1 | /* $Id: isomaker.cpp 106061 2024-09-16 14:03:52Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * IPRT - ISO Image Maker.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
10 | * available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
11 | *
12 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
14 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
15 | * License.
16 | *
17 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
18 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 | * General Public License for more details.
21 | *
22 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
24 | *
25 | * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
26 | * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
27 | * (CDDL), a copy of it is provided in the "COPYING.CDDL" file included
28 | * in the VirtualBox distribution, in which case the provisions of the
29 | * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
30 | *
31 | * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
32 | * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
33 | *
34 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR CDDL-1.0
35 | */
36 |
37 |
38 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
39 | * Header Files *
40 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
42 | #include "internal/iprt.h"
43 | #include <iprt/fsisomaker.h>
44 |
45 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
46 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
47 | #include <iprt/buildconfig.h>
48 | #include <iprt/err.h>
49 | #include <iprt/ctype.h>
50 | #include <iprt/md5.h>
51 | #include <iprt/file.h>
52 | #include <iprt/list.h>
53 | #include <iprt/log.h>
54 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
55 | #include <iprt/path.h>
56 | #include <iprt/string.h>
57 | #include <iprt/vfs.h>
58 | #include <iprt/vfslowlevel.h>
59 | #include <iprt/zero.h>
60 | #include <iprt/formats/iso9660.h>
61 |
62 | #include <internal/magics.h>
63 |
64 |
65 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
66 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
67 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
68 | /** Asserts valid handle, returns @a a_rcRet if not. */
69 | #define RTFSISOMAKER_ASSERT_VALID_HANDLE_RET_EX(a_pThis, a_rcRet) \
70 | do { AssertPtrReturn(a_pThis, a_rcRet); \
71 | AssertReturn((a_pThis)->uMagic == RTFSISOMAKERINT_MAGIC, a_rcRet); \
72 | } while (0)
73 |
74 | /** Asserts valid handle, returns VERR_INVALID_HANDLE if not. */
76 |
77 | /** The sector size. */
79 | /** The sector offset mask. */
81 | /** Maximum number of objects. */
83 | /** Maximum number of objects per directory. */
84 | #define RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_OBJECTS_PER_DIR _256K /**< @todo check limit */
85 |
86 | /** Number of bytes to store per dir record when using multiple extents. */
87 | #define RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_ISO9660_EXTENT_SIZE UINT32_C(0xfffff800)
88 |
89 | /** UTF-8 name buffer. */
91 |
92 | /** Max symbolic link target length. */
94 |
95 | /** TRANS.TBL left padding length.
96 | * We keep the amount of padding low to avoid wasing memory when generating
97 | * these long obsolete files. */
99 |
100 | /** Tests if @a a_ch is in the set of d-characters. */
101 | #define RTFSISOMAKER_IS_IN_D_CHARS(a_ch) (RT_C_IS_UPPER(a_ch) || RT_C_IS_DIGIT(a_ch) || (a_ch) == '_')
102 |
103 | /** Tests if @a a_ch is in the set of d-characters when uppercased. */
104 | #define RTFSISOMAKER_IS_UPPER_IN_D_CHARS(a_ch) (RT_C_IS_ALNUM(a_ch) || (a_ch) == '_')
105 |
106 |
107 | /** Calculates the path table record size given the name length.
108 | * @note The root directory length is 1 (name byte is 0x00), we make sure this
109 | * is the case in rtFsIsoMakerNormalizeNameForNamespace. */
110 | #define RTFSISOMAKER_CALC_PATHREC_SIZE(a_cbNameInDirRec) \
111 | ( RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(ISO9660PATHREC, achDirId[(a_cbNameInDirRec) + ((a_cbNameInDirRec) & 1)]) )
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
116 | * Structures and Typedefs *
117 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
118 | /** Pointer to an ISO maker object name space node. */
120 | /** Pointer to a const ISO maker object name space node. */
122 | /** Pointer to an ISO maker object name space node pointer. */
124 |
125 | /** Pointer to a common ISO image maker file system object. */
127 | /** Pointer to a const common ISO image maker file system object. */
129 |
130 | /** Pointer to a ISO maker file object. */
132 | /** Pointer to a const ISO maker file object. */
134 |
135 | /**
136 | * Filesystem object type.
137 | */
138 | typedef enum RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE
139 | {
146 |
147 | /**
148 | * Extra name space information required for directories.
149 | */
150 | typedef struct RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR
151 | {
152 | /** The location of the directory data. */
153 | uint64_t offDir;
154 | /** The size of the directory. */
155 | uint32_t cbDir;
156 | /** Number of children. */
157 | uint32_t cChildren;
158 | /** Sorted array of children. */
160 | /** The translate table file. */
162 |
163 | /** The offset in the path table (ISO-9660).
164 | * This is set when finalizing the image. */
165 | uint32_t offPathTable;
166 | /** The path table identifier of this directory (ISO-9660).
167 | * This is set when finalizing the image. */
168 | uint16_t idPathTable;
169 | /** The size of the first directory record (0x00 - '.'). */
170 | uint8_t cbDirRec00;
171 | /** The size of the second directory record (0x01 - '..'). */
172 | uint8_t cbDirRec01;
173 | /** Pointer to back to the namespace node this belongs to (for the finalized
174 | * entry list). */
176 | /** Entry in the list of finalized directories. */
177 | RTLISTNODE FinalizedEntry;
179 | /** Pointer to directory specfic namespace node info. */
181 | /** Pointer to const directory specfic namespace node info. */
183 |
184 |
185 | /**
186 | * ISO maker object namespace node.
187 | */
188 | typedef struct RTFSISOMAKERNAME
189 | {
190 | /** Pointer to the file system object. */
192 | /** Pointer to the partent directory, NULL if root dir. */
194 |
195 | /** Pointer to the directory information if this is a directory, NULL if not a
196 | * directory. This is allocated together with this structure, so it doesn't need
197 | * freeing. */
199 |
200 | /** The name specified when creating this namespace node. Helps navigating
201 | * the namespace when we mangle or otherwise change the names.
202 | * Allocated together with of this structure, no spearate free necessary. */
203 | const char *pszSpecNm;
204 |
205 | /** Alternative rock ridge name. */
206 | char *pszRockRidgeNm;
207 | /** Alternative TRANS.TBL name. */
208 | char *pszTransNm;
209 | /** Length of pszSpecNm. */
210 | uint16_t cchSpecNm;
211 | /** Length of pszRockRidgeNm. */
212 | uint16_t cchRockRidgeNm;
213 | /** Length of pszTransNm. */
214 | uint16_t cchTransNm;
215 |
216 | /** The depth in the namespace tree of this name. */
217 | uint8_t uDepth;
218 | /** Set if pszTransNm is allocated separately. Normally same as pszSpecNm. */
219 | bool fRockRidgeNmAlloced : 1;
220 | /** Set if pszTransNm is allocated separately. Normally same as pszSpecNm. */
221 | bool fTransNmAlloced : 1;
222 | /** Set if we need to emit an ER entry (root only). */
223 | bool fRockNeedER : 1;
224 | /** Set if we need to emit a RR entry in the directory record. */
225 | bool fRockNeedRRInDirRec : 1;
226 | /** Set if we need to emit a RR entry in the spill file. */
227 | bool fRockNeedRRInSpill : 1;
228 |
229 | /** The mode mask.
230 | * Starts out as a copy of RTFSISOMAKEROBJ::fMode. */
231 | RTFMODE fMode;
232 | /** The owner ID.
233 | * Starts out as a copy of RTFSISOMAKEROBJ::uid. */
234 | RTUID uid;
235 | /** The group ID.
236 | * Starts out as a copy of RTFSISOMAKEROBJ::gid. */
237 | RTGID gid;
238 | /** The device number if a character or block device.
239 | * This is for Rock Ridge. */
240 | RTDEV Device;
241 | /** The number of hardlinks to report in the file stats.
242 | * This is for Rock Ridge. */
243 | uint32_t cHardlinks;
244 |
245 | /** The offset of the directory entry in the parent directory. */
246 | uint32_t offDirRec;
247 | /** Size of the directory record (ISO-9660).
248 | * This is set when the image is being finalized. */
249 | uint16_t cbDirRec;
250 | /** Number of directory records needed to cover the entire file size. */
251 | uint16_t cDirRecs;
252 | /** The total directory record size (cbDirRec * cDirRecs), including end of
253 | * sector zero padding. */
254 | uint16_t cbDirRecTotal;
255 |
256 | /** Rock ridge flags (ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_XXX). */
257 | uint8_t fRockEntries;
258 | /** Number of rock ridge data bytes in the directory record. Unaligned! */
259 | uint8_t cbRockInDirRec;
260 | /** Rock ridge spill file data offset, UINT32_MAX if placed in dir record. */
261 | uint32_t offRockSpill;
262 | /** Size of rock data in spill file. */
263 | uint16_t cbRockSpill;
264 |
265 | /** The number of bytes the name requires in the directory record. */
266 | uint16_t cbNameInDirRec;
267 | /** The name length. */
268 | uint16_t cchName;
269 | /** The name. */
271 | char szName[RT_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY];
273 |
274 | /**
275 | * A ISO maker namespace.
276 | */
277 | typedef struct RTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE
278 | {
279 | /** The namespace root. */
281 | /** Total number of name nodes in the namespace. */
282 | uint32_t cNames;
283 | /** Total number of directories in the namespace.
284 | * @note Appears to be unused. */
285 | uint32_t cDirs;
286 | /** The namespace selector (RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_XXX). */
287 | uint32_t fNamespace;
288 | /** Offset into RTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE of the name member. */
289 | uint32_t offName;
290 | /** The configuration level for this name space.
291 | * - For UDF and HFS namespaces this is either @c true or @c false.
292 | * - For the primary ISO-9660 namespace this is 1, 2, or 3.
293 | * - For the joliet namespace this 0 (joliet disabled), 1, 2, or 3. */
294 | uint8_t uLevel;
295 | /** The rock ridge level: 1 - enabled; 2 - with ER tag.
296 | * Linux behaves a little different when seeing the ER tag. */
297 | uint8_t uRockRidgeLevel;
298 | /** The TRANS.TBL filename if enabled, NULL if disabled.
299 | * When not NULL, this may be pointing to heap or g_szTransTbl. */
300 | char *pszTransTbl;
301 | /** The system ID (ISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC::achSystemId). Empty if NULL.
302 | * When not NULL, this may be pointing to heap of g_szSystemId. */
303 | char *pszSystemId;
304 | /** The volume ID / label (ISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC::achVolumeId).
305 | * A string representation of RTFSISOMAKERINT::ImageCreationTime if NULL. */
306 | char *pszVolumeId;
307 | /** The volume set ID (ISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC::achVolumeSetId). Empty if NULL. */
308 | char *pszVolumeSetId;
309 | /** The publisher ID or (root) file reference (ISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC::achPublisherId). Empty if NULL. */
310 | char *pszPublisherId;
311 | /* The data preperer ID or (root) file reference (ISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC::achDataPreparerId). Empty if NULL. */
312 | char *pszDataPreparerId;
313 | /* The application ID or (root) file reference (ISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC::achApplicationId).
314 | * Defaults to g_szAppIdPrimaryIso or g_szAppIdJoliet. */
315 | char *pszApplicationId;
316 | /** The copyright (root) file identifier (ISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC::achCopyrightFileId). None if NULL. */
317 | char *pszCopyrightFileId;
318 | /** The abstract (root) file identifier (ISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC::achAbstractFileId). None if NULL. */
319 | char *pszAbstractFileId;
320 | /** The bibliographic (root) file identifier (ISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC::achBibliographicFileId). None if NULL. */
321 | char *pszBibliographicFileId;
323 | /** Pointer to a namespace. */
325 | /** Pointer to a const namespace. */
327 |
328 |
329 | /**
330 | * Common base structure for the file system objects.
331 | *
332 | * The times are shared across all namespaces, while the uid, gid and mode are
333 | * duplicates in each namespace.
334 | */
335 | typedef struct RTFSISOMAKEROBJ
336 | {
337 | /** The linear list entry of the image content. */
338 | RTLISTNODE Entry;
339 | /** The object index. */
340 | uint32_t idxObj;
341 | /** The type of this object. */
343 |
344 | /** The primary ISO-9660 name space name. */
346 | /** The joliet name space name. */
348 | /** The UDF name space name. */
350 | /** The HFS name space name. */
352 |
353 | /** Birth (creation) time. */
354 | RTTIMESPEC BirthTime;
355 | /** Attribute change time. */
356 | RTTIMESPEC ChangeTime;
357 | /** Modification time. */
358 | RTTIMESPEC ModificationTime;
359 | /** Accessed time. */
360 | RTTIMESPEC AccessedTime;
361 |
362 | /** Owner ID. */
363 | RTUID uid;
364 | /** Group ID. */
365 | RTGID gid;
366 | /** Attributes (unix permissions bits mainly). */
367 | RTFMODE fMode;
368 |
369 | /** Used to make sure things like the boot catalog stays in the image even if
370 | * it's not mapped into any of the namespaces. */
371 | uint32_t cNotOrphan;
373 |
374 |
375 | /**
376 | * File source type.
377 | */
378 | typedef enum RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE
379 | {
388 |
389 | /**
390 | * ISO maker file object.
391 | */
392 | typedef struct RTFSISOMAKERFILE
393 | {
394 | /** The common bit. */
396 | /** The file data size. */
397 | uint64_t cbData;
398 | /** Byte offset of the data in the image.
399 | * UINT64_MAX until the location is finalized. */
400 | uint64_t offData;
401 |
402 | /** The type of source object. */
404 | /** The source data. */
405 | union
406 | {
407 | /** Path to the source file.
408 | * Allocated together with this structure. */
409 | const char *pszSrcPath;
410 | /** Source VFS file. */
411 | RTVFSFILE hVfsFile;
412 | /** Source is a part of a common VFS file. */
413 | struct
414 | {
415 | /** The offset into the file */
416 | uint64_t offData;
417 | /** The index of the common file. */
418 | uint32_t idxSrc;
419 | } Common;
420 | /** The directory the translation table belongs to. */
422 | /** The namespace for a rock ridge spill file.. */
424 | } u;
425 |
426 | /** Boot info table to patch into the file.
427 | * This is calculated during file finalization as it needs the file location. */
429 |
430 | /** Entry in the list of finalized directories. */
431 | RTLISTNODE FinalizedEntry;
433 |
434 |
435 | /**
436 | * ISO maker directory object.
437 | *
438 | * Unlike files, the allocation info is name space specific and lives in the
439 | * corresponding RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR structures.
440 | */
441 | typedef struct RTFSISOMAKERDIR
442 | {
443 | /** The common bit. */
446 | /** Pointer to an ISO maker directory object. */
448 |
449 |
450 | /**
451 | * ISO maker symlink object.
452 | */
453 | typedef struct RTFSISOMAKERSYMLINK
454 | {
455 | /** The common bit. */
457 | /** The size of the rock ridge 'SL' records for this link. */
458 | uint16_t cbSlRockRidge;
459 | /** The symbolic link target length. */
460 | uint16_t cchTarget;
461 | /** The symbolic link target. */
463 | char szTarget[RT_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY];
465 | /** Pointer to an ISO maker directory object. */
467 | /** Pointer to a const ISO maker directory object. */
469 |
470 |
471 |
472 | /**
473 | * Instance data for a ISO image maker.
474 | */
475 | typedef struct RTFSISOMAKERINT
476 | {
477 | /** Magic value (RTFSISOMAKERINT_MAGIC). */
478 | uint32_t uMagic;
479 | /** Reference counter. */
480 | uint32_t volatile cRefs;
481 |
482 | /** Set after we've been fed the first bit of content.
483 | * This means that the namespace configuration has been finalized and can no
484 | * longer be changed because it's simply too much work to do adjustments
485 | * after having started to add files. */
486 | bool fSeenContent;
487 | /** Set once we've finalized the image structures.
488 | * After this no more changes are allowed. */
489 | bool fFinalized;
490 |
491 | /** The primary ISO-9660 namespace. */
493 | /** The joliet namespace. */
495 | /** The UDF namespace. */
497 | /** The hybrid HFS+ namespace. */
499 |
500 | /** The list of objects (RTFSISOMAKEROBJ). */
501 | RTLISTANCHOR ObjectHead;
502 | /** Number of objects in the image (ObjectHead).
503 | * This is used to number them, i.e. create RTFSISOMAKEROBJ::idxObj. */
504 | uint32_t cObjects;
505 |
506 | /** Amount of file data. */
507 | uint64_t cbData;
508 | /** Number of volume descriptors. */
509 | uint32_t cVolumeDescriptors;
510 | /** The image (trail) padding in bytes. */
511 | uint32_t cbImagePadding;
512 |
513 | /** The 'now' timestamp we use for the whole image.
514 | * This way we'll save lots of RTTimeNow calls and have similar timestamps
515 | * over the whole image. */
516 | RTTIMESPEC ImageCreationTime;
517 | /** Indicates strict or non-strict attribute handling style.
518 | * See RTFsIsoMakerSetAttributeStyle() for details. */
519 | bool fStrictAttributeStyle;
520 | /** The default owner ID. */
521 | RTUID uidDefault;
522 | /** The default group ID. */
523 | RTGID gidDefault;
524 | /** The default file mode mask. */
525 | RTFMODE fDefaultFileMode;
526 | /** The default file mode mask. */
527 | RTFMODE fDefaultDirMode;
528 |
529 | /** Forced file mode mask (permissions only). */
530 | RTFMODE fForcedFileMode;
531 | /** Set if fForcedFileMode is active. */
532 | bool fForcedFileModeActive;
533 | /** Set if fForcedDirMode is active. */
534 | bool fForcedDirModeActive;
535 | /** Forced directory mode mask (permissions only). */
536 | RTFMODE fForcedDirMode;
537 |
538 | /** Number of common source files. */
539 | uint32_t cCommonSources;
540 | /** Array of common source file handles. */
541 | PRTVFSFILE paCommonSources;
542 |
543 | /** @name Boot related stuff
544 | * @{ */
545 | /** The boot catalog file. */
547 | /** Per boot catalog entry data needed for updating offsets when finalizing. */
548 | struct
549 | {
555 | uint8_t bType;
556 | /** Number of entries related to this one. This is zero for unused entries,
557 | * 2 for the validation entry, 2+ for section headers, and 1 for images. */
558 | uint8_t cEntries;
559 | /** The boot file. */
561 | } aBootCatEntries[64];
562 | /** @} */
563 |
564 | /** @name Finalized image stuff
565 | * @{ */
566 | /** The finalized image size. */
567 | uint64_t cbFinalizedImage;
568 | /** System area content (sectors 0 thur 15). This is NULL if the system area
569 | * are all zeros, which is often the case. Hybrid ISOs have an MBR followed by
570 | * a GUID partition table here, helping making the image bootable when
571 | * transfered to a USB stick. */
572 | uint8_t *pbSysArea;
573 | /** Number of non-zero system area bytes pointed to by pbSysArea. */
574 | size_t cbSysArea;
575 |
576 | /** Pointer to the buffer holding the volume descriptors. */
577 | uint8_t *pbVolDescs;
578 | /** Pointer to the primary volume descriptor. */
579 | PISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC pPrimaryVolDesc;
580 | /** El Torito volume descriptor. */
582 | /** Pointer to the primary volume descriptor. */
583 | PISO9660SUPVOLDESC pJolietVolDesc;
584 | /** Terminating ISO-9660 volume descriptor. */
585 | PISO9660VOLDESCHDR pTerminatorVolDesc;
586 |
587 | /** Finalized ISO-9660 directory structures. */
589 | {
590 | /** The image byte offset of the first directory. */
591 | uint64_t offDirs;
592 | /** The image byte offset of the little endian path table.
593 | * This always follows offDirs. */
594 | uint64_t offPathTableL;
595 | /** The image byte offset of the big endian path table.
596 | * This always follows offPathTableL. */
597 | uint64_t offPathTableM;
598 | /** The size of the path table. */
599 | uint32_t cbPathTable;
600 | /** List of finalized directories for this namespace.
601 | * The list is in path table order so it can be generated on the fly. The
602 | * directories will be ordered in the same way. */
603 | RTLISTANCHOR FinalizedDirs;
604 | /** Rock ridge spill file. */
606 | }
607 | /** The finalized directory data for the primary ISO-9660 namespace. */
608 | PrimaryIsoDirs,
609 | /** The finalized directory data for the joliet namespace. */
610 | JolietDirs;
611 |
612 | /** The image byte offset of the first file. */
613 | uint64_t offFirstFile;
614 | /** Finalized file head (RTFSISOMAKERFILE).
615 | * The list is ordered by disk location. Files are following the
616 | * directories and path tables. */
617 | RTLISTANCHOR FinalizedFiles;
618 | /** @} */
619 |
621 | /** Pointer to an ISO maker instance. */
623 |
624 | /** Pointer to the data for finalized ISO-9660 (primary / joliet) dirs. */
626 |
627 |
628 | /**
629 | * Instance data of an ISO maker output file.
630 | */
632 | {
633 | /** The ISO maker (owns a reference). */
635 | /** The current file position. */
636 | uint64_t offCurPos;
637 | /** Current file hint. */
639 | /** Source file corresponding to pFileHint.
640 | * This is used when dealing with a RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_VFS_FILE or
642 | RTVFSFILE hVfsSrcFile;
643 | /** Current directory hint for the primary ISO namespace. */
645 | /** Current directory hint for the joliet namespace. */
647 | /** Joliet directory child index hint. */
648 | uint32_t iChildPrimaryIso;
649 | /** Joliet directory child index hint. */
650 | uint32_t iChildJoliet;
652 | /** Pointer to the instance data of an ISO maker output file. */
654 |
655 |
656 | /**
657 | * Directory entry type.
658 | */
659 | typedef enum RTFSISOMAKERDIRTYPE
660 | {
661 | /** Invalid directory entry. */
663 | /** Entry for the current directory, aka ".". */
665 | /** Entry for the parent directory, aka "..". */
667 | /** Entry for a regular directory entry. */
670 |
671 |
672 |
673 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
674 | * Structures and Typedefs *
675 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
676 | /**
677 | * Help for iterating over namespaces.
678 | */
679 | static const struct
680 | {
681 | /** The RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_XXX indicator. */
682 | uint32_t fNamespace;
683 | /** Offset into RTFSISOMAKERINT of the namespace member. */
684 | uintptr_t offNamespace;
685 | /** Offset into RTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE of the name member. */
686 | uintptr_t offName;
687 | /** Namespace name for debugging purposes. */
688 | const char *pszName;
689 | } g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[] =
690 | {
695 | };
696 |
697 | /**
698 | * Translates a single namespace flag (RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_XXX) to an
699 | * index into g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces.
700 | */
701 | static const uint8_t g_aidxRTFsIsoNamespaceFlagToIdx[] =
702 | {
703 | /*[0] = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces),
704 | /*[RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_ISO_9660] = */ 0,
706 | /*[3] = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces),
708 | /*[5] = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces),
709 | /*[6] = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces),
710 | /*[7] = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces),
712 | /*[9] = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces),
713 | /*[10] = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces),
714 | /*[11] = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces),
715 | /*[12] = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces),
716 | /*[13] = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces),
717 | /*[14] = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces),
718 | /*[15] = */ RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces),
719 | };
720 |
721 | /** The default translation table filename. */
722 | static const char g_szTransTbl[] = "TRANS.TBL";
723 | /** The default application ID for the primary ISO-9660 volume descriptor. */
724 | static char g_szAppIdPrimaryIso[64] = "";
725 | /** The default application ID for the joliet volume descriptor. */
726 | static char g_szAppIdJoliet[64] = "";
727 | /** The default system ID the primary ISO-9660 volume descriptor. */
728 | static char g_szSystemId[64] = "";
729 |
730 |
731 |
732 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
733 | * Internal Functions *
734 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
736 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pParent, const char *pchSpec, size_t cchSpec, bool fNoNormalize,
739 | static int rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedDirWorker(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PCRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, PRTFSISOMAKERDIR *ppDir);
740 | static int rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWorker(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PCRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, size_t cbExtra,
742 | static int rtFsIsoMakerObjRemoveWorker(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj);
743 |
744 | static ssize_t rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_RockRidgeGenSL(const char *pszTarget, uint8_t *pbBuf, size_t cbBuf);
745 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Seek(void *pvThis, RTFOFF offSeek, unsigned uMethod, PRTFOFF poffActual);
746 |
747 |
748 |
749 | /**
750 | * Creates an ISO maker instance.
751 | *
752 | * @returns IPRT status code.
753 | * @param phIsoMaker Where to return the handle to the new ISO maker.
754 | */
755 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerCreate(PRTFSISOMAKER phIsoMaker)
756 | {
757 | /*
758 | * Do some integrity checks first.
759 | */
760 | AssertReturn(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[g_aidxRTFsIsoNamespaceFlagToIdx[RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_ISO_9660]].fNamespace == RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_ISO_9660,
762 | AssertReturn(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[g_aidxRTFsIsoNamespaceFlagToIdx[RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_JOLIET]].fNamespace == RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_JOLIET,
764 | AssertReturn(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[g_aidxRTFsIsoNamespaceFlagToIdx[RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_UDF]].fNamespace == RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_UDF,
766 | AssertReturn(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[g_aidxRTFsIsoNamespaceFlagToIdx[RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_HFS]].fNamespace == RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_HFS,
768 |
769 | if (g_szAppIdPrimaryIso[0] == '\0')
770 | RTStrPrintf(g_szAppIdPrimaryIso, sizeof(g_szAppIdPrimaryIso), "IPRT ISO MAKER V%u.%u.%u R%s",
771 | RTBldCfgVersionMajor(), RTBldCfgVersionMinor(), RTBldCfgVersionBuild(), RTBldCfgRevisionStr());
772 | if (g_szAppIdJoliet[0] == '\0')
773 | RTStrPrintf(g_szAppIdJoliet, sizeof(g_szAppIdJoliet),
774 | "IPRT ISO Maker v%s r%s", RTBldCfgVersion(), RTBldCfgRevisionStr());
775 | if (g_szSystemId[0] == '\0')
776 | {
777 | RTStrCopy(g_szSystemId, sizeof(g_szSystemId), RTBldCfgTargetDotArch());
778 | RTStrToUpper(g_szSystemId);
779 | }
780 |
781 | /*
782 | * Create the instance with defaults.
783 | */
784 | int rc;
786 | if (pThis)
787 | {
788 | pThis->uMagic = RTFSISOMAKERINT_MAGIC;
789 | pThis->cRefs = 1;
790 | //pThis->fSeenContent = false;
791 | //pThis->fFinalized = false;
792 |
793 | pThis->PrimaryIso.fNamespace = RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_ISO_9660;
794 | pThis->PrimaryIso.offName = RT_UOFFSETOF(RTFSISOMAKEROBJ, pPrimaryName);
795 | pThis->PrimaryIso.uLevel = 3; /* 30 char names, large files */
796 | pThis->PrimaryIso.uRockRidgeLevel = 1;
797 | pThis->PrimaryIso.pszTransTbl = (char *)g_szTransTbl;
798 | pThis->PrimaryIso.pszSystemId = g_szSystemId;
799 | //pThis->PrimaryIso.pszVolumeId = NULL;
800 | //pThis->PrimaryIso.pszSetVolumeId = NULL;
801 | //pThis->PrimaryIso.pszPublisherId = NULL;
802 | //pThis->PrimaryIso.pszDataPreparerId = NULL;
803 | pThis->PrimaryIso.pszApplicationId = g_szAppIdPrimaryIso;
804 | //pThis->PrimaryIso.pszCopyrightFileId = NULL;
805 | //pThis->PrimaryIso.pszAbstractFileId = NULL;
806 | //pThis->PrimaryIso.pszBibliographicFileId = NULL;
807 |
808 | pThis->Joliet.fNamespace = RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_JOLIET;
809 | pThis->Joliet.offName = RT_UOFFSETOF(RTFSISOMAKEROBJ, pJolietName);
810 | pThis->Joliet.uLevel = 3;
811 | //pThis->Joliet.uRockRidgeLevel = 0;
812 | //pThis->Joliet.pszTransTbl = NULL;
813 | //pThis->Joliet.pszSystemId = NULL;
814 | //pThis->Joliet.pszVolumeId = NULL;
815 | //pThis->Joliet.pszSetVolumeId = NULL;
816 | //pThis->Joliet.pszPublisherId = NULL;
817 | //pThis->Joliet.pszDataPreparerId = NULL;
818 | pThis->Joliet.pszApplicationId = g_szAppIdJoliet;
819 | //pThis->Joliet.pszCopyrightFileId = NULL;
820 | //pThis->Joliet.pszAbstractFileId = NULL;
821 | //pThis->Joliet.pszBibliographicFileId = NULL;
822 |
823 | pThis->Udf.fNamespace = RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_UDF;
824 | pThis->Udf.offName = RT_UOFFSETOF(RTFSISOMAKEROBJ, pUdfName);
825 | //pThis->Udf.uLevel = 0;
826 | //pThis->Udf.uRockRidgeLevel = 0;
827 | //pThis->Udf.pszTransTbl = NULL;
828 | //pThis->Udf.uRockRidgeLevel = 0;
829 | //pThis->Udf.pszTransTbl = NULL;
830 | //pThis->Udf.pszSystemId = NULL;
831 | //pThis->Udf.pszVolumeId = NULL;
832 | //pThis->Udf.pszSetVolumeId = NULL;
833 | //pThis->Udf.pszPublisherId = NULL;
834 | //pThis->Udf.pszDataPreparerId = NULL;
835 | //pThis->Udf.pszApplicationId = NULL;
836 | //pThis->Udf.pszCopyrightFileId = NULL;
837 | //pThis->Udf.pszAbstractFileId = NULL;
838 | //pThis->Udf.pszBibliographicFileId = NULL;
839 |
840 | pThis->Hfs.fNamespace = RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_HFS;
841 | pThis->Hfs.offName = RT_UOFFSETOF(RTFSISOMAKEROBJ, pHfsName);
842 | //pThis->Hfs.uLevel = 0;
843 | //pThis->Hfs.uRockRidgeLevel = 0;
844 | //pThis->Hfs.pszTransTbl = NULL;
845 | //pThis->Hfs.pszSystemId = NULL;
846 | //pThis->Hfs.pszVolumeId = NULL;
847 | //pThis->Hfs.pszSetVolumeId = NULL;
848 | //pThis->Hfs.pszPublisherId = NULL;
849 | //pThis->Hfs.pszDataPreparerId = NULL;
850 | //pThis->Hfs.pszApplicationId = NULL;
851 | //pThis->Hfs.pszCopyrightFileId = NULL;
852 | //pThis->Hfs.pszAbstractFileId = NULL;
853 | //pThis->Hfs.pszBibliographicFileId = NULL;
854 |
855 | RTListInit(&pThis->ObjectHead);
856 | //pThis->cObjects = 0;
857 | //pThis->cbData = 0;
858 |
859 | pThis->cVolumeDescriptors = 3; /* primary, secondary joliet, terminator. */
860 | pThis->cbImagePadding = 150 * RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE;
861 |
862 | //pThis->fStrictAttributeStyle = false;
863 | //pThis->uidDefault = 0;
864 | //pThis->gidDefault = 0;
865 | pThis->fDefaultFileMode = 0444 | RTFS_TYPE_FILE | RTFS_DOS_ARCHIVED | RTFS_DOS_READONLY;
867 |
868 | //pThis->fForcedFileMode = 0;
869 | //pThis->fForcedFileModeActive = false;
870 | //pThis->fForcedDirModeActive = false;
871 | //pThis->fForcedDirMode = 0;
872 |
873 | //pThis->cCommonSources = 0;
874 | //pThis->paCommonSources = NULL;
875 |
876 | //pThis->pBootCatFile = NULL;
877 |
878 | pThis->cbFinalizedImage = UINT64_MAX;
879 | //pThis->pbSysArea = NULL;
880 | //pThis->cbSysArea = 0;
881 | //pThis->pbVolDescs = NULL;
882 | //pThis->pPrimaryVolDesc = NULL;
883 | //pThis->pElToritoDesc = NULL;
884 | //pThis->pJolietVolDesc = NULL;
885 |
886 | pThis->PrimaryIsoDirs.offDirs = UINT64_MAX;
887 | pThis->PrimaryIsoDirs.offPathTableL = UINT64_MAX;
888 | pThis->PrimaryIsoDirs.offPathTableM = UINT64_MAX;
889 | pThis->PrimaryIsoDirs.cbPathTable = 0;
890 | RTListInit(&pThis->PrimaryIsoDirs.FinalizedDirs);
891 | //pThis->PrimaryIsoDirs.pRRSpillFile = NULL;
892 |
893 | pThis->JolietDirs.offDirs = UINT64_MAX;
894 | pThis->JolietDirs.offPathTableL = UINT64_MAX;
895 | pThis->JolietDirs.offPathTableM = UINT64_MAX;
896 | pThis->JolietDirs.cbPathTable = 0;
897 | RTListInit(&pThis->JolietDirs.FinalizedDirs);
898 | //pThis->JolietDirs.pRRSpillFile = NULL;
899 |
900 | pThis->offFirstFile = UINT64_MAX;
901 | RTListInit(&pThis->FinalizedFiles);
902 |
903 | RTTimeNow(&pThis->ImageCreationTime);
904 |
905 | /*
906 | * Add the root directory node with idObj == 0.
907 | */
909 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedDirWorker(pThis, NULL /*pObjInfo*/, &pDirRoot);
910 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
911 | {
912 | *phIsoMaker = pThis;
913 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
914 | }
915 |
916 | RTMemFree(pThis);
917 | }
918 | else
919 | rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY;
920 | return rc;
921 | }
922 |
923 |
924 | /**
925 | * Frees an object.
926 | *
927 | * This is a worker for rtFsIsoMakerDestroy and RTFsIsoMakerObjRemove.
928 | *
929 | * @param pObj The object to free.
930 | */
931 | DECLINLINE(void) rtFsIsoMakerObjDestroy(PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj)
932 | {
933 | if (pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE)
934 | {
936 | switch (pFile->enmSrcType)
937 | {
939 | pFile->u.pszSrcPath = NULL;
940 | break;
941 |
943 | pFile->u.pTransTblDir = NULL;
944 | break;
945 |
947 | RTVfsFileRelease(pFile->u.hVfsFile);
948 | pFile->u.hVfsFile = NIL_RTVFSFILE;
949 | break;
950 |
953 | break;
954 |
957 | AssertFailed();
958 | break;
959 |
960 | /* no default, want warnings */
961 | }
962 | if (pFile->pBootInfoTable)
963 | {
964 | RTMemFree(pFile->pBootInfoTable);
965 | pFile->pBootInfoTable = NULL;
966 | }
967 | }
968 |
969 | RTMemFree(pObj);
970 | }
971 |
972 |
973 | /**
974 | * Frees a namespace node.
975 | *
976 | * This is a worker for rtFsIsoMakerDestroyTree and rtFsIsoMakerObjUnsetName.
977 | *
978 | * @param pName The node to free.
979 | */
980 | DECLINLINE(void) rtFsIsoMakerDestroyName(PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pName)
981 | {
982 | if (pName->fRockRidgeNmAlloced)
983 | {
984 | RTMemFree(pName->pszRockRidgeNm);
985 | pName->pszRockRidgeNm = NULL;
986 | }
987 | if (pName->fTransNmAlloced)
988 | {
989 | RTMemFree(pName->pszTransNm);
990 | pName->pszTransNm = NULL;
991 | }
992 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR pDir = pName->pDir;
993 | if (pDir != NULL)
994 | {
995 | Assert(pDir->cChildren == 0);
996 | RTMemFree(pDir->papChildren);
997 | pDir->papChildren = NULL;
998 | }
999 | RTMemFree(pName);
1000 | }
1001 |
1002 |
1003 | /**
1004 | * Destroys a namespace.
1005 | *
1006 | * @param pNamespace The namespace to destroy.
1007 | */
1008 | static void rtFsIsoMakerDestroyTree(PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace)
1009 | {
1010 | /*
1011 | * Recursively destroy the tree first.
1012 | */
1013 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pCur = pNamespace->pRoot;
1014 | if (pCur)
1015 | {
1016 | Assert(!pCur->pParent);
1017 | for (;;)
1018 | {
1019 | if ( pCur->pDir
1020 | && pCur->pDir->cChildren)
1021 | pCur = pCur->pDir->papChildren[pCur->pDir->cChildren - 1];
1022 | else
1023 | {
1024 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pNext = pCur->pParent;
1025 | rtFsIsoMakerDestroyName(pCur);
1026 |
1027 | /* Unlink from parent, we're the last entry. */
1028 | if (pNext)
1029 | {
1030 | Assert(pNext->pDir->cChildren > 0);
1031 | pNext->pDir->cChildren--;
1032 | Assert(pNext->pDir->papChildren[pNext->pDir->cChildren] == pCur);
1033 | pNext->pDir->papChildren[pNext->pDir->cChildren] = NULL;
1034 | pCur = pNext;
1035 | }
1036 | else
1037 | {
1038 | Assert(pNamespace->pRoot == pCur);
1039 | break;
1040 | }
1041 | }
1042 | }
1043 | pNamespace->pRoot = NULL;
1044 | }
1045 |
1046 | /*
1047 | * Free the translation table filename if allocated.
1048 | */
1049 | if (pNamespace->pszTransTbl)
1050 | {
1051 | if (pNamespace->pszTransTbl != g_szTransTbl)
1052 | RTStrFree(pNamespace->pszTransTbl);
1053 | pNamespace->pszTransTbl = NULL;
1054 | }
1055 |
1056 | /*
1057 | * Free string IDs.
