszName) { static uint32_t s_i32AlienId = 0; uint32_t i32Id = ASMAtomicIncU32(&s_i32AlienId); RTStrPrintf(szName, sizeof(szName), "ALIEN-%RX32", i32Id); pszName = szName; } /* try adopt it */ rc = rtThreadAdopt(enmType, fFlags, pszName); Thread = RTThreadSelf(); Log(("RTThreadAdopt: %RTthrd %RTnthrd '%s' enmType=%d fFlags=%#x rc=%Rrc\n", Thread, RTThreadNativeSelf(), pszName, enmType, fFlags, rc)); } else Log(("RTThreadAdopt: %RTthrd %RTnthrd '%s' enmType=%d fFlags=%#x - already adopted!\n", Thread, RTThreadNativeSelf(), pszName, enmType, fFlags)); if (pThread) *pThread = Thread; return rc; } inline void rtThreadLockRW(void) { if (!g_ThreadRWSem) rtThreadInit(); int rc = RTSemRWRequestWrite(g_ThreadRWSem, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); AssertReleaseRC(rc); } inline void rtThreadLockRD(void) { if (!g_ThreadRWSem) rtThreadInit(); int rc = RTSemRWRequestRead(g_ThreadRWSem, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); AssertReleaseRC(rc); } inline void rtThreadUnLockRW(void) { int rc = RTSemRWReleaseWrite(g_ThreadRWSem); AssertReleaseRC(rc); } inline void rtThreadUnLockRD(void) { int rc = RTSemRWReleaseRead(g_ThreadRWSem); AssertReleaseRC(rc); } /** * Allocates a per thread data structure and initializes the basic fields. * * @returns Pointer to per thread data structure. * This is reference once. * @returns NULL on failure. * @param enmType The thread type. * @param fFlags The thread flags. * @param fIntFlags The internal thread flags. * @param pszName Pointer to the thread name. */ PRTTHREADINT rtThreadAlloc(RTTHREADTYPE enmType, unsigned fFlags, unsigned fIntFlags, const char *pszName) { PRTTHREADINT pThread = (PRTTHREADINT)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(RTTHREADINT)); if (pThread) { pThread->Core.Key = (void*)NIL_RTTHREAD; pThread->u32Magic = RTTHREADINT_MAGIC; size_t cchName = strlen(pszName); if (cchName >= RTTHREAD_NAME_LEN) cchName = RTTHREAD_NAME_LEN - 1; memcpy(pThread->szName, pszName, cchName); pThread->szName[cchName] = '\0'; pThread->cRefs = 2 + !!(fFlags & RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE); /* And extra reference if waitable. */ pThread->rc = VERR_PROCESS_RUNNING; /** @todo get a better error code! */ pThread->enmType = enmType; pThread->fFlags = fFlags; pThread->fIntFlags = fIntFlags; pThread->enmState = RTTHREADSTATE_INITIALIZING; int rc = RTSemEventMultiCreate(&pThread->EventUser); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTSemEventMultiCreate(&pThread->EventTerminated); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) return pThread; RTSemEventMultiDestroy(pThread->EventUser); } RTMemFree(pThread); } return NULL; } /** * Insert the per thread data structure into the tree. * * This can be called from both the thread it self and the parent, * thus it must handle insertion failures in a nice manner. * * @param pThread Pointer to thread structure allocated by rtThreadAlloc(). * @param NativeThread The native thread id. */ void rtThreadInsert(PRTTHREADINT pThread, RTNATIVETHREAD NativeThread) { Assert(pThread); Assert(pThread->u32Magic == RTTHREADINT_MAGIC); RT_THREAD_LOCK_RW(); /* * Before inserting we must check if there is a thread with this id * in the tree already. We're racing parent and child on insert here * so that the handle is valid in both ends when they return / start. * * If it's not ourself we find, it's a dead alien thread and we will * unlink it from the tree. Alien threads will be released at this point. */ PRTTHREADINT pThreadOther = (PRTTHREADINT)RTAvlPVGet(&g_ThreadTree, (void *)NativeThread); if (pThreadOther != pThread) { /* remove dead alien if any */ if (pThreadOther) { Assert(pThreadOther->fIntFlags & RTTHREADINT_FLAGS_ALIEN); ASMAtomicBitClear(&pThread->fIntFlags, RTTHREADINT_FLAG_IN_TREE_BIT); rtThreadRemoveLocked(pThreadOther); if (pThreadOther->fIntFlags & RTTHREADINT_FLAGS_ALIEN) rtThreadRelease(pThreadOther); } /* insert the thread */ pThread->Core.Key = (void *)NativeThread; bool fRc = RTAvlPVInsert(&g_ThreadTree, &pThread->Core); ASMAtomicOrU32(&pThread->fIntFlags, RTTHREADINT_FLAG_IN_TREE); AssertReleaseMsg(fRc, ("Lock problem? %p (%RTnthrd) %s\n", pThread, NativeThread, pThread->szName)); NOREF(fRc); } RT_THREAD_UNLOCK_RW(); } /** * Removes the thread from the AVL tree, call owns the tree lock * and has cleared the RTTHREADINT_FLAG_IN_TREE bit. * * @param pThread The thread to remove. */ static void rtThreadRemoveLocked(PRTTHREADINT pThread) { PRTTHREADINT pThread2 = (PRTTHREADINT)RTAvlPVRemove(&g_ThreadTree, pThread->Core.Key); AssertMsg(pThread2 == pThread, ("%p(%s) != %p (%p/%s)\n", pThread2, pThread2 ? pThread2->szName : "", pThread, pThread->Core.Key, pThread->szName)); NOREF(pThread2); } /** * Removes the thread from the AVL tree. * * @param pThread The thread to remove. */ static void rtThreadRemove(PRTTHREADINT pThread) { RT_THREAD_LOCK_RW(); if (ASMAtomicBitTestAndClear(&pThread->fIntFlags, RTTHREADINT_FLAG_IN_TREE_BIT)) rtThreadRemoveLocked(pThread); RT_THREAD_UNLOCK_RW(); } /** * Checks if a thread is alive or not. * * @returns true if the thread is alive (or we don't really know). * @returns false if the thread has surely terminate. */ DECLINLINE(bool) rtThreadIsAlive(PRTTHREADINT pThread) { return !(pThread->fIntFlags & RTTHREADINT_FLAGS_TERMINATED); } /** * Gets a thread by it's native ID. * * @returns pointer to the thread structure. * @returns NULL if not a thread IPRT knows. * @param NativeThread The native thread id. */ PRTTHREADINT rtThreadGetByNative(RTNATIVETHREAD NativeThread) { /* * Simple tree lookup. */ RT_THREAD_LOCK_RD(); PRTTHREADINT pThread = (PRTTHREADINT)RTAvlPVGet(&g_ThreadTree, (void *)NativeThread); RT_THREAD_UNLOCK_RD(); return pThread; } /** * Gets the per thread data structure for a thread handle. * * @returns Pointer to the per thread data structure for Thread. * The caller must release the thread using rtThreadRelease(). * @returns NULL if Thread was not found. * @param Thread Thread id which structure is to be returned. */ PRTTHREADINT rtThreadGet(RTTHREAD Thread) { if ( Thread != NIL_RTTHREAD && VALID_PTR(Thread)) { PRTTHREADINT pThread = (PRTTHREADINT)Thread; if ( pThread->u32Magic == RTTHREADINT_MAGIC && pThread->cRefs > 0) { ASMAtomicIncU32(&pThread->cRefs); return pThread; } } AssertMsgFailed(("Thread=%RTthrd\n", Thread)); return NULL; } /** * Release a per thread data structure. * * @returns New reference count. * @param pThread The thread structure to release. */ uint32_t rtThreadRelease(PRTTHREADINT pThread) { Assert(pThread); uint32_t cRefs; if (pThread->cRefs >= 1) { cRefs = ASMAtomicDecU32(&pThread->cRefs); if (!cRefs) rtThreadDestroy(pThread); } else cRefs = 0; return cRefs; } /** * Destroys the per thread data. * * @param pThread The thread to destroy. */ static void rtThreadDestroy(PRTTHREADINT pThread) { /* * Mark it dead and remove it from the tree. */ ASMAtomicXchgU32(&pThread->u32Magic, RTTHREADINT_MAGIC_DEAD); rtThreadRemove(pThread); /* * Free resources. */ pThread->Core.Key = (void *)NIL_RTTHREAD; pThread->enmType = RTTHREADTYPE_INVALID; RTSemEventMultiDestroy(pThread->EventUser); pThread->EventUser = NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI; if (pThread->EventTerminated != NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI) { RTSemEventMultiDestroy(pThread->EventTerminated); pThread->EventTerminated = NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI; } RTMemFree(pThread); } /** * Terminates the thread. * Called by the thread wrapper function when the thread terminates. * * @param pThread The thread structure. * @param rc The thread result code. */ void rtThreadTerminate(PRTTHREADINT pThread, int rc) { Assert(pThread->cRefs >= 