1 | /* $Id: vfschain.cpp 44528 2013-02-04 14:27:54Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * IPRT - Virtual File System, Chains.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2012 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | *
17 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | *
23 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | */
26 |
27 |
28 | /*******************************************************************************
29 | * Header Files *
30 | *******************************************************************************/
31 | #include <iprt/vfs.h>
32 | #include <iprt/vfslowlevel.h>
33 |
34 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
35 | #include <iprt/critsect.h>
36 | #include <iprt/err.h>
37 | #include <iprt/file.h>
38 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
39 | #include <iprt/once.h>
40 | #include <iprt/param.h>
41 | #include <iprt/path.h>
42 | #include <iprt/semaphore.h>
43 | #include <iprt/string.h>
44 |
45 | #include "internal/file.h"
46 | #include "internal/magics.h"
47 | //#include "internal/vfs.h"
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 | /*******************************************************************************
52 | * Global Variables *
53 | *******************************************************************************/
54 | /** Init the critical section once. */
55 | static RTONCE g_rtVfsChainElementInitOnce;
56 | /** Critical section protecting g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList. */
57 | static RTCRITSECT g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect;
58 | /** List of VFS chain element providers (RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG). */
59 | static RTLISTANCHOR g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList;
60 |
61 |
62 | /**
63 | * Initializes the globals via RTOnce.
64 | *
65 | * @returns IPRT status code
66 | * @param pvUser Unused, ignored.
67 | */
68 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtVfsChainElementRegisterInit(void *pvUser)
69 | {
70 | NOREF(pvUser);
71 | return RTCritSectInit(&g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect);
72 | }
73 |
74 |
75 | RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainElementRegisterProvider(PRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pRegRec, bool fFromCtor)
76 | {
77 | int rc;
78 |
79 | /*
80 | * Input validation.
81 | */
82 | AssertPtrReturn(pRegRec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
83 | AssertMsgReturn(pRegRec->uVersion == RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG_VERSION, ("%#x", pRegRec->uVersion), VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
84 | AssertMsgReturn(pRegRec->uEndMarker == RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG_VERSION, ("%#zx", pRegRec->uEndMarker), VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
85 | AssertReturn(pRegRec->fReserved == 0, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
86 | AssertPtrReturn(pRegRec->pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
87 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pRegRec->pfnOpenVfs, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
88 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pRegRec->pfnOpenDir, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
89 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pRegRec->pfnOpenFile, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
90 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pRegRec->pfnOpenIoStream, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
91 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pRegRec->pfnOpenFsStream, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
92 |
93 | /*
94 | * Init and take the lock.
95 | */
96 | if (!fFromCtor)
97 | {
98 | rc = RTOnce(&g_rtVfsChainElementInitOnce, rtVfsChainElementRegisterInit, NULL);
99 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
100 | return rc;
101 | rc = RTCritSectEnter(&g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect);
102 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
103 | return rc;
104 | }
105 |
106 | /*
107 | * Duplicate name?
108 | */
109 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
110 | PRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pIterator, pIterNext;
111 | RTListForEachSafe(&g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList, pIterator, pIterNext, RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG, ListEntry)
112 | {
113 | if (!strcmp(pIterator->pszName, pRegRec->pszName))
114 | {
115 | AssertMsgFailed(("duplicate name '%s' old=%p new=%p\n", pIterator->pszName, pIterator, pRegRec));
117 | break;
118 | }
119 | }
120 |
121 | /*
122 | * If not, append the record to the list.
123 | */
124 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
125 | RTListAppend(&g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList, &pRegRec->ListEntry);
126 |
127 | /*
128 | * Leave the lock and return.
129 | */
130 | if (!fFromCtor)
131 | RTCritSectLeave(&g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect);
132 | return rc;
133 | }
134 |
135 |
136 | /**
137 | * Allocates and initializes an empty spec
138 | *
139 | * @returns Pointer to the spec on success, NULL on failure.
140 | */
141 | static PRTVFSCHAINSPEC rtVfsChainSpecAlloc(void)
142 | {
143 | PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec = (PRTVFSCHAINSPEC)RTMemTmpAlloc(sizeof(*pSpec));
144 | if (pSpec)
145 | {
146 | pSpec->iActionElement = UINT32_MAX;
147 | pSpec->cElements = 0;
148 | pSpec->paElements = NULL;
149 | }
150 | return pSpec;
151 | }
152 |
153 |
154 | /**
155 | * Duplicate a spec string.
