1 | /* $Id: EbmlWriter.h 52427 2014-08-20 08:59:33Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * EbmlWriter.h - EBML writer + WebM container.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2013 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | /*
19 | * This code is based on:
20 | *
21 | * Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
22 | *
23 | * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
24 | * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
25 | * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
26 | * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
27 | * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
28 | */
29 |
30 | #ifndef ____EBMLWRITER
31 | #define ____EBMLWRITER
32 |
33 | #include <iprt/file.h>
34 | #include <iprt/cdefs.h>
35 | #include <iprt/asm.h>
36 | #include <iprt/string.h>
37 | #include <vpx/vpx_encoder.h>
38 |
39 | #include <stack>
40 | #include <list>
41 |
42 | class Ebml
43 | {
44 | public:
45 | typedef uint32_t EbmlClassId;
46 |
47 | private:
48 |
49 | struct EbmlSubElement
50 | {
51 | uint64_t offset;
52 | EbmlClassId classId;
53 | EbmlSubElement(uint64_t offs, EbmlClassId cid) : offset(offs), classId(cid) {}
54 | };
55 |
56 | std::stack<EbmlSubElement> m_Elements;
57 | RTFILE m_File;
58 |
59 | public:
60 |
61 | /* Initialize EBML object */
62 | inline void init(const RTFILE &a_File) { m_File = a_File; }
63 |
64 | /* Starts an EBML sub-element */
65 | inline Ebml &subStart(EbmlClassId classId)
66 | {
67 | writeClassId(classId);
68 | /* store the current file offset */
69 | m_Elements.push(EbmlSubElement(RTFileTell(m_File), classId));
70 | /* Indicates that size of the element
71 | * is unkown (as according to EBML specs)
72 | */
73 | writeUnsignedInteger(UINT64_C(0x01FFFFFFFFFFFFFF));
74 | return *this;
75 | }
76 |
77 | /* Ends an EBML sub-element */
78 | inline Ebml &subEnd(EbmlClassId classId)
79 | {
80 | /* Class ID on the top of the stack should match the class ID passed
81 | * to the function. Otherwise it may mean that we have a bug in the code
82 | */
83 | if(m_Elements.empty() || m_Elements.top().classId != classId) throw VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR;
84 |
85 | uint64_t uPos = RTFileTell(m_File);
86 | uint64_t uSize = uPos - m_Elements.top().offset - 8;
87 | RTFileSeek(m_File, m_Elements.top().offset, RTFILE_SEEK_BEGIN, NULL);
88 |
89 | /* make sure that size will be serialized as uint64 */
90 | writeUnsignedInteger(uSize | UINT64_C(0x0100000000000000));
91 | RTFileSeek(m_File, uPos, RTFILE_SEEK_BEGIN, NULL);
92 | m_Elements.pop();
93 | return *this;
94 | }
95 |
96 | /* Serializes a null-terminated string */
97 | inline Ebml &serializeString(EbmlClassId classId, const char *str)
98 | {
99 | writeClassId(classId);
100 | uint64_t size = strlen(str);
101 | writeSize(size);
102 | write(str, size);
103 | return *this;
104 | }
105 |
106 | /* Serializes an UNSIGNED integer
107 | * If size is zero then it will be detected automatically */
108 | inline Ebml &serializeUnsignedInteger(EbmlClassId classId, uint64_t parm, size_t size = 0)
109 | {
110 | writeClassId(classId);
111 | if (!size) size = getSizeOfUInt(parm);