1); /* * Set the rc, mark it terminated and signal anyone waiting. */ pThread->rc = rc; ASMAtomicXchgSize(&pThread->enmState, RTTHREADSTATE_TERMINATED); ASMAtomicOrU32(&pThread->fIntFlags, RTTHREADINT_FLAGS_TERMINATED); if (pThread->EventTerminated != NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI) RTSemEventMultiSignal(pThread->EventTerminated); /* * Remove the thread from the tree so that there will be no * key clashes in the AVL tree and release our reference to ourself. */ rtThreadRemove(pThread); rtThreadRelease(pThread); } /** * The common thread main function. * This is called by rtThreadNativeMain(). * * @returns The status code of the thread. * pThread is dereference by the thread before returning! * @param pThread The thread structure. * @param NativeThread The native thread id. */ int rtThreadMain(PRTTHREADINT pThread, RTNATIVETHREAD NativeThread) { rtThreadInsert(pThread, NativeThread); Log(("rtThreadMain: Starting: pThread=%p NativeThread=%RTnthrd Name=%s pfnThread=%p pvUser=%p\n", pThread, NativeThread, pThread->szName, pThread->pfnThread, pThread->pvUser)); /* * Change the priority. */ int rc = rtThreadNativeSetPriority(pThread, pThread->enmType); AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Failed to set priority of thread %p (%RTnthrd / %s) to enmType=%d enmPriority=%d rc=%Vrc\n", pThread, NativeThread, pThread->szName, pThread->enmType, g_enmProcessPriority, rc)); /* * Call thread function and terminate when it returns. */ pThread->enmState = RTTHREADSTATE_RUNNING; rc = pThread->pfnThread(pThread, pThread->pvUser); Log(("rtThreadMain: Terminating: rc=%d pThread=%p NativeThread=%RTnthrd Name=%s pfnThread=%p pvUser=%p\n", rc, pThread, NativeThread, pThread->szName, pThread->pfnThread, pThread->pvUser)); rtThreadTerminate(pThread, rc); return rc; } /** * Create a new thread. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param pThread Where to store the thread handle to the new thread. (optional) * @param pfnThread The thread function. * @param pvUser User argument. * @param cbStack The size of the stack for the new thread. * Use 0 for the default stack size. * @param enmType The thread type. Used for deciding scheduling attributes * of the thread. * @param fFlags Flags of the RTTHREADFLAGS type (ORed together). * @param pszName Thread name. */ RTDECL(int) RTThreadCreate(PRTTHREAD pThread, PFNRTTHREAD pfnThread, void *pvUser, size_t cbStack, RTTHREADTYPE enmType, unsigned fFlags, const char *pszName) { LogFlow(("RTThreadCreate: pThread=%p pfnThread=%p pvUser=%p cbStack=%#x enmType=%d fFlags=%#x pszName=%p:{%s}\n", pThread, pfnThread, pvUser, cbStack, enmType, fFlags, pszName, pszName)); /* * Validate input. */ if (!VALID_PTR(pThread) && pThread) { Assert(VALID_PTR(pThread)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (!VALID_PTR(pfnThread)) { Assert(VALID_PTR(pfnThread)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (!pszName || !*pszName || strlen(pszName) >= RTTHREAD_NAME_LEN) { AssertMsgFailed(("pszName=%s (max len is %d because of logging)\n", pszName, RTTHREAD_NAME_LEN - 1)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (fFlags & ~RTTHREADFLAGS_MASK) { AssertMsgFailed(("fFlags=%#x\n", fFlags)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* * Allocate thread argument. */ int rc; PRTTHREADINT pThreadInt = rtThreadAlloc(enmType, fFlags, 0, pszName); if (pThreadInt) { pThreadInt->pfnThread = pfnThread; pThreadInt->pvUser = pvUser; pThreadInt->cbStack = cbStack; RTNATIVETHREAD NativeThread; rc = rtThreadNativeCreate(pThreadInt, &NativeThread); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rtThreadInsert(pThreadInt, NativeThread); rtThreadRelease(pThreadInt); Log(("RTThreadCreate: Created thread %p (%p) %s\n", pThreadInt, NativeThread, pszName)); if (pThread) *pThread = pThreadInt; return VINF_SUCCESS; } pThreadInt->cRefs = 1; rtThreadRelease(pThreadInt); } else rc = VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY; LogFlow(("RTThreadCreate: Failed to create thread, rc=%Vrc\n", rc)); AssertReleaseRC(rc); return rc; } /** * Gets the native thread id of a IPRT thread. * * @returns The native thread id. * @param Thread The IPRT thread. */ RTDECL(RTNATIVETHREAD) RTThreadGetNative(RTTHREAD Thread) { PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadGet(Thread); if (pThread) return (RTNATIVETHREAD)pThread->Core.Key; return NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD; } /** * Gets the IPRT thread of a native thread. * * @returns The IPRT thread handle * @returns NIL_RTTHREAD if not a thread known to IPRT. * @param NativeThread The native thread handle/id. */ RTDECL(RTTHREAD) RTThreadFromNative(RTNATIVETHREAD NativeThread) { PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadGetByNative(NativeThread); if (pThread) { rtThreadRelease(pThread); return pThread; } return NIL_RTTHREAD; } /** * Gets the name of the current thread thread. * * @returns Pointer to readonly name string. * @returns NULL on failure. */ RTR3DECL(const char *) RTThreadSelfName(void) { RTTHREAD Thread = RTThreadSelf(); if (Thread != NIL_RTTHREAD) { PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadGet(Thread); if (pThread) return pThread->szName; } return NULL; } /** * Gets the name of a thread. * * @returns Pointer to readonly name string. * @returns NULL on failure. * @param Thread Thread handle of the thread to query the name of. */ RTR3DECL(const char *) RTThreadGetName(RTTHREAD Thread) { if (Thread == NIL_RTTHREAD) return NULL; PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadGet(Thread); return pThread ? pThread->szName : NULL; } /** * Sets the name of a thread. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param Thread Thread handle of the thread to query the name of. * @param pszName The thread name. */ RTR3DECL(int) RTThreadSetName(RTTHREAD Thread, const char *pszName) { /* * Validate input. */ size_t cchName = strlen(pszName); if (cchName >= RTTHREAD_NAME_LEN) { AssertMsgFailed(("pszName=%s is too long, max is %d\n", pszName, RTTHREAD_NAME_LEN - 1)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadGet(Thread); if (!pThread) return VERR_INVALID_HANDLE; /* * Update the name. */ pThread->szName[cchName] = '\0'; /* paranoia */ memcpy(pThread->szName, pszName, cchName); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Signal the user event. * * @returns iprt status code. */ RTR3DECL(int) RTThreadUserSignal(RTTHREAD Thread) { int rc; PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadGet(Thread); if (pThread) { rc = RTSemEventMultiSignal(pThread->EventUser); rtThreadRelease(pThread); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_HANDLE; return rc; } /** * Wait for the user event, resume on interruption. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param Thread The thread to wait for. * @param cMillies The number of milliseconds to wait. Use RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT for * an indefinite wait. */ RTR3DECL(int) RTThreadUserWait(RTTHREAD Thread, unsigned cMillies) { int rc; PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadGet(Thread); if (pThread) { rc = RTSemEventMultiWait(pThread->EventUser, cMillies); rtThreadRelease(pThread); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_HANDLE; return rc; } /** * Wait for the user event, return on interruption. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param Thread The thread to wait for. * @param cMillies The number of milliseconds to wait. Use RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT for * an indefinite wait. */ RTR3DECL(int) RTThreadUserWaitNoResume(RTTHREAD Thread, unsigned cMillies) { int rc; PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadGet(Thread); if (pThread) { rc = RTSemEventMultiWaitNoResume(pThread->EventUser, cMillies); rtThreadRelease(pThread); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_HANDLE; return rc; } /** * Reset the user event. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param Thread The thread to reset. */ RTR3DECL(int) RTThreadUserReset(RTTHREAD Thread) { int rc; PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadGet(Thread); if (pThread) { rc = RTSemEventMultiReset(pThread->EventUser); rtThreadRelease(pThread); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_HANDLE; return rc; } /** * Wait for the thread to terminate. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param Thread The thread to wait for. * @param cMillies The number of milliseconds to wait. Use RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT for * an indefinite wait. * @param prc Where to store the return code of the thread. Optional. * @param fAutoResume Whether or not to resume the wait on VERR_INTERRUPTED. */ static int rtThreadWait(RTTHREAD Thread, unsigned cMillies, int *prc, bool fAutoResume) { int rc = VERR_INVALID_HANDLE; if (Thread != NIL_RTTHREAD) { PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadGet(Thread); if (pThread) { if (pThread->fFlags & RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE) { if (fAutoResume) rc = RTSemEventMultiWait(pThread->EventTerminated, cMillies); else rc = RTSemEventMultiWaitNoResume(pThread->EventTerminated, cMillies); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (prc) *prc = pThread->rc; /* * If the thread is marked as waitable, we'll do one additional * release in order to free up the thread structure (see how we * init cRef in rtThreadAlloc()). */ if (ASMAtomicBitTestAndClear(&pThread->fFlags, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE_BIT)) rtThreadRelease(pThread); } } else { rc = VERR_THREAD_NOT_WAITABLE; AssertRC(rc); } rtThreadRelease(pThread); } } return rc; } /** * Wait for the thread to terminate, resume on interruption. * * @returns iprt status code. * Will not return VERR_INTERRUPTED. * @param Thread The thread to wait for. * @param cMillies The number of milliseconds to wait. Use RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT for * an indefinite wait. * @param prc Where to store the return code of the thread. Optional. */ RTR3DECL(int) RTThreadWait(RTTHREAD Thread, unsigned cMillies, int *prc) { int rc = rtThreadWait(Thread, cMillies, prc, true); Assert(rc != VERR_INTERRUPTED); return rc; } /** * Wait for the thread to terminate, return on interruption. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param Thread The thread to wait for. * @param cMillies The number of milliseconds to wait. Use RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT for * an indefinite wait. * @param prc Where to store the return code of the thread. Optional. */ RTR3DECL(int) RTThreadWaitNoResume(RTTHREAD Thread, unsigned cMillies, int *prc) { return rtThreadWait(Thread, cMillies, prc, false); } /** * Changes the type of the specified thread. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param Thread The thread which type should be changed. * @param enmType The new thread type. */ RTR3DECL(int) RTThreadSetType(RTTHREAD Thread, RTTHREADTYPE enmType) { /* * Validate input. */ int rc; if ( enmType > RTTHREADTYPE_INVALID && enmType < RTTHREADTYPE_LAST) { PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadGet(Thread); if (pThread) { if (rtThreadIsAlive(pThread)) { /* * Do the job. */ RT_THREAD_UNLOCK_RW(); rc = rtThreadNativeSetPriority(pThread, enmType); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) ASMAtomicXchgSize(&pThread->enmType, enmType); else Log(("RTThreadSetType: failed on thread %p (%s), rc=%Vrc!!!