1 | /* $Id: Config.h 79865 2019-07-18 20:31:15Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * DHCP server - server configuration
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | #ifndef VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_Dhcpd_Config_h
19 | #define VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_Dhcpd_Config_h
21 | # pragma once
22 | #endif
23 |
24 | #include "DhcpdInternal.h"
25 | #include <iprt/types.h>
26 | #include <iprt/net.h>
27 | #include <iprt/cpp/xml.h>
28 | #include <iprt/cpp/ministring.h>
29 |
30 | #include <VBox/intnet.h>
31 |
32 | #include "DhcpOptions.h"
33 | #include "ClientId.h"
34 |
35 |
36 | class Config;
37 |
38 | /**
39 | * Base configuration
40 | *
41 | * @author bird (2019-07-15)
42 | */
43 | class ConfigLevelBase
44 | {
45 | private:
46 | /** DHCP options. */
47 | optmap_t m_Options;
48 | protected:
49 | /** Minimum lease time, zero means try next level up. */
50 | uint32_t m_secMinLeaseTime;
51 | /** Default lease time, zero means try next level up. */
52 | uint32_t m_secDefaultLeaseTime;
53 | /** Maximum lease time, zero means try next level up. */
54 | uint32_t m_secMaxLeaseTime;
55 |
56 | /** Options forced unsolicited upon the client. */
57 | octets_t m_vecForcedOptions;
58 | /** Options (typcially from higher up) that should be hidden from the client. */
59 | octets_t m_vecSuppressedOptions;
60 |
61 | public:
62 | ConfigLevelBase()
63 | : m_Options()
64 | , m_secMinLeaseTime(0)
65 | , m_secDefaultLeaseTime(0)
66 | , m_secMaxLeaseTime(0)
67 | , m_vecForcedOptions()
68 | , m_vecSuppressedOptions()
69 | { }
70 |
71 | virtual ~ConfigLevelBase()
72 | { }
73 |
74 | virtual void initFromXml(xml::ElementNode const *pElm, bool fStrict, Config const *pConfig);
75 | virtual const char *getType() const RT_NOEXCEPT = 0;
76 | virtual const char *getName() const RT_NOEXCEPT = 0;
77 |
78 | /**
79 | * Tries to find DHCP option @a bOpt, returning an success indicator and
80 | * iterator to the result.
81 | */
82 | bool findOption(uint8_t bOpt, optmap_t::const_iterator &a_rItRet) const RT_NOEXCEPT
83 | {
84 | a_rItRet = m_Options.find(bOpt);
85 | return a_rItRet != m_Options.end();
86 | }
87 |
88 | /** Checks if @a bOpt is suppressed or not. */
89 | bool isOptionSuppressed(uint8_t bOpt) const RT_NOEXCEPT
90 | {
91 | return m_vecSuppressedOptions.size() > 0
92 | && memchr(&m_vecSuppressedOptions.front(), bOpt, m_vecSuppressedOptions.size()) != NULL;
93 | }
94 |
95 | /** @name Accessors
96 | * @{ */
97 | uint32_t getMinLeaseTime() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_secMinLeaseTime; }
98 | uint32_t getDefaultLeaseTime() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_secDefaultLeaseTime; }
99 | uint32_t getMaxLeaseTime() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_secMaxLeaseTime; }
100 | octets_t const &getForcedOptions() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_vecForcedOptions; }
101 | octets_t const &getSuppressedOptions() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_vecSuppressedOptions; }
102 | optmap_t const &getOptions() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_Options; }
103 | /** @} */
104 |
105 | protected:
106 | void i_parseOption(const xml::ElementNode *pElmOption);
107 | void i_parseForcedOrSuppressedOption(const xml::ElementNode *pElmOption, bool fForced);
108 | virtual void i_parseChild(const xml::ElementNode *pElmChild, bool fStrict, Config const *pConfig);
109 | };
110 |
111 |
112 | /**
113 | * Global config
114 | */
115 | class GlobalConfig : public ConfigLevelBase
116 | {
117 | public:
118 | GlobalConfig()
119 | : ConfigLevelBase()
120 | { }
121 | void initFromXml(xml::ElementNode const *pElm, bool fStrict, Config const *pConfig) RT_OVERRIDE;
122 | const char *getType() const RT_NOEXCEPT RT_OVERRIDE { return "global"; }
123 | const char *getName() const RT_NOEXCEPT RT_OVERRIDE { return "GlobalConfig"; }
124 | };
125 |
126 |
127 | /**
128 | * Group membership condition.
