/* $Id: tstRTR0Timer.cpp 32669 2010-09-21 16:18:22Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * IPRT R0 Testcase - Timers. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tstRTR0Timer.h" #include "tstRTR0Common.h" /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { /** Array of nano second timestamp of the first few shots. */ uint64_t volatile aShotNsTSes[10]; /** The number of shots. */ uint32_t volatile cShots; /** The shot at which action is to be taken. */ uint32_t iActionShot; /** The RC of whatever operation performed in the handler. */ int volatile rc; } TSTRTR0TIMERS1; typedef TSTRTR0TIMERS1 *PTSTRTR0TIMERS1; /** * Callback which increments destroy the timer when it fires. * * @param pTimer The timer. * @param iTick The current tick. * @param pvUser The user argument. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) tstRTR0TimerCallbackDestroyOnce(PRTTIMER pTimer, void *pvUser, uint64_t iTick) { PTSTRTR0TIMERS1 pState = (PTSTRTR0TIMERS1)pvUser; uint32_t iShot = ASMAtomicIncU32(&pState->cShots); if (iShot <= RT_ELEMENTS(pState->aShotNsTSes)) pState->aShotNsTSes[iShot - 1] = RTTimeSystemNanoTS(); if (iShot == pState->iActionShot + 1) RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(pState->rc = RTTimerDestroy(pTimer), VINF_SUCCESS); } /** * Callback which increments restarts a timer once. * * @param pTimer The timer. * @param iTick The current tick. * @param pvUser The user argument. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) tstRTR0TimerCallbackRestartOnce(PRTTIMER pTimer, void *pvUser, uint64_t iTick) { PTSTRTR0TIMERS1 pState = (PTSTRTR0TIMERS1)pvUser; uint32_t iShot = ASMAtomicIncU32(&pState->cShots); if (iShot <= RT_ELEMENTS(pState->aShotNsTSes)) pState->aShotNsTSes[iShot - 1] = RTTimeSystemNanoTS(); if (iShot == pState->iActionShot + 1) RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(pState->rc = RTTimerStart(pTimer, 10000000 /* 10ms */), VINF_SUCCESS); } /** * Callback which increments a 32-bit counter. * * @param pTimer The timer. * @param iTick The current tick. * @param pvUser The user argument. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) tstRTR0TimerCallbackU32Counter(PRTTIMER pTimer, void *pvUser, uint64_t iTick) { PTSTRTR0TIMERS1 pState = (PTSTRTR0TIMERS1)pvUser; uint32_t iShot = ASMAtomicIncU32(&pState->cShots); if (iShot <= RT_ELEMENTS(pState->aShotNsTSes)) pState->aShotNsTSes[iShot - 1] = RTTimeSystemNanoTS(); } /** * Checks that the interval between two timer shots are within the specified * range. * * @returns 0 if ok, 1 if bad. * @param iShot The shot number (for bitching). * @param uPrevTS The time stamp of the previous shot (ns). * @param uThisTS The timer stamp of this shot (ns). * @param uMin The minimum interval (ns). * @param uMax The maximum interval (ns). */ static int tstRTR0TimerCheckShotInterval(uint32_t iShot, uint64_t uPrevTS, uint64_t uThisTS, uint32_t uMin, uint32_t uMax) { uint64_t uDelta = uThisTS - uPrevTS; RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG_RET(uDelta >= uMin, ("iShot=%u uDelta=%lld uMin=%u\n", iShot, uDelta, uMin), 1); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG_RET(uDelta <= uMax, ("iShot=%u uDelta=%lld uMax=%u\n", iShot, uDelta, uMax), 1); return 0; } /** * Checks that the interval between timer shots are within a certain range. * * @returns Number of violations (i.e. 0 is ok). * @param pState The state. * @param uStartNsTS The start time stamp (ns). * @param uMin The minimum interval (ns). * @param uMax The maximum interval (ns). */ static int tstRTR0TimerCheckShotIntervals(PTSTRTR0TIMERS1 pState, uint64_t uStartNsTS, uint32_t uMin, uint32_t uMax) { uint64_t uMaxDelta = 0; uint64_t uMinDelta = UINT64_MAX; uint32_t cBadShots = 0; uint32_t cShots = pState->cShots; uint64_t uPrevTS = uStartNsTS; for (uint32_t iShot = 0; iShot < cShots; iShot++) { uint64_t uThisTS = pState->aShotNsTSes[iShot]; uint64_t uDelta = uThisTS - uPrevTS; if (uDelta > uMaxDelta) uMaxDelta = uDelta; if (uDelta < uMinDelta) uMinDelta = uDelta; cBadShots += !