1 | /* $Id: VBoxProxyStub.c 98103 2023-01-17 14:15:46Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * VBoxProxyStub - Proxy Stub and Typelib, COM DLL exports and DLL init/term.
4 | *
5 | * @remarks This is a C file and not C++ because rpcproxy.h isn't C++ clean,
6 | * at least not in SDK v7.1.
7 | */
8 |
9 | /*
10 | * Copyright (C) 2006-2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
11 | *
12 | * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as
13 | * available from https://www.alldomusa.eu.org.
14 | *
15 | * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
16 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
17 | * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the
18 | * License.
19 | *
20 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
21 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23 | * General Public License for more details.
24 | *
25 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 | * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
27 | *
28 | * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
29 | */
30 |
31 |
32 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
33 | * Header Files *
34 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
36 | #define PROXY_DELEGATION /* see generated dlldata.c */
37 | #include <iprt/nt/nt-and-windows.h>
38 | #include <rpcproxy.h>
39 | #include <iprt/win/shlwapi.h>
40 | #include <stdio.h>
41 |
42 | #include "VirtualBox.h"
43 | #include <VBox/cdefs.h> /* for VBOX_STRICT */
44 | #include <VBox/log.h>
45 | #include <iprt/alloca.h>
46 | #include <iprt/assert.h>
47 | #include <iprt/ctype.h>
48 | #include <iprt/initterm.h>
49 | #include <iprt/path.h>
50 | #include <iprt/string.h>
51 | #include <iprt/uuid.h>
52 | #include <iprt/utf16.h>
53 |
54 |
55 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
56 | * Defined Constants And Macros *
57 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
58 | #ifdef DEBUG_bird
59 | # define VBSP_LOG_ENABLED
60 | #endif
61 |
62 | #ifdef VBSP_LOG_ENABLED
63 | # define VBSP_LOG_VALUE_CHANGE(a) RTAssertMsg2 a
64 | #else
65 | # define VBSP_LOG_VALUE_CHANGE(a) do { } while (0)
66 | #endif
67 |
68 | #ifdef VBSP_LOG_ENABLED
69 | # define VBSP_LOG_SET_VALUE(a) RTAssertMsg2 a
70 | #else
71 | # define VBSP_LOG_SET_VALUE(a) do { } while (0)
72 | #endif
73 |
74 | #ifdef VBSP_LOG_ENABLED
75 | # define VBSP_LOG_NEW_KEY(a) RTAssertMsg2 a
76 | #else
77 | # define VBSP_LOG_NEW_KEY(a) do { } while (0)
78 | #endif
79 |
80 | #ifdef VBSP_LOG_ENABLED
81 | # define VBSP_LOG_DEL_KEY(a) RTAssertMsg2 a
82 | #else
83 | # define VBSP_LOG_DEL_KEY(a) do { } while (0)
84 | #endif
85 |
86 | /**
87 | * Selects the proxy stub DLL based on 32-on-64-bit and host OS version.
88 | *
89 | * The legacy DLL covers 64-bit pre Windows 7 versions of Windows. W2K3-amd64
90 | * has trouble parsing the result when MIDL /target NT51 or higher. Vista and
91 | * windows server 2008 seems to have trouble with newer IDL compilers.
92 | */
93 | #if ARCH_BITS == 64 || defined(VBOX_IN_32_ON_64_MAIN_API)
94 | # define VBPS_PROXY_STUB_FILE(a_fIs32On64) ( (a_fIs32On64) ? "x86\\VBoxProxyStub-x86.dll" : VBPS_PROXY_STUB_FILE_SUB() )
95 | #else
97 | #endif
98 | #define VBPS_PROXY_STUB_FILE_SUB() \
100 | ((PKUSER_SHARED_DATA)MM_SHARED_USER_DATA_VA)->NtMajorVersion) >= RT_MAKE_U64(1/*Lo*/,6/*Hi*/) \
101 | ? "VBoxProxyStub.dll" : "VBoxProxyStubLegacy.dll" )
102 |
103 | /** For use with AssertLogRel except a_Expr1 from assertions but not LogRel. */
104 | #ifdef RT_STRICT
105 | # define VBPS_LOGREL_NO_ASSERT(a_Expr) (a_Expr)
106 | #else
107 | # define VBPS_LOGREL_NO_ASSERT(a_Expr) false
108 | #endif
109 |
110 |
111 | /*********************************************************************************************************************************
112 | * Global Variables *
113 | *********************************************************************************************************************************/
114 | /** For NdrXxx. */
115 | CStdPSFactoryBuffer g_ProxyStubFactory = /* see generated dlldata.c */
116 | {
117 | NULL,
118 | 0,
119 | NULL,
120 | 0
121 | };
122 | /** Reference to VirtualBox_p.c structure. */
123 | EXTERN_PROXY_FILE(VirtualBox) /* see generated dlldata.c */
124 | /** For NdrXxx and for returning. */
125 | static const ProxyFileInfo *g_apProxyFiles[] =
126 | {
128 | NULL /* terminator */
129 | };
130 | /** The class ID for this proxy stub factory (see Makefile). */
131 | static const CLSID g_ProxyClsId = PROXY_CLSID_IS;
132 | /** The instance handle of this DLL. For use in registration routines. */
133 | static HINSTANCE g_hDllSelf;
134 |
135 |
136 | /** Type library GUIDs to clean up manually.
137 | * Must be upper case! */
138 | static PCRTUTF16 const g_apwszTypeLibIds[] =
139 | {
140 | L"{46137EEC-703B-4FE5-AFD4-7C9BBBBA0259}",
141 | L"{D7569351-1750-46F0-936E-BD127D5BC264}",
142 | };
143 |
144 | /** Type library version to clean up manually. */
145 | static PCRTUTF16 const g_apwszTypelibVersions[] =
146 | {
147 | L"1.0",
148 | L"1.3",
149 | };
150 |
151 | /** Proxy stub class IDs we wish to clean up manually.
152 | * Must be upper case! */
153 | static PCRTUTF16 const g_apwszProxyStubClsIds[] =
154 | {
155 | L"{0BB3B78C-1807-4249-5BA5-EA42D66AF0BF}",
156 | L"{327E3C00-EE61-462F-AED3-0DFF6CBF9904}",
157 | };
158 |
159 |
160 | /**
161 | * DLL main function.
162 | *
163 | * @returns TRUE (/ FALSE).
164 | * @param hInstance The DLL handle.
165 | * @param dwReason The rason for the call (DLL_XXX).
166 | * @param lpReserved Reserved.
167 | */
168 | BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
169 | {
170 | switch (dwReason)
171 | {
173 | /* Save the DLL handle so we can get the path to this DLL during
174 | registration and updating. */
175 | g_hDllSelf = hInstance;
176 |
177 | /* We don't need callbacks for thread creation and destruction. */
178 | DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstance);
179 |
180 | /* Init IPRT. */
182 | Log12(("VBoxProxyStub[%u]/DllMain: DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH\n", GetCurrentProcessId()));
183 |
184 | #ifdef VBOX_STRICT
185 | {
186 | /*
187 | * Check that no interface has more than 256 methods in the stub vtable.
188 | */
189 | const ProxyFileInfo **ppProxyFile = &g_apProxyFiles[0];
190 | const ProxyFileInfo *pProxyFile;
191 | while ((pProxyFile = *ppProxyFile++) != NULL)
192 | {
193 | const PCInterfaceStubVtblList * const papStubVtbls = pProxyFile->pStubVtblList;
194 | const char * const *papszNames = pProxyFile->pNamesArray;
195 | unsigned iIf = pProxyFile->TableSize;
196 | AssertStmt(iIf < 1024, iIf = 0);
197 | Assert(pProxyFile->TableVersion == 2);
198 |
199 | while (iIf-- > 0)
200 | AssertMsg(papStubVtbls[iIf]->header.DispatchTableCount <= 256,
201 | ("%s: DispatchTableCount=%d\n", papszNames[iIf], papStubVtbls[iIf]->header.DispatchTableCount));
202 | }
203 | }
204 | #endif
205 | break;
206 |
208 | Log12(("VBoxProxyStub[%u]/DllMain: DLL_PROCESS_DETACH\n", GetCurrentProcessId()));
209 | break;
210 | }
211 |
212 | NOREF(lpReserved);
213 | return TRUE;
214 | }
215 |
216 |
217 | /**
218 | * RPC entry point returning info about the proxy.
219 | */
220 | void RPC_ENTRY GetProxyDllInfo(const ProxyFileInfo ***ppapInfo, const CLSID **ppClsid)
221 | {
222 | *ppapInfo = &g_apProxyFiles[0];
223 | *ppClsid = &g_ProxyClsId;
224 | Log12(("VBoxProxyStub[%u]/GetProxyDllInfo:\n", GetCurrentProcessId()));
225 | }
226 |
227 |
228 | /**
229 | * Instantiate the proxy stub class object.
230 | *
231 | * @returns COM status code
232 | * @param rclsid Reference to the ID of the call to instantiate (our
233 | * g_ProxyClsId).
234 | * @param riid The interface ID to return (IID_IPSFactoryBuffer).
235 | * @param ppv Where to return the interface pointer on success.
236 | */
237 | HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE DllGetClassObject(REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
238 | {
239 | HRESULT hrc;
240 | Assert(memcmp(rclsid, &g_ProxyClsId, sizeof(g_ProxyClsId)) == 0);
241 |
242 | hrc = NdrDllGetClassObject(rclsid, riid, ppv, /* see DLLGETCLASSOBJECTROUTINE in RpcProxy.h */
243 | g_apProxyFiles, &g_ProxyClsId, &g_ProxyStubFactory);
244 |
245 | /*
246 | * This may fail if the IDL compiler generates code that is incompatible
247 | * with older windows releases. Like for instance 64-bit W2K8 SP1 not
248 | * liking the output of MIDL 7.00.0555 (from the v7.1 SDK), despite
249 | * /target being set to NT51.
250 | */
251 | AssertLogRelMsg(hrc == S_OK, ("%Rhrc\n", hrc));
252 | Log12(("VBoxProxyStub[%u]/DllGetClassObject(%RTuuid, %RTuuid, %p): %#x + *ppv=%p\n",
253 | GetCurrentProcessId(), rclsid, riid, ppv, hrc, ppv ? *ppv : NULL));
254 | return hrc;
255 | }
256 |
257 |
258 | /**
259 | * Checks whether the DLL can be unloaded or not.
260 | *
261 | * @returns S_OK if it can be unloaded, S_FALSE if not.
262 | */
263 | HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE DllCanUnloadNow(void)
264 | {
265 | HRESULT hrc = NdrDllCanUnloadNow(&g_ProxyStubFactory); /* see DLLCANUNLOADNOW in RpcProxy.h */
266 | Log12(("VBoxProxyStub[%u]/DllCanUnloadNow: %Rhrc\n", GetCurrentProcessId(), hrc));
267 | return hrc;
268 | }
269 |
270 |
271 |
272 | /**
273 | * Release call that could be referenced by VirtualBox_p.c via
274 | * CStdStubBuffer_METHODS.
275 | *
276 | * @returns New reference count.
277 | * @param pThis Buffer to release.
278 | */
279 | ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStdStubBuffer_Release(IRpcStubBuffer *pThis) /* see CSTDSTUBBUFFERRELEASE in RpcProxy.h */
280 | {
281 | ULONG cRefs = NdrCStdStubBuffer_Release(pThis, (IPSFactoryBuffer *)&g_ProxyStubFactory);
282 | Log12(("VBoxProxyStub[%u]/CStdStubBuffer_Release: %p -> %#x\n", GetCurrentProcessId(), pThis, cRefs));
283 | return cRefs;
284 | }
285 |
286 |
287 | /**
288 | * Release call referenced by VirtualBox_p.c via
289 | * CStdStubBuffer_DELEGATING_METHODS.
290 | *
291 | * @returns New reference count.
292 | * @param pThis Buffer to release.
293 | */
294 | ULONG WINAPI CStdStubBuffer2_Release(IRpcStubBuffer *pThis) /* see CSTDSTUBBUFFER2RELEASE in RpcProxy.h */
295 | {
296 | ULONG cRefs = NdrCStdStubBuffer2_Release(pThis, (IPSFactoryBuffer *)&g_ProxyStubFactory);
297 | Log12(("VBoxProxyStub[%u]/CStdStubBuffer2_Release: %p -> %#x\n", GetCurrentProcessId(), pThis, cRefs));
298 | return cRefs;
299 | }
300 |
301 |
302 | /**
303 | * Pure virtual method implementation referenced by VirtualBox_p.c
304 | */
305 | void __cdecl _purecall(void) /* see DLLDUMMYPURECALL in RpcProxy.h */
306 | {
307 | AssertFailed();
308 | }
309 |
310 |
311 | #ifdef VBSP_LOG_ENABLED
312 | # include <iprt/asm.h>
313 |
314 | /** For logging full key names. */
315 | static PCRTUTF16 vbpsDebugKeyToWSZ(HKEY hKey)
316 | {
317 | static union
318 | {
320 | WCHAR awchPadding[260];
321 | } s_aBufs[4];
322 | static uint32_t volatile iNext = 0;
323 | uint32_t i = ASMAtomicIncU32(&iNext) % RT_ELEMENTS(s_aBufs);
324 | ULONG cbRet = 0;
325 | NTSTATUS rcNt;
326 |
327 | memset(&s_aBufs[i], 0, sizeof(s_aBufs[i]));
328 | rcNt = NtQueryKey(hKey, KeyNameInformation, &s_aBufs[i], sizeof(s_aBufs[i]) - sizeof(WCHAR), &cbRet);
329 | if (!NT_SUCCESS(rcNt))
330 | s_aBufs[i].NameInfo.NameLength = 0;
331 | s_aBufs[i].NameInfo.Name[s_aBufs[i].NameInfo.NameLength] = '\0';
332 | return s_aBufs[i].NameInfo.Name;
333 | }
334 | #endif
335 |
336 | /**
337 | * Registry modifier state.
