/* $Id: VirtualBoxSDSImpl.h 95353 2022-06-23 10:35:25Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBox Global COM Class definition */ /* * Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef MAIN_INCLUDED_VirtualBoxSDSImpl_h #define MAIN_INCLUDED_VirtualBoxSDSImpl_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" /* Enable the watcher code in debug builds. */ #ifdef DEBUG # define WITH_WATCHER #endif class VBoxSDSPerUserData; /* See VirtualBoxSDSImpl.cpp. */ struct VBoxSDSWatcher; /* See VirtualBoxSDSImpl.cpp. */ /** * The IVirtualBoxSDS implementation. * * This class helps different VBoxSVC processes make sure a user only have a * single VirtualBox instance. * * @note This is a simple internal class living in a privileged process. So, we * do not use the API wrappers as they add complexity. In particular, * they add the auto caller logic, which is an excellent tool to create * unkillable processes. If an API method during development or product * for instance triggers an NT exception like STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, the * caller will be unwound without releasing the caller. When uninit is * called during COM shutdown/whatever, the thread gets stuck waiting for * the long gone caller and cannot be killed (Windows 10, build 16299), * requiring a reboot to continue. * * @todo Would be very nice to get rid of the ATL cruft too here. */ class VirtualBoxSDS : public IVirtualBoxSDS , public ATL::CComObjectRootEx , public ATL::CComCoClass { private: typedef std::map UserDataMap_T; /** Per user data map (key is SID string). * This is an insert-only map! */ UserDataMap_T m_UserDataMap; /** Number of registered+watched VBoxSVC processes. */ uint32_t m_cVBoxSvcProcesses; #ifdef WITH_WATCHER /** Number of watcher threads. */ uint32_t m_cWatchers; /** Pointer to an array of watcher pointers. */ VBoxSDSWatcher **m_papWatchers; /** Lock protecting m_papWatchers and associated structures. */ RTCRITSECT m_WatcherCritSect; #endif /** Lock protecting m_UserDataMap . */ RTCRITSECTRW m_MapCritSect; public: DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_SINGLETON(VirtualBoxSDS) DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(VirtualBoxSDS) DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() BEGIN_COM_MAP(VirtualBoxSDS) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IVirtualBoxSDS) END_COM_MAP() DECLARE_COMMON_CLASS_METHODS(VirtualBoxSDS) HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); private: /** @name IVirtualBoxSDS methods * @{ */ STDMETHOD(RegisterVBoxSVC)(IVBoxSVCRegistration *aVBoxSVC, LONG aPid, IUnknown **aExistingVirtualBox); STDMETHOD(DeregisterVBoxSVC)(IVBoxSVCRegistration *aVBoxSVC, LONG aPid); STDMETHOD(LaunchVMProcess)(IN_BSTR aMachine, IN_BSTR aComment, IN_BSTR aFrontend, ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aEnvironmentChanges), IN_BSTR aCmdOptions, ULONG aSessionId, ULONG *aPid); /** @} */ /** @name Private methods * @{ */ /** * Gets the client user SID of the */ static bool i_getClientUserSid(com::Utf8Str *a_pStrSid, com::Utf8Str *a_pStrUsername); /** * Returns whether a VBoxSDS feature is enabled or not. * * @returns \c true if enabled, \c false if not. * @param a_rStrFeature Feature to check enabled status for. */ static bool i_isFeatureEnabled(com::Utf8Str const &a_rStrFeature); /** * Looks up the given user. * * @returns Pointer to the LOCKED per user data. NULL if not found. * @param a_rStrUserSid The user SID. */ VBoxSDSPerUserData *i_lookupPerUserData(com::Utf8Str const &a_rStrUserSid); /** * Looks up the given user, creating it if not found * * @returns Pointer to the LOCKED per user data. NULL on allocation error. * @param a_rStrUserSid The user SID. * @param a_rStrUsername The user name if available. */ VBoxSDSPerUserData *i_lookupOrCreatePerUserData(com::Utf8Str const &a_rStrUserSid, com::Utf8Str const &a_rStrUsername); #ifdef WITH_WATCHER static DECLCALLBACK(int) i_watcherThreadProc(RTTHREAD hSelf, void *pvUser); bool i_watchIt(VBoxSDSPerUserData *pProcess, HANDLE hProcess, RTPROCESS pid); void i_stopWatching(VBoxSDSPerUserData *pProcess, RTPROCESS pid); void i_shutdownAllWatchers(void); void i_decrementClientCount(); void i_incrementClientCount(); #endif /** @} */ }; #ifdef WITH_WATCHER void VBoxSDSNotifyClientCount(uint32_t cClients); #endif #endif /* !MAIN_INCLUDED_VirtualBoxSDSImpl_h */ /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */