1 | /* $Id: WebMWriter.h 96175 2022-08-12 14:01:17Z vboxsync $ */
2 | /** @file
3 | * WebMWriter.h - WebM container handling.
4 | */
5 |
6 | /*
7 | * Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Oracle Corporation
8 | *
9 | * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | * available from http://www.alldomusa.eu.org. This file is free software;
11 | * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | */
17 |
18 | #ifndef MAIN_INCLUDED_WebMWriter_h
19 | #define MAIN_INCLUDED_WebMWriter_h
21 | # pragma once
22 | #endif
23 |
24 | #include <iprt/buildconfig.h>
25 | #include <iprt/mem.h>
26 | #include <iprt/rand.h>
27 | #include <iprt/string.h>
28 |
29 | #include "VBox/com/VirtualBox.h"
30 | #include <VBox/version.h>
31 |
32 | #include "EBMLWriter.h"
33 | #include "EBML_MKV.h"
34 |
35 | #include <queue>
36 | #include <map>
37 | #include <list>
38 |
39 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_LIBVPX
40 | # ifdef _MSC_VER
41 | # pragma warning(push)
42 | # pragma warning(disable: 4668) /* vpx_codec.h(64) : warning C4668: '__GNUC__' is not defined as a preprocessor macro, replacing with '0' for '#if/#elif' */
43 | # include <vpx/vpx_encoder.h>
44 | # pragma warning(pop)
45 | # else
46 | # include <vpx/vpx_encoder.h>
47 | # endif
48 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_LIBVPX */
49 |
50 | /** No flags specified. */
52 | /** Invisible block which can be skipped. */
54 | /** The block marks a key frame. */
56 |
57 | /** The default timecode scale factor for WebM -- all timecodes in the segments are expressed in ms.
58 | * This allows every cluster to have blocks with positive values up to 32.767 seconds. */
60 |
61 | /** Maximum time (in ms) a cluster can store. */
63 |
64 | /** Maximum time a block can store.
65 | * With signed 16-bit timecodes and a default timecode scale of 1ms per unit this makes 65536ms. */
67 |
69 | # pragma pack(push)
70 | # pragma pack(1)
71 | /** Opus codec private data within the MKV (WEBM) container.
72 | * Taken from: https://wiki.xiph.org/MatroskaOpus */
73 | typedef struct WEBMOPUSPRIVDATA
74 | {
75 | WEBMOPUSPRIVDATA(uint32_t a_u32SampleRate, uint8_t a_u8Channels)
76 | {
77 | au64Head = RT_MAKE_U64_FROM_U8('O', 'p', 'u', 's', 'H', 'e', 'a', 'd');
78 | u8Version = 1;
79 | u8Channels = a_u8Channels;
80 | u16PreSkip = 0;
81 | u32SampleRate = a_u32SampleRate;
82 | u16Gain = 0;
83 | u8MappingFamily = 0;
84 | }
85 |
86 | uint64_t au64Head; /**< Defaults to "OpusHead". */
87 | uint8_t u8Version; /**< Must be set to 1. */
88 | uint8_t u8Channels;
89 | uint16_t u16PreSkip;
90 | /** Sample rate *before* encoding to Opus.
91 | * Note: This rate has nothing to do with the playback rate later! */
92 | uint32_t u32SampleRate;
93 | uint16_t u16Gain;
94 | /** Must stay 0 -- otherwise a mapping table must be appended
95 | * right after this header. */
96 | uint8_t u8MappingFamily;
98 | AssertCompileSize(WEBMOPUSPRIVDATA, 19);
99 | # pragma pack(pop)
100 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_LIBOPUS */
101 |
103 | # pragma pack(push)
104 | # pragma pack(1)
105 | /** Ogg Vorbis codec private data within the MKV (WEBM) container.
