1 | /* $Id: ovfreader.cpp 35566 2011-01-14 14:16:22Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | *
4 | * OVF reader declarations. Depends only on IPRT, including the iprt::MiniString
5 | * and IPRT XML classes.
6 | */
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Oracle Corporation
10 | *
11 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
12 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
13 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
14 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
15 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
16 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
17 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
18 | */
19 |
20 | #include "ovfreader.h"
21 |
22 | using namespace std;
23 | using namespace iprt;
24 | using namespace ovf;
25 |
26 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 | //
28 | // OVF reader implementation
29 | //
30 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 |
32 | /**
33 | * Constructor. This parses the given XML file out of the memory. Throws lots of exceptions
34 | * on XML or OVF invalidity.
35 | * @param pvBuf the memory buffer to parse
36 | * @param cbSize the size of the memory buffer
37 | * @param path path to a filename for error messages.
38 | */
39 | OVFReader::OVFReader(const void *pvBuf, size_t cbSize, const MiniString &path)
40 | : m_strPath(path)
41 | {
42 | xml::XmlMemParser parser;
43 | parser.read(pvBuf, cbSize,
44 | m_strPath,
45 | m_doc);
46 | /* Start the parsing */
47 | parse();
48 | }
49 |
50 | /**
51 | * Constructor. This opens the given XML file and parses it. Throws lots of exceptions
52 | * on XML or OVF invalidity.
53 | * @param path
54 | */
55 | OVFReader::OVFReader(const MiniString &path)
56 | : m_strPath(path)
57 | {
58 | xml::XmlFileParser parser;
59 | parser.read(m_strPath,
60 | m_doc);
61 | /* Start the parsing */
62 | parse();
63 | }
64 |
65 | void OVFReader::parse()
66 | {
67 | const xml::ElementNode *pRootElem = m_doc.getRootElement();
68 | if ( !pRootElem
69 | || strcmp(pRootElem->getName(), "Envelope")
70 | )
71 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Root element in OVF file must be \"Envelope\"."));
72 |
73 | // OVF has the following rough layout:
74 | /*
75 | -- <References> .... files referenced from other parts of the file, such as VMDK images
76 | -- Metadata, comprised of several section commands
77 | -- virtual machines, either a single <VirtualSystem>, or a <VirtualSystemCollection>
78 | -- optionally <Strings> for localization
79 | */
80 |
81 | // get all "File" child elements of "References" section so we can look up files easily;
82 | // first find the "References" sections so we can look up files
83 | xml::ElementNodesList listFileElements; // receives all /Envelope/References/File nodes
84 | const xml::ElementNode *pReferencesElem;
85 | if ((pReferencesElem = pRootElem->findChildElement("References")))
86 | pReferencesElem->getChildElements(listFileElements, "File");
87 |
88 | // now go though the sections
89 | LoopThruSections(pReferencesElem, pRootElem);
90 | }
91 |
92 | /**
93 | * Private helper method that goes thru the elements of the given "current" element in the OVF XML
94 | * and handles the contained child elements (which can be "Section" or "Content" elements).
95 | *
96 | * @param pcszPath Path spec of the XML file, for error messages.
97 | * @param pReferencesElement "References" element from OVF, for looking up file specifications; can be NULL if no such element is present.
98 | * @param pCurElem Element whose children are to be analyzed here.