1058 | */
1059 | if (pNamespace->pszSystemId)
1060 | {
1061 | if (pNamespace->pszSystemId != g_szSystemId)
1062 | RTStrFree(pNamespace->pszSystemId);
1063 | pNamespace->pszSystemId = NULL;
1064 | }
1065 |
1066 | if (pNamespace->pszVolumeId)
1067 | {
1068 | RTStrFree(pNamespace->pszVolumeId);
1069 | pNamespace->pszVolumeId = NULL;
1070 | }
1071 |
1072 | if (pNamespace->pszVolumeSetId)
1073 | {
1074 | RTStrFree(pNamespace->pszVolumeSetId);
1075 | pNamespace->pszVolumeSetId = NULL;
1076 | }
1077 |
1078 | if (pNamespace->pszPublisherId)
1079 | {
1080 | RTStrFree(pNamespace->pszPublisherId);
1081 | pNamespace->pszPublisherId = NULL;
1082 | }
1083 |
1084 | if (pNamespace->pszDataPreparerId)
1085 | {
1086 | RTStrFree(pNamespace->pszDataPreparerId);
1087 | pNamespace->pszDataPreparerId = NULL;
1088 | }
1089 |
1090 | if (pNamespace->pszApplicationId)
1091 | {
1092 | if ( pNamespace->pszApplicationId != g_szAppIdPrimaryIso
1093 | && pNamespace->pszApplicationId != g_szAppIdJoliet)
1094 | RTStrFree(pNamespace->pszApplicationId);
1095 | pNamespace->pszApplicationId = NULL;
1096 | }
1097 |
1098 | if (pNamespace->pszCopyrightFileId)
1099 | {
1100 | RTStrFree(pNamespace->pszCopyrightFileId);
1101 | pNamespace->pszCopyrightFileId = NULL;
1102 | }
1103 |
1104 | if (pNamespace->pszAbstractFileId)
1105 | {
1106 | RTStrFree(pNamespace->pszAbstractFileId);
1107 | pNamespace->pszAbstractFileId = NULL;
1108 | }
1109 |
1110 | if (pNamespace->pszBibliographicFileId)
1111 | {
1112 | RTStrFree(pNamespace->pszBibliographicFileId);
1113 | pNamespace->pszBibliographicFileId = NULL;
1114 | }
1115 | }
1116 |
1117 |
1118 | /**
1119 | * Destroys an ISO maker instance.
1120 | *
1121 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance to destroy.
1122 | */
1123 | static void rtFsIsoMakerDestroy(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis)
1124 | {
1125 | rtFsIsoMakerDestroyTree(&pThis->PrimaryIso);
1126 | rtFsIsoMakerDestroyTree(&pThis->Joliet);
1127 | rtFsIsoMakerDestroyTree(&pThis->Udf);
1128 | rtFsIsoMakerDestroyTree(&pThis->Hfs);
1129 |
1132 | RTListForEachSafe(&pThis->ObjectHead, pCur, pNext, RTFSISOMAKEROBJ, Entry)
1133 | {
1134 | RTListNodeRemove(&pCur->Entry);
1135 | rtFsIsoMakerObjDestroy(pCur);
1136 | }
1137 |
1138 | if (pThis->paCommonSources)
1139 | {
1140 | RTMemFree(pThis->paCommonSources);
1141 | pThis->paCommonSources = NULL;
1142 | }
1143 |
1144 | if (pThis->pbVolDescs)
1145 | {
1146 | RTMemFree(pThis->pbVolDescs);
1147 | pThis->pbVolDescs = NULL;
1148 | }
1149 |
1150 | if (pThis->pbSysArea)
1151 | {
1152 | RTMemFree(pThis->pbSysArea);
1153 | pThis->pbSysArea = NULL;
1154 | }
1155 |
1156 | pThis->uMagic = ~RTFSISOMAKERINT_MAGIC;
1157 | RTMemFree(pThis);
1158 | }
1159 |
1160 |
1161 | /**
1162 | * Retains a references to an ISO maker instance.
1163 | *
1164 | * @returns New reference count on success, UINT32_MAX if invalid handle.
1165 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1166 | */
1167 | RTDECL(uint32_t) RTFsIsoMakerRetain(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker)
1168 | {
1169 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1170 | AssertPtrReturn(pThis, UINT32_MAX);
1171 | AssertReturn(pThis->uMagic == RTFSISOMAKERINT_MAGIC, UINT32_MAX);
1172 | uint32_t cRefs = ASMAtomicIncU32(&pThis->cRefs);
1173 | Assert(cRefs > 1);
1174 | Assert(cRefs < _64K);
1175 | return cRefs;
1176 | }
1177 |
1178 |
1179 | /**
1180 | * Releases a references to an ISO maker instance.
1181 | *
1182 | * @returns New reference count on success, UINT32_MAX if invalid handle.
1183 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle. NIL is ignored.
1184 | */
1185 | RTDECL(uint32_t) RTFsIsoMakerRelease(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker)
1186 | {
1187 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1188 | uint32_t cRefs;
1189 | if (pThis == NIL_RTFSISOMAKER)
1190 | cRefs = 0;
1191 | else
1192 | {
1193 | AssertPtrReturn(pThis, UINT32_MAX);
1194 | AssertReturn(pThis->uMagic == RTFSISOMAKERINT_MAGIC, UINT32_MAX);
1195 | cRefs = ASMAtomicDecU32(&pThis->cRefs);
1196 | Assert(cRefs < _64K);
1197 | if (!cRefs)
1198 | rtFsIsoMakerDestroy(pThis);
1199 | }
1200 | return cRefs;
1201 | }
1202 |
1203 |
1204 | /**
1205 | * Sets the ISO-9660 level.
1206 | *
1207 | * @returns IPRT status code
1208 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1209 | * @param uIsoLevel The level, 1-3.
1210 | */
1211 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetIso9660Level(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint8_t uIsoLevel)
1212 | {
1213 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1215 | AssertReturn(uIsoLevel <= 3, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1216 | AssertReturn(uIsoLevel > 0, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* currently not possible to disable this */
1217 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fSeenContent, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
1218 |
1219 | pThis->PrimaryIso.uLevel = uIsoLevel;
1220 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1221 | }
1222 |
1223 |
1224 | /**
1225 | * Gets the ISO-9660 level.
1226 | *
1227 | * @returns The level, UINT8_MAX if invalid handle.
1228 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1229 | */
1230 | RTDECL(uint8_t) RTFsIsoMakerGetIso9660Level(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker)
1231 | {
1232 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1234 | return pThis->PrimaryIso.uLevel;
1235 | }
1236 |
1237 |
1238 | /**
1239 | * Sets the joliet level.
1240 | *
1241 | * @returns IPRT status code
1242 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1243 | * @param uJolietLevel The joliet UCS-2 level 1-3, or 0 to disable
1244 | * joliet.
1245 | */
1246 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetJolietUcs2Level(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint8_t uJolietLevel)
1247 | {
1248 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1250 | AssertReturn(uJolietLevel <= 3, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1251 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fSeenContent, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
1252 |
1253 | if (pThis->Joliet.uLevel != uJolietLevel)
1254 | {
1255 | if (uJolietLevel == 0)
1256 | pThis->cVolumeDescriptors--;
1257 | else if (pThis->Joliet.uLevel == 0)
1258 | pThis->cVolumeDescriptors++;
1259 | pThis->Joliet.uLevel = uJolietLevel;
1260 | }
1261 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1262 | }
1263 |
1264 |
1265 | /**
1266 | * Sets the rock ridge support level (on the primary ISO-9660 namespace).
1267 | *
1268 | * @returns IPRT status code
1269 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1270 | * @param uLevel 0 if disabled, 1 to just enable, 2 to enable and
1271 | * write the ER tag.
1272 | */
1273 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetRockRidgeLevel(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint8_t uLevel)
1274 | {
1275 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1277 | AssertReturn(uLevel <= 2, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1278 | AssertReturn( !pThis->fSeenContent
1279 | || (uLevel >= pThis->PrimaryIso.uRockRidgeLevel && pThis->PrimaryIso.uRockRidgeLevel > 0), VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
1280 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fSeenContent, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
1281 |
1282 | pThis->PrimaryIso.uRockRidgeLevel = uLevel;
1283 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1284 | }
1285 |
1286 |
1287 | /**
1288 | * Sets the rock ridge support level on the joliet namespace (experimental).
1289 | *
1290 | * @returns IPRT status code
1291 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1292 | * @param uLevel 0 if disabled, 1 to just enable, 2 to enable and
1293 | * write the ER tag.
1294 | */
1295 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetJolietRockRidgeLevel(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint8_t uLevel)
1296 | {
1297 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1299 | AssertReturn(uLevel <= 2, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1300 | AssertReturn( !pThis->fSeenContent
1301 | || (uLevel >= pThis->Joliet.uRockRidgeLevel && pThis->Joliet.uRockRidgeLevel > 0), VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
1302 |
1303 | pThis->Joliet.uRockRidgeLevel = uLevel;
1304 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1305 | }
1306 |
1307 |
1308 | /**
1309 | * Gets the rock ridge support level (on the primary ISO-9660 namespace).
1310 | *
1311 | * @returns 0 if disabled, 1 just enabled, 2 if enabled with ER tag, and
1312 | * UINT8_MAX if the handle is invalid.
1313 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1314 | */
1315 | RTDECL(uint8_t) RTFsIsoMakerGetRockRidgeLevel(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker)
1316 | {
1317 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1319 | return pThis->PrimaryIso.uRockRidgeLevel;
1320 | }
1321 |
1322 |
1323 | /**
1324 | * Gets the rock ridge support level on the joliet namespace (experimental).
1325 | *
1326 | * @returns 0 if disabled, 1 just enabled, 2 if enabled with ER tag, and
1327 | * UINT8_MAX if the handle is invalid.
1328 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1329 | */
1330 | RTDECL(uint8_t) RTFsIsoMakerGetJolietRockRidgeLevel(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker)
1331 | {
1332 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1334 | return pThis->Joliet.uRockRidgeLevel;
1335 | }
1336 |
1337 |
1338 | /**
1339 | * Changes the file attribute (mode, owner, group) inherit style (from source).
1340 | *
1341 | * The strict style will use the exact attributes from the source, where as the
1342 | * non-strict (aka rational and default) style will use 0 for the owner and
1343 | * group IDs and normalize the mode bits along the lines of 'chmod a=rX',
1344 | * stripping set-uid/gid bitson files but preserving sticky ones on directories.
1345 | *
1346 | * When disabling strict style, the default dir and file modes will be restored
1347 | * to default values.
1348 | *
1349 | * @returns IRPT status code.
1350 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1351 | * @param fStrict Indicates strict (true) or non-strict (false)
1352 | * style.
1353 | */
1354 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetAttribInheritStyle(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, bool fStrict)
1355 | {
1356 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1358 |
1359 | pThis->fStrictAttributeStyle = fStrict;
1360 | if (!fStrict)
1361 | {
1362 | pThis->fDefaultFileMode = 0444 | RTFS_TYPE_FILE | RTFS_DOS_ARCHIVED | RTFS_DOS_READONLY;
1364 | }
1365 |
1366 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1367 | }
1368 |
1369 |
1370 | /**
1371 | * Sets the default file mode settings.
1372 | *
1373 | * @returns IRPT status code.
1374 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1375 | * @param fMode The default file mode.
1376 | */
1377 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetDefaultFileMode(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, RTFMODE fMode)
1378 | {
1379 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1381 | Assert(!(fMode & ~RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS));
1382 |
1383 | pThis->fDefaultFileMode &= ~RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS;
1384 | pThis->fDefaultFileMode |= fMode & RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS;
1385 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1386 | }
1387 |
1388 |
1389 | /**
1390 | * Sets the default dir mode settings.
1391 | *
1392 | * @returns IRPT status code.
1393 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1394 | * @param fMode The default dir mode.
1395 | */
1396 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetDefaultDirMode(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, RTFMODE fMode)
1397 | {
1398 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1400 | Assert(!(fMode & ~RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS));
1401 |
1402 | pThis->fDefaultDirMode &= ~RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS;
1403 | pThis->fDefaultDirMode |= fMode & RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS;
1404 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1405 | }
1406 |
1407 |
1408 | /**
1409 | * Sets the forced file mode, if @a fForce is true also the default mode is set.
1410 | *
1411 | * @returns IRPT status code.
1412 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1413 | * @param fMode The file mode.
1414 | * @param fForce Indicate whether forced mode is active or not.
1415 | */
1416 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetForcedFileMode(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, RTFMODE fMode, bool fForce)
1417 | {
1418 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1420 | Assert(!(fMode & ~RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS));
1421 |
1422 | pThis->fForcedFileMode = fMode & RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS;
1423 | pThis->fForcedFileModeActive = fForce;
1424 | if (fForce)
1425 | {
1426 | pThis->fDefaultFileMode &= ~RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS;
1427 | pThis->fDefaultFileMode |= fMode & RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS;
1428 | }
1429 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1430 | }
1431 |
1432 |
1433 | /**
1434 | * Sets the forced dir mode, if @a fForce is true also the default mode is set.
1435 | *
1436 | * @returns IRPT status code.
1437 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1438 | * @param fMode The dir mode.
1439 | * @param fForce Indicate whether forced mode is active or not.
1440 | */
1441 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetForcedDirMode(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, RTFMODE fMode, bool fForce)
1442 | {
1443 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1445 | Assert(!(fMode & ~RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS));
1446 |
1447 | pThis->fForcedDirModeActive = fForce;
1448 | pThis->fForcedDirMode = fMode & RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS;
1449 | if (fForce)
1450 | {
1451 | pThis->fDefaultDirMode &= ~RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS;
1452 | pThis->fDefaultDirMode |= fMode & RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS;
1453 | }
1454 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1455 | }
1456 |
1457 |
1458 | /**
1459 | * Sets the content of the system area, i.e. the first 32KB of the image.
1460 | *
1461 | * This can be used to put generic boot related stuff.
1462 | *
1463 | * @note Other settings may overwrite parts of the content (yet to be
1464 | * determined which).
1465 | *
1466 | * @returns IPRT status code
1467 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1468 | * @param pvContent The content to put in the system area.
1469 | * @param cbContent The size of the content.
1470 | * @param off The offset into the system area.
1471 | */
1472 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetSysAreaContent(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, void const *pvContent, size_t cbContent, uint32_t off)
1473 | {
1474 | /*
1475 | * Validate input.
1476 | */
1477 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1479 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
1480 | AssertReturn(cbContent > 0, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
1481 | AssertReturn(cbContent <= _32K, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
1482 | AssertReturn(off < _32K, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
1483 | size_t cbSysArea = off + cbContent;
1484 | AssertReturn(cbSysArea <= _32K, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
1485 |
1486 | /*
1487 | * Adjust the allocation and copy over the new/additional content.
1488 | */
1489 | if (pThis->cbSysArea < cbSysArea)
1490 | {
1491 | void *pvNew = RTMemRealloc(pThis->pbSysArea, cbSysArea);
1492 | AssertReturn(pvNew, VERR_NO_MEMORY);
1493 | pThis->pbSysArea = (uint8_t *)pvNew;
1494 | memset(&pThis->pbSysArea[pThis->cbSysArea], 0, cbSysArea - pThis->cbSysArea);
1495 | }
1496 |
1497 | memcpy(&pThis->pbSysArea[off], pvContent, cbContent);
1498 |
1499 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1500 | }
1501 |
1502 |
1503 | /**
1504 | * Sets a string property in one or more namespaces.
1505 | *
1506 | * @returns IPRT status code.
1507 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1508 | * @param enmStringProp The string property to set.
1509 | * @param fNamespaces The namespaces to set it in.
1510 | * @param pszValue The value to set it to. NULL is treated like an
1511 | * empty string. The value will be silently truncated
1512 | * to fit the available space.
1513 | */
1514 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetStringProp(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, RTFSISOMAKERSTRINGPROP enmStringProp,
1515 | uint32_t fNamespaces, const char *pszValue)
1516 | {
1517 | /*
1518 | * Validate input.
1519 | */
1520 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1522 | AssertReturn( enmStringProp > RTFSISOMAKERSTRINGPROP_INVALID
1525 | if (pszValue)
1526 | {
1527 | AssertPtrReturn(pszValue, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
1528 | if (*pszValue == '\0')
1529 | pszValue = NULL;
1530 | }
1531 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
1532 |
1533 | /*
1534 | * Work the namespaces.
1535 | */
1536 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces); i++)
1537 | if (fNamespaces & g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].fNamespace)
1538 | {
1539 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace = (PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE)((uintptr_t)pThis + g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].offNamespace);
1540 | if (pNamespace->uLevel > 0)
1541 | {
1542 | /* Get a pointer to the field. */
1543 | char **ppszValue;
1544 | switch (enmStringProp)
1545 | {
1546 | case RTFSISOMAKERSTRINGPROP_SYSTEM_ID: ppszValue = &pNamespace->pszSystemId; break;
1547 | case RTFSISOMAKERSTRINGPROP_VOLUME_ID: ppszValue = &pNamespace->pszVolumeId; break;
1548 | case RTFSISOMAKERSTRINGPROP_VOLUME_SET_ID: ppszValue = &pNamespace->pszVolumeSetId; break;
1549 | case RTFSISOMAKERSTRINGPROP_PUBLISHER_ID: ppszValue = &pNamespace->pszPublisherId; break;
1550 | case RTFSISOMAKERSTRINGPROP_DATA_PREPARER_ID: ppszValue = &pNamespace->pszDataPreparerId; break;
1551 | case RTFSISOMAKERSTRINGPROP_APPLICATION_ID: ppszValue = &pNamespace->pszApplicationId; break;
1552 | case RTFSISOMAKERSTRINGPROP_COPYRIGHT_FILE_ID: ppszValue = &pNamespace->pszCopyrightFileId; break;
1553 | case RTFSISOMAKERSTRINGPROP_ABSTRACT_FILE_ID: ppszValue = &pNamespace->pszAbstractFileId; break;
1554 | case RTFSISOMAKERSTRINGPROP_BIBLIOGRAPHIC_FILE_ID: ppszValue = &pNamespace->pszBibliographicFileId; break;
1555 | default: AssertFailedReturn(VERR_IPE_NOT_REACHED_DEFAULT_CASE);
1556 | }
1557 |
1558 | /* Free the old value. */
1559 | char *pszOld = *ppszValue;
1560 | if ( pszOld
1561 | && pszOld != g_szAppIdPrimaryIso
1562 | && pszOld != g_szAppIdJoliet
1563 | && pszOld != g_szSystemId)
1564 | RTStrFree(pszOld);
1565 |
1566 | /* Set the new value. */
1567 | if (!pszValue)
1568 | *ppszValue = NULL;
1569 | else
1570 | {
1571 | *ppszValue = RTStrDup(pszValue);
1572 | AssertReturn(*ppszValue, VERR_NO_STR_MEMORY);
1573 | }
1574 | }
1575 | }
1576 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1577 | }
1578 |
1579 |
1580 | /**
1581 | * Specifies image padding.
1582 | *
1583 | * @returns IPRT status code.
1584 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
1585 | * @param cSectors Number of sectors to pad the image with.
1586 | */
1587 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetImagePadding(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t cSectors)
1588 | {
1589 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
1591 | AssertReturn(cSectors <= _64K, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
1592 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
1593 |
1594 | pThis->cbImagePadding = cSectors * RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE;
1595 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1596 | }
1597 |
1598 |
1599 |
1600 |
1601 |
1602 | /*
1603 | *
1604 | * Name space related internals.
1605 | * Name space related internals.
1606 | * Name space related internals.
1607 | *
1608 | */
1609 |
1610 |
1611 | /**
1612 | * Gets the pointer to the name member for the given namespace.
1613 | *
1614 | * @returns Pointer to name member.
1615 | * @param pObj The object to find a name member in.
1616 | * @param pNamespace The namespace which name to calculate.
1617 | */
1619 | {
1620 | return (PPRTFSISOMAKERNAME)((uintptr_t)pObj + pNamespace->offName);
1621 | }
1622 |
1623 |
1624 | /**
1625 | * Locates a child object by its namespace name.
1626 | *
1627 | * @returns Pointer to the child if found, NULL if not.
1628 | * @param pDirObj The directory object to search.
1629 | * @param pszEntry The (namespace) entry name.
1630 | * @param cchEntry The length of the name.
1631 | */
1632 | static PRTFSISOMAKERNAME rtFsIsoMakerFindObjInDir(PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pDirObj, const char *pszEntry, size_t cchEntry)
1633 | {
1634 | if (pDirObj)
1635 | {
1636 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR pDir = pDirObj->pDir;
1637 | AssertReturn(pDir, NULL);
1638 |
1639 | uint32_t i = pDir->cChildren;
1640 | while (i-- > 0)
1641 | {
1642 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pChild = pDir->papChildren[i];
1643 | if ( pChild->cchName == cchEntry
1644 | && RTStrNICmp(pChild->szName, pszEntry, cchEntry) == 0)
1645 | return pChild;
1646 | }
1647 | }
1648 | return NULL;
1649 | }
1650 |
1651 |
1652 | /**
1653 | * Compares the two names according to ISO-9660 directory sorting rules.
1654 | *
1655 | * As long as we don't want to do case insensitive joliet sorting, this works
1656 | * for joliet names to, I think.
1657 | *
1658 | * @returns 0 if equal, -1 if pszName1 comes first, 1 if pszName2 comes first.
1659 | * @param pszName1 The first name.
1660 | * @param pszName2 The second name.
1661 | */
1662 | DECLINLINE(int) rtFsIsoMakerCompareIso9660Names(const char *pszName1, const char *pszName2)
1663 | {
1664 | for (;;)
1665 | {
1666 | char const ch1 = *pszName1++;
1667 | char const ch2 = *pszName2++;
1668 | if (ch1 == ch2)
1669 | {
1670 | if (ch1)
1671 | { /* likely */ }
1672 | else
1673 | return 0;
1674 | }
1675 | else if (ch1 == ';' || ch2 == ';')
1676 | return ch1 == ';' ? -1 : 1;
1677 | else if (ch1 == '.' || ch2 == '.')
1678 | return ch1 == '.' ? -1 : 1;
1679 | else
1680 | return (unsigned char)ch1 < (unsigned char)ch2 ? -1 : 1;
1681 | }
1682 | }
1683 |
1684 |
1685 | /**
1686 | * Finds the index into papChildren where the given name should be inserted.
1687 | *
1688 | * @returns Index of the given name.
1689 | * @param pNamespace The namspace.
1690 | * @param pParent The parent namespace node.
1691 | * @param pszName The name.
1692 | */
1693 | static uint32_t rtFsIsoMakerFindInsertIndex(PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace, PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pParent, const char *pszName)
1694 | {
1695 | uint32_t idxRet = pParent->pDir->cChildren;
1696 | if (idxRet > 0)
1697 | {
1698 | /*
1699 | * The idea is to do binary search using a namespace specific compare
1700 | * function. However, it looks like we can get away with using the
1701 | * same compare function for all namespaces.
1702 | */
1703 | uint32_t idxStart = 0;
1704 | uint32_t idxEnd = idxRet;
1705 | PPRTFSISOMAKERNAME papChildren = pParent->pDir->papChildren;
1706 | switch (pNamespace->fNamespace)
1707 | {
1712 | for (;;)
1713 | {
1714 | idxRet = idxStart + (idxEnd - idxStart) / 2;
1715 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pCur = papChildren[idxRet];
1716 | int iDiff = rtFsIsoMakerCompareIso9660Names(pszName, pCur->szName);
1717 | if (iDiff < 0)
1718 | {
1719 | if (idxRet > idxStart)
1720 | idxEnd = idxRet;
1721 | else
1722 | break;
1723 | }
1724 | else
1725 | {
1726 | idxRet++;
1727 | if ( iDiff != 0
1728 | && idxRet < idxEnd)
1729 | idxStart = idxRet;
1730 | else
1731 | break;
1732 | }
1733 | }
1734 | break;
1735 |
1736 | default:
1737 | AssertFailed();
1738 | break;
1739 | }
1740 | }
1741 | return idxRet;
1742 | }
1743 |
1744 |
1745 |
1746 | /**
1747 | * Locates a child entry by its specified name.
1748 | *
1749 | * @returns Pointer to the child if found, NULL if not.
1750 | * @param pDirName The directory name to search.
1751 | * @param pszEntry The (specified) entry name.
1752 | * @param cchEntry The length of the name.
1753 | */
1754 | static PRTFSISOMAKERNAME rtFsIsoMakerFindEntryInDirBySpec(PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pDirName, const char *pszEntry, size_t cchEntry)
1755 | {
1756 | if (pDirName)
1757 | {
1758 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR pDir = pDirName->pDir;
1759 | AssertReturn(pDir, NULL);
1760 |
1761 | uint32_t i = pDir->cChildren;
1762 | while (i-- > 0)
1763 | {
1764 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pChild = pDir->papChildren[i];
1765 | if ( pChild->cchSpecNm == cchEntry
1766 | && RTStrNICmp(pChild->pszSpecNm, pszEntry, cchEntry) == 0)
1767 | return pChild;
1768 | }
1769 | }
1770 | return NULL;
1771 | }
1772 |
1773 |
1774 | /**
1775 | * Locates a subdir object in any namespace by its specified name.
1776 | *
1777 | * This is used to avoid having one instance of RTFSISOMAKERDIR in each
1778 | * namespace for the same directory.
1779 | *
1780 | * @returns Pointer to the subdir object if found, NULL if not.
1781 | * @param pDirObj The directory object to search.
1782 | * @param pszEntry The (specified) entry name.
1783 | * @param cchEntry The length of the name.
1784 | * @param fSkipNamespaces Namespaces to skip.
1785 | * @sa rtFsIsoMakerFindEntryInDirBySpec
1786 | */
1787 | static PRTFSISOMAKERDIR rtFsIsoMakerFindSubdirBySpec(PRTFSISOMAKERDIR pDirObj, const char *pszEntry, size_t cchEntry,
1788 | uint32_t fSkipNamespaces)
1789 | {
1790 | AssertReturn(pDirObj, NULL);
1791 | AssertReturn(pDirObj->Core.enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_DIR, NULL);
1792 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces); i++)
1793 | if (!(fSkipNamespaces & g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].fNamespace))
1794 | {
1795 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pDirName = *(PPRTFSISOMAKERNAME)((uintptr_t)pDirObj + g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].offName);
1796 | if (pDirName)
1797 | {
1798 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR pDir = pDirName->pDir;
1799 | AssertStmt(pDir, continue);
1800 |
1801 | uint32_t iChild = pDir->cChildren;
1802 | while (iChild-- > 0)
1803 | {
1804 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pChild = pDir->papChildren[iChild];
1805 | if ( pChild->cchSpecNm == cchEntry
1806 | && pChild->pDir != NULL
1807 | && RTStrNICmp(pChild->pszSpecNm, pszEntry, cchEntry) == 0)
1808 | return (PRTFSISOMAKERDIR)pChild->pObj;
1809 | }
1810 | }
1811 | }
1812 | return NULL;
1813 | }
1814 |
1815 |
1816 | /**
1817 | * Walks the given path by specified object names in a namespace.
1818 | *
1819 | * @returns IPRT status code.
1820 | * @param pNamespace The namespace to walk the path in.
1821 | * @param pszPath The path to walk.
1822 | * @param ppName Where to return the name node that the path ends with.
1823 | */
1824 | static int rtFsIsoMakerWalkPathBySpec(PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace, const char *pszPath, PPRTFSISOMAKERNAME ppName)
1825 | {
1826 | *ppName = NULL;
1827 | AssertReturn(RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszPath), VERR_INVALID_NAME);
1828 |
1829 | /*
1830 | * Deal with the special case of the root.
1831 | */
1832 | while (RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszPath))
1833 | pszPath++;
1834 |
1835 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pCur = pNamespace->pRoot;
1836 | if (!pCur)
1837 | return *pszPath ? VERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND : VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
1838 | if (!*pszPath)
1839 | {
1840 | *ppName = pCur;
1841 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1842 | }
1843 |
1844 | /*
1845 | * Now, do the rest of the path.
1846 | */
1847 | for (;;)
1848 | {
1849 | /*
1850 | * Find the end of the component.
1851 | */
1852 | char ch;
1853 | size_t cchComponent = 0;
1854 | while ((ch = pszPath[cchComponent]) != '\0' && !RTPATH_IS_SLASH(ch))
1855 | cchComponent++;
1856 | if (!cchComponent)
1857 | {
1858 | *ppName = pCur;
1859 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
1860 | }
1861 |
1862 | size_t offNext = cchComponent;
1863 | while (RTPATH_IS_SLASH(ch))
1864 | ch = pszPath[++offNext];
1865 |
1866 | /*
1867 | * Deal with dot and dot-dot.
1868 | */
1869 | if (cchComponent == 1 && pszPath[0] == '.')
1870 | { /* nothing to do */ }
1871 | else if (cchComponent == 2 && pszPath[0] == '.' && pszPath[1] == '.')
1872 | {
1873 | if (pCur->pParent)
1874 | pCur = pCur->pParent;
1875 | }
1876 | /*
1877 | * Look up the name.
1878 | */
1879 | else
1880 | {
1881 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pChild = rtFsIsoMakerFindEntryInDirBySpec(pCur, pszPath, cchComponent);
1882 | if (!pChild)
1883 | return pszPath[offNext] ? VERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND : VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
1884 | if ( (offNext > cchComponent)
1885 | && !pChild->pDir)
1886 | return VERR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY;
1887 | pCur = pChild;
1888 | }
1889 |
1890 | /*
1891 | * Skip ahead in the path.
1892 | */
1893 | pszPath += offNext;
1894 | }
1895 | }
1896 |
1897 |
1898 | /**
1899 | * Copy and convert a name to valid ISO-9660 (d-characters only).
1900 | *
1901 | * Worker for rtFsIsoMakerNormalizeNameForNamespace. ASSUMES it deals with
1902 | * dots.
1903 | *
1904 | * @returns Length of the resulting string.
1905 | * @param pszDst The output buffer.
1906 | * @param cchDstMax The maximum number of (d-chars) to put in the output
1907 | * buffer.
1908 | * @param pchSrc The UTF-8 source string (not neccessarily terminated).
1909 | * @param cchSrc The maximum number of chars to copy from the source
1910 | * string.
1911 | */
1912 | static size_t rtFsIsoMakerCopyIso9660Name(char *pszDst, size_t cchDstMax, const char *pchSrc, size_t cchSrc)
1913 | {
1914 | const char *pchSrcIn = pchSrc;
1915 | size_t offDst = 0;
1916 | while ((size_t)(pchSrc - pchSrcIn) < cchSrc)
1917 | {
1918 | RTUNICP uc;
1919 | int rc = RTStrGetCpEx(&pchSrc, &uc);
1920 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1921 | {
1922 | if ( uc < 128
1924 | {
1925 | pszDst[offDst++] = RT_C_TO_UPPER((char)uc);
1926 | if (offDst >= cchDstMax)
1927 | break;
1928 | }
1929 | }
1930 | }
1931 | pszDst[offDst] = '\0';
1932 | return offDst;
1933 | }
1934 |
1935 |
1936 | /**
1937 | * Normalizes a name for the primary ISO-9660 namespace.
1938 | *
1939 | * @returns IPRT status code.
1940 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
1941 | * @param pParent The parent directory. NULL if root.
1942 | * @param pchSrc The specified name to normalize (not necessarily zero
1943 | * terminated).
1944 | * @param cchSrc The length of the specified name.
1945 | * @param fNoNormalize Don't normalize the name very strictly (imported or
1946 | * such).
1947 | * @param fIsDir Indicates whether it's a directory or file (like).
1948 | * @param pszDst The output buffer. Must be at least 32 bytes.
1949 | * @param cbDst The size of the output buffer.
1950 | * @param pcchDst Where to return the length of the returned string (i.e.
1951 | * not counting the terminator).
1952 | * @param pcbInDirRec Where to return the name size in the directory record.
1953 | */
1954 | static int rtFsIsoMakerNormalizeNameForPrimaryIso9660(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pParent,
1955 | const char *pchSrc, size_t cchSrc, bool fNoNormalize, bool fIsDir,
1956 | char *pszDst, size_t cbDst, size_t *pcchDst, size_t *pcbInDirRec)
1957 | {
1958 | AssertReturn(cbDst > ISO9660_MAX_NAME_LEN + 2, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_BUFFER_SIZE);
1959 |
1960 | /* Skip leading dots. */
1961 | while (cchSrc > 0 && *pchSrc == '.')
1962 | pchSrc++, cchSrc--;
1963 | if (!cchSrc)
1964 | {
1965 | pchSrc = "DOTS";
1966 | cchSrc = 4;
1967 | }
1968 |
1969 | /*
1970 | * Produce a first name.
1971 | */
1972 | uint8_t const uIsoLevel = !fNoNormalize ? pThis->PrimaryIso.uLevel : RT_MAX(pThis->PrimaryIso.uLevel, 3);
1973 | size_t cchDst;
1974 | size_t offDstDot;
1975 | if (fIsDir && !fNoNormalize)
1976 | offDstDot = cchDst = rtFsIsoMakerCopyIso9660Name(pszDst, uIsoLevel >= 2 ? ISO9660_MAX_NAME_LEN : 8,
1977 | pchSrc, cchSrc);
1978 | else
1979 | {
1980 | /* Look for the last dot and try preserve the extension when doing the conversion. */
1981 | size_t offLastDot = cchSrc;
1982 | for (size_t off = 0; off < cchSrc; off++)
1983 | if (pchSrc[off] == '.')
1984 | offLastDot = off;
1985 |
1986 | if (fNoNormalize)
1987 | {
1988 | /* Try preserve the imported name, though, put the foot down if too long. */
1989 | offDstDot = offLastDot;
1990 | cchDst = cchSrc;
1991 | if (cchSrc > ISO9660_MAX_NAME_LEN)
1992 | {
1993 | cchDst = ISO9660_MAX_NAME_LEN;
1994 | if (offDstDot > cchDst)
1995 | offDstDot = cchDst;
1996 | }
1997 | memcpy(pszDst, pchSrc, cchDst);
1998 | pszDst[cchDst] = '\0';
1999 | }
2000 | else if (offLastDot == cchSrc)
2001 | offDstDot = cchDst = rtFsIsoMakerCopyIso9660Name(pszDst, uIsoLevel >= 2 ? ISO9660_MAX_NAME_LEN : 8,
2002 | pchSrc, cchSrc);
2003 | else
2004 | {
2005 | const char * const pchSrcExt = &pchSrc[offLastDot + 1];
2006 | size_t const cchSrcExt = cchSrc - offLastDot - 1;
2007 | if (uIsoLevel < 2)
2008 | {
2009 | cchDst = rtFsIsoMakerCopyIso9660Name(pszDst, 8, pchSrc, cchSrc);
2010 | offDstDot = cchDst;
2011 | pszDst[cchDst++] = '.';
2012 | cchDst += rtFsIsoMakerCopyIso9660Name(&pszDst[cchDst], 3, pchSrcExt, cchSrcExt);
2013 | }
2014 | else
2015 | {
2016 | size_t cchDstExt = rtFsIsoMakerCopyIso9660Name(pszDst, ISO9660_MAX_NAME_LEN - 2, pchSrcExt, cchSrcExt);
2017 | if (cchDstExt > 0)
2018 | {
2019 | size_t cchBasename = rtFsIsoMakerCopyIso9660Name(pszDst, ISO9660_MAX_NAME_LEN - 2,
2020 | pchSrc, offLastDot);
2021 | if (cchBasename + 1 + cchDstExt <= ISO9660_MAX_NAME_LEN)
2022 | cchDst = cchBasename;
2023 | else
2024 | cchDst = ISO9660_MAX_NAME_LEN - 1 - RT_MIN(cchDstExt, 4);
2025 | offDstDot = cchDst;
2026 | pszDst[cchDst++] = '.';
2027 | cchDst += rtFsIsoMakerCopyIso9660Name(&pszDst[cchDst], ISO9660_MAX_NAME_LEN - 1 - cchDst,
2028 | pchSrcExt, cchSrcExt);
2029 | }
2030 | else
2031 | offDstDot = cchDst = rtFsIsoMakerCopyIso9660Name(pszDst, ISO9660_MAX_NAME_LEN, pchSrc, cchSrc);
2032 | }
2033 | }
2034 | }
2035 |
2036 | /* Append version if not directory */
2037 | if (!fIsDir)
2038 | {
2039 | pszDst[cchDst++] = ';';
2040 | pszDst[cchDst++] = '1';
2041 | pszDst[cchDst] = '\0';
2042 | }
2043 |
2044 | /*
2045 | * Unique name?
2046 | */
2047 | if (!rtFsIsoMakerFindObjInDir(pParent, pszDst, cchDst))
2048 | {
2049 | *pcchDst = cchDst;
2050 | *pcbInDirRec = cchDst;
2051 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
2052 | }
2053 |
2054 | /*
2055 | * Mangle the name till we've got a unique one.
2056 | */
2057 | size_t const cchMaxBasename = (uIsoLevel >= 2 ? ISO9660_MAX_NAME_LEN : 8) - (cchDst - offDstDot);
2058 | size_t cchInserted = 0;
2059 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _32K; i++)
2060 | {
2061 | /* Add a numberic infix. */
2062 | char szOrd[64];
2063 | size_t cchOrd = RTStrFormatU32(szOrd, sizeof(szOrd), i + 1, 10, -1, -1, 0 /*fFlags*/);
2064 | Assert((ssize_t)cchOrd > 0);
2065 |
2066 | /* Do we need to shuffle the suffix? */
2067 | if (cchOrd > cchInserted)
2068 | {
2069 | if (offDstDot < cchMaxBasename)
2070 | {
2071 | memmove(&pszDst[offDstDot + 1], &pszDst[offDstDot], cchDst + 1 - offDstDot);
2072 | cchDst++;
2073 | offDstDot++;
2074 | }
2075 | cchInserted = cchOrd;
2076 | }
2077 |
2078 | /* Insert the new infix and try again. */
2079 | memcpy(&pszDst[offDstDot - cchOrd], szOrd, cchOrd);
2080 | if (!rtFsIsoMakerFindObjInDir(pParent, pszDst, cchDst))
2081 | {
2082 | *pcchDst = cchDst;
2083 | *pcbInDirRec = cchDst;
2084 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
2085 | }
2086 | }
2087 | AssertFailed();
2088 | return VERR_DUPLICATE;
2089 | }
2090 |
2091 |
2092 | /**
2093 | * Normalizes a name for the specified name space.
2094 | *
2095 | * @returns IPRT status code.
2096 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
2097 | * @param pNamespace The namespace which rules to normalize it according to.
2098 | * @param pParent The parent directory. NULL if root.
2099 | * @param pchSrc The specified name to normalize (not necessarily zero
2100 | * terminated).
2101 | * @param cchSrc The length of the specified name.
2102 | * @param fIsDir Indicates whether it's a directory or file (like).
2103 | * @param fNoNormalize Don't normalize the name very strictly (imported or
2104 | * such).
2105 | * @param pszDst The output buffer. Must be at least 32 bytes.
2106 | * @param cbDst The size of the output buffer.
2107 | * @param pcchDst Where to return the length of the returned string (i.e.
2108 | * not counting the terminator).
2109 | * @param pcbInDirRec Where to return the name size in the directory record.
2110 | */
2111 | static int rtFsIsoMakerNormalizeNameForNamespace(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace,
2112 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pParent, const char *pchSrc, size_t cchSrc,
2113 | bool fNoNormalize, bool fIsDir,
2114 | char *pszDst, size_t cbDst, size_t *pcchDst, size_t *pcbInDirRec)
2115 | {
2116 | if (cchSrc > 0)
2117 | {
2118 | /*
2119 | * Check that the object doesn't already exist.
