/* $Id: GuestSessionImplTasks.cpp 58552 2015-11-03 14:55:58Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox Main - Guest session tasks. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include "GuestImpl.h" #ifndef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL # error "VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL must defined in this file" #endif #include "GuestSessionImpl.h" #include "GuestCtrlImplPrivate.h" #include "Global.h" #include "AutoCaller.h" #include "ConsoleImpl.h" #include "ProgressImpl.h" #include /* For auto_ptr. */ #include #include /* For CopyTo/From. */ #ifdef LOG_GROUP #undef LOG_GROUP #endif #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_GUEST_CONTROL #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defines * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Update file flags. */ #define UPDATEFILE_FLAG_NONE 0 /** Copy over the file from host to the * guest. */ #define UPDATEFILE_FLAG_COPY_FROM_ISO RT_BIT(0) /** Execute file on the guest after it has * been successfully transfered. */ #define UPDATEFILE_FLAG_EXECUTE RT_BIT(7) /** File is optional, does not have to be * existent on the .ISO. */ #define UPDATEFILE_FLAG_OPTIONAL RT_BIT(8) // session task classes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GuestSessionTask::GuestSessionTask(GuestSession *pSession):ThreadTask("GenericGuestSessionTask") { mSession = pSession; } GuestSessionTask::~GuestSessionTask(void) { } HRESULT GuestSessionTask::createAndSetProgressObject() { LogFlowThisFunc(("Task Description = %s, pTask=%p\n", mDesc.c_str(), this)); ComObjPtr pProgress; HRESULT hr = S_OK; /* Create the progress object. */ hr = pProgress.createObject(); if (FAILED(hr)) return VERR_COM_UNEXPECTED; hr = pProgress->init(static_cast(mSession), Bstr(mDesc).raw(), TRUE /* aCancelable */); if (FAILED(hr)) return VERR_COM_UNEXPECTED; mProgress = pProgress; LogFlowFuncLeave(); return hr; } int GuestSessionTask::getGuestProperty(const ComObjPtr &pGuest, const Utf8Str &strPath, Utf8Str &strValue) { ComObjPtr pConsole = pGuest->i_getConsole(); const ComPtr pMachine = pConsole->i_machine(); Assert(!pMachine.isNull()); Bstr strTemp, strFlags; LONG64 i64Timestamp; HRESULT hr = pMachine->GetGuestProperty(Bstr(strPath).raw(), strTemp.asOutParam(), &i64Timestamp, strFlags.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strValue = strTemp; return VINF_SUCCESS; } return VERR_NOT_FOUND; } int GuestSessionTask::setProgress(ULONG uPercent) { if (mProgress.isNull()) /* Progress is optional. */ return VINF_SUCCESS; BOOL fCanceled; if ( SUCCEEDED(mProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) return VERR_CANCELLED; BOOL fCompleted; if ( SUCCEEDED(mProgress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted))) && fCompleted) { AssertMsgFailed(("Setting value of an already completed progress\n")); return VINF_SUCCESS; } HRESULT hr = mProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(uPercent); if (FAILED(hr)) return VERR_COM_UNEXPECTED; return VINF_SUCCESS; } int GuestSessionTask::setProgressSuccess(void) { if (mProgress.isNull()) /* Progress is optional. */ return VINF_SUCCESS; BOOL fCanceled; BOOL fCompleted; if ( SUCCEEDED(mProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && !fCanceled && SUCCEEDED(mProgress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted))) && !fCompleted) { HRESULT hr = mProgress->i_notifyComplete(S_OK); if (FAILED(hr)) return VERR_COM_UNEXPECTED; /** @todo Find a better rc. */ } return VINF_SUCCESS; } HRESULT GuestSessionTask::setProgressErrorMsg(HRESULT hr, const Utf8Str &strMsg) { LogFlowFunc(("hr=%Rhrc, strMsg=%s\n", hr, strMsg.c_str())); if (mProgress.isNull()) /* Progress is optional. */ return hr; /* Return original rc. */ BOOL fCanceled; BOOL fCompleted; if ( SUCCEEDED(mProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && !fCanceled && SUCCEEDED(mProgress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted))) && !fCompleted) { HRESULT hr2 = mProgress->i_notifyComplete(hr, COM_IIDOF(IGuestSession), GuestSession::getStaticComponentName(), strMsg.c_str()); if (FAILED(hr2)) return hr2; } return hr; /* Return original rc. */ } SessionTaskOpen::SessionTaskOpen(GuestSession *pSession, uint32_t uFlags, uint32_t uTimeoutMS) : GuestSessionTask(pSession), mFlags(uFlags), mTimeoutMS(uTimeoutMS) { m_strTaskName = "gctlSesOpen"; } SessionTaskOpen::~SessionTaskOpen(void) { } int SessionTaskOpen::Run(int *pGuestRc) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); ComObjPtr pSession = mSession; Assert(!pSession.isNull()); AutoCaller autoCaller(pSession); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); int vrc = pSession->i_startSessionInternal(pGuestRc); /* Nothing to do here anymore. */ LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return vrc; } int SessionTaskOpen::RunAsync(const Utf8Str &strDesc, ComObjPtr &pProgress) { LogFlowThisFunc(("strDesc=%s\n", strDesc.c_str())); mDesc = strDesc; mProgress = pProgress; int rc = RTThreadCreate(NULL, SessionTaskOpen::taskThread, this, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_HEAVY_WORKER, 0, "gctlSesOpen"); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /* static */ DECLCALLBACK(int) SessionTaskOpen::taskThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser) { SessionTaskOpen* task = static_cast(pvUser); AssertReturn(task, VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE); LogFlowFunc(("pTask=%p\n", task)); return task->Run(NULL /* guestRc */); } SessionTaskCopyTo::SessionTaskCopyTo(GuestSession *pSession, const Utf8Str &strSource, const Utf8Str &strDest, uint32_t