112 | writeSize(size);
113 | writeUnsignedInteger(parm, size);
114 | return *this;
115 | }
116 |
117 | /* Serializes a floating point value
118 | * Only 8-bytes double precision values are supported
119 | * by this function
120 | */
121 | inline Ebml &serializeFloat(EbmlClassId classId, double value)
122 | {
123 | writeClassId(classId);
124 | writeSize(sizeof(double));
125 | writeUnsignedInteger(*reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(&value));
126 | return *this;
127 | }
128 |
129 | /* Writes raw data to file */
130 | inline void write(const void *data, size_t size)
131 | {
132 | int rc = RTFileWrite(m_File, data, size, NULL);
133 | if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc)) throw rc;
134 | }
135 |
136 | /* Writes an unsigned integer of variable of fixed size */
137 | inline void writeUnsignedInteger(uint64_t value, size_t size = sizeof(uint64_t))
138 | {
139 | /* Convert to big-endian */
140 | value = RT_H2BE_U64(value);
141 | write(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&value) + sizeof(value) - size, size);
142 | }
143 |
144 | /* Writes EBML class ID to file
145 | * EBML ID already has a UTF8-like represenation
146 | * so getSizeOfUInt is used to determine
147 | * the number of its bytes
148 | */
149 | inline void writeClassId(EbmlClassId parm)
150 | {
151 | writeUnsignedInteger(parm, getSizeOfUInt(parm));
152 | }
153 |
154 | /* Writes data size value */
155 | inline void writeSize(uint64_t parm)
156 | {
157 | /* The following expression defines the size of the value that will be serialized
158 | * as an EBML UTF-8 like integer (with trailing bits represeting its size)
159 | 1xxx xxxx - value 0 to 2^7-2
160 | 01xx xxxx xxxx xxxx - value 0 to 2^14-2
161 | 001x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx - value 0 to 2^21-2
162 | 0001 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx - value 0 to 2^28-2
163 | 0000 1xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx - value 0 to 2^35-2
164 | 0000 01xx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx - value 0 to 2^42-2
165 | 0000 001x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx - value 0 to 2^49-2
166 | 0000 0001 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx - value 0 to 2^56-2
167 | */
168 | size_t size = 8 - ! (parm & (UINT64_MAX << 49)) - ! (parm & (UINT64_MAX << 42)) -
169 | ! (parm & (UINT64_MAX << 35)) - ! (parm & (UINT64_MAX << 28)) -
170 | ! (parm & (UINT64_MAX << 21)) - ! (parm & (UINT64_MAX << 14)) -
171 | ! (parm & (UINT64_MAX << 7));
172 | /* One is subtracted in order to avoid loosing significant bit when size = 8 */
173 | uint64_t mask = RT_BIT_64(size * 8 - 1);
174 | writeUnsignedInteger((parm & (((mask << 1) - 1) >> size)) | (mask >> (size - 1)), size);
175 | }
176 | /* Size calculation for variable size UNSIGNED integer.
177 | * The function defines the size of the number by trimming
178 | * consequent trailing zero bytes starting from the most significant.
179 | * The following statement is always true:
180 | * 1 <= getSizeOfUInt(arg) <= 8
181 | *
182 | * Every !(arg & (UINT64_MAX << X)) expression gives one
183 | * if an only if all the bits from X to 63 are set to zero.
