/* $Id: tstMouseImpl.cpp 47384 2013-07-25 09:17:50Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Main unit test - Mouse class. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /****************************************************************************** * Header Files * ******************************************************************************/ #define IN_VMM_R3 /* Kill most Windows warnings on CFGMR3* implementations. */ #include "MouseImpl.h" #include "VMMDev.h" #include "DisplayImpl.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef RT_OS_WINDOWS NS_DECL_CLASSINFO(Mouse) NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS1_CI(Mouse, IMouse) #endif PDMIVMMDEVPORT VMMDevPort; class TestVMMDev : public VMMDevMouseInterface { PPDMIVMMDEVPORT getVMMDevPort(void) { return &VMMDevPort; } }; class TestDisplay : public DisplayMouseInterface { void getFramebufferDimensions(int32_t *px1, int32_t *py1, int32_t *px2, int32_t *py2); int getScreenResolution(uint32_t cScreen, ULONG *pcx, ULONG *pcy, ULONG *pcBPP); }; class TestConsole : public ConsoleMouseInterface { public: VMMDevMouseInterface *getVMMDevMouseInterface() { return &mVMMDev; } DisplayMouseInterface *getDisplayMouseInterface() { return &mDisplay; } /** @todo why on earth is this not implemented? */ void onMouseCapabilityChange(BOOL supportsAbsolute, BOOL supportsRelative, BOOL supportsMT, BOOL needsHostCursor) {} private: TestVMMDev mVMMDev; TestDisplay mDisplay; }; static int pdmdrvhlpAttach(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, uint32_t fFlags, PPDMIBASE *ppBaseInterface) { return VERR_PDM_NO_ATTACHED_DRIVER; } static struct PDMDRVHLPR3 pdmHlpR3 = { PDM_DRVHLPR3_VERSION, pdmdrvhlpAttach, NULL, /* pfnDetach */ NULL, /* pfnDetachSelf */ NULL, /* pfnMountPrepare */ NULL, /* pfnAssertEMT */ NULL, /* pfnAssertOther */ NULL, /* pfnVMSetError */ NULL, /* pfnVMSetErrorV */ NULL, /* pfnVMSetRuntimeError */ NULL, /* pfnVMSetRuntimeErrorV */ NULL, /* pfnVMState */ NULL, /* pfnVMTeleportedAndNotFullyResumedYet */ NULL, /* pfnGetSupDrvSession */ NULL, /* pfnQueueCreate */ NULL, /* pfnTMGetVirtualFreq */ NULL, /* pfnTMGetVirtualTime */ NULL, /* pfnTMTimerCreate */ NULL, /* pfnSSMRegister */ NULL, /* pfnSSMDeregister */ NULL, /* pfnDBGFInfoRegister */ NULL, /* pfnDBGFInfoDeregister */ NULL, /* pfnSTAMRegister */ NULL, /* pfnSTAMRegisterF */ NULL, /* pfnSTAMRegisterV */ NULL, /* pfnSTAMDeregister */ NULL, /* pfnSUPCallVMMR0Ex */ NULL, /* pfnUSBRegisterHub */ NULL, /* pfnSetAsyncNotification */ NULL, /* pfnAsyncNotificationCompleted */ NULL, /* pfnThreadCreate */ NULL, /* pfnAsyncCompletionTemplateCreate */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_NETSHAPER NULL, /* pfnNetShaperAttach */ NULL, /* pfnNetShaperDetach */ #endif NULL, /* pfnLdrGetRCInterfaceSymbols */ NULL, /* pfnLdrGetR0InterfaceSymbols */ NULL, /* pfnCritSectInit */ NULL, /* pfnCallR0 */ NULL, /* pfnFTSetCheckpoint */ NULL, /* pfnBlkCacheRetain */ NULL, /* pfnVMGetSuspendReason */ NULL, /* pfnVMGetResumeReason */ NULL, /* pfnReserved0 */ NULL, /* pfnReserved1 */ NULL, /* pfnReserved2 */ NULL, /* pfnReserved3 */ NULL, /* pfnReserved4 */ NULL, /* pfnReserved5 */ NULL, /* pfnReserved6 */ NULL, /* pfnReserved7 */ NULL, /* pfnReserved8 */ NULL, /* pfnReserved9 */ PDM_DRVHLPR3_VERSION /* u32TheEnd */ }; static struct { int32_t cx; int32_t cy; } mouseEvent; static int mousePutEvent(PPDMIMOUSEPORT pInterface, int32_t iDeltaX, int32_t iDeltaY, int32_t iDeltaZ, int32_t iDeltaW, uint32_t fButtonStates) { mouseEvent.cx = iDeltaX; mouseEvent.cy = iDeltaY; return VINF_SUCCESS; } static struct { int32_t x; int32_t y; } mouseEventAbs; static int mousePutEventAbs(PPDMIMOUSEPORT pInterface, uint32_t uX, uint32_t uY, int32_t iDeltaZ, int32_t iDeltaW, uint32_t fButtonStates) { mouseEventAbs.x = uX; mouseEventAbs.y = uY; return VINF_SUCCESS; } static struct PDMIMOUSEPORT pdmiMousePort = { mousePutEvent, mousePutEventAbs, NULL /* pfnPutEventMT */ }; static void *pdmiBaseQuery(struct PDMIBASE *pInterface, const char *pszIID) { return &pdmiMousePort; } static struct PDMIBASE pdmiBase = { pdmiBaseQuery }; static struct PDMDRVINS pdmdrvInsCore = { PDM_DRVINS_VERSION, 0, /* iInstance */ NIL_RTRCPTR, /* pHlpRC */ NIL_RTRCPTR, /* pvInstanceDataRC */ NIL_RTR0PTR, /* pHelpR0 */ NIL_RTR0PTR, /* pvInstanceDataR0 */ &pdmHlpR3, NULL, /* pvInstanceDataR3 */ NIL_RTR3PTR, /* pReg */ NIL_RTR3PTR, /* pCfg */ &pdmiBase, NULL, /* pDownBase */ NULL, /* IBase */ 0, /* fTracing */ 0, /* idTracing */ #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 0, /* au32Padding */ #endif { 0 /* Padding */ }, /* Internal */ 0 /* achInstanceData */ }; static struct PDMDRVINS *ppdmdrvIns = NULL; ComObjPtr pMouse; ConsoleMouseInterface *pConsole = NULL; static struct { int32_t x; int32_t y; } absoluteMouse; static int setAbsoluteMouse(PPDMIVMMDEVPORT, int32_t x, int32_t y) { absoluteMouse.x = x; absoluteMouse.y = y; return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int updateMouseCapabilities(PPDMIVMMDEVPORT, uint32_t, uint32_t) { return VINF_SUCCESS; } void TestDisplay::getFramebufferDimensions(int32_t *px1, int32_t *py1, int32_t *px2, int32_t *py2) { if (px1) *px1 = -320; if (py1) *py1 = -240; if (px2) *px2 = 320; if (py2) *py2 = 240; } int TestDisplay::getScreenResolution(uint32_t cScreen, ULONG *pcx, ULONG *pcy, ULONG *pcBPP) { NOREF(cScreen); if (pcx) *pcx = 640; if (pcy) *pcy = 480; if (pcBPP) *pcBPP = 32; return S_OK; } DECLEXPORT(bool) CFGMR3AreValuesValid(PCFGMNODE, const char *) { return true; } DECLEXPORT(int) CFGMR3QueryPtr(PCFGMNODE, const char *, void **pv) { *pv = pMouse; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /****************************************************************************** * Main test code * ******************************************************************************/ static int setup(void) { VMMDevPort.pfnSetAbsoluteMouse = setAbsoluteMouse; VMMDevPort.pfnUpdateMouseCapabilities = updateMouseCapabilities; HRESULT hrc = pMouse.createObject(); AssertComRC(hrc); if (FAILED(hrc)) return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; pConsole = new TestConsole; pMouse->init(pConsole); ppdmdrvIns = (struct PDMDRVINS *) RTMemAllocZ( sizeof(struct PDMDRVINS) + Mouse::DrvReg.cbInstance); *ppdmdrvIns = pdmdrvInsCore; Mouse::DrvReg.pfnConstruct(ppdmdrvIns, NULL, 0); return VINF_SUCCESS; } static void teardown(void) { pMouse.setNull(); if (pConsole) delete pConsole; if (ppdmdrvIns) RTMemFree(ppdmdrvIns); } static bool approxEq(int a, int b, int prec) { return a - b < prec && b - a < prec; } /** @test testAbsToVMMDevNewProtocol */ static void testAbsToVMMDevNewProtocol(RTTEST hTest) { PPDMIBASE pBase; PPDMIMOUSECONNECTOR pConnector; RTTestSub(hTest, "Absolute event to VMMDev, new protocol"); pBase = &ppdmdrvIns->IBase; pConnector = (PPDMIMOUSECONNECTOR)pBase->pfnQueryInterface(pBase, PDMIMOUSECONNECTOR_IID); pConnector->pfnReportModes(pConnector, true, false, false); pMouse->onVMMDevGuestCapsChange( VMMDEV_MOUSE_GUEST_CAN_ABSOLUTE | VMMDEV_MOUSE_NEW_PROTOCOL); pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.x, 0x8000, 200), ("absoluteMouse.x=%d\n", absoluteMouse.x)); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.y, 0x8000, 200), ("absoluteMouse.y=%d\n", absoluteMouse.y)); pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(-319, -239, 0, 0, 0); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.x, 0, 200), ("absoluteMouse.x=%d\n", absoluteMouse.x)); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.y, 0, 200), ("absoluteMouse.y=%d\n", absoluteMouse.y)); pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(320, 240, 0, 0, 0); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.x, 0xffff, 200), ("absoluteMouse.x=%d\n", absoluteMouse.x)); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.y, 0xffff, 200), ("absoluteMouse.y=%d\n", absoluteMouse.y)); RTTestSubDone(hTest); } /** @test