338 | */
339 | typedef struct VBPSREGSTATE
340 | {
341 | /** Where the classes and stuff are to be registered. */
342 | HKEY hkeyClassesRootDst;
343 | /** The handle to the CLSID key under hkeyClassesRootDst. */
344 | HKEY hkeyClsidRootDst;
345 | /** The handle to the Interface key under hkeyClassesRootDst. */
346 | HKEY hkeyInterfaceRootDst;
347 |
348 | /** Alternative locations where data needs to be deleted, but never updated. */
349 | struct
350 | {
351 | /** The classes root key handle. */
352 | HKEY hkeyClasses;
353 | /** The classes/CLSID key handle. */
354 | HKEY hkeyClsid;
355 | /** The classes/Interface key handle. */
356 | HKEY hkeyInterface;
357 | } aAltDeletes[3];
358 | /** Alternative delete locations. */
359 | uint32_t cAltDeletes;
360 |
361 | /** The current total result. */
362 | LSTATUS rc;
363 |
364 | /** KEY_WOW64_32KEY, KEY_WOW64_64KEY or 0 (for default). Allows doing all
365 | * almost the work from one process (at least W7+ due to aliases). */
366 | DWORD fSamWow;
367 | /** Desired key access when only deleting. */
368 | DWORD fSamDelete;
369 | /** Desired key access when only doing updates. */
370 | DWORD fSamUpdate;
371 | /** Desired key access when both deleting and updating. */
372 | DWORD fSamBoth;
373 | /** Whether to delete registrations first. */
374 | bool fDelete;
375 | /** Whether to update registry value and keys. */
376 | bool fUpdate;
377 |
379 |
380 |
381 | /**
382 | * Initializes a registry modification job state.
383 | *
384 | * Always call vbpsRegTerm!
385 | *
386 | * @returns Windows error code (ERROR_SUCCESS on success).
387 | * @param pState The state to init.
388 | * @param hkeyRoot The registry root tree constant.
389 | * @param pszSubRoot The path to the where the classes are registered,
390 | * NULL if @a hkeyRoot.
391 | * @param fDelete Whether to delete registrations first.
392 | * @param fUpdate Whether to update registrations.
393 | * @param fSamWow KEY_WOW64_32KEY or 0.
394 | */
395 | static LSTATUS vbpsRegInit(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, HKEY hkeyRoot, const char *pszSubRoot, bool fDelete, bool fUpdate, DWORD fSamWow)
396 | {
397 | LSTATUS rc;
398 | unsigned i = 0;
399 |
400 | /*
401 | * Initialize the whole structure first so we can safely call vbpsRegTerm on failure.
402 | */
403 | pState->hkeyClassesRootDst = NULL;
404 | pState->hkeyClsidRootDst = NULL;
405 | pState->hkeyInterfaceRootDst = NULL;
406 | for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pState->aAltDeletes); i++)
407 | {
408 | pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClasses = NULL;
409 | pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClsid = NULL;
410 | pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyInterface = NULL;
411 | }
412 | pState->cAltDeletes = 0;
413 | pState->rc = ERROR_SUCCESS;
414 | pState->fDelete = fDelete;
415 | pState->fUpdate = fUpdate;
416 | pState->fSamWow = fSamWow;
417 | pState->fSamDelete = 0;
418 | if (fDelete)
419 | pState->fSamDelete = pState->fSamWow | DELETE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_QUERY_VALUE
421 | pState->fSamUpdate = 0;
422 | if (fUpdate)
425 | pState->fSamBoth = pState->fSamDelete | pState->fSamUpdate;
426 |
427 | /*
428 | * Open the root keys.
429 | */
430 | rc = RegOpenKeyExA(hkeyRoot, pszSubRoot, 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamBoth, &pState->hkeyClassesRootDst);
431 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
432 | {
433 | rc = RegCreateKeyExW(pState->hkeyClassesRootDst, L"CLSID", 0 /*Reserved*/, NULL /*pszClass*/, 0 /*fOptions*/,
434 | pState->fSamBoth, NULL /*pSecAttr*/, &pState->hkeyClsidRootDst, NULL /*pdwDisposition*/);
435 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
436 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
437 |
438 | /* Ignore access denied errors as these may easily happen for
439 | non-admin users. Just give up when this happens */
440 | AssertLogRelMsgReturn(rc == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, ("%u\n", rc), pState->rc = rc);
441 | }
442 | else
443 | AssertLogRelMsgReturn(rc == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, ("%u\n", rc), pState->rc = rc);
444 | return pState->rc = rc;
445 | }
446 |
447 |
448 | /**
449 | * Terminates the state, closing all open keys.
450 | *
451 | * @param pState The state to clean up.
452 | */
453 | static void vbpsRegTerm(VBPSREGSTATE *pState)
454 | {
455 | LSTATUS rc;
456 | if (pState->hkeyClassesRootDst)
457 | {
458 | rc = RegCloseKey(pState->hkeyClassesRootDst);
459 | Assert(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS);
460 | pState->hkeyClassesRootDst = NULL;
461 | }
462 | if (pState->hkeyClsidRootDst)
463 | {
464 | rc = RegCloseKey(pState->hkeyClsidRootDst);
465 | Assert(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS);
466 | pState->hkeyClsidRootDst = NULL;
467 | }
468 | if (pState->hkeyInterfaceRootDst)
469 | {
470 | rc = RegCloseKey(pState->hkeyInterfaceRootDst);
471 | Assert(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS);
472 | pState->hkeyInterfaceRootDst = NULL;
473 | }
474 |
475 | while (pState->cAltDeletes > 0 && pState->cAltDeletes <= RT_ELEMENTS(pState->aAltDeletes))
476 | {
477 | unsigned i = --pState->cAltDeletes;
478 | if (pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClasses)
479 | {
480 | rc = RegCloseKey(pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClasses);
481 | Assert(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS);
482 | pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClasses = NULL;
483 | }
484 | if (pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClsid)
485 | {
486 | rc = RegCloseKey(pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClsid);
487 | Assert(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS);
488 | pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClsid = NULL;
489 | }
490 | if (pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyInterface)
491 | {
492 | rc = RegCloseKey(pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyInterface);
493 | Assert(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS);
494 | pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyInterface = NULL;
495 | }
496 | }
497 | }
498 |
499 |
500 | /**
501 | * Add an alternative registry classes tree from which to remove keys.
502 | *
503 | * @returns ERROR_SUCCESS if we successfully opened the destination root, other
504 | * wise windows error code (remebered).
505 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
506 | * @param hkeyAltRoot The root of the alternate registry classes
507 | * location.
508 | * @param pszAltSubRoot The path to the 'classes' sub-key, or NULL if
509 | * hkeyAltRoot is it.
510 | */
511 | static LSTATUS vbpsRegAddAltDelete(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, HKEY hkeyAltRoot, const char *pszAltSubRoot)
512 | {
513 | unsigned i;
514 | LSTATUS rc;
515 |
516 | /* Ignore call if not in delete mode. */
517 | if (!pState->fDelete)
518 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
519 |
520 | /* Check that there is space in the state. */
521 | i = pState->cAltDeletes;
522 | AssertReturn(i < RT_ELEMENTS(pState->aAltDeletes), pState->rc = ERROR_TOO_MANY_NAMES);
523 |
524 |
525 | /* Open the root. */
526 | rc = RegOpenKeyExA(hkeyAltRoot, pszAltSubRoot, 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamDelete,
527 | &pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClasses);
528 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
529 | {
530 | /* Try open the CLSID subkey, it's fine if it doesn't exists. */
531 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClasses, L"CLSID", 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamDelete,
532 | &pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClsid);
533 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS || rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
534 | {
535 | if (rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
536 | pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClsid = NULL;
537 | pState->cAltDeletes = i + 1;
538 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
539 | }
540 | AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("%u\n", rc));
541 | RegCloseKey(pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClasses);
542 | }
543 | /* No need to add non-existing alternative roots, nothing to delete in the void. */
544 | else if (rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
545 | rc = ERROR_SUCCESS;
546 | else
547 | {
548 | AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("%u (%#x %s)\n", rc));
549 | pState->rc = rc;
550 | }
551 |
552 | pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClasses = NULL;
553 | pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClsid = NULL;
554 | return rc;
555 | }
556 |
557 |
558 | /**
559 | * Open the 'Interface' keys under the current classes roots.
560 | *
561 | * We don't do this during vbpsRegInit as it's only needed for updating.
562 | *
563 | * @returns ERROR_SUCCESS if we successfully opened the destination root, other
564 | * wise windows error code (remebered).
565 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
566 | */
567 | static LSTATUS vbpsRegOpenInterfaceKeys(VBPSREGSTATE *pState)
568 | {
569 | unsigned i;
570 | LSTATUS rc;
571 |
572 | /*
573 | * Under the root destination.
574 | */
575 | if (pState->hkeyInterfaceRootDst == NULL)
576 | {
577 | if (pState->fSamUpdate)
578 | rc = RegCreateKeyExW(pState->hkeyClassesRootDst, L"Interface", 0 /*Reserved*/, NULL /*pszClass*/, 0 /*fOptions*/,
579 | pState->fSamBoth, NULL /*pSecAttr*/, &pState->hkeyInterfaceRootDst, NULL /*pdwDisposition*/);
580 | else
581 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(pState->hkeyClassesRootDst, L"Interface", 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamBoth,
582 | &pState->hkeyClsidRootDst);
583 | if (rc == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
584 | {
585 | pState->hkeyInterfaceRootDst = NULL;
586 | return pState->rc = rc;
587 | }
588 | AssertLogRelMsgReturnStmt(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS, ("%u\n", rc), pState->hkeyInterfaceRootDst = NULL, pState->rc = rc);
589 | }
590 |
591 | /*
592 | * Under the alternative delete locations.
593 | */
594 | i = pState->cAltDeletes;
595 | while (i-- > 0)
596 | if (pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyInterface == NULL)
597 | {
598 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClasses, L"Interface", 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamDelete,
599 | &pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyInterface);
600 | if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
601 | {
602 | AssertMsgStmt(rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || rc == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED, ("%u\n", rc), pState->rc = rc);
603 | pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyInterface = NULL;
604 | }
605 | }
606 |
607 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
608 | }
609 |
610 |
611 | /** The destination buffer size required by vbpsFormatUuidInCurly. */
612 | #define CURLY_UUID_STR_BUF_SIZE 40
613 |
614 | /**
615 | * Formats a UUID to a string, inside curly braces.
616 | *
617 | * @returns @a pszString
618 | * @param pszString Output buffer of size CURLY_UUID_STR_BUF_SIZE.
619 | * @param pUuidIn The UUID to format.
620 | */
621 | static const char *vbpsFormatUuidInCurly(char pszString[CURLY_UUID_STR_BUF_SIZE], const CLSID *pUuidIn)
622 | {
623 | static const char s_achDigits[17] = "0123456789abcdef";
624 | PCRTUUID pUuid = (PCRTUUID)pUuidIn;
625 | uint32_t u32TimeLow;
626 | unsigned u;
627 |
628 | pszString[ 0] = '{';
629 | u32TimeLow = RT_H2LE_U32(pUuid->Gen.u32TimeLow);
630 | pszString[ 1] = s_achDigits[(u32TimeLow >> 28)/*& 0xf*/];
631 | pszString[ 2] = s_achDigits[(u32TimeLow >> 24) & 0xf];
632 | pszString[ 3] = s_achDigits[(u32TimeLow >> 20) & 0xf];
633 | pszString[ 4] = s_achDigits[(u32TimeLow >> 16) & 0xf];
634 | pszString[ 5] = s_achDigits[(u32TimeLow >> 12) & 0xf];
635 | pszString[ 6] = s_achDigits[(u32TimeLow >> 8) & 0xf];
636 | pszString[ 7] = s_achDigits[(u32TimeLow >> 4) & 0xf];
637 | pszString[ 8] = s_achDigits[(u32TimeLow/*>>0*/)& 0xf];
638 | pszString[ 9] = '-';
639 | u = RT_H2LE_U16(pUuid->Gen.u16TimeMid);
640 | pszString[10] = s_achDigits[(u >> 12)/*& 0xf*/];
641 | pszString[11] = s_achDigits[(u >> 8) & 0xf];
642 | pszString[12] = s_achDigits[(u >> 4) & 0xf];
643 | pszString[13] = s_achDigits[(u/*>>0*/)& 0xf];
644 | pszString[14] = '-';
645 | u = RT_H2LE_U16(pUuid->Gen.u16TimeHiAndVersion);
646 | pszString[15] = s_achDigits[(u >> 12)/*& 0xf*/];
647 | pszString[16] = s_achDigits[(u >> 8) & 0xf];
648 | pszString[17] = s_achDigits[(u >> 4) & 0xf];
649 | pszString[18] = s_achDigits[(u/*>>0*/)& 0xf];
650 | pszString[19] = '-';
651 | pszString[20] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.u8ClockSeqHiAndReserved >> 4];
652 | pszString[21] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.u8ClockSeqHiAndReserved & 0xf];
653 | pszString[22] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.u8ClockSeqLow >> 4];
654 | pszString[23] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.u8ClockSeqLow & 0xf];
655 | pszString[24] = '-';
656 | pszString[25] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.au8Node[0] >> 4];
657 | pszString[26] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.au8Node[0] & 0xf];
658 | pszString[27] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.au8Node[1] >> 4];
659 | pszString[28] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.au8Node[1] & 0xf];
660 | pszString[29] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.au8Node[2] >> 4];
661 | pszString[30] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.au8Node[2] & 0xf];
662 | pszString[31] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.au8Node[3] >> 4];
663 | pszString[32] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.au8Node[3] & 0xf];
664 | pszString[33] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.au8Node[4] >> 4];
665 | pszString[34] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.au8Node[4] & 0xf];
666 | pszString[35] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.au8Node[5] >> 4];
667 | pszString[36] = s_achDigits[pUuid->Gen.au8Node[5] & 0xf];
668 | pszString[37] = '}';
669 | pszString[38] = '\0';
670 |
671 | return pszString;
672 |
673 | }
674 |
675 |
676 | /**
677 | * Sets a registry string value, wide char variant.
678 | *
679 | * @returns See RegSetValueExA (errors are remembered in the state).
680 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
681 | * @param hkey The key to add the value to.
682 | * @param pwszValueNm The value name. NULL for setting the default.
683 | * @param pwszValue The value string.
684 | * @param uLine The line we're called from.
685 | */
686 | static LSTATUS vbpsSetRegValueWW(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, HKEY hkey, PCRTUTF16 pwszValueNm, PCRTUTF16 pwszValue, unsigned uLine)
687 | {
688 | DWORD const cbValue = (DWORD)((RTUtf16Len(pwszValue) + 1) * sizeof(RTUTF16));
689 | LSTATUS rc;
690 | Assert(pState->fUpdate);
691 |
692 | /*
693 | * If we're not deleting the key prior to updating, we're in gentle update
694 | * mode where we will query if the existing value matches the incoming one.
