1 | ; $Id: stack-vcc.asm 95916 2022-07-28 14:29:03Z vboxsync $
2 | ;; @file
3 | ; IPRT - Stack related Visual C++ support routines.
4 | ;
5 |
6 | ;
7 | ; Copyright (C) 2022 Oracle Corporation
8 | ;
9 | ; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | ; available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | ; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | ; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | ; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | ;
17 | ; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
18 | ; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
19 | ; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
20 | ; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
21 | ; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
22 | ;
23 | ; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
24 | ; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
25 | ;
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
30 | ;* Header Files *
31 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
32 | %include "iprt/asmdefs.mac"
33 | %include "iprt/x86.mac"
34 |
35 |
36 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
37 | ;* Structures and Typedefs *
38 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
39 |
40 | ;; Variable descriptor.
41 | struc RTC_VAR_DESC_T
42 | .offFrame resd 1
43 | .cbVar resd 1
44 | alignb RTCCPTR_CB
45 | .pszName RTCCPTR_RES 1
46 | endstruc
47 |
48 | ;; Frame descriptor.
49 | struc RTC_FRAME_DESC_T
50 | .cVars resd 1
51 | alignb RTCCPTR_CB
52 | .paVars RTCCPTR_RES 1 ; Array of RTC_VAR_DESC_T.
53 | endstruc
54 |
55 | ;; An alloca allocation.
57 | .uGuard1 resd 1
58 | .pNext RTCCPTR_RES 1 ; Misaligned.
59 | %if ARCH_BITS == 32
60 | .pNextPad resd 1
61 | %endif
62 | .cb RTCCPTR_RES 1 ; Misaligned.
63 | %if ARCH_BITS == 32
64 | .cbPad resd 1
65 | %endif
66 | .auGuard2 resd 3
67 | endstruc
68 |
69 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_X86
70 | %define FASTCALL_NAME(a_Name, a_cbArgs) @ %+ a_Name %+ @ %+ a_cbArgs
71 | %else
72 | %define FASTCALL_NAME(a_Name, a_cbArgs) NAME(a_Name)
73 | %endif
74 |
75 |
76 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
77 | ;* Defined Constants And Macros *
78 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
79 | %define VARIABLE_MARKER_PRE 0xcccccccc
80 | %define VARIABLE_MARKER_POST 0xcccccccc
81 |
82 | %define ALLOCA_FILLER_BYTE 0xcc
83 | %define ALLOCA_FILLER_32 0xcccccccc
84 |
85 |
86 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
87 | ;* Global Variables *
88 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
90 | GLOBALNAME __security_cookie
91 | dd 0xdeadbeef
92 | dd 0x0c00ffe0
93 |
94 |
95 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
96 | ;* External Symbols *
97 | ;*********************************************************************************************************************************
99 | extern NAME(_RTC_StackVarCorrupted)
100 | extern NAME(_RTC_SecurityCookieMismatch)
101 |
102 |
103 | BEGINPROC __GSHandlerCheck
104 | int3
105 | ENDPROC __GSHandlerCheck
106 |
107 | ;;
108 | ; Probe stack to trigger guard faults.
109 | ;
110 | ; @param eax Frame size.
111 | ; @uses Nothing (because we don't quite now the convention).
112 | ;
113 | ALIGNCODE(32)
114 | BEGINPROC __chkstk
115 | push xBP
116 | mov xBP, xSP
117 | pushf
118 | push xAX
119 | push xBX
120 |
121 | xor ebx, ebx
122 | .again:
123 | sub xBX, PAGE_SIZE
124 | mov [xBP + xBX], bl
125 | sub eax, PAGE_SIZE
126 | jnl .again
127 |
128 | pop xBX
129 | pop xAX
130 | popf
131 | leave
132 | ret
133 | ENDPROC __chkstk
134 |
135 |
136 | ;;
137 | ; This just initializes a global and calls _RTC_SetErrorFuncW to NULL, and
138 | ; since we don't have either of those we have nothing to do here.
