/* $Id: tstR0ThreadPreemption.cpp 47572 2013-08-07 09:51:45Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * IPRT R0 Testcase - Thread Preemption. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tstR0ThreadPreemption.h" #define TSTRTR0THREADCTXDATA_MAGIC 0xc01a50da /** * Thread-context hook data. */ typedef struct TSTRTR0THREADCTXDATA { uint32_t volatile u32Magic; RTCPUID uSourceCpuId; RTNATIVETHREAD hSourceThread; RTTHREADCTX hThreadCtx; /* For RTTHREADCTXEVENT_PREEMPTING. */ bool fPreemptingSuccess; volatile bool fPreemptingInvoked; /* For RTTHREADCTXEVENT_RESUMED. */ bool fResumedSuccess; volatile bool fResumedInvoked; char achResult[512]; } TSTRTR0THREADCTXDATA, *PTSTRTR0THREADCTXDATA; /** * Thread-context hook function. * * @param enmEvent The thread-context event. * @param pvUser Pointer to the user argument. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) tstR0ThreadCtxHook(RTTHREADCTXEVENT enmEvent, void *pvUser) { PTSTRTR0THREADCTXDATA pData = (PTSTRTR0THREADCTXDATA)pvUser; AssertPtrReturnVoid(pData); if (pData->u32Magic != TSTRTR0THREADCTXDATA_MAGIC) { RTStrPrintf(pData->achResult, sizeof(pData->achResult), "!tstR0ThreadCtxHook: Invalid magic."); return; } switch (enmEvent) { case RTTHREADCTXEVENT_PREEMPTING: { ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pData->fPreemptingInvoked, true); /* We've already been called once, we now might very well be on another CPU. Nothing to do here. */ if (pData->fPreemptingSuccess) return; if (RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD)) { RTStrPrintf(pData->achResult, sizeof(pData->achResult), "!tstR0ThreadCtxHook[RTTHREADCTXEVENT_PREEMPTING]: Called with preemption enabled"); break; } RTNATIVETHREAD hCurrentThread = RTThreadNativeSelf(); if (pData->hSourceThread != hCurrentThread) { RTStrPrintf(pData->achResult, sizeof(pData->achResult), "!tstR0ThreadCtxHook[RTTHREADCTXEVENT_PREEMPTING]: Thread switched! Source=%RTnthrd Current=%RTnthrd.", pData->hSourceThread, hCurrentThread); } RTCPUID uCurrentCpuId = RTMpCpuId(); if (pData->uSourceCpuId != uCurrentCpuId) { RTStrPrintf(pData->achResult, sizeof(pData->achResult), "!tstR0ThreadCtxHook[RTTHREADCTXEVENT_PREEMPTING]: migrated uSourceCpuId=%RU32 uCurrentCpuId=%RU32", pData->uSourceCpuId, uCurrentCpuId); break; } pData->fPreemptingSuccess = true; break; } case RTTHREADCTXEVENT_RESUMED: { ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pData->fResumedInvoked, true); /* We've already been called once successfully, nothing more to do. */ if (ASMAtomicReadBool(&pData->fResumedSuccess)) return; if (!pData->fPreemptingSuccess) { RTStrPrintf(pData->achResult, sizeof(pData->achResult), "!tstR0ThreadCtxHook[RTTHREADCTXEVENT_RESUMED]: Called before preempting callback was invoked."); } RTNATIVETHREAD hCurrentThread = RTThreadNativeSelf(); if (pData->hSourceThread != hCurrentThread) { RTStrPrintf(pData->achResult, sizeof(pData->achResult), "!tstR0ThreadCtxHook[RTTHREADCTXEVENT_RESUMED]: Thread switched! Source=%RTnthrd Current=%RTnthrd.", pData->hSourceThread, hCurrentThread); } ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pData->fResumedSuccess, true); break; } default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid event %#x\n", enmEvent)); break; } } /** * Service request callback function. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSession The caller's session. * @param u64Arg 64-bit integer argument. * @param pReqHdr The request header. Input / Output. Optional. */ DECLEXPORT(int) TSTR0ThreadPreemptionSrvReqHandler(PSUPDRVSESSION pSession, uint32_t uOperation, uint64_t u64Arg, PSUPR0SERVICEREQHDR pReqHdr) { NOREF(pSession); if (u64Arg) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (!VALID_PTR(pReqHdr)) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; char *pszErr = (char *)(pReqHdr + 1); size_t cchErr = pReqHdr->cbReq - sizeof(*pReqHdr); if (cchErr < 32 || cchErr >= 0x10000) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; *pszErr = '\0'; /* * The big switch. */ switch (uOperation) { case TSTR0THREADPREMEPTION_SANITY_OK: break; case TSTR0THREADPREMEPTION_SANITY_FAILURE: RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!42failure42%1024s", ""); break; case TSTR0THREADPREMEPTION_BASIC: { if (!ASMIntAreEnabled()) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!Interrupts disabled"); else if (!