testAbsToVMMDevOldProtocol */ static void testAbsToVMMDevOldProtocol(RTTEST hTest) { PPDMIBASE pBase; PPDMIMOUSECONNECTOR pConnector; RTTestSub(hTest, "Absolute event to VMMDev, old protocol"); pBase = &ppdmdrvIns->IBase; pConnector = (PPDMIMOUSECONNECTOR)pBase->pfnQueryInterface(pBase, PDMIMOUSECONNECTOR_IID); pConnector->pfnReportModes(pConnector, true, false, false); pMouse->onVMMDevGuestCapsChange(VMMDEV_MOUSE_GUEST_CAN_ABSOLUTE); pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(320, 240, 0, 0, 0); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.x, 0x8000, 200), ("absoluteMouse.x=%d\n", absoluteMouse.x)); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.y, 0x8000, 200), ("absoluteMouse.y=%d\n", absoluteMouse.y)); pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.x, 0, 200), ("absoluteMouse.x=%d\n", absoluteMouse.x)); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.y, 0, 200), ("absoluteMouse.y=%d\n", absoluteMouse.y)); pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(-319, -239, 0, 0, 0); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.x, -0x8000, 200), ("absoluteMouse.x=%d\n", absoluteMouse.x)); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(absoluteMouse.y, -0x8000, 200), ("absoluteMouse.y=%d\n", absoluteMouse.y)); RTTestSubDone(hTest); } /** @test testAbsToAbsDev */ static void testAbsToAbsDev(RTTEST hTest) { PPDMIBASE pBase; PPDMIMOUSECONNECTOR pConnector; RTTestSub(hTest, "Absolute event to absolute device"); pBase = &ppdmdrvIns->IBase; pConnector = (PPDMIMOUSECONNECTOR)pBase->pfnQueryInterface(pBase, PDMIMOUSECONNECTOR_IID); pConnector->pfnReportModes(pConnector, false, true, false); pMouse->onVMMDevGuestCapsChange( VMMDEV_MOUSE_GUEST_CAN_ABSOLUTE | VMMDEV_MOUSE_NEW_PROTOCOL); pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(mouseEventAbs.x, 0x8000, 200), ("mouseEventAbs.x=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.x)); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(mouseEventAbs.y, 0x8000, 200), ("mouseEventAbs.y=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.y)); pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(-319, -239, 0, 0, 0); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(mouseEventAbs.x, 0, 200), ("mouseEventAbs.x=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.x)); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(mouseEventAbs.y, 0, 200), ("mouseEventAbs.y=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.y)); pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(320, 240, 0, 0, 0); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(mouseEventAbs.x, 0xffff, 200), ("mouseEventAbs.x=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.x)); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(approxEq(mouseEventAbs.y, 0xffff, 200), ("mouseEventAbs.y=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.y)); mouseEventAbs.x = mouseEventAbs.y = 0xffff; pMouse->PutMouseEventAbsolute(-640, -480, 0, 0, 0); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(mouseEventAbs.x = 0xffff, ("mouseEventAbs.x=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.x)); RTTESTI_CHECK_MSG(mouseEventAbs.y == 0xffff, ("mouseEventAbs.y=%d\n", mouseEventAbs.y)); RTTestSubDone(hTest); } /** @todo generate this using the @test blocks above */ typedef void (*PFNTEST)(RTTEST); static PFNTEST g_tests[] = { testAbsToVMMDevNewProtocol, testAbsToVMMDevOldProtocol, testAbsToAbsDev, NULL }; int main(void) { /* * Init the runtime, test and say hello. */ RTTEST hTest; RTEXITCODE rcExit = RTTestInitAndCreate("tstMouseImpl", &hTest); if (rcExit != RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS) return rcExit; RTTestBanner(hTest); /* * Run the tests. */ for (unsigned i = 0; g_tests[i]; ++i) { int rc = setup(); AssertRC(rc); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) g_tests[i](hTest); teardown(); } /* * Summary */ return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest); }