/* $Id: GuestFileImpl.cpp 92916 2021-12-15 09:20:57Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox Main - Guest file handling. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_MAIN_GUESTFILE #include "LoggingNew.h" #ifndef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL # error "VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL must defined in this file" #endif #include "GuestFileImpl.h" #include "GuestSessionImpl.h" #include "GuestCtrlImplPrivate.h" #include "ConsoleImpl.h" #include "VirtualBoxErrorInfoImpl.h" #include "Global.h" #include "AutoCaller.h" #include "VBoxEvents.h" #include /* For unconst(). */ #include #include #include #include /** * Internal listener class to serve events in an * active manner, e.g. without polling delays. */ class GuestFileListener { public: GuestFileListener(void) { } virtual ~GuestFileListener() { } HRESULT init(GuestFile *pFile) { AssertPtrReturn(pFile, E_POINTER); mFile = pFile; return S_OK; } void uninit(void) { mFile = NULL; } STDMETHOD(HandleEvent)(VBoxEventType_T aType, IEvent *aEvent) { switch (aType) { case VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileStateChanged: case VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileOffsetChanged: case VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileRead: case VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileWrite: { AssertPtrReturn(mFile, E_POINTER); int rc2 = mFile->signalWaitEvent(aType, aEvent); RT_NOREF(rc2); #ifdef DEBUG_andy LogFlowFunc(("Signalling events of type=%RU32, file=%p resulted in rc=%Rrc\n", aType, mFile, rc2)); #endif break; } default: AssertMsgFailed(("Unhandled event %RU32\n", aType)); break; } return S_OK; } private: /** Weak pointer to the guest file object to listen for. */ GuestFile *mFile; }; typedef ListenerImpl GuestFileListenerImpl; VBOX_LISTENER_DECLARE(GuestFileListenerImpl) // constructor / destructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR(GuestFile) HRESULT GuestFile::FinalConstruct(void) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); return BaseFinalConstruct(); } void GuestFile::FinalRelease(void) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); uninit(); BaseFinalRelease(); LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); } // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Initializes a file object but does *not* open the file on the guest * yet. This is done in the dedidcated openFile call. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pConsole Pointer to console object. * @param pSession Pointer to session object. * @param aObjectID The object's ID. * @param openInfo File opening information. */ int GuestFile::init(Console *pConsole, GuestSession *pSession, ULONG aObjectID, const GuestFileOpenInfo &openInfo) { LogFlowThisFunc(("pConsole=%p, pSession=%p, aObjectID=%RU32, strPath=%s\n", pConsole, pSession, aObjectID, openInfo.mFilename.c_str())); AssertPtrReturn(pConsole, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pSession, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready. */ AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), VERR_OBJECT_DESTROYED); int vrc = bindToSession(pConsole, pSession, aObjectID); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { mSession = pSession; mData.mOpenInfo = openInfo; mData.mInitialSize = 0; mData.mStatus = FileStatus_Undefined; mData.mLastError = VINF_SUCCESS; mData.mOffCurrent = 0; unconst(mEventSource).createObject(); HRESULT hr = mEventSource->init(); if (FAILED(hr)) vrc = VERR_COM_UNEXPECTED; } if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { try { GuestFileListener *pListener = new GuestFileListener(); ComObjPtr thisListener; HRESULT hr = thisListener.createObject(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = thisListener->init(pListener, this); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { com::SafeArray eventTypes; eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileStateChanged); eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileOffsetChanged); eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileRead); eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileWrite); hr = mEventSource->RegisterListener(thisListener, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(eventTypes), TRUE /* Active listener */); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { vrc = baseInit(); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { mLocalListener = thisListener; } } else vrc = VERR_COM_UNEXPECTED; } else vrc = VERR_COM_UNEXPECTED; } catch(std::bad_alloc &) { vrc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { /* Confirm a successful initialization when it's the case. */ autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); } else autoInitSpan.setFailed(); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return vrc; } /** * Uninitializes the instance. * Called from FinalRelease(). */ void GuestFile::uninit(void) { /* Enclose the state transition Ready->InUninit->NotReady. */ AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan(this); if (autoUninitSpan.uninitDone()) return; LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); baseUninit(); LogFlowThisFuncLeave(); } // implementation of public getters/setters for attributes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT GuestFile::getCreationMode(ULONG *aCreationMode) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aCreationMode = mData.mOpenInfo.mCreationMode; return S_OK; } HRESULT GuestFile::getOpenAction(FileOpenAction_T *aOpenAction) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aOpenAction = mData.mOpenInfo.mOpenAction; return S_OK; } HRESULT GuestFile::getEventSource(ComPtr &aEventSource) { /* No need to lock - lifetime constant. */ mEventSource.queryInterfaceTo(aEventSource.asOutParam()); return S_OK; } HRESULT GuestFile::getFilename(com::Utf8Str &aFilename) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); aFilename = mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename; return S_OK; } HRESULT GuestFile::getId(ULONG *aId) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aId = mObjectID; return S_OK; } HRESULT GuestFile::getInitialSize(LONG64 *aInitialSize) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aInitialSize = mData.mInitialSize; return S_OK; } HRESULT GuestFile::getOffset(LONG64 *aOffset) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* * This is updated by GuestFile::i_onFileNotify() when read, write and seek * confirmation messages are recevied. * * Note! This will not be accurate with older (< 5.2.32, 6.0.0 - 6.0.9) * Guest Additions when using writeAt, readAt or writing to a file * opened in append mode. */ *aOffset = mData.mOffCurrent; return S_OK; } HRESULT GuestFile::getAccessMode(FileAccessMode_T *aAccessMode) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aAccessMode = mData.mOpenInfo.mAccessMode; return S_OK; } HRESULT GuestFile::getStatus(FileStatus_T *aStatus) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aStatus = mData.mStatus; return S_OK; } // private methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Entry point for guest side file callbacks. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pCbCtx Host callback context. * @param pSvcCb Host callback data. */ int GuestFile::i_callbackDispatcher(PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCBCTX pCbCtx, PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCALLBACK pSvcCb) { AssertPtrReturn(pCbCtx, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pSvcCb, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogFlowThisFunc(("strName=%s, uContextID=%RU32, uFunction=%RU32, pSvcCb=%p\n", mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), pCbCtx->uContextID, pCbCtx->uMessage, pSvcCb)); int vrc; switch (pCbCtx->uMessage) { case GUEST_MSG_DISCONNECTED: vrc = i_onGuestDisconnected(pCbCtx, pSvcCb); break; case GUEST_MSG_FILE_NOTIFY: vrc = i_onFileNotify(pCbCtx, pSvcCb); break; default: /* Silently ignore not implemented functions. */ vrc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } #ifdef DEBUG LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); #endif return vrc; } /** * Closes the file on the guest side. * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR when an error from the guest side has been received. * @param prcGuest Where to return the guest error when VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR * was returned. */ int GuestFile::i_closeFile(int *prcGuest) { LogFlowThisFunc(("strFile=%s\n", mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str())); int vrc; GuestWaitEvent *pEvent = NULL; GuestEventTypes eventTypes; try { eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileStateChanged); vrc = registerWaitEvent(eventTypes, &pEvent); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { vrc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return vrc; /* Prepare HGCM call. */ VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[4]; int i = 0; HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], pEvent->ContextID()); HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], mObjectID /* Guest file ID */); vrc = sendMessage(HOST_MSG_FILE_CLOSE, i, paParms); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) vrc = i_waitForStatusChange(pEvent, 30 * 1000 /* Timeout in ms */, NULL /* FileStatus */, prcGuest); unregisterWaitEvent(pEvent); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return vrc; } /** * Converts a given guest file error to a string. * * @returns Error string. * @param rcGuest Guest file error to return string for. * @param pcszWhat Hint of what was involved when the error occurred. */ /* static */ Utf8Str GuestFile::i_guestErrorToString(int rcGuest, const char *pcszWhat) { AssertPtrReturn(pcszWhat, ""); Utf8Str strErr; switch (rcGuest) { #define CASE_MSG(a_iRc, ...) \ case a_iRc: strErr.printf(__VA_ARGS__); break; CASE_MSG(VERR_ACCESS_DENIED , tr("Access to guest file \"%s\" denied"), pcszWhat); CASE_MSG(VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS , tr("Guest file \"%s\" already exists"), pcszWhat); CASE_MSG(VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND , tr("Guest file \"%s\" not found"), pcszWhat); CASE_MSG(VERR_NET_HOST_NOT_FOUND, tr("Host name \"%s\", not found"), pcszWhat); CASE_MSG(VERR_SHARING_VIOLATION , tr("Sharing violation for guest file \"%s\""), pcszWhat); default: strErr.printf(tr("Error %Rrc for guest file \"%s\" occurred\n"), rcGuest, pcszWhat); break; #undef CASE_MSG } return strErr; } /** * Called when the guest side notifies the host of a file event. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pCbCtx Host callback context. * @param pSvcCbData Host callback data. */ int GuestFile::i_onFileNotify(PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCBCTX pCbCtx, PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCALLBACK pSvcCbData) { AssertPtrReturn(pCbCtx, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pSvcCbData, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); if (pSvcCbData->mParms < 3) return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; int idx = 1; /* Current parameter index. */ CALLBACKDATA_FILE_NOTIFY dataCb; RT_ZERO(dataCb); /* pSvcCb->mpaParms[0] always contains the context ID. */ HGCMSvcGetU32(&pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx++], &dataCb.uType); HGCMSvcGetU32(&pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx++], &dataCb.rc); int rcGuest = (int)dataCb.rc; /* uint32_t vs. int. */ LogFlowThisFunc(("uType=%RU32, rcGuest=%Rrc\n", dataCb.uType, rcGuest)); if (RT_FAILURE(rcGuest)) { int rc2 = i_setFileStatus(FileStatus_Error, rcGuest); AssertRC(rc2); /* Ignore rc, as the event to signal might not be there (anymore). */ signalWaitEventInternal(pCbCtx, rcGuest, NULL /* pPayload */); return VINF_SUCCESS; /* Report to the guest. */ } AssertMsg(mObjectID == VBOX_GUESTCTRL_CONTEXTID_GET_OBJECT(pCbCtx->uContextID), ("File ID %RU32 does not match object ID %RU32\n", mObjectID, VBOX_GUESTCTRL_CONTEXTID_GET_OBJECT(pCbCtx->uContextID))); int rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; /* Play safe by default. */ switch (dataCb.uType) { case GUEST_FILE_NOTIFYTYPE_ERROR: { rc = i_setFileStatus(FileStatus_Error, rcGuest); break; } case GUEST_FILE_NOTIFYTYPE_OPEN: { if (pSvcCbData->mParms == 4) { rc = HGCMSvcGetU32(&pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx++], &dataCb.u.open.uHandle); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; /* Set the process status. */ rc = i_setFileStatus(FileStatus_Open, rcGuest); } break; } case GUEST_FILE_NOTIFYTYPE_CLOSE: { rc = i_setFileStatus(FileStatus_Closed, rcGuest); break; } case GUEST_FILE_NOTIFYTYPE_READ: { if (pSvcCbData->mParms == 4) { rc = HGCMSvcGetPv(&pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx++], &dataCb.u.read.pvData, &dataCb.u.read.cbData); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; const uint32_t cbRead = dataCb.u.read.cbData; Log3ThisFunc(("cbRead=%RU32\n", cbRead)); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); mData.mOffCurrent += cbRead; /* Bogus for readAt, which is why we've got GUEST_FILE_NOTIFYTYPE_READ_OFFSET. */ alock.release(); com::SafeArray data((size_t)cbRead); data.initFrom((BYTE *)dataCb.u.read.pvData, cbRead); ::FireGuestFileReadEvent(mEventSource, mSession, this, mData.mOffCurrent, cbRead, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(data)); } break; } case GUEST_FILE_NOTIFYTYPE_READ_OFFSET: { ASSERT_GUEST_MSG_STMT_BREAK(pSvcCbData->mParms == 5, ("mParms=%u\n", pSvcCbData->mParms), rc = VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT); ASSERT_GUEST_MSG_STMT_BREAK(pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx].type == VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_PTR, ("type=%u\n", pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx].type), rc = VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE); ASSERT_GUEST_MSG_STMT_BREAK(pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx + 1].type == VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_64BIT, ("type=%u\n", pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx].type), rc = VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE); BYTE const * const pbData = (BYTE const *)pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx].u.pointer.addr; uint32_t const cbRead = pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx].u.pointer.size; int64_t offNew = (int64_t)pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx + 1].u.uint64; Log3ThisFunc(("cbRead=%RU32 offNew=%RI64 (%#RX64)\n", cbRead, offNew, offNew)); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (offNew < 0) /* non-seekable */ offNew = mData.mOffCurrent + cbRead; mData.mOffCurrent = offNew; alock.release(); try { com::SafeArray data((size_t)cbRead); data.initFrom(pbData, cbRead); ::FireGuestFileReadEvent(mEventSource, mSession, this, offNew, cbRead, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(data)); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } break; } case GUEST_FILE_NOTIFYTYPE_WRITE: { if (pSvcCbData->mParms == 4) { rc = HGCMSvcGetU32(&pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx++], &dataCb.u.write.cbWritten); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; const uint32_t cbWritten = dataCb.u.write.cbWritten; Log3ThisFunc(("cbWritten=%RU32\n", cbWritten)); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); mData.mOffCurrent += cbWritten; /* Bogus for writeAt and append mode, thus GUEST_FILE_NOTIFYTYPE_WRITE_OFFSET. */ alock.release(); ::FireGuestFileWriteEvent(mEventSource, mSession, this, mData.mOffCurrent, cbWritten); } break; } case GUEST_FILE_NOTIFYTYPE_WRITE_OFFSET: { ASSERT_GUEST_MSG_STMT_BREAK(pSvcCbData->mParms == 5, ("mParms=%u\n", pSvcCbData->mParms), rc = VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT); ASSERT_GUEST_MSG_STMT_BREAK(pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx].type == VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_32BIT, ("type=%u\n", pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx].type), rc = VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE); ASSERT_GUEST_MSG_STMT_BREAK(pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx + 1].type == VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_64BIT, ("type=%u\n", pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx].type), rc = VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE); uint32_t const cbWritten = pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx].u.uint32; int64_t offNew = (int64_t)pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx + 1].u.uint64; Log3ThisFunc(("cbWritten=%RU32 offNew=%RI64 (%#RX64)\n", cbWritten, offNew, offNew)); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (offNew < 0) /* non-seekable */ offNew = mData.mOffCurrent + cbWritten; mData.mOffCurrent = offNew; alock.release(); HRESULT hrc2 = ::FireGuestFileWriteEvent(mEventSource, mSession, this, offNew, cbWritten); rc = SUCCEEDED(hrc2) ? VINF_SUCCESS : Global::vboxStatusCodeFromCOM(hrc2); break; } case GUEST_FILE_NOTIFYTYPE_SEEK: { if (pSvcCbData->mParms == 4) { rc = HGCMSvcGetU64(&pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx++], &dataCb.u.seek.uOffActual); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; Log3ThisFunc(("uOffActual=%RU64\n", dataCb.u.seek.uOffActual)); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); mData.mOffCurrent = dataCb.u.seek.uOffActual; alock.release(); ::FireGuestFileOffsetChangedEvent(mEventSource, mSession, this, dataCb.u.seek.uOffActual, 0 /* Processed */); } break; } case GUEST_FILE_NOTIFYTYPE_TELL: /* We don't issue any HOST_MSG_FILE_TELL, so we shouldn't get these notifications! */ AssertFailed(); break; case GUEST_FILE_NOTIFYTYPE_SET_SIZE: ASSERT_GUEST_MSG_STMT_BREAK(pSvcCbData->mParms == 4, ("mParms=%u\n", pSvcCbData->mParms), rc = VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_COUNT); ASSERT_GUEST_MSG_STMT_BREAK(pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx].type == VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_64BIT, ("type=%u\n", pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx].type), rc = VERR_WRONG_PARAMETER_TYPE); dataCb.u.SetSize.cbSize = pSvcCbData->mpaParms[idx].u.uint64; Log3ThisFunc(("cbSize=%RU64\n", dataCb.u.SetSize.cbSize)); ::FireGuestFileSizeChangedEvent(mEventSource, mSession, this, dataCb.u.SetSize.cbSize); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; default: break; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { try { GuestWaitEventPayload payload(dataCb.uType, &dataCb, sizeof(dataCb)); /* Ignore rc, as the event to signal might not be there (anymore). */ signalWaitEventInternal(pCbCtx, rcGuest, &payload); } catch (int rcEx) /* Thrown by GuestWaitEventPayload constructor. */ { rc = rcEx; } } LogFlowThisFunc(("uType=%RU32, rcGuest=%Rrc, rc=%Rrc\n", dataCb.uType, rcGuest, rc)); return rc; } /** * Called when the guest side of the file has been disconnected (closed, terminated, +++). * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pCbCtx Host callback context. * @param pSvcCbData Host callback data. */ int GuestFile::i_onGuestDisconnected(PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCBCTX pCbCtx, PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCALLBACK pSvcCbData) { AssertPtrReturn(pCbCtx, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pSvcCbData, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int vrc = i_setFileStatus(FileStatus_Down, VINF_SUCCESS); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return vrc; } /** * @copydoc GuestObject::i_onUnregister */ int GuestFile::i_onUnregister(void) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* * Note: The event source stuff holds references to this object, * so make sure that this is cleaned up *before* calling uninit(). */ if (!mEventSource.isNull()) { mEventSource->UnregisterListener(mLocalListener); mLocalListener.setNull(); unconst(mEventSource).setNull(); } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return vrc; } /** * @copydoc GuestObject::i_onSessionStatusChange */ int GuestFile::i_onSessionStatusChange(GuestSessionStatus_T enmSessionStatus) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* If