2120 | */
2121 | AssertReturn(!rtFsIsoMakerFindEntryInDirBySpec(pParent, pchSrc, cchSrc), VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS);
2122 | switch (pNamespace->fNamespace)
2123 | {
2124 | /*
2125 | * This one is a lot of work, so separate function.
2126 | */
2128 | return rtFsIsoMakerNormalizeNameForPrimaryIso9660(pThis, pParent, pchSrc, cchSrc, fNoNormalize, fIsDir,
2129 | pszDst, cbDst, pcchDst, pcbInDirRec);
2130 |
2131 | /*
2132 | * At the moment we don't give darn about UCS-2 limitations here...
2133 | */
2135 | {
2136 | /** @todo Joliet name limit and check for duplicates. */
2137 | AssertReturn(cbDst > cchSrc, VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
2138 | memcpy(pszDst, pchSrc, cchSrc);
2139 | pszDst[cchSrc] = '\0';
2140 | *pcchDst = cchSrc;
2141 | *pcbInDirRec = RTStrCalcUtf16Len(pszDst) * sizeof(RTUTF16);
2142 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
2143 | }
2144 |
2147 | AssertFailedReturn(VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
2148 |
2149 | default:
2151 | }
2152 | }
2153 | else
2154 | {
2155 | /*
2156 | * Root special case.
2157 | *
2158 | * For ISO-9660 and joliet, we enter it with a length of 1 byte. The
2159 | * value byte value is zero. The path tables we generate won't be
2160 | * accepted by windows unless we do this.
2161 | */
2162 | *pszDst = '\0';
2163 | *pcchDst = 0;
2164 | *pcbInDirRec = pNamespace->fNamespace & (RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_ISO_9660 | RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_JOLIET) ? 1 : 0;
2165 | AssertReturn(!pParent, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_NAMESPACE_3);
2166 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
2167 | }
2168 | }
2169 |
2170 |
2171 | /**
2172 | * Creates a TRANS.TBL file object for a newly named directory.
2173 | *
2174 | * The file is associated with the namespace node for the directory. The file
2175 | * will be generated on the fly from the directory object.
2176 | *
2177 | * @returns IPRT status code.
2178 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
2179 | * @param pNamespace The namespace.
2180 | * @param pDirName The new name space node for the directory.
2181 | */
2182 | static int rtFsIsoMakerAddTransTblFileToNewDir(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace,
2184 | {
2185 | /*
2186 | * Create a file object for it.
2187 | */
2189 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWorker(pThis, NULL, 0, &pFile);
2190 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2191 | {
2193 | pFile->u.pTransTblDir = pDirName;
2194 | pFile->pBootInfoTable = NULL;
2195 | pDirName->pDir->pTransTblFile = pFile;
2196 |
2197 | /*
2198 | * Add it to the directory.
2199 | */
2201 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerObjSetName(pThis, pNamespace, &pFile->Core, pDirName, pNamespace->pszTransTbl,
2202 | strlen(pNamespace->pszTransTbl), false /*fNoNormalize*/, &pTransTblNm);
2203 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2204 | {
2205 | pTransTblNm->cchTransNm = 0;
2206 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
2207 | }
2208 |
2209 | /*
2210 | * Bail.
2211 | */
2212 | pDirName->pDir->pTransTblFile = NULL;
2213 | rtFsIsoMakerObjRemoveWorker(pThis, &pFile->Core);
2214 | }
2215 | return rc;
2216 | }
2217 |
2218 |
2219 | /**
2220 | * Sets the name of an object in a namespace.
2221 | *
2222 | * If the object is already named in the name space, it will first be removed
2223 | * from that namespace. Should we run out of memory or into normalization
2224 | * issues after removing it, its original state will _not_ be restored.
2225 | *
2226 | * @returns IPRT status code.
2227 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
2228 | * @param pNamespace The namespace.
2229 | * @param pObj The object to name.
2230 | * @param pParent The parent namespace entry
2231 | * @param pchSpec The specified name (not necessarily terminated).
2232 | * @param cchSpec The specified name length.
2233 | * @param fNoNormalize Don't normalize the name (imported or such).
2234 | * @param ppNewName Where to return the name entry. Optional.
2235 | */
2237 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pParent, const char *pchSpec, size_t cchSpec, bool fNoNormalize,
2239 | {
2240 | Assert(cchSpec < _32K);
2241 |
2242 | /*
2243 | * If this is a file, check the size against the ISO level.
2244 | * This ASSUMES that only files which size we already know will be 4GB+ sized.
2245 | */
2246 | if ( (pNamespace->fNamespace & RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_ISO_9660)
2247 | && pNamespace->uLevel < 3
2248 | && pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE)
2249 | {
2251 | if (pFile->cbData >= _4G)
2253 | }
2254 |
2255 | /*
2256 | * If this is a symbolic link, refuse to add it to a namespace that isn't
2257 | * configured to support symbolic links.
2258 | */
2259 | if ( pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_SYMLINK
2261 | && pNamespace->uRockRidgeLevel == 0)
2263 |
2264 | /*
2265 | * If the object is already named, unset that name before continuing.
2266 | */
2267 | if (*rtFsIsoMakerObjGetNameForNamespace(pObj, pNamespace))
2268 | {
2269 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerObjUnsetName(pThis, pNamespace, pObj);
2270 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
2271 | return rc;
2272 | }
2273 |
2274 | /*
2275 | * To avoid need to revert anything, make sure papChildren in the parent is
2276 | * large enough. If root object, make sure we haven't got a root already.
2277 | */
2278 | if (pParent)
2279 | {
2280 | AssertReturn(pParent->pDir, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_NAMESPACE_1);
2281 | uint32_t cChildren = pParent->pDir->cChildren;
2282 | if (cChildren & 31)
2283 | { /* likely */ }
2284 | else
2285 | {
2287 | void *pvNew = RTMemRealloc(pParent->pDir->papChildren, (cChildren + 32) * sizeof(pParent->pDir->papChildren[0]));
2288 | AssertReturn(pvNew, VERR_NO_MEMORY);
2289 | pParent->pDir->papChildren = (PPRTFSISOMAKERNAME)pvNew;
2290 | }
2291 | }
2292 | else
2293 | AssertReturn(pNamespace->pRoot == NULL, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_NAMESPACE_2);
2294 |
2295 | /*
2296 | * Normalize the name for this namespace.
2297 | */
2298 | size_t cchName = 0;
2299 | size_t cbNameInDirRec = 0;
2300 | char szName[RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_NAME_BUF];
2301 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerNormalizeNameForNamespace(pThis, pNamespace, pParent, pchSpec, cchSpec, fNoNormalize,
2302 | pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_DIR,
2303 | szName, sizeof(szName), &cchName, &cbNameInDirRec);
2304 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2305 | {
2306 | Assert(cbNameInDirRec > 0);
2307 |
2308 | size_t cbName = sizeof(RTFSISOMAKERNAME)
2309 | + cchName + 1
2310 | + cchSpec + 1;
2311 | if (pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_DIR)
2312 | cbName = RT_ALIGN_Z(cbName, 8) + sizeof(RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR);
2314 | if (pName)
2315 | {
2316 | pName->pObj = pObj;
2317 | pName->pParent = pParent;
2318 | pName->cbNameInDirRec = (uint16_t)cbNameInDirRec;
2319 | pName->cchName = (uint16_t)cchName;
2320 |
2321 | char *pszDst = &pName->szName[cchName + 1];
2322 | memcpy(pszDst, pchSpec, cchSpec);
2323 | pszDst[cchSpec] = '\0';
2324 | pName->pszSpecNm = pszDst;
2325 | pName->pszRockRidgeNm = pszDst;
2326 | pName->pszTransNm = pszDst;
2327 | pName->cchSpecNm = (uint16_t)cchSpec;
2328 | pName->cchRockRidgeNm = (uint16_t)cchSpec;
2329 | pName->cchTransNm = (uint16_t)cchSpec;
2330 | pName->uDepth = pParent ? pParent->uDepth + 1 : 0;
2331 | pName->fRockRidgeNmAlloced = false;
2332 | pName->fTransNmAlloced = false;
2333 | pName->fRockNeedER = false;
2334 | pName->fRockNeedRRInDirRec = false;
2335 | pName->fRockNeedRRInSpill = false;
2336 |
2337 | pName->fMode = pObj->fMode;
2338 | pName->uid = pObj->uid;
2339 | pName->gid = pObj->gid;
2340 | pName->Device = 0;
2341 | pName->cHardlinks = 1;
2342 | pName->offDirRec = UINT32_MAX;
2343 | pName->cbDirRec = 0;
2344 | pName->cDirRecs = 1;
2345 | pName->cbDirRecTotal = 0;
2346 | pName->fRockEntries = 0;
2347 | pName->cbRockInDirRec = 0;
2348 | pName->offRockSpill = UINT32_MAX;
2349 | pName->cbRockSpill = 0;
2350 |
2351 | memcpy(pName->szName, szName, cchName);
2352 | pName->szName[cchName] = '\0';
2353 |
2354 | if (pObj->enmType != RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_DIR)
2355 | pName->pDir = NULL;
2356 | else
2357 | {
2358 | size_t offDir = RT_UOFFSETOF(RTFSISOMAKERNAME, szName) + cchName + 1 + cchSpec + 1;
2359 | offDir = RT_ALIGN_Z(offDir, 8);
2361 | pDir->offDir = UINT64_MAX;
2362 | pDir->cbDir = 0;
2363 | pDir->cChildren = 0;
2364 | pDir->papChildren = NULL;
2365 | pDir->pTransTblFile = NULL;
2366 | pDir->pName = pName;
2367 | pDir->offPathTable = UINT32_MAX;
2368 | pDir->idPathTable = UINT16_MAX;
2369 | pDir->cbDirRec00 = 0;
2370 | pDir->cbDirRec01 = 0;
2371 | RTListInit(&pDir->FinalizedEntry);
2372 | pName->pDir = pDir;
2373 |
2374 | /* Create the TRANS.TBL file object and enter it into this directory as the first entry. */
2375 | if (pNamespace->pszTransTbl)
2376 | {
2377 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerAddTransTblFileToNewDir(pThis, pNamespace, pName);
2378 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
2379 | {
2380 | RTMemFree(pName);
2381 | return rc;
2382 | }
2383 | }
2384 | }
2385 |
2386 | /*
2387 | * Do the linking and stats. We practice insertion sorting.
2388 | */
2389 | if (pParent)
2390 | {
2391 | uint32_t idxName = rtFsIsoMakerFindInsertIndex(pNamespace, pParent, pName->szName);
2392 | uint32_t cChildren = pParent->pDir->cChildren;
2393 | if (idxName < cChildren)
2394 | memmove(&pParent->pDir->papChildren[idxName + 1], &pParent->pDir->papChildren[idxName],
2395 | (cChildren - idxName) * sizeof(pParent->pDir->papChildren[0]));
2396 | pParent->pDir->papChildren[idxName] = pName;
2397 | pParent->pDir->cChildren++;
2398 | }
2399 | else
2400 | pNamespace->pRoot = pName;
2401 | *rtFsIsoMakerObjGetNameForNamespace(pObj, pNamespace) = pName;
2402 | pNamespace->cNames++;
2403 |
2404 | /*
2405 | * Done.
2406 | */
2407 | if (ppNewName)
2408 | *ppNewName = pName;
2409 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
2410 | }
2411 | }
2412 | return rc;
2413 | }
2414 |
2415 |
2416 | /**
2417 | * Walks the path up to the parent, creating missing directories as needed.
2418 | *
2419 | * As usual, we walk the specified names rather than the mangled ones.
2420 | *
2421 | * @returns IPRT status code.
2422 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
2423 | * @param pNamespace The namespace to walk.
2424 | * @param pszPath The path to walk.
2425 | * @param ppParent Where to return the pointer to the parent
2426 | * namespace node.
2427 | * @param ppszEntry Where to return the pointer to the final name component.
2428 | * @param pcchEntry Where to return the length of the final name component.
2429 | */
2430 | static int rtFsIsoMakerCreatePathToParent(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace, const char *pszPath,
2431 | PPRTFSISOMAKERNAME ppParent, const char **ppszEntry, size_t *pcchEntry)
2432 | {
2433 | *ppParent = NULL; /* shut up gcc */
2434 | *ppszEntry = NULL; /* shut up gcc */
2435 | *pcchEntry = 0; /* shut up gcc */
2436 |
2437 | int rc;
2438 | AssertReturn(RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszPath), VERR_ISOMK_IPE_ROOT_SLASH);
2439 |
2440 | /*
2441 | * Deal with the special case of the root.
2442 | */
2443 | while (RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszPath))
2444 | pszPath++;
2445 | AssertReturn(*pszPath, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_EMPTY_PATH); /* We should not be called on a root path. */
2446 |
2447 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pParent = pNamespace->pRoot;
2448 | if (!pParent)
2449 | {
2450 | PRTFSISOMAKERDIR pDir = RTListGetFirst(&pThis->ObjectHead, RTFSISOMAKERDIR, Core.Entry);
2451 | #ifdef RT_STRICT
2452 | Assert(pDir);
2453 | Assert(pDir->Core.idxObj == 0);
2454 | Assert(pDir->Core.enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_DIR);
2455 | Assert(*rtFsIsoMakerObjGetNameForNamespace(&pDir->Core, pNamespace) == NULL);
2456 | #endif
2457 |
2458 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerObjSetName(pThis, pNamespace, &pDir->Core, NULL /*pParent*/, "", 0, false /*fNoNormalize*/, &pParent);
2459 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
2460 | pParent = pNamespace->pRoot;
2461 | AssertReturn(pParent, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_NAMESPACE_4);
2462 | }
2463 |
2464 | /*
2465 | * Now, do the rest of the path.
2466 | */
2467 | for (;;)
2468 | {
2469 | /*
2470 | * Find the end of the component and see if its the final one or not.
2471 | */
2472 | char ch;
2473 | size_t cchComponent = 0;
2474 | while ((ch = pszPath[cchComponent]) != '\0' && !RTPATH_IS_SLASH(ch))
2475 | cchComponent++;
2476 | AssertReturn(cchComponent > 0, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_EMPTY_COMPONENT);
2477 |
2478 | size_t offNext = cchComponent;
2479 | while (RTPATH_IS_SLASH(ch))
2480 | ch = pszPath[++offNext];
2481 |
2482 | if (ch == '\0')
2483 | {
2484 | /*
2485 | * Final component. Make sure it is not dot or dot-dot before returning.
2486 | */
2487 | AssertReturn( pszPath[0] != '.'
2488 | || cchComponent > 2
2489 | || ( cchComponent == 2
2490 | && pszPath[1] != '.'),
2492 |
2493 | *ppParent = pParent;
2494 | *ppszEntry = pszPath;
2495 | *pcchEntry = cchComponent;
2496 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
2497 | }
2498 |
2499 | /*
2500 | * Deal with dot and dot-dot.
2501 | */
2502 | if (cchComponent == 1 && pszPath[0] == '.')
2503 | { /* nothing to do */ }
2504 | else if (cchComponent == 2 && pszPath[0] == '.' && pszPath[1] == '.')
2505 | {
2506 | if (pParent->pParent)
2507 | pParent = pParent->pParent;
2508 | }
2509 | /*
2510 | * Look it up.
2511 | */
2512 | else
2513 | {
2514 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pChild = rtFsIsoMakerFindEntryInDirBySpec(pParent, pszPath, cchComponent);
2515 | if (pChild)
2516 | {
2517 | if (pChild->pDir)
2518 | pParent = pChild;
2519 | else
2520 | return VERR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY;
2521 | }
2522 | else
2523 | {
2524 | /* Try see if we've got a directory with the same spec name in a different namespace.
2525 | (We don't want to waste heap by creating a directory instance per namespace.) */
2526 | PRTFSISOMAKERDIR pChildObj = rtFsIsoMakerFindSubdirBySpec((PRTFSISOMAKERDIR)pParent->pObj,
2527 | pszPath, cchComponent, pNamespace->fNamespace);
2528 | if (pChildObj)
2529 | {
2530 | PPRTFSISOMAKERNAME ppChildName = rtFsIsoMakerObjGetNameForNamespace(&pChildObj->Core, pNamespace);
2531 | if (!*ppChildName)
2532 | {
2533 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerObjSetName(pThis, pNamespace, &pChildObj->Core, pParent, pszPath, cchComponent,
2534 | false /*fNoNormalize*/, &pChild);
2535 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
2536 | return rc;
2537 | AssertReturn(pChild != NULL, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_NAMESPACE_5);
2538 | }
2539 | }
2540 | /* If we didn't have luck in other namespaces, create a new directory. */
2541 | if (!pChild)
2542 | {
2543 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedDirWorker(pThis, NULL /*pObjInfo*/, &pChildObj);
2544 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2545 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerObjSetName(pThis, pNamespace, &pChildObj->Core, pParent, pszPath, cchComponent,
2546 | false /*fNoNormalize*/, &pChild);
2547 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
2548 | return rc;
2549 | AssertReturn(pChild != NULL, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_NAMESPACE_5);
2550 | }
2551 | pParent = pChild;
2552 | }
2553 | }
2554 |
2555 | /*
2556 | * Skip ahead in the path.
2557 | */
2558 | pszPath += offNext;
2559 | }
2560 | }
2561 |
2562 |
2563 | /**
2564 | * Worker for RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath that operates on a single namespace.
2565 | *
2566 | * @returns IPRT status code.
2567 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
2568 | * @param pNamespace The namespace to name it in.
2569 | * @param pObj The filesystem object to name.
2570 | * @param pszPath The path to the entry in the namespace.
2571 | */
2572 | static int rtFsIsoMakerObjSetPathInOne(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace,
2573 | PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj, const char *pszPath)
2574 | {
2575 | AssertReturn(*rtFsIsoMakerObjGetNameForNamespace(pObj, pNamespace) == NULL, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
2576 | AssertReturn(RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszPath), VERR_ISOMK_IPE_ROOT_SLASH);
2577 |
2578 | /*
2579 | * Figure out where the parent is.
2580 | * This will create missing parent name space entries and directory nodes.
2581 | */
2583 | const char *pszEntry;
2584 | size_t cchEntry;
2585 | int rc;
2586 | if (pszPath[1] != '\0')
2587 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerCreatePathToParent(pThis, pNamespace, pszPath, &pParent, &pszEntry, &cchEntry);
2588 | else
2589 | {
2590 | /*
2591 | * Special case for the root directory.
2592 | */
2593 | Assert(pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_DIR);
2594 | AssertReturn(pNamespace->pRoot == NULL, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
2595 | pszEntry = "/";
2596 | cchEntry = 0;
2597 | pParent = NULL;
2598 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2599 | }
2600 |
2601 | /*
2602 | * Do the job on the final path component.
2603 | */
2604 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2605 | {
2606 | AssertReturn(!RTPATH_IS_SLASH(pszEntry[cchEntry]) || pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_DIR,
2608 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerObjSetName(pThis, pNamespace, pObj, pParent, pszEntry, cchEntry, false /*fNoNormalize*/, NULL);
2609 | }
2610 | return rc;
2611 | }
2612 |
2613 |
2614 | /**
2615 | * Removes an object from the given namespace.
2616 | *
2617 | * @returns IPRT status code.
2618 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
2619 | * @param pNamespace The namespace.
2620 | * @param pObj The object to name.
2621 | */
2623 | {
2624 | LogFlow(("rtFsIsoMakerObjUnsetName: idxObj=#%#x\n", pObj->idxObj));
2625 |
2626 | /*
2627 | * First check if there is anything to do here at all.
2628 | */
2629 | PPRTFSISOMAKERNAME ppName = rtFsIsoMakerObjGetNameForNamespace(pObj, pNamespace);
2630 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pName = *ppName;
2631 | if (!pName)
2632 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
2633 |
2634 | /*
2635 | * We don't support this on the root.
2636 | */
2637 | AssertReturn(pName->pParent, VERR_ACCESS_DENIED);
2638 |
2639 | /*
2640 | * If this is a directory, we're in for some real fun here as we need to
2641 | * unset the names of all the children too.
2642 | */
2643 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR pDir = pName->pDir;
2644 | if (pDir)
2645 | {
2646 | uint32_t iChild = pDir->cChildren;
2647 | while (iChild-- > 0)
2648 | {
2649 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerObjUnsetName(pThis, pNamespace, pDir->papChildren[iChild]->pObj);
2650 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
2651 | return rc;
2652 | }
2653 | AssertReturn(pDir->cChildren == 0, VERR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY);
2654 | }
2655 |
2656 | /*
2657 | * Unlink the pName from the parent.
2658 | */
2659 | pDir = pName->pParent->pDir;
2660 | uint32_t iChild = pDir->cChildren;
2661 | while (iChild-- > 0)
2662 | if (pDir->papChildren[iChild] == pName)
2663 | {
2664 | uint32_t cToMove = pDir->cChildren - iChild - 1;
2665 | if (cToMove > 0)
2666 | memmove(&pDir->papChildren[iChild], &pDir->papChildren[iChild + 1], cToMove * sizeof(pDir->papChildren[0]));
2667 | pDir->cChildren--;
2668 | pNamespace->cNames--;
2669 |
2670 | /*
2671 | * NULL the name member in the object and free the structure.
2672 | */
2673 | *ppName = NULL;
2674 | RTMemFree(pName);
2675 |
2676 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
2677 | }
2678 |
2679 | /* Not found. This can't happen. */
2680 | AssertFailed();
2682 | }
2683 |
2684 |
2685 | /**
2686 | * Gets currently populated namespaces.
2687 | *
2688 | * @returns Set of namespaces (RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_XXX), UINT32_MAX on error.
2689 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
2690 | */
2691 | RTDECL(uint32_t) RTFsIsoMakerGetPopulatedNamespaces(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker)
2692 | {
2693 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
2695 |
2696 | uint32_t fRet = 0;
2697 | if (pThis->PrimaryIso.cNames > 0)
2699 | if (pThis->Joliet.cNames > 0)
2701 | if (pThis->Udf.cNames > 0)
2703 | if (pThis->Hfs.cNames > 0)
2705 |
2706 | return fRet;
2707 | }
2708 |
2709 |
2710 |
2711 |
2712 | /*
2713 | *
2714 | * Object level config
2715 | * Object level config
2716 | * Object level config
2717 | *
2718 | */
2719 |
2720 |
2721 | /**
2722 | * Translates an object index number to an object pointer, slow path.
2723 | *
2724 | * @returns Pointer to object, NULL if not found.
2725 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
2726 | * @param idxObj The object index too resolve.
2727 | */
2728 | DECL_NO_INLINE(static, PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ) rtFsIsoMakerIndexToObjSlow(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, uint32_t idxObj)
2729 | {
2731 | RTListForEachReverse(&pThis->ObjectHead, pObj, RTFSISOMAKEROBJ, Entry)
2732 | {
2733 | if (pObj->idxObj == idxObj)
2734 | return pObj;
2735 | }
2736 | return NULL;
2737 | }
2738 |
2739 |
2740 | /**
2741 | * Translates an object index number to an object pointer.
2742 | *
2743 | * @returns Pointer to object, NULL if not found.
2744 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
2745 | * @param idxObj The object index too resolve.
2746 | */
2748 | {
2749 | PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj = RTListGetLast(&pThis->ObjectHead, RTFSISOMAKEROBJ, Entry);
2750 | if (!pObj || RT_LIKELY(pObj->idxObj == idxObj))
2751 | return pObj;
2752 | return rtFsIsoMakerIndexToObjSlow(pThis, idxObj);
2753 | }
2754 |
2755 |
2756 | /**
2757 | * Resolves a path into a object ID.
2758 | *
2759 | * This will be doing the looking up using the specified object names rather
2760 | * than the version adjusted and mangled according to the namespace setup.
2761 | *
2762 | * @returns The object ID corresponding to @a pszPath, or UINT32_MAX if not
2763 | * found or invalid parameters.
2764 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker instance.
2765 | * @param fNamespaces The namespace to resolve @a pszPath in. It's
2766 | * possible to specify multiple namespaces here, of
2767 | * course, but that's inefficient.
2768 | * @param pszPath The path to the object.
2769 | */
2770 | RTDECL(uint32_t) RTFsIsoMakerGetObjIdxForPath(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t fNamespaces, const char *pszPath)
2771 | {
2772 | /*
2773 | * Validate input.
2774 | */
2775 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
2777 |
2778 | /*
2779 | * Do the searching.
2780 | */
2781 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces); i++)
2782 | if (fNamespaces & g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].fNamespace)
2783 | {
2784 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace = (PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE)((uintptr_t)pThis + g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].offNamespace);
2785 | if (pNamespace->pRoot)
2786 | {
2788 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerWalkPathBySpec(pNamespace, pszPath, &pName);
2789 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2790 | return pName->pObj->idxObj;
2791 | }
2792 | }
2793 |
2794 | return UINT32_MAX;
2795 | }
2796 |
2797 |
2798 | /**
2799 | * Removes the specified object from the image.
2800 | *
2801 | * This is a worker for RTFsIsoMakerObjRemove and
2802 | * rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeRemoveOrphans.
2803 | *
2804 | * @returns IPRT status code.
2805 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker instance.
2806 | * @param pObj The object to remove from the image.
2807 | */
2808 | static int rtFsIsoMakerObjRemoveWorker(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj)
2809 | {
2810 | /*
2811 | * Don't allow removing trans.tbl files and the boot catalog.
2812 | */
2813 | if (pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE)
2814 | {
2816 | if (pFile->enmSrcType == RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_TRANS_TBL)
2818 | AssertReturn(pFile != pThis->pBootCatFile, VERR_ACCESS_DENIED);
2819 | }
2820 |
2821 | /*
2822 | * Remove the object from all name spaces.
2823 | */
2824 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2825 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces); i++)
2826 | {
2827 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace = (PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE)((uintptr_t)pThis + g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].offNamespace);
2828 | int rc2 = rtFsIsoMakerObjUnsetName(pThis, pNamespace, pObj);
2829 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2) || RT_FAILURE(rc))
2830 | continue;
2831 | rc = rc2;
2832 | }
2833 |
2834 | /*
2835 | * If that succeeded, remove the object itself.
2836 | */
2837 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2838 | {
2839 | RTListNodeRemove(&pObj->Entry);
2840 | if (pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE)
2841 | {
2842 | uint64_t cbData = ((PRTFSISOMAKERFILE)pObj)->cbData;
2843 | pThis->cbData -= RT_ALIGN_64(cbData, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
2844 | }
2845 | pThis->cObjects--;
2846 | rtFsIsoMakerObjDestroy(pObj);
2847 | }
2848 | return rc;
2849 | }
2850 |
2851 |
2852 | /**
2853 | * Removes the specified object from the image.
2854 | *
2855 | * @returns IPRT status code.
2856 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker instance.
2857 | * @param idxObj The index of the object to remove.
2858 | */
2859 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerObjRemove(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t idxObj)
2860 | {
2861 | /*
2862 | * Validate and translate input.
2863 | */
2864 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
2866 | PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj = rtFsIsoMakerIndexToObj(pThis, idxObj);
2867 | AssertReturn(pObj, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
2868 | AssertReturn( pObj->enmType != RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE
2870 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
2871 |
2872 | /*
2873 | * Call worker.
2874 | */
2875 | return rtFsIsoMakerObjRemoveWorker(pThis, pObj);
2876 | }
2877 |
2878 |
2879 | /**
2880 | * Sets the path (name) of an object in the selected namespaces.
2881 | *
2882 | * The name will be transformed as necessary.
2883 | *
2884 | * The initial implementation does not allow this function to be called more
2885 | * than once on an object.
2886 | *
2887 | * @returns IPRT status code.
2888 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
2889 | * @param idxObj The configuration index of to name.
2890 | * @param fNamespaces The namespaces to apply the path to
2892 | * @param pszPath The path.
2893 | */
2894 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t idxObj, uint32_t fNamespaces, const char *pszPath)
2895 | {
2896 | /*
2897 | * Validate and translate input.
2898 | */
2899 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
2902 | AssertPtrReturn(pszPath, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
2903 | AssertReturn(RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszPath), VERR_INVALID_NAME);
2904 | PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj = rtFsIsoMakerIndexToObj(pThis, idxObj);
2905 | AssertReturn(pObj, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
2906 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
2907 |
2908 | /*
2909 | * Execute requested actions.
2910 | */
2911 | uint32_t cAdded = 0;
2912 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2913 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces); i++)
2914 | if (fNamespaces & g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].fNamespace)
2915 | {
2916 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace = (PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE)((uintptr_t)pThis + g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].offNamespace);
2917 | if (pNamespace->uLevel > 0)
2918 | {
2919 | int rc2 = rtFsIsoMakerObjSetPathInOne(pThis, pNamespace, pObj, pszPath);
2920 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2))
2921 | cAdded++;
2922 | else if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_ISOMK_SYMLINK_REQ_ROCK_RIDGE)
2923 | rc = rc2;
2924 | }
2925 | }
2927 | }
2928 |
2929 |
2930 | /**
2931 | * Sets the name of an object in the selected namespaces, placing it under the
2932 | * given directory.
2933 | *
2934 | * The name will be transformed as necessary.
2935 | *
2936 | * @returns IPRT status code.
2937 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
2938 | * @param idxObj The configuration index of to name.
2939 | * @param idxParentObj The parent directory object.
2940 | * @param fNamespaces The namespaces to apply the path to
2942 | * @param pszName The name.
2943 | * @param fNoNormalize Don't normalize the name (imported or such).
2944 | */
2945 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerObjSetNameAndParent(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t idxObj, uint32_t idxParentObj,
2946 | uint32_t fNamespaces, const char *pszName, bool fNoNormalize)
2947 | {
2948 | /*
2949 | * Validate and translate input.
2950 | */
2951 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
2954 | AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
2955 | size_t cchName = strlen(pszName);
2956 | AssertReturn(cchName > 0, VERR_INVALID_NAME);
2957 | AssertReturn(memchr(pszName, '/', cchName) == NULL, VERR_INVALID_NAME);
2958 | PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj = rtFsIsoMakerIndexToObj(pThis, idxObj);
2959 | AssertReturn(pObj, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
2960 | PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pParentObj = rtFsIsoMakerIndexToObj(pThis, idxParentObj);
2961 | AssertReturn(pParentObj, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
2962 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
2963 |
2964 | /*
2965 | * Execute requested actions.
2966 | */
2967 | uint32_t cAdded = 0;
2968 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
2969 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces); i++)
2970 | if (fNamespaces & g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].fNamespace)
2971 | {
2972 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace = (PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE)((uintptr_t)pThis + g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].offNamespace);
2973 | if (pNamespace->uLevel > 0)
2974 | {
2975 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pParentName = *rtFsIsoMakerObjGetNameForNamespace(pParentObj, pNamespace);
2976 | if (pParentName)
2977 | {
2978 | int rc2 = rtFsIsoMakerObjSetName(pThis, pNamespace, pObj, pParentName, pszName, cchName,
2979 | fNoNormalize, NULL /*ppNewName*/);
2980 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2))
2981 | cAdded++;
2982 | else if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_ISOMK_SYMLINK_REQ_ROCK_RIDGE)
2983 | rc = rc2;
2984 | }
2985 | }
2986 | }
2988 | }
2989 |
2990 |
2991 | /**
2992 | * Changes the rock ridge name for the object in the selected namespaces.
2993 | *
2994 | * The object must already be enetered into the namespaces by
2995 | * RTFsIsoMakerObjSetNameAndParent, RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath or similar.
2996 | *
2997 | * @returns IPRT status code.
2998 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
2999 | * @param idxObj The configuration index of to name.
3000 | * @param fNamespaces The namespaces to apply the path to
3002 | * @param pszRockName The rock ridge name. Passing NULL will restore
3003 | * it back to the specified name, while an empty
3004 | * string will restore it to the namespace name.
3005 | */
3006 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerObjSetRockName(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t idxObj, uint32_t fNamespaces, const char *pszRockName)
3007 | {
3008 | /*
3009 | * Validate and translate input.
3010 | */
3011 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3014 | size_t cchRockName;
3015 | if (pszRockName)
3016 | {
3017 | AssertPtrReturn(pszRockName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3018 | cchRockName = strlen(pszRockName);
3019 | AssertReturn(cchRockName < _1K, VERR_FILENAME_TOO_LONG);
3020 | AssertReturn(memchr(pszRockName, '/', cchRockName) == NULL, VERR_INVALID_NAME);
3021 | }
3022 | else
3023 | cchRockName = 0;
3024 | PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj = rtFsIsoMakerIndexToObj(pThis, idxObj);
3025 | AssertReturn(pObj, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
3026 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
3027 |
3028 | /*
3029 | * Execute requested actions.
3030 | */
3031 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces); i++)
3032 | if (fNamespaces & g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].fNamespace)
3033 | {
3034 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace = (PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE)((uintptr_t)pThis + g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].offNamespace);
3035 | if ( pNamespace->uLevel > 0
3036 | && pNamespace->uRockRidgeLevel > 0)
3037 | {
3038 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pName = *rtFsIsoMakerObjGetNameForNamespace(pObj, pNamespace);
3039 | if (pName)
3040 | {
3041 | /* Free the old rock ridge name. */
3042 | if (pName->fRockRidgeNmAlloced)
3043 | {
3044 | RTMemFree(pName->pszRockRidgeNm);
3045 | pName->pszRockRidgeNm = NULL;
3046 | pName->fRockRidgeNmAlloced = false;
3047 | }
3048 |
3049 | /* Set new rock ridge name. */
3050 | if (cchRockName > 0)
3051 | {
3052 | pName->pszRockRidgeNm = (char *)RTMemDup(pszRockName, cchRockName + 1);
3053 | if (!pName->pszRockRidgeNm)
3054 | {
3055 | pName->pszRockRidgeNm = (char *)pName->pszSpecNm;
3056 | pName->cchRockRidgeNm = pName->cchSpecNm;
3057 | return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
3058 | }
3059 | pName->cchRockRidgeNm = (uint16_t)cchRockName;
3060 | pName->fRockRidgeNmAlloced = true;
3061 | }
3062 | else if (pszRockName == NULL)
3063 | {
3064 | pName->pszRockRidgeNm = (char *)pName->pszSpecNm;
3065 | pName->cchRockRidgeNm = pName->cchSpecNm;
3066 | }
3067 | else
3068 | {
3069 | pName->pszRockRidgeNm = pName->szName;
3070 | pName->cchRockRidgeNm = pName->cchName;
3071 | }
3072 | }
3073 | }
3074 | }
3075 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3076 | }
3077 |
3078 |
3079 | /**
3080 | * Enables or disable syslinux boot info table patching of a file.
3081 | *
3082 | * @returns IPRT status code.
3083 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
3084 | * @param idxObj The configuration index.
3085 | * @param fEnable Whether to enable or disable patching.
3086 | */
3087 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerObjEnableBootInfoTablePatching(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t idxObj, bool fEnable)
3088 | {
3089 | /*
3090 | * Validate and translate input.
3091 | */
3092 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3094 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
3095 | PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj = rtFsIsoMakerIndexToObj(pThis, idxObj);
3096 | AssertReturn(pObj, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
3097 | AssertReturn(pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE, VERR_WRONG_TYPE);
3099 | AssertReturn( pFile->enmSrcType == RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_PATH
3100 | || pFile->enmSrcType == RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_VFS_FILE
3101 | || pFile->enmSrcType == RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_COMMON,
3103 |
3104 | /*
3105 | * Do the job.
3106 | */
3107 | if (fEnable)
3108 | {
3109 | if (!pFile->pBootInfoTable)
3110 | {
3111 | pFile->pBootInfoTable = (PISO9660SYSLINUXINFOTABLE)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pFile->pBootInfoTable));
3112 | AssertReturn(pFile->pBootInfoTable, VERR_NO_MEMORY);
3113 | }
3114 | }
3115 | else if (pFile->pBootInfoTable)
3116 | {
3117 | RTMemFree(pFile->pBootInfoTable);
3118 | pFile->pBootInfoTable = NULL;
3119 | }
3120 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3121 | }
3122 |
3123 |
3124 | /**
3125 | * Gets the data size of an object.
3126 | *
3127 | * Currently only supported on file objects.
3128 | *
3129 | * @returns IPRT status code.
3130 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
3131 | * @param idxObj The configuration index.
3132 | * @param pcbData Where to return the size.
3133 | */
3134 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerObjQueryDataSize(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t idxObj, uint64_t *pcbData)
3135 | {
3136 | /*
3137 | * Validate and translate input.
3138 | */
3139 | AssertPtrReturn(pcbData, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3140 | *pcbData = UINT64_MAX;
3141 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3143 | PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj = rtFsIsoMakerIndexToObj(pThis, idxObj);
3144 | AssertReturn(pObj, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
3145 |
3146 | /*
3147 | * Do the job.
3148 | */
3149 | if (pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE)
3150 | {
3152 | if ( pFile->enmSrcType != RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_TRANS_TBL
3153 | && pFile->enmSrcType != RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_RR_SPILL)
3154 | {
3155 | *pcbData = ((PRTFSISOMAKERFILE)pObj)->cbData;
3156 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3157 | }
3158 | }
3159 | return VERR_WRONG_TYPE;
3160 | }
3161 |
3162 |
3163 | /**
3164 | * Initalizes the common part of a file system object and links it into global
3165 | * chain.
3166 | *
3167 | * @returns IPRT status code
3168 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
3169 | * @param pObj The common object.
3170 | * @param enmType The object type.
3171 | * @param pObjInfo The object information (typically source).
3172 | * Optional.
