1 | /* $Id: tstHandleTable.cpp 93115 2022-01-01 11:31:46Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * IPRT Testcase - Handle Tables.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 |
28 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
29 | * Header Files *
30 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
31 | #include <iprt/handletable.h>
32 | #include <iprt/stream.h>
33 | #include <iprt/initterm.h>
34 | #include <iprt/err.h>
35 | #include <iprt/getopt.h>
36 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
37 | #include <iprt/alloca.h>
38 | #include <iprt/thread.h>
39 | #include <iprt/string.h>
40 |
41 |
42 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
43 | * Global Variables *
44 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
45 | static unsigned g_cErrors;
46 |
47 | static DECLCALLBACK(void) tstHandleTableTest1Delete(RTHANDLETABLE hHandleTable, uint32_t h, void *pvObj, void *pvCtx, void *pvUser)
48 | {
49 | uint32_t *pcCalls = (uint32_t *)pvUser;
50 | (*pcCalls)++;
51 | RT_NOREF_PV(hHandleTable); RT_NOREF_PV(h); RT_NOREF_PV(pvCtx); RT_NOREF_PV(pvObj);
52 | }
53 |
54 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) tstHandleTableTest1Retain(RTHANDLETABLE hHandleTable, void *pvObj, void *pvCtx, void *pvUser)
55 | {
56 | uint32_t *pcCalls = (uint32_t *)pvUser;
57 | (*pcCalls)++;
58 | RT_NOREF_PV(hHandleTable); RT_NOREF_PV(pvCtx); RT_NOREF_PV(pvObj);
59 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
60 | }
61 |
62 | static int tstHandleTableTest1(uint32_t uBase, uint32_t cMax, uint32_t cDelta, uint32_t cUnitsPerDot, bool fCallbacks, uint32_t fFlags)
63 | {
64 | const char *pszWithCtx = fFlags & RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_CONTEXT ? "WithCtx" : "";
65 | uint32_t cRetainerCalls = 0;
66 | int rc;
67 |
68 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: TESTING RTHandleTableCreateEx(, 0");
69 | if (fFlags & RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_LOCKED) RTPrintf(" | LOCKED");
71 | RTPrintf(", %#x, %#x,,)...\n", uBase, cMax);
72 |
74 | rc = RTHandleTableCreateEx(&hHT, fFlags, uBase, cMax,
75 | fCallbacks ? tstHandleTableTest1Retain : NULL,
76 | fCallbacks ? &cRetainerCalls : NULL);
77 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
78 | {
79 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE - RTHandleTableCreateEx failed, %Rrc!\n", rc);
80 | return 1;
81 | }
82 |
83 | /* fill it */
84 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: TESTING RTHandleTableAlloc%s..", pszWithCtx); RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut);
85 | uint32_t i = uBase;
86 | for (;; i++)
87 | {
88 | uint32_t h;
90 | rc = RTHandleTableAllocWithCtx(hHT, (void *)((uintptr_t)&i + (uintptr_t)i * 4), NULL, &h);
91 | else
92 | rc = RTHandleTableAlloc(hHT, (void *)((uintptr_t)&i + (uintptr_t)i * 4), &h);
93 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
94 | {
95 | if (h != i)
96 | {
97 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - h=%d, expected %d!\n", __LINE__, h, i);
98 | g_cErrors++;
99 | }
100 | }
101 | else if (rc == VERR_NO_MORE_HANDLES)
102 | {
103 | if (i < cMax)
104 | {
105 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, expected > 65534!\n", __LINE__, i);
106 | g_cErrors++;
107 | }
108 | break;
109 | }
110 | else
111 | {
112 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, rc=%Rrc!\n", __LINE__, i, rc);
113 | g_cErrors++;
114 | }
115 | if (!(i % cUnitsPerDot))
116 | {
117 | RTPrintf(".");
118 | RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut);
119 | }
120 | }
121 | uint32_t const c = i;
122 | RTPrintf(" c=%#x\n", c);
123 | if (fCallbacks && cRetainerCalls != 0)
124 | {