uFlags) : GuestSessionTask(pSession), mSource(strSource), mSourceFile(NULL), mSourceOffset(0), mSourceSize(0), mDest(strDest) { mCopyFileFlags = uFlags; m_strTaskName = "gctlCpyTo"; } /** @todo Merge this and the above call and let the above call do the open/close file handling so that the * inner code only has to deal with file handles. No time now ... */ SessionTaskCopyTo::SessionTaskCopyTo(GuestSession *pSession, PRTFILE pSourceFile, size_t cbSourceOffset, uint64_t cbSourceSize, const Utf8Str &strDest, uint32_t uFlags) : GuestSessionTask(pSession) { mSourceFile = pSourceFile; mSourceOffset = cbSourceOffset; mSourceSize = cbSourceSize; mDest = strDest; mCopyFileFlags = uFlags; m_strTaskName = "gctlCpyTo"; } SessionTaskCopyTo::~SessionTaskCopyTo(void) { } int SessionTaskCopyTo::Run(void) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); ComObjPtr pSession = mSession; Assert(!pSession.isNull()); AutoCaller autoCaller(pSession); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); if (mCopyFileFlags) { setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Copy flags (%#x) not implemented yet"), mCopyFileFlags)); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } int rc; RTFILE fileLocal; PRTFILE pFile = &fileLocal; if (!mSourceFile) { /* Does our source file exist? */ if (!RTFileExists(mSource.c_str())) { rc = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Source file \"%s\" does not exist or is not a file"), mSource.c_str())); } else { rc = RTFileOpen(pFile, mSource.c_str(), RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Could not open source file \"%s\" for reading: %Rrc"), mSource.c_str(), rc)); } else { rc = RTFileGetSize(*pFile, &mSourceSize); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Could not query file size of \"%s\": %Rrc"), mSource.c_str(), rc)); } } } } else { rc = VINF_SUCCESS; pFile = mSourceFile; /* Size + offset are optional. */ } GuestProcessStartupInfo procInfo; procInfo.mExecutable = Utf8Str(VBOXSERVICE_TOOL_CAT); procInfo.mFlags = ProcessCreateFlag_Hidden; /* Set arguments.*/ procInfo.mArguments.push_back(Utf8StrFmt("--output=%s", mDest.c_str())); /** @todo Do we need path conversion? */ /* Startup process. */ ComObjPtr pProcess; int guestRc; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = pSession->i_processCreateExInternal(procInfo, pProcess); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { Assert(!pProcess.isNull()); rc = pProcess->i_startProcess(30 * 1000 /* 30s timeout */, &guestRc); } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { switch (rc) { case VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, GuestProcess::i_guestErrorToString(guestRc)); break; default: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr( "Error while creating guest process for copying file \"%s\" from guest to host: %Rrc"), mSource.c_str(), rc)); break; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { ProcessWaitResult_T waitRes; BYTE byBuf[_64K]; BOOL fCanceled = FALSE; uint64_t cbWrittenTotal = 0; uint64_t cbToRead = mSourceSize; for (;;) { rc = pProcess->i_waitFor(ProcessWaitForFlag_StdIn, 30 * 1000 /* Timeout */, waitRes, &guestRc); if ( RT_FAILURE(rc) || ( waitRes != ProcessWaitResult_StdIn && waitRes != ProcessWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported)) { break; } /* If the guest does not support waiting for stdin, we now yield in * order to reduce the CPU load due to busy waiting. */ if (waitRes == ProcessWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported) RTThreadYield(); /* Optional, don't check rc. */ size_t cbRead = 0; if (mSourceSize) /* If we have nothing to write, take a shortcut. */ { /** @todo Not very efficient, but works for now. */ rc = RTFileSeek(*pFile, mSourceOffset + cbWrittenTotal, RTFILE_SEEK_BEGIN, NULL /* poffActual */); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTFileRead(*pFile, (uint8_t*)byBuf, RT_MIN((size_t)cbToRead, sizeof(byBuf)), &cbRead); /* * Some other error occured? There might be a chance that RTFileRead * could not resolve/map the native error code to an IPRT code, so just * print a generic error. */ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Could not read from file \"%s\" (%Rrc)"), mSource.c_str(), rc)); break; } } else { setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Seeking file \"%s\" to offset %RU64 failed: %Rrc"), mSource.c_str(), cbWrittenTotal, rc)); break; } } uint32_t fFlags = ProcessInputFlag_None; /* Did we reach the end of the content we want to transfer (last chunk)? */ if ( (cbRead < sizeof(byBuf)) /* Did we reach the last block which is exactly _64K? */ || (cbToRead - cbRead == 0) /* ... or does the user want to cancel? */ || ( !mProgress.isNull() && SUCCEEDED(mProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) ) { LogFlowThisFunc(("Writing last chunk cbRead=%RU64\n", cbRead)); fFlags |= ProcessInputFlag_EndOfFile; } uint32_t cbWritten; Assert(sizeof(byBuf) >= cbRead); rc = pProcess->i_writeData(0 /* StdIn */, fFlags, byBuf, cbRead, 30 * 1000 /* Timeout */, &cbWritten, &guestRc); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { switch (rc) { case VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, GuestProcess::i_guestErrorToString(guestRc)); break; default: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Writing to file \"%s\" (offset %RU64) failed: %Rrc"), mDest.c_str(), cbWrittenTotal, rc)); break; } break; } /* Only subtract bytes reported written by the guest. */ Assert(cbToRead >= cbWritten); cbToRead -= cbWritten; /* Update total bytes written to the guest. */ cbWrittenTotal += cbWritten; Assert(cbWrittenTotal <= mSourceSize); LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=%Rrc, cbWritten=%RU32, cbToRead=%RU64, cbWrittenTotal=%RU64, cbFileSize=%RU64\n", rc, cbWritten, cbToRead, cbWrittenTotal, mSourceSize)); /* Did the user cancel the operation above? */ if (fCanceled) break; /* Update the progress. * Watch out for division by zero. */ mSourceSize > 0 ? rc = setProgress((ULONG)(cbWrittenTotal * 100 / mSourceSize)) : rc = setProgress(100); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; /* End of file reached? */ if (!cbToRead) break; } /* for */ LogFlowThisFunc(("Copy loop ended with rc=%Rrc, cbToRead=%RU64, cbWrittenTotal=%RU64, cbFileSize=%RU64\n", rc, cbToRead, cbWrittenTotal, mSourceSize)); if ( !fCanceled || RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Even if we succeeded until here make sure to check whether we really transfered * everything. */ if ( mSourceSize > 0 && cbWrittenTotal == 0) { /* If nothing was transfered but the file size was > 0 then "vbox_cat" wasn't able to write * to the destination -> access denied. */ setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Access denied when copying file \"%s\" to \"%s\""), mSource.c_str(), mDest.c_str())); rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */ } else if (cbWrittenTotal < mSourceSize) { /* If we did not copy all let the user know. */ setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Copying file \"%s\" failed (%RU64/%RU64 bytes transfered)"), mSource.c_str(), cbWrittenTotal, mSourceSize)); rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */ } else { rc = pProcess->i_waitFor(ProcessWaitForFlag_Terminate, 30 * 1000 /* Timeout */, waitRes, &guestRc); if ( RT_FAILURE(rc) || waitRes != ProcessWaitResult_Terminate) { if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt( GuestSession::tr("Waiting on termination for copying file \"%s\" failed: %Rrc"), mSource.c_str(), rc)); else { setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr( "Waiting on termination for copying file \"%s\" failed with wait result %ld"), mSource.c_str(), waitRes)); rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */ } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { ProcessStatus_T procStatus; LONG exitCode; if ( ( SUCCEEDED(pProcess->COMGETTER(Status(&procStatus))) && procStatus != ProcessStatus_TerminatedNormally) || ( SUCCEEDED(pProcess->COMGETTER(ExitCode(&exitCode))) && exitCode != 0) ) { setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr( "Copying file \"%s\" failed with status %ld, exit code %ld"), mSource.c_str(), procStatus, exitCode)); /**@todo Add stringify methods! */ rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */ } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = setProgressSuccess(); } } } /* processCreateExInteral */ if (!mSourceFile) /* Only close locally opened files. */ RTFileClose(*pFile); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } int SessionTaskCopyTo::RunAsync(const Utf8Str &strDesc, ComObjPtr &pProgress) { LogFlowThisFunc(("strDesc=%s, strSource=%s, strDest=%s, mCopyFileFlags=%x\n", strDesc.c_str(), mSource.c_str(), mDest.c_str(), mCopyFileFlags)); mDesc = strDesc; mProgress = pProgress; int rc = RTThreadCreate(NULL, SessionTaskCopyTo::taskThread, this, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_HEAVY_WORKER, 0, "gctlCpyTo"); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /* static */ DECLCALLBACK(int) SessionTaskCopyTo::taskThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser) { SessionTaskCopyTo* task = static_cast(pvUser); AssertReturn(task, VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE); LogFlowFunc(("pTask=%p\n", task)); return task->Run(); } SessionTaskCopyFrom::SessionTaskCopyFrom(GuestSession *pSession, const Utf8Str &strSource, const Utf8Str &strDest, uint32_t uFlags) : GuestSessionTask(pSession) { mSource = strSource; mDest = strDest; mFlags = uFlags; m_strTaskName = "gctlCpyFrom"; } SessionTaskCopyFrom::~SessionTaskCopyFrom(void) { } int SessionTaskCopyFrom::Run(void) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); ComObjPtr pSession = mSession; Assert(!pSession.isNull()); AutoCaller autoCaller(pSession); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); /* * Note: There will be races between querying file size + reading the guest file's * content because we currently *do not* lock down the guest file when doing the * actual operations. ** @todo Use the IGuestFile API for locking down the file on the guest! */ GuestFsObjData objData; int guestRc; int rc = pSession->i_fileQueryInfoInternal(Utf8Str(mSource), false /*fFollowSymlinks*/, objData, &guestRc); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Querying guest file information for \"%s\" failed: %Rrc"), mSource.c_str(), rc)); } else if (objData.mType != FsObjType_File) /* Only single files are supported at the moment. */ { setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Object \"%s\" on the guest is not a file"), mSource.c_str())); rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */ } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTFILE fileDest; rc = RTFileOpen(&fileDest, mDest.c_str(), RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_OPEN_CREATE | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE); /** @todo Use the correct open modes! */ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Error opening destination file \"%s\": %Rrc"), mDest.c_str(), rc)); } else { GuestProcessStartupInfo procInfo; procInfo.mName = Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Copying file \"%s\" from guest to the host to \"%s\" (%RI64 bytes)"), mSource.c_str(), mDest.c_str(), objData.mObjectSize); procInfo.mExecutable = Utf8Str(VBOXSERVICE_TOOL_CAT); procInfo.mFlags = ProcessCreateFlag_Hidden | ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForStdOut; /* Set arguments.