1 | /* $Id: initterm-r0drv-nt.cpp 57978 2015-09-30 19:39:30Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * IPRT - Initialization & Termination, R0 Driver, NT.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 |
28 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
29 | * Header Files *
30 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
31 | #include "the-nt-kernel.h"
32 | #include <iprt/asm-amd64-x86.h>
33 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
34 | #include <iprt/err.h>
35 | #include <iprt/mp.h>
36 | #include <iprt/string.h>
37 | #include "internal/initterm.h"
38 | #include "internal-r0drv-nt.h"
39 | #include "symdb.h"
40 | #include "symdbdata.h"
41 |
42 |
43 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
44 | * Global Variables *
45 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
46 | /** The NT CPU set.
47 | * KeQueryActiveProcssors() cannot be called at all IRQLs and therefore we'll
48 | * have to cache it. Fortunately, Nt doesn't really support taking CPUs offline
49 | * or online. It's first with W2K8 that support for CPU hotplugging was added.
50 | * Once we start caring about this, we'll simply let the native MP event callback
51 | * and update this variable as CPUs comes online. (The code is done already.)
52 | */
53 | RTCPUSET g_rtMpNtCpuSet;
54 |
55 | /** ExSetTimerResolution, introduced in W2K. */
56 | PFNMYEXSETTIMERRESOLUTION g_pfnrtNtExSetTimerResolution;
57 | /** KeFlushQueuedDpcs, introduced in XP. */
58 | PFNMYKEFLUSHQUEUEDDPCS g_pfnrtNtKeFlushQueuedDpcs;
59 | /** HalRequestIpi, version introduced with windows 7. */
60 | PFNHALREQUESTIPI_W7PLUS g_pfnrtHalRequestIpiW7Plus;
61 | /** HalRequestIpi, version valid up to windows vista?? */
62 | PFNHALREQUESTIPI_PRE_W7 g_pfnrtHalRequestIpiPreW7;
63 | /** HalSendSoftwareInterrupt, introduced in AMD64 version of W2K3. */
64 | PFNHALSENDSOFTWAREINTERRUPT g_pfnrtNtHalSendSoftwareInterrupt;
65 | /** Worker for RTMpPokeCpu. */
66 | PFNRTSENDIPI g_pfnrtMpPokeCpuWorker;
67 | /** KeIpiGenericCall - Introduced in Windows Server 2003. */
68 | PFNRTKEIPIGENERICCALL g_pfnrtKeIpiGenericCall;
69 | /** KeInitializeAffinityEx - Introducted in Windows 7. */
70 | PFNKEINITIALIZEAFFINITYEX g_pfnrtKeInitializeAffinityEx;
71 | /** KeAddProcessorAffinityEx - Introducted in Windows 7. */
72 | PFNKEADDPROCESSORAFFINITYEX g_pfnrtKeAddProcessorAffinityEx;
73 | /** KeGetProcessorIndexFromNumber - Introducted in Windows 7. */
75 | /** RtlGetVersion, introduced in ??. */
76 | PFNRTRTLGETVERSION g_pfnrtRtlGetVersion;
77 | #ifndef RT_ARCH_AMD64
78 | /** KeQueryInterruptTime - exported/new in Windows 2000. */
79 | PFNRTKEQUERYINTERRUPTTIME g_pfnrtKeQueryInterruptTime;
80 | /** KeQuerySystemTime - exported/new in Windows 2000. */
81 | PFNRTKEQUERYSYSTEMTIME g_pfnrtKeQuerySystemTime;
82 | #endif
83 | /** KeQueryInterruptTimePrecise - new in Windows 8. */
85 | /** KeQuerySystemTimePrecise - new in Windows 8. */
87 |
88 | /** Offset of the _KPRCB::QuantumEnd field. 0 if not found. */
89 | uint32_t g_offrtNtPbQuantumEnd;
90 | /** Size of the _KPRCB::QuantumEnd field. 0 if not found. */
91 | uint32_t g_cbrtNtPbQuantumEnd;
92 | /** Offset of the _KPRCB::DpcQueueDepth field. 0 if not found. */
93 | uint32_t g_offrtNtPbDpcQueueDepth;
94 |
95 |
96 | /**
97 | * Determines the NT kernel verison information.
98 | *
99 | * @param pOsVerInfo Where to return the version information.
100 | *
101 | * @remarks pOsVerInfo->fSmp is only definitive if @c true.
102 | * @remarks pOsVerInfo->uCsdNo is set to MY_NIL_CSD if it cannot be determined.
