1 | /* $Id: tstMediumLock.cpp 69498 2017-10-28 15:07:25Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * Medium lock test cases.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | #define LOG_ENABLED
20 | #include <VBox/log.h>
21 |
22 | #include <VBox/com/com.h>
23 | #include <VBox/com/ptr.h>
24 | #include <VBox/com/defs.h>
25 | #include <VBox/com/array.h>
26 | #include <VBox/com/string.h>
27 | #include <VBox/com/VirtualBox.h>
28 |
29 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
30 | #include <iprt/uuid.h>
31 | #include <iprt/path.h>
32 | #include <iprt/string.h>
33 | #include <iprt/initterm.h>
34 | #include <iprt/test.h>
35 |
36 | using namespace com;
37 |
38 |
39 | #define TEST_RT_SUCCESS(x,y,z) \
40 | do \
41 | { \
42 | int rc = (y); \
43 | if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \
44 | RTTestFailed((x), "%s %Rrc", (z), rc); \
45 | } while (0)
46 |
47 | #define TEST_COM_SUCCESS(x,y,z) \
48 | do \
49 | { \
50 | HRESULT hrc = (y); \
51 | if (FAILED(hrc)) \
52 | RTTestFailed((x), "%s %Rhrc", (z), hrc); \
53 | } while (0)
54 |
55 | #define TEST_COM_FAILURE(x,y,z) \
56 | do \
57 | { \
58 | HRESULT hrc = (y); \
59 | if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) \
60 | RTTestFailed((x), "%s", (z)); \
61 | } while (0)
62 |
63 | int main(int argc, char *argv[])
64 | {
65 | /* Init the runtime without loading the support driver. */
66 | RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0);
67 |
68 | RTTEST hTest;
69 | RTEXITCODE rcExit = RTTestInitAndCreate("tstMediumLock", &hTest);
70 | if (rcExit)
71 | return rcExit;
72 | RTTestBanner(hTest);
73 |
74 | bool fComInit = false;
75 | ComPtr<IVirtualBoxClient> pVirtualBoxClient;
76 | ComPtr<IVirtualBox> pVirtualBox;
77 | char szPathTemp[RTPATH_MAX] = "";
78 | ComPtr<IMedium> pMedium;
79 |
80 | if (!RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest))
81 | {
82 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Constructing temp image name");
83 | TEST_RT_SUCCESS(hTest, RTPathTemp(szPathTemp, sizeof(szPathTemp)), "temp directory");
84 | RTUUID uuid;
85 | RTUuidCreate(&uuid);
86 | char szFile[50];
87 | RTStrPrintf(szFile, sizeof(szFile), "%RTuuid.vdi", &uuid);
88 | TEST_RT_SUCCESS(hTest, RTPathAppend(szPathTemp, sizeof(szPathTemp), szFile), "concatenate image name");
89 | }
90 |
91 | if (!RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest))
92 | {
93 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Initializing COM");
94 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, Initialize(), "init");
95 | }
96 |
97 | if (!RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest))
98 | {
99 | fComInit = true;
100 |
101 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Getting VirtualBox reference");
102 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pVirtualBoxClient.createInprocObject(CLSID_VirtualBoxClient), "vboxclient reference");
103 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pVirtualBoxClient->COMGETTER(VirtualBox)(pVirtualBox.asOutParam()), "vbox reference");
104 | }
105 |
106 | if (!RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest))
107 | {
108 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Creating temp hard disk medium");
109 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pVirtualBox->CreateMedium(Bstr("VDI").raw(), Bstr(szPathTemp).raw(), AccessMode_ReadWrite, DeviceType_HardDisk, pMedium.asOutParam()), "create medium");
110 | if (!pMedium.isNull())
111 | {
112 | ComPtr<IProgress> pProgress;
113 | SafeArray<MediumVariant_T> variant;
114 | variant.push_back(MediumVariant_Standard);
115 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->CreateBaseStorage(_1M, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(variant), pProgress.asOutParam()), "create base storage");
116 | if (!pProgress.isNull())
117 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pProgress->WaitForCompletion(30000), "waiting for completion of create");
118 | }
119 | }
120 |
121 | if (!RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest))
122 | {
123 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Write locks");
124 | ComPtr<IToken> pToken1, pToken2;
125 |
126 | MediumState_T mediumState = MediumState_NotCreated;
127 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting state");
128 | if (mediumState != MediumState_Created)
129 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong medium state %d", mediumState);
130 |
131 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->LockWrite(pToken1.asOutParam()), "write lock");
132 |
133 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting lock write state");
134 | if (mediumState != MediumState_LockedWrite)
135 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong lock write medium state %d", mediumState);
136 |
137 | TEST_COM_FAILURE(hTest, pMedium->LockWrite(pToken2.asOutParam()), "nested write lock succeeded");
138 | if (!pToken2.isNull())
139 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "pToken2 is not null");
140 |
141 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting after nested lock write state");
142 | if (mediumState != MediumState_LockedWrite)
143 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong after nested lock write medium state %d", mediumState);
144 |
145 | if (!pToken1.isNull())
146 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pToken1->Abandon(), "write unlock");
147 | else
148 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "pToken1 is null");
149 |
150 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting unlock write state");
151 | if (mediumState != MediumState_Created)
152 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong unlock write medium state %d", mediumState);
153 | }
154 |
155 | if (!RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest))
156 | {
157 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Read locks");
158 | ComPtr<IToken> pToken1, pToken2;
159 |
160 | MediumState_T mediumState = MediumState_NotCreated;
161 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting state");
162 | if (mediumState != MediumState_Created)
163 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong medium state %d", mediumState);
164 |
165 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->LockRead(pToken1.asOutParam()), "read lock");
166 |
