1 | /* $Id: MachineImplMoveVM.cpp 70674 2018-01-22 12:00:30Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * Implementation of MachineMoveVM
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 | #include <iprt/fs.h>
18 | #include <iprt/dir.h>
19 | #include <iprt/file.h>
20 | #include <iprt/path.h>
21 | #include <iprt/cpp/utils.h>
22 | #include <iprt/stream.h>
23 |
24 | #include "MachineImplMoveVM.h"
25 | #include "VirtualBoxImpl.h"
26 | #include "Logging.h"
27 |
28 | typedef std::multimap<Utf8Str, Utf8Str> list_t;
29 | typedef std::multimap<Utf8Str, Utf8Str>::const_iterator cit_t;
30 | typedef std::multimap<Utf8Str, Utf8Str>::iterator it_t;
31 | typedef std::pair <std::multimap<Utf8Str, Utf8Str>::iterator, std::multimap<Utf8Str, Utf8Str>::iterator> rangeRes_t;
32 |
33 | struct fileList_t
34 | {
35 | HRESULT add(const Utf8Str& folder, const Utf8Str& file)
36 | {
37 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
38 | m_list.insert(std::make_pair(folder, file));
39 | return rc;
40 | }
41 |
42 | HRESULT add(const Utf8Str& fullPath)
43 | {
44 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
45 | Utf8Str folder = fullPath;
46 | folder.stripFilename();
47 | Utf8Str filename = fullPath;
48 | filename.stripPath();
49 | m_list.insert(std::make_pair(folder, filename));
50 | return rc;
51 | }
52 |
53 | HRESULT removeFileFromList(const Utf8Str& fullPath)
54 | {
55 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
56 | Utf8Str folder = fullPath;
57 | folder.stripFilename();
58 | Utf8Str filename = fullPath;
59 | filename.stripPath();
60 | rangeRes_t res = m_list.equal_range(folder);
61 | for (it_t it=res.first; it!=res.second; ++it)
62 | {
63 | if (it->second.equals(filename))
64 | m_list.erase(it);
65 | }
66 | return rc;
67 | }
68 |
69 | HRESULT removeFileFromList(const Utf8Str& path, const Utf8Str& fileName)
70 | {
71 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
72 | rangeRes_t res = m_list.equal_range(path);
73 | for (it_t it=res.first; it!=res.second; ++it)
74 | {
75 | if (it->second.equals(fileName))
76 | m_list.erase(it);
77 | }
78 | return rc;
79 | }
80 |
81 | HRESULT removeFolderFromList(const Utf8Str& path)
82 | {
83 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
84 | m_list.erase(path);
85 | return rc;
86 | }
87 |
88 | rangeRes_t getFilesInRange(const Utf8Str& path)
89 | {
90 | rangeRes_t res;
91 | res = m_list.equal_range(path);
92 | return res;
93 | }
94 |
95 | std::list<Utf8Str> getFilesInList(const Utf8Str& path)
96 | {
97 | std::list<Utf8Str> list_;
98 | rangeRes_t res = m_list.equal_range(path);
99 | for (it_t it=res.first; it!=res.second; ++it)
100 | list_.push_back(it->second);
101 | return list_;
102 | }
103 |
104 |
105 | list_t m_list;
106 |
107 | };
108 |
109 | HRESULT MachineMoveVM::init()
110 | {
111 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
112 | // ComObjPtr<Machine> &machine = m_pMachine;
113 | Utf8Str strTargetFolder = m_targetPath;
114 |
115 | /*
116 | * We have a mode which user is able to request
117 | * basic mode:
118 | * - The images which are solely attached to the VM
119 | * and located in the original VM folder will be moved.
120 | *
121 | * Comment: in the future some other modes can be added.
122 | */
123 |
124 | try
125 | {
126 | Utf8Str info;
127 | int vrc = 0;
128 |
129 | RTFOFF cbTotal = 0;
130 | RTFOFF cbFree = 0;
131 | uint32_t cbBlock = 0;
132 | uint32_t cbSector = 0;
133 |
134 | vrc = RTFsQuerySizes(strTargetFolder.c_str(), &cbTotal, &cbFree, &cbBlock, &cbSector);
135 | if (FAILED(vrc)) throw vrc;
136 | long long totalFreeSpace = cbFree;
137 | long long totalSpace = cbTotal;
138 | info = Utf8StrFmt("blocks: total %lld, free %u ", cbTotal, cbFree);
139 | RTPrintf("%s \n", info.c_str());
140 | RTPrintf("total space (Kb) %lld (Mb) %lld (Gb) %lld\n",
141 | totalSpace/1024, totalSpace/(1024*1024), totalSpace/(1024*1024*1024));
142 | RTPrintf("total free space (Kb) %lld (Mb) %lld (Gb) %lld\n",
143 | totalFreeSpace/1024, totalFreeSpace/(1024*1024), totalFreeSpace/(1024*1024*1024));
144 |
145 | RTFSPROPERTIES properties;
146 | vrc = RTFsQueryProperties(strTargetFolder.c_str(), &properties);
147 | if (FAILED(vrc)) throw vrc;
148 | info = Utf8StrFmt("disk properties:\n"
149 | "remote: %s \n"
150 | "read only: %s \n"
151 | "compressed: %s \n",
152 | properties.fRemote == true ? "true":"false",
153 | properties.fReadOnly == true ? "true":"false",
154 | properties.fCompressed == true ? "true":"false");
155 |
156 | RTPrintf("%s \n", info.c_str());
157 |
158 | /* Get the original VM path */
159 | Utf8Str strSettingsFilePath;
160 | Bstr bstr_settingsFilePath;
161 | m_pMachine->COMGETTER(SettingsFilePath)(bstr_settingsFilePath.asOutParam());
162 | strSettingsFilePath = bstr_settingsFilePath;
163 | strSettingsFilePath.stripFilename();
164 |
165 | vmFolders.insert(std::make_pair(VBox_SettingFolder, strSettingsFilePath));
166 |
167 | /* Collect all files from the VM's folder */
168 | fileList_t fullFileList;
169 | rc = getFilesList(strSettingsFilePath, fullFileList);
170 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
171 |
172 | // {
173 | // cit_t it = fullFileList.m_list.begin();
174 | // while(it != fullFileList.m_list.end())
175 | // {
176 | // Utf8Str strFile = Utf8StrFmt("folder: %s, file %s", it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str());
177 | // RTPrintf("%s\n", strFile.c_str());
178 | // ++it;
179 | // }
180 | // }
181 |
182 | /*
183 | * Collect all known folders used by the VM:
184 | * - log folder;
185 | * - state folder;
186 | * - snapshot folder.