103 | */
104 | static void rtR0NtGetOsVersionInfo(PRTNTSDBOSVER pOsVerInfo)
105 | {
106 | ULONG ulMajorVersion = 0;
107 | ULONG ulMinorVersion = 0;
108 | ULONG ulBuildNumber = 0;
109 |
110 | pOsVerInfo->fChecked = PsGetVersion(&ulMajorVersion, &ulMinorVersion, &ulBuildNumber, NULL) == TRUE;
111 | pOsVerInfo->uMajorVer = (uint8_t)ulMajorVersion;
112 | pOsVerInfo->uMinorVer = (uint8_t)ulMinorVersion;
113 | pOsVerInfo->uBuildNo = ulBuildNumber;
114 | #define MY_NIL_CSD 0x3f
115 | pOsVerInfo->uCsdNo = MY_NIL_CSD;
116 |
117 | if (g_pfnrtRtlGetVersion)
118 | {
120 | RT_ZERO(VerInfo);
121 | VerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(VerInfo);
122 |
123 | NTSTATUS rcNt = g_pfnrtRtlGetVersion(&VerInfo);
124 | if (NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
125 | pOsVerInfo->uCsdNo = VerInfo.wServicePackMajor;
126 | }
127 |
128 | /* Note! We cannot quite say if something is MP or UNI. So, fSmp is
129 | redefined to indicate that it must be MP. */
130 | pOsVerInfo->fSmp = RTMpGetCount() > 1
131 | || ulMajorVersion >= 6; /* Vista and later has no UNI kernel AFAIK. */
132 | }
133 |
134 |
135 | /**
136 | * Tries a set against the current kernel.
137 | *
138 | * @retval true if it matched up, global variables are updated.
139 | * @retval false otherwise (no globals updated).
140 | * @param pSet The data set.
141 | * @param pbPrcb Pointer to the processor control block.
142 | * @param pszVendor Pointer to the processor vendor string.
143 | * @param pOsVerInfo The OS version info.
144 | */
145 | static bool rtR0NtTryMatchSymSet(PCRTNTSDBSET pSet, uint8_t *pbPrcb, const char *pszVendor, PCRTNTSDBOSVER pOsVerInfo)
146 | {
147 | /*
148 | * Don't bother trying stuff where the NT kernel version number differs, or
149 | * if the build type or SMPness doesn't match up.
150 | */
151 | if ( pSet->OsVerInfo.uMajorVer != pOsVerInfo->uMajorVer
152 | || pSet->OsVerInfo.uMinorVer != pOsVerInfo->uMinorVer
153 | || pSet->OsVerInfo.fChecked != pOsVerInfo->fChecked
154 | || (!pSet->OsVerInfo.fSmp && pOsVerInfo->fSmp /*must-be-smp*/) )
155 | {
156 | //DbgPrint("IPRT: #%d Version/type mismatch.\n", pSet - &g_artNtSdbSets[0]);
157 | return false;
158 | }
159 |
160 | /*
161 | * Do the CPU vendor test.
162 | *
163 | * Note! The MmIsAddressValid call is the real #PF security here as the
164 | * __try/__except has limited/no ability to catch everything we need.
165 | */
166 | char *pszPrcbVendorString = (char *)&pbPrcb[pSet->KPRCB.offVendorString];
167 | if (!MmIsAddressValid(&pszPrcbVendorString[4 * 3 - 1]))
168 | {
169 | //DbgPrint("IPRT: #%d invalid vendor string address.\n", pSet - &g_artNtSdbSets[0]);
170 | return false;
171 | }
172 | __try
173 | {
174 | if (memcmp(pszPrcbVendorString, pszVendor, RT_MIN(4 * 3, pSet->KPRCB.cbVendorString)) != 0)
175 | {
176 | //DbgPrint("IPRT: #%d Vendor string mismatch.\n", pSet - &g_artNtSdbSets[0]);
177 | return false;
178 | }
179 | }
181 | {
182 | DbgPrint("IPRT: %#d Exception\n", pSet - &g_artNtSdbSets[0]);
183 | return false;
184 | }
185 |
186 | /*
187 | * Got a match, update the global variables and report succcess.
