/* $Id: UnattendedScript.cpp 68162 2017-07-28 15:28:33Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Implementeation of algorithms which read/parse/save scripts for unattended installation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_MAIN_UNATTENDED #include "LoggingNew.h" #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" #include "AutoCaller.h" #include #include "MachineImpl.h" #include "UnattendedScript.h" #include "UnattendedImpl.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * * * Implementation BaseTextScript functions * */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT BaseTextScript::read(const Utf8Str &rStrFilename) { /* * Open the file for reading and figure it's size. Capping the size * at 16MB so we don't exaust the heap on bad input. */ HRESULT hrc; RTVFSFILE hVfsFile; int vrc = RTVfsFileOpenNormal(rStrFilename.c_str(), RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_DENY_NONE, &hVfsFile); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { hrc = readFromHandle(hVfsFile, rStrFilename.c_str()); RTVfsFileRelease(hVfsFile); } else hrc = mpSetError->setErrorVrc(vrc, mpSetError->tr("Failed to open '%s' (%Rrc)"), rStrFilename.c_str(), vrc); return hrc; } HRESULT BaseTextScript::readFromHandle(RTVFSFILE hVfsFile, const char *pszFilename) { /* * Open the file for reading and figure it's size. Capping the size * at 16MB so we don't exaust the heap on bad input. */ HRESULT hrc; uint64_t cbFile = 0; int vrc = RTVfsFileGetSize(hVfsFile, &cbFile); if ( RT_SUCCESS(vrc) && cbFile < _16M) { /* * Exploint the jolt() feature of RTCString and read the content directly into * its storage buffer. */ vrc = mStrScriptFullContent.reserveNoThrow((size_t)cbFile + 1); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { char *pszDst = mStrScriptFullContent.mutableRaw(); vrc = RTVfsFileReadAt(hVfsFile, 0 /*off*/, pszDst, (size_t)cbFile, NULL); pszDst[(size_t)cbFile] = '\0'; if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { /* * We must validate the encoding or we'll be subject to potential security trouble. * If this turns out to be problematic, we will need to implement codeset * conversion coping mechanisms. */ vrc = RTStrValidateEncodingEx(pszDst, (size_t)cbFile + 1, RTSTR_VALIDATE_ENCODING_ZERO_TERMINATED | RTSTR_VALIDATE_ENCODING_EXACT_LENGTH); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { mStrScriptFullContent.jolt(); return S_OK; } hrc = mpSetError->setErrorVrc(vrc, mpSetError->tr("'%s' isn't valid UTF-8: %Rrc"), pszFilename, vrc); } else hrc = mpSetError->setErrorVrc(vrc, mpSetError->tr("Error reading '%s': %Rrc"), pszFilename, vrc); mStrScriptFullContent.setNull(); } else hrc = mpSetError->setErrorVrc(vrc, mpSetError->tr("Failed to allocate memory (%'RU64 bytes) for '%s'"), cbFile, pszFilename); } else if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) hrc = mpSetError->setErrorVrc(VERR_FILE_TOO_BIG, mpSetError->tr("'%s' is too big (max 16MB): %'RU64"), pszFilename, cbFile); else hrc = mpSetError->setErrorVrc(vrc, mpSetError->tr("RTVfsFileGetSize failed (%Rrc)"), vrc); return hrc; } HRESULT BaseTextScript::save(const Utf8Str &rStrFilename, bool fOverwrite) { /* * We may have to append the default filename to the */ const char *pszFilename = rStrFilename.c_str(); Utf8Str strWithDefaultFilename; if ( getDefaultFilename() != NULL && *getDefaultFilename() != '\0' && RTDirExists(rStrFilename.c_str()) ) { try { strWithDefaultFilename = rStrFilename; strWithDefaultFilename.append(RTPATH_SLASH); strWithDefaultFilename.append(getDefaultFilename()); } catch (std::bad_alloc) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } pszFilename = strWithDefaultFilename.c_str(); } /* * Save the filename for later use. */ try { mStrSavedPath = pszFilename; } catch (std::bad_alloc) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } /* * Use the saveToString method to produce the content. */ Utf8Str strDst; HRESULT hrc = saveToString(strDst); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { /* * Write the content. */ RTFILE hFile; uint64_t fOpen = RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_DENY_ALL; if (fOverwrite) fOpen |= RTFILE_O_CREATE_REPLACE; else fOpen |= RTFILE_O_CREATE; int vrc = RTFileOpen(&hFile, pszFilename, fOpen); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { vrc = RTFileWrite(hFile, strDst.c_str(), strDst.length(), NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { vrc = RTFileClose(hFile); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { LogRelFlow(("GeneralTextScript::save(): saved %zu bytes to '%s'\n", strDst.length(), pszFilename)); return S_OK; } } RTFileClose(hFile); RTFileDelete(pszFilename); hrc = mpSetError->setErrorVrc(vrc, mpSetError->tr("Error writing to '%s' (%Rrc)"), pszFilename, vrc); } else hrc = mpSetError->setErrorVrc(vrc, mpSetError->tr("Error creating/replacing '%s' (%Rrc)"), pszFilename, vrc); } return hrc; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * * * Implementation UnattendedScriptTemplate methods * */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UnattendedScriptTemplate::UnattendedScriptTemplate(Unattended *pUnattended, const char *pszDefaultTemplateFilename, const char *pszDefaultFilename) : BaseTextScript(pUnattended, pszDefaultTemplateFilename, pszDefaultFilename), mpUnattended(pUnattended) { } HRESULT UnattendedScriptTemplate::saveToString(Utf8Str &rStrDst) { static const char s_szPrefix[] = "@@VBOX_"; static const char s_szPrefixInsert[] = "@@VBOX_INSERT_"; static const char s_szPrefixCond[] = "@@VBOX_COND_"; static const char s_szPrefixCondEnd[] = "@@VBOX_COND_END@@"; struct { bool fSavedOutputting; } aConds[8]; unsigned cConds = 0; bool fOutputting = true; HRESULT hrc = E_FAIL; size_t offTemplate = 0; size_t cchTemplate = mStrScriptFullContent.length(); rStrDst.setNull(); for (;;) { /* * Find the next placeholder and add any text before it to the output. */ size_t offPlaceholder = mStrScriptFullContent.find(s_szPrefix, offTemplate); size_t cchToCopy = offPlaceholder != RTCString::npos ? offPlaceholder - offTemplate : cchTemplate - offTemplate; if (cchToCopy > 0) { if (fOutputting) { try { rStrDst.append(mStrScriptFullContent, offTemplate, cchToCopy); } catch (std::bad_alloc) { hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } } offTemplate += cchToCopy; } /* * Process placeholder. */ if (offPlaceholder != RTCString::npos) { /* * First we must find the end of the placeholder string. */ const char *pszPlaceholder = mStrScriptFullContent.c_str() + offPlaceholder; size_t cchPlaceholder = sizeof(s_szPrefix) - 1; char ch; while ( offPlaceholder + cchPlaceholder < cchTemplate && (ch = pszPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder]) != '\0' && ( ch == '_' || RT_C_IS_UPPER(ch) || RT_C_IS_DIGIT(ch)) ) cchPlaceholder++; if ( offPlaceholder + cchPlaceholder < cchTemplate && pszPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder] == '@') { cchPlaceholder++; if ( offPlaceholder + cchPlaceholder < cchTemplate && pszPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder] == '@') cchPlaceholder++; } if ( pszPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder - 1] != '@' || pszPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder - 2] != '@' || ( strncmp(pszPlaceholder, s_szPrefixInsert, sizeof(s_szPrefixInsert) - 1) != 0 && strncmp(pszPlaceholder, s_szPrefixCond, sizeof(s_szPrefixCond) - 1) != 0) ) { hrc = mpSetError->setError(E_FAIL, mpSetError->tr("Malformed template placeholder '%.*s'"), cchPlaceholder, pszPlaceholder); break; } offTemplate += cchPlaceholder; /* * @@VBOX_INSERT_XXX@@: */ if (strncmp(pszPlaceholder, s_szPrefixInsert, sizeof(s_szPrefixInsert) - 1) == 0) { /* * Get the placeholder value and add it to the output. */ RTCString strValue; hrc = getReplacement(pszPlaceholder, cchPlaceholder, fOutputting, strValue); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { if (fOutputting) { try { rStrDst.append(strValue); } catch (std::bad_alloc) { hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } } } else break; } /* * @@VBOX_COND_END@@: Pop one item of the conditional stack. */ else if ( cchPlaceholder == sizeof(s_szPrefixCondEnd) - 1U && strncmp(pszPlaceholder, s_szPrefixCondEnd, sizeof(s_szPrefixCondEnd) - 1U) == 0) { if (cConds > 0) { cConds--; fOutputting = aConds[cConds].fSavedOutputting; } else { hrc = mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, mpSetError->tr("%s without @@VBOX_COND_XXX@@ at offset %zu (%#zx)"), s_szPrefixCondEnd, offPlaceholder, offPlaceholder); break; } } /* * @@VBOX_COND_XXX@@: Push the previous outputting state and combine it with the * one from the condition. */ else { Assert(strncmp(pszPlaceholder, s_szPrefixCond, sizeof(s_szPrefixCond) - 1) == 0); if (cConds + 1 < RT_ELEMENTS(aConds)) { aConds[cConds].fSavedOutputting = fOutputting; bool fNewOutputting = fOutputting; hrc = getConditional(pszPlaceholder, cchPlaceholder, &fNewOutputting); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) fOutputting = fOutputting && fNewOutputting; else break; cConds++; } else { hrc = mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, mpSetError->tr("Too deep conditional nesting at offset %zu (%#zx)"), offPlaceholder, offPlaceholder); break; } } } /* * Done? */ if (offTemplate >= cchTemplate) { if (cConds == 0) return S_OK; if (cConds == 1) hrc = mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, mpSetError->tr("Missing @@VBOX_COND_END@@")); else hrc = mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_PARSE_ERROR, mpSetError->tr("Missing %u @@VBOX_COND_END@@"), cConds); break; } } /* failed */ rStrDst.setNull(); return hrc; } HRESULT UnattendedScriptTemplate::getReplacement(const char *pachPlaceholder, size_t cchPlaceholder, bool fOutputting, RTCString &rValue) { /* * Check for an escaping suffix. Drop the '@@'. */ size_t const cchFullPlaceholder = cchPlaceholder; enum { kValueEscaping_None, kValueEscaping_Bourne, kValueEscaping_XML_Element, kValueEscaping_XML_Attribute_Double_Quotes } enmEscaping; #define PLACEHOLDER_ENDS_WITH(a_szSuffix) \ ( cchPlaceholder > sizeof(a_szSuffix) - 1U \ && memcmp(&pachPlaceholder[cchPlaceholder - sizeof(a_szSuffix) + 1U], a_szSuffix, sizeof(a_szSuffix) - 1U) == 0) if (PLACEHOLDER_ENDS_WITH("_SH@@")) { cchPlaceholder -= 3 + 2; enmEscaping = kValueEscaping_Bourne; } else if (PLACEHOLDER_ENDS_WITH("_ELEMENT@@")) { cchPlaceholder -= 8 + 2; enmEscaping = kValueEscaping_XML_Element; } else if (PLACEHOLDER_ENDS_WITH("_ATTRIB_DQ@@")) { cchPlaceholder -= 10 + 2; enmEscaping = kValueEscaping_XML_Attribute_Double_Quotes; } else { Assert(PLACEHOLDER_ENDS_WITH("@@")); cchPlaceholder -= 2; enmEscaping = kValueEscaping_None; } /* * Resolve and escape the value. */ HRESULT hrc; try { switch (enmEscaping) { case kValueEscaping_None: hrc = getUnescapedReplacement(pachPlaceholder, cchPlaceholder, cchFullPlaceholder, fOutputting, rValue); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) return hrc; break; case kValueEscaping_Bourne: case kValueEscaping_XML_Element: case kValueEscaping_XML_Attribute_Double_Quotes: { RTCString strUnescaped; hrc = getUnescapedReplacement(pachPlaceholder, cchPlaceholder, cchFullPlaceholder, fOutputting, strUnescaped); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { switch (enmEscaping) { case kValueEscaping_Bourne: { const char * const papszArgs[2] = { strUnescaped.c_str(), NULL }; char *pszEscaped = NULL; int vrc = RTGetOptArgvToString(&pszEscaped, papszArgs, RTGETOPTARGV_CNV_QUOTE_BOURNE_SH); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { try { rValue = pszEscaped; RTStrFree(pszEscaped); return S_OK; } catch (std::bad_alloc) { hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } RTStrFree(pszEscaped); } break; } case kValueEscaping_XML_Element: rValue.printf("%RMes", strUnescaped.c_str()); return S_OK; case kValueEscaping_XML_Attribute_Double_Quotes: { RTCString strTmp; strTmp.printf("%RMas", strUnescaped.c_str()); rValue = RTCString(strTmp, 1, strTmp.length() - 2); return S_OK; } default: hrc = E_FAIL; break; } } break; } default: AssertFailedStmt(hrc = E_FAIL); break; } } catch (std::bad_alloc) { hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } rValue.setNull(); return hrc; } HRESULT UnattendedScriptTemplate::getUnescapedReplacement(const char *pachPlaceholder, size_t cchPlaceholder, size_t cchFullPlaceholder, bool fOutputting, RTCString &rValue) { RT_NOREF(fOutputting); #define IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH(a_szMatch) \ ( cchPlaceholder == sizeof("@@VBOX_INSERT_" a_szMatch) - 1U \ && memcmp(pachPlaceholder, "@@VBOX_INSERT_" a_szMatch, sizeof("@@VBOX_INSERT_" a_szMatch) - 1U) == 