129 | */
130 | class GroupCondition
131 | {
132 | protected:
133 | /** The value. */
134 | RTCString m_strValue;
135 | /** Inclusive (true) or exclusive (false), latter takes precedency. */
136 | bool m_fInclusive;
137 |
138 | public:
139 | virtual ~GroupCondition()
140 | {}
141 |
142 | virtual int initCondition(const char *a_pszValue, bool a_fInclusive);
143 | virtual bool match(const ClientId &a_ridClient, const OptVendorClassId &a_ridVendorClass,
144 | const OptUserClassId &a_ridUserClass) const RT_NOEXCEPT = 0;
145 |
146 | /** @name accessors
147 | * @{ */
148 | RTCString const &getValue() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_strValue; }
149 | bool getInclusive() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_fInclusive; }
150 | /** @} */
151 |
152 | protected:
153 | bool matchClassId(bool a_fPresent, std::vector<uint8_t> const &a_rBytes, bool fWildcard = false) const RT_NOEXCEPT;
154 | };
155 |
156 | /** MAC condition. */
157 | class GroupConditionMAC : public GroupCondition
158 | {
159 | private:
160 | RTMAC m_MACAddress;
161 | public:
162 | int initCondition(const char *a_pszValue, bool a_fInclusive) RT_OVERRIDE;
163 | bool match(const ClientId &a_ridClient, const OptVendorClassId &a_ridVendorClass,
164 | const OptUserClassId &a_ridUserClass) const RT_NOEXCEPT RT_OVERRIDE;
165 | };
166 |
167 | /** MAC wildcard condition. */
168 | class GroupConditionMACWildcard : public GroupCondition
169 | {
170 | public:
171 | bool match(const ClientId &a_ridClient, const OptVendorClassId &a_ridVendorClass,
172 | const OptUserClassId &a_ridUserClass) const RT_NOEXCEPT RT_OVERRIDE;
173 | };
174 |
175 | /** Vendor class ID condition. */
176 | class GroupConditionVendorClassID : public GroupCondition
177 | {
178 | public:
179 | bool match(const ClientId &a_ridClient, const OptVendorClassId &a_ridVendorClass,
180 | const OptUserClassId &a_ridUserClass) const RT_NOEXCEPT RT_OVERRIDE;
181 | };
182 |
183 | /** Vendor class ID wildcard condition. */
184 | class GroupConditionVendorClassIDWildcard : public GroupCondition
185 | {
186 | public:
187 | bool match(const ClientId &a_ridClient, const OptVendorClassId &a_ridVendorClass,
188 | const OptUserClassId &a_ridUserClass) const RT_NOEXCEPT RT_OVERRIDE;
189 | };
190 |
191 | /** User class ID condition. */
192 | class GroupConditionUserClassID : public GroupCondition
193 | {
194 | public:
195 | bool match(const ClientId &a_ridClient, const OptVendorClassId &a_ridVendorClass,
196 | const OptUserClassId &a_ridUserClass) const RT_NOEXCEPT RT_OVERRIDE;
197 | };
198 |
199 | /** User class ID wildcard condition. */
200 | class GroupConditionUserClassIDWildcard : public GroupCondition
201 | {
202 | public:
203 | bool match(const ClientId &a_ridClient, const OptVendorClassId &a_ridVendorClass,
204 | const OptUserClassId &a_ridUserClass) const RT_NOEXCEPT RT_OVERRIDE;
205 | };
206 |
207 |
208 | /**
209 | * Group config
210 | */
211 | class GroupConfig : public ConfigLevelBase
212 | {
213 | private:
214 | typedef std::vector<GroupCondition *> GroupConditionVec;
215 |
216 | /** The group name. */
217 | RTCString m_strName;
218 | /** Vector containing the inclusive membership conditions (must match one). */
219 | GroupConditionVec m_Inclusive;
220 | /** Vector containing the exclusive membership conditions (must match none). */
221 | GroupConditionVec m_Exclusive;
222 |
223 | public:
224 | GroupConfig()
225 | : ConfigLevelBase()
226 | {
227 | }
228 |