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD)) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled returns false by default"); else { RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE State = RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE_INITIALIZER; RTThreadPreemptDisable(&State); if (RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD)) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled returns true after RTThreadPreemptDisable"); else if (!ASMIntAreEnabled()) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!Interrupts disabled"); RTThreadPreemptRestore(&State); } break; } case TSTR0THREADPREMEPTION_IS_TRUSTY: if (!RTThreadPreemptIsPendingTrusty()) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!Untrusty"); break; case TSTR0THREADPREMEPTION_IS_PENDING: { RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE State = RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE_INITIALIZER; RTThreadPreemptDisable(&State); if (!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD)) { #ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN uint64_t const cNsMax = UINT64_C(8)*1000U*1000U*1000U; #else uint64_t const cNsMax = UINT64_C(2)*1000U*1000U*1000U; #endif if (ASMIntAreEnabled()) { uint64_t u64StartTS = RTTimeNanoTS(); uint64_t u64StartSysTS = RTTimeSystemNanoTS(); uint64_t cLoops = 0; uint64_t cNanosSysElapsed; uint64_t cNanosElapsed; bool fPending; do { fPending = RTThreadPreemptIsPending(NIL_RTTHREAD); cNanosElapsed = RTTimeNanoTS() - u64StartTS; cNanosSysElapsed = RTTimeSystemNanoTS() - u64StartSysTS; cLoops++; } while ( !fPending && cNanosElapsed < cNsMax && cNanosSysElapsed < cNsMax && cLoops < 100U*_1M); if (!fPending) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!Preempt not pending after %'llu loops / %'llu ns / %'llu ns (sys)", cLoops, cNanosElapsed, cNanosSysElapsed); else if (cLoops == 1) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!cLoops=1\n"); else RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "RTThreadPreemptIsPending returned true after %'llu loops / %'llu ns / %'llu ns (sys)", cLoops, cNanosElapsed, cNanosSysElapsed); } else RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!Interrupts disabled"); } else RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled returns true after RTThreadPreemptDisable"); RTThreadPreemptRestore(&State); break; } case TSTR0THREADPREMEPTION_NESTED: { bool const fDefault = RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD); RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE State1 = RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE_INITIALIZER; RTThreadPreemptDisable(&State1); if (!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD)) { RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE State2 = RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE_INITIALIZER; RTThreadPreemptDisable(&State2); if (!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD)) { RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE State3 = RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE_INITIALIZER; RTThreadPreemptDisable(&State3); if (RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD)) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled returns true after 3rd RTThreadPreemptDisable"); RTThreadPreemptRestore(&State3); if (RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD) && !*pszErr) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled returns true after 1st RTThreadPreemptRestore"); } else RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled returns true after 2nd RTThreadPreemptDisable"); RTThreadPreemptRestore(&State2); if (RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD) && !*pszErr) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled returns true after 2nd RTThreadPreemptRestore"); } else RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled returns true after 1st RTThreadPreemptDisable"); RTThreadPreemptRestore(&State1); if (RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD) != fDefault && !*pszErr) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled returns false after 3rd RTThreadPreemptRestore"); break; } case TSTR0THREADPREEMPTION_CTXHOOKS: { if (!