99 | * @return
100 | */
101 | void OVFReader::LoopThruSections(const xml::ElementNode *pReferencesElem,
102 | const xml::ElementNode *pCurElem)
103 | {
104 | xml::NodesLoop loopChildren(*pCurElem);
105 | const xml::ElementNode *pElem;
106 | while ((pElem = loopChildren.forAllNodes()))
107 | {
108 | const char *pcszElemName = pElem->getName();
109 | const char *pcszTypeAttr = "";
110 | const xml::AttributeNode *pTypeAttr;
111 | if ( ((pTypeAttr = pElem->findAttribute("xsi:type")))
112 | || ((pTypeAttr = pElem->findAttribute("type")))
113 | )
114 | pcszTypeAttr = pTypeAttr->getValue();
115 |
116 | if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "DiskSection"))
117 | || ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "Section"))
118 | && (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:DiskSection_Type"))
119 | )
120 | )
121 | {
122 | HandleDiskSection(pReferencesElem, pElem);
123 | }
124 | else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "NetworkSection"))
125 | || ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "Section"))
126 | && (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:NetworkSection_Type"))
127 | )
128 | )
129 | {
130 | HandleNetworkSection(pElem);
131 | }
132 | else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "DeploymentOptionSection")))
133 | {
134 | // TODO
135 | }
136 | else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "Info")))
137 | {
138 | // child of VirtualSystemCollection -- TODO
139 | }
140 | else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "ResourceAllocationSection")))
141 | {
142 | // child of VirtualSystemCollection -- TODO
143 | }
144 | else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "StartupSection")))
145 | {
146 | // child of VirtualSystemCollection -- TODO
147 | }
148 | else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "VirtualSystem"))
149 | || ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "Content"))
150 | && (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:VirtualSystem_Type"))
151 | )
152 | )
153 | {
154 | HandleVirtualSystemContent(pElem);
155 | }
156 | else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "VirtualSystemCollection"))
157 | || ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "Content"))
158 | && (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:VirtualSystemCollection_Type"))
159 | )
160 | )
161 | {
162 | // TODO ResourceAllocationSection
163 |
164 | // recurse for this, since it has VirtualSystem elements as children
165 | LoopThruSections(pReferencesElem, pElem);
166 | }
167 | }
168 | }
169 |
170 | /**
171 | * Private helper method that handles disk sections in the OVF XML.
172 | * Gets called indirectly from IAppliance::read().
173 | *
174 | * @param pcszPath Path spec of the XML file, for error messages.
175 | * @param pReferencesElement "References" element from OVF, for looking up file specifications; can be NULL if no such element is present.
176 | * @param pSectionElem Section element for which this helper is getting called.
177 | * @return
178 | */
179 | void OVFReader::HandleDiskSection(const xml::ElementNode *pReferencesElem,
180 | const xml::ElementNode *pSectionElem)
181 | {
182 | // contains "Disk" child elements
183 | xml::NodesLoop loopDisks(*pSectionElem, "Disk");
184 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmDisk;
185 | while ((pelmDisk = loopDisks.forAllNodes()))
186 | {
187 | DiskImage d;
188 | const char *pcszBad = NULL;
189 | const char *pcszDiskId;
190 | const char *pcszFormat;
191 | if (!(pelmDisk->getAttributeValue("diskId", pcszDiskId)))
192 | pcszBad = "diskId";
193 | else if (!(pelmDisk->getAttributeValue("format", pcszFormat)))
194 | pcszBad = "format";
195 | else if (!(pelmDisk->getAttributeValue("capacity", d.iCapacity)))
196 | pcszBad = "capacity";
197 | else
198 | {
199 | d.strDiskId = pcszDiskId;
200 | d.strFormat = pcszFormat;
201 |
202 | if (!(pelmDisk->getAttributeValue("populatedSize", d.iPopulatedSize)))
203 | // optional
204 | d.iPopulatedSize = -1;
205 |
206 | // optional vbox:uuid attribute (if OVF was exported by VirtualBox != 3.2)
207 | pelmDisk->getAttributeValue("vbox:uuid", d.uuidVbox);
208 |
209 | const char *pcszFileRef;
210 | if (pelmDisk->getAttributeValue("fileRef", pcszFileRef)) // optional
211 | {
212 | // look up corresponding /References/File nodes (list built above)
213 | const xml::ElementNode *pFileElem;
214 | if ( pReferencesElem
215 | && ((pFileElem = pReferencesElem->findChildElementFromId(pcszFileRef)))