187 | */
188 | Utf8Str strLogFolder;
189 | Bstr bstr_logFolder;
190 | m_pMachine->COMGETTER(LogFolder)(bstr_logFolder.asOutParam());
191 | strLogFolder = bstr_logFolder;
192 | if ( m_type.equals("full")
193 | && strLogFolder.contains(strSettingsFilePath))
194 | {
195 | vmFolders.insert(std::make_pair(VBox_LogFolder, strLogFolder));
196 | }
197 |
198 | Utf8Str strStateFilePath;
199 | Bstr bstr_stateFilePath;
200 | MachineState_T machineState;
201 | rc = m_pMachine->COMGETTER(State)(&machineState);
202 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
203 | else if (machineState == MachineState_Saved)
204 | {
205 | m_pMachine->COMGETTER(StateFilePath)(bstr_stateFilePath.asOutParam());
206 | strStateFilePath = bstr_stateFilePath;
207 | strStateFilePath.stripFilename();
208 | if ( m_type.equals("full")
209 | && strStateFilePath.contains(strSettingsFilePath))
210 | vmFolders.insert(std::make_pair(VBox_StateFolder, strStateFilePath));//Utf8Str(bstr_stateFilePath)));
211 | }
212 |
213 | Utf8Str strSnapshotFolder;
214 | Bstr bstr_snapshotFolder;
215 | m_pMachine->COMGETTER(SnapshotFolder)(bstr_snapshotFolder.asOutParam());
216 | strSnapshotFolder = bstr_snapshotFolder;
217 | if ( m_type.equals("full")
218 | && strSnapshotFolder.contains(strSettingsFilePath))
219 | vmFolders.insert(std::make_pair(VBox_SnapshotFolder, strSnapshotFolder));
220 |
221 | if (m_pMachine->i_isSnapshotMachine())
222 | {
223 | Bstr bstrSrcMachineId;
224 | rc = m_pMachine->COMGETTER(Id)(bstrSrcMachineId.asOutParam());
225 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
226 | ComPtr<IMachine> newSrcMachine;
227 | rc = m_pMachine->i_getVirtualBox()->FindMachine(bstrSrcMachineId.raw(), newSrcMachine.asOutParam());
228 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
229 | }
230 |
231 | /* Add the current machine and all snapshot machines below this machine
232 | * in a list for further processing.
233 | */
234 |
235 | long long neededFreeSpace = 0;
236 |
237 | /* Actual file list */
238 | fileList_t actualFileList;
239 | Utf8Str strTargetImageName;
240 | std::vector< ComObjPtr<Machine> > machineList;
241 |
242 | // if (m_pMachine->i_isSnapshotMachine())
243 | // Guid snapshotId = m_pMachine->i_getSnapshotId();
244 |
245 | /* Include current state? */
246 | machineList.push_back(m_pMachine);
247 |
248 | {
249 | ULONG cSnapshots = 0;
250 | rc = m_pMachine->COMGETTER(SnapshotCount)(&cSnapshots);
251 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
252 | if (cSnapshots > 0)
253 | {
254 | Utf8Str id;
255 | if (m_pMachine->i_isSnapshotMachine())
256 | id = m_pMachine->i_getSnapshotId().toString();
257 | ComPtr<ISnapshot> pSnapshot;
258 | rc = m_pMachine->FindSnapshot(Bstr(id).raw(), pSnapshot.asOutParam());
259 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
260 | rc = createMachineList(pSnapshot, machineList);
261 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
262 | }
263 | }
264 |
265 | ULONG uCount = 2; /* One init task and the machine creation. */
266 | ULONG uTotalWeight = 2; /* The init task and the machine creation is worth one. */
267 |
268 | /* here we fill the lists llMedias and llSaveStateFiles */
269 | queryMediasForAllStates(machineList, uCount, uTotalWeight);
270 |
271 | {
272 | uint64_t totalMediumsSize = 0;
273 |
274 | for (size_t i = 0; i < llMedias.size(); ++i)
275 | {
276 | LONG64 cbSize = 0;
277 | MEDIUMTASKCHAIN &mtc = llMedias.at(i);
278 | for (size_t a = mtc.chain.size(); a > 0; --a)
279 | {
280 | Bstr bstrLocation;
281 | Utf8Str strLocation;
282 | Utf8Str name = mtc.chain[a - 1].strBaseName;
283 | ComPtr<IMedium> plMedium = mtc.chain[a - 1].pMedium;
284 | rc = plMedium->COMGETTER(Location)(bstrLocation.asOutParam());
285 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
286 | strLocation = bstrLocation;
287 |
288 | /*if an image is located in the actual VM folder it will be added to the actual list */
289 | if (strLocation.contains(strSettingsFilePath))
290 | {
291 | rc = plMedium->COMGETTER(Size)(&cbSize);
292 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
293 |
294 | totalMediumsSize += cbSize;
295 |
296 | std::pair<std::map<Utf8Str, MEDIUMTASK>::iterator,bool> ret;
297 | ret = finalMediumsMap.insert(std::make_pair(name, mtc.chain[a - 1]));
298 | if (ret.second == true)
299 | RTPrintf("Image %s was added into the moved list\n", name.c_str());
300 | }
301 | }
302 | }
303 | neededFreeSpace += totalMediumsSize;
304 | }
305 |
306 | {
307 | uint64_t totalStateSize = 0;
308 |
309 | for (size_t i = 0; i < llSaveStateFiles.size(); ++i)
310 | {
311 | uint64_t cbFile = 0;
312 | SAVESTATETASK &sst = llSaveStateFiles.at(i);
313 |
314 | Utf8Str name = sst.strSaveStateFile;
315 | /*if a state file is located in the actual VM folder it will be added to the actual list */
316 | if (name.contains(strSettingsFilePath))
317 | {
318 | vrc = RTFileQuerySize(name.c_str(), &cbFile);
319 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
320 | {
321 | totalStateSize += cbFile;
322 | }
323 |
324 | std::pair<std::map<Utf8Str, SAVESTATETASK>::iterator,bool> ret;
325 | ret = finalSaveStateFilesMap.insert(std::make_pair(name, sst));
326 | if (ret.second == true)
327 | {
328 | RTPrintf("State file %s was added into the moved list\n", name.c_str());
329 | }
330 | }
331 | }
332 | neededFreeSpace += totalStateSize;
333 | }
334 |
335 | /*
336 | * Move log folder
337 | */
338 | {
339 | Utf8Str strFolder = vmFolders[VBox_LogFolder];
340 | if (strFolder.isNotEmpty())
341 | {
342 | uint64_t totalLogSize = 0;
343 | rc = getFolderSize(strFolder, totalLogSize);
344 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
345 | {
346 | // RTPrintf("total files size in the log folder is %llu\n", totalLogSize);
347 |
348 | neededFreeSpace += totalLogSize;
349 | if (totalFreeSpace - neededFreeSpace <= 1024*1024)
350 | {
351 | throw VERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;//less than 1Mb free space on the target location
352 | }
353 |
354 | fileList_t filesList;
355 | getFilesList(strFolder, filesList);
356 | cit_t it = filesList.m_list.begin();
357 | while(it != filesList.m_list.end())
358 | {
359 | Utf8Str strFile = it->first.c_str();
360 | strFile.append(RTPATH_DELIMITER).append(it->second.c_str());
361 | RTPrintf("%s\n", strFile.c_str());
362 | actualFileList.add(strFile);
363 |