*/ procInfo.mArguments.push_back(mSource); /* Which file to output? */ /* Startup process. */ ComObjPtr pProcess; rc = pSession->i_processCreateExInternal(procInfo, pProcess); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = pProcess->i_startProcess(30 * 1000 /* 30s timeout */, &guestRc); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { switch (rc) { case VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, GuestProcess::i_guestErrorToString(guestRc)); break; default: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr( "Error while creating guest process for copying file \"%s\" from guest to host: %Rrc"), mSource.c_str(), rc)); break; } } else { ProcessWaitResult_T waitRes; BYTE byBuf[_64K]; BOOL fCanceled = FALSE; uint64_t cbWrittenTotal = 0; uint64_t cbToRead = objData.mObjectSize; for (;;) { rc = pProcess->i_waitFor(ProcessWaitForFlag_StdOut, 30 * 1000 /* Timeout */, waitRes, &guestRc); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { switch (rc) { case VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, GuestProcess::i_guestErrorToString(guestRc)); break; default: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Error while creating guest process for copying file \"%s\" from guest to host: %Rrc"), mSource.c_str(), rc)); break; } break; } if ( waitRes == ProcessWaitResult_StdOut || waitRes == ProcessWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported) { /* If the guest does not support waiting for stdin, we now yield in * order to reduce the CPU load due to busy waiting. */ if (waitRes == ProcessWaitResult_WaitFlagNotSupported) RTThreadYield(); /* Optional, don't check rc. */ uint32_t cbRead = 0; /* readData can return with VWRN_GSTCTL_OBJECTSTATE_CHANGED. */ rc = pProcess->i_readData(OUTPUT_HANDLE_ID_STDOUT, sizeof(byBuf), 30 * 1000 /* Timeout */, byBuf, sizeof(byBuf), &cbRead, &guestRc); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { switch (rc) { case VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, GuestProcess::i_guestErrorToString(guestRc)); break; default: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Reading from file \"%s\" (offset %RU64) failed: %Rrc"), mSource.c_str(), cbWrittenTotal, rc)); break; } break; } if (cbRead) { rc = RTFileWrite(fileDest, byBuf, cbRead, NULL /* No partial writes */); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Error writing to file \"%s\" (%RU64 bytes left): %Rrc"), mDest.c_str(), cbToRead, rc)); break; } /* Only subtract bytes reported written by the guest. */ Assert(cbToRead >= cbRead); cbToRead -= cbRead; /* Update total bytes written to the guest. */ cbWrittenTotal += cbRead; Assert(cbWrittenTotal <= (uint64_t)objData.mObjectSize); /* Did the user cancel the operation above? */ if ( SUCCEEDED(mProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) break; rc = setProgress((ULONG)(cbWrittenTotal / ((uint64_t)objData.mObjectSize / 100.0))); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } } else { break; } } /* for */ LogFlowThisFunc(("rc=%Rrc, guestrc=%Rrc, waitRes=%ld, cbWrittenTotal=%RU64, cbSize=%RI64, cbToRead=%RU64\n", rc, guestRc, waitRes, cbWrittenTotal, objData.mObjectSize, cbToRead)); if ( !fCanceled || RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Even if we succeeded until here make sure to check whether we really transfered * everything. */ if ( objData.mObjectSize > 0 && cbWrittenTotal == 0) { /* If nothing was transfered but the file size was > 0 then "vbox_cat" wasn't able to write * to the destination -> access denied. */ setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Unable to write \"%s\" to \"%s\": Access denied"), mSource.c_str(), mDest.c_str())); rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */ } else if (cbWrittenTotal < (uint64_t)objData.mObjectSize) { /* If we did not copy all let the user know. */ setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Copying file \"%s\" failed (%RU64/%RI64 bytes transfered)"), mSource.c_str(), cbWrittenTotal, objData.mObjectSize)); rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */ } else { ProcessStatus_T procStatus; LONG exitCode; if ( ( SUCCEEDED(pProcess->COMGETTER(Status(&procStatus))) && procStatus != ProcessStatus_TerminatedNormally) || ( SUCCEEDED(pProcess->COMGETTER(ExitCode(&exitCode))) && exitCode != 0) ) { setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Copying file \"%s\" failed with status %ld, exit code %d"), mSource.c_str(), procStatus, exitCode)); /**@todo Add stringify methods! */ rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */ } else /* Yay, success! */ rc = setProgressSuccess(); } } } RTFileClose(fileDest); } } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } int SessionTaskCopyFrom::RunAsync(const Utf8Str &strDesc, ComObjPtr &pProgress) { LogFlowThisFunc(("strDesc=%s, strSource=%s, strDest=%s, uFlags=%x\n", strDesc.c_str(), mSource.c_str(), mDest.c_str(), mFlags)); mDesc = strDesc; mProgress = pProgress; int rc = RTThreadCreate(NULL, SessionTaskCopyFrom::taskThread, this, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_HEAVY_WORKER, 0, "gctlCpyFrom"); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /* static */ DECLCALLBACK(int) SessionTaskCopyFrom::taskThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser) { SessionTaskCopyFrom* task = static_cast(pvUser); AssertReturn(task, VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE); LogFlowFunc(("pTask=%p\n", task)); return