/* $Id: DrvAudioVRDE.cpp 51092 2014-04-16 17:57:25Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VBox Audio VRDE backend */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include "DrvAudioVRDE.h" #include "ConsoleImpl.h" #include "ConsoleVRDPServer.h" #include "Logging.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /******************************************************************************* * * IO Ring Buffer section * ******************************************************************************/ /* Implementation of a lock free ring buffer which could be used in a multi * threaded environment. Note that only the acquire, release and getter * functions are threading aware. So don't use reset if the ring buffer is * still in use. */ typedef struct IORINGBUFFER { /* The current read position in the buffer */ uint32_t uReadPos; /* The current write position in the buffer */ uint32_t uWritePos; /* How much space of the buffer is currently in use */ volatile uint32_t cBufferUsed; /* How big is the buffer */ uint32_t cBufSize; /* The buffer itself */ char *pBuffer; } IORINGBUFFER; /* Pointer to an ring buffer structure */ typedef IORINGBUFFER* PIORINGBUFFER; PPDMDRVINS gpDrvIns; //@todo handle this bad programming; static void IORingBufferCreate(PIORINGBUFFER *ppBuffer, uint32_t cSize) { PIORINGBUFFER pTmpBuffer; AssertPtr(ppBuffer); *ppBuffer = NULL; pTmpBuffer = RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(IORINGBUFFER)); if (pTmpBuffer) { pTmpBuffer->pBuffer = RTMemAlloc(cSize); if(pTmpBuffer->pBuffer) { pTmpBuffer->cBufSize = cSize; *ppBuffer = pTmpBuffer; } else RTMemFree(pTmpBuffer); } } static void IORingBufferDestroy(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer) { if (pBuffer) { if (pBuffer->pBuffer) RTMemFree(pBuffer->pBuffer); RTMemFree(pBuffer); } } DECL_FORCE_INLINE(void) IORingBufferReset(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer) { AssertPtr(pBuffer); pBuffer->uReadPos = 0; pBuffer->uWritePos = 0; pBuffer->cBufferUsed = 0; } DECL_FORCE_INLINE(uint32_t) IORingBufferFree(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer) { AssertPtr(pBuffer); return pBuffer->cBufSize - ASMAtomicReadU32(&pBuffer->cBufferUsed); } DECL_FORCE_INLINE(uint32_t) IORingBufferUsed(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer) { AssertPtr(pBuffer); return ASMAtomicReadU32(&pBuffer->cBufferUsed); } DECL_FORCE_INLINE(uint32_t) IORingBufferSize(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer) { AssertPtr(pBuffer); return pBuffer->cBufSize; } static void IORingBufferAquireReadBlock(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer, uint32_t cReqSize, char **ppStart, uint32_t *pcSize) { uint32_t uUsed = 0; uint32_t uSize = 0; AssertPtr(pBuffer); *ppStart = 0; *pcSize = 0; /* How much is in use? */ uUsed = ASMAtomicReadU32(&pBuffer->cBufferUsed); if (uUsed > 0) { /* Get the size out of the requested size, the read block till the end * of the buffer & the currently used size. */ uSize = RT_MIN(cReqSize, RT_MIN(pBuffer->cBufSize - pBuffer->uReadPos, uUsed)); if (uSize > 0) { /* Return the pointer address which point to the current read * position. */ *ppStart = pBuffer->pBuffer + pBuffer->uReadPos; *pcSize = uSize; } } } DECL_FORCE_INLINE(void) IORingBufferReleaseReadBlock(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer, uint32_t cSize) { AssertPtr(pBuffer); /* Split at the end of the buffer. */ pBuffer->uReadPos = (pBuffer->uReadPos + cSize) % pBuffer->cBufSize; ASMAtomicSubU32(&pBuffer->cBufferUsed, cSize); } static void IORingBufferAquireWriteBlock(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer, uint32_t cReqSize, char **ppStart, uint32_t *pcSize) { uint32_t uFree; uint32_t uSize; AssertPtr(pBuffer); *ppStart = 0; *pcSize = 0; /* How much is free? */ uFree = pBuffer->cBufSize - ASMAtomicReadU32(&pBuffer->cBufferUsed); if (uFree > 0) { /* Get the size out of the requested size, the write block till the end * of the buffer & the currently free size. */ uSize = RT_MIN(cReqSize, RT_MIN(pBuffer->cBufSize - pBuffer->uWritePos, uFree)); if (uSize > 0) { /* Return the pointer address which point to the current write * position. */ *ppStart = pBuffer->pBuffer + pBuffer->uWritePos; *pcSize = uSize; } } } DECL_FORCE_INLINE(void) IORingBufferReleaseWriteBlock(PIORINGBUFFER pBuffer, uint32_t cSize) { AssertPtr(pBuffer); /* Split at the end of the buffer. */ pBuffer->uWritePos = (pBuffer->uWritePos + cSize) % pBuffer->cBufSize; ASMAtomicAddU32(&pBuffer->cBufferUsed, cSize); } /****************** Ring Buffer Function Ends *****************/ //@todo need to see if they need to move to pdmifs.h #define AUDIO_HOST_ENDIANNESS 0 #define VOICE_ENABLE 1 #define VOICE_DISABLE 2 /* Initialization status indicator used for the recreation of the AudioUnits. */ #define CA_STATUS_UNINIT UINT32_C(0) /* The device is uninitialized */ #define CA_STATUS_IN_INIT UINT32_C(1) /* The device is currently initializing */ #define CA_STATUS_INIT UINT32_C(2) /* The device is initialized */ #define CA_STATUS_IN_UNINIT UINT32_C(3) /* The device is currently uninitializing */ //@todo move t_sample as a PDM interface //typedef struct { int mute; uint32_t r; uint32_t l; } volume_t; #define INT_MAX 0x7fffffff volume_t nominal_volume = { 0, INT_MAX, INT_MAX }; /* The desired buffer length in milliseconds. Will be the target total stream * latency on newer version of pulse. Apparent latency can be less (or more.) * In case its need to be used. Currently its not used. */ #if 0 static struct { int buffer_msecs_out; int buffer_msecs_in; } confAudioVRDE = { INIT_FIELD (.buffer_msecs_out = ) 100, INIT_FIELD (.buffer_msecs_in = ) 100, }; #endif /** * Audio VRDE driver instance data. * * @extends PDMIAUDIOSNIFFERCONNECTOR */ typedef struct DRVAUDIOVRDE { /** Pointer to audio VRDE object */ AudioVRDE *pAudioVRDE; PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns; /** Pointer to the driver instance structure. */ PDMIHOSTAUDIO IHostAudioR3; ConsoleVRDPServer *pConsoleVRDPServer; /** Pointer to the DrvAudio port interface that is above it. */ PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pUpPort; } DRVAUDIOVRDE, *PDRVAUDIOVRDE; typedef struct PDMHOSTVOICEOUT PDMHOSTVOICEOUT; typedef PDMHOSTVOICEOUT *PPDMHOSTVOICEOUT; typedef struct VRDEVoice { /* Audio and audio details for recording */ PDMHOSTVOICEIN pHostVoiceIn; void * pvUserCtx; /* Number of bytes per frame (bitsPerSample * channels) of the actual input format. */ uint32_t cBytesPerFrame; /* Frequency of the actual audio format. */ uint32_t uFrequency; /* If the actual format frequence differs from the requested format, this is not NULL. */ void *rate; /* Temporary buffer for st_sample_t representation of the input audio data. */ void *pvSamplesBuffer; /* buffer for bytes of samples (not rate converted) */ uint32_t cbSamplesBufferAllocated; /* Temporary buffer for frequency conversion. */ void *pvRateBuffer; /* buffer for bytes rate converted samples */ uint32_t cbRateBufferAllocated; /* A ring buffer for transferring data to the playback thread */ PIORINGBUFFER pRecordedVoiceBuf; t_sample * convAudioDevFmtToStSampl; uint32_t fIsInit; uint32_t status; }; typedef VRDEVoice *PVRDEVoice; typedef struct VRDEVoiceOut { PDMHOSTVOICEOUT pHostVoiceOut; uint64_t old_ticks; uint64_t cSamplesSentPerSec; }; typedef VRDEVoiceOut * PVRDEVoiceOut; /** Makes a PDRVBLOCK out of a PPDMIBLOCK. */ #define PDMIHOSTAUDIO_2_DRVAUDIOVRDE(pInterface) ( (PDRVAUDIOVRDE)((uintptr_t)pInterface - RT_OFFSETOF(DRVAUDIOVRDE, IHostAudioR3)) ) AudioVRDE::AudioVRDE(Console *console) : mpDrv(NULL), mParent(console) { } AudioVRDE::~AudioVRDE() { if (mpDrv) { mpDrv->pAudioVRDE = NULL; mpDrv = NULL; } } PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR AudioVRDE::getDrvAudioPort() { Assert(mpDrv); return mpDrv->pUpPort; } void AudioVRDE::handleVRDESvrCmdAudioInputIntercept(bool fIntercept) { LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: handleVRDPCmdInputIntercept\n")); } static DECLCALLBACK(void *) drvAudioVRDEInit(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface) { LogFlow(("drvAudioVRDEInit \n")); return 1; } static void drvAudioVRDEPcmInitInfo(PDMPCMPROPERTIES * pProps, audsettings_t *as) { int bits = 8, sign = 0, shift = 0; LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: PcmInitInfo \n")); switch (as->fmt) { case AUD_FMT_S8: sign = 1; case AUD_FMT_U8: break; case AUD_FMT_S16: sign = 1; case AUD_FMT_U16: bits = 16; shift = 1; break; case AUD_FMT_S32: sign = 1; case AUD_FMT_U32: bits = 32; shift = 2; break; } pProps->uFrequency = as->freq; pProps->cBits = bits; pProps->fSigned = sign; pProps->cChannels = as->nchannels; pProps->cShift = (as->nchannels == 2) + shift; pProps->fAlign = (1 << pProps->cShift) - 1; pProps->cbPerSec = pProps->uFrequency << pProps->cShift; pProps->fSwapEndian = (as->endianness != AUDIO_HOST_ENDIANNESS); } /* * Hard voice (playback) */ static int audio_pcm_hw_find_min_out (PPDMHOSTVOICEOUT hw, int *nb_livep) { PPDMGSTVOICEOUT sw; PPDMGSTVOICEOUT pIter; int m = INT_MAX; int nb_live = 0; LogFlow(("Hard Voice Playback \n")); RTListForEach(&hw->HeadGstVoiceOut, pIter, PDMGSTVOICEOUT, ListGstVoiceOut) { sw = pIter; if (sw->State.fActive || !sw->State.fEmpty) { m = audio_MIN (m, sw->cSamplesMixed); nb_live += 1; } } *nb_livep = nb_live; return m; } int audio_pcm_hw_get_live_out2 (PPDMHOSTVOICEOUT hw, int *nb_live) { int smin; smin = audio_pcm_hw_find_min_out (hw, nb_live); if (!*nb_live) { return 0; } else { int live = smin; if (live < 0 || live > hw->cSamples) { LogFlow(("Error: live=%d hw->samples=%d\n", live, hw->cSamples)); return 0; } return live; } } int audio_pcm_hw_get_live_out (PPDMHOSTVOICEOUT hw) { int nb_live; int live; live = audio_pcm_hw_get_live_out2 (hw, &nb_live); if (live < 0 || live > hw->cSamples) { LogFlow(("Error: live=%d hw->samples=%d\n", live, hw->cSamples)); return 0; } return live; } /* * Hard voice (capture) */ static int audio_pcm_hw_find_min_in (PPDMHOSTVOICEIN hw) { PPDMGSTVOICEIN pIter; int m = hw->cSamplesCaptured; RTListForEach(&hw->HeadGstVoiceIn, pIter, PDMGSTVOICEIN, ListGstVoiceIn) { if (pIter->State.fActive) { m = audio_MIN (m, pIter->cHostSamplesAcquired); } } return m; } int audio_pcm_hw_get_live_in (PPDMHOSTVOICEIN hw) { int live = hw->cSamplesCaptured - audio_pcm_hw_find_min_in (hw); if (live < 0 || live > hw->cSamples) { LogFlow(("Error: live=%d hw->samples=%d\n", live, hw->cSamples)); return 0; } return live; } static inline void *advance (void *p, int incr) { uint8_t *d = (uint8_t*)p; return (d + incr); } uint64_t audio_get_ticks_per_sec (void) { return PDMDrvHlpTMGetVirtualFreq (gpDrvIns); } uint64_t audio_get_clock (void) { return PDMDrvHlpTMGetVirtualTime (gpDrvIns); } void VRDEReallocSampleBuf(PVRDEVoice pVRDEVoice, uint32_t cSamples) { uint32_t cbBuffer = cSamples * sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE); if (cbBuffer > pVRDEVoice->cbSamplesBufferAllocated) { if (pVRDEVoice->pvSamplesBuffer) { RTMemFree(pVRDEVoice->pvSamplesBuffer); pVRDEVoice->pvSamplesBuffer = NULL; } pVRDEVoice->pvSamplesBuffer = RTMemAlloc(cbBuffer); if (pVRDEVoice->pvSamplesBuffer) pVRDEVoice->cbSamplesBufferAllocated = cbBuffer; else pVRDEVoice->cbSamplesBufferAllocated = 0; } } void VRDEReallocRateAdjSampleBuf(PVRDEVoice pVRDEVoice, uint32_t cSamples) { uint32_t cbBuffer = cSamples * sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE); if (cbBuffer > pVRDEVoice->cbRateBufferAllocated) { RTMemFree(pVRDEVoice->pvRateBuffer); pVRDEVoice->pvRateBuffer = RTMemAlloc(cbBuffer); if (pVRDEVoice->pvRateBuffer) pVRDEVoice->cbRateBufferAllocated = cbBuffer; else pVRDEVoice->cbRateBufferAllocated = 0; } } /******************************************************************************* * * AudioVRDE input section * ******************************************************************************/ /* * Callback to feed audio input buffer. Samples format is be the same as * in the voice. The caller prepares st_sample_t. * * @param cbSamples Size of pvSamples array in bytes. * @param pvSamples Points to an array of samples. * * @return IPRT status code. */ static int fltRecordingCallback(PVRDEVoice pVRDEVoice, uint32_t cbSamples, const void *pvSamples) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint32_t csAvail = 0; uint32_t csToWrite = 0; uint32_t cbToWrite = 0; uint32_t csWritten = 0; char *pcDst = NULL; LogFlow(("audio-filter: fltRecordingCallback\n")); Assert((cbSamples % sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE)) == 0); if (!pVRDEVoice->fIsInit) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* If nothing is pending return immediately. */ if (cbSamples == 0) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* How much space is free in the ring buffer? */ PPDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE psSrc; csAvail = IORingBufferFree(pVRDEVoice->pRecordedVoiceBuf) / sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE); /* bytes -> samples */ /* How much space is used in the audio buffer. Use the smaller size of the too. */ csAvail = RT_MIN(csAvail, cbSamples / sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE)); /* Iterate as long as data is available */ while(csWritten < csAvail) { /* How much is left? */ csToWrite = csAvail - csWritten; cbToWrite = csToWrite * sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE); /* Try to acquire the necessary space from the ring buffer. */ IORingBufferAquireWriteBlock(pVRDEVoice->pRecordedVoiceBuf, cbToWrite, &pcDst, &cbToWrite); /* How much do we get? */ csToWrite = cbToWrite / sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE); /* Break if nothing is free anymore. */ if (RT_UNLIKELY(csToWrite == 0)) break; /* Copy the data from the audio buffer to the ring buffer in PVRDEVoice. */ memcpy(pcDst, (uint8_t *)pvSamples + (csWritten * sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE)), cbToWrite); /* Release the ring buffer, so the main thread could start reading this data. */ IORingBufferReleaseWriteBlock(pVRDEVoice->pRecordedVoiceBuf, cbToWrite); csWritten += csToWrite; } LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: [Input] Finished writing buffer with %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes)\n", csWritten, csWritten * sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE))); return rc; } STDMETHODIMP AudioVRDE::handleVRDESvrCmdAudioInputEventBegin(void *pvContext, int iSampleHz, int cChannels, int cBits, bool fUnsigned) { int bitIdx; PVRDEVoice pVRDEVoice = (PVRDEVoice)pvContext; LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: handleVRDPCmdInputEventBegin\n")); /* Prepare a format convertion for the actually used format. */ pVRDEVoice->cBytesPerFrame = ((cBits + 7) / 8) * cChannels; if (cBits == 16) { bitIdx = 1; } else if (cBits == 32) { bitIdx = 2; } else { bitIdx = 0; } //PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pPort = server->mConsole->getAudioVRDE()->getDrvAudioPort(); /* Call DrvAudio interface to get the t_sample type conversion function */ pVRDEVoice->convAudioDevFmtToStSampl = mpDrv->pUpPort->pfnConvDevFmtToStSample(mpDrv->pUpPort, (cChannels == 2) ? 1 : 0, !fUnsigned, 0, bitIdx ); if (pVRDEVoice->convAudioDevFmtToStSampl) { LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: Failed to get the conversion function \n")); } LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: Required freq as requested by VRDP Server = %d\n", iSampleHz)); //if (iSampleHz && iSampleHz != pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.Props.uFrequency) { /* @todo if the above condition is false then pVRDEVoice->uFrequency will remain 0 */ pVRDEVoice->rate = mpDrv->pUpPort->pfnPrepareAudioConversion(mpDrv->pUpPort, iSampleHz, pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.Props.uFrequency); pVRDEVoice->uFrequency = iSampleHz; LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: pVRDEVoice assigned requested freq =%d\n", pVRDEVoice->uFrequency)); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * pvContext: pointer to VRDP voice returned by the VRDP server. The is same pointer that we initialized in * drvAudioVRDEDisableEnableIn VOICE_ENABLE case. */ void AudioVRDE::handleVRDESvrCmdAudioInputEventData(void *pvContext, const void *pvData, uint32_t cbData) { PVRDEVoice pVRDEVoice = (PVRDEVoice)pvContext; PPDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE pHostStereoSampleBuf; /* target sample buffer */ PPDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE pConvertedSampleBuf; /* samples adjusted for rate */ uint32_t cSamples = cbData / pVRDEVoice->cBytesPerFrame; /* Count of samples */ void * pTmpSampleBuf = NULL; uint32_t cConvertedSamples; /* samples adjusted for rate */ uint32_t cbSamples; /* count of bytes