/* $Id: internal-r3-win.h 85124 2020-07-08 21:13:30Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * IPRT - some Windows OS type constants. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ #ifndef IPRT_INCLUDED_SRC_r3_win_internal_r3_win_h #define IPRT_INCLUDED_SRC_r3_win_internal_r3_win_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #include "internal/iprt.h" #include /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** * Windows OS type as determined by rtSystemWinOSType(). * * @note ASSUMPTIONS are made regarding ordering. Win 9x should come first, then * NT. The Win9x and NT versions should internally be ordered in ascending * version/code-base order. */ typedef enum RTWINOSTYPE { kRTWinOSType_UNKNOWN = 0, kRTWinOSType_9XFIRST = 1, kRTWinOSType_95 = kRTWinOSType_9XFIRST, kRTWinOSType_95SP1, kRTWinOSType_95OSR2, kRTWinOSType_98, kRTWinOSType_98SP1, kRTWinOSType_98SE, kRTWinOSType_ME, kRTWinOSType_9XLAST = 99, kRTWinOSType_NTFIRST = 100, kRTWinOSType_NT310 = kRTWinOSType_NTFIRST, kRTWinOSType_NT350, kRTWinOSType_NT351, kRTWinOSType_NT4, kRTWinOSType_2K, /* 5.0 */ kRTWinOSType_XP, /* 5.1 */ kRTWinOSType_XP64, /* 5.2, workstation */ kRTWinOSType_2003, /* 5.2 */ kRTWinOSType_VISTA, /* 6.0, workstation */ kRTWinOSType_2008, /* 6.0, server */ kRTWinOSType_7, /* 6.1, workstation */ kRTWinOSType_2008R2, /* 6.1, server */ kRTWinOSType_8, /* 6.2, workstation */ kRTWinOSType_2012, /* 6.2, server */ kRTWinOSType_81, /* 6.3, workstation */ kRTWinOSType_2012R2, /* 6.3, server */ kRTWinOSType_10, /* 10.0, workstation */ kRTWinOSType_2016, /* 10.0, server */ kRTWinOSType_NT_UNKNOWN = 199, kRTWinOSType_NT_LAST = kRTWinOSType_UNKNOWN } RTWINOSTYPE; /** * Windows loader protection level. */ typedef enum RTR3WINLDRPROT { RTR3WINLDRPROT_INVALID = 0, RTR3WINLDRPROT_NONE, RTR3WINLDRPROT_NO_CWD, RTR3WINLDRPROT_SAFE, RTR3WINLDRPROT_SAFER } RTR3WINLDRPROT; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(RTR3WINLDRPROT) g_enmWinLdrProt; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(RTWINOSTYPE) g_enmWinVer; #ifdef _WINDEF_ extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(OSVERSIONINFOEXW) g_WinOsInfoEx; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(HMODULE) g_hModKernel32; typedef UINT (WINAPI *PFNGETWINSYSDIR)(LPWSTR,UINT); extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNGETWINSYSDIR) g_pfnGetSystemWindowsDirectoryW; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(decltype(SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime) *) g_pfnSystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(HMODULE) g_hModNtDll; typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *PFNNTQUERYFULLATTRIBUTESFILE)(struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, struct _FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION *); extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNNTQUERYFULLATTRIBUTESFILE) g_pfnNtQueryFullAttributesFile; typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *PFNNTDUPLICATETOKEN)(HANDLE, ACCESS_MASK, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *, BOOLEAN, TOKEN_TYPE, PHANDLE); extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNNTDUPLICATETOKEN) g_pfnNtDuplicateToken; #ifdef IPRT_INCLUDED_nt_nt_h extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(decltype(NtAlertThread) *) g_pfnNtAlertThread; #endif extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(HMODULE) g_hModWinSock; /** WSAStartup */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWSASTARTUP)(WORD, struct WSAData *); /** WSACleanup */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWSACLEANUP)(void); /** WSAGetLastError */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWSAGETLASTERROR)(void); /** WSASetLastError */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWSASETLASTERROR)(int); /** WSACreateEvent */ typedef HANDLE (WINAPI *PFNWSACREATEEVENT)(void); /** WSASetEvent */ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNWSASETEVENT)(HANDLE); /** WSACloseEvent */ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNWSACLOSEEVENT)(HANDLE); /** WSAEventSelect */ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFNWSAEVENTSELECT)(UINT_PTR, HANDLE, LONG); /** WSAEnumNetworkEvents */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWSAENUMNETWORKEVENTS)(UINT_PTR, HANDLE, struct _WSANETWORKEVENTS *); /** WSASend */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWSASend)(UINT_PTR, struct _WSABUF *, DWORD, LPDWORD, DWORD dwFlags, struct _OVERLAPPED *, uintptr_t /*LPWSAOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE*/); /** socket */ typedef UINT_PTR (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKSOCKET)(int, int, int); /** closesocket */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKCLOSESOCKET)(UINT_PTR); /** recv */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKRECV)(UINT_PTR, char *, int, int); /** send */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKSEND)(UINT_PTR, const char *, int, int); /** recvfrom */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKRECVFROM)(UINT_PTR, char *, int, int, struct sockaddr *, int *); /** sendto */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKSENDTO)(UINT_PTR, const char *, int, int, const struct sockaddr *, int); /** bind */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKBIND)(UINT_PTR, const struct sockaddr *, int); /** listen */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKLISTEN)(UINT_PTR, int); /** accept */ typedef UINT_PTR (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKACCEPT)(UINT_PTR, struct sockaddr *, int *); /** connect */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKCONNECT)(UINT_PTR, const struct sockaddr *, int); /** shutdown */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKSHUTDOWN)(UINT_PTR, int); /** getsockopt */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKGETSOCKOPT)(UINT_PTR, int, int, char *, int *); /** setsockopt */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKSETSOCKOPT)(UINT_PTR, int, int, const char *, int); /** ioctlsocket */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKIOCTLSOCKET)(UINT_PTR, long, unsigned long *); /** getpeername */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKGETPEERNAME)(UINT_PTR, struct sockaddr *, int *); /** getsockname */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKGETSOCKNAME)(UINT_PTR, struct sockaddr *, int *); /** __WSAFDIsSet */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCK__WSAFDISSET)(UINT_PTR, struct fd_set *); /** select */ typedef int (WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKSELECT)(int, struct fd_set *, struct fd_set *, struct fd_set *, const struct timeval *); /** gethostbyname */ typedef struct hostent *(WINAPI *PFNWINSOCKGETHOSTBYNAME)(const char *); extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWSASTARTUP) g_pfnWSAStartup; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWSACLEANUP) g_pfnWSACleanup; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWSAGETLASTERROR) g_pfnWSAGetLastError; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWSASETLASTERROR) g_pfnWSASetLastError; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWSACREATEEVENT) g_pfnWSACreateEvent; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWSACLOSEEVENT) g_pfnWSACloseEvent; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWSASETEVENT) g_pfnWSASetEvent; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWSAEVENTSELECT) g_pfnWSAEventSelect; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWSAENUMNETWORKEVENTS) g_pfnWSAEnumNetworkEvents; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWSASend) g_pfnWSASend; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKSOCKET) g_pfnsocket; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKCLOSESOCKET) g_pfnclosesocket; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKRECV) g_pfnrecv; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKSEND) g_pfnsend; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKRECVFROM) g_pfnrecvfrom; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKSENDTO) g_pfnsendto; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKBIND) g_pfnbind; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKLISTEN) g_pfnlisten; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKACCEPT) g_pfnaccept; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKCONNECT) g_pfnconnect; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKSHUTDOWN) g_pfnshutdown; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKGETSOCKOPT) g_pfngetsockopt; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKSETSOCKOPT) g_pfnsetsockopt; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKIOCTLSOCKET) g_pfnioctlsocket; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKGETPEERNAME) g_pfngetpeername; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKGETSOCKNAME) g_pfngetsockname; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCK__WSAFDISSET) g_pfn__WSAFDIsSet; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKSELECT) g_pfnselect; extern DECL_HIDDEN_DATA(PFNWINSOCKGETHOSTBYNAME) g_pfngethostbyname; #endif #endif /* !IPRT_INCLUDED_SRC_r3_win_internal_r3_win_h */