188 | */
189 | g_offrtNtPbQuantumEnd = pSet->KPRCB.offQuantumEnd;
190 | g_cbrtNtPbQuantumEnd = pSet->KPRCB.cbQuantumEnd;
191 | g_offrtNtPbDpcQueueDepth = pSet->KPRCB.offDpcQueueDepth;
192 |
193 | #if 0
194 | DbgPrint("IPRT: Using data set #%u for %u.%usp%u build %u %s %s.\n",
195 | pSet - &g_artNtSdbSets[0],
196 | pSet->OsVerInfo.uMajorVer,
197 | pSet->OsVerInfo.uMinorVer,
198 | pSet->OsVerInfo.uCsdNo,
199 | pSet->OsVerInfo.uBuildNo,
200 | pSet->OsVerInfo.fSmp ? "smp" : "uni",
201 | pSet->OsVerInfo.fChecked ? "checked" : "free");
202 | #endif
203 | return true;
204 | }
205 |
206 |
207 | DECLHIDDEN(int) rtR0InitNative(void)
208 | {
209 | /*
210 | * Init the Nt cpu set.
211 | */
212 | #ifdef IPRT_TARGET_NT4
213 | KAFFINITY ActiveProcessors = (UINT64_C(1) << KeNumberProcessors) - UINT64_C(1);
214 | #else
215 | KAFFINITY ActiveProcessors = KeQueryActiveProcessors();
216 | #endif
217 | RTCpuSetEmpty(&g_rtMpNtCpuSet);
218 | RTCpuSetFromU64(&g_rtMpNtCpuSet, ActiveProcessors);
219 | /** @todo Port to W2K8 with > 64 cpus/threads. */
220 |
221 | /*
222 | * Initialize the function pointers.
223 | */
224 | #ifdef IPRT_TARGET_NT4
225 | g_pfnrtNtExSetTimerResolution = NULL;
226 | g_pfnrtNtKeFlushQueuedDpcs = NULL;
227 | g_pfnrtHalRequestIpiW7Plus = NULL;
228 | g_pfnrtHalRequestIpiPreW7 = NULL;
229 | g_pfnrtNtHalSendSoftwareInterrupt = NULL;
230 | g_pfnrtKeIpiGenericCall = NULL;
231 | g_pfnrtKeInitializeAffinityEx = NULL;
232 | g_pfnrtKeAddProcessorAffinityEx = NULL;
233 | g_pfnrtKeGetProcessorIndexFromNumber = NULL;
234 | g_pfnrtRtlGetVersion = NULL;
235 | g_pfnrtKeQueryInterruptTime = NULL;
236 | g_pfnrtKeQueryInterruptTimePrecise = NULL;
237 | g_pfnrtKeQuerySystemTime = NULL;
238 | g_pfnrtKeQuerySystemTimePrecise = NULL;
239 | #else
240 | UNICODE_STRING RoutineName;
241 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"ExSetTimerResolution");
242 | g_pfnrtNtExSetTimerResolution = (PFNMYEXSETTIMERRESOLUTION)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
243 |
244 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"KeFlushQueuedDpcs");
245 | g_pfnrtNtKeFlushQueuedDpcs = (PFNMYKEFLUSHQUEUEDDPCS)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
246 |
247 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"HalRequestIpi");
248 | g_pfnrtHalRequestIpiW7Plus = (PFNHALREQUESTIPI_W7PLUS)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
249 | g_pfnrtHalRequestIpiPreW7 = (PFNHALREQUESTIPI_PRE_W7)g_pfnrtHalRequestIpiW7Plus;
250 |
251 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"HalSendSoftwareInterrupt");
252 | g_pfnrtNtHalSendSoftwareInterrupt = (PFNHALSENDSOFTWAREINTERRUPT)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
253 |
254 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"KeIpiGenericCall");
255 | g_pfnrtKeIpiGenericCall = (PFNRTKEIPIGENERICCALL)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
256 |
257 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"KeInitializeAffinityEx");
258 | g_pfnrtKeInitializeAffinityEx = (PFNKEINITIALIZEAFFINITYEX)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
259 |
260 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"KeAddProcessorAffinityEx");
261 | g_pfnrtKeAddProcessorAffinityEx = (PFNKEADDPROCESSORAFFINITYEX)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
262 |
263 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"KeGetProcessorIndexFromNumber");
264 | g_pfnrtKeGetProcessorIndexFromNumber = (PFNKEGETPROCESSORINDEXFROMNUMBER)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
265 |
266 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"RtlGetVersion");
267 | g_pfnrtRtlGetVersion = (PFNRTRTLGETVERSION)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
268 | # ifndef RT_ARCH_AMD64
269 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"KeQueryInterruptTime");
270 | g_pfnrtKeQueryInterruptTime = (PFNRTKEQUERYINTERRUPTTIME)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
271 |
272 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"KeQuerySystemTime");
273 | g_pfnrtKeQuerySystemTime = (PFNRTKEQUERYSYSTEMTIME)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
274 | # endif
275 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"KeQueryInterruptTimePrecise");
276 | g_pfnrtKeQueryInterruptTimePrecise = (PFNRTKEQUERYINTERRUPTTIMEPRECISE)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
277 |
278 | RtlInitUnicodeString(&RoutineName, L"KeQuerySystemTimePrecise");
279 | g_pfnrtKeQuerySystemTimePrecise = (PFNRTKEQUERYSYSTEMTIMEPRECISE)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&RoutineName);
280 | #endif
281 |
282 | /*
283 | * HACK ALERT! (and déjà vu warning - remember win32k.sys?)