125 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - cRetainerCalls=%#x expected 0!\n", __LINE__, cRetainerCalls);
126 | g_cErrors++;
127 | }
128 |
129 | /* look up all the entries */
130 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: TESTING RTHandleTableLookup%s..", pszWithCtx); RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut);
131 | cRetainerCalls = 0;
132 | for (i = uBase; i < c; i++)
133 | {
134 | void *pvExpect = (void *)((uintptr_t)&i + (uintptr_t)i * 4);
135 | void *pvObj;
137 | pvObj = RTHandleTableLookupWithCtx(hHT, i, NULL);
138 | else
139 | pvObj = RTHandleTableLookup(hHT, i);
140 | if (!pvObj)
141 | {
142 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, RTHandleTableLookup%s failed!\n", __LINE__, i, pszWithCtx);
143 | g_cErrors++;
144 | }
145 | else if (pvObj != pvExpect)
146 | {
147 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, pvObj=%p expected %p\n", __LINE__, i, pvObj, pvExpect);
148 | g_cErrors++;
149 | }
150 | if (!(i % cUnitsPerDot))
151 | {
152 | RTPrintf(".");
153 | RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut);
154 | }
155 | }
156 | RTPrintf("\n");
157 | if (fCallbacks && cRetainerCalls != c - uBase)
158 | {
159 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - cRetainerCalls=%#x expected %#x!\n", __LINE__, cRetainerCalls, c - uBase);
160 | g_cErrors++;
161 | }
162 |
163 | /* remove all the entries (in order) */
164 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: TESTING RTHandleTableFree%s..", pszWithCtx); RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut);
165 | cRetainerCalls = 0;
166 | for (i = uBase; i < c; i++)
167 | {
168 | void *pvExpect = (void *)((uintptr_t)&i + (uintptr_t)i * 4);
169 | void *pvObj;
171 | pvObj = RTHandleTableFreeWithCtx(hHT, i, NULL);
172 | else
173 | pvObj = RTHandleTableFree(hHT, i);
174 | if (!pvObj)
175 | {
176 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, RTHandleTableLookup%s failed!\n", __LINE__, i, pszWithCtx);
177 | g_cErrors++;
178 | }
179 | else if (pvObj != pvExpect)
180 | {
181 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, pvObj=%p expected %p\n", __LINE__, i, pvObj, pvExpect);
182 | g_cErrors++;
183 | }
184 | else if ( fFlags & RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_CONTEXT
185 | ? RTHandleTableLookupWithCtx(hHT, i, NULL)
186 | : RTHandleTableLookup(hHT, i))
187 | {
188 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, RTHandleTableLookup%s succeeded after free!\n", __LINE__, i, pszWithCtx);
189 | g_cErrors++;
190 | }
191 | if (!(i % cUnitsPerDot))
192 | {
193 | RTPrintf(".");
194 | RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut);
195 | }
196 | }
197 | RTPrintf("\n");
198 | if (fCallbacks && cRetainerCalls != c - uBase)
199 | {
200 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - cRetainerCalls=%#x expected %#x!\n", __LINE__, cRetainerCalls, c - uBase);
201 | g_cErrors++;
202 | }
203 |
204 | /* do a mix of alloc, lookup and free where there is a constant of cDelta handles in the table. */
205 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: TESTING Alloc,Lookup,Free mix [cDelta=%#x]..", cDelta); RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut);
206 | for (i = uBase; i < c * 2; i++)
207 | {
208 | /* alloc */
209 | uint32_t hExpect = ((i - uBase) % (c - uBase)) + uBase;
210 | uint32_t h;
212 | rc = RTHandleTableAllocWithCtx(hHT, (void *)((uintptr_t)&i + (uintptr_t)hExpect * 4), NULL, &h);
213 | else
214 | rc = RTHandleTableAlloc(hHT, (void *)((uintptr_t)&i + (uintptr_t)hExpect * 4), &h);
215 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
216 | {
217 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, RTHandleTableAlloc%s: rc=%Rrc!\n", __LINE__, i, pszWithCtx, rc);
218 | g_cErrors++;
219 | }