216 | )
217 | {
218 | // copy remaining values from file node then
219 | const char *pcszBadInFile = NULL;
220 | const char *pcszHref;
221 | if (!(pFileElem->getAttributeValue("href", pcszHref)))
222 | pcszBadInFile = "href";
223 | else if (!(pFileElem->getAttributeValue("size", d.iSize)))
224 | d.iSize = -1; // optional
225 |
226 | d.strHref = pcszHref;
227 |
228 | // if (!(pFileElem->getAttributeValue("size", d.iChunkSize))) TODO
229 | d.iChunkSize = -1; // optional
230 | const char *pcszCompression;
231 | if (pFileElem->getAttributeValue("compression", pcszCompression))
232 | d.strCompression = pcszCompression;
233 |
234 | if (pcszBadInFile)
235 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": missing or invalid attribute '%s' in 'File' element, line %d"),
236 | m_strPath.c_str(),
237 | pcszBadInFile,
238 | pFileElem->getLineNumber());
239 | }
240 | else
241 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": cannot find References/File element for ID '%s' referenced by 'Disk' element, line %d"),
242 | m_strPath.c_str(),
243 | pcszFileRef,
244 | pelmDisk->getLineNumber());
245 | }
246 | }
247 |
248 | if (pcszBad)
249 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": missing or invalid attribute '%s' in 'DiskSection' element, line %d"),
250 | m_strPath.c_str(),
251 | pcszBad,
252 | pelmDisk->getLineNumber());
253 |
254 | // suggest a size in megabytes to help callers with progress reports
255 | d.ulSuggestedSizeMB = 0;
256 | if (d.iCapacity != -1)
257 | d.ulSuggestedSizeMB = d.iCapacity / _1M;
258 | else if (d.iPopulatedSize != -1)
259 | d.ulSuggestedSizeMB = d.iPopulatedSize / _1M;
260 | else if (d.iSize != -1)
261 | d.ulSuggestedSizeMB = d.iSize / _1M;
262 | if (d.ulSuggestedSizeMB == 0)
263 | d.ulSuggestedSizeMB = 10000; // assume 10 GB, this is for the progress bar only anyway
264 |
265 | m_mapDisks[d.strDiskId] = d;
266 | }
267 | }
268 |
269 | /**
270 | * Private helper method that handles network sections in the OVF XML.
271 | * Gets called indirectly from IAppliance::read().
272 | *
273 | * @param pcszPath Path spec of the XML file, for error messages.
274 | * @param pSectionElem Section element for which this helper is getting called.
275 | * @return
276 | */
277 | void OVFReader::HandleNetworkSection(const xml::ElementNode * /* pSectionElem */)
278 | {
279 | // we ignore network sections for now
280 |
281 | // xml::NodesLoop loopNetworks(*pSectionElem, "Network");
282 | // const xml::Node *pelmNetwork;
283 | // while ((pelmNetwork = loopNetworks.forAllNodes()))
284 | // {
285 | // Network n;
286 | // if (!(pelmNetwork->getAttributeValue("name", n.strNetworkName)))
287 | // return setError(VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR,
288 | // tr("Error reading \"%s\": missing 'name' attribute in 'Network', line %d"),
289 | // pcszPath,
290 | // pelmNetwork->getLineNumber());
291 | //
292 | // m->mapNetworks[n.strNetworkName] = n;
293 | // }
294 | }
295 |
296 | /**
297 | * Private helper method that handles a "VirtualSystem" element in the OVF XML.
298 | * Gets called indirectly from IAppliance::read().
299 | *
300 | * @param pcszPath
301 | * @param pContentElem
302 | * @return
303 | */
304 | void OVFReader::HandleVirtualSystemContent(const xml::ElementNode *pelmVirtualSystem)
305 | {
306 | VirtualSystem vsys;
307 |
308 | // peek under the <VirtualSystem> node whether we have a <vbox:Machine> node;
309 | // that case case, the caller can completely ignore the OVF but only load the VBox machine XML
310 | vsys.pelmVboxMachine = pelmVirtualSystem->findChildElement("vbox", "Machine");
311 |
312 | // now look for real OVF
313 | const xml::AttributeNode *pIdAttr = pelmVirtualSystem->findAttribute("id");
314 | if (pIdAttr)
315 | vsys.strName = pIdAttr->getValue();
316 |
317 | xml::NodesLoop loop(*pelmVirtualSystem); // all child elements
318 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmThis;
319 | while ((pelmThis = loop.forAllNodes()))
320 | {
321 | const char *pcszElemName = pelmThis->getName();
322 | const char *pcszTypeAttr = "";
323 | if (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "Section")) // OVF 0.9 used "Section" element always with a varying "type" attribute
324 | {
325 | const xml::AttributeNode *pTypeAttr;
326 | if ( ((pTypeAttr = pelmThis->findAttribute("type")))
327 | || ((pTypeAttr = pelmThis->findAttribute("xsi:type")))
328 | )
329 | pcszTypeAttr = pTypeAttr->getValue();
330 | else
331 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": element \"Section\" has no \"type\" attribute, line %d"),