364 | RTPrintf("The log file %s added into the moved list\n", strFile.c_str());
365 | ++it;
366 | }
367 | }
368 | }
369 | }
370 |
371 | /* Check a target location on enough room */
372 | if (totalFreeSpace - neededFreeSpace <= 1024*1024)
373 | {
374 | throw VERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;//less than 1Mb free space on the target location
375 | }
376 |
377 | /* Init both Progress instances */
378 | {
379 | /** weak VirtualBox parent */
380 | VirtualBox* const pVirtualBox = NULL;
381 | unconst(pVirtualBox) = m_pMachine->i_getVirtualBox();
382 | rc = m_pProgress->init(pVirtualBox,
383 | static_cast<IMachine*>(m_pMachine) /* aInitiator */,
384 | Bstr(m_pMachine->tr("Moving Machine")).raw(),
385 | true /* fCancellable */,
386 | uCount,
387 | uTotalWeight,
388 | Bstr(m_pMachine->tr("Initialize Moving")).raw(),
389 | 1);
390 | if (FAILED(rc))
391 | {
392 | throw m_pMachine->setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
393 | m_pMachine->tr("Couldn't correctly setup the progress object "
394 | "for moving VM operation (%Rrc)"),
395 | rc);
396 | }
397 |
398 | m_pRollBackProgress.createObject();
399 | rc = m_pRollBackProgress->init(pVirtualBox,
400 | static_cast<IMachine*>(m_pMachine) /* aInitiator */,
401 | Bstr(m_pMachine->tr("Moving back Machine")).raw(),
402 | true /* fCancellable */,
403 | uCount,
404 | uTotalWeight,
405 | Bstr(m_pMachine->tr("Initialize Moving back")).raw(),
406 | 1);
407 | if (FAILED(rc))
408 | {
409 | throw m_pMachine->setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
410 | m_pMachine->tr("Couldn't correctly setup the progress object "
411 | "for possible rollback operation during moving VM (%Rrc)"),
412 | rc);
413 | }
414 | }
415 |
416 | /* save all VM data */
417 | m_pMachine->i_setModified(Machine::IsModified_MachineData);
418 | rc = m_pMachine->SaveSettings();
419 | }
420 | catch(HRESULT hrc)
421 | {
422 | rc = hrc;
423 | }
424 |
425 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
426 |
427 | return rc;
428 | }
429 |
430 | void MachineMoveVM::updateStateFile(settings::MachineConfigFile *snl, const Guid &id, const Utf8Str &strFile)
431 | {
432 | settings::SnapshotsList::iterator it;
433 | for (it = (*snl).llFirstSnapshot.begin(); it != (*snl).llFirstSnapshot.end(); ++it)
434 | {
435 | settings::Snapshot snap = (settings::Snapshot)(*it);
436 | RTPrintf("it->uuid = %s , id = %s\n", snap.uuid.toStringCurly().c_str(), id.toStringCurly().c_str());
437 | RTPrintf("it->strStateFile = %s , strFile = %s\n", it->strStateFile.c_str(), strFile.c_str());
438 | if (it->uuid == id)
439 | {
440 | it->strStateFile = strFile;
441 | RTPrintf("Modified it->strStateFile = %s\n", it->strStateFile.c_str());
442 | }
443 | else if (!it->llChildSnapshots.empty())
444 | updateStateFile(it->llChildSnapshots, id, strFile);
445 | }
446 | }
447 |
448 | void MachineMoveVM::updateStateFile(settings::SnapshotsList &snl, const Guid &id, const Utf8Str &strFile)
449 | {
450 | settings::SnapshotsList::iterator it;
451 | for (it = snl.begin(); it != snl.end(); ++it)
452 | {
453 | if (it->uuid == id)
454 | {
455 | settings::Snapshot snap = (settings::Snapshot)(*it);
456 | // RTPrintf("\nSnapshot %s address %#lx\n", snap.strName.c_str(), &(settings::Snapshot)(*it));
457 | RTPrintf("it->uuid = %s , id = %s\n", snap.uuid.toStringCurly().c_str(), id.toStringCurly().c_str());
458 | RTPrintf("it->strStateFile = %s , strFile = %s\n", snap.strStateFile.c_str(), strFile.c_str());
459 | it->strStateFile = strFile;
460 |
461 | RTPrintf("Modified it->strStateFile = %s\n", it->strStateFile.c_str());
462 | m_pMachine->mSSData->strStateFilePath = strFile;
463 | RTPrintf("Modified m_pMachine->mSSData->strStateFilePath = %s\n",
464 | m_pMachine->mSSData->strStateFilePath.c_str());
465 | }
466 | else if (!it->llChildSnapshots.empty())
467 | updateStateFile(it->llChildSnapshots, id, strFile);
468 | }
469 | }
470 |
471 | void MachineMoveVM::printStateFile(settings::SnapshotsList &snl)
472 | {
473 | settings::SnapshotsList::iterator it;
474 | for (it = snl.begin(); it != snl.end(); ++it)
475 | {
476 | if (!it->strStateFile.isEmpty())
477 | {
478 | settings::Snapshot snap = (settings::Snapshot)(*it);
479 | // RTPrintf("Snapshot %s address %#lx\n", snap.strName.c_str(), &(settings::Snapshot)(*it));
480 | RTPrintf("snap.uuid = %s\n", snap.uuid.toStringCurly().c_str());
481 | RTPrintf("snap.strStateFile = %s\n", snap.strStateFile.c_str());
482 | }
483 |
484 | if (!it->llChildSnapshots.empty())
485 | printStateFile(it->llChildSnapshots);
486 | }
487 | }
488 |
489 | /* static */
490 | DECLCALLBACK(int) MachineMoveVM::updateProgress(unsigned uPercent, void *pvUser)
491 | {
492 | MachineMoveVM* pTask = *(MachineMoveVM**)pvUser;
493 |
494 | if ( pTask
495 | && !pTask->m_pProgress.isNull())
496 | {
497 | BOOL fCanceled;
498 | pTask->m_pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled);
499 | if (fCanceled)
500 | return -1;
501 | pTask->m_pProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(uPercent);
502 | }
503 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
504 | }
505 |
506 | /* static */
507 | DECLCALLBACK(int) MachineMoveVM::copyFileProgress(unsigned uPercentage, void *pvUser)
508 | {
509 | ComObjPtr<Progress> pProgress = *static_cast< ComObjPtr<Progress>* >(pvUser);
510 |
511 | BOOL fCanceled = false;
512 | HRESULT rc = pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled);
513 | if (FAILED(rc)) return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE;
514 | /* If canceled by the user tell it to the copy operation. */
515 | if (fCanceled) return VERR_CANCELLED;
516 | /* Set the new process. */
517 | rc = pProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(uPercentage);
518 | if (FAILED(rc)) return VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE;
519 |
520 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
521 | }
522 |
523 |
524 | /* static */
525 | void MachineMoveVM::i_MoveVMThreadTask(MachineMoveVM* task)
526 | {
527 | LogFlowFuncEnter();
528 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
529 |
530 | MachineMoveVM* taskMoveVM = task;
531 | ComObjPtr<Machine> &machine = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine;
532 |
533 | AutoCaller autoCaller(machine);
534 | // if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return;//Should we return something here?