(uDelta >= uMin && uDelta <= uMax); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG(uDelta >= uMin, ("iShot=%u uDelta=%lld uMin=%u\n", iShot, uDelta, uMin)); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG(uDelta <= uMax, ("iShot=%u uDelta=%lld uMax=%u\n", iShot, uDelta, uMax)); uPrevTS = uThisTS; } RTR0TestR0Info("uMaxDelta=%llu uMinDelta=%llu\n", uMaxDelta, uMinDelta); return cBadShots; } /** * Service request callback function. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSession The caller's session. * @param u64Arg 64-bit integer argument. * @param pReqHdr The request header. Input / Output. Optional. */ DECLEXPORT(int) TSTRTR0TimerSrvReqHandler(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, uint32_t uOperation, uint64_t u64Arg, PSUPR0SERVICEREQHDR pReqHdr) { RTR0TESTR0_SRV_REQ_PROLOG_RET(pReqHdr); if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* * The big switch. */ uint32_t const cNsSysHz = RTTimerGetSystemGranularity(); TSTRTR0TIMERS1 State; switch (uOperation) { RTR0TESTR0_IMPLEMENT_SANITY_CASES(); RTR0TESTR0_IMPLEMENT_DEFAULT_CASE(uOperation); case TSTRTR0TIMER_ONE_SHOT_BASIC: case TSTRTR0TIMER_ONE_SHOT_BASIC_HIRES: { /* Check that RTTimerGetSystemGranularity works. */ RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(cNsSysHz > UINT32_C(0) && cNsSysHz < UINT32_C(1000000000), ("%u", cNsSysHz)); /* Create a one-shot timer and take one shot. */ PRTTIMER pTimer; uint32_t fFlags = uOperation != TSTRTR0TIMER_ONE_SHOT_BASIC_HIRES ? RTTIMER_FLAGS_HIGH_RES : 0; RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerCreateEx(&pTimer, 0, fFlags, tstRTR0TimerCallbackU32Counter, &State), VINF_SUCCESS); do /* break loop */ { RT_ZERO(State); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerStart(pTimer, 0), VINF_SUCCESS); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 1000 && !ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&State.cShots); i++) RTThreadSleep(5); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&State.cShots) == 1, ("cShots=%u\n", State.cShots)); /* check that it is restartable. */ RT_ZERO(State); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerStart(pTimer, 0), VINF_SUCCESS); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 1000 && !ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&State.cShots); i++) RTThreadSleep(5); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&State.cShots) == 1, ("cShots=%u\n", State.cShots)); /* check that it respects the timeout value and can be cancelled. */ RT_ZERO(State); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerStart(pTimer, 5*UINT64_C(1000000000)), VINF_SUCCESS); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerStop(pTimer), VINF_SUCCESS); RTThreadSleep(1); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&State.cShots) == 0, ("cShots=%u\n", State.cShots)); /* Check some double starts and stops (shall not assert). */ RT_ZERO(State); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerStart(pTimer, 5*UINT64_C(1000000000)), VINF_SUCCESS); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerStart(pTimer, 0), VERR_TIMER_ACTIVE); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerStop(pTimer), VINF_SUCCESS); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerStop(pTimer), VERR_TIMER_SUSPENDED); RTThreadSleep(1); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&State.cShots) == 0, ("cShots=%u\n", State.cShots)); } while (0); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerDestroy(pTimer), VINF_SUCCESS); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerDestroy(NULL), VINF_SUCCESS); break; } #if 1 /* might have to disable this for some host... */ case TSTRTR0TIMER_ONE_SHOT_RESTART: case TSTRTR0TIMER_ONE_SHOT_RESTART_HIRES: { /* Create a one-shot timer and restart it in the callback handler. */ PRTTIMER pTimer; uint32_t fFlags = uOperation != TSTRTR0TIMER_ONE_SHOT_RESTART_HIRES ? RTTIMER_FLAGS_HIGH_RES : 0; for (uint32_t iTest = 0; iTest < 2; iTest++) { RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerCreateEx(&pTimer, 0, fFlags, tstRTR0TimerCallbackRestartOnce, &State), VINF_SUCCESS); RT_ZERO(State); State.iActionShot = 0; do /* break loop */ { RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerStart(pTimer, cNsSysHz * iTest), VINF_SUCCESS); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 1000 && ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&State.cShots) < 2; i++) RTThreadSleep(5); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&State.cShots) == 2, ("cShots=%u\n", State.cShots)); } while (0); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerDestroy(pTimer), VINF_SUCCESS); } break; } #endif #if 1 /* might have to disable this for some host... */ case TSTRTR0TIMER_ONE_SHOT_DESTROY: case TSTRTR0TIMER_ONE_SHOT_DESTROY_HIRES: { /* Create a one-shot timer and destroy it in the callback handler. */ PRTTIMER pTimer; uint32_t fFlags = uOperation != TSTRTR0TIMER_ONE_SHOT_DESTROY_HIRES ? RTTIMER_FLAGS_HIGH_RES : 0; for (uint32_t iTest = 0; iTest < 2; iTest++) { RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerCreateEx(&pTimer, 0, fFlags, tstRTR0TimerCallbackDestroyOnce, &State), VINF_SUCCESS); RT_ZERO(State); State.rc = VERR_IPE_UNINITIALIZED_STATUS; State.iActionShot = 0; do /* break loop */ { RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerStart(pTimer, cNsSysHz * iTest), VINF_SUCCESS); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 1000 && ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&State.cShots) < 1; i++) RTThreadSleep(5); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(ASMAtomicReadU32(&State.cShots) == 1, ("cShots=%u\n", State.cShots)); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(State.rc == VINF_SUCCESS, ("rc=%Rrc\n", State.rc)); } while (0); if (RT_FAILURE(State.rc)) RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerDestroy(pTimer), VINF_SUCCESS); } break; } #endif case TSTRTR0TIMER_PERIODIC_BASIC: case TSTRTR0TIMER_PERIODIC_BASIC_HIRES: { /* Create a periodic timer running at 10 HZ. */ uint32_t const u10HzAsNs = 100000000; uint32_t const u10HzAsNsMin = u10HzAsNs - u10HzAsNs / 2; uint32_t const u10HzAsNsMax = u10HzAsNs + u10HzAsNs / 2; PRTTIMER pTimer; uint32_t fFlags = uOperation != TSTRTR0TIMER_ONE_SHOT_BASIC_HIRES ? RTTIMER_FLAGS_HIGH_RES : 0; RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerCreateEx(&pTimer, u10HzAsNs, fFlags, tstRTR0TimerCallbackU32Counter, &State), VINF_SUCCESS); for (uint32_t iTest = 0; iTest < 2; iTest++) { RT_ZERO(State); uint64_t uStartNsTS = RTTimeSystemNanoTS(); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerStart(pTimer, u10HzAsNs), VINF_SUCCESS); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 1000 && ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&State.cShots) < 10; i++) RTThreadSleep(10); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerStop(pTimer), VINF_SUCCESS); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_MSG_BREAK(ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&State.cShots) == 10, ("cShots=%u\n", State.cShots)); if (tstRTR0TimerCheckShotIntervals(&State, uStartNsTS, u10HzAsNsMin, u10HzAsNsMax)) break; } RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerDestroy(pTimer), VINF_SUCCESS); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerDestroy(NULL), VINF_SUCCESS); break; } case TSTRTR0TIMER_PERIODIC_CSSD_LOOPS: case TSTRTR0TIMER_PERIODIC_CSSD_LOOPS_HIRES: { /* create, start, stop & destroy high res timers a number of times. */ uint32_t fFlags = uOperation != TSTRTR0TIMER_PERIODIC_CSSD_LOOPS_HIRES ? RTTIMER_FLAGS_HIGH_RES : 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 40; i++) { PRTTIMER pTimer; RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerCreateEx(&pTimer, cNsSysHz, fFlags, tstRTR0TimerCallbackU32Counter, &State), VINF_SUCCESS); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; j++) { RT_ZERO(State); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerStart(pTimer, i < 20 ? 0 : cNsSysHz), VINF_SUCCESS); for (uint32_t k = 0; k < 1000 && ASMAtomicUoReadU32(&State.cShots) < 2; k++) RTThreadSleep(1); RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC_BREAK(RTTimerStop(pTimer), VINF_SUCCESS); } RTR0TESTR0_CHECK_RC(RTTimerDestroy(pTimer), VINF_SUCCESS); } break; } } RTR0TESTR0_SRV_REQ_EPILOG(pReqHdr); /* The error indicator is the '!' in the message buffer. */ return VINF_SUCCESS; }