1 | /* $Id: tstOVF.cpp 50117 2014-01-20 14:05:02Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | *
4 | * tstOVF - testcases for OVF import and export
5 | */
6 |
7 | /*
8 | * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Oracle Corporation
9 | *
10 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
12 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | */
18 |
19 | #include <VBox/com/VirtualBox.h>
20 |
21 | #include <VBox/com/com.h>
22 | #include <VBox/com/array.h>
23 | #include <VBox/com/string.h>
24 | #include <VBox/com/ErrorInfo.h>
25 | #include <VBox/com/errorprint.h>
26 |
27 | #include <iprt/initterm.h>
28 | #include <iprt/stream.h>
29 | #include <iprt/file.h>
30 | #include <iprt/path.h>
31 | #include <iprt/param.h>
32 |
33 | #include <list>
34 |
35 | using namespace com;
36 |
37 | // main
38 | ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
39 |
40 | /**
41 | * Quick hack exception structure.
42 | *
43 | */
44 | struct MyError
45 | {
46 | MyError(HRESULT rc,
47 | const char *pcsz,
48 | IProgress *pProgress = NULL)
49 | : m_rc(rc)
50 | {
51 | m_str = "ERROR: ";
52 | m_str += pcsz;
53 |
54 | if (pProgress)
55 | {
56 | com::ProgressErrorInfo info(pProgress);
57 | com::GluePrintErrorInfo(info);
58 | }
59 | else if (rc)
60 | {
61 | com::ErrorInfo info;
62 | if (!info.isFullAvailable() && !info.isBasicAvailable())
63 | com::GluePrintRCMessage(rc);
64 | else
65 | com::GluePrintErrorInfo(info);
66 | }
67 | }
68 |
69 | Utf8Str m_str;
70 | HRESULT m_rc;
71 | };
72 |
73 | /**
74 | * Imports the given OVF file, with all bells and whistles.
75 | * Throws MyError on errors.
76 | * @param pcszPrefix Descriptive short prefix string for console output.
77 | * @param pVirtualBox VirtualBox instance.
78 | * @param pcszOVF0 File to import.
79 | * @param llMachinesCreated out: UUIDs of machines that were created so that caller can clean up.
80 | */
81 | void importOVF(const char *pcszPrefix,
82 | ComPtr<IVirtualBox> &pVirtualBox,
83 | const char *pcszOVF0,
84 | std::list<Guid> &llMachinesCreated)
85 | {
86 | char szAbsOVF[RTPATH_MAX];
87 | RTPathAbs(pcszOVF0, szAbsOVF, sizeof(szAbsOVF));
88 |
89 | RTPrintf("%s: reading appliance \"%s\"...\n", pcszPrefix, szAbsOVF);
90 | ComPtr<IAppliance> pAppl;
91 | HRESULT rc = pVirtualBox->CreateAppliance(pAppl.asOutParam());
92 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "failed to create appliance\n");
93 |
94 | ComPtr<IProgress> pProgress;
95 | rc = pAppl->Read(Bstr(szAbsOVF).raw(), pProgress.asOutParam());
96 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "Appliance::Read() failed\n");
97 | rc = pProgress->WaitForCompletion(-1);
98 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "Progress::WaitForCompletion() failed\n");
99 | LONG rc2;
100 | pProgress->COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&rc2);
101 | if (FAILED(rc2)) throw MyError(rc2, "Appliance::Read() failed\n", pProgress);
102 |
103 | RTPrintf("%s: interpreting appliance \"%s\"...\n", pcszPrefix, szAbsOVF);
104 | rc = pAppl->Interpret();
105 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "Appliance::Interpret() failed\n");
106 |
107 | com::SafeIfaceArray<IVirtualSystemDescription> aDescriptions;
108 | rc = pAppl->COMGETTER(VirtualSystemDescriptions)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aDescriptions));
109 | for (uint32_t u = 0;
110 | u < aDescriptions.size();
111 | ++u)
112 | {
113 | ComPtr<IVirtualSystemDescription> pVSys = aDescriptions[u];
114 |
115 | com::SafeArray<VirtualSystemDescriptionType_T> aTypes;
116 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> aRefs;
117 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> aOvfValues;
118 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> aVboxValues;
119 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> aExtraConfigValues;
120 | rc = pVSys->GetDescription(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aTypes),
121 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aRefs),
122 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aOvfValues),
123 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aVboxValues),
124 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aExtraConfigValues));
125 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "VirtualSystemDescription::GetDescription() failed\n");
126 |
127 | for (uint32_t u2 = 0;
128 | u2 < aTypes.size();
129 | ++u2)
130 | {
131 | const char *pcszType;
132 |
133 | VirtualSystemDescriptionType_T t = aTypes[u2];
134 | switch (t)
135 | {
136 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_OS:
137 | pcszType = "ostype";
138 | break;
139 |
140 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_Name:
141 | pcszType = "name";
142 | break;
143 |
144 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_Product:
145 | pcszType = "product";
146 | break;
147 |
148 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_ProductUrl:
149 | pcszType = "producturl";
150 | break;
151 |
152 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_Vendor:
153 | pcszType = "vendor";
154 | break;
155 |
156 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_VendorUrl:
157 | pcszType = "vendorurl";
158 | break;
159 |
160 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_Version:
161 | pcszType = "version";
162 | break;