task->Run(); } SessionTaskUpdateAdditions::SessionTaskUpdateAdditions(GuestSession *pSession, const Utf8Str &strSource, const ProcessArguments &aArguments, uint32_t uFlags) : GuestSessionTask(pSession) { mSource = strSource; mArguments = aArguments; mFlags = uFlags; m_strTaskName = "gctlUpGA"; } SessionTaskUpdateAdditions::~SessionTaskUpdateAdditions(void) { } int SessionTaskUpdateAdditions::i_addProcessArguments(ProcessArguments &aArgumentsDest, const ProcessArguments &aArgumentsSource) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; try { /* Filter out arguments which already are in the destination to * not end up having them specified twice. Not the fastest method on the * planet but does the job. */ ProcessArguments::const_iterator itSource = aArgumentsSource.begin(); while (itSource != aArgumentsSource.end()) { bool fFound = false; ProcessArguments::iterator itDest = aArgumentsDest.begin(); while (itDest != aArgumentsDest.end()) { if ((*itDest).equalsIgnoreCase((*itSource))) { fFound = true; break; } ++itDest; } if (!fFound) aArgumentsDest.push_back((*itSource)); ++itSource; } } catch(std::bad_alloc &) { return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } return rc; } int SessionTaskUpdateAdditions::i_copyFileToGuest(GuestSession *pSession, PRTISOFSFILE pISO, Utf8Str const &strFileSource, const Utf8Str &strFileDest, bool fOptional, uint32_t *pcbSize) { AssertPtrReturn(pSession, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pISO, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* pcbSize is optional. */ uint32_t cbOffset; size_t cbSize; int rc = RTIsoFsGetFileInfo(pISO, strFileSource.c_str(), &cbOffset, &cbSize); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (fOptional) return VINF_SUCCESS; return rc; } Assert(cbOffset); Assert(cbSize); rc = RTFileSeek(pISO->file, cbOffset, RTFILE_SEEK_BEGIN, NULL); HRESULT hr = S_OK; /* Copy over the Guest Additions file to the guest. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("Copying Guest Additions installer file \"%s\" to \"%s\" on guest ...\n", strFileSource.c_str(), strFileDest.c_str())); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { SessionTaskCopyTo *pTask = NULL; ComObjPtr pProgressCopyTo; try { try { pTask = new SessionTaskCopyTo(pSession /* GuestSession */, &pISO->file, cbOffset, cbSize, strFileDest, FileCopyFlag_None); } catch(...) { hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, GuestSession::tr("Failed to create SessionTaskCopyTo object ")); throw; } hr = pTask->Init(Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Copying Guest Additions installer file \"%s\" to \"%s\" on guest"), mSource.c_str(), strFileDest.c_str())); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pTask; hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, GuestSession::tr("Creating progress object for SessionTaskCopyTo object failed")); throw hr; } hr = pTask->createThread(NULL, RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_HEAVY_WORKER); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { /* Return progress to the caller. */ pProgressCopyTo = pTask->GetProgressObject(); } else hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, GuestSession::tr("Starting thread for updating additions failed ")); } catch(std::bad_alloc &) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(HRESULT eHR) { hr = eHR; LogFlowThisFunc(("Exception was caught in the function \n")); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BOOL fCanceled = FALSE; hr = pProgressCopyTo->WaitForCompletion(-1); if ( SUCCEEDED(pProgressCopyTo->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled)) && fCanceled) { rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */ } else if (FAILED(hr)) { Assert(FAILED(hr)); rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; /* Fudge. */ } } } } /** @todo Note: Since there is no file locking involved at the moment, there can be modifications * between finished copying, the verification and the actual execution. */ /* Determine where the installer image ended up and if it has the correct size. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("Verifying Guest Additions installer file \"%s\" ...\n", strFileDest.c_str())); GuestFsObjData objData; int64_t cbSizeOnGuest; int guestRc; rc = pSession->i_fileQuerySizeInternal(strFileDest, false /*fFollowSymlinks*/, &cbSizeOnGuest, &guestRc); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cbSize == (uint64_t)cbSizeOnGuest) { LogFlowThisFunc(("Guest Additions installer file \"%s\" successfully verified\n", strFileDest.c_str())); } else { if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) /* Size does not match. */ { LogRel(("Size of Guest Additions installer file \"%s\" does not match: %RI64 bytes copied, %RU64 bytes expected\n", strFileDest.c_str(), cbSizeOnGuest, cbSize)); rc = VERR_BROKEN_PIPE; /** @todo Find a better error. */ } else { switch (rc) { case VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, GuestProcess::i_guestErrorToString(guestRc)); break; default: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Error while querying size for file \"%s\": %Rrc"), strFileDest.c_str(), rc)); break; } } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pcbSize) *pcbSize = (uint32_t)cbSizeOnGuest; } } return rc; } int SessionTaskUpdateAdditions::i_runFileOnGuest(GuestSession *pSession, GuestProcessStartupInfo &procInfo) { AssertPtrReturn(pSession, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogRel(("Running %s ...