\n", Thread, pThread->szName, rc)); RT_THREAD_LOCK_RW(); } else rc = VERR_THREAD_IS_DEAD; rtThreadRelease(pThread); } else rc = VERR_INVALID_HANDLE; } else { AssertMsgFailed(("enmType=%d\n", enmType)); rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return rc; } /** * Gets the type of the specified thread. * * @returns The thread type. * @returns RTTHREADTYPE_INVALID if the thread handle is invalid. * @param Thread The thread in question. */ RTR3DECL(RTTHREADTYPE) RTThreadGetType(RTTHREAD Thread) { RTTHREADTYPE enmType = RTTHREADTYPE_INVALID; PRTTHREADINT pThread = rtThreadGet(Thread); if (pThread) { enmType = pThread->enmType; rtThreadRelease(pThread); } return enmType; } /** * Recalculates scheduling attributes for the the default process * priority using the specified priority type for the calling thread. * * The scheduling attributes are targeted at threads and they are protected * by the thread read-write semaphore, that's why RTProc is forwarding the * operation to RTThread. * * @returns iprt status code. */ int rtThreadDoCalcDefaultPriority(RTTHREADTYPE enmType) { RT_THREAD_LOCK_RW(); int rc = rtSchedNativeCalcDefaultPriority(enmType); RT_THREAD_UNLOCK_RW(); return rc; } /** * Thread enumerator - sets the priority of one thread. * * @returns 0 to continue. * @returns !0 to stop. In our case a VERR_ code. * @param pNode The thread node. * @param pvUser The new priority. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtThreadSetPriorityOne(PAVLPVNODECORE pNode, void *pvUser) { PRTTHREADINT pThread = (PRTTHREADINT)pNode; if (!rtThreadIsAlive(pThread)) return VINF_SUCCESS; int rc = rtThreadNativeSetPriority(pThread, pThread->enmType); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) /* hide any warnings */ return VINF_SUCCESS; return rc; } /** * Attempts to alter the priority of the current process. * * The scheduling attributes are targeted at threads and they are protected * by the thread read-write semaphore, that's why RTProc is forwarding the * operation to RTThread. This operation also involves updating all thread * which is much faster done from RTThread. * * @returns iprt status code. * @param enmPriority The new priority. */ int rtThreadDoSetProcPriority(RTPROCPRIORITY enmPriority) { LogFlow(("rtThreadDoSetProcPriority: enmPriority=%d\n", enmPriority)); /* * First validate that we're allowed by the OS to use all the * scheduling attributes defined by the specified process priority. */ RT_THREAD_LOCK_RW(); int rc = rtProcNativeSetPriority(enmPriority); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Update the priority of existing thread. */ rc = RTAvlPVDoWithAll(&g_ThreadTree, true, rtThreadSetPriorityOne, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) ASMAtomicXchgSize(&g_enmProcessPriority, enmPriority); else { /* * Failed, restore the priority. */ rtProcNativeSetPriority(g_enmProcessPriority); RTAvlPVDoWithAll(&g_ThreadTree, true, rtThreadSetPriorityOne, NULL); } } RT_THREAD_UNLOCK_RW(); LogFlow(("rtThreadDoSetProcPriority: returns %Vrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * Bitch about a deadlock. * * @param pThread This thread. * @param pCur The thread we're deadlocking with. * @param enmState The sleep state. * @param u64Block The block data. A pointer or handle. * @param pszFile Where we are gonna block. * @param uLine Where we are gonna block. * @param uId Where we are gonna block. */ static void rtThreadDeadlock(PRTTHREADINT pThread, PRTTHREADINT pCur, RTTHREADSTATE enmState, uint64_t u64Block, const char *pszFile, unsigned uLine, RTUINTPTR uId) { AssertMsg1(pCur == pThread ? "!!Deadlock detected!!" : "!!Deadlock exists!!", uLine, pszFile, ""); /* * Print the threads and locks involved. */ PRTTHREADINT apSeenThreads[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; unsigned iSeenThread = 0; pCur = pThread; for (unsigned iEntry = 0; pCur && iEntry < 256; iEntry++) { /* * Print info on pCur. Determin next while doing so. */ AssertMsg2(" #%d: %RTthrd/%RTnthrd %s: %s(%u) %RTptr\n", iEntry, pCur, pCur->Core.Key, pCur->szName, pCur->pszBlockFile, pCur->uBlockLine, pCur->uBlockId); PRTTHREADINT pNext = NULL; switch (pCur->enmState) { case RTTHREADSTATE_CRITSECT: { PRTCRITSECT pCritSect = pCur->Block.pCritSect; if (pCur->enmState != RTTHREADSTATE_CRITSECT) { AssertMsg2("Impossible!!!