106 | * Taken from: https://www.matroska.org/technical/codec_specs.html */
107 | typedef struct WEBMOGGVORBISPRIVDATA
108 | {
109 | WEBMOGGVORBISPRIVDATA(uint32_t a_cbHdrIdent, uint32_t a_cbHdrComments, uint32_t a_cbHdrSetup)
110 | : cbHdrIdent(a_cbHdrIdent)
111 | , cbHdrComments(a_cbHdrComments)
112 | {
113 | /* We supply 3 headers total: The "real" header, comments header + setup header. */
114 | cHeaders = 3 /* Headers */ - 1; /* Note: Always "minus one" here. */
115 |
116 | Assert(a_cbHdrIdent <= UINT8_MAX);
117 | Assert(a_cbHdrComments <= UINT8_MAX);
118 | Assert(a_cbHdrSetup <= _8K);
119 | Assert(a_cbHdrIdent + a_cbHdrComments + a_cbHdrSetup <= sizeof(abHdr));
120 | }
121 |
122 | /** Number of private headers - 1. */
123 | uint8_t cHeaders;
124 | /** Size of identification header (in bytes). */
125 | uint8_t cbHdrIdent;
126 | /** < Size of comments header (in bytes). */
127 | uint8_t cbHdrComments;
128 | /** < Header code area. */
129 | uint8_t abHdr[UINT8_MAX /* Header */ + UINT8_MAX /* Comments header */ + _8K /* Setup header */];
130 |
132 | # pragma pack(pop)
133 | #endif
134 |
135 | class WebMWriter : public EBMLWriter
136 | {
137 |
138 | public:
139 |
140 | /** Defines an absolute WebM timecode (Block + Cluster). */
141 | typedef uint64_t WebMTimecodeAbs;
142 |
143 | /** Defines a relative WebM timecode (Block). */
144 | typedef uint16_t WebMTimecodeRel;
145 |
146 | /** Defines the WebM block flags data type. */
147 | typedef uint8_t WebMBlockFlags;
148 |
149 | /**
150 | * Track type enumeration.
151 | */
152 | enum WebMTrackType
153 | {
154 | /** Unknown / invalid type. */
155 | WebMTrackType_Invalid = 0,
156 | /** Only writes audio. */
157 | WebMTrackType_Audio = 1,
158 | /** Only writes video. */
159 | WebMTrackType_Video = 2
160 | };
161 |
162 | struct WebMTrack;
163 |
164 | /**
165 | * Structure for defining a WebM simple block.
166 | */
167 | struct WebMSimpleBlock
168 | {
169 | WebMSimpleBlock(WebMTrack *a_pTrack,
170 | WebMTimecodeAbs a_tcAbsPTSMs, const void *a_pvData, size_t a_cbData, WebMBlockFlags a_fFlags)
171 | : pTrack(a_pTrack)
172 | {
173 | Data.tcAbsPTSMs = a_tcAbsPTSMs;
174 | Data.cb = a_cbData;
175 | Data.fFlags = a_fFlags;
176 |
177 | if (Data.cb)
178 | {
179 | Data.pv = RTMemDup(a_pvData, a_cbData);
180 | if (!Data.pv)
181 | throw;
182 | }
183 | }
184 |
185 | virtual ~WebMSimpleBlock()
186 | {
187 | if (Data.pv)
188 | {
189 | Assert(Data.cb);
190 | RTMemFree(Data.pv);
191 | }
192 | }
193 |
194 | WebMTrack *pTrack;
195 |
196 | /** Actual simple block data. */
197 | struct
198 | {
199 | WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsPTSMs;
200 | WebMTimecodeRel tcRelToClusterMs;
201 | void *pv;
202 | size_t cb;
203 | WebMBlockFlags fFlags;
204 | } Data;
205 | };
206 |
207 | /** A simple block queue.*/
208 | typedef std::queue<WebMSimpleBlock *> WebMSimpleBlockQueue;
209 |
210 | /** Structure for queuing all simple blocks bound to a single timecode.
211 | * This can happen if multiple tracks are being involved. */
212 | struct WebMTimecodeBlocks
213 | {
214 | WebMTimecodeBlocks(void)
215 | : fClusterNeeded(false)
216 | , fClusterStarted(false) { }
217 |
218 | /** The actual block queue for this timecode. */
219 | WebMSimpleBlockQueue Queue;
220 | /** Whether a new cluster is needed for this timecode or not. */
221 | bool fClusterNeeded;
222 | /** Whether a new cluster already has been started for this timecode or not. */
223 | bool fClusterStarted;
224 |
225 | /**
226 | * Enqueues a simple block into the internal queue.
227 | *
228 | * @param a_pBlock Block to enqueue and take ownership of.
229 | */
230 | void Enqueue(WebMSimpleBlock *a_pBlock)
231 | {
232 | Queue.push(a_pBlock);
233 |
234 | if (a_pBlock->Data.fFlags & VBOX_WEBM_BLOCK_FLAG_KEY_FRAME)
235 | fClusterNeeded = true;
236 | }
237 | };
238 |
239 | /** A block map containing all currently queued blocks.