\n", procInfo.mName.c_str())); LONG exitCode; GuestProcessTool procTool; int guestRc; int vrc = procTool.Init(pSession, procInfo, false /* Async */, &guestRc); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { if (RT_SUCCESS(guestRc)) vrc = procTool.i_wait(GUESTPROCESSTOOL_FLAG_NONE, &guestRc); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) vrc = procTool.i_terminatedOk(&exitCode); } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { switch (vrc) { case VERR_NOT_EQUAL: /** @todo Special guest control rc needed! */ setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Running update file \"%s\" on guest terminated with exit code %ld"), procInfo.mExecutable.c_str(), exitCode)); break; case VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, GuestProcess::i_guestErrorToString(guestRc)); break; case VERR_INVALID_STATE: /** @todo Special guest control rc needed! */ setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Update file \"%s\" reported invalid running state"), procInfo.mExecutable.c_str())); break; default: setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Error while running update file \"%s\" on guest: %Rrc"), procInfo.mExecutable.c_str(), vrc)); break; } } return vrc; } int SessionTaskUpdateAdditions::Run(void) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); ComObjPtr pSession = mSession; Assert(!pSession.isNull()); AutoCaller autoCaller(pSession); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); int rc = setProgress(10); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; HRESULT hr = S_OK; LogRel(("Automatic update of Guest Additions started, using \"%s\"\n", mSource.c_str())); ComObjPtr pGuest(mSession->i_getParent()); #if 0 /* * Wait for the guest being ready within 30 seconds. */ AdditionsRunLevelType_T addsRunLevel; uint64_t tsStart = RTTimeSystemMilliTS(); while ( SUCCEEDED(hr = pGuest->COMGETTER(AdditionsRunLevel)(&addsRunLevel)) && ( addsRunLevel != AdditionsRunLevelType_Userland && addsRunLevel != AdditionsRunLevelType_Desktop)) { if ((RTTimeSystemMilliTS() - tsStart) > 30 * 1000) { rc = VERR_TIMEOUT; break; } RTThreadSleep(100); /* Wait a bit. */ } if (FAILED(hr)) rc = VERR_TIMEOUT; if (rc == VERR_TIMEOUT) hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Guest Additions were not ready within time, giving up"))); #else /* * For use with the GUI we don't want to wait, just return so that the manual .ISO mounting * can continue. */ AdditionsRunLevelType_T addsRunLevel; if ( FAILED(hr = pGuest->COMGETTER(AdditionsRunLevel)(&addsRunLevel)) || ( addsRunLevel != AdditionsRunLevelType_Userland && addsRunLevel != AdditionsRunLevelType_Desktop)) { if (addsRunLevel == AdditionsRunLevelType_System) hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Guest Additions are installed but not fully loaded yet, aborting automatic update"))); else hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Guest Additions not installed or ready, aborting automatic update"))); rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } #endif if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Determine if we are able to update automatically. This only works * if there are recent Guest Additions installed already. */ Utf8Str strAddsVer; rc = getGuestProperty(pGuest, "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/Version", strAddsVer); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && RTStrVersionCompare(strAddsVer.c_str(), "4.1") < 0) { hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Guest has too old Guest Additions (%s) installed for automatic updating, please update manually"), strAddsVer.c_str())); rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } Utf8Str strOSVer; eOSType osType = eOSType_Unknown; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Determine guest OS type and the required installer image. */ Utf8Str strOSType; rc = getGuestProperty(pGuest, "/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/OS/Product", strOSType); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if ( strOSType.contains("Microsoft", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive) || strOSType.contains("Windows", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive)) { osType = eOSType_Windows; /* * Determine guest OS version. */ rc = getGuestProperty(pGuest, "/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/OS/Release", strOSVer); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Unable to detected guest OS version, please update manually"))); rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /* Because Windows 2000 + XP and is bitching with WHQL popups even if we have signed drivers we * can't do automated updates here. */ /* Windows XP 64-bit (5.2) is a Windows 2003 Server actually, so skip this here. */ if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && RTStrVersionCompare(strOSVer.c_str(), "5.0") >= 0) { if ( strOSVer.startsWith("5.0") /* Exclude the build number. */ || strOSVer.startsWith("5.1") /* Exclude the build number. */) { /* If we don't have AdditionsUpdateFlag_WaitForUpdateStartOnly set we can't continue * because the Windows Guest Additions installer will fail because of WHQL popups. If the * flag is set this update routine ends successfully as soon as the installer was started * (and the user has to deal with it in the guest). */ if (!