1 | /* $Id: tstMouseImpl.cpp 51615 2014-06-13 08:01:09Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * Main unit test - Mouse class.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | /******************************************************************************
19 | * Header Files *
20 | ******************************************************************************/
21 | #define IN_VMM_R3 /* Kill most Windows warnings on CFGMR3* implementations. */
22 | #include "MouseImpl.h"
23 | #include "VMMDev.h"
24 | #include "DisplayImpl.h"
25 |
26 | #include <VBox/vmm/cfgm.h>
27 | #include <VBox/vmm/pdmdrv.h>
28 | #include <VBox/VMMDev.h>
29 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
30 | #include <iprt/test.h>
31 |
32 |
34 |
35 | class TestVMMDev : public VMMDevMouseInterface
36 | {
37 | PPDMIVMMDEVPORT getVMMDevPort(void) { return &VMMDevPort; }
38 | };
39 |
40 | class TestDisplay : public DisplayMouseInterface
41 | {
42 | void getFramebufferDimensions(int32_t *px1, int32_t *py1,
43 | int32_t *px2, int32_t *py2);
44 | int getScreenResolution(uint32_t cScreen, ULONG *pcx, ULONG *pcy,
45 | ULONG *pcBPP, LONG *pXOrigin, LONG *pYOrigin);
46 | };
47 |
48 | class TestConsole : public ConsoleMouseInterface
49 | {
50 | public:
51 | VMMDevMouseInterface *i_getVMMDevMouseInterface() { return &mVMMDev; }
52 | DisplayMouseInterface *i_getDisplayMouseInterface() { return &mDisplay; }
53 | /** @todo why on earth is this not implemented? */
54 | void onMouseCapabilityChange(BOOL supportsAbsolute, BOOL supportsRelative,
55 | BOOL supportsMT, BOOL needsHostCursor) {}
56 |
57 | private:
58 | TestVMMDev mVMMDev;
59 | TestDisplay mDisplay;
60 | };
61 |
62 | static int pdmdrvhlpAttach(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, uint32_t fFlags,
63 | PPDMIBASE *ppBaseInterface)
64 | {
66 | }
67 |
68 | static struct PDMDRVHLPR3 pdmHlpR3 =
69 | {
71 | pdmdrvhlpAttach,
72 | NULL, /* pfnDetach */
73 | NULL, /* pfnDetachSelf */
74 | NULL, /* pfnMountPrepare */
75 | NULL, /* pfnAssertEMT */
76 | NULL, /* pfnAssertOther */
77 | NULL, /* pfnVMSetError */
78 | NULL, /* pfnVMSetErrorV */
79 | NULL, /* pfnVMSetRuntimeError */
80 | NULL, /* pfnVMSetRuntimeErrorV */
81 | NULL, /* pfnVMState */
82 | NULL, /* pfnVMTeleportedAndNotFullyResumedYet */
83 | NULL, /* pfnGetSupDrvSession */
84 | NULL, /* pfnQueueCreate */
85 | NULL, /* pfnTMGetVirtualFreq */
86 | NULL, /* pfnTMGetVirtualTime */
87 | NULL, /* pfnTMTimerCreate */
88 | NULL, /* pfnSSMRegister */
89 | NULL, /* pfnSSMDeregister */
90 | NULL, /* pfnDBGFInfoRegister */
91 | NULL, /* pfnDBGFInfoDeregister */
92 | NULL, /* pfnSTAMRegister */
93 | NULL, /* pfnSTAMRegisterF */
94 | NULL, /* pfnSTAMRegisterV */
95 | NULL, /* pfnSTAMDeregister */
96 | NULL, /* pfnSUPCallVMMR0Ex */
97 | NULL, /* pfnUSBRegisterHub */
98 | NULL, /* pfnSetAsyncNotification */
99 | NULL, /* pfnAsyncNotificationCompleted */
100 | NULL, /* pfnThreadCreate */
101 | NULL, /* pfnAsyncCompletionTemplateCreate */
103 | NULL, /* pfnNetShaperAttach */
104 | NULL, /* pfnNetShaperDetach */
105 | #endif
106 | NULL, /* pfnLdrGetRCInterfaceSymbols */
107 | NULL, /* pfnLdrGetR0InterfaceSymbols */
108 | NULL, /* pfnCritSectInit */
109 | NULL, /* pfnCallR0 */
110 | NULL, /* pfnFTSetCheckpoint */
111 | NULL, /* pfnBlkCacheRetain */
112 | NULL, /* pfnVMGetSuspendReason */
113 | NULL, /* pfnVMGetResumeReason */
114 | NULL, /* pfnReserved0 */
115 | NULL, /* pfnReserved1 */
116 | NULL, /* pfnReserved2 */
117 | NULL, /* pfnReserved3 */
118 | NULL, /* pfnReserved4 */
119 | NULL, /* pfnReserved5 */
120 | NULL, /* pfnReserved6 */
121 | NULL, /* pfnReserved7 */
122 | NULL, /* pfnReserved8 */
123 | NULL, /* pfnReserved9 */
124 | PDM_DRVHLPR3_VERSION /* u32TheEnd */
125 | };
126 |
127 | static struct
128 | {
129 | int32_t dx;
130 | int32_t dy;
131 | int32_t dz;
132 | int32_t dw;