220 | else if (h != hExpect)
221 | {
222 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, RTHandleTableAlloc%s: h=%u hExpect=%u! - abort sub-test\n", __LINE__, i, pszWithCtx, h, hExpect);
223 | g_cErrors++;
224 | break;
225 | }
226 |
227 | if (i >= cDelta + uBase)
228 | {
229 | /* lookup */
230 | for (uint32_t j = i - cDelta; j <= i; j++)
231 | {
232 | uint32_t hLookup = ((j - uBase) % (c - uBase)) + uBase;
233 | void *pvExpect = (void *)((uintptr_t)&i + (uintptr_t)hLookup * 4);
234 | void *pvObj;
236 | pvObj = RTHandleTableLookupWithCtx(hHT, hLookup, NULL);
237 | else
238 | pvObj = RTHandleTableLookup(hHT, hLookup);
239 | if (pvObj != pvExpect)
240 | {
241 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, j=%d, RTHandleTableLookup%s(,%u,): pvObj=%p expected %p!\n",
242 | __LINE__, i, j, pszWithCtx, hLookup, pvObj, pvExpect);
243 | g_cErrors++;
244 | }
245 | else if ( (fFlags & RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_CONTEXT)
246 | && RTHandleTableLookupWithCtx(hHT, hLookup, &i))
247 | {
248 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, j=%d, RTHandleTableLookupWithCtx: succeeded with bad context\n",
249 | __LINE__, i, j);
250 | g_cErrors++;
251 | }
252 | }
253 |
254 | /* free */
255 | uint32_t hFree = ((i - uBase - cDelta) % (c - uBase)) + uBase;
256 | void *pvExpect = (void *)((uintptr_t)&i + (uintptr_t)hFree * 4);
257 | void *pvObj;
259 | pvObj = RTHandleTableFreeWithCtx(hHT, hFree, NULL);
260 | else
261 | pvObj = RTHandleTableFree(hHT, hFree);
262 | if (pvObj != pvExpect)
263 | {
264 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, RTHandleTableFree%s: pvObj=%p expected %p!\n",
265 | __LINE__, i, pszWithCtx, pvObj, pvExpect);
266 | g_cErrors++;
267 | }
269 | ? RTHandleTableLookupWithCtx(hHT, hFree, NULL)
270 | || RTHandleTableFreeWithCtx(hHT, hFree, NULL)
271 | : RTHandleTableLookup(hHT, hFree)
272 | || RTHandleTableFree(hHT, hFree))
273 | {
274 | RTPrintf("\ntstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - i=%d, RTHandleTableLookup/Free%s: succeeded after free\n",
275 | __LINE__, i, pszWithCtx);
276 | g_cErrors++;
277 | }
278 | }
279 | if (!(i % (cUnitsPerDot * 2)))
280 | {
281 | RTPrintf(".");
282 | RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut);
283 | }
284 | }
285 | RTPrintf("\n");
286 |
287 | /* finally, destroy the table (note that there are 128 entries in it). */
288 | cRetainerCalls = 0;
289 | uint32_t cDeleteCalls = 0;
290 | rc = RTHandleTableDestroy(hHT,
291 | fCallbacks ? tstHandleTableTest1Delete : NULL,
292 | fCallbacks ? &cDeleteCalls : NULL);
293 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
294 | {
295 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - RTHandleTableDestroy failed, %Rrc!\n", __LINE__, rc);
296 | g_cErrors++;
297 | }
298 |
299 | return 0;
300 | }
301 |
302 |
303 | typedef struct TSTHTTEST2ARGS
304 | {
305 | /** The handle table. */
307 | /** The thread handle. */
308 | RTTHREAD hThread;
309 | /** Thread index. */
310 | uint32_t iThread;
311 | /** the max number of handles the thread should allocate. */
312 | uint32_t cMax;
314 |
315 |
316 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) tstHandleTableTest2Thread(RTTHREAD hThread, void *pvUser)
317 | {
319 | uint32_t const iThread = ((PTSTHTTEST2ARGS)pvUser)->iThread;
320 | uint32_t const cMax = ((PTSTHTTEST2ARGS)pvUser)->cMax;
321 | uint32_t *pah = (uint32_t *)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(uint32_t) * cMax);
322 | if (!pah)
323 | {
324 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - failed to allocate %zu bytes\n", __LINE__, sizeof(uint32_t) * cMax);
325 | return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
326 | }
327 |
328 | /*
329 | * Allocate our quota.