3173 | */
3174 | static int rtFsIsoMakerInitCommonObj(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj,
3176 | {
3177 | Assert(!pThis->fFinalized);
3178 | AssertReturn(pThis->cObjects < RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_OBJECTS, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
3179 |
3180 | pObj->enmType = enmType;
3181 | pObj->pPrimaryName = NULL;
3182 | pObj->pJolietName = NULL;
3183 | pObj->pUdfName = NULL;
3184 | pObj->pHfsName = NULL;
3185 | pObj->idxObj = pThis->cObjects++;
3186 | pObj->cNotOrphan = 0;
3187 | if (pObjInfo)
3188 | {
3189 | pObj->BirthTime = pObjInfo->BirthTime;
3190 | pObj->ChangeTime = pObjInfo->ChangeTime;
3191 | pObj->ModificationTime = pObjInfo->ModificationTime;
3192 | pObj->AccessedTime = pObjInfo->AccessTime;
3193 | if (!pThis->fStrictAttributeStyle)
3194 | {
3195 | if (enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_DIR)
3196 | pObj->fMode = (pObjInfo->Attr.fMode & ~07222) | 0555;
3197 | else
3198 | {
3199 | pObj->fMode = (pObjInfo->Attr.fMode & ~00222) | 0444;
3200 | if (pObj->fMode & 0111)
3201 | pObj->fMode |= 0111;
3202 | }
3203 | pObj->uid = pThis->uidDefault;
3204 | pObj->gid = pThis->gidDefault;
3205 | }
3206 | else
3207 | {
3208 | pObj->fMode = pObjInfo->Attr.fMode;
3209 | pObj->uid = pObjInfo->Attr.u.Unix.uid != NIL_RTUID ? pObjInfo->Attr.u.Unix.uid : pThis->uidDefault;
3210 | pObj->gid = pObjInfo->Attr.u.Unix.gid != NIL_RTGID ? pObjInfo->Attr.u.Unix.gid : pThis->gidDefault;
3211 | }
3212 | if (enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_DIR ? pThis->fForcedDirModeActive : pThis->fForcedFileModeActive)
3213 | pObj->fMode = (pObj->fMode & ~RTFS_UNIX_ALL_PERMS)
3214 | | (enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_DIR ? pThis->fForcedDirMode : pThis->fForcedFileMode);
3215 | }
3216 | else
3217 | {
3218 | pObj->BirthTime = pThis->ImageCreationTime;
3219 | pObj->ChangeTime = pThis->ImageCreationTime;
3220 | pObj->ModificationTime = pThis->ImageCreationTime;
3221 | pObj->AccessedTime = pThis->ImageCreationTime;
3222 | pObj->fMode = enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_DIR ? pThis->fDefaultDirMode : pThis->fDefaultFileMode;
3223 | pObj->uid = pThis->uidDefault;
3224 | pObj->gid = pThis->gidDefault;
3225 | }
3226 |
3227 | RTListAppend(&pThis->ObjectHead, &pObj->Entry);
3228 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3229 | }
3230 |
3231 |
3232 | /**
3233 | * Internal function for adding an unnamed directory.
3234 | *
3235 | * @returns IPRT status code.
3236 | * @param pThis The ISO make instance.
3237 | * @param pObjInfo Pointer to object attributes, must be set to
3238 | * UNIX. The size and hardlink counts are ignored.
3239 | * Optional.
3240 | * @param ppDir Where to return the directory.
3241 | */
3242 | static int rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedDirWorker(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PCRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, PRTFSISOMAKERDIR *ppDir)
3243 | {
3245 | AssertReturn(pDir, VERR_NO_MEMORY);
3246 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerInitCommonObj(pThis, &pDir->Core, RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_DIR, pObjInfo);
3247 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3248 | {
3249 | *ppDir = pDir;
3250 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3251 | }
3252 | RTMemFree(pDir);
3253 | return rc;
3254 |
3255 | }
3256 |
3257 |
3258 | /**
3259 | * Adds an unnamed directory to the image.
3260 | *
3261 | * The directory must explictly be entered into the desired namespaces.
3262 | *
3263 | * @returns IPRT status code
3264 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
3265 | * @param pObjInfo Pointer to object attributes, must be set to
3266 | * UNIX. The size and hardlink counts are ignored.
3267 | * Optional.
3268 | * @param pidxObj Where to return the configuration index of the
3269 | * directory.
3270 | * @sa RTFsIsoMakerAddDir, RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath
3271 | */
3272 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedDir(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, PCRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, uint32_t *pidxObj)
3273 | {
3274 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3276 | AssertPtrReturn(pidxObj, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3277 | if (pObjInfo)
3278 | {
3279 | AssertPtrReturn(pObjInfo, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3280 | AssertReturn(pObjInfo->Attr.enmAdditional == RTFSOBJATTRADD_UNIX, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
3281 | AssertReturn(RTFS_IS_DIRECTORY(pObjInfo->Attr.fMode), VERR_INVALID_FLAGS);
3282 | }
3283 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
3284 |
3286 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedDirWorker(pThis, pObjInfo, &pDir);
3287 | *pidxObj = RT_SUCCESS(rc) ? pDir->Core.idxObj : UINT32_MAX;
3288 | return rc;
3289 | }
3290 |
3291 |
3292 | /**
3293 | * Adds a directory to the image in all namespaces and default attributes.
3294 | *
3295 | * @returns IPRT status code
3296 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
3297 | * @param pszDir The path (UTF-8) to the directory in the ISO.
3298 | *
3299 | * @param pidxObj Where to return the configuration index of the
3300 | * directory. Optional.
3301 | * @sa RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedDir, RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath
3302 | */
3303 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerAddDir(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, const char *pszDir, uint32_t *pidxObj)
3304 | {
3305 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3307 | AssertPtrReturn(pszDir, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3308 | AssertReturn(RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszDir), VERR_INVALID_NAME);
3309 |
3310 | uint32_t idxObj;
3311 | int rc = RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedDir(hIsoMaker, NULL /*pObjInfo*/, &idxObj);
3312 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3313 | {
3314 | rc = RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath(hIsoMaker, idxObj, RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_ALL, pszDir);
3315 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3316 | {
3317 | if (pidxObj)
3318 | *pidxObj = idxObj;
3319 | }
3320 | else
3321 | RTFsIsoMakerObjRemove(hIsoMaker, idxObj);
3322 | }
3323 | return rc;
3324 | }
3325 |
3326 |
3327 | /**
3328 | * Internal function for adding an unnamed file.
3329 | *
3330 | * @returns IPRT status code.
3331 | * @param pThis The ISO make instance.
3332 | * @param pObjInfo Object information. Optional.
3333 | * @param cbExtra Extra space for additional data (e.g. source
3334 | * path string copy).
3335 | * @param ppFile Where to return the file.
3336 | */
3337 | static int rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWorker(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PCRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, size_t cbExtra,
3339 | {
3340 | PRTFSISOMAKERFILE pFile = (PRTFSISOMAKERFILE)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(*pFile) + cbExtra);
3341 | AssertReturn(pFile, VERR_NO_MEMORY);
3342 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerInitCommonObj(pThis, &pFile->Core, RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE, pObjInfo);
3343 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3344 | {
3345 | pFile->cbData = pObjInfo ? pObjInfo->cbObject : 0;
3346 | pThis->cbData += RT_ALIGN_64(pFile->cbData, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
3347 | pFile->offData = UINT64_MAX;
3349 | pFile->u.pszSrcPath = NULL;
3350 | pFile->pBootInfoTable = NULL;
3351 | RTListInit(&pFile->FinalizedEntry);
3352 |
3353 | *ppFile = pFile;
3354 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3355 | }
3356 | RTMemFree(pFile);
3357 | return rc;
3358 |
3359 | }
3360 |
3361 |
3362 | /**
3363 | * Adds an unnamed file to the image that's backed by a host file.
3364 | *
3365 | * The file must explictly be entered into the desired namespaces.
3366 | *
3367 | * @returns IPRT status code
3368 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
3369 | * @param pszSrcFile The source file path. VFS chain spec allowed.
3370 | * @param pidxObj Where to return the configuration index of the
3371 | * directory.
3372 | * @sa RTFsIsoMakerAddFile, RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath
3373 | */
3374 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWithSrcPath(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, const char *pszSrcFile, uint32_t *pidxObj)
3375 | {
3376 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3378 | AssertPtrReturn(pidxObj, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3379 | *pidxObj = UINT32_MAX;
3380 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
3381 |
3382 | /*
3383 | * Check that the source file exists and is a file.
3384 | */
3385 | uint32_t offError = 0;
3386 | RTFSOBJINFO ObjInfo;
3387 | int rc = RTVfsChainQueryInfo(pszSrcFile, &ObjInfo, RTFSOBJATTRADD_UNIX, RTPATH_F_FOLLOW_LINK, &offError, NULL);
3388 | AssertMsgRCReturn(rc, ("%s -> %Rrc offError=%u\n", pszSrcFile, rc, offError), rc);
3389 | AssertMsgReturn(RTFS_IS_FILE(ObjInfo.Attr.fMode), ("%#x - %s\n", ObjInfo.Attr.fMode, pszSrcFile), VERR_NOT_A_FILE);
3390 |
3391 | /*
3392 | * Create a file object for it.
3393 | */
3394 | size_t const cbSrcFile = strlen(pszSrcFile) + 1;
3396 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWorker(pThis, &ObjInfo, cbSrcFile, &pFile);
3397 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3398 | {
3399 | pFile->enmSrcType = RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_PATH;
3400 | pFile->u.pszSrcPath = (char *)memcpy(pFile + 1, pszSrcFile, cbSrcFile);
3401 |
3402 | *pidxObj = pFile->Core.idxObj;
3403 | }
3404 | return rc;
3405 | }
3406 |
3407 |
3408 | /**
3409 | * Adds an unnamed file to the image that's backed by a VFS file.
3410 | *
3411 | * The file must explictly be entered into the desired namespaces.
3412 | *
3413 | * @returns IPRT status code
3414 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
3415 | * @param hVfsFileSrc The source file handle.
3416 | * @param pidxObj Where to return the configuration index of the
3417 | * directory.
3418 | * @sa RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWithSrcPath, RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath
3419 | */
3420 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWithVfsFile(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, RTVFSFILE hVfsFileSrc, uint32_t *pidxObj)
3421 | {
3422 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3424 | AssertPtrReturn(pidxObj, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3425 | *pidxObj = UINT32_MAX;
3426 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
3427 |
3428 | /*
3429 | * Get the VFS file info. This implicitly validates the handle.
3430 | */
3431 | RTFSOBJINFO ObjInfo;
3432 | int rc = RTVfsFileQueryInfo(hVfsFileSrc, &ObjInfo, RTFSOBJATTRADD_UNIX);
3433 | AssertMsgRCReturn(rc, ("RTVfsFileQueryInfo(%p) -> %Rrc\n", hVfsFileSrc, rc), rc);
3434 |
3435 | /*
3436 | * Retain a reference to the file.
3437 | */
3438 | uint32_t cRefs = RTVfsFileRetain(hVfsFileSrc);
3439 | AssertReturn(cRefs != UINT32_MAX, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
3440 |
3441 | /*
3442 | * Create a file object for it.
3443 | */
3445 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWorker(pThis, &ObjInfo, 0, &pFile);
3446 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3447 | {
3449 | pFile->u.hVfsFile = hVfsFileSrc;
3450 |
3451 | *pidxObj = pFile->Core.idxObj;
3452 | }
3453 | else
3454 | RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFileSrc);
3455 | return rc;
3456 | }
3457 |
3458 |
3459 | /**
3460 | * Adds an unnamed file to the image that's backed by a portion of a common
3461 | * source file.
3462 | *
3463 | * The file must explictly be entered into the desired namespaces.
3464 | *
3465 | * @returns IPRT status code
3466 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
3467 | * @param idxCommonSrc The common source file index.
3468 | * @param offData The offset of the data in the source file.
3469 | * @param cbData The file size.
3470 | * @param pObjInfo Pointer to file info. Optional.
3471 | * @param pidxObj Where to return the configuration index of the
3472 | * directory.
3473 | * @sa RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWithSrcPath, RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath
3474 | */
3475 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWithCommonSrc(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t idxCommonSrc,
3476 | uint64_t offData, uint64_t cbData, PCRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, uint32_t *pidxObj)
3477 | {
3478 | /*
3479 | * Validate and fake input.
3480 | */
3481 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3483 | AssertPtrReturn(pidxObj, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3484 | *pidxObj = UINT32_MAX;
3485 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
3486 | AssertReturn(idxCommonSrc < pThis->cCommonSources, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
3487 | AssertReturn(offData < (uint64_t)RTFOFF_MAX, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
3488 | AssertReturn(cbData < (uint64_t)RTFOFF_MAX, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
3489 | AssertReturn(offData + cbData < (uint64_t)RTFOFF_MAX, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
3490 | RTFSOBJINFO ObjInfo;
3491 | if (!pObjInfo)
3492 | {
3493 | ObjInfo.cbObject = cbData;
3494 | ObjInfo.cbAllocated = cbData;
3495 | ObjInfo.BirthTime = pThis->ImageCreationTime;
3496 | ObjInfo.ChangeTime = pThis->ImageCreationTime;
3497 | ObjInfo.ModificationTime = pThis->ImageCreationTime;
3498 | ObjInfo.AccessTime = pThis->ImageCreationTime;
3499 | ObjInfo.Attr.fMode = pThis->fDefaultFileMode;
3500 | ObjInfo.Attr.enmAdditional = RTFSOBJATTRADD_UNIX;
3501 | ObjInfo.Attr.u.Unix.uid = NIL_RTUID;
3502 | ObjInfo.Attr.u.Unix.gid = NIL_RTGID;
3503 | ObjInfo.Attr.u.Unix.cHardlinks = 1;
3504 | ObjInfo.Attr.u.Unix.INodeIdDevice = 0;
3505 | ObjInfo.Attr.u.Unix.INodeId = 0;
3506 | ObjInfo.Attr.u.Unix.fFlags = 0;
3507 | ObjInfo.Attr.u.Unix.GenerationId = 0;
3508 | ObjInfo.Attr.u.Unix.Device = 0;
3509 | pObjInfo = &ObjInfo;
3510 | }
3511 | else
3512 | {
3513 | AssertPtrReturn(pObjInfo, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3514 | AssertReturn(pObjInfo->Attr.enmAdditional == RTFSOBJATTRADD_UNIX, VERR_WRONG_TYPE);
3515 | AssertReturn((uint64_t)pObjInfo->cbObject == cbData, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
3516 | }
3517 |
3518 | /*
3519 | * Create a file object for it.
3520 | */
3522 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWorker(pThis, pObjInfo, 0, &pFile);
3523 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3524 | {
3526 | pFile->u.Common.idxSrc = idxCommonSrc;
3527 | pFile->u.Common.offData = offData;
3528 |
3529 | *pidxObj = pFile->Core.idxObj;
3530 | }
3531 | return rc;
3532 | }
3533 |
3534 |
3535 | /**
3536 | * Adds a common source file.
3537 | *
3538 | * Using RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWithCommonSrc a sections common source file
3539 | * can be referenced to make up other files. The typical use case is when
3540 | * importing data from an existing ISO.
3541 | *
3542 | * @returns IPRT status code
3543 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
3544 | * @param hVfsFile VFS handle of the common source. (A reference
3545 | * is added, none consumed.)
3546 | * @param pidxCommonSrc Where to return the assigned common source
3547 | * index. This is used to reference the file.
3548 | * @sa RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWithCommonSrc
3549 | */
3550 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerAddCommonSourceFile(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, RTVFSFILE hVfsFile, uint32_t *pidxCommonSrc)
3551 | {
3552 | /*
3553 | * Validate input.
3554 | */
3555 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3557 | AssertPtrReturn(pidxCommonSrc, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3558 | *pidxCommonSrc = UINT32_MAX;
3559 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
3560 |
3561 | /*
3562 | * Resize the common source array if necessary.
3563 | */
3564 | if ((pThis->cCommonSources & 15) == 0)
3565 | {
3566 | void *pvNew = RTMemRealloc(pThis->paCommonSources, (pThis->cCommonSources + 16) * sizeof(pThis->paCommonSources[0]));
3567 | AssertReturn(pvNew, VERR_NO_MEMORY);
3568 | pThis->paCommonSources = (PRTVFSFILE)pvNew;
3569 | }
3570 |
3571 | /*
3572 | * Retain a reference to the source file, thereby validating the handle.
3573 | * Then add it to the array.
3574 | */
3575 | uint32_t cRefs = RTVfsFileRetain(hVfsFile);
3576 | AssertReturn(cRefs != UINT32_MAX, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
3577 |
3578 | uint32_t idx = pThis->cCommonSources++;
3579 | pThis->paCommonSources[idx] = hVfsFile;
3580 |
3581 | *pidxCommonSrc = idx;
3582 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3583 | }
3584 |
3585 |
3586 | /**
3587 | * Adds a file that's backed by a host file to the image in all namespaces and
3588 | * with attributes taken from the source file.
3589 | *
3590 | * @returns IPRT status code
3591 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
3592 | * @param pszFile The path to the file in the image.
3593 | * @param pszSrcFile The source file path. VFS chain spec allowed.
3594 | * @param pidxObj Where to return the configuration index of the file.
3595 | * Optional
3596 | * @sa RTFsIsoMakerAddFileWithVfsFile,
3597 | * RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWithSrcPath
3598 | */
3599 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerAddFileWithSrcPath(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, const char *pszFile, const char *pszSrcFile, uint32_t *pidxObj)
3600 | {
3601 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3603 | AssertPtrReturn(pszFile, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3604 | AssertReturn(RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszFile), VERR_INVALID_NAME);
3605 |
3606 | uint32_t idxObj;
3607 | int rc = RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWithSrcPath(hIsoMaker, pszSrcFile, &idxObj);
3608 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3609 | {
3610 | rc = RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath(hIsoMaker, idxObj, RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_ALL, pszFile);
3611 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3612 | {
3613 | if (pidxObj)
3614 | *pidxObj = idxObj;
3615 | }
3616 | else
3617 | RTFsIsoMakerObjRemove(hIsoMaker, idxObj);
3618 | }
3619 | return rc;
3620 | }
3621 |
3622 |
3623 | /**
3624 | * Adds a file that's backed by a VFS file to the image in all namespaces and
3625 | * with attributes taken from the source file.
3626 | *
3627 | * @returns IPRT status code
3628 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
3629 | * @param pszFile The path to the file in the image.
3630 | * @param hVfsFileSrc The source file handle.
3631 | * @param pidxObj Where to return the configuration index of the file.
3632 | * Optional.
3633 | * @sa RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWithVfsFile,
3634 | * RTFsIsoMakerAddFileWithSrcPath
3635 | */
3636 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerAddFileWithVfsFile(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, const char *pszFile, RTVFSFILE hVfsFileSrc, uint32_t *pidxObj)
3637 | {
3638 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3640 | AssertPtrReturn(pszFile, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3641 | AssertReturn(RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszFile), VERR_INVALID_NAME);
3642 |
3643 | uint32_t idxObj;
3644 | int rc = RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWithVfsFile(hIsoMaker, hVfsFileSrc, &idxObj);
3645 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3646 | {
3647 | rc = RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath(hIsoMaker, idxObj, RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_ALL, pszFile);
3648 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3649 | {
3650 | if (pidxObj)
3651 | *pidxObj = idxObj;
3652 | }
3653 | else
3654 | RTFsIsoMakerObjRemove(hIsoMaker, idxObj);
3655 | }
3656 | return rc;
3657 | }
3658 |
3659 |
3660 | /**
3661 | * Adds an unnamed symbolic link to the image.
3662 | *
3663 | * The symlink must explictly be entered into the desired namespaces. Please
3664 | * note that it is not possible to enter a symbolic link into an ISO 9660
3665 | * namespace where rock ridge extensions are disabled, since symbolic links
3666 | * depend on rock ridge. For HFS and UDF there is no such requirement.
3667 | *
3668 | * Will fail if no namespace is configured that supports symlinks.
3669 | *
3670 | * @returns IPRT status code
3671 | * @retval VERR_ISOMK_SYMLINK_SUPPORT_DISABLED if not supported.
3672 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
3673 | * @param pObjInfo Pointer to object attributes, must be set to
3674 | * UNIX. The size and hardlink counts are ignored.
3675 | * Optional.
3676 | * @param pszTarget The symbolic link target (UTF-8).
3677 | * @param pidxObj Where to return the configuration index of the
3678 | * directory.
3679 | * @sa RTFsIsoMakerAddSymlink, RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath
3680 | */
3681 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedSymlink(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, PCRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, const char *pszTarget, uint32_t *pidxObj)
3682 | {
3683 | /*
3684 | * Validate input.
3685 | */
3686 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3688 | AssertPtrReturn(pidxObj, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3689 | if (pObjInfo)
3690 | {
3691 | AssertPtrReturn(pObjInfo, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3692 | AssertReturn(pObjInfo->Attr.enmAdditional == RTFSOBJATTRADD_UNIX, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
3693 | AssertReturn(RTFS_IS_SYMLINK(pObjInfo->Attr.fMode), VERR_INVALID_FLAGS);
3694 | }
3695 | AssertPtrReturn(pszTarget, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3696 | size_t cchTarget = strlen(pszTarget);
3697 | AssertReturn(cchTarget > 0, VERR_INVALID_NAME);
3699 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
3700 |
3701 | /*
3702 | * Check that symlinks are supported by some namespace.
3703 | */
3704 | AssertReturn( (pThis->PrimaryIso.uLevel > 0 && pThis->PrimaryIso.uRockRidgeLevel > 0)
3705 | || (pThis->Joliet.uLevel > 0 && pThis->Joliet.uRockRidgeLevel > 0)
3706 | || pThis->Udf.uLevel > 0
3707 | || pThis->Hfs.uLevel > 0,
3709 |
3710 | /*
3711 | * Calculate the size of the SL entries.
3712 | */
3713 | uint8_t abTmp[_2K + RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_SYMLINK_TARGET_LEN * 3];
3714 | ssize_t cbSlRockRidge = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_RockRidgeGenSL(pszTarget, abTmp, sizeof(abTmp));
3715 | AssertReturn(cbSlRockRidge > 0, (int)cbSlRockRidge);
3716 |
3717 | /*
3718 | * Do the adding.
3719 | */
3721 | AssertReturn(pSymlink, VERR_NO_MEMORY);
3722 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerInitCommonObj(pThis, &pSymlink->Core, RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_SYMLINK, pObjInfo);
3723 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3724 | {
3725 | pSymlink->cchTarget = (uint16_t)cchTarget;
3726 | pSymlink->cbSlRockRidge = (uint16_t)cbSlRockRidge;
3727 | memcpy(pSymlink->szTarget, pszTarget, cchTarget);
3728 | pSymlink->szTarget[cchTarget] = '\0';
3729 |
3730 | *pidxObj = pSymlink->Core.idxObj;
3731 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3732 | }
3733 | RTMemFree(pSymlink);
3734 | return rc;
3735 | }
3736 |
3737 |
3738 | /**
3739 | * Adds a directory to the image in all namespaces and default attributes.
3740 | *
3741 | * Will fail if no namespace is configured that supports symlinks.
3742 | *
3743 | * @returns IPRT status code
3744 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
3745 | * @param pszSymlink The path (UTF-8) to the symlink in the ISO.
3746 | * @param pszTarget The symlink target (UTF-8).
3747 | * @param pidxObj Where to return the configuration index of the
3748 | * directory. Optional.
3749 | * @sa RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedSymlink, RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath
3750 | */
3751 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerAddSymlink(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, const char *pszSymlink, const char *pszTarget, uint32_t *pidxObj)
3752 | {
3753 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3755 | AssertPtrReturn(pszSymlink, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3756 | AssertReturn(RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszSymlink), VERR_INVALID_NAME);
3757 |
3758 | uint32_t idxObj;
3759 | int rc = RTFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedSymlink(hIsoMaker, NULL /*pObjInfo*/, pszTarget, &idxObj);
3760 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3761 | {
3762 | rc = RTFsIsoMakerObjSetPath(hIsoMaker, idxObj, RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_ALL, pszSymlink);
3763 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3764 | {
3765 | if (pidxObj)
3766 | *pidxObj = idxObj;
3767 | }
3768 | else
3769 | RTFsIsoMakerObjRemove(hIsoMaker, idxObj);
3770 | }
3771 | return rc;
3772 |
3773 | }
3774 |
3775 |
3776 |
3777 | /*
3778 | *
3779 | * Name space level object config.
3780 | * Name space level object config.
3781 | * Name space level object config.
3782 | *
3783 | */
3784 |
3785 |
3786 | /**
3787 | * Modifies the mode mask for a given path in one or more namespaces.
3788 | *
3789 | * The mode mask is used by rock ridge, UDF and HFS.
3790 | *
3791 | * @returns IPRT status code.
3792 | * @retval VWRN_NOT_FOUND if the path wasn't found in any of the specified
3793 | * namespaces.
3794 | *
3795 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handler.
3796 | * @param pszPath The path which mode mask should be modified.
3797 | * @param fNamespaces The namespaces to set it in.
3798 | * @param fSet The mode bits to set.
3799 | * @param fUnset The mode bits to clear (applied first).
3800 | * @param fFlags Reserved, MBZ.
3801 | * @param pcHits Where to return number of paths found. Optional.
3802 | */
3803 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetPathMode(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, const char *pszPath, uint32_t fNamespaces,
3804 | RTFMODE fSet, RTFMODE fUnset, uint32_t fFlags, uint32_t *pcHits)
3805 | {
3806 | /*
3807 | * Validate input.
3808 | */
3809 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3811 | AssertPtrReturn(pszPath, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3812 | AssertReturn(RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszPath), VERR_INVALID_NAME);
3814 | AssertReturn(!(fSet & ~07777), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
3815 | AssertReturn(!(fUnset & ~07777), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
3816 | AssertReturn(!fFlags, VERR_INVALID_FLAGS);
3817 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pcHits, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3818 |
3819 | /*
3820 | * Make the changes namespace by namespace.
3821 | */
3822 | uint32_t cHits = 0;
3823 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces); i++)
3824 | if (fNamespaces & g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].fNamespace)
3825 | {
3826 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace = (PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE)((uintptr_t)pThis + g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].offNamespace);
3827 | if (pNamespace->uLevel > 0)
3828 | {
3830 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerWalkPathBySpec(pNamespace, pszPath, &pName);
3831 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3832 | {
3833 | pName->fMode = (pName->fMode & ~fUnset) | fSet;
3834 | cHits++;
3835 | }
3836 | }
3837 | }
3838 |
3839 | if (pcHits)
3840 | *pcHits = cHits;
3841 | if (cHits > 0)
3842 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3843 | return VWRN_NOT_FOUND;
3844 | }
3845 |
3846 |
3847 | /**
3848 | * Modifies the owner ID for a given path in one or more namespaces.
3849 | *
3850 | * The owner ID is used by rock ridge, UDF and HFS.
3851 | *
3852 | * @returns IPRT status code.
3853 | * @retval VWRN_NOT_FOUND if the path wasn't found in any of the specified
3854 | * namespaces.
3855 | *
3856 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handler.
3857 | * @param pszPath The path which mode mask should be modified.
3858 | * @param fNamespaces The namespaces to set it in.
3859 | * @param idOwner The new owner ID to set.
3860 | * @param pcHits Where to return number of paths found. Optional.
3861 | */
3862 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetPathOwnerId(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, const char *pszPath, uint32_t fNamespaces,
3863 | RTUID idOwner, uint32_t *pcHits)
3864 | {
3865 | /*
3866 | * Validate input.
3867 | */
3868 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3870 | AssertPtrReturn(pszPath, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3871 | AssertReturn(RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszPath), VERR_INVALID_NAME);
3873 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pcHits, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3874 |
3875 | /*
3876 | * Make the changes namespace by namespace.
3877 | */
3878 | uint32_t cHits = 0;
3879 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces); i++)
3880 | if (fNamespaces & g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].fNamespace)
3881 | {
3882 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace = (PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE)((uintptr_t)pThis + g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].offNamespace);
3883 | if (pNamespace->uLevel > 0)
3884 | {
3886 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerWalkPathBySpec(pNamespace, pszPath, &pName);
3887 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3888 | {
3889 | pName->uid = idOwner;
3890 | cHits++;
3891 | }
3892 | }
3893 | }
3894 |
3895 | if (pcHits)
3896 | *pcHits = cHits;
3897 | if (cHits > 0)
3898 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3899 | return VWRN_NOT_FOUND;
3900 | }
3901 |
3902 |
3903 | /**
3904 | * Modifies the group ID for a given path in one or more namespaces.
3905 | *
3906 | * The group ID is used by rock ridge, UDF and HFS.
3907 | *
3908 | * @returns IPRT status code.
3909 | * @retval VWRN_NOT_FOUND if the path wasn't found in any of the specified
3910 | * namespaces.
3911 | *
3912 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handler.
3913 | * @param pszPath The path which mode mask should be modified.
3914 | * @param fNamespaces The namespaces to set it in.
3915 | * @param idGroup The new group ID to set.
3916 | * @param pcHits Where to return number of paths found. Optional.
3917 | */
3918 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerSetPathGroupId(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, const char *pszPath, uint32_t fNamespaces,
3919 | RTGID idGroup, uint32_t *pcHits)
3920 | {
3921 | /*
3922 | * Validate input.
3923 | */
3924 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
3926 | AssertPtrReturn(pszPath, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3927 | AssertReturn(RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszPath), VERR_INVALID_NAME);
3929 | AssertPtrNullReturn(pcHits, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
3930 |
3931 | /*
3932 | * Make the changes namespace by namespace.
3933 | */
3934 | uint32_t cHits = 0;
3935 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces); i++)
3936 | if (fNamespaces & g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].fNamespace)
3937 | {
3938 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace = (PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE)((uintptr_t)pThis + g_aRTFsIsoNamespaces[i].offNamespace);
3939 | if (pNamespace->uLevel > 0)
3940 | {
3942 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerWalkPathBySpec(pNamespace, pszPath, &pName);
3943 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3944 | {
3945 | pName->gid = idGroup;
3946 | cHits++;
3947 | }
3948 | }
3949 | }
3950 |
3951 | if (pcHits)
3952 | *pcHits = cHits;
3953 | if (cHits > 0)
3954 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3955 | return VWRN_NOT_FOUND;
3956 | }
3957 |
3958 |
3959 |
3960 |
3961 |
3962 |
3963 | /*
3964 | *
3965 | * El Torito Booting.
3966 | * El Torito Booting.
3967 | * El Torito Booting.
3968 | * El Torito Booting.
3969 | *
3970 | */
3971 |
3972 | /**
3973 | * Ensures that we've got a boot catalog file.
3974 | *
3975 | * @returns IPRT status code.
3976 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
3977 | */
3978 | static int rtFsIsoMakerEnsureBootCatFile(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis)
3979 | {
3980 | if (pThis->pBootCatFile)
3981 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
3982 |
3983 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
3984 |
3985 | /* Create a VFS memory file for backing up the file. */
3986 | RTVFSFILE hVfsFile;
3988 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3989 | {
3990 | /* Create an unnamed VFS backed file and mark it as non-orphaned. */
3992 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWorker(pThis, NULL, 0, &pFile);
3993 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
3994 | {
3996 | pFile->u.hVfsFile = hVfsFile;
3997 | pFile->Core.cNotOrphan = 1;
3998 |
3999 | /* Save file pointer and allocate a volume descriptor. */
4000 | pThis->pBootCatFile = pFile;
4001 | pThis->cVolumeDescriptors++;
4002 |
4003 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4004 | }
4005 | RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile);
4006 | }
4007 | return rc;
4008 | }
4009 |
4010 |
4011 | /**
4012 | * Queries the configuration index of the boot catalog file object.
4013 | *
4014 | * The boot catalog file is created as necessary, thus this have to be a query
4015 | * rather than a getter since object creation may fail.
4016 | *
4017 | * @returns IPRT status code.
4018 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
4019 | * @param pidxObj Where to return the configuration index.
4020 | */
4021 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerQueryObjIdxForBootCatalog(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t *pidxObj)
4022 | {
4023 | /*
4024 | * Validate input.
4025 | */
4026 | AssertPtrReturn(pidxObj, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
4027 | *pidxObj = UINT32_MAX;
4028 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
4030 |
4031 | /*
4032 | * Do the job.
4033 | */
4034 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerEnsureBootCatFile(pThis);
4035 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4036 | *pidxObj = pThis->pBootCatFile->Core.idxObj;
4037 | return rc;
4038 | }
4039 |
4040 |
4041 | /**
4042 | * Sets the boot catalog backing file.
4043 | *
4044 | * The content of the given file will be discarded and replaced with the boot
4045 | * catalog, the naming and file attributes (other than size) will be retained.
4046 | *
4047 | * This API exists mainly to assist when importing ISOs.
4048 | *
4049 | * @returns IPRT status code.
4050 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
4051 | * @param idxObj The configuration index of the file.
4052 | */
4053 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerBootCatSetFile(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t idxObj)
4054 | {
4055 | /*
4056 | * Validate and translate input.
4057 | */
4058 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
4060 |
4061 | PRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj = rtFsIsoMakerIndexToObj(pThis, idxObj);
4062 | AssertReturn(pObj, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
4063 | AssertReturn(pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE, VERR_WRONG_TYPE);
4065 | AssertReturn( pFile->enmSrcType == RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_PATH
4066 | || pFile->enmSrcType == RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_COMMON
4067 | || pFile->enmSrcType == RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_VFS_FILE,
4069 |
4070 | /*
4071 | * To reduce the possible combinations here, make sure there is a boot cat
4072 | * file that we're "replacing".
4073 | */
4074 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerEnsureBootCatFile(pThis);
4075 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4076 | {
4077 | /*
4078 | * Grab a reference to the boot cat memory VFS so we can destroy it
4079 | * later using regular destructors.
4080 | */
4081 | PRTFSISOMAKERFILE pOldFile = pThis->pBootCatFile;
4082 | RTVFSFILE hVfsFile = pOldFile->u.hVfsFile;
4083 | uint32_t cRefs = RTVfsFileRetain(hVfsFile);
4084 | if (cRefs != UINT32_MAX)
4085 | {
4086 | /*
4087 | * Try remove the existing boot file.
4088 | */
4089 | pOldFile->Core.cNotOrphan--;
4090 | pThis->pBootCatFile = NULL;
4091 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerObjRemoveWorker(pThis, &pOldFile->Core);
4092 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4093 | {
4094 | /*
4095 | * Just morph pFile into a boot catalog file.
4096 | */
4097 | if (pFile->enmSrcType == RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_VFS_FILE)
4098 | {
4099 | RTVfsFileRelease(pFile->u.hVfsFile);
4100 | pFile->u.hVfsFile = NIL_RTVFSFILE;
4101 | }
4102 |
4103 | pThis->cbData -= RT_ALIGN_64(pFile->cbData, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
4104 | pFile->cbData = 0;
4105 | pFile->Core.cNotOrphan++;
4107 | pFile->u.hVfsFile = hVfsFile;
4108 |
4109 | pThis->pBootCatFile = pFile;
4110 |
4111 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4112 | }
4113 |
4114 | pThis->pBootCatFile = pOldFile;
4115 | pOldFile->Core.cNotOrphan++;
4116 | RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile);
4117 | }
4118 | else
4120 | }
4121 | return rc;
4122 | }
4123 |
4124 |
4125 | /**
4126 | * Set the validation entry of the boot catalog (this is the first entry).
4127 | *
4128 | * @returns IPRT status code.
4129 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
4130 | * @param idPlatform The platform ID
4132 | * @param pszString CD/DVD-ROM identifier. Optional.
4133 | */
4134 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerBootCatSetValidationEntry(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint8_t idPlatform, const char *pszString)
4135 | {
4136 | /*
4137 | * Validate input.
4138 | */
4139 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
4141 | size_t cchString = 0;
4142 | if (pszString)
4143 | {
4144 | cchString = RTStrCalcLatin1Len(pszString);
4146 | }
4147 |
4148 | /*
4149 | * Make sure we've got a boot file.
4150 | */
4151 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerEnsureBootCatFile(pThis);
4152 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4153 | {
4154 | /*
4155 | * Construct the entry data.
4156 | */
4159 | Entry.bPlatformId = idPlatform;
4160 | Entry.u16Reserved = 0;
4161 | RT_ZERO(Entry.achId);
4162 | if (cchString)
4163 | {
4164 | char *pszTmp = Entry.achId;
4165 | rc = RTStrToLatin1Ex(pszString, RTSTR_MAX, &pszTmp, sizeof(Entry.achId), NULL);
4166 | AssertRC(rc);
4167 | }
4168 | Entry.u16Checksum = 0;
4169 | Entry.bKey1 = ISO9660_ELTORITO_KEY_BYTE_1;
4170 | Entry.bKey2 = ISO9660_ELTORITO_KEY_BYTE_2;
4171 |
4172 | /* Calc checksum. */
4173 | uint16_t uSum = 0;
4174 | uint16_t const *pu16Src = (uint16_t const *)&Entry;
4175 | uint16_t cLeft = sizeof(Entry) / sizeof(uint16_t);
4176 | while (cLeft-- > 0)
4177 | {
4178 | uSum += RT_LE2H_U16(*pu16Src);
4179 | pu16Src++;
4180 | }
4181 | Entry.u16Checksum = RT_H2LE_U16((uint16_t)0 - uSum);
4182 |
4183 | /*
4184 | * Write the entry and update our internal tracker.
4185 | */
4186 | rc = RTVfsFileWriteAt(pThis->pBootCatFile->u.hVfsFile, 0, &Entry, sizeof(Entry), NULL);
4187 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4188 | {
4189 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[0].bType = ISO9660_ELTORITO_HEADER_ID_VALIDATION_ENTRY;
4190 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[0].cEntries = 2;
4191 | }
4192 | }
4193 | return rc;
4194 | }
4195 |
4196 |
4197 | /**
4198 | * Set the validation entry of the boot catalog (this is the first entry).
4199 | *
4200 | * @returns IPRT status code.
4201 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
4202 | * @param idxBootCat The boot catalog entry. Zero and two are
4203 | * invalid. Must be less than 63.
4204 | * @param idxImageObj The configuration index of the boot image.
4205 | * @param bBootMediaType The media type and flag (not for entry 1)
4208 | * @param bSystemType The partitiona table system ID.
4209 | * @param fBootable Whether it's a bootable entry or if we just want
4210 | * the BIOS to setup the emulation without booting
4211 | * it.
4212 | * @param uLoadSeg The load address divided by 0x10 (i.e. the real
4213 | * mode segment number).
4214 | * @param cSectorsToLoad Number of emulated sectors to load.
4215 | * @param bSelCritType The selection criteria type, if none pass
4217 | * @param pvSelCritData Pointer to the selection criteria data.
4218 | * @param cbSelCritData Size of the selection criteria data.
4219 | */
4220 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerBootCatSetSectionEntry(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t idxBootCat, uint32_t idxImageObj,
4221 | uint8_t bBootMediaType, uint8_t bSystemType, bool fBootable,
4222 | uint16_t uLoadSeg, uint16_t cSectorsToLoad,
4223 | uint8_t bSelCritType, void const *pvSelCritData, size_t cbSelCritData)
4224 | {
4225 | /*
4226 | * Validate input.