240 | * The key specifies a unique timecode, whereas the value
241 | * is a queue of blocks which all correlate to the key (timecode). */
242 | typedef std::map<WebMTimecodeAbs, WebMTimecodeBlocks> WebMBlockMap;
243 |
244 | /**
245 | * Structure for defining a WebM (encoding) queue.
246 | */
247 | struct WebMQueue
248 | {
249 | WebMQueue(void)
250 | : tcAbsLastBlockWrittenMs(0)
251 | , tsLastProcessedMs(0) { }
252 |
253 | /** Blocks as FIFO (queue). */
254 | WebMBlockMap Map;
255 | /** Absolute timecode (in ms) of last written block to queue. */
256 | WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsLastBlockWrittenMs;
257 | /** Time stamp (in ms) of when the queue was processed last. */
258 | uint64_t tsLastProcessedMs;
259 | };
260 |
261 | /**
262 | * Structure for keeping a WebM track entry.
263 | */
264 | struct WebMTrack
265 | {
266 | WebMTrack(WebMTrackType a_enmType, PRECORDINGCODEC pTheCodec, uint8_t a_uTrack, uint64_t a_offID)
267 | : enmType(a_enmType)
268 | , pCodec(pTheCodec)
269 | , uTrack(a_uTrack)
270 | , offUUID(a_offID)
271 | , cTotalBlocks(0)
272 | , tcAbsLastWrittenMs(0)
273 | {
274 | uUUID = RTRandU32();
275 | }
276 |
277 | /** The type of this track. */
278 | WebMTrackType enmType;
279 | /** Pointer to codec data to use. */
281 | /** Track parameters. */
282 | union
283 | {
284 | struct
285 | {
286 | /** Sample rate of input data. */
287 | uint32_t uHz;
288 | /** Duration of the frame in samples (per channel).
289 | * Valid frame size are:
290 | *
291 | * ms Frame size
292 | * 2.5 120
293 | * 5 240
294 | * 10 480
295 | * 20 (Default) 960
296 | * 40 1920
297 | * 60 2880
298 | */
299 | uint16_t framesPerBlock;
300 | /** How many milliseconds (ms) one written (simple) block represents. */
301 | uint16_t msPerBlock;
302 | } Audio;
303 | };
304 | /** This track's track number. Also used as key in track map. */
305 | uint8_t uTrack;
306 | /** The track's "UUID".
307 | * Needed in case this track gets mux'ed with tracks from other files. Not really unique though. */
308 | uint32_t uUUID;
309 | /** Absolute offset in file of track UUID.
310 | * Needed to write the hash sum within the footer. */
311 | uint64_t offUUID;
312 | /** Total number of blocks. */
313 | uint64_t cTotalBlocks;
314 | /** Absoute timecode (in ms) of last write. */
315 | WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsLastWrittenMs;
316 | };
317 |
318 | /**
319 | * Structure for a single cue point track position entry.
320 | */
321 | struct WebMCueTrackPosEntry
322 | {
323 | WebMCueTrackPosEntry(uint64_t a_offCluster)
324 | : offCluster(a_offCluster) { }
325 |
326 | /** Offset (in bytes) of the related cluster containing the given position. */
327 | uint64_t offCluster;
328 | };
329 |
330 | /** Map for keeping track position entries for a single cue point.
331 | * The key is the track number (*not* UUID!). */
332 | typedef std::map<uint8_t, WebMCueTrackPosEntry *> WebMCueTrackPosMap;
333 |
334 | /**
335 | * Structure for keeping a cue point.
336 | */
337 | struct WebMCuePoint
338 | {
339 | WebMCuePoint(WebMTimecodeAbs a_tcAbs)
340 | : tcAbs(a_tcAbs) { }
341 |
342 | virtual ~WebMCuePoint()
343 | {
344 | Clear();
345 | }
346 |
347 | void Clear(void)
348 | {
349 | WebMCueTrackPosMap::iterator itTrackPos = Pos.begin();
350 | while (itTrackPos != Pos.end())
351 | {
352 | WebMCueTrackPosEntry *pTrackPos = itTrackPos->second;
353 | AssertPtr(pTrackPos);
354 | delete pTrackPos;
355 |
356 | Pos.erase(itTrackPos);
357 | itTrackPos = Pos.begin();
358 | }
359 |
360 | Assert(Pos.empty());
361 | }
362 |
363 | /** Map containing all track positions for this specific cue point. */
364 | WebMCueTrackPosMap Pos;
365 | /** Absolute time code according to the segment time base. */
366 | WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbs;
367 | };
368 |
369 | /** List of cue points. */
370 | typedef std::list<WebMCuePoint *> WebMCuePointList;
371 |
372 | /**
373 | * Structure for keeping a WebM cluster entry.