332 | m_strPath.c_str(),
333 | pelmThis->getLineNumber());
334 | }
335 |
336 | if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "EulaSection"))
337 | || (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:EulaSection_Type"))
338 | )
339 | {
340 | /* <EulaSection>
341 | <Info ovf:msgid="6">License agreement for the Virtual System.</Info>
342 | <License ovf:msgid="1">License terms can go in here.</License>
343 | </EulaSection> */
344 |
345 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmLicense;
346 | if ((pelmLicense = pelmThis->findChildElement("License")))
347 | vsys.strLicenseText = pelmLicense->getValue();
348 | }
349 | if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "ProductSection"))
350 | || (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:ProductSection_Type"))
351 | )
352 | {
353 | /* <Section ovf:required="false" xsi:type="ovf:ProductSection_Type">
354 | <Info>Meta-information about the installed software</Info>
355 | <Product>VAtest</Product>
356 | <Vendor>SUN Microsystems</Vendor>
357 | <Version>10.0</Version>
358 | <ProductUrl>http://blogs.sun.com/VirtualGuru</ProductUrl>
359 | <VendorUrl>http://www.sun.com</VendorUrl>
360 | </Section> */
361 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmProduct;
362 | if ((pelmProduct = pelmThis->findChildElement("Product")))
363 | vsys.strProduct = pelmProduct->getValue();
364 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmVendor;
365 | if ((pelmVendor = pelmThis->findChildElement("Vendor")))
366 | vsys.strVendor = pelmVendor->getValue();
367 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmVersion;
368 | if ((pelmVersion = pelmThis->findChildElement("Version")))
369 | vsys.strVersion = pelmVersion->getValue();
370 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmProductUrl;
371 | if ((pelmProductUrl = pelmThis->findChildElement("ProductUrl")))
372 | vsys.strProductUrl = pelmProductUrl->getValue();
373 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmVendorUrl;
374 | if ((pelmVendorUrl = pelmThis->findChildElement("VendorUrl")))
375 | vsys.strVendorUrl = pelmVendorUrl->getValue();
376 | }
377 | else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "VirtualHardwareSection"))
378 | || (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"))
379 | )
380 | {
381 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmSystem, *pelmVirtualSystemType;
382 | if ((pelmSystem = pelmThis->findChildElement("System")))
383 | {
384 | /* <System>
385 | <vssd:Description>Description of the virtual hardware section.</vssd:Description>
386 | <vssd:ElementName>vmware</vssd:ElementName>
387 | <vssd:InstanceID>1</vssd:InstanceID>
388 | <vssd:VirtualSystemIdentifier>MyLampService</vssd:VirtualSystemIdentifier>
389 | <vssd:VirtualSystemType>vmx-4</vssd:VirtualSystemType>
390 | </System>*/
391 | if ((pelmVirtualSystemType = pelmSystem->findChildElement("VirtualSystemType")))
392 | vsys.strVirtualSystemType = pelmVirtualSystemType->getValue();
393 | }
394 |
395 | xml::NodesLoop loopVirtualHardwareItems(*pelmThis, "Item"); // all "Item" child elements
396 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmItem;
397 | while ((pelmItem = loopVirtualHardwareItems.forAllNodes()))
398 | {
399 | VirtualHardwareItem i;
400 |
401 | i.ulLineNumber = pelmItem->getLineNumber();
402 |
403 | xml::NodesLoop loopItemChildren(*pelmItem); // all child elements
404 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmItemChild;
405 | while ((pelmItemChild = loopItemChildren.forAllNodes()))
406 | {
407 | const char *pcszItemChildName = pelmItemChild->getName();
408 | if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Description"))
409 | i.strDescription = pelmItemChild->getValue();
410 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Caption"))
411 | i.strCaption = pelmItemChild->getValue();
412 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "ElementName"))
413 | i.strElementName = pelmItemChild->getValue();
414 | else if ( (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "InstanceID"))
415 | || (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "InstanceId"))
416 | )
417 | pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ulInstanceID);
418 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "HostResource"))
419 | i.strHostResource = pelmItemChild->getValue();
420 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "ResourceType"))
421 | {
422 | uint32_t ulType;
423 | pelmItemChild->copyValue(ulType);