330 | */
331 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cMax; i++)
332 | {
333 | int rc = RTHandleTableAllocWithCtx(hHT, pvUser, hThread, &pah[i]);
334 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
335 | {
336 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - t=%d i=%d: RTHandleTableAllocWithCtx failed, rc=%Rrc\n",
337 | __LINE__, iThread, i, rc);
338 | return rc;
339 | }
340 | }
341 |
342 | /*
343 | * Look them up.
344 | */
345 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cMax; i++)
346 | {
347 | void *pvObj = RTHandleTableLookupWithCtx(hHT, pah[i], hThread);
348 | if (pvObj != pvUser)
349 | {
350 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - t=%d i=%d: RTHandleTableLookupWithCtx failed, pvObj=%p\n",
351 | __LINE__, iThread, i, pvObj);
353 | }
354 | }
355 |
356 | /*
357 | * Free them all.
358 | */
359 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cMax; i++)
360 | {
361 | void *pvObj = RTHandleTableFreeWithCtx(hHT, pah[i], hThread);
362 | if (pvObj != pvUser)
363 | {
364 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - t=%d i=%d: RTHandleTableFreeWithCtx failed, pvObj=%p\n",
365 | __LINE__, iThread, i, pvObj);
367 | }
368 | }
369 |
370 | RTMemFree(pah);
371 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
372 | }
373 |
374 | static int tstHandleTableTest2(uint32_t uBase, uint32_t cMax, uint32_t cThreads)
375 | {
376 | /*
377 | * Create the table.
378 | */
379 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: TESTING %u threads: uBase=%u, cMax=%u\n", cThreads, uBase, cMax);
382 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
383 | {
384 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: FAILURE - RTHandleTableCreateEx failed, %Rrc!\n", rc);
385 | return 1;
386 | }
387 | /// @todo there must be a race somewhere in the thread code, I keep hitting a duplicate insert id here...
388 | // Or perhaps it just barcelona B2 bugs?
389 | RTThreadSleep(50);
390 |
391 | /*
392 | * Spawn the threads.
393 | */
394 | PTSTHTTEST2ARGS paThread = (PTSTHTTEST2ARGS)alloca(sizeof(*paThread) * cThreads);
395 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cThreads; i++)
396 | {
397 | paThread[i].hHT = hHT;
398 | paThread[i].hThread = NIL_RTTHREAD;
399 | paThread[i].iThread = i;
400 | paThread[i].cMax = cMax / cThreads;
401 | }
402 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cThreads; i++)
403 | {
404 | char szName[32];
405 | RTStrPrintf(szName, sizeof(szName), "TEST2-%x/%x", i, cMax);
406 | rc = RTThreadCreate(&paThread[i].hThread, tstHandleTableTest2Thread, &paThread[i], 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, szName);
407 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
408 | {
409 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: FAILURE - RTThreadCreate failed, %Rrc!\n", rc);
410 | g_cErrors++;
411 | break;
412 | }
413 | }
414 |
415 | /*
416 | * Wait for them to complete.
417 | */
418 | uint32_t cRunning = cThreads;
419 | do /** @todo Remove when RTSemEventWait (linux) has been fixed. */
420 | {
421 | if (cRunning != cThreads)
422 | RTThreadSleep(10);
423 | cRunning = 0;
424 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cThreads; i++)
425 | if (paThread[i].hThread != NIL_RTTHREAD)
426 | {
427 | rc = RTThreadWait(paThread[i].hThread, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, NULL);
428 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
429 | paThread[i].hThread = NIL_RTTHREAD;
430 | else
431 | cRunning++;
432 | }
433 | } while (cRunning);
434 |
435 | /*
436 | * Destroy the handle table.
437 | */
438 | rc = RTHandleTableDestroy(hHT, NULL, NULL);
439 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
440 | {
441 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: FAILURE (%d) - RTHandleTableDestroy failed, %Rrc!\n", __LINE__, rc);
442 | g_cErrors++;
443 | }
444 |
445 | return 0;
446 | }
447 |
448 |
449 | int main(int argc, char **argv)
450 | {
451 | /*
452 | * Init the runtime and parse the arguments.