163 |
164 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_Description:
165 | pcszType = "description";
166 | break;
167 |
168 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_License:
169 | pcszType = "license";
170 | break;
171 |
172 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_CPU:
173 | pcszType = "cpu";
174 | break;
175 |
176 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_Memory:
177 | pcszType = "memory";
178 | break;
179 |
180 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_HardDiskControllerIDE:
181 | pcszType = "ide";
182 | break;
183 |
184 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_HardDiskControllerSATA:
185 | pcszType = "sata";
186 | break;
187 |
188 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_HardDiskControllerSAS:
189 | pcszType = "sas";
190 | break;
191 |
192 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_HardDiskControllerSCSI:
193 | pcszType = "scsi";
194 | break;
195 |
196 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_HardDiskImage:
197 | pcszType = "hd";
198 | break;
199 |
200 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_CDROM:
201 | pcszType = "cdrom";
202 | break;
203 |
204 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_Floppy:
205 | pcszType = "floppy";
206 | break;
207 |
208 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_NetworkAdapter:
209 | pcszType = "net";
210 | break;
211 |
212 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_USBController:
213 | pcszType = "usb";
214 | break;
215 |
216 | case VirtualSystemDescriptionType_SoundCard:
217 | pcszType = "sound";
218 | break;
219 |
220 | default:
221 | throw MyError(E_UNEXPECTED, "Invalid VirtualSystemDescriptionType\n");
222 | break;
223 | }
224 |
225 | RTPrintf(" vsys %2u item %2u: type %2d (%s), ovf: \"%ls\", vbox: \"%ls\", extra: \"%ls\"\n",
226 | u, u2, t, pcszType,
227 | aOvfValues[u2],
228 | aVboxValues[u2],
229 | aExtraConfigValues[u2]);
230 | }
231 | }
232 |
233 | RTPrintf("%s: importing %d machine(s)...\n", pcszPrefix, aDescriptions.size());
234 | SafeArray<ImportOptions_T> sfaOptions;
235 | rc = pAppl->ImportMachines(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(sfaOptions), pProgress.asOutParam());
236 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "Appliance::ImportMachines() failed\n");
237 | rc = pProgress->WaitForCompletion(-1);
238 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "Progress::WaitForCompletion() failed\n");
239 | pProgress->COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&rc2);
240 | if (FAILED(rc2)) throw MyError(rc2, "Appliance::ImportMachines() failed\n", pProgress);
241 |
242 | com::SafeArray<BSTR> aMachineUUIDs;
243 | rc = pAppl->COMGETTER(Machines)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aMachineUUIDs));
244 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "Appliance::GetMachines() failed\n");
245 |
246 | for (size_t u = 0;
247 | u < aMachineUUIDs.size();
248 | ++u)
249 | {
250 | RTPrintf("%s: created machine %u: %ls\n", pcszPrefix, u, aMachineUUIDs[u]);
251 | llMachinesCreated.push_back(Guid(Bstr(aMachineUUIDs[u])));
252 | }
253 |
254 | RTPrintf("%s: success!\n", pcszPrefix);
255 | }
256 |
257 | /**
258 | * Copies ovf-testcases/ovf-dummy.vmdk to the given target and appends that
259 | * target as a string to the given list so that the caller can delete it
260 | * again later.
261 | * @param llFiles2Delete List of strings to append the target file path to.
262 | * @param pcszDest Target for dummy VMDK.
263 | */
264 | void copyDummyDiskImage(const char *pcszPrefix,
265 | std::list<Utf8Str> &llFiles2Delete,
266 | const char *pcszDest)
267 | {
268 | RTPrintf("%s: copying ovf-dummy.vmdk to \"%s\"...\n", pcszPrefix, pcszDest);
269 |
270 | int vrc = RTFileCopy("ovf-testcases/ovf-dummy.vmdk", pcszDest);
271 | if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) throw MyError(0, Utf8StrFmt("Cannot copy ovf-dummy.vmdk to %s: %Rra\n", pcszDest, vrc).c_str());
272 | llFiles2Delete.push_back(pcszDest);
273 | }
274 |
275 | /**
276 | *
277 | * @param argc
278 | * @param argv[]
279 | * @return
280 | */
281 | int main(int argc, char *argv[])
282 | {
283 | RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0);
284 |
285 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
286 |
287 | std::list<Utf8Str> llFiles2Delete;
288 | std::list<Guid> llMachinesCreated;
289 |
290 | ComPtr<IVirtualBox> pVirtualBox;
291 |
292 | try
293 | {
294 | RTPrintf("Initializing COM...\n");
295 | rc = com::Initialize();
296 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "failed to initialize COM!\n");
297 |
298 | ComPtr<ISession> pSession;
299 |
300 | RTPrintf("Creating VirtualBox object...\n");
301 | rc = pVirtualBox.createLocalObject(CLSID_VirtualBox);
302 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "failed to create the VirtualBox object!\n");
303 |
304 | rc = pSession.createInprocObject(CLSID_Session);
305 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "failed to create a session object!\n");
306 |
307 | // for each testcase, we will copy the dummy VMDK image to the subdirectory with the OVF testcase
308 | // so that the import will find the disks it expects; this is just for testing the import since
309 | // the imported machines will obviously not be usable.