occupied by samples */ uint32_t rc; LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: handleVRDPCmdInputEventData cbData = %d, bytesperfram=%d\n", cbData, pVRDEVoice->cBytesPerFrame)); VRDEReallocSampleBuf(pVRDEVoice, cSamples); pHostStereoSampleBuf = (PPDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE)pVRDEVoice->pvSamplesBuffer; pVRDEVoice->convAudioDevFmtToStSampl(pHostStereoSampleBuf, pvData, cSamples, &nominal_volume); /* count of rate adjusted samples */ pVRDEVoice->uFrequency = 22100; /* @todo handle this. How pVRDEVoice will get proper value */ cConvertedSamples = (cSamples * pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.Props.uFrequency) / pVRDEVoice->uFrequency; VRDEReallocRateAdjSampleBuf(pVRDEVoice, cConvertedSamples); pConvertedSampleBuf = (PPDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE)pVRDEVoice->pvRateBuffer; if (pConvertedSampleBuf) { uint32_t cSampleSrc = cSamples; uint32_t cSampleDst = cConvertedSamples; mpDrv->pUpPort->pfnDoRateConversion(mpDrv->pUpPort, pVRDEVoice->rate, pHostStereoSampleBuf, pConvertedSampleBuf, &cSampleSrc, &cConvertedSamples); pTmpSampleBuf = pConvertedSampleBuf; cbSamples = cConvertedSamples * sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE); } if (cbSamples) { rc = fltRecordingCallback(pVRDEVoice, cbSamples, pTmpSampleBuf); } } /* * pvContext: pointer to VRDP voice returned by the VRDP server. The is same pointer that we initialized in * drvAudioVRDEDisableEnableIn VOICE_ENABLE case. */ void AudioVRDE::handleVRDESvrCmdAudioInputEventEnd(void *pvContext) { PVRDEVoice pVRDEVoice = (PVRDEVoice)pvContext; LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: handleVRDPCmdInputEventEnd\n")); /* The caller will not use this context anymore. */ if (pVRDEVoice->rate) { mpDrv->pUpPort->pfnEndAudioConversion(mpDrv->pUpPort, pVRDEVoice->rate); } if (pVRDEVoice->pvSamplesBuffer) { RTMemFree(pVRDEVoice->pvSamplesBuffer); pVRDEVoice->pvSamplesBuffer = NULL; } if(pVRDEVoice->pvRateBuffer) { RTMemFree(pVRDEVoice->pvRateBuffer); pVRDEVoice->pvRateBuffer = NULL; } } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioVRDEInitOut(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMHOSTVOICEOUT pHostVoiceOut, audsettings_t *as) { PDRVAUDIOVRDE pDrv = PDMIHOSTAUDIO_2_DRVAUDIOVRDE(pInterface); PVRDEVoiceOut pVRDEVoiceOut = (PVRDEVoiceOut)pHostVoiceOut; LogFlow(("DrvAudioVRDEInitOut: audio input begin cShift=%d\n", pHostVoiceOut->Props.cShift)); pHostVoiceOut->cSamples = 6174; drvAudioVRDEPcmInitInfo(&pVRDEVoiceOut->pHostVoiceOut.Props, as); return VINF_SUCCESS; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioVRDEInitIn (PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMHOSTVOICEIN pHostVoiceIn, audsettings_t *as) { LogFlow(("DrvAudioVRDE: drvAudioVRDEInitIn \n")); PDRVAUDIOVRDE pDrv = PDMIHOSTAUDIO_2_DRVAUDIOVRDE(pInterface); PVRDEVoice pVRDEVoice = (PVRDEVoice)pHostVoiceIn; pHostVoiceIn->cSamples = 6174; drvAudioVRDEPcmInitInfo(&pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.Props, as); return VINF_SUCCESS; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioVRDEPlayIn(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMHOSTVOICEIN pHostVoiceIn) { uint32_t cbAvlblRingBuffer = 0; uint32_t cSamplesRingBuffer = 0; uint32_t cSamplesToRead = 0; uint32_t cSamplesRead = 0; uint32_t cbToRead; char *pcSrc; PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE * psDst; //@todo take care of the size of the buffer allocated to pHostVoiceIn PVRDEVoice pVRDEVoice = (PVRDEVoice)pHostVoiceIn; LogFlow(("DrvAudioVRDE: drvAudioVRDEPlayIn \n")); /* use this from DrvHostCoreAudio.c */ if (ASMAtomicReadU32(&pVRDEVoice->status) != CA_STATUS_INIT) { LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: VRDE voice not initialized \n")); return 0; } /* how much space is used in the ring buffer in pRecordedVocieBuf with pAudioVRDE . Bytes-> samples*/ cSamplesRingBuffer = IORingBufferUsed(pVRDEVoice->pRecordedVoiceBuf) / sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE); /* How much space is available in the mix buffer. Use the smaller size of the too. */ cSamplesRingBuffer = RT_MIN(cSamplesRingBuffer, (uint32_t)(pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.cSamples - audio_pcm_hw_get_live_in (&pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn))); LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: [Input] Start reading buffer with %d samples (%d bytes)\n", cSamplesRingBuffer, cSamplesRingBuffer * sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE))); /* Iterate as long as data is available */ while (cSamplesRead < cSamplesRingBuffer) { /* How much is left? Split request at the end of our samples buffer. */ cSamplesToRead = RT_MIN(cSamplesRingBuffer - cSamplesRead, (uint32_t)(pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.cSamples - pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.offWrite)); cbToRead = cSamplesToRead * sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE); LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: [Input] Try reading %RU32 samples (%RU32 bytes)\n", cSamplesToRead, cbToRead)); /* Try to acquire the necessary block from the ring buffer. Remeber in fltRecrodCallback we * we are filling this buffer with the audio data available from VRDP. Here we are reading it */ /*todo do I need to introduce a thread to fill the buffer in fltRecordcallback. So that * filling is in separate thread and the reading of that buffer is in separate thread */ IORingBufferAquireReadBlock(pVRDEVoice->pRecordedVoiceBuf, cbToRead, &pcSrc, &cbToRead); /* How much to we get? */ cSamplesToRead = cbToRead / sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE); LogFlow(("AuderVRDE: [Input] There are %d samples (%d bytes) available\n", cSamplesToRead, cbToRead)); /* Break if nothing is used anymore. */ if (cSamplesToRead == 0) { LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: Nothing to read \n")); break; } /* Copy the data from our ring buffer to the mix buffer. */ psDst = pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.pConversionBuf + pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.offWrite; memcpy(psDst, pcSrc, cbToRead); /* Release the read buffer, so it could be used for new data. */ IORingBufferReleaseReadBlock(pVRDEVoice->pRecordedVoiceBuf, cbToRead); pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.offWrite = (pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.offWrite + cSamplesToRead) % pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.cSamples; /* How much have we reads so far. */ cSamplesRead += cSamplesToRead; } LogFlow(("AudioVRDE: [Input] Finished reading buffer with %d samples (%d bytes)\n", cSamplesRead, cSamplesRead * sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE))); return cSamplesRead; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioVRDEPlayOut(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMHOSTVOICEOUT pHostVoiceOut) { PDRVAUDIOVRDE pDrv = PDMIHOSTAUDIO_2_DRVAUDIOVRDE(pInterface); PVRDEVoiceOut pVRDEVoiceOut = (PVRDEVoiceOut)pHostVoiceOut; int live; uint8_t *pu8Dst; int cSamplesPlayed; int cSamplesToSend = 0; /* * Just call the VRDP server with the data. */ live = audio_pcm_hw_get_live_out (pHostVoiceOut); uint64_t now = audio_get_clock(); uint64_t ticks = now - pVRDEVoiceOut->old_ticks; uint64_t ticks_per_second = audio_get_ticks_per_sec(); cSamplesPlayed = (int)((2 * ticks * pHostVoiceOut->Props.uFrequency + ticks_per_second) / ticks_per_second / 2); if (cSamplesPlayed < 0) cSamplesPlayed = live; pHostVoiceOut->Props.cBits = 128; VRDEAUDIOFORMAT format = VRDE_AUDIO_FMT_MAKE(pHostVoiceOut->Props.uFrequency, pHostVoiceOut->Props.cChannels, pHostVoiceOut->Props.cBits, /* bits per sample */ !pHostVoiceOut->Props.fSigned); LogFlow(("DrvAudioVRDE: send audio sample freq=%d, chan=%d, cBits = %d, fsigned = %d, cSamples=%d format=%d \n", pHostVoiceOut->Props.uFrequency, pHostVoiceOut->Props.cChannels, pHostVoiceOut->Props.cBits, pHostVoiceOut->Props.fSigned, pHostVoiceOut->cSamples, format) ); pVRDEVoiceOut->old_ticks = now; cSamplesToSend = RT_MIN(live, cSamplesPlayed); if (pHostVoiceOut->offRead + cSamplesToSend > pHostVoiceOut->cSamples) { /* send the samples till the end of pHostStereoSampleBuf */ pDrv->pConsoleVRDPServer->SendAudioSamples(&pHostVoiceOut->pHostSterioSampleBuf[pHostVoiceOut->offRead], (pHostVoiceOut->cSamples - pHostVoiceOut->offRead), format); /*pHostStereoSampleBuff already has the samples which exceeded its space. They have overwriten the old * played sampled starting from offset 0. So based on the number of samples that we had to play, * read the number of samples from offset 0 . */ pDrv->pConsoleVRDPServer->SendAudioSamples(&pHostVoiceOut->pHostSterioSampleBuf[0], (cSamplesToSend - (pHostVoiceOut->cSamples - pHostVoiceOut->offRead)), format); } else { pDrv->pConsoleVRDPServer->SendAudioSamples(&pHostVoiceOut->pHostSterioSampleBuf[pHostVoiceOut->offRead], cSamplesToSend, format); } pHostVoiceOut->offRead = (pHostVoiceOut->offRead + cSamplesToSend) % pHostVoiceOut->cSamples; return cSamplesToSend; } static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvAudioVRDEFiniIn(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMHOSTVOICEIN hw) { PDRVAUDIOVRDE pDrv = PDMIHOSTAUDIO_2_DRVAUDIOVRDE(pInterface); LogFlow(("DrvAudioVRDE: drvAudioVRDEFiniIn \n")); pDrv->pConsoleVRDPServer->SendAudioInputEnd(NULL); } static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvAudioVRDEFiniOut(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMHOSTVOICEOUT pHostVoiceOut) { PDRVAUDIOVRDE pDrv = PDMIHOSTAUDIO_2_DRVAUDIOVRDE(pInterface); LogFlow(("DrvAudioVRDE: audio input end\n")); } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioVRDEDisableEnableOut(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMHOSTVOICEOUT hw, int cmd) { LogFlow(("DrvAudioVRDE: drvAudioVRDEDisableEnableOut \n")); return VINF_SUCCESS; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioVRDEDisableEnableIn(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMHOSTVOICEIN pHostVoiceIn, int cmd) { PDRVAUDIOVRDE pDrv = PDMIHOSTAUDIO_2_DRVAUDIOVRDE(pInterface); /* Initialize VRDEVoice and return to VRDP server which returns this struct back to us * in the form void * pvContext */ PVRDEVoice pVRDEVoice = (PVRDEVoice)pHostVoiceIn; LogFlow(("DrvAudioVRDE: drvAudioVRDEDisableEnableIn \n")); /* initialize only if not already done */ if (cmd == VOICE_ENABLE) { //@todo if (!pVRDEVoice->fIsInit) // IORingBufferReset(pVRDEVoice->pRecordedVoiceBuf); LogFlow(("DrvAudioVRDE: Intializing the VRDE params and buffer \n")); pVRDEVoice->fIsInit = 1; pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn = *pHostVoiceIn; pVRDEVoice->cBytesPerFrame =1 ; pVRDEVoice->uFrequency = 0; pVRDEVoice->rate = NULL; pVRDEVoice->cbSamplesBufferAllocated = 0; pVRDEVoice->pvRateBuffer = NULL; pVRDEVoice->cbRateBufferAllocated = 0; pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.cSamples = 2048; /* Initialize the hardware info section with the audio settings */ ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVRDEVoice->status, CA_STATUS_IN_INIT); /* Create the internal ring buffer. */ IORingBufferCreate(&pVRDEVoice->pRecordedVoiceBuf, pVRDEVoice->pHostVoiceIn.cSamples * sizeof(PDMHOSTSTEREOSAMPLE)); if (!RT_VALID_PTR(pVRDEVoice->pRecordedVoiceBuf)) { LogRel(("AudioVRDE: [Input] Failed to create internal ring buffer\n")); return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVRDEVoice->status, CA_STATUS_INIT); return pDrv->pConsoleVRDPServer->SendAudioInputBegin(NULL, pVRDEVoice, pHostVoiceIn->cSamples, pHostVoiceIn->Props.uFrequency, pHostVoiceIn->Props.cChannels, pHostVoiceIn->Props.cBits); } else if (cmd == VOICE_DISABLE) { LogFlow(("DrvAudioVRDE: Cmd to disable VRDE \n")); pVRDEVoice->fIsInit = 0; ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVRDEVoice->status, CA_STATUS_IN_UNINIT); IORingBufferDestroy(pVRDEVoice->pRecordedVoiceBuf); pVRDEVoice->pRecordedVoiceBuf = NULL; ASMAtomicWriteU32(&pVRDEVoice->status, CA_STATUS_UNINIT); pDrv->pConsoleVRDPServer->SendAudioInputEnd(NULL); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvAudioVRDEGetConf(PPDMIBASE pInterface, PPDMAUDIOCONF pAudioConf) { LogFlow(("drvAudioVRDE: drvAudioVRDEGetConf \n")); /* @todo check if szHostVoiceOut = sizeof VRDEVoice works. VRDEVoice doesn't contain HOSTVOICEOUT. */ pAudioConf->szHostVoiceOut = sizeof(VRDEVoice); pAudioConf->szHostVoiceIn = sizeof(VRDEVoice); pAudioConf->MaxHostVoicesOut = 1; pAudioConf->MaxHostVoicesIn = 1; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) drvAudioVRDEQueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID) { PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns = PDMIBASE_2_PDMDRV(pInterface); PDRVAUDIOVRDE pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVAUDIOVRDE); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIBASE, &pDrvIns->IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIHOSTAUDIO, &pThis->IHostAudioR3); return NULL; } static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvAudioVRDEDestruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { } /** * Construct a DirectSound Audio driver instance. * * @copydoc FNPDMDRVCONSTRUCT */ DECLCALLBACK(int) AudioVRDE::drvAudioVRDEConstruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PCFGMNODE pCfg, uint32_t fFlags) { PDRVAUDIOVRDE pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVAUDIOVRDE); LogRel(("drvAudioVRDEConstruct\n")); /* we save the address of AudioVRDE in Object node in CFGM tree and address of VRDP server in * ObjectVRDPServer node. So presence of both is necessary. */ //if (!CFGMR3AreValuesValid(pCfg, "Object\0") || !CFGMR3AreValuesValid(pCfg, "ObjectVRDPServer\0")) // return VERR_PDM_DRVINS_UNKNOWN_CFG_VALUES; AssertMsgReturn(PDMDrvHlpNoAttach(pDrvIns) == VERR_PDM_NO_ATTACHED_DRIVER, ("Configuration error: Not possible to attach anything to this driver!\n"), VERR_PDM_DRVINS_NO_ATTACH); /* * Init the static parts. */ pThis->pDrvIns = pDrvIns; gpDrvIns = pDrvIns; /* IBase */ pDrvIns->IBase.pfnQueryInterface = drvAudioVRDEQueryInterface; pThis->IHostAudioR3.pfnInitIn = drvAudioVRDEInitIn; pThis->IHostAudioR3.pfnInitOut = drvAudioVRDEInitOut; pThis->IHostAudioR3.pfnDisableEnableOut = drvAudioVRDEDisableEnableOut; pThis->IHostAudioR3.pfnDisableEnableIn = drvAudioVRDEDisableEnableIn; pThis->IHostAudioR3.pfnFiniIn = drvAudioVRDEFiniIn; pThis->IHostAudioR3.pfnFiniOut = drvAudioVRDEFiniOut; pThis->IHostAudioR3.pfnPlayIn = drvAudioVRDEPlayIn; pThis->IHostAudioR3.pfnPlayOut = drvAudioVRDEPlayOut; pThis->IHostAudioR3.pfnGetConf = drvAudioVRDEGetConf; pThis->IHostAudioR3.pfnInit = drvAudioVRDEInit; /* Get VRDPServer pointer */ void *pv; int rc = CFGMR3QueryPtr(pCfg, "ObjectVRDPServer", &pv); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { AssertMsgFailed(("DrvAudioVRDE Confguration error: No/bad \"Object\" value! rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /* CFGM tree saves the pointer to ConsoleVRDPServer in the Object node of AudioVRDE */ pThis->pConsoleVRDPServer = (ConsoleVRDPServer *)pv; pv = NULL; rc = CFGMR3QueryPtr(pCfg, "Object", &pv); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { AssertMsgFailed(("DrvAudioVRDE Confguration error: No/bad \"Object\" value! rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } pThis->pAudioVRDE = (AudioVRDE *)pv; pThis->pAudioVRDE->mpDrv = pThis; /* * Get the interface for the above driver (DrvAudio) to make mixer/conversion calls . * Described in CFGM tree. */ pThis->pUpPort = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pDrvIns->pUpBase, PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR); if (!pThis->pUpPort) { AssertMsgFailed(("Configuration error: No Audio Sniffer port interface above!\n")); return VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE_ABOVE; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Char driver registration record. */ const PDMDRVREG g_DrvAudioVRDE = { PDM_DRVREG_VERSION, /* szName */ "AudioVRDE", /* szRCMod */ "", /* szR0Mod */ "", /* pszDescription */ "Audio VRDE", /* fFlags */ PDM_DRVREG_FLAGS_HOST_BITS_DEFAULT, /* fClass. */ PDM_DRVREG_CLASS_AUDIO, /* cMaxInstances */ ~0U, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(DRVAUDIOVRDE), /* pfnConstruct */ AudioVRDE::drvAudioVRDEConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ drvAudioVRDEDestruct, /* pfnRelocate */ NULL, /* pfnIOCtl */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOn */ NULL, /* pfnReset */ NULL, /* pfnSuspend */ NULL, /* pfnResume */ NULL, /* pfnAttach */ NULL, /* pfnDetach */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOff */ NULL, /* pfnSoftReset */ NULL, /* u32EndVersion */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION };