/* $Id: asn1-dump.cpp 56290 2015-06-09 14:01:31Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * IPRT - ASN.1, Structure Dumper. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include "internal/iprt.h" #include #include #include #ifdef IN_RING3 # include #endif #include #include /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** * Dump data structure. */ typedef struct RTASN1DUMPDATA { /** RTASN1DUMP_F_XXX. */ uint32_t fFlags; /** The printfv like output function. */ PFNRTDUMPPRINTFV pfnPrintfV; /** PrintfV user argument. */ void *pvUser; } RTASN1DUMPDATA; /** Pointer to a dump data structure. */ typedef RTASN1DUMPDATA *PRTASN1DUMPDATA; /** * Wrapper around FNRTASN1DUMPPRINTFV. * * @param pData The dump data structure. * @param pszFormat Format string. * @param ... Format arguments. */ static void rtAsn1DumpPrintf(PRTASN1DUMPDATA pData, const char *pszFormat, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, pszFormat); pData->pfnPrintfV(pData->pvUser, pszFormat, va); va_end(va); } /** * Prints indentation. * * @param pData The dump data structure. * @param uDepth The indentation depth. */ static void rtAsn1DumpPrintIdent(PRTASN1DUMPDATA pData, uint32_t uDepth) { uint32_t cchLeft = uDepth * 2; while (cchLeft > 0) { static char const s_szSpaces[] = " "; uint32_t cch = RT_MIN(cchLeft, sizeof(s_szSpaces) - 1); rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, &s_szSpaces[sizeof(s_szSpaces) - 1 - cch]); cchLeft -= cch; } } /** * Dumps UTC TIME and GENERALIZED TIME * * @param pData The dump data structure. * @param pAsn1Core The ASN.1 core object representation. * @param pszType The time type name. */ static void rtAsn1DumpTime(PRTASN1DUMPDATA pData, PCRTASN1CORE pAsn1Core, const char *pszType) { if ((pAsn1Core->fFlags & RTASN1CORE_F_PRIMITE_TAG_STRUCT)) { PCRTASN1TIME pTime = (PCRTASN1TIME)pAsn1Core; rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "%s -- %04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02.%09Z\n", pszType, pTime->Time.i32Year, pTime->Time.u8Month, pTime->Time.u8MonthDay, pTime->Time.u8Hour, pTime->Time.u8Minute, pTime->Time.u8Second, pTime->Time.u32Nanosecond); } else if (pAsn1Core->cb > 0 && pAsn1Core->cb < 32 && pAsn1Core->uData.pch) rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "%s '%.*s'\n", pszType, (size_t)pAsn1Core->cb, pAsn1Core->uData.pch); else rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "%s -- cb=%u\n", pszType, pAsn1Core->cb); } /** * Dumps strings sharing the RTASN1STRING structure. * * @param pData The dump data structure. * @param pAsn1Core The ASN.1 core object representation. * @param pszType The string type name. * @param uDepth The current identation level. */ static void rtAsn1DumpString(PRTASN1DUMPDATA pData, PCRTASN1CORE pAsn1Core, const char *pszType, uint32_t uDepth) { rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "%s", pszType); const char *pszPostfix = "'\n"; bool fUtf8 = false; const char *pch = pAsn1Core->uData.pch; uint32_t cch = pAsn1Core->cb; PCRTASN1STRING pString = (PCRTASN1STRING)pAsn1Core; if ( (pAsn1Core->fFlags & RTASN1CORE_F_PRIMITE_TAG_STRUCT) && pString->pszUtf8 && pString->cchUtf8) { fUtf8 = true; pszPostfix = "' -- utf-8\n"; } if (cch == 0 || !pch) rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "-- cb=%u\n", pszType, pAsn1Core->cb); else { if (cch >= 48) { rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "\n"); rtAsn1DumpPrintIdent(pData, uDepth + 1); } rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, " '"); /** @todo Handle BMP and UNIVERSIAL strings specially. */ do { const char *pchStart = pch; while ( cch > 0 && (uint8_t)*pch >= 0x20 && (!fUtf8 ? (uint8_t)*pch < 0x7f : (uint8_t)*pch != 0x7f) && *pch != '\'') cch--, pch++; if (pchStart != pch) rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "%.*s", pch - pchStart, pchStart); while ( cch > 0 && ( (uint8_t)*pch < 0x20 || (!fUtf8 ? (uint8_t)*pch >= 0x7f : (uint8_t)*pch == 0x7f) || (uint8_t)*pch == '\'') ) { rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "\\x%02x", *pch); cch--; pch++; } } while (cch > 0); rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, pszPostfix); } } /** * Returns a name for the given object ID. * * This is just to make some of the dumps a little easier to read. It's no our * intention to have the whole ODI repository encoded here. * * @returns Name if available, NULL if not. * @param pszObjId The dotted object identifier string. */ static const char *rtAsn1DumpLookupObjIdName(const char *pszObjId) { #define STARTS_WITH_1(a_off, a_uValue) \ ( pszObjId[a_off] == (a_uValue) + '0' && pszObjId[a_off + 1] == '.' ) #define STARTS_WITH_2(a_off, a_uValue) \ ( pszObjId[a_off] == (a_uValue) / 10 + '0' && pszObjId[a_off + 1] == (a_uValue) % 10 + '0' && pszObjId[a_off + 2] == '.' ) #define STARTS_WITH_3(a_off, a_uValue) \ ( pszObjId[a_off] == (a_uValue) / 100 + '0' \ && pszObjId[a_off + 1] == ((a_uValue) % 100) / 10 + '0' \ && pszObjId[a_off + 2] == (a_uValue) % 10 + '0' \ && pszObjId[a_off + 3] == '.' ) #define STARTS_WITH_6(a_off, a_uValue) \ ( pszObjId[a_off] == (a_uValue) / 100000 + '0' \ && pszObjId[a_off + 1] == ((a_uValue) % 100000) / 10000 + '0' \ && pszObjId[a_off + 2] == ((a_uValue) % 10000) / 1000 + '0' \ && pszObjId[a_off + 3] == ((a_uValue) % 1000) / 100 + '0' \ && pszObjId[a_off + 4] == ((a_uValue) % 100) / 10 + '0' \ && pszObjId[a_off + 5] == (a_uValue) % 10 + '0' \ && pszObjId[a_off + 6] == '.' ) #define ENDS_WITH_1(a_off, a_uValue) \ ( pszObjId[a_off] == (a_uValue) + '0' && !pszObjId[a_off + 1] ) #define ENDS_WITH_2(a_off, a_uValue) \ ( pszObjId[a_off] == (a_uValue) / 10 + '0' && pszObjId[a_off + 1] == (a_uValue) % 10 + '0' && !pszObjId[a_off + 2] ) if (STARTS_WITH_1(0, 0)) /* ITU-T assigned - top level 0. */ { } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(0, 1)) /* ISO assigned - top level 1. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(2, 0)) /* ISO standard - 1.0. */ { /* */ } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(2, 2)) /* ISO member body - 1.2. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_3(4, 840)) /* USA - 1.2.840. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_6(8, 113549)) /* RSADSI / RSA Data Security inc - 1.2.840.113549. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(15, 1)) /* PKCS - 1.2.840.113549.1. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(17, 1)) /* PKCS-1 - 1.2.840.113549.1.1. */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 1)) return "pkcs1-RsaEncryption"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 2)) return "pkcs1-Md2WithRsaEncryption"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 3)) return "pkcs1-Md4WithRsaEncryption"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 4)) return "pkcs1-Md5WithRsaEncryption"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 5)) return "pkcs1-Sha1WithRsaEncryption"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(19, 10)) return "pkcs1-RsaPss"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(19, 11)) return "pkcs1-Sha256WithRsaEncryption"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(19, 12)) return "pkcs1-Sha384WithRsaEncryption"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(19, 13)) return "pkcs1-Sha512WithRsaEncryption"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(19, 14)) return "pkcs1-Sha224WithRsaEncryption"; } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(17, 9)) /* PKCS-9 signatures - 1.2.840.113549.1.9. */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 1)) return "pkcs9-EMailAddress"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 2)) return "pkcs9-UntrustedName"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 3)) return "pkcs9-ContentType"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 4)) return "pkcs9-MessageDigest"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 5)) return "pkcs9-SigningTime"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 6)) return "pkcs9-CounterSignature"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 7)) return "pkcs9-challengePassword"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 8)) return "pkcs9-UnstructuredAddress"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 9)) return "pkcs9-ExtendedCertificateAttributes"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(19, 13)) return "pkcs9-SigningDescription"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(19, 14)) return "pkcs9-ExtensionRequest"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(19, 15)) return "pkcs9-SMimeCapabilities"; } } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(15, 2)) /* PKCS #2 - 1.2.840.113549.2. */ { } } } } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(2, 3)) /* ISO identified organiziation - 1.3. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(4, 6)) /* DOD - 1.3.6. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(6, 1)) /* Internet - */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(8, 4)) /* Private - */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(10, 1)) /* IANA-registered Private Enterprises. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_3(12, 311)) /* Microsoft - */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(16, 1)) /* */ { } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(16, 2)) /* */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(18, 1)) /* */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 1)) return "Ms-??