/* $Id: poll.cpp 69111 2017-10-17 14:26:02Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * IPRT - Polling I/O Handles, Windows+Posix Implementation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS # include #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) # define INCL_BASE # include # include # include #else # include # include # include #endif #include #include "internal/iprt.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "internal/pipe.h" #define IPRT_INTERNAL_SOCKET_POLLING_ONLY #include "internal/socket.h" #include "internal/magics.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** The maximum poll set size. * @remarks To help portability, we set this to the Windows limit. We can lift * this restriction later if it becomes necessary. */ #define RTPOLL_SET_MAX 64 /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Handle entry in a poll set. */ typedef struct RTPOLLSETHNDENT { /** The handle type. */ RTHANDLETYPE enmType; /** The handle ID. */ uint32_t id; /** The events we're waiting for here. */ uint32_t fEvents; /** Set if this is the final entry for this handle. * If the handle is entered more than once, this will be clear for all but * the last entry. */ bool fFinalEntry; /** The handle union. */ RTHANDLEUNION u; } RTPOLLSETHNDENT; /** Pointer to a handle entry. */ typedef RTPOLLSETHNDENT *PRTPOLLSETHNDENT; /** * Poll set data. */ typedef struct RTPOLLSETINTERNAL { /** The magic value (RTPOLLSET_MAGIC). */ uint32_t u32Magic; /** Set when someone is polling or making changes. */ bool volatile fBusy; /** The number of allocated handles. */ uint16_t cHandlesAllocated; /** The number of valid handles in the set. */ uint16_t cHandles; #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS /** Pointer to an array of native handles. */ HANDLE *pahNative; #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) /** The semaphore records. */ PSEMRECORD paSemRecs; /** The multiple wait semaphore used for non-socket waits. */ HMUX hmux; /** os2_select template. */ int *pafdSelect; /** The number of sockets to monitor for read. */ uint16_t cReadSockets; /** The number of sockets to monitor for write. */ uint16_t cWriteSockets; /** The number of sockets to monitor for exceptions. */ uint16_t cXcptSockets; /** The number of pipes. */ uint16_t cPipes; /** Pointer to an array of native handles. */ PRTHCINTPTR pahNative; #else /** Pointer to an array of pollfd structures. */ struct pollfd *paPollFds; #endif /** Pointer to an array of handles and IDs. */ PRTPOLLSETHNDENT paHandles; } RTPOLLSETINTERNAL; /** * Common worker for RTPoll and RTPollNoResume */ static int rtPollNoResumeWorker(RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis, uint64_t MsStart, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies, uint32_t *pfEvents, uint32_t *pid) { int rc; if (RT_UNLIKELY(pThis->cHandles == 0 && cMillies == RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT)) return VERR_DEADLOCK; /* * Check for special case, RTThreadSleep... */ uint32_t const cHandles = pThis->cHandles; if (cHandles == 0) { rc = RTThreadSleep(cMillies); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = VERR_TIMEOUT; return rc; } #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined(RT_OS_OS2) /* * Check + prepare the handles before waiting. */ uint32_t fEvents = 0; bool const fNoWait = cMillies == 0; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < cHandles; i++) { switch (pThis->paHandles[i].enmType) { case RTHANDLETYPE_PIPE: fEvents = rtPipePollStart(pThis->paHandles[i].u.hPipe, pThis, pThis->paHandles[i].fEvents, pThis->paHandles[i].fFinalEntry, fNoWait); break; case RTHANDLETYPE_SOCKET: fEvents = rtSocketPollStart(pThis->paHandles[i].u.hSocket, pThis, pThis->paHandles[i].fEvents, pThis->paHandles[i].fFinalEntry, fNoWait); break; default: AssertFailed(); fEvents = UINT32_MAX; break; } if (fEvents) break; } if ( fEvents || fNoWait) { if (pid) *pid = pThis->paHandles[i].id; if (pfEvents) *pfEvents = fEvents; rc = !fEvents ? VERR_TIMEOUT : fEvents != UINT32_MAX ? VINF_SUCCESS : VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_4; /* clean up */ if (!fNoWait) while (i-- > 0) { switch (pThis->paHandles[i].enmType) { case RTHANDLETYPE_PIPE: rtPipePollDone(pThis->paHandles[i].u.hPipe, pThis->paHandles[i].fEvents, pThis->paHandles[i].fFinalEntry, false); break; case RTHANDLETYPE_SOCKET: rtSocketPollDone(pThis->paHandles[i].u.hSocket, pThis->paHandles[i].fEvents, pThis->paHandles[i].fFinalEntry, false); break; default: AssertFailed(); break; } } return rc; } /* * Wait. */ # ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS RT_NOREF_PV(MsStart); DWORD dwRc = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(cHandles, pThis->pahNative, FALSE /*fWaitAll */, cMillies == RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT ? INFINITE : cMillies, TRUE /*fAlertable*/); AssertCompile(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == 0); if (dwRc < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + cHandles) rc = VERR_INTERRUPTED; else if (dwRc == WAIT_TIMEOUT) rc = VERR_TIMEOUT; else if (dwRc == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION) rc = VERR_INTERRUPTED; else if (dwRc == WAIT_FAILED) rc = RTErrConvertFromWin32(GetLastError()); else { AssertMsgFailed(("%u (%#x)\n", dwRc, dwRc)); rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_5; } # else /* RT_OS_OS2 */ APIRET orc; ULONG ulUser = 0; uint16_t cSockets = pThis->cReadSockets + pThis->cWriteSockets + pThis->cXcptSockets; if (cSockets == 0) { /* Only pipes. */ AssertReturn(pThis->cPipes > 0, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_2); orc = DosWaitMuxWaitSem(pThis->hmux, cMillies == RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT ? SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT : RT_MIN(cMillies, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT - 1), &ulUser); rc = RTErrConvertFromOS2(orc); } else { int *pafdSelect = (int *)alloca(cSockets + 1); if (pThis->cPipes == 0) { /* Only sockets. */ memcpy(pafdSelect, pThis->pafdSelect, sizeof(pThis->pafdSelect[0]) * (cSockets + 1)); rc = os2_select(pafdSelect, pThis->cReadSockets, pThis->cWriteSockets, pThis->cXcptSockets, cMillies == RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT ? -1 : (long)RT_MIN(cMillies, LONG_MAX)); if (rc > 0) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else if (rc == 0) rc = VERR_TIMEOUT; else rc = RTErrConvertFromErrno(sock_errno()); } else { /* Mix of both - taking the easy way out, not optimal, but whatever... */ do { orc = DosWaitMuxWaitSem(pThis->hmux, 8, &ulUser); if (orc != ERROR_TIMEOUT && orc != ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT) { rc = RTErrConvertFromOS2(orc); break; } memcpy(pafdSelect, pThis->pafdSelect, sizeof(pThis->pafdSelect[0]) * (cSockets + 1)); rc = os2_select(pafdSelect, pThis->cReadSockets, pThis->cWriteSockets, pThis->cXcptSockets, 8); if (rc != 0) { if (rc > 0) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else rc = RTErrConvertFromErrno(sock_errno()); break; } } while (cMillies == RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT || RTTimeMilliTS() - MsStart < cMillies); } } # endif /* RT_OS_OS2 */ /* * Get event (if pending) and do wait cleanup. */ bool fHarvestEvents = true; for (i = 0; i < cHandles; i++) { fEvents = 0; switch (pThis->paHandles[i].enmType) { case RTHANDLETYPE_PIPE: fEvents = rtPipePollDone(pThis->paHandles[i].u.hPipe, pThis->paHandles[i].fEvents, pThis->paHandles[i].fFinalEntry, fHarvestEvents); break; case RTHANDLETYPE_SOCKET: fEvents = rtSocketPollDone(pThis->paHandles[i].u.hSocket, pThis->paHandles[i].fEvents, pThis->paHandles[i].fFinalEntry, fHarvestEvents); break; default: AssertFailed(); break; } if ( fEvents && fHarvestEvents) { Assert(fEvents != UINT32_MAX); fHarvestEvents = false; if (pfEvents) *pfEvents = fEvents; if (pid) *pid = pThis->paHandles[i].id; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } } #else /* POSIX */ RT_NOREF_PV(MsStart); /* clear the revents. */ uint32_t i = pThis->cHandles; while (i-- > 0) pThis->paPollFds[i].revents = 0; rc = poll(&pThis->paPollFds[0], pThis->cHandles, cMillies == RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT || cMillies >= INT_MAX ? -1 : (int)cMillies); if (rc == 0) return VERR_TIMEOUT; if (rc < 0) return RTErrConvertFromErrno(errno); for (i = 0; i < pThis->cHandles; i++) if (pThis->paPollFds[i].revents) { if (pfEvents) { *pfEvents = 0; if (pThis->paPollFds[i].revents & (POLLIN # ifdef POLLRDNORM | POLLRDNORM /* just in case */ # endif # ifdef POLLRDBAND | POLLRDBAND /* ditto */ # endif # ifdef POLLPRI | POLLPRI /* ditto */ # endif # ifdef POLLMSG | POLLMSG /* ditto */ # endif # ifdef POLLWRITE | POLLWRITE /* ditto */ # endif # ifdef POLLEXTEND | POLLEXTEND /* ditto */ # endif ) ) *pfEvents |= RTPOLL_EVT_READ; if (pThis->paPollFds[i].revents & (POLLOUT # ifdef POLLWRNORM | POLLWRNORM /* just in case */ # endif # ifdef POLLWRBAND | POLLWRBAND /* ditto */ # endif ) ) *pfEvents |= RTPOLL_EVT_WRITE; if (pThis->paPollFds[i].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL # ifdef POLLRDHUP | POLLRDHUP # endif ) ) *pfEvents |= RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR; } if (pid) *pid = pThis->paHandles[i].id; return VINF_SUCCESS; } AssertFailed(); RTThreadYield(); rc = VERR_INTERRUPTED; #endif /* POSIX */ return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTPoll(RTPOLLSET hPollSet, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies, uint32_t *pfEvents, uint32_t *pid) { RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis = hPollSet; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(pThis->u32Magic == RTPOLLSET_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertPtrNull(pfEvents); AssertPtrNull(pid); /* * Set the busy flag and do the job. */ AssertReturn(ASMAtomicCmpXchgBool(&pThis->fBusy, true, false), VERR_CONCURRENT_ACCESS); int rc; if (cMillies == RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT || cMillies == 0) { do rc = rtPollNoResumeWorker(pThis, 0, cMillies, pfEvents, pid); while (rc == VERR_INTERRUPTED); } else { uint64_t MsStart = RTTimeMilliTS(); rc = rtPollNoResumeWorker(pThis, MsStart, cMillies, pfEvents, pid); while (RT_UNLIKELY(rc == VERR_INTERRUPTED)) { if (RTTimeMilliTS() - MsStart >= cMillies) { rc = VERR_TIMEOUT; break; } rc = rtPollNoResumeWorker(pThis, MsStart, cMillies, pfEvents, pid); } } ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fBusy, false); return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTPollNoResume(RTPOLLSET hPollSet, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies, uint32_t *pfEvents, uint32_t *pid) { RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis = hPollSet; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(pThis->u32Magic == RTPOLLSET_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertPtrNull(pfEvents); AssertPtrNull(pid); /* * Set the busy flag and do the job. */ AssertReturn(ASMAtomicCmpXchgBool(&pThis->fBusy, true, false), VERR_CONCURRENT_ACCESS); int rc; if (cMillies == RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT || cMillies == 0) rc = rtPollNoResumeWorker(pThis, 0, cMillies, pfEvents, pid); else rc = rtPollNoResumeWorker(pThis, RTTimeMilliTS(), cMillies, pfEvents, pid); ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fBusy, false); return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTPollSetCreate(PRTPOLLSET