0) if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("USER_LOGIN")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_getUser(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("USER_PASSWORD")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_getPassword(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("ROOT_PASSWORD")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_getPassword(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("USER_FULL_NAME")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_getFullUserName(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("PRODUCT_KEY")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_getProductKey(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("POST_INSTALL_COMMAND")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_getPostInstallCommand(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("IMAGE_INDEX")) rValue.printf("%u", mpUnattended->i_getImageIndex()); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("OS_ARCH")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_isGuestOs64Bit() ? "amd64" : "x86"; else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("OS_ARCH2")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_isGuestOs64Bit() ? "x86_64" : "x86"; else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("OS_ARCH3")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_isGuestOs64Bit() ? "x86_64" : "i386"; else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("OS_ARCH4")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_isGuestOs64Bit() ? "x86_64" : "i486"; else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("OS_ARCH6")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_isGuestOs64Bit() ? "x86_64" : "i686"; else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("TIME_ZONE_UX")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_getTimeZoneInfo() ? mpUnattended->i_getTimeZoneInfo()->pszUnixName : mpUnattended->i_getTimeZone(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("TIME_ZONE_WIN_NAME")) { PCRTTIMEZONEINFO pInfo = mpUnattended->i_getTimeZoneInfo(); if (pInfo) rValue = pInfo->pszWindowsName ? pInfo->pszWindowsName : "GMT"; else rValue = mpUnattended->i_getTimeZone(); } else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("TIME_ZONE_WIN_INDEX")) { PCRTTIMEZONEINFO pInfo = mpUnattended->i_getTimeZoneInfo(); if (pInfo) rValue.printf("%u", pInfo->idxWindows ? pInfo->idxWindows : 85 /*GMT*/); else rValue = mpUnattended->i_getTimeZone(); } else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("LOCALE")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_getLocale(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("COUNTRY")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_getCountry(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("HOSTNAME_FQDN")) rValue = mpUnattended->i_getHostname(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("HOSTNAME_WITHOUT_DOMAIN")) rValue.assign(mpUnattended->i_getHostname(), 0, mpUnattended->i_getHostname().find(".")); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("HOSTNAME_DOMAIN")) rValue.assign(mpUnattended->i_getHostname(), mpUnattended->i_getHostname().find(".") + 1); else { rValue.setNull(); return mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_NOT_FOUND, mpSetError->tr("Unknown template placeholder '%.*s'"), cchFullPlaceholder, pachPlaceholder); } return S_OK; #undef IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH } HRESULT UnattendedScriptTemplate::getConditional(const char *pachPlaceholder, size_t cchPlaceholder, bool *pfOutputting) { #define IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH(a_szMatch) \ ( cchPlaceholder == sizeof("@@VBOX_COND_" a_szMatch "@@") - 1U \ && memcmp(pachPlaceholder, "@@VBOX_COND_" a_szMatch "@@", sizeof("@@VBOX_COND_" a_szMatch "@@") - 1U) == 0) /* Install guest additions: */ if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("IS_INSTALLING_ADDITIONS")) *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getInstallGuestAdditions(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("IS_NOT_INSTALLING_ADDITIONS")) *pfOutputting = !mpUnattended->i_getInstallGuestAdditions(); /* User == Administrator: */ else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("IS_USER_LOGIN_ADMINISTRATOR")) *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getUser().compare("Administrator", RTCString::CaseInsensitive) == 0; else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("IS_USER_LOGIN_NOT_ADMINISTRATOR")) *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getUser().compare("Administrator", RTCString::CaseInsensitive) != 0; /* Install TXS: */ else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("IS_INSTALLING_TEST_EXEC_SERVICE")) *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getInstallTestExecService(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("IS_NOT_INSTALLING_TEST_EXEC_SERVICE")) *pfOutputting = !mpUnattended->i_getInstallTestExecService(); /* Post install