139 | BEGINPROC _RTC_InitBase
140 | ret
141 | ENDPROC _RTC_InitBase
142 |
143 |
144 | ;;
145 | ; Nothing to do here.
146 | BEGINPROC _RTC_Shutdown
147 | ret
148 | ENDPROC _RTC_Shutdown
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 | ;;
154 | ; Checks stack variable markers.
155 | ;
156 | ; This seems to be a regular C function in the CRT, but x86 is conveniently
157 | ; using the fastcall convention which makes it very similar to amd64.
158 | ;
159 | ; We try make this as sleek as possible, leaving all the trouble for when we
160 | ; find a corrupted stack variable and need to call a C function to complain.
161 | ;
162 | ; @param pStackFrame The caller RSP/ESP. [RCX/ECX]
163 | ; @param pFrameDesc Frame descriptor. [RDX/EDX]
164 | ;
165 | ALIGNCODE(64)
167 | push xBP
168 |
169 | ;
170 | ; Load the variable count into eax and check that it's not zero.
171 | ;
172 | mov eax, [xDX + RTC_FRAME_DESC_T.cVars]
173 | test eax, eax
174 | jz .return
175 |
176 | ;
177 | ; Make edx/rdx point to the current variable and xBP be the frame pointer.
178 | ; The latter frees up xCX for scratch use and incidentally make stack access
179 | ; go via SS instead of DS (mostly irrlevant in 64-bit and 32-bit mode).
180 | ;
181 | mov xDX, [xDX + RTC_FRAME_DESC_T.paVars]
182 | mov xBP, xCX
183 |
184 | ;
185 | ; Loop thru the variables and check that their markers/fences haven't be
186 | ; trampled over.
187 | ;
188 | .next_var:
189 | ; Marker before the variable.
190 | %if ARCH_BITS == 64
191 | movsxd rcx, dword [xDX + RTC_VAR_DESC_T.offFrame]
192 | %else
193 | mov xCX, dword [xDX + RTC_VAR_DESC_T.offFrame]
194 | %endif
195 | cmp dword [xBP + xCX - 4], VARIABLE_MARKER_PRE
196 | jne .corrupted
197 |
198 | ; Marker after the variable.
199 | add ecx, dword [xDX + RTC_VAR_DESC_T.cbVar]
200 | %if ARCH_BITS == 64
201 | movsxd rcx, ecx
202 | %endif
203 | cmp dword [xBP + xCX], VARIABLE_MARKER_POST
204 | jne .corrupted
205 |
206 | ;
207 | ; Advance to the next variable.
208 | ;
209 | .advance:
210 | add xDX, RTC_VAR_DESC_T_size
211 | dec eax
212 | jnz .next_var
213 |
214 | ;
215 | ; Return.
216 | ;
217 | .return:
218 | pop xBP
219 | ret
220 |
221 | ;
222 | ; Complain about corrupt variable.
223 | ;
224 | .corrupted:
225 | push xAX
226 | push xDX
227 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
228 | sub xSP, 28h
229 | mov xCX, xBP ; frame pointer + variable descriptor.
230 | %else
231 | push xBP ; save EBP
232 | push xDX ; parameter 2 - variable descriptor
233 | push xBP ; parameter 1 - frame pointer.
234 | lea xBP, [xSP + 3*xCB] ; turn it into a frame pointer during the call for better unwind.
235 | %endif
236 |
237 | call NAME(_RTC_StackVarCorrupted)
238 |
239 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
240 | add xSP, 28h
241 | %else
242 | add xSP, xCB * 4 ; parameters
243 | pop xBP
244 | %endif
245 | pop xDX
246 | pop xAX
247 | jmp .advance
248 | ENDPROC FASTCALL_NAME(_RTC_CheckStackVars, 8)
249 |
250 |
251 | ;;
252 | ; Initialize an alloca allocation list entry and add it to it.