184 | */
185 | static inline size_t getSizeOfUInt(uint64_t arg)
186 | {
187 | return 8 - ! (arg & (UINT64_MAX << 56)) - ! (arg & (UINT64_MAX << 48)) -
188 | ! (arg & (UINT64_MAX << 40)) - ! (arg & (UINT64_MAX << 32)) -
189 | ! (arg & (UINT64_MAX << 24)) - ! (arg & (UINT64_MAX << 16)) -
190 | ! (arg & (UINT64_MAX << 8));
191 | }
192 |
193 | private:
194 | void operator=(const Ebml &);
195 |
196 | };
197 |
198 | class WebMWriter
199 | {
200 | /* Matroska EBML Class IDs supported by WebM */
201 | enum Mkv
202 | {
203 | EBML = 0x1A45DFA3,
204 | EBMLVersion = 0x4286,
205 | EBMLReadVersion = 0x42F7,
206 | EBMLMaxIDLength = 0x42F2,
207 | EBMLMaxSizeLength = 0x42F3,
208 | DocType = 0x4282,
209 | DocTypeVersion = 0x4287,
210 | DocTypeReadVersion = 0x4285,
211 | // CRC_32 = 0xBF,
212 | Void = 0xEC,
213 | SignatureSlot = 0x1B538667,
214 | SignatureAlgo = 0x7E8A,
215 | SignatureHash = 0x7E9A,
216 | SignaturePublicKey = 0x7EA5,
217 | Signature = 0x7EB5,
218 | SignatureElements = 0x7E5B,
219 | SignatureElementList = 0x7E7B,
220 | SignedElement = 0x6532,
221 | //segment
222 | Segment = 0x18538067,
223 | //Meta Seek Information
224 | SeekHead = 0x114D9B74,
225 | Seek = 0x4DBB,
226 | SeekID = 0x53AB,
227 | SeekPosition = 0x53AC,
228 | //Segment Information
229 | Info = 0x1549A966,
230 | // SegmentUID = 0x73A4,
231 | // SegmentFilename = 0x7384,
232 | // PrevUID = 0x3CB923,
233 | // PrevFilename = 0x3C83AB,
234 | // NextUID = 0x3EB923,
235 | // NextFilename = 0x3E83BB,
236 | // SegmentFamily = 0x4444,
237 | // ChapterTranslate = 0x6924,
238 | // ChapterTranslateEditionUID = 0x69FC,
239 | // ChapterTranslateCodec = 0x69BF,
240 | // ChapterTranslateID = 0x69A5,
241 | TimecodeScale = 0x2AD7B1,
242 | Segment_Duration = 0x4489,
243 | DateUTC = 0x4461,
244 | // Title = 0x7BA9,
245 | MuxingApp = 0x4D80,
246 | WritingApp = 0x5741,
247 | //Cluster
248 | Cluster = 0x1F43B675,
249 | Timecode = 0xE7,
250 | // SilentTracks = 0x5854,
251 | // SilentTrackNumber = 0x58D7,
252 | // Position = 0xA7,
253 | PrevSize = 0xAB,
254 | BlockGroup = 0xA0,
255 | Block = 0xA1,
256 | // BlockVirtual = 0xA2,
257 | // BlockAdditions = 0x75A1,
258 | // BlockMore = 0xA6,
259 | // BlockAddID = 0xEE,
260 | // BlockAdditional = 0xA5,
261 | BlockDuration = 0x9B,
262 | // ReferencePriority = 0xFA,
263 | ReferenceBlock = 0xFB,
264 | // ReferenceVirtual = 0xFD,
265 | // CodecState = 0xA4,
266 | // Slices = 0x8E,
267 | // TimeSlice = 0xE8,
268 | LaceNumber = 0xCC,
269 | // FrameNumber = 0xCD,
270 | // BlockAdditionID = 0xCB,
271 | // MkvDelay = 0xCE,
272 | // Cluster_Duration = 0xCF,
273 | SimpleBlock = 0xA3,
274 | // EncryptedBlock = 0xAF,
275 | //Track
276 | Tracks = 0x1654AE6B,
277 | TrackEntry = 0xAE,
278 | TrackNumber = 0xD7,
279 | TrackUID = 0x73C5,
280 | TrackType = 0x83,
281 | FlagEnabled = 0xB9,
282 | FlagDefault = 0x88,
283 | FlagForced = 0x55AA,
284 | FlagLacing = 0x9C,
285 | // MinCache = 0x6DE7,