310 | // llFiles2Delete receives the paths of all the files that we need to clean up later.
311 |
312 | // testcase 1: import ovf-joomla-0.9/joomla-1.1.4-ovf.ovf
313 | copyDummyDiskImage("joomla-0.9", llFiles2Delete, "ovf-testcases/ovf-joomla-0.9/joomla-1.1.4-ovf-0.vmdk");
314 | copyDummyDiskImage("joomla-0.9", llFiles2Delete, "ovf-testcases/ovf-joomla-0.9/joomla-1.1.4-ovf-1.vmdk");
315 | importOVF("joomla-0.9", pVirtualBox, "ovf-testcases/ovf-joomla-0.9/joomla-1.1.4-ovf.ovf", llMachinesCreated);
316 |
317 | // testcase 2: import ovf-winxp-vbox-sharedfolders/winxp.ovf
318 | copyDummyDiskImage("winxp-vbox-sharedfolders", llFiles2Delete, "ovf-testcases/ovf-winxp-vbox-sharedfolders/Windows 5.1 XP 1 merged.vmdk");
319 | copyDummyDiskImage("winxp-vbox-sharedfolders", llFiles2Delete, "ovf-testcases/ovf-winxp-vbox-sharedfolders/smallvdi.vmdk");
320 | importOVF("winxp-vbox-sharedfolders", pVirtualBox, "ovf-testcases/ovf-winxp-vbox-sharedfolders/winxp.ovf", llMachinesCreated);
321 |
322 | // testcase 3: import ovf-winxp-vbox-sharedfolders/winxp.ovf
323 | importOVF("winhost-audio-nodisks", pVirtualBox, "ovf-testcases/ovf-winhost-audio-nodisks/WinXP.ovf", llMachinesCreated);
324 |
325 | RTPrintf("Machine imports done, no errors. Cleaning up...\n");
326 | }
327 | catch (MyError &e)
328 | {
329 | rc = e.m_rc;
330 | RTPrintf("%s", e.m_str.c_str());
331 | }
332 |
333 | try
334 | {
335 | // clean up the machines created
336 | for (std::list<Guid>::const_iterator it = llMachinesCreated.begin();
337 | it != llMachinesCreated.end();
338 | ++it)
339 | {
340 | const Guid &uuid = *it;
341 | Bstr bstrUUID(uuid.toUtf16());
342 | ComPtr<IMachine> pMachine;
343 | rc = pVirtualBox->FindMachine(bstrUUID.raw(), pMachine.asOutParam());
344 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "VirtualBox::FindMachine() failed\n");
345 |
346 | RTPrintf(" Deleting machine %ls...\n", bstrUUID.raw());
347 | SafeIfaceArray<IMedium> sfaMedia;
348 | rc = pMachine->Unregister(CleanupMode_DetachAllReturnHardDisksOnly,
349 | ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(sfaMedia));
350 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "Machine::Unregister() failed\n");
351 |
352 | ComPtr<IProgress> pProgress;
353 | rc = pMachine->DeleteConfig(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(sfaMedia), pProgress.asOutParam());
354 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "Machine::DeleteSettings() failed\n");
355 | rc = pProgress->WaitForCompletion(-1);
356 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw MyError(rc, "Progress::WaitForCompletion() failed\n");
357 | }
358 | }
359 | catch (MyError &e)
360 | {
361 | rc = e.m_rc;
362 | RTPrintf("%s", e.m_str.c_str());
363 | }
364 |
365 | // clean up the VMDK copies that we made in copyDummyDiskImage()
366 | for (std::list<Utf8Str>::const_iterator it = llFiles2Delete.begin();
367 | it != llFiles2Delete.end();
368 | ++it)
369 | {
370 | const Utf8Str &strFile = *it;
371 | RTPrintf("Deleting file %s...\n", strFile.c_str());
372 | RTFileDelete(strFile.c_str());
373 | }
374 |
375 | pVirtualBox.setNull();
376 |
377 | RTPrintf("Shutting down COM...\n");
378 | com::Shutdown();
379 | RTPrintf ("tstOVF all done!\n");
380 |
381 | return rc;
382 | }
383 |