4227 | */
4228 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
4230 | PRTFSISOMAKERFILE pFile = (PRTFSISOMAKERFILE)rtFsIsoMakerIndexToObj(pThis, idxImageObj);
4231 | AssertReturn(pFile, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
4234 | AssertReturn(!(bBootMediaType & ISO9660_ELTORITO_BOOT_MEDIA_F_MASK) || idxBootCat != 1,
4236 |
4237 | AssertReturn(idxBootCat != 0 && idxBootCat != 2 && idxBootCat < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aBootCatEntries) - 1U, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
4238 |
4239 | size_t cExtEntries = 0;
4240 | if (bSelCritType == ISO9660_ELTORITO_SEL_CRIT_TYPE_NONE)
4241 | AssertReturn(cbSelCritData == 0, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
4242 | else
4243 | {
4244 | AssertReturn(idxBootCat > 2, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
4245 | if (cbSelCritData > 0)
4246 | {
4247 | AssertPtrReturn(pvSelCritData, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
4248 |
4249 | if (cbSelCritData <= RT_SIZEOFMEMB(ISO9660ELTORITOSECTIONENTRY, abSelectionCriteria))
4250 | cExtEntries = 0;
4251 | else
4252 | {
4253 | cExtEntries = (cbSelCritData - RT_SIZEOFMEMB(ISO9660ELTORITOSECTIONENTRY, abSelectionCriteria)
4254 | + RT_SIZEOFMEMB(ISO9660ELTORITOSECTIONENTRYEXT, abSelectionCriteria) - 1)
4256 | AssertReturn(cExtEntries + 1 < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aBootCatEntries) - 1, VERR_TOO_MUCH_DATA);
4257 | }
4258 | }
4259 | }
4260 |
4261 | /*
4262 | * Make sure we've got a boot file.
4263 | */
4264 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerEnsureBootCatFile(pThis);
4265 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4266 | {
4267 | /*
4268 | * Construct the entry.
4269 | */
4270 | union
4271 | {
4274 | } u;
4275 | u.Entry.bBootIndicator = fBootable ? ISO9660_ELTORITO_BOOT_INDICATOR_BOOTABLE
4277 | u.Entry.bBootMediaType = bBootMediaType;
4278 | u.Entry.uLoadSeg = RT_H2LE_U16(uLoadSeg);
4279 | u.Entry.bSystemType = cExtEntries == 0
4282 | u.Entry.bUnused = 0;
4283 | u.Entry.cEmulatedSectorsToLoad = RT_H2LE_U16(cSectorsToLoad);
4284 | u.Entry.offBootImage = 0;
4285 | u.Entry.bSelectionCriteriaType = bSelCritType;
4286 | RT_ZERO(u.Entry.abSelectionCriteria);
4287 | if (cbSelCritData > 0)
4288 | memcpy(u.Entry.abSelectionCriteria, pvSelCritData, RT_MIN(cbSelCritData, sizeof(u.Entry.abSelectionCriteria)));
4289 |
4290 | /*
4291 | * Write it and update our internal tracker.
4292 | */
4293 | rc = RTVfsFileWriteAt(pThis->pBootCatFile->u.hVfsFile, ISO9660_ELTORITO_ENTRY_SIZE * idxBootCat,
4294 | &u.Entry, sizeof(u.Entry), NULL);
4295 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4296 | {
4297 | if (pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].pBootFile != pFile)
4298 | {
4299 | if (pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].pBootFile)
4300 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].pBootFile->Core.cNotOrphan--;
4301 | pFile->Core.cNotOrphan++;
4302 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].pBootFile = pFile;
4303 | }
4304 |
4305 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].bType = u.Entry.bBootIndicator;
4306 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].cEntries = 1;
4307 | }
4308 |
4309 | /*
4310 | * Do add further extension entries with selection criteria.
4311 | */
4312 | if (cExtEntries)
4313 | {
4314 | uint8_t const *pbSrc = (uint8_t const *)pvSelCritData;
4315 | size_t cbSrc = cbSelCritData;
4316 | pbSrc += sizeof(u.Entry.abSelectionCriteria);
4317 | cbSrc -= sizeof(u.Entry.abSelectionCriteria);
4318 |
4319 | while (cbSrc > 0)
4320 | {
4321 | u.ExtEntry.bExtensionId = ISO9660_ELTORITO_SECTION_ENTRY_EXT_ID;
4322 | if (cbSrc > sizeof(u.ExtEntry.abSelectionCriteria))
4323 | {
4324 | u.ExtEntry.fFlags = ISO9660_ELTORITO_SECTION_ENTRY_EXT_F_MORE;
4325 | memcpy(u.ExtEntry.abSelectionCriteria, pbSrc, sizeof(u.ExtEntry.abSelectionCriteria));
4326 | pbSrc += sizeof(u.ExtEntry.abSelectionCriteria);
4327 | cbSrc -= sizeof(u.ExtEntry.abSelectionCriteria);
4328 | }
4329 | else
4330 | {
4331 | u.ExtEntry.fFlags = 0;
4332 | RT_ZERO(u.ExtEntry.abSelectionCriteria);
4333 | memcpy(u.ExtEntry.abSelectionCriteria, pbSrc, cbSrc);
4334 | cbSrc = 0;
4335 | }
4336 |
4337 | idxBootCat++;
4338 | rc = RTVfsFileWriteAt(pThis->pBootCatFile->u.hVfsFile, ISO9660_ELTORITO_ENTRY_SIZE * idxBootCat,
4339 | &u.Entry, sizeof(u.Entry), NULL);
4340 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
4341 | break;
4342 |
4343 | /* update the internal tracker. */
4344 | if (pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].pBootFile)
4345 | {
4346 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].pBootFile->Core.cNotOrphan--;
4347 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].pBootFile = NULL;
4348 | }
4349 |
4350 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].bType = ISO9660_ELTORITO_SECTION_ENTRY_EXT_ID;
4351 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].cEntries = 1;
4352 | }
4353 | }
4354 | }
4355 | return rc;
4356 | }
4357 |
4358 |
4359 | /**
4360 | * Set the validation entry of the boot catalog (this is the first entry).
4361 | *
4362 | * @returns IPRT status code.
4363 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
4364 | * @param idxBootCat The boot catalog entry.
4365 | * @param cEntries Number of entries in the section.
4366 | * @param idPlatform The platform ID
4368 | * @param pszString Section identifier or something. Optional.
4369 | */
4370 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerBootCatSetSectionHeaderEntry(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, uint32_t idxBootCat, uint32_t cEntries,
4371 | uint8_t idPlatform, const char *pszString)
4372 | {
4373 | /*
4374 | * Validate input.
4375 | */
4376 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
4378 |
4379 | AssertReturn(idxBootCat >= 2 && idxBootCat < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aBootCatEntries) - 1U, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
4380 | AssertReturn(cEntries < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aBootCatEntries) - 2U - 1U, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
4381 | AssertReturn(idxBootCat + cEntries + 1 < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aBootCatEntries), VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
4382 |
4383 | size_t cchString = 0;
4384 | if (pszString)
4385 | {
4386 | cchString = RTStrCalcLatin1Len(pszString);
4388 | }
4389 |
4390 | /*
4391 | * Make sure we've got a boot file.
4392 | */
4393 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerEnsureBootCatFile(pThis);
4394 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4395 | {
4396 | /*
4397 | * Construct the entry data.
4398 | */
4401 | Entry.bPlatformId = idPlatform;
4402 | Entry.cEntries = RT_H2LE_U16(cEntries);
4403 | RT_ZERO(Entry.achSectionId);
4404 | if (cchString)
4405 | {
4406 | char *pszTmp = Entry.achSectionId;
4407 | rc = RTStrToLatin1Ex(pszString, RTSTR_MAX, &pszTmp, sizeof(Entry.achSectionId), NULL);
4408 | AssertRC(rc);
4409 | }
4410 |
4411 | /*
4412 | * Write the entry and update our internal tracker.
4413 | */
4414 | rc = RTVfsFileWriteAt(pThis->pBootCatFile->u.hVfsFile, ISO9660_ELTORITO_ENTRY_SIZE * idxBootCat,
4415 | &Entry, sizeof(Entry), NULL);
4416 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4417 | {
4418 | if (pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].pBootFile != NULL)
4419 | {
4420 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].pBootFile->Core.cNotOrphan--;
4421 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].pBootFile = NULL;
4422 | }
4423 |
4424 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].bType = ISO9660_ELTORITO_HEADER_ID_SECTION_HEADER;
4425 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[idxBootCat].cEntries = cEntries + 1;
4426 | }
4427 | }
4428 | return rc;
4429 | }
4430 |
4431 |
4432 |
4433 |
4434 |
4435 | /*
4436 | *
4437 | * Image finalization.
4438 | * Image finalization.
4439 | * Image finalization.
4440 | *
4441 | */
4442 |
4443 |
4444 | /**
4445 | * Remove any orphaned object from the disk.
4446 | *
4447 | * @returns IPRT status code.
4448 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
4449 | */
4450 | static int rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeRemoveOrphans(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis)
4451 | {
4452 | for (;;)
4453 | {
4454 | uint32_t cRemoved = 0;
4457 | RTListForEachSafe(&pThis->ObjectHead, pCur, pNext, RTFSISOMAKEROBJ, Entry)
4458 | {
4459 | if ( pCur->pPrimaryName
4460 | || pCur->pJolietName
4461 | || pCur->pUdfName
4462 | || pCur->pHfsName
4463 | || pCur->cNotOrphan > 0)
4464 | { /* likely */ }
4465 | else
4466 | {
4467 | Log4(("rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeRemoveOrphans: %#x cbData=%#RX64\n", pCur->idxObj,
4468 | pCur->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE ? ((PRTFSISOMAKERFILE)(pCur))->cbData : 0));
4469 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerObjRemoveWorker(pThis, pCur);
4470 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4471 | {
4472 | if (rc != VWRN_DANGLING_OBJECTS) /** */
4473 | cRemoved++;
4474 | }
4475 | else
4476 | return rc;
4477 | }
4478 | }
4479 | if (!cRemoved)
4480 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4481 | }
4482 | }
4483 |
4484 |
4485 | /**
4486 | * Finalizes the El Torito boot stuff, part 1.
4487 | *
4488 | * This includes generating the boot catalog data and fixing the location of all
4489 | * related image files.
4490 | *
4491 | * @returns IPRT status code.
4492 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
4493 | */
4494 | static int rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeBootStuffPart1(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis)
4495 | {
4496 | /*
4497 | * Anything?
4498 | */
4499 | if (!pThis->pBootCatFile)
4500 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4501 |
4502 | /*
4503 | * Validate the boot catalog file.
4504 | */
4505 | AssertReturn(pThis->aBootCatEntries[0].bType == ISO9660_ELTORITO_HEADER_ID_VALIDATION_ENTRY,
4507 | AssertReturn(pThis->aBootCatEntries[1].pBootFile != NULL, VERR_ISOMK_BOOT_CAT_NO_DEFAULT_ENTRY);
4508 |
4509 | /* Check any sections following the default one. */
4510 | uint32_t cEntries = 2;
4511 | while ( cEntries < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aBootCatEntries) - 1U
4512 | && pThis->aBootCatEntries[cEntries].cEntries > 0)
4513 | {
4514 | AssertReturn(pThis->aBootCatEntries[cEntries].bType == ISO9660_ELTORITO_HEADER_ID_SECTION_HEADER,
4516 | for (uint32_t i = 1; i < pThis->aBootCatEntries[cEntries].cEntries; i++)
4517 | AssertReturn(pThis->aBootCatEntries[cEntries].pBootFile != NULL,
4518 | pThis->aBootCatEntries[cEntries].cEntries == 0
4520 | cEntries += pThis->aBootCatEntries[cEntries].cEntries;
4521 | }
4522 |
4523 | /* Save for size setting. */
4524 | uint32_t const cEntriesInFile = cEntries + 1;
4525 |
4526 | /* Check that the remaining entries are empty. */
4527 | while (cEntries < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aBootCatEntries))
4528 | {
4529 | AssertReturn(pThis->aBootCatEntries[cEntries].cEntries == 0, VERR_ISOMK_BOOT_CAT_ERRATIC_ENTRY);
4530 | cEntries++;
4531 | }
4532 |
4533 | /*
4534 | * Fixate the size of the boot catalog file.
4535 | */
4536 | pThis->pBootCatFile->cbData = cEntriesInFile * ISO9660_ELTORITO_ENTRY_SIZE;
4537 | pThis->cbData += RT_ALIGN_32(cEntriesInFile * ISO9660_ELTORITO_ENTRY_SIZE, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
4538 |
4539 | /*
4540 | * Move up the boot images and boot catalog to the start of the image.
4541 | */
4542 | for (uint32_t i = RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aBootCatEntries) - 2; i > 0; i--)
4543 | if (pThis->aBootCatEntries[i].pBootFile)
4544 | {
4545 | RTListNodeRemove(&pThis->aBootCatEntries[i].pBootFile->Core.Entry);
4546 | RTListPrepend(&pThis->ObjectHead, &pThis->aBootCatEntries[i].pBootFile->Core.Entry);
4547 | }
4548 |
4549 | /* The boot catalog comes first. */
4550 | RTListNodeRemove(&pThis->pBootCatFile->Core.Entry);
4551 | RTListPrepend(&pThis->ObjectHead, &pThis->pBootCatFile->Core.Entry);
4552 |
4553 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4554 | }
4555 |
4556 |
4557 | /**
4558 | * Finalizes the El Torito boot stuff, part 1.
4559 | *
4560 | * This includes generating the boot catalog data and fixing the location of all
4561 | * related image files.
4562 | *
4563 | * @returns IPRT status code.
4564 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
4565 | */
4566 | static int rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeBootStuffPart2(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis)
4567 | {
4568 | /*
4569 | * Anything?
4570 | */
4571 | if (!pThis->pBootCatFile)
4572 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4573 |
4574 | /*
4575 | * Fill in the descriptor.
4576 | */
4577 | PISO9660BOOTRECORDELTORITO pDesc = pThis->pElToritoDesc;
4578 | pDesc->Hdr.bDescType = ISO9660VOLDESC_TYPE_BOOT_RECORD;
4579 | pDesc->Hdr.bDescVersion = ISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC_VERSION;
4580 | memcpy(pDesc->Hdr.achStdId, ISO9660VOLDESC_STD_ID, sizeof(pDesc->Hdr.achStdId));
4581 | memcpy(pDesc->achBootSystemId, RT_STR_TUPLE(ISO9660BOOTRECORDELTORITO_BOOT_SYSTEM_ID));
4582 | pDesc->offBootCatalog = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)(pThis->pBootCatFile->offData / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE));
4583 |
4584 | /*
4585 | * Update the image file locations.
4586 | */
4587 | uint32_t cEntries = 2;
4588 | for (uint32_t i = 1; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aBootCatEntries) - 1; i++)
4589 | if (pThis->aBootCatEntries[i].pBootFile)
4590 | {
4591 | uint32_t off = pThis->aBootCatEntries[i].pBootFile->offData / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE;
4592 | off = RT_H2LE_U32(off);
4593 | int rc = RTVfsFileWriteAt(pThis->pBootCatFile->u.hVfsFile,
4595 | &off, sizeof(off), NULL /*pcbWritten*/);
4596 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
4597 | if (i == cEntries)
4598 | cEntries = i + 1;
4599 | }
4600 |
4601 | /*
4602 | * Write end section.
4603 | */
4606 | Entry.bPlatformId = ISO9660_ELTORITO_PLATFORM_ID_X86;
4607 | Entry.cEntries = 0;
4608 | RT_ZERO(Entry.achSectionId);
4609 | int rc = RTVfsFileWriteAt(pThis->pBootCatFile->u.hVfsFile, cEntries * ISO9660_ELTORITO_ENTRY_SIZE,
4610 | &Entry, sizeof(Entry), NULL /*pcbWritten*/);
4611 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
4612 |
4613 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4614 | }
4615 |
4616 |
4617 | /**
4618 | * Gathers the dirs for an ISO-9660 namespace (e.g. primary or joliet).
4619 | *
4620 | * @param pNamespace The namespace.
4621 | * @param pFinalizedDirs The finalized directory structure. The
4622 | * FinalizedDirs will be worked here.
4623 | */
4624 | static void rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeGatherDirs(PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace, PRTFSISOMAKERFINALIZEDDIRS pFinalizedDirs)
4625 | {
4626 | RTListInit(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs);
4627 |
4628 | /*
4629 | * Enter the root directory (if we got one).
4630 | */
4631 | if (!pNamespace->pRoot)
4632 | return;
4633 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR pCurDir = pNamespace->pRoot->pDir;
4634 | RTListAppend(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, &pCurDir->FinalizedEntry);
4635 | do
4636 | {
4637 | /*
4638 | * Scan pCurDir and add directories. We don't need to sort anything
4639 | * here because the directory is already in path table compatible order.
4640 | */
4641 | uint32_t cLeft = pCurDir->cChildren;
4642 | PPRTFSISOMAKERNAME ppChild = pCurDir->papChildren;
4643 | while (cLeft-- > 0)
4644 | {
4645 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pChild = *ppChild++;
4646 | if (pChild->pDir)
4647 | RTListAppend(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, &pChild->pDir->FinalizedEntry);
4648 | }
4649 |
4650 | /*
4651 | * Advance to the next directory.
4652 | */
4653 | pCurDir = RTListGetNext(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, pCurDir, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
4654 | } while (pCurDir);
4655 | }
4656 |
4657 |
4658 | /**
4659 | * Allocates space in the rock ridge spill file.
4660 | *
4661 | * @returns Spill file offset, UINT32_MAX on failure.
4662 | * @param pRRSpillFile The spill file.
4663 | * @param cbRock Number of bytes to allocate.
4664 | */
4665 | static uint32_t rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeAllocRockRidgeSpill(PRTFSISOMAKERFILE pRRSpillFile, uint32_t cbRock)
4666 | {
4667 | uint32_t off = pRRSpillFile->cbData;
4668 | if (ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE - (pRRSpillFile->cbData & ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK) >= cbRock)
4669 | { /* likely */ }
4670 | else
4671 | {
4672 | off |= ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK;
4673 | off++;
4674 | AssertLogRelReturn(off > 0, UINT32_MAX);
4675 | pRRSpillFile->cbData = off;
4676 | }
4677 | pRRSpillFile->cbData += RT_ALIGN_32(cbRock, 4);
4678 | return off;
4679 | }
4680 |
4681 |
4682 | /**
4683 | * Finalizes a directory entry (i.e. namespace node).
4684 | *
4685 | * This calculates the directory record size.
4686 | *
4687 | * @returns IPRT status code.
4688 | * @param pFinalizedDirs .
4689 | * @param pName The directory entry to finalize.
4690 | * @param offInDir The offset in the directory of this record.
4691 | * @param uRockRidgeLevel This is the rock ridge level.
4692 | * @param fIsRoot Set if this is the root.
4693 | */
4694 | static int rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeIsoDirectoryEntry(PRTFSISOMAKERFINALIZEDDIRS pFinalizedDirs, PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pName,
4695 | uint32_t offInDir, uint8_t uRockRidgeLevel, bool fIsRoot)
4696 | {
4697 | /* Set directory and translation table offsets. (These are for
4698 | helping generating data blocks later.) */
4699 | pName->offDirRec = offInDir;
4700 |
4701 | /* Calculate the minimal directory record size. */
4702 | size_t cbDirRec = RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660DIRREC, achFileId) + pName->cbNameInDirRec + !(pName->cbNameInDirRec & 1);
4703 | AssertReturn(cbDirRec <= UINT8_MAX, VERR_FILENAME_TOO_LONG);
4704 |
4705 | pName->cbDirRec = (uint8_t)cbDirRec;
4706 | pName->cDirRecs = 1;
4707 | if (pName->pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE)
4708 | {
4710 | if (pFile->cbData > UINT32_MAX)
4711 | pName->cDirRecs = (pFile->cbData + RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_ISO9660_EXTENT_SIZE - 1) / RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_ISO9660_EXTENT_SIZE;
4712 | }
4713 |
4714 | /*
4715 | * Calculate the size of the rock ridge bits we need.
4716 | */
4717 | if (uRockRidgeLevel > 0)
4718 | {
4719 | uint16_t cbRock = 0;
4720 | uint8_t fFlags = 0;
4721 |
4722 | /* Level two starts with a 'RR' entry. */
4723 | if (uRockRidgeLevel >= 2)
4724 | cbRock += sizeof(ISO9660RRIPRR);
4725 |
4726 | /* We always do 'PX' and 'TF' w/ 4 timestamps. */
4727 | cbRock += sizeof(ISO9660RRIPPX)
4728 | + RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660RRIPTF, abPayload) + 4 * sizeof(ISO9660RECTIMESTAMP);
4729 | fFlags |= ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_PX | ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_TF;
4730 |
4731 | /* Devices needs 'PN'. */
4732 | if ( RTFS_IS_DEV_BLOCK(pName->pObj->fMode)
4733 | || RTFS_IS_DEV_CHAR(pName->pObj->fMode))
4734 | {
4735 | cbRock += sizeof(ISO9660RRIPPN);
4736 | fFlags |= ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_PN;
4737 | }
4738 |
4739 | /* Usually we need a 'NM' entry too. */
4740 | if ( pName->pszRockRidgeNm != pName->szName
4741 | && pName->cchRockRidgeNm > 0
4742 | && ( pName->cbNameInDirRec != 1
4743 | || (uint8_t)pName->szName[0] > (uint8_t)0x01) ) /** @todo only root dir ever uses an ID byte here? [RR NM ./..] */
4744 | {
4745 | uint16_t cchNm = pName->cchRockRidgeNm;
4746 | while (cchNm > ISO9660RRIPNM_MAX_NAME_LEN)
4747 | {
4748 | cbRock += (uint16_t)RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660RRIPNM, achName) + ISO9660RRIPNM_MAX_NAME_LEN;
4749 | cchNm -= ISO9660RRIPNM_MAX_NAME_LEN;
4750 | }
4751 | cbRock += (uint16_t)RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660RRIPNM, achName) + cchNm;
4752 | fFlags |= ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_NM;
4753 | }
4754 |
4755 | /* Symbolic links needs a 'SL' entry. */
4756 | if (pName->pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_SYMLINK)
4757 | {
4759 | cbRock += pSymlink->cbSlRockRidge;
4760 | fFlags |= ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_SL;
4761 | }
4762 |
4763 | /*
4764 | * Decide where stuff goes. The '.' record of the root dir is special.
4765 | */
4766 | pName->fRockEntries = fFlags;
4767 | if (!fIsRoot)
4768 | {
4769 | if (pName->cbDirRec + cbRock < UINT8_MAX)
4770 | {
4771 | pName->cbRockInDirRec = cbRock;
4772 | pName->cbRockSpill = 0;
4773 | pName->fRockNeedRRInDirRec = uRockRidgeLevel >= 2;
4774 | pName->fRockNeedRRInSpill = false;
4775 | }
4776 | else if (pName->cbDirRec + sizeof(ISO9660SUSPCE) < UINT8_MAX)
4777 | {
4778 | /* Try fit the 'RR' entry in the directory record, but don't bother with anything else. */
4779 | if (uRockRidgeLevel >= 2 && pName->cbDirRec + sizeof(ISO9660SUSPCE) + sizeof(ISO9660RRIPRR) < UINT8_MAX)
4780 | {
4781 | pName->cbRockInDirRec = (uint16_t)(sizeof(ISO9660SUSPCE) + sizeof(ISO9660RRIPRR));
4782 | cbRock -= sizeof(ISO9660RRIPRR);
4783 | pName->cbRockSpill = cbRock;
4784 | pName->fRockNeedRRInDirRec = true;
4785 | pName->fRockNeedRRInSpill = false;
4786 | }
4787 | else
4788 | {
4789 | pName->cbRockInDirRec = (uint16_t)sizeof(ISO9660SUSPCE);
4790 | pName->cbRockSpill = cbRock;
4791 | pName->fRockNeedRRInDirRec = false;
4792 | pName->fRockNeedRRInSpill = uRockRidgeLevel >= 2;
4793 | }
4794 | pName->offRockSpill = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeAllocRockRidgeSpill(pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile, cbRock);
4795 | AssertReturn(pName->offRockSpill != UINT32_MAX, VERR_ISOMK_RR_SPILL_FILE_FULL);
4796 | }
4797 | else
4798 | {
4799 | LogRel(("RTFsIsoMaker: no space for 'CE' entry: cbDirRec=%#x bytes, name=%s (%#x bytes)\n",
4800 | pName->cbDirRec, pName->szName, pName->cbNameInDirRec));
4802 | }
4803 | }
4804 | else
4805 | {
4806 | /* The root starts with a 'SP' record to indicate that SUSP is being used,
4807 | this is always in the directory record. If we add a 'ER' record (big) too,
4808 | we put all but 'SP' and 'ER' in the spill file too keep things simple. */
4809 | if (uRockRidgeLevel < 2)
4810 | {
4811 | Assert(!(fFlags & (ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_NM | ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_SL | ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_CL | ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_PL | ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_RE)));
4812 | cbRock += sizeof(ISO9660SUSPSP);
4813 | Assert(pName->cbDirRec + cbRock < UINT8_MAX);
4814 | pName->cbRockInDirRec = cbRock;
4815 | pName->cbRockSpill = 0;
4816 | pName->fRockNeedER = false;
4817 | pName->fRockNeedRRInDirRec = false;
4818 | pName->fRockNeedRRInSpill = false;
4819 | }
4820 | else
4821 | {
4822 | pName->cbRockInDirRec = (uint16_t)(sizeof(ISO9660SUSPSP) + sizeof(ISO9660SUSPCE));
4823 | pName->fRockNeedER = true;
4824 | pName->fRockNeedRRInSpill = true;
4825 | pName->fRockNeedRRInDirRec = false;
4826 | cbRock += ISO9660_RRIP_ER_LEN;
4827 | pName->cbRockSpill = cbRock;
4828 | pName->offRockSpill = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeAllocRockRidgeSpill(pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile, cbRock);
4829 | }
4830 | }
4831 | pName->cbDirRec += pName->cbRockInDirRec + (pName->cbRockInDirRec & 1);
4832 | Assert(pName->cbDirRec < UINT8_MAX);
4833 | }
4834 |
4835 | pName->cbDirRecTotal = pName->cbDirRec * pName->cDirRecs;
4836 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
4837 | }
4838 |
4839 |
4840 | /**
4841 | * Finalizes either a primary and secondary ISO namespace.
4842 | *
4843 | * @returns IPRT status code
4844 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
4845 | * @param pNamespace The namespace.
4846 | * @param pFinalizedDirs The finalized directories structure for the
4847 | * namespace.
4848 | * @param poffData The data offset. We will allocate blocks for the
4849 | * directories and the path tables.
4850 | */
4851 | static int rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeDirectoriesInIsoNamespace(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace,
4852 | PRTFSISOMAKERFINALIZEDDIRS pFinalizedDirs, uint64_t *poffData)
4853 | {
4854 | int rc;
4855 |
4856 | /* The directory data comes first, so take down it's offset. */
4857 | pFinalizedDirs->offDirs = *poffData;
4858 |
4859 | /*
4860 | * Reset the rock ridge spill file (in case we allow finalizing more than once)
4861 | * and create a new spill file if rock ridge is enabled. The directory entry
4862 | * finalize function uses this as a clue that rock ridge is enabled.
4863 | */
4864 | if (pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile)
4865 | {
4866 | pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile->Core.cNotOrphan = 0;
4867 | rtFsIsoMakerObjRemoveWorker(pThis, &pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile->Core);
4868 | pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile = NULL;
4869 | }
4870 | if (pNamespace->uRockRidgeLevel > 0)
4871 | {
4872 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerAddUnnamedFileWorker(pThis, NULL, 0, &pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile);
4873 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
4874 | pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile->enmSrcType = RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_RR_SPILL;
4875 | pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile->u.pRockSpillNamespace = pNamespace;
4876 | pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile->Core.cNotOrphan = 1;
4877 | }
4878 |
4879 | uint16_t idPathTable = 1;
4880 | uint32_t cbPathTable = 0;
4881 | if (pNamespace->pRoot)
4882 | {
4883 | /*
4884 | * Precalc the directory record size for the root directory.
4885 | */
4886 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeIsoDirectoryEntry(pFinalizedDirs, pNamespace->pRoot, 0 /*offInDir*/,
4887 | pNamespace->uRockRidgeLevel, true /*fIsRoot*/);
4888 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
4889 |
4890 | /*
4891 | * Work thru the directories.
4892 | */
4894 | RTListForEach(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, pCurDir, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry)
4895 | {
4896 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pCurName = pCurDir->pName;
4897 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pParentName = pCurName->pParent ? pCurName->pParent : pCurName;
4898 |
4899 | /* We don't do anything special for the special '.' and '..' directory
4900 | entries, instead we use the directory entry in the parent directory
4901 | with a 1 byte name (00 or 01). */
4902 | /** @todo r=bird: This causes trouble with RR NM records, since we'll be
4903 | * emitting the real directory name rather than '.' or '..' (or
4904 | * whatever we should be emitting for these two special dirs).
4905 | * FreeBSD got confused with this. The RTFSISOMAKERDIRTYPE stuff is a
4906 | * workaround for this, however it doesn't hold up if we have to use
4907 | * the spill file. [RR NM ./..] */
4908 | Assert(pCurName->cbDirRec != 0);
4909 | Assert(pParentName->cbDirRec != 0);
4910 | pCurDir->cbDirRec00 = pCurName->cbDirRec - pCurName->cbNameInDirRec - !(pCurName->cbNameInDirRec & 1) + 1;
4911 | pCurDir->cbDirRec01 = pParentName->cbDirRec - pParentName->cbNameInDirRec - !(pParentName->cbNameInDirRec & 1) + 1;
4912 |
4913 | uint32_t offInDir = (uint32_t)pCurDir->cbDirRec00 + pCurDir->cbDirRec01;
4914 |
4915 | /* Finalize the directory entries. */
4916 | uint32_t cSubDirs = 0;
4917 | uint32_t cbTransTbl = 0;
4918 | uint32_t cLeft = pCurDir->cChildren;
4919 | PPRTFSISOMAKERNAME ppChild = pCurDir->papChildren;
4920 | while (cLeft-- > 0)
4921 | {
4922 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pChild = *ppChild++;
4923 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeIsoDirectoryEntry(pFinalizedDirs, pChild, offInDir,
4924 | pNamespace->uRockRidgeLevel, false /*fIsRoot*/);
4925 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
4926 |
4928 | {
4929 | Assert(ppChild[-1] == pChild && &ppChild[-1] != pCurDir->papChildren);
4930 | if ( pChild->cDirRecs == 1
4931 | || pChild->cDirRecs <= RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE / pChild->cbDirRec)
4932 | {
4934 | offInDir = (offInDir | RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK) + 1; /* doesn't fit, skip to next sector. */
4935 | Log4(("rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeDirectoriesInIsoNamespace: zero padding dir rec @%#x: %#x -> %#x; offset %#x -> %#x\n",
4936 | ppChild[-2]->offDirRec, ppChild[-2]->cbDirRec, ppChild[-2]->cbDirRecTotal, pChild->offDirRec, offInDir));
4937 | pChild->offDirRec = offInDir;
4938 | }
4939 | /* else: too complicated and ulikely, so whatever. */
4940 | }
4941 |
4942 | offInDir += pChild->cbDirRecTotal;
4943 | if (pChild->cchTransNm)
4944 | cbTransTbl += 2 /* type & space*/
4946 | + 1 /* tab */
4947 | + pChild->cchTransNm
4948 | + 1 /* newline */;
4949 |
4950 | if (RTFS_IS_DIRECTORY(pChild->fMode))
4951 | cSubDirs++;
4952 | }
4953 |
4954 | /* Set the directory size and location, advancing the data offset. */
4955 | pCurDir->cbDir = offInDir;
4956 | pCurDir->offDir = *poffData;
4957 | *poffData += RT_ALIGN_32(offInDir, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
4958 |
4959 | /* Set the translation table file size. */
4960 | if (pCurDir->pTransTblFile)
4961 | {
4962 | pCurDir->pTransTblFile->cbData = cbTransTbl;
4963 | pThis->cbData += RT_ALIGN_32(cbTransTbl, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
4964 | }
4965 |
4966 | /* Add to the path table size calculation. */
4967 | pCurDir->offPathTable = cbPathTable;
4968 | pCurDir->idPathTable = idPathTable++;
4969 | cbPathTable += RTFSISOMAKER_CALC_PATHREC_SIZE(pCurName->cbNameInDirRec);
4970 |
4971 | /* Set the hardlink count. */
4972 | pCurName->cHardlinks = cSubDirs + 2;
4973 |
4974 | Log4(("rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeDirectoriesInIsoNamespace: idxObj=#%#x cbDir=%#08x cChildren=%#05x %s\n",
4975 | pCurDir->pName->pObj->idxObj, pCurDir->cbDir, pCurDir->cChildren, pCurDir->pName->szName));
4976 | }
4977 | }
4978 |
4979 | /*
4980 | * Remove rock ridge spill file if we haven't got any spill.
4981 | * If we have, round the size up to a whole sector to avoid the slow path
4982 | * when reading from it.
4983 | */
4984 | if (pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile)
4985 | {
4986 | if (pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile->cbData > 0)
4987 | {
4988 | pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile->cbData = RT_ALIGN_64(pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile->cbData, ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE);
4989 | pThis->cbData += pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile->cbData;
4990 | }
4991 | else
4992 | {
4993 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerObjRemoveWorker(pThis, &pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile->Core);
4994 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
4995 | pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile = NULL;
4996 | }
4997 | }
4998 |
4999 | /*
5000 | * Calculate the path table offsets and move past them.
5001 | */
5002 | pFinalizedDirs->cbPathTable = cbPathTable;
5003 | pFinalizedDirs->offPathTableL = *poffData;
5004 | *poffData += RT_ALIGN_64(cbPathTable, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5005 |
5006 | pFinalizedDirs->offPathTableM = *poffData;
5007 | *poffData += RT_ALIGN_64(cbPathTable, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5008 |
5009 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
5010 | }
5011 |
5012 |
5013 |
5014 | /**
5015 | * Finalizes directories and related stuff.
5016 | *
5017 | * This will not generate actual directory data, but calculate the size of it
5018 | * once it's generated. Ditto for the path tables. The exception is the rock
5019 | * ridge spill file, which will be generated in memory.
5020 | *
5021 | * @returns IPRT status code.
5022 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
5023 | * @param poffData The data offset (in/out).
5024 | */
5025 | static int rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeDirectories(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, uint64_t *poffData)
5026 | {
5027 | /*
5028 | * Locate the directories, width first, inserting them in the finalized lists so
5029 | * we can process them efficiently.
5030 | */
5031 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeGatherDirs(&pThis->PrimaryIso, &pThis->PrimaryIsoDirs);
5032 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeGatherDirs(&pThis->Joliet, &pThis->JolietDirs);
5033 |
5034 | /*
5035 | * Process the primary ISO and joliet namespaces.
5036 | */
5037 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeDirectoriesInIsoNamespace(pThis, &pThis->PrimaryIso, &pThis->PrimaryIsoDirs, poffData);
5038 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
5039 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeDirectoriesInIsoNamespace(pThis, &pThis->Joliet, &pThis->JolietDirs, poffData);
5040 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
5041 | {
5042 | /*
5043 | * Later: UDF, HFS.
5044 | */
5045 | }
5046 | return rc;
5047 | }
5048 |
5049 |
5050 | /**
5051 | * Finalizes data allocations.
5052 | *
5053 | * This will set the RTFSISOMAKERFILE::offData members.
5054 | *
5055 | * @returns IPRT status code.
5056 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
5057 | * @param poffData The data offset (in/out).
5058 | */
5059 | static int rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeData(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis, uint64_t *poffData)
5060 | {
5061 | pThis->offFirstFile = *poffData;
5062 |
5063 | /*
5064 | * We currently does not have any ordering prioritizing implemented, so we
5065 | * just store files in the order they were added.
5066 | */
5068 | RTListForEach(&pThis->ObjectHead, pCur, RTFSISOMAKEROBJ, Entry)
5069 | {
5070 | if (pCur->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE)
5071 | {
5073 | if (pCurFile->offData == UINT64_MAX)
5074 | {
5075 | pCurFile->offData = *poffData;
5076 | *poffData += RT_ALIGN_64(pCurFile->cbData, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5077 | RTListAppend(&pThis->FinalizedFiles, &pCurFile->FinalizedEntry);
5078 | Log4(("rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeData: %#x @%#RX64 cbData=%#RX64\n", pCurFile->Core.idxObj, pCurFile->offData, pCurFile->cbData));
5079 | }
5080 |
5081 | /*
5082 | * Create the boot info table.
5083 | */
5084 | if (pCurFile->pBootInfoTable)
5085 | {
5086 | /*
5087 | * Checksum the file.
5088 | */
5089 | int rc;
5090 | RTVFSFILE hVfsFile;
5091 | uint64_t offBase;
5092 | switch (pCurFile->enmSrcType)
5093 | {
5095 | rc = RTVfsChainOpenFile(pCurFile->u.pszSrcPath, RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_DENY_NONE | RTFILE_O_OPEN,
5096 | &hVfsFile, NULL, NULL);
5097 | AssertMsgRCReturn(rc, ("%s -> %Rrc\n", pCurFile->u.pszSrcPath, rc), rc);
5098 | offBase = 0;
5099 | break;
5101 | hVfsFile = pCurFile->u.hVfsFile;
5102 | offBase = 0;
5103 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
5104 | break;
5106 | hVfsFile = pThis->paCommonSources[pCurFile->u.Common.idxSrc];
5107 | offBase = pCurFile->u.Common.offData;
5108 | rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
5109 | break;
5110 | default:
5111 | AssertMsgFailedReturn(("enmSrcType=%d\n", pCurFile->enmSrcType), VERR_IPE_NOT_REACHED_DEFAULT_CASE);
5112 | }
5113 |
5114 | uint32_t uChecksum = 0;
5115 | uint32_t off = 64;
5116 | uint32_t cbLeft = RT_MAX(64, (uint32_t)pCurFile->cbData) - 64;
5117 | while (cbLeft > 0)
5118 | {
5119 | union
5120 | {
5121 | uint8_t ab[_16K];
5122 | uint32_t au32[_16K / sizeof(uint32_t)];
5123 | } uBuf;
5124 | uint32_t cbRead = RT_MIN(sizeof(uBuf), cbLeft);
5125 | if (cbRead & 3)
5126 | RT_ZERO(uBuf);
5127 | rc = RTVfsFileReadAt(hVfsFile, offBase + off, &uBuf, cbRead, NULL);
5128 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
5129 | break;
5130 |
5131 | size_t i = RT_ALIGN_Z(cbRead, sizeof(uint32_t)) / sizeof(uint32_t);
5132 | while (i-- > 0)
5133 | uChecksum += RT_LE2H_U32(uBuf.au32[i]);
5134 |
5135 | off += cbRead;
5136 | cbLeft -= cbRead;
5137 | }
5138 |
5139 | if (pCurFile->enmSrcType == RTFSISOMAKERSRCTYPE_PATH)
5140 | RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile);
5141 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
5142 | return rc;
5143 |
5144 | /*
5145 | * Populate the structure.