695 | */
696 | if (!pState->fDelete)
697 | {
698 | DWORD cbExistingData = cbValue + 128;
699 | PRTUTF16 pwszExistingData = (PRTUTF16)alloca(cbExistingData);
700 | DWORD dwExistingType;
701 | rc = RegQueryValueExW(hkey, pwszValueNm, 0 /*Reserved*/, &dwExistingType, (BYTE *)pwszExistingData, &cbExistingData);
702 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
703 | {
704 | if ( dwExistingType == REG_SZ
705 | && cbExistingData == cbValue)
706 | {
707 | if (memcmp(pwszValue, pwszExistingData, cbValue) == 0)
708 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
709 | }
710 | VBSP_LOG_VALUE_CHANGE(("vbpsSetRegValueWW: Value difference: dwExistingType=%d cbExistingData=%#x cbValue=%#x\n"
711 | " hkey=%#x %ls; value name=%ls\n"
712 | "existing: %.*Rhxs (%.*ls)\n"
713 | " new: %.*Rhxs (%ls)\n",
714 | dwExistingType, cbExistingData, cbValue,
715 | hkey, vbpsDebugKeyToWSZ(hkey), pwszValueNm ? pwszValueNm : L"(default)",
716 | cbExistingData, pwszExistingData, cbExistingData / sizeof(RTUTF16), pwszExistingData,
717 | cbValue, pwszValue, pwszValue));
718 | }
719 | else
720 | Assert(rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA);
721 | }
722 |
723 | /*
724 | * Set the value.
725 | */
726 | rc = RegSetValueExW(hkey, pwszValueNm, 0 /*Reserved*/, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)pwszValue, cbValue);
727 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
728 | {
729 | VBSP_LOG_SET_VALUE(("vbpsSetRegValueWW: %ls/%ls=%ls (at %d)\n",
730 | vbpsDebugKeyToWSZ(hkey), pwszValueNm ? pwszValueNm : L"(Default)", pwszValue, uLine));
731 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
732 | }
733 |
735 | ("%d: '%ls'='%ls' -> %u\n", uLine, pwszValueNm, pwszValue, rc));
736 | pState->rc = rc;
737 | return rc;
738 | }
739 |
740 |
741 | /**
742 | * Sets a registry string value.
743 | *
744 | * @returns See RegSetValueExA (errors are remembered in the state).
745 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
746 | * @param hkey The key to add the value to.
747 | * @param pszValueNm The value name. NULL for setting the default.
748 | * @param pszValue The value string.
749 | * @param uLine The line we're called from.
750 | */
751 | static LSTATUS vbpsSetRegValueAA(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, HKEY hkey, const char *pszValueNm, const char *pszValue, unsigned uLine)
752 | {
753 | DWORD const cbValue = (DWORD)strlen(pszValue) + 1;
754 | LSTATUS rc;
755 | Assert(pState->fUpdate);
756 |
757 | /*
758 | * If we're not deleting the key prior to updating, we're in gentle update
759 | * mode where we will query if the existing value matches the incoming one.
760 | */
761 | if (!pState->fDelete)
762 | {
763 | DWORD cbExistingData = cbValue + 128;
764 | char *pszExistingData = alloca(cbExistingData);
765 | DWORD dwExistingType;
766 | rc = RegQueryValueExA(hkey, pszValueNm, 0 /*Reserved*/, &dwExistingType, (PBYTE)pszExistingData, &cbExistingData);
767 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
768 | {
769 | if ( dwExistingType == REG_SZ
770 | && cbExistingData == cbValue)
771 | {
772 | if (memcmp(pszValue, pszExistingData, cbValue) == 0)
773 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
774 | if (memicmp(pszValue, pszExistingData, cbValue) == 0)
775 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
776 | }
777 | VBSP_LOG_VALUE_CHANGE(("vbpsSetRegValueAA: Value difference: dwExistingType=%d cbExistingData=%#x cbValue=%#x\n"
778 | " hkey=%#x %ls; value name=%s\n"
779 | "existing: %.*Rhxs (%.*s)\n"
780 | " new: %.*Rhxs (%s)\n",
781 | dwExistingType, cbExistingData, cbValue,
782 | hkey, vbpsDebugKeyToWSZ(hkey), pszValueNm ? pszValueNm : "(default)",
783 | cbExistingData, pszExistingData, cbExistingData, pszExistingData,
784 | cbValue, pszValue, pszValue));
785 | }
786 | else
787 | Assert(rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA);
788 | }
789 |
790 | /*
791 | * Set the value.
792 | */
793 | rc = RegSetValueExA(hkey, pszValueNm, 0 /*Reserved*/, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)pszValue, cbValue);
794 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
795 | {
796 | VBSP_LOG_SET_VALUE(("vbpsSetRegValueAA: %ls/%s=%s (at %d)\n",
797 | vbpsDebugKeyToWSZ(hkey), pszValueNm ? pszValueNm : "(Default)", pszValue, uLine));
798 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
799 | }
800 |
802 | ("%d: '%s'='%s' -> %u\n", uLine, pszValueNm, pszValue, rc));
803 | pState->rc = rc;
804 | return rc;
805 | }
806 |
807 |
808 | /**
809 | * Closes a registry key.
810 | *
811 | * @returns See RegCloseKey (errors are remembered in the state).
812 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
813 | * @param hkey The key to close.
814 | * @param uLine The line we're called from.
815 | */
816 | static LSTATUS vbpsCloseKey(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, HKEY hkey, unsigned uLine)
817 | {
818 | LSTATUS rc = RegCloseKey(hkey);
819 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
820 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
821 |
822 | AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("%d: close key -> %u\n", uLine, rc));
823 | pState->rc = rc;
824 | return rc;
825 | }
826 |
827 |
828 | /**
829 | * Creates a registry key.
830 | *
831 | * @returns See RegCreateKeyA and RegSetValueExA (errors are remembered in the
832 | * state).
833 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
834 | * @param hkeyParent The parent key.
835 | * @param pszKey The new key under @a hkeyParent.
836 | * @param phkey Where to return the handle to the new key.
837 | * @param uLine The line we're called from.
838 | */
839 | static LSTATUS vbpsCreateRegKeyA(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, HKEY hkeyParent, const char *pszKey, PHKEY phkey, unsigned uLine)
840 | {
841 | /*
842 | * This will open if it exists and create if new, which is exactly what we want.
843 | */
844 | HKEY hNewKey;
845 | DWORD dwDisposition = 0;
846 | LSTATUS rc = RegCreateKeyExA(hkeyParent, pszKey, 0 /*Reserved*/, NULL /*pszClass*/, 0 /*fOptions*/,
847 | pState->fSamBoth, NULL /*pSecAttr*/, &hNewKey, &dwDisposition);
848 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
849 | {
850 | *phkey = hNewKey;
851 | if (dwDisposition == REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY)
852 | VBSP_LOG_NEW_KEY(("vbpsCreateRegKeyA: %ls/%s (at %d)\n", vbpsDebugKeyToWSZ(hkeyParent), pszKey, uLine));
853 | }
854 | else
855 | {
857 | ("%d: create key '%s' -> %u\n", uLine, pszKey, rc));
858 | pState->rc = rc;
859 | *phkey = NULL;
860 | }
861 | return rc;
862 | }
863 |
864 |
865 | /**
866 | * Creates a registry key with a default string value.
867 | *
868 | * @returns See RegCreateKeyA and RegSetValueExA (errors are remembered in the
869 | * state).
870 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
871 | * @param hkeyParent The parent key.
872 | * @param pszKey The new key under @a hkeyParent.
873 | * @param pszValue The value string.
874 | * @param uLine The line we're called from.
875 | */
876 | static LSTATUS vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAA(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, HKEY hkeyParent, const char *pszKey,
877 | const char *pszValue, unsigned uLine)
878 | {
879 | HKEY hNewKey;
880 | LSTATUS rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyA(pState, hkeyParent, pszKey, &hNewKey, uLine);
881 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
882 | {
883 | rc = vbpsSetRegValueAA(pState, hNewKey, NULL /*pszValueNm*/, pszValue, uLine);
884 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hNewKey, uLine);
885 | }
886 | else
887 | {
889 | ("%d: create key '%s'(/Default='%s') -> %u\n", uLine, pszKey, pszValue, rc));
890 | pState->rc = rc;
891 | }
892 | return rc;
893 | }
894 |
895 |
896 | /**
897 | * Creates a registry key with a default wide string value.
898 | *
899 | * @returns See RegCreateKeyA and RegSetValueExA (errors are remembered in the
900 | * state).
901 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
902 | * @param hkeyParent The parent key.
903 | * @param pszKey The new key under @a hkeyParent.
904 | * @param pwszValue The value string.
905 | * @param uLine The line we're called from.
906 | */
907 | static LSTATUS vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAW(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, HKEY hkeyParent, const char *pszKey,
908 | PCRTUTF16 pwszValue, unsigned uLine)
909 | {
910 | HKEY hNewKey;
911 | LSTATUS rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyA(pState, hkeyParent, pszKey, &hNewKey, uLine);
912 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
913 | {
914 | rc = vbpsSetRegValueWW(pState, hNewKey, NULL /*pwszValueNm*/, pwszValue, uLine);
915 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hNewKey, uLine);
916 | }
917 | else
918 | {
920 | ("%d: create key '%s'(/Default='%ls') -> %u\n", uLine, pszKey, pwszValue, rc));
921 | pState->rc = rc;
922 | }
923 | return rc;
924 | }
925 |
926 |
927 | /**
928 | * Creates a registry key with a default string value, return the key.
929 | *
930 | * @returns See RegCreateKeyA and RegSetValueExA (errors are remembered in the
931 | * state).
932 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
933 | * @param hkeyParent The parent key.
934 | * @param pszKey The new key under @a hkeyParent.
935 | * @param pszValue The value string.
936 | * @param phkey Where to return the handle to the new key.
937 | * @param uLine The line we're called from.
938 | */
939 | static LSTATUS vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAAEx(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, HKEY hkeyParent, const char *pszKey,
940 | const char *pszValue, PHKEY phkey, unsigned uLine)
941 | {
942 | HKEY hNewKey;
943 | LSTATUS rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyA(pState, hkeyParent, pszKey, &hNewKey, uLine);
944 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
945 | {
946 | rc = vbpsSetRegValueAA(pState, hNewKey, NULL /*pszValueNm*/, pszValue, uLine);
947 | *phkey = hNewKey;
948 | }
949 | else
950 | {
952 | ("%d: create key '%s'(/Default='%s') -> %u\n", uLine, pszKey, pszValue, rc));
953 | pState->rc = rc;
954 | *phkey = NULL;
955 | }
956 | return rc;
957 | }
958 |
959 |
960 | /**
961 | * Recursively deletes a registry key.
962 | *
963 | * @returns See SHDeleteKeyA (errors are remembered in the state).
964 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
965 | * @param hkeyParent The parent key.
966 | * @param pszKey The key under @a hkeyParent that should be
967 | * deleted.
968 | * @param uLine The line we're called from.
969 | */
970 | static LSTATUS vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveA(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, HKEY hkeyParent, const char *pszKey, unsigned uLine)
971 | {
972 | LSTATUS rc;
973 |
974 | Assert(pState->fDelete);
975 | Assert(pszKey);
976 | AssertReturn(*pszKey != '\0', pState->rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
977 |
978 | #ifdef VBSP_LOG_ENABLED
979 | {
980 | HKEY hkeyLog;
981 | rc = RegOpenKeyExA(hkeyParent, pszKey, 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamDelete, &hkeyLog);
982 | if (rc != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
983 | VBSP_LOG_DEL_KEY(("vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveA: %ls/%s (at %d)\n", vbpsDebugKeyToWSZ(hkeyParent), pszKey, uLine));
984 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
985 | RegCloseKey(hkeyLog);
986 | }
987 | #endif
988 |
989 | rc = SHDeleteKeyA(hkeyParent, pszKey);
990 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS || rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
991 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
992 |
994 | ("%d: delete key '%s' -> %u\n", uLine, pszKey, rc));
995 | pState->rc = rc;
996 | return rc;
997 | }
998 |
999 |
1000 | /**
1001 | * Recursively deletes a registry key, wide char version.
1002 | *
1003 | * @returns See SHDeleteKeyW (errors are remembered in the state).
1004 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
1005 | * @param hkeyParent The parent key.
1006 | * @param pwszKey The key under @a hkeyParent that should be
1007 | * deleted.
1008 | * @param uLine The line we're called from.
1009 | */
1010 | static LSTATUS vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveW(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, HKEY hkeyParent, PCRTUTF16 pwszKey, unsigned uLine)
1011 | {
1012 | LSTATUS rc;
1013 |
1014 | Assert(pState->fDelete);
1015 | Assert(pwszKey);
1016 | AssertReturn(*pwszKey != '\0', pState->rc = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1017 |
1018 | #ifdef VBSP_LOG_ENABLED
1019 | {
1020 | HKEY hkeyLog;
1021 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(hkeyParent, pwszKey, 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamDelete, &hkeyLog);
1022 | if (rc != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
1023 | VBSP_LOG_DEL_KEY(("vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveW: %ls/%ls (at %d)\n", vbpsDebugKeyToWSZ(hkeyParent), pwszKey, uLine));
1024 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1025 | RegCloseKey(hkeyLog);
1026 | }
1027 | #endif
1028 |
1029 | rc = SHDeleteKeyW(hkeyParent, pwszKey);
1030 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS || rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
1031 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
1032 |
1034 | ("%d: delete key '%ls' -> %u\n", uLine, pwszKey, rc));
1035 | pState->rc = rc;
1036 | return rc;
1037 | }
1038 |
1039 |
1040 | /**
1041 | * Register an application id.
1042 | *
1043 | * @returns Windows error code (errors are rememberd in the state).
1044 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
1045 | * @param pszModuleName The module name.
1046 | * @param pszAppId The application UUID string.
1047 | * @param pszDescription The description string.
1048 | * @param pszServiceName The window service name if the application is a
1049 | * service, otherwise this must be NULL.
1050 | */
1051 | LSTATUS VbpsRegisterAppId(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, const char *pszModuleName, const char *pszAppId,
1052 | const char *pszDescription, const char *pszServiceName)
1053 | {
1054 | LSTATUS rc;
1055 | HKEY hkeyAppIds;
1056 | Assert(*pszAppId == '{');
1057 |
1058 | /*
1059 | * Delete.