command: */ else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("HAS_POST_INSTALL_COMMAND")) *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_getPostInstallCommand().isNotEmpty(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("HAS_NO_POST_INSTALL_COMMAND")) *pfOutputting = !mpUnattended->i_getPostInstallCommand().isNotEmpty(); /* Minimal installation: */ else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("IS_MINIMAL_INSTALLATION")) *pfOutputting = mpUnattended->i_isMinimalInstallation(); else if (IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH("IS_NOT_MINIMAL_INSTALLATION")) *pfOutputting = !mpUnattended->i_isMinimalInstallation(); else return mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_NOT_FOUND, mpSetError->tr("Unknown conditional placeholder '%.*s'"), cchPlaceholder, pachPlaceholder); return S_OK; #undef IS_PLACEHOLDER_MATCH } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * * * Implementation GeneralTextScript functions * */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT GeneralTextScript::parse() { AssertReturn(!mfDataParsed, mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_WRONG_ORDER, "parse called more than once")); /* * Split the raw context into an array of lines. */ try { mScriptContentByLines = mStrScriptFullContent.split("\n"); } catch (std::bad_alloc) { mScriptContentByLines.clear(); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } mfDataParsed = true; return S_OK; } HRESULT GeneralTextScript::saveToString(Utf8Str &rStrDst) { AssertReturn(mfDataParsed, mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_WRONG_ORDER, "saveToString() called before parse()")); /* * Calc the required size first. */ size_t const cLines = mScriptContentByLines.size(); size_t cbTotal = 1; for (size_t iLine = 0; iLine < cLines; iLine++) cbTotal = mScriptContentByLines[iLine].length() + 1; /* * Clear the output and try reserve sufficient space. */ rStrDst.setNull(); int vrc = rStrDst.reserveNoThrow(cbTotal); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; /* * Assemble the output. */ for (size_t iLine = 0; iLine < cLines; iLine++) { try { rStrDst.append(mScriptContentByLines[iLine]); rStrDst.append('\n'); } catch (std::bad_alloc) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return S_OK; } const RTCString &GeneralTextScript::getContentOfLine(size_t idxLine) { if (idxLine < mScriptContentByLines.size()) return mScriptContentByLines[idxLine]; return Utf8Str::Empty; } HRESULT GeneralTextScript::setContentOfLine(size_t idxLine, const Utf8Str &rStrNewLine) { AssertReturn(idxLine < mScriptContentByLines.size(), mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE, "attempting to set line %zu when there are only %zu lines", idxLine, mScriptContentByLines.size())); try { mScriptContentByLines[idxLine] = rStrNewLine; } catch (std::bad_alloc) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return S_OK; } vector GeneralTextScript::findTemplate(const Utf8Str &rStrNeedle, RTCString::CaseSensitivity enmCase /*= RTCString::CaseSensitive*/) { vector vecHitLineNumbers; size_t const cLines = mScriptContentByLines.size(); for (size_t iLine = 0; iLine < cLines; iLine++) if (mScriptContentByLines[iLine].contains(rStrNeedle, enmCase)) vecHitLineNumbers.push_back(iLine); return vecHitLineNumbers; } HRESULT GeneralTextScript::findAndReplace(size_t idxLine, const Utf8Str &rStrNeedle, const Utf8Str &rStrReplacement) { AssertReturn(idxLine < mScriptContentByLines.size(), mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE, "attempting search&replace in line %zu when there are only %zu lines", idxLine, mScriptContentByLines.size())); RTCString &rDstString = mScriptContentByLines[idxLine]; size_t const offNeedle = rDstString.find(&rStrNeedle); if (offNeedle != RTCString::npos) { try { RTCString strBefore(rDstString, 0, offNeedle); RTCString strAfter(rDstString, offNeedle + rStrNeedle.length()); rDstString = strBefore; strBefore.setNull(); rDstString.append(rStrReplacement); rDstString.append(strAfter); } catch (std::bad_alloc) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return S_OK; } HRESULT GeneralTextScript::appendToLine(size_t idxLine, const Utf8Str &rStrToAppend) { AssertReturn(idxLine < mScriptContentByLines.size(), mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE, "appending to line %zu when there are only %zu lines", idxLine, mScriptContentByLines.size())); try { mScriptContentByLines[idxLine].append(rStrToAppend); } catch (std::bad_alloc) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return S_OK; } HRESULT GeneralTextScript::prependToLine(size_t idxLine, const Utf8Str &rStrToPrepend) { AssertReturn(idxLine < mScriptContentByLines.size(), mpSetError->setErrorBoth(E_FAIL, VERR_OUT_OF_RANGE, "prepending to line %zu when there are only %zu lines", idxLine, mScriptContentByLines.size())); RTCString &rDstString = mScriptContentByLines[idxLine]; try { RTCString strCopy; rDstString.swap(strCopy); rDstString.reserve(strCopy.length() + rStrToPrepend.length() + 1); rDstString = rStrToPrepend; rDstString.append(strCopy); } catch (std::bad_alloc) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return S_OK; } #if 0 /* Keeping this a reference */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * * * Implementation UnattendedSUSEXMLScript functions * */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::parse() { HRESULT hrc = UnattendedXMLScript::parse(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { /* * Check that we've got the right root element type. */ const xml::ElementNode *pelmRoot = mDoc.getRootElement(); if ( pelmRoot && strcmp(pelmRoot->getName(), "profile") == 0) { /* * Work thought the sections. */ try { LoopThruSections(pelmRoot); hrc = S_OK; } catch (std::bad_alloc) { hrc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else if (pelmRoot) hrc = mpSetError->setError(E_FAIL, mpSetError->tr("XML document root element is '%s' instead of 'profile'"), pelmRoot->getName()); else hrc = mpSetError->setError(E_FAIL, mpSetError->tr("Missing XML root element")); } return hrc; } HRESULT UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::setFieldInElement(xml::ElementNode *pElement, const DataId enmDataId, const Utf8Str &rStrValue) { /* * Don't set empty values. */ if (rStrValue.isEmpty()) { Utf8Str strProbableValue; try { strProbableValue = createProbableValue(enmDataId, pElement); } catch (std::bad_alloc) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return UnattendedXMLScript::setFieldInElement(pElement, enmDataId, strProbableValue); } return UnattendedXMLScript::setFieldInElement(pElement, enmDataId, rStrValue); } HRESULT UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::LoopThruSections(const xml::ElementNode *pelmRoot) { xml::NodesLoop loopChildren(*pelmRoot); const xml::ElementNode *pelmOuterLoop; while ((pelmOuterLoop = loopChildren.forAllNodes()) != NULL) { const char *pcszElemName = pelmOuterLoop->getName(); if (!strcmp(pcszElemName, "users")) { xml::NodesLoop loopUsers(*pelmOuterLoop); const xml::ElementNode *pelmUser; while ((pelmUser = loopUsers.forAllNodes()) != NULL) { HRESULT hrc = HandleUserAccountsSection(pelmUser); if (FAILED(hrc)) return hrc; } } } return S_OK; } HRESULT UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::HandleUserAccountsSection(const xml::ElementNode *pelmSection) { xml::NodesLoop loopUser(*pelmSection); const xml::ElementNode *pelmCur; while ((pelmCur = loopUser.forAllNodes()) != NULL) { const char *pszValue = pelmCur->getValue(); #ifdef LOG_ENABLED if (!RTStrCmp(pelmCur->getName(), "uid")) LogRelFunc(("UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::HandleUserAccountsSection profile/users/%s/%s = %s\n", pelmSection->getName(), pelmCur->getName(), pszValue)); #endif if (!RTStrCmp(pszValue, "$homedir")) mNodesForCorrectionMap.insert(make_pair(USERHOMEDIR_ID, pelmCur)); if (!RTStrCmp(pszValue, "$user")) mNodesForCorrectionMap.insert(make_pair(USERNAME_ID, pelmCur)); if (!RTStrCmp(pszValue, "$password")) mNodesForCorrectionMap.insert(make_pair(USERPASSWORD_ID, pelmCur)); } return S_OK; } Utf8Str UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::createProbableValue(const DataId enmDataId, const xml::ElementNode *pCurElem) { const xml::ElementNode *pElem = pCurElem; switch (enmDataId) { case USERHOMEDIR_ID: // if ((pElem = pElem->findChildElement("home"))) // { return createProbableUserHomeDir(pElem); // } break; default: break; } return Utf8Str::Empty; } Utf8Str UnattendedSUSEXMLScript::createProbableUserHomeDir(const xml::ElementNode *pCurElem) { Utf8Str strCalcValue; const xml::ElementNode *pElem = pCurElem->findNextSibilingElement("username"); if (pElem) { const char *pszValue = pElem->getValue(); strCalcValue = "/home/"; strCalcValue.append(pszValue); } return strCalcValue; } #endif /* just for reference */