-2.1"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 4)) return "Ms-SpcIndirectDataContext"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 10)) return "Ms-SpcAgencyInfo"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 11)) return "Ms-SpcStatemntType"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 12)) return "Ms-SpcOpusInfo"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 14)) return "Ms-CertReqExtensions"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 15)) return "Ms-SpcPeImageData"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 18)) return "Ms-SpcRawFileData"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 19)) return "Ms-SpcStructuredStorageData"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 20)) return "Ms-SpcJavaClassDataType1"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 21)) return "Ms-SpcIndividualCodeSigning"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 22)) return "Ms-SpcCommericalSigning"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 25)) return "Ms-SpcLinkType2-Aka-CabData"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 26)) return "Ms-SpcMinimalCriterialInfo"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 27)) return "Ms-SpcFinacialCriterialInfo"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 28)) return "Ms-SpcLinkType3"; } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(18, 3)) /* */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 1)) return "Ms-SpcPeImagePageHashesV1"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 2)) return "Ms-SpcPeImagePageHashesV2"; } } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(16, 3)) /* */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(18, 3)) /* */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 1)) return "Ms-CounterSign"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 2)) return "Ms-??-3.2"; } } else if (STARTS_WITH_2(16, 10)) /* */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(19, 3)) /* . */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 1)) return "Ms-CertTrustListSigning"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 2)) return "Ms-TimeStampSigning"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 4)) return "Ms-EncryptedFileSystem"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 5)) return "Ms-WhqlCrypto"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 6)) return "Ms-Nt5Crypto"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 7)) return "Ms-OemWhqlCrypto"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 8)) return "Ms-EmbeddedNtCrypto"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 9)) return "Ms-RootListSigner"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(21, 10)) return "Ms-QualifiedSubordination"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(21, 11)) return "Ms-KeyRecovery"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(21, 12)) return "Ms-DocumentSigning"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(21, 13)) return "Ms-LifetimeSigning"; } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(19, 5)) /* . */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 1)) return "Ms-Drm"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 2)) return "Ms-DrmIndividualization"; } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(19, 9)) /* . */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 1)) return "Ms-CrossCertDistPoints"; } } else if (STARTS_WITH_2(16, 20)) /* */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 1)) return "Ms-AutoEnrollCtlUsage"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 2)) return "Ms-EnrollCerttypeExtension"; } else if (STARTS_WITH_2(16, 21)) /* CertSrv Infrastructure - */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 1)) return "Ms-CaKeyCertIndexPair"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 2)) return "Ms-CertSrvPreviousCertHash"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 3)) return "Ms-CrlVirtualBase"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 4)) return "Ms-CrlNextPublish"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 6)) return "Ms-KeyRecovery"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 7)) return "Ms-CertificateTemplate"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(19, 9)) return "Ms-DummySigner"; } } } } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(8, 5)) /* Security - */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(10, 5)) /* Mechanisms - */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(12, 