1060 | */
1061 | if (pState->fDelete)
1062 | {
1063 | unsigned i = pState->cAltDeletes;
1064 | while (i-- > 0)
1065 | {
1066 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClasses, L"AppID", 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamDelete, &hkeyAppIds);
1067 | AssertLogRelMsgStmt(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS || rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ("%u\n", rc), pState->rc = rc);
1068 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1069 | {
1070 | vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveA(pState, hkeyAppIds, pszAppId, __LINE__);
1071 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyAppIds, __LINE__);
1072 | }
1073 | }
1074 | }
1075 |
1076 | if (pState->fUpdate)
1077 | {
1078 | rc = RegCreateKeyExW(pState->hkeyClassesRootDst, L"AppID", 0 /*Reserved*/, NULL /*pszClass*/, 0 /*fOptions*/,
1079 | pState->fSamBoth, NULL /*pSecAttr*/, &hkeyAppIds, NULL /*pdwDisposition*/);
1080 | if (rc == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
1081 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
1082 | }
1083 | else
1084 | {
1085 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(pState->hkeyClassesRootDst, L"AppID", 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamBoth, &hkeyAppIds);
1087 | return ERROR_SUCCESS;
1088 | }
1089 | if (rc == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
1090 | return pState->rc = rc;
1091 | AssertLogRelMsgReturn(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS, ("%u\n", rc), pState->rc = rc);
1092 |
1093 | if (pState->fDelete)
1094 | {
1095 | vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveA(pState, hkeyAppIds, pszAppId, __LINE__);
1096 | vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveA(pState, hkeyAppIds, pszModuleName, __LINE__);
1097 | }
1098 |
1099 | /*
1100 | * Register / update.
1101 | */
1102 | if (pState->fUpdate)
1103 | {
1104 | HKEY hkey;
1105 | rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyA(pState, hkeyAppIds, pszAppId, &hkey, __LINE__);
1106 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1107 | {
1108 | vbpsSetRegValueAA(pState, hkey, NULL /*pszValueNm*/, pszDescription, __LINE__);
1109 | if (pszServiceName)
1110 | vbpsSetRegValueAA(pState, hkey, "LocalService", pszServiceName, __LINE__);
1111 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkey, __LINE__);
1112 | }
1113 |
1114 | rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyA(pState, hkeyAppIds, pszModuleName, &hkey, __LINE__);
1115 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1116 | {
1117 | vbpsSetRegValueAA(pState, hkey, NULL /*pszValueNm*/, "", __LINE__);
1118 | vbpsSetRegValueAA(pState, hkey, "AppID", pszAppId, __LINE__);
1119 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkey, __LINE__);
1120 | }
1121 | }
1122 |
1123 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyAppIds, __LINE__);
1124 |
1125 | return pState->rc;
1126 | }
1127 |
1128 |
1129 | /**
1130 | * Register an class name.
1131 | *
1132 | * @returns Windows error code (errors are rememberd in the state).
1133 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
1134 | * @param pszClassName The name of the class.
1135 | * @param pszDescription The description string
1136 | * @param pClsId The UUID for the class.
1137 | * @param pszCurVerSuffIfRootName This is the current version suffix to
1138 | * append to @a pszClassName when
1139 | * registering the version idependent name.
1140 | */
1141 | LSTATUS VbpsRegisterClassName(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, const char *pszClassName, const char *pszDescription,
1142 | const CLSID *pClsId, const char *pszCurVerSuffIfRootName)
1143 | {
1144 | LSTATUS rc;
1145 |
1146 | /*
1147 | * Delete.
1148 | */
1149 | if (pState->fDelete)
1150 | {
1151 | unsigned i = pState->cAltDeletes;
1152 | while (i-- > 0)
1153 | vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveA(pState, pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClasses, pszClassName, __LINE__);
1154 | vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveA(pState, pState->hkeyClassesRootDst, pszClassName, __LINE__);
1155 | }
1156 |
1157 | /*
1158 | * Update.
1159 | */
1160 | if (pState->fUpdate)
1161 | {
1162 | /* pszClassName/Default = description. */
1163 | HKEY hkeyClass;
1164 | rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAAEx(pState, pState->hkeyClassesRootDst, pszClassName, pszDescription,
1165 | &hkeyClass, __LINE__);
1166 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1167 | {
1168 | char szClsId[CURLY_UUID_STR_BUF_SIZE];
1169 |
1170 | /* CLSID/Default = pClsId. */
1171 | vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAA(pState, hkeyClass, "CLSID", vbpsFormatUuidInCurly(szClsId, pClsId), __LINE__);
1172 |
1173 | /* CurVer/Default = pszClassName+Suffix. */
1174 | if (pszCurVerSuffIfRootName != NULL)
1175 | {
1176 | char szCurClassNameVer[128];
1177 | rc = RTStrCopy(szCurClassNameVer, sizeof(szCurClassNameVer), pszClassName);
1178 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1179 | rc = RTStrCat(szCurClassNameVer, sizeof(szCurClassNameVer), pszCurVerSuffIfRootName);
1180 | AssertStmt(RT_SUCCESS(rc), pState->rc = rc = ERROR_INVALID_DATA);
1181 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1182 | vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAA(pState, hkeyClass, "CurVer", szCurClassNameVer, __LINE__);
1183 | }
1184 |
1185 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyClass, __LINE__);
1186 | }
1187 | }
1188 |
1189 | return pState->rc;
1190 | }
1191 |
1192 |
1193 | /**
1194 | * Registers a class ID.
1195 | *
1196 | * @returns Windows error code (errors are rememberd in the state).
1197 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
1198 | * @param pClsId The UUID for the class.
1199 | * @param pszDescription The description string.
1200 | * @param pszAppId The application ID.
1201 | * @param pszClassName The version idependent class name.
1202 | * @param pszCurClassNameVerSuffix The suffix to add to @a pszClassName for
1203 | * the current version.
1204 | * @param pTypeLibId The UUID for the typelib this class
1205 | * belongs to.
1206 | * @param pszServerType The server type (InprocServer32 or
1207 | * LocalServer32).
1208 | * @param pwszVBoxDir The VirtualBox install directory
1209 | * (unicode), trailing slash.
1210 | * @param pszServerSubPath What to append to @a pwszVBoxDir to
1211 | * construct the server module name.
1212 | * @param pszThreadingModel The threading model for inproc servers,
1213 | * NULL for local servers.
1214 | */
1215 | LSTATUS VbpsRegisterClassId(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, const CLSID *pClsId, const char *pszDescription, const char *pszAppId,
1216 | const char *pszClassName, const char *pszCurClassNameVerSuffix, const CLSID *pTypeLibId,
1217 | const char *pszServerType, PCRTUTF16 pwszVBoxDir, const char *pszServerSubPath,
1218 | const char *pszThreadingModel)
1219 | {
1220 | LSTATUS rc;
1221 | char szClsId[CURLY_UUID_STR_BUF_SIZE];
1222 | RT_NOREF(pszAppId);
1223 |
1224 | Assert(!pszAppId || *pszAppId == '{');
1225 | Assert((pwszVBoxDir == NULL && !pState->fUpdate) || pwszVBoxDir[RTUtf16Len(pwszVBoxDir) - 1] == '\\');
1226 |
1227 | /*
1228 | * We need this, whatever we end up having to do.
1229 | */
1230 | vbpsFormatUuidInCurly(szClsId, pClsId);
1231 |
1232 | /*
1233 | * Delete.
1234 | */
1235 | if (pState->fDelete)
1236 | {
1237 | unsigned i = pState->cAltDeletes;
1238 | while (i-- > 0)
1239 | if (pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClsid != NULL)
1240 | vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveA(pState, pState->aAltDeletes[i].hkeyClsid, szClsId, __LINE__);
1241 | vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveA(pState, pState->hkeyClsidRootDst, szClsId, __LINE__);
1242 | }
1243 |
1244 | /*
1245 | * Update.
1246 | */
1247 | if (pState->fUpdate)
1248 | {
1249 | HKEY hkeyClass;
1250 | rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAAEx(pState, pState->hkeyClsidRootDst, szClsId, pszDescription,
1251 | &hkeyClass, __LINE__);
1252 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1253 | {
1254 | bool const fIsLocalServer32 = strcmp(pszServerType, "LocalServer32") == 0;
1255 | HKEY hkeyServerType;
1256 | char szCurClassNameVer[128];
1257 |
1258 | /* pszServerType/Default = module. */
1259 | rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyA(pState, hkeyClass, pszServerType, &hkeyServerType, __LINE__);
1260 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1261 | {
1262 | RTUTF16 wszModule[MAX_PATH * 2];
1263 | PRTUTF16 pwszCur = wszModule;
1264 | if (fIsLocalServer32)
1265 | *pwszCur++ = '"';
1266 |
1267 | rc = RTUtf16Copy(pwszCur, MAX_PATH, pwszVBoxDir); AssertRC(rc);
1268 | pwszCur += RTUtf16Len(pwszCur);
1269 | rc = RTUtf16CopyAscii(pwszCur, MAX_PATH - 3, pszServerSubPath); AssertRC(rc);
1270 | pwszCur += RTUtf16Len(pwszCur);
1271 |
1272 | if (fIsLocalServer32)
1273 | *pwszCur++ = '"';
1274 | *pwszCur++ = '\0'; /* included, so ++. */
1275 |
1276 | vbpsSetRegValueWW(pState, hkeyServerType, NULL /*pszValueNm*/, wszModule, __LINE__);
1277 |
1278 | /* pszServerType/ThreadingModel = pszThreading Model. */
1279 | if (pszThreadingModel)
1280 | vbpsSetRegValueAA(pState, hkeyServerType, "ThreadingModel", pszThreadingModel, __LINE__);
1281 |
1282 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyServerType, __LINE__);
1283 | }
1284 |
1285 | /* ProgId/Default = pszClassName + pszCurClassNameVerSuffix. */
1286 | if (pszClassName)
1287 | {
1288 | rc = RTStrCopy(szCurClassNameVer, sizeof(szCurClassNameVer), pszClassName);
1289 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
1290 | rc = RTStrCat(szCurClassNameVer, sizeof(szCurClassNameVer), pszCurClassNameVerSuffix);
1291 | AssertStmt(RT_SUCCESS(rc), pState->rc = rc = ERROR_INVALID_DATA);
1292 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1293 | vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAA(pState, hkeyClass, "ProgId", szCurClassNameVer, __LINE__);
1294 |
1295 | /* VersionIndependentProgID/Default = pszClassName. */
1296 | vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAA(pState, hkeyClass, "VersionIndependentProgID", pszClassName, __LINE__);
1297 | }
1298 |
1299 | /* TypeLib/Default = pTypeLibId. */
1300 | if (pTypeLibId)
1301 | {
1302 | char szTypeLibId[CURLY_UUID_STR_BUF_SIZE];
1303 | vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAA(pState, hkeyClass, "TypeLib",
1304 | vbpsFormatUuidInCurly(szTypeLibId, pTypeLibId), __LINE__);
1305 | }
1306 |
1307 | /* AppID = pszAppId */
1308 | if (pszAppId && fIsLocalServer32)
1309 | vbpsSetRegValueAA(pState, hkeyClass, "AppID", pszAppId, __LINE__);
1310 |
1311 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyClass, __LINE__);
1312 | }
1313 | }
1314 |
1315 | return pState->rc;
1316 | }
1317 |
1318 |
1319 | /**
1320 | * Register modules and classes from the VirtualBox.xidl file.
1321 | *
1322 | * @returns COM status code.
1323 | * @param pState
1324 | * @param pwszVBoxDir The VirtualBox application directory.
1325 | * @param fIs32On64 Set if this is the 32-bit on 64-bit component.
1326 | *
1327 | * @todo convert to XSLT.
1328 | */
1329 | void RegisterXidlModulesAndClassesGenerated(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, PCRTUTF16 pwszVBoxDir, bool fIs32On64)
1330 | {
1331 | const char *pszAppId = "{819B4D85-9CEE-493C-B6FC-64FFE759B3C9}";
1332 | const char *pszInprocDll = !fIs32On64 ? "VBoxC.dll" : "x86\\VBoxClient-x86.dll";
1333 | const char *pszLocalServer = "VBoxSVC.exe";
1334 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SDS
1335 | const char *pszSdsAppId = "{EC0E78E8-FA43-43E8-AC0A-02C784C4A4FA}";
1336 | const char *pszSdsExe = "VBoxSDS.exe";
1337 | const char *pszSdsServiceName = "VBoxSDS";
1338 | #endif
1339 |
1340 | /* VBoxSVC */
1341 | VbpsRegisterAppId(pState, pszLocalServer, pszAppId, "VirtualBox Application", NULL);
1342 | VbpsRegisterClassName(pState, "VirtualBox.VirtualBox.1", "VirtualBox Class", &CLSID_VirtualBox, NULL);
1343 | VbpsRegisterClassName(pState, "VirtualBox.VirtualBox", "VirtualBox Class", &CLSID_VirtualBox, ".1");
1344 | VbpsRegisterClassId(pState, &CLSID_VirtualBox, "VirtualBox Class", pszAppId, "VirtualBox.VirtualBox", ".1",
1345 | &LIBID_VirtualBox, "LocalServer32", pwszVBoxDir, pszLocalServer, NULL /*N/A*/);
1346 | /* VBoxC */
1347 | VbpsRegisterClassName(pState, "VirtualBox.Session.1", "Session Class", &CLSID_Session, NULL);
1348 | VbpsRegisterClassName(pState, "VirtualBox.Session", "Session Class", &CLSID_Session, ".1");
1349 | VbpsRegisterClassId(pState, &CLSID_Session, "Session Class", pszAppId, "VirtualBox.Session", ".1",
1350 | &LIBID_VirtualBox, "InprocServer32", pwszVBoxDir, pszInprocDll, "Free");
1351 |
1352 | VbpsRegisterClassName(pState, "VirtualBox.VirtualBoxClient.1", "VirtualBoxClient Class", &CLSID_VirtualBoxClient, NULL);
1353 | VbpsRegisterClassName(pState, "VirtualBox.VirtualBoxClient", "VirtualBoxClient Class", &CLSID_VirtualBoxClient, ".1");
1354 | VbpsRegisterClassId(pState, &CLSID_VirtualBoxClient, "VirtualBoxClient Class", pszAppId,
1355 | "VirtualBox.VirtualBoxClient", ".1",
1356 | &LIBID_VirtualBox, "InprocServer32", pwszVBoxDir, pszInprocDll, "Free");
1357 |
1358 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SDS
1359 | /* VBoxSDS */
1360 | VbpsRegisterAppId(pState, pszSdsExe, pszSdsAppId, "VirtualBox System Service", pszSdsServiceName);
1361 | VbpsRegisterClassName(pState, "VirtualBox.VirtualBoxSDS.1", "VirtualBoxSDS Class", &CLSID_VirtualBoxSDS, NULL);
1362 | VbpsRegisterClassName(pState, "VirtualBox.VirtualBoxSDS", "VirtualBoxSDS Class", &CLSID_VirtualBoxSDS, ".1");
1363 | VbpsRegisterClassId(pState, &CLSID_VirtualBoxSDS, "VirtualBoxSDS Class", pszSdsAppId, "VirtualBox.VirtualBoxSDS", ".1",
1364 | &LIBID_VirtualBox, "LocalServer32", pwszVBoxDir, pszSdsExe, NULL /*N/A*/);
1365 | #endif
1366 | }
1367 |
1368 |
1369 | /**
1370 | * Updates the VBox type lib registration.