229 | void initFromXml(xml::ElementNode const *pElm, bool fStrict, Config const *pConfig) RT_OVERRIDE;
230 | bool match(const ClientId &a_ridClient, const OptVendorClassId &a_ridVendorClass, const OptUserClassId &a_ridUserClass) const;
231 |
232 | /** @name Accessors
233 | * @{ */
234 | const char *getType() const RT_NOEXCEPT RT_OVERRIDE { return "group"; }
235 | const char *getName() const RT_NOEXCEPT RT_OVERRIDE { return m_strName.c_str(); }
236 | RTCString const &getGroupName() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_strName; }
237 | /** @} */
238 |
239 | protected:
240 | void i_parseChild(const xml::ElementNode *pElmChild, bool fStrict, Config const *pConfig) RT_OVERRIDE;
241 | /** Used to name unnamed groups. */
242 | static uint32_t s_uGroupNo;
243 | };
244 |
245 |
246 | /**
247 | * Host (MAC address) specific configuration.
248 | */
249 | class HostConfig : public ConfigLevelBase
250 | {
251 | protected:
252 | /** The MAC address. */
253 | RTMAC m_MACAddress;
254 | /** Name annotating the entry. */
255 | RTCString m_strName;
256 | /** Fixed address assignment when m_fHaveFixedAddress is true. */
257 | RTNETADDRIPV4 m_FixedAddress;
258 | /** Set if we have a fixed address asignment. */
259 | bool m_fHaveFixedAddress;
260 |
261 | public:
262 | HostConfig()
263 | : ConfigLevelBase()
264 | , m_fHaveFixedAddress(false)
265 | {
266 | RT_ZERO(m_MACAddress);
267 | RT_ZERO(m_FixedAddress);
268 | }
269 |
270 | void initFromXml(xml::ElementNode const *pElm, bool fStrict, Config const *pConfig) RT_OVERRIDE;
271 | const char *getType() const RT_NOEXCEPT RT_OVERRIDE { return "host"; }
272 | const char *getName() const RT_NOEXCEPT RT_OVERRIDE { return m_strName.c_str(); }
273 |
274 | /** @name Accessors
275 | * @{ */
276 | RTMAC const &getMACAddress() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_MACAddress; }
277 | bool haveFixedAddress() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_fHaveFixedAddress; }
278 | RTNETADDRIPV4 const & getFixedAddress() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_FixedAddress; }
279 | /** @} */
280 | };
281 |
282 |
283 | /**
284 | * DHCP server configuration.
285 | */
286 | class Config
287 | {
288 | /** Group configuration map. */
289 | typedef std::map<RTCString, GroupConfig const * > GroupConfigMap;
290 | /** Host configuration map. */
291 | typedef std::map<RTMAC, HostConfig const * > HostConfigMap;
292 |
293 |
294 | RTCString m_strHome; /**< path of ~/.VirtualBox or equivalent, */
295 |
296 | RTCString m_strNetwork; /**< The name of the internal network the DHCP server is connected to. */
297 | RTCString m_strLeasesFilename;/**< The lease DB filename. */
298 |
299 | RTCString m_strTrunk; /**< The trunk name of the internal network. */
300 | INTNETTRUNKTYPE m_enmTrunkType; /**< The trunk type of the internal network. */
301 |
302 | RTMAC m_MacAddress; /**< The MAC address for the DHCP server. */
303 |
304 | RTNETADDRIPV4 m_IPv4Address; /**< The IPv4 address of the DHCP server. */
305 | RTNETADDRIPV4 m_IPv4Netmask; /**< The IPv4 netmask for the DHCP server. */
306 |
307 | RTNETADDRIPV4 m_IPv4PoolFirst; /**< The first IPv4 address in the pool. */
308 | RTNETADDRIPV4 m_IPv4PoolLast; /**< The last IPV4 address in the pool (inclusive like all other 'last' variables). */
309 |
310 |
311 | /** The global configuration. */
312 | GlobalConfig m_GlobalConfig;
313 | /** The group configurations, indexed by group name. */
314 | GroupConfigMap m_GroupConfigs;