5146 | */
5147 | pCurFile->pBootInfoTable->offPrimaryVolDesc = RT_H2LE_U32(16);
5148 | pCurFile->pBootInfoTable->offBootFile = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)(pCurFile->offData / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE));
5149 | pCurFile->pBootInfoTable->cbBootFile = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)pCurFile->cbData);
5150 | pCurFile->pBootInfoTable->uChecksum = RT_H2LE_U32(uChecksum);
5151 | RT_ZERO(pCurFile->pBootInfoTable->auReserved);
5152 | }
5153 | }
5154 | }
5155 |
5156 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
5157 | }
5158 |
5159 |
5160 | /**
5161 | * Copies the given string as UTF-16 and pad unused space in the destination
5162 | * with spaces.
5163 | *
5164 | * @param pachDst The destination field. C type is char, but real life
5165 | * type is UTF-16 / UCS-2.
5166 | * @param cchDst The size of the destination field.
5167 | * @param pszSrc The source string. NULL is treated like empty string.
5168 | */
5169 | static void rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAsUtf16BigAndSpacePad(char *pachDst, size_t cchDst, const char *pszSrc)
5170 | {
5171 | size_t cwcSrc = 0;
5172 | if (pszSrc)
5173 | {
5174 | RTUTF16 wszSrc[256];
5175 | PRTUTF16 pwszSrc = wszSrc;
5176 | int rc = RTStrToUtf16BigEx(pszSrc, RTSTR_MAX, &pwszSrc, RT_ELEMENTS(wszSrc), &cwcSrc);
5177 | AssertRCStmt(rc, cwcSrc = 0);
5178 |
5179 | if (cwcSrc > cchDst / sizeof(RTUTF16))
5180 | cwcSrc = cchDst / sizeof(RTUTF16);
5181 | memcpy(pachDst, wszSrc, cwcSrc * sizeof(RTUTF16));
5182 | }
5183 |
5184 | /* Space padding. Note! cchDst can be an odd number. */
5185 | size_t cchWritten = cwcSrc * sizeof(RTUTF16);
5186 | if (cchWritten < cchDst)
5187 | {
5188 | while (cchWritten + 2 <= cchDst)
5189 | {
5190 | pachDst[cchWritten++] = '\0';
5191 | pachDst[cchWritten++] = ' ';
5192 | }
5193 | if (cchWritten < cchDst)
5194 | pachDst[cchWritten] = '\0';
5195 | }
5196 | }
5197 |
5198 |
5199 | /**
5200 | * Copies the given string and pad unused space in the destination with spaces.
5201 | *
5202 | * @param pachDst The destination field.
5203 | * @param cchDst The size of the destination field.
5204 | * @param pszSrc The source string. NULL is treated like empty string.
5205 | */
5206 | static void rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAndSpacePad(char *pachDst, size_t cchDst, const char *pszSrc)
5207 | {
5208 | size_t cchSrc;
5209 | if (!pszSrc)
5210 | cchSrc = 0;
5211 | else
5212 | {
5213 | cchSrc = strlen(pszSrc);
5214 | if (cchSrc > cchDst)
5215 | cchSrc = cchDst;
5216 | memcpy(pachDst, pszSrc, cchSrc);
5217 | }
5218 | if (cchSrc < cchDst)
5219 | memset(&pachDst[cchSrc], ' ', cchDst - cchSrc);
5220 | }
5221 |
5222 |
5223 | /**
5224 | * Formats a timespec as an ISO-9660 ascii timestamp.
5225 | *
5226 | * @param pTime The timespec to format.
5227 | * @param pIsoTs The ISO-9660 timestamp destination buffer.
5228 | */
5229 | static void rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660Timestamp(PCRTTIMESPEC pTime, PISO9660TIMESTAMP pIsoTs)
5230 | {
5231 | RTTIME Exploded;
5232 | RTTimeExplode(&Exploded, pTime);
5233 |
5234 | char szTmp[64];
5235 | #define FORMAT_FIELD(a_achDst, a_uSrc) \
5236 | do { \
5237 | RTStrFormatU32(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), a_uSrc, 10, sizeof(a_achDst), sizeof(a_achDst), \
5239 | memcpy(a_achDst, szTmp, sizeof(a_achDst)); \
5240 | } while (0)
5241 | FORMAT_FIELD(pIsoTs->achYear, Exploded.i32Year);
5242 | FORMAT_FIELD(pIsoTs->achMonth, Exploded.u8Month);
5243 | FORMAT_FIELD(pIsoTs->achDay, Exploded.u8MonthDay);
5244 | FORMAT_FIELD(pIsoTs->achHour, Exploded.u8Hour);
5245 | FORMAT_FIELD(pIsoTs->achMinute, Exploded.u8Minute);
5246 | FORMAT_FIELD(pIsoTs->achSecond, Exploded.u8Second);
5247 | FORMAT_FIELD(pIsoTs->achCentisecond, Exploded.u32Nanosecond / RT_NS_10MS);
5248 | #undef FORMAT_FIELD
5249 | pIsoTs->offUtc = 0;
5250 | }
5251 |
5252 | /**
5253 | * Formats zero ISO-9660 ascii timestamp (treated as not specified).
5254 | *
5255 | * @param pIsoTs The ISO-9660 timestamp destination buffer.
5256 | */
5257 | static void rtFsIsoMakerZero9660Timestamp(PISO9660TIMESTAMP pIsoTs)
5258 | {
5259 | memset(pIsoTs, '0', RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660TIMESTAMP, offUtc));
5260 | pIsoTs->offUtc = 0;
5261 | }
5262 |
5263 |
5264 | /**
5265 | * Formats a timespec as an ISO-9660 record timestamp.
5266 | *
5267 | * @param pTime The timespec to format.
5268 | * @param pIsoTs The ISO-9660 timestamp destination buffer.
5269 | */
5270 | static void rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660RecTimestamp(PCRTTIMESPEC pTime, PISO9660RECTIMESTAMP pIsoRecTs)
5271 | {
5272 | RTTIME Exploded;
5273 | RTTimeExplode(&Exploded, pTime);
5274 |
5275 | pIsoRecTs->bYear = Exploded.i32Year >= 1900 ? Exploded.i32Year - 1900 : 0;
5276 | pIsoRecTs->bMonth = Exploded.u8Month;
5277 | pIsoRecTs->bDay = Exploded.u8MonthDay;
5278 | pIsoRecTs->bHour = Exploded.u8Hour;
5279 | pIsoRecTs->bMinute = Exploded.u8Minute;
5280 | pIsoRecTs->bSecond = Exploded.u8Second;
5281 | pIsoRecTs->offUtc = 0;
5282 | }
5283 |
5284 |
5285 | /**
5286 | * Allocate and prepare the volume descriptors.
5287 | *
5288 | * What's not done here gets done later by rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeBootStuffPart2,
5289 | * or at teh very end of the finalization by
5290 | * rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeVolumeDescriptors.
5291 | *
5292 | * @returns IPRT status code
5293 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
5294 | */
5295 | static int rtFsIsoMakerFinalizePrepVolumeDescriptors(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis)
5296 | {
5297 | /*
5298 | * Allocate and calc pointers.
5299 | */
5300 | RTMemFree(pThis->pbVolDescs);
5301 | pThis->pbVolDescs = (uint8_t *)RTMemAllocZ(pThis->cVolumeDescriptors * RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5302 | AssertReturn(pThis->pbVolDescs, VERR_NO_MEMORY);
5303 |
5304 | uint32_t offVolDescs = 0;
5305 |
5306 | pThis->pPrimaryVolDesc = (PISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC)&pThis->pbVolDescs[offVolDescs];
5308 |
5309 | if (!pThis->pBootCatFile)
5310 | pThis->pElToritoDesc = NULL;
5311 | else
5312 | {
5313 | pThis->pElToritoDesc = (PISO9660BOOTRECORDELTORITO)&pThis->pbVolDescs[offVolDescs];
5315 | }
5316 |
5317 | if (!pThis->Joliet.uLevel)
5318 | pThis->pJolietVolDesc = NULL;
5319 | else
5320 | {
5321 | pThis->pJolietVolDesc = (PISO9660SUPVOLDESC)&pThis->pbVolDescs[offVolDescs];
5323 | }
5324 |
5325 | pThis->pTerminatorVolDesc = (PISO9660VOLDESCHDR)&pThis->pbVolDescs[offVolDescs];
5327 |
5328 | if (pThis->Udf.uLevel > 0)
5329 | {
5330 | /** @todo UDF descriptors. */
5331 | }
5332 | AssertReturn(offVolDescs == pThis->cVolumeDescriptors * RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_DESC_COUNT);
5333 |
5334 | /*
5335 | * This may be needed later.
5336 | */
5337 | char szImageCreationTime[42];
5338 | RTTimeSpecToString(&pThis->ImageCreationTime, szImageCreationTime, sizeof(szImageCreationTime));
5339 |
5340 | /*
5341 | * Initialize the primary descriptor.
5342 | */
5343 | PISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC pPrimary = pThis->pPrimaryVolDesc;
5344 |
5345 | pPrimary->Hdr.bDescType = ISO9660VOLDESC_TYPE_PRIMARY;
5346 | pPrimary->Hdr.bDescVersion = ISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC_VERSION;
5347 | memcpy(pPrimary->Hdr.achStdId, ISO9660VOLDESC_STD_ID, sizeof(pPrimary->Hdr.achStdId));
5348 | //pPrimary->bPadding8 = 0;
5349 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAndSpacePad(pPrimary->achSystemId, sizeof(pPrimary->achSystemId), pThis->PrimaryIso.pszSystemId);
5350 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAndSpacePad(pPrimary->achVolumeId, sizeof(pPrimary->achVolumeId),
5351 | pThis->PrimaryIso.pszVolumeId ? pThis->PrimaryIso.pszVolumeId : szImageCreationTime);
5352 | //pPrimary->Unused73 = {0}
5353 | //pPrimary->VolumeSpaceSize = later
5354 | //pPrimary->abUnused89 = {0}
5355 | pPrimary->cVolumesInSet.be = RT_H2BE_U16_C(1);
5356 | pPrimary->cVolumesInSet.le = RT_H2LE_U16_C(1);
5357 | pPrimary->VolumeSeqNo.be = RT_H2BE_U16_C(1);
5358 | pPrimary->VolumeSeqNo.le = RT_H2LE_U16_C(1);
5359 | pPrimary->cbLogicalBlock.be = RT_H2BE_U16_C(RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5360 | pPrimary->cbLogicalBlock.le = RT_H2LE_U16_C(RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5361 | //pPrimary->cbPathTable = later
5362 | //pPrimary->offTypeLPathTable = later
5363 | //pPrimary->offOptionalTypeLPathTable = {0}
5364 | //pPrimary->offTypeMPathTable = later
5365 | //pPrimary->offOptionalTypeMPathTable = {0}
5366 | //pPrimary->RootDir = later
5367 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAndSpacePad(pPrimary->achVolumeSetId, sizeof(pPrimary->achVolumeSetId),
5368 | pThis->PrimaryIso.pszVolumeSetId);
5369 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAndSpacePad(pPrimary->achPublisherId, sizeof(pPrimary->achPublisherId),
5370 | pThis->PrimaryIso.pszPublisherId);
5371 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAndSpacePad(pPrimary->achDataPreparerId, sizeof(pPrimary->achDataPreparerId),
5372 | pThis->PrimaryIso.pszDataPreparerId);
5373 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAndSpacePad(pPrimary->achApplicationId, sizeof(pPrimary->achApplicationId),
5374 | pThis->PrimaryIso.pszApplicationId);
5375 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAndSpacePad(pPrimary->achCopyrightFileId, sizeof(pPrimary->achCopyrightFileId),
5376 | pThis->PrimaryIso.pszCopyrightFileId);
5377 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAndSpacePad(pPrimary->achAbstractFileId, sizeof(pPrimary->achAbstractFileId),
5378 | pThis->PrimaryIso.pszAbstractFileId);
5379 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAndSpacePad(pPrimary->achBibliographicFileId, sizeof(pPrimary->achBibliographicFileId),
5380 | pThis->PrimaryIso.pszBibliographicFileId);
5381 | rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660Timestamp(&pThis->ImageCreationTime, &pPrimary->BirthTime);
5382 | rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660Timestamp(&pThis->ImageCreationTime, &pPrimary->ModifyTime);
5383 | rtFsIsoMakerZero9660Timestamp(&pPrimary->ExpireTime);
5384 | rtFsIsoMakerZero9660Timestamp(&pPrimary->EffectiveTime);
5385 | pPrimary->bFileStructureVersion = ISO9660_FILE_STRUCTURE_VERSION;
5386 | //pPrimary->bReserved883 = 0;
5387 | //RT_ZERO(pPrimary->abAppUse);
5388 | //RT_ZERO(pPrimary->abReserved1396);
5389 |
5390 | /*
5391 | * Initialize the joliet descriptor if included.
5392 | */
5393 | PISO9660SUPVOLDESC pJoliet = pThis->pJolietVolDesc;
5394 | if (pJoliet)
5395 | {
5396 | pJoliet->Hdr.bDescType = ISO9660VOLDESC_TYPE_SUPPLEMENTARY;
5397 | pJoliet->Hdr.bDescVersion = ISO9660SUPVOLDESC_VERSION;
5398 | memcpy(pJoliet->Hdr.achStdId, ISO9660VOLDESC_STD_ID, sizeof(pJoliet->Hdr.achStdId));
5399 | pJoliet->fVolumeFlags = ISO9660SUPVOLDESC_VOL_F_ESC_ONLY_REG;
5400 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAsUtf16BigAndSpacePad(pJoliet->achSystemId, sizeof(pJoliet->achSystemId), pThis->Joliet.pszSystemId);
5401 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAsUtf16BigAndSpacePad(pJoliet->achVolumeId, sizeof(pJoliet->achVolumeId),
5402 | pThis->Joliet.pszVolumeId ? pThis->Joliet.pszVolumeId : szImageCreationTime);
5403 | //pJoliet->Unused73 = {0}
5404 | //pJoliet->VolumeSpaceSize = later
5405 | memset(pJoliet->abEscapeSequences, ' ', sizeof(pJoliet->abEscapeSequences));
5406 | pJoliet->abEscapeSequences[0] = ISO9660_JOLIET_ESC_SEQ_0;
5407 | pJoliet->abEscapeSequences[1] = ISO9660_JOLIET_ESC_SEQ_1;
5408 | pJoliet->abEscapeSequences[2] = pThis->Joliet.uLevel == 1 ? ISO9660_JOLIET_ESC_SEQ_2_LEVEL_1
5409 | : pThis->Joliet.uLevel == 2 ? ISO9660_JOLIET_ESC_SEQ_2_LEVEL_2
5410 | : ISO9660_JOLIET_ESC_SEQ_2_LEVEL_3;
5411 | pJoliet->cVolumesInSet.be = RT_H2BE_U16_C(1);
5412 | pJoliet->cVolumesInSet.le = RT_H2LE_U16_C(1);
5413 | pJoliet->VolumeSeqNo.be = RT_H2BE_U16_C(1);
5414 | pJoliet->VolumeSeqNo.le = RT_H2LE_U16_C(1);
5415 | pJoliet->cbLogicalBlock.be = RT_H2BE_U16_C(RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5416 | pJoliet->cbLogicalBlock.le = RT_H2LE_U16_C(RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5417 | //pJoliet->cbPathTable = later
5418 | //pJoliet->offTypeLPathTable = later
5419 | //pJoliet->offOptionalTypeLPathTable = {0}
5420 | //pJoliet->offTypeMPathTable = later
5421 | //pJoliet->offOptionalTypeMPathTable = {0}
5422 | //pJoliet->RootDir = later
5423 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAsUtf16BigAndSpacePad(pJoliet->achVolumeSetId, sizeof(pJoliet->achVolumeSetId),
5424 | pThis->Joliet.pszVolumeSetId);
5425 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAsUtf16BigAndSpacePad(pJoliet->achPublisherId, sizeof(pJoliet->achPublisherId),
5426 | pThis->Joliet.pszPublisherId);
5427 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAsUtf16BigAndSpacePad(pJoliet->achDataPreparerId, sizeof(pJoliet->achDataPreparerId),
5428 | pThis->Joliet.pszDataPreparerId);
5429 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAsUtf16BigAndSpacePad(pJoliet->achApplicationId, sizeof(pJoliet->achApplicationId),
5430 | pThis->Joliet.pszApplicationId);
5431 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAsUtf16BigAndSpacePad(pJoliet->achCopyrightFileId, sizeof(pJoliet->achCopyrightFileId),
5432 | pThis->Joliet.pszCopyrightFileId);
5433 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAsUtf16BigAndSpacePad(pJoliet->achAbstractFileId, sizeof(pJoliet->achAbstractFileId),
5434 | pThis->Joliet.pszAbstractFileId);
5435 | rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeCopyAsUtf16BigAndSpacePad(pJoliet->achBibliographicFileId, sizeof(pJoliet->achBibliographicFileId),
5436 | pThis->Joliet.pszBibliographicFileId);
5437 | rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660Timestamp(&pThis->ImageCreationTime, &pJoliet->BirthTime);
5438 | rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660Timestamp(&pThis->ImageCreationTime, &pJoliet->ModifyTime);
5439 | rtFsIsoMakerZero9660Timestamp(&pJoliet->ExpireTime);
5440 | rtFsIsoMakerZero9660Timestamp(&pJoliet->EffectiveTime);
5441 | pJoliet->bFileStructureVersion = ISO9660_FILE_STRUCTURE_VERSION;
5442 | //pJoliet->bReserved883 = 0;
5443 | //RT_ZERO(pJoliet->abAppUse);
5444 | //RT_ZERO(pJoliet->abReserved1396);
5445 | }
5446 |
5447 | /*
5448 | * The ISO-9660 terminator descriptor.
5449 | */
5450 | pThis->pTerminatorVolDesc->bDescType = ISO9660VOLDESC_TYPE_TERMINATOR;
5451 | pThis->pTerminatorVolDesc->bDescVersion = 1;
5452 | memcpy(pThis->pTerminatorVolDesc->achStdId, ISO9660VOLDESC_STD_ID, sizeof(pThis->pTerminatorVolDesc->achStdId));
5453 |
5454 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
5455 | }
5456 |
5457 |
5458 | /**
5459 | * Finalizes the volume descriptors.
5460 | *
5461 | * This will set the RTFSISOMAKERFILE::offData members.
5462 | *
5463 | * @returns IPRT status code.
5464 | * @param pThis The ISO maker instance.
5465 | */
5466 | static int rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeVolumeDescriptors(PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis)
5467 | {
5468 | AssertReturn(pThis->pbVolDescs && pThis->pPrimaryVolDesc && pThis->pTerminatorVolDesc, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_FINALIZE_1);
5469 |
5470 | /*
5471 | * Primary descriptor.
5472 | */
5473 | PISO9660PRIMARYVOLDESC pPrimary = pThis->pPrimaryVolDesc;
5474 |
5475 | pPrimary->VolumeSpaceSize.be = RT_H2BE_U32(pThis->cbFinalizedImage / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5476 | pPrimary->VolumeSpaceSize.le = RT_H2LE_U32(pThis->cbFinalizedImage / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5477 | pPrimary->cbPathTable.be = RT_H2BE_U32(pThis->PrimaryIsoDirs.cbPathTable);
5478 | pPrimary->cbPathTable.le = RT_H2LE_U32(pThis->PrimaryIsoDirs.cbPathTable);
5479 | pPrimary->offTypeLPathTable = RT_H2LE_U32(pThis->PrimaryIsoDirs.offPathTableL / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5480 | pPrimary->offTypeMPathTable = RT_H2BE_U32(pThis->PrimaryIsoDirs.offPathTableM / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5481 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.cbDirRec = sizeof(pPrimary->RootDir);
5482 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.cExtAttrBlocks = 0;
5483 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.offExtent.be = RT_H2BE_U32(pThis->PrimaryIso.pRoot->pDir->offDir / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5484 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.offExtent.le = RT_H2LE_U32(pThis->PrimaryIso.pRoot->pDir->offDir / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5485 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.cbData.be = RT_H2BE_U32(pThis->PrimaryIso.pRoot->pDir->cbDir);
5486 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.cbData.le = RT_H2LE_U32(pThis->PrimaryIso.pRoot->pDir->cbDir);
5487 | rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660RecTimestamp(&pThis->PrimaryIso.pRoot->pObj->BirthTime, &pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.RecTime);
5488 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.fFileFlags = ISO9660_FILE_FLAGS_DIRECTORY;
5489 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.bFileUnitSize = 0;
5490 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.bInterleaveGapSize = 0;
5491 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.VolumeSeqNo.be = RT_H2BE_U16_C(1);
5492 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.VolumeSeqNo.le = RT_H2LE_U16_C(1);
5493 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.bFileIdLength = 1;
5494 | pPrimary->RootDir.DirRec.achFileId[0] = 0x00;
5495 |
5496 | /*
5497 | * Initialize the joliet descriptor if included.
5498 | */
5499 | PISO9660SUPVOLDESC pJoliet = pThis->pJolietVolDesc;
5500 | if (pJoliet)
5501 | {
5502 | pJoliet->VolumeSpaceSize = pPrimary->VolumeSpaceSize;
5503 | pJoliet->cbPathTable.be = RT_H2BE_U32(pThis->JolietDirs.cbPathTable);
5504 | pJoliet->cbPathTable.le = RT_H2LE_U32(pThis->JolietDirs.cbPathTable);
5505 | pJoliet->offTypeLPathTable = RT_H2LE_U32(pThis->JolietDirs.offPathTableL / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5506 | pJoliet->offTypeMPathTable = RT_H2BE_U32(pThis->JolietDirs.offPathTableM / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5507 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.cbDirRec = sizeof(pJoliet->RootDir);
5508 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.cExtAttrBlocks = 0;
5509 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.offExtent.be = RT_H2BE_U32(pThis->Joliet.pRoot->pDir->offDir / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5510 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.offExtent.le = RT_H2LE_U32(pThis->Joliet.pRoot->pDir->offDir / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
5511 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.cbData.be = RT_H2BE_U32(pThis->Joliet.pRoot->pDir->cbDir);
5512 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.cbData.le = RT_H2LE_U32(pThis->Joliet.pRoot->pDir->cbDir);
5513 | rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660RecTimestamp(&pThis->Joliet.pRoot->pObj->BirthTime, &pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.RecTime);
5514 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.fFileFlags = ISO9660_FILE_FLAGS_DIRECTORY;
5515 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.bFileUnitSize = 0;
5516 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.bInterleaveGapSize = 0;
5517 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.VolumeSeqNo.be = RT_H2BE_U16_C(1);
5518 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.VolumeSeqNo.le = RT_H2LE_U16_C(1);
5519 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.bFileIdLength = 1;
5520 | pJoliet->RootDir.DirRec.achFileId[0] = 0x00;
5521 | }
5522 |
5523 | #if 0 /* this doesn't quite fool it. */
5524 | /*
5525 | * isomd5sum fake.
5526 | */
5527 | if (1)
5528 | {
5529 | uint8_t abDigest[RTMD5_HASH_SIZE];
5530 | if (pThis->cbSysArea == 0)
5531 | RTMd5(g_abRTZero4K, ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE, abDigest);
5532 | else
5533 | {
5534 | RTMD5CONTEXT Ctx;
5535 | RTMd5Init(&Ctx);
5536 | RTMd5Update(&Ctx, pThis->pbSysArea, RT_MIN(pThis->cbSysArea, ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE));
5537 | if (pThis->cbSysArea < ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE)
5538 | RTMd5Update(&Ctx, g_abRTZero4K, ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE - pThis->cbSysArea);
5539 | RTMd5Final(abDigest, &Ctx);
5540 | }
5541 | char szFakeHash[RTMD5_DIGEST_LEN + 1];
5542 | RTMd5ToString(abDigest, szFakeHash, sizeof(szFakeHash));
5543 |
5544 | size_t cch = RTStrPrintf((char *)&pPrimary->abAppUse[0], sizeof(pPrimary->abAppUse),
5546 | szFakeHash, pThis->cbFinalizedImage / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE - 1);
5547 | memset(&pPrimary->abAppUse[cch], ' ', sizeof(pPrimary->abAppUse) - cch);
5548 | }
5549 | #endif
5550 |
5551 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
5552 | }
5553 |
5554 |
5555 | /**
5556 | * Finalizes the image.
5557 | *
5558 | * @returns IPRT status code.
5559 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
5560 | */
5561 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerFinalize(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker)
5562 | {
5563 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
5565 | AssertReturn(!pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
5566 |
5567 | /*
5568 | * Remove orphaned objects and allocate volume descriptors.
5569 | */
5570 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeRemoveOrphans(pThis);
5571 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
5572 | return rc;
5573 | AssertReturn(pThis->cObjects > 0, VERR_NO_DATA);
5574 |
5575 | /* The primary ISO-9660 namespace must be explicitly disabled (for now),
5576 | so we return VERR_NO_DATA if no root dir. */
5577 | AssertReturn(pThis->PrimaryIso.pRoot || pThis->PrimaryIso.uLevel == 0, VERR_NO_DATA);
5578 |
5579 | /* Automatically disable the joliet namespace if it is empty (no root dir). */
5580 | if (!pThis->Joliet.pRoot && pThis->Joliet.uLevel > 0)
5581 | {
5582 | pThis->Joliet.uLevel = 0;
5583 | pThis->cVolumeDescriptors--;
5584 | }
5585 |
5586 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizePrepVolumeDescriptors(pThis);
5587 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
5588 | return rc;
5589 |
5590 | /*
5591 | * If there is any boot related stuff to be included, it ends up right after
5592 | * the descriptors.
5593 | */
5594 | uint64_t offData = _32K + pThis->cVolumeDescriptors * RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE;
5595 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeBootStuffPart1(pThis);
5596 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
5597 | {
5598 | /*
5599 | * Directories and path tables comes next.
5600 | */
5601 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeDirectories(pThis, &offData);
5602 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
5603 | {
5604 | /*
5605 | * Then we store the file data.
5606 | */
5607 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeData(pThis, &offData);
5608 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
5609 | {
5610 | pThis->cbFinalizedImage = offData + pThis->cbImagePadding;
5611 |
5612 | /*
5613 | * Do a 2nd pass over the boot stuff to finalize locations.
5614 | */
5615 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeBootStuffPart2(pThis);
5616 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
5617 | {
5618 | /*
5619 | * Finally, finalize the volume descriptors as they depend on some of the
5620 | * block allocations done in the previous steps.
5621 | */
5622 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerFinalizeVolumeDescriptors(pThis);
5623 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
5624 | {
5625 | pThis->fFinalized = true;
5626 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
5627 | }
5628 | }
5629 | }
5630 | }
5631 | }
5632 | return rc;
5633 | }
5634 |
5635 |
5636 |
5637 |
5638 |
5639 | /*
5640 | *
5641 | * Image I/O.
5642 | * Image I/O.
5643 | * Image I/O.
5644 | *
5645 | */
5646 |
5647 | /**
5648 | * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSOBJOPS,pfnClose}
5649 | */
5650 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Close(void *pvThis)
5651 | {
5653 |
5654 | RTFsIsoMakerRelease(pThis->pIsoMaker);
5655 | pThis->pIsoMaker = NULL;
5656 |
5657 | if (pThis->hVfsSrcFile != NIL_RTVFSFILE)
5658 | {
5659 | RTVfsFileRelease(pThis->hVfsSrcFile);
5660 | pThis->hVfsSrcFile = NIL_RTVFSFILE;
5661 | }
5662 |
5663 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
5664 | }
5665 |
5666 |
5667 | /**
5668 | * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSOBJOPS,pfnQueryInfo}
5669 | */
5670 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_QueryInfo(void *pvThis, PRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo, RTFSOBJATTRADD enmAddAttr)
5671 | {
5673 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pIsoMaker = pThis->pIsoMaker;
5674 |
5675 |
5676 | pObjInfo->cbObject = pIsoMaker->cbFinalizedImage;
5677 | pObjInfo->cbAllocated = pIsoMaker->cbFinalizedImage;
5678 | pObjInfo->AccessTime = pIsoMaker->ImageCreationTime;
5679 | pObjInfo->ModificationTime = pIsoMaker->ImageCreationTime;
5680 | pObjInfo->ChangeTime = pIsoMaker->ImageCreationTime;
5681 | pObjInfo->BirthTime = pIsoMaker->ImageCreationTime;
5682 | pObjInfo->Attr.fMode = 0444 | RTFS_TYPE_FILE | RTFS_DOS_READONLY;
5683 |
5684 | switch (enmAddAttr)
5685 | {
5687 | enmAddAttr = RTFSOBJATTRADD_UNIX;
5688 | RT_FALL_THRU();
5690 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.Unix.uid = NIL_RTUID;
5691 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.Unix.gid = NIL_RTGID;
5692 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.Unix.cHardlinks = 1;
5693 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.Unix.INodeIdDevice = 0;
5694 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.Unix.INodeId = 0;
5695 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.Unix.fFlags = 0;
5696 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.Unix.GenerationId = 0;
5697 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.Unix.Device = 0;
5698 | break;
5699 |
5701 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.UnixOwner.uid = NIL_RTUID;
5702 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.UnixOwner.szName[0] = '\0';
5703 | break;
5704 |
5706 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.UnixGroup.gid = NIL_RTGID;
5707 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.UnixGroup.szName[0] = '\0';
5708 | break;
5709 |
5711 | pObjInfo->Attr.u.EASize.cb = 0;
5712 | break;
5713 |
5714 | default:
5715 | AssertFailedReturn(VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
5716 | }
5717 | pObjInfo->Attr.enmAdditional = enmAddAttr;
5718 |
5719 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
5720 | }
5721 |
5722 |
5723 | /**
5724 | * Generates the 'SL' records for a symbolic link.
5725 | *
5726 | * This is used both when generating directories records, spill file data and
5727 | * when creating the symbolic link.
5728 | *
5729 | * @returns Number of bytes produced. Negative IPRT status if buffer overflow.
5730 | * @param pszTarget The symbolic link target to encode.
5731 | * @param pbBuf The output buffer.
5732 | * @param cbBuf The size of the output buffer.
5733 | */
5734 | static ssize_t rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_RockRidgeGenSL(const char *pszTarget, uint8_t *pbBuf, size_t cbBuf)
5735 | {
5736 | Assert(*pszTarget != '\0');
5737 |
5738 | PISO9660RRIPSL pEntry = (PISO9660RRIPSL)pbBuf;
5739 | pEntry->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660RRIPSL_SIG1;
5740 | pEntry->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660RRIPSL_SIG2;
5741 | pEntry->Hdr.cbEntry = 0; /* set later. */
5742 | pEntry->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660RRIPSL_VER;
5743 | pEntry->fFlags = 0;
5744 | size_t offEntry = 0;
5745 | size_t off = RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660RRIPSL, abComponents);
5746 |
5747 | /* Does it start with a root slash? */
5748 | if (RTPATH_IS_SLASH(*pszTarget))
5749 | {
5750 | pbBuf[off++] = ISO9660RRIP_SL_C_ROOT;
5751 | pbBuf[off++] = 0;
5752 | pszTarget++;
5753 | }
5754 |
5755 | for (;;)
5756 | {
5757 | /* Find the end of the component. */
5758 | size_t cchComponent = 0;
5759 | char ch;
5760 | while ((ch = pszTarget[cchComponent]) != '\0' && !RTPATH_IS_SLASH(ch))
5761 | cchComponent++;
5762 |
5763 | /* Check for dots and figure out how much space we need. */
5764 | uint8_t fFlags;
5765 | size_t cbNeeded;
5766 | if (cchComponent == 1 && *pszTarget == '.')
5767 | {
5768 | fFlags = ISO9660RRIP_SL_C_CURRENT;
5769 | cbNeeded = 2;
5770 | }
5771 | else if (cchComponent == 2 && pszTarget[0] == '.' && pszTarget[1] == '.')
5772 | {
5773 | fFlags = ISO9660RRIP_SL_C_PARENT;
5774 | cbNeeded = 2;
5775 | }
5776 | else
5777 | {
5778 | fFlags = 0;
5779 | cbNeeded = 2 + cchComponent;
5780 | }
5781 |
5782 | /* Split the SL record if we're out of space. */
5783 | if ( off - offEntry + cbNeeded < UINT8_MAX
5784 | && off + cbNeeded <= cbBuf)
5785 | { /* likely */ }
5786 | else if (cbNeeded + RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660RRIPSL, abComponents) < UINT8_MAX)
5787 | {
5788 | AssertReturn(off + cbNeeded + RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660RRIPSL, abComponents) <= cbBuf, VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
5789 | Assert(off - offEntry < UINT8_MAX);
5790 | pEntry->Hdr.cbEntry = (uint8_t)(off - offEntry);
5791 | pEntry->fFlags |= ISO9660RRIP_SL_F_CONTINUE;
5792 |
5793 | offEntry = off;
5794 | pEntry = (PISO9660RRIPSL)&pbBuf[off];
5795 | pEntry->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660RRIPSL_SIG1;
5796 | pEntry->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660RRIPSL_SIG2;
5797 | pEntry->Hdr.cbEntry = 0; /* set later. */
5798 | pEntry->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660RRIPSL_VER;
5799 | pEntry->fFlags = 0;
5800 | }
5801 | else
5802 | {
5803 | /* Special case: component doesn't fit in a single SL entry. */
5804 | do
5805 | {
5806 | if (off - offEntry + 3 < UINT8_MAX)
5807 | {
5808 | size_t cchLeft = UINT8_MAX - 1 - (off - offEntry) - 2;
5809 | size_t cchToCopy = RT_MIN(cchLeft, cchComponent);
5810 | AssertReturn(off + 2 + cchToCopy <= cbBuf, VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
5811 | pbBuf[off++] = cchToCopy < cchComponent ? ISO9660RRIP_SL_C_CONTINUE : 0;
5812 | pbBuf[off++] = (uint8_t)cchToCopy;
5813 | memcpy(&pbBuf[off], pszTarget, cchToCopy);
5814 | off += cchToCopy;
5815 | pszTarget += cchToCopy;
5816 | cchComponent -= cchToCopy;
5817 | if (!cchComponent)
5818 | break;
5819 | }
5820 |
5821 | Assert(off - offEntry < UINT8_MAX);
5822 | pEntry->Hdr.cbEntry = (uint8_t)(off - offEntry);
5823 | pEntry->fFlags |= ISO9660RRIP_SL_F_CONTINUE;
5824 |
5825 | AssertReturn(off + 2 + cchComponent + RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660RRIPSL, abComponents) <= cbBuf, VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
5826 | offEntry = off;
5827 | pEntry = (PISO9660RRIPSL)&pbBuf[off];
5828 | pEntry->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660RRIPSL_SIG1;
5829 | pEntry->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660RRIPSL_SIG2;
5830 | pEntry->Hdr.cbEntry = 0; /* set later. */
5831 | pEntry->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660RRIPSL_VER;
5832 | pEntry->fFlags = 0;
5833 | } while (cchComponent > 0);
5834 | if (ch == '\0')
5835 | break;
5836 | pszTarget++;
5837 | continue;
5838 | }
5839 |
5840 | /* Produce the record. */
5841 | pbBuf[off++] = fFlags;
5842 | pbBuf[off++] = (uint8_t)(cbNeeded - 2);
5843 | if (cchComponent > 0)
5844 | {
5845 | memcpy(&pbBuf[off], pszTarget, cbNeeded - 2);
5846 | off += cbNeeded - 2;
5847 | }
5848 |
5849 | if (ch == '\0')
5850 | break;
5851 | pszTarget += cchComponent + 1;
5852 | }
5853 |
5854 | Assert(off - offEntry < UINT8_MAX);
5855 | pEntry->Hdr.cbEntry = (uint8_t)(off - offEntry);
5856 | return off;
5857 | }
5858 |
5859 |
5860 | /**
5861 | * Generates rock ridge data.
5862 | *
5863 | * This is used both for the directory record and for the spill file ('CE').
5864 | *
5865 | * @param pName The name to generate rock ridge info for.
5866 | * @param pbSys The output buffer.
5867 | * @param cbSys The size of the output buffer.
5868 | * @param fInSpill Indicates whether we're in a spill file (true) or
5869 | * directory record (false).
5870 | * @param enmDirType The kind of directory entry this is.
5871 | */
5872 | static void rtFsIosMakerOutFile_GenerateRockRidge(PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pName, uint8_t *pbSys, size_t cbSys,
5873 | bool fInSpill, RTFSISOMAKERDIRTYPE enmDirType)
5874 | {
5875 | /*
5876 | * Deal with records specific to the root directory '.' entry.
5877 | */
5878 | if (pName->pParent != NULL)
5879 | { /* likely */ }
5880 | else
5881 | {
5882 | if (!fInSpill)
5883 | {
5884 | PISO9660SUSPSP pSP = (PISO9660SUSPSP)pbSys;
5885 | Assert(cbSys >= sizeof(*pSP));
5886 | pSP->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660SUSPSP_SIG1;
5887 | pSP->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660SUSPSP_SIG2;
5888 | pSP->Hdr.cbEntry = ISO9660SUSPSP_LEN;
5889 | pSP->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660SUSPSP_VER;
5890 | pSP->bCheck1 = ISO9660SUSPSP_CHECK1;
5891 | pSP->bCheck2 = ISO9660SUSPSP_CHECK2;
5892 | pSP->cbSkip = 0;
5893 | pbSys += sizeof(*pSP);
5894 | cbSys -= sizeof(*pSP);
5895 | }
5896 | if (pName->fRockNeedER)
5897 | {
5898 | PISO9660SUSPER pER = (PISO9660SUSPER)pbSys;
5899 | Assert(cbSys >= ISO9660_RRIP_ER_LEN);
5900 | AssertCompile(ISO9660_RRIP_ER_LEN < UINT8_MAX);
5901 | pER->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660SUSPER_SIG1;
5902 | pER->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660SUSPER_SIG2;
5903 | pER->Hdr.cbEntry = ISO9660_RRIP_ER_LEN;
5904 | pER->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660SUSPER_VER;
5905 | pER->cchIdentifier = sizeof(ISO9660_RRIP_ID) - 1;
5906 | pER->cchDescription = sizeof(ISO9660_RRIP_DESC) - 1;
5907 | pER->cchSource = sizeof(ISO9660_RRIP_SRC) - 1;
5908 | pER->bVersion = ISO9660_RRIP_VER;
5909 | char *pchDst = &pER->achPayload[0]; /* we do this to shut up annoying clang. */
5910 | memcpy(pchDst, RT_STR_TUPLE(ISO9660_RRIP_ID));
5911 | pchDst += sizeof(ISO9660_RRIP_ID) - 1;
5912 | memcpy(pchDst, RT_STR_TUPLE(ISO9660_RRIP_DESC));
5913 | pchDst += sizeof(ISO9660_RRIP_DESC) - 1;
5914 | memcpy(pchDst, RT_STR_TUPLE(ISO9660_RRIP_SRC));
5915 | pbSys += ISO9660_RRIP_ER_LEN;
5916 | cbSys -= ISO9660_RRIP_ER_LEN;
5917 | }
5918 | }
5919 |
5920 | /*
5921 | * Deal with common stuff.