424 | i.resourceType = (ResourceType_T)ulType;
425 | i.fResourceRequired = true;
426 | const char *pcszAttValue;
427 | if (pelmItem->getAttributeValue("required", pcszAttValue))
428 | {
429 | if (!strcmp(pcszAttValue, "false"))
430 | i.fResourceRequired = false;
431 | }
432 | }
433 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "OtherResourceType"))
434 | i.strOtherResourceType = pelmItemChild->getValue();
435 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "ResourceSubType"))
436 | i.strResourceSubType = pelmItemChild->getValue();
437 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "AutomaticAllocation"))
438 | i.fAutomaticAllocation = (!strcmp(pelmItemChild->getValue(), "true")) ? true : false;
439 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "AutomaticDeallocation"))
440 | i.fAutomaticDeallocation = (!strcmp(pelmItemChild->getValue(), "true")) ? true : false;
441 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Parent"))
442 | pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ulParent);
443 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Connection"))
444 | i.strConnection = pelmItemChild->getValue();
445 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Address"))
446 | {
447 | i.strAddress = pelmItemChild->getValue();
448 | pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.lAddress);
449 | }
450 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "AddressOnParent"))
451 | i.strAddressOnParent = pelmItemChild->getValue();
452 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "AllocationUnits"))
453 | i.strAllocationUnits = pelmItemChild->getValue();
454 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "VirtualQuantity"))
455 | pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ullVirtualQuantity);
456 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Reservation"))
457 | pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ullReservation);
458 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Limit"))
459 | pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ullLimit);
460 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "Weight"))
461 | pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ullWeight);
462 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "ConsumerVisibility"))
463 | i.strConsumerVisibility = pelmItemChild->getValue();
464 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "MappingBehavior"))
465 | i.strMappingBehavior = pelmItemChild->getValue();
466 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "PoolID"))
467 | i.strPoolID = pelmItemChild->getValue();
468 | else if (!strcmp(pcszItemChildName, "BusNumber")) // seen in some old OVF, but it's not listed in the OVF specs
469 | pelmItemChild->copyValue(i.ulBusNumber);
470 | else
471 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": unknown element \"%s\" under Item element, line %d"),
472 | m_strPath.c_str(),
473 | pcszItemChildName,
474 | i.ulLineNumber);
475 | }
476 |
477 | // store!
478 | vsys.mapHardwareItems[i.ulInstanceID] = i;
479 | }
480 |
481 | HardDiskController *pPrimaryIDEController = NULL; // will be set once found
482 |
483 | // now go thru all hardware items and handle them according to their type;
484 | // in this first loop we handle all items _except_ hard disk images,
485 | // which we'll handle in a second loop below
486 | HardwareItemsMap::const_iterator itH;
487 | for (itH = vsys.mapHardwareItems.begin();
488 | itH != vsys.mapHardwareItems.end();
489 | ++itH)
490 | {
491 | const VirtualHardwareItem &i = itH->second;
492 |
493 | // do some analysis
494 | switch (i.resourceType)
495 | {
496 | case ResourceType_Processor: // 3
497 | /* <rasd:Caption>1 virtual CPU</rasd:Caption>
498 | <rasd:Description>Number of virtual CPUs</rasd:Description>
499 | <rasd:ElementName>virtual CPU</rasd:ElementName>
500 | <rasd:InstanceID>1</rasd:InstanceID>
501 | <rasd:ResourceType>3</rasd:ResourceType>
502 | <rasd:VirtualQuantity>1</rasd:VirtualQuantity>*/
503 | if (i.ullVirtualQuantity < UINT16_MAX)
504 | vsys.cCPUs = (uint16_t)i.ullVirtualQuantity;
505 | else
506 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": CPU count %RI64 is larger than %d, line %d"),
507 | m_strPath.c_str(),
508 | i.ullVirtualQuantity,
509 | UINT16_MAX,
510 | i.ulLineNumber);
511 | break;
512 |
513 | case ResourceType_Memory: // 4
514 | if ( (i.strAllocationUnits == "MegaBytes") // found in OVF created by OVF toolkit
515 | || (i.strAllocationUnits == "MB") // found in MS docs