(mFlags & AdditionsUpdateFlag_WaitForUpdateStartOnly)) { hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Windows 2000 and XP are not supported for automatic updating due to WHQL interaction, please update manually"))); rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } } else { hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("%s (%s) not supported for automatic updating, please update manually"), strOSType.c_str(), strOSVer.c_str())); rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } else if (strOSType.contains("Solaris", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive)) { osType = eOSType_Solaris; } else /* Everything else hopefully means Linux :-). */ osType = eOSType_Linux; #if 1 /* Only Windows is supported (and tested) at the moment. */ if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && osType != eOSType_Windows) { hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Detected guest OS (%s) does not support automatic Guest Additions updating, please update manually"), strOSType.c_str())); rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } #endif } } RTISOFSFILE iso; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Try to open the .ISO file to extract all needed files. */ rc = RTIsoFsOpen(&iso, mSource.c_str()); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Unable to open Guest Additions .ISO file \"%s\": %Rrc"), mSource.c_str(), rc)); } else { /* Set default installation directories. */ Utf8Str strUpdateDir = "/tmp/"; if (osType == eOSType_Windows) strUpdateDir = "C:\\Temp\\"; rc = setProgress(5); /* Try looking up the Guest Additions installation directory. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Try getting the installed Guest Additions version to know whether we * can install our temporary Guest Addition data into the original installation * directory. * * Because versions prior to 4.2 had bugs wrt spaces in paths we have to choose * a different location then. */ bool fUseInstallDir = false; Utf8Str strAddsVer; rc = getGuestProperty(pGuest, "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/Version", strAddsVer); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && RTStrVersionCompare(strAddsVer.c_str(), "4.2r80329") > 0) { fUseInstallDir = true; } if (fUseInstallDir) { if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = getGuestProperty(pGuest, "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/InstallDir", strUpdateDir); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (osType == eOSType_Windows) { strUpdateDir.findReplace('/', '\\'); strUpdateDir.append("\\Update\\"); } else strUpdateDir.append("/update/"); } } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) LogRel(("Guest Additions update directory is: %s\n", strUpdateDir.c_str())); /* Create the installation directory. */ int guestRc; rc = pSession->i_directoryCreateInternal(strUpdateDir, 755 /* Mode */, DirectoryCreateFlag_Parents, &guestRc); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { switch (rc) { case VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR: hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, GuestProcess::i_guestErrorToString(guestRc)); break; default: hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Error creating installation directory \"%s\" on the guest: %Rrc"), strUpdateDir.c_str(), rc)); break; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = setProgress(10); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Prepare the file(s) we want to copy over to the guest and * (maybe) want to run. */ switch (osType) { case eOSType_Windows: { /* Do we need to install our certificates? We do this for W2K and up. */ bool fInstallCert = false; /* Only Windows 2000 and up need certificates to be installed. */ if (RTStrVersionCompare(strOSVer.c_str(), "5.0") >= 0) { fInstallCert = true; LogRel(("Certificates for auto updating WHQL drivers will be installed\n")); } else LogRel(("Skipping installation of certificates for WHQL drivers\n")); if (fInstallCert) { /* Our certificate. */ mFiles.push_back(InstallerFile("CERT/ORACLE_VBOX.CER", strUpdateDir + "oracle-vbox.cer", UPDATEFILE_FLAG_COPY_FROM_ISO | UPDATEFILE_FLAG_OPTIONAL)); /* Our certificate installation utility. */ /* First pass: Copy over the file + execute it to remove any existing * VBox certificates. */ GuestProcessStartupInfo siCertUtilRem; siCertUtilRem.mName = "VirtualBox Certificate Utility, removing old VirtualBox certificates"; siCertUtilRem.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str("remove-trusted-publisher")); siCertUtilRem.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str("--root")); /* Add root certificate as well. */ siCertUtilRem.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str(strUpdateDir + "oracle-vbox.cer")); siCertUtilRem.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str(strUpdateDir + "oracle-vbox.cer")); mFiles.push_back(InstallerFile("CERT/VBOXCERTUTIL.EXE", strUpdateDir + "VBoxCertUtil.exe", UPDATEFILE_FLAG_COPY_FROM_ISO | UPDATEFILE_FLAG_EXECUTE | UPDATEFILE_FLAG_OPTIONAL, siCertUtilRem)); /* Second pass: Only execute (but don't copy) again, this time installng the * recent certificates just copied over. */ GuestProcessStartupInfo siCertUtilAdd; siCertUtilAdd.mName = "VirtualBox Certificate Utility, installing VirtualBox certificates"; siCertUtilAdd.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str("add-trusted-publisher")); siCertUtilAdd.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str("--root")); /* Add root certificate as well. */ siCertUtilAdd.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str(strUpdateDir + "oracle-vbox.cer")); siCertUtilAdd.