156 | *
157 | * This differs from RTStrDupN in that it uses RTMemTmpAlloc instead of
158 | * RTMemAlloc.
159 | *
160 | * @returns String copy on success, NULL on failure.
161 | * @param psz The string to duplicate.
162 | * @param cch The number of bytes to duplicate.
163 | * @param prc The status code variable to set on failure. (Leeps the
164 | * code shorter. -lazy bird)
165 | */
166 | DECLINLINE(char *) rtVfsChainSpecDupStrN(const char *psz, size_t cch, int *prc)
167 | {
168 | char *pszCopy = (char *)RTMemTmpAlloc(cch + 1);
169 | if (pszCopy)
170 | {
171 | if (!memchr(psz, '\\', cch))
172 | {
173 | /* Plain string, copy it raw. */
174 | memcpy(pszCopy, psz, cch);
175 | pszCopy[cch] = '\0';
176 | }
177 | else
178 | {
179 | /* Has escape sequences, must unescape it. */
180 | char *pszDst = pszCopy;
181 | while (cch)
182 | {
183 | char ch = *psz++;
184 | if (ch == '\\')
185 | {
186 | char ch2 = psz[2];
187 | if (ch2 == '(' || ch2 == ')' || ch2 == '\\' || ch2 == ',')
188 | {
189 | psz++;
190 | ch = ch2;
191 | }
192 | }
193 | *pszDst++ = ch;
194 | }
195 | *pszDst = '\0';
196 | }
197 | }
198 | else
199 | *prc = VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY;
200 | return pszCopy;
201 | }
202 |
203 |
204 | /**
205 | * Adds an empty element to the chain specification.
206 | *
207 | * The caller is responsible for filling it the element attributes.
208 | *
209 | * @returns Pointer to the new element on success, NULL on failure. The
210 | * pointer is only valid till the next call to this function.
211 | * @param pSpec The chain specification.
212 | * @param prc The status code variable to set on failure. (Leeps the
213 | * code shorter. -lazy bird)
214 | */
215 | static PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC rtVfsChainSpecAddElement(PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec, int *prc)
216 | {
217 | AssertPtr(pSpec);
218 |
219 | /*
220 | * Resize the element table if necessary.
221 | */
222 | uint32_t const iElement = pSpec->cElements;
223 | if ((iElement % 32) == 0)
224 | {
225 | PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC paNew = (PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC)RTMemTmpAlloc((iElement + 32) * sizeof(paNew[0]));
226 | if (!paNew)
227 | {
228 | *prc = VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY;
229 | return NULL;
230 | }
231 |
232 | memcpy(paNew, pSpec->paElements, iElement * sizeof(paNew[0]));
233 | RTMemTmpFree(pSpec->paElements);
234 | pSpec->paElements = paNew;
235 | }
236 |
237 | /*
238 | * Initialize and add the new element.
239 | */
240 | PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement = &pSpec->paElements[iElement];
241 | pElement->pszProvider = NULL;
242 | pElement->enmTypeIn = iElement ? pSpec->paElements[iElement - 1].enmTypeOut : RTVFSOBJTYPE_INVALID;
243 | pElement->enmTypeOut = RTVFSOBJTYPE_INVALID;
244 | pElement->enmAction = RTVFSCHAINACTION_INVALID;
245 | pElement->cArgs = 0;
246 | pElement->papszArgs = 0;
247 |
248 | pSpec->cElements = iElement + 1;
249 | return pElement;
250 | }
251 |
252 |
253 | /**
254 | * Adds an argument to the element spec.
255 | *
256 | * @returns IPRT status code.
257 | * @param pElement The element.
258 | * @param psz The start of the argument string.
259 | * @param cch The length of the argument string, escape
260 | * sequences counted twice.