5922 | */
5923 | if (!fInSpill ? pName->fRockNeedRRInDirRec : pName->fRockNeedRRInSpill)
5924 | {
5925 | PISO9660RRIPRR pRR = (PISO9660RRIPRR)pbSys;
5926 | Assert(cbSys >= sizeof(*pRR));
5927 | pRR->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660RRIPRR_SIG1;
5928 | pRR->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660RRIPRR_SIG2;
5929 | pRR->Hdr.cbEntry = ISO9660RRIPRR_LEN;
5930 | pRR->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660RRIPRR_VER;
5931 | pRR->fFlags = pName->fRockEntries;
5932 | pbSys += sizeof(*pRR);
5933 | cbSys -= sizeof(*pRR);
5934 | }
5935 |
5936 | /*
5937 | * The following entries all end up in the spill or fully in
5938 | * the directory record.
5939 | */
5940 | if (fInSpill || pName->cbRockSpill == 0)
5941 | {
5942 | if (pName->fRockEntries & ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_PX)
5943 | {
5944 | PISO9660RRIPPX pPX = (PISO9660RRIPPX)pbSys;
5945 | Assert(cbSys >= sizeof(*pPX));
5946 | pPX->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660RRIPPX_SIG1;
5947 | pPX->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660RRIPPX_SIG2;
5948 | pPX->Hdr.cbEntry = ISO9660RRIPPX_LEN;
5949 | pPX->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660RRIPPX_VER;
5950 | pPX->fMode.be = RT_H2BE_U32((uint32_t)(pName->fMode & RTFS_UNIX_MASK));
5951 | pPX->fMode.le = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)(pName->fMode & RTFS_UNIX_MASK));
5952 | pPX->cHardlinks.be = RT_H2BE_U32((uint32_t)pName->cHardlinks);
5953 | pPX->cHardlinks.le = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)pName->cHardlinks);
5954 | pPX->uid.be = RT_H2BE_U32((uint32_t)pName->uid);
5955 | pPX->uid.le = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)pName->uid);
5956 | pPX->gid.be = RT_H2BE_U32((uint32_t)pName->gid);
5957 | pPX->gid.le = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)pName->gid);
5958 | #if 0 /* This is confusing solaris. Looks like it has code assuming inode numbers are block numbers and ends up mistaking files for the root dir. Sigh. */
5959 | pPX->INode.be = RT_H2BE_U32((uint32_t)pName->pObj->idxObj + 1); /* Don't use zero - isoinfo doesn't like it. */
5960 | pPX->INode.le = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)pName->pObj->idxObj + 1);
5961 | #else
5962 | pPX->INode.be = 0;
5963 | pPX->INode.le = 0;
5964 | #endif
5965 | pbSys += sizeof(*pPX);
5966 | cbSys -= sizeof(*pPX);
5967 | }
5968 |
5969 | if (pName->fRockEntries & ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_TF)
5970 | {
5971 | PISO9660RRIPTF pTF = (PISO9660RRIPTF)pbSys;
5972 | pTF->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660RRIPTF_SIG1;
5973 | pTF->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660RRIPTF_SIG2;
5974 | pTF->Hdr.cbEntry = Iso9660RripTfCalcLength(ISO9660RRIPTF_F_BIRTH | ISO9660RRIPTF_F_MODIFY | ISO9660RRIPTF_F_ACCESS | ISO9660RRIPTF_F_CHANGE);
5975 | Assert(cbSys >= pTF->Hdr.cbEntry);
5976 | pTF->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660RRIPTF_VER;
5978 | PISO9660RECTIMESTAMP paTimestamps = (PISO9660RECTIMESTAMP)&pTF->abPayload[0];
5979 | rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660RecTimestamp(&pName->pObj->BirthTime, &paTimestamps[0]);
5980 | rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660RecTimestamp(&pName->pObj->ModificationTime, &paTimestamps[1]);
5981 | rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660RecTimestamp(&pName->pObj->AccessedTime, &paTimestamps[2]);
5982 | rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660RecTimestamp(&pName->pObj->ChangeTime, &paTimestamps[3]);
5983 | cbSys -= pTF->Hdr.cbEntry;
5984 | pbSys += pTF->Hdr.cbEntry;
5985 | }
5986 |
5987 | if (pName->fRockEntries & ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_PN)
5988 | {
5989 | PISO9660RRIPPN pPN = (PISO9660RRIPPN)pbSys;
5990 | Assert(cbSys >= sizeof(*pPN));
5991 | pPN->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660RRIPPN_SIG1;
5992 | pPN->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660RRIPPN_SIG2;
5993 | pPN->Hdr.cbEntry = ISO9660RRIPPN_LEN;
5994 | pPN->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660RRIPPN_VER;
5995 | pPN->Major.be = RT_H2BE_U32((uint32_t)RTDEV_MAJOR(pName->Device));
5996 | pPN->Major.le = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)RTDEV_MAJOR(pName->Device));
5997 | pPN->Minor.be = RT_H2BE_U32((uint32_t)RTDEV_MINOR(pName->Device));
5998 | pPN->Minor.le = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)RTDEV_MINOR(pName->Device));
5999 | cbSys -= sizeof(*pPN);
6000 | pbSys += sizeof(*pPN);
6001 | }
6002 |
6003 | if (pName->fRockEntries & ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_NM)
6004 | {
6005 | size_t cchSrc = pName->cchRockRidgeNm;
6006 | const char *pszSrc = pName->pszRockRidgeNm;
6007 | for (;;)
6008 | {
6009 | size_t cchThis = RT_MIN(cchSrc, ISO9660RRIPNM_MAX_NAME_LEN);
6010 | PISO9660RRIPNM pNM = (PISO9660RRIPNM)pbSys;
6011 | Assert(cbSys >= RT_UOFFSETOF_DYN(ISO9660RRIPNM, achName[cchThis]));
6012 | pNM->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660RRIPNM_SIG1;
6013 | pNM->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660RRIPNM_SIG2;
6014 | pNM->Hdr.cbEntry = (uint8_t)(RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660RRIPNM, achName) + cchThis);
6015 | pNM->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660RRIPNM_VER;
6016 | pNM->fFlags = cchThis == cchSrc ? 0 : ISO9660RRIP_NM_F_CONTINUE;
6017 | /** @todo r=bird: This only works when not using the spill file. The spill
6018 | * file entry will be shared between the original and all the '.' and
6019 | * '..' entries. FreeBSD gets confused by this w/o the
6020 | * ISO9660RRIP_NM_F_CURRENT and ISO9660RRIP_NM_F_PARENT flags. */
6022 | pNM->fFlags |= ISO9660RRIP_NM_F_CURRENT;
6023 | else if (enmDirType == RTFSISOMAKERDIRTYPE_PARENT)
6024 | pNM->fFlags |= ISO9660RRIP_NM_F_PARENT;
6025 | memcpy(&pNM->achName[0], pszSrc, cchThis);
6026 | pbSys += RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660RRIPNM, achName) + cchThis;
6027 | cbSys -= RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660RRIPNM, achName) + cchThis;
6028 | cchSrc -= cchThis;
6029 | if (!cchSrc)
6030 | break;
6031 | }
6032 | }
6033 |
6034 | if (pName->fRockEntries & ISO9660RRIP_RR_F_SL)
6035 | {
6036 | AssertReturnVoid(pName->pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_SYMLINK);
6038 |
6039 | ssize_t cbSlRockRidge = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_RockRidgeGenSL(pSymlink->szTarget, pbSys, cbSys);
6040 | AssertReturnVoid(cbSlRockRidge > 0);
6041 | Assert(cbSys >= (size_t)cbSlRockRidge);
6042 | pbSys += (size_t)cbSlRockRidge;
6043 | cbSys -= (size_t)cbSlRockRidge;
6044 | }
6045 | }
6046 |
6047 | /* finally, zero padding. */
6048 | if (cbSys & 1)
6049 | {
6050 | *pbSys++ = '\0';
6051 | cbSys--;
6052 | }
6053 |
6054 | Assert(!fInSpill ? cbSys == 0 : cbSys < _2G);
6055 | }
6056 |
6057 |
6058 |
6059 |
6060 | /**
6061 | * Reads one or more sectors from a rock ridge spill file.
6062 | *
6063 | * @returns IPRT status code.
6064 | * @param pThis The ISO maker output file instance. We use the
6065 | * directory pointer hints and child index hints
6066 | * @param pIsoMaker The ISO maker.
6067 | * @param pFile The rock ridge spill file.
6068 | * @param offInFile The offset into the spill file. This is sector aligned.
6069 | * @param pbBuf The output buffer.
6070 | * @param cbToRead The number of bytes to tread. This is sector aligned.
6071 | */
6072 | static int rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_RockRidgeSpillReadSectors(PRTFSISOMAKEROUTPUTFILE pThis, PRTFSISOMAKERINT pIsoMaker,
6073 | PRTFSISOMAKERFILE pFile, uint32_t offInFile, uint8_t *pbBuf,
6074 | size_t cbToRead)
6075 | {
6076 | /*
6077 | * We're only working multiple of ISO 9660 sectors.
6078 | *
6079 | * The spill of one directory record will always fit entirely within a
6080 | * sector, we make sure about that during finalization. There may be
6081 | * zero padding between spill data sequences, especially on the sector
6082 | * boundrary.
6083 | */
6084 | Assert((offInFile & ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK) == 0);
6085 | Assert((cbToRead & ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK) == 0);
6086 | Assert(cbToRead >= ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE);
6087 |
6088 | /*
6089 | * We generate a sector at a time.
6090 | *
6091 | * So, we start by locating the first directory/child in the block offInFile
6092 | * is pointing to.
6093 | */
6096 | uint32_t *pidxChildHint;
6097 | if (pFile->u.pRockSpillNamespace->fNamespace & RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_ISO_9660)
6098 | {
6099 | pFinalizedDirs = &pIsoMaker->PrimaryIsoDirs;
6100 | ppDirHint = &pThis->pDirHintPrimaryIso;
6101 | pidxChildHint = &pThis->iChildPrimaryIso;
6102 | }
6103 | else
6104 | {
6105 | pFinalizedDirs = &pIsoMaker->JolietDirs;
6106 | ppDirHint = &pThis->pDirHintJoliet;
6107 | pidxChildHint = &pThis->iChildJoliet;
6108 | }
6109 |
6110 | /* Special case: '.' record in root dir */
6111 | uint32_t idxChild = *pidxChildHint;
6112 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR pDir = *ppDirHint;
6113 | if ( offInFile == 0
6114 | && (pDir = RTListGetFirst(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry)) != NULL
6115 | && pDir->pName->cbRockSpill > 0)
6116 | {
6117 | AssertReturn(pDir, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_RR_READ);
6118 | AssertReturn(pDir->pName->offRockSpill == 0, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_RR_READ);
6119 | idxChild = 0;
6120 | }
6121 | else
6122 | {
6123 | /* Establish where to start searching from. */
6124 | if ( !pDir
6125 | || idxChild >= pDir->cChildren
6126 | || pDir->papChildren[idxChild]->cbRockSpill == 0)
6127 | {
6128 | idxChild = 0;
6129 | pDir = RTListGetFirst(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
6130 | AssertReturn(pDir, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_RR_READ);
6131 | }
6132 |
6133 | if (pDir->papChildren[idxChild]->offRockSpill == offInFile)
6134 | { /* hit, no need to search */ }
6135 | else if (pDir->papChildren[idxChild]->offRockSpill < offInFile)
6136 | {
6137 | /* search forwards */
6138 | for (;;)
6139 | {
6140 | idxChild++;
6141 | while ( idxChild < pDir->cChildren
6142 | && ( pDir->papChildren[idxChild]->offRockSpill < offInFile
6143 | || pDir->papChildren[idxChild]->cbRockSpill == 0) )
6144 | idxChild++;
6145 | if (idxChild < pDir->cChildren)
6146 | break;
6147 | pDir = RTListGetNext(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, pDir, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
6148 | AssertReturn(pDir, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_RR_READ);
6149 | }
6150 | Assert(pDir->papChildren[idxChild]->offRockSpill == offInFile);
6151 | }
6152 | else
6153 | {
6154 | /* search backwards (no root dir concerns here) */
6155 | for (;;)
6156 | {
6157 | while ( idxChild > 0
6158 | && ( pDir->papChildren[idxChild - 1]->offRockSpill >= offInFile
6159 | || pDir->papChildren[idxChild - 1]->cbRockSpill == 0) )
6160 | idxChild--;
6161 | if (pDir->papChildren[idxChild]->offRockSpill == offInFile)
6162 | break;
6163 | pDir = RTListGetPrev(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, pDir, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
6164 | AssertReturn(pDir, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_RR_READ);
6165 | }
6166 | Assert(pDir->papChildren[idxChild]->offRockSpill == offInFile);
6167 | }
6168 | }
6169 |
6170 | /*
6171 | * Produce data.
6172 | */
6173 | while (cbToRead > 0)
6174 | {
6176 | if ( offInFile > 0
6177 | || pDir->pName->cbRockSpill == 0
6178 | || pDir->pName->pParent != NULL)
6179 | {
6180 | pChild = pDir->papChildren[idxChild];
6181 | AssertReturn(pChild->offRockSpill == offInFile, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_RR_READ);
6182 | AssertReturn(pChild->cbRockSpill > 0, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_RR_READ);
6183 | idxChild++;
6184 | }
6185 | else
6186 | { /* root dir special case. */
6187 | pChild = pDir->pName;
6188 | Assert(idxChild == 0);
6189 | Assert(pChild->pParent == NULL);
6190 | }
6191 |
6192 | AssertReturn(cbToRead >= pChild->cbRockSpill, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_RR_READ);
6193 | /** @todo r=bird: using RTFSISOMAKERDIRTYPE_OTHER is correct as we don't seem to
6194 | * have separate name entries for '.' and '..'. However it means that if
6195 | * any directory ends up in the spill file we'll end up with the wrong
6196 | * data for the '.' and '..' entries. [RR NM ./..] */
6197 | rtFsIosMakerOutFile_GenerateRockRidge(pDir->pName, pbBuf, cbToRead, true /*fInSpill*/, RTFSISOMAKERDIRTYPE_OTHER);
6198 | cbToRead -= pChild->cbRockSpill;
6199 | pbBuf += pChild->cbRockSpill;
6200 | offInFile += pChild->cbRockSpill;
6201 |
6202 | /* Advance to the next name, if any. */
6203 | uint32_t offNext = UINT32_MAX;
6204 | do
6205 | {
6206 | while (idxChild < pDir->cChildren)
6207 | {
6208 | pChild = pDir->papChildren[idxChild];
6209 | if (pChild->cbRockSpill == 0)
6210 | Assert(pChild->offRockSpill == UINT32_MAX);
6211 | else
6212 | {
6213 | offNext = pChild->offRockSpill;
6214 | AssertReturn(offNext >= offInFile, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_RR_READ);
6215 | AssertReturn(offNext < pFile->cbData, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_RR_READ);
6216 | break;
6217 | }
6218 | idxChild++;
6219 | }
6220 | if (offNext != UINT32_MAX)
6221 | break;
6222 | pDir = RTListGetNext(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, pDir, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
6223 | idxChild = 0;
6224 | } while (pDir != NULL);
6225 |
6226 | if (offNext != UINT32_MAX)
6227 | {
6228 | uint32_t cbToZero = offNext - offInFile;
6229 | if (cbToRead > cbToZero)
6230 | RT_BZERO(pbBuf, cbToZero);
6231 | else
6232 | {
6233 | RT_BZERO(pbBuf, cbToRead);
6234 | *ppDirHint = pDir;
6235 | *pidxChildHint = idxChild;
6236 | break;
6237 | }
6238 | cbToRead -= cbToZero;
6239 | pbBuf += cbToZero;
6240 | offInFile += cbToZero;
6241 | }
6242 | else
6243 | {
6244 | RT_BZERO(pbBuf, cbToRead);
6245 | *ppDirHint = NULL;
6246 | *pidxChildHint = UINT32_MAX;
6247 | break;
6248 | }
6249 | }
6250 |
6251 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
6252 | }
6253 |
6254 |
6255 | /**
6256 | * Deals with reads that aren't an exact multiple of sectors.
6257 | *
6258 | * @returns IPRT status code.
6259 | * @param pThis The ISO maker output file instance. We use the
6260 | * directory pointer hints and child index hints
6261 | * @param pIsoMaker The ISO maker.
6262 | * @param pFile The rock ridge spill file.
6263 | * @param offInFile The offset into the spill file.
6264 | * @param pbBuf The output buffer.
6265 | * @param cbToRead The number of bytes to tread.
6266 | */
6267 | static int rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_RockRidgeSpillReadUnaligned(PRTFSISOMAKEROUTPUTFILE pThis, PRTFSISOMAKERINT pIsoMaker,
6268 | PRTFSISOMAKERFILE pFile, uint32_t offInFile, uint8_t *pbBuf,
6269 | uint32_t cbToRead)
6270 | {
6271 | for (;;)
6272 | {
6273 | /*
6274 | * Deal with unnaligned file offsets and sub-sector sized reads.
6275 | */
6276 | if ( (offInFile & ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK)
6277 | || cbToRead < ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE)
6278 | {
6279 | uint8_t abSectorBuf[ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE];
6280 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_RockRidgeSpillReadSectors(pThis, pIsoMaker, pFile,
6281 | offInFile & ~(uint32_t)ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK,
6282 | abSectorBuf, sizeof(abSectorBuf));
6283 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
6284 | return rc;
6285 | uint32_t offSrcBuf = (size_t)offInFile & (size_t)ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK;
6286 | uint32_t cbToCopy = RT_MIN(ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE - offSrcBuf, cbToRead);
6287 | memcpy(pbBuf, &abSectorBuf[offSrcBuf], cbToCopy);
6288 | if (cbToCopy >= cbToRead)
6289 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
6290 | cbToRead -= cbToCopy;
6291 | offInFile += cbToCopy;
6292 | pbBuf += cbToCopy;
6293 | }
6294 |
6295 | /*
6296 | * The offset is aligned now, so try read some sectors directly into the buffer.
6297 | */
6298 | AssertContinue((offInFile & ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK) == 0);
6299 | if (cbToRead >= ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE)
6300 | {
6301 | uint32_t cbFullSectors = cbToRead & ~(uint32_t)ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK;
6302 | int rc = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_RockRidgeSpillReadSectors(pThis, pIsoMaker, pFile, offInFile, pbBuf, cbFullSectors);
6303 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
6304 | return rc;
6305 | if (cbFullSectors >= cbToRead)
6306 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
6307 | cbToRead -= cbFullSectors;
6308 | offInFile += cbFullSectors;
6309 | pbBuf += cbFullSectors;
6310 | }
6311 | }
6312 | }
6313 |
6314 |
6315 |
6316 | /**
6317 | * Produces the content of a TRANS.TBL file as a memory file.
6318 | *
6319 | * @returns IPRT status code.
6320 | * @param pThis The ISO maker output file instance. The file is
6321 | * returned as pThis->hVfsSrcFile.
6322 | * @param pFile The TRANS.TBL file.
6323 | */
6324 | static int rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_ProduceTransTbl(PRTFSISOMAKEROUTPUTFILE pThis, PRTFSISOMAKERFILE pFile)
6325 | {
6326 | /*
6327 | * Create memory file instance.
6328 | */
6329 | RTVFSFILE hVfsFile;
6330 | int rc = RTVfsMemFileCreate(NIL_RTVFSIOSTREAM, pFile->cbData, &hVfsFile);
6331 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
6332 |
6333 | /*
6334 | * Produce the file content.
6335 | */
6336 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME *ppChild = pFile->u.pTransTblDir->pDir->papChildren;
6337 | uint32_t cLeft = pFile->u.pTransTblDir->pDir->cChildren;
6338 | while (cLeft-- > 0)
6339 | {
6340 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pChild = *ppChild++;
6341 | if (pChild->cchTransNm)
6342 | {
6343 | /** @todo TRANS.TBL codeset, currently using UTF-8 which is probably not it.
6344 | * However, nobody uses this stuff any more, so who cares. */
6345 | char szEntry[RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_NAME_BUF * 2 + 128];
6346 | size_t cchEntry = RTStrPrintf(szEntry, sizeof(szEntry), "%c %-*s\t%s\n", pChild->pDir ? 'D' : 'F',
6347 | RTFSISOMAKER_TRANS_TBL_LEFT_PAD, pChild->szName, pChild->pszTransNm);
6348 | rc = RTVfsFileWrite(hVfsFile, szEntry, cchEntry, NULL);
6349 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
6350 | {
6351 | RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile);
6352 | return rc;
6353 | }
6354 | }
6355 | }
6356 |
6357 | /*
6358 | * Check that the size matches our estimate.
6359 | */
6360 | uint64_t cbResult = 0;
6361 | rc = RTVfsFileQuerySize(hVfsFile, &cbResult);
6362 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cbResult == pFile->cbData)
6363 | {
6364 | pThis->hVfsSrcFile = hVfsFile;
6365 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
6366 | }
6367 |
6368 | AssertMsgFailed(("rc=%Rrc, cbResult=%#RX64 cbData=%#RX64\n", rc, cbResult, pFile->cbData));
6369 | RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile);
6371 | }
6372 |
6373 |
6374 |
6375 | /**
6376 | * Reads file data.
6377 | *
6378 | * @returns IPRT status code
6379 | * @param pThis The instance data for the VFS file. We use this to
6380 | * keep hints about where we are and we which source
6381 | * file we've opened/created.
6382 | * @param pIsoMaker The ISO maker instance.
6383 | * @param offUnsigned The ISO image byte offset of the requested data.
6384 | * @param pbBuf The output buffer.
6385 | * @param cbBuf How much to read.
6386 | * @param pcbDone Where to return how much was read.
6387 | */
6388 | static int rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_ReadFileData(PRTFSISOMAKEROUTPUTFILE pThis, PRTFSISOMAKERINT pIsoMaker, uint64_t offUnsigned,
6389 | uint8_t *pbBuf, size_t cbBuf, size_t *pcbDone)
6390 | {
6391 | *pcbDone = 0;
6392 |
6393 | /*
6394 | * Figure out which file. We keep a hint in the instance.
6395 | */
6396 | uint64_t offInFile;
6397 | PRTFSISOMAKERFILE pFile = pThis->pFileHint;
6398 | if (!pFile)
6399 | {
6400 | pFile = RTListGetFirst(&pIsoMaker->FinalizedFiles, RTFSISOMAKERFILE, FinalizedEntry);
6401 | AssertReturn(pFile, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_READ_FILE_DATA_1);
6402 | }
6403 | if ((offInFile = offUnsigned - pFile->offData) < RT_ALIGN_64(pFile->cbData, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE))
6404 | { /* hit */ }
6405 | else if (offUnsigned >= pFile->offData)
6406 | {
6407 | /* Seek forwards. */
6408 | do
6409 | {
6410 | pFile = RTListGetNext(&pIsoMaker->FinalizedFiles, pFile, RTFSISOMAKERFILE, FinalizedEntry);
6411 | AssertReturn(pFile, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_READ_FILE_DATA_2);
6412 | } while ((offInFile = offUnsigned - pFile->offData) >= RT_ALIGN_64(pFile->cbData, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE));
6413 | }
6414 | else
6415 | {
6416 | /* Seek backwards. */
6417 | do
6418 | {
6419 | pFile = RTListGetPrev(&pIsoMaker->FinalizedFiles, pFile, RTFSISOMAKERFILE, FinalizedEntry);
6420 | AssertReturn(pFile, VERR_ISOMK_IPE_READ_FILE_DATA_3);
6421 | } while ((offInFile = offUnsigned - pFile->offData) >= RT_ALIGN_64(pFile->cbData, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE));
6422 | }
6423 |
6424 | /*
6425 | * Update the hint/current file.
6426 | */
6427 | if (pThis->pFileHint != pFile)
6428 | {
6429 | pThis->pFileHint = pFile;
6430 | if (pThis->hVfsSrcFile != NIL_RTVFSFILE)
6431 | {
6432 | RTVfsFileRelease(pThis->hVfsSrcFile);
6433 | pThis->hVfsSrcFile = NIL_RTVFSFILE;
6434 | }
6435 | }
6436 |
6437 | /*
6438 | * Produce data bits according to the source type.
6439 | */
6440 | if (offInFile < pFile->cbData)
6441 | {
6442 | int rc;
6443 | size_t cbToRead = RT_MIN(cbBuf, pFile->cbData - offInFile);
6444 |
6445 | switch (pFile->enmSrcType)
6446 | {
6448 | if (pThis->hVfsSrcFile == NIL_RTVFSFILE)
6449 | {
6450 | rc = RTVfsChainOpenFile(pFile->u.pszSrcPath, RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_DENY_NONE | RTFILE_O_OPEN,
6451 | &pThis->hVfsSrcFile, NULL, NULL);
6452 | AssertMsgRCReturn(rc, ("%s -> %Rrc\n", pFile->u.pszSrcPath, rc), rc);
6453 | }
6454 | rc = RTVfsFileReadAt(pThis->hVfsSrcFile, offInFile, pbBuf, cbToRead, NULL);
6455 | AssertRC(rc);
6456 | break;
6457 |
6459 | rc = RTVfsFileReadAt(pFile->u.hVfsFile, offInFile, pbBuf, cbToRead, NULL);
6460 | AssertRC(rc);
6461 | break;
6462 |
6464 | rc = RTVfsFileReadAt(pIsoMaker->paCommonSources[pFile->u.Common.idxSrc],
6465 | pFile->u.Common.offData + offInFile, pbBuf, cbToRead, NULL);
6466 | AssertRC(rc);
6467 | break;
6468 |
6470 | if (pThis->hVfsSrcFile == NIL_RTVFSFILE)
6471 | {
6472 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_ProduceTransTbl(pThis, pFile);
6473 | AssertRCReturn(rc, rc);
6474 | }
6475 | rc = RTVfsFileReadAt(pThis->hVfsSrcFile, offInFile, pbBuf, cbToRead, NULL);
6476 | AssertRC(rc);
6477 | break;
6478 |
6480 | Assert(pFile->cbData < UINT32_MAX);
6481 | if ( !(offInFile & ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK)
6482 | && !(cbToRead & ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK)
6483 | && cbToRead > 0)
6484 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_RockRidgeSpillReadSectors(pThis, pIsoMaker, pFile, (uint32_t)offInFile,
6485 | pbBuf, (uint32_t)cbToRead);
6486 | else
6487 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_RockRidgeSpillReadUnaligned(pThis, pIsoMaker, pFile, (uint32_t)offInFile,
6488 | pbBuf, (uint32_t)cbToRead);
6489 | break;
6490 |
6491 | default:
6493 | }
6494 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
6495 | return rc;
6496 | *pcbDone = cbToRead;
6497 |
6498 | /*
6499 | * Do boot info table patching.
6500 | */
6501 | if ( pFile->pBootInfoTable
6502 | && offInFile < 64
6503 | && offInFile + cbToRead > 8)
6504 | {
6505 | size_t offInBuf = offInFile < 8 ? 8 - (size_t)offInFile : 0;
6506 | size_t offInTab = offInFile <= 8 ? 0 : (size_t)offInFile - 8;
6507 | size_t cbToCopy = RT_MIN(sizeof(*pFile->pBootInfoTable) - offInTab, cbToRead - offInBuf);
6508 | memcpy(&pbBuf[offInBuf], (uint8_t *)pFile->pBootInfoTable + offInTab, cbToCopy);
6509 | }
6510 |
6511 | /*
6512 | * Check if we're into the zero padding at the end of the file now.
6513 | */
6514 | if ( cbToRead < cbBuf
6516 | && offInFile + cbToRead == pFile->cbData)
6517 | {
6518 | cbBuf -= cbToRead;
6519 | pbBuf += cbToRead;
6521 | memset(pbBuf, 0, cbZeros);
6522 | *pcbDone += cbZeros;
6523 | }
6524 | }
6525 | else
6526 | {
6527 | size_t cbZeros = RT_MIN(cbBuf, RT_ALIGN_64(pFile->cbData, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE) - offInFile);
6528 | memset(pbBuf, 0, cbZeros);
6529 | *pcbDone = cbZeros;
6530 | }
6531 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
6532 | }
6533 |
6534 |
6535 | /**
6536 | * Generates ISO-9660 path table record into the specified buffer.
6537 | *
6538 | * @returns Number of bytes copied into the buffer.
6539 | * @param pName The directory namespace node.
6540 | * @param fUnicode Set if the name should be translated to big endian
6541 | * UTF-16 / UCS-2, i.e. we're in the joliet namespace.
6542 | * @param pbBuf The buffer. This is large enough to hold the path
6543 | * record (use RTFSISOMAKER_CALC_PATHREC_SIZE) and a zero
6544 | * RTUTF16 terminator if @a fUnicode is true.
6545 | */
6546 | static uint32_t rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GeneratePathRec(PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pName, bool fUnicode, bool fLittleEndian, uint8_t *pbBuf)
6547 | {
6548 | PISO9660PATHREC pPathRec = (PISO9660PATHREC)pbBuf;
6549 | pPathRec->cbDirId = pName->cbNameInDirRec;
6550 | pPathRec->cbExtAttr = 0;
6551 | if (fLittleEndian)
6552 | {
6553 | pPathRec->offExtent = RT_H2LE_U32(pName->pDir->offDir / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
6554 | pPathRec->idParentRec = RT_H2LE_U16(pName->pParent ? pName->pParent->pDir->idPathTable : 1);
6555 | }
6556 | else
6557 | {
6558 | pPathRec->offExtent = RT_H2BE_U32(pName->pDir->offDir / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
6559 | pPathRec->idParentRec = RT_H2BE_U16(pName->pParent ? pName->pParent->pDir->idPathTable : 1);
6560 | }
6561 | if (!fUnicode)
6562 | {
6563 | memcpy(&pPathRec->achDirId[0], pName->szName, pName->cbNameInDirRec);
6564 | if (pName->cbNameInDirRec & 1)
6565 | pPathRec->achDirId[pName->cbNameInDirRec] = '\0';
6566 | }
6567 | else
6568 | {
6569 | /* Caller made sure there is space for a zero terminator character. */
6570 | PRTUTF16 pwszTmp = (PRTUTF16)&pPathRec->achDirId[0];
6571 | size_t cwcResult = 0;
6572 | int rc = RTStrToUtf16BigEx(pName->szName, RTSTR_MAX, &pwszTmp, pName->cbNameInDirRec / sizeof(RTUTF16) + 1, &cwcResult);
6573 | AssertRC(rc);
6574 | Assert( cwcResult * sizeof(RTUTF16) == pName->cbNameInDirRec
6575 | || (!pName->pParent && cwcResult == 0 && pName->cbNameInDirRec == 1) );
6576 |
6577 | }
6578 | return RTFSISOMAKER_CALC_PATHREC_SIZE(pName->cbNameInDirRec);
6579 | }
6580 |
6581 |
6582 | /**
6583 | * Deals with situations where the destination buffer doesn't cover the whole
6584 | * path table record.
6585 | *
6586 | * @returns Number of bytes copied into the buffer.
6587 | * @param pName The directory namespace node.
6588 | * @param fUnicode Set if the name should be translated to big endian
6589 | * UTF-16 / UCS-2, i.e. we're in the joliet namespace.
6590 | * @param offInRec The offset into the path table record.
6591 | * @param pbBuf The buffer.
6592 | * @param cbBuf The buffer size.
6593 | */
6594 | static uint32_t rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GeneratePathRecPartial(PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pName, bool fUnicode, bool fLittleEndian,
6595 | uint32_t offInRec, uint8_t *pbBuf, size_t cbBuf)
6596 | {
6597 | uint8_t abTmpRec[256];
6598 | size_t cbToCopy = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GeneratePathRec(pName, fUnicode, fLittleEndian, abTmpRec);
6599 | cbToCopy = RT_MIN(cbBuf, cbToCopy - offInRec);
6600 | memcpy(pbBuf, &abTmpRec[offInRec], cbToCopy);
6601 | return (uint32_t)cbToCopy;
6602 | }
6603 |
6604 |
6605 | /**
6606 | * Generate path table records.
6607 | *
6608 | * This will generate record up to the end of the table. However, it will not
6609 | * supply the zero padding in the last sector, the caller is expected to take
6610 | * care of that.
6611 | *
6612 | * @returns Number of bytes written to the buffer.
6613 | * @param ppDirHint Pointer to the directory hint for the namespace.
6614 | * @param pFinalizedDirs The finalized directory data for the namespace.
6615 | * @param fUnicode Set if the name should be translated to big endian
6616 | * UTF-16 / UCS-2, i.e. we're in the joliet namespace.
6617 | * @param fLittleEndian Set if we're generating little endian records, clear
6618 | * if big endian records.
6619 | * @param offInTable Offset into the path table.
6620 | * @param pbBuf The output buffer.
6621 | * @param cbBuf The buffer size.
6622 | */
6623 | static size_t rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_ReadPathTable(PRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR *ppDirHint, PRTFSISOMAKERFINALIZEDDIRS pFinalizedDirs,
6624 | bool fUnicode, bool fLittleEndian, uint32_t offInTable,
6625 | uint8_t *pbBuf, size_t cbBuf)
6626 | {
6627 | /*
6628 | * Figure out which directory to start with. We keep a hint in the instance.
6629 | */
6630 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR pDir = *ppDirHint;
6631 | if (!pDir)
6632 | {
6633 | pDir = RTListGetFirst(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
6634 | AssertReturnStmt(pDir, *pbBuf = 0xff, 1);
6635 | }
6636 | if (offInTable - pDir->offPathTable < RTFSISOMAKER_CALC_PATHREC_SIZE(pDir->pName->cbNameInDirRec))
6637 | { /* hit */ }
6638 | /* Seek forwards: */
6639 | else if (offInTable > pDir->offPathTable)
6640 | do
6641 | {
6642 | pDir = RTListGetNext(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, pDir, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
6643 | AssertReturnStmt(pDir, *pbBuf = 0xff, 1);
6644 | } while (offInTable - pDir->offPathTable >= RTFSISOMAKER_CALC_PATHREC_SIZE(pDir->pName->cbNameInDirRec));
6645 | /* Back to the start: */
6646 | else if (offInTable == 0)
6647 | {
6648 | pDir = RTListGetFirst(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
6649 | AssertReturnStmt(pDir, *pbBuf = 0xff, 1);
6650 | }
6651 | /* Seek backwards: */
6652 | else
6653 | do
6654 | {
6655 | pDir = RTListGetPrev(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, pDir, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
6656 | AssertReturnStmt(pDir, *pbBuf = 0xff, 1);
6657 | } while (offInTable - pDir->offPathTable >= RTFSISOMAKER_CALC_PATHREC_SIZE(pDir->pName->cbNameInDirRec));
6658 |
6659 | /*
6660 | * Generate content.
6661 | */
6662 | size_t cbDone = 0;
6663 | while ( cbBuf > 0
6664 | && pDir)
6665 | {
6666 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pName = pDir->pName;
6667 | uint8_t cbRec = RTFSISOMAKER_CALC_PATHREC_SIZE(pName->cbNameInDirRec);
6668 | uint32_t cbCopied;
6669 | if ( offInTable == pDir->offPathTable
6670 | && cbBuf >= cbRec + fUnicode * 2U)
6671 | cbCopied = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GeneratePathRec(pName, fUnicode, fLittleEndian, pbBuf);
6672 | else
6673 | cbCopied = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GeneratePathRecPartial(pName, fUnicode, fLittleEndian,
6674 | offInTable - pDir->offPathTable, pbBuf, cbBuf);
6675 | cbDone += cbCopied;
6676 | offInTable += cbCopied;
6677 | pbBuf += cbCopied;
6678 | cbBuf -= cbCopied;
6679 | pDir = RTListGetNext(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, pDir, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
6680 | }
6681 |
6682 | /*
6683 | * Update the hint.
6684 | */
6685 | *ppDirHint = pDir;
6686 |
6687 | return cbDone;
6688 | }
6689 |
6690 |
6691 | /**
6692 | * Generates ISO-9660 directory record into the specified buffer.
6693 | *
6694 | * The caller must deal with multi-extent copying and end of sector zero
6695 | * padding.
6696 | *
6697 | * @returns Number of bytes copied into the buffer (pName->cbDirRec).
6698 | * @param pName The namespace node.
6699 | * @param fUnicode Set if the name should be translated to big endian
6700 | * UTF-16BE / UCS-2BE, i.e. we're in the joliet namespace.
6701 | * @param pbBuf The buffer. This is at least pName->cbDirRec bytes
6702 | * big (i.e. at most 256 bytes).
6703 | * @param pFinalizedDirs The finalized directory data for the namespace.
6704 | * @param enmDirType The kind of directory entry this is.
6705 | */
6706 | static uint32_t rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GenerateDirRec(PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pName, bool fUnicode, uint8_t *pbBuf,
6708 | {
6709 | /*
6710 | * Emit a standard ISO-9660 directory record.