the session now is in a terminated state, set the file status * to "down", as there is not much else we can do now. */ if (GuestSession::i_isTerminated(enmSessionStatus)) vrc = i_setFileStatus(FileStatus_Down, 0 /* fileRc, ignored */); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return vrc; } /** * Opens the file on the guest. * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR when an error from the guest side has been received. * @param uTimeoutMS Timeout (in ms) to wait. * @param prcGuest Where to return the guest error when VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR * was returned. Optional. */ int GuestFile::i_openFile(uint32_t uTimeoutMS, int *prcGuest) { AssertReturn(mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.isNotEmpty(), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); LogFlowThisFunc(("strFile=%s, enmAccessMode=%d, enmOpenAction=%d, uCreationMode=%o, mfOpenEx=%#x\n", mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), mData.mOpenInfo.mAccessMode, mData.mOpenInfo.mOpenAction, mData.mOpenInfo.mCreationMode, mData.mOpenInfo.mfOpenEx)); /* Validate and translate open action. */ const char *pszOpenAction = NULL; switch (mData.mOpenInfo.mOpenAction) { case FileOpenAction_OpenExisting: pszOpenAction = "oe"; break; case FileOpenAction_OpenOrCreate: pszOpenAction = "oc"; break; case FileOpenAction_CreateNew: pszOpenAction = "ce"; break; case FileOpenAction_CreateOrReplace: pszOpenAction = "ca"; break; case FileOpenAction_OpenExistingTruncated: pszOpenAction = "ot"; break; case FileOpenAction_AppendOrCreate: pszOpenAction = "oa"; /** @todo get rid of this one and implement AppendOnly/AppendRead. */ break; default: return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Validate and translate access mode. */ const char *pszAccessMode = NULL; switch (mData.mOpenInfo.mAccessMode) { case FileAccessMode_ReadOnly: pszAccessMode = "r"; break; case FileAccessMode_WriteOnly: pszAccessMode = "w"; break; case FileAccessMode_ReadWrite: pszAccessMode = "r+"; break; case FileAccessMode_AppendOnly: pszAccessMode = "a"; break; case FileAccessMode_AppendRead: pszAccessMode = "a+"; break; default: return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Validate and translate sharing mode. */ const char *pszSharingMode = NULL; switch (mData.mOpenInfo.mSharingMode) { case FileSharingMode_All: pszSharingMode = ""; break; case FileSharingMode_Read: RT_FALL_THRU(); case FileSharingMode_Write: RT_FALL_THRU(); case FileSharingMode_ReadWrite: RT_FALL_THRU(); case FileSharingMode_Delete: RT_FALL_THRU(); case FileSharingMode_ReadDelete: RT_FALL_THRU(); case FileSharingMode_WriteDelete: return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; default: return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } int vrc; GuestWaitEvent *pEvent = NULL; GuestEventTypes eventTypes; try { eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileStateChanged); vrc = registerWaitEvent(eventTypes, &pEvent); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { vrc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return vrc; /* Prepare HGCM call. */ VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[8]; int i = 0; HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], pEvent->ContextID()); HGCMSvcSetPv(&paParms[i++], (void*)mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), (ULONG)mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.length() + 1); HGCMSvcSetStr(&paParms[i++], pszAccessMode); HGCMSvcSetStr(&paParms[i++], pszOpenAction); HGCMSvcSetStr(&paParms[i++], pszSharingMode); HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], mData.mOpenInfo.mCreationMode); HGCMSvcSetU64(&paParms[i++], 0 /*unused offset*/); /** @todo Next protocol version: add flags, replace strings, remove initial offset. */ alock.release(); /* Drop write lock before sending. */ vrc = sendMessage(HOST_MSG_FILE_OPEN, i, paParms); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) vrc = i_waitForStatusChange(pEvent, uTimeoutMS, NULL /* FileStatus */, prcGuest); unregisterWaitEvent(pEvent); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return vrc; } /** * Queries file system information from a guest file. * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR when an error from the guest side has been received. * @param objData Where to store the file system object data on success. * @param prcGuest Where to return the guest error when VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR * was returned. Optional. */ int GuestFile::i_queryInfo(GuestFsObjData &objData, int *prcGuest) { AssertPtr(mSession); return mSession->i_fsQueryInfo(mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename, FALSE /* fFollowSymlinks */, objData, prcGuest); } /** * Reads data from a guest file. * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR when an error from the guest side has been received. * @param uSize Size (in bytes) to read. * @param uTimeoutMS Timeout (in ms) to wait. * @param pvData Where to store the read data on success. * @param cbData Size (in bytes) of \a pvData on input. * @param pcbRead Where to return to size (in bytes) read on success. * Optional. */ int GuestFile::i_readData(uint32_t uSize, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, void* pvData, uint32_t cbData, uint32_t* pcbRead) { AssertPtrReturn(pvData, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cbData, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); LogFlowThisFunc(("uSize=%RU32, uTimeoutMS=%RU32, pvData=%p, cbData=%zu\n", uSize, uTimeoutMS, pvData, cbData)); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); int vrc; GuestWaitEvent *pEvent = NULL; GuestEventTypes eventTypes; try { eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileStateChanged); eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileRead); vrc = registerWaitEvent(eventTypes, &pEvent); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { vrc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return vrc; /* Prepare HGCM call. */ VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[4]; int i = 0; HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], pEvent->ContextID()); HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], mObjectID /* File handle */); HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], uSize /* Size (in bytes) to read */); alock.release(); /* Drop write lock before sending. */ vrc = sendMessage(HOST_MSG_FILE_READ, i, paParms); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { uint32_t cbRead = 0; vrc = i_waitForRead(pEvent, uTimeoutMS, pvData, cbData, &cbRead); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { LogFlowThisFunc(("cbRead=%RU32\n", cbRead)); if (pcbRead) *pcbRead = cbRead; } else if (pEvent->HasGuestError()) /* Return guest rc if available. */ { vrc = pEvent->GetGuestError(); } } unregisterWaitEvent(pEvent); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return vrc; } /** * Reads data from a specific position from a guest file. * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR when an error from the guest side has been received. * @param uOffset Offset (in bytes) to start reading from. * @param uSize Size (in bytes) to read. * @param uTimeoutMS Timeout (in ms) to wait. * @param pvData Where to store the read data on success. * @param cbData Size (in bytes) of \a pvData on input. * @param pcbRead Where to return to size (in bytes) read on success. * Optional. */ int GuestFile::i_readDataAt(uint64_t uOffset, uint32_t uSize, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, void* pvData, size_t cbData, size_t* pcbRead) { LogFlowThisFunc(("uOffset=%RU64, uSize=%RU32, uTimeoutMS=%RU32, pvData=%p, cbData=%zu\n", uOffset, uSize, uTimeoutMS, pvData, cbData)); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); int vrc; GuestWaitEvent *pEvent = NULL; GuestEventTypes eventTypes; try { eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileStateChanged); eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileRead); vrc = registerWaitEvent(eventTypes, &pEvent); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { vrc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return vrc; /* Prepare HGCM call. */ VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[4]; int i = 0; HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], pEvent->ContextID()); HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], mObjectID /* File handle */); HGCMSvcSetU64(&paParms[i++], uOffset /* Offset (in bytes) to start reading */); HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], uSize /* Size (in bytes) to read */); alock.release(); /* Drop write lock before sending. */ vrc = sendMessage(HOST_MSG_FILE_READ_AT, i, paParms); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { uint32_t cbRead = 0; vrc = i_waitForRead(pEvent, uTimeoutMS, pvData, cbData, &cbRead); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { LogFlowThisFunc(("cbRead=%RU32\n", cbRead)); if (pcbRead) *pcbRead = cbRead; } else if (pEvent->HasGuestError()) /* Return guest rc if available. */ { vrc = pEvent->GetGuestError(); } } unregisterWaitEvent(pEvent); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return vrc; } /** * Seeks a guest file to a specific position. * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR when an error from the guest side has been received. * @param iOffset Offset (in bytes) to seek. * @param eSeekType Seek type to use. * @param uTimeoutMS Timeout (in ms) to wait. * @param puOffset Where to return the new current file position (in bytes) on success. */ int GuestFile::i_seekAt(int64_t iOffset, GUEST_FILE_SEEKTYPE eSeekType, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, uint64_t *puOffset) { LogFlowThisFunc(("iOffset=%RI64, uTimeoutMS=%RU32\n", iOffset, uTimeoutMS)); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); int vrc; GuestWaitEvent *pEvent = NULL; GuestEventTypes eventTypes; try { eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileStateChanged); eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileOffsetChanged); vrc = registerWaitEvent(eventTypes, &pEvent); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { vrc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return vrc; /* Prepare HGCM call. */ VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[4]; int i = 0; HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], pEvent->ContextID()); HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], mObjectID /* File handle */); HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], eSeekType /* Seek method */); /** @todo uint64_t vs. int64_t! */ HGCMSvcSetU64(&paParms[i++], (uint64_t)iOffset /* Offset (in bytes) to start reading */); alock.release(); /* Drop write lock before sending. */ vrc = sendMessage(HOST_MSG_FILE_SEEK, i, paParms); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { uint64_t uOffset; vrc = i_waitForOffsetChange(pEvent, uTimeoutMS, &uOffset); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { LogFlowThisFunc(("uOffset=%RU64\n", uOffset)); if (puOffset) *puOffset = uOffset; } else if (pEvent->HasGuestError()) /* Return guest rc if available. */ { vrc = pEvent->GetGuestError(); } } unregisterWaitEvent(pEvent); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return vrc; } /** * Sets the current internal file object status. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param fileStatus New file status to set. * @param fileRc New result code to set. * * @note Takes the write lock. */ int GuestFile::i_setFileStatus(FileStatus_T fileStatus, int fileRc) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); LogFlowThisFunc(("oldStatus=%RU32, newStatus=%RU32, fileRc=%Rrc\n", mData.mStatus, fileStatus, fileRc)); #ifdef VBOX_STRICT if (fileStatus == FileStatus_Error) { AssertMsg(RT_FAILURE(fileRc), ("Guest rc must be an error (%Rrc)\n", fileRc)); } else AssertMsg(RT_SUCCESS(fileRc), ("Guest rc must not be an error (%Rrc)\n", fileRc)); #endif if (mData.mStatus != fileStatus) { mData.mStatus = fileStatus; mData.mLastError = fileRc; ComObjPtr errorInfo; HRESULT hr = errorInfo.createObject(); ComAssertComRC(hr); if (RT_FAILURE(fileRc)) { hr = errorInfo->initEx(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, fileRc, COM_IIDOF(IGuestFile), getComponentName(), i_guestErrorToString(fileRc, mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str())); ComAssertComRC(hr); } alock.release(); /* Release lock before firing off event. */ ::FireGuestFileStateChangedEvent(mEventSource, mSession, this, fileStatus, errorInfo); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Waits for a guest file offset change. * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR when an error from the guest side has been received. * @param pEvent Guest wait event to wait for. * @param uTimeoutMS Timeout (in ms) to wait. * @param puOffset Where to return the new offset (in bytes) on success. * Optional and can be NULL. */ int GuestFile::i_waitForOffsetChange(GuestWaitEvent *pEvent, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, uint64_t *puOffset) { AssertPtrReturn(pEvent, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); VBoxEventType_T evtType; ComPtr pIEvent; int vrc = waitForEvent(pEvent, uTimeoutMS, &evtType, pIEvent.asOutParam()); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { if (evtType == VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileOffsetChanged) { if (puOffset) { ComPtr pFileEvent = pIEvent; Assert(!pFileEvent.isNull()); HRESULT hr = pFileEvent->COMGETTER(Offset)((LONG64*)puOffset); ComAssertComRC(hr); } } else vrc = VWRN_GSTCTL_OBJECTSTATE_CHANGED; } return vrc; } /** * Waits for reading from a guest file. * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR when an error from the guest side has been received. * @param pEvent Guest wait event to wait for. * @param uTimeoutMS Timeout (in ms) to wait. * @param pvData Where to store read file data on success. * @param cbData Size (in bytes) of \a pvData. * @param pcbRead Where to return the actual bytes read on success. * Optional and can be NULL. */ int GuestFile::i_waitForRead(GuestWaitEvent *pEvent, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, void *pvData, size_t cbData, uint32_t *pcbRead) { AssertPtrReturn(pEvent, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); VBoxEventType_T evtType; ComPtr pIEvent; int vrc = waitForEvent(pEvent, uTimeoutMS, &evtType, pIEvent.asOutParam()); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { if (evtType == VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileRead) { vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; ComPtr pFileEvent = pIEvent; Assert(!pFileEvent.isNull()); if (pvData) { com::SafeArray data; HRESULT hrc1 = pFileEvent->COMGETTER(Data)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(data)); ComAssertComRC(hrc1); const size_t cbRead = data.size(); if (cbRead) { if (cbRead <= cbData) memcpy(pvData, data.raw(), cbRead); else vrc = VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } /* else: used to be VERR_NO_DATA, but that messes stuff up. */ if (pcbRead) { *pcbRead = (uint32_t)cbRead; Assert(*pcbRead == cbRead); } } else if (pcbRead) { *pcbRead = 0; HRESULT hrc2 = pFileEvent->COMGETTER(Processed)((ULONG *)pcbRead); ComAssertComRC(hrc2); NOREF(hrc2); } } else vrc = VWRN_GSTCTL_OBJECTSTATE_CHANGED; } return vrc; } /** * Waits for a guest file status change. * * @note Similar code in GuestProcess::i_waitForStatusChange() and * GuestSession::i_waitForStatusChange(). * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR when an error from the guest side has been received. * @param pEvent Guest wait event to wait for. * @param uTimeoutMS Timeout (in ms) to wait. * @param pFileStatus Where to return the file status on success. * @param prcGuest Where to return the guest error when VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR * was returned. */ int GuestFile::i_waitForStatusChange(GuestWaitEvent *pEvent, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, FileStatus_T *pFileStatus, int *prcGuest) { AssertPtrReturn(pEvent, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* pFileStatus is optional. */ VBoxEventType_T evtType; ComPtr pIEvent; int vrc = waitForEvent(pEvent, uTimeoutMS, &evtType, pIEvent.asOutParam()); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { Assert(evtType == VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileStateChanged); ComPtr pFileEvent = pIEvent; Assert(!pFileEvent.isNull()); HRESULT hr; if (pFileStatus) { hr = pFileEvent->COMGETTER(Status)(pFileStatus); ComAssertComRC(hr); } ComPtr errorInfo; hr = pFileEvent->COMGETTER(Error)(errorInfo.asOutParam()); ComAssertComRC(hr); LONG lGuestRc; hr = errorInfo->COMGETTER(ResultDetail)(&lGuestRc); ComAssertComRC(hr); LogFlowThisFunc(("resultDetail=%RI32 (%Rrc)\n", lGuestRc, lGuestRc)); if (RT_FAILURE((int)lGuestRc)) vrc = VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR; if (prcGuest) *prcGuest = (int)lGuestRc; } /* waitForEvent may also return VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR like we do above, so make prcGuest is set. */ /** @todo r=bird: Andy, you seem to have forgotten this scenario. Showed up occasionally when * using the wrong password with a copyto command in a debug build on windows, error info * contained "Unknown Status -858993460 (0xcccccccc)". As you know windows fills the stack frames * with 0xcccccccc in debug builds to highlight use of uninitialized data, so that's what happened * here. It's actually good you didn't initialize lGuest, as it would be heck to find otherwise. * * I'm still not very impressed with the error managment or the usuefullness of the documentation * in this code, though the latter is getting better! */ else if (vrc == VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR && prcGuest) *prcGuest = pEvent->GuestResult(); Assert(vrc != VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR || !prcGuest || *prcGuest != (int)0xcccccccc); return vrc; } int GuestFile::i_waitForWrite(GuestWaitEvent *pEvent, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, uint32_t *pcbWritten) { AssertPtrReturn(pEvent, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); VBoxEventType_T evtType; ComPtr pIEvent; int vrc = waitForEvent(pEvent, uTimeoutMS, &evtType, pIEvent.asOutParam()); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { if (evtType == VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileWrite) { if (pcbWritten) { ComPtr pFileEvent = pIEvent; Assert(!pFileEvent.isNull()); HRESULT hr = pFileEvent->COMGETTER(Processed)((ULONG*)pcbWritten); ComAssertComRC(hr); } } else vrc = VWRN_GSTCTL_OBJECTSTATE_CHANGED; } return vrc; } /** * Writes data to a guest file. * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR when an error from the guest side has been received. * @param uTimeoutMS Timeout (in ms) to wait. * @param pvData Data to write. * @param cbData Size (in bytes) of \a pvData to write. * @param pcbWritten Where to return to size (in bytes) written on success. * Optional. */ int GuestFile::i_writeData(uint32_t uTimeoutMS, const void *pvData, uint32_t cbData, uint32_t *pcbWritten) { AssertPtrReturn(pvData, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cbData, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); LogFlowThisFunc(("uTimeoutMS=%RU32, pvData=%p, cbData=%zu\n", uTimeoutMS, pvData, cbData)); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); int vrc; GuestWaitEvent *pEvent = NULL; GuestEventTypes eventTypes; try { eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileStateChanged); eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileWrite); vrc = registerWaitEvent(eventTypes, &pEvent); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { vrc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return vrc; /* Prepare HGCM call. */ VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[8]; int i = 0; HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], pEvent->ContextID()); HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], mObjectID /* File handle */); HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], cbData /* Size (in bytes) to write */); HGCMSvcSetPv (&paParms[i++], unconst(pvData), cbData); alock.release(); /* Drop write lock before sending. */ vrc = sendMessage(HOST_MSG_FILE_WRITE, i, paParms); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { uint32_t cbWritten = 0; vrc = i_waitForWrite(pEvent, uTimeoutMS, &cbWritten); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { LogFlowThisFunc(("cbWritten=%RU32\n", cbWritten)); if (pcbWritten) *pcbWritten = cbWritten; } else if (pEvent->HasGuestError()) /* Return guest rc if available. */ { vrc = pEvent->GetGuestError(); } } unregisterWaitEvent(pEvent); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return vrc; } /** * Writes data to a specific position to a guest file. * * @returns VBox status code. * @retval VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR when an error from the guest side has been received. * @param uOffset Offset (in bytes) to start writing at. * @param uTimeoutMS Timeout (in ms) to wait. * @param pvData Data to write. * @param cbData Size (in bytes) of \a pvData to write. * @param pcbWritten Where to return to size (in bytes) written on success. * Optional. */ int GuestFile::i_writeDataAt(uint64_t uOffset, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, const void *pvData, uint32_t cbData, uint32_t *pcbWritten) { AssertPtrReturn(pvData, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cbData, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); LogFlowThisFunc(("uOffset=%RU64, uTimeoutMS=%RU32, pvData=%p, cbData=%zu\n", uOffset, uTimeoutMS, pvData, cbData)); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); int vrc; GuestWaitEvent *pEvent = NULL; GuestEventTypes eventTypes; try { eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileStateChanged); eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileWrite); vrc = registerWaitEvent(eventTypes, &pEvent); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { vrc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return vrc; /* Prepare HGCM call. */ VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[8]; int i = 0; HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], pEvent->ContextID()); HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], mObjectID /* File handle */); HGCMSvcSetU64(&paParms[i++], uOffset /* Offset where to starting writing */); HGCMSvcSetU32(&paParms[i++], cbData /* Size (in bytes) to write */); HGCMSvcSetPv (&paParms[i++], unconst(pvData), cbData); alock.release(); /* Drop write lock before sending. */ vrc = sendMessage(HOST_MSG_FILE_WRITE_AT, i, paParms); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { uint32_t cbWritten = 0; vrc = i_waitForWrite(pEvent, uTimeoutMS, &cbWritten); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { LogFlowThisFunc(("cbWritten=%RU32\n", cbWritten)); if (pcbWritten) *pcbWritten = cbWritten; } else if (pEvent->HasGuestError()) /* Return guest rc if available. */ { vrc = pEvent->GetGuestError(); } } unregisterWaitEvent(pEvent); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return vrc; } // Wrapped IGuestFile methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT GuestFile::close() { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); /* Close file on guest. */ int rcGuest = VERR_IPE_UNINITIALIZED_STATUS; int vrc = i_closeFile(&rcGuest); /* On failure don't return here, instead do all the cleanup * work first and then return an error. */ AssertPtr(mSession); int vrc2 = mSession->i_fileUnregister(this); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) vrc = vrc2; if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { if (vrc == VERR_GSTCTL_GUEST_ERROR) { GuestErrorInfo ge(GuestErrorInfo::Type_File, rcGuest, mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str()); return setErrorBoth(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, rcGuest, tr("Closing guest file failed: %s"), GuestBase::getErrorAsString(ge).c_str()); } return setErrorBoth(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, vrc, tr("Closing guest file \"%s\" failed with %Rrc\n"), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), vrc); } LogFlowThisFunc(("Returning S_OK / vrc=%Rrc\n", vrc)); return S_OK; } HRESULT GuestFile::queryInfo(ComPtr &aObjInfo) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; GuestFsObjData fsObjData; int rcGuest = VERR_IPE_UNINITIALIZED_STATUS; int vrc = i_queryInfo(fsObjData, &rcGuest); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { ComObjPtr ptrFsObjInfo; hr = ptrFsObjInfo.createObject(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { vrc = ptrFsObjInfo->init(fsObjData); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) hr = ptrFsObjInfo.queryInterfaceTo(aObjInfo.asOutParam()); else hr = setErrorVrc(vrc, tr("Initialization of guest file object for \"%s\" failed: %Rrc"), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), vrc); } } else { if (GuestProcess::i_isGuestError(vrc)) { GuestErrorInfo ge(GuestErrorInfo::Type_ToolStat, rcGuest, mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str()); hr = setErrorBoth(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, rcGuest, tr("Querying guest file information failed: %s"), GuestBase::getErrorAsString(ge).c_str()); } else hr = setErrorVrc(vrc, tr("Querying guest file information for \"%s\" failed: %Rrc"), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), vrc); } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return hr; } HRESULT GuestFile::querySize(LONG64 *aSize) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; GuestFsObjData fsObjData; int rcGuest = VERR_IPE_UNINITIALIZED_STATUS; int vrc = i_queryInfo(fsObjData, &rcGuest); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { *aSize = fsObjData.mObjectSize; } else { if (GuestProcess::i_isGuestError(vrc)) { GuestErrorInfo ge(GuestErrorInfo::Type_ToolStat, rcGuest, mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str()); hr = setErrorBoth(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, rcGuest, tr("Querying guest file size failed: %s"), GuestBase::getErrorAsString(ge).c_str()); } else hr = setErrorVrc(vrc, tr("Querying guest file size for \"%s\" failed: %Rrc"), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), vrc); } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return hr; } HRESULT GuestFile::read(ULONG aToRead, ULONG aTimeoutMS, std::vector &aData) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); if (aToRead == 0) return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("The size to read is zero")); LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); /* Cap the read at 1MiB because that's all the guest will return anyway. */ if (aToRead > _1M) aToRead = _1M; aData.resize(aToRead); HRESULT hr = S_OK; uint32_t cbRead; int vrc = i_readData(aToRead, aTimeoutMS, &aData.front(), aToRead, &cbRead); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { if (aData.size() != cbRead) aData.resize(cbRead); } else { aData.resize(0); hr = setErrorBoth(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, vrc, tr("Reading from file \"%s\" failed: %Rrc"), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), vrc); } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return hr; } HRESULT GuestFile::readAt(LONG64 aOffset, ULONG aToRead, ULONG aTimeoutMS, std::vector &aData) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); if (aToRead == 0) return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("The size to read for guest file \"%s\" is zero"), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str()); LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); /* Cap the read at 1MiB because that's all the guest will return anyway. */ if (aToRead > _1M) aToRead = _1M; aData.resize(aToRead); HRESULT hr = S_OK; size_t cbRead; int vrc = i_readDataAt(aOffset, aToRead, aTimeoutMS, &aData.front(), aToRead, &cbRead); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { if (aData.size() != cbRead) aData.resize(cbRead); } else { aData.resize(0); hr = setErrorBoth(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, vrc, tr("Reading from file \"%s\" (at offset %RU64) failed: %Rrc"), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), aOffset, vrc); } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return hr; } HRESULT GuestFile::seek(LONG64 aOffset, FileSeekOrigin_T aWhence, LONG64 *aNewOffset) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; GUEST_FILE_SEEKTYPE eSeekType; switch (aWhence) { case FileSeekOrigin_Begin: eSeekType = GUEST_FILE_SEEKTYPE_BEGIN; break; case FileSeekOrigin_Current: eSeekType = GUEST_FILE_SEEKTYPE_CURRENT; break; case FileSeekOrigin_End: eSeekType = GUEST_FILE_SEEKTYPE_END; break; default: return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Invalid seek type for guest file \"%s\" specified"), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str()); } LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); uint64_t uNewOffset; int vrc = i_seekAt(aOffset, eSeekType, 30 * 1000 /* 30s timeout */, &uNewOffset); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) *aNewOffset = RT_MIN(uNewOffset, (uint64_t)INT64_MAX); else hr = setErrorBoth(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, vrc, tr("Seeking file \"%s\" (to offset %RI64) failed: %Rrc"), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), aOffset, vrc); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return hr; } HRESULT GuestFile::setACL(const com::Utf8Str &aAcl, ULONG aMode) { RT_NOREF(aAcl, aMode); ReturnComNotImplemented(); } HRESULT GuestFile::setSize(LONG64 aSize) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); /* * Validate. */ if (aSize < 0) return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("The size (%RI64) for guest file \"%s\" cannot be a negative value"), aSize, mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str()); /* * Register event callbacks. */ int vrc; GuestWaitEvent *pWaitEvent = NULL; GuestEventTypes lstEventTypes; try { lstEventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileStateChanged); lstEventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileSizeChanged); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); vrc = registerWaitEvent(lstEventTypes, &pWaitEvent); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { /* * Send of the HGCM message. */ VBOXHGCMSVCPARM aParms[3]; HGCMSvcSetU32(&aParms[0], pWaitEvent->ContextID()); HGCMSvcSetU32(&aParms[1], mObjectID /* File handle */); HGCMSvcSetU64(&aParms[2], aSize); alock.release(); /* Drop write lock before sending. */ vrc = sendMessage(HOST_MSG_FILE_SET_SIZE, RT_ELEMENTS(aParms), aParms); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { /* * Wait for the event. */ VBoxEventType_T enmEvtType; ComPtr pIEvent; vrc = waitForEvent(pWaitEvent, RT_MS_1MIN / 2, &enmEvtType, pIEvent.asOutParam()); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { if (enmEvtType == VBoxEventType_OnGuestFileSizeChanged) vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; else vrc = VWRN_GSTCTL_OBJECTSTATE_CHANGED; } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc) && pWaitEvent->HasGuestError()) /* Return guest rc if available. */ vrc = pWaitEvent->GetGuestError(); } /* * Unregister the wait event and deal with error reporting if needed. */ unregisterWaitEvent(pWaitEvent); } HRESULT hrc; if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) hrc = S_OK; else hrc = setErrorBoth(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, vrc, tr("Setting the guest file size of \"%s\" to %RU64 (%#RX64) bytes failed: %Rrc", "", aSize), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), aSize, aSize, vrc); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return hrc; } HRESULT GuestFile::write(const std::vector &aData, ULONG aTimeoutMS, ULONG *aWritten) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); if (aData.size() == 0) return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("No data to write specified"), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str()); LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; const uint32_t cbData = (uint32_t)aData.size(); const void *pvData = (void *)&aData.front(); int vrc = i_writeData(aTimeoutMS, pvData, cbData, (uint32_t*)aWritten); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) hr = setErrorBoth(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, vrc, tr("Writing %zu bytes to guest file \"%s\" failed: %Rrc", "", aData.size()), aData.size(), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), vrc); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return hr; } HRESULT GuestFile::writeAt(LONG64 aOffset, const std::vector &aData, ULONG aTimeoutMS, ULONG *aWritten) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); if (aData.size() == 0) return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("No data to write at for guest file \"%s\" specified"), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str()); LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; const uint32_t cbData = (uint32_t)aData.size(); const void *pvData = (void *)&aData.front(); int vrc = i_writeDataAt(aOffset, aTimeoutMS, pvData, cbData, (uint32_t*)aWritten); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) hr = setErrorBoth(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, vrc, tr("Writing %zu bytes to file \"%s\" (at offset %RU64) failed: %Rrc", "", aData.size()), aData.size(), mData.mOpenInfo.mFilename.c_str(), aOffset, vrc); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(vrc); return hr; }