535 |
536 | Utf8Str strTargetFolder = taskMoveVM->m_targetPath;
537 | {
538 | Bstr bstrMachineName;
539 | taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->COMGETTER(Name)(bstrMachineName.asOutParam());
540 | strTargetFolder.append(Utf8Str(bstrMachineName));
541 | }
542 |
543 | RTCList<Utf8Str> newFiles; /* All extra created files (save states, ...) */
544 | RTCList<Utf8Str> originalFiles; /* All original files except images */
545 | typedef std::map<Utf8Str, ComObjPtr<Medium> > MediumMap;
546 | // typedef std::pair<Utf8Str, ComObjPtr<Medium> > MediumPair;
547 | MediumMap mapOriginalMedium;
548 |
549 | /*
550 | * We have the couple modes which user is able to request
551 | * basic mode:
552 | * - The images which are solely attached to the VM
553 | * and located in the original VM folder will be moved.
554 | *
555 | * full mode:
556 | * - All disks which are directly attached to the VM
557 | * will be moved.
558 | *
559 | * Apart from that all other files located in the original VM
560 | * folder will be moved.
561 | */
562 | /* Collect the shareable disks.
563 | * Get the machines whom the shareable disks attach to.
564 | * Return an error if the state of any VM doesn't allow to move a shareable disk.
565 | * Check new destination whether enough room for the VM or not. if "not" return an error.
566 | * Make a copy of VM settings and a list with all files which are moved. Save the list on the disk.
567 | * Start "move" operation.
568 | * Check the result of operation.
569 | * if the operation was successful:
570 | * - delete all files in the original VM folder;
571 | * - update VM disks info with new location;
572 | * - update all other VM if it's needed;
573 | * - update global settings
574 | */
575 |
576 | try
577 | {
578 | /* Move all disks */
579 | rc = taskMoveVM->moveAllDisks(taskMoveVM->finalMediumsMap, &strTargetFolder);
580 | if (FAILED(rc))
581 | throw rc;
582 |
583 | {
584 | RTPrintf("0 Print all state files\n");
585 | // Machine::Data *machineData = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData.data();
586 | // settings::MachineConfigFile *machineConfFile = machineData->pMachineConfigFile;
587 | taskMoveVM->printStateFile(taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData->pMachineConfigFile->llFirstSnapshot);
588 | }
589 |
590 | /* Copy all save state files. */
591 | Utf8Str strTrgSnapshotFolder;
592 | {
593 | Machine::Data *machineData = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData.data();
594 | settings::MachineConfigFile *machineConfFile = machineData->pMachineConfigFile;
595 |
596 | /* When the current snapshot folder is absolute we reset it to the
597 | * default relative folder. */
598 | if (RTPathStartsWithRoot((*machineConfFile).machineUserData.strSnapshotFolder.c_str()))
599 | (*machineConfFile).machineUserData.strSnapshotFolder = "Snapshots";
600 | (*machineConfFile).strStateFile = "";
601 |
602 | /* The absolute name of the snapshot folder. */
603 | strTrgSnapshotFolder = Utf8StrFmt("%s%c%s", strTargetFolder.c_str(), RTPATH_DELIMITER,
604 | (*machineConfFile).machineUserData.strSnapshotFolder.c_str());
605 |
606 | /* Check if a snapshot folder is necessary and if so doesn't already
607 | * exists. */
608 | if ( taskMoveVM->finalSaveStateFilesMap.size() != 0
609 | && !RTDirExists(strTrgSnapshotFolder.c_str()))
610 | {
611 | int vrc = RTDirCreateFullPath(strTrgSnapshotFolder.c_str(), 0700);
612 | if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
613 | throw machine->setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
614 | machine->tr("Could not create snapshots folder '%s' (%Rrc)"),
615 | strTrgSnapshotFolder.c_str(), vrc);
616 | }
617 |
618 | std::map<Utf8Str, SAVESTATETASK>::iterator itState = taskMoveVM->finalSaveStateFilesMap.begin();
619 | while (itState != taskMoveVM->finalSaveStateFilesMap.end())
620 | {
621 | const SAVESTATETASK &sst = itState->second;
622 | const Utf8Str &strTrgSaveState = Utf8StrFmt("%s%c%s", strTrgSnapshotFolder.c_str(), RTPATH_DELIMITER,
623 | RTPathFilename(sst.strSaveStateFile.c_str()));
624 |
625 | /* Move to next sub-operation. */
626 | rc = taskMoveVM->m_pProgress->SetNextOperation(BstrFmt(machine->tr("Move save state file '%s' ..."),
627 | RTPathFilename(sst.strSaveStateFile.c_str())).raw(), sst.uWeight);
628 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
629 |
630 | int vrc = RTFileCopyEx(sst.strSaveStateFile.c_str(), strTrgSaveState.c_str(), 0,
631 | MachineMoveVM::copyFileProgress, &taskMoveVM->m_pProgress);
632 | if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
633 | throw machine->setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
634 | machine->tr("Could not move state file '%s' to '%s' (%Rrc)"),
635 | sst.strSaveStateFile.c_str(), strTrgSaveState.c_str(), vrc);
636 |
637 | /* save new file in case of restoring */
638 | newFiles.append(strTrgSaveState);
639 | /* save original file for deletion in the end */
640 | originalFiles.append(sst.strSaveStateFile);
641 | ++itState;
642 | }
643 | }
644 |
645 | /* Update XML settings. */
646 | rc = taskMoveVM->updateStateFilesXMLSettings(taskMoveVM->finalSaveStateFilesMap, strTrgSnapshotFolder);
647 | if (FAILED(rc))
648 | throw rc;
649 |
650 | {
651 | RTPrintf("\n1 Print all state files\n");
652 | // Machine::Data *machineData = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData.data();
653 | // settings::MachineConfigFile *machineConfFile = machineData->pMachineConfigFile;
654 | taskMoveVM->printStateFile(taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData->pMachineConfigFile->llFirstSnapshot);
655 | }
656 |
657 | /* Moving Machine settings file */
658 | {
659 | RTPrintf("\nMoving Machine settings file \n");
660 | Machine::Data *machineData = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData.data();
661 | settings::MachineConfigFile *machineConfFile = machineData->pMachineConfigFile;
662 |
663 | rc = taskMoveVM->m_pProgress->SetNextOperation(BstrFmt(machine->tr("Moving Machine settings '%s' ..."),
664 | (*machineConfFile).machineUserData.strName.c_str()).raw(), 1);
665 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
666 |
667 | Utf8Str strTargetSettingsFilePath = strTargetFolder;
668 | Bstr bstrMachineName;
669 | taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->COMGETTER(Name)(bstrMachineName.asOutParam());
670 | strTargetSettingsFilePath.append(RTPATH_DELIMITER).append(Utf8Str(bstrMachineName)).append(".vbox");
671 |
672 | Utf8Str strSettingsFilePath;
673 | Bstr bstr_settingsFilePath;
674 | taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->COMGETTER(SettingsFilePath)(bstr_settingsFilePath.asOutParam());
675 | strSettingsFilePath = bstr_settingsFilePath;
676 |
677 | int vrc = RTFileCopyEx(strSettingsFilePath.c_str(), strTargetSettingsFilePath.c_str(), 0,
678 | MachineMoveVM::copyFileProgress, &taskMoveVM->m_pProgress);
679 | if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
680 | throw machine->setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
681 | machine->tr("Could not move setting file '%s' to '%s' (%Rrc)"),
682 | strSettingsFilePath.c_str(), strTargetSettingsFilePath.c_str(), vrc);
683 |
684 | /* save new file in case of restoring */
685 | newFiles.append(strTargetSettingsFilePath);
686 | /* save original file for deletion in the end */
687 | originalFiles.append(strSettingsFilePath);
688 | }
689 |
690 | {
691 | RTPrintf("\n2 Print all state files\n");
692 | Machine::Data *machineData = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData.data();
693 | // settings::MachineConfigFile *machineConfFile = machineData->pMachineConfigFile;
694 | RTPrintf("\nmachineData->m_strConfigFileFull = %s\n", machineData->m_strConfigFileFull.c_str());
695 | RTPrintf("\nmachineData->m_strConfigFile = %s\n", machineData->m_strConfigFile.c_str());
696 | taskMoveVM->printStateFile(taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData->pMachineConfigFile->llFirstSnapshot);
697 | }
698 |
699 | /* save all VM data */
700 | {
701 | RTPrintf("\nCall Machine::SaveSettings()\n");
702 | rc = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->SaveSettings();
703 | }
704 |
705 | {
706 | RTPrintf("\n3 Print all state files\n");
707 | Machine::Data *machineData = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData.data();
708 | // settings::MachineConfigFile *machineConfFile = machineData->pMachineConfigFile;
709 |
710 | Utf8Str strTargetSettingsFilePath = strTargetFolder;
711 | Bstr bstrMachineName;
712 | taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->COMGETTER(Name)(bstrMachineName.asOutParam());
713 | strTargetSettingsFilePath.append(RTPATH_DELIMITER).append(Utf8Str(bstrMachineName)).append(".vbox");
714 | machineData->m_strConfigFileFull = strTargetSettingsFilePath;
715 | taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mParent->i_copyPathRelativeToConfig(strTargetSettingsFilePath, machineData->m_strConfigFile);
716 | // machineData->m_strConfigFile = strTargetSettingsFilePath;
717 | RTPrintf("\nmachineData->m_strConfigFileFull = %s\n", machineData->m_strConfigFileFull.c_str());
718 | RTPrintf("\nmachineData->m_strConfigFile = %s\n", machineData->m_strConfigFile.c_str());
719 | taskMoveVM->printStateFile(taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData->pMachineConfigFile->llFirstSnapshot);
720 | }
721 |
722 | /* Marks the global registry for uuid as modified */
723 | {
724 | Guid uuid = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData->mUuid;
725 | taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mParent->i_markRegistryModified(uuid);
726 |
727 | // save the global settings; for that we should hold only the VirtualBox lock
728 | AutoWriteLock vboxLock(taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mParent COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS);
729 | RTPrintf("\nCall global VirtualBox i_saveSettings()\n");
730 | rc = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mParent->i_saveSettings();
731 | }
732 |
733 | {
734 | RTPrintf("\n4 Print all state files\n");
735 | // Machine::Data *machineData = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData.data();
736 | // settings::MachineConfigFile *machineConfFile = machineData->pMachineConfigFile;
737 | taskMoveVM->printStateFile(taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData->pMachineConfigFile->llFirstSnapshot);
738 | }
739 |
740 | }
741 | catch(HRESULT hrc)
742 | {
743 | RTPrintf("\nHRESULT exception\n");
744 | rc = hrc;
745 | taskMoveVM->result = rc;
746 | }
747 | catch (...)
748 | {
749 | RTPrintf("\nUnknown exception\n");
750 | rc = VirtualBoxBase::handleUnexpectedExceptions(taskMoveVM->m_pMachine, RT_SRC_POS);
751 | taskMoveVM->result = rc;
752 | }
753 |
754 | /* Cleanup on failure */
755 | if (FAILED(rc))
756 | {
757 | /* ! Apparently we should update the Progress object !*/
758 |
759 | /* Restore the original XML settings. */
760 | rc = taskMoveVM->updateStateFilesXMLSettings(taskMoveVM->finalSaveStateFilesMap,
761 | taskMoveVM->vmFolders[VBox_StateFolder]);
762 | if (FAILED(rc))
763 | throw rc;
764 |
765 | {
766 | RTPrintf("\nFailed: Print all state files\n");
767 | Machine::Data *machineData = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData.data();
768 | // settings::MachineConfigFile *machineConfFile = machineData->pMachineConfigFile;
769 | RTPrintf("\nmachineData->m_strConfigFileFull = %s\n", machineData->m_strConfigFileFull.c_str());
770 | RTPrintf("\nmachineData->m_strConfigFile = %s\n", machineData->m_strConfigFile.c_str());
771 | taskMoveVM->printStateFile(taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData->pMachineConfigFile->llFirstSnapshot);
772 | }
773 |
774 | /* Delete all created files. */
775 | rc = taskMoveVM->deleteFiles(newFiles);
776 | if (FAILED(rc))
777 | RTPrintf("Can't delete all new files.");
778 |
779 | /* Restoring the original mediums */
780 | try
781 | {
782 | rc = taskMoveVM->moveAllDisks(taskMoveVM->finalMediumsMap);
783 | if (FAILED(rc))
784 | throw rc;
785 | }
786 | catch(HRESULT hrc)
787 | {
788 | RTPrintf("\nFailed: HRESULT exception\n");
789 | taskMoveVM->result = hrc;
790 | }
791 | catch (...)