516 | || (i.strAllocationUnits == "byte * 2^20") // suggested by OVF spec DSP0243 page 21
517 | )
518 | vsys.ullMemorySize = i.ullVirtualQuantity * 1024 * 1024;
519 | else
520 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": Invalid allocation unit \"%s\" specified with memory size item, line %d"),
521 | m_strPath.c_str(),
522 | i.strAllocationUnits.c_str(),
523 | i.ulLineNumber);
524 | break;
525 |
526 | case ResourceType_IDEController: // 5
527 | {
528 | /* <Item>
529 | <rasd:Caption>ideController0</rasd:Caption>
530 | <rasd:Description>IDE Controller</rasd:Description>
531 | <rasd:InstanceId>5</rasd:InstanceId>
532 | <rasd:ResourceType>5</rasd:ResourceType>
533 | <rasd:Address>0</rasd:Address>
534 | <rasd:BusNumber>0</rasd:BusNumber>
535 | </Item> */
536 | HardDiskController hdc;
537 | hdc.system = HardDiskController::IDE;
538 | hdc.idController = i.ulInstanceID;
539 | hdc.strControllerType = i.strResourceSubType;
540 |
541 | hdc.lAddress = i.lAddress;
542 |
543 | if (!pPrimaryIDEController)
544 | // this is the first IDE controller found: then mark it as "primary"
545 | hdc.fPrimary = true;
546 | else
547 | {
548 | // this is the second IDE controller found: If VMware exports two
549 | // IDE controllers, it seems that they are given an "Address" of 0
550 | // an 1, respectively, so assume address=0 means primary controller
551 | if ( pPrimaryIDEController->lAddress == 0
552 | && hdc.lAddress == 1
553 | )
554 | {
555 | pPrimaryIDEController->fPrimary = true;
556 | hdc.fPrimary = false;
557 | }
558 | else if ( pPrimaryIDEController->lAddress == 1
559 | && hdc.lAddress == 0
560 | )
561 | {
562 | pPrimaryIDEController->fPrimary = false;
563 | hdc.fPrimary = false;
564 | }
565 | else
566 | // then we really can't tell, just hope for the best
567 | hdc.fPrimary = false;
568 | }
569 |
570 | vsys.mapControllers[i.ulInstanceID] = hdc;
571 | if (!pPrimaryIDEController)
572 | pPrimaryIDEController = &vsys.mapControllers[i.ulInstanceID];
573 | }
574 | break;
575 |
576 | case ResourceType_ParallelSCSIHBA: // 6 SCSI controller
577 | {
578 | /* <Item>
579 | <rasd:Caption>SCSI Controller 0 - LSI Logic</rasd:Caption>
580 | <rasd:Description>SCI Controller</rasd:Description>
581 | <rasd:ElementName>SCSI controller</rasd:ElementName>
582 | <rasd:InstanceID>4</rasd:InstanceID>
583 | <rasd:ResourceSubType>LsiLogic</rasd:ResourceSubType>
584 | <rasd:ResourceType>6</rasd:ResourceType>
585 | </Item> */
586 | HardDiskController hdc;
587 | hdc.system = HardDiskController::SCSI;
588 | hdc.idController = i.ulInstanceID;
589 | hdc.strControllerType = i.strResourceSubType;
590 |
591 | vsys.mapControllers[i.ulInstanceID] = hdc;
592 | }
593 | break;
594 |
595 | case ResourceType_EthernetAdapter: // 10
596 | {
597 | /* <Item>
598 | <rasd:Caption>Ethernet adapter on 'Bridged'</rasd:Caption>
599 | <rasd:AutomaticAllocation>true</rasd:AutomaticAllocation>
600 | <rasd:Connection>Bridged</rasd:Connection>
601 | <rasd:InstanceID>6</rasd:InstanceID>
602 | <rasd:ResourceType>10</rasd:ResourceType>
603 | <rasd:ResourceSubType>E1000</rasd:ResourceSubType>
604 | </Item>
605 |
606 | OVF spec DSP 0243 page 21:
607 | "For an Ethernet adapter, this specifies the abstract network connection name
608 | for the virtual machine. All Ethernet adapters that specify the same abstract
609 | network connection name within an OVF package shall be deployed on the same
610 | network. The abstract network connection name shall be listed in the NetworkSection
611 | at the outermost envelope level." */
612 |
613 | // only store the name
614 | EthernetAdapter ea;
615 | ea.strAdapterType = i.strResourceSubType;
616 | ea.strNetworkName = i.strConnection;
617 | vsys.llEthernetAdapters.push_back(ea);
618 | }
619 | break;
620 |
621 | case ResourceType_FloppyDrive: // 14
622 | vsys.fHasFloppyDrive = true; // we have no additional information
623 | break;
624 |
625 | case ResourceType_CDDrive: // 15
626 | /* <Item ovf:required="false">
627 | <rasd:Caption>cdrom1</rasd:Caption>
628 | <rasd:InstanceId>7</rasd:InstanceId>
629 | <rasd:ResourceType>15</rasd:ResourceType>
630 | <rasd:AutomaticAllocation>true</rasd:AutomaticAllocation>
631 | <rasd:Parent>5</rasd:Parent>
632 | <rasd:AddressOnParent>0</rasd:AddressOnParent>
633 | </Item> */
634 | // I tried to see what happens if I set an ISO for the CD-ROM in VMware Workstation,
635 | // but then the ovftool dies with "Device backing not supported". So I guess if
636 | // VMware can't export ISOs, then we don't need to be able to import them right now.