374 | */
375 | struct WebMCluster
376 | {
377 | WebMCluster(void)
378 | : uID(0)
379 | , offStart(0)
380 | , fOpen(false)
381 | , tcAbsStartMs(0)
382 | , cBlocks(0) { }
383 |
384 | /** This cluster's ID. */
385 | uint64_t uID;
386 | /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of this cluster.
387 | * Needed for seeking info table. */
388 | uint64_t offStart;
389 | /** Whether this cluster element is opened currently. */
390 | bool fOpen;
391 | /** Absolute timecode (in ms) when this cluster starts. */
392 | WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsStartMs;
393 | /** Absolute timecode (in ms) of when last written to this cluster. */
394 | WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsLastWrittenMs;
395 | /** Number of (simple) blocks in this cluster. */
396 | uint64_t cBlocks;
397 | };
398 |
399 | /**
400 | * Structure for keeping a WebM segment entry.
401 | *
402 | * Current we're only using one segment.
403 | */
404 | struct WebMSegment
405 | {
406 | WebMSegment(void)
407 | : tcAbsStartMs(0)
408 | , tcAbsLastWrittenMs(0)
409 | , offStart(0)
410 | , offInfo(0)
411 | , offSeekInfo(0)
412 | , offTracks(0)
413 | , offCues(0)
414 | , cClusters(0)
415 | {
417 |
418 | LogFunc(("Default timecode scale is: %RU64ns\n", uTimecodeScaleFactor));
419 | }
420 |
421 | virtual ~WebMSegment()
422 | {
423 | uninit();
424 | }
425 |
426 | /**
427 | * Initializes a segment.
428 | *
429 | * @returns IPRT status code.
430 | */
431 | int init(void)
432 | {
433 | return RTCritSectInit(&CritSect);
434 | }
435 |
436 | /**
437 | * Uninitializes a segment.
438 | */
439 | void uninit(void)
440 | {
441 | clear();
442 |
443 | RTCritSectDelete(&CritSect);
444 | }
445 |
446 | /**
447 | * Clear the segment's data by removing (and freeing) all data.
448 | */
449 | void clear(void)
450 | {
451 | WebMCuePointList::iterator itCuePoint = lstCuePoints.begin();
452 | while (itCuePoint != lstCuePoints.end())
453 | {
454 | WebMCuePoint *pCuePoint = (*itCuePoint);
455 | AssertPtr(pCuePoint);
456 | delete pCuePoint;
457 |
458 | lstCuePoints.erase(itCuePoint);
459 | itCuePoint = lstCuePoints.begin();
460 | }
461 |
462 | Assert(lstCuePoints.empty());
463 | }
464 |
465 | /** Critical section for serializing access to this segment. */
466 | RTCRITSECT CritSect;
467 |
468 | /** The timecode scale factor of this segment. */
469 | uint64_t uTimecodeScaleFactor;
470 |
471 | /** Absolute timecode (in ms) when starting this segment. */
472 | WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsStartMs;
473 | /** Absolute timecode (in ms) of last write. */
474 | WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsLastWrittenMs;
475 |
476 | /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of CurSeg. */
477 | uint64_t offStart;
478 | /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of general info. */
479 | uint64_t offInfo;
480 | /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of seeking info. */
481 | uint64_t offSeekInfo;
482 | /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of tracks. */
483 | uint64_t offTracks;
484 | /** Absolute offset (in bytes) of cues table. */
485 | uint64_t offCues;
486 | /** List of cue points. Needed for seeking table. */
487 | WebMCuePointList lstCuePoints;
488 |
489 | /** Total number of clusters. */
490 | uint64_t cClusters;
491 |
492 | /** Map of tracks.
493 | * The key marks the track number (*not* the UUID!). */
494 | std::map <uint8_t, WebMTrack *> mapTracks;
495 |
496 | /** Current cluster which is being handled.
