/* $Id: DhcpOptions.cpp 96407 2022-08-22 17:43:14Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * DHCP server - DHCP options */ /* * Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include "DhcpdInternal.h" #include "DhcpOptions.h" #ifndef IN_VBOXSVC # include "DhcpMessage.h" #endif #include #ifndef IN_VBOXSVC optmap_t &operator<<(optmap_t &optmap, DhcpOption *option) { if (option == NULL) return optmap; if (option->present()) optmap[option->optcode()] = std::shared_ptr(option); else optmap.erase(option->optcode()); return optmap; } optmap_t &operator<<(optmap_t &optmap, const std::shared_ptr &option) { if (!option) return optmap; if (option->present()) optmap[option->optcode()] = option; else optmap.erase(option->optcode()); return optmap; } #endif /* !IN_VBOXSVC */ int DhcpOption::encode(octets_t &dst) const { if (!m_fPresent) return VERR_INVALID_STATE; size_t cbOrig = dst.size(); append(dst, m_OptCode); appendLength(dst, 0); /* placeholder */ ssize_t cbValue = encodeValue(dst); if (cbValue < 0 || UINT8_MAX <= cbValue) { dst.resize(cbOrig); /* undo */ return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } dst[cbOrig+1] = (uint8_t)cbValue; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* static */ const octets_t *DhcpOption::findOption(const rawopts_t &aOptMap, uint8_t aOptCode) { rawopts_t::const_iterator it(aOptMap.find(aOptCode)); if (it == aOptMap.end()) return NULL; return &it->second; } int DhcpOption::decode(const rawopts_t &map) { const octets_t *rawopt = DhcpOption::findOption(map, m_OptCode); if (rawopt == NULL) return VERR_NOT_FOUND; int rc = decodeValue(*rawopt, rawopt->size()); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; return VINF_SUCCESS; } #ifndef IN_VBOXSVC int DhcpOption::decode(const DhcpClientMessage &req) { return decode(req.rawopts()); } #endif int DhcpOption::parse1(bool &aValue, const char *pcszValue) { pcszValue = RTStrStripL(pcszValue); if ( strcmp(pcszValue, "true") == 0 || strcmp(pcszValue, "1") == 0 || strcmp(pcszValue, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(pcszValue, "on") == 0 ) { aValue = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; } if ( strcmp(pcszValue, "false") == 0 || strcmp(pcszValue, "0") == 0 || strcmp(pcszValue, "no") == 0 || strcmp(pcszValue, "off") == 0 ) { aValue = false; return VINF_SUCCESS; } uint8_t bTmp; int rc = RTStrToUInt8Full(RTStrStripL(pcszValue), 10, &bTmp); if (rc == VERR_TRAILING_SPACES) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) aValue = bTmp != 0; return rc; } int DhcpOption::parse1(uint8_t &aValue, const char *pcszValue) { int rc = RTStrToUInt8Full(RTStrStripL(pcszValue), 10, &aValue); if (rc == VERR_TRAILING_SPACES) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; return rc; } int DhcpOption::parse1(uint16_t &aValue, const char *pcszValue) { int rc = RTStrToUInt16Full(RTStrStripL(pcszValue), 10, &aValue); if (rc == VERR_TRAILING_SPACES) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; return rc; } int DhcpOption::parse1(uint32_t &aValue, const char *pcszValue) { int rc = RTStrToUInt32Full(RTStrStripL(pcszValue), 10, &aValue); if (rc == VERR_TRAILING_SPACES) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; return