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD)) { RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadCtxHooksCreate must be called with preemption enabled"); break; } bool fRegistered = RTThreadCtxHooksAreRegistered(NIL_RTTHREADCTX); if (fRegistered) { RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadCtxHooksAreRegistered returns true before creating any hooks"); break; } RTTHREADCTX hThreadCtx; int rc = RTThreadCtxHooksCreate(&hThreadCtx); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (rc == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "RTThreadCtxHooksCreate returns VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED"); else RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadCtxHooksCreate returns %Rrc", rc); break; } fRegistered = RTThreadCtxHooksAreRegistered(hThreadCtx); if (fRegistered) { RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadCtxHooksAreRegistered returns true before registering any hooks"); RTThreadCtxHooksRelease(hThreadCtx); break; } PTSTRTR0THREADCTXDATA pCtxData = (PTSTRTR0THREADCTXDATA)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pCtxData)); AssertReturn(pCtxData, VERR_NO_MEMORY); pCtxData->u32Magic = TSTRTR0THREADCTXDATA_MAGIC; pCtxData->hThreadCtx = hThreadCtx; pCtxData->fPreemptingSuccess = false; pCtxData->fPreemptingInvoked = false; pCtxData->fResumedInvoked = false; pCtxData->fResumedSuccess = false; pCtxData->hSourceThread = RTThreadNativeSelf(); RT_ZERO(pCtxData->achResult); RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE PreemptState = RTTHREADPREEMPTSTATE_INITIALIZER; RTThreadPreemptDisable(&PreemptState); Assert(!RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD)); pCtxData->uSourceCpuId = RTMpCpuId(); rc = RTThreadCtxHooksRegister(hThreadCtx, &tstR0ThreadCtxHook, pCtxData); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTThreadPreemptRestore(&PreemptState); RTMemFree(pCtxData); RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadCtxHooksRegister returns %Rrc", rc); break; } fRegistered = RTThreadCtxHooksAreRegistered(hThreadCtx); if (!fRegistered) { RTThreadPreemptRestore(&PreemptState); RTMemFree(pCtxData); RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadCtxHooksAreRegistered return false when hooks are supposedly registered"); break; } RTThreadPreemptRestore(&PreemptState); /* Check if the preempting callback has/will been invoked. */ const uint32_t cMsTimeout = 10000; const uint32_t cMsSleepGranularity = 50; uint32_t cMsSlept = 0; RTCPUID uCurrentCpuId = NIL_RTCPUID; for (;;) { RTThreadPreemptDisable(&PreemptState); uCurrentCpuId = RTMpCpuId(); RTThreadPreemptRestore(&PreemptState); if ( pCtxData->uSourceCpuId != uCurrentCpuId || cMsSlept >= cMsTimeout) { break; } RTThreadSleep(cMsSleepGranularity); cMsSlept += cMsSleepGranularity; } if (!ASMAtomicReadBool(&pCtxData->fPreemptingInvoked)) { if (pCtxData->uSourceCpuId != uCurrentCpuId) { RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!tstR0ThreadCtxHooks[RTTHREADCTXEVENT_PREEMPTING] not invoked before migrating from CPU %RU32 to %RU32", pCtxData->uSourceCpuId, uCurrentCpuId); } else { RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!tstR0ThreadCtxHooks[RTTHREADCTXEVENT_PREEMPTING] not invoked after ca. %u ms", cMsSlept); } } else if (!pCtxData->fPreemptingSuccess) RTStrCopy(pszErr, cchErr, pCtxData->achResult); else { /* Preempting callback succeeded, now check if the resumed callback has/will been invoked. */ cMsSlept = 0; for (;;) { if ( ASMAtomicReadBool(&pCtxData->fResumedInvoked) || cMsSlept >= cMsTimeout) { break; } RTThreadSleep(cMsSleepGranularity); cMsSlept += cMsSleepGranularity; } if (!ASMAtomicReadBool(&pCtxData->fResumedInvoked)) { RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!tstR0ThreadCtxHooks[RTTHREADCTXEVENT_RESUMED] not invoked after ca. %u ms", cMsSlept); } else if (!pCtxData->fResumedSuccess) RTStrCopy(pszErr, cchErr, pCtxData->achResult); } RTThreadCtxHooksDeregister(hThreadCtx); fRegistered = RTThreadCtxHooksAreRegistered(hThreadCtx); if (fRegistered) { RTMemFree(pCtxData); RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadCtxHooksAreRegistered return true when hooks are deregistered"); break; } Assert(RTThreadPreemptIsEnabled(NIL_RTTHREAD)); uint32_t cRefs = RTThreadCtxHooksRelease(hThreadCtx); if (cRefs == UINT32_MAX) RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!RTThreadCtxHooksRelease returns invalid cRefs!"); RTMemFree(pCtxData); break; } default: RTStrPrintf(pszErr, cchErr, "!Unknown test #%d", uOperation); break; } /* The error indicator is the '!' in the message buffer. */ return VINF_SUCCESS; }