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str(strUpdateDir + "oracle-vbox.cer")); mFiles.push_back(InstallerFile("CERT/VBOXCERTUTIL.EXE", strUpdateDir + "VBoxCertUtil.exe", UPDATEFILE_FLAG_EXECUTE | UPDATEFILE_FLAG_OPTIONAL, siCertUtilAdd)); } /* The installers in different flavors, as we don't know (and can't assume) * the guest's bitness. */ mFiles.push_back(InstallerFile("VBOXWINDOWSADDITIONS_X86.EXE", strUpdateDir + "VBoxWindowsAdditions-x86.exe", UPDATEFILE_FLAG_COPY_FROM_ISO)); mFiles.push_back(InstallerFile("VBOXWINDOWSADDITIONS_AMD64.EXE", strUpdateDir + "VBoxWindowsAdditions-amd64.exe", UPDATEFILE_FLAG_COPY_FROM_ISO)); /* The stub loader which decides which flavor to run. */ GuestProcessStartupInfo siInstaller; siInstaller.mName = "VirtualBox Windows Guest Additions Installer"; /* Set a running timeout of 5 minutes -- the Windows Guest Additions * setup can take quite a while, so be on the safe side. */ siInstaller.mTimeoutMS = 5 * 60 * 1000; siInstaller.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str("/S")); /* We want to install in silent mode. */ siInstaller.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str("/l")); /* ... and logging enabled. */ /* Don't quit VBoxService during upgrade because it still is used for this * piece of code we're in right now (that is, here!) ... */ siInstaller.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str("/no_vboxservice_exit")); /* Tell the installer to report its current installation status * using a running VBoxTray instance via balloon messages in the * Windows taskbar. */ siInstaller.mArguments.push_back(Utf8Str("/post_installstatus")); /* Add optional installer command line arguments from the API to the * installer's startup info. */ rc = i_addProcessArguments(siInstaller.mArguments, mArguments); AssertRC(rc); /* If the caller does not want to wait for out guest update process to end, * complete the progress object now so that the caller can do other work. */ if (mFlags & AdditionsUpdateFlag_WaitForUpdateStartOnly) siInstaller.mFlags |= ProcessCreateFlag_WaitForProcessStartOnly; mFiles.push_back(InstallerFile("VBOXWINDOWSADDITIONS.EXE", strUpdateDir + "VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe", UPDATEFILE_FLAG_COPY_FROM_ISO | UPDATEFILE_FLAG_EXECUTE, siInstaller)); break; } case eOSType_Linux: /** @todo Add Linux support. */ break; case eOSType_Solaris: /** @todo Add Solaris support. */ break; default: AssertReleaseMsgFailed(("Unsupported guest type: %d\n", osType)); break; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* We want to spend 40% total for all copying operations. So roughly * calculate the specific percentage step of each copied file. */ uint8_t uOffset = 20; /* Start at 20%. */ uint8_t uStep = 40 / (uint8_t)mFiles.size(); Assert(mFiles.size() <= 10); LogRel(("Copying over Guest Additions update files to the guest ...\n")); std::vector::const_iterator itFiles = mFiles.begin(); while (itFiles != mFiles.end()) { if (itFiles->fFlags & UPDATEFILE_FLAG_COPY_FROM_ISO) { bool fOptional = false; if (itFiles->fFlags & UPDATEFILE_FLAG_OPTIONAL) fOptional = true; rc = i_copyFileToGuest(pSession, &iso, itFiles->strSource, itFiles->strDest, fOptional, NULL /* cbSize */); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Error while copying file \"%s\" to \"%s\" on the guest: %Rrc"), itFiles->strSource.c_str(), itFiles->strDest.c_str(), rc)); break; } } rc = setProgress(uOffset); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; uOffset += uStep; ++itFiles; } } /* Done copying, close .ISO file. */ RTIsoFsClose(&iso); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* We want to spend 35% total for all copying operations. So roughly * calculate the specific percentage step of each copied file. */ uint8_t uOffset = 60; /* Start at 60%. */ uint8_t uStep = 35 / (uint8_t)mFiles.size(); Assert(mFiles.size() <= 10); LogRel(("Executing Guest Additions update files ...\n")); std::vector::iterator itFiles = mFiles.begin(); while (itFiles != mFiles.end()) { if (itFiles->fFlags & UPDATEFILE_FLAG_EXECUTE) { rc = i_runFileOnGuest(pSession, itFiles->mProcInfo); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; } rc = setProgress(uOffset); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; uOffset += uStep; ++itFiles; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogRel(("Automatic update of Guest Additions succeeded\n")); rc = setProgressSuccess(); } } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (rc == VERR_CANCELLED) { LogRel(("Automatic update of Guest Additions was canceled\n")); hr = setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, Utf8StrFmt(GuestSession::tr("Installation was canceled"))); } else { Utf8Str strError = Utf8StrFmt("No further error information available (%Rrc)", rc); if (!mProgress.isNull()) /* Progress object is optional. */ { com::ProgressErrorInfo errorInfo(mProgress); if ( errorInfo.isFullAvailable() || errorInfo.isBasicAvailable()) { strError = errorInfo.getText(); } } LogRel(("Automatic update of Guest Additions failed: %s (%Rhrc)\n", strError.c_str(), hr)); } LogRel(("Please install Guest Additions manually\n")); } /** @todo Clean up copied / left over installation files. */ LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } int SessionTaskUpdateAdditions::RunAsync(const Utf8Str &strDesc, ComObjPtr &pProgress) { LogFlowThisFunc(("strDesc=%s, strSource=%s, uFlags=%x\n", strDesc.c_str(), mSource.c_str(), mFlags)); mDesc = strDesc; mProgress = pProgress; int rc = RTThreadCreate(NULL, SessionTaskUpdateAdditions::taskThread, this, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_HEAVY_WORKER, 0, "gctlUpGA"); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /* static */ DECLCALLBACK(int) SessionTaskUpdateAdditions::taskThread(RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser) { SessionTaskUpdateAdditions* task = static_cast(pvUser); AssertReturn(task, VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE); LogFlowFunc(("pTask=%p\n", task)); return task->Run(); }