261 | */
262 | static int rtVfsChainSpecElementAddArg(PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement, const char *psz, size_t cch)
263 | {
264 | uint32_t iArg = pElement->cArgs;
265 | if ((iArg % 32) == 0)
266 | {
267 | char **papszNew = (char **)RTMemTmpAlloc((iArg + 32 + 1) * sizeof(papszNew[0]));
268 | if (!papszNew)
269 | return VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY;
270 | memcpy(papszNew, pElement->papszArgs, iArg * sizeof(papszNew[0]));
271 | RTMemTmpFree(pElement->papszArgs);
272 | pElement->papszArgs = papszNew;
273 | }
274 |
275 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
276 | pElement->papszArgs[iArg] = rtVfsChainSpecDupStrN(psz, cch, &rc);
277 | pElement->papszArgs[iArg + 1] = NULL;
278 | pElement->cArgs = iArg + 1;
279 | return rc;
280 | }
281 |
282 |
283 | RTDECL(void) RTVfsChainSpecFree(PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec)
284 | {
285 | if (!pSpec)
286 | return;
287 |
288 | uint32_t i = pSpec->cElements;
289 | while (i-- > 0)
290 | {
291 | uint32_t iArg = pSpec->paElements[i].cArgs;
292 | while (iArg-- > 0)
293 | RTMemTmpFree(pSpec->paElements[i].papszArgs[iArg]);
294 | RTMemTmpFree(pSpec->paElements[i].papszArgs);
295 | RTMemTmpFree(pSpec->paElements[i].pszProvider);
296 | }
297 |
298 | RTMemTmpFree(pSpec->paElements);
299 | pSpec->paElements = NULL;
300 | RTMemTmpFree(pSpec);
301 | }
302 |
303 |
304 | /**
305 | * Finds the end of the argument string.
306 | *
307 | * @returns The offset of the end character relative to @a psz.
308 | * @param psz The argument string.
309 | */
310 | static size_t rtVfsChainSpecFindArgEnd(const char *psz)
311 | {
312 | char ch;
313 | size_t off = 0;
314 | while ( (ch = psz[off]) != '\0'
315 | && ch != ','
316 | && ch != ')'
317 | && ch != '(')
318 | {
319 | /* check for escape sequences. */
320 | if ( ch == '\\'
321 | && (psz[off+1] == '(' || psz[off+1] == ')' || psz[off+1] == '\\' || psz[off+1] == ','))
322 | off++;
323 | off++;
324 | }
325 | return off;
326 | }
327 |
328 | /**
329 | * Look for action.
330 | *
331 | * @returns Action.
332 | * @param pszSpec The current spec position.
333 | * @param pcchAction Where to return the length of the action
334 | * string.
335 | */
336 | static RTVFSCHAINACTION rtVfsChainSpecEatAction(const char *pszSpec, size_t *pcchAction)
337 | {
338 | switch (*pszSpec)
339 | {
340 | case '|':
341 | *pcchAction = 1;
343 | case '>':
344 | *pcchAction = 1;
346 | default:
347 | *pcchAction = 0;
349 | }
350 | }
351 |
352 |
353 | RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainSpecParse(const char *pszSpec, uint32_t fFlags, RTVFSCHAINACTION enmLeadingAction,
354 | RTVFSCHAINACTION enmTrailingAction,
355 | PRTVFSCHAINSPEC *ppSpec, const char **ppszError)
356 | {
357 | AssertPtrNullReturn(ppszError, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
358 | if (ppszError)
359 | *ppszError = NULL;
360 | AssertPtrReturn(ppSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
361 | *ppSpec = NULL;
362 | AssertPtrReturn(pszSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
365 |
366 | /*
367 | * Check the start of the specification and allocate an empty return spec.
368 | */
369 | if (strncmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX, sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1))
371 | pszSpec = RTStrStripL(pszSpec + sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1);
372 | if (!*pszSpec)
373 | return VERR_VFS_CHAIN_EMPTY;
374 |
375 | PRTVFSCHAINSPEC pSpec = rtVfsChainSpecAlloc();
376 | if (!pSpec)
377 | return VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY;
378 |
379 | /*
380 | * Parse the spec one element at a time.
381 | */
382 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
383 | const char *pszSrc = pszSpec;
384 | while (*pszSrc && RT_SUCCESS(rc))
385 | {
386 | /*
387 | * Pipe or redirection action symbol, except maybe the first time.
388 | * The pipe symbol may occur at the end of the spec.
389 | */
390 | size_t cch;
391 | RTVFSCHAINACTION enmAction = rtVfsChainSpecEatAction(pszSpec, &cch);
392 | if (enmAction != RTVFSCHAINACTION_NONE)
393 | {
394 | pszSrc = RTStrStripL(pszSrc + cch);
395 | if (!*pszSrc)
396 | {
397 | /* Fail if the caller does not approve of a trailing pipe (all
398 | other actions non-trailing). */
399 | if ( enmAction != enmTrailingAction
402 | break;
403 | }
404 |
405 | /* There can only be one real action atm. */
406 | if (enmAction != RTVFSCHAINACTION_PASSIVE)
407 | {
408 | if (pSpec->iActionElement != UINT32_MAX)
409 | {
411 | break;
412 | }
413 | pSpec->iActionElement = pSpec->cElements;
414 | }
415 | }
416 | else if (pSpec->cElements > 0)
417 | {
419 | break;
420 | }
421 |
422 | /* Check the leading action. */
423 | if ( pSpec->cElements == 0
424 | && enmAction != enmLeadingAction
426 | {
428 | break;
429 | }
430 |
431 | /*
432 | * Ok, there should be an element here so add one to the return struct.
433 | */
434 | PRTVFSCHAINELEMSPEC pElement = rtVfsChainSpecAddElement(pSpec, &rc);
435 | if (!pElement)
436 | break;
437 | pElement->enmAction = enmAction;
438 |
439 | /*
440 | * First up is the VFS object type followed by a parentheses.
441 | */
442 | if (strncmp(pszSrc, "base", cch = 4) == 0)
443 | pElement->enmTypeOut = RTVFSOBJTYPE_BASE;
444 | else if (strncmp(pszSrc, "vfs", cch = 3) == 0)
445 | pElement->enmTypeOut = RTVFSOBJTYPE_VFS;
446 | else if (strncmp(pszSrc, "fss", cch = 3) == 0)
447 | pElement->enmTypeOut = RTVFSOBJTYPE_FS_STREAM;
448 | else if (strncmp(pszSrc, "ios", cch = 3) == 0)
449 | pElement->enmTypeOut = RTVFSOBJTYPE_IO_STREAM;
450 | else if (strncmp(pszSrc, "dir", cch = 3) == 0)
451 | pElement->enmTypeOut = RTVFSOBJTYPE_DIR;
452 | else if (strncmp(pszSrc, "file", cch = 4) == 0)
453 | pElement->enmTypeOut = RTVFSOBJTYPE_FILE;
454 | else if (strncmp(pszSrc, "sym", cch = 3) == 0)
455 | pElement->enmTypeOut = RTVFSOBJTYPE_SYMLINK;
456 | else
457 | {
459 | break;
460 | }
461 | pszSrc += cch;
462 |
463 | /* Check and skip the parentheses. */
464 | if (*pszSrc != '(')
465 | {
467 | break;
468 | }
469 | pszSrc = RTStrStripL(pszSrc + 1);
470 |
471 | /*
472 | * The name of the element provider.
473 | */
474 | cch = rtVfsChainSpecFindArgEnd(pszSrc);
475 | if (!cch)
476 | {
478 | break;
479 | }
480 | pElement->pszProvider = rtVfsChainSpecDupStrN(pszSrc, cch, &rc);
481 | if (!pElement->pszProvider)
482 | break;
483 | pszSrc += cch;
484 |
485 | /*
486 | * The arguments.
487 | */
488 | while (*pszSrc == ',')
489 | {
490 | pszSrc = RTStrStripL(pszSrc + 1);
491 | cch = rtVfsChainSpecFindArgEnd(pszSrc);
492 | rc = rtVfsChainSpecElementAddArg(pElement, pszSrc, cch);
493 | pszSrc += cch;
494 | }
495 |
496 | /* Must end with a right parentheses. */
497 | if (*pszSrc != ')')
498 | {
500 | break;
501 | }
502 | pszSrc = RTStrStripL(pszSrc + 1);
503 | }
504 |
505 | /*
506 | * Return the chain on success; Cleanup and set the error indicator on
507 | * failure.
508 | */
509 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
510 | *ppSpec = pSpec;
511 | else
512 | {
513 | if (ppszError)
514 | *ppszError = pszSrc;
515 | RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec);
516 | }
517 | return rc;
518 | }
519 |
520 |
521 |
522 |
523 |
524 | RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainElementDeregisterProvider(PRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pRegRec, bool fFromDtor)
525 | {
526 | /*
527 | * Fend off wildlife.