315 | /** The host configurations, indexed by MAC address. */
316 | HostConfigMap m_HostConfigs;
317 |
318 | /** Set if we've initialized the log already (via command line). */
319 | static bool g_fInitializedLog;
320 |
321 | private:
322 | Config();
323 |
324 | int i_init() RT_NOEXCEPT;
325 | int i_homeInit() RT_NOEXCEPT;
326 | static Config *i_createInstanceAndCallInit() RT_NOEXCEPT;
327 | int i_logInit() RT_NOEXCEPT;
328 | static int i_logInitWithFilename(const char *pszFilename) RT_NOEXCEPT;
329 | int i_complete() RT_NOEXCEPT;
330 |
331 | public:
332 | /** @name Factory methods
333 | * @{ */
334 | static Config *hardcoded() RT_NOEXCEPT; /**< For testing. */
335 | static Config *create(int argc, char **argv) RT_NOEXCEPT; /**< --config */
336 | static Config *compat(int argc, char **argv);
337 | /** @} */
338 |
339 | /** @name Accessors
340 | * @{ */
341 | const RTCString &getHome() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_strHome; }
342 |
343 | const RTCString &getNetwork() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_strNetwork; }
344 | const RTCString &getLeasesFilename() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_strLeasesFilename; }
345 |
346 | const RTCString &getTrunk() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_strTrunk; }
347 | INTNETTRUNKTYPE getTrunkType() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_enmTrunkType; }
348 |
349 | const RTMAC &getMacAddress() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_MacAddress; }
350 |
351 | RTNETADDRIPV4 getIPv4Address() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_IPv4Address; }
352 | RTNETADDRIPV4 getIPv4Netmask() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_IPv4Netmask; }
353 | RTNETADDRIPV4 getIPv4PoolFirst() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_IPv4PoolFirst; }
354 | RTNETADDRIPV4 getIPv4PoolLast() const RT_NOEXCEPT { return m_IPv4PoolLast; }
355 | /** @} */
356 |
357 | /** Gets the network (IP masked by network mask). */
358 | RTNETADDRIPV4 getIPv4Network() const RT_NOEXCEPT
359 | {
360 | RTNETADDRIPV4 Network;
361 | Network.u = m_IPv4Netmask.u & m_IPv4Address.u;
362 | return Network;
363 | }
364 | /** Checks if the given IPv4 address is in the DHCP server network. */
365 | bool isInIPv4Network(RTNETADDRIPV4 a_rAddress) const RT_NOEXCEPT
366 | {
367 | return (a_rAddress.u & getIPv4Netmask().u) == getIPv4Network().u;
368 | }
369 |
370 | /** Host configuration vector. */
371 | typedef std::vector<HostConfig const *> HostConfigVec;
372 | int getFixedAddressConfigs(HostConfigVec &a_rRetConfigs) const;
373 |
374 | /** Configuration vector. */
375 | typedef std::vector<ConfigLevelBase const *> ConfigVec;
376 | ConfigVec &getConfigsForClient(ConfigVec &a_rRetConfigs, const ClientId &a_ridClient,
377 | const OptVendorClassId &a_ridVendorClass,
378 | const OptUserClassId &a_ridUserClass) const;
379 | optmap_t &getOptionsForClient(optmap_t &a_rRetOpts, const OptParameterRequest &a_rReqOpts,
380 | ConfigVec &a_rConfigs) const;
381 |
382 | private:
383 | /** @name Configuration file reading and parsing
384 | * @{ */
385 | static Config *i_read(const char *pszFilename, bool fStrict) RT_NOEXCEPT;
386 | void i_parseConfig(const xml::ElementNode *pElmRoot, bool fStrict);
387 | void i_parseServer(const xml::ElementNode *pElmServer, bool fStrict);
388 | /** @} */
389 | };
390 |
391 | #endif /* !VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_Dhcpd_Config_h */