284 | *
285 | * Try find _KPRCB::QuantumEnd and _KPRCB::[DpcData.]DpcQueueDepth.
286 | * For purpose of verification we use the VendorString member (12+1 chars).
287 | *
288 | * The offsets was initially derived by poking around with windbg
289 | * (dt _KPRCB, !prcb ++, and such like). Systematic harvesting was then
290 | * planned using dia2dump, grep and the symbol pack in a manner like this:
291 | * dia2dump -type _KDPC_DATA -type _KPRCB EXE\ntkrnlmp.pdb | grep -wE "QuantumEnd|DpcData|DpcQueueDepth|VendorString"
292 | *
293 | * The final solution ended up using a custom harvester program called
294 | * ntBldSymDb that recursively searches thru unpacked symbol packages for
295 | * the desired structure offsets. The program assumes that the packages
296 | * are unpacked into directories with the same name as the package, with
297 | * exception of some of the w2k packages which requires a 'w2k' prefix to
298 | * be distinguishable from another.
299 | */
300 |
302 | rtR0NtGetOsVersionInfo(&OsVerInfo);
303 |
304 | /*
305 | * Gather consistent CPU vendor string and PRCB pointers.
306 | */
307 | KIRQL OldIrql;
308 | KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); /* make sure we stay on the same cpu */
309 |
310 | union
311 | {
312 | uint32_t auRegs[4];
313 | char szVendor[4*3+1];
314 | } u;
315 | ASMCpuId(0, &u.auRegs[3], &u.auRegs[0], &u.auRegs[2], &u.auRegs[1]);
316 | u.szVendor[4*3] = '\0';
317 |
318 | uint8_t *pbPrcb;
319 | __try /* Warning. This try/except statement may provide some false safety. */
320 | {
321 | #if defined(RT_ARCH_X86)
322 | PKPCR pPcr = (PKPCR)__readfsdword(RT_OFFSETOF(KPCR,SelfPcr));
323 | pbPrcb = (uint8_t *)pPcr->Prcb;
324 | #elif defined(RT_ARCH_AMD64)
325 | PKPCR pPcr = (PKPCR)__readgsqword(RT_OFFSETOF(KPCR,Self));
326 | pbPrcb = (uint8_t *)pPcr->CurrentPrcb;
327 | #else
328 | # error "port me"
329 | pbPrcb = NULL;
330 | #endif
331 | }
333 | {
334 | pbPrcb = NULL;
335 | }
336 |
337 | /*
338 | * Search the database
339 | */
340 | if (pbPrcb)
341 | {
342 | /* Find the best matching kernel version based on build number. */
343 | uint32_t iBest = UINT32_MAX;
344 | int32_t iBestDelta = INT32_MAX;
345 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_artNtSdbSets); i++)
346 | {
347 | if (g_artNtSdbSets[i].OsVerInfo.fChecked != OsVerInfo.fChecked)
348 | continue;
349 | if (OsVerInfo.fSmp /*must-be-smp*/ && !g_artNtSdbSets[i].OsVerInfo.fSmp)
350 | continue;
351 |
352 | int32_t iDelta = RT_ABS((int32_t)OsVerInfo.uBuildNo - (int32_t)g_artNtSdbSets[i].OsVerInfo.uBuildNo);
353 | if ( iDelta == 0
354 | && (g_artNtSdbSets[i].OsVerInfo.uCsdNo == OsVerInfo.uCsdNo || OsVerInfo.uCsdNo == MY_NIL_CSD))
355 | {
356 | /* prefect */
357 | iBestDelta = iDelta;
358 | iBest = i;
359 | break;
360 | }
361 | if ( iDelta < iBestDelta
362 | || iBest == UINT32_MAX
363 | || ( iDelta == iBestDelta
364 | && OsVerInfo.uCsdNo != MY_NIL_CSD
365 | && RT_ABS(g_artNtSdbSets[i ].OsVerInfo.uCsdNo - (int32_t)OsVerInfo.uCsdNo)
366 | < RT_ABS(g_artNtSdbSets[iBest].OsVerInfo.uCsdNo - (int32_t)OsVerInfo.uCsdNo)