453 | */
454 | RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0);
455 |
456 | static RTGETOPTDEF const s_aOptions[] =
457 | {
458 | { "--base", 'b', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 },
459 | { "--max", 'm', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 },
460 | { "--threads", 't', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 },
461 | };
462 |
463 | uint32_t uBase = 0;
464 | uint32_t cMax = 0;
465 | uint32_t cThreads = 0;
466 |
467 | int ch;
470 | RTGetOptInit(&GetState, argc, argv, &s_aOptions[0], RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 1, 0 /* fFlags */);
471 | while ((ch = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &Value)))
472 | switch (ch)
473 | {
474 | case 'b':
475 | uBase = Value.u32;
476 | break;
477 |
478 | case 'm':
479 | cMax = Value.u32;
480 | break;
481 |
482 | case 't':
483 | cThreads = Value.u32;
484 | if (!cThreads)
485 | cThreads = 1;
486 | break;
487 |
488 | case 'h':
489 | RTPrintf("syntax: tstHandleTable [-b <base>] [-m <max>] [-t <threads>]\n");
490 | return 1;
491 |
492 | case 'V':
493 | RTPrintf("$Revision: 93115 $\n");
494 | return 0;
495 |
496 | default:
497 | return RTGetOptPrintError(ch, &Value);
498 | }
499 |
500 | /*
501 | * If any argument was specified, run the requested test setup.
502 | * Otherwise run a bunch of default tests.
503 | */
504 | if (cThreads || cMax || uBase)
505 | {
506 | if (!cMax)
507 | cMax = 65535;
508 | if (!cThreads)
509 | tstHandleTableTest1(uBase, cMax, 128, cMax / 32, false, RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_CONTEXT | RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_LOCKED);
510 | else
511 | tstHandleTableTest2(uBase, cMax, 128);
512 | }
513 | else
514 | {
515 | /*
516 | * Do a simple warmup / smoke test first.
517 | */
518 | tstHandleTableTest1(1, 65534, 128, 2048, false, 0);
519 | tstHandleTableTest1(1, 65534, 128, 2048, false, RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_CONTEXT);
520 | tstHandleTableTest1(1, 65534, 63, 2048, false, RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_LOCKED);
521 | tstHandleTableTest1(1, 65534, 63, 2048, false, RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_CONTEXT | RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_LOCKED);
522 | /* Test that the retain and delete functions work. */
523 | tstHandleTableTest1(1, 1024, 256, 256, true, RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_LOCKED);
524 | tstHandleTableTest1(1, 1024, 256, 256, true, RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_CONTEXT | RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_LOCKED);
525 | /* check that the base works. */
526 | tstHandleTableTest1(0x7ffff000, 65534, 4, 2048, false, RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_CONTEXT | RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_LOCKED);
527 | tstHandleTableTest1(0xeffff000, 65534, 4, 2048, false, RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_CONTEXT | RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_LOCKED);
528 | tstHandleTableTest1(0, 4097, 4, 256, false, RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_CONTEXT | RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_LOCKED);
529 | tstHandleTableTest1(0, 1024, 4, 128, false, RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_CONTEXT | RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_LOCKED);
530 | /* For testing 1st level expansion / reallocation. */
531 | tstHandleTableTest1(1, 1024*1024*8, 3, 150000, false, 0);
532 | tstHandleTableTest1(1, 1024*1024*8, 3, 150000, false, RTHANDLETABLE_FLAGS_CONTEXT);
533 |
534 | /*
535 | * Threaded tests.
536 | */
537 | tstHandleTableTest2(0x80000000, 32768, 2);
538 | tstHandleTableTest2(0x00010000, 2048, 4);
539 | tstHandleTableTest2(0x00010000, 3072, 8);
540 | tstHandleTableTest2(0x00000000, 1024*1024*8, 3);
541 | }
542 |
543 | /*
544 | * Summary.
545 | */
546 | if (!g_cErrors)
547 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: SUCCESS\n");
548 | else
549 | RTPrintf("tstHandleTable: FAILURE - %d errors\n", g_cErrors);
550 |
551 | return !!g_cErrors;
552 | }