\n"); break; } if (VALID_PTR(pCritSect) && RTCritSectIsInitialized(pCritSect)) { AssertMsg2(" Waiting on CRITSECT %p: Entered %s(%u) %RTptr\n", pCritSect, pCritSect->Strict.pszEnterFile, pCritSect->Strict.u32EnterLine, pCritSect->Strict.uEnterId); pNext = pCritSect->Strict.ThreadOwner; } else AssertMsg2(" Waiting on CRITSECT %p: invalid pointer or uninitialized critsect\n", pCritSect); break; } default: AssertMsg2(" Impossible!!! enmState=%d\n", pCur->enmState); break; } /* * Check for cycle. */ if (iEntry && pCur == pThread) break; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ELEMENTS(apSeenThreads); i++) if (apSeenThreads[i] == pCur) { AssertMsg2(" Cycle!\n"); pNext = NULL; break; } /* * Advance to the next thread. */ iSeenThread = (iSeenThread + 1) % ELEMENTS(apSeenThreads); apSeenThreads[iSeenThread] = pCur; pCur = pNext; } AssertBreakpoint(); } /** * Change the thread state to blocking and do deadlock detection. * * This is a RT_STRICT method for debugging locks and detecting deadlocks. * * @param pThread This thread. * @param enmState The sleep state. * @param u64Block The block data. A pointer or handle. * @param pszFile Where we are blocking. * @param uLine Where we are blocking. * @param uId Where we are blocking. */ void rtThreadBlocking(PRTTHREADINT pThread, RTTHREADSTATE enmState, uint64_t u64Block, const char *pszFile, unsigned uLine, RTUINTPTR uId) { Assert(RTTHREAD_IS_SLEEPING(enmState)); if (pThread && pThread->enmState == RTTHREADSTATE_RUNNING) { /** @todo This has to be serialized! The deadlock detection isn't 100% safe!!! */ pThread->Block.u64 = u64Block; pThread->pszBlockFile = pszFile; pThread->uBlockLine = uLine; pThread->uBlockId = uId; ASMAtomicXchgSize(&pThread->enmState, enmState); /* * Do deadlock detection. * * Since we're missing proper serialization, we don't declare it a * deadlock until we've got three runs with the same list length. * While this isn't perfect, it should avoid out the most obvious * races on SMP boxes. */ PRTTHREADINT pCur; unsigned cPrevLength = ~0U; unsigned cEqualRuns = 0; unsigned iParanoia = 256; do { unsigned cLength = 0; pCur = pThread; for (;;) { /* * Get the next thread. */ for (;;) { switch (pCur->enmState) { case RTTHREADSTATE_CRITSECT: { PRTCRITSECT pCritSect = pCur->Block.pCritSect; if (pCur->enmState != RTTHREADSTATE_CRITSECT) continue; pCur = pCritSect->Strict.ThreadOwner; break; } default: pCur = NULL; break; } break; } if (!pCur) return; /* * If we've got back to the blocking thread id we've got a deadlock. * If we've got a chain of more than 256 items, there is some kind of cycle * in the list, which means that there is already a deadlock somewhere. */ if (pCur == pThread || cLength >= 256) break; cLength++; } /* compare with previous list run. */ if (cLength != cPrevLength) { cPrevLength = cLength; cEqualRuns = 0; } else cEqualRuns++; } while (cEqualRuns < 3 && --iParanoia > 0); /* * Ok, if we ever get here, it's most likely a genuine deadlock. */ rtThreadDeadlock(pThread, pCur, enmState, u64Block, pszFile, uLine, uId); } } /** * Unblocks a thread. * * This function is paired with rtThreadBlocking. * * @param pThread The current thread. * @param enmCurState The current state, used to check for nested blocking. * The new state will be running. */ void rtThreadUnblocked(PRTTHREADINT pThread, RTTHREADSTATE enmCurState) { if (pThread && pThread->enmState == enmCurState) ASMAtomicXchgSize(&pThread->enmState, RTTHREADSTATE_RUNNING); }