6711 | */
6712 | PISO9660DIRREC pDirRec = (PISO9660DIRREC)pbBuf;
6713 | PCRTFSISOMAKEROBJ pObj = pName->pObj;
6714 | PCRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR pDir = pName->pDir;
6715 | if (pDir)
6716 | {
6717 | pDirRec->offExtent.be = RT_H2BE_U32(pDir->offDir / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
6718 | pDirRec->offExtent.le = RT_H2LE_U32(pDir->offDir / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
6719 | pDirRec->cbData.be = RT_H2BE_U32(pDir->cbDir);
6720 | pDirRec->cbData.le = RT_H2LE_U32(pDir->cbDir);
6721 | pDirRec->fFileFlags = ISO9660_FILE_FLAGS_DIRECTORY;
6722 | }
6723 | else if (pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE)
6724 | {
6726 | pDirRec->offExtent.be = RT_H2BE_U32(pFile->offData / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
6727 | pDirRec->offExtent.le = RT_H2LE_U32(pFile->offData / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
6728 | pDirRec->cbData.be = RT_H2BE_U32(pFile->cbData);
6729 | pDirRec->cbData.le = RT_H2LE_U32(pFile->cbData);
6730 | pDirRec->fFileFlags = 0;
6731 | }
6732 | else
6733 | {
6734 | pDirRec->offExtent.be = 0;
6735 | pDirRec->offExtent.le = 0;
6736 | pDirRec->cbData.be = 0;
6737 | pDirRec->cbData.le = 0;
6738 | pDirRec->fFileFlags = 0;
6739 | }
6740 | rtFsIsoMakerTimespecToIso9660RecTimestamp(&pObj->BirthTime, &pDirRec->RecTime);
6741 |
6742 | pDirRec->cbDirRec = pName->cbDirRec;
6743 | pDirRec->cExtAttrBlocks = 0;
6744 | pDirRec->bFileUnitSize = 0;
6745 | pDirRec->bInterleaveGapSize = 0;
6746 | pDirRec->VolumeSeqNo.be = RT_H2BE_U16_C(1);
6747 | pDirRec->VolumeSeqNo.le = RT_H2LE_U16_C(1);
6748 | pDirRec->bFileIdLength = pName->cbNameInDirRec;
6749 |
6750 | if (!fUnicode)
6751 | {
6752 | memcpy(&pDirRec->achFileId[0], pName->szName, pName->cbNameInDirRec);
6753 | if (!(pName->cbNameInDirRec & 1))
6754 | pDirRec->achFileId[pName->cbNameInDirRec] = '\0';
6755 | }
6756 | else
6757 | {
6758 | /* Convert to big endian UTF-16. We're using a separate buffer here
6759 | because of zero terminator (none in pDirRec) and misalignment. */
6760 | RTUTF16 wszTmp[128];
6761 | PRTUTF16 pwszTmp = &wszTmp[0];
6762 | size_t cwcResult = 0;
6763 | wszTmp[0] = '\0';
6764 | int rc = RTStrToUtf16BigEx(pName->szName, RTSTR_MAX, &pwszTmp, RT_ELEMENTS(wszTmp), &cwcResult);
6765 | AssertRC(rc);
6766 | Assert( cwcResult * sizeof(RTUTF16) == pName->cbNameInDirRec
6767 | || (!pName->pParent && cwcResult == 0 && pName->cbNameInDirRec == 1) );
6768 | memcpy(&pDirRec->achFileId[0], pwszTmp, pName->cbNameInDirRec);
6769 | pDirRec->achFileId[pName->cbNameInDirRec] = '\0';
6770 | }
6771 |
6772 | /*
6773 | * Rock ridge fields if enabled.
6774 | */
6775 | if (pName->cbRockInDirRec > 0)
6776 | {
6777 | uint8_t *pbSys = (uint8_t *)&pDirRec->achFileId[pName->cbNameInDirRec + !(pName->cbNameInDirRec & 1)];
6778 | size_t cbSys = &pbBuf[pName->cbDirRec] - pbSys;
6779 | Assert(cbSys >= pName->cbRockInDirRec);
6780 | if (cbSys > pName->cbRockInDirRec)
6781 | RT_BZERO(&pbSys[pName->cbRockInDirRec], cbSys - pName->cbRockInDirRec);
6782 | if (pName->cbRockSpill == 0)
6783 | rtFsIosMakerOutFile_GenerateRockRidge(pName, pbSys, cbSys, false /*fInSpill*/, enmDirType);
6784 | else
6785 | {
6786 | /* Maybe emit SP and RR entry, before emitting the CE entry. */
6787 | if (pName->pParent == NULL)
6788 | {
6789 | PISO9660SUSPSP pSP = (PISO9660SUSPSP)pbSys;
6790 | pSP->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660SUSPSP_SIG1;
6791 | pSP->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660SUSPSP_SIG2;
6792 | pSP->Hdr.cbEntry = ISO9660SUSPSP_LEN;
6793 | pSP->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660SUSPSP_VER;
6794 | pSP->bCheck1 = ISO9660SUSPSP_CHECK1;
6795 | pSP->bCheck2 = ISO9660SUSPSP_CHECK2;
6796 | pSP->cbSkip = 0;
6797 | pbSys += sizeof(*pSP);
6798 | cbSys -= sizeof(*pSP);
6799 | }
6800 | if (pName->fRockNeedRRInDirRec)
6801 | {
6802 | PISO9660RRIPRR pRR = (PISO9660RRIPRR)pbSys;
6803 | pRR->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660RRIPRR_SIG1;
6804 | pRR->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660RRIPRR_SIG2;
6805 | pRR->Hdr.cbEntry = ISO9660RRIPRR_LEN;
6806 | pRR->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660RRIPRR_VER;
6807 | pRR->fFlags = pName->fRockEntries;
6808 | pbSys += sizeof(*pRR);
6809 | cbSys -= sizeof(*pRR);
6810 | }
6811 | PISO9660SUSPCE pCE = (PISO9660SUSPCE)pbSys;
6812 | pCE->Hdr.bSig1 = ISO9660SUSPCE_SIG1;
6813 | pCE->Hdr.bSig2 = ISO9660SUSPCE_SIG2;
6814 | pCE->Hdr.cbEntry = ISO9660SUSPCE_LEN;
6815 | pCE->Hdr.bVersion = ISO9660SUSPCE_VER;
6816 | uint64_t offData = pFinalizedDirs->pRRSpillFile->offData + pName->offRockSpill;
6817 | pCE->offBlock.be = RT_H2BE_U32((uint32_t)(offData / ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE));
6818 | pCE->offBlock.le = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)(offData / ISO9660_SECTOR_SIZE));
6819 | pCE->offData.be = RT_H2BE_U32((uint32_t)(offData & ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK));
6820 | pCE->offData.le = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)(offData & ISO9660_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK));
6821 | pCE->cbData.be = RT_H2BE_U32((uint32_t)pName->cbRockSpill);
6822 | pCE->cbData.le = RT_H2LE_U32((uint32_t)pName->cbRockSpill);
6823 | Assert(cbSys >= sizeof(*pCE));
6824 | }
6825 | }
6826 |
6827 | return pName->cbDirRec;
6828 | }
6829 |
6830 |
6831 | /**
6832 | * Generates ISO-9660 directory records into the specified buffer.
6833 | *
6834 | * @returns Number of bytes copied into the buffer.
6835 | * @param pName The namespace node.
6836 | * @param fUnicode Set if the name should be translated to big endian
6837 | * UTF-16BE / UCS-2BE, i.e. we're in the joliet namespace.
6838 | * @param pbBuf The buffer. This is at least pName->cbDirRecTotal
6839 | * bytes big.
6840 | * @param pFinalizedDirs The finalized directory data for the namespace.
6841 | */
6842 | static uint32_t rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GenerateDirRecDirect(PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pName, bool fUnicode, uint8_t *pbBuf,
6844 | {
6845 | /*
6846 | * Normally there is just a single record without any zero padding.
6847 | */
6848 | uint32_t cbReturn = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GenerateDirRec(pName, fUnicode, pbBuf, pFinalizedDirs, RTFSISOMAKERDIRTYPE_OTHER);
6849 | if (RT_LIKELY(pName->cbDirRecTotal == cbReturn))
6850 | return cbReturn;
6851 | Assert(cbReturn < pName->cbDirRecTotal);
6852 |
6853 | /*
6854 | * Deal with multiple records.
6855 | */
6856 | if (pName->cDirRecs > 1)
6857 | {
6858 | Assert(pName->pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE);
6860 |
6861 | /* Set max size and duplicate the first directory record cDirRecs - 1 times. */
6862 | uint32_t const cbOne = cbReturn;
6863 | PISO9660DIRREC pDirRec = (PISO9660DIRREC)pbBuf;
6864 | pDirRec->cbData.be = RT_H2BE_U32_C(RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_ISO9660_EXTENT_SIZE);
6865 | pDirRec->cbData.le = RT_H2LE_U32_C(RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_ISO9660_EXTENT_SIZE);
6866 | pDirRec->fFileFlags |= ISO9660_FILE_FLAGS_MULTI_EXTENT;
6867 |
6868 | PISO9660DIRREC pCurDirRec = pDirRec;
6869 | uint32_t offExtent = (uint32_t)(pFile->offData / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE);
6870 | Assert(offExtent == ISO9660_GET_ENDIAN(&pDirRec->offExtent));
6871 | for (uint32_t iDirRec = 1; iDirRec < pName->cDirRecs; iDirRec++)
6872 | {
6873 | pCurDirRec = (PISO9660DIRREC)memcpy(&pbBuf[cbReturn], pDirRec, cbOne);
6874 |
6876 | pCurDirRec->offExtent.le = RT_H2LE_U32(offExtent);
6877 |
6878 | cbReturn += cbOne;
6879 | }
6880 | Assert(cbReturn <= pName->cbDirRecTotal);
6881 |
6882 | /* Adjust the size in the final record. */
6883 | uint32_t cbDataLast = (uint32_t)(pFile->cbData % RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_ISO9660_EXTENT_SIZE);
6884 | pCurDirRec->cbData.be = RT_H2BE_U32(cbDataLast);
6885 | pCurDirRec->cbData.le = RT_H2LE_U32(cbDataLast);
6886 | pCurDirRec->fFileFlags &= ~ISO9660_FILE_FLAGS_MULTI_EXTENT;
6887 | }
6888 |
6889 | /*
6890 | * Do end of sector zero padding.
6891 | */
6892 | if (cbReturn < pName->cbDirRecTotal)
6893 | memset(&pbBuf[cbReturn], 0, (uint32_t)pName->cbDirRecTotal - cbReturn);
6894 |
6895 | return pName->cbDirRecTotal;
6896 | }
6897 |
6898 |
6899 | /**
6900 | * Deals with situations where the destination buffer doesn't cover the whole
6901 | * directory record.
6902 | *
6903 | * @returns Number of bytes copied into the buffer.
6904 | * @param pName The namespace node.
6905 | * @param fUnicode Set if the name should be translated to big endian
6906 | * UTF-16 / UCS-2, i.e. we're in the joliet namespace.
6907 | * @param off The offset into the directory record.
6908 | * @param pbBuf The buffer.
6909 | * @param cbBuf The buffer size.
6910 | * @param pFinalizedDirs The finalized directory data for the namespace.
6911 | */
6912 | static uint32_t rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GenerateDirRecPartial(PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pName, bool fUnicode,
6913 | uint32_t off, uint8_t *pbBuf, size_t cbBuf,
6915 | {
6916 | Assert(off < pName->cbDirRecTotal);
6917 |
6918 | /*
6919 | * This is reasonably simple when there is only one directory record and
6920 | * without any padding.
6921 | */
6922 | uint8_t abTmpBuf[256];
6923 | Assert(pName->cbDirRec <= sizeof(abTmpBuf));
6924 | uint32_t const cbOne = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GenerateDirRec(pName, fUnicode, abTmpBuf,
6926 | Assert(cbOne == pName->cbDirRec);
6927 | if (cbOne == pName->cbDirRecTotal)
6928 | {
6929 | uint32_t cbToCopy = RT_MIN((uint32_t)cbBuf, cbOne - off);
6930 | memcpy(pbBuf, &abTmpBuf[off], cbToCopy);
6931 | return cbToCopy;
6932 | }
6933 | Assert(cbOne < pName->cbDirRecTotal);
6934 |
6935 | /*
6936 | * Single record and zero padding?
6937 | */
6938 | uint32_t cbCopied = 0;
6939 | if (pName->cDirRecs == 1)
6940 | {
6941 | /* Anything from the record to copy? */
6942 | if (off < cbOne)
6943 | {
6944 | cbCopied = RT_MIN((uint32_t)cbBuf, cbOne - off);
6945 | memcpy(pbBuf, &abTmpBuf[off], cbCopied);
6946 | pbBuf += cbCopied;
6947 | cbBuf -= cbCopied;
6948 | off += cbCopied;
6949 | }
6950 |
6951 | /* Anything from the zero padding? */
6952 | if (off >= cbOne && cbBuf > 0)
6953 | {
6954 | uint32_t cbToZero = RT_MIN((uint32_t)cbBuf, (uint32_t)pName->cbDirRecTotal - off);
6955 | memset(pbBuf, 0, cbToZero);
6956 | cbCopied += cbToZero;
6957 | }
6958 | }
6959 | /*
6960 | * Multi-extent stuff. Need to modify the cbData member as we copy.
6961 | */
6962 | else
6963 | {
6964 | Assert(pName->pObj->enmType == RTFSISOMAKEROBJTYPE_FILE);
6966 |
6967 | /* Max out the size. */
6968 | PISO9660DIRREC pDirRec = (PISO9660DIRREC)abTmpBuf;
6969 | pDirRec->cbData.be = RT_H2BE_U32_C(RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_ISO9660_EXTENT_SIZE);
6970 | pDirRec->cbData.le = RT_H2LE_U32_C(RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_ISO9660_EXTENT_SIZE);
6971 | pDirRec->fFileFlags |= ISO9660_FILE_FLAGS_MULTI_EXTENT;
6972 |
6973 | /* Copy directory records. */
6974 | uint32_t offDirRec = pName->offDirRec;
6975 | uint32_t offExtent = pFile->offData / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE;
6976 | for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pName->cDirRecs && cbBuf > 0; i++)
6977 | {
6978 | uint32_t const offInRec = off - offDirRec;
6979 | if (offInRec < cbOne)
6980 | {
6981 | /* Update the record. */
6982 | pDirRec->offExtent.be = RT_H2BE_U32(offExtent);
6983 | pDirRec->offExtent.le = RT_H2LE_U32(offExtent);
6984 | if (i + 1 == pName->cDirRecs)
6985 | {
6986 | uint32_t cbDataLast = pFile->cbData % RTFSISOMAKER_MAX_ISO9660_EXTENT_SIZE;
6987 | pDirRec->cbData.be = RT_H2BE_U32(cbDataLast);
6988 | pDirRec->cbData.le = RT_H2LE_U32(cbDataLast);
6989 | pDirRec->fFileFlags &= ~ISO9660_FILE_FLAGS_MULTI_EXTENT;
6990 | }
6991 |
6992 | /* Copy chunk. */
6993 | uint32_t cbToCopy = RT_MIN((uint32_t)cbBuf, cbOne - offInRec);
6994 | memcpy(pbBuf, &abTmpBuf[offInRec], cbToCopy);
6995 | cbCopied += cbToCopy;
6996 | pbBuf += cbToCopy;
6997 | cbBuf -= cbToCopy;
6998 | off += cbToCopy;
6999 | }
7000 |
7001 | offDirRec += cbOne;
7003 | }
7004 |
7005 | /* Anything from the zero padding? */
7006 | if (off >= offDirRec && cbBuf > 0)
7007 | {
7008 | uint32_t cbToZero = RT_MIN((uint32_t)cbBuf, (uint32_t)pName->cbDirRecTotal - offDirRec);
7009 | memset(pbBuf, 0, cbToZero);
7010 | cbCopied += cbToZero;
7011 | }
7012 | }
7013 |
7014 | return cbCopied;
7015 | }
7016 |
7017 |
7018 | /**
7019 | * Generate a '.' or '..' directory record.
7020 | *
7021 | * This is the same as rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GenerateDirRec, but with the filename
7022 | * reduced to 1 byte.
7023 | *
7024 | * @returns Number of bytes copied into the buffer.
7025 | * @param pName The directory namespace node.
7026 | * @param fUnicode Set if the name should be translated to big endian
7027 | * UTF-16 / UCS-2, i.e. we're in the joliet namespace.
7028 | * @param bDirId The directory ID (0x00 or 0x01).
7029 | * @param off The offset into the directory record.
7030 | * @param pbBuf The buffer.
7031 | * @param cbBuf The buffer size.
7032 | * @param pFinalizedDirs The finalized directory data for the namespace.
7033 | */
7034 | static uint32_t rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GenerateSpecialDirRec(PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pName, bool fUnicode, uint8_t bDirId,
7035 | uint32_t off, uint8_t *pbBuf, size_t cbBuf,
7037 | {
7038 | Assert(off < pName->cbDirRec);
7039 | Assert(pName->pDir);
7040 |
7041 | /* Generate a regular directory record. */
7042 | uint8_t abTmpBuf[256];
7043 | Assert(off < pName->cbDirRec);
7044 | size_t cbToCopy = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GenerateDirRec(pName, fUnicode, abTmpBuf, pFinalizedDirs,
7046 | Assert(cbToCopy == pName->cbDirRec);
7047 |
7048 | /** @todo r=bird: This isn't working quite right as the NM record includes the
7049 | * full directory name. Spill file stuff is shared with the (grand)parent
7050 | * directory entry. [RR NM ./..] */
7051 |
7052 | /* Replace the filename part. */
7053 | PISO9660DIRREC pDirRec = (PISO9660DIRREC)abTmpBuf;
7054 | if (pDirRec->bFileIdLength != 1)
7055 | {
7056 | uint8_t offSysUse = pDirRec->bFileIdLength + !(pDirRec->bFileIdLength & 1) + RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660DIRREC, achFileId);
7057 | uint8_t cbSysUse = pDirRec->cbDirRec - offSysUse;
7058 | if (cbSysUse > 0)
7059 | memmove(&pDirRec->achFileId[1], &abTmpBuf[offSysUse], cbSysUse);
7060 | pDirRec->bFileIdLength = 1;
7061 | cbToCopy = RT_UOFFSETOF(ISO9660DIRREC, achFileId) + 1 + cbSysUse;
7062 | pDirRec->cbDirRec = (uint8_t)cbToCopy;
7063 | }
7064 | pDirRec->achFileId[0] = bDirId;
7065 |
7066 | /* Do the copying. */
7067 | cbToCopy = RT_MIN(cbBuf, cbToCopy - off);
7068 | memcpy(pbBuf, &abTmpBuf[off], cbToCopy);
7069 | return (uint32_t)cbToCopy;
7070 | }
7071 |
7072 |
7073 | /**
7074 | * Read directory records.
7075 | *
7076 | * This locates the directory at @a offUnsigned and generates directory records
7077 | * for it. Caller must repeat the call to get directory entries for the next
7078 | * directory should there be desire for that.
7079 | *
7080 | * @returns Number of bytes copied into @a pbBuf.
7081 | * @param ppDirHint Pointer to the directory hint for the namespace.
7082 | * @param pIsoMaker The ISO maker instance.
7083 | * @param pFinalizedDirs The finalized directory data for the namespace.
7084 | * @param fUnicode Set if the name should be translated to big endian
7085 | * UTF-16 / UCS-2, i.e. we're in the joliet namespace.
7086 | * @param offUnsigned The ISO image byte offset of the requested data.
7087 | * @param pbBuf The output buffer.
7088 | * @param cbBuf How much to read.
7089 | */
7090 | static size_t rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_ReadDirRecords(PRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR *ppDirHint, PRTFSISOMAKERFINALIZEDDIRS pFinalizedDirs,
7091 | bool fUnicode, uint64_t offUnsigned, uint8_t *pbBuf, size_t cbBuf)
7092 | {
7093 | /*
7094 | * Figure out which directory. We keep a hint in the instance.
7095 | */
7096 | uint64_t offInDir64;
7097 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR pDir = *ppDirHint;
7098 | if (!pDir)
7099 | {
7100 | pDir = RTListGetFirst(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
7101 | AssertReturnStmt(pDir, *pbBuf = 0xff, 1);
7102 | }
7103 | if ((offInDir64 = offUnsigned - pDir->offDir) < RT_ALIGN_32(pDir->cbDir, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE))
7104 | { /* hit */ }
7105 | /* Seek forwards: */
7106 | else if (offUnsigned > pDir->offDir)
7107 | do
7108 | {
7109 | pDir = RTListGetNext(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, pDir, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
7110 | AssertReturnStmt(pDir, *pbBuf = 0xff, 1);
7111 | } while ((offInDir64 = offUnsigned - pDir->offDir) >= RT_ALIGN_32(pDir->cbDir, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE));
7112 | /* Back to the start: */
7113 | else if (pFinalizedDirs->offDirs / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE == offUnsigned / RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE)
7114 | {
7115 | pDir = RTListGetFirst(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
7116 | AssertReturnStmt(pDir, *pbBuf = 0xff, 1);
7117 | offInDir64 = offUnsigned - pDir->offDir;
7118 | }
7119 | /* Seek backwards: */
7120 | else
7121 | do
7122 | {
7123 | pDir = RTListGetPrev(&pFinalizedDirs->FinalizedDirs, pDir, RTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR, FinalizedEntry);
7124 | AssertReturnStmt(pDir, *pbBuf = 0xff, 1);
7125 | } while ((offInDir64 = offUnsigned - pDir->offDir) >= RT_ALIGN_32(pDir->cbDir, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE));
7126 |
7127 | /*
7128 | * Update the hint.
7129 | */
7130 | *ppDirHint = pDir;
7131 |
7132 | /*
7133 | * Generate content.
7134 | */
7135 | size_t cbDone = 0;
7136 | uint32_t offInDir = (uint32_t)offInDir64;
7137 | if (offInDir < pDir->cbDir)
7138 | {
7139 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pDirName = pDir->pName;
7140 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pParentName = pDirName->pParent ? pDirName->pParent : pDirName;
7141 | uint32_t cbSpecialRecs = (uint32_t)pDir->cbDirRec00 + pDir->cbDirRec01;
7142 |
7143 | /*
7144 | * Special '.' and/or '..' entries requested.
7145 | */
7146 | uint32_t iChild;
7147 | if (offInDir < cbSpecialRecs)
7148 | {
7149 | /* do '.' */
7150 | if (offInDir < pDir->cbDirRec00)
7151 | {
7152 | uint32_t cbCopied = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GenerateSpecialDirRec(pDirName, fUnicode, 0, offInDir,
7153 | pbBuf, cbBuf, pFinalizedDirs);
7154 | cbDone += cbCopied;
7155 | offInDir += cbCopied;
7156 | pbBuf += cbCopied;
7157 | cbBuf -= cbCopied;
7158 | }
7159 |
7160 | /* do '..' */
7161 | if (cbBuf > 0)
7162 | {
7163 | uint32_t cbCopied = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GenerateSpecialDirRec(pParentName, fUnicode, 1,
7164 | offInDir - pDir->cbDirRec00,
7165 | pbBuf, cbBuf, pFinalizedDirs);
7166 | cbDone += cbCopied;
7167 | offInDir += cbCopied;
7168 | pbBuf += cbCopied;
7169 | cbBuf -= cbCopied;
7170 | }
7171 |
7172 | iChild = 0;
7173 | }
7174 | /*
7175 | * Locate the directory entry we should start with. We can do this
7176 | * using binary searching on offInDir.
7177 | */
7178 | else
7179 | {
7180 | /** @todo binary search */
7181 | iChild = 0;
7182 | while (iChild < pDir->cChildren)
7183 | {
7184 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pChild = pDir->papChildren[iChild];
7185 | if ((offInDir - pChild->offDirRec) < pChild->cbDirRecTotal)
7186 | break;
7187 | iChild++;
7188 | }
7189 | AssertReturnStmt(iChild < pDir->cChildren, *pbBuf = 0xff, 1);
7190 | }
7191 |
7192 | /*
7193 | * Normal directory entries.
7194 | */
7195 | while ( cbBuf > 0
7196 | && iChild < pDir->cChildren)
7197 | {
7198 | PRTFSISOMAKERNAME pChild = pDir->papChildren[iChild];
7199 | uint32_t cbCopied;
7200 | if ( offInDir == pChild->offDirRec
7201 | && cbBuf >= pChild->cbDirRecTotal)
7202 | cbCopied = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GenerateDirRecDirect(pChild, fUnicode, pbBuf, pFinalizedDirs);
7203 | else
7204 | cbCopied = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_GenerateDirRecPartial(pChild, fUnicode, offInDir - pChild->offDirRec,
7205 | pbBuf, cbBuf, pFinalizedDirs);
7206 |
7207 | cbDone += cbCopied;
7208 | offInDir += cbCopied;
7209 | pbBuf += cbCopied;
7210 | cbBuf -= cbCopied;
7211 | iChild++;
7212 | }
7213 |
7214 | /*
7215 | * Check if we're into the zero padding at the end of the directory now.
7216 | */
7217 | if ( cbBuf > 0
7218 | && iChild >= pDir->cChildren)
7219 | {
7221 | memset(pbBuf, 0, cbZeros);
7222 | cbDone += cbZeros;
7223 | }
7224 | }
7225 | else
7226 | {
7227 | cbDone = RT_MIN(cbBuf, RT_ALIGN_32(pDir->cbDir, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE) - offInDir);
7228 | memset(pbBuf, 0, cbDone);
7229 | }
7230 |
7231 | return cbDone;
7232 | }
7233 |
7234 |
7235 | /**
7236 | * Read directory records or path table records.
7237 | *
7238 | * Will not necessarily fill the entire buffer. Caller must call again to get
7239 | * more.
7240 | *
7241 | * @returns Number of bytes copied into @a pbBuf.
7242 | * @param ppDirHint Pointer to the directory hint for the namespace.
7243 | * @param pIsoMaker The ISO maker instance.
7244 | * @param pNamespace The namespace.
7245 | * @param pFinalizedDirs The finalized directory data for the namespace.
7246 | * @param offUnsigned The ISO image byte offset of the requested data.
7247 | * @param pbBuf The output buffer.
7248 | * @param cbBuf How much to read.
7249 | */
7250 | static size_t rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_ReadDirStructures(PRTFSISOMAKERNAMEDIR *ppDirHint, PRTFSISOMAKERNAMESPACE pNamespace,
7252 | uint64_t offUnsigned, uint8_t *pbBuf, size_t cbBuf)
7253 | {
7254 | if (offUnsigned < pFinalizedDirs->offPathTableL)
7255 | return rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_ReadDirRecords(ppDirHint, pFinalizedDirs,
7256 | pNamespace->fNamespace == RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_JOLIET,
7257 | offUnsigned, pbBuf, cbBuf);
7258 |
7259 | uint64_t offInTable;
7260 | if ((offInTable = offUnsigned - pFinalizedDirs->offPathTableL) < pFinalizedDirs->cbPathTable)
7261 | return rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_ReadPathTable(ppDirHint, pFinalizedDirs,
7262 | pNamespace->fNamespace == RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_JOLIET,
7263 | true /*fLittleEndian*/, (uint32_t)offInTable, pbBuf, cbBuf);
7264 |
7265 | if ((offInTable = offUnsigned - pFinalizedDirs->offPathTableM) < pFinalizedDirs->cbPathTable)
7266 | return rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_ReadPathTable(ppDirHint, pFinalizedDirs,
7267 | pNamespace->fNamespace == RTFSISOMAKER_NAMESPACE_JOLIET,
7268 | false /*fLittleEndian*/, (uint32_t)offInTable, pbBuf, cbBuf);
7269 |
7270 | /* ASSUME we're in the zero padding at the end of a path table. */
7271 | Assert( offUnsigned - pFinalizedDirs->offPathTableL < RT_ALIGN_32(pFinalizedDirs->cbPathTable, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE)
7272 | || offUnsigned - pFinalizedDirs->offPathTableM < RT_ALIGN_32(pFinalizedDirs->cbPathTable, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE));
7273 | size_t cbZeros = RT_MIN(cbBuf, RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE - ((size_t)offUnsigned & RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_OFFSET_MASK));
7274 | memset(pbBuf, 0, cbZeros);
7275 | return cbZeros;
7276 | }
7277 |
7278 |
7279 |
7280 | /**
7281 | * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS,pfnRead}
7282 | */
7283 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Read(void *pvThis, RTFOFF off, PRTSGBUF pSgBuf, bool fBlocking, size_t *pcbRead)
7284 | {
7286 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pIsoMaker = pThis->pIsoMaker;
7287 | size_t cbBuf = pSgBuf->paSegs[0].cbSeg;
7288 | uint8_t *pbBuf = (uint8_t *)pSgBuf->paSegs[0].pvSeg;
7289 |
7290 | Assert(pSgBuf->cSegs == 1);
7291 | RT_NOREF(fBlocking);
7292 |
7293 | /*
7294 | * Process the offset, checking for end-of-file.
7295 | */
7296 | uint64_t offUnsigned;
7297 | if (off < 0)
7298 | offUnsigned = pThis->offCurPos;
7299 | else
7300 | offUnsigned = (uint64_t)off;
7301 | if (offUnsigned >= pIsoMaker->cbFinalizedImage)
7302 | {
7303 | if (*pcbRead)
7304 | {
7305 | *pcbRead = 0;
7306 | return VINF_EOF;
7307 | }
7308 | return VERR_EOF;
7309 | }
7310 | if ( !pcbRead
7311 | && pIsoMaker->cbFinalizedImage - offUnsigned < cbBuf)
7312 | return VERR_EOF;
7313 |
7314 | /*
7315 | * Produce the bytes.
7316 | */
7317 | int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
7318 | size_t cbRead = 0;
7319 | while (cbBuf > 0)
7320 | {
7321 | size_t cbDone;
7322 |
7323 | /* Betting on there being more file data than metadata, thus doing the
7324 | offset switch in decending order. */
7325 | if (offUnsigned >= pIsoMaker->offFirstFile)
7326 | {
7327 | if (offUnsigned < pIsoMaker->cbFinalizedImage)
7328 | {
7329 | if (offUnsigned < pIsoMaker->cbFinalizedImage - pIsoMaker->cbImagePadding)
7330 | {
7331 | rc = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_ReadFileData(pThis, pIsoMaker, offUnsigned, pbBuf, cbBuf, &cbDone);
7332 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
7333 | break;
7334 | }
7335 | else
7336 | {
7337 | cbDone = pIsoMaker->cbFinalizedImage - offUnsigned;
7338 | if (cbDone > cbBuf)
7339 | cbDone = cbBuf;
7340 | memset(pbBuf, 0, cbDone);
7341 | }
7342 | }
7343 | else
7344 | {
7345 | rc = pcbRead ? VINF_EOF : VERR_EOF;
7346 | break;
7347 | }
7348 | }
7349 | /*
7350 | * Joliet directory structures.
7351 | */
7352 | else if ( offUnsigned >= pIsoMaker->JolietDirs.offDirs
7353 | && pIsoMaker->JolietDirs.offDirs < pIsoMaker->JolietDirs.offPathTableL)
7354 | cbDone = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_ReadDirStructures(&pThis->pDirHintJoliet, &pIsoMaker->Joliet, &pIsoMaker->JolietDirs,
7355 | offUnsigned, pbBuf, cbBuf);
7356 | /*
7357 | * Primary ISO directory structures.
7358 | */
7359 | else if (offUnsigned >= pIsoMaker->PrimaryIsoDirs.offDirs)
7360 | cbDone = rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_ReadDirStructures(&pThis->pDirHintPrimaryIso, &pIsoMaker->PrimaryIso,
7361 | &pIsoMaker->PrimaryIsoDirs, offUnsigned, pbBuf, cbBuf);
7362 | /*
7363 | * Volume descriptors.
7364 | */
7365 | else if (offUnsigned >= _32K)
7366 | {
7367 | size_t offVolDescs = (size_t)offUnsigned - _32K;
7368 | cbDone = RT_MIN(cbBuf, (pIsoMaker->cVolumeDescriptors * RTFSISOMAKER_SECTOR_SIZE) - offVolDescs);
7369 | memcpy(pbBuf, &pIsoMaker->pbVolDescs[offVolDescs], cbDone);
7370 | }
7371 | /*
7372 | * Zeros in the system area.
7373 | */
7374 | else if (offUnsigned >= pIsoMaker->cbSysArea)
7375 | {
7376 | cbDone = RT_MIN(cbBuf, _32K - (size_t)offUnsigned);
7377 | memset(pbBuf, 0, cbDone);
7378 | }
7379 | /*
7380 | * Actual data in the system area.
7381 | */
7382 | else
7383 | {
7384 | cbDone = RT_MIN(cbBuf, pIsoMaker->cbSysArea - (size_t)offUnsigned);
7385 | memcpy(pbBuf, &pIsoMaker->pbSysArea[(size_t)offUnsigned], cbDone);
7386 | }
7387 |
7388 | /*
7389 | * Common advance.
7390 | */
7391 | cbRead += cbDone;
7392 | offUnsigned += cbDone;
7393 | pbBuf += cbDone;
7394 | cbBuf -= cbDone;
7395 | }
7396 |
7397 | if (pcbRead)
7398 | *pcbRead = cbRead;
7399 | RTSgBufAdvance(pSgBuf, cbRead);
7400 | return rc;
7401 | }
7402 |
7403 |
7404 | /**
7405 | * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS,pfnFlush}
7406 | */
7407 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Flush(void *pvThis)
7408 | {
7409 | RT_NOREF(pvThis);
7410 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
7411 | }
7412 |
7413 |
7414 | /**
7415 | * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS,pfnTell}
7416 | */
7417 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Tell(void *pvThis, PRTFOFF poffActual)
7418 | {
7420 | *poffActual = pThis->offCurPos;
7421 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
7422 | }
7423 |
7424 |
7425 | /**
7426 | * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSIOSTREAMOPS,pfnSkip}
7427 | */
7428 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Skip(void *pvThis, RTFOFF cb)
7429 | {
7430 | RTFOFF offIgnored;
7431 | return rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Seek(pvThis, cb, RTFILE_SEEK_CURRENT, &offIgnored);
7432 | }
7433 |
7434 |
7435 | /**
7436 | * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSFILEOPS,pfnSeek}
7437 | */
7438 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Seek(void *pvThis, RTFOFF offSeek, unsigned uMethod, PRTFOFF poffActual)
7439 | {
7441 |
7442 | /*
7443 | * Seek relative to which position.
7444 | */
7445 | uint64_t offWrt;
7446 | switch (uMethod)
7447 | {
7448 | case RTFILE_SEEK_BEGIN:
7449 | offWrt = 0;
7450 | break;
7451 |
7453 | offWrt = pThis->offCurPos;
7454 | break;
7455 |
7456 | case RTFILE_SEEK_END:
7457 | offWrt = pThis->pIsoMaker->cbFinalizedImage;
7458 | break;
7459 |
7460 | default:
7462 | }
7463 |
7464 | /*
7465 | * Calc new position, take care to stay within RTFOFF type bounds.
7466 | */
7467 | uint64_t offNew;
7468 | if (offSeek == 0)
7469 | offNew = offWrt;
7470 | else if (offSeek > 0)
7471 | {
7472 | offNew = offWrt + offSeek;
7473 | if ( offNew < offWrt
7474 | || offNew > RTFOFF_MAX)
7475 | offNew = RTFOFF_MAX;
7476 | }
7477 | else if ((uint64_t)-offSeek < offWrt)
7478 | offNew = offWrt + offSeek;
7479 | else
7480 | offNew = 0;
7481 | pThis->offCurPos = offNew;
7482 |
7483 | *poffActual = offNew;
7484 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
7485 | }
7486 |
7487 |
7488 | /**
7489 | * @interface_method_impl{RTVFSFILEOPS,pfnQuerySize}
7490 | */
7491 | static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_QuerySize(void *pvThis, uint64_t *pcbFile)
7492 | {
7494 | *pcbFile = pThis->pIsoMaker->cbFinalizedImage;
7495 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
7496 | }
7497 |
7498 |
7499 | /**
7500 | * Standard file operations.
7501 | */
7502 | DECL_HIDDEN_CONST(const RTVFSFILEOPS) g_rtFsIsoMakerOutputFileOps =
7503 | {
7504 | { /* Stream */
7505 | { /* Obj */
7508 | "ISO Maker Output File",
7509 | rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Close,
7510 | rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_QueryInfo,
7511 | NULL,
7513 | },
7516 | rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Read,
7517 | NULL /*Write*/,
7518 | rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Flush,
7519 | NULL /*PollOne*/,
7520 | rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Tell,
7521 | rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Skip,
7522 | NULL /*ZeroFill*/,
7524 | },
7526 | 0,
7527 | { /* ObjSet */
7530 | NULL /*SetMode*/,
7531 | NULL /*SetTimes*/,
7532 | NULL /*SetOwner*/,
7534 | },
7535 | rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_Seek,
7536 | rtFsIsoMakerOutFile_QuerySize,
7537 | NULL /*SetSize*/,
7538 | NULL /*QueryMaxSize*/,
7540 | };
7541 |
7542 |
7543 |
7544 | /**
7545 | * Creates a VFS file for a finalized ISO maker instanced.
7546 | *
7547 | * The file can be used to access the image. Both sequential and random access
7548 | * are supported, so that this could in theory be hooked up to a CD/DVD-ROM
7549 | * drive emulation and used as a virtual ISO image.
7550 | *
7551 | * @returns IRPT status code.
7552 | * @param hIsoMaker The ISO maker handle.
7553 | * @param phVfsFile Where to return the handle.
7554 | */
7555 | RTDECL(int) RTFsIsoMakerCreateVfsOutputFile(RTFSISOMAKER hIsoMaker, PRTVFSFILE phVfsFile)
7556 | {
7557 | PRTFSISOMAKERINT pThis = hIsoMaker;
7559 | AssertReturn(pThis->fFinalized, VERR_WRONG_ORDER);
7560 | AssertPtrReturn(phVfsFile, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);
7561 |
7562 | uint32_t cRefs = RTFsIsoMakerRetain(pThis);
7563 | AssertReturn(cRefs != UINT32_MAX, VERR_INVALID_HANDLE);
7564 |
7566 | RTVFSFILE hVfsFile;
7567 | int rc = RTVfsNewFile(&g_rtFsIsoMakerOutputFileOps, sizeof(*pFileData), RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_DENY_NONE | RTFILE_O_CREATE,
7568 | NIL_RTVFS, NIL_RTVFSLOCK, &hVfsFile, (void **)&pFileData);
7569 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
7570 | {
7571 | pFileData->pIsoMaker = pThis;
7572 | pFileData->offCurPos = 0;
7573 | pFileData->pFileHint = NULL;
7574 | pFileData->hVfsSrcFile = NIL_RTVFSFILE;
7575 | pFileData->pDirHintPrimaryIso = NULL;
7576 | pFileData->pDirHintJoliet = NULL;
7577 | pFileData->iChildPrimaryIso = UINT32_MAX;
7578 | pFileData->iChildJoliet = UINT32_MAX;
7579 | *phVfsFile = hVfsFile;
7580 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
7581 | }
7582 |
7583 | RTFsIsoMakerRelease(pThis);
7584 | *phVfsFile = NIL_RTVFSFILE;
7585 | return rc;
7586 | }
7587 |