rc; } int DhcpOption::parse1(RTNETADDRIPV4 &aValue, const char *pcszValue) { return RTNetStrToIPv4Addr(pcszValue, &aValue); } int DhcpOption::parse1(DhcpIpv4AddrAndMask &aValue, const char *pcszValue) { return RTCidrStrToIPv4(pcszValue, &aValue.Ipv4, &aValue.Mask); } template /*static*/ int DhcpOption::parseList(std::vector &aList, const char *pcszValue) { std::vector vecTmp; pcszValue = RTStrStripL(pcszValue); for (;;) { /* Assume space, tab, comma or semicolon is used as separator (superset of RTStrStrip): */ const char *pszNext = strpbrk(pcszValue, " ,;:\t\n\r"); char szTmp[256]; if (pszNext) { size_t cchToCopy = (size_t)(pszNext - pcszValue); if (cchToCopy >= sizeof(szTmp)) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; memcpy(szTmp, pcszValue, cchToCopy); szTmp[cchToCopy] = '\0'; pcszValue = szTmp; /* Advance pszNext past the separator character and fluff: */ char ch; do pszNext++; while ((ch = *pszNext) == ' ' || ch == ':' || ch == ';' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r'); if (ch == '\0') pszNext = NULL; } /* Try convert it: */ a_Type Value; int rc = DhcpOption::parse1(Value, pcszValue); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) vecTmp.push_back(Value); else return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (pszNext) pcszValue = pszNext; else break; } aList.swap(vecTmp); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** ASSUME that uint8_t means hex byte strings. */ template <> /*static*/ int DhcpOption::parseList(std::vector &aList, const char *pcszValue) { uint8_t abBuf[255]; size_t cbReturned = 0; int rc = RTStrConvertHexBytesEx(RTStrStripL(pcszValue), abBuf, sizeof(abBuf), RTSTRCONVERTHEXBYTES_F_SEP_COLON, NULL, &cbReturned); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (rc != VWRN_TRAILING_CHARS) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cbReturned; i++) aList.push_back(abBuf[i]); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_TRAILING_CHARS; } return rc; } /* * XXX: See DHCPServer::encodeOption() */ int DhcpOption::parseHex(octets_t &aRawValue, const char *pcszValue) { uint8_t abBuf[255]; size_t cbReturned = 0; int rc = RTStrConvertHexBytesEx(RTStrStripL(pcszValue), abBuf, sizeof(abBuf), RTSTRCONVERTHEXBYTES_F_SEP_COLON, NULL, &cbReturned); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (rc != VWRN_TRAILING_CHARS) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cbReturned; i++) aRawValue.push_back(abBuf[i]); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_TRAILING_CHARS; } return rc; } /*static*/ DhcpOption *DhcpOption::parse(uint8_t aOptCode, int aEnc, const char *pcszValue, int *prc /*= NULL*/) { int rcIgn; if (!prc) prc = &rcIgn; switch (aEnc) { case 0: /* DHCPOptionEncoding_Normal */ switch (aOptCode) { #define HANDLE(a_OptClass) \ case a_OptClass::optcode: \ return a_OptClass::parse(pcszValue, prc) HANDLE(OptSubnetMask); // 1 HANDLE(OptTimeOffset); // 2 HANDLE(OptRouters); // 3 HANDLE(OptTimeServers); // 4 HANDLE(OptNameServers); // 5 HANDLE(OptDNSes); // 6 HANDLE(OptLogServers); // 7 HANDLE(OptCookieServers); // 8 HANDLE(OptLPRServers); // 9 HANDLE(OptImpressServers); // 10 HANDLE(OptResourceLocationServers); // 11 HANDLE(OptHostName); // 12 