phPollSet) { AssertPtrReturn(phPollSet, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis = (RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(RTPOLLSETINTERNAL)); if (!pThis) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pThis->fBusy = false; pThis->cHandles = 0; pThis->cHandlesAllocated = 0; #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS pThis->pahNative = NULL; #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) pThis->hmux = NULLHANDLE; APIRET orc = DosCreateMuxWaitSem(NULL, &pThis->hmux, 0, NULL, DCMW_WAIT_ANY); if (orc != NO_ERROR) { RTMemFree(pThis); return RTErrConvertFromOS2(orc); } pThis->pafdSelect = NULL; pThis->cReadSockets = 0; pThis->cWriteSockets = 0; pThis->cXcptSockets = 0; pThis->cPipes = 0; pThis->pahNative = NULL; #else pThis->paPollFds = NULL; #endif pThis->paHandles = NULL; pThis->u32Magic = RTPOLLSET_MAGIC; *phPollSet = pThis; return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTDECL(int) RTPollSetDestroy(RTPOLLSET hPollSet) { RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis = hPollSet; if (pThis == NIL_RTPOLLSET) return VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(pThis->u32Magic == RTPOLLSET_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(ASMAtomicCmpXchgBool(&pThis->fBusy, true, false), VERR_CONCURRENT_ACCESS); ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pThis->u32Magic, ~RTPOLLSET_MAGIC); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS RTMemFree(pThis->pahNative); pThis->pahNative = NULL; #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) DosCloseMuxWaitSem(pThis->hmux); pThis->hmux = NULLHANDLE; RTMemFree(pThis->pafdSelect); pThis->pafdSelect = NULL; RTMemFree(pThis->pahNative); pThis->pahNative = NULL; #else RTMemFree(pThis->paPollFds); pThis->paPollFds = NULL; #endif RTMemFree(pThis->paHandles); pThis->paHandles = NULL; RTMemFree(pThis); return VINF_SUCCESS; } #ifdef RT_OS_OS2 /** * Checks if @a fd is in the specific socket subset. * * @returns true / false. * @param pThis The poll set instance. * @param iStart The index to start at. * @param cFds The number of sockets to check. * @param fd The socket to look for. */ static bool rtPollSetOs2IsSocketInSet(RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis, uint16_t iStart, uint16_t cFds, int fd) { int const *pfd = pThis->pafdSelect + iStart; while (cFds-- > 0) { if (*pfd == fd) return true; pfd++; } return false; } /** * Removes a socket from a select template subset. * * @param pThis The poll set instance. * @param iStart The index to start at. * @param pcSubSet The subset counter to decrement. * @param fd The socket to remove. */ static void rtPollSetOs2RemoveSocket(RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis, uint16_t iStart, uint16_t *pcFds, int fd) { uint16_t cFds = *pcFds; while (cFds-- > 0) { if (pThis->pafdSelect[iStart] == fd) break; iStart++; } AssertReturnVoid(iStart != UINT16_MAX); /* Note! We keep a -1 entry at the end of the set, thus the + 1. */ memmove(&pThis->pafdSelect[iStart], &pThis->pafdSelect[iStart + 1], pThis->cReadSockets + pThis->cWriteSockets + pThis->cXcptSockets + 1 - 1 - iStart); *pcFds -= 1; Assert(pThis->pafdSelect[pThis->cReadSockets + pThis->cWriteSockets + pThis->cXcptSockets] == -1); } /** * Adds a socket to a select template subset. * * @param pThis The poll set instance. * @param iInsert The insertion point. * ASSUMED to be at the end of the subset. * @param pcSubSet The subset counter to increment. * @param fd The socket to add. */ static void rtPollSetOs2AddSocket(RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis, uint16_t iInsert, uint16_t *pcFds, int fd) { Assert(!rtPollSetOs2IsSocketInSet(pThis, iInsert - *pcFds, *pcFds, fd)); /* Note! We keep a -1 entry at the end of the set, thus the + 1. */ memmove(&pThis->pafdSelect[iInsert + 1], &pThis->pafdSelect[iInsert], pThis->cReadSockets + pThis->cWriteSockets + pThis->cXcptSockets + 1 - iInsert); pThis->pafdSelect[iInsert] = fd; *pcFds += 1; Assert(pThis->pafdSelect[pThis->cReadSockets + pThis->cWriteSockets + pThis->cXcptSockets] == -1); } /** * OS/2 specific RTPollSetAdd worker. * * @returns IPRT status code. * @param pThis The poll set instance. * @param i The index of the new handle (not committed). * @param fEvents The events to poll for. */ static int rtPollSetOs2Add(RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis, unsigned i, uint32_t fEvents) { if (pThis->paHandles[i].enmType == RTHANDLETYPE_SOCKET) { int const fdSocket = pThis->pahNative[i]; if ( (fEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_READ) && rtPollSetOs2IsSocketInSet(pThis, 0, pThis->cReadSockets, fdSocket)) rtPollSetOs2AddSocket(pThis, pThis->cReadSockets, &pThis->cReadSockets, fdSocket); if ( (fEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_WRITE) && rtPollSetOs2IsSocketInSet(pThis, pThis->cReadSockets, pThis->cWriteSockets, fdSocket)) rtPollSetOs2AddSocket(pThis, pThis->cReadSockets + pThis->cWriteSockets, &pThis->cWriteSockets, fdSocket); if ( (fEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR) && rtPollSetOs2IsSocketInSet(pThis, pThis->cReadSockets + pThis->cWriteSockets, pThis->cXcptSockets, fdSocket)) rtPollSetOs2AddSocket(pThis, pThis->cReadSockets + pThis->cWriteSockets + pThis->cXcptSockets, &pThis->cXcptSockets, fdSocket); } else if (pThis->paHandles[i].enmType == RTHANDLETYPE_PIPE) { SEMRECORD Rec = { (HSEM)pThis->pahNative[i], pThis->paHandles[i].id }; APIRET orc = DosAddMuxWaitSem(pThis->hmux, &Rec); if (orc != NO_ERROR && orc != ERROR_DUPLICATE_HANDLE) return RTErrConvertFromOS2(orc); pThis->cPipes++; } else AssertFailedReturn(VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_2); return VINF_SUCCESS; } #endif /* RT_OS_OS2 */ /** * Grows the poll set. * * @returns VINF_SUCCESS or VERR_NO_MEMORY. * @param pThis The poll set instance. * @param cHandlesNew The new poll set size. */ static int rtPollSetGrow(RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis, uint32_t cHandlesNew) { Assert(cHandlesNew > pThis->cHandlesAllocated); /* The common array. */ void *pvNew = RTMemRealloc(pThis->paHandles, cHandlesNew * sizeof(pThis->paHandles[0])); if (!pvNew) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pThis->paHandles = (PRTPOLLSETHNDENT)pvNew; /* OS specific handles */ #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) pvNew = RTMemRealloc(pThis->pahNative, cHandlesNew * sizeof(pThis->pahNative[0])); if (!pvNew) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pThis->pahNative = (HANDLE *)pvNew; #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) pvNew = RTMemRealloc(pThis->pahNative, cHandlesNew * sizeof(pThis->pahNative[0])); if (!pvNew) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pThis->pahNative = (PRTHCINTPTR)pvNew; pvNew = RTMemRealloc(pThis->pafdSelect, (cHandlesNew * 3 + 1) * sizeof(pThis->pafdSelect[0])); if (!pvNew) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pThis->pafdSelect = (int *)pvNew; if (pThis->cHandlesAllocated == 0) pThis->pafdSelect[0] = -1; #else pvNew = RTMemRealloc(pThis->paPollFds, cHandlesNew * sizeof(pThis->paPollFds[0])); if (!pvNew) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pThis->paPollFds = (struct pollfd *)pvNew; #endif pThis->cHandlesAllocated = (uint16_t)cHandlesNew; return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTDECL(int) RTPollSetAdd(RTPOLLSET hPollSet, PCRTHANDLE pHandle, uint32_t fEvents, uint32_t id) { /* * Validate the input (tedious). */ RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis = hPollSet; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(pThis->u32Magic == RTPOLLSET_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(!