792 | {
793 | RTPrintf("\nFailed: Unknown exception\n");
794 | rc = VirtualBoxBase::handleUnexpectedExceptions(taskMoveVM->m_pMachine, RT_SRC_POS);
795 | taskMoveVM->result = rc;
796 | }
797 |
798 | /* save all VM data */
799 | {
800 | AutoWriteLock srcLock(machine COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS);
801 | srcLock.release();
802 | RTPrintf("\nFailed: Call SaveSettings()\n");
803 | rc = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->SaveSettings();
804 | srcLock.acquire();
805 | }
806 |
807 | /* Restore an original path to XML setting file */
808 | {
809 | RTPrintf("\nFailed: Print all state files\n");
810 | Machine::Data *machineData = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData.data();
811 | // settings::MachineConfigFile *machineConfFile = machineData->pMachineConfigFile;
812 |
813 | Utf8Str strOriginalSettingsFilePath = taskMoveVM->vmFolders[VBox_SettingFolder];
814 | Bstr bstrMachineName;
815 | taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->COMGETTER(Name)(bstrMachineName.asOutParam());
816 | strOriginalSettingsFilePath.append(RTPATH_DELIMITER).append(Utf8Str(bstrMachineName)).append(".vbox");
817 |
818 | machineData->m_strConfigFileFull = strOriginalSettingsFilePath;
819 |
820 | taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mParent->i_copyPathRelativeToConfig(strOriginalSettingsFilePath,
821 | machineData->m_strConfigFile);
822 |
823 | RTPrintf("\nmachineData->m_strConfigFileFull = %s\n", machineData->m_strConfigFileFull.c_str());
824 | RTPrintf("\nmachineData->m_strConfigFile = %s\n", machineData->m_strConfigFile.c_str());
825 |
826 | taskMoveVM->printStateFile(taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData->pMachineConfigFile->llFirstSnapshot);
827 | }
828 |
829 | /* Marks the global registry for uuid as modified */
830 | {
831 | AutoWriteLock srcLock(machine COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS);
832 | srcLock.release();
833 | Guid uuid = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mData->mUuid;
834 | taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mParent->i_markRegistryModified(uuid);
835 | srcLock.acquire();
836 |
837 | // save the global settings; for that we should hold only the VirtualBox lock
838 | AutoWriteLock vboxLock(taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mParent COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS);
839 | RTPrintf("\nFailed: Call global VirtualBox i_saveSettings()\n");
840 | rc = taskMoveVM->m_pMachine->mParent->i_saveSettings();
841 | }
842 | }
843 | else /*Operation was successful and now we can delete the original files like the state files, XML setting, log files */
844 | {
845 | rc = taskMoveVM->deleteFiles(originalFiles);
846 | if (FAILED(rc))
847 | RTPrintf("Can't delete all original files.");
848 | }
849 |
850 | if (!taskMoveVM->m_pProgress.isNull())
851 | taskMoveVM->m_pProgress->i_notifyComplete(taskMoveVM->result);
852 |
853 | LogFlowFuncLeave();
854 | }
855 |
856 | HRESULT MachineMoveVM::moveAllDisks(const std::map<Utf8Str, MEDIUMTASK>& listOfDisks,
857 | const Utf8Str* strTargetFolder)
858 | {
859 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
860 | ComObjPtr<Machine> &machine = m_pMachine;
861 |
862 | AutoWriteLock machineLock(machine COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS);
863 |
864 | try{
865 | std::map<Utf8Str, MEDIUMTASK>::const_iterator itMedium = listOfDisks.begin();
866 | while(itMedium != listOfDisks.end())
867 | {
868 | const MEDIUMTASK &mt = itMedium->second;
869 | ComPtr<IMedium> pMedium = mt.pMedium;
870 | Utf8Str strTargetImageName;
871 | Utf8Str strLocation;
872 | Bstr bstrLocation;
873 | Bstr bstrSrcName;
874 |
875 | rc = pMedium->COMGETTER(Name)(bstrSrcName.asOutParam());
876 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
877 |
878 | if (strTargetFolder != NULL && !strTargetFolder->isEmpty())
879 | {
880 | strTargetImageName = *strTargetFolder;
881 | rc = pMedium->COMGETTER(Location)(bstrLocation.asOutParam());
882 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
883 | strLocation = bstrLocation;
884 |
885 | if (mt.fSnapshot == true)
886 | {
887 | strLocation.stripFilename().stripPath().append(RTPATH_DELIMITER).append(Utf8Str(bstrSrcName));
888 | }
889 | else
890 | {
891 | strLocation.stripPath();
892 | }
893 |
894 | strTargetImageName.append(RTPATH_DELIMITER).append(strLocation);
895 | rc = m_pProgress->SetNextOperation(BstrFmt(machine->tr("Moving Disk '%ls' ..."),
896 | bstrSrcName.raw()).raw(),
897 | mt.uWeight);
898 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
899 | }
900 | else
901 | {
902 | strTargetImageName = mt.strBaseName;//Should contain full path to the image
903 | rc = m_pRollBackProgress->SetNextOperation(BstrFmt(machine->tr("Moving back Disk '%ls' ..."),
904 | bstrSrcName.raw()).raw(),
905 | mt.uWeight);
906 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
907 | }
908 |
909 |
910 |
911 | /* consistency: use \ if appropriate on the platform */
912 | RTPathChangeToDosSlashes(strTargetImageName.mutableRaw(), false);
913 | RTPrintf("\nTarget disk %s \n", strTargetImageName.c_str());
914 |
915 | ComPtr<IProgress> moveDiskProgress;
916 | bstrLocation = strTargetImageName.c_str();
917 | rc = pMedium->SetLocation(bstrLocation.raw(), moveDiskProgress.asOutParam());
918 |
919 | /* Wait until the async process has finished. */
920 | machineLock.release();
921 | if (strTargetFolder != NULL && !strTargetFolder->isEmpty())
922 | {
923 | rc = m_pProgress->WaitForAsyncProgressCompletion(moveDiskProgress);
924 | }
925 | else
926 | {
927 | rc = m_pRollBackProgress->WaitForAsyncProgressCompletion(moveDiskProgress);
928 | }
929 |
930 | machineLock.acquire();
931 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
932 |
933 | RTPrintf("\nMoving %s has finished\n", strTargetImageName.c_str());
934 |
935 | /* Check the result of the async process. */
936 | LONG iRc;
937 | rc = moveDiskProgress->COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&iRc);
938 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
939 | /* If the thread of the progress object has an error, then
940 | * retrieve the error info from there, or it'll be lost. */
941 | if (FAILED(iRc))
942 | throw machine->setError(ProgressErrorInfo(moveDiskProgress));
943 |
944 | ++itMedium;
945 | }
946 |
947 | machineLock.release();
948 | }
949 | catch(HRESULT hrc)
950 | {
951 | RTPrintf("\nHRESULT exception\n");
952 | rc = hrc;
953 | machineLock.release();
954 | }
955 | catch (...)