7)) /* Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509) - */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(14, 1)) /* Private Extension - */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 1)) return "pkix-AuthorityInfoAccess"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(16, 12)) return "pkix-LogoType"; } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(14, 2)) /* Private Extension - */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 1)) return "id-qt-CPS"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 2)) return "id-qt-UNotice"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 3)) return "id-qt-TextNotice"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 4)) return "id-qt-ACPS"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 5)) return "id-qt-ACUNotice"; } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(14, 3)) /* Private Extension - */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 1)) return "id-kp-ServerAuth"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 2)) return "id-kp-ClientAuth"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 3)) return "id-kp-CodeSigning"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 4)) return "id-kp-EmailProtection"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 5)) return "id-kp-IPSecEndSystem"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 6)) return "id-kp-IPSecTunnel"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 7)) return "id-kp-IPSecUser"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 8)) return "id-kp-Timestamping"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(16, 9)) return "id-kp-OCSPSigning"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(16, 10)) return "id-kp-DVCS"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(16, 11)) return "id-kp-SBGPCertAAServiceAuth"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(16, 13)) return "id-kp-EAPOverPPP"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(16, 14)) return "id-kp-EAPOverLAN"; } } } } } } else if (STARTS_WITH_2(4, 14)) /* 1.3.14. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(7, 3)) /* OIW Security Special Interest Group - */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(9, 2)) /* OIW SSIG algorithms - */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(11, 2)) return "oiw-ssig-Md4WithRsa"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(11, 3)) return "oiw-ssig-Md5WithRsa"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(11, 4)) return "oiw-ssig-Md4WithRsaEncryption"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(11, 15)) return "oiw-ssig-ShaWithRsaEncryption"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(11, 24)) return "oiw-ssig-Md2WithRsaEncryption"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(11, 25)) return "oiw-ssig-Md5WithRsaEncryption"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(11, 26)) return "oiw-ssig-Sha1"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(11, 29)) return "oiw-ssig-Sha1WithRsaEncryption"; } } } } } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(0, 2)) /* Joint ISO/ITU-T assigned - top level 2.*/ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(2, 1)) /* ASN.1 - 2.1. */ { } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(2, 5)) /* Directory (X.500) - 2.5. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(4, 4)) /* X.500 Attribute types - 2.5.4. */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(6, 3)) return "x500-CommonName"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(6, 6)) return "x500-CountryName"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(6, 7)) return "x500-LocalityName"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(6, 8)) return "x500-StatOrProvinceName"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(6, 10)) return "x500-OrganizationName"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(6, 11)) return "x500-OrganizationUnitName"; } else if (STARTS_WITH_2(4, 29)) /* certificateExtension (id-ce) - 2.5.29. */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(7, 1)) return "id-ce-AuthorityKeyIdentifier-Deprecated"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(7, 2)) return "id-ce-KeyAttributes-Deprecated"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(7, 3)) return "id-ce-CertificatePolicies-Deprecated"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(7, 4)) return "id-ce-KeyUsageRestriction-Deprecated"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(7, 7)) return "id-ce-SubjectAltName-Deprecated"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(7, 8)) return "id-ce-IssuerAltName-Deprecated"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 14)) return "id-ce-SubjectKeyIdentifier"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 15)) return "id-ce-KeyUsage"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 16)) return "id-ce-PrivateKeyUsagePeriod"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 17)) return "id-ce-SubjectAltName"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 18)) return "id-ce-issuerAltName"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 19)) return "id-ce-BasicConstraints"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 25)) return "id-ce-CrlDistributionPoints"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 29)) return "id-ce-CertificateIssuer"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 30)) return "id-ce-NameConstraints"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 31)) return "id-ce-CrlDistributionPoints"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 32)) return "id-ce-CertificatePolicies"; else if (STARTS_WITH_2(7, 32)) { if (ENDS_WITH_1(10, 0)) return "id-ce-cp-anyPolicy"; } else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 35)) return "id-ce-AuthorityKeyIdentifier"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 36)) return "id-ce-PolicyConstraints"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(7, 37)) return "id-ce-ExtKeyUsage"; } } else if (STARTS_WITH_2(2, 16)) /* Join assignments by country - 2.16. */ { if (0) { } else if (STARTS_WITH_3(5, 840)) /* USA - 2.16.840. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(9, 1)) /* US company arc. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_3(11, 101)) /* US Government */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(15, 3)) /* Computer Security Objects Register */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(17, 4)) /* NIST Algorithms - 2.16.840. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(19, 1)) /* AES - 2.16.840. */ { } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(19, 2)) /* Hash algorithms - 2.16.840. */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 1)) return "nist-Sha256"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 2)) return "nist-Sha384"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 3)) return "nist-Sha512"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(21, 4)) return "nist-Sha224"; } } } } else if (STARTS_WITH_6(11, 113730)) /* Netscape - 2.16.840.1.113730. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(18, 1)) /* Netscape - 2.16.840.1.113730.1. */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 1)) return "netscape-cert-type"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 2)) return "netscape-base-url"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 3)) return "netscape-revocation-url"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 4)) return "netscape-ca-revocation-url"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 7)) return "netscape-cert-renewal-url"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 8)) return "netscape-ca-policy-url"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 9)) return "netscape-HomePage-url"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 10)) return "netscape-EntityLogo"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 11)) return "netscape-UserPicture"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 12)) return "netscape-ssl-server-name"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(20, 13)) return "netscape-comment"; } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(18, 4)) /* Netscape - 2.16.840.1.113730.4. */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 1)) return "netscape-eku-serverGatedCrypto"; } } else if (STARTS_WITH_6(11, 113733)) /* Verisign, Inc. - 2.16.840.1.113733. */ { if (STARTS_WITH_1(18, 1)) /* Verisign PKI Sub Tree - 2.16.840.1.113733.1. */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 6)) return "verisign-pki-extensions-subtree"; else if (STARTS_WITH_1(20, 6)) /* 2.16.840.1.113733.1.6. */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(22, 7)) return "verisign-pki-ext-RolloverID"; } else if (ENDS_WITH_1(20, 7)) return "verisign-pki-policies"; else if (STARTS_WITH_1(20, 7)) /* 2.16.840.1.113733.1.7. */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(22, 9)) return "verisign-pki-policy-9"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(22, 21)) return "verisign-pki-policy-21"; else if (ENDS_WITH_2(22, 23)) return "verisign-pki-policy-vtn-cp"; else if (STARTS_WITH_2(22, 23)) { if (ENDS_WITH_1(25, 1)) return "verisign-pki-policy-vtn-cp-class1"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(25, 