528 | */
529 | if (pRegRec == NULL)
530 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
531 | AssertPtrReturn(pRegRec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
532 | AssertMsgReturn(pRegRec->uVersion == RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG_VERSION, ("%#x", pRegRec->uVersion), VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
533 | AssertMsgReturn(pRegRec->uEndMarker == RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG_VERSION, ("%#zx", pRegRec->uEndMarker), VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
534 | AssertPtrReturn(pRegRec->pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
535 |
536 | /*
537 | * Take the lock if that's safe.
538 | */
539 | if (!fFromDtor)
540 | RTCritSectEnter(&g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect);
541 |
542 | /*
543 | * Ok, remove it.
544 | */
545 | int rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND;
546 | PRTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG pIterator, pIterNext;
547 | RTListForEachSafe(&g_rtVfsChainElementProviderList, pIterator, pIterNext, RTVFSCHAINELEMENTREG, ListEntry)
548 | {
549 | if (pIterator == pRegRec)
550 | {
551 | RTListNodeRemove(&pRegRec->ListEntry);
552 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
553 | break;
554 | }
555 | }
556 |
557 | /*
558 | * Leave the lock and return.
559 | */
560 | if (!fFromDtor)
561 | RTCritSectLeave(&g_rtVfsChainElementCritSect);
562 | return rc;
563 | }
564 |
565 |
566 | RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainOpenFile(const char *pszSpec, uint64_t fOpen, PRTVFSFILE phVfsFile, const char **ppszError)
567 | {
568 | AssertPtrReturn(pszSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
569 | AssertReturn(*pszSpec != '\0', VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
570 | AssertPtrReturn(phVfsFile, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
571 | if (ppszError)
572 | *ppszError = NULL;
573 |
574 | /*
575 | * If it's not a VFS chain spec, treat it as a file.
576 | */
577 | int rc;
578 | if (strncmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX, sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1))
579 | {
580 | RTFILE hFile;
581 | rc = RTFileOpen(&hFile, pszSpec, fOpen);
582 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
583 | {
584 | RTVFSFILE hVfsFile;
585 | rc = RTVfsFileFromRTFile(hFile, fOpen, false /*fLeaveOpen*/, &hVfsFile);
586 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
587 | *phVfsFile = hVfsFile;
588 | else
589 | RTFileClose(hFile);
590 | }
591 | }
592 | else
593 | {
595 | rc = RTVfsChainSpecParse(pszSpec,
600 | &pSpec,
601 | ppszError);
602 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
603 | {
604 | /** @todo implement this when needed. */
606 | RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec);
607 | }
608 | }
609 | return rc;
610 | }
611 |
612 |
613 | RTDECL(int) RTVfsChainOpenIoStream(const char *pszSpec, uint64_t fOpen, PRTVFSIOSTREAM phVfsIos, const char **ppszError)
614 | {
615 | AssertPtrReturn(pszSpec, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
616 | AssertReturn(*pszSpec != '\0', VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
617 | AssertPtrReturn(phVfsIos, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
618 | if (ppszError)
619 | *ppszError = NULL;
620 |
621 | /*
622 | * If it's not a VFS chain spec, treat it as a file.
623 | */
624 | int rc;
625 | if (strncmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX, sizeof(RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) - 1))
626 | {
627 | RTFILE hFile;
628 | rc = RTFileOpen(&hFile, pszSpec, fOpen);
629 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
630 | {
631 | RTVFSFILE hVfsFile;
632 | rc = RTVfsFileFromRTFile(hFile, fOpen, false /*fLeaveOpen*/, &hVfsFile);
633 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
634 | {
635 | *phVfsIos = RTVfsFileToIoStream(hVfsFile);
636 | RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile);
637 | }
638 | else
639 | RTFileClose(hFile);
640 | }
641 | }
642 | else
643 | {
645 | rc = RTVfsChainSpecParse(pszSpec,
650 | &pSpec,
651 | ppszError);
652 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
653 | {
654 |
655 |
657 | RTVfsChainSpecFree(pSpec);
658 | }
659 | }
660 | return rc;
661 | }
662 |
663 |
664 |
665 | RTDECL(bool) RTVfsChainIsSpec(const char *pszSpec)
666 | {
667 | return pszSpec
668 | && strcmp(pszSpec, RTVFSCHAIN_SPEC_PREFIX) == 0;
669 | }
670 |