956 | {
957 | RTPrintf("\nUnknown exception\n");
958 | rc = VirtualBoxBase::handleUnexpectedExceptions(m_pMachine, RT_SRC_POS);
959 | machineLock.release();
960 | }
961 |
962 | return rc;
963 | }
964 |
965 | HRESULT MachineMoveVM::updateStateFilesXMLSettings(const std::map<Utf8Str, SAVESTATETASK>& listOfFiles,
966 | const Utf8Str& targetPath)
967 | {
968 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
969 | Machine::Data *machineData = m_pMachine->mData.data();
970 | settings::MachineConfigFile *machineConfFile = machineData->pMachineConfigFile;
971 |
972 | std::map<Utf8Str, SAVESTATETASK>::const_iterator itState = listOfFiles.begin();
973 | while (itState != listOfFiles.end())
974 | {
975 | const SAVESTATETASK &sst = itState->second;
976 | const Utf8Str &strTargetSaveStateFilePath = Utf8StrFmt("%s%c%s", targetPath.c_str(),
978 | RTPathFilename(sst.strSaveStateFile.c_str()));
979 |
980 | /* Update the path in the configuration either for the current
981 | * machine state or the snapshots. */
982 | if (!sst.snapshotUuid.isValid() || sst.snapshotUuid.isZero())
983 | {
984 | (*machineConfFile).strStateFile = strTargetSaveStateFilePath;
985 | }
986 | else
987 | {
988 | updateStateFile(m_pMachine->mData->pMachineConfigFile->llFirstSnapshot,
989 | sst.snapshotUuid, strTargetSaveStateFilePath);
990 | }
991 |
992 | ++itState;
993 | }
994 |
995 | return rc;
996 | }
997 |
998 | HRESULT MachineMoveVM::getFilesList(const Utf8Str& strRootFolder, fileList_t &filesList)
999 | {
1000 | RTDIR hDir;
1001 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
1002 | int vrc = RTDirOpen(&hDir, strRootFolder.c_str());
1003 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
1004 | {
1005 | RTDIRENTRY DirEntry;
1006 | while (RT_SUCCESS(RTDirRead(hDir, &DirEntry, NULL)))
1007 | {
1008 | if (RTDirEntryIsStdDotLink(&DirEntry))
1009 | continue;
1010 |
1011 | if (DirEntry.enmType == RTDIRENTRYTYPE_FILE)
1012 | {
1013 | Utf8Str fullPath(strRootFolder);
1014 | filesList.add(strRootFolder, DirEntry.szName);
1015 | }
1016 | else if (DirEntry.enmType == RTDIRENTRYTYPE_DIRECTORY)
1017 | {
1018 | Utf8Str strNextFolder(strRootFolder);
1019 | strNextFolder.append(RTPATH_DELIMITER).append(DirEntry.szName);
1020 | rc = getFilesList(strNextFolder, filesList);
1021 | if (FAILED(rc))
1022 | break;
1023 | }
1024 | }
1025 |
1026 | vrc = RTDirClose(hDir);
1027 | }
1028 | else if (vrc == VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
1029 | {
1030 | m_pMachine->setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
1031 | m_pMachine->tr("Folder '%s' doesn't exist (%Rrc)"),
1032 | strRootFolder.c_str(), vrc);
1033 | rc = vrc;
1034 | }
1035 | else
1036 | throw m_pMachine->setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
1037 | m_pMachine->tr("Could not open folder '%s' (%Rrc)"),
1038 | strRootFolder.c_str(), vrc);
1039 | return rc;
1040 | }
1041 |
1042 | HRESULT MachineMoveVM::deleteFiles(const RTCList<Utf8Str>& listOfFiles)
1043 | {
1044 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
1045 | /* Delete all created files. */
1046 | try
1047 | {
1048 | for (size_t i = 0; i < listOfFiles.size(); ++i)
1049 | {
1050 | int vrc = RTFileDelete(listOfFiles.at(i).c_str());
1051 | if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
1052 | rc = m_pMachine->setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
1053 | m_pMachine->tr("Could not delete file '%s' (%Rrc)"),
1054 | listOfFiles.at(i).c_str(), rc);
1055 | else
1056 | RTPrintf("\nFile %s has been deleted\n", listOfFiles.at(i).c_str());
1057 | }
1058 | }
1059 | catch(HRESULT hrc)
1060 | {
1061 | rc = hrc;
1062 | }
1063 | catch (...)
1064 | {
1065 | rc = VirtualBoxBase::handleUnexpectedExceptions(m_pMachine, RT_SRC_POS);
1066 | }
1067 |
1068 | return rc;
1069 | }
1070 |
1071 | HRESULT MachineMoveVM::getFolderSize(const Utf8Str& strRootFolder, uint64_t& size)
1072 | {
1073 | int vrc = 0;
1074 | uint64_t totalFolderSize = 0;
1075 | fileList_t filesList;
1076 |
1077 | HRESULT rc = getFilesList(strRootFolder, filesList);
1078 | if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
1079 | {
1080 | cit_t it = filesList.m_list.begin();
1081 | while(it != filesList.m_list.end())
1082 | {
1083 | uint64_t cbFile = 0;
1084 | Utf8Str fullPath = it->first;
1085 | fullPath.append(RTPATH_DELIMITER).append(it->second);
1086 | vrc = RTFileQuerySize(fullPath.c_str(), &cbFile);
1087 | if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc))
1088 | {
1089 | totalFolderSize += cbFile;
1090 | }
1091 | else
1092 | throw m_pMachine->setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
1093 | m_pMachine->tr("Could not get the size of file '%s' (%Rrc)"),
1094 | fullPath.c_str(), vrc);
1095 | ++it;
1096 | }
1097 | // RTPrintf("Total folder %s size %llu\n", strRootFolder.c_str(), totalFolderSize);
1098 | size = totalFolderSize;
1099 | }
1100 | else
1101 | m_pMachine->setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR,
1102 | m_pMachine->tr("Could not calculate the size of folder '%s' (%Rrc)"),
1103 | strRootFolder.c_str(), vrc);
1104 | return rc;
1105 | }
1106 |
1107 | HRESULT MachineMoveVM::queryBaseName(const ComPtr<IMedium> &pMedium, Utf8Str &strBaseName) const
1108 | {
1109 | ComPtr<IMedium> pBaseMedium;
1110 | HRESULT rc = pMedium->COMGETTER(Base)(pBaseMedium.asOutParam());
1111 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1112 | Bstr bstrBaseName;
1113 | rc = pBaseMedium->COMGETTER(Name)(bstrBaseName.asOutParam());
1114 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1115 | strBaseName = bstrBaseName;
1116 | return rc;
1117 | }
1118 |
1119 | HRESULT MachineMoveVM::createMachineList(const ComPtr<ISnapshot> &pSnapshot,
1120 | std::vector< ComObjPtr<Machine> > &aMachineList) const
1121 | {
1122 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
1123 | Bstr name;
1124 | rc = pSnapshot->COMGETTER(Name)(name.asOutParam());
1125 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1126 |
1127 | ComPtr<IMachine> l_pMachine;
1128 | rc = pSnapshot->COMGETTER(Machine)(l_pMachine.asOutParam());
1129 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1130 | aMachineList.push_back((Machine*)(IMachine*)l_pMachine);
1131 |