HANDLE(OptBootFileSize); // 13 HANDLE(OptMeritDumpFile); // 14 HANDLE(OptDomainName); // 15 HANDLE(OptSwapServer); // 16 HANDLE(OptRootPath); // 17 HANDLE(OptExtensionPath); // 18 HANDLE(OptIPForwarding); // 19 HANDLE(OptNonLocalSourceRouting); // 20 HANDLE(OptPolicyFilter); // 21 HANDLE(OptMaxDgramReassemblySize); // 22 HANDLE(OptDefaultIPTTL); // 23 HANDLE(OptPathMTUAgingTimeout); // 24 HANDLE(OptPathMTUPlateauTable); // 25 HANDLE(OptInterfaceMTU); // 26 HANDLE(OptAllSubnetsAreLocal); // 27 HANDLE(OptBroadcastAddress); // 28 HANDLE(OptPerformMaskDiscovery); // 29 HANDLE(OptMaskSupplier); // 30 HANDLE(OptPerformRouterDiscovery); // 31 HANDLE(OptRouterSolicitationAddress); // 32 HANDLE(OptStaticRoute); // 33 HANDLE(OptTrailerEncapsulation); // 34 HANDLE(OptARPCacheTimeout); // 35 HANDLE(OptEthernetEncapsulation); // 36 HANDLE(OptTCPDefaultTTL); // 37 HANDLE(OptTCPKeepaliveInterval); // 38 HANDLE(OptTCPKeepaliveGarbage); // 39 HANDLE(OptNISDomain); // 40 HANDLE(OptNISServers); // 41 HANDLE(OptNTPServers); // 42 //HANDLE(OptVendorSpecificInfo); // 43 - Only DHCPOptionEncoding_hex HANDLE(OptNetBIOSNameServers); // 44 HANDLE(OptNetBIOSDatagramServers); // 45 HANDLE(OptNetBIOSNodeType); // 46 //HANDLE(OptNetBIOSScope); // 47 - Only DHCPOptionEncoding_hex HANDLE(OptXWindowsFontServers); // 48 HANDLE(OptXWindowsDisplayManager); // 49 #ifndef IN_VBOXSVC /* Don't allow these in new configs */ // OptRequestedAddress (50) is client only and not configurable. HANDLE(OptLeaseTime); // 51 - for historical reasons? Configuable elsewhere now. // OptOptionOverload (52) is part of the protocol and not configurable. // OptMessageType (53) is part of the protocol and not configurable. // OptServerId (54) is the IP address of the server and configurable elsewhere. // OptParameterRequest (55) is client only and not configurable. // OptMessage (56) is server failure message and not configurable. // OptMaxDHCPMessageSize (57) is client only (?) and not configurable. HANDLE(OptRenewalTime); // 58 - for historical reasons? HANDLE(OptRebindingTime); // 59 - for historical reasons? // OptVendorClassId (60) is client only and not configurable. // OptClientId (61) is client only and not configurable. #endif HANDLE(OptNetWareIPDomainName); // 62 //HANDLE(OptNetWareIPInformation); // 63 - Only DHCPOptionEncoding_hex HANDLE(OptNISPlusDomain); // 64 HANDLE(OptNISPlusServers); // 65 HANDLE(OptTFTPServerName); // 66 - perhaps we should use an alternative way to configure these. HANDLE(OptBootfileName); // 67 - perhaps we should use an alternative way to configure these. HANDLE(OptMobileIPHomeAgents); // 68 HANDLE(OptSMTPServers); // 69 HANDLE(OptPOP3Servers); // 70 HANDLE(OptNNTPServers); // 71 HANDLE(OptWWWServers); // 72 HANDLE(OptFingerServers); // 73 HANDLE(OptIRCServers); // 74 HANDLE(OptStreetTalkServers); // 75 HANDLE(OptSTDAServers); // 76 // OptUserClassId (77) is client only and not configurable. //HANDLE(OptSLPDirectoryAgent); // 78 - Only DHCPOptionEncoding_hex //HANDLE(OptSLPServiceScope); // 79 - Only DHCPOptionEncoding_hex // OptRapidCommit (80) is not configurable. //HANDLE(OptDomainSearch); // 119 - Only DHCPOptionEncoding_hex #undef HANDLE default: if (prc) *prc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return NULL; } break; case 1: return RawOption::parse(aOptCode, pcszValue, prc); default: if (prc) *prc = VERR_WRONG_TYPE; return NULL; } } /** * Gets the option name (simply "unknown" if not known) for logging purposes. */ /*static*/ const char *DhcpOption::name(uint8_t aOptCode) { switch (aOptCode) { #define HANDLE(a_OptClass) \ case a_OptClass::optcode: \ return &#a_OptClass[3] HANDLE(OptSubnetMask); // 1 HANDLE(OptTimeOffset); // 2 HANDLE(OptRouters); // 3 HANDLE(OptTimeServers); // 4 HANDLE(OptNameServers); // 5 HANDLE(OptDNSes); // 6 HANDLE(OptLogServers); // 7 HANDLE(OptCookieServers); // 8 HANDLE(OptLPRServers); // 9 HANDLE(OptImpressServers); // 10 HANDLE(OptResourceLocationServers); // 11 HANDLE(OptHostName); // 12 HANDLE(OptBootFileSize); // 13 HANDLE(OptMeritDumpFile); // 14 HANDLE(OptDomainName); // 15 HANDLE(OptSwapServer); // 16 HANDLE(OptRootPath); // 17 HANDLE(OptExtensionPath); // 18 HANDLE(OptIPForwarding); // 19 HANDLE(OptNonLocalSourceRouting); // 20 HANDLE(OptPolicyFilter); // 21 HANDLE(OptMaxDgramReassemblySize); // 22 HANDLE(OptDefaultIPTTL); // 23 HANDLE(OptPathMTUAgingTimeout); // 24 HANDLE(OptPathMTUPlateauTable); // 25 HANDLE(OptInterfaceMTU); // 26 HANDLE(OptAllSubnetsAreLocal); // 27 HANDLE(OptBroadcastAddress); // 28 HANDLE(OptPerformMaskDiscovery); // 29 HANDLE(OptMaskSupplier); // 30 HANDLE(OptPerformRouterDiscovery); // 31 HANDLE(OptRouterSolicitationAddress); // 32 HANDLE(OptStaticRoute); // 33 HANDLE(OptTrailerEncapsulation); // 34 HANDLE(OptARPCacheTimeout); // 35 HANDLE(OptEthernetEncapsulation); // 36 HANDLE(OptTCPDefaultTTL); // 37 HANDLE(OptTCPKeepaliveInterval); // 38 HANDLE(OptTCPKeepaliveGarbage); // 39 HANDLE(OptNISDomain); // 40 HANDLE(OptNISServers); // 41 HANDLE(OptNTPServers); // 42 HANDLE(OptVendorSpecificInfo); // 43 HANDLE(OptNetBIOSNameServers); // 44 HANDLE(OptNetBIOSDatagramServers); // 45 HANDLE(OptNetBIOSNodeType); // 46 HANDLE(OptNetBIOSScope); // 47 HANDLE(OptXWindowsFontServers); // 48 HANDLE(OptXWindowsDisplayManager); // 49 HANDLE(OptRequestedAddress); // 50 HANDLE(OptLeaseTime); // 51 //HANDLE(OptOptionOverload); // 52 HANDLE(OptMessageType); // 53 HANDLE(OptServerId); // 54 HANDLE(OptParameterRequest); // 55 HANDLE(OptMessage); // 56 HANDLE(OptMaxDHCPMessageSize); // 57 HANDLE(OptRenewalTime); // 58 HANDLE(OptRebindingTime); // 59 HANDLE(OptVendorClassId); // 60 HANDLE(OptClientId); // 61 HANDLE(OptNetWareIPDomainName); // 62 HANDLE(OptNetWareIPInformation); // 63 HANDLE(OptNISPlusDomain); // 64 HANDLE(OptNISPlusServers); // 65 HANDLE(OptTFTPServerName); // 66 HANDLE(OptBootfileName); // 67 HANDLE(OptMobileIPHomeAgents); // 68 HANDLE(OptSMTPServers); // 69 HANDLE(OptPOP3Servers); // 70 HANDLE(OptNNTPServers); // 71 HANDLE(OptWWWServers); // 72 HANDLE(OptFingerServers); // 73 HANDLE(OptIRCServers); // 74 HANDLE(OptStreetTalkServers); // 75 HANDLE(OptSTDAServers); // 76 HANDLE(OptUserClassId); // 77 HANDLE(OptSLPDirectoryAgent); // 78 - Only DHCPOptionEncoding_hex HANDLE(OptSLPServiceScope); // 79 - Only DHCPOptionEncoding_hex HANDLE(OptRapidCommit); // 80 HANDLE(OptDomainSearch); // 119 - Only DHCPOptionEncoding_hex #undef HANDLE default: return "unknown"; } }