133 | } mouseEvent;
134 |
135 | static int mousePutEvent(PPDMIMOUSEPORT pInterface, int32_t iDeltaX,
136 | int32_t iDeltaY, int32_t iDeltaZ, int32_t iDeltaW,
137 | uint32_t fButtonStates)
138 | {
139 | mouseEvent.dx = iDeltaX;
140 | mouseEvent.dy = iDeltaY;
141 | mouseEvent.dz = iDeltaZ;
142 | mouseEvent.dw = iDeltaW;
143 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
144 | }
145 |
146 | static struct
147 | {
148 | uint32_t cx;
149 | uint32_t cy;
150 | int32_t dz;
151 | int32_t dw;
152 | uint32_t fButtonStates;
153 | } mouseEventAbs;
154 |
155 | static int mousePutEventAbs(PPDMIMOUSEPORT pInterface, uint32_t uX,
156 | uint32_t uY, int32_t iDeltaZ, int32_t iDeltaW,
157 | uint32_t fButtonStates)
158 | {
159 | mouseEventAbs.cx = uX;
160 | mouseEventAbs.cy = uY;
161 | mouseEventAbs.dz = iDeltaZ;
162 | mouseEventAbs.dw = iDeltaW;
163 | mouseEventAbs.fButtonStates = fButtonStates;
164 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
165 | }
166 |
167 | static struct PDMIMOUSEPORT pdmiMousePort =
168 | {
169 | mousePutEvent,
170 | mousePutEventAbs,
171 | NULL /* pfnPutEventMT */
172 | };
173 |
174 | static void *pdmiBaseQuery(struct PDMIBASE *pInterface, const char *pszIID)
175 | {
176 | return &pdmiMousePort;
177 | }
178 |
179 | static struct PDMIBASE pdmiBase =
180 | {
181 | pdmiBaseQuery
182 | };
183 |
184 | static struct PDMDRVINS pdmdrvInsCore =
185 | {
187 | 0, /* iInstance */
188 | NIL_RTRCPTR, /* pHlpRC */
189 | NIL_RTRCPTR, /* pvInstanceDataRC */
190 | NIL_RTR0PTR, /* pHelpR0 */
191 | NIL_RTR0PTR, /* pvInstanceDataR0 */
192 | &pdmHlpR3,
193 | NULL, /* pvInstanceDataR3 */
194 | NIL_RTR3PTR, /* pReg */
195 | NIL_RTR3PTR, /* pCfg */
196 | &pdmiBase,
197 | NULL, /* pDownBase */
198 | { /* IBase */
199 | NULL /* pfnQueryInterface */
200 | },
201 | 0, /* fTracing */
202 | 0, /* idTracing */
203 | #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32
204 | { 0 }, /* au32Padding */
205 | #endif
206 | {
207 | { 0 } /* padding */
208 | }, /* Internal */
209 | { 0 } /* achInstanceData */
210 | };
211 |
212 | static struct PDMDRVINS *ppdmdrvIns = NULL;
213 |
214 | ComObjPtr<Mouse> pMouse;
215 | ConsoleMouseInterface *pConsole = NULL;
216 |
217 | static struct
218 | {
219 | int32_t x;
220 | int32_t y;
221 | } absoluteMouse;
222 |
223 | static int setAbsoluteMouse(PPDMIVMMDEVPORT, int32_t x, int32_t y)
224 | {
225 | absoluteMouse.x = x;
226 | absoluteMouse.y = y;
227 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
228 | }
229 |
230 | static int updateMouseCapabilities(PPDMIVMMDEVPORT, uint32_t, uint32_t)
231 | {
232 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
233 | }
234 |
235 | void TestDisplay::getFramebufferDimensions(int32_t *px1, int32_t *py1,
236 | int32_t *px2, int32_t *py2)
237 | {
238 | if (px1)
239 | *px1 = -320;
240 | if (py1)
241 | *py1 = -240;
242 | if (px2)
243 | *px2 = 320;
244 | if (py2)
245 | *py2 = 240;
246 | }
247 |
248 | int TestDisplay::getScreenResolution(uint32_t cScreen, ULONG *pcx,
249 | ULONG *pcy, ULONG *pcBPP, LONG *pXOrigin, LONG *pYOrigin)
250 | {
251 | NOREF(cScreen);
252 | if (pcx)
253 | *pcx = 640;
254 | if (pcy)
255 | *pcy = 480;
256 | if (pcBPP)
257 | *pcBPP = 32;
258 | if (pXOrigin)
259 | *pXOrigin = 0;
260 | if (pYOrigin)
261 | *pYOrigin = 0;
262 | return S_OK;
263 | }
264 |
265 | /******************************************************************************
266 | * Main test code *
267 | ******************************************************************************/
268 |
269 | static int setup(void)
270 | {
271 | PCFGMNODE pCfg = NULL;
272 | Mouse *pMouse2;
273 | int rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY;
274 | VMMDevPort.pfnSetAbsoluteMouse = setAbsoluteMouse;
275 | VMMDevPort.pfnUpdateMouseCapabilities = updateMouseCapabilities;
276 | HRESULT hrc = pMouse.createObject();