1132 | SafeIfaceArray<ISnapshot> sfaChilds;
1133 | rc = pSnapshot->COMGETTER(Children)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(sfaChilds));
1134 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1135 | for (size_t i = 0; i < sfaChilds.size(); ++i)
1136 | {
1137 | rc = createMachineList(sfaChilds[i], aMachineList);
1138 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1139 | }
1140 |
1141 | return rc;
1142 | }
1143 |
1144 | HRESULT MachineMoveVM::queryMediasForAllStates(const std::vector<ComObjPtr<Machine> > &aMachineList,
1145 | ULONG &uCount, ULONG &uTotalWeight)
1146 | {
1147 | /* In this case we create a exact copy of the original VM. This means just
1148 | * adding all directly and indirectly attached disk images to the worker
1149 | * list. */
1150 | HRESULT rc = S_OK;
1151 | for (size_t i = 0; i < aMachineList.size(); ++i)
1152 | {
1153 | const ComObjPtr<Machine> &machine = aMachineList.at(i);
1154 |
1155 | /* Add all attachments (and their parents) of the different
1156 | * machines to a worker list. */
1157 | SafeIfaceArray<IMediumAttachment> sfaAttachments;
1158 | rc = machine->COMGETTER(MediumAttachments)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(sfaAttachments));
1159 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1160 | for (size_t a = 0; a < sfaAttachments.size(); ++a)
1161 | {
1162 | const ComPtr<IMediumAttachment> &pAtt = sfaAttachments[a];
1163 | DeviceType_T type;
1164 | rc = pAtt->COMGETTER(Type)(&type);
1165 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1166 |
1167 | /* Only harddisks and floppies are of interest. */
1168 | if ( type != DeviceType_HardDisk
1169 | && type != DeviceType_Floppy)
1170 | continue;
1171 |
1172 | /* Valid medium attached? */
1173 | ComPtr<IMedium> pSrcMedium;
1174 | rc = pAtt->COMGETTER(Medium)(pSrcMedium.asOutParam());
1175 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1176 |
1177 | if (pSrcMedium.isNull())
1178 | continue;
1179 |
1181 | mtc.devType = type;
1182 |
1183 | while (!pSrcMedium.isNull())
1184 | {
1185 | /* Refresh the state so that the file size get read. */
1186 | MediumState_T e;
1187 | rc = pSrcMedium->RefreshState(&e);
1188 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1189 | LONG64 lSize;
1190 | rc = pSrcMedium->COMGETTER(Size)(&lSize);
1191 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1192 |
1193 | Bstr bstrLocation;
1194 | rc = pSrcMedium->COMGETTER(Location)(bstrLocation.asOutParam());
1195 | if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc;
1196 |
1197 | /* Save the current medium, for later cloning. */
1198 | MEDIUMTASK mt;
1199 | mt.strBaseName = bstrLocation;
1200 | Utf8Str strFolder = vmFolders[VBox_SnapshotFolder];
1201 | if (strFolder.isNotEmpty() && mt.strBaseName.contains(strFolder))
1202 | {
1203 | mt.fSnapshot = true;
1204 | }
1205 | else
1206 | mt.fSnapshot = false;
1207 |
1208 | mt.uIdx = UINT32_MAX;
1209 | mt.pMedium = pSrcMedium;
1210 | mt.uWeight = (ULONG)((lSize + _1M - 1) / _1M);
1211 | mtc.chain.append(mt);
1212 |
1213 | /* Query next parent. */
1214 | rc = pSrcMedium->COMGETTER(Parent)(pSrcMedium.asOutParam());
1215 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1216 | }
1217 | /* Update the progress info. */
1218 | updateProgressStats(mtc, uCount, uTotalWeight);
1219 | /* Append the list of images which have to be moved. */
1220 | llMedias.append(mtc);
1221 | }
1222 | /* Add the save state files of this machine if there is one. */
1223 | rc = addSaveState(machine, uCount, uTotalWeight);
1224 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1225 |
1226 | }
1227 | /* Build up the index list of the image chain. Unfortunately we can't do
1228 | * that in the previous loop, cause there we go from child -> parent and
1229 | * didn't know how many are between. */
1230 | for (size_t i = 0; i < llMedias.size(); ++i)
1231 | {
1232 | uint32_t uIdx = 0;
1233 | MEDIUMTASKCHAIN &mtc = llMedias.at(i);
1234 | for (size_t a = mtc.chain.size(); a > 0; --a)
1235 | mtc.chain[a - 1].uIdx = uIdx++;
1236 | }
1237 |
1238 | return rc;
1239 | }
1240 |
1241 | HRESULT MachineMoveVM::addSaveState(const ComObjPtr<Machine> &machine, ULONG &uCount, ULONG &uTotalWeight)
1242 | {
1243 | Bstr bstrSrcSaveStatePath;
1244 | HRESULT rc = machine->COMGETTER(StateFilePath)(bstrSrcSaveStatePath.asOutParam());
1245 | if (FAILED(rc)) return rc;
1246 | if (!bstrSrcSaveStatePath.isEmpty())
1247 | {
1249 |
1250 | sst.snapshotUuid = machine->i_getSnapshotId();
1251 | sst.strSaveStateFile = bstrSrcSaveStatePath;
1252 | uint64_t cbSize;
1253 | int vrc = RTFileQuerySize(sst.strSaveStateFile.c_str(), &cbSize);
1254 | if (RT_FAILURE(vrc))
1255 | return m_pMachine->setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, m_pMachine->tr("Could not query file size of '%s' (%Rrc)"),
1256 | sst.strSaveStateFile.c_str(), vrc);
1257 | /* same rule as above: count both the data which needs to
1258 | * be read and written */
1259 | sst.uWeight = (ULONG)(2 * (cbSize + _1M - 1) / _1M);
1260 | llSaveStateFiles.append(sst);
1261 | RTPrintf("Added state file %s into the llSaveStateFiles.\n", sst.strSaveStateFile.c_str());
1262 | ++uCount;
1263 | uTotalWeight += sst.uWeight;
1264 | }
1265 | return S_OK;
1266 | }
1267 |
1268 | void MachineMoveVM::updateProgressStats(MEDIUMTASKCHAIN &mtc, ULONG &uCount, ULONG &uTotalWeight) const
1269 | {
1270 |
1271 | /* Currently the copying of diff images involves reading at least
1272 | * the biggest parent in the previous chain. So even if the new
1273 | * diff image is small in size, it could need some time to create
1274 | * it. Adding the biggest size in the chain should balance this a
1275 | * little bit more, i.e. the weight is the sum of the data which
1276 | * needs to be read and written. */
1277 | ULONG uMaxWeight = 0;
1278 | for (size_t e = mtc.chain.size(); e > 0; --e)
1279 | {
1280 | MEDIUMTASK &mt = mtc.chain.at(e - 1);
1281 | mt.uWeight += uMaxWeight;
1282 |
1283 | /* Calculate progress data */
1284 | ++uCount;
1285 | uTotalWeight += mt.uWeight;
1286 |
1287 | /* Save the max size for better weighting of diff image
1288 | * creation. */
1289 | uMaxWeight = RT_MAX(uMaxWeight, mt.uWeight);
1290 | }
1291 | }