(fEvents & ~RTPOLL_EVT_VALID_MASK), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(fEvents, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(id != UINT32_MAX, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if (!pHandle) return VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtrReturn(pHandle, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(pHandle->enmType > RTHANDLETYPE_INVALID && pHandle->enmType < RTHANDLETYPE_END, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* * Set the busy flag and do the job. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; RTHCINTPTR hNative = -1; RTHANDLEUNION uh; uh.uInt = 0; switch (pHandle->enmType) { case RTHANDLETYPE_PIPE: uh.hPipe = pHandle->u.hPipe; if (uh.hPipe == NIL_RTPIPE) return VINF_SUCCESS; rc = rtPipePollGetHandle(uh.hPipe, fEvents, &hNative); break; case RTHANDLETYPE_SOCKET: uh.hSocket = pHandle->u.hSocket; if (uh.hSocket == NIL_RTSOCKET) return VINF_SUCCESS; rc = rtSocketPollGetHandle(uh.hSocket, fEvents, &hNative); break; case RTHANDLETYPE_FILE: AssertMsgFailed(("Files are always ready for reading/writing and thus not pollable. Use native APIs for special devices.\n")); rc = VERR_POLL_HANDLE_NOT_POLLABLE; break; case RTHANDLETYPE_THREAD: AssertMsgFailed(("Thread handles are currently not pollable\n")); rc = VERR_POLL_HANDLE_NOT_POLLABLE; break; default: AssertMsgFailed(("\n")); rc = VERR_POLL_HANDLE_NOT_POLLABLE; break; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { AssertReturn(ASMAtomicCmpXchgBool(&pThis->fBusy, true, false), VERR_CONCURRENT_ACCESS); uint32_t const i = pThis->cHandles; /* Check that the handle ID doesn't exist already. */ uint32_t iPrev = UINT32_MAX; uint32_t j = i; while (j-- > 0) { if (pThis->paHandles[j].id == id) { rc = VERR_POLL_HANDLE_ID_EXISTS; break; } if ( pThis->paHandles[j].enmType == pHandle->enmType && pThis->paHandles[j].u.uInt == uh.uInt) iPrev = j; } /* Check that we won't overflow the poll set now. */ if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && i + 1 > RTPOLL_SET_MAX) rc = VERR_POLL_SET_IS_FULL; /* Grow the tables if necessary. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && i + 1 > pThis->cHandlesAllocated) rc = rtPollSetGrow(pThis, pThis->cHandlesAllocated + 32); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Add the handles to the two parallel arrays. */ #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS pThis->pahNative[i] = (HANDLE)hNative; #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) pThis->pahNative[i] = hNative; #else pThis->paPollFds[i].fd = (int)hNative; pThis->paPollFds[i].revents = 0; pThis->paPollFds[i].events = 0; if (fEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_READ) pThis->paPollFds[i].events |= POLLIN; if (fEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_WRITE) pThis->paPollFds[i].events |= POLLOUT; if (fEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR) pThis->paPollFds[i].events |= POLLERR; #endif pThis->paHandles[i].enmType = pHandle->enmType; pThis->paHandles[i].u = uh; pThis->paHandles[i].id = id; pThis->paHandles[i].fEvents = fEvents; pThis->paHandles[i].fFinalEntry = true; if (iPrev != UINT32_MAX) { Assert(pThis->paHandles[i].fFinalEntry); pThis->paHandles[i].fFinalEntry = false; } /* * Validations and OS specific updates. */ #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS /* none */ #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) rc = rtPollSetOs2Add(pThis, i, fEvents); #else /* POSIX */ if (poll(&pThis->paPollFds[i], 1, 0) < 0) { rc = RTErrConvertFromErrno(errno); pThis->paPollFds[i].fd = -1; } #endif /* POSIX */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Commit it to the set. */ pThis->cHandles++; Assert(pThis->cHandles == i + 1); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } } } ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fBusy, false); return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTPollSetRemove(RTPOLLSET hPollSet, uint32_t id) { /* * Validate the input. */ RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis = hPollSet; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(pThis->u32Magic == RTPOLLSET_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(id != UINT32_MAX, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* * Set the busy flag and do the job. */ AssertReturn(ASMAtomicCmpXchgBool(&pThis->fBusy, true, false), VERR_CONCURRENT_ACCESS); int rc = VERR_POLL_HANDLE_ID_NOT_FOUND; uint32_t i = pThis->cHandles; while (i-- > 0) if (pThis->paHandles[i].id == id) { /* Save some details for the duplicate searching. */ bool const fFinalEntry = pThis->paHandles[i].fFinalEntry; RTHANDLETYPE const enmType = pThis->paHandles[i].enmType; RTHANDLEUNION const uh = pThis->paHandles[i].u; #ifdef RT_OS_OS2 uint32_t fRemovedEvents = pThis->paHandles[i].fEvents; RTHCINTPTR const hNative = pThis->pahNative[i]; #endif /* Remove the entry. */ pThis->cHandles--; size_t const cToMove = pThis->cHandles - i; if (cToMove) { memmove(&pThis->paHandles[i], &pThis->paHandles[i + 1], cToMove * sizeof(pThis->paHandles[i])); #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined(RT_OS_OS2) memmove(&pThis->pahNative[i], &pThis->pahNative[i + 1], cToMove * sizeof(pThis->pahNative[i])); #else memmove(&pThis->paPollFds[i], &pThis->paPollFds[i + 1], cToMove * sizeof(pThis->paPollFds[i])); #endif } /* Check for duplicate and set the fFinalEntry flag. */ if (fFinalEntry) while (i-- > 0) if ( pThis->paHandles[i].u.uInt == uh.uInt && pThis->paHandles[i].enmType == enmType) { Assert(!pThis->paHandles[i].fFinalEntry); pThis->paHandles[i].fFinalEntry = true; break; } #ifdef RT_OS_OS2 /* * Update OS/2 wait structures. */ uint32_t fNewEvents = 0; i = pThis->cHandles; while (i-- > 0) if ( pThis->paHandles[i].u.uInt == uh.uInt && pThis->paHandles[i].enmType == enmType) fNewEvents |= pThis->paHandles[i].fEvents; if (enmType == RTHANDLETYPE_PIPE) { pThis->cPipes--; if (fNewEvents == 0) { APIRET orc = DosDeleteMuxWaitSem(pThis->hmux, (HSEM)hNative); AssertMsg(orc == NO_ERROR, ("%d\n", orc)); } } else if ( fNewEvents != (fNewEvents | fRemovedEvents) && enmType == RTHANDLETYPE_SOCKET) { fRemovedEvents = fNewEvents ^ (fNewEvents | fRemovedEvents); if (fRemovedEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR) rtPollSetOs2RemoveSocket(pThis, pThis->cReadSockets + pThis->cWriteSockets, &pThis->cXcptSockets, (int)hNative); if (fRemovedEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_WRITE) rtPollSetOs2RemoveSocket(pThis, pThis->cReadSockets, &pThis->cWriteSockets, (int)hNative); if (fRemovedEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_READ) rtPollSetOs2RemoveSocket(pThis, 0, &pThis->cReadSockets, (int)hNative); } #endif /* RT_OS_OS2 */ rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fBusy, false); return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTPollSetQueryHandle(RTPOLLSET hPollSet, uint32_t id, PRTHANDLE pHandle) { /* * Validate the input. */ RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis = hPollSet; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(pThis->u32Magic == RTPOLLSET_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(id != UINT32_MAX, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrNullReturn(pHandle, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Set the busy flag and do the job. */ AssertReturn(ASMAtomicCmpXchgBool(&pThis->fBusy, true, false), VERR_CONCURRENT_ACCESS); int rc = VERR_POLL_HANDLE_ID_NOT_FOUND; uint32_t i = pThis->cHandles; while (i-- > 0) if (pThis->paHandles[i].id == id) { if (pHandle) { pHandle->enmType = pThis->paHandles[i].enmType; pHandle->u = pThis->paHandles[i].u; } rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fBusy, false); return rc; } RTDECL(uint32_t) RTPollSetGetCount(RTPOLLSET hPollSet) { /* * Validate the input. */ RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis = hPollSet; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, UINT32_MAX); AssertReturn(pThis->u32Magic == RTPOLLSET_MAGIC, UINT32_MAX); /* * Set the busy flag and do the job. */ AssertReturn(ASMAtomicCmpXchgBool(&pThis->fBusy, true, false), UINT32_MAX); uint32_t cHandles = pThis->cHandles; ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fBusy, false); return cHandles; } RTDECL(int) RTPollSetEventsChange(RTPOLLSET hPollSet, uint32_t id, uint32_t fEvents) { /* * Validate the input. */ RTPOLLSETINTERNAL *pThis = hPollSet; AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(pThis->u32Magic == RTPOLLSET_MAGIC, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE); AssertReturn(id != UINT32_MAX, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(!(fEvents & ~RTPOLL_EVT_VALID_MASK), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(fEvents, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* * Set the busy flag and do the job. */ AssertReturn(ASMAtomicCmpXchgBool(&pThis->fBusy, true, false), VERR_CONCURRENT_ACCESS); int rc = VERR_POLL_HANDLE_ID_NOT_FOUND; uint32_t i = pThis->cHandles; while (i-- > 0) if (pThis->paHandles[i].id == id) { if (pThis->paHandles[i].fEvents != fEvents) { #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) /*nothing*/ #elif defined(RT_OS_OS2) if (pThis->paHandles[i].enmType == RTHANDLETYPE_SOCKET) { uint32_t fOldEvents = 0; uint32_t j = pThis->cHandles; while (j-- > 0) if ( pThis->paHandles[j].enmType == RTHANDLETYPE_SOCKET && pThis->paHandles[j].u.uInt == pThis->paHandles[i].u.uInt && j != i) fOldEvents |= pThis->paHandles[j].fEvents; uint32_t fNewEvents = fOldEvents | fEvents; fOldEvents |= pThis->paHandles[i].fEvents; if (fOldEvents != fEvents) { int const fdSocket = pThis->pahNative[i]; uint32_t const fChangedEvents = fOldEvents ^ fNewEvents; if ((fChangedEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_READ) && (fNewEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_READ)) rtPollSetOs2AddSocket(pThis, pThis->cReadSockets, &pThis->cReadSockets, fdSocket); else if (fChangedEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_READ) rtPollSetOs2RemoveSocket(pThis, 0, &pThis->cReadSockets, fdSocket); if ((fChangedEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_WRITE) && (fNewEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_WRITE)) rtPollSetOs2AddSocket(pThis, pThis->cReadSockets + pThis->cWriteSockets, &pThis->cWriteSockets, fdSocket); else if (fChangedEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_WRITE) rtPollSetOs2RemoveSocket(pThis, pThis->cReadSockets, &pThis->cWriteSockets, fdSocket); if ((fChangedEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR) && (fNewEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR)) rtPollSetOs2AddSocket(pThis, pThis->cReadSockets + pThis->cWriteSockets + pThis->cXcptSockets, &pThis->cXcptSockets, fdSocket); else if (fChangedEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR) rtPollSetOs2RemoveSocket(pThis, pThis->cReadSockets + pThis->cWriteSockets, &pThis->cXcptSockets, fdSocket); } } #else pThis->paPollFds[i].events = 0; if (fEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_READ) pThis->paPollFds[i].events |= POLLIN; if (fEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_WRITE) pThis->paPollFds[i].events |= POLLOUT; if (fEvents & RTPOLL_EVT_ERROR) pThis->paPollFds[i].events |= POLLERR; #endif pThis->paHandles[i].fEvents = fEvents; } rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fBusy, false); return rc; }