286 | // MaxCache = 0x6DF8,
287 | DefaultDuration = 0x23E383,
288 | // TrackTimecodeScale = 0x23314F,
289 | // TrackOffset = 0x537F,
290 | // MaxBlockAdditionID = 0x55EE,
291 | Name = 0x536E,
292 | Language = 0x22B59C,
293 | CodecID = 0x86,
294 | CodecPrivate = 0x63A2,
295 | CodecName = 0x258688,
296 | // AttachmentLink = 0x7446,
297 | // CodecSettings = 0x3A9697,
298 | // CodecInfoURL = 0x3B4040,
299 | // CodecDownloadURL = 0x26B240,
300 | // CodecDecodeAll = 0xAA,
301 | // TrackOverlay = 0x6FAB,
302 | // TrackTranslate = 0x6624,
303 | // TrackTranslateEditionUID = 0x66FC,
304 | // TrackTranslateCodec = 0x66BF,
305 | // TrackTranslateTrackID = 0x66A5,
306 | //video
307 | Video = 0xE0,
308 | FlagInterlaced = 0x9A,
309 | // StereoMode = 0x53B8,
310 | PixelWidth = 0xB0,
311 | PixelHeight = 0xBA,
312 | PixelCropBottom = 0x54AA,
313 | PixelCropTop = 0x54BB,
314 | PixelCropLeft = 0x54CC,
315 | PixelCropRight = 0x54DD,
316 | DisplayWidth = 0x54B0,
317 | DisplayHeight = 0x54BA,
318 | DisplayUnit = 0x54B2,
319 | AspectRatioType = 0x54B3,
320 | // ColourSpace = 0x2EB524,
321 | // GammaValue = 0x2FB523,
322 | FrameRate = 0x2383E3,
323 | //end video
324 | //audio
325 | Audio = 0xE1,
326 | SamplingFrequency = 0xB5,
327 | OutputSamplingFrequency = 0x78B5,
328 | Channels = 0x9F,
329 | // ChannelPositions = 0x7D7B,
330 | BitDepth = 0x6264,
331 | //end audio
332 | //content encoding
333 | // ContentEncodings = 0x6d80,
334 | // ContentEncoding = 0x6240,
335 | // ContentEncodingOrder = 0x5031,
336 | // ContentEncodingScope = 0x5032,
337 | // ContentEncodingType = 0x5033,
338 | // ContentCompression = 0x5034,
339 | // ContentCompAlgo = 0x4254,
340 | // ContentCompSettings = 0x4255,
341 | // ContentEncryption = 0x5035,
342 | // ContentEncAlgo = 0x47e1,
343 | // ContentEncKeyID = 0x47e2,
344 | // ContentSignature = 0x47e3,
345 | // ContentSigKeyID = 0x47e4,
346 | // ContentSigAlgo = 0x47e5,
347 | // ContentSigHashAlgo = 0x47e6,
348 | //end content encoding
349 | //Cueing Data
350 | Cues = 0x1C53BB6B,
351 | CuePoint = 0xBB,
352 | CueTime = 0xB3,
353 | CueTrackPositions = 0xB7,
354 | CueTrack = 0xF7,
355 | CueClusterPosition = 0xF1,
356 | CueBlockNumber = 0x5378
357 | // CueCodecState = 0xEA,
358 | // CueReference = 0xDB,
359 | // CueRefTime = 0x96,
360 | // CueRefCluster = 0x97,
361 | // CueRefNumber = 0x535F,
362 | // CueRefCodecState = 0xEB,
363 | //Attachment
364 | // Attachments = 0x1941A469,
365 | // AttachedFile = 0x61A7,
366 | // FileDescription = 0x467E,
367 | // FileName = 0x466E,
368 | // FileMimeType = 0x4660,
369 | // FileData = 0x465C,
370 | // FileUID = 0x46AE,
371 | // FileReferral = 0x4675,
372 | //Chapters
373 | // Chapters = 0x1043A770,
374 | // EditionEntry = 0x45B9,
375 | // EditionUID = 0x45BC,
376 | // EditionFlagHidden = 0x45BD,
377 | // EditionFlagDefault = 0x45DB,
378 | // EditionFlagOrdered = 0x45DD,
379 | // ChapterAtom = 0xB6,
380 | // ChapterUID = 0x73C4,