367 | )
368 | )
369 | {
370 | iBestDelta = iDelta;
371 | iBest = i;
372 | }
373 | }
374 | if (iBest < RT_ELEMENTS(g_artNtSdbSets))
375 | {
376 | /* Try all sets: iBest -> End; iBest -> Start. */
377 | bool fDone = false;
378 | int32_t i = iBest;
379 | while ( i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_artNtSdbSets)
380 | && !(fDone = rtR0NtTryMatchSymSet(&g_artNtSdbSets[i], pbPrcb, u.szVendor, &OsVerInfo)))
381 | i++;
382 | if (!fDone)
383 | {
384 | i = (int32_t)iBest - 1;
385 | while ( i >= 0
386 | && !(fDone = rtR0NtTryMatchSymSet(&g_artNtSdbSets[i], pbPrcb, u.szVendor, &OsVerInfo)))
387 | i--;
388 | }
389 | }
390 | else
391 | DbgPrint("IPRT: Failed to locate data set.\n");
392 | }
393 | else
394 | DbgPrint("IPRT: Failed to get PCBR pointer.\n");
395 |
396 | KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); /* Lowering the IRQL early in the hope that we may catch exceptions below. */
397 |
398 | #ifndef IN_GUEST
399 | if (!g_offrtNtPbQuantumEnd && !g_offrtNtPbDpcQueueDepth)
400 | DbgPrint("IPRT: Neither _KPRCB::QuantumEnd nor _KPRCB::DpcQueueDepth was not found! Kernel %u.%u %u %s\n",
401 | OsVerInfo.uMajorVer, OsVerInfo.uMinorVer, OsVerInfo.uBuildNo, OsVerInfo.fChecked ? "checked" : "free");
402 | # ifdef DEBUG
403 | else
404 | DbgPrint("IPRT: _KPRCB:{.QuantumEnd=%x/%d, .DpcQueueDepth=%x/%d} Kernel %u.%u %u %s\n",
405 | g_offrtNtPbQuantumEnd, g_cbrtNtPbQuantumEnd, g_offrtNtPbDpcQueueDepth,
406 | OsVerInfo.uMajorVer, OsVerInfo.uMinorVer, OsVerInfo.uBuildNo, OsVerInfo.fChecked ? "checked" : "free");
407 | # endif
408 | #endif
409 |
410 | /*
411 | * Special IPI fun for RTMpPokeCpu.
412 | *
413 | * On Vista and later the DPC method doesn't seem to reliably send IPIs,
414 | * so we have to use alternative methods. The NtHalSendSoftwareInterrupt
415 | * is preferrable, but it's AMD64 only. The NalRequestIpip method changed
416 | * in Windows 7 with the lots-of-processors-support, but it's the only
417 | * targeted IPI game in town if we cannot use KeInsertQueueDpc. Worst case
418 | * we use broadcast IPIs.
419 | */
420 | if ( OsVerInfo.uMajorVer > 6
421 | || (OsVerInfo.uMajorVer == 6 && OsVerInfo.uMinorVer > 0))
422 | g_pfnrtHalRequestIpiPreW7 = NULL;
423 | else
424 | g_pfnrtHalRequestIpiW7Plus = NULL;
425 |
426 | g_pfnrtMpPokeCpuWorker = rtMpPokeCpuUsingDpc;
427 | #ifndef IPRT_TARGET_NT4
428 | if (g_pfnrtNtHalSendSoftwareInterrupt)
429 | g_pfnrtMpPokeCpuWorker = rtMpPokeCpuUsingHalSendSoftwareInterrupt;
430 | else if ( g_pfnrtHalRequestIpiW7Plus
431 | && g_pfnrtKeInitializeAffinityEx
432 | && g_pfnrtKeAddProcessorAffinityEx
433 | && g_pfnrtKeGetProcessorIndexFromNumber)
434 | g_pfnrtMpPokeCpuWorker = rtMpPokeCpuUsingHalReqestIpiW7Plus;
435 | else if (OsVerInfo.uMajorVer >= 6 && g_pfnrtKeIpiGenericCall)
436 | g_pfnrtMpPokeCpuWorker = rtMpPokeCpuUsingBroadcastIpi;
437 | /* else: Windows XP should send always send an IPI -> VERIFY */
438 | #endif
439 |
440 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
441 | }
442 |
443 |
444 | DECLHIDDEN(void) rtR0TermNative(void)
445 | {
446 | }
447 |