277 | AssertComRC(hrc);
278 | if (FAILED(hrc))
280 | pConsole = new TestConsole;
281 | pMouse->init(pConsole);
282 | ppdmdrvIns = (struct PDMDRVINS *) RTMemAllocZ( sizeof(struct PDMDRVINS)
283 | + Mouse::DrvReg.cbInstance);
284 | *ppdmdrvIns = pdmdrvInsCore;
285 | pMouse2 = pMouse;
286 | pCfg = CFGMR3CreateTree(NULL);
287 | if (pCfg)
288 | {
289 | rc = CFGMR3InsertInteger(pCfg, "Object", (uintptr_t)pMouse2);
290 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
291 | Mouse::DrvReg.pfnConstruct(ppdmdrvIns, pCfg, 0);
292 | }
293 | return rc;
294 | }
295 |
296 | static void teardown(void)
297 | {
298 | pMouse.setNull();
299 | if (pConsole)
300 | delete pConsole;
301 | if (ppdmdrvIns)
302 | RTMemFree(ppdmdrvIns);
303 | }
304 |
305 | static bool approxEq(int a, int b, int prec)
306 | {
307 | return a - b < prec && b - a < prec;
308 | }
309 |
310 | /** @test testAbsToVMMDevNewProtocol */
311 | static void testAbsToVMMDevNewProtocol(RTTEST hTest)
312 | {
313 | PPDMIBASE pBase;
315 |
316 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Absolute event to VMMDev, new protocol");
317 | pBase = &ppdmdrvIns->IBase;
318 | pConnector = (PPDMIMOUSECONNECTOR)pBase->pfnQueryInterface(pBase,
320 | pConnector->pfnReportModes(pConnector, true, false, false);
321 | pMouse->i_onVMMDevGuestCapsChange( VMMDEV_MOUSE_GUEST_CAN_ABSOLUTE
323 | pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
324 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.x, 0x8000, 200),
325 | ("absoluteMouse.x=%d\n", absoluteMouse.x));
326 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.y, 0x8000, 200),
327 | ("absoluteMouse.y=%d\n", absoluteMouse.y));
328 | pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(-319, -239, 0, 0, 0);
329 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.x, 0, 200),
330 | ("absoluteMouse.x=%d\n", absoluteMouse.x));
331 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.y, 0, 200),
332 | ("absoluteMouse.y=%d\n", absoluteMouse.y));
333 | pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(320, 240, 0, 0, 0);
334 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.x, 0xffff, 200),
335 | ("absoluteMouse.x=%d\n", absoluteMouse.x));
336 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.y, 0xffff, 200),
337 | ("absoluteMouse.y=%d\n", absoluteMouse.y));
338 | RTTestSubDone(hTest);
339 | }
340 |
341 | /** @test testAbsToVMMDevOldProtocol */
342 | static void testAbsToVMMDevOldProtocol(RTTEST hTest)
343 | {
344 | PPDMIBASE pBase;
346 |
347 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Absolute event to VMMDev, old protocol");
348 | pBase = &ppdmdrvIns->IBase;
349 | pConnector = (PPDMIMOUSECONNECTOR)pBase->pfnQueryInterface(pBase,
351 | pConnector->pfnReportModes(pConnector, true, false, false);
352 | pMouse->i_onVMMDevGuestCapsChange(VMMDEV_MOUSE_GUEST_CAN_ABSOLUTE);
353 | pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(320, 240, 0, 0, 0);
354 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.x, 0x8000, 200),
355 | ("absoluteMouse.x=%d\n", absoluteMouse.x));
356 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.y, 0x8000, 200),
357 | ("absoluteMouse.y=%d\n", absoluteMouse.y));
358 | pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
359 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.x, 0, 200),
360 | ("absoluteMouse.x=%d\n", absoluteMouse.x));
361 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.y, 0, 200),
362 | ("absoluteMouse.y=%d\n", absoluteMouse.y));
363 | pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(-319, -239, 0, 0, 0);
364 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.x, -0x8000, 200),
365 | ("absoluteMouse.x=%d\n", absoluteMouse.x));
366 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.y, -0x8000, 200),
367 | ("absoluteMouse.y=%d\n", absoluteMouse.y));
368 | RTTestSubDone(hTest);
369 | }