637 | vsys.fHasCdromDrive = true; // we have no additional information
638 | break;
639 |
640 | case ResourceType_HardDisk: // 17
641 | // handled separately in second loop below
642 | break;
643 |
644 | case ResourceType_OtherStorageDevice: // 20 SATA controller
645 | {
646 | /* <Item>
647 | <rasd:Description>SATA Controller</rasd:Description>
648 | <rasd:Caption>sataController0</rasd:Caption>
649 | <rasd:InstanceID>4</rasd:InstanceID>
650 | <rasd:ResourceType>20</rasd:ResourceType>
651 | <rasd:ResourceSubType>AHCI</rasd:ResourceSubType>
652 | <rasd:Address>0</rasd:Address>
653 | <rasd:BusNumber>0</rasd:BusNumber>
654 | </Item> */
655 | if ( i.strCaption.startsWith("sataController", MiniString::CaseInsensitive)
656 | && !i.strResourceSubType.compare("AHCI", MiniString::CaseInsensitive)
657 | )
658 | {
659 | HardDiskController hdc;
660 | hdc.system = HardDiskController::SATA;
661 | hdc.idController = i.ulInstanceID;
662 | hdc.strControllerType = i.strResourceSubType;
663 |
664 | vsys.mapControllers[i.ulInstanceID] = hdc;
665 | }
666 | else
667 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": Host resource of type \"Other Storage Device (%d)\" is supported with SATA AHCI controllers only, line %d"),
668 | m_strPath.c_str(),
669 | ResourceType_OtherStorageDevice,
670 | i.ulLineNumber);
671 | }
672 | break;
673 |
674 | case ResourceType_USBController: // 23
675 | /* <Item ovf:required="false">
676 | <rasd:Caption>usb</rasd:Caption>
677 | <rasd:Description>USB Controller</rasd:Description>
678 | <rasd:InstanceId>3</rasd:InstanceId>
679 | <rasd:ResourceType>23</rasd:ResourceType>
680 | <rasd:Address>0</rasd:Address>
681 | <rasd:BusNumber>0</rasd:BusNumber>
682 | </Item> */
683 | vsys.fHasUsbController = true; // we have no additional information
684 | break;
685 |
686 | case ResourceType_SoundCard: // 35
687 | /* <Item ovf:required="false">
688 | <rasd:Caption>sound</rasd:Caption>
689 | <rasd:Description>Sound Card</rasd:Description>
690 | <rasd:InstanceId>10</rasd:InstanceId>
691 | <rasd:ResourceType>35</rasd:ResourceType>
692 | <rasd:ResourceSubType>ensoniq1371</rasd:ResourceSubType>
693 | <rasd:AutomaticAllocation>false</rasd:AutomaticAllocation>
694 | <rasd:AddressOnParent>3</rasd:AddressOnParent>
695 | </Item> */
696 | vsys.strSoundCardType = i.strResourceSubType;
697 | break;
698 |
699 | default:
700 | {
701 | /* If this unknown resource type isn't required, we simply skip it. */
702 | if (i.fResourceRequired)
703 | {
704 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": Unknown resource type %d in hardware item, line %d"),
705 | m_strPath.c_str(),
706 | i.resourceType,
707 | i.ulLineNumber);
708 | }
709 | }
710 | } // end switch
711 | }
712 |
713 | // now run through the items for a second time, but handle only
714 | // hard disk images; otherwise the code would fail if a hard
715 | // disk image appears in the OVF before its hard disk controller
716 | for (itH = vsys.mapHardwareItems.begin();
717 | itH != vsys.mapHardwareItems.end();
718 | ++itH)
719 | {
720 | const VirtualHardwareItem &i = itH->second;
721 |
722 | // do some analysis
723 | switch (i.resourceType)
724 | {
725 | case ResourceType_HardDisk: // 17
726 | {
727 | /* <Item>
728 | <rasd:Caption>Harddisk 1</rasd:Caption>
729 | <rasd:Description>HD</rasd:Description>
730 | <rasd:ElementName>Hard Disk</rasd:ElementName>
731 | <rasd:HostResource>ovf://disk/lamp</rasd:HostResource>
732 | <rasd:InstanceID>5</rasd:InstanceID>