167 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting lock read state");
168 | if (mediumState != MediumState_LockedRead)
169 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong lock read medium state %d", mediumState);
170 |
171 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->LockRead(pToken2.asOutParam()), "nested read lock failed");
172 |
173 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting after nested lock read state");
174 | if (mediumState != MediumState_LockedRead)
175 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong after nested lock read medium state %d", mediumState);
176 |
177 | if (!pToken2.isNull())
178 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pToken2->Abandon(), "read nested unlock");
179 | else
180 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "pToken2 is null");
181 |
182 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting after nested lock read state");
183 | if (mediumState != MediumState_LockedRead)
184 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong after nested lock read medium state %d", mediumState);
185 |
186 | if (!pToken1.isNull())
187 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pToken1->Abandon(), "read nested unlock");
188 | else
189 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "pToken1 is null");
190 |
191 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting unlock read state");
192 | if (mediumState != MediumState_Created)
193 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong unlock read medium state %d", mediumState);
194 | }
195 |
196 | if (!RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest))
197 | {
198 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Mixing write and read locks");
199 | ComPtr<IToken> pToken1, pToken2;
200 |
201 | MediumState_T mediumState = MediumState_NotCreated;
202 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting state");
203 | if (mediumState != MediumState_Created)
204 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong medium state %d", mediumState);
205 |
206 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->LockWrite(pToken1.asOutParam()), "write lock");
207 |
208 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting lock write state");
209 | if (mediumState != MediumState_LockedWrite)
210 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong lock write medium state %d", mediumState);
211 |
212 | TEST_COM_FAILURE(hTest, pMedium->LockRead(pToken2.asOutParam()), "write+read lock succeeded");
213 | if (!pToken2.isNull())
214 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "pToken2 is not null");
215 |
216 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting after nested lock write state");
217 | if (mediumState != MediumState_LockedWrite)
218 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong after nested lock write medium state %d", mediumState);
219 |
220 | if (!pToken1.isNull())
221 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pToken1->Abandon(), "write unlock");
222 | else
223 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "pToken1 is null");
224 |
225 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting unlock write state");
226 | if (mediumState != MediumState_Created)
227 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong unlock write medium state %d", mediumState);
228 | }
229 |
230 | if (!RTTestSubErrorCount(hTest))
231 | {
232 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Mixing read and write locks");
233 | ComPtr<IToken> pToken1, pToken2;
234 |
235 | MediumState_T mediumState = MediumState_NotCreated;
236 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting state");
237 | if (mediumState != MediumState_Created)
238 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong medium state %d", mediumState);
239 |
240 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->LockRead(pToken1.asOutParam()), "read lock");
241 |
242 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting lock read state");
243 | if (mediumState != MediumState_LockedRead)
244 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong lock read medium state %d", mediumState);
245 |
246 | TEST_COM_FAILURE(hTest, pMedium->LockWrite(pToken2.asOutParam()), "read+write lock succeeded");
247 | if (!pToken2.isNull())
248 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "pToken2 is not null");
249 |
250 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting after nested lock read state");
251 | if (mediumState != MediumState_LockedRead)
252 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong after nested lock read medium state %d", mediumState);
253 |
254 | if (!pToken1.isNull())
255 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pToken1->Abandon(), "read unlock");
256 | else
257 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "pToken1 is null");
258 |
259 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting unlock read state");
260 | if (mediumState != MediumState_Created)
261 | RTTestFailed(hTest, "wrong unlock read medium state %d", mediumState);
262 | }
263 |
264 | /* Cleanup, also part of the testcase */
265 |
266 | if (!pMedium.isNull())
267 | {
268 | RTTestSub(hTest, "Closing medium");
269 | MediumState_T mediumState = MediumState_NotCreated;
270 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->COMGETTER(State)(&mediumState), "getting state");
271 | if (mediumState == MediumState_Created)
272 | {
273 | ComPtr<IProgress> pProgress;
274 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->DeleteStorage(pProgress.asOutParam()), "deleting storage");
275 | if (!pProgress.isNull())
276 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pProgress->WaitForCompletion(30000), "waiting for completion of delete");
277 | }
278 | TEST_COM_SUCCESS(hTest, pMedium->Close(), "closing");
279 | pMedium.setNull();
280 | }
281 |
282 | pVirtualBox.setNull();
283 | pVirtualBoxClient.setNull();
284 |
285 | /* Make sure that there are no object references alive here, XPCOM does
286 | * a very bad job at cleaning up such leftovers, spitting out warning
287 | * messages in a debug build. */
288 |
289 | if (fComInit)
290 | {
291 | RTTestIPrintf(RTTESTLVL_DEBUG, "Shutting down COM...\n");
292 | Shutdown();
293 | }
294 |
295 | /*
296 | * Summary.
297 | */
298 | return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(hTest);
299 | }