370 |
371 | /** @test testAbsToAbsDev */
372 | static void testAbsToAbsDev(RTTEST hTest)
373 | {
374 | PPDMIBASE pBase;
376 |
377 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Absolute event to absolute device");
378 | pBase = &ppdmdrvIns->IBase;
379 | pConnector = (PPDMIMOUSECONNECTOR)pBase->pfnQueryInterface(pBase,
381 | pConnector->pfnReportModes(pConnector, false, true, false);
382 | pMouse->i_onVMMDevGuestCapsChange(VMMDEV_MOUSE_NEW_PROTOCOL);
383 | pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
384 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(mouseEventAbs.cx, 0x8000, 200),
385 | ("mouseEventAbs.cx=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.cx));
386 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(mouseEventAbs.cy, 0x8000, 200),
387 | ("mouseEventAbs.cy=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.cy));
388 | pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(-319, -239, 0, 0, 3);
389 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(mouseEventAbs.cx, 0, 200),
390 | ("mouseEventAbs.cx=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.cx));
391 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(mouseEventAbs.cy, 0, 200),
392 | ("mouseEventAbs.cy=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.cy));
393 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(mouseEventAbs.fButtonStates == 3,
394 | ("mouseEventAbs.fButtonStates=%u\n",
395 | (unsigned) mouseEventAbs.fButtonStates));
396 | pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(320, 240, -3, 2, 1);
397 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(mouseEventAbs.cx, 0xffff, 200),
398 | ("mouseEventAbs.cx=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.cx));
399 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(mouseEventAbs.cy, 0xffff, 200),
400 | ("mouseEventAbs.cy=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.cy));
401 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(mouseEventAbs.fButtonStates == 1,
402 | ("mouseEventAbs.fButtonStates=%u\n",
403 | (unsigned) mouseEventAbs.fButtonStates));
404 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(mouseEventAbs.dz == -3,
405 | ("mouseEventAbs.dz=%d\n", (int) mouseEvent.dz));
406 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(mouseEventAbs.dw == 2,
407 | ("mouseEventAbs.dw=%d\n", (int) mouseEvent.dw));
408 | mouseEventAbs.cx = mouseEventAbs.cy = 0xffff;
409 | pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(-640, -480, 0, 0, 0);
410 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(mouseEventAbs.cx == 0xffff,
411 | ("mouseEventAbs.cx=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.cx));
412 | RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(mouseEventAbs.cy == 0xffff,
413 | ("mouseEventAbs.cy=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.cy));
414 | RTTestSubDone(hTest);
415 | }
416 |
417 | /** @todo generate this using the @test blocks above */
418 | typedef void (*PFNTEST)(RTTEST);
419 | static PFNTEST g_tests[] =
420 | {
421 | testAbsToVMMDevNewProtocol,
422 | testAbsToVMMDevOldProtocol,
423 | testAbsToAbsDev,
424 | NULL
425 | };
426 |
427 | int main(void)
428 | {
429 | /*
430 | * Init the runtime, test and say hello.
431 | */
432 | RTTEST hTest;
433 | RTEXITCODE rcExit = RTTestInitAndCreate("tstMouseImpl", &hTest);
434 | if (rcExit != RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS)
435 | return rcExit;
436 | RTTestBanner(hTest);
437 |
438 | /*
439 | * Run the tests.
440 | */
441 | for (unsigned i = 0; g_tests[i]; ++i)
442 | {
443 | int rc = setup();
444 | AssertRC(rc);
445 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
446 | g_tests[i](hTest);
447 | teardown();
448 | }
449 |
450 | /*
451 | * Summary
452 | */
453 | return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);
454 | }
455 |