1371 | *
1372 | * This is only used when updating COM registrations during com::Initialize.
1373 | * For normal registration and unregistrations we use the RegisterTypeLib and
1374 | * UnRegisterTypeLib APIs.
1375 | *
1376 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
1377 | * @param pwszVBoxDir The VirtualBox install directory (unicode),
1378 | * trailing slash.
1379 | * @param fIs32On64 Set if we're registering the 32-bit proxy stub
1380 | * on a 64-bit system.
1381 | */
1382 | static void vbpsUpdateTypeLibRegistration(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, PCRTUTF16 pwszVBoxDir, bool fIs32On64)
1383 | {
1384 | const char * const pszTypeLibDll = VBPS_PROXY_STUB_FILE(fIs32On64);
1385 | #if ARCH_BITS == 32 && !defined(VBOX_IN_32_ON_64_MAIN_API)
1386 | const char * const pszWinXx = "win32";
1387 | #else
1388 | const char * const pszWinXx = !fIs32On64 ? "win64" : "win32";
1389 | #endif
1390 | const char * const pszDescription = "VirtualBox Type Library";
1391 |
1392 | char szTypeLibId[CURLY_UUID_STR_BUF_SIZE];
1393 | HKEY hkeyTypeLibs;
1394 | HKEY hkeyTypeLibId;
1395 | LSTATUS rc;
1396 | RT_NOREF(fIs32On64);
1397 |
1398 | Assert(pState->fUpdate && !pState->fDelete);
1399 |
1400 | /*
1401 | * Type library registration (w/o interfaces).
1402 | */
1403 |
1404 | /* Open Classes/TypeLib/. */
1405 | rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyA(pState, pState->hkeyClassesRootDst, "TypeLib", &hkeyTypeLibs, __LINE__);
1406 | if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1407 | return;
1408 |
1409 | /* Create TypeLib/{UUID}. */
1410 | rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyA(pState, hkeyTypeLibs, vbpsFormatUuidInCurly(szTypeLibId, &LIBID_VirtualBox), &hkeyTypeLibId, __LINE__);
1411 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1412 | {
1413 | /* {UUID}/Major.Minor/Default = pszDescription. */
1414 | HKEY hkeyMajMin;
1415 | char szMajMin[64];
1416 | sprintf(szMajMin, "%u.%u", kTypeLibraryMajorVersion, kTypeLibraryMinorVersion);
1417 | rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAAEx(pState, hkeyTypeLibId, szMajMin, pszDescription, &hkeyMajMin, __LINE__);
1418 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1419 | {
1420 | RTUTF16 wszBuf[MAX_PATH * 2];
1421 |
1422 | /* {UUID}/Major.Minor/0. */
1423 | HKEY hkey0;
1424 | rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyA(pState, hkeyMajMin, "0", &hkey0, __LINE__);
1425 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1426 | {
1427 | /* {UUID}/Major.Minor/0/winXX/Default = VBoxProxyStub. */
1428 | rc = RTUtf16Copy(wszBuf, MAX_PATH, pwszVBoxDir); AssertRC(rc);
1429 | rc = RTUtf16CatAscii(wszBuf, MAX_PATH * 2, pszTypeLibDll); AssertRC(rc);
1430 |
1431 | vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAW(pState, hkey0, pszWinXx, wszBuf, __LINE__);
1432 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkey0, __LINE__);
1433 | }
1434 |
1435 | /* {UUID}/Major.Minor/FLAGS */
1436 | vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAA(pState, hkeyMajMin, "FLAGS", "0", __LINE__);
1437 |
1438 | /* {UUID}/Major.Minor/HELPDIR */
1439 | rc = RTUtf16Copy(wszBuf, MAX_PATH, pwszVBoxDir); AssertRC(rc);
1440 | #if 0 /* MSI: trailing slash; regsvr32/comregister: strip unnecessary trailing slash. Go with MSI to avoid user issues. */
1441 | {
1442 | size_t off = RTUtf16Len(wszBuf);
1443 | while (off > 2 && wszBuf[off - 2] != ':' && RTPATH_IS_SLASH(wszBuf[off - 1]))
1444 | off--;
1445 | wszBuf[off] = '\0';
1446 | }
1447 | #endif
1448 | vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAW(pState, hkeyMajMin, "HELPDIR", wszBuf, __LINE__);
1449 |
1450 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyMajMin, __LINE__);
1451 | }
1452 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyTypeLibId, __LINE__);
1453 | }
1454 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyTypeLibs, __LINE__);
1455 | }
1456 |
1457 |
1458 | /**
1459 | * Update the VBox proxy stub registration.
1460 | *
1461 | * This is only used when updating COM registrations during com::Initialize.
1462 | * For normal registration and unregistrations we use the NdrDllRegisterProxy
1463 | * and NdrDllUnregisterProxy.
1464 | *
1465 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
1466 | * @param pwszVBoxDir The VirtualBox install directory (unicode),
1467 | * trailing slash.
1468 | * @param fIs32On64 Set if we're registering the 32-bit proxy stub
1469 | * on a 64-bit system.
1470 | */
1471 | static void vbpsUpdateProxyStubRegistration(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, PCRTUTF16 pwszVBoxDir, bool fIs32On64)
1472 | {
1473 | /*
1474 | * Register the proxy stub factory class ID.
1475 | * It's simple compared to the VBox classes, thus all the NULL parameters.
1476 | */
1477 | const char *pszPsDll = VBPS_PROXY_STUB_FILE(fIs32On64);
1478 | RT_NOREF(fIs32On64);
1479 | Assert(pState->fUpdate && !pState->fDelete);
1480 | VbpsRegisterClassId(pState, &g_ProxyClsId, "PSFactoryBuffer", NULL /*pszAppId*/,
1481 | NULL /*pszClassName*/, NULL /*pszCurClassNameVerSuffix*/, NULL /*pTypeLibId*/,
1482 | "InprocServer32", pwszVBoxDir, pszPsDll, "Both");
1483 | }
1484 |
1485 |
1486 | /**
1487 | * Updates the VBox interface registrations.
1488 | *
1489 | * This is only used when updating COM registrations during com::Initialize.
1490 | * For normal registration and unregistrations we use the NdrDllRegisterProxy
1491 | * and NdrDllUnregisterProxy.
1492 | *
1493 | * @param pState The registry modifier state.
1494 | */
1495 | static void vbpsUpdateInterfaceRegistrations(VBPSREGSTATE *pState)
1496 | {
1497 | const ProxyFileInfo **ppProxyFile = &g_apProxyFiles[0];
1498 | const ProxyFileInfo *pProxyFile;
1499 | LSTATUS rc;
1500 | char szProxyClsId[CURLY_UUID_STR_BUF_SIZE];
1501 | char szTypeLibId[CURLY_UUID_STR_BUF_SIZE];
1502 | char szTypeLibVersion[64];
1503 |
1504 | vbpsFormatUuidInCurly(szProxyClsId, &g_ProxyClsId);
1505 | vbpsFormatUuidInCurly(szTypeLibId, &LIBID_VirtualBox);
1506 | sprintf(szTypeLibVersion, "%u.%u", kTypeLibraryMajorVersion, kTypeLibraryMinorVersion);
1507 |
1508 | Assert(pState->fUpdate && !pState->fDelete);
1509 | rc = vbpsRegOpenInterfaceKeys(pState);
1510 | if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1511 | return;
1512 |
1513 | /*
1514 | * We walk the proxy file list (even if we only have one).
1515 | */
1516 | while ((pProxyFile = *ppProxyFile++) != NULL)
1517 | {
1518 | const PCInterfaceStubVtblList * const papStubVtbls = pProxyFile->pStubVtblList;
1519 | const char * const *papszNames = pProxyFile->pNamesArray;
1520 | unsigned iIf = pProxyFile->TableSize;
1521 | AssertStmt(iIf < 1024, iIf = 0);
1522 | Assert(pProxyFile->TableVersion == 2);
1523 |
1524 | /*
1525 | * Walk the interfaces in that file, picking data from the various tables.
1526 | */
1527 | while (iIf-- > 0)
1528 | {
1529 | char szIfId[CURLY_UUID_STR_BUF_SIZE];
1530 | const char * const pszIfNm = papszNames[iIf];
1531 | size_t const cchIfNm = RT_VALID_PTR(pszIfNm) ? strlen(pszIfNm) : 0;
1532 | char szMethods[32];
1533 | uint32_t const cMethods = papStubVtbls[iIf]->header.DispatchTableCount;
1534 | HKEY hkeyIfId;
1535 |
1536 | AssertReturnVoidStmt(cchIfNm >= 3 && cchIfNm <= 72, pState->rc = ERROR_INVALID_DATA);
1537 |
1538 | AssertReturnVoidStmt(cMethods >= 3 && cMethods < 1024, pState->rc = ERROR_INVALID_DATA);
1539 | sprintf(szMethods, "%u", cMethods);
1540 |
1541 | rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAAEx(pState, pState->hkeyInterfaceRootDst,
1542 | vbpsFormatUuidInCurly(szIfId, papStubVtbls[iIf]->header.piid),
1543 | pszIfNm, &hkeyIfId, __LINE__);
1544 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1545 | {
1546 | HKEY hkeyTypeLib;
1547 | vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAA(pState, hkeyIfId, "ProxyStubClsid32", szProxyClsId, __LINE__);
1548 | vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAA(pState, hkeyIfId, "NumMethods", szMethods, __LINE__);
1549 |
1550 | /* The MSI seems to still be putting TypeLib keys here. So, let's do that too. */
1551 | rc = vbpsCreateRegKeyWithDefaultValueAAEx(pState, hkeyIfId, "TypeLib", szTypeLibId, &hkeyTypeLib, __LINE__);
1552 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1553 | {
1554 | vbpsSetRegValueAA(pState, hkeyTypeLib, "Version", szTypeLibVersion, __LINE__);
1555 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyTypeLib, __LINE__);
1556 | }
1557 |
1558 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyIfId, __LINE__);
1559 | }
1560 | }
1561 | }
1562 | }
1563 |
1564 |
1565 | static bool vbpsIsUpToDate(VBPSREGSTATE *pState)
1566 | {
1567 | /** @todo read some registry key and */
1568 | NOREF(pState);
1569 | return false;
1570 | }
1571 |
1572 | static bool vbpsMarkUpToDate(VBPSREGSTATE *pState)
1573 | {
1574 | /** @todo write the key vbpsIsUpToDate uses, if pState indicates success. */
1575 | NOREF(pState);
1576 | return false;
1577 | }
1578 |
1579 |
1580 |
1581 | /**
1582 | * Strips the stub dll name and any x86 subdir off the full DLL path to get a
1583 | * path to the VirtualBox application directory.
1584 | *
1585 | * @param pwszDllPath The path to strip, returns will end with a slash.
1586 | */
1587 | static void vbpsDllPathToVBoxDir(PRTUTF16 pwszDllPath)
1588 | {
1589 | RTUTF16 wc;
1590 | size_t off = RTUtf16Len(pwszDllPath);
1591 | while ( off > 0
1592 | && ( (wc = pwszDllPath[off - 1]) >= 127U
1593 | || !RTPATH_IS_SEP((unsigned char)wc)))
1594 | off--;
1595 |
1596 | #ifdef VBOX_IN_32_ON_64_MAIN_API
1597 | /*
1598 | * The -x86 variant is in a x86 subdirectory, drop it.
1599 | */
1600 | while ( off > 0
1601 | && ( (wc = pwszDllPath[off - 1]) < 127U
1602 | && RTPATH_IS_SEP((unsigned char)wc)))
1603 | off--;
1604 | while ( off > 0
1605 | && ( (wc = pwszDllPath[off - 1]) >= 127U
1606 | || !RTPATH_IS_SEP((unsigned char)wc)))
1607 | off--;
1608 | #endif
1609 | pwszDllPath[off] = '\0';
1610 | }
1611 |
1612 |
1613 | /**
1614 | * Wrapper around RegisterXidlModulesAndClassesGenerated for the convenience of
1615 | * the standard registration entry points.
1616 | *
1617 | * @returns COM status code.
1618 | * @param pwszVBoxDir The VirtualBox install directory (unicode),
1619 | * trailing slash.
1620 | * @param fDelete Whether to delete registration keys and values.
1621 | * @param fUpdate Whether to update registration keys and values.
1622 | */
1623 | HRESULT RegisterXidlModulesAndClasses(PRTUTF16 pwszVBoxDir, bool fDelete, bool fUpdate)
1624 | {
1625 | #ifdef VBOX_IN_32_ON_64_MAIN_API
1626 | bool const fIs32On64 = true;
1627 | #else
1628 | bool const fIs32On64 = false;
1629 | #endif
1630 | VBPSREGSTATE State;
1631 | LSTATUS rc;
1632 |
1633 | /*
1634 | * Do registration for the current execution mode of the DLL.
1635 | */
1636 | rc = vbpsRegInit(&State, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NULL /* Alt: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Classes", */, fDelete, fUpdate, 0);
1637 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1638 | {
1639 | if (!fUpdate)
1640 | {
1641 | /* When only unregistering, really purge everything twice or trice. :-) */
1642 | vbpsRegAddAltDelete(&State, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Classes");
1643 | vbpsRegAddAltDelete(&State, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Classes");
1644 | vbpsRegAddAltDelete(&State, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NULL);
1645 | }
1646 |
1647 | RegisterXidlModulesAndClassesGenerated(&State, pwszVBoxDir, fIs32On64);
1648 | rc = State.rc;
1649 | }
1650 | vbpsRegTerm(&State);
1651 |
1652 | /*
1653 | * Translate error code? Return.
1654 | */
1655 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1656 | return S_OK;
1657 | return E_FAIL;
1658 | }
1659 |
1660 |
1661 | /**
1662 | * Checks if the string matches any of our type library versions.
1663 | *
1664 | * @returns true on match, false on mismatch.
1665 | * @param pwszTypeLibVersion The type library version string.
1666 | */
1667 | DECLINLINE(bool) vbpsIsTypeLibVersionToRemove(PCRTUTF16 pwszTypeLibVersion)
1668 | {
1669 | AssertCompile(RT_ELEMENTS(g_apwszTypelibVersions) == 2);
1670 |
1671 | /* ASSUMES: 1.x version strings and that the input buffer is at least 3 wchars long. */
1672 | if ( g_apwszTypelibVersions[0][3] == pwszTypeLibVersion[3]
1673 | && RTUtf16Cmp(g_apwszTypelibVersions[0], pwszTypeLibVersion) == 0)
1674 | return true;
1675 | if ( g_apwszTypelibVersions[1][3] == pwszTypeLibVersion[3]
1676 | && RTUtf16Cmp(g_apwszTypelibVersions[1], pwszTypeLibVersion) == 0)
1677 | return true;
1678 |
1679 | return false;
1680 | }
1681 |
1682 |
1683 | /**
1684 | * Quick check whether the given string looks like a UUID in braces.
1685 | *
1686 | * This does not check the whole string, just do a quick sweep.
1687 | *
1688 | * @returns true if possible UUID, false if definitely not.
1689 | * @param pwszUuid Alleged UUID in braces.
1690 | */
1691 | DECLINLINE(bool) vbpsIsUuidInBracesQuickW(PCRTUTF16 pwszUuid)
1692 | {
1693 | return pwszUuid[ 0] == '{'
1694 | && pwszUuid[ 9] == '-'
1695 | && pwszUuid[14] == '-'
1696 | && pwszUuid[19] == '-'
1697 | && pwszUuid[24] == '-'
1698 | && pwszUuid[37] == '}'
1699 | && pwszUuid[38] == '\0'
1700 | && RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(pwszUuid[1]);
1701 | }
1702 |
1703 |
1704 | /**
1705 | * Compares two UUIDs (in braces).
1706 | *
1707 | * @returns true on match, false if no match.
1708 | * @param pwszUuid1 The first UUID.
1709 | * @param pwszUuid2 The second UUID.
1710 | */
1711 | static bool vbpsCompareUuidW(PCRTUTF16 pwszUuid1, PCRTUTF16 pwszUuid2)
1712 | {
1713 | #define COMPARE_EXACT_RET(a_wch1, a_wch2) \
1714 | if ((a_wch1) == (a_wch2)) { } else return false
1715 |
1716 | #define COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(a_wch1, a_wch2) \
1717 | if ((a_wch1) == (a_wch2)) { } \
1718 | else if (RT_C_TO_UPPER(a_wch1) != RT_C_TO_UPPER(a_wch2) || (a_wch1) >= 127U || (a_wch2) >= 127U) \
1719 | return false
1720 | COMPARE_EXACT_RET( pwszUuid1[ 0], pwszUuid2[ 0]); /* { */
1721 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[ 1], pwszUuid2[ 1]); /* 5 */
1722 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[ 2], pwszUuid2[ 2]); /* e */
1723 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[ 3], pwszUuid2[ 3]); /* 5 */
1724 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[ 4], pwszUuid2[ 4]); /* e */
1725 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[ 5], pwszUuid2[ 5]); /* 3 */
1726 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[ 6], pwszUuid2[ 6]); /* 6 */
1727 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[ 7], pwszUuid2[ 7]); /* 4 */
1728 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[ 8], pwszUuid2[ 8]); /* 0 */
1729 | COMPARE_EXACT_RET( pwszUuid1[ 9], pwszUuid2[ 9]); /* - */
1730 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[10], pwszUuid2[10]); /* 7 */
1731 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[11], pwszUuid2[11]); /* 4 */
1732 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[12], pwszUuid2[12]); /* f */
1733 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[13], pwszUuid2[13]); /* 3 */
1734 | COMPARE_EXACT_RET( pwszUuid1[14], pwszUuid2[14]); /* - */
1735 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[15], pwszUuid2[15]); /* 4 */
1736 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[16], pwszUuid2[16]); /* 6 */
1737 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[17], pwszUuid2[17]); /* 8 */
1738 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[18], pwszUuid2[18]); /* 9 */
1739 | COMPARE_EXACT_RET( pwszUuid1[19], pwszUuid2[19]); /* - */
1740 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[20], pwszUuid2[20]); /* 9 */
1741 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[21], pwszUuid2[21]); /* 7 */
1742 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[22], pwszUuid2[22]); /* 9 */
1743 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[23], pwszUuid2[23]); /* f */
1744 | COMPARE_EXACT_RET( pwszUuid1[24], pwszUuid2[24]); /* - */
1745 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[25], pwszUuid2[25]); /* 6 */
1746 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[26], pwszUuid2[26]); /* b */
1747 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[27], pwszUuid2[27]); /* 1 */
1748 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[28], pwszUuid2[28]); /* b */
1749 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[29], pwszUuid2[29]); /* 8 */
1750 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[30], pwszUuid2[30]); /* d */
1751 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[31], pwszUuid2[31]); /* 7 */
1752 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[32], pwszUuid2[32]); /* 6 */
1753 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[33], pwszUuid2[33]); /* 0 */
1754 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[34], pwszUuid2[34]); /* 9 */
1755 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[35], pwszUuid2[35]); /* a */
1756 | COMPARE_XDIGITS_RET(pwszUuid1[36], pwszUuid2[36]); /* 5 */
1757 | COMPARE_EXACT_RET( pwszUuid1[37], pwszUuid2[37]); /* } */
1758 | COMPARE_EXACT_RET( pwszUuid1[38], pwszUuid2[38]); /* \0 */
1759 | #undef COMPARE_EXACT_RET
1761 | return true;
1762 | }
1763 |
1764 |
1765 | /**
1766 | * Checks if the type library ID is one of the ones we wish to clean up.
1767 | *
1768 | * @returns true if it should be cleaned up, false if not.
1769 | * @param pwszTypeLibId The type library ID as a bracketed string.
1770 | */
1771 | DECLINLINE(bool) vbpsIsTypeLibIdToRemove(PRTUTF16 pwszTypeLibId)
1772 | {
1773 | AssertCompile(RT_ELEMENTS(g_apwszTypeLibIds) == 2);
1774 | #ifdef VBOX_STRICT
1775 | static bool s_fDoneStrict = false;
1776 | if (s_fDoneStrict) { }
1777 | else
1778 | {
1779 | Assert(RT_ELEMENTS(g_apwszTypeLibIds) == 2);
1780 | Assert(g_apwszTypeLibIds[0][0] == '{');
1781 | Assert(g_apwszTypeLibIds[1][0] == '{');
1782 | Assert(RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(g_apwszTypeLibIds[0][1]));
1783 | Assert(RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(g_apwszTypeLibIds[1][1]));
1784 | Assert(RT_C_IS_UPPER(g_apwszTypeLibIds[0][1]) || RT_C_IS_DIGIT(g_apwszTypeLibIds[0][1]));
1785 | Assert(RT_C_IS_UPPER(g_apwszTypeLibIds[1][1]) || RT_C_IS_DIGIT(g_apwszTypeLibIds[1][1]));
1786 | s_fDoneStrict = true;
1787 | }
1788 | #endif
1789 |
1790 | /*
1791 | * Rolled out matching with inlined check of the opening braces
1792 | * and first two digits.
1793 | *
1794 | * ASSUMES input buffer is at least 3 wchars big and uppercased UUID in
1795 | * our matching array.
1796 | */
1797 | if (pwszTypeLibId[0] == '{')
1798 | {
1799 | RTUTF16 const wcFirstDigit = RT_C_TO_UPPER(pwszTypeLibId[1]);
1800 | RTUTF16 const wcSecondDigit = RT_C_TO_UPPER(pwszTypeLibId[2]);
1801 | PCRTUTF16 pwsz2 = g_apwszTypeLibIds[0];
1802 | if ( wcFirstDigit == pwsz2[1]
1803 | && wcSecondDigit == pwsz2[2]
1804 | && vbpsCompareUuidW(pwszTypeLibId, pwsz2))
1805 | return true;
1806 | pwsz2 = g_apwszTypeLibIds[1];
1807 | if ( wcFirstDigit == pwsz2[1]
1808 | && wcSecondDigit == pwsz2[2]
1809 | && vbpsCompareUuidW(pwszTypeLibId, pwsz2))
1810 | return true;
1811 | }
1812 | return false;
1813 | }
1814 |
1815 |
1816 | /**
1817 | * Checks if the proxy stub class ID is one of the ones we wish to clean up.
1818 | *
1819 | * @returns true if it should be cleaned up, false if not.
1820 | * @param pwszProxyStubId The proxy stub class ID.
1821 | */
1822 | DECLINLINE(bool) vbpsIsProxyStubClsIdToRemove(PRTUTF16 pwszProxyStubId)
1823 | {
1824 | AssertCompile(RT_ELEMENTS(g_apwszProxyStubClsIds) == 2);
1825 | #ifdef VBOX_STRICT
1826 | static bool s_fDoneStrict = false;
1827 | if (s_fDoneStrict) { }
1828 | else
1829 | {
1830 | Assert(RT_ELEMENTS(g_apwszProxyStubClsIds) == 2);
1831 | Assert(g_apwszProxyStubClsIds[0][0] == '{');
1832 | Assert(g_apwszProxyStubClsIds[1][0] == '{');
1833 | Assert(RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(g_apwszProxyStubClsIds[0][1]));
1834 | Assert(RT_C_IS_XDIGIT(g_apwszProxyStubClsIds[1][1]));
1835 | Assert(RT_C_IS_UPPER(g_apwszProxyStubClsIds[0][1]) || RT_C_IS_DIGIT(g_apwszProxyStubClsIds[0][1]));
1836 | Assert(RT_C_IS_UPPER(g_apwszProxyStubClsIds[1][1]) || RT_C_IS_DIGIT(g_apwszProxyStubClsIds[1][1]));
1837 | s_fDoneStrict = true;
1838 | }
1839 | #endif
1840 |
1841 | /*
1842 | * Rolled out matching with inlined check of the opening braces
1843 | * and first two digits.
1844 | *
1845 | * ASSUMES input buffer is at least 3 wchars big and uppercased UUID in
1846 | * our matching array.
1847 | */
1848 | if (pwszProxyStubId[0] == '{')
1849 | {
1850 | RTUTF16 const wcFirstDigit = RT_C_TO_UPPER(pwszProxyStubId[1]);
1851 | RTUTF16 const wcSecondDigit = RT_C_TO_UPPER(pwszProxyStubId[2]);
1852 | PCRTUTF16 pwsz2 = g_apwszProxyStubClsIds[0];
1853 | if ( wcFirstDigit == pwsz2[1]
1854 | && wcSecondDigit == pwsz2[2]
1855 | && vbpsCompareUuidW(pwszProxyStubId, pwsz2))
1856 | return true;
1857 | pwsz2 = g_apwszProxyStubClsIds[1];
1858 | if ( wcFirstDigit == pwsz2[1]
1859 | && wcSecondDigit == pwsz2[2]
1860 | && vbpsCompareUuidW(pwszProxyStubId, pwsz2))
1861 | return true;
1862 | }
1863 | return false;
1864 | }
1865 |
1866 |
1867 | /**
1868 | * Hack to clean out the interfaces belonging to obsolete typelibs on
1869 | * development boxes and such likes.
1870 | */
1871 | static void vbpsRemoveOldInterfaces(VBPSREGSTATE *pState)
1872 | {
1873 | unsigned iAlt = pState->cAltDeletes;
1874 | while (iAlt-- > 0)
1875 | {
1876 | /*
1877 | * Open the interface root key. Not using the vbpsRegOpenInterfaceKeys feature
1878 | * here in case it messes things up by keeping the special HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key
1879 | * open with possibly pending deletes in parent views or other weird stuff.
1880 | */
1881 | HKEY hkeyInterfaces;
1882 | LRESULT rc = RegOpenKeyExW(pState->aAltDeletes[iAlt].hkeyClasses, L"Interface",
1883 | 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamDelete, &hkeyInterfaces);
1884 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1885 | {
1886 | /*
1887 | * This is kind of expensive, but we have to check all registered interfaces.
1888 | * Only use wide APIs to avoid wasting time on string conversion.
1889 | */
1890 | DWORD idxKey;
1891 | for (idxKey = 0;; idxKey++)
1892 | {
1893 | RTUTF16 wszCurNm[128 + 48];
1894 | DWORD cwcCurNm = 128;
1895 | rc = RegEnumKeyExW(hkeyInterfaces, idxKey, wszCurNm, &cwcCurNm,
1896 | NULL /*pdwReserved*/, NULL /*pwszClass*/, NULL /*pcwcClass*/, NULL /*pLastWriteTime*/);
1897 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1898 | {
1899 | /*
1900 | * We match the interface by type library ID or proxy stub class ID.
1901 | *
1902 | * We have to check the proxy ID last, as it is almost always there
1903 | * and we can safely skip it if there is a mismatching type lib
1904 | * associated with the interface.