2)) return "verisign-pki-policy-vtn-cp-class2"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(25, 3)) return "verisign-pki-policy-vtn-cp-class3"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(25, 4)) return "verisign-pki-policy-vtn-cp-class4"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(25, 6)) return "verisign-pki-policy-vtn-cp-6"; } } else if (STARTS_WITH_1(20, 8)) /* 2.16.840.1.113733.1.8. */ { if (ENDS_WITH_1(22, 1)) return "verisign-pki-eku-IssStrongCrypto"; } else if (ENDS_WITH_2(22, 46)) return "verisign-pki-policy-cis"; else if (STARTS_WITH_2(22, 46)) { if (ENDS_WITH_1(25, 1)) return "verisign-pki-policy-cis-type1"; else if (ENDS_WITH_1(25, 2)) return "verisign-pki-policy-cis-type2"; } else if (ENDS_WITH_2(22, 48)) return "verisign-pki-policy-thawte"; else if (STARTS_WITH_2(22, 48)) { if (ENDS_WITH_1(25, 1)) return "verisign-pki-policy-thawte-cps-1"; } } } } } } } return NULL; } /** * Dumps the type and value of an universal ASN.1 type. * * @returns True if it opens a child, false if not. * @param pData The dumper data. * @param pAsn1Core The ASN.1 object to dump. * @param uDepth The current depth (for indentation). */ static bool rtAsn1DumpUniversalTypeAndValue(PRTASN1DUMPDATA pData, PCRTASN1CORE pAsn1Core, uint32_t uDepth) { const char *pszValuePrefix = "-- value:"; const char *pszDefault = ""; if (pAsn1Core->fFlags & RTASN1CORE_F_DEFAULT) { pszValuePrefix = "DEFAULT"; pszDefault = "DEFAULT "; } bool fOpen = false; switch (pAsn1Core->uRealTag) { case ASN1_TAG_BOOLEAN: if (pAsn1Core->fFlags & RTASN1CORE_F_PRIMITE_TAG_STRUCT) rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "BOOLEAN %s %RTbool\n", pszValuePrefix, ((PCRTASN1BOOLEAN)pAsn1Core)->fValue); else if (pAsn1Core->cb == 1 && pAsn1Core->uData.pu8) rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "BOOLEAN %s %u\n", pszValuePrefix, *pAsn1Core->uData.pu8); else rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "BOOLEAN -- cb=%u\n", pAsn1Core->cb); break; case ASN1_TAG_INTEGER: if ((pAsn1Core->fFlags & RTASN1CORE_F_PRIMITE_TAG_STRUCT) && pAsn1Core->cb <= 8) rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "INTEGER %s %llu / %#llx\n", pszValuePrefix, ((PCRTASN1INTEGER)pAsn1Core)->uValue, ((PCRTASN1INTEGER)pAsn1Core)->uValue); else if (pAsn1Core->cb == 0 || pAsn1Core->cb >= 512 || !pAsn1Core->uData.pu8) rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "INTEGER -- cb=%u\n", pAsn1Core->cb); else if (pAsn1Core->cb <= 32) rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "INTEGER %s %.*Rhxs\n", pszValuePrefix, (size_t)pAsn1Core->cb, pAsn1Core->uData.pu8); else rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "INTEGER %s\n%.*Rhxd\n", pszValuePrefix, (size_t)pAsn1Core->cb, pAsn1Core->uData.pu8); break; case ASN1_TAG_BIT_STRING: if ((pAsn1Core->fFlags & RTASN1CORE_F_PRIMITE_TAG_STRUCT)) { PCRTASN1BITSTRING pBitString = (PCRTASN1BITSTRING)pAsn1Core; rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "BIT STRING %s-- cb=%u cBits=%#x cMaxBits=%#x", pszDefault, pBitString->Asn1Core.cb, pBitString->cBits, pBitString->cMaxBits); if (pBitString->cBits <= 64) rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, " value=%#llx\n", RTAsn1BitString_GetAsUInt64(pBitString)); else rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "\n"); } else rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "BIT STRING %s-- cb=%u\n", pszDefault, pAsn1Core->cb); fOpen = pAsn1Core->pOps != NULL; break; case ASN1_TAG_OCTET_STRING: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "OCTET STRING %s-- cb=%u\n", pszDefault, pAsn1Core->cb); fOpen = pAsn1Core->pOps != NULL; break; case ASN1_TAG_NULL: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "NULL\n"); break; case ASN1_TAG_OID: if ((pAsn1Core->fFlags & RTASN1CORE_F_PRIMITE_TAG_STRUCT)) { const char *pszObjIdName = rtAsn1DumpLookupObjIdName(((PCRTASN1OBJID)pAsn1Core)->szObjId); if (pszObjIdName) rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "OBJECT IDENTIFIER %s%s ('%s')\n", pszDefault, pszObjIdName, ((PCRTASN1OBJID)pAsn1Core)->szObjId); else rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "OBJECT IDENTIFIER %s'%s'\n", pszDefault, ((PCRTASN1OBJID)pAsn1Core)->szObjId); } else rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "OBJECT IDENTIFIER %s -- cb=%u\n", pszDefault, pAsn1Core->cb); break; case ASN1_TAG_OBJECT_DESCRIPTOR: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "OBJECT DESCRIPTOR -- cb=%u TODO\n", pAsn1Core->cb); break; case ASN1_TAG_EXTERNAL: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "EXTERNAL -- cb=%u TODO\n", pAsn1Core->cb); break; case ASN1_TAG_REAL: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "REAL -- cb=%u TODO\n", pAsn1Core->cb); break; case ASN1_TAG_ENUMERATED: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "ENUMERATED -- cb=%u TODO\n", pAsn1Core->cb); break; case ASN1_TAG_EMBEDDED_PDV: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "EMBEDDED PDV -- cb=%u TODO\n", pAsn1Core->cb); break; case ASN1_TAG_UTF8_STRING: rtAsn1DumpString(pData, pAsn1Core, "UTF8 STRING", uDepth); break; case ASN1_TAG_RELATIVE_OID: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "RELATIVE OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- cb=%u TODO\n", pAsn1Core->cb); break; case ASN1_TAG_SEQUENCE: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "SEQUENCE -- cb=%u\n", pAsn1Core->cb); fOpen = true; break; case ASN1_TAG_SET: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "SET -- cb=%u\n", pAsn1Core->cb); fOpen = true; break; case ASN1_TAG_NUMERIC_STRING: rtAsn1DumpString(pData, pAsn1Core, "NUMERIC STRING", uDepth); break; case ASN1_TAG_PRINTABLE_STRING: rtAsn1DumpString(pData, pAsn1Core, "PRINTABLE STRING", uDepth); break; case ASN1_TAG_T61_STRING: rtAsn1DumpString(pData, pAsn1Core, "T61 STRING", uDepth); break; case ASN1_TAG_VIDEOTEX_STRING: rtAsn1DumpString(pData, pAsn1Core, "VIDEOTEX STRING", uDepth); break; case ASN1_TAG_IA5_STRING: rtAsn1DumpString(pData, pAsn1Core, "IA5 STRING", uDepth); break; case ASN1_TAG_GRAPHIC_STRING: rtAsn1DumpString(pData, pAsn1Core, "GRAPHIC STRING", uDepth); break; case ASN1_TAG_VISIBLE_STRING: rtAsn1DumpString(pData, pAsn1Core, "VISIBLE STRING", uDepth); break; case ASN1_TAG_GENERAL_STRING: rtAsn1DumpString(pData, pAsn1Core, "GENERAL STRING", uDepth); break; case ASN1_TAG_UNIVERSAL_STRING: rtAsn1DumpString(pData, pAsn1Core, "UNIVERSAL STRING", uDepth); break; case ASN1_TAG_BMP_STRING: rtAsn1DumpString(pData, pAsn1Core, "BMP STRING", uDepth); break; case ASN1_TAG_UTC_TIME: rtAsn1DumpTime(pData, pAsn1Core, "UTC TIME"); break; case ASN1_TAG_GENERALIZED_TIME: rtAsn1DumpTime(pData, pAsn1Core, "GENERALIZED TIME"); break; case ASN1_TAG_CHARACTER_STRING: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "CHARACTER STRING -- cb=%u TODO\n", pAsn1Core->cb); break; default: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "[UNIVERSAL %u]\n", pAsn1Core->uTag); break; } return fOpen; } /** @callback_method_impl{FNRTASN1ENUMCALLBACK} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtAsn1DumpEnumCallback(PRTASN1CORE pAsn1Core, const char *pszName, uint32_t uDepth, void *pvUser) { PRTASN1DUMPDATA pData = (PRTASN1DUMPDATA)pvUser; if (!pAsn1Core->fFlags) return VINF_SUCCESS; bool fOpen = false; rtAsn1DumpPrintIdent(pData, uDepth); switch (pAsn1Core->fClass & ASN1_TAGCLASS_MASK) { case ASN1_TAGCLASS_UNIVERSAL: rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "%-16s ", pszName); fOpen = rtAsn1DumpUniversalTypeAndValue(pData, pAsn1Core, uDepth); break; case ASN1_TAGCLASS_CONTEXT: if ((pAsn1Core->fRealClass & ASN1_TAGCLASS_MASK) == ASN1_TAGCLASS_UNIVERSAL) { rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "%-16s [%u] ", pszName, pAsn1Core->uTag); fOpen = rtAsn1DumpUniversalTypeAndValue(pData, pAsn1Core, uDepth); } else { rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "%-16s [%u]\n", pszName, pAsn1Core->uTag); fOpen = true; } break; case ASN1_TAGCLASS_APPLICATION: if ((pAsn1Core->fRealClass & ASN1_TAGCLASS_MASK) == ASN1_TAGCLASS_UNIVERSAL) { rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "%-16s [APPLICATION %u] ", pszName, pAsn1Core->uTag); fOpen = rtAsn1DumpUniversalTypeAndValue(pData, pAsn1Core, uDepth); } else { rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "%-16s [APPLICATION %u]\n", pszName, pAsn1Core->uTag); fOpen = true; } break; case ASN1_TAGCLASS_PRIVATE: if (RTASN1CORE_IS_DUMMY(pAsn1Core)) rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "%-16s DUMMY\n", pszName); else { rtAsn1DumpPrintf(pData, "%-16s [PRIVATE %u]\n", pszName, pAsn1Core->uTag); fOpen = true; } break; } /** @todo {} */ /* * Recurse. */ if ( pAsn1Core->pOps && pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEnum) pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEnum(pAsn1Core, rtAsn1DumpEnumCallback, uDepth, pData); return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTDECL(int) RTAsn1Dump(PCRTASN1CORE pAsn1Core, uint32_t fFlags, uint32_t uLevel, PFNRTDUMPPRINTFV pfnPrintfV, void *pvUser) { if ( pAsn1Core->pOps && pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEnum) { RTASN1DUMPDATA Data; Data.fFlags = fFlags; Data.pfnPrintfV = pfnPrintfV; Data.pvUser = pvUser; return pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEnum((PRTASN1CORE)pAsn1Core, rtAsn1DumpEnumCallback, uLevel, &Data); } return VINF_SUCCESS; }