497 | *
498 | * Note that we don't need (and shouldn't need, as this can be a *lot* of data!) a
499 | * list of all clusters. */
500 | WebMCluster CurCluster;
501 |
502 | WebMQueue queueBlocks;
503 |
504 | } CurSeg;
505 |
506 | /** Audio codec to use. */
507 | RecordingAudioCodec_T m_enmAudioCodec;
508 | /** Video codec to use. */
509 | RecordingVideoCodec_T m_enmVideoCodec;
510 |
511 | /** Whether we're currently in the tracks section. */
512 | bool m_fInTracksSection;
513 |
514 | /** Size of timecodes (in bytes). */
515 | size_t m_cbTimecode;
516 | /** Maximum value a timecode can have. */
517 | uint32_t m_uTimecodeMax;
518 |
519 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_LIBVPX
520 | /**
521 | * Block data for VP8-encoded video data.
522 | */
523 | struct BlockData_VP8
524 | {
525 | const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *pCfg;
526 | const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pPkt;
527 | };
528 | #endif /* VBOX_WITH_LIBVPX */
529 |
530 | /**
531 | * Block data for encoded audio data.
532 | */
533 | struct BlockData_Audio
534 | {
535 | /** Pointer to encoded audio data. */
536 | const void *pvData;
537 | /** Size (in bytes) of encoded audio data. */
538 | size_t cbData;
539 | /** PTS (in ms) of encoded audio data. */
540 | uint64_t uPTSMs;
541 | };
542 |
543 | public:
544 |
545 | WebMWriter();
546 |
547 | virtual ~WebMWriter();
548 |
549 | public:
550 |
551 | int OpenEx(const char *a_pszFilename, PRTFILE a_phFile,
552 | RecordingAudioCodec_T a_enmAudioCodec, RecordingVideoCodec_T a_enmVideoCodec);
553 |
554 | int Open(const char *a_pszFilename, uint64_t a_fOpen,
555 | RecordingAudioCodec_T a_enmAudioCodec, RecordingVideoCodec_T a_enmVideoCodec);
556 |
557 | int Close(void);
558 |
559 | int AddAudioTrack(PRECORDINGCODEC pCodec, uint16_t uHz, uint8_t cChannels, uint8_t cBits, uint8_t *puTrack);
560 |
561 | int AddVideoTrack(PRECORDINGCODEC pCodec, uint16_t uWidth, uint16_t uHeight, uint32_t uFPS, uint8_t *puTrack);
562 |
563 | int WriteBlock(uint8_t uTrack, const void *pvData, size_t cbData);
564 |
565 | const com::Utf8Str& GetFileName(void);
566 |
567 | uint64_t GetFileSize(void);
568 |
569 | uint64_t GetAvailableSpace(void);
570 |
571 | /**
572 | * Returns the number of written WebM clusters.
573 | *
574 | * @returns Number of written WebM clusters; 0 when no clusters written (empty file).
575 | */
576 | uint64_t GetClusters(void) const { return CurSeg.cClusters; }
577 |
578 | protected:
579 |
580 | int init(RecordingAudioCodec_T a_enmAudioCodec, RecordingVideoCodec_T a_enmVideoCodec);
581 |
582 | void destroy(void);
583 |
584 | int writeHeader(void);
585 |
586 | void writeSeekHeader(void);
587 |
588 | int writeFooter(void);
589 |
590 | int writeSimpleBlockEBML(WebMTrack *a_pTrack, WebMSimpleBlock *a_pBlock);
591 |
592 | int writeSimpleBlockQueued(WebMTrack *a_pTrack, WebMSimpleBlock *a_pBlock);
593 |
594 | #ifdef VBOX_WITH_LIBVPX
595 | int writeSimpleBlockVP8(WebMTrack *a_pTrack, const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *a_pCfg, const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *a_pPkt);
596 | #endif
597 |
598 | int writeSimpleBlockAudio(WebMTrack *pTrack, const void *pvData, size_t cbData, WebMTimecodeAbs tcAbsPTSMs);
599 |
600 | int processQueue(WebMQueue *pQueue, bool fForce);
601 |
602 | protected:
603 |
604 | typedef std::map <uint8_t, WebMTrack *> WebMTracks;
605 | };
606 |
607 | #endif /* !MAIN_INCLUDED_WebMWriter_h */