1905 | */
1906 | static RTUTF16 const s_wszTypeLib[] = L"\\TypeLib";
1907 | bool fDeleteMe = false;
1908 | HKEY hkeySub;
1909 | RTUTF16 wszValue[128];
1910 | DWORD cbValue;
1911 | DWORD dwType;
1912 |
1913 | /* Skip this entry if it doesn't look like a braced UUID. */
1914 | wszCurNm[cwcCurNm] = '\0'; /* paranoia */
1915 | if (vbpsIsUuidInBracesQuickW(wszCurNm)) { }
1916 | else continue;
1917 |
1918 | /* Try the TypeLib sub-key. */
1919 | memcpy(&wszCurNm[cwcCurNm], s_wszTypeLib, sizeof(s_wszTypeLib));
1920 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(hkeyInterfaces, wszCurNm, 0 /*fOptions*/, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeySub);
1921 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1922 | {
1923 | cbValue = sizeof(wszValue) - sizeof(RTUTF16);
1924 | rc = RegQueryValueExW(hkeySub, NULL /*pszValueNm*/, NULL /*pdwReserved*/,
1925 | &dwType, (PBYTE)&wszValue[0], &cbValue);
1926 | if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_SZ)
1927 | cbValue = 0;
1928 | wszValue[cbValue / sizeof(RTUTF16)] = '\0';
1929 |
1930 | if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS
1931 | && vbpsIsTypeLibIdToRemove(wszValue))
1932 | {
1933 | /* Check the TypeLib/Version value to make sure. */
1934 | cbValue = sizeof(wszValue) - sizeof(RTUTF16);
1935 | rc = RegQueryValueExW(hkeySub, L"Version", 0 /*pdwReserved*/, &dwType, (PBYTE)&wszValue[0], &cbValue);
1936 | if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
1937 | cbValue = 0;
1938 | wszValue[cbValue] = '\0';
1939 |
1940 | if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS
1941 | && vbpsIsTypeLibVersionToRemove(wszValue))
1942 | fDeleteMe = true;
1943 | }
1944 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeySub, __LINE__);
1945 | }
1946 | else if (rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
1947 | {
1948 | /* No TypeLib, try the ProxyStubClsid32 sub-key next. */
1949 | static RTUTF16 const s_wszProxyStubClsid32[] = L"\\ProxyStubClsid32";
1950 | memcpy(&wszCurNm[cwcCurNm], s_wszProxyStubClsid32, sizeof(s_wszProxyStubClsid32));
1951 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(hkeyInterfaces, wszCurNm, 0 /*fOptions*/, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeySub);
1952 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
1953 | {
1954 | cbValue = sizeof(wszValue) - sizeof(RTUTF16);
1955 | rc = RegQueryValueExW(hkeySub, NULL /*pszValueNm*/, NULL /*pdwReserved*/,
1956 | &dwType, (PBYTE)&wszValue[0], &cbValue);
1957 | if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_SZ)
1958 | cbValue = 0;
1959 | wszValue[cbValue / sizeof(RTUTF16)] = '\0';
1960 |
1961 | if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS
1962 | && vbpsIsProxyStubClsIdToRemove(wszValue))
1963 | fDeleteMe = true;
1964 |
1965 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeySub, __LINE__);
1966 | }
1967 | }
1968 |
1969 | if (fDeleteMe)
1970 | {
1971 | /*
1972 | * Ok, it's an orphaned VirtualBox interface. Delete it.
1973 | */
1974 | wszCurNm[cwcCurNm] = '\0';
1975 | vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveW(pState, hkeyInterfaces, wszCurNm, __LINE__);
1976 | }
1977 | }
1978 | else
1979 | {
1980 | Assert(rc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS);
1981 | break;
1982 | }
1983 | }
1984 |
1985 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyInterfaces, __LINE__);
1986 | }
1987 | }
1988 | }
1989 |
1990 |
1991 | /**
1992 | * Hack to clean out the class IDs belonging to obsolete typelibs on development
1993 | * boxes and such likes.
1994 | */
1995 | static void vbpsRemoveOldClassIDs(VBPSREGSTATE *pState)
1996 | {
1997 | unsigned iAlt = pState->cAltDeletes;
1998 | while (iAlt-- > 0)
1999 | {
2000 | /*
2001 | * Open the CLSID key if it exists.
2002 | * We don't use the hKeyClsid member for the same paranoid reasons as
2003 | * already stated in vbpsRemoveOldInterfaces.
2004 | */
2005 | HKEY hkeyClsIds;
2006 | LRESULT rc;
2007 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(pState->aAltDeletes[iAlt].hkeyClasses, L"CLSID", 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamDelete, &hkeyClsIds);
2008 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
2009 | {
2010 | /*
2011 | * This is kind of expensive, but we have to check all registered interfaces.
2012 | * Only use wide APIs to avoid wasting time on string conversion.
2013 | */
2014 | DWORD idxKey;
2015 | for (idxKey = 0;; idxKey++)
2016 | {
2017 | RTUTF16 wszCurNm[128 + 48];
2018 | DWORD cwcCurNm = 128;
2019 | rc = RegEnumKeyExW(hkeyClsIds, idxKey, wszCurNm, &cwcCurNm,
2020 | NULL /*pdwReserved*/, NULL /*pwszClass*/, NULL /*pcwcClass*/, NULL /*pLastWriteTime*/);
2021 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
2022 | {
2023 | /*
2024 | * Match both the type library ID and the program ID.
2025 | */
2026 | static RTUTF16 const s_wszTypeLib[] = L"\\TypeLib";
2027 | HKEY hkeySub;
2028 | RTUTF16 wszValue[128];
2029 | DWORD cbValue;
2030 | DWORD dwType;
2031 |
2032 |
2033 | /* Skip this entry if it doesn't look like a braced UUID. (Microsoft
2034 | has one two malformed ones plus a hack.) */
2035 | wszCurNm[cwcCurNm] = '\0'; /* paranoia */
2036 | if (vbpsIsUuidInBracesQuickW(wszCurNm)) { }
2037 | else continue;
2038 |
2039 | /* The TypeLib sub-key. */
2040 | memcpy(&wszCurNm[cwcCurNm], s_wszTypeLib, sizeof(s_wszTypeLib));
2041 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(hkeyClsIds, wszCurNm, 0 /*fOptions*/, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeySub);
2042 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
2043 | {
2044 | bool fDeleteMe = false;
2045 |
2046 | cbValue = sizeof(wszValue) - sizeof(RTUTF16);
2047 | rc = RegQueryValueExW(hkeySub, NULL /*pszValueNm*/, NULL /*pdwReserved*/,
2048 | &dwType, (PBYTE)&wszValue[0], &cbValue);
2049 | if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_SZ)
2050 | cbValue = 0;
2051 | wszValue[cbValue / sizeof(RTUTF16)] = '\0';
2052 |
2053 | if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS
2054 | && vbpsIsTypeLibIdToRemove(wszValue))
2055 | fDeleteMe = true;
2056 |
2057 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeySub, __LINE__);
2058 |
2059 | if (fDeleteMe)
2060 | {
2061 | /* The ProgId sub-key. */
2062 | static RTUTF16 const s_wszProgId[] = L"\\ProgId";
2063 | memcpy(&wszCurNm[cwcCurNm], s_wszProgId, sizeof(s_wszProgId));
2064 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(hkeyClsIds, wszCurNm, 0 /*fOptions*/, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkeySub);
2065 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
2066 | {
2067 | static RTUTF16 const s_wszProgIdPrefix[] = L"VirtualBox.";
2068 |
2069 | cbValue = sizeof(wszValue) - sizeof(RTUTF16);
2070 | rc = RegQueryValueExW(hkeySub, NULL /*pszValueNm*/, NULL /*pdwReserved*/,
2071 | &dwType, (PBYTE)&wszValue[0], &cbValue);
2072 | if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_SZ)
2073 | cbValue = 0;
2074 | wszValue[cbValue / sizeof(RTUTF16)] = '\0';
2075 |
2076 | if ( cbValue < sizeof(s_wszProgIdPrefix)
2077 | || memcmp(wszValue, s_wszProgIdPrefix, sizeof(s_wszProgIdPrefix) - sizeof(RTUTF16)) != 0)
2078 | fDeleteMe = false;
2079 |
2080 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeySub, __LINE__);
2081 | }
2082 | else
2083 | AssertStmt(rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, fDeleteMe = false);
2084 |
2085 | if (fDeleteMe)
2086 | {
2087 | /*
2088 | * Ok, it's an orphaned VirtualBox interface. Delete it.
2089 | */
2090 | wszCurNm[cwcCurNm] = '\0';
2091 | vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveW(pState, hkeyClsIds, wszCurNm, __LINE__);
2092 | }
2093 | }
2094 | }
2095 | else
2096 | Assert(rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
2097 | }
2098 | else
2099 | {
2100 | Assert(rc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS);
2101 | break;
2102 | }
2103 | }
2104 |
2105 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyClsIds, __LINE__);
2106 | }
2107 | else
2108 | Assert(rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
2109 | }
2110 | }
2111 |
2112 |
2113 | /**
2114 | * Hack to clean obsolete typelibs on development boxes and such.
2115 | */
2116 | static void vbpsRemoveOldTypeLibs(VBPSREGSTATE *pState)
2117 | {
2118 | unsigned iAlt = pState->cAltDeletes;
2119 | while (iAlt-- > 0)
2120 | {
2121 | /*
2122 | * Open the TypeLib key, if it exists.
2123 | */
2124 | HKEY hkeyTypeLibs;
2125 | LSTATUS rc;
2126 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(pState->aAltDeletes[iAlt].hkeyClasses, L"TypeLib", 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamDelete, &hkeyTypeLibs);
2127 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
2128 | {
2129 | /*
2130 | * Look for our type library IDs.
2131 | */
2132 | unsigned iTlb = RT_ELEMENTS(g_apwszTypeLibIds);
2133 | while (iTlb-- > 0)
2134 | {
2135 | HKEY hkeyTypeLibId;
2136 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(hkeyTypeLibs, g_apwszTypeLibIds[iTlb], 0 /*fOptions*/, pState->fSamDelete, &hkeyTypeLibId);
2137 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
2138 | {
2139 | unsigned iVer = RT_ELEMENTS(g_apwszTypelibVersions);
2140 | while (iVer-- > 0)
2141 | {
2142 | HKEY hkeyVer;
2143 | rc = RegOpenKeyExW(hkeyTypeLibId, g_apwszTypelibVersions[iVer], 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyVer);
2144 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
2145 | {
2146 | char szValue[128];
2147 | DWORD cbValue = sizeof(szValue) - 1;
2148 | rc = RegQueryValueExA(hkeyVer, NULL, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)&szValue[0], &cbValue);
2149 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyVer, __LINE__);
2150 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
2151 | {
2152 | szValue[cbValue] = '\0';
2153 | if (!strcmp(szValue, "VirtualBox Type Library"))
2154 | {
2155 | /*
2156 | * Delete the type library version.
2157 | * We do not delete the whole type library ID, just this version of it.
2158 | */
2159 | vbpsDeleteKeyRecursiveW(pState, hkeyTypeLibId, g_apwszTypelibVersions[iVer], __LINE__);
2160 | }
2161 | }
2162 | }
2163 | }
2164 | vbpsCloseKey(pState, hkeyTypeLibId, __LINE__);
2165 |
2166 | /*
2167 | * The type library ID key should be empty now, so we can try remove it (non-recursively).
2168 | */
2169 | rc = RegDeleteKeyW(hkeyTypeLibs, g_apwszTypeLibIds[iTlb]);
2170 | Assert(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS);
2171 | }
2172 | }
2173 | }
2174 | else
2175 | Assert(rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
2176 | }
2177 | }
2178 |
2179 |
2180 | /**
2181 | * Hack to clean out obsolete typelibs on development boxes and such.
2182 | */
2183 | static void vbpsRemoveOldMessSub(REGSAM fSamWow)
2184 | {
2185 | /*
2186 | * Note! The worker procedures does not use the default destination,
2187 | * because it's much much simpler to enumerate alternative locations.
2188 | */
2189 | VBPSREGSTATE State;
2190 | LRESULT rc = vbpsRegInit(&State, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NULL, true /*fDelete*/, false /*fUpdate*/, fSamWow);
2191 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
2192 | {
2193 | vbpsRegAddAltDelete(&State, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Classes");
2194 | vbpsRegAddAltDelete(&State, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Classes");
2195 | vbpsRegAddAltDelete(&State, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NULL);
2196 |
2197 | vbpsRemoveOldInterfaces(&State);
2198 | vbpsRemoveOldClassIDs(&State);
2199 | vbpsRemoveOldTypeLibs(&State);
2200 | }
2201 | vbpsRegTerm(&State);
2202 | }
2203 |
2204 |
2205 | /**
2206 | * Hack to clean out obsolete typelibs on development boxes and such.
2207 | */
2208 | static void removeOldMess(void)
2209 | {
2210 | vbpsRemoveOldMessSub(0 /*fSamWow*/);
2211 | #if ARCH_BITS == 64 || defined(VBOX_IN_32_ON_64_MAIN_API)
2212 | vbpsRemoveOldMessSub(KEY_WOW64_32KEY);
2213 | #endif
2214 | }
2215 |
2216 |
2217 |
2218 | /**
2219 | * Register the interfaces proxied by this DLL, and to avoid duplication and
2220 | * minimize work the VBox type library, classes and servers are also registered.
2221 | *
2222 | * This is normally only used by developers via comregister.cmd and the heat.exe
2223 | * tool during MSI creation. The only situation where users may end up here is
2224 | * if they're playing around or we recommend it as a solution to COM problems.
2225 | * So, no problem if this approach is less gentle, though we leave the cleaning
2226 | * up of orphaned interfaces to DllUnregisterServer.
2227 | *
2228 | * @returns COM status code.
2229 | */
2230 | HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE DllRegisterServer(void)
2231 | {
2232 | HRESULT hrc;
2233 |
2234 | /*
2235 | * Register the type library first.
2236 | */
2237 | ITypeLib *pITypeLib;
2238 | WCHAR wszDllName[MAX_PATH];
2239 | DWORD cwcRet = GetModuleFileNameW(g_hDllSelf, wszDllName, RT_ELEMENTS(wszDllName));
2240 | AssertReturn(cwcRet > 0 && cwcRet < RT_ELEMENTS(wszDllName), CO_E_PATHTOOLONG);
2241 |
2242 | hrc = LoadTypeLib(wszDllName, &pITypeLib);
2243 | AssertMsgReturn(SUCCEEDED(hrc), ("%Rhrc\n", hrc), hrc);
2244 | hrc = RegisterTypeLib(pITypeLib, wszDllName, NULL /*pszHelpDir*/);
2245 | pITypeLib->lpVtbl->Release(pITypeLib);
2246 | AssertMsgReturn(SUCCEEDED(hrc), ("%Rhrc\n", hrc), hrc);
2247 |
2248 | /*
2249 | * Register proxy stub.
2250 | */
2251 | hrc = NdrDllRegisterProxy(g_hDllSelf, &g_apProxyFiles[0], &g_ProxyClsId); /* see DLLREGISTRY_ROUTINES in RpcProxy.h */
2252 | AssertMsgReturn(SUCCEEDED(hrc), ("%Rhrc\n", hrc), hrc);
2253 |
2254 | /*
2255 | * Register the VBox modules and classes.
2256 | */
2257 | vbpsDllPathToVBoxDir(wszDllName);
2258 | hrc = RegisterXidlModulesAndClasses(wszDllName, true /*fDelete*/, true /*fUpdate*/);
2259 | AssertMsgReturn(SUCCEEDED(hrc), ("%Rhrc\n", hrc), hrc);
2260 |
2261 | return S_OK;
2262 | }
2263 |
2264 |
2265 | /**
2266 | * Reverse of DllRegisterServer.
2267 | *
2268 | * This is normally only used by developers via comregister.cmd. Users may be
2269 | * asked to perform it in order to fix some COM issue. So, it's OK if we spend
2270 | * some extra time and clean up orphaned interfaces, because developer boxes
2271 | * will end up with a bunch of those as interface UUIDs changes.
2272 | *
2273 | * @returns COM status code.
2274 | */
2275 | HRESULT STDAPICALLTYPE DllUnregisterServer(void)
2276 | {
2277 | HRESULT hrc = S_OK;
2278 | HRESULT hrc2;
2279 |
2280 | /*
2281 | * Unregister the type library.
2282 | *
2283 | * We ignore TYPE_E_REGISTRYACCESS as that is what is returned if the
2284 | * type lib hasn't been registered (W10).
2285 | */
2286 | hrc2 = UnRegisterTypeLib(&LIBID_VirtualBox, kTypeLibraryMajorVersion, kTypeLibraryMinorVersion,
2287 | 0 /*LCid*/, RT_CONCAT(SYS_WIN, ARCH_BITS));
2288 | AssertMsgStmt(SUCCEEDED(hrc2) || hrc2 == TYPE_E_REGISTRYACCESS, ("%Rhrc\n", hrc2), if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = hrc2);
2289 |
2290 | /*
2291 | * Unregister the proxy stub.
2292 | *
2293 | * We ignore ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND as that is returned if not registered (W10).
2294 | */
2295 | hrc2 = NdrDllUnregisterProxy(g_hDllSelf, &g_apProxyFiles[0], &g_ProxyClsId); /* see DLLREGISTRY_ROUTINES in RpcProxy.h */
2296 | AssertMsgStmt( SUCCEEDED(hrc2)
2298 | || hrc2 == REGDB_E_INVALIDVALUE,
2299 | ("%Rhrc\n", hrc2), if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = hrc2);
2300 |
2301 | /*
2302 | * Register the VBox modules and classes.
2303 | */
2304 | hrc2 = RegisterXidlModulesAndClasses(NULL, true /*fDelete*/, false /*fUpdate*/);
2305 | AssertMsgStmt(SUCCEEDED(hrc2), ("%Rhrc\n", hrc2), if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) hrc = hrc2);
2306 |
2307 | /*
2308 | * Purge old mess.
2309 | */
2310 | removeOldMess();
2311 |
2312 | return hrc;
2313 | }
2314 |
2315 |
2316 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SDS
2317 | /**
2318 | * Update a SCM service.
2319 | *
2320 | * @param pState The state.
2321 | * @param pwszVBoxDir The VirtualBox install directory (unicode),
2322 | * trailing slash.
2323 | * @param pwszModule The service module.
2324 | * @param pwszServiceName The service name.
2325 | * @param pwszDisplayName The service display name.
2326 | * @param pwszDescription The service description.
2327 | */
2328 | static void vbpsUpdateWindowsService(VBPSREGSTATE *pState, const WCHAR *pwszVBoxDir, const WCHAR *pwszModule,
2329 | const WCHAR *pwszServiceName, const WCHAR *pwszDisplayName, const WCHAR *pwszDescription)
2330 | {
2331 | SC_HANDLE hSCM;
2332 |
2333 | /* Configuration options that are currently standard. */
2334 | uint32_t const uServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS;
2335 | uint32_t const uStartType = SERVICE_DEMAND_START;
2336 | uint32_t const uErrorControl = SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL;
2337 | WCHAR const * const pwszServiceStartName = L"LocalSystem";
2338 | static WCHAR const wszzDependencies[] = L"RPCSS\0";
2339 |
2340 | /*
2341 | * Make double quoted executable file path. ASSUMES pwszVBoxDir ends with a slash!
2342 | */
2343 | WCHAR wszFilePath[MAX_PATH + 2];
2344 | int rc = RTUtf16CopyAscii(wszFilePath, RT_ELEMENTS(wszFilePath), "\"");
2345 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2346 | rc = RTUtf16Cat(wszFilePath, RT_ELEMENTS(wszFilePath), pwszVBoxDir);
2347 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2348 | rc = RTUtf16Cat(wszFilePath, RT_ELEMENTS(wszFilePath), pwszModule);
2349 | if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
2350 | rc = RTUtf16CatAscii(wszFilePath, RT_ELEMENTS(wszFilePath), "\"");
2351 | AssertLogRelRCReturnVoid(rc);
2352 |
2353 | /*
2354 | * Open the service manager for the purpose of checking the configuration.
2355 | */
2357 | if (hSCM != NULL)
2358 | {
2359 | union
2360 | {
2362 | SERVICE_STATUS Status;
2364 | uint8_t abPadding[sizeof(QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW) + 5 * _1K];
2365 | } uBuf;
2366 | SC_HANDLE hService;
2367 | bool fCreateIt = pState->fUpdate;
2368 | bool fDeleteIt = true;
2369 |
2370 | /*
2371 | * Step #1: Open the service and validate the configuration.
2372 | */
2373 | if (pState->fUpdate)
2374 | {
2375 | hService = OpenServiceW(hSCM, pwszServiceName, SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG);
2376 | if (hService != NULL)
2377 | {
2378 | DWORD cbNeeded = 0;
2379 | if (QueryServiceConfigW(hService, &uBuf.Config, sizeof(uBuf), &cbNeeded))
2380 | {
2381 | if (uBuf.Config.dwErrorControl)
2382 | {
2383 | uint32_t cErrors = 0;
2384 | if (uBuf.Config.dwServiceType != uServiceType)
2385 | {
2386 | LogRel(("update service '%ls': dwServiceType %u, expected %u\n",
2387 | pwszServiceName, uBuf.Config.dwServiceType, uServiceType));
2388 | cErrors++;
2389 | }
2390 | if (uBuf.Config.dwStartType != uStartType)
2391 | {
2392 | LogRel(("update service '%ls': dwStartType %u, expected %u\n",
2393 | pwszServiceName, uBuf.Config.dwStartType, uStartType));
2394 | cErrors++;
2395 | }
2396 | if (uBuf.Config.dwErrorControl != uErrorControl)
2397 | {
2398 | LogRel(("update service '%ls': dwErrorControl %u, expected %u\n",
2399 | pwszServiceName, uBuf.Config.dwErrorControl, uErrorControl));
2400 | cErrors++;
2401 | }
2402 | if (RTUtf16ICmp(uBuf.Config.lpBinaryPathName, wszFilePath) != 0)
2403 | {
2404 | LogRel(("update service '%ls': lpBinaryPathName '%ls', expected '%ls'\n",
2405 | pwszServiceName, uBuf.Config.lpBinaryPathName, wszFilePath));
2406 | cErrors++;
2407 | }
2408 | if ( uBuf.Config.lpServiceStartName != NULL
2409 | && *uBuf.Config.lpServiceStartName != L'\0'
2410 | && RTUtf16ICmp(uBuf.Config.lpServiceStartName, pwszServiceStartName) != 0)
2411 | {
2412 | LogRel(("update service '%ls': lpServiceStartName '%ls', expected '%ls'\n",
2413 | pwszServiceName, uBuf.Config.lpBinaryPathName, pwszServiceStartName));
2414 | cErrors++;
2415 | }
2416 |
2417 | fDeleteIt = fCreateIt = cErrors > 0;
2418 | }
2419 | }
2420 | else
2421 | AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("QueryServiceConfigW returned %u (cbNeeded=%u vs %zu)\n",
2422 | GetLastError(), cbNeeded, sizeof(uBuf)));
2423 | }
2424 | else
2425 | {
2426 | DWORD dwErr = GetLastError();
2427 | fDeleteIt = dwErr != ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
2428 | AssertLogRelMsg(dwErr == ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, ("OpenServiceW('%ls') -> %u\n", pwszServiceName, dwErr));
2429 | }
2430 | CloseServiceHandle(hService);
2431 | }
2432 |
2433 | /*
2434 | * Step #2: Stop and delete the service if needed.
2435 | * We can do this without reopening the service manager.
2436 | */
2437 | if (fDeleteIt)
2438 | {
2439 | hService = OpenServiceW(hSCM, pwszServiceName, SERVICE_STOP | DELETE);
2440 | if (hService)
2441 | {
2442 | BOOL fRet;
2443 | DWORD dwErr;
2444 | RT_ZERO(uBuf.Status);
2446 | fRet = ControlService(hService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &uBuf.Status);
2447 | dwErr = GetLastError();
2448 | if ( fRet
2451 | && uBuf.Status.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) )
2452 | {
2453 | if (DeleteService(hService))
2454 | LogRel(("update service '%ls': deleted\n", pwszServiceName));
2455 | else
2456 | AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("Failed to not delete service %ls: %u\n", pwszServiceName, GetLastError()));
2457 | }
2458 | else
2459 | AssertMsg(dwErr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED,
2460 | ("Failed to stop service %ls: %u (state=%u)\n", pwszServiceName, dwErr, uBuf.Status.dwCurrentState));
2461 | CloseServiceHandle(hService);
2462 | }
2463 | else
2464 | {
2465 | pState->rc = GetLastError();
2466 | LogRel(("Failed to not open service %ls for stop+delete: %u\n", pwszServiceName, pState->rc));
2467 | hService = OpenServiceW(hSCM, pwszServiceName, SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG);
2468 | }
2469 | CloseServiceHandle(hService);
2470 | }
2471 |
2472 | CloseServiceHandle(hSCM);
2473 |
2474 | /*
2475 | * Step #3: Create the service (if requested).
2476 | * Need to have the SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE access right for this.
2477 | */
2478 | if (fCreateIt)
2479 | {
2480 | Assert(pState->fUpdate);
2482 | if (hSCM)
2483 | {
2484 | hService = CreateServiceW(hSCM,
2485 | pwszServiceName,
2486 | pwszDisplayName,
2487 | SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG /* dwDesiredAccess */,
2488 | uServiceType,
2489 | uStartType,
2490 | uErrorControl,
2491 | wszFilePath,
2492 | NULL /* pwszLoadOrderGroup */,
2493 | NULL /* pdwTagId */,
2494 | wszzDependencies,
2495 | NULL /* pwszServiceStartName */,
2496 | NULL /* pwszPassword */);
2497 | if (hService != NULL)
2498 | {
2499 | uBuf.Desc.lpDescription = (WCHAR *)pwszDescription;
2500 | if (ChangeServiceConfig2W(hService, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, &uBuf.Desc))
2501 | LogRel(("update service '%ls': created\n", pwszServiceName));
2502 | else
2503 | AssertMsgFailed(("Failed to set service description for %ls: %u\n", pwszServiceName, GetLastError()));
2504 | CloseServiceHandle(hService);
2505 | }
2506 | else
2507 | {
2508 | pState->rc = GetLastError();
2509 | AssertMsgFailed(("Failed to create service '%ls': %u\n", pwszServiceName, pState->rc));
2510 | }
2511 | CloseServiceHandle(hSCM);
2512 | }
2513 | else
2514 | {
2515 | pState->rc = GetLastError();
2516 | LogRel(("Failed to open service manager with create service access: %u\n", pState->rc));
2517 | }
2518 | }
2519 | }
2520 | else
2521 | AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("OpenSCManagerW failed: %u\n", GetLastError()));
2522 | }
2523 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_SDS */
2524 |
2525 |
2526 |
2527 | /**
2528 | * Gently update the COM registrations for VirtualBox.
2529 | *
2530 | * API that com::Initialize (VBoxCOM/initterm.cpp) calls the first time COM is
2531 | * initialized in a process. ASSUMES that the caller has initialized IPRT.
2532 | *
2533 | * @returns Windows error code.
2534 | */
2535 | DECLEXPORT(uint32_t) VbpsUpdateRegistrations(void)
2536 | {
2537 | LSTATUS rc;
2538 | VBPSREGSTATE State;
2539 | #ifdef VBOX_IN_32_ON_64_MAIN_API
2540 | bool const fIs32On64 = true;
2541 | #else
2542 | bool const fIs32On64 = false;
2543 | #endif
2544 |
2545 | /** @todo Should probably skip this when VBoxSVC is already running... Use
2546 | * some mutex or something for checking. */
2547 |
2548 | /*
2549 | * Find the VirtualBox application directory first.
2550 | */
2551 | WCHAR wszVBoxDir[MAX_PATH];
2552 | DWORD cwcRet = GetModuleFileNameW(g_hDllSelf, wszVBoxDir, RT_ELEMENTS(wszVBoxDir));
2553 | AssertReturn(cwcRet > 0 && cwcRet < RT_ELEMENTS(wszVBoxDir), ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
2554 | vbpsDllPathToVBoxDir(wszVBoxDir);
2555 |
2556 | /*
2557 | * Update registry entries for the current CPU bitness.
2558 | */
2559 | rc = vbpsRegInit(&State, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NULL, false /*fDelete*/, true /*fUpdate*/, 0);
2560 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && !vbpsIsUpToDate(&State))
2561 | {
2562 |
2563 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_SDS
2564 | vbpsUpdateWindowsService(&State, wszVBoxDir, L"VBoxSDS.exe", L"VBoxSDS",
2565 | L"VirtualBox system service", L"Used as a COM server for VirtualBox API.");
2566 | #endif
2567 | vbpsUpdateTypeLibRegistration(&State, wszVBoxDir, fIs32On64);
2568 | vbpsUpdateProxyStubRegistration(&State, wszVBoxDir, fIs32On64);
2569 | vbpsUpdateInterfaceRegistrations(&State);
2570 | RegisterXidlModulesAndClassesGenerated(&State, wszVBoxDir, fIs32On64);
2571 | vbpsMarkUpToDate(&State);
2572 | rc = State.rc;
2573 | }
2574 | vbpsRegTerm(&State);
2575 |
2576 |
2577 | #if (ARCH_BITS == 64 && defined(VBOX_WITH_32_ON_64_MAIN_API)) /*|| defined(VBOX_IN_32_ON_64_MAIN_API) ??*/
2578 | /*
2579 | * Update registry entries for the other CPU bitness.
2580 | */
2581 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
2582 | {
2583 | rc = vbpsRegInit(&State, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NULL, false /*fDelete*/, true /*fUpdate*/,
2584 | !fIs32On64 ? KEY_WOW64_32KEY : KEY_WOW64_64KEY);
2585 | if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && !vbpsIsUpToDate(&State))
2586 | {
2587 | vbpsUpdateTypeLibRegistration(&State, wszVBoxDir, !fIs32On64);
2588 | vbpsUpdateProxyStubRegistration(&State, wszVBoxDir, !fIs32On64);
2589 | vbpsUpdateInterfaceRegistrations(&State);
2590 | RegisterXidlModulesAndClassesGenerated(&State, wszVBoxDir, !fIs32On64);
2591 | vbpsMarkUpToDate(&State);
2592 | rc = State.rc;
2593 | }
2594 | vbpsRegTerm(&State);
2595 | }
2596 | #endif
2597 |
2598 | return VINF_SUCCESS;
2599 | }