253 | ;
254 | ; When this is call, presumably _RTC_CheckStackVars2 is used to verify the frame.
255 | ;
256 | ; @param pNewEntry Pointer to the new entry. [RCX/ECX]
257 | ; @param cbEntry The entry size, including header. [RDX/EDX]
258 | ; @param ppHead Pointer to the list head pointer. [R8/stack]
259 | ;
260 | ALIGNCODE(64)
261 | BEGINPROC FASTCALL_NAME(_RTC_AllocaHelper, 12)
262 | ;
263 | ; Check that input isn't NULL or the size isn't zero.
264 | ;
265 | test xCX, xCX
266 | jz .return
267 | test xDX, xDX
268 | jz .return
269 | %if ARCH_BITS == 64
270 | test r8, r8
271 | %else
272 | cmp dword [xSP + xCB], 0
273 | %endif
274 | jz .return
275 |
276 | ;
277 | ; Memset the memory to ALLOCA_FILLER
278 | ;
279 | %if ARCH_BITS == 64
280 | mov r10, rdi ; save rdi
281 | mov r11, rcx ; save pNewEntry
282 | %else
283 | push xDI
284 | push xCX
285 | cld ; paranoia
286 | %endif
287 |
288 | mov al, ALLOCA_FILLER_BYTE
289 | mov xDI, xCX ; entry pointer
290 | mov xCX, xDX ; entry size (in bytes)
291 | rep stosb
292 |
293 | %if ARCH_BITS == 64
294 | mov rdi, r10
295 | %else
296 | pop xCX
297 | pop xDI
298 | %endif
299 |
300 | ;
301 | ; Fill in the entry and link it as onto the head of the chain.
302 | ;
303 | %if ARCH_BITS == 64
304 | mov [r11 + RTC_ALLOCA_ENTRY_T.cb], xDX
305 | mov xAX, [r8]
306 | mov [r11 + RTC_ALLOCA_ENTRY_T.pNext], xAX
307 | mov [r8], r11
308 | %else
309 | mov [xCX + RTC_ALLOCA_ENTRY_T.cb], xDX
310 | mov xAX, [xSP + xCB] ; ppHead
311 | mov xDX, [xAX]
312 | mov [xCX + RTC_ALLOCA_ENTRY_T.pNext], xDX
313 | mov [xAX], xCX
314 | %endif
315 |
316 | .return:
317 | %if ARCH_BITS == 64
318 | ret
319 | %else
320 | ret 4
321 | %endif
322 | ENDPROC FASTCALL_NAME(_RTC_AllocaHelper, 12)
323 |
324 |
325 | ;;
326 | ; Checks if the secuity cookie ok, complaining and terminating if it isn't.
327 | ;
328 | ALIGNCODE(16)
329 | BEGINPROC FASTCALL_NAME(__security_check_cookie, 4)
330 | cmp xCX, [NAME(__security_cookie) xWrtRIP]
331 | jne .corrupted
332 | ;; amd64 version checks if the top 16 bits are zero, we skip that for now.
333 | ret
334 |
335 | .corrupted:
336 | %ifdef RT_ARCH_AMD64
337 | jmp NAME(_RTC_SecurityCookieMismatch)
338 | %else
339 | push ebp
340 | mov ebp, esp
341 | push ecx
342 | call NAME(_RTC_SecurityCookieMismatch)
343 | pop ecx
344 | leave
345 | ret
346 | %endif
347 | ENDPROC FASTCALL_NAME(__security_check_cookie, 4)
348 |
349 |
350 |
351 | ; Not stack related stubs.
352 | BEGINPROC __C_specific_handler
353 | int3
354 | ENDPROC __C_specific_handler
355 |
356 |
357 | BEGINPROC __report_rangecheckfailure
358 | int3
359 | ENDPROC __report_rangecheckfailure
360 |