733 | <rasd:Parent>4</rasd:Parent>
734 | <rasd:ResourceType>17</rasd:ResourceType>
735 | </Item> */
736 |
737 | // look up the hard disk controller element whose InstanceID equals our Parent;
738 | // this is how the connection is specified in OVF
739 | ControllersMap::const_iterator it = vsys.mapControllers.find(i.ulParent);
740 | if (it == vsys.mapControllers.end())
741 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": Hard disk item with instance ID %d specifies invalid parent %d, line %d"),
742 | m_strPath.c_str(),
743 | i.ulInstanceID,
744 | i.ulParent,
745 | i.ulLineNumber);
746 | //const HardDiskController &hdc = it->second;
747 |
748 | VirtualDisk vd;
749 | vd.idController = i.ulParent;
750 | i.strAddressOnParent.toInt(vd.ulAddressOnParent);
751 | // ovf://disk/lamp
752 | // 123456789012345
753 | if (i.strHostResource.startsWith("ovf://disk/"))
754 | vd.strDiskId = i.strHostResource.substr(11);
755 | else if (i.strHostResource.startsWith("ovf:/disk/"))
756 | vd.strDiskId = i.strHostResource.substr(10);
757 | else if (i.strHostResource.startsWith("/disk/"))
758 | vd.strDiskId = i.strHostResource.substr(6);
759 |
760 | if ( !(vd.strDiskId.length())
761 | || (m_mapDisks.find(vd.strDiskId) == m_mapDisks.end())
762 | )
763 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": Hard disk item with instance ID %d specifies invalid host resource \"%s\", line %d"),
764 | m_strPath.c_str(),
765 | i.ulInstanceID,
766 | i.strHostResource.c_str(),
767 | i.ulLineNumber);
768 |
769 | vsys.mapVirtualDisks[vd.strDiskId] = vd;
770 | }
771 | break;
772 | default: break;
773 | }
774 | }
775 | }
776 | else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "OperatingSystemSection"))
777 | || (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:OperatingSystemSection_Type"))
778 | )
779 | {
780 | uint64_t cimos64;
781 | if (!(pelmThis->getAttributeValue("id", cimos64)))
782 | throw OVFLogicError(N_("Error reading \"%s\": missing or invalid 'ovf:id' attribute in operating system section element, line %d"),
783 | m_strPath.c_str(),
784 | pelmThis->getLineNumber());
785 |
786 | vsys.cimos = (CIMOSType_T)cimos64;
787 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmCIMOSDescription;
788 | if ((pelmCIMOSDescription = pelmThis->findChildElement("Description")))
789 | vsys.strCimosDesc = pelmCIMOSDescription->getValue();
790 |
791 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmVBoxOSType;
792 | if ((pelmVBoxOSType = pelmThis->findChildElement("vbox", // namespace
793 | "OSType"))) // element name
794 | vsys.strTypeVbox = pelmVBoxOSType->getValue();
795 | }
796 | else if ( (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "AnnotationSection"))
797 | || (!strcmp(pcszTypeAttr, "ovf:AnnotationSection_Type"))
798 | )
799 | {
800 | const xml::ElementNode *pelmAnnotation;
801 | if ((pelmAnnotation = pelmThis->findChildElement("Annotation")))
802 | vsys.strDescription = pelmAnnotation->getValue();
803 | }
804 | }
805 |
806 | // now create the virtual system
807 | m_llVirtualSystems.push_back(vsys);
808 | }
809 |
810 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
811 | //
812 | // Errors
813 | //
814 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
815 |
816 | OVFLogicError::OVFLogicError(const char *aFormat, ...)
817 | {
818 | char *pszNewMsg;
819 | va_list args;
820 | va_start(args, aFormat);
821 | RTStrAPrintfV(&pszNewMsg, aFormat, args);
822 | setWhat(pszNewMsg);
823 | RTStrFree(pszNewMsg);
824 | va_end(args);
825 | }