381 | // ChapterTimeStart = 0x91,
382 | // ChapterTimeEnd = 0x92,
383 | // ChapterFlagHidden = 0x98,
384 | // ChapterFlagEnabled = 0x4598,
385 | // ChapterSegmentUID = 0x6E67,
386 | // ChapterSegmentEditionUID = 0x6EBC,
387 | // ChapterPhysicalEquiv = 0x63C3,
388 | // ChapterTrack = 0x8F,
389 | // ChapterTrackNumber = 0x89,
390 | // ChapterDisplay = 0x80,
391 | // ChapString = 0x85,
392 | // ChapLanguage = 0x437C,
393 | // ChapCountry = 0x437E,
394 | // ChapProcess = 0x6944,
395 | // ChapProcessCodecID = 0x6955,
396 | // ChapProcessPrivate = 0x450D,
397 | // ChapProcessCommand = 0x6911,
398 | // ChapProcessTime = 0x6922,
399 | // ChapProcessData = 0x6933,
400 | //Tagging
401 | // Tags = 0x1254C367,
402 | // Tag = 0x7373,
403 | // Targets = 0x63C0,
404 | // TargetTypeValue = 0x68CA,
405 | // TargetType = 0x63CA,
406 | // Tagging_TrackUID = 0x63C5,
407 | // Tagging_EditionUID = 0x63C9,
408 | // Tagging_ChapterUID = 0x63C4,
409 | // AttachmentUID = 0x63C6,
410 | // SimpleTag = 0x67C8,
411 | // TagName = 0x45A3,
412 | // TagLanguage = 0x447A,
413 | // TagDefault = 0x4484,
414 | // TagString = 0x4487,
415 | // TagBinary = 0x4485,
416 | };
417 |
418 | struct CueEntry
419 | {
420 | uint32_t time;
421 | uint64_t loc;
422 | CueEntry(uint32_t t, uint64_t l) : time(t), loc(l) {}
423 | };
424 |
425 | bool m_bDebug;
426 | int64_t m_iLastPtsMs;
427 | int64_t m_iInitialPtsMs;
428 | vpx_rational_t m_Framerate;
429 |
430 | uint64_t m_uPositionReference;
431 | uint64_t m_uSeekInfoPos;
432 | uint64_t m_uSegmentInfoPos;
433 | uint64_t m_uTrackPos;
434 | uint64_t m_uCuePos;
435 | uint64_t m_uClusterPos;
436 |
437 | uint64_t m_uTrackIdPos;
438 |
439 | uint64_t m_uStartSegment;
440 |
441 | uint32_t m_uClusterTimecode;
442 | bool m_bClusterOpen;
443 | std::list<CueEntry> m_CueList;
444 |
445 | Ebml m_Ebml;
446 | RTFILE m_File;
447 |
448 | public:
449 | WebMWriter();
450 | /* Creates output file */
451 | int create(const char *a_pszFilename);
452 | /* closes the file */
453 | void close();
454 | /* Writes WebM header to file
455 | * Should be called before any writeBlock call
456 | */
457 | int writeHeader(const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *a_pCfg, const vpx_rational *a_pFps);
458 | /* Writes a block of compressed data */
459 | int writeBlock(const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *a_pCfg, const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *a_pPkt);
460 | /* Writes WebM footer
461 | * No other write functions should be called after this one
462 | */
463 | int writeFooter(uint32_t a_u64Hash);
464 | /* Returns current output file size */
465 | uint64_t getFileSize();
466 | /* Returns current free storage space
467 | * available for the file
468 | */
469 | uint64_t getAvailableSpace();
470 |
471 | private:
472 | void writeSeekInfo();
473 | void operator=(const WebMWriter